iv VOL. LXI tO. 19,373 Entered at Portland (Oregon) Poat office aa Second-class Hatter. PORTLAND, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECE3IBER 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS POSSES PURSUE GRANDPA WHO KILLED GIRL IN FUN SUICIDE BODY OF AGED MAX FOUND OX YOUNGSTER'S GRAVE. SUN HAS LAZY DAY, SHORTEST OF YEAR ' , V - SOLAR ORB RISES "AT 7:2 6 A-ND RETIRES AT 4:30. GUARDSMEN TO DRAG LAKES' FOR BODIES IS RAILWAY STATION IN CHICAGO BURNS TALE OF TS CLASH lKHLEY TO FIX INDEMNITY MACHINE GUNS MOUXTED TO PROTECT SEARCHERS. CLERKS IX FLIGHT TRAMPLE OX OXE WOMAX. o 22, AMERICA AS MURDER BANDIT SUSPEG STANDS .HEN I V Heavily-Armed Men Are . Found by Farmer. CALL SENT FOR SHERIFF When Peace Forces Arrive, Party Is Gone. FLIGHT IS REPORTED Woman Says Auto Stopped at Her Home and Man Got Water and Cotton; Hunt Begun. DENVER, Dec. 21. Police and peace officers of Northern Colorado tonight were engaged in an inten sive manhunt for tour men in an automobile, suspected of being the ' bandits who Monday shot and killed Charles T. Linton, federal reserve bank guard, during a gun fight in front of the mint here, in which they stole $200,000 in currency and escaped. The manhunt started in the after noon when a report from Henry Fuqua, a farmer resident about 20 miles east of Greeley, Colo., B0 miles north of here, was received that he had encountered four heavily armed men in an abandoned house on his ranch property. Sheriff Hall of Greeley was no tified by Fuqua of the incident, who in turn notified the Denver police department, asking for assistance. Sheriff Hall then, in company with six deputies and a state ranger, left for the farm house, while the Den ver police department's armored riot car equipped with machine guns and two automobile loads of officers and detectives armed with sawed off shotguns left for Greeley to join in the pursuit. Ammunition Sent Out. A third automobile carrying sev- j erai hundred rounds of ammunition and lunch for the peace officers! later was despatched from the Den-' ver headquarters. Later in the af ternoon Sheriff Hall reported to Denver by telephone that he had arrived at the ranch house, but that the men had left. "A few minutes later Mrs. Gus Downer, residing just outside the northwest city limits of Greeley, reported from the home of her brother-in-law, John Downer, that about 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, while she was sleeping she was aroused by a knock at her door. Answering the knock she said a man, who appeared to be greatly excited, asked for a pan of water and some cotton, explaining that he had a man in his car who had been hurt Auto Hidden By Shed. Mrs. Downer told police officials in Greeley that she heard a motor car, but that the view of it was obstructed by a shed behind which the car had stopped. She gave the man the pan of water and a roll of gauze, . which he took back to the car, the engine of which had been left running. A few minutes later she said that she was startled by the sound of the meshing gears, on the car as it came into sight and sped away on the road that lead from Greeley to Fort Collins. She declared the car had the curtains drawn and that the occupants of the car did not return the pan, but threw it out of the car as it went by the house. Reports from Kuner, Colo., about six miles east of the farm house, were to the effect that a car closely resembling the description of the one seen by Mrs. Downer, had passed through there about 30 min utes earlier.' Story In Told Over Phone. Fuqua's story as told over the telephone to Sheriff Hall was that he noticed signs of life about the supposedly unoccupied house and upon investigating had found that someone was living in it. This aft ernoon he approached and knocked on thedoor which waS opened by a man carrying a rifle in his hands and wearing a cartrdige belt. He asked what they were doing in the house. Informing the man that it was his. The man declared that the occupants were coyote hunters. Fuqua continued his story by de claring that while he was at the dcor another man, similarly dressed, appeared from around the corner of the house. He said he also saw two other men. inside it. Women Seen In Auto. He also said that while he was talking a large touring car carry ing two men and two women drove up. He said that he was then told by the man at the door to leave the place under a threat of death. The f cars of Denver police are mobilized in Greeley, awaiting further word from officers in the vicinity as to the direction to which the search has turned. . Posses from all northern Colo rado towns guard the roads leading northward and westward. A posse headed by Sheriff Frank Smith of Fort Collins left on the road to ward Greeley 'as soon as they had been informed of the appearance of the suspects' car at the Downer home. Sheriff Hall returned to Greeley, leaving 20 officers in the field. Days of Brooding Follow Tragedy In Which Tot, Playing "Little Gypsy," Lost Life. NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Two men hurried along the quiet paths in Greenlawn cemetery today, bent for the grave of a little girl. One was a detective, the other a relative of the little girl. They turned in the path and saw the grave. On it was sprawled the body of an old man; a bullet through the temple. A pistol, one cartridge gone, lay beside him. Neither of the men spoke, but as the detective, unconsciously pro fessional, picked up the pistol, his companion stared at the body quiet ly, not seeing. Instead, a picture of his home, one night - months ago, came to him. Six-year-old Emma Fuchs had dressed as a gypsy to give "grandpa some fun when he came home." Grandpa knocked at the door and Emma, Romany regalia and all, scurrie'd beneath the table. Grandpa came in, and, smiling, counterfeited fear at the little stranger who j popped from beneath the .table. To add to the acting, ne playfully pointed a pistol he had picked up from a dresser at the little'gypsy. There was a shot. The- little girl ' fell. When the police came grandpa was holding Emma, "the little gypsy," in his arms. She was dead. The man standing by the grave saw the drama again, and he saw grandpa as he had been since that day, moody, brooding, thoughtful. Even a day or two ago grandpa no longer a grandpa but Just Ernest Fuchs, had glanced In the windows of toy shops more than ordinarily rich with Christmas gifts. The man by the grave saw grandpa leaving the house yester day for a "visit tp Greenlawn ceme tery," and Charles Fuchs, with the detective beside him, stopped star ing at the grave, leaned over and softly touched his father's cold hand. The detective prepared to re port "a suicide in Greenlawn ceme tery." BIG MILL DEAL IS MADE A. K. Jacobs Buys All Stock In Oregon City Plant- OREGON CITY, Or., Dec. 21. (Special. )--The entire, stock in the local. woolen mills, operated by. the Oregon City Manufacturing com pany, is now owned by A R. Jaoobs, for many years president and man ager of the concern. The purchase of the interests of I. Jacobs was announced by the local mill man today. Mr. Jacobs declined to state the amount involved in the transfer, but it is believed that appioximately $750,000 is involved. A R. Jacobs is to continue as president and manager of the firm. No changes in the organization ar.s planned, he states! The Oregon City 'Manufacturing company owns and operates a large textile factory here and a garment factory in Portland. It employs be tween 700 and 800 men and women and the value of the plant' is esti mated at approximately . $3,000,000. LAW REPEAL IS SOUGHT Bill Would Abolish Double Boards for State Elections. -.';' SALEM, Or., Dec. 21. (Special.) The attorney-general's office today was requested to prepare a bill for submission at the next session of the legislature looking to the re peal of that part of the election laws providing for double election boards. The present double election board law was sponsored by Colonel Mer cer, sergeant at arms of the senate at the 1921 session, and was ap proved by practically all the mem bers of both houses. Under this law. there are two election boards, one of which receives the ballots, while the other . starts counting after the first 20 ballots are re ceived. , , ' i FALL TO GO, SAYS RUMOR Washington Gossip Says Secretary Is About to Resign. " . THE OREGONIANNEWS BUREAU, Washington, D, -C.. Dec. 21. The dull days immediately preceding the holiday's in Washington are always fruitful of rumors of expected res ignations of cabinet members. This time, according to a report broad cast today,. Albert Bacon Fall, sec retary of the interior, is to resign soon and is to be succeeded by Carml Thompson of Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Thompson was assistant sec retary of the interior during a' part of the Taft administration and later secretary to President Taft He also was the unsuccessful candidate for governor of Ohio in the Novem ber election. GEORGIA HIT BY WINTER Snow and Sleet . and Freezing Temperatures Noted. ATLANTA, Ga Dec. 21. With one section covered with sleet and ice and forecasts for snow, and another section slushing through rain with temperatures slightjy above freez ing, the south today was in the grip of its first blast of winter. MiamJ and points on the Florida peninsula. . however, still were bathed in sunshine, with average temperatures of li degrees. Dispute Bitter That , Session Adjourns. VENIZELOS IS ATTACKED Ex-Premier's Sally at Kemal , Army jAnswered. STRAITS STILL PROBLEM English, French and Italians Confer in Endeavor to Solve Remaining Difficulties. LAUSANNE, Dec. 21. (By the Associated Press.) A stirring alter cation occurred at a meeting . of the sub-commission on minorities today between the ex-Greek premier, Venizelos, and the Turkish delegate Riza Nur Bey. The dispute arose over the question of responsibility for Greek deportations . In Asia Minor and was so violent that it became necessary to adjourn tho session. . ' According to spokesmen of the Turkish delegation, Riza Nur Bey declared that the Greek army was not so much responsible for the recent military disaster as was Venizelos himself, because it was Venizelos who had inaugurated the idea of a "military invasion of An atolia." Riza affirmed that in his opinion the Greek ministers who were recently executed at Athens were in all. probability entirely innocent of deceiving .the Greek people, because the real father of the Asia Minor campaign was Veni zelos. - Venizelos Called to Order. The Italian chairman of the sub commission, Slgnor Montagna, nad previously warned both the Turkish and Greek delegates that references to massacres and cruelties must henceforth be avoided,, but the Turks alleged Venizelos today re fused to obey this injunction. He declared a bitter indictment against the Turkish army and went so far, the Turkish delegates assert, that the chairman was obliged repeatedly to call him to order. After Insistent attempts, Riza Nur Bey eventually got the. floor and defended Turkey and then made a personal attack on the ex Greek premier. Another indication that feeling is running high between the Turks and the Greeks was found in a com munique which the Turkish delega tion issued later, declaring that recent advices from , Angora prove that the Greeks are confiscating all the farms belonging to Moslems in Crete and that the Moslems in the hills, fearing . massacre, have fled to the cities and .are dying of hunger. "Every day more than 20 Mos lems are dying either through massacre or hunger." said the com- Concluded on Page 2, Column 5.) THINGS " .ETSUt- WE.YE. GOT "SOtAELTVUHS CELT Scandalous Conduct of Old Sol Prevents Portlanders From - v Accomplishing Much. Portlanders who did not accom plish much yesterday could excuse themselves partially because it was the shortest day in the year.. It was not until the scandalously late hour of 7:26 A M. that Aurora ap peared if she did appear sup posedly rising in a mist from her couch in the sea, ner rosy fingers dripping dew.- . Despite this late start the sun re tired to rest at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon, putting in a lazy day. One only knew the solor orb was on the job at all by reason of the fact that nigh,t was routed and day came. But as for shining forth in the resplendent glory that Is the accompaniment of the sun at its prettiest, the day was a- total loss, so far as the king of the firmament is concerned. The laggard sun will not be able to getby with, its snub of yesterday! for long. Indeed, it will work one minute longer today, although per haps none will note the improve ment. Then tomorrow Father Time will. order the glorious orb of day to work one minute earlier and the following day it must still get up as early and then it will have to stay on the job one minute later. By February 1 the sun will be compelled, if it keep3 the engage ments made for it by the calendar builders, to rise as early as "f:a o'clock, and it will not crawl Into the hay until 5:13 P. M. But there will be a great differ ence six months from now, when the sun Will rise almost too early -to suit most persons, jumping up brightly at 4:23 o'clock in the morn ing and keeping, busy on "the job until 7:40 at night. BERNHARDT MUST REST Physicians Insist Actress Stay in Bed 10 Days. PARIS, Dec. 21. Physicians at tending Mme. Sarah Bernhardt in sist that she remain in te'd at least ten days more in order to recover fully from the fainting spell with which she was seized Monday. ' .-, The fnanager of th theater, Ed ward VII, consequently has' post poned Premiere Sache Gulterrjj's play, "Un Saget de Romari," in which Mme. Bernhardt is to ap pear, until January. The manager, who saw Mme. Bernhardt today, describes her con dition as serious, owing to her ad vanced age. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY OPEN Road Clear of Ice and Snow From City to County Line. The Columbia River highway is cleared of snow and ice from the city limits to the Multnomah county line, three-quarters of a mile east of Eagle creek, according to County Roadmaster Eatchel, who returned from the upper highway last night. The highway to Multnomah falls Is absolutely clear for the entire width of the paving, while the re mainder of the way to the line a passage sufficient for automobiles to pass has been thrown open. AREN'T WHAT THEY USED 1 ou know Mvrtr- RAND ?f HAS YVAb GOrVt-QLfvNb Pair Believed Killed in Battle With Masked and White Robed Men of 3 States.' MER ROUGE, La.. Dec 21. Bivouacked on the shores of More house parish lake, a company of Louisiana national guard, bent upon a mission probably unparalleled in the history of this nation, faced the prospect of passing the Christmas holidays dragging the waters and affording protection-to professional divers, in an effort to recover the bodies of two prominent citizens of Mer Rouge, who were believed to have been murdered by masked and white-robed men of three states. Two days of search by the mili tary and some 75 men and boys of the parish have been fruitless. Un successful' in the effort to recover the bodies in lakes Cooper and La Fourche, the search will be extended to other lakes in -the vicinity. "We will drag every lake in the parish until we find them," Captain W. W. Cooper, commanding officer of the company, declared today. Machine guns were placed at strategic points on the lake shore today as a precaution against the possibility of sniping by those aligned with the mob that swooped down upon five Mer Rouge citizens last August while' they were return ing from a celebration and carried them off to a punishment ground where they were severely handled. Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards have been missing since that night. That the slaying of the two men was not premeditated is conceded by all interested. Young Daniels resented the merciless flogging ad ministered his 70-year-old father and tore the mask off one of the men and recognized htm, calling out I his name which was heard by Rich ards and both men were slain In the fight "that ensued, according to a story credited to members of their families. The bodies were then be lieved to have been weighted down with iron wheels and thrown into one of the lakes close by. TWO EDUCATORS TO WED Professor Brown and Lida M. Fake of Salem Get License. SALEM, Or., Dec. 21. (Special.) A marriage license was- Issued -today to Professor E. T. Brown and Lida M. Fake of Salem. . Both are mem bers of the faculty of Willamette university. Professor Brown is a graduate of the University of Washington and has been connected with Willamette university for more than a year in charge of the physics department. Miss Fake is professor of home economics at Willamette and also has charge of the domestic science department. STEAMER LOCKED IN ICE Passengers and Crew of Lake Vessel Walk Ashore. SANDUSKY, O., Deo. 21. The lit tle steamer Tourist, for which some apprehension was felt when she failed to reach Put-in bay, 20 miles from here, at midnight last night, was located early today a mile off Put-inbay. The passengers and crew, totaling IS, walked ashore over the ice. TO BE. 1 Plan Emerges From Ef fort to Find Solution. COMMISSION IS WANTED French Approval of Proposal Is Awaited. TALK INFORMAL SO FAR Negotiations Kept Out of Govern ment Channels; Action Goes on Behind Scenes. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21 (By the Associated Press.), A plan, under which an American commis sion would determine how much Ger many should be required to. pay the allies In reparations has emerged frdm the effort to find a way for extending American aid toward so lution of the economic troubles of Europe. Although discussions of the pro posal have been kept thus far out side the formal, channels of diplo macy, the exchange of views has developed a thorough understanding in authoritative circles that the United States, Great Britain and Germany are willing to consejit to the creation of such a commission. The plan now is before Premier Polncare of Ftance and he is ex pected to make a decision after con ferences with industrial leaders of his own country and of Germany. It Is assumed that it will be com municated later to all the nations interested in reparation payments. Washington Officials Silent. Officials of the Washington gov ernment today refused to discuss the plan for an American commission- Secretary Hughes, however, issued a statement saying that the "government" - had presented no "proposal" on the subject. ' The procedure by which all of those directly interested are sound ed out before any definite "pro posal" is submitted with govern ment authority behind It Is the usual method employed In negotia tions of great delicacy. The secre tary's statement recalled an asser tion made a few days ago by a White House spokesman, who said, in discussing the American attitude toward Europe, that it would not be proper to display on the stage all that was taking place behind the scenes. Plan Disclosed Early Today. The plan for an American .commis sion first was disclosed early today in an Associated Press dispatch from London, where , the proposal has been actively under discussion. The dispatch credited the Chamber of Commerce of the United States with having first laid the suggestion lie fore Secretary Hughes and it was learned here today that much of the actual discussion which has taken place since that time has been con ducted on behalf of the American industry by officials of the chamber. At the state department there was a disposition to draw a sharp line of distinction between the activities of American, and other business men in regard to the problem and the moves made by government officials themselves. It became clear today, however, that the two groups had kept in close touch and that not only Secretary Hughes, but Secre tary Hoover and others high in the administration were fully advised of efforts made by President Julius H. i Barnes of the chamber of commerce and men in England, France and Germany who hold similar posts in the industrial world, to find a for mula for solution of the reparations problem. Reports Are Not Denied. Neither at the state department nor at offices of the chamber was there any inclination to deny the published report from "London tell ing of the unofficial plan and its communication to the Washington government! It is known that Mr. Barnes conferred last week with Secretary Hughes. Asked if any of ficial statement could be made in regard to this conference, state de partment spokesmen said it would not be possible to do so. At the same time efforts to obtain a more detailed statement .regarding Secre tary Hughes' general denial of a government ''proposal" also proved fruitless. Department officials made it plain that they would not be drawn Into any departure from the formal terms of the secretary's brief statement, which is itself avoided any mention of details. It follows: "The department of state cannot discuss "tentative proposals which are made to it with respect to the European situation. The report that this government had presented to other governments a proposal for an American commission is unfounded. Of course, it follows that no assent of any other government to such a proposal has been received." In authoritative quarters it was learned today that before the com mission's proposal received" the at tention of government officials, first Unconscious Victim Is Found by . Police and Carried to Safety; Firemen Are Hampered. CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Fire late to day destroyed the Dearborn-street railroad station, formerly known as the Poik-street depot, and left eight railroads homeless in Chicago, The building was valued at $300, 000, but would cost more than $1,000,000 to replace. Within a little more than an hour after a traffic policeman saw smoke issuing from the roof, the flames swept through the 38-year-old brick and wood structure, once the pride of railroad men, and left only a smoke-blackened brick shell behind. Hundreds of passengers and 200 men and women clerks fled to safety. Mrs. Hazel Locker, aged 26, a woman clerk, fainted and was trampled in the wild rush of girl clerks from the upper floors. A policeman found her unconscious on the stairs and carried her out. Postal clerks with motor trucks rescued 150 tons of holiday mail and railroad employes saved all passen ger cars in the train sheds. The Los Angeles limited of the Santa Fe and the Dixie Flier, crack Chicago-Jacksonville train of the Chi cago & Eastern Illinois, were being made up in the sheds when the fire broke out. They were dispatched, from the yards while firemen were still vainly trying to cope with the blaze. The station was owned by the Chicago & Western Indiana railroad and was used by trains of that line, and the Santa Fe, Monon, Erie, Chesapeake & Ohio, Chicago & East ern Illinois, Wabash and Canadian Grand Trunk. The interior of the old building, erected in 1884, was a perfect ex ample of mid-Victorian scroll saw work. The firemen Were hampered by poor water pressure and the crowds of Christmas shoppers. The eight railroads began re organizing their service .while the fire was still at its height, estab lishing offices in-the station annex, a one-story building across the alley. WALLACE REID IS WORSE Physicians Say Condition of Actor Is "Not So Favorable." LOS ANGELES. Cal., Dec. 21. The condition of Wallace Reid, motion picture a"ctor, who, his relatives said, has been suffering from a break down following abandonment of the use of drugs and liquor, was "not so favorable" tonight. Announcement of his condition was made In a bulletin issued by his physicians. . FLIER AT NATAL, BRAZIL Lieutenant Walter Hinton Near- ing His Destination. , NATAL, Brazil, Dec. 21. (By the Associated Press.) The seaplane Sampaio Correia II, in which Lieu tenant Walter Hinton and his com panions are attempting a flight from New York to Rio Janeiro, arrived here at 12:50 P. M. from Aracaty. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum 40 degrees; minimum 31 degrees; cloudy. TODAY'S Probably .rain; southerly winds. . Foreign. Turk and Greek clash at Lausanna par ley. Page 1. Bodies of aviators reported found. Page 3. Ex-army officers of Germany menace to internal peace. Page 15. National. Borab proposes International economic conference. Page 2. American commission to fix -indemnity is proposed. Page 1. President expected to release lot of war prisoners by Christmas. Page 4. to drag lakes for bodies. Page .1. Railway station in Chicago destroyed by fire. Page 1. Posse pursues Denver bandit suspects. Page 1. State completes Herrln riot case. Page 3. En-nun who put off veil to wed enters convent again. Page 17. Grandpa who killed girl in fun suicide at grave. Page 1. Northwest. Seattle expects clean morals bill from grand jury. Page 3. State tax levy cut $340,903. Page IT. Shooting victim says he was attacked. Page 7. Pierce and Hall hold conference. Page 8. Sports. High school quints start January SO. Page 16. Football on trial for life in east. Page 18. Corvallls all "het up" over Toledo game. Page 17. Commercial and Marine. TJ. S. shipping board sued for 30 7, 000. Page 14. Wool prices hold up firmly despite end-of-year dullness. Page 22. Oregon Co-operative Wheat Growers close pooL Page 22. Government bond list mainly firm. Page 28. Mexican Petroleum stock reduced by ma nipulators. Page 23. Wheat quotations - hit higher leveL Page 22. , Railroads announce sweeping rate cut. Page 15. Steamers for time held up by fog on river resume navigation. Page 14. Portland and Vicinity. Woman's tale of houseboat murder is unshaken. Page 1. Shortest day of year is passed. Page 1 Changes in auto tees to bs proposed. Page 13. Use of Arbnckle films uncertain. Page 9. Dr. McElveen preaches on Emil Cone's theory. Page 8. Weather report, data and forecast Page 22, Five Persons Now Held in Mystery Case, j STORY IS CORROBORATED Knothole Mentioned by Woman Is Found. i REVENGE TRICK POSSIBLE Whether Helen Leary Seeks Fan ciful Kevenge or Is Telling j Truth Is Big Problem. Whether the grim narrative of Mrs. Helen Leary. who has accused "Captain" Cash Weir, elderly water front character, of the murder of an unidentified 15-year-old girl, is the) fanciful revenge ot a woman or the true recital of a brutal crime, was the problem that engrossed the at tention of Portland authorities yes terday, and that sent them up and down the river in quest of evidence. This much they learned tho police, and deputies of the district attorney's office that near the close of September, when Mrs. Leary de clares the murder was committed, habitues of tho waterfront gossiped of a suppositious crime and joked with Weir respecting tho "drown ing of a girl." Story Is Not Shaken. ' They learned, too, that Mrs. Leary, though repeatedly examined, could not be shaken from the direct thread of her previous statements. She re mained both positive and convinc ing. Three arrests were made yester day, when the police took into cus tody Dorothy Robertson, an occu pant of Mrs. Leary's houseboat; Al Loomis) and R. E. Brown, a river man, who were aware of the circum stances leading to Mrs. Leary's sin gular statement. These, the author ities contended, knew in detail the secret possessed by the informer before she turned to the law and asked for the apprehension of Weir, Story Current Many Week. The name of the presumed vic tim, by river front gossip, was either Hopkins or Hawkins, and. though none claimed to have known her, it was said that the story of her cruel murder, told in jest or whis pered as truth, was current for many weeks before Mrs. Leary talked overmuch of the crime and drew to herself the inquiry of the law. Officers assigned to the case now incline to the belief that, while Mrs. Leary actually has divulged the se cret of a crime, she has not told tho entire truth. They believe that a murder was committed, but that probably the victim was slain dur ing the progress of a drunken brawl on board the Weir houseboat, and that the murdered girl herself was a member of the convivial gathering which ended so tragically. Tiny Knothole la Found. 1 Supporting the truth of Mr Leary's story and advanced as aa argument that she could not so) carefully' contrive a narrative, was the fact that an Investigation yes terday of the Weir houseboat, where the alleged crime was said to have been committed, revealed just such a tiny knothole as that through which Mrs. Leary said she peered when she saw Cash Weir mistreats and kill the child. Weir, in his jail cell, still main tained that Mrs. Leary was moved by a revengeful motive when she) linked his name with the story ot a crime and set It adrift along the waterfront. Her previous infatua tion for his son. Earl Wier, a tug boat captain, led her, he contended, to blacken his reputation and even tually to cause his arrest He denied that he had lured any girl to his houseboat, there to mal treat and kill her, and with the aid of hi3 son to sink the body in tha Willamette 'river,, weighed down by "a ton of stones." Voices Heard in House. ' According to the tale told by Mrs, Leary, the murder occurred on tha night of September 23. in Weir's houseboat, where she had gone to meet the son, Earl Weir. Hearing voices within the houseboat sha had peered through the knothole, and had witnessed the death of tha . resisting girl. Meantime, she de clares, Eari Weir approached and entered the houseboat, and with hia father strove to revive tho victim. Failing in this they carried the body to a launch and thence to its burial place in the river. Mrs. Leary was positive yesterday that she could, If she were to sea the place again, point out the exact spot where Earl Weir as they were motoring declared that he "could almost see where the body was dropped in the river, with stones to keep it down." She does not know the name or location of this road, overlooking the river, but police are contemplating a waterfront tour with the witness, hoping that they may chance upon the locality and that she will identify it. Should, (.Concluded oa. tfage , Column l.j i . (Concluded on Page 4. Column 2.) r. V