THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1923 25 y r FOREIGN EXCHANGE RETAINS STRENGTH Recovery Made After Early Weakness in Market. WHEAT AT HIGH FIGURE Now Price for Season Is Beached, but Drops Back Later on Irregular Buying. DAY'S TRANSACTIONS IN STOCK MARKET. DayV total gales, 865,000 shares. Twenty industrials averaped 97.31; () net loss, .82. High, 1922, 103.43; low, 78.59. Twenty railroads averaged 84.32; net loss, .34. High, 1922, 93.99; low, 73.43. () Extra dividend. .11. (By Chicago Tribune i,eased Wire.) NEW YORK, Pee. 20. The more iiote Vforthy incidents in today's markets were the recovery in foreign exchange rates after early weakness, resumption of the recent advance in liberty bonds and the reaching by wheat of another new high price for the season, $1.28 ',4 a bushel which, however, was not maintained. Most of the markets reflected the back ing and filling of speculators not very sure of their position. This was particu larly true of the stock market, which ended with a wholly irregular and con flicting series of net changes after a day of alternate bidding up and driv ing down of prices by groups of pro fessional operators. In the early hours railway shares were especially strong. Actual news cuts littie or no figure in such a market as now prevails and the carloading returns were not published until after the close of business. They cover the week ending December 0. Because of the occurrence of the Thanksgiving holiday in a differ ent week this year from the two pre ceding years, this is the first state ment since the middle of November which admits of fair comparison. With that fact in mind it is interesting to learn that the week's loadings not only ran beyond 11)21 by 178,000 cars, or 24 per cent, but were larger than in any previous year. Leadings of general mer chandise were 81,180 cars above the same week in 1920. Sterling Goes Down. Sterling at one time today declined to 94.60, a reaction of 9 ' cents from the high point of a week ago, but strong buying at that rate drove th$ price back to $4.03. The franc and lire moved simi larly, though they did not, like sterling, end at a higher figure than the day be fore. Today's census estimate on cotton gln nings threw no great light on the ques tion of total yield, except that it did not point to any excess over the agricultural department's recent estimate. That esti mate was for $9,904,000 bales, the small est in -0 years, except for last year's crop. There is now shown to have been ginned this season, up to December 13, 11,403,208 baits, leaving 470,000 to be turned out if the department's estimate was exact. In remaining "ginning pe riod" last year only-123,000 bales were accounted for. The year before the fig ure was 3,140,000 .bales; but that was a 13,374,000 bale crop. Furthermore, the ginnlngs in the first half of the present month were only 174,000, as against 458, 000 in the preceding fortnight and 151, 000 in the corresponding period even of last year. Directors of the International Mercan tile Marine company will meet after the close of business tomorrow to decide upon what action should be taken In -regard to the regular semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent, due to be declared on the preferred stock. For the past month or more unfavorable rumors have circulated about the street as to what action might be taken. Within the last week, how ever, a new rumor appeared almost daily and the stock has suffered ac cordingly. Today it broke to 45 Oi, which is only a fraction above the low record for the current year. California Petroleum attracted atten tion in today's declining market because of its sharp gain of more than 8 points at the high of the day and a net gain of 6 points at the close.' The advance was accompanied by rumors that the Pan-American Petroleum & Transport company is negotiating for this property to be operated in conjunction with the development of naval reserves in Cali fornia. This report was denied by of ficials of the Pan-American company but the denial did not come until after the close of the market. Officers of the lat ter company, however, admitted that they were negotiating for new property, but that these were in no way associated with the California Petroleum. i According to reports in public utility quarters today the preliminary Is being laid for a merger of the Pacific Gas & Electric company and the Great West ern Power company, two large companies operating In the Pacific states. None of the New York bankers have been ap proached as yet regarding the financing of the project but it is understood this is the next step on the programme. The Southern Pacific's final settle ment of $9,250,000 with the United States railroad administration, announced to day, represents one of the largest single ' settlements which have been consum , mated in several months: It was ex plained that this payment was a lump sum settlement and cleans up the car rier's account with the government, as no funding of governmental outlays for additions and betterments was necessary. Officials stated that they would be forced to study the problem of the al location of this money very closely and that while it would appear in the 1922 report, it was not yet decided in just what column it would be placed. CLOSING STONCK QUOTATIONS. ' Furnished by Overbook & Cooke com pany of Portland: Advance Rum 13 tj Austin Nichols.. 2,000 32 30 32 Agr Chem 2,000 83 ft 81 81 do pfd 100 60 0 69 Ajax Rubber . 11 Alaska Gold ... '500 4 ii Alaska Juneau ',; 1 Allied Cham .... 8,300 81 , 77 78 Allis Chalmers.. 800 45 44 44 Am Beet Sugar 100 39 89 39 Am Bosch 2,000 42 40 41 Am Can Co .... 7,300 74 73 73 do pfd 300 111 111 110 Am Car & Fdy. . 200 181 181 10 do pfd 121 Am Cot Oil ... 800 17, 17 17 Am Drug Synd. . 100 6 6 6 Am H & Jjeath 10 do pfd 300 63 63 3 Am Ice 400 110 110 108 Am Intl Corp .. 50O 28 27 27 Am Linseed .... 100 31 81 81 do pfd 300 5 2 52 52 Am Loco 2,800 125 123 123 Am Saf Razor.. 600 6 6 6 Am Ship & Com 2,700 20 19 19 Am Smelter ... 2,400 '60 65 55 do -pfd 200 98 98 98 Am Snuff 142 Am Steel Fdy... 800 37 37 39 Am Sugar 200 75 78 74 do pfd 106 Am Sumatra ... 300 28 28 28 Am Tel & Tel.. 1,100 123 122 122 Am Tobacco ... 100 14 154 154 do "B" 200 11 151 150 Am Wool 1,000 96 94 94 Am W P pfd ... 600 28 i8- 28 Anaconda 6,900 50 49 49 Assd Oil 400 115 115 115 Atchison 800 101 100 100 do pfd 300 91 91 90 Atlan Coast Lino uo At Gulf & W I.. 700 22 21 22 Baldwin Loco. . .28,100 131 128 128 do pfd , 112 Bal & Ohio 22,500 41 41 41 do pfd 400 8g 68 58 Bsrnsdell Cor A 1,800 80 9 o do B 400 19 IS 18 Beth Steel B... 18,00 61 69 69 Booth Fish 400 4 4 4 B R T ' 200 16 15'i 162 Butte C & Z... 2,600 9 9 9 Butte & Sup 8lii Burns Bros A ,. 6,600 145 142 144 do B 2.100 44 42 43 Caddo Oil 1,100 7 7 7 Cal Packing ... 100 81 SI 81 Calif Pet 39,000 63 65 63 25 31 114 129 43 54 80 10 14 90 Cal Z & Lead... 2,100 9. 9 Can Pae 800 143-141 Cen Leather ... 400 32 32 Cerro do Pasco.. 2.800 45, 44 Chandler Motor. 1,400 62 82 Chi & N W .... 1,200 79 78 Chgo Ot W 2,100 4 4 do pfd 3.200 9 7 Chill Cop 13,800 28 28 Chlno 900 20 26 C M St P 1,500 22 21 do pfd ..' 3,900 34 3.1 t: & O 7114 70 Colo F si I .... 300 24 24 Colo Southern .. 200 42 42 Col Gas & Blec. 1,000 105 104 Columbia Graph. 2.000 2 2 Con Gas 2,900 118 116 Cons Cigars .... 1,400 38 87 Cons Textile ... 800 12 11 Contl Can 400 111 110 Corn Prod 7,600 131 128 1 P Codn OU 9,200 62 60 C A I & P 1900 81 80 do "A" pfd : .do "B" pfd .. 200 81 81 Crucible B,000 71 69 do pfd Cuba Cane 100 13 13 do pfd Cuban Amn 8ug 2,000 26 Davison Chcm . 1,300 82 Del & Hudson... 1,900 117 Del & Lack ... 200 129 Dome Mines .... 300 43 Elec Stor Bat... 400 65 Fndlcott Johnson 3,100 88 Erie 1,200 10 do 1st pfd 1,200 14 Famous Players 500 91 sea Min temit do pfd Fisk Tire 700 12 12 Gen Cigars 100 82 82 Gen Elec 1,300 184 181 Gen Motor .... 14,200 13 13 Gen Motor 6 Gen Asphalt 3,900 46 45 Glldden Paint Goodrich T & R 600 84 33 Glen Alden Granby 200 Great Nor Ore . . 1.700 Great Nor pfd .. 3.900 Greene Cananea Gulf S Steel 2,000 Houston Oil 400 Hupp Motor .... 100 Ills Cent 900 Inspiration 1,400 Int Agr Che com ..... do pfd 900 Interboro do pfd Int Harv 900 90 80, Int Mer Mar .... 400 11 10 do pfd 1,000 48 45 Int Nickel ..... 1.500 14 13 Int Paper 1,700 52 61 Int Comb Eng Invincible Oil .. 7,100 14 14 Island Oil 3,100 Jewel Tea ..... I0O 20 20 K C Southern .. 1,200 18 18 do pfd 100 53 63 Kayser J S00 4:1 ' 42 Kelly-Spfld 600 48 43 Kennecott 3,100 37 30 Keystone Tire .. 400 10 8 Lack Steel Lee Tire 100 20 21! Lehigh Valley .. 6,400 66 64 Lorillard . ... . . Loew Theaters.. 2,400 19 18 L, ec ?i 20 31 78 68 25 ioa 30 26 30 77 'is" 67 25 108 35 31 30 57 20 14 68 258 19 27 11 28 5S 24 '14 67 255 17 27 11 27 55 55 Lima Loco 1,500 Marland Oil 3,300 Max Motor "A" do "B" GOO May Stores .... 1,500 Mex Pet 200 Mex Seaboard . . 8.200 Miami 200 Mid States Oil .. 1.000 Midvale Steel . . 7.400 M K & T Wl .... 1,800 Mack Truck .... 700 Mont Power Mont Ward 4,800 23 22 Mo Pac 1,600 30 15 do pfd 800 42 42 M StP & S S M Nat Biscuit Wl Nat Enamel ... 5.300 67 65 Nat Lead 1,000 127 124 Nevada Con 900 15 15 New Haven .... 600 21 20 Norfolk W... 900 110 109 Nor American .. 6,600 92 92 Nor Pac 1,300 75 75 Nova S Steel 100 26 26 N Y Air Brake N Y Central . . .. 6,200 Okla Prod ref ... 3,400 Orpheum 300 Ontario &W ... - 200 Otis Steel 300 Plggly Wiggly .. 1,100 Pac G & Elec ... 2,700 Pac OU 2.500 Pan Am Pet 51.800 do "B" 51,700 Penna 2,800 Penna Sea Steel. 20O Peo Gas P Marquette Phila Co ... Phillips Pete Pierce-Arrow Pierce Oil 900 100 8.100 2,100 500 Pitts Coal 1,000 300 100 200 1,400 1.300 Pitts & W Va. Psd Steel Car . Punta Alegre . . Pullman Pure Oil Ray Cons 1,100 Reading 7.300 Replogle Steel... 1,300 Rep I & S 1,300 do pfd 900 Royal Dutch Oil. 8.400 Saxon Motors . . 300 Sears Robuck . . 1,700 Shat & Ariz 500 Shell T & T ..... 100 Sinclair 6,600 Sioss Shef Sou Pacific 8,700 Sou Ry 3,400 Sterling Prod . . 600 Stand Oil Cal... 8,600 do Ind do N J ...... 1,300 do Ky St L ft S F 1,000 Stromberg Carb .4,700 .59,700 94 1 18 20 8 51 86 44 03 87 40 8 "36 40 42 13 4 6R 33 79 46 131 2J 14 79 25 45 82 51 1 89 8 36 31 1 17 20 8' 51 80 44 90 85 45 3 36 40 41 13 4 57 83 79 46 129 27 14 77 24 44 81 60 1 88 . 8 36 31 c. 400 4,800 700 100 3.600 600 600 Studebaker Swift & Co. Tenn Cop A Texas Oil Texas Pac Tex Pao C & O. 700 Tob Products... 1,200 Tran Contl Oil. 1,200 Tlmken R B . . . . 900 Union Oil Del... 700 Union Pac 7,000 United Alloy Un Food Prod. . oft United Fruit United Rds N J do pfd Un Ret Stores... 4,600 use I. Pipe do Ind Alo do Rub do Rub 1st pfd do Smelting. . . 2,000 do Steel 38,300 do pfd 200 Utah Copper. . . . 700 Va Chem 1,200 do pfd 100 Vanadium Steel 700 VIvaudou 500 Wabash 800 do A pfd .... 900 do B pfd Wells Fargo Western Pao.... 100 do pfd 200 Western Union.. 1,300 West'hse A B... 100 do E A M 2,100 West Md 900 White Eagle Oi! 3,800 White Motors .. ino White Oil 1.700 rWillys-Overland. 700 ao pid 1,000 Wilson Packing Wise Central Woolworth 300 Worth'ton Pump 200 WALE 700 8S 23 r8 110 115 190 117 21 64 136 " 47 21 21 55 12 32 17 136 87 '57M 114 114 191 117 21 62' 133 "o' 47 20 20 54 12 32 17 135 4 ., 4 71 27 66 52 96 38 107 120 64 25 62 35 14 8 23- 69 27 66 52 95 .18 105 120 64 24 62 35 14 8 22 15 53 115 113 60 11 32 48 3 6 43 15 53 114 113 59 10 31 48 3 6 42 209 81 208 30 9 143 82 44 81 77 4 8 28 26 21 83 75 70 244 42 103 2 116 38 11 109 129 119 50 80 91 81 69 87 13 89 25 81 116 129 43 64 86 10 14 90 . 9 52 12 82 181 13 82 45 9 33 54 26 80 77 27 77 67 K, 24 108 35 6 81 00 10 46 13 51 23 14 20 18 53 42 43 36 il 74 20 - 65 167 1 130 57 26 46 14 7 258 18 27 11 27 15 55 67 22 16 42 62 81! 60 124 15 20 109 92 75 20 26 93 1 17 20 . 8 61 83 44 92 80 45 3 93 36 40 42 18 4 67 33 79 46 129 27 14 77 25 45 82 50 1 87 8 36 31 39 87 23 58 115 114 190 117 fcr 133 106 ' 9 47 20 20 64 12 82 17 136 34 4 152 11 25 70 26 65 62 95 37 105 120 64 24 62 35 14 8 23 17 88 14 61 112 113 69 11 32 48 3 6 42 35 27 206 30 mmjm better INVESTMENT BUYING NOTED IX GOVERNMENT ISSUES. Kailway List Irregular, With St. Paul Weak Feature; Small De mand lor Foreign Liens. NEW YORK, Dec 20. Moderate im provement in United States government issues and marked irregularity in the rest of the list was noted in today's dealings In bonds on the New York stock exchange. Aotive buying of government bonds led to the belief that the January reinvest ment demand was first- making itself felt in these Issues, liberty 3s gaining 16 cents on $100 and the second, third and fourth and new 4 8 improving 8 to 12 cents. The first 4s and the victory 4s yielded Blightly at the close. There was not much demand for for eign liens, which exhibited a weak tone. Serbian 8s, Swiss 8s and United King dom 5s of 1929 each sold off a point and the losses in other'-issues were fractional- - Further weakness of St. Paul con vertible 4s and debenture 4s, each of which dropped more than a point, was the outstanding development in the rail road list. No new reason was ascribed for this weakness, but it is believed in some quarters that the recent cut in the Great Northern preferred dividend may have been an indirect cause for further Belling of these Hens. St. Louis-Southwestern 4s dropped 1 and the 5s 1, other weak spots In this group being Erie convertible 4s. series D, Seaboard Air Line consolidated 6s, New Haven 6s, Chicago & Alton 3s, and Pennsylvania consolidated 4s, Kansas City Southern refunding 5s, New Haven 5s of 1956, and Seaboard Air Line ad justment 5s moved to higher ground. Packard Motor 8s, Lackawanna Steel 5s of 1960, and Marine 6s were all active and closed at higher prices, while Hershey Chocolate 6s and Marland Oil 8s, with warrants, were weak. There were a number of bond offer ings today, including two of tl, 500,000 each. Each was an issue of 10-year 7 per cent convertible sinking fund de benture bonds of the Merritt-Chapman A Scott corporation, which were of fered at 101 to yield over 7.25 pel cent, the issue being oversubscribed. The other was an issue of 5 per cent land bank bonds of the First Texas Joint Stock Land bank. New York Bonds. NEW YORK, Dec. 20. (By the As sociated Prtss. ) Following are today's high, low and closing prices of bonds on the New York Exchange, ind the total sales cf each bond. U. S. Bonds Sales. High. Low. Closo. .1239 100.74 100.48 100.64 do Is: 4s .. 151 98.94 98.84 98.84 do 2d 4s .. 774 98.28 9S.10 .1042 98.8S 98.76 .1084 98.64 08.48 un. 923 100.36 100.3: Liberty 3s Is: 4s 2d 4s do 3d 4i3 do 4th 4s victory 4s. 98.18 98. S4 98.60 100.32 99.90 10b 100 109 109 109 111 111 111 USTreas4s.. 399 99.92 99.78 orelgr- Argentine 7s . , . . . 37 100 uity 5ergen 8s.... o City Berne 8s 1 City Bord 6s 12 City Copen 5s... 1 City Gtr Prag 7s 69 City Lyons 6s 10 City Marseilles 6s. 9 City R de Jan 8s . 3 City Zurich 8s 2 Czech'vk R 8s otfs 3 Danish Muni 8s A Dep Seine 7s 17 -86 8 89 74 7.8 78 96 112 112 112 86 86 86 108 108 78 8l 75 78 ' 78 96 78 89 75 78 78 90 Money, Sliver, Etc. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. Call money. fiASlAIV "hle-h 4 8Z l-nn. A . --- . ---o", - , , .v, -x, i-uiing rate, 4; closing bid, 4; offered at 4: last loan. 4: call innna ain.t . TL BLVCllUlUlCa, Time loara. steady; mixed collateral, 60-90 days, 45; 4-6 months, 45. Prime commercial paper, 4. Foreign bar silver, 62. Mexican dollars, 47 c . LONDON, Dec 20. Bar silver, 30d per ounce. Money, 1 per cent. Dis count rates, short and three months .bills, 22 per cent. COTTON FUTURES CLOSE LOWER Extensive Profit-Taking In Market at New York. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Dec 20. After an early advance took cotton prices to slightly higher record levels for the year, today's market met extensive profit-taking in the second hour, which continued for the rest of the session and closed with a net loss on the day of 14 to 16 points for the near positions and lo to 28 for the distant months. On the census bureau's ginning figures prices were' bid up early. May touching 26.45c and July 26.24c, out on tne pre-noliday liquida tion by the south, commission houses and Wall street longs, prices sagged and closed near tne bottom. The local market for spot cotton was quiet, 16 points decline, 26.05 for middling upland. Southern spot markets were: Galveston 25.80c, 15 points decline; New Orleans 26c, unchanged; Savannah 26c, 14 points decline: Norfolk 26c, unchanged; Mem phis 26.25c unchanged; Houston 25.75c, 10 points decline; Little Rock 25.75c, un changed. The range of New. York cotton futures as reported by Overbeck A Cooke com pany of this city: Month. Open. Hteh. Low. Close. January 25.99 28.03 25.66 25.75 March 26.20 26.80 25.96 23.97 May 26.35 26.42 26.04 26.07 July 26.20 26.24 25.82 25.82 October ... 24.46 24.55 24.18 24.26 December 23.19 26.20 5.75 5.84 Do C 6 nts. '29 D of Can 5s, 1052 D E Ind 6s, 1947 do 1962 French Rep Ss . . . do 7s Hol-Am Line 6s... Japanese 4s K of Belgium 7s 101 911 93 94 98 94 88 81 86 101 99 92 92 98 94 88 81 108 86 101 99 93 98 94 88 81 do 6s 19 13 101 101 101 26 K of Denmark 6s K of Italy 6,4s. .. K of Nether 8s. . . K ot Norway 8s... K of Sweden 6s. .. Parls-Ly-Med 0s..- Rep Bolivia 8s Rep Chile 8s, 1946. Rep Cuba 5s. 1904 State ot Queens 6s S of S Paulo s,f Ss Swiss Confed 8s.. V K of G B A I 5s, 1929 199 113 96 90 96 98 98 9S 94 94 94 114 98 97 98 6 111 111 111 7 104 104 104 26 ,78 72 72 17 93 93 93 3 103 103 103 1 96 90 96 3 101 101 101 9 98 98 98 7 118 117 117 do 1937 U S of Brazil 8s. . do 7s t .. U S of Brazil-Cen Ry Elect 7s U S of Mexico 5s.. do 4s 112 113 138 104 103: 15 98 98 39 96 95 7 29 23 86 86 36 86 86 36 104 98 95 86 86 36 Am Agr Chem 7s 14 102 102 102 Am Smlt 63 17 93 Am Sug 6s 28 102 98 91 84 S3 89 89 92li 102 98 91 83 82 89 7, 89 87 100 80 A T&T col tr 5s... AT&T col 4s 3 A W Wk & El 5s. . 3 J M W 6s 49 Arm & Co 4s 1 A T A S F G 4s 1 C L 1st cn 4s.. 20 Bait A Ohio 6s 14 100 Bait & Ohio cv 4s.. HO it Bell T of Penn 7s. 18 108. 108 Eeth Stl ref 5s 4 94 94 do D m 5s 18 92'"4 901 na-iyn cu gu IB o., t 1U8 108 U G A E 5s Can Nth 7s Can Pac deb 4s.. Cec Ga 8s Cen Leather 5s... C&n Pac gtd 4s. . . . Ver de Pas 8s.... dies & Ohio cv 5s 58 Chic A Alton 3s 10 do 8s C B A O ref 5 A. 14 101 100 1111 unio n.ast in ts o 80 7'J Chic Gt West 4s 1 61 51 C M ASt P cvt 5s B 45 60 65 do cv 4s .... 94 03 62 do ref 4s 18 58'i 57 Chicago Rys 5s... 7 78 77 C R 1 A P ref 4s 110 83 . 82 Ohio A W Ind 4s. . 13 76 74 93 102 98 91 83 82 - 89 89 88 100 80 108 94 92 108 97 90 97 8 112 112 112 11 79 79 79 98 86 135 94 23 52 3 100 4 98 8 80 12 136 94 24 18 53 14 101 6 80 88 80 135 94 23 52 Chile Copper 7s.. 87 114 113 do 6s 92 96 80 77 96 92 98 CCCAStL gen 4s. Colo Indus 5s.... Col Gas & Elec tie Cuba C Sug deb Ss Cuba R R 7s A Cuban-Amer Sg 8s L & K u ret os.. do con 4s Det-Edison ref 6s Donner Stl ref 7s Dupont de N 7s. Duquesne Light 6s Imp G A F 7B ct Erie pr lien 4s ... do gen lien 4s . . Framer Ind D 7s Gen Elec deb 5s . . Goodrich 6s .... Goodyr Tire Ss, '31 do 8s, 1941 41 114 Gd Trk R of Can 7s 8 112 do 6s 8 104 Gt Nor 7sA 04 110 do 5SB 15 102 Hud A Man ref 5sA 20 84 do adj inc 5s ... 25 61 Mum 011 st net os 111 Central 6s ... do ref 4s Inter-Met 4s ... do 4s ctfs stpd Itero Rap Tr 7s.. do ref 5s do ref 5s ctfs .. I A Gt N adj 6s wi. Int M Marine sf 6s. Int Paper ref 5s B. Iowa Cen ref 4s . . K C Ft S A M 4s . K C Sou 5s Kelly-Spgfld T 8s Lack St 5s 1950 .. Ligg A Myers 5s . Lorillard 5s 87 Louisna & Nor os Lou A Nas rf 5s Magma Cop 7s . . Man Sug 7s 2: Mar St Ry con 5s . . ! Ml cen deb 4s .... . Mld-St cv 5s 2i Minn A St L ref 5s. MStP&SSM s .. MKAT pr In 6s C .. do newpr In 5s A. do new adj 5s A. . Mo Pac con 6s . . . . do gen 4s Mon Pow 5s A .... N E T A T 1st 5s cf . N O T A M Inc 5s N Y Cen deb 6s ... do rfg A imp 5s . do con 4s NYChAStL deb 4s. NY Ed ref 6s ... NY.NHAH cv6s.'48 STTert 6s, '41.. do gen 4s NY Wes A Bo 4s Nor A Wes cv 6s. N A Edl s f 9 51 05 62 58 77 83 74 113 95 80 76 96 92 9-5 80 76 96 92 11 105 304 105 2 107 107 107 1 46 46 46 36 72 72 72 24 108 103 103 3 89 89 89 14 108 107 107 1 103 103 108 S3 94 93 93 2U 06 37 43 43 13 91 90 7 101 101 20 lm 101 5 U 84 84 94 94 80 10 74 3059 '233 12 39 17 9 10 1 255 32 ,- 41 11 31 5 15 2 3 2 55 43 90 101 101 98. 98 114 114 112 112 104 104 110 110 102 )02 84 84 61 61 97 97 101 101 101 88 9 10 95 73 72 49 90 . 87 37 78 88 9 10 94 72 71 411 . 90 ' 87 87 88 9 10 ,94 72 72 49 90 87 37 78 88 Pub 6erv 6s .... Reading gen 4s .. Rem Arms f 6s. Rep I A S col 5s.. R I A A La 4s. 3 L I M A S 4s RAG dlvj St L A 8 F per lien 4s A 21070 do adj 6s 50 78 do ino 6b 114 68 S L A S W con 4s. 14 77 a a a a r ist 4s. Sea A L con 6s. .. do adj 5s do ref 4s Sin Con Oil col 7s Sin Crude Oil 5s sou Bell Tex 5s. .. Sou Pac cv 4s.... do ref 4s do col tr 4s. . . .' Sou Ry gen 8s... con 03 do gen 4s 3: s f Rico sug 7s.. S O of Cal deb 7s. Third Ave ref 4s.. do adj 5s Tide Oil 6 un Pac 1st 4s do cv 4s Union Tank Car 7s United Drug 8s. . . United Fuel Gas 6s U S Realty 63 u a Rubber 7s., 84 64 98 94 80 84 84 84 94 80 1 84 84 84 70 70 58 77 74 68 23 . 39 J0 7 P ' 68 23 3 34 100 100 100 87 94 97 98 96 92 87 84 96 92 87 4 do Ss 23 88 U S Steel s f 6... Utah Pow A Lt 6s V-CC7s with war do 7a ctts Virginian Ry 5s... waoasn 1st os. . . . West Mary 1st 4s. Western Pacific 5s West Union 8s. Westhse Electic 7s Wlckwire-Sp St 7s w us Se Co a I 7s Wis Central gen 4s 90 92 86 84 17 101 100 101 31 97 96 97. 68 68 99 99 105 105 80 60 66 56 103 108 81 91 94 94 2 103 103 108 12 112 112 112 1 98 98 ' 98 1 99 99 99 8 108 107 107 Bo as 102 102 91 91U 91 91 68 11 100 8 lUU-Jk 12 60 11 56 2 103 4 81 12 UO 18 103 4 91 2 91 96 97 08 62 80 o 7 97 62 80 9 110 109 109 8 107 107 101 14 6 92 92 92 21 103 102 102 1 80 80 80 96 97 88 82 80 Total sales of bonds today were 112,- 157.000. compared with J12.432.000 pre vious day and 18,392,000 a year ago. New York Curb Stocks. Furnished by Jordan. Wentworth A Co. of Portland. Industrials Last sale. Buddy-Buds, Inc 1 Car Lighting A Power - 1 Colombian Emerald Syn 33. Durant Motors, inc . Glen Alden Coal 65 Mercer Motors 8 Philip Morris 19 Radio Corp. of America 8 ao Did z Schulte Retail Stores .n81 Southern Coal A Iron .. 30 Lnited Profit Sharing new ........ 5 United Retail Stores Candy. 5 Wayne Coal 2 Oils Anglo American 17 Arkansas Nat Gas com 9 Boston-Wyoming Oil 2 Carib Syndicate 5 Cities Service Bankers 17 Cities Service com Ii0 Creole Syndicate 2 Engineers Petrol Co 17 Federal Oil 78 Gllliland Oil com 2 Glenrock Oil , 1 Hudson Oil " 10 International Petroleum . .... 20 Keystone Ranger Devel. 27 Livingston Oil Corp 5 Lyons Petroleum 71 Mammoth Oil 41 Maracaibo Oil Explor 18 Merrlt 6 Mexico Oil Corp - 1 Mountain Producers 17 Mutual Oil 11 "4 Omar Oil A Gas 11-16 Producers A Refiners 7 Red Bank Oil 12 Sapulpa Refining 2 Simms Petroleum 12 South Petrol A Refining IT Southwest Oil 1 Standard Oil of Indiana :....114 Texon Oil A Land 30 Victoria S "Y Oil A Gas 8 - Mining Alaska Brit. Col. Metals 1 Belcher Extension , 1 Big Ledge Copper Co.. 4 Boston A Montana Corp 21 Canada Copper Co 1 candalarla Silver ' 27 Cash Boy Consolidated 11 Consolidated Copper 8 Cork Province Mines 14 Cresson Con Gold MAM 2 Dean Consolidated Corp 7 El Salvador silver Mines 1 Ely Consolidated 8 Emma Silver 2 Eureka Croesus 24 Fortuna Cons Mining 23 Goldfield Deep 95 Godlfleld Development ........ .... 21 Goldfield Florence 7 Gold Zone Divide . 6 Harmill Divide , 7 Hecla 60 Independ Lead Mining 2 Jerome Verde Devel 2 Knox Divide 5 Lone Star Consol. 6 MacXamara Cresc. Min 5 Magma Copper 5 Marsh Mining 17 Mexican Eagle 10 National Tin Corp . .......... 23 Nevada Oohlr in Nlpieslng Mines 53 Ohio Copper 68 Hay Hercules. Inc 1 u Red Hills Florence 2 Rex Consolidated Mininar K Sandstorm Kendall 1 liver Mines of America IS Spearhead 6 Success Mining 44 Teck Hughes " 75 Tonopah Divide 68 Tonopah Extension .813-18 Lnited Eastern Mining 111-14 West Dome Cons ., 15 West End Consolidated iqj Boston Mining Stocks. Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co of Portland: Bid. Asked. Anaona commercial 7 Adventure 50 Ahmeek ' 67 Algomah Aiiouez Arcadian Calumet A Arizona New Cornelia Centennial Copper Range .... Davis Dalv Franklin Mining 15 24 4 56 17 8 87 3 1 87 3 107 107 107 8 98 97 97 97 96 96V4 5 77 77 77 6 104 104" 104 4 115 115 115 1 88 30 105 96 83 59 98 91 88 38 105 96 83 60 98 82 98 S 78 40 104 145 97 50 82 4 87 97 98 IS 91 91 88 36 105 96 83 60 98 62 98 8 78 103 103 97 97 81 82 87 87 8 110 110 110 60 72 71 71 20 105 105 105 7 93 93 93 27 46 45 46 25 112 112 112 87 94 93 93 N P ref 6s B 156 108 108 108 N P rfg A im 5s C IS 99 9.8 99 N P pr lien 4s . . N sta rr rei os a. North Bell Tel 74. O A C 1st 6s O S L ref 4s .... O-W RRAN 4. .. Otis Steel 7s ... P G A E 5s P T A T 5s '52 ctfs Pack Mo Cr 8s .. Pan-Am Pt A T 7s Penna R R 6s 29 86 6 92 24 108 10 99 92 81 94 92 1 85 86 91 92 107 107 WW vv do gen 5s 1 101 92 81 93 92 91 107 106 107. 102 102 102 110 110 110 92 81 8 92 91 do gen 4s Peor A Eas inc 4s Pere Mar ref 6s . . Phil Co col tr 6s. . P R L A P 5s Pro & 8a with w 18 02 3 27 24 96 3 100 2 84 4 120 101 101 92 92 27 27 96 96 99 100 84 84 120 120 Hancock 2 Helvetia 90 Island Creek 99 , Kerr Lake 8 Lake Copper 2 Michigan 2 Mohawk 67 May Old Colony 4 Mason Valley 1 North Butte 9 Nlpissing 5& North Lake 20 Osceola Mining 31 OJibway 1 Quincy Mining" 36 Pond Creek 26 Isle Royal 22 United Shoe Machinery .... 42 do pfd 86 South Utah 8 Superior Copper 1 Tuolumne 50 Utah Metals 92 U. S. Mining 38 do pfd 47 Ventura 26 Victoria 1 Winona 1 Wolverine 7 Wyandot : 25 Standard OU Stocks. Furnished by the OTerbeck ft company of Portland: Bid. Anglo. 17 Borne Scrymser ...... ....4.II 8 Buckeye 85 Cheesebrough 210 do pfd 112 Continental 149 Crescent 44 Cumberland 162 Eureka 86 Galena com ... 67 75 68 40 25 4 57 17 8 37 3 3 100 100 ! 2 67 i 40 ,32 2 37 27 22 42 37 10 2 55 99 40 ' 48 27 1 I 35 Cooke tsked. 17 123 123 220 115 151 45 165 98 68 r FOUNDED 1876 Bond Prices Since 1860 We have prepared a chart showing the movement of the average prices of standard bonds for the last 62 years. We believe this chart is of decided interest to invest ors, and we will be glad to mail it upon request with our compliments. . I Name . Street No City EH.ROLIINS &SOSS mttmeitt Htnutt Boaton New York Chicago San Francisco Los Angeles 411 IKWIS BUILDING Broadway 7070 PORTLAND $1,500,000' The United Electric Coal Companies First Mortgage 7 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated January 1, 1923 " Due January 1, 1933 Interest Payable January and June Authorized $3,000,000 To Be Presently Issued $1,650,000 Redeemable as a whole or in part at any time upon 30 days' notice at 110 and accrued interest. Free from present normal Federal Income Tax up to 2 per cent. The Company will refund to holders, upon prop er application, the Pennsylvania and Connecticut personal property taxes not exceeding four mills per annum, the Maryland securities taxes not exceeding four and one-half mills per annum, and the Massachusetts in come tax on the interest not exceeding 6 per cent per annum. Coupon bonds in denominations of f 1,000, $500 and $100, interchangeable and registerable as to principal. The Equitable Trust Company of New York, New York, Trustee Mr. William H. Stuntfcl, Vice-President of the Company, has summarized his letter to us as follows: BUSINESS: The United Electric Coal Companies was formed in 1921 to succeed to the ownership of the bituminous coal properties in Vermillion County, Illinois, and in Jefferson County, Ohio, formerly oper ated as the Electric Coal Company, and by Hartshorn Brothers, F. E.Bucher and associates.. The Com pany serves many important railroads and public utilities and by reason of its proximity to Chicago and because of the fact that a large part of its mining operations is carried on by stripping (surface mining) the Company is able to produce its product at a very low cost and dispose of it with compara-r tive ease. PROPERTY: In addition to the fee property previously owned and estimated to contain in. excess of 8,000,000 tons, the Company has acquired through this financing additional properties estimated to con tain in excess of 3,500,000 tons of recoverable strip coal and approximately 1,000,000 of deep coal. In, addition the Company has under operation large additional acreage of deep coal. No value has been placed upon this reserve. SECURITY: These bonds will be secured, in the opinion of counsel, by a direct first mortgage on all the; fixed assets of the company now owned or to be hereafter acquired. VALUE OF PROPERTY: The coal properties acquired when the company was formed were appraised by, Mr, Axel O. Ihlseng in May, 1921, at an excess of $4,000,000. The properties recently acquired have been appraised by Mr. Edward V. d'Envilliers at in excess of $900,000. EARNINGS: Average earnings for the six years ended December 31, 1922 (December, 1922, estimated)' were equivalent to $840,712 per annum, or over 733 times interest charges on this issue. For the year 1922 (December estimated) earnings are equivalent to$855,143, or more than 7.40 times these charges, in spite, of the fact that the mines were idle for over four months owing to the bituminous coal strike. PURPOSE OF ISSUE: The proceeds from the sale of these bonds will be used to retire the company's out- standing 8 per cent bonds, to acquire the additional coal properties and for general corporate purposes SINKING FUND A sinking fund of $20,000 per month, beginning July 1, 1923, and, in addition, 20 cents per ton on all strip coal mined in excess of 50,000 tons per month, and 10 cents per ton on all shaft coal mined in excess of 25,000 tons per month will be used to purchase bonds of this issue up to the redemp tion price, or if not so obtainable, to call bonds at that price. LEGAL DETAILS in connection with this issue will be passed upon by Messrs. Beekman, Menken and Gris com of New York, for the Bankers, and by Messrs. Green and Hurd of New York, for the company. Ap praisals of the property have been made by Mr. Edward V. d'Envilliers and by Mr. Axel O. Ihlseng. The acts of the company have been authorized by Messrs. Arthur Young and Co., and Patterson, Teele and Dennis. We offer these bonds when, as andf issued and received by us and subject to approval of counsel. Temporary bonds, exchangeable for Definitive Bonds, when ready, are expected to be available for delivery on or about January 3, 1923. Price 9912, To Yield About 7.05 Bond and Goodwin and Tucker, Inc. Hemphill, Noyes and Co. San Ffancisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland New York DECEMBER, 1923 ' ' Although these statements are not guaranteed, they have been obtained from sources w ftelievo to be reliable. do oil .pfd 108 110 do new ofd 104 10T Illinois Pipe 160 162 Indiana Pipe i National Transit 26 26 N. T. Transit 128 182 Northern Pipe .'...lul 103 Ohio Oil 11 74 Inter"! Pets 2054 2014 Penn Mex 10 IB Prairie Oil H 210 Prairie Pip. ,...311 8 Solar Refg 855 865 Southern TO loo ii South Penn Oil 1 162 S. W. Penn OU 64 67 S. O. Ind 114 114H S. O. Knsas J S. O. Kentucky 116 118 S. O. N. T 46 4H S. O. Ohio -.260 270 do Tjfd 117 11 Swan & Finch .' 24 28 Union Tank s 4 4 Vacuum 40 40 Washinirton 24 24 s. o. .Nebraska is ' Imperial Oil liaMi no . Swift ft Co. Storks. Swift Co. Mocks at Chicago, as re ported by the Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: Swift & Co I.. 10654 1,1b by, McNeil & Ubby o National Leather 7 Swift International 19 Spot Coffee Steady. NEW YORK, Dec. 20. The market for coffee futures closed net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales were estimated at about 16,000 bass. December, 9.95c; January, 9.84c; March, 9.64c; May, 9.33c; July, 8.92c; September, 8.50c. Contracts for delivery next December closed at 8.10c. Spot coffee, steady; Rio 7s, 11U llftc; Santos 4s, 15tt15o. Eastern Potato Market. Firmer. CHICAGO, Deo. 20. Liberal supplies ef Christmas fruits and vegetables have resulted In the usual pre-holiday ac tivity being not so apparent this year, according to the weekly fruit and veg- . We Make Mortgage Loans . straight payment bases, monthly payments and on the amortization plan.' you are going to place a mortgage, come here to"mortgage loan headquarters." Portland Trust Company of Oregon SIXTHIDMOIWISOM r Northwestern NamnafBat etablo review of the bureau of agricul tural economics, mad public today. Cold weather reduced shipments of potatoes and resulted In price Increases, but generally the markets are liberally supplied and Chicago was about the only center to show price Increases on most commodities. Potatoes rose to $1.10 on hulk and sacked northern whites, while Idaho russets reached $1.25 a hundred pounds In Chicago. Eastern markets showed gains of o to 15 cents. Shipments of lettuce, spinach and cauliflower Increased considerably. Chicago Oil Market. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Gasoline: Tank wagons, 18c; service station, 20o; ma chine, 27.7c Oils: Summer, 11.4o: win rels, llttc Linseed oil, raw, 1 to 4 bar rels, lH4e. Linseed ell, raw. 1 to 4 bar rels delivery, $1.03; boiled. $1.08. Carbon oil, packages, 25 pints. 6.25. White lead, 'A Gift' that will grow PARENTS and grand- puems win reauie that the spirit of thrift and utility embodied in the giving of a bond will stimulate in a young person a sense of values and a lesson in the earning power of money that will make for his later success in life. A good plan is to make. the initial payment (10 per cent of the face of the bond) and let the recipient continue , the payments. Ask us for more detailed information. Freeman, Smith ee Camp Co. Uanuniis Blo. Portlah. 100-pound kegs, $12.75; 25 pound, $3.40; 12 pounds, $1.75. Turpentine, $1.60. Denatured alcohol, 43c. Cotton Seed OIL Cotton seed oil futures at New Tork, furnished by Jordan-Wentworth com pany: December, $9.85 10.20; January, $9.78 9.80; February, $9.9O10; March, $10.08 10.10; April, 10.1510.23; May, $10.26 10.28; July, $10.40910.42. Spot, $9.76. Total sales, 12.700. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec 20. Turpentine, dull, $1.80; sales, none; receipts, 865 bar rels; shipments, 198 barrels; stock, 14,781 barrels. Rosin Firm. Sales, 1193 barrels; re ceipts, 1175 barrels; shipments, COO bar-., rels; stock, 110,011 barrels. Quote: B. D, H, F, $4.824; G, $4.85; H. $4.84 4 87; I, $4.854.90: K, $4.854.92 : M, $3.10105.25; N., $5.40; Wli, $5.60, 5.701 WW, $8.40. : Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK. Dec 20. Evaporated P4 pl3, quiet. Prunes easy. Peaches tpjiqt INVESTORS, NOTICE! Oregon company, packing high grade food products twenty years, issuing 8 per cent cumulative pre ferred stock to increase capacity for filling rapidly increasing orders. For appointment call room 829 Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 4080 between hours' of 12:30 and 2:30 P. M, daily. This Christmas Give Dividends Consider Northwestern Electric Co. 7 Cumula tive First Preferred Stock in the light of an invest ment as well as a lasting remembrance one that will be renewed four times a year when dividend checks are received. Northwestern Electric Company 7 Cumulative First Preferred Stock Sold for cash at $100 per share and on our interest bearing savings 'plan.' Northwestern Electric Co. J. G. TAVARES Manager of Stock Sales) 213 Plttock Block Broadway 0580 TRADE SAFELY IN THE STOCK MARKET ?,??!8 CIA Unlimited TION FOR V1U Profits. Any Stock Exchange Issue $OA PUTS & ZU CALLS Write for Booklet Tl Free C. GOLDHURST & CO. Larrest Put and Call Dealer In U. S. 50 Broad Street, Kevr York g $40 SI 1 K - l SaliW-' 1 1 HfPlii 2PIHK i n Ideal : ' Gift 'As the twig is bent so the tree inclines." More and more every year, parents are apply ing this philosophy in gift-giving. What could be more ideal for influencing the child to cultivate THRIFT than a, Gift of a Bond tin which you have made the first payment of $10 ; leaving it to the child to com plete payments on m o nthly . instalments. Investigate our Partial Payment Plan and ex amine our list of Bonds. OMR KENDALL FIFTH AND STARK ST3. iPORTLANIfc OREGON