TIIE 3I0RXTXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 25 FBI. EXCHANGE GOES UP ABRUPTLY Sterling Leads Market, Ad vancing Z Cents. CAUSE NOT DETERMINED Keports Circulated That Govern ment Will Not Countenance Huge Packing Merger. DAY'S TRANSACTIONS IJf STOCK MARKET. Day's total gales, .689,000 shares. Twenty industrials averaged 97.85; net gain, .18. High, 1922, 103.43; low, 78.59. Twenty railroads averaged 84.35; net loss, .27. High, 1822, 93.99; low, 73.43. US ss'i as 7i; 75 ?; 107 107 27 54 1,700 8S14 200 76 ft 1 (to 1(11 SOO 28 1 l.SOfl 124 123 124 00 154s, 54T!i SOO 138 H 152 000 95 95 J 54 153 951; 110 27 l.SOO lOl'.i 100s l'.IOVi ?O0 114$ lUVi 13 24 S.0O0 124i4 122V1 12254 1J1 8 42 r.7 82 M 'isi'i 4-Vi It! i,i H SOS 144 8 SO 14 4214 Flak Tire . 300 12T4 1214 Gen Cigars .... 400 S3 "4 82 Gen Elec 1,500 1S214 180 Gen Motor ..... 5,600 14 13 Gen Mot 6 Gen Asphalt ... 8,000 47 45 H Gliddin Paint .. 10O 10 10 Goodrich T & R 500 35 34)4 Glen Alden 56 56 Granby Great Nor Ore. 1,400 3114 3114 do pfd 1,700 79 77 Greene cananea 7314 68 25 H 107 3314 Gulf S Steel ... 1,300 Huston Ou .... Hupp Motor . . Ills .Cent Inspiration .... Int Ag Corp con do pfd Interboro do pfd . Int Harv 500 89 881i Int Merc Marina 12 74 200 69 2,300 2614 100 108 200 3314 "ioo '29" 32 82 18114 13S 83 4614 10 34 56 25 31 78 24 74 68 25 li 107 3314 614 2814 14 14 3 do pfd Int Nickel ..... Int Paper Int Comb Eng.. invmciple Oil 500 1,300 600 . 200 300 62 st 4 Iti1 9 V St 143 45 7 pit 55 51 1414 52 24 15 14 2014 3914 53 42 45 36 1114 7714 26 63 51 ii n li 19 1814 53 41 4414 35 J4 1014 77 26 51 1414 52 24 H 15U 19 1814 53 4214 4414 35 10 76 26 63 Island Oil 1,100 Jewel Tea 400 K C .Southern . 70O do pfd 100 Keyser J 400 Kelly-Spfld 3,200 Kennecott 3,500 Keystone Tire ...13.200 Lack Steel 1,500 Lee Tire 300 Lehieh Vallev 200 Loriilard , 16: Loew Theaters . 200 18 18 38 L & N 100 133 133 133 Lima Loco 3.500 89 68 58 Mariand Oil 6,600 32 31 31 Max Motor "A" 46 do "B" 200 16 16 15 May Stores 500 174 173 173 MeiPet 300 136 135 135 Mex Seaboard .. 4,800 16 15 16 Miami 200 27 27 26 Mid States Oil 4.200 12 11 11 . 1,700 28 28 28 .. 2,600 14 14 14 .. 600 57 56 50 . 1O0 68 68 68 . 4,000 ' 21 21 (By Cniearo Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Dee. 11. Foreign ex change indisputely heid the center of the financial stage today. Sterling again ltd the market; advancing 2c to a rate of $4.59, which was 6c above that of a week ago, 13 above the Quotation of the day when the Interest payment to our treasury was completed In November, and 22c above the rate which was reached in the last days of September. This is actually a more rapid advance than has been scored at any time, since the violent upward movement fat this time last year. A further rise, only 4 cents greater than that of the last 30 weeks, would bring the sterling rate back to par of exchange. No one expects such a result to be achieved JUBt yet. It is not easy to doubt that the ex ceedingly rapid rise of the past few days has been connected with the Lon don conference on reparations. On the stock exchange the continuing advance of United States bonds was again the Incident of the day. The new 4s and most of the older liberty bonds sold a lull point above their very recent low prices of the season. Other bond3 held f'rm as a rule, though not ihanging greatly in price. The day's stock market hardly deserves notice. Its narrow, pur poseless and conflicting movements ap peared to indicate nothing more than the activities of small speculators push ing against one another. Reports were again in circulation in Wall street today that the merger of Feveral smaller oil companies with the Producers & Refiner3 corporation is about completed. Representatives of llair & Co., today said they could aeither confirm nor deny the report. One mem ber of the firm said ail that can be made public at this time is "that no contracts for any merger have been closed up to this time." Despite the fact that Wall street named four companies as being interested in the deal, the bankers would not say whether the concerns mentioned were the ones which Producers & Refiners would take over. It was reported today In executive quarters, which are close to Washington, that the merger of the packing compa nies controlled by the Armour-Morris Interests will not be countenanced by the government. One explanation of this sit uation was that the merger of these con corns would react most unfavorably on the agricultural communities, in the opinion of the governmental officials, and that the knowledge of this condition was said to have led to a decision against tbe consolidation. Iocal bankers are understood to be go ing over the financial statements of four fairly prominent oil companies with the purpose in mind being the consolidation nf the corporations into one large coinbi nation. The four companies understood to be interested in the combination are the Union Oil company of California, the l'ure Oil company, the Transcontinental OU corporation and the Arkansas Nat ural Gas company. Of the concerns men tioned, the Union Oil company of Cali fornia is in the stronger position. Ac cording to the information the price at vhlch the stocks of the Transcontinental Union Oil and Arkansas Natural Gas company will be taken into the combina tion have been agreed upon, 'out the hitch lies in the price at which Pure Cll stock will be taken in. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. IMrnislied by Overbeck. & Cooke com pany of Portland: Stock. Sales. High. Low. Close. Adv Rum 14 Austin Nichols . 700 32 31 Agr Chem 1,700 81 31 30 do pfd 2K 60 59 59 AJax Rub 1,800 13 12 12 Alaska Gold 400 li li Alaska Juneau 1 Allied Chem ...17,500 80 75 SO Allis-Chalmers . 300 44 42 44 do pfd 95 Am Beet Sugar. 600 41 40 40 Am Bosch 200 35 34 34 Am Can Co 5,700 73 72 73 do pfd 200 112 112 111 Am Car St Fdy.. 100 184 184 184 do pfd 122 Am Cot Oil 300 18 17 37 do pfd 33 Am Drug Synd.. 100 6 6 0 Am H & L. ... 100 10 10 30 do pfd 61 Am Ioa 600 110 109 109 Am Int Corp ... 1,700 29 28 29 Am Linseed two 30 20 r4 2 do pfd 200 40 4!) 49 Am Loco 2,100 123 322 323 do pfd 122 Am Saf Razor.. 200 7 6 7 Am Ship & Com. 2,900 21 21 21 Am Smelter 600 54 53 54 do Pfd ;''. Am Snuff . . . Am Steel Fdy, Am Susar do pfd Am Sun atra . Am T & T ... A m Tob do B Am Wool ... do pfd Am W P pfd 300 27 27 Am Zinc SOO 36 16 Anaconda 2,200 4 47 H Assd Oil Atchison .... do pfd .... Atl Cst Line . Atl G & W I. Baldwin Loco do pfd B & O 3,500 4." do pfd 300 r.7 Barnsdall Cpn A 1,300 83 do B Beth Steel B ... 3,300 Booth Fish 200 It U T 41)0 Butte C'& Z". ...24,900 Butte & Sud . . . ;ioo Burns Bros A... 2.100 14 do B 2.:i' 4 Caddo Oil 300 8 Cal Pack. -tun 81 Cal Pet 6,4tX) 56 do pfd i"o y. w Cal Z.nc & Lead 500 8 7 7 Can Pac .. Cent Lea 700 34 M de Pasco... 2.400 4:; Chand Motor ... 2,000 tea, Cht & N W 9'M 81 .-hjm fit W 300 4 do Pfd 200 9 Chili Cop 8,100 27 :nino z.vtm zoii : M St P 500 22 do pfd 5,000 35 34 31 Coca Cola 400 77 76 76 --s ; & O 1,700 66 60 BoJs 010 P I ... 200 25 24 24 i 0IO BQUvnern '.ln,K . rcranft 1 "tilt li 3i ' Si Midvale Steel M K & T Wi Mack Truck Mont Power Mont Vv ard Mo Pac do pfd 600 42' 42 21 16 42 MStP&SSM 63 Nat .Biscuit . . . 271 Nat Enamel Nat Lead ....... Nevada Con .... New Haven .... Norfolk &W ... Nor American . . Nor Pac Nova Scotia Steel N T Air Brake . . N T Central 400 65 65 65 8.600 129 123 125 100 14 14 14 4,300 22 21 21 400 111 110 111 1,400 94 03 93 2.400 30O 100 9,500 Okla Prod ret ... 1,400 '6 26 28 96 2 19 20 r4 . 26 28 94 2 39 20 8 52 86 46 97 '5 26 28 95 2 19 20 Orpheum 500 Ontario &W ... 100 Otis Steel 4,600 PigglyWiggly .. 6.10O 53 pac Gas It Elec. 3.200 88 Pac Oil 4,100 47 PanAmnPet ...22,400 99 do B ......14.200 94 Penna 400 46 Penna Sea Steel. 8.500 3 Peo Gas 2,800 93 Pere Marauette.. 6.500 S5iA Philadelphia Co 40 v PhillipsPete ... BOO 44 43 43 Pierce-Arrow .. 600 12 12 12 Pierce Oil 700 4 4 4 Pitts Coal 700 60 59 59 Pitts&WVa ... 400 84 34 33 rraa oieei (jar .. , , ..... 77 46 3 91 34 52 87 46 97 93 45 3 92 35 Punta Alejrre Pullman Pure Oil Ray Cons Reading . . . . Kemington .. Replogle Steel Rep I & s do nf d Ryl Dutch Oil Ry Steel Sng Saxon Motors sears Robuck ... 4,000 82 oaitluCK a: Ariz. ... . . Shell T & T 500 Sinclair 13.900 Sloss Sheffield Southern Pac... 3.400 Southern Ry.... 800 800 48 47 900 127 127 1,100 28 27 13 77 36 24 47 83 53 600 1,000 500 800 1,700 SOO 3,200 100 113 SOO 1 13 76 35 '23 46 82. 62 113 1 80 35 32 do pfd S O Cal . do Ind do N. J. do Ky . St L & S F Stromberg Carb. 200 87 24 65 35 31 '86 23 60 48 127 27 13 76 36 24 46 82 62 113 1 81 7 35 31 39 86 28 65 115 Studebaker Swift & Co Tenn C & C. . . Texas Oil .... Texas Pac Tex P C & O. . Tobacco Prod. Trans con Oil . 1.70O 116 115 1H lltt 117 . 1,100 199 108 198 ... 126 126 126 700 21 21 21 300 57 56 57 .26,400 133 131 132 . . . 107 9 48 21 2 64 11 9 48 21 22 54 11 . 300 0 .17,300 49 . 1,100 21 . 3.000 23 . 1,290 55 ,. 3.700 12 Union B & P. ,! Union Oil Del.. 1.400 1S 1R. isv. Union Pacific... 1.700 138 .137 137 United Alloy 10O 35 35 at United Drug 77 United Food P.. 9O0 5 0 5 United Fruit 900 159 157 156 OND CHANGES UNEVEN MIXED GAES'S .VXD LOSSES IX SEW YORK MARKET. Government Issues Are Mainly Higher; Distillers Securities 5 s T7p Seven Points. NEW YORK, Bee. 11. No definite trend was apparent in today's relatively clull dealings in bonds, gains and losses being about evenly divided at the close. In the foreign group Mexican 4s gained a point and some improvement was -noted In United Kingdom 5s of 1929, presumably is sympathy with the higher exchange rates, while Lyons 6s, Prague 7st and Serbian fis lost a point each. A good volume of the re cent buying In this group has been for foreign account. St. Paul Issues showed mixed changes, the refunding 4s recovering all but one point of the 5 point loss on Satur day and the 4s of 1925 advancing a point, while the Fuget sound divisions 4s dropped 2 points, general 3s, 1 and the convertible 5s, 1. While selling for taxation pnrposes has been blamed for the recent reaction in this group, reports were circulated in the financial district today that liqui dation for the account of the William Rockefeller estate was a factor. Irregularity also marked the rest of the railroad list, Frisco adjustment 6s climbing 2 points and the income 6s dropping 1, losses of 1 to 1 points also taking place in Minneapolis-St. Louis refunding 4s, New Haven 6s, Iowa Central &s, Peoria & Eastern income 4s, Chicago & Alton 3s and New York Central 4s. A seven point gain in Distillers Se curities 5s was the outstanding feature in' the industrial group, other strong spots in which were Producers & Refin ers 7s and 8s with warrants; American Agricultural Chemical 5s, Chile Copper 7s, Cuba Cane 7s and 8s, and Virginia Carolina Chemical 7s. Republic Steel 5s were weak. United States government securities were mainly higher. Losses of four cents on $100 took place in Liberty 3s and the third 4s, but the other active is sues showed gains ranging from 2 to 14 points. New offerings totaling more than $20,000,000 were put out by local syndi cates today, the largest being the $15, 866,700 of closed mortgage and collat eral trust sinking fund 7 per cent con vertible bonds of the Duniop Tire & Rubber corporation of America, , of fered at 95 to yield 7.60 per cent. Other large issues were the $2,500,000 5 per cent offering of the Adirondack Power & Light corporation, $1,000,000 of St, Louis county, Missouri, 4 per cent road bonds and $1,000,000 5 per cent bonds of the Wichita Land bank. A public offering of $14,000,000 cumu lative 7 per cent preferred stock of the Jones & T,aughlin Steel corporation, put out today at 107 to yield 6, was oversubscribed. NY Wes & Br 4s. Nor & Son 5s A Nor & Wes cv 6s Nor Am Ed sf 6e . Nor Pac ref 6s B . do rfg&imp as C. do nr lien 4s Nor St Pw rf 5s A. ' Nor Bell Tel 7s Or & Cal 1st 5s ... OrShLref4s .... u-w RR & Nv 4s . Pac Gas& Eiec 5s . P Tel & Tel 5s c.f . - Pack Mot Car 8s . Pn-Am Pet & T 7s. PenRR6s no gen 5s ...... do een 4Ua Peoriafe E inc 4s Pere Mar ref 5s . Pro & Ref ss ww , Pub Serv 5s Read gen 4s Rem Arm sf 6s ... Ren I & a col 5s. R I A & L 4s.." SI IM&S 4s RO StL&SF p In 4s A no aaj os do lnc 6s St L Sw con 4s . . A & A P 1st 4s Sea Air I, eon 6a. do adj 5s ...... do ref 4s Sharon St H 8s A. Site Con O col 7s Sine Cr Oil 5s.. Sou Bell Tel 5s.. Sou Pac cv 4s. . . . do col tr 4s. Sou Ry gen 6s. Sou Port R Sgr 7s St Oil Cal deb 7s Tex & Pac 1st 5s. . Third Ave ref 4s. Tidew Oil 6s. .. T St L & W 4s.. TJn Pac 1st 4a. . . . do cv 4s ....... Un Drug 8s Un Fuel Gas 6s. . . U S Realty 5s New York Bonds. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. (By the As sociated Press.) Following are today's high, . low and closing prices of bonds on the New York stock exchange, and the total sales of each bond (in $1000): U. S. Bonds Sales. High. Low. Close. . . 492 100.48 100.30 100.30 1 98.46 98.46 98.46 . , 93 . .1052 .. 629 1,300 700 9,000 2,100 1,100 U Rds of N J United Rds nfd. United Ret St... U S C I Pipe U S Ind A!so.... U S Rubber do 1st Dfd U S Smelting... u a Kteel do nfd Utah Copper . . . Va Chem do nfd Vanadium Steel. Vivaudou ...... Wabash do A pfd 1,400 co is prd Wells Fargo.... Western Pac... do pfd Western Union.. Wesfh'se A B.. do E & M West Md White Eagle Oil. White Motors. . . White Oil Willys Overland. do pfd . Wilson Pkg Wis Central .... Woolworth Worth'ton Pump 1,700 W & L E 100 67 25 66 53 97 65 52 96 10,300 103 102 103 mi 11 120 120 11 66' 24 63 52 97 11 25 66 1,200 1,700 500 800 1,500 100 100 500 200 63 26 62 34 14 9 24 89' 16 56 : 25 60 34 13 9 24 36 56 62 25 62 34 14 8 24 16 89 35 56 2.200 1151A T13 114 n in xvayn 104 104 2.300 300 2,500 500 7,300 400 400 59 32 32 49 4 40 59 12 32 49 4 5 . 40 59 11 32 49 4 5 40 35 . . 27 400 213 212 213 32 29 31 9 9 9 Money, Silver, Etc. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. Call money easier. High, 4; low, 4; ruling rate, 4; closing bid, 4; offered at 4: last itan, 4. Call loans against acceptances, 3. Time loans steady; mixed collateral, 60-90 days, 45; 4-6 months, 45. Prime commercial paper, 4. Foreign bar silver, 64c. Mexican dollars, 49 c. LONDON, Dec. 11. Bar silver, 81 13-16d per ounce. Money, 1 per cent. Discount rates, short and three months bills, 2 9-16 2 5-8 per cent. Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at the close of business yesterday furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit in United States funds: Austria, kronen Belgium, frapes Bulgaria, leva Ozecho-Slovakia, kronen . Denmark, kroner Kngiand, pound sterling . . Finland, finmark France, francs Germany, ntarks .............. Greece, drachmas ..... ......... Holland, guilders Hungary, kronen .............. Italy, lire Jugo-Slavia, kronen Norway, kroner ,. Portugal, escudos , Roumania, lei Serbia, dinara Spain, pesetas Sweden, kroner Switzerland, francs China Hongkong, local currency Shanghai, taeis Japan, yen , . . . $0.000016 .05000 .00S100 .032000 .207000 4.606250 .026000 .071500 .000160 .013500 .398500 .0O06S0 .050500 .003500 .190000 .050500 .006700 .014600 .156000 .2700(10 .189000 .542500 .740000 .492500 Liberty 3s do.2d 4s dols4s ... do 2d 4s ... do3d4s ... do4th4s .. Victory 4s un do 4s call . . U S treas 4s roreign Argentine 7s ..... C of Berne 8s .... C of Bordeaux 6a C of Christna 8s . . CofCopen5s .. CofGrPrg7s .. C of Lyons 6s .... C of Mara 6s C of R de Jan 8s . . C of Zurich 8s .... Cz-Sl Rp 8s ctfs . . uan Alun es A .... Deo of Seine 7s D of C 5s n 1929 . D of Can 5s, 1952.. D E Indies 6s, 1947 do 6s, 1962 French Rep 8s ... do7s .... Hol-Amllne6s ... Jap 1st 4 s do 4s Belgium 7s do 6s Denmark 6s Italy 6s Netherlands 6s- . . . 99.24 98.66 89.08 98.98 99.24 98.52 98.92 98.90 99.06 98.52 98.92 20 98.98 98.84 92 100.42 100.38 100.38 24 100.00 100.00 100.00- S6 99.92 99.74 99.84 27 100 100 100 2 111 111 111 25 78 78 78 9 108 108 108 2 90 -90 90 35 74 73 74 21 78 78 78 10 78 77 78 1 97 97 97 6 112 112 112 24 87 86 19 10S 108 S6 85 108 85 26 101 101 101 165 37 22 62 121 12 22 87 94 94 98 94 87 93 87 98 93 93 98 93 87 92 87 99 93 1 98 93 S7 98 87 20 100 100 100 26 95 95 96 18 98 98 98 1 93 93 93 238 99 98 98 Norway 8s 16 111 111 111 aweaen es 10 10414 I04i 104W Par-Lyn-Mediter 6s 146 73 72 72 .Bolivia 8S 19 93 9314 !)3A Chile 8s, 1946 2 103 103 103 Uruguay 8s 1 104 104 104 yucnisi.uu IB .... W lOO iO ltJS do6s 15 JU1 100 100 San Paulo sf 8s .. 19 98 97 97 Swiss Confed 8s .. 3 117 117 117 1929 do5 's, 1937 Brazil Ss do 7s 16 U S of Brazil-Cent. Ry Elect 7s ... . 8S Mexico 5s 16 Mexico 4s ........ 55 Railway and miscellaneous Am Ag Ch 73.. 85 102 102 102 119 119 111 112 .lUZ-Ji, lUft -102 30 93 98 93 98 3 87 86 37 51 51 37 Am Smltg 5s Am Sugar 6s .... Am T & T cv 6s. do col tr 5s do col 4s Am Wtg Ppr 6s. . Am W W & E 5s A Jurg Mg W 6s. Armou & Co 4s. A T & S F gen 4s Bait & Ohio 6s.. do cv 4s .... Bell T of Pa 7s. . Beth Steel ref 5s. do p m 5s Bk Edsn gen 7s D Bk R T 7s ctfs. . . Cal G & E 5s Can Nor 7a Can P deb 4s. 24 93 01 302 22 116 45 98 10 91 1 84 12 84 93 101 102 115 115 97 98 90 yo 91 84 84 78 90 9U 91 84 84 78 90 89 16 101 100 100 23 80 80 80 10 108 10S 108 4 95 95 95 2 93 03 93 4 1UB 1U t 108 2 90 90 90 1 95 95 95 5 112 112 1121 17 79 79 79 C of Ga 6s 6 100 100 100 is 99 98 118 5 86 - 86 86 26 129 128 128 30 93 92 92 23 2t 100 100 81 81 51 84 34 23 3 46 4 155 40 109 . 7 10 14 87 49 15 3 5 38 50 1.300 142 Sfe 141 142 3.". 42 62 80 4 9 26 23 21 34 76 65 24 SSti 42 63 80 4 9 26 23 NEW YORK, Dec. change, firm. Great S4.59; cables, $4.59; 60-day banks $4.58 15-16; France, 7.11c, cables 7.12e: Italy, 5.04c, cables 6.04c; Belgium, 6.52c, cables 6.53c; Germany .0123c; cables .0124c; Holland, 89.80c, cables 39.84c; Norwav, 18.90c; Denmark, demand 20.5Sc land, demand 18.87c; Spain, 15.56c; Greece, demand 1.24c; demand .00c; Chechoslovakia de mand 3.1 1 ; Argentine, demand 37.75c; Brazil, demand 12.20; Montreal, 99 11-16 per cent. 11. Foreign ex Britain, demand oflls on demand demand demand demand demand demand ; Switzer . demand Poland. on Gas ons Cigars . do pfd ons Textile ontl Can . orn Prod .. do pfd ... osden Oil . r I & r . do "A" pfd do "B" pfd ruclble .... do pfd .... uba Cane . do bid . . . uban A Sugar 4,400 avison Chem.. 60,500 el & Hudson el A Lack . ome Mines . . . 500 lec Stor Bat. . 2.700 ndleoti Johns. 2.6(H) rie 2,300 do 1st pfd ... 800 nmous Players 4,300 ed Ming & 8m da pfd 100 900 124 123 123 600 3 8 37 37 79 . 600 12 12 12 . 8,500 10S 105 108 .16,600 133 130 132 . 100 119 119 119 5,600 49 5j .. 1.600 .. 300 . . 600 ..10,800 200 .. 800 !,80O 93 83 66 81 14 "-)? 5 30 49 32 93 S2 64 91 34 39 25 27 49 32 92 82 65 90 14 39 25 3(1 400 119 119 116 300 133 132 132 42 42 58 89 10 15 93 S3 ii 57 SS 10 57 88 lli 15 93 Cenfralia Bank Changes Hands. fCENTRALIA, Wash., Dec. 11. ISpe cial.) A change in ownership of the Centralia State bank was announced today, the new owners taking charge this morning. C. O. Gingrich, Hoquiam bank er, is the new president; John D. Won derly and W. H. Oliver, vice-presidents, and John Raught, cashier. Other mem bers of the board of directors are A. C. Gesler, Dr. J. H. Damon, C D. Cunning ham and Jay Agnew, the latter being chairman of the board. All, with the ex ception of Mr. Gingrich, are prominent Centralia business and professional men. A. U. Dann is the retiring president of the bank. Chicago Oil Market. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) CHICAGO, Dec. 11. Gasoline: Tank wagons. 18c; service stations, $20; ma chine, 27.7c Oils: Summer, 11.4c; win ter, 33.9c Carbon perfection, iron bar rels, llc Linseed oil, raw. one to four barrels delivery. iSc; boiled, 9Qc. Tur pentine, $1.76. Denatured alcohol, 42c. Phone yonr want ads to The Ore ionian. AH its readers arc inter ested in the classified columai. Cent Lea C P gtd 4s Cerro de Pasco 8s C & O cv 5s do cv 4s C & A 3s C B i Q r 5s A. C & E I 6s Chi Gt West 4s.. C M St P cv 4s. do cv os B do ref 4s. . . C & N W 7s Chi Rys 5s C R I & P gn 4s. do ref 4s Chile Cop 7s Chile Cop 6s C C C St L gn 4s. Colo & S ref 4s. Col G & E 5s Con Coal Md 5s. r Cuba C Sug db 8s. Cuba R R 7s A. Cu Am Sug 8s... D & R G ref 6s. . . Det Ed ref 6s ... . Det U Rys 4s.. Donner Steel r 7s. DuPont 7s Duquesne Lt 6s.. E G & F 7 ctfs Erie pr lien 4s. . .. do gen lien 4s.. Fra Ind Dev 7s. Gen Elec deb os. . Goodrich 6s .... Gdyr Tire 8s 1931. do 1941 G T Ry of Can 7a, do 6s Gt No 7s A do ft g B H & M ref 6s A. . . do adj inc 5s. . . Hum O & R 6s. Ill Cent Es .... Ill Cent ref 4s 111 St deb 4s Ind Steel 5s Int M 4s ctfs stp Int Rap Tr 7s.... do ref 5s do ref 5s ctfs. . . Int&G N adj 63 wi Int Mer Ma at 6a. Int P ref 5s B Iowa Cent ref 4s. K C Ft S & M 4s. Kelly-Spg Tire 8s Lack Steel 6s. '50 LS&MS deb 4s, '31 Lehigh Valley 6s. Ligg & Myers 5s Loriilard 5s ..... La Nor 5s Magna Copper 7s. Manati Sugar 7s Mrk St Ry con 5s Mich Cent deb 4s Midvale Stl cv 5s M A St. L ref 6s MSt.P&SSM 6s. MKAT pr in 6s C do new p 1 5s A do new adi 5s A Mo Pacific con 6a do gen 4s Mont Power 5s A N E TAT 1st 5s N O T & M inc 6s N Y Cent deb 6s do rfff & Imp ds do con 4s 40 51 65 67 58 109 77 83 111 110 96 80 87 96 88 90 2 107 107 6 46 46 1 (j ioa 15 85 3 90 33 107 8 104 93 93 6 65 169 44 24 90 11 101 56 109 77 82 S3 79 87 96 88 90 105 88 24 100 81 51 64 t)7 67 109 77 82 83 110 96 SO 87 96 88 90 105 107 46 ins 89 4 46 46 46 2 62 62 62 1 112 112 112 17 93 93 93 158 109 108 108 5 9S4 98 88 15 86 85 86 30 92 92 92 42 307 107 107 4 100 100 100 - 2 -92 92 92 30 81 81 81 7 92 91 92 . 30 91 91 91 3 107 107 107 2 102 102 102 5 110 110 110 8 101 100 100 8 92 91 92 13 29 28 29 2 97 97 97 1 118 118 118 8 85 84 84- 6 84 84 84 16 93 93 93 13 93 92 92 v 3 80 80 80 10 84 84 84 46 70 70 70 136 77 74 74 117 59 68 59 4 78 Z7 78 3 75 75 75 4 60 59 59 32 23 22 22 10 40 40 40 99 99 99 90 101 100 101 11 98 98 98 1 96 95 95 23 92 91 91 14 87 87 87 1 85- 85 85 25 101 101 101 23 67 67 67 3 99 99S 99 23 106 106 106 4 93 93 93 6 61 61 61 19 57 56 66 1 103 103 103 30 75 75 75 29 91 91 91 75 95 94 95 5 112 112 112 1 97 97 97 2 99 9 99 31 89 88 89 .39 103 102 103 4 91 91 93 20 92 92 92 28 96 95 95 25 97 97 97 6 98 98 98 10 63 62 63 6 80 SO 80 2 309 109 109 7 107 307 107 2 104 104 104 8 95 . 94 94 5 2 25 4 CUTTLE SMIET HIGHER PRICES RAIiTDY FROM LAST WEEK'S BREAK. Advances ot 50 to 75 Cents in Steer and Cow Divisions; " Hogs Also Stronger. Aftr on jnmiuA of ten weeks with a broken knee, H. H. Oofold, manager and cattie salesman .for the Kidwell & Cas well Commission company, ia again back in the cattle division looking after the disposition of a number of cars of Mt1 nmnne which are several lots of choice steers for the Christmas trade. Eighty-seven loads of stock were re ceived at the yards over Sunday of which nine loads were nogs goins uiruugiL Tha cattle market rallied well from last week's depression with advances of 50 to 76 cents on steers and cowa The regular steer top was established at $7.60, while a few sales of show cattle were made at $7.75 and $S. Hogs were also firmer with a uaarter advance on prime lights. - Sheep and: lambs were Bteaay aim uu- changed. Receipts were 1370 cattle, 275 calves, 3497 hogs and 928 sheep. The days sales were am ionowa. 75 steers. 770$ 3.60 2 steers 1176 6.25 S steers 1090 29 steerB 1078 6 steers 1230 5 steers 12 1 8 1002 854 U S Steel s f 6s. . . Ut P & L 5s Va-O C 7s w war do 7s ctfs Virginian Rv 5s Wabash -1st 5s ... w Md 1st 4s .... . W Pac 5s W Union 6s .... Wghse El 7s Wll & Co s f 7s. ao cv os ....... Total sales of bonds todav were $11.- 559,000 compared with $5,622,000 pre vious day, and $16,063,000 a year ago. New York Curb Stocks. . Furnished bv Jordan. Wentworth A Co. of Portland: Industrial Acme Coal Mining 57 Acme iracKing 36 Buddy-Buds, Inc 1 Car Lighting & Power 1 Colombian Emerald Syn 51 Continental Motors . .......... 10 Durant Motors, Inc 66 Glen Alden Coal , 65 Mercer Motors 3 Peerless Truck & Motor............ 66 Philip Morris 18 Radio Corp of America . 3 do old 1 15-lfl Sohulte Retail Stores 59 southern Coal & Iron 30 United Profit Sharing new 6 umiea rtetau otores candy. w ayne uoal West End Chemical Oils- Allied Oil .- Angio American 19 Arkansas Nat uas com 8 Boone Oil 3 Boston-Wyoming Oil 97 Carib Syndicate 4 Cities Service Bankers 37 do com 168 Creole Syndicate 1 Cushing Petroleum 2 Engineers Petrol Co j-.... 16 Federal Oil f. ,74 Gilliland Oil com J 3 Glenrock Oil , 11-16 Hudson Oil 10 I International Petroleum 21 Keystone Ranger Devel 28 Livingston Oil Corp . 5 Lyons Petroleum ....1 67 Mammoth Oil 43 Maracaibo Oil Expior..-.. 15, Merrit 7 Mexico Oil Corp .....11-16 Mountain Producers 17 Mutual Oil 11 Vi Noble Oil & Gas 22 Omar Oil & Gas 95 Producers & Refiners 7 Red Bank Oil 14 Sapulpa Refining 3 Simnis Petroleum 14 South Petrol & Refining 8 Southwest Oil 1 Standard Oil of Indiana 116 Victoria 5 Y" OU & Gas 6 Mining Alaska Brit-Col Metals 1 Belcher Extension . Boston & Montana Corp 3 - do JMev 40- Candalaria Silver 1 Cash Boy Consolidated 29 Consolidated Copper 11 Cork Province Mines 3 Cortez Silver 14 Dean Consolidated Corp 2 Divide Extension 65 El Salvador Silver Mines 11 . Ely Consolidated 2 Emma Silver 3 Eureka Croesus 2 Goidfield Deep 17 do Development 9 Goidfield Florence 3 Gold Zone Divide 12 Harmill Divide 8 Jerome Verde Devel 2 Knox Divide 2 Done Star Consolidated. 5 MacNamara Cresc Min 7 MacNamara Mining ; 7 Marsh Miniing .v 4 McKinley-Darragh-Sav 22 Mexican Eagle 10 National Tin Corp ; 22 Nevada Ophir 10 Mpissmg Mines o Ohio Copper 49 Kay Hercules lnc l Red Hills Florence 2 Rex Consolidated Mining 5 Sandstorm Kendall 2 Silver Mines of America 17 Spearhead 3 Success Mining 45 Teck Hughes 78 Tonopah Divide - 72 Tonopah Extension 3 united Jfiastern Mining 1 H-lo West Deme Cons 15 West End Cons . . . 1 7-16 Mining Stocks in Boston. Furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke 23 steers 22 steers 3 steers 8 steers 4 steers 4 steers 2 steers 36 steers 28 steers 3 steers 13 steers 23 steers 27 steers 49 steers 12 steers 12 steers 4 steers 9 steers 2 steers 1000 26 steers 1055 5 steers 922 12 steers 1033 16 steers 1162 2 steers 1145 26 steers 1055 6 steer3 2 steers 2 steers 14 steers 4 steers 8 steers 38 steers 10 cows. 2 cows. 29 cows. 2 cows. 2 cows. 3 cows. 5 cows. 7 cows. 11 cows. 12 cows. 3 cows. 9 cows. 9 cows. 2 cows. 3 cows. S cows. 3 cows. 2 cows. 5 cows. 13 cows. 4 cows. 2 cows. 4 cows. 2 cows 9 cows. 7 cows. 2 cows. 6 cows. 24 cows. 29 cows. 9 cows . 36 cows . 2 cows. 2 cows. 11 cows. 3 cows. 2 cows. 13 cows. 5 cows. 23 cows. 2 cows. 5 cows . 2 cows. 5 cows. 14 calves 1 calf.. 2 calves 3 calves lcalf.. 3 calves 2 calves 1 calf. . 52 calves 1 calf . . 13 calvea 33 calves 6 calves 10 calves 61 calves 10 calves-' 152 15 calves 233 4 heif . 13 heif. 2 heif. 35 heif : 6 heif. 2 bulls. 1 bull.. 2 bulls, lbull.. 1 bull.. 1 bull.. 1 bull. . 1 bull.. 11 bulls. 1 bull. . 2 bulls. 1 bull.. 1 bull.. 1 bull. 2 bulls. - 1 bull. . 2 bulls. 1 bull. . 1 bull. . 14 mixed 12 mixed 4 mixed 1066 1002 977 820 695 640 846 770 1235 1007 995 927 907 1073 1133 765 810 912 990 1098, 6S6 991 1080 865 1235 - 825 1050 1010 1005 1097 1237 1213 1027 1057 955 1180 1060 963 760 1036 1047 1027 910 992 1030 996 885 1185 991 996 1000 980 1045 960 1187 S49 883 890 942 1100 965 .985 1130 1070 515 265 210 205 163 3 50 340 140 80 215 430 401 208 128 313 225 5.25. 6.00 6.251 6.251 6 25! 6.25! 4.50 5.50 5.50! 6.50 4.25 5.00 6.00 5.50 5.25 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.00 5.35 8.00 8.00 6 00! 7.501 6.00! 6.101 6.10 5.00 7.001 5.35 4.00' 4.50 5.25 5.25! 5.60! 6.00 17 hogs. . 57 hogs.. 2 hogs. . 6 hogs. . 3 hogs.. 1 hog. .. 5 hogs. . 21 hoes. . 38 hogs.. 9 hogs. . 4 hogs. . 13 hogs. . 3 hogs. . 6 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 35 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 10 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 9 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 4 hogs.. 8 hogs. . '5 hogs. . 50 hogs... 6 hogs. . 2 hogs.. 2 hogs. . 42 hogs. . 48 hogs.. 5 hogs. . 19 hogs.. IS hoHs.. 18 hogs.. 85 hogs. . 7 hogs. . 4o8 hogs. 4'00162 hogs.. J-,109 hogs. 4 5 38 hogs.. 2 5 116 hogs, o'sn 58 hogs.. lm iog... 0 7s 1 hog. .. ?n51 hogs.. SiXUhogs.. 1 ooL? .001 Wt. Price. 111 8 75 157 290 148 150 160 176 9.23 8.25 8 75 8.75 8.75 9 25 183 . 9.25 194 9.25 i 9 hoes. . ,65 hogs. . 13 Iambs SS eiambe ,,13 lambs 5 lambs 62 140 172 356 138 260 150 240 295 420 "135 131 270 170 408 200 159 325 245 365 195 108 156 152 161 140 194 162 207 162 104 168 165 85 340 400 195 184 425 151 470 380 243 250 146 195 70 83 98 44 58 80 123 310 110 100 304 160 1230 1215 1012 2M 628 966 987 r7 1080 SS5 640 755 766 756 1575 1300 1455 850 18301 1730 16S0 1760 1434 1570 3 310 1270 1180 1570 985 1140 1125 1340 1040 812 447 447 20 hogs.. J-fg lhog... n'ttn 1 hogs. . S nol ? hogs.. 3.251. 3.501 4.001 3.751 6.00 -uy'.13 lambe 12 22 lambs 105 lambs 78 lambs 4-0 lewe.. 129 ewes. 3--0 lewe.. 3-3 2yearl. -60 2 weths. 10 mixed 3.25 1 h,,lr 4.60 2 steers. 4 00 24 steers. 4-00 i7 steers. 4.50 lateer.. 4 50 12 steers. 2- 00 3 steers. 4.2n 18 steers. 3- 25 4 steers. 4.2o i steer.. 3.50 ) atn.rc 3.60, 2 steers. 1100 2 50 i steer.. 1240 n-00 -!2 steers,. 1095 6.50 ii steers. 1160 o.oo 4 cows.. 7-OOIn cows.. 6.00112 cows.. 8.501 2 cows.. 5 00;ll cows.. 8.00 2 cows.. 4.00 4 cows.. 7.00il5 cows.. 6-00' 16 cows.. 4.75 2 cows.. .6-50 1 heifer 9.00! 2 heifers 5.601 1 heifer. 7.001 1 bull.. 6.501 1 bull.. 6.501 1 bull.. 4.501229 yearl 4.501 200 yearl 5.001 6 yearl. 5.101 3 mixed 5.001 2 hogs. . 3.25, 1 hog. .. 8.75122 hogs.. 3.75169 hogs. . 3.001 4 hogs. . 8.50! 1 hog... 4.251 4 hogs. . 3.25! Ihog... 4.25'U hogs. . 3.25120 hogs. . 3.501 5 hogs.. 3.501 4 hoes.. 3 50' 5 hogs. . 3.001 4 hogs.. 3.751 3 hogs.. 3.50189 hogs. . 3.251 3 hogs.. 3.251107 hogs. 2.501 4 hogs. . 3.75195 weth. 3.751 lweth. 5.001 1 buck. .50 909 883 975 1070 904 1025 835 884 1088 1030 770 595 1020 1260 1510 1350 84 86 61 1056 120 10O 139 185 165 220 165 220 147 197 70 110 70 110 310 195 300 187 100 9.00 8.50 9.25 6.25 8.50 8.25 8.25 7.25 7.25 6.25 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.25 6.25 9.25 8.50 6.25 8 75 8.25 9.25 8.75 9.50 9.00 9.25 8.75 9.25 8.50 9.15 9.85 I B. 10 4.35 9.25 9.00 7.26 6V00 9.25 9.25 6.15 9.15 6.00 8.50 6.75 8.90 8.25 9.45 10.25 12.00 10.25 5.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 11.50 6.00 6.15 6.00 8.00 8-00 6.00 3.60 0.00 7.50 6.50 8.00 5.01 5 l0 6.50 5.10 6.50 6 00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.75 8.2 S 4.75 4.00 4.56 4.00 5.00 8.50 4.75 4.00 4.50 4.50 5.00 3.50 8.ti0 4 00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.50 8.75 8.75 9.00 9.50 9.15 9.15 9.15 9.15 9.15 9.15 $48,000 REMAINING Only 13 miles from Portland. Paved Columbia. River Highway runs through it. Is served by regular electric car service. Bonds personally guaranteed by the principal owners H.E. Campbell, C. F. Swigert, G.McGaw un Dial Ranch BOND DATA First Mortgage Serial Gold Bonds Dens. $1000, $500, $100 This famous ranch is worth not less than $450, 000 and the major portion is under' cultivation. It contains 1825 Acres ranging south to the O.-W. R. & N. main line from the Columbia river, and west from Trout dale. It is practicaiiy a Suburb of Portland, and the PAVED Columbia river highway goes straight through it for over 2 miles. , $20,000 Income Guaranteed per annum by the principal owners, H. C. Campbell, Chas. F. Swigert and G. McGaw, who also personally guarantee payment of prin cipal and interest Of this $100,000 issue only $46,000 remained last night LimSESRMElNS Broadway and Oak Issue $100,000 Dated December 1, 1922 Due Serially 1925-32 Semi-Annual Interest Callable only at 103 Price 100 Yield 7 of Agriculture.) Hogs Receipts, 62,000 bead; market 10c higher, later slow; bulk $8.158.50; bulk 140 to 275-pound averages, $S.458.S0; top. $8.5 on 170 to 200-pound averages; packing sows mostly $7.50S; desirable pigs around $8.50; heavy hogs, $8.308.50; medium, $8.408.50; light. $8.408.55; light light, $8.3-5f88.50; packing sows, smooth, $7.70 8.15; packing sows, rough, $7.407.73; killing pigs, is.ssps.u. Cattle Receipts, 28,000 head; better grades beef steers scarce; about steady; others weak; spots lower; killing quality very plain; bulk short fed steers of Quality and condltion-to bring $S.6010; early top yearling, $11; western grassers in moderate supply; she stock about steady; bulls and stockers and feeders steady to strong; veal-calves steady to weak; packers blddiing around $9 for de sirable light vealers; outsiders paying upward to $10 and above for choice se lected kind. Sheep Receipts, 23,000 head; fat lambs opening slow, around steady; early top $15.40 to packers; some held above $15.50; feeder supply very light; one load 60-pound western feeding lambs, $14.60; sheep steady to strong; 115 pound fat ewes, $7.25; 138-pound aged wethers, $8.25; one load 100-pound clipped aged wethers, $7. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Dec. 13. (U. 8. Department of Agriculture.) Hogs Receipts, 11,500 head; mostly 6o to 10c higher: bulk mixed and pocking grades. $7.253; bulk butcher hogs, $88.20; top, $S.25. Cattle Receipts, 11,000 head; beet steens slow; weak to 25c lower; best in cluded. $9.60; she stock steady to weak; bulls 15c to 25c lower; veals, stockers and feeders firm. Sheep Receipts, 13,000 head; killing classes generally steady; bulk lambs $14.5014.70; top, $14.75; fed clipped lambs, $12.75; wethers. $8.25; ewes, $7 down; feeding teJJlbs 25c to 50c higher; top $14.25. San iTancisco Livestock Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. (Federal State Livestock Market News Service.) Cattle Beef steers, good grade, $7.75(9 8; medium grade, $707.50; common grade. $6 6.75; beef cows, good grade, $5.75(816; medium- grade, $5.23(05.50; common grade, $45; csnners and cut ters, $23.50; bologna bulls, $3 4 50; calves. 150 to 200 pounds, good and choice, ,$7.2-57.75; 200 to 250 pounds, good and choice, $77.25; 250 to 300 pounds, good and c-hoice, $6.757; over 300 pounds, $5.506.50. Hogs Good and choice grain-fed Cali fornia 150 to 200 pounds. $10.2510.5O; 200 to 250 pounds, $9.5010; 250 to 300 pounds $8.509; over 300 pounds, $7.50 (98; smooth sows, 250 to 300 pounds, $0.50 7; rough sows, 250 to 300 pounds, $5.506; over 300 pounds, $4.605.50. Sheep t-nd lambs Full wooled lambs, good end choice grades, $33.50 34; me dium grade, $12 5013.50; ewes, medium and good, $5.50 6.50; wethers, medium and cood. $8.50 30. COTTON MARKET IS FAHSLY FIRM Small Changes in Option Prices at Close of Today. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK. Dec. 11. The cotton market's tone was fairly firm today. The list was up 15 to 20 points at the outset in sympathy . with the better tone of Liverpool cables, lower private crop esti nates than expected and the continued rise of sterling to new high records. In the second hour there was a, slight re- cession, but there was no weakness. Prices continued to move in narrow limits into the afternoon, but offerings in creasedSn the later dealings and in the last hour the decline was noticeable. In the final period some options riropped about 2 to 7 pointB under Saturday's finals but closed at a level unchanged to 6 points net lower. Local market for spot cotton was quiet, unchanged, 25.10 for middling upland. . Southern snot: Galveston, 24.95c, nn- cnangeo; isew Orleans, 25c, 25 points ad vance; Savannah. 25c, unchanged; Mem Phis, 25c, unchanged; Houston. 24.90c, unchanged; Little Rock, 25c, unchanged. The range of New York cotton futures, as reported by Overbeck & Cooke com pany, of this city: Montn Open. High. Low. January 25.06 March 25.30 May 25.20 July 24.90 October 23.44 December 25.05 25.15 25.34 25.30 24.94 23.50 25.08 24.88 25.05 25.00 24.71 23.25 24.86 Close. 24.89 25.06 25.06 24.72 23.25 24.85 Tne Oregonian publishes practi- cally- all of the -want ads printed i-n the other three Portland papers, in addition to thousands of exclusive advertisements not printed in any other local paper. 9 Income on U. S. Brazil Government 5 Bonds PRICED AT $262.50 PER 100 Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co. i 284 Oak Street Safe Deposit Boxes. $3.50 MORRIS BROTHERS CORPORATION company of Portland, Ariz Comm Adventure Ahmeek . . Algomafa . Ailouez .;. Arcadian Bingham Calumet Mns & Hecla... Davis Daly Franklin Mng 1 Hancock 2 .. 7 .. 50 . . 57 .. 25 .. 19 .. 2 .. 17 ..280 103 85 89 107 107 itt.i lot 93 93 55 55 44 44 1() lOOli 101 89 101 101 101 32 99 98 9RTi 8 114 114 114 9 132 112 112 14 104 - 303 104 8 110 110 110 10 102 102 102 7 84 84 84 65 61 61 61 12 98 98 98 8 101 101 101 5 87 87 87 1 91 SI 91 3 101 101 101 31 95 74 74 48 89 87 36 31 95 73 74 48 89 11 95 74 74 48 89 87 36 i 36 79 107 107 107 9" 89 89 2V 10 104 104 O 97 87 7 75 113 97 91 91 89 J f 104 96 S3 58 98 63 98 98 77 97 76 113 98 91 91 89 At 5 104 NYC&St L deb 4s. N Y Ed ref 6s NYNH&H c 8s 1948. NY Tel ref 8s 1941. do senilis .... 83 69 99 63 96 98 78 66 105 97 82 92 104 97 97 76 113 98 91 91 89 87 104 96 83 58 98 63 96 98 77 104 104 97 97 1 87 87 O 110 11(1 li , 73 82 87 110 rs 26 105 105 105 1 94 94 80 59 40 21 3 18 285 2 1 2 100 108 97 3 3 1 2 3 1 6 40 17 28 2 33 21 li) 3 3 eo 39 47 3 26 1 8 35 Standard Oil Stocks. Furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke Helvetia Island Creek .... do pfd Keenenaw ....... Kerr Lake La Salle Michigan May Oid Colony. Mason Valley ... Nipissing North Lake Old Dom Cop Osceola Mng OJibway .v. Quincy Mng Pond Creek Isle Royal South Utah Superior Cop .-. . . Trinity Cop .... Tuolumne U S Mining do pfd Utah Apex Victoria Winona Wolverine ....... Wyandott 75 . . ,108 ... 95 ... 1 ... 3 ... 1 ... 1 ... 2 ... 1 ... 5 ...20 ... 16 ... 28 ... 1 ... 82 ;.. 20 ...20 ... 3 ... 3 ...15-16 ... 50 ... 38 ... 47 2 26 ... 1 company of Portland: Anglo Borne Scrysmer .... Bucke.e Cheesebrough do pfd Continental Crescent Cumberland ....'..;. Eureka Galena com do Old pfd do New pfd ...... Illinois Pipet....... Indiana Pipe ...... National Transit ... N. Y. Transit Northern Pipe 101 Ohio Oil 72 International Pete Penn Mex Prairie Oil ........ Prairie Pipe Solar Refg Southern Pipe .... South Penn Oil ... S W Penn Oil ! 69 do Indiana 116 do Kansas .......... .....670 do Kentucky ;.126 do N. Y. 47 do Ohio 270 do pfd 117 Swan & Finch 28 Vacuum .................. .845 Washington 24 S O Nebraska 200 Imperial Oii 114 -1 ' Swift Co. Stocks. Swift & Co. stocks of Chicago as re ported by the Overbeck & Cocke com pany of Portland? Swift 4 Co 107 Libby. McNeil & Libby 7 National Leather 7 bwitt International 1914 ... 19 - 118 88 215 112 148 48 ....165 ........ 99 58 108 105 163 89 26 ....132 21 ... 18 ...625 ...819 .. .368 ...104 ...365 19 123 ' 90 225 315 152 48 370 100 - 6ft 110 -309 3 67 90 27 134 304 75 21 22 630 325 375 106 170 71 117 680 127 47 2S0 119 SO 655 28 205 115 Prices quoted at tha Portland TTnlon stockyards were as follows: Cattle Price. Choice steers ....$ 7.00 7.50 Medium to good steer3 6.50 7.00 i?air ro medium steers ..... Common to fair steers Choice heifers Choice cows, heifers Med. to good cows, heifers. Fair to med. cows, heifers. Common cows Canners Bulls Choice feeders Fair to good feeders Choice dairy calves' Prime light calves ". Medium light calves 7.50 8,00 hoes Prime light Smooth heavy, 250(9300 lbs. Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. up. . Fat pigs Feeder pigs Stags, subject to dockage.. toneeo East-of-mouniain lambs Choice valley lambs ... .Medium valley lambs .. Common valley Iambs .. Cull lambs Light -yearlings Light wethers Heavy wethers Ewes Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 31. (IT. S. Department 8 75 8 75 8 75 8.75 9-50 rzz: 8.50J , 9.00 sSl 62 10.00 Jl 140 8.C0 f 160 3.50, 11 O.'li.Gf o.oo II 4.25 5.75 , I 4.50 5.00 I 4.5001 5.00 4.0O9 4.50 1 3.50 4.00 1 2.50 3.50 I 1.511 2,50 3.00 4.25 J 5.00S 5.50 I 4.00(3 5.00 t 8.00 8.50 ; 1 8.00 8.50 t ff 9.00 9.50 IV S OO 9.00 l SI 7.50 8.001 it Name . 8.50 9.00 I II 8.S0 9.00 ! II 4.50 0.00 0 Address ff City i 1 I FOUNDED 1876 Federal Income Taxes for 1922 We have available for dis tribution a brief, popular review of the new law and a simple illustrated an alysis of the changes af fecting income for 1922. Write for a copy. Odd Lots Municipal Bonds 2,000.00 fKing; County, Commercial Water Way, No. 1 7 1-924 10,500.00 fMills, Wyo., Water 6 1937-52 1,000.00 Paul, Idaho, Waterworks 6 1939 1,600.00 Port Angeles, Wn., Imp. 7. 1923-32 3,000.00 Port Angeles, Wn., Imp. 7 1924-32 3,000.00 Port Angeles, Wn., Imp. 7 1925-32 3,000.00 Port Angeles, Wn., Imp. 7 1926-32 3,000.00 Port Angeles, Wn., Imp. 7 1927-32 2,600.00 Fort Angeles, Wn., Imp. 7 1931-32 400.00 $Seattle, Wn., Imp.. ...... 6 1026-43 1,000.00 JSeattle, Wn., Imp 6 1923 2,000.00 JSeattle, Wn., Imp 6 1924 1,400.00 Seattle, Wn., Imp 6 1924 3,000.00 JSeattle, Wn., Imp 6 1925 3,000.00 JSeattle, Wn., Imp 6 1926 All Guar, by Revolving Fund. 1,400.00 JShelby, Mont, Sidewalk 6 1924-28 800.00 JShelby, - Mont, Sidewalk 6 1926-28 149.67 Vancouver, Wn., Imp.... 7 '1023-34 400.00 Vancouver, Wn., Imp.... 7 " 1924-34 400.00 Vancouver, Wn., Imp.... 7 1925-34 400.00 Vancouver, Wn., Imp.. . . 7 1926-34 400.00 Vancouver, Wn., Imp.... 7 1927-34 400.00 Vancouvef, Wn., Imp.... 7' 1928-34 400.00 Vancouver, Wn., Imp.... 7 1929-34 400.00 Vancouver, Wn, Imp.... 7 1930-34 . 400.00, Vancouver, Wn, Imp.... 7 1931--34 400.00 Vancouver, Wn, Imp.... 7 - 1932-34 8,000.00 Warrenton, Oregon 6 1938 4,000.00 fWashougal, Wn, Street. . 6 1928-29 500.00 fWenatchee, Wn, Imp.... 6 1931-34 101.39 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.01 97.34 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 101.63 6.25 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 , 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 70 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.25 . . 3O.5OW12.0O . . 10. 50 3 2. 00 .. 0.50810.50 . . S.50 9.50 to 8.50 9.00 9.50 7.50 8.50 7.00J8 7.50 2 AO 6.00 EJLROLLLNS & SONS jmatmatt 'Bonds Odd Lots Canadian Municipal Bonds. 5,000.00 Edmonton ; ........ 5 1929 97.73 5.90 1,000.00 Prince George, B. C 6 - 1929 100.00 6.00 1,000.00 Prince George, B. C 6 - 1030 100.00 6.00 1,500.00 fSaskatoon, S. D, No. 13. 6 1950 100.00 6.00 Denotes f000 denomination. j-Denotes $500. Denotes $200. Denotes $100. UDenotes fractional bonds. Telephone or Telegraph Orders at Our Expense MORRIS BROTHERS CORPORfflON Government and Municipal Bonds MORRIS BUILDING PortlDTIf. (rOffrTl 309" STARK ST BROADWAY 2151 Ai UdlLU.VJl UgUll SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES lofOJisOOjilJ The Ideal Investment PROFESSIONAL people par ticularly doctors, dentists, ' lawyers have long reeog-'.-' nized the Mortgage Certificates issued by the Portland Trust Company .of Oregon as an in vestment representing better than - the average return; no worries or troubles and a con venient form of security to own. We issue them In varying amounts and maturities. Portland Trust Company ?f Oregon SIXTH AND MORRISON Affiliated vfih - " , e ftorthttestisrh Naikmi Batif Boston New York Chicago San Francisco Los Angeles 411 LEWIS BUILDING Broadway 7870 PORTLAND HAITI 30 Yr. Bond 6 Coupon Offered at price to yield about 6.25 to maturity Direct obligation of the Republic of Haiti issued pursuant to an ajerree ment with the President of The United States. Circular on request The National City Company Offices in more than 50 cities. Yeon liidg., Portland. Telephone 6972 Main. .A Good Investment A First K Mortgage Total bonded debt less than 30 of the value of the security Ample income for all mortgage requirements Combmes;. ease, certainty and regularity of interest collection; con venient denomination and maturities and a good rate of interest. , ' The bonds of the Jordan Valley Cattle Co. combine these qualities to an unusual degree. Price Par to Yield 72 Call, write or phone Main 4195 for further information. . G-E-MILLERJtCOMPANY Portland 'i-Ni?i'bALjjlir.oRPCRAftS!TgaCT Francisco Seattle verhM LB Angeles 2d Fir. N. W. Bank BIdg PORTLAND Phone Main 4193 K