VOL. LXI-NO. 19,374 Entered at Portland (Oregon) Poatoffioe Second-class Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1923 PRICE FIVE CENTS TURK'S UPSETS WOULD-BE HOLD-UP AT RAINIER FOILED CHINESE PAY TRIBUTE INEW DISEASE INFECTS OFBANDf IH LUKE PIERCE MR. BEAN TO RUN STATE FOR WHILE WEIRS TO FACE TO DEAD MISSIONARY PASSENGERS ON SHIPS MODE Tl OUTLINES PLAN TtfGUT TAX Message to Legislature to Suggest Ways. " LAUSANNE FOUND MURDER CHARGE CLUMSY ATTEMPT MADE TO ROB STATE BANK. MARY BERKELEY BURIED IK ORIENTAL SOIL. 'GIMMIES' REPORTED TO ACT ON ALL ALIKE. - ACTING GOVERNOR RITNER PLANS TO TAKE TRIP. I Delegate Flatly Refuses Allies' Pleas. RIZA NOB BEY INSOLENT Moslem Sullen and Stand . Roils French. CHRISTMAS IS RIDICULED Appeal for Military Exemption as Holiday Gift Answered With Angry Retort. LAUSANNE, Dec. 21 (By the As Eoclated Press.) Christmas threat ens to be a stormy time at the Lau sanne near east conference. Thurs day was a bad day; today was worse. A temper which did not seem to harmonize with the usual spirit of the yuletide, pervaded today's session of the sub-commission on minorities. Efforts were made to get Dr. Riza Nur Bey, the second Turkish dele gate, who formerly was accredited by the Angora government to repre sent it at Moscow, to agree to the exemption of the Christian minori ties in Turkey from military serv ice. But he refused flatly and seem ingly sullec'y. He declined to give any reason for this declination and several others equally as flat. M. Laroche of the French delega tion made an appeal to Riza Nur Bey on military exemption, saying: "Come on, make the allies a little Christmas present on this point." The Turkish delegate, however, retorted angrily: "We don't be lieve in Christmas presents." Riza Nur Bey also refused to agree to a provision for the preser vation of Christian cemeteries jn Turkey. This caused much surprise among the other representatives, as the Turks ordinarily are extremely careful to protect all cemeteries. Allies Insist on Clause, The allies Insisted upon consid eration of the clause providing that the Turks must respect the work done under the league of nations in recovering and restoring to their families Christian women and Christians who were seized and Islamlzed by the Turks before the close of the great war. The Turks also declined to agree to this provision, and the sub-commission ended the session seemingly with a feeling of utter disgust at the attitude of Riza Nur Bey, which several members of the sub-commission described as "highly insolent." . The Turkish delegation has re ceived instructions from Angora that no agreements are to be made et Lausanne on economic questions, which are to lie over for negotia tion at some later time. This has created dissatisfaction among the allies, especially the French, who are anxious that economic questions should be set tled at this conference. Straits Control Up. Control of the straits still is being considered in private sessions. Lord Curzon, M. Barrere, SIgnor di Garroni and Ismet Pasha were in conference on this subject yesterday nd again today. The representa tives of the three great powers have made It clear to Ismet that if they give the special guarantees Turkey eeeks to protect Constantinople from attack, Turkey In turn must give the allies Jurisdiction over the straits and the entire demilitarized zone. Ismet has this under con sideration. ' The intransigeant position of the Turks on capitulations, straits con trol and the rights of minorities, is generally regarded by the allied delegates as being due, at -least in part, to their desire to hold as many questions as possible In reserve for the purpose of future trading, and that they may yield many moot questions if they are able to get strong guarantees which will pre vent the invasion of Turkey. Outlook Is Dark. The outlook for a satisfactory outcome, however, is far from bright. The prominent delegates are so uneasy about the situation that few of them are planning to leave Lausanne for the Christmas tide. Meetings will be held again tomorow, but Chrtstimas, day will be a holiday and the sessions will resume next Tuesday. Rear. Admiral Bristol of the Amer ican delegation left for Paris to qy, but Ambassador Child and Jo seph C. Grew will remain in Switz erland for Christmas. The impression that settlement of the problem of the Turkish straits was not progressing as rapidly as anticipated became general as the result of a statement Issued by fxr Turkish delegation. This made It clear that Turkey's acceptance of the proposal to ap point an international commission of control depended upon acceptance by the allies of certain conditions demanded by the Turks. The Turks, furthermore, have de manded a pact by which the allies individually and collectively guar- ACuuciudeU. ua age 3. Column i.J Alarm Frightens Amateur Outlaw ' and Capture by Armed Busl--, ness Men Follows. RAINIER, Or., Dee. 22. (Spe cial.) A clumsy attempt was made at 3 o'clbck this afternoon to rob the State Bank of Rainier. A man giving his name as W. May entered the bank and at the point of a revolver commanded the cashier, Al Fuller,' to "stick 'em up." Miss Leola Weston, a clerk, made her escape by way of the front door and rushed into a department store, while the cashier set off the bur glar alarm system in the bank. -When the alarm sounded the would-be robber became frightened and started to run, throwing his revolver and overcoat as he went. He was soon overtaken by O. B. Granigan and S. Nassar, local busi ness men, who were both armed. Sheriff Wellington was in Rainier at the time of the robbery. The man said he' was a resident of Ttainler, having moved here about three weeks ago from Kelso, where he was employed by the Inman Poulsen company, and that he had been working for the Menefee com pany here. May Is :.bout 50 years of age and has a wife and two small children who are apparently in poor circumstances. He gave as his reason for the attempted rob bery that he needed the money. EUROPE VISIT RELATED Major G. C. Franklin Addresses Vancouver Rotarians. VANCOUVER, Wash, Dec. 22. (Special.) Major G. C. Franklin, who is with the medical corps at Van couver barracks, today told the local Rotarv club of his recent visit to Europe and the impressions he had carried away with him. He said that found that Americans trav eling in France, Belgium and Hoi- land were charged higher prices than people of other nationalities, because the shopkeepers in those countries have an idea that all Americans are made of money. The neonlR in the countries of western Europe appeared to be prosperous and in France and Belgium were proceeding rapidly with reconstruc tion plans, he declared. The V.npniiVAr Rrttnrv lllh todav sent J100 to Astoria for relief work. YULE MAILS CURTAILED One Delivery to Be Made In City Christmas Day. Announcement of the mall deliv ery rules to prevail on Christmas day has been made by Postmaster Jones. All carrier stations and the main office will be open from 8 A. M. to noon, except the money order and postal savings section of the main office and central station, which will remain closed all day. Carriers will make one delivery of all classes of mall matter. They will be assisted by temporary car riers employed for that purpose. Regular holiday collections from the street boxes will be made and regular dispatches to outgoing trains will be made as usual. SEAPLANE FORCED DOWN New York-Rio Janeiro Voyage Is Interrupted by Mishap. NATAL, Brazil, Dec. 22. (By the Associated Press.) Lieutenant Wat ter Hinton and his fellow aviators, flying from New Tork to Rio Ja neiro, left here in the , seaplane Sampaic Correla II for Cabedella, a coast town about 100 miles south of here, at 8:50 o'clock this morning. Word was received later that the seaplane had had a mishap and had put in at Bahla Formosa, between here and Cabedello. One of the air men took a rowboat and started for Cabedello to board a steamer there for pernambuco, to obtain supplies for repairs to the machine. All th crew of the plane was safe, the dis patch stated. JAIL OPENS CHRISTMAS Chance to Be Given Members of "Alimony Club." CHICAGO, Dec. 22. The Christ mas spirit -will open the doors of the county jail and strike a blow at the "alimony club" in that institu tion, and, incidentally, reunite a dozen or more families, Superior Judge Hurley let it be known today. "I intend to free the husbands I have sentenced to jail for non-1 support and failure to pay alimony,' said the judge. "They can spend Christmas with their families, and then, who knows, perhaps with an other chance they will ,do the right thing." In accord with the spirit, 30 broken homes have been restored in I the eourt of domestic relations. MEAT CONSUMPTION BIG , 150 Pounds Eaten by Each Per son in America This Tear. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 22.- xne department or commerce in a I statement tonight estimated that the I per capita consumption of meat in j the United Staes will exceed 151) I pounds his year;. . The estimate was based on returns covering- eight months and which were said to show an average slightly Above that figure. Bodies AreJdentified as Missing Men. TROOPS ARE ON GUARD Martial Law Is Expected iryeaft' despite what, mpiing said. ... . . ' She must sleep with our people, Louisiana Parish. a ARRESTS HELD LIKE Bits of Clothing and Buck! ' Belts Declared to Belo to Kidnaped Fair. MER ROUGE, La., Dec. 22. Bodies of two men blown'' from the bottom of Lake La Fourche early today by unidentified dynamiters were lying at an undertaking es tablishment here tonight while mil itary men stood guard pending the arrival of additional troops from Alexandria and New Orleans, -ordered here today by the adjutant general. The bodies, badly mutilated and befund with wire, were believed by the authorities to be those of .Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, mem bers of a party of five prominent Mer Rouge citizens who -were kid naped last August by white-robed and hooded men and who have been missing since, and the object of three days of raking of the- lakes of Morehouse parish by national guardsmen, federal agents and pro fessional divers. Authorities here declared that they were satisfied that the bodies were the ones sought. Relatives and close friends of the missing men viewed the bodies during the day and tonight and it was reported bits of clothing found on the men were recognized. , " ' Inquest to Be Held. The coroner announced tonight an Inquest would be held over tfle bodies, probably tomorrow. The ar anval of the attorney-geneiral of the state and two. prominent path ologists of New Orleans is awaited. In the absence of official informa tion, the next move on the part of the state was not known here, but It was learned the consensus of opin ion the inquest would be "followed by the arrest of at least 20 persons, alleged ring leaders of the August mob. The names of these men will be presented the military or civil court by 'department of justice agents have been conducting secret investigations, it was stated. Mer Rouge citizens . expressed themselves tonight believing martial law would be declared here and the arrests made by troops. Everything was quiet and peace ful on the surface here tonight, but (Concluded on Page 2, Column 2.) SURE 7 , W JL 7 : MXYXWYAy Worker in Local Colony of Celes tials. Claimed as Member of Race She Helped. Alien by birth, of another blood and speech, yet kindred by thooi ties that are far from geographical, Mary Berkley, missionary, found her last rest yesterday" within the lacquered and gilded precincts of the Chinese area of Riverview-cemetery. For east" is west, and west is th our most honorable ancestors," id the Chinese, "for was, she not, ldeed, a sister to us?" Arid so it came to pass that the Baptist mission -worker, who passed ,in her 76th year, was honored in death as few Caucasian folk ever have been, and that the oblique eyes of the orient were wet with tears when she came to the close of the chapter. Her loyal service among the Chinese of Portland,' to which she long ago was assigned by the board of home missionaries of her church, so endeared Miss Berkley to these friends that to them she was one of the household. At White Temple yesterday, when funeral services were held, scores of Chinese from the bent and wrink led merchant of old days to the dapper striplings of now paid tribute to her memory. "More than a mother to us," said an elder of the colony. It has been said that the east is not outwardly emotional. There were tears, and low voices of grief, to give the lie to this. Not only is the sacred . soil of their burial ground the resting place of their friend, but they, the Portland Chinese, have insisted that the stone which marks her plot must- be their gift. From Indivi duals and from various organiza tions there were dozens of floral offerings yesterday some inscribed with lettered sentiments in English, but many in the characters of the ancient culture. Miss Berkley had been asso ciated with the Baptist home mis sionary movement for many years. When Dr. Thomas J. Villers, who conducted the funeral service, was a lad in Marietta, O., Miss Berkley was his school teacher. When Miss Berkley left Ohio she went to Salt Lake City as a home missionary until public schools were established there, when she became a teacher in that system. At the request of the Baptist Home Mission society Miss Berkley came to Portland 15 years ago and devoted her entire time to -the Chinese section. Miss Berkley is survived by' a brother, James E. Berkley, of Salt Lake City. Incidentally ha js a deacon of the Emanuel ' Baptist church, of which- the Rev. Russell Brougher, formerly of Portland, is pastor. CASH GIFTS PROHIBITED League Acts to Prevent Further Note Inflation in Austria. VIENNA, Dec. 22. To . prevent further note inflation, the league of nations representatives have for bidden the government to distribute Chrlstman gifts in cash to civil servants. YOU. HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ANYBODY? - ;- ' Travelers Show Symptoms Soon After Voyage Starts; Drink Seems Only Cure. - NEW YORK, Dec. 22. Surgeons on ships flying the American flag have discovered an Insidious disease, the "gimmies." It was described today by Dr. E. S. Kippel of the President Garfield, which made port yesterday. "It's terrible," he de clared. "It's ravages appear beyond control. It starts soon after the ship leaves port and continues al most until she is docked. "Men and women come to me with the disease1 stamped clearly all over them. 'I'm sick,' they say. I ask them what's the matter. They tell me they ar feverish, they are suf fering" with stomach pains, they have headache their eyes ache, their bones creak with pain every thing. , "And then, when I am properly sympathetic, everyone of them shows the, one common symptom. " 'I must have a drink,' they say." Dr. Kippel said that on the Pres ident Garfield's last two trips the number of sick passengers num bered nearly 100 per cent. CLEVELANDJBACKER DEAD Close Friend of One-Time Presi dent Passes Away. SOUTH ORANGE, N. J., Dec 22. William J. Gibson, the man credited with having convinced Grover Cleve land that he should accept the d'emo cratlc -nomination for president In 1892, died today at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lome Campbell. He was a New Tork lawyer and during the Cleveland administration was assistant counsel to the treasury department. With Daniel Lam on t and William C. Whitney, Mr. Gibson headed a delegation to Princeton in-the .sum mer of 1892 to urge the former pres ident to run again for the office. Mr. Gibson was born in' Oxford, Pa., and was 80 years of age. MATINEE ROBBER CAUGHT 100 Afternoon Burglaries Con fessed; Loot $200,000. NEW, TORK, Dec. 22. A "mat inee" burglar, who confessed 100 afternoon burglaries, according to the police, but who was caught the first time he worked after dark, was at policy headquarters here today. Police said the value of goods stolen since last August was $200,000. He was Thomas F. Belford, who dresses like a collegia. Belford, the police said, admitted looting the apartment of Lou Telle gan, actor, of J5000 worth of goods. YULE MAILSHOWS GAIN Increase In Parcel Post Is 15 Per Cent Over Last Year. THE OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, D. C., Dec. 22. A gain of 28 per cent is shown jn the re ceipt " of Christmas mail over the same period last year, the post office department reported today. Ths gain In parcel post is 15 per cent. NEW ROAD WORK OPPOSED Completion Of Present Pro gramme to Be Favored. LEVY CHANGE IS URGED About $3,000,000 of Property Escapes Tax Assessor Now, Farmers Are Told. LEBANON. Or.. Dec. 22. (Spe cial.) Walter M. Pierce, goVernor elect, who will take office January 8, tonight at the annual meeting of the Oregon and Idaho farmers' union here outlined the message he will send to the legislature, which convenes on January 8. ' Mr. Pierce promised that he would use every means in his power when he takes office to better the conditions of the farmers." As one means of accomplishing this relief, he declared that he would advocate amendment of the state assessment laws so as to include about $2,000, 000 worth of property which, he de clared, escaped the assessor at ftaes ent. He explained that he was op posed to the use of any part of this added revenue in maintenance of state educational institutions. Severance Tax Favored. Enactment of a severance tax on timber and minerals taken from government land also will be rec ommended to the lawmakers, as will the establishment of a grad uated income tax along the same lines as the national levy. That the Oregon Agricultural col lege, the University of Oregon arid the state normal schools keep with in the limitation of the millage tax will be Advised in the message. - The creation of a state market commissioner to regulate markets and to send out official market re ports will be proposed. Mr. Pierce, in discussing this plan, told the farmers that he thought that the reports carried by the daily press were neither reliable nor correct. He even went so far as to allege that at times they were late and far front accurate. Fabric Lair Favored. That a "truth in fabric" law to compel manufacturers to feive on labels the correct quantity and quality of goods offered for sale would be of benefit to everyone in the state, was the declaration of the governor-elect. Mr. fierce added that he would ask the legislature to repeal the law exempting from taxation notes se cured by mortgages on land. The stand of the American Legion for the exclusion of Japanese from either ownership or holding of land was backed by the governor-elect, who declared that he would support measures intended to exclude Asiatics. . Completion of the present high way programme will be advocated to the legislature and 'particular emphasis will be laid on the finish ing of the Roosevelt highway, but he will oppose any extension to the present programme and any further issues of bonds. Retention of the state market road law will be sup ported. Gasoline Tax Lift Urged. That the tax on gasoline be in creased from two to four cents a gallon will be suggested by the governor without any lowering of the. present license fees. He declared that he was in favor even of in creasing the license on expensive cars. ' Retention of the two-mill tax for institutions of higher education and also that for the elementary schools will be urged as will the one-mill levy for market roads. These three levies, under , estimates for 1923, total 15,000,000. At the two days' session of the farmers' union the address of the governor-elect was regarded as the biggest event. There was a large audience at the night meeting, at which it was also decided that the next annual meeting C the union be held in Lane county, the town yet to be named, sometime In Decem ber of next year. Officers Are Elected. Just before closing the morning session officers for next year were elected. The following were chosen: President, Herbert Egbert of The Dalles; vice-president, A. G. Rempel of Dallas; secretary-treasurer, MrB. G. B. Jones of Monmouth; executive board, A. R. Saumway, Milton; H. C. Jackson, - Eugene, and Frank B. Ingles, Dufur. . The address last night by C. S. Barrett of Georgia, national presi dent of the Farmers' union, who has headquarters In Washington, D. C, and looks after the legislative end of the union's interest before con gress, was the big event of the ses sion. The convention will close t oiMiiflw, , - j Speaker of House Is Next in Line; If Mr. Bean Leaves, Exec utive Will Be Lacking. y SALEM, Or., Dec. 22. (Special.) Louis E. Bean of Eugene, by virtue of his office as speaker of the house of representatives dur ing the last session of the legisla ture, will be acting governor of Oregon for two days, starting at midnight Sunday. This was announced here tonight by Acting Governor Ritner,. who said that he intended to leave Pen dleton late Sunday for Garfield, Wash., and probably would be ab sent for two days. Acting Governor Ritner later called Mr. Bean by telephone and informed him of his plans. Mr. Bean probably will not come to Salem unless summoned to look after some important state matters. Since" thve departure of Governor Olcott for the eaat three weeks ago Mr. Ritner has been looking' after the affairs of the executive offices Mr. Ritner"s proposed absence from the state now maks it possible to hand the honors down to Mr. Bean. Should Mr. Bean leave the state before the return of either Acting Governor Ritner or Governor Olcott Oregon would be without a presid ing executive. SHIP'S CREW IS RESCUED Six Men In Lifeboat Picked , TJp 1000 Miles Off Coast. NEW TORK, Dec. 22. Nearly 1000 miles off' the Atlantic coast, the freighter Menominee, plowing its way through heavy seas toward New Tork, found a lifeboat con- j taining six men halt dead from fatigue and lack of food, according to a wireless message received to day from the Menominee. ' The men, members of the crew of the fishing schooner Gordon Rudge of St. Johns, N. F., abandoned tbeir craft after a long and bitter strug gle with storms on the return trip from . Torreviega, Spain, with a cargo of salt fish. LA GRANDE GIRL CHOSEN Miss Bollman Will Be Assistant Secretary to Governor. SALEM, Or., Dec. -22. (Special.) MIbs Cella -E. Bollman of La Grande has been appointed assistant secre tary to Governor-elect Pierce. Miss Bollman has acted as secretary for Mr. Pierce for severaT years. It was said. She will succeed Miss Violet Welborn, who Has served as assist ant secretary to Governor Olcott for the last three years. Miss Bollman will arrive In Salem about January 1, according to an nouncement made by the governor elect. FREE SEEDS DEFEATED House Rejects $360,000 Appro priation, 74 to 71. ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 22. Free seed went down to defeat in the house today when an amend ment offered by Representative Langley, republican, Kentucky, to add an appropriation of $360,000 to the agricultural appropriation bill for distribution of seed by mem bers of congress was voted down, to 71. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS ' The Weather. TEPTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 48 degrees; minimum, 83 degrees. TODAY'S Occasional rains; southerly winds. Foreign. Attitude of Turks upsets Lausanne coi4p terence. Page 1. National. Proposal for American commission on reparations is far from definite form. Page 6. Brief for liquors on American ships filed with supreme court. Page .17. Old state rights .. fast disappearing. Page 6. Greater scrapping of navies is urged. Page S. Domestic. Oil chiefs deny price combine. Page 2. "Gimmies," new disease infects ship passengers. - Page. 1. Arbuclcle pardon arouses country. Page 2. Defense opens up Herrin testimony. Page S. - i Protest made against proposed cut in rail rates. Page 4. Victims of band found In lake. . Page 1. Pacific Northwntt. Peace terms are sent to rival Columbia basin league. Page 5. Louis E. Bean to try hand at acting as governor. Page 1. Clumsy attempt to rob State Bank at .Rainier Is Irustratea. rage l. Sports. Joe Lynch retains title in battle with Midget Smith. Page 17. LeasA chief rows with ball scribes. Page 16. BUI to provide racing commission drafted. Pag 1. Corvallls boosters to greet Toledo eleven In Portland. Page 18. Commercial and Marine. Return cargo movement from Philippines strong. Page 14. Stock prices fluctuate In Irregular way In New York market. Page 23. Grain prices drop to bottom levels. Page 22. Northwest wheat growers will direct general organization work. Page 2Z Slight improvement In general bond list. Page 23. Portland and Vicinity. Bane use required to preserve timber, .ays lumberman. Page 22. Fire chief warns of danger at Christmas time. Page . Unemployment aid Is planned. Page 8. Memorizing of poetry works cure for tardiness at Lincoln. Page 7. Christmas vegetables crowding market. Page 13. Lift in gasoline tax is declared certain, tage 8. Yule Joy-givers reaching to all. Page 1. Search quickens in Weir murder mys tery case. r Page 1. Chinese pay tribute to dead mission worker. Page 1. Portland Boy Scouts close most laDoe- tful-yeai'a rwwls, fag IS, Father and Son Heard Talking Alone, a HIDDEN POLICE GET CLEW ; Woman's Story of Girl's Death Now Believed. -A BODY WILL BE SOUGHT Formal Complaint to Be Filed To day, Says Deputy District j Attorney on Case. g Incriminatory conversation, over heard by detectives who "listened in" on Earl Weir and his accuser, Mrs. Helen Leary, at police head quarters yesterdav afternoon, will result in the filing of formal charges of murder against Weir and his elderly father, Cash Weir, Dep uty District Attorney Mowry an nounced late last night. The father and son will be ac cused of the killing of an unidenti fied 15-yea-old girl in the older man's scow home at the foot of East Taylor street, September 23. Ac cording to the story told by the wpman,the child was killed in the course of a criminal attack by Weir Sr., and the two men later loaded the body in a launch and disposed of itomewhere in the Willamette or Columbia rivers. Officials admit that the charge of murder, as it now stands, is weak from the legal angle, but they are morally convinced that the startling story told by the Leary woman is true and that the older Weir is a brute of the lowest type. Much Data Collected. Toung Weir and the woman, and later the father, and son, were al lowed together in a room in police headquarters, where detectives had previously been hidden. . Through the several hours of conversation which followed, the officers gained . enough information to lead them to the belief that the two men are guilty of the murder1 and that ths woman is telling the absolute truth. One tell-tale remark, dropped by young Weir, practically placed the noose about the father'9 neck, of ficials say. "Why did you say at Rainier, Earl, 'Did they find the body yet?" " the Leary woman asked. "Because I wanted to know If they had the goods on us," the un suspecting young man answered. In a conversation between the two men, much of the talk related to the advisability of "keeping our mouths shut." "You keep still, you d old fool. the son is reported to have said. "They haven't got anything on us yet." Murder Not Mentioned. 1? . While there were no open refer ences to murder, or no direct re marks regarding the disposal of the body, made during the course of these conversations, the talk be tween the three indicated that the Weirs had much to conceal. When the ycunger man, who had previously associated and lived with the woman, met his ex-paramour and present accuser, he did not charge her with lying or with bring ing false charges against him and his father. Instead, the. listeners reported, he attempted to Induce her to explain away her charges by say ing that she was drunk when she (Concluded on Page 4, Column 1.) WHY "ROSE CITY"? Portland is known as the "Rose City" not merely be cause roses happen to thrive in this climate, nor by reason of the annual Rose Festival held in this city. Portland is the rose center of the world, maintaining an international rose test garden in Washington park which is the largest and most compre hensive in the world. The Portland Rose society re ceived as gifts during the last year all rights to the propa gation and sale of several wonderful new varieties culti vated by amateurs. Nursery men would have "paid thou sands of dollars for the rights . in several cases. Jesse A- Currey of Port land, nationally known as an authority on rose culture, contributes an illuminating article on progress in the cul tivation of roses during the past year to the New Year Edition of The Oregonian, to be issued on MONDAY JANUARY 1 1923