THE - HORNING OKEGONIAX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 FOB RENT. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. "Well-lighted and heated offices, ingle or en suite, central office build ing in financial section of city; low rents. See Donald G. Woodward, .gent, 101 Second at., corner Stark. business oproBTFxrnifcl AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Here Is a splendid opening for a willing worker to connect with first class mechanic in the best email shop in Portland, fine west side location and (always busy, no experience required, but must be mechanically inclined and steady; only J2U0 required to secure equal half interest. See this before you buy. 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark, HOTDL CIGAR STAND. Choice location in lobby of prominent downtown hotel, beautiful fixtures, fresh, staple stock of cigars and can dies, also handling magazines; a splen did buy for lady; will easily clear $200 month; a genuine bargain at ?iJ0. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bids., 4th and fitark. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. An equal half interest Is offered In an old-established downtown business now clearing $500 month; no special experience, but must be a willing work er and capable of meeting the public; Wi!i consider oly steady man with rood record. Price only $500. 620 Cham, ot Com. biOg., y.D ana atar-v, AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Here Is positively the very best op portunity in Portland to secure an equal half Interest in a large, well known automobile paint shop; fire proof bldg., best finishing room in city; very low rnt; long established trade, doing a steady business with largest firma in city; have more work than can handle and big volume con stantly coming in ; need reliable and Interested help; previous experience not necessary if you are trustworthy, steady and willing to learn the business, as you will be associated with an expert automobile painter with years of ex perience; you can easily clear better than. $180 every month for yourself from the start; only $300 required to secure an equal half interest. If you want the best don't fail to see this befora you buy. Apply at 347 Pittock blk., Washington at 10th st. If you are an experienced restaurant snan ana nave $i'juu it wiu sureiy pay von to answer this advertisement, oth erwise please don't waste your time and mln-ft. I have for sale a cood up- to-date restaurant- finely and fuliy quipped, well located with, reasonable rn t an A f a. vorabl e The Drl ce asked is considerably below one-half the cost of the equipment, which is jpraotically new. you are aeaimg di rect with awner. who is also the land lord. To receive consideration, state your name, address and phone, if any. AL. 105, Oregonian. THIS BWrVP Tff ALWAYS BUST. Partner w.-tnted in auto repair shop crulp-ped with lathes, emeries welding atfit, power hacksaw and plenty of tools of all kinds. Have a good, steady tmei nefis. now e mp loy in g one or tw o ien, but would ratner rtavo a poou oartn&r. You do not have to be first-class mechanic, but must be honest, willing to work and learn. The man you are going in with is a good mechanic, well acquainted in the city. 6bop is overflowing with work and makes plenty for two. Only $350 re-Quired- Bear in mind this is a real hop with a. real business and a good ouy. see me at morgan oiug JX YOU want to turn this winter into the most profitable season you ever had? We have the etate right of Ore gon and Washington for a brand new parage tool which, sells on sight; we honestly believe a wideawake man could clear $G a day and we have the machines here for demonstration. If Interested call Be Hand Honetschlager, Rainier Hotel, City. GET OUT OF THE RUT. Learn plastering or bricklaying In 0 days' time; two of the highest-paid trades, with no available men to take the lobs offered: $10 a day in Port land, $18 a day in Lor Angeled; $26 a day in N. Y. city. ' For lull inior- nation address Secy. Portland Brick & Plaster Trade School, Lewis and Lorlng Bts. GROCERY BARGAIN. GOOD LIVING ROOMS. Invoice both fixtures and stock; do ing a real business. If you have the cash let us- show you the best buy in .Portland ; on corner, aee Mr. iruiton. W. M. Umhdenstock & Co, .210 Ore gon bldg. B d w y. 1 63S. BAKERY ON YAMHILL. In the public market; doing about $60 cash per day; fins equipment and fix tures; almost new electria mixer; gas oven; all other necessary tools; good lease; price on fixtures $1500. Stock at invoice. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375, RESTAURANT SNAP. PRICE $1400. WORTH $2500. This ad means just what it says. A REAL SNAP. Located in west side business district; good lease, cheap rent, bee this before buying, see Mr. Fulton. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. FOR QUICK SALE. MODERN, WELL EQUIPPED RES TAURANT UUliNU UUU1J ijUiSINJliMiS, BEST OF REASONS FOR SELLING. DEAL DIRECTLY WITH OWNERS. E. 043. OREGONIAN. FINE WEST SIDE GROCERY. Extiemelv attractive: fine trade: $150 or more dally; clean stock; fine flat for liv. rm&; long lease, low rent. Takes only jisuuu to handle. This is eye-opener. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6TS7. CASH-CARRY GROCERY. Corner location, west side, best of fixtures, clean stocK; receipts average better than $40 per day; rent only $0 montn; stock ana fixtures at invoice splendid buy. See Senescu with Hiller jBros., all Railway Exch ange bldg. BIG BARGAIN. . BIG BARGAIN. To take charge dining room and kitchen, only $300 required: $-500 in fixtures and stock. 385 3d st. Call side entrance. 1300 RESTAURANT and lunch counter. dandy location, busy street; just the place for man and wife; can arrange some terms, Morris, 4 la 'Ky, Exch. bide. BUSINESS man with $5000 and ability to act as secretary and handle books of prosperous company can find a real opportunity by investigating this. W Tt. uregoman. $MH RESTAURANT and lunch counter, jocatea neart oi city, doing fine busi uess, low rent ; sickness reason for el ling; $350 cash, own terms bal ance. Morris. 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. MOO UKOCKHY. cash and carry. equipped to handle meats; first-class east side location; 5 modern living rooms and bath; a bargain for quick sate, jviorna, 4 is Ky. Exch. bldg. CASH BUSINESS. Chance for active man as partner, ittieiness estaonsnea; can ao well; ref erences exchanged. $250 required, nuom nan way rxenange. A GASH BUSINESS. OnenlniE for a man mechanically in clined; can clear $300 to $400 month. Books open to buyer. Call room 401 Dekum bldg, fiAWMILL of 40.000 ft. daily capacity reaay tor proauction; plenty of old growth yellow fir timber available both rail and water shipment. For particular? phone Main OSiU. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Owner of well-known earasre would consider mechanic as partner; paying TAILOR and cleaning store, old est.-Lb Jished; living rooma; must be sold on account of leaving town. 604 Union ave. rn. I TT-, l"'r--,--l--S : itou UHUUhJKi, dandy location, doing living good cash business: furnished .rooms; $500 cash, balance easy, ns, 415 Ry, Exch. bldg. llor GARAGE. 50x120, rent $60; 3-ear storage, mi-y;e repair Business ; i.-ik will nan oie. otu o-jo Hallway Exchange. A PARTNER WANTED. A transfer business; can draw $200 montn; will handle it, fuliy Be curea. rtoom x jjgKum flag; STICKAROUN D AND SEE pest delicatessen ana apt. grocery on aen. st. eneap. can me toaay. Bdwy, p. s i or uo cucn r;ag. iDENTAL office tools and practice; must sen on account oi sickness. V 12 uregonian. IFOR SALE Dillon's garage, Yamhill, ur. v-m invoice $."000. terms. Ga- rage going good business. WOOD AND COAL Partner wanted to tend yard, eta. kooih li'iueiium mag. PI LBS can he Dermanemiv cured with. out operation, or write Dr. Dean. liESTAUR-iNT, lunch counter, nice trade gooa location, a-year lease. $800. term Bdwy. 772. M-Fariand. Pa Ming bldg ITEST doughtiu; maker on coast desires to meet party with $2000; big money; beat of rfffrencps. E I3fi. Orponian. ITlLL sacrifice stock and fixtures of va- riety siorc union avenue North. kEAUTY PARLOR Fully equipped, big Bacrince to' w airut 0051. joRNER grocery and confectionery store lw""iiu I-' B.VC BARBER SHOP." " ' 193 Adams, near Hci!ad-iy. PrSTAURANT Cash or terma. BdwyT 1 PARTNER W ANTE D 200 REQUIRED. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. Here is absolutely the very best op portunity in this city to secure an equal one-half interest in the busiest and best equipped small auto repair shop, fine, busy location; very low rent; long established, steady trade; doing only guaranteed first-ciass work; have more work than can handle; prefer a steady and reliable partner to hired .help; previous experience not necessary if you are mechanically inclined and handy with tools; need man more than money; your opportunity to learn the business and easiiy dear better than $165 month for yourself from the start; only $200 required to secure an equal haif interest; don't fail to see this be fore you buy; well worth double the investment; a genuine bargain. Call early at 347 Pittock block, Washington at 10th street. PARTNER WANTED, AUTO PAINTING. Here is unquestionably the best op portunity in Portland to secure an equal half interest in big paying busi ness; shop is full to doors with work and large volume of business on wait ing list; doing only highest class work, but have entirely too. much for owner to handle alone. Fine: location in mod ern, fireproof building on one of city's busiest auto thoroughfares; rent very low. You need not be expert painter, as owner is Al painter and finisher and will teach you the business; nrof its should never be less than $175 to $200 month for each partner. Don't fail- to see this before locating of you want the best buy in the city for the money; $300 handles equal half inter est. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark. ' BATTERY, ELECTRIC SERVICE AND REPAIR STATION. Here is an exceptional opportunity for a steady and reliable man to se cure an equal half interest in a busy battery and electric repair service sta tion, very best and complete equip ment, no better location, right down town; have agency for leading bat tery; previous experience not essential as the duties are easiiy learned; long lease, rent only $20 per month; right man will easily clear better than $175 per month for himself from the start; only $350 required ; investment fully secured; best buy in city, well worth double the price. Call 347 Pittock blk.. Wash, at 10th. ' JUST WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR. MERCHANDIKJS i3UbIAH3S US PORTLAND. Long lease, cheap rent, good loca tion, selling on account of sickness. hiiKin..t consists of hardware, house hold goods, furniture, phonographs, large stock or Holiday gooas, toys, , etc. DOING GOOD BUSINESS. Prv vou to Investigate, no specu lators or curiosity seekers wanted; reference exchanged ; $4000 cash or Soinm in trade, l i6V, uregonian. HOSIERY SPECIALTY SHOP. The Surety Shop. Inc.. of 350 Morri son st., Portland, Is for sale at once, including stock, fixtures and 5-vear lease: located Vis block from Broad way and in the immediate downtown shopping district. The owner, C. W. Hunter, Is called east on other business owing to a death in the family and is desirous or ais- posing of the entire business at once. $3200 TAKES meat market located In one or Portland s pest residential re stricted districts. No other butcher shop near it. Rent only $25. lease 4 yrs. Cash business per day $85 besides 150 credit customers. 1-ton Harris ice ma chine included. Reasonable casn wui handle. S. BORLAND, REALTOR, 800 Henry Bldg. and Oak StB. WANT to borrow $18,000; will give blanket mortgage covering 40,000-ft, sawmill, donkeys and all equipment; will also ive a working: interest in lumber sailing and buying agency; this is a sato investment and also an op portunity to get in a good, steady. paying growing business. For particu lars iphone Main 089 L . $750 WILL handle grocery, doing $35 oay, casn ana carry, 3 oeautitui living rooms. $850 Confectionery, west side, dan dy location. $1650 or invoice prrocery dolne $40 day, 5 beautiful living rooms, bath. Wo select tne places wortn wnne. z. Eaklns, 315 Couch bldg., 108 4th st, LEARN ADVERTISING. Page-Davis course. The best. IN CREASES INCOME. Call, phone or write J. H. BROWNLEE, resident rep resentative, for valuable, free Informa tion. WASHINGTON HOTEL, city, mornings and evenings. LARGEST concern of its kind in Ore gon needs $20,000. Fine chance for someone to get in on the ground floor and make big money during the coming year. Large orders already assured. Can give bank references; no agents. Y 102, Oregonian., CAFETERIA FOR SALE. . On easy terms to responsible party. Part cash, balance on monthly pay ments. Reasonable rent, lease, good location, drawing very fine trade. Will sell at bargain. Call Main 5992 or see the place at 204 Broadway. REAL live store doing $90,000 annual Dusinesa ior saie, euner invoice or wui accept an offer. $6000 to handle. Lo cated in the best and richest dairy section in Oregon. AV 419, Oregonian. FULLY equipped shoe repair shop in coast rown, can ne naa at a Bargain ir sold this week, start in equipment will run over $1000. Apply Breyman Leather Co., 2d and Oak. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called Interest in estab lished real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. 5-YEAR LEASE. Store at 144 2d st., bet. Alder and Morrison sts., west side. Mr. Buche, DEKUM & JORDAN, 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 2241). GROCERY and confectionery, by owner. Account leaving cuy, n sold tnis week, $1000 ; terms, Including living room and furniture; brick building; rent $35, heat included. R 129, Oregonian. STOP! LOOK! Now listen, best equip- peu restaurant in Dest suDuro or Port land for sale by owner. 113 Killings worth ave. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS. Well established business desires the services and investment of party with $900. X 59. Oregonian. AUTO BUSINESS SPECIAL. Busy street, sell gas, oils, auto parts and repairing; profits good. $600 -nanaieB it. rtoom wx ueKum blag. FOR SALE Modern steam laundry In one oi best towns in state now paying well; $10,000 to handle. Inquire Oa mund & Co., 28 First st NICE cleaning and pressing business; new tioiiman pressing machine; good location, low rent Apply 14 North Broadway. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION Stock of gent s iurnisnmg goods, snoes, etc., at discount; also register, floor cases and other fixtures. AV 457, Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED. A modern garage, sell gas. oils, etc; 60 cars steady storage. $1000 handles It. Room 401 Dekum bldg. LANDS in New Mexico being sold for taxes, ir you want to make a good investment write to box 516 Tucumcari. iew aiexico. PARTNER wanted in a restaurant and cigar stand doing a dandy business; partner to look after cigar stand and act as cashier. 511 Lumbermens blag. RESTAURANT, good-paying business in big payroll district; sickness compels sale. Terms. Walnut 2916. TO LEASE Building on Union ave., 25x 100, suitable tor tactory. owner. Wal nut 0230. WILL sell my share In good paying cafeteria $1000 or nearest offer. 130 N. Broadway. Terms accepted. - TAILOR shop, cleaning and pressing and steam press far sale. 345 JeX ferson. cor. Bdwy. Atwater 3150. GROCERY siore with living rooms, doing cash businesss, good location for man and wife. Call East 140L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. P5trv M.CT . .JX I frcs all fixed, racheCPv "iM TTr WYE AeS. SUW.TMFIA S POSTPONED TILL OA FINE, M1STA Vtftt A POWriZ TELLER. TOL HE TO 1 IICLh M CBT J JANUARY ? WSOLONO?- ( f THE LAWVEO THE CCUKt)? AM W JF T TAt-L DARK. J HEASiHO LKI (o.SHE. WELt-.THW WILL Be) CAlEHDA WAS- ( W l5TH ONE M A A.HT HAti Noj OFFVt 4 V DETTE ALL OUrD. FUU.TUA. V? ,1 THEM KIND ! TELLER "TOU VOU TO srV f rff , T - 1 S . JV. M "X MAM ! j 7?fo 1 ft SlHCE 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Only $350 required to secure an equal half interest in one of the busiest and best equipped - first-ciass shops in Portland; full line of tools, power machinery, etc., very best location, right downtown; fireproof building; long lease and very low rent; have shop filled to the doors with work; need a steady and willing worker; expe rience not absolutely necessary if you have some mechanical ability and want to learn and work up with the busi ness; your opportunity to buy In with a first-class mechanic with a large fol lowing of steady customers; you should easily clear better than $185 every mon th for yourae! f from the start ; positively the best you can secure equipment alone worth more than price asked; your investment fully secured in every way; don't fail to' see this before you buy. Call 347 Pittock blk-, Wash, at 10th st. CLIENTS WAITING TO BUY. Groceries, cigar stands, meat mar kets, auto repair shops, garages, V interest partnerships, restaurants, caf eterias, light lunches, dry goods. Do you want to sell? If so, us a tryout for quick action. DEKUM & JORDAN, S23-324 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Bdwy. 2249. give CASH and carry grocery, averaging $30 per aay, lease, rent living room, fixtures go with building, good reason for selling. Stock will invoice more than price asked Bargain for $1000 from owner. AC 127, Ore gon i an. SOFT drinks, cards, lunches, with barber shop, for sale. 348 Gllsan st, Business Opportunities Wanted. NEWCOMER has $2000 cash to Invest in sound business; accustomea to clerical work. If you have a reliable business and can use business man with above qualifications see us. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy, 1658. OWNERS List your business chances, leases, etc., with us, as we have buy ers waiting for listings of merit. McCarthy, maxwell & downey, Room 1, Ry. Ex. Broadway 7519. COUNTRY grocery or feed store: will give as first payment modem home with good income, the balance cash. Y 14o, uregonian. HAVE several clients waiting to invest in small business or partnership.; wnat have you? 505 Buchanan bldg. . Hotels and Rooming Houses. MARY E. LENT COMPANY. 823-4-5 N. W. BANK BLDG., EXCLUSIVE BROKERS OF HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES, ROOMING HOUSES AND LEASES. SIXTEEN YEARS IN THIS BUSI NESS IN PORTLAND. REAL BARGAIN. 8 H. KV rooms, choice White Temple location, very -clean and well furnished place, rent ?30; $70 Income; price $iuw; $auu down, aee tnis toaay. ARTHUR L, SCOTT, Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 3663. SACRIFICE, 14 rooms and sleeping porch, netting $70 per month ; no vacancies. Price $1275. $730 ish. Owner called eaet and must cell. HILLER BROS., 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bflwy. 3626. FOR UU1CK SALE! list your hotels, apartment or rooming houses with us; your interest will al ways be protected; we nave casu Buy ers waiting for your proposition. -See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. J30OO DOWN 12 ROOMS. Rent $40, showa income $70 monthly ana o rooms ior tne owner, a real home and Income. Full price $1275, fully furnished, piano and everything. AKTttUll L. oUuli UU., 330 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3663. 20 rooms, housekeeping, nettiwf over $100 per month; rent only $60 with lease. On account of cicknesa must eel-L Full price $2000, terms. HILLER BROS., 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. WILL FINANCE YOU. I am owner of elegant furniture In large modern home, with lease, suit able for apts. and for high-class board- Ins house: fine location. Need some one to manage place who wants an in terest. Owner, 4Uo coucn biag CAN YOU MANAGE A HOTEL? We are taking over several modem hotela and need experienced men who havo some cash. We offer both good salary and profits. Write about your experience for interview. Ao ore goman. $600 BUYS 6 rooms of very good furni ture; rent only $su per mo. ; on tne east side, close in; on car line. This is a snap owing to iimess. S. BORLAND, REALTOR, 300 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts. 11 ROOMS, h. k.. furnishad better than , average, lumace. rme basement, con venient living quarters, walking dis tance, 1 block to car; rent $45i price $1250; terms. Owner's phone. East 31H5. 171 E. 13ttl st. S. TRANSIENT HOTEL. BRIOK BLDG. LONG LEASE. $4000 cash. 35 rooms. Ricrht down town on corner, new furniture and rugs, steam heat, h. and c. water. See ire at once, da xammii. TRANSIENT HOTEL, 20 ROOMS. LEASE. $600 cash will give you possession. income. 387 Yamhill. A SNAP. 20 rms., 14 furn. ; good town, close to Portland; good bldg., cheap rent. Must De soict at once, tricea to sen, luuu, MANY UTHKK UWU KU1S. STURM -KEFER CO.. 214 5th St. $55 A MONTH 23 ROOMS. 12 now furnished. Price $2200, terms If you can furnish balance of rooms, you will have" some place. Lease. East side, close in. See my agent, 391 Yam- nui. BOOMING house and hotel buyer, if you want a place of 7 rooms to 70, we can place you; make us prove It. KERR REAL ESTATE OFFICE, Atw. 5594. 391 Yamhill St. MAKE us an offer on 15 h. k. rooms, close In, lease. This la very clean with new mahogany furniture, all modern; big net income. Must ,sell this week. 191 Park. I CAN PUT YOU IN CHARGE as manager of a good hotel if you have a little money ; references. Both profits and salary. Howe, Bdwy. 6787. LESS THAN $100 A ROOM. 51 fine h. k. rms., good furniture new drapes; near heart of city. Bdwy, BUY, SELL or exchange. Phone Mai: 1043. 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. Financial aid obtained on approved oeais nanaieq tnroutrn this otiice. 21 ROOMS, 1, 2, 3-room apts., 1 garage rent S70, 2 years' lease; nets $125 price $2850, some terms. Phone Main CSS 7. 2ii H. K. ROOMS, ciose m, corner, under straight lease; nets $io; .$3UO; terms. jn Htn St. 20 H. K. APTS., downtown: owner to ing away. $1700 cash, balance terms. can otn st., apt, l. 29 H. K. RMS., all full, clears $160 mo. downtown. $1900, terms. Bdwy. 7072. McFariand, ZUS Failing bldg. GOOD APARTMENT HOUSE, dose In. nair lurnismea. lease, very reasonable. Investigate. No agentsv Atwater 2277. I BUY chattel mortgages on hotels. rooming and apartment houses. A E. Peters, new Strand hotel, 355 Stark sL $200 DOWN payment. 11 H. K. rooms. ciose In on W. S.; goqd income. 101 Park st. $55 A MONTH 10 ROOMS. Price $1800, nets $130, $1000 cash. See my agent, 391 Yamhill st. 23 H. K., LEASE, central, money-maker, $uuu. nandiea. scott, 201 10th. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Booming Houses. BEAUTY. 9-room Cat, beautifully furnished, piano and everything goes; rent only $62.50 ; steam heat furnished ; dandy home and income. $450 cash, small balance. NOB HILL. 28 rooms, dandy location, walking distance, netting $150; has lease; only $1250 to handle. Easy balance. See Newton, with WM. A, HUGHES CORP'N., ' 505 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WEST SIDE. Bargain. 22 rooms and 2 sleeping porches, 5 fireplaces, lota of furni ture, including piano ; good furnace, 3 wash trays, fine big lawn and flowers some fruit trees, fine looking place, on corner; very best location, walking distance, clears $175 and a nice home for yourself; this place was sold last month for $5000; owner called east and says sell for $3800, easy terms. HILTON-DANIEL CO., -' Bdwy. 7800. " 270 Stark St. WH ITS TEMPLE DISTRICT. 10 rooms; 3 kitchenettes; rent $37.50; clears $75 per month; price $iooo, $ioo cash. NOB FTTLL. 13 rooms, close to school; hot and cola water in apts,; nets over $o per month; $1500, $600 cash. See Mrs. Sharp, with WM. A HUGHES CORP'N., 505 Couch Bldg. " WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 10 rooms. 3 kitchenetteV rent $37.50, clears $75 per month. Price $1500; $750 casn. NOB HILL. 12 rooms, close to school, hot and cold water in apts., nets over $75 per month ; $1500 ; $600 cash, see jars. Sharpe, with Wm. A. Hughes Corp'n, 505 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6808 6 2-ROOM APTS. AND 1 SINGLE. Rent $75, lease 5 years; nets $70 per month; the next three months rent is paid in advance, all apts. full and fur niture good ; first mtg. $720, equity $550, trade for good car, or furnished fiat. Mr. Burke with DEKUM & JORDAN, 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2249. HOTEL. 70 rooms, brick building, heart of city, hot and cold water in all rooms, steam heat, showing good net. Price $8000; terms. Might consider home as part payment. See NEWTON, with WM. A. HUGHES CORP'N, 505 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6808. FOR SALE BY OWNER $800 CASH $800. 15 b. k. rooms, all mahogany and solid oak furniture, WLlton rugs, gas ranges, water in several apts., ail rms. full. You can make 3 more rooms and garage. Rent only $30. 387 Yamhill. " FOR DOWN RIGHT VALUE SACRIFICE nearly 40 rms., elose-ln apt. house; lease; close in. Less than $100 a rm. Safe. Easy terms. Bdwy. 6787. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., Couch Bldg. Hotels and Rooming Houses Wanted. WANT to buy rooming house, 10 to 12 rooms, must be reasonaoia. xxavo cash. Phone Bdwy. 3608. WANT rooming house. Have $600 to pay down. A& 39, oregonian. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on carB oi tne r. t., i & r . uo,. xjvq. v: 12 nmbrellas. 4 lunch boxes. 2 nurses. 1 pin. 3 handbags, 3 pairs gloves, 4 single gloves 1 book, 12 packages, violin, 1 single rubber. 1 single garter, 2 knives. Dec. 10: 7 umbrellas, coat belt. X purse, 1 single rubber, thermos pottie. 1 nanaoafr. 4 pairs gioves, j, single glove, coat, 2 packages, court summons Owners may obtain' same at j'lrst ana Alder streets. LOSP "Ik's tooth, on fob, witn initials sr. n. A., no. 14a on oacK, aaturaay nlsrht In Maieatio or Hazelwood or be tween. Call Walnut 034L Liberal reward. LOST Man't diamond ring tabout carat or larger) in downtown district, or between there and West Park and Hall. Liberal reward for return of same. Main 3830. LOST In Broadway Hazelwod rest room a black suk bag; vaiuea as gui. win finder please keep money and return bag, keys and check book to owner at 5U4V weioier st-r LOST Gold wrist watch on 3d and Gli ear or is. jroadway between union ave. and 17th and Weidler. Initials E. F. W. Broadway 7422. Reward. LOST In Mount Scott district, white pointer dog with brown on head, an swers to name "Prince." Call Auto 626-43. Reward. LOST Saturday nhrht, between Port Land hotel and Arlington ciuo, mack opal, white gold scarf pin; reward. Seiiwood 2io. LOST Saturday eve., lady's Elgin wrist watch, small dial with wide gold eage black ribbon. Reward. Main 5021 or Atwater 0361. LOST String of La Tosca pearl beads with sterling sliver clasp and rnine- stones; keepsake; reward. Winifred Nelson, 411 East Morrison. East 0502. LOST One Michelen disc wheel, Decem ber , between Tualatin and wiison ville or Oswego. Write M. C. Young, Wilsonvllle, Or. Reward. LOST In Yamhill markets Saturday, ytn, umbrella, name engraved Mrs. c H. Harmon. Finder please phone Main 4238. LOST-One gentleman's glove between 2d and 3d sts. on Aider. Finder pie phone Seiiwood 1979. LOST Pair of glasses in, case, downtown district, Saturday. Finder please call Bdwy. ui3o, stationery aept. LOST On Gladstone ave. or south on 39th. physician s black satchel. Seal- wood 0934. LOST On 1061 Garfield, small fox ter , rier, light brown spots, wearing leather coiiar; named Teddy, vvatnut tji'o. LOST Sunday, fox terrier -with harness. filling station, Aibma avenue and Emerson; reward, walnut 2192. FOUND Clackamas county, Nov. 27, white and tan hunting dog. Atwater 14U7 evenings. LOST Cameo earring, auditorium Satur day evening. Mr. Hall, Atwater 5954. Keward. LOST Gold breast pin, heirloom, pear; in center, gold chain tassel. Reward. East W8!3. LOST White male fox terrier nun. months old, brown spots on tips of ears, oooEaii. nasi oas::. itewarq. LOtST Gentleman's diamona ring, Wal. U4.17. H4.j JrTescott; reward. SUM of money. Owner call No. 18 sav ings dept., U. S, bank. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGE LOANS, LARGE AND SMALL LOWEST PREVAILING RATES UNLIMITED FUNDS. STRAIGHT OR INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS. You will like our service and w solicit your business. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Portland, Or. 1103 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 3826. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate or col lateral security; contracts and chattel mortgages bought. 407 Con. See. bldg. Phone Broadway 1385. Fidelity Secur ity Corporation. C W. Pallett. treas urer and manager. - 10 SHARES of Portland Gas Co. pre ferred stock bearing 7 per cent interest payable quarterly for sale; prica $9.75 K 130, Oregonian. WE BUY let and 2d real estate mort gages or sellers' contracts anywhere. H. E. Noble & Son. Lumbermens bidg. LOANS and securities. Broadway 5890. Lee Davenport, 612 Buchanan bldg. WE LOAN money on automobiles. Gran ping & Treece. 102 N. Broadway. BUY notes, contracts mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 262 Stark st. Ry. Exch. bidg. GASOLINE ALLEY RACHEL FINANCIAL. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS RESIDENCES, APARTMENTS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES, Three or five-year loans: money con ditions are now most favorable to bor rowers; all applications acted upon promptly; loans closed witnout delay, MORTGAGE GUARANTEE CO., Affiliated With ' TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, Title and Trust Bids. Bdwy. 6565. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6. As Portland resident loan correspond ent for the New York Life Insurance company, we are able to offer the best form of residence mortgage loan ob tainable. All loans appraised and closed lo- cauy. uiiiAia. We are also in a position to handle mortgage loans on inside business prop erties ana apartment houses. - THE DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO Ground Floor, Wells-Far go Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. , AUTO MORTGAGES CASHED. BUILDING CONTRACTS CASHED. FINANCE APARTMENT HOUSES, FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS. YOU BUY OR SELL PROPERTY, WE CASH UP THE MORTGAGE. u. SECOND MORTGAGE ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. Small monthly payments; privilege to pay more or loan may be paid in full at any time. L. M. PHILLIPS ft CO., 288 Stark St Bdwy. 0238. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts, ir. m, bowman at Co., 210 Cham. Com, bldg. Stocks and Bonds. ALASKA INVESTMENT & DEVELOP MENT CO stocknoiaers please write 520 Consolidated bldg., Los Angeles, California. KING' S Food Products Co. stock for sale at a big discount. Board of Trade iarper anop. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount at lower rates on city or country property; prompt and help- iui service. PAGET & PAGET, REALTORS, 283 Stark St., Nr. 4th. Bdwy. 3794. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property, ; long time, snort time monthly payments, pay as you can sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Aider sis. LiCii.L,Ai;&-mu i.i u;i uu. HAVE $1000; $1500, $3000, $5000 to loan at 7 per cent on improvea security; -prompt, reliable service. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. ?16 N. "W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. MONEY to loan In any amount at lowest rates Of interest on city improved property. First mortgages bought and sold. McClure & Schmauch Go., 303 Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and cit7 property; favorable repaying privileges ; no commission or aeiay. The OREGON UimTUAUU CO., LXU, 809 Piatt bldg. Main 5871. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6 and 7 per cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. WE HAVE funds for first mortgage loans on Willamette vaney larms; no aeiay; no red tape, no publicity. Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan u., Aurora, ur. MORTGAGE LOANS, city, farm or sub urban property; ijuildlvu loans a SPECIALTY Broadway 7407. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215 Failing Bldg, &H0RT-T1M3 second mortgage loans to responsioic nome owners. MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO.. 822 Gasco Building. PAY vour mortgage by installments. 6 in. on new principal after each pay ment; no com.; repayment privilege any sum any time, wamut wax. MONEY loaned on real estate security at going rates oi interest, utto & Hark so n Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Com. $200. $250, J35Q. $500 and up; contracts anrt 2d morteairea. boutrhL C. C. Mnr - and 2d mortgages- bought, C. C. Mur- ton. 612 Worcester bldg. Tel. 511-25. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. Trust Department, the United States Natioral Bank. TO LOAN, $1000, $2000, $4000, real estate security. R M. GATE WOOD ft CO., 165 4th st. CASH for mortgages and sellers' con tracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6007. $1000, $2000, $3000, $4000, $5000., We are loaning; our own monev. F. H. DESHON. 1004-7 Spalding Bldg. $200, $400. $500, $750, $1000 AND UP. Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. KL K. Baxter, Spalding bldg. $500. $1000 AND UP on imp. real estate, favorable terms; no delay; no broker- age. John jjain. qui apaiqing bldg.. HAVE $3500 to $4000 to loan on resi dence property in good districts. Boubel. Main 1168. , HAVE $2000 to $2500 to loan on resi dence property In good districts. Boubel. Main 1168. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. C. A. Wagner Co.. 230 Stark st. SEE ORfcGON INV. & MTG. CO., 210 EXCH BLDG., 2D AND ST IRK. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon & Co.. 307 Ry. Exch. Bldg. $4500 FOR residence loan. Mrs. Kable, East 2684. t $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN; my own money. C 83, Oregonian. KNOWS FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS AT ,tl4. Five-year period with repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof on interest dates, INSTALLMENT LOANS, 6 PEE CENT. 6 or IS years: will loan 80 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with in terest; you may pay more or all of principal on first of any month; a penalty. - ' BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS, BVs PER CENT. . Ftve-year period with repayment privileges. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. BR ICE MORTGAGE CO. Portland Mortgage Correspondent-. The Prudential Insurance Co, of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main 8308. THE "DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE has become thoroughly established in use in Portland by careful borrowers. You repay us $10 each month on ach $1000 borrowed, including prin cipal and interest therein. You have permission to pay any more at any time without penalty. Befora you real ize it the debt is paid. CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY, 6 PER CENT. Other residence loans 6 per cent. Being sole Portland loan correspond ent for different eastern financial in stitutions and having a large number of private investment accounts, we giva unparalleled mortgage loan facilities as since im)7. EDWARD B. GOUDEY COMPANY, United States Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 1 to 15 Years. LARGE OR SMALL. DWELLINGS APAR f MENT3. FLATS BUSINESS PROPERTIES. Low Interest Rates Prompt Service. INSTALLMENTS OR STRAIGHT. Unlimited Funds Immediately PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Sixth and Morrison. OWN YOUR OWN HOME BY PAYING LIKE RENT. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan in our monthly payment pian. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $25,36 per month for 48 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $16.60 per month for 84 months, or $is.7u per month for 96 montns, pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. Other amounts in same proportion. City loans on improved property ox for improvement purposes, no com missions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Kvl-303 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. ANY AMOUNT. STRAIGHT (3 TO 5 YEARS). INSTALLMENT 5 TO 15 YEARS). Second mtge. and sellers' contracts oougnt ana sold. . we are prepared to assist yon in iinancmg your nome. mr, juarun, loan aepartment. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 1889. Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. 7522. MORTGAGE LOANS. LARGE OR SMALL. CURRENT RATES NO DELAY. - DWELLINGS APARTMENTS. FLATS BUSINESS PROPERTIES; INSTALLMENTS OR STRAIGHT. UNLIMITED FUNDS AVAILABLE. W. S. PO I N DEXTER, 207-3 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. PLENTY MONEY on hand for SMALL MORTGAGE LOANS Olty and Suburban. We buy small contracts and equities, We make smrUl building loans. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. MORTGAGE LOANS. MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN. No Commission Charged. Fay for your home like others pay rent Also straight mortgages if desired. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., ij'uurth St. Broadway 6464. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette valley farms; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., Gronna Floor, Welis-Fargo Bldg. WE HAVE money available for good res'.aence loans; also insurance money for business pioperty at lowest avail abl rates. MORTGAGE BOND. CO., Broadway 2021. Wilcox Bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. - DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES QUICK SERVICE LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PI ANOS, VICTROLAS, REAL ESTATE, WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed.) 606-307 Dekum Bldg. Bdwy. 5857. S. W. Corner Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY. We loan money to salaried and work ing men on their personal notes'; rates reasonable; easy payment plan; no se curity, no indorser; all business strictly confidential ; call and investigate our system ai lenamg money. . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., Licensed.) 218 Failing Bidg. Broadway 6994. ' nA1sr kury 1 m f, wnw -f . DAN MA,RX. & co- .?la Washington at, near otn s:.; established over 38 years onl high -class jewelry store in city with loan department in connection ; private room for . ladies; business etriutiy confidential; under state super vision; al! articles held one year; do business with an old-established firm. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. The finest jewelry store in the city, with loan deoartment in connection; 3 private offices; business" strictly confi dential. ZELL BROS, ft CO., 283 Washington St., near 4th. Government Licensed and Bonded Brokers. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed in storage with us at regular Danic rates. SECURITY STOR & TRANSFER CO. i'ourtn ana fine streets. Opposite Murtnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan: diamonds. Jewelry, etc. legal rate; articles held 1 year. Vinea jewelry, corner 3a ana wasningtoo. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult- aomah Finance Co., xsj Gasco bldg. Loans Wanted. LOAN wanted. $4000 to $4250 on gilt- edge farm property, on highway. No commission. AV 323, Oregonian. WANTED $4250 3 years, 1 will give first mortgage on business property wortn a-iz.uuu. Auiu. baa-oa. WANTED $3000 to $5000. Ampie secur ity, a per cent, vvuson, -( uasco ota, $15fi0 WANTED on residence. 3 y good security; no agents. Tabor 438: FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. I HAVE about $2000 worth of household furniture, an automobile conservative ly worth $500, and an equity of $4750 in my home which I will give as se curity for a loan of $1000 for $ months. Will pay $100 for' the use of the money. . Unquestionable moral risk. Address V 123, Oregonian. WE CAN loan your money on ftrst-claa security to earn 10 per cent- Guaran teed. SECURITY STOR & TRANSFER CO., 4th t Pine sts., opp. Multnomah hotel Phone Bdwy. 8715. Loan Dept. WOULD, you be interested in an Invest ment, not a loan, nor a gambler's chance, having paid over 20 for 14 consecutive years? Available not over $14,000 nor less than $1400, For ap- puinunent pnone ii;a3t 45tfa. HAVE a client with $500 and $SS0 mort gage contract on 5-rnx house, drawing per cent, ana payable a mo. ana interest. wm discount 10 per cent. irtoi DrooK. ni4-io Fanama p:qg. WANTED Loan of $9000 at 1 per cent on new nign-ciass uupiex nouse in irv- ington. k. Bowman Co., 210 Cham- oer ot commerce. Bdwy. 0007. m, $750. $1000 AND $1100 WANTED at & per cent, also $1000 at 7 per cent on Improved real estate security. Fred w. uermaa o faa co. oi uom. Diag. $827 CONTRACT, $22 50 nr mrv . inciuuing o per cent interest, ior sale at $077. Fred W. German Co.. 732 oi vom. oiag. WANT $1000 for 3 years at 7 per cent trom private party on new suburban bungalow; value $2750; gilt-edge loan. Phone owner, Main 9318. WANTED 512,000 to $14,000 for con struction or industrial building; secure by first mortgage. Bdwy. 2639. 6EE Gws,GON INV. & MTG. CO., 210 .Ji.i,t. .BliLHj.. 2D AND STARK. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals for the construction of roaabed. bridges and culverts for approximately eigat and one-halt S&J nines of railroad in Cowlitz county, W aslilngtoa. will be received by the Lonxview, Portland' & Northern rail way company at it offices at Kelso, Washington, up to 2 o'clock P. M January 1, 1923. when they will be opened and read, euoh eight and one halt (S & ) miles being regarded by the company as the first unit of con templated construction expected to total twenty-six (26) miles, contract expected ta be let early in 1923. - Drawings, specifications, aud form of proposal, contract and bond are on fiie in the office of the chief en gineer, Kelso, Washington, and may be inspected by prospective bidders, or same will be furnished to interested parties on deposit of ten dollars ($10) which will be refunded upon teturn of papersln good condition. Bids must be made on proposal forms to be furnished by the com pany and in the manner designated therein, same to be inclosed in sealed envelope bearing the name and ad dress of the bidder and to be marked "Bid for railroad construction." The principal quantities involved are approximately as follows; 153,580 cu&ic yards common excava tion. 3U.300 cubic yards loose rock excava- inn. 5U.300 cubic yards solid rock excava tion. 222,660 cubio yards embankment oorrow. 649.710 station yards overhaul. 924 linear feet 18-inch concrete cul vert pipe. 672 linear feet 24-inch concrete cnl Tert pipe. 60 linear feet 30-inch concrete cul vert pipe. 380 linear feet 36-inuh concrete col vert pipe. 70 linear feet 42-inch concrete onl vert pipe. 43.860 linear feet DlHn. - 514.500 feet B. M. lumber for trestles. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the Longview, Portland ft Northern Rail way company for not less than fivs (5) per cent of the total amouat of tne bid as a guarantee that contract will be enterea into it awarded. The person or persons, if any, to whom the contract is awarded, will be re quired to file a bond in a sum not if.R than 50 rer cent of the total amount bid, with good and sufficient sureties, to guarantee the faithful par tormance of the contract. Special attention of the bidder is eaiiea to iniurmation ior Jtuaaerar included in the proposal forms. The right is reserved to reject any ana an oias. LONG VIEW-PORTLAND & NORTHERN RY. COMPANY, By Wesley Vandercook. Title Chief Engineer SEALED proposals will be received and publicly openea oy too director, u. a. Veteran Bureau, in the Office of the Quartermaster-General, 2306 Munitions building, wasnington, u. u., at 11 a. M., January 16, 1923. for construction of a Neuro-Psychiatric hospital at American Lake, Tacoma, Washington, for the Veterans Bureau. Work will Include construction of 28 buildings of reinforced concrete, tile and brick, complete with water, lighting, heating and sewer systems, roaas ana walks, Plans and specifications may be ob tained after December 9, 1922, from the wuartermaster-ueneral, room 2306, Munitions building. Washington, n. c. upon deposit of $100. One set of plans and specifications will be on exhibition at each of the following stations: Con--etructing Quartermasters at 39 White hall St., New York city, and Fort Mason, California, and Quartermaster Supply Officers at 1819 West Pershing Road, Chicago, HI., Second and Ar senal sts., St. Louis, Mo., Stacy Street Terminal, Seattle, Washington, and N ew Postoitice building, Portland, Oregon. ' I WILL receive sealed bids for stock of merchandise consisting of automobile ires, inner tubes repair bud sly ac cessories, machinery and equipment j or '.re renairs ana iurmture ana fix tures of the total inventoried alue of 1092 27. located at 108 First street, Por and. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of December 15, 1922. Terms rash and a certified check of 10 per cent ot tne amount oiierea mast ac company each bid. i Th right is, reserved to reject any and all offers. The inventory may be s .en at my office and the property may oe mfpectea at tno above aa dress on application to the under feigned. Dated Portland, Oregon, Deeembei f XYJ J. U. AMilJJK.,. Tr stee in bankruptcy of HcArdle lire Shop, Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland, Oregon, I WILL receive sealed bids for a certain stock of. merchandise, consisting prin cipally of groceries of the inventory value of $4140.84, together with fix tures at $1857.50, total $5998.34, lo cated at The Dalles, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, December 19, 1922. Terms cash and a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each offer submitted. The sale is subject to the approval of the court. The inventory may be seen at my office and the merchandise may be inspected at The Dalles. Dated at Portland, Or., December 11, 1922. R. L. SABIN, 74Q Morgan bldg. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting principally of cigars and tobacco amounting to $601.51. together with poolroom fix tures of the Inventory value of $1566, total $2167.51, located at Lebanon, Or., up'To 12 o'clock neon of December 13. Terms cash and a check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must ac company each bid. The right is re served to reject any and all offers. The inventory may be seen at my of fice and the property may be inspected at Lebanon on application to Mr. Heyne of Lebanon. Dated at Portland, Or., December 5, 1922. R L. Sabin, 740 Morgan bldg. Miscellaneous IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON. FOR MULT NOMAH COUNTY. PROBATE DIVISION- In the Matter of the Estate of LB. Pilkmeton. Deceased: I will receive sealed bids for': the stock ot mere nana lae and iixtures oer- taining to this estate, located at 215 North Twenty-third street. Portland Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednesda y, Leceember 13, 1922, to gether with the lease to the said premises. Terms cash, and a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sate subject to confirmation by the Court. The -inventory may be seen at my office and the property may be in spected on the premises. ' Dated at Portland, Oregon, Decem ber 9. 1922, CHAS. E. RAYMOND. 537 Pittock Block. Administrator. NOTICE is hereby given that a public bearine will be held in room 216 Ore gon building, 5th and Oak streets, Portland, at 8 o'clock P. M., on Wednesday, December 27, 1922, rela tive t the adoption of a genera! safety order covering safety devices and safeguarding in the operation of portabU power-di iven circular wood sawfl In the state, of Oregon, as au- thorizer by section 6765-0784, Oregon . laws- Oregon State Industrial Acci dent Commission. HAVING purchased the stock and fix tures of store located at 1999 East Stark at., Portland, Or., known as Stoll Bros. & F. G. Stoll. I will not be responsible for bills contracted by F. G. StolL T. A. Stoll or Stoll Bros, after December 11, 1922. All bills after December it ltfzz. ah bins contracted by the be fore-mentioned must be presented to me prior to De - cember 17, 1922, M. W. MANNING. SPECIAL NOTICES, Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER General Land Office, Washington. D. C Nov. 6, 1922. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions -and limitations of the act of June 9, 1916 CS9 Stat. 218), and the ins true lions of the secretary of the interior , of September 15, 1917 (48 L. IX 447), the timber on the fallowing lands will be sold at 10 o'ciock A. M., on De cember 19, 922, at public auction at the United States land office at Port land, Or., to the highest bidder at not less vhan the appraised value a shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-iUth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions al lowed, must be deposited at time of saie. money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which muit be re moved within l years. Bide will be received from citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a Qualified purchaur, the timber on any ltgai subdivision will oe offered sepa rately before being included in any cdler of a larger unit. T. 4 N-, R. S W.. Sec L NR. NE. , yellow fir, 440 M. ; NW. fc, NE. i, yellow fir, 140 M.; none of the yellow fir on these tracts to be sold for lesa than $2.25 per M, T. 6 N R. 3 W.. Sec. 35, NE. NE. yellow fir, 1250 M.; red cedar, SO M-; NW. t NE. red fir 3350 M., yellow firm 25U M., red cedar 50 M-; 6E, fc, NE. W. yellow fir 2425 M., red cedar 150 M.; SW. W, NE. red fir 275 M., yellow fir 860 M., red cedar 25 M.j NE. SE. V, yellow fir, 1390 M-; NW. , SE. red fir, 575 M.. yellow lirm Zid ai., red cedar, 50 M.; SE. ft, SE. ft, red fir 100 yellow fir, 680 M-; SW. ft, SE. ft, red fir. 675 M., yellow fir 400 M., red cedar. 60 M,; none of the fir or cedar on this area to be eold for leas than $2.25 per M. T. i S- R. 3 ., Sec. 28, SE. ft. SW. ft, red fir, 620 M.; none of the fir on this tract to b sold for lesa than 5 per M. GEO. R. WICKHAM, Acting Commissioner, General Land Ox flee. NOTICE. In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. United States of America vs. One Ford touring car. motor No, 2437527, Oregon license No. 244S3. Notice is hereby given that the auto mobile hereinafter described, seized by the United States marshal for the district of Oregon, under section 26, title 2, of the national prohibition act, because the said automobile was be ing used for the transportation of In toxicating liquor on the public high ways of Multnomah county, in the etate and district of Oregon, in viola tion of law, has been condemned and forfeited by the United States district court for the district of Oregon, and is to be sold by the United States marshal at Portland, Oregon, from the steps of the federal, court building at Portland, Oregon, at public auction to the highest bidder at 10 A. M. on Sat urday, the 6th day of January, 1922, to-wit: One Ford louring car, motor No. 2437527, Oregon license No. 244S3. CLARENCE R. HOTCHKISS, United States Marshal for the District of Oregon. PERSONAL. SAN FRANCISCO, $17.50. B I PiUKWiCK TWIN-SIX FACKAJSXfc 7 A. M. TUBS., THURS. and 8A. WONDERFUL TRIP. PHONE OR WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER. PICKWICK STAGE OFFICE, 122 THIRD STREET. PHONE BROADWAY 0026. MARY E. I know that you were un willing to believe la. How it was done, out of deference to you, I don't know. We both know the determination back of the move to cause a break. Th sole method by which they could bold your attention was to discredit and make it seem possible. "Latet anguie in herba." See issue, third and tenth. JAZZ piano playing. Beginners, 10 les sons guaranteed. Popular songs imme- ' diately. Advanced, short course for business piano playing. Hours 12 to 8 P. M. Practice rooms. Jazz Parker, 514-15-16-17 Eilers bldg.. Wash. ,st at Fourth. NETTIE BENSON, N. D. Nervous and chronic diseases treated by new meth ods; traction for weak backs; electrio and steam baths, showers, violet ray, manipulations and sinusoidal treat ments. Bdwy. 6799. 508 Raleigh bldg., 827 Washington st. - PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guaranty given; no need of knife; no pain; continue work. Ask to see GLE-O-NIS PILE TREATMENT at all STOUT-LYONS DRUG STORES, 3d at Morrison, Bdwy. at Stark, Washing ton at 11th, Washington near Fifth. AN OLD soldier who has been exposed to ail kinds of weather says: 'Anyone suffering from rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis or any kind of kidney trouble will f iid grea t re 1 lef by raixin g two ounces Salgrene and 4 ounces olive oil, take 3 times a day after meals." LADIES, TAKARA, ANTISEPTIC POWDERS, a soothing, cleansing, healing germi cide and invigorating douche, a great aid to female disorders; 60c and $L -PORTLAND HOTEL PHARMACY. MADAM CURTIS echool of beauty cul ture at 402 Alisky bidg., apart from her beauty shop, 147 3d bL, Alisky bldg. lobby, where arrangements can be made for enrollment; course guar anteed. Phone Main 2150. I WOULD ,like to be a companion to a well-to-do woman who would appre ciate one brought up in refinement; t am a good reader and musical ; or would read to invalids. . Will someone answer? Address BJ 149, Oregonian. DR. ANN ROSE, massage, steam baths, vibratory electric treatments; most scientific work in city. Reduced prices. Six chiropractic adjustments $5. 213 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 8212. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's chiropodist and arch spec, who doesn't hurt you; 8 years here; exam. free. Blue Mouse bldg.. 11th and Wash. LEARN beauty culture; join class; eve ning school;-we know how. School 16 years old. ' Full course $40. Phone Broadway 6962. 400 Dekum bldg. NEW IN PORTLAND. Vader Pack treatment for blood and acid germs; an absolute cure, no fail ures. 509-12 Raleigh bldg. DRIVING big, comfortable car to Taco ma Wednesday morning. Take threa or four congenial parties. 205 Exchange bldg. Mr. Thompson, Main 3175, eve. MISS WALLACE, late Vancouver, B. C, cmropodist and manicurist. Face and Bcalp massage. 422 Washington eL , apt. 22. No phone calls. PHYSICIAN and wife, assistant, (practi cal nurse;, wm take lull charge of maternity cases at their private rest home. Reasonable. Main 3625. COUPLE wish to meet party going to Seattle wita auto, snare expenses. BJ 134, Oregonian, VITAL SCIENCE treatments, magnetic and vibratory. Emma Marshall, room 615 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 0355. GOITRE, enlarged glands. Cure yourself. A R. Strachan, R 5, Hillsboro, Or. No agents or representatives. NATUROPATHIC physician treats chron ic diseases. Nurse attendant 417 Swet land bldg. AFTER Dec L 1922, I will not be respon sible for debts contracted by any but myself. Fred E. Perin. SWEDISH massage, hydrotherapy, elec trotherapy treatment at 700 Dekum bldg. Phon Automatic 512-41. HAIR, moles, pimples removed (diplomas Boston, Chicago and state medical board). 801 Broadway bldg. Main 5109. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, re . mwedr 10-needle method: trial free Josie Finley. 514 Bush & Lane. M. 6368. FEVBET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; permanent marcel and water waving a. 349 Alder. Main 0546. DR LOUISE NETZEL, naturopath treat ments 546 Columbia at. Main 6503. Open Sundays. MASSAGES FOR LUMBAGO, ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash. bet. 4th and 5th. 10 to 9 P. M. A Iso Sunday.. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dn Dean, Second and Morrison treeta. STUDY MASSAGE AND HYDROTHlfiR A.PY Portland School of Massage. Ic, 4l4-15Stock Exch. bldg. Main 2722. WHY- SUFFER? Try electric hydro therapy treatments. Dr. Elna Soren son. 503 Panama bldg. DR. GOLDIE BANNYER, 42 Ella st, room 7; massage, electric treatments, 10:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. NATUROPATHIC treatments for rbsnn matism, bad colds, nervousness, dwb? assistant 322 Fliedner bldg. ECZEMA Free treatments. 705 Swet 1 and, bldg. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. ALCOHOL massage, steam tub baths. Miss Fox. 147 11th st, eve, and Sun. FACE massage, g'ftip treatment and manicuring 614 Buchanan bldg., iATMBAGO and other ailments treated. FigS. C. o a-- ii-Q mornings. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? See Vlereck. collectors. Dekum bldg. HARRY All business matters straight ened out Come home E. E. D. ' YOU bave a cancer see Dr. J. j A 4rT3 piiedner bldg. Bdwv 2730. Smith. I DOLLY NORTON. MANICURIST, 40o BUCHANAN BLDG.