Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 21, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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Articles Made by Blind School Pupils Laces, Doilies, Baskets, Sweaters On Sale Sixth Floor (Proceeds Go to School)
' Meier & Frank's own Radio Broadcasting
Station will feature in the regular concert
tonight from 9 to 10 o'clock: Miss Elza Uhles
(pupil of Walter Bacon), Violinist playing
"Serenade Ballet" and "Oriental Cui," Miss
Shoop at piano; Miss Eileen Sprague, Pianist,
playing "Dense Americani" and "Melody," and
Miss Ruth Kemp, Vocalist, singing "Love
Sends a Little Gift of Roses." Arranged
with the co-operation of Miss Eileen Sprague.
When in Doubt Give a
Merchandise Order
A Meier & Frank merchandise order solves the gift
problem in a universally acceptable way. Issued in
any amount, $1 or more. Redeemable for merchan
dise in any department at any time.
Meier & Frank's: Booth, Main Floor.
The Quality Store
of Portland. Oregon
'4 rp-Lf.
For Mother
Album. 23c to f 10 Main Floor.
Aprons. 59c to $4.95 Third Floor.
Bag, $1 to $40 Sixth Floor.
Bath Robe. $5.95 to $25 Third Floor.
Beads, $1.50 to $200 Main Floor.
Blouse, $2 to $411 FourUi Floor. .
Books 10c to $2,00 Fifth Floor.
Boudoir Caps, Use to $6.90 Third
Brooch. $1.25 to $15 Main FIoot.
Brushes. 75c to $12.50 Main Floor.
Bureau Set, $4.50 to $12 Basement. .
Camera, $2 to $70 Main Floor.
Candy, all prices all sections.
Centerpieces, $3 to $15 Second Floor.
Clock, $1.50 to $82.60 Main. Floor.
Corset, $2.50 to $25 Third Floor.
Cruets, 60c to $l.50 Basement.
Cut Giass. $1.50 to $67.50 Basement.
Dollv, $3 to $15 Second Floor.
Dress Goods. $1 to $14 Second Floor.
Embroidered Articles. 60c to, $150
Second Floor.
Fern Dish, $8 Main Floor.
Furs $6 SO to $150 Fourth Floor.
Gloves, SI. 50 to $6.95 Main Floor.
Gowns, $25 to $150 Fourth Floor.
Handbag, $1.95 to $65 Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs, 5c to $40 Main Floor -Heating
Pad, $6 to $10 Basement
Hosiery, 50c to $5.50 Main Floor.
House Dress. $2.50 to $8.95 Third
Jar iniere. 63c to $12 Basement.
Jewelry, 50c to $1.50 Main Floor.
Kimono, $3.95 to $60 Third Floor.
Knitting Needles, 25c to 50c Second
Lacee, $1 to $12 Main Floor.
Lamp Shade, J1.50 to $15 Seventh
Lingerie. $1 to $25 Third Floor. .
Lorgnette, $5 to $45 Mezzanine.
Luggage, $35 to $120 Sixth Floor.
Manicure Set, $2.25 to $20 Main
Floor. .
Neckwear, 25c to $300 Main Floor.
Negligee, $10.95 to $35 Third Floor.
Nightgown, $1 to $25 Third Floor.
Opera Glasses. $8 to $20 Mezzanine.
Pearls, $4.95 to $65 Main Floor.
Perfume, 23c to $13 Main Floor.
Petticoat, 98c to $16.50 Third Floor
Ring, $15 to $2U0 Main Floor,
-be, $5 to $25 Sixth Floor.
Scarf, $1.95 to $135 Main Floor.
Sewing Outfit, 50c to $5 Main Floor.
Shawl. $4.95 to $25 Third Floor.
Shears. 45o to $2.25 Main Floor.
Silks, 75c to $10 Second Floor.
Skirt $4.95 to $25 Fourth Floor.
Slippers, $1.35 to $5 Third Floor.
Spencer $2.95 Third Floor. I
Stationery. $1 to $9 Main Floor.
Sugar and Creamer, $1.23 to $11 Pair
Sweater, $3.95 to $80 Third Floor.
Thermos Bottle, $1.50 to $20 Base
ment. Thimble, gold and silver, 50c to $10
Main Floor.
Toilet-Articles, 35c to $15 Main Floor.
Towels, 25c to $2.50 Second Floor.
Umbrella, $2.25 to $35 Main Floor.
Underthings, 50c to $5 Second Floor.
Vanity Case, 75c to $25 Main Floor.
Vase, S5o to $45 Basement.
Veil, 50C to $5 Main Floor.
Waist, $2.30 to $40 Fourth Floor.
Watch, $18.30 to $85 Main Floor.
Zephyr Yarn. 35c Second Floor.
For Crown Daughter
Album, 25c to $10 Main Floor.
Apron. 59c to $4.95 Third Floor.
Bag. $7 to $40 Sixth Floor.
Bathrobe, $5.95 to $37.50 Third
Bathing Suit, $4.95 to $8.25 Second
Beads, 50c to $200 Main Floor.
Blouse, $2.50 to $40 Fourth Floor.
Books, 50c to $15 Fifth Floor.
Boudoir Cap, 8c to $6.95 Third
Camera, $2 to $70 Main Floor.
Camisole. $1.59 to $5.93 Third Floor.
Candy, all prices all sections.
Cedar Chest, $23.50 to $95 Seventh
, Floor.
Corset, $1 to $18 Third Floor.
Curling Iron, $2 to $6.50 Basement,
Sixth Street.
2ut Glass. $2 to $50 Basement.
Dancing Slippers, $6.50 to $12 Third
Diary, 35c to $4 Main Floor.
Dress Goods, $1 to $14 Second Floor.
Embroidered Articles, 50c up to $130
Second Floor. -Envelope
Chemise. 98c to $18 Third
Furs, $6 SO to $150 Fourth Floor.
Gloves. $2.50 to $6.50 Main Floor.
Glove Box, $2.25 to $6.50 Main Floor.
Handbag, $1.95 to $65 Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs, 5c to $40 Main Floor.
Hosiery, $1 to $3.50 Main Floor.
House Dress, $2.50 to $8.95 Third
House Slippers, $1.39 to $3 Third
Ivory Novelties, 25c to $15 Main
Jewel Box, $1.50 to $1.1 Main Floor.
Jewelry, 23c to $500 Main Floor.
Kimono, $3.95 to $60 Third Floor.
Knitting Bag, 98c to $6 Second
Knitting Needles, 25c to 50c Second
Kodak, $6.50 to $70 Main Floor.
Laces, $1 to $12 Main Floor.
Lingerie, 98c to $25 Third Floor.
Luggage, $35 to $120 Sixth Floor.
Manicure Set, $1.50 to $35 Main
Neckwear, 25c to $300 Main Floor.
Negligee, $10.95 to $35 Third Floor.
Night Gown, $1.50 to $25 Third
Floor. '
Nurses' Uniform, $3 to $5 Third
Opera Glasses, $8 to $20 Mezzanine.
Parasol. $3.45 to $16.50 Main Floor
Perfume, 25c to $18 Main Floor.
Petticoat, $2.59 to $16.50 Third Floor.
Picture Frame, 60c to $25 Main
Ribbon Novelties, 35c to $30 Main
Ring, 75c to $500 Main Floor.
Robe, $5 to $25 Sixth Floor.
Semi-made Camisole, 98c to $2 Main
Sewing Outfit, 50c to $5 Main Floor.
Silks, 75c to $10 Second Floor.
Silk Maid Hosiery, $2 Main Floor.
Skating Set, $2.50 to $8 Main Floor.
Skirt, $4.95 to $25 Fourth Floor.
Slippers. $1.50 to $8 Third Floor.
Stationery, 75c to $21 Main Floor.
Sweater. $3.95 to $80 Third Floor.
Tennis Racquets, $2.50 to $15 Sixth
Toilet Articles. $1 to $18 Main Floor.
Umbrella, $2.25 to $35 Main Floor.
Underthings, 50c to $50 Second Floor.
Vanity Case, 75c to $23 Main Floor.
Veil, 50c to $5 Main Floor.
Waist, $2.50 to $4(1 Fourth Floor.
Watch, $18.50 to $95 Main Floor.
For Small Daughter
Bathrobe, $4.05 Second Floor.
Bathing Suit. $1.75 to $5 Second
Beads, 50c to $3 50 Main Floor.
Books. 1S to $5 Fifth Floor.
Box of Pencils. 25c Main Floor.
Bracelets. $1.25 to $7.50 Main Floor.
Camera, $2 to $70 -Main Floor.
Candy, all prices all sections.
Cooking Set. 35c to $1.25 Fifth Floor.
Cut-Out Books, 25c to 50c Fifth
Dolls, 9c to $35 Fifth Floor.
Doll Buggy, $1.45 to $22.50 Fifth
Doll Clothing, 40c t6 $10 -Firth
Doll Dishes, S5c to $6.50 Fifth
Doll Furniture, 35c to $8 Fifth
Doll House, $8.50 to $37.50 Fifth
Drawing Book, 5c to 50c Fifth
Furs, $4 to $33.75 Fourth Floor.
Games, 1.1c to $2.50 Fifth Floor.
Gloves. 60c to $2 Main Floor.
Hair Bows. 25c to $2.75 Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs. 5c to $1 Main Floor.
Hosiery, 25c to $1.50 Main Floor.
Jewelry, 50c to $25 Main Floor.
Middy, $1.75 to $8.95 Second Floor.
Music Roll, $5 to $10 Main Floor.
Neckwear, 25c to $2.75 Main Floor.
Nightgown, $1.25 to $2.98 Second
Paint Outfit. 25c to $2 Fifth Floor.
Pencil Boxes. 25c to 75c Main Floor.
Purse, 60c to $2.95 Main Floor.)
Rain Cape, $2.98 to $9.50 Setond
Ring. $1.25 to $3.50 Main Floor.
Scarf, $1.95 to $3.95 Main Floor
Sewing Outfits, 50c to $5 Main
Skates. $1.65 to $1.95 Sixth Floor.
Slippers, $1.50 to $2.50 Third Floor.
Stationery. 25c to 75c Main Floor.
Sweaters, $2.98 to $8.95 Second
Teddy Bear. $1 to $5 Fifth Floor.
Toilet Articles, 25c Main Floor.
THE advantages of shopping at Meier & Frank's,
always apparent, are remarkably so during the
last busy days before, Christmas when there is so
much to be done.
Here only are: More than 3000 Christmas co-workers
imbued with the spirit of cheerful service 19 eleva
tors 8 escalators 40-odd delivery vehicles postof
fice, accommodation bureau and Christmas wrapping
station (Basement). ,
100 Christmas Gift Shops
Are Here Under One Roof
With But One Idea: To
Serve the Public Well
WE suggest that patrons as much as possible use
the escalators and stairways which give easy
access from stock to stock and from floor to
floor. That patrons who can do so shop in the morn
ing, shop on a transfer, be sure that salesperson gets
name and address correctly and that they CARRY
Meier & Frank's The Store of Service and Accom
modation is pre-eminently the Christmas Store.
The Gift Furniture Shop
Features Gifts of Beauty, Distinction and Utility at Moderate Prices
Graceful in line are the bulb
bowls in the new "R5seville"
pottery. The 6-inch size $1,
7-inch $1.25, the 8-inch $1.50.
Ash Receivers Door Stops
25to$l . ,$1
Mahogany ash receivers with In this assortment of door
glass insertions for the man stops are a variety of charm-
who enjoys smoking, to make ing little figures to play a
home more attractive. part in every room.
Perfume Lamps
$7.50 to $15
Exquisite boudoir lamps in
Ballet Girl, Parrot, Cytherea
Doll and Colonial Maid
shapes. With cord and socket.
Solid mahogany candlesticks,
grafefully turned, complete
with Christmas candles.
Packed in gift boxes. Each $1.
Polychrome candlesticks,
fashioned in exquisite pat
terns, rich and pastel tints,
a gift of beauty. Pair $3.75.
Iridescent glass flower and
fruit bowls in sapphire, topaz
and jade certain to enhance
the charm of any room.
Smoking Stands
Polychrome stands, 25 inches
high, outfitted with glass ash
tray,' nickel match holder and
cigar rests.
Book Ends
A more than ordinarily at-
tractive assortment of de
signs in polychrome book
ends at $1.98 pair.
Gift Mirrors
Other mirrors at $2.98 and
$3.98. In lovely polychrome
effect or old gold frames,
gifts of unusual beauty.
Candy Jars
Iridiscent candy jars in deli
cate tones of opal, sapphire,
topaz arid jade. -Will hold a
half pound of candy.
Brassware $3
A direct importation from
India marvelously engraved
brassware including incense
burners, trays, eandlesticks.
-Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Svecial Gift Annex
JVill be opened on the Second Floor, Fifth street, today especially for this
Christmas Sale of Oregon Cit
Auto and Indian Robes
Hundreds of Portlanders have selected practi
cal Christmas gifts in this sale of genuine Ore
gon City Indian robes and fringed automobile
robes at a third and more off. Choose from :
Regular $6.75 to $8.00
Regular $9.00 to $12.00
Regular $12.50 to $15.00
The fringed automobile robes are ef pure virgin wool
In handsome plaids, combinations and plain colors (In,
eluding 100 brand NEW fringed robes in Scotch plaids).
The Indian robes are all-weol with warp ef fine long
Nfitaple eottenthe most satisfactory kind, Although
we sell these robes at sub-standard priees practically
all are free from any notieeable imperfections.
Male & Frank's; Seeead Floes, (Mail 6rdeFs Filled.)
' T O -Y-T- O W- N
The West's Greatest Is Ready With the Toys, Dolls and Games
for the Last Three Busy Days Before Christmas
Thanks to tremendous reserve stocks newly brought forward for the last three
days before Christmas, Toytown enters this exceedingly busy period with
more toys, dolls and games than any store in the west can show.
Santa Claus
is here every day from 10 to 12 in the
morning and from 2 to 5 in the after
noon. He has a present for every little
child who comes to visit him in the morn
ing. Santa, his house and mail box are
on the Sixth Floor.
Velocipedes $15
High-grade velocipedes with tubing,
frame. Ball-bearing wheels with bicycle
spokes. Ball-bearing pedals. Padded
saddle with nickel-plated springs. Ad
justable handle bars with rubber grips.
Finished in carmine with gold stripes.
Style with 16-inch front wheel and ten
inch rear wheels, $15. Style with 20-inch
front wheel and 14-inch rear wheels, $18.
' Trains $1
Mechanical trains consisting
of engine with start and stop
lev e r, tender, 2 passenger
cars and 4 pieces of track. A
fine value at $1.
Trains $1.25
Mechanical trains consisting
of engine with start and stop
lever, tender, 2 passenger
cars (larger than the $1
trains), 6 pieces curved track.
Meier & Frank's:
Tea Sets $3.50
Fine quality . china tea sets
decorated in old rose and
gold. Sets consist of tea pot,
sugar bowl, creamer, 6 cups
and 6 saucers.
Fifth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
ANEW Doll Annex... and a SALE!
Take advantage of the special values in this special doll section newly opened on
the Second Floor, Sixth Street side, to obviate any tendency to crowding in Toy
town proper (Fifth Floor) and to give extraordinary values on its own account.
Jointed Dolls
Made with papier - m a c h e
bodies, bisque heads and
sleeping -eyes, flaxen hair.
Lawn slip. Shoes and. socks.
11 inches tall.
Jointed Dolls
Regularly $2.85. Similar to
the 85c dolls, these have
sewed hair curly wigs and
aire 15 inches tall." The $3.50
dolls, 17 inches, at $2.69.
Jointed Dolls
$1.50 .
Good looking papier-mache
dolls with bisque heads,
sleeping eyes and flaxen
curls. Fully jointed. With
slip, shoes, socks. 15-inch.
Baby Dolls $1.49
Regularly $2.00. Character baby dolls with
jointed arms and legs. Bisque head, papier
mache bodies, sleeping, eyes, flaxen hair.
14 inches tall.
Baby Dolls $1.19
Regularly $1.45. Character baby dolls, sim
ilar to the $1.49 dolls, 11 inches tall. The
$1.25 character baby dolls, 9 inches tall,
are special at 98c.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Jardinieres $3.99
Regularly $5. Imported pot
tery jardinieres in rich deco
rations. -
Nappies $1.69
Were $2.25. Bohemian fancy
decorated handled nappies. A
limited number.
Salad Sets $3.19
Were $4.00 and $4.25. Jap
anese china salad sets in
fancy patterns.
Cream Sets 79
Were $1.00. Japanese china
whipped cream sets in pretty
Cups, Saucers 25 Cups, Saucers 29
Were 80c. White and gold Were 35c. Thin china cups
Japanese cups and saucers. 6 and saucers in several deco-
for $1.39. rations.
China 49
Faney deeorated Japanese
ehlna -olive dishes, hair re-,
eelvers, etc.
Tea Pots $2.49
Were $3.25-$4.00, Fancy deeo.
rated English teapots with
hook Hds,
Nut Bowls $3.49
Were $4.25. Nut bowls in
mahogany finish. With nickel
plated hammer.
Meier & Frank's: Basement. (Mail Orders Filled.)
For Father
Auto Robe, $8.75 to $27 Sixth Floor.
Bath Robe, $5 to $22.50 Third Floor.
Belt,. 50c to $10 Main Floor.
BUI Fold. $2.25 to $12 Main Floor.
Books, 50c to $15 Fifth Floor.
Brushes, 75c to $35 Main Floor.
Camera, $2 to $70 Main Floor.
Cane, $1.25 to $17.50 Main Floor.
Cards, 35c to $1 Main Floor.
Cigar Case, $6 to $LI Main Floor.
Cigarette Case, $5 toT12 Main Floor.
Clock, $5 to $85 Main Floor.
Collars, 20c to 75c Main Floor.
Collar Bag, $2 to $12.50 Main Floor.
Comb, 20c to 50c Main Floor.
Cuff Links, 30c to $30 Main Floor.
Diary, 35c to $4 Main Floor.
Fountain Pen, $2.00 to $11 Main
Gloves, 79c to $11 Main Floor.
Golf Goods at all prices Sixth Floor.
Handkerchiefs, 10c to $4.50 Main
Hat, $2.9S to $13.50 Main Floor.
House Coat. $5.85 to $25 Third Floor.
Humidor, $3 to $18.50 Basement.
Jewelry, 50c to $200 Main Floor.
Knife, 15c to $6 Sixth Floor.
Lamp, $4 to $70 Basement.
Lounging Robe, $10 to $80 Third
Luggage, $35 to $120 Sixth Floor.
Pajamas, $1.95 to $15 Main Floor.
Pipe, 35c to $16.50 Main Floor.
Poker Set, $12 Fifth Floor.
Purse, 50c to $2.50 Main Floor.
Safety Razor. 63c to $18.50 Main
Scarf, $2 to $17.50 Main Floor.
Scarf Pin, $2.50 to $50 Main Floor.
Shaving Set, $4.50 to $10 Main Floor.
Shirts, $1.45 to $10 Main Floor.
Silver Match Case, $3.50 to $8.50
Main Floor.
SMppers, $1.39 to $8 Third Floor.
Smoking Jacket, $5.65 to $25 Third
Smoking Set. $3 to $30 Basement.
Sox, 20c to $3.50 Main Fioor.
Sporting Goods .t all prices Sixth
Stationery, 90c to $8.50 Main Floor.
Suspenders, 45c to $2.50 Main Floor.
Sweater, $5 to $15 Main Floor.
Thermos Bottle. $1.50 to $20 Base
ment. Tie, 31c to $4 Main Floor.
Tie Rack, 65c to $5 Main Floor.
Tobacco, 15o to $1.60 Ninth Floor.
Tobacco Jar, $1.25 to $9.50 Main
Umbrella. $2.25 to $27.50 Main Floor.
Watch. $17.50 to $200 Main Floor.
Watch Chain, $2.50 to $200 Main
For Grown Son
Bathrobe. $5 to $22.50 Third Floor.
Bathing Suit, $5.40 to $7.50 Main
Belt, 50c to $10 Main Floor.
Bill Fold, $2.25 to $12 Main Floor.
Books, 35c to $5 Fifth Floor.
Brushes, $1.50 to $12 Main Floor.
Camera. $2 to $70 Main Floor.
Cane. $1.25 to $17.50 Main Floor.
Cards, 35c to $2.25 Main Floor.
Card Case, 75c to $4 Main Floor.
Cigar Caae. $6 to $12 Main Floor.
Cigarette Case, $5 to $12 Main Floor.
Collars, 20c to 5c Main Floor.
Collar Bag. $3 to $12.50 Main Floor.
Cuff Links, 60c to $5 Main Floor.
Fountain Pen, $2.50 to $11 Main
Gloves, 7c to $11 Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs, 10c to $4.50 Main
Hat, $2.95 to $13.50 Main Floor. '
Humioor, $4.50 to $20 Basement.
Jewelry, $1 to $200 Main Floor.
Knife, 15c to $0 Main Floor.
Kodak. $6.50 to $70 Main Floor.
Luggage, $35 to $120 Sixth Floor.
Mackinaw, $8.50 to $22.50 Third
Muffler, $2 to $17.50 Main Floor.
Pajamas. $1.95 to $15 Main Floor. .
Phonograph. $10 to $415 Sixth Floor.
Photo Album, 25c to $10 Main Floor.
Pipe, 50c to $16.50 Main Floor.
Poker Set, $5 to $15 Main Floor.
Purae, 50c to $2.50 Main Floor,
Razor, $1.50 to $5 Main Floor.
Ring, $12 to $30 Muin Floor.
Safety Razor, (39c to $16.50 Main
Scarf, $2 to $17.50 Main Floor.
Bhaving Set. $4.50 to $10 Main Floor.
Shirts, $1.45 to $10 Main Floor.
Slippers, $L3'J to $8.50 Third Floor.
Smoking Jacket, $5.65 to $25 Third
Smoking Set, $2.50 to $15 Basement.
Sox, 20c to $3.50 Main Floor.
Sporting Goods at all prices Sixth
Stationery. $1 to $5 Main Floor.
Suspenders, 45c to $2 Main Floor.
Sweater. $5 ta $13.50 Main Floor.
Thermos Bottle, $1.50 to $15 Base
ment. Tie, 3ilc to $4 Main Floor.
Tie Holder, 65c to $5 Main Floor.
Tobacco, 15c to $1.60 Ninth Floor.
Tobacco Jar, $2 to $6 Main Floor.
Umbrella, $2.25 to $27.50 Main Floor.
Vest. knit. $5.50 to $7 Main Floor.
Watch, $17.50 to $200 Main Floor.
Watch Chain. $4 to .25 Main Floor.
For Small Son
Automobile, 35c to $15 Fifth Floor.
Baseball, 15c to $2.25 Sixth Flool.
Bat, 25c to $2.50 Sixth Floor.
Bath Robe, $2.05 to $10 Third Floor.
Bathing Suit, $2.50 to $5 Third Fir.
Belt, 60c to $1.50 Main Floor.
Blcyle, $33.60 to $40 Sixth Floor.
Blocks, 10c to $2.50 Fifth Floor.
Books, 10c to $5 Fifth Floor.
Camera, $2 to $17.50 Main Floor.
Candy, all prices all sections.
Drum, 40c to $6 Fifth Floor.
Erector, $1 to $20 Fifth Floor.
Football, $1.75 to $9 Sixth Floor.
Gloves, 75c to $2 Third Floor.
Handkerchiefs, 5c to $1 Main Floor.
Hat. $1 to $5 Third Floor.
Hockey Cap, 85c to $1 Third Floor.
Knife, 150 to $6 Main Floor.
Marbles, lc to 25c Fifth Floor.
Meccano, $1 to $25 Fifth Floor.
Mittens, $1.25 to $1.35 Main Floor.
Moccasins. $2.25 to $3.50 Third Fir.
Pennant. $1.50 to $8 Fifth Floor.
Play Suit, $1 to $2.50 Third Floor.
Purse, 50c to $10 Main Floor.
Radio. $16.50 to $150 Basement.
Sixth Street.
Ring, $3.50 to $15 Main Floor.
Rocking Horse, $6 to $72 Fifth Fir.
Sand Toys. 25c to $1.50 Fifth Floor.
Shirt, $1.25 to $H Third Floor.
Skates. $1.65 to $8 Sixth Floor.
Slippers, $1.38 to $2.50 Third Floor.
Striking Bag, $2.50 to $15 Sixth Fir.
Sweater, $2.50 to $9 Third Floor.
Tennis Racket, $2.50 to $15 Sixth
Tie, 45c to $1.50 Main Floor.
Tinker Toy, 60c to $1.25 Fifth Floor.
Tool Chest, 95c to $6.50 Fifth Floor.
Top. 15c to 50c Fifth Floor.
Toys, 5c to $5 Fifth Floor.
Tricycle, $10 to $20 Fifth Floor.
Velocipede, $3.25 to $23 Fifth Floor.
Wagon, $1.25 to $15.60 Fifth Floor.
Watch. $1.50 to $30 Main Floor.
For the Home
Andirons, $2.40 to $35 Seventh Floor.
Bath Mat, $1 to $10 Seventh Floor.
Bed, $6.:S to $250 Eighth Floor.
Blankets. $3.50 to $25 Eighth Floor.
Book Caje, $25 to $275 Eighth Fl'yir.
Book Ends. ?1.9b to $25 Ninth Floor.
Brassware, $2.25 to $50-Basement.
Bric-a-brac, $10 to $80 Basement.
Candle Sticks, 95c to $12 Ninth
Card Table, $3.95 to $5.25 Fifth
Carpet Sweepers, $4.50 to $7.50
Seventh Floor.
Carving Set. $6 to $28 Main Floor.
Casserole. $5.95 to $10 Main Floor.
Cedar Chest. $23.50 to $95 Seventh
Chairs. $1.65 to $375 Eighth Floor.
Chinaware, 25c to $300 Basement.
Clock, $1.50 to $85 Main Floor.
Cooking Utensils. 50c to $12.50
Curtains, S2.50 to $15 Seventh Floor.
Cushion. $2.50 to $12 Seventh Floor.
Davenport, $87.50 to $500 Eighth
Desk. $18.50 to $450 Eighth Floor.
Electric Stove, $135 to $190 Base
ment. Fire Sets. $5 to $32.50 Seventh Floor.
Furniture, $3 to $2600 Eighth Floor.
Jardiniere. 65c to $12 Basement.
Lamp, $7.50 to $85 Seventh Floor.
Library Table, $18.50 to $250 Eighth
Mirror. 9Rc to $100 Ninth Floor.
Phonograph, $10 to $415 Sixth Floor.
Refrigerator. $35 to $230 Seventh
Rockers, $8.95 to $300 Eighth Floor.
Rug, $1 to $200 Seventh Floor.
Silverware, 25c to $250 Main Floor.
Table Runners, $3.50 to $15 Seventh
Tea Table, $15 to $50 Ninth Floor
Tea Wagon, $19.85 to $65 Ninth
Vases. $1 to $25 Main Floor.