2r2 TITE MORNING OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12,-1922 SITCATIONS WANTED MALE. THE U. S. VETERANS' BUREAU HAS THE FOLLOWING PHYSICALLY RE HABILITATED TRAINED MEN READY FOR WORK: One salesman, city trade, single, 84 years oid One auto mechanic, married, with child, 26 years old. One tallyman and scaler, married, 26 years old. One telegraph operator, married, with 2 children; 43 years old. Two dental mechanics, aged 22 aad 28 years; both married and with fam ilies. One salesman, gent's furnishings, married; 30 years. One stationary steam engineer or fireman. S years' experience; married; has child. 24 years of age. Ont" timekeeTier nr rie.rk. runs type writer, etc; has dependent mother; i ol years or age. M One hotel desk clerk, married, 23 years oid; has child. One cheese maker and creamery Jnan, single. 36 years old. One pouitryman and farm hand, sin gle, 35 years old. One shipping clerk, single, 27 yrs. One general farmer and poultry Xnan. married; 24 yrs. old; with child. One auto electrician, married, 27 years of age. One vuicanizer and auto electrician, married and 2 children; 28 years. One accountant, or bookkeeper; de pendent mother ; 25 years. Accountant, costs or high-class bookkeeper, 2 dependents; 34 years. One able seaman wants shore job, physically fit; 27 years. One helper moulder or machinist, ingle; 83 years. , For further information, communi cate with the U. S. Veterans' Bureau, Myler bldg., 9th and Oak sts. Phone .htroadwar vt YOUNG man, 4 years' carpenter experi ence. wants to 'earn cabinet work o: sometnmg siraimr, wui n. auIUtSlUIIlg SllUiltu , num. " ' -steady, inside work; references fur nished. Phone East 2522, Neave, or tit' xu'j. uregonian. Estimator and capable office man with civil engineering training, several years' experience, desires connection w 1 tn substantial f i rm ; Interview so- Ucited. G 130, Oregonian. HARRIED, ex-service man, 28 years of age with 2 children, would like work of any kind, preferably mechanical work, truck driving, gas, steam or elec tric engine work. Write Emer A. Tay lor, gen. atsu, piiei w uuu, Newspaper copy, circular letters, "booklets, catalogs, etc., prepared by expert during spare time. Reasonable cnarges. Address aj wcBwuau. WANTED By a man of long experience in lumber production, a position where he can work up; 17 years with one company as superintendent. AO 145, uregonian. SITUATION wanted by man with fam ily. Several years' experience la book keeping and accounting; also execu tive and business experience. AM 141, Oregon lan. 6HINGLING We specialize In reshin gling and roof repairing; It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; esti- matea irtr. x-aot .., PAINTING. PAPERING, TINTING. If you need a first-class workman at reasonable price, call me up; old or new work. East 3o49. t. DTt. tj a vmwp. -D A TVTTTCrt An absolute guarantee on workman ship; winter prices. J. H. Jenkins. Ta- Dor aoo VlLL BUILD your new home or remodel the old; first-class work day or con tract; free plans and estimates. Pitch & Potts. Call Sellwood 3060. CARPENTERS, contractors, mill work, cabinetmaking, alterations, repairing. Nelson & Nielson, Auto. 533-&1. Main 4069. A YOUNG ex-service man who lost his summer's wages in the Astoria fire wishes to obtain work of any kind. X 129, Qregonian. ?RACTICALi painting; rooms -also-mined, $l-$4; rooms varnished, painted or enameled, $2-$7; satisfaction or no pay, tjau mast vov. YOUNG maried man of many years' man agerial experience, wishes to connect with reliable musio house in any ca- pacity. A 13C. Qregonian .BOY, AGED 1A, OUT OF SCHOOL, WANTS WORK OF ANY KIND. GOOD MILKER AND CAN DO FARM WORK. AN 135, OREGON LAN. COOK, middle-aged man, wants kitchen work; country preferred. Bdwy. 8477 or 11 N. lotn st. TRUSTWORTHY 16-year boy wants posd tlon on farm near Portland. Milks. 6015 Woodstock ave. S. E. Auto. 644-99. TWO LADY friends want work in log ging camp or hotel out of city. Call room 506. Palace hotel. JAPANESE boy wants light work in private family. Address R 148, Ore gonian PAPERHANGING, tint, glaze, plaster patch, carpenter repair, by expert, 40c hour or contract. BC 135, Oregonian. SITUATION as watchman, caretaker, city or suburban, house cleaning. Mr. Bacon, Main 4632. ' liinni.E-AGED man wishes employ ment, watchman, janitor, or tending furnace. East B.a. JAPANESE j wants position in family, man cook, wife to do housework. Kawai. 223 Madison St. JAPANESE boy wants position janitor or any kind or work in nouse. iienry Auto. 542-05. HANDY man. used to carpenter tools, willing to go country. AJ 127, Qrego nian. HOTEL clerk, position wanted, experi enced; good references. BF 149, Ore gonian. JAPANESE boy to do cooking and housework; speaks English well. AE I;", Oregonmn. SHINGLING, roof and gutter repairing, work guaranteed; estimates free. Wal nut 6311. . GOING to college; afternoons, evenings and Saturdays free ; salary not main object. Address w rm, uregonian. EXP. DRAFTSMAN wishes position, en trineerintg training; available imme tiiately. AF 104, Qregonian. NEAT, middle-aged man wants, inside - work Of ay Kino, nawy, ;', rm zr. "WIRE vour house now, get our prices on old houses. East 4647, after 5 P. M. LATHING and plastering wanted, all work first-class. Eaat 2725. even Ings. BRICKLAYER, A-l mechanic, fireplaces. pollers rennen, cc x ; iuiic au diu-sh. CEMENT WORK; HAVE MIXERS. P HO N E TABOR 6781. WANTED Hauling for 2 -ton truck. Call Main FOR all kinds of roof repairing phono v a inutDji . CEMENT WORK. Rates with mixer. Wal. X1 RANK MARTIN, expert tree and shmb pruaer. -'Uo iota st. rnone main iti.a. " ANTED-r-Plasterlng by contract. Phone Atwater v-tvi. JANITOR, experienced; reierences, wants worn:. Aiam J-io, imx'fTXO. tintim?. calciminina:. tarter- hang ng, also carpentering. Bd.vy. 0093. yX it Carpenter repairs, alterations, built-in-, teasy roots. lapor CARPENTEK Contracts to build your house or repair old one. Auto. 630-25. CARPENTER WANTS WORK. DAY OR CO NT li A ( f. -WAU-MT J '"- CARPENTER Finisher, built many houses; day or contract. V amut 6101. SLIP work in basement by day or yard. I'm Fargo, u amut YOUNG man, age 25, wants work eve nings. BC 113, Qregonian. KALSOMINING. hardwood floors waxed and polighed. reasonable. Auto. 520-07. V,' ANTED Position for room and board or wages. Room 21, Mam 222 1. l'OSITIOM wanted by draftsman. O 14S, Oregonian. Bookkeeper. Stenographers. Office. PERMANENT position as accountant, of- fief manager or traffic manager; lum ber business; experienced in west coast lumbermen's system ; forced out of employment through employer's busi ness deal: can furnish best of refer ences and give bond for any amount required; have had 12 years expe ri enceBFT8JOregonl GENERAL office man. 30. married, thor oughly experienced, reliable, best ref erences, capable handling complicated, set books, typewriter, very pood on figures, wants permanent job, Wal nut -Mi 3. up m, arragut. - BOOKKEEPER, with general business experience, desires permanent connec tion, local firm, familiar manufactur ing, lumber and merchandising. M ISO. Qregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, handle complete set. make Income tar report, lumber, law, manufacturing experience. Bdwy. .in 7 i , THOROUGHLY experienced office man ager and accountant desires to con nect with reliable firm. AP 126, Ore v gonlan. Salesmen. SALESMAN. 10 years' experience com. mercial, specialty lines; saiary and drawing account; beat reference Thacker. Bdwy. ;6S5. SALESMAN Experienced specallty acfl merchandise line, following in Oregon and Washington. References. O 145, Oregonian. srrrATioNS ttantep ffmat.b LINCOLN school glri will care for chil dren afternoons. Bdwy. 0313. WORK by day or hour. Call East 3311. Mrs. Jones. SECOND-HAND wheal chair fox siurk room 12. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. I WOULD like to be a companion to a well-to-do woman who would appreci ate one brought up in refinement; am a good reader and musical ; or would read to invalids- Will someone, an swer? Address BJ 149, Ore go ni an. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady, 37, needs work, to keep house, family em ployed, or kind family adults, plain cook-in-; home privileges, close In. no washing; $35-$44 mo.; ref. Main 3213. East $02$. RELIABLE woman and son wish, posi tion on farm, girl cook, boy milks. Small waes for winter. AN 134, Ore- gqnian, EXPERIENCED woman will take entire charge of apt. house; small apt. and some wages, aeuwooa do-:u. SQUARE deal employment for women, hotels and cafes promptly attended to. Mrs. Thomas, mgr., Bdwy. 7692. ELDERLY woman will care for children at night, best city reference, 25c hour. Phor.e Bdwy. 5569. PRACTICAL nurse will take slight mental case in her suburban homo. Auto. 628-90. . EXPERIENCED bakery and grocery clerk wants position in small bakery or grocery. Call Atwater 3596. WANTED Refined American home for girl 15 ; cneerful, good little helper. Main (5037. WILL care for children or assist with Irene Rice, Bisseli, Oregon. WOMAN wants day work, good refer ences, call arter z o clock, sen wood 1518. ELDERLY lady wouid tutor or care for children; part time or steady. ist TWO experienced colored women want uay orn aim serving lor paru. SITUATION wanted. Maid In theater, K.t stttu SfaiiiiiAao An 11 Main 6605. CLEAN, reliable woman wants day work. East ftiyi. WASHING done in my home; price right. East 2641. COLORED woman wants day work, washing, ironing, cleaning, jjiast vtrnz. EXP. LADY wants day work. waL &y67. POSITION as chambermaid with room and board. Teresa Ell. wal. .yoi. YOUNG lady wants work on ranch; good cook. Af" i4. uregonian. EXP. colored girl wants any kind of work, 40c hour. Atwater -9U8. WILL stay with children or Invalids evenings. Mrs, cnnstensen, Main bi4o. GOOD worker wants washing, ironing or cleaning, Tues. East 4993. LADY wants day work, 35c per hour. Call Automatic 647-b. YOUNG lady, 34, desires cooking; best ret.; institutional or nome. mast ada. CHILDREN'S nurse, English, good ref erence sjWanutllD5. WOMAN wants housework, plain cook; explain conditions. A 131, uregonian. LET ME do your fancy ironing at your own price, uii li:u-iu, EXPERIENCED woman with references wants work for Tuesday. Mam 2467. WANT day work Tuesday, Thursday, best of references. Atwater U-US. LADY wishes housework by the day. Walnut 1662. - Buok b eepers. Stenographers. Office. THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bu reau turnisnes au unas or ounce wor .rs Good tvnes of girls registered. References carefully investigated. Main 0481. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers office help of all descriptions; quicK service. Call Bdwy. 6953, Williams Personnel Service, 504 Spalding Mdg. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper- stenograpner aesires position, o years experience automobile and lumber busi ness. Automatic oi-i -J t EXPERIENCED In stenography and any stenographic position; 28 years ol NEAT young lady wishes position at once; experienced eievaior operator, saleslady and gen. office work. At water 0774-, apt. No. 1. , EXPERIENCED stenographer, book keeper desires . position; can take charge. Tabor 0431. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typist, wants general ornce position. 760 L Main Dressmakers, nRF.ssMAKlNG neatly done, reasonable. Vogue, 403 Aiisky Didg., da near mor- rlson st. -tn noor. ALL KINDS of crocheting, tatting. dressmaking, plain sewing anu knitting done. Call Tabor 3232, FRENCH dressmaker, competent, de- BtreS ei.eCl"CJii UUt UJ .lie uaj . TT--..U ti n -nn11l, ir,1 Wool 'P-aT-lr WONDERFULLY artistic dresseg made In 2 days; your home. Atwater na. HEMSTITCHING, any color, 6c. Rm. 403 Raleigh bldg.. 37 wasn. uawy. oii-. DRESSMAKER, makeover, tailoress, $3.50 per day. Bdwy. DRESSMAKING and altering very rea sonable. Mam o9Ja. FOR aged invalids, convalescents, nurse's care, health-building diet, sieam-neai-ed private home. East 8535. FRACTICAL NURSE wishes engagement by day or week: experienced; reason able. Taooriuw. PRACTICAL nurse open for engage- strom. East 6126. WILL care for invalid lady in my own west side home: physicians' ref. 353 Hall st. Atwater swu. WILL care for old lady in own home; clean, warm room. Atwater 3400. Housekeepers. WANTED Position as housekeeper in or two children. Call or write 170 13th, MIDDLE-AGED widow with a boy 12 years oiu, wisnes lo ccjj uuuso iui widower or bachelor; good cook. Main 1I2Q. Apt. 13. POSITION as housekeeper or experienced EFFICIENT hotel housekeeper wishes position; highest references. East 0215. RELIABLE woman wants position by December 17; good plain cook. AM 130, Oregoniaiu EXPERIENCED chambermaid would like work. Call Bdwy. 08oo. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WANT all of small or part of larger modern furnished or partly turmsned house In Alameda or Irvington. near Broadway car. reasonable, adults, ref erences. Atwater 1317. WANTED FURNISHED HOME. If you have a furnished home for rent we can rent it for you. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak Street. Phone Bdwy, 6006. WANT small house with garage and chicken house; might buy. S 131, Ore- gonlan. WE RENT houses and collect rents. C, A WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark st. MOVING, general hauling, estimates fur nished. B. & C. Transfer. Main 5750. Apartments. WANT two or three-room apt., furnished, not too far out; must be comfortable rooms, two adults; will exchange painting, papering or tinting, from one month to four. East 3649. WANTED Clean. unfurnished 2-room apartment, central, steam or furnace heated, gas connection ; adults only; state price. AM" 142. Oregonian. BY THE 15TH, to suit married couple with daughter aged 8; fairly close in on W. side; permanent; state rent, etc AK 127, Oregonian. MlRt 1M GOiAA RAlE ThOISAaIO DOLLARS MORE MOP MAftGA"1. WANTED TO RENT. Business Places. BUSINESS man who travels half the time wants desk space In some office having telephone and stenographer, in class A building. R 128, Qregonian. FOB BE-T. gtirnished itooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL, EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. SHOWER OR TUB BATHS. FREE PHONES. EXCELLENT CAFETERIA. TAILOR AND BARBER SHOP. LA DIES' HAIR-DRESSING PARLOR ALL IN THE BUILDING; $1.25 PER DAY, 6 PER WEEK AND UP. GARAGE OPPOSITE HOTEL. ' LINCOLN HOTEL. 409 Morrison St. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Furnished rooms, hot and cold water In every room, suin heat; prices, $5 to $10 per week. PHONE BDWY. 3933. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. ANGELA HOTEL 625 WASHINGTON. TJp to date and homelike, spacious lobby, hot and cold water, phone serv ice, automatic elevator; rates 15 to $10 per week. Bdwy. 515L BEVERLEY HOTEL. CORNER PARK AND YAMHILL. Modern newly -furnished rooms; a quiet, respectable hotel catering to permanent guests. GORDON HOTEL, West Park and Yamhill Sts. Main 6202. Clean, modern rooms at reasonable prices. Transient as d. permanent guests desired. THE ANTLERS under new management now ready for rent. Nice, clean rooms, $1.50 per wt and up, hot and cold water, reading room, warm and home like. At 773 ft Savier. H, K. and sleep ing rooms. WHITEHALL HOTEL 253 SIXTH ST. Single and rooms en suite; well heat ed and hot water at all times. Rates $6 per week and up. We cater to transients. ANSONIA HOTEL. v-124 14th st. at Washington; rate $5 per week, and up. $1 day; fireproof; large, attractive, spotless rooms, ciosa to amusements aud chopping center. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, single or in suites, elegant furniture, everything new, furnace heat, running water; car line; rent from $4 up. 50 N. 23d st., near Washington. HOTEL NETld-tANDS. 126 13TH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a. day; a week, $5 and up; private bath, $8; fireproof and clean; close to busin ees center. ROOMS! ROOMS! ROOMS! HOTEL ROWLAND. 207U to 211U 4th st.; centrally located; rates 75c, $1. j.au per day; witn. Darn, if.au, $", $2.50; special rates. $4 per wk. and up. t v.siviN HOTEL. WASH. AT 13TH. Under new management; rooms $1 per day and up. The place where you can feel at home. HOTEL BRISTOL. 16 12th St.. cor. Stark. New management; modern, private baths, free phone, reasonable rates, $5 m up, o. mm com water, steam neat. HOTEL CONRAD1NE. 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north oi Washington st,, fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. 50c DAY, $2.50 week up. Clean rooms at a low price in a quiet, respectable place. Baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jetterson. WASHINGTON HOTEL Absolutely fireproof and centrally located. Rooms by the day, week or month at moderate rates. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON ST3. Attractive weekly and monthly rates. See our accommodations. THE ALAMO APTS. Small furnished room, steam heat, working man; $3.50 week. 494 Market. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st., at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; light and airy. Steam heat. MARLYN HOTEL Corner 17th and Couch; large, well f ormshed, modern rooms ; reasonable. ARTHUR HOTEL 170 11th St., near Morrison Clean sd modern rooms by day, week or mont.s at reasonable rates. HOTEL SAVON, 181 11TH ST. Modern fireproof steam-heated bldg. Rates $5perweek and up. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder. A RESPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL $1 up. Rates by week or month. GENTLEMAN wishes to share a,4-room furnished apt. with congenial gentle man. 454 11th st. Apartment D. N EWLY furnished sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, walking distance. 715 Johnson, cor. 2 2d. Main 4997. LARGE front room with kitchenette, light, gas, bath. $18. 371" Russel, near Union, Very convenient. DAYTON HOTEL, 1st at Taylor; mod ern rooms, $2 per week and up. ONE ioveJy sleeping room; walking dis tance, 309 11th st. $15 SLEEPING room, private entrance, adjoining bath. 412 East 9th st. N. "Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FOR GENTLEMAN Mahogany fur. front . niiiot mnarr Part at cor'.' Mill. Atwater 1780. IRVINGTON Share home with mother and daughter or married couple. 22d st. Phone East 91S8. EXCEPTIONALLY well furn. room in refined home, modern, comforts, rea sonable; 24th and Irving. At. 1019. FOR RENT Room tn Quiet nome, close in 205 E. 1st st. N., near Holladay ave. East 2238. WELL-HEATED rm. to elderly gentle man who appreciates quiet home, good car service, walk, distance. East 2460. WALKING distance, beautifully fur nished rooms, bath adjoining; very de sirable. 627 Kearney. Bdwy. 2626. FURNISHED room in steam-heated apt., no other roomers, Nob hill dist., walk Ing distance. Call Bdwy. 3158. ROOM in beautiful, modern home for gentleman, west side, close in, new mahogany furniture. Main 4640. WELL FURNISHED, steam heated room. Adults, near Montgomery Ward's; ref. exchd. Auto. 514-6U after 7 P. M. IRVINGTON Very comfortably fur. front bedroom, all convenience., 2 blks. from 2 cars. East 6253. HEATED, lighted rm. with glassed-in doub'e si. porch; nice for 2 men. $20. 1 biir.. from Maw, ave. n.ast yzt o. ROOM for rent, near Broadway and Irvington cars. Call after 6 P. M. E. 1992. IRVINGTON Beautiful room and break fast, $30; 1 block to car and Brazee street. East 0419. MODERN outside rooms, new furnish ings throughout, some kitchen privl leges. 150 N. 24th. Main 2106. LOVELY warm sleeping room for two, twin beds if desired, also one single room, very close in. Atwater 3213. 1 ROOM, 2 large closets, furnished or unfurnished. Modern, 336 E. 40th st. N. T. 6347. BURNISHED room in ivory to young iaay or gentleman empioyea, reason able. 690 Lovejoy. Main 4421. NICE, clean room, close In; breakfast If desired, at 510 E. Salmon. East 8363. IRVINGTON comfortable room for gen tleman. Quiet home. East 4073. 327 SIXTH ST. DESIRABLE ROOMS; PIANO; MODERN HOME. PLEASANT sleeping room, garage, walk ing distance, 554 Everett. Bdy. 2256. $20 GOO0 heat, centrally located: very nice room; Dullness woman. Mam iuo:t. 269 14TH . ST. Choice room, modern conveniences, walking distance. 1 ROOM, 2 large closets, fur, or unfurn., mod. 336 E, 4tfth St. N. TaDOr 6347. SLEEPING room, hot, cold water. 675 Flanders at. uarage. uawy. 26a4. BrWKfcR. BO broker! m "i C-yyr-rfa. by - vi - . mm lis- ! ,. .4SV fcSSfaffitr . T-.. m i a m i I i I e-vgfri i iufh 5i twya - FOR ,BEXT. Furnished Booms in Private Faniilv. MOST beautifully furnished rooms in city. Strictly high class. Hdw. floors, l.re'-.laceB, twin bed, parlor, piano and home 3rivileges. Rates $3 weekly and up. Also young lady wishes roommate. ' Main 2116. GENTLEMEN, are you looking for home comforts, wh oleeome food and a warm room that is suitable for 2, with conge nial couple? Call Main 1847; . block from Multnomah club. ' IRVING TON Large, warm room in pri vate home; fireplace, hardwood floors, mahogany furniture, breakfast if de sired; 24th, near Broadway; reason able. East 0632. LARGE rm. in Mt. Tabor home, suitable for 2 gents. Furnace heat, modern con venlnces. large closets, garage, board if desired. Tabor 6432 after 1:30 P. M. 115 East 46th. DESIRABLE front room, hardwood floors, steam heat, one lady or gentie man, west side; walking distance. Broadway 3330 Sunday or evenings. ROSE CITY PARK. A well-furnished room In a modem home, with hot water heat; close to oar, on 41st st. Tabor 5231. 325 MILL ST., near Bdwy., $15 per mo. modern home, furnace heat ; use of piano; gentleman preferred. TWO large h. k. rooms, modern in every way ; gas, light, heat, water, phone furnished. 624 E. 8th S. Sell. 1068. .Bourns With Board. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. x MRS. E. JEAN CAMPBELL, for merly connected with Campbell hotel. One of the best-known residential, hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2,50 a day up; rates by day or month, Meais served, to transients. CHESTERBURY HOTEL, 201 N. 20TH. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PI AN. Rates by day, week or month. Meals served to transie nts. HOTEL CAMPBELL. Portland's popular residential hotel, 23d st at HoyL Atwater 0881. Rooms with or without baths. MeaiB to tran sients; - reasonable rates; white help oniy. NOR I ONIA HOTEL Portland's down town hlgh-ciasa family hotel; roomt en suite or single, . with or without board, for families and business men and women; ali the comforts of a home; reaonab'e rates. Bdwy, 1180. 223 E. 20TH. Attractive winter home for discrimi nating guests ; well furnished, whole some meals, plenty heat, hot water, showers; moderate rates. E. 7384. HOTEL HEREFORD 735 Hoyt. near 23d. Main 3305. Excellent dining room service, under the direct supervision of Mrs. AfcDou- gaa, rormeriy or tne Kamapo hotel. PARK VIEW HOTEL corner W. Park and Montgomery Residential hotel. Running water in all rooms, some pri vate baths, excellent meals. A place you win not grow tired or. ROOMS for, rent, modern, $3.50 and up. id, cj. -lornson, cor. inira. none . 0068. ROOMS DOUBLE SINGLE MEALS GARAGE. T79 MARSHALL ST. MAIN 4878. 683 KEARNEY BDWY. 1509. Residential hotel for business people; nome privileges ana cooKing. 794 LOVEJOY. MAIN 8619. Residential hotel for business peopl ana Lrnamnu; noma cooKing. LARGE, light room, for two: hot and cold water, home privileges. 655 Kear ney st. 3dwy. 4(333, ROOM and board for business girls; mod ern conveniences; walking distance $3 per week. East 9730. 12 E. 7th st. Rooms With Board In Private Family. BEAUTIFUL furnished room In modern 5-room bungalow-; on car line ; bath, phone, all home privileges ; meals if uesirea; u. S. gentleman prererrea; garage if desired. 327 E. 50th St. Tabor 6474. VERY nice larsre room, suitable for-two. gentlemen or married couple; furnace beat; bath on same floor; home cook ing; $28 month. East 9978; Broadway and Irvington cars. IF LOOKING FOR A GOOD HOME wlXJrl PLENTY OF HEAT ArsD HOME PRIVILEGES, NICE LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE, GIVE THIS A TRIAL. CALL TABOR 8709. BOARD and rm. for elderly man in mod. aii. Taoor nome, near car line; iurnace heat, home comforts, garage if desired. Call Tabor 6432 after 1:30 P. M. 115 East 46th. 2 CLEAN, well furnished h. k. rooms, 3 electric lights, telephone, hot and -.-old water, near in; Adults only. Phone East 3221. 445 Rodney ave., cor. Til lamook. GENTLEMAN can find a pleasant home with congenial couple;- meals if de sired; i block from Multnomah club. Main 1847. FIRST-CLASS room and board for two uuauiesa genuBmea, $30 eacn; 1.1-51., Ladd's addition; references- exchanged. East 8521. NURSE wiil take 2 or 3 elderly or busi ness people in her convenient home near 28th and Belmont; automobile Bervice. Automatic 628-90. ALL THE comforts and privileges of a real home ; excellent home cooking, lovely room for two; walking distance; very reasonable-. 65 N. 21et st. LARGE front room with board, suitable for 2. 385 Mill. bet. W. Park and 10th. Atwater 2038. ROOM and board near Thompson school for man employed and two boys of school age. AB 126, Oregoni-tn. CHOICE ROOM and board in refined modern home near Multnomah, club, reasonable. Main 6552. . ROOM for 1 or 2 men. breakfast if de sired; near Sunnyside carline. 1056 E. Washington. Tabor 6471. IRVINGTON SITTING ROOM, SLEEP ING PORCH, FINE HOME COOKING GARAGE. EAST 6645. ROOM and board, $35; modern; a real home; close in; west side. 407 14th st. Atwater 1752. IF YOU enjoy a nice, clean room, good home cooking and home-made bread phone Bdwy. 2333. Room for two. FINE room, nice home, good table; near Multnomah club. Main 2219. VERY best of care given to child at my home. Walnut 6817. MOTHER'S care for children; reason able; room parent. 325 4th st. NICE warm room, close in; good board Reasonable: 191 11th st. FURNISHED room and board for 2 Call at 553 E. Couch. East 8099. WANTED A child to care for. Walnut , 1990. Furnished Apartments. ONE iovjiy apartment with kitchenette; walking distance. 309 11th st. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD- APTS. WK. OR MTH. E. 1990. IDAHO APTS., 3S9 6th st. Furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apts. from $20 to $35. WANT nice girl to sha. 2 apt with girl empioyea. -au Jat -bid, apt. 3U3. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19th 2-rm. . -a a oro UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, furn. apt., $24.50, complete; concrete bldg. U AND 3-ROOM APTS. Peabody apts. 409 19th at. N. Broadway 1546. ' NICE one and two-room apts., walking distance. 117 N. 18th. " THOMPSON APTS. 3-room fur. apt., strictly modern. Walnut 2296. WALKING distance, two rooms and bath." 414 Fourth st. MORTON APTS. 3-room -furnished apts. 697 Washington st. Bdwy, 1098- 2-P.OOM apartment, close in; reasonable rent. 391 1 amhill. TWO neatly furnished h. k. rooms, $25. 308 College st. 1 POLLY AND HER PALS - p - rT Feature -Wt- K- rrt Brrte4m0M PA GETS A FEW VOTES OUT FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. WESCOTT COURT. New Irvington Apts. Large living room, balcony, dining room, bedroom, outside kitchen and bath, elec range, hdw. floors, tastily furnished in mahogany, 8th and weiaier. block south of Broadway. BEAUTIFUL newly furnished 3-room .. ; large giass-inciosea sun room, new hardwood floors, new gas range, new drapes, wicker furniture; all out side rooms; very desirable; adults. 395 East 15th st. N. East 6135. 3-ROOM furnished apt. in private home, living room witn nrepiace, oearoora and kitchen, separate entrance, includ ing light, heat, phone, etc. ; no chil dren; references. 453 E, 55th st, near Division. Hawthorne car. 15 APARTMENTS, furniture and lease. corner brick. Nob Hill, one of best small house in city. Good net income. Mr. Hunt, 303 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 7528. PARKHURST APARTMENTS. 20th-Northrup. Remodeled; ali new furniture; S 4 room apts. Popular prices. Phone Bdwy. 1179. , THE EVERETT. Bdwy. 380; 644 Everett, bet. 20th and Elia ets Furnished 3-rm. apt., all outside rooms, with or without sleeping porch; modern; walking distance. THE CROMWELL FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. All outside 2 and 3-room furnished s-pts.; French doors and balconies, per- manent and transient. Atwater 5198. KINGSBURY APTS., 186 Vista ave., 23d and Wash. High class apt. house, 3 rm. furn. apts. with 2 disappearing beds; newly papered and decorated. Call Main 3S83. THE ELMWQOD. First-class 3-room apt., now avail able, completely furnished, 2 disap pearing beds. 415 Tenth st. Main 6600. HARRISON HOTEL, corner Front and Harrison; one 2-room suite; also 2 room suite with private bath, light, water and heat furnished; price right. Main 8437. ' SUNNY SIDE APTS., large corner 3-room apt., ready tomorrow; quiet, high-class house, steam heat; very reasonable rents. Tabor 3900. YOUNG lady wanted to share beautiful apt., very close in-- reasonable: ready January 1. Bdwy. 0723 Sunday, or Main 3425 during week. ' CLGSiE in, well fur. apt., 3 rms., accom modate 4 adults. lo children: all mod. conveniences, priv. bath ; garage. 110 ji. wtn ana Aider. ATTRACTIVE 2-room lapt. m fine home, well heated, well furnished, electricity, phone included, garage if needed; $35. 615 E. 66th N. CUMBERLAND APAr TMENTS. 3 room furnished apartment, all outside rooms, walking distance ; - dults only. W. Park and Columbia. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Modern two-room, hardwood floor elevator, electric washer, lights and phone; walking. 3S6 3d Main 9466. THE STANFIELD. Nice cor. 2-room apt., steam heat, light phone, laundry facilities. $27, Main 7392. t AVALON APTS. 3-room furnished apartment, battt, phone, heat, $45 a month; adults. East 1966. NEWLY furnished apta and sleeping rooms, hot ard cold water; must be seen to be appreciated. 711 and 715 Johnson. Main. 4997. 2 ROOMS and porcn ; laundry conven iences; heat, p-hone and light at $7 a week. 166 E. 16th at. E. 8954, NICELY furnished apt,, 4 rooms and sun room. If you see It you will like It. Sell. 2960. . NICELY furnished 5-room apt., must be seen to be appreciated. Atwater 1073. 24th and Northrup sts. PARAMOUNT Apt., three rooms, fur nished complete, including piano, top floor, front, very desirable. East 7720. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. HUMBOLDT APT- 1, 2 and 3-room fur nished apartments, ii to vv montn, West side. 795 1st st. WEST SIDE 3-room heated apt., first floor, clean, attractive, private natn, $40. adults. 735 Everett. ARDMAY TERRACE 395 12th; a large front 2-room apt.; weil-iurnisned. Call Atwater ijHys. 3 LARGE rooms, pantry, lower floor, fur nished for housekeeping. 535 commer cial, near Emanuel hospital. SUNNYCREST, $28.50 3 rooms, private bath, newly turn., redecorated, steam neat. Atwater at -o. lao onerman, $40 3 LARGE, lovely, warm rooms, pri vate bath and hall; heat, hot water. Main 3705 BUENA VISTA 434 HARRISON. Verv attractive 3-room cor. apt Main 1052. SERENE COURTS APARTMENTS. Cor. E. 1st and Multnomah, 2 and 3 rro. mod apts. East 1426. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Two rooms, kitchen, tile bath and dressing room; elevator. Main 0359 PARK APTS. 8 or 4-room, clean, light apts.; fire place, oak floors. Atwater 2381. CHOICE, well furnished, clean 5-rm. apt My home. Walking distance; reason able. E. oasa. TWO 2-room fur. apts.. 10 minutes' walk from town, all modern conveniences. Main 51o4. " ALTONIA APTS., 19th and Marshall 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy. uniurnisnea or iurnisnea. aawy. lil'2. mi.LJL-J iart i-iJ-i, inn u i.rt.j.,. O rili. hiwiiieucu-;, vain, 11. w. Iirs., private balconies, $35 up. Atw. 1160. ALICE COURT. E. 8th. Burnside Walk ing distance; 2 and 3-rm. apts., 2 beds. 2-HM FUR. modern apt. $36 including priv. phone. awy. wc. CARLOIS APTS. 2-rra. mod. furn. apt., reasonable. 341 14th st Unfurnished Apartments. S. W. COR E. 16th and Hancock. Irving ton, 5-r. steam hear, apt., ivory finish, h. w. fl. Imported tapestry paper, elec wash, mach., Jan. serv. East 1369. HOYT GLISAN APTS. 800 E. Hoyt; new, modern, steam heat, electric ranges, hdw. floors, 3-room cor. apta. East 7527 IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch sts,; 4-rm., modem front corner apt. ; 1 block from Washington St., west side. Bdwy. 2761. HIGH-CLASS apt., cor. 17th and Tilla mook; fi large rms., vac.' cleaner, wash, mach., fireplace, tile bath, steam her,t, janitor service. Atwater 0554. NEW APT.; 3 rooms, dressing room, tile bath, hardwood -floors, 2 wall beds, electric range, steam heat; rent $55. 25th and E. Main. East 6918. STEVENS APTS., 6 outside sunny rooms. Sleeping porches. Hot water heat, fire place. Call Main 9358. THE MARLBOROUGH. Five-room apt., very large light rms., newly decorated. Main , 7516. 5-ROOM apartment, hardwood floors, built-ins. fireplace, sleeping porch, fur nace, Jaundry. 546 East 7th st. N. IMPERIAL ARMS APTS., 14th and Clay; 4-room apt., $65 and $70; hdw., floors and electric ranges. VERY attractive 4-room apt. ; large dressing room ; private bath ; newly renovated. 514 Hancock. East 2202. CHETOPA APARTMENTS, 584 Flanders. Very attractive 4-room corner apart ment and private bath.-gteam heat. 3-ROOM apt., toilet and bath; Thurman st., near 20th. Atwater 4761. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-rm. apartments. Bdwy. 3360. ALTER APTS. 6 out. rms.. tile bath, shower, 21st and Overton. Bdwy. 1980. 4-RM MODERN apt. Irving apts.. 21st and Irving. Main 9239. OF THE PlAJfO BY CX-IFF STERRETT. FOR RE7T. L'nturnlshed Apartments. THE NEW) PARAMOUNT APARTMENTS, 243 East Broadway. 2 Blocks From Bridge. : Strictly First-Ciass. 1 One choice 3-room unfurnished, on top floor. $65; 2 beds, ivory finish woodwork, oak floors, tile bath, break fast nook. large dressing room, elevator &nd cleaning service; sduits only; ref erences required. Phone East 58S8. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 594 Laurel St., cor. Vista ave., just completed, 4 or 5-room, the only ffrst class family apt. in city; French doors, hardwood floors, electric ranges, all papered, bedrooms, showers baths, E. T. C. reference. Main 5932. PORTLAJSD HEIGHT!, Fine 5-room apt.; steam heat, wood fireplace, tils bath, janitor service; no children ; references. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 8007. O'BRIEN APTS.. 1809 E. 9th, Sellwood: modern, close to excellent car servica, adjoins Waverley golf links and com mands beautiful view of upper Willam ette river. Phone Sellwood 1030. JUST finished, 2 and 3-room apts., up to aate. lyast lzzn ana nawtnome ave. Furnished or nnfnrnlshed Apartments. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 406 N. 26th. Main 5497. Furn. and nnfam. 2. ft and 4-rm. apts. Every- thing new. MERLIN One large 3-room apt., garage. stnctiy moaern, up to date; a dressing rooms, bath. Atwater 0426. ETNA 3 rooms, dressing room, hard- wood floors, white .enameled, electrio washer and mangle. East 3782. 2 AND 3-room apts., furnished and un- iurnisnea. rxex Arms. Kast tieso. Flat. $25 A MO., neer Bdwy. bridge, new 5- room nat, DamrGom, u. kitchen, gas range, gas hot water heater, irtation ary tubs, new linoleum and. shades, steam heat: free electric liKht and wa ter, phone. E. 0039. . 468 Vancouver ave. FLAT for rent, 780 Glisan Bt, 5 rooms. iurnace, iirepiace, nardwooa noors ; , rent only $35.60. Donald Woodward, 102 2d st. Bdwy. 7436. 30TH ST. Four rooms and bath, disap pearing bed in Hvine room: near Jef ferson high school, 1035 Rodney ave., w ai. -( ... FOR RENT Unfurnished, $30, 5-room modern nat, B4U second st. City Ga rage. Bdwy. 0840. 8-ROOM flat, with bath and basement $15 per month. Atwater 4441. 1033 uor-wnt st. $23 3-ROOM lower flat, water, gas for bath free; walking distance. 621 Over ton, west sme. jiast 19U4. MODERN 4-room flat, ivory woodwork, breakfast nook. 101 E. 33d. Tabor 1-786. VERY desirable 6-room flat; 393 4.5th st. Second house south of Montgomery Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com, b-RM unper flat, W. S., nicely located. zdd ana J on neon. Atwater 14QS. MODERN 5-room flat, good location, close to street car. Sell. 0573. 4 LIGHT, clean rooms, bath, garage, all moaern conveniences. Oarileld 5940. MODERN 6-room upper flat, no chll- dren. inquire 426 6th. Mam 0785. FIVE rooms, sleeping porch. 581 E. Pine. .t-ast douu. Furnished Flats. $45 COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Elegant cosy flat, 4 rooms, sleeping porcn, ouut-m bed, iurnace. 107 Hawthorne ave., near 36th. Tabor 931L " RMS. 1ST FLOOR. VERY NICE. S40. 8 rr-s., upper flat, $25. E. Yamhill. Tab?: car. 1178 Belmont Tab. 6931. FOR RENT Three furnished flats, new ly remodeled, located East 37th and Harrison. Call at 1092 East HarrUon 5-ROOM flat. hdw. floors- tile bath, fire- place, sip. porch, furnace.: 308 Glenn ave. nawtnorne car. 8-ROOM furn. flat, walking distance, nice Ylew, telephone, water $32.50. son V2 ioin at., soutn or Montgomery. 4-ROOM modern furnished lower flat, garage, $30. 838 Haight ave. Tabor -IMS. NICELY furn. rooms, h. k. if desired, close in; reasonable. 701 Hovt. At water 3462. . 7-ROOM furnished flat, new; 561 Ev erett st. Bdwy. 8012. 4-ROOM, modern, fur., open 10 to 5. 618 Commercial st. Atwater 2812. B-ROOM FLAT; adults; references re quired. 84 E. 16th st. 4-ROOM furnished flat, 203 Hooker st. o. Mam esat. LARGE light 3-room furnished flat. 104 . loth, near Washington. Housekeeping Rooms. FRONT 2-room h. k. : heat, lieht. bath phone, quiet, walking distance, 1 block to car; extra sleeping room or h. k. ; reasonable. East 3185. 171 E. 13th st. a. TWO UNFURNISHED rooms with use of equipped kitchen, ground floor, $10. 321 Marguerite, Sundays and evenings. -oroaaway dddu. -Jays, Taoor 662a. 2 LARGE h. k. rooms with kitchenette, modern in every way. nicely furnished gas, heat, light, phone; adults. 624 E, sin st. sen. iuf. FOUR furnished H. K. rooms and bath, together with store. 184 Gibbs st.; rent ?5. Apply Louis Gevurtz, 18i First street. THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up, Including not water, eiec. iignts, laundry room. 2 FURN. housekeeping rooms; also one sleeping; furnace heat, close in. 533 manners, near 16th. Bdwy. 8343. CHOICE 3 rooms, housekeeping; rent ceap ; waiKir. g distance. ot7 Van couver ave. Phone East 0551. LARGE front room and small kitchen. Very clean. Will take one child, $23 muiun. .n St., cor. uoiumDia. LARGE front rm., $5 a wk. ; rm. with kitchenette, $4. 327 Third, opposite auditorium. $24 TWO newly-tinted furn. H. K. rms. near Bdwy. bridge. 281 Larrabee. E, 1837 $5 BEAUTIFUL front room, kitchen ette. elegant home. 940 Corbett. Main 8940. 3-ROOM furnished apartment $20 month 001 uverton st STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and c water, .i to t week. 147 13th st. 2-ROOM apt., furnace, hot and cold wa ter. 494 uayior. 461 E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th 1 and 2- room rur. n. k. apts., reasonable. TWO large lovely rooms, warm, running water, . or z or a aauits. 3Ut iutn st. ONE attractive room and kitchenette. 166 St. Clair st., corner Washington. 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart ment. $6 weekly. 350 14th. DENVER APTS., 208 Wash. st. H. K. rooms, single and double. $2.75 up. $15 WELL furnished, elec, gas, hot water, phone. 544 Pettygrove. TWO-ROOM housekeeping apartment; newly finished. 421 E. Morrison st. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooms, 1 block from library. 409 Salmon. 2-ROOM apartment 305 Jefferson, corner 5th st - FURNISHED H. K. apts., with heat. 711 Lovejoy st. Phone Atwater 2854. ROOMand kitchen, $10 a mo., walk, dist. 573 3d st. H. K. ROOMS, $4 and $5 week; furnace heat. 521 Johnson st. LARGE, well-furnished front 2-room aijt., reasonable. 693 E. Madison. E. 8911. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 3 NICE furnished h. k. rooms, $20 mo. Adults. 694 Front, corner Meade. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, furnace heat. 428 Mill st. TWO large h. k. rooms, heat, bath, phone. 504 Mill st. Atwater 2339. T AND 2 front rms. and kitch, $4.50 and $6.50. 261 Chapman st Main 7618. FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. $21 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights. 3 Sandy bivd, near E. 16-iu Phone E. 0061 or E. 694, NEWLY furnished h. k. rooms In ivory, to couple employed or 2 girls; also sleeping room; 20 min, walk to busi ness dist. 690 Lovejoy. Main 4421. THRBB well-furnished h. k. rooms on gTound floor, near car line, free light, phone and water; no objection to baby. -yi mast 39tn st. FOR RENT Lovely 8-room, furnished itume, sun porcn Qvenoottius rti , fireplace, piano and Victroia. Phons Walnut 5536. 3 NEATLY furnished h. k. rooms, light. phone, water free-; fins location; walk ing distance. 654 Ash, East 1614. Lt-VELY, large room with alcove, run ning water ; cm id re n welcome. ovi Harrison, above 14th. Auto. 518-13. UNFURNISHED large. light, outside h. k. room, close, central location. 221 12th St.. corner Salmon. NICE, comfortable room for working man, one suitable lor two men to gether. 106 N. 16th st after 4 P. M. ONE housekeeping apartment, hot and cold water, sleeping porcn if desired, very close m. Atwater szia. LOVELY large room with kitchenette, ciean nome ior nice coupie, re-K auia, 71 N. 22 d St. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room. furnace heat. 428 Mil St. FRONT ROOM, light h. k., gas, bath. 553 Front St. Auto. G2Z-1Z. Houses. FOR RENT 7-room house, gas, electrio ngnt, iurnace, at 64ua 42a st., s diocks south Woodstock ave. and car. Rent $30 per month. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, furnace nea narawooa noors; nouse m a- condition; large grounds and fruit trees; rent $45. Hawthorne ave, near 39'h. Phone Main 6119. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, 555 Hawthorne terrace, 5 rms., very large living rm., magnificent view, rent $40. See at 541 Montgomery drive and Elm tsL Main 4342. LAURELHURST 5-room, new. modern, garage, 9 cords wood, draperies, lease, $65. 8 rooms, 2 baths, double garage, new, lease, $75.' Owner, Tabor 6386. 6-ROOM modern home, large enclosed sleeping porch, reasonable rent to de sirable tenant; must be seen to be ap preciated. See owner. 747 E. Burnside. Phone East 8414. COSY 6-ROOM (sleeping porch) CO LONIAL HOUSE, corner 16th and Sandy blvd., prominent location, only J37.50 per month, Bdwy. 6012. Gold smith & Co. LAU RBLHURST 10-rm. modern house, with double garage; newly decorated and very desirable; on car line. Ref erences required. Room 305,. Concord bldg. Bdwy. 1244. WILL lease for one yr. after Jan. 1, my new Dutch colonial home in Alameda, $75 , 7 rms. den and breakfast rm. ; adults: references. Auto. 327-40. 902 Fremont MODERN 5-room bouse, near Multnomah on uregon eiectnc, tor rent; now va cant; every convenience; only $35 month. For particulars call Main 6039. SUNNYSIDE, six-room, modern, newly aecoratea tnrougnout, lovely wnite kitchen and bath, new Mueller fur nace, half block to SS and MT cars; with or without garage. 1078 Belmont. FOR RENT House, modern, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, ruel in basement for sale, 1 block from- car. Walnut 2776. "WILL lease 1 year $65 per mo. or sell fine modern 6 or 7-room house, Ladd's add., close In; garage; large lot, shrub bery and roses. East 5574. HERE you are, Mr. and Mrs. Renter Modern 6-rooni residence, on west side, only $45. J. B. Holbrook, 214-215 Panama bldg. 6-ROOM modern house with garage; rent $50 per month. East 24th st HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. CALL BROADWAY 0580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at Tenth Street. 6-ROOM house with furnace, near car line and school. Rent $30. 449 E, Lincoln corner 8th. Phone E. 3863, or Auto. 321-34. 7 ROOMS, H. W. floors, furnace, fire place, si. porch, garage. 950 Hancock; $60. Bdwy. 3873. Key 994 Hancock. FOR RENT 5-R. house, near S. P, shops, $40. Call Phillips, Atwater 4000, between 8 and 5. CUT RATES on- piano and furniture moving. Midway Transfer Co., East sua 4, Broadway 7750. KENTON 6-room buneralow, parage, paved st., close car, school; rent rea sonable. 100 w. watts st. 6 ROOMS, modern, completely refin- isned inside and out, autii, near liroaa- way. ?40. Mam stiis. NEW 5-ROOM bunealow. hardwood firs, window shades. Sellwood. 618 Miller ave. Atwater 28L 5-ROOM cottage in good condition, $25 60. with water. 631 Gantenbein ave. Eas. 3879. 91 E. 53D ST. Strictly modern 7-room . house and garage, $50 per month. . ' Tabor 7638. 6 ACRES, all under cultivation; 6-room house, outbuildings; 12 miles out, near highway; $3 50. Smith. 415 Ry. Ex. bldg. CUT HATES ON F S'lTURK MOVING FIREPROOF STOR. 16 DAYS FREHJ. LONG DIST. HAULING. HDWY. 2445. FOR RENT 7-ioom house. 972 Belmont st . newi1 painted and tinted, -U pr mo photic Tabor 100ft. 6-ROOM house, with sleeping porch, on corner of 47th and Salmon sts. Main 4668. HEN moving, city or country, get the Deet i juvteni. jjiiwcb, uieeu i. inuo fer Co. Main 1261. 202 Aider t. WEST SIDE, Mod., clean, 6-rm. house. 393 N 24th, near Thurman. , Phone Atwater 4336. SUNNYSIDE 6-room strictly modern house, newly renovated throughout 1066 E. Yamhill, nr. 35th. FREE 30 days' storage, filling up, fire proof warehouse; piano moving a pe clalty. Madigan Bros., Bdwy. 3315 4--RM. NEW bungalow. Portsmouth dist. 1285 Willamette blvd. Inquire 297 M 0 in oe. Est 7962. FURNITURE moving, $2.50 per hr, ; 2 men; padded vans; local, long distance autos. Day or night. East 5047. NEW 4-room house. Bath, basement. 84th st and 70th ave. S. E.; $22.50. Phone 627-15. $18 PER MO., 8-rm. house. 509 Harri son, near 36th. Key at 511 Harrison st. Auto. t520-05. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, $40. Walnut 7500. 6-ROOM house. Woodlawn carline, $25. Bdwy. 5549. 104 Second st. 7-ROOM house, newly renovated, with garage, $30. Call 428 San Rafael st. 6-ROOM house, steam heat, furnished. 793 E. Main; rent $55. East 6918. FURNITURE MOVED, J2 a room, any part o city; padded vans. Wi. 5108 TO RENT our home see Frank Ju. Mo Gf.re. Abington bldg, 6-ROOM house, modern, clean, close In; 1 QO CirinA nvo Smith 525 6-ROOM house, in good condition. 5-RM. home, good order, new linoleum; $32.50; garage, $6.' 642 E. Salmon st. jpROOM house for rent or sale. Mult nomah station. Call East 2119. 4-ROOM house for rent All modern. In quire 1808 Drumnond. . TWO new, modern bungalows, $22.50 and $15.j Mr. Morris, Bdwy. 1375. 5-ROOM bungalow for rent, Alberta dis trict, $25 per month. Bdwy. 2045. FOB RENT. House. EIGHT-ROOM house at 11th and East Grant. Six-room cottage at 11th and East Clay. Five-room modern bungalow 43d and East Alder sts., two blocks from Sunny side car. the Lawrence company. Realtors. ,., 212 Corbett bldg. MOVE TUB SECURITY WAT. Extraordinary Service. For the Ordinary Pries. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGS. SECURITY STORAGE TRANS- CO, 4th at Pine st, opp Multnomah Hotel. , Phone Bdwv. 3715. MODERN 5-room house on improved street In A-l condition: large base ment; will rent or lease to respon sible party at $25 per month. Owner. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. cor. Washington. , $65 ALAMEDA PARK, 753 Mason st. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, white enamel throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace, excellent furnace, cooler, gas stove, re frigerator, garage. OaU morning. East 2445. TWO-ROOM house with 2 acres land. Call Wal. 0253. 5-RM. HOUSE, no garage. 1457 E. Glisan, cor. 55th; MV carline Furnlshrd Booses. , ENGLISH MANOR HOME. ROSS CITY PARK. Imposing and picturesque, something of the associated charm of a manor house; un usually rare, with its terraced garden, arched pergola draped with wisteria; three-quarters acre of ground, facing six streets, overlooking the whole city. From a large reception hall you enter through French doors to living room, 18x28, separated from the dining room, 10x20, by an arch. From their windows, 9x12, you have a splendid view. Large li brary, Luxemberg kitchen with. Pullman breakfast room, 3 bed rooms In white, every one a sleeping porch; the view from every window is a framed pic ture; Rector heating system, costing $20i)O; maid's quarters; completely furnished throughout; baby grand piano, electric wash er, vacuum cleaner and all other modern electrical appliances; 2 garages; $135 month. 1388 Wis teria ave. Phone Garfield 3326. COMPLETELY FURN. 6-RM. HOUSE AND GARAGE; PIANO, aJ. RANGE, WHITE ENAMEL FINISH; H. W. FLOORS, SLP. PORCH. ON MT. TABOR SLOPE FACING W.. $75. MUST BE RENTED WED., A. M. TABOR 8878. " MODERN bungalow, completely fur nished except linen; fireplace, hard wood floors, piano, laundry conveni ences; adults only; Hawthorne dis trict; references exchanged. Tabor 8804 or Broadway 0593. FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSES. We have a goo list of furnished homes for rent CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. NICELY furniehed modern five-room bungalow, ivory woodwork, gas fur nace, garage, no children. Rose City Park, one block north Alameda drive. 632 E. 55th N. PORTLAND HTS.. nicely fur. bungalow. 5 min. from car line, firaplace, mod. bath, elect, gas, city water, fuel in. Reasonable to responsible party. Refer ee nces:JPhj-me COMPLETE furnishings of my home for $175; 4 rooms and kitchenette; terms to reliable party; bungalow for Tent, $27.50; block from carline; 20 min. ride. 1184 Omaha ave. Walnut 7478. WARM, double-constructed, modern bun galow, completely furnished, clean, furnace, fireplace, $41!. 50; handy to 5 car lines. Walnut 1284. $200 DOWN, $25 month gives family Xmas gift of 6-room house, furniture, half acre. Main 3182, move in today. MODERN furnished six rooms, furnace, fireplace. Call Monday and after. Ta bor 1871. 5-ROOM modern furnished duplex house. 475 E. 10th st., corner Division, $25. East 5235. Close in. 5-ROOM modern furnished duplex house, 309 E. 9th, bet. Clay and Market, $30. East 5235. Close in. FURNISHED and partly furnished houses, Sellwood,.: Milwattkle, Lents. -'none viiiwant-iw in FOUR nice-furnished rooms, private bath, garage, close in, $35. 689 E. Alder. East 7820. Phone Milwaukie 44 Y. NICELY fur. 7-room. strictly modern bungalow, ' Laurelhurst, $65. Tabor 2108. $25 WILL SHARE 5-room furnished bungalow with couple. AK 114, Ore gonian. NEATLY furnished 4-room house with bath; pantry and phone; close In. E. 155-5. FURNISHED or unfurnished 4 and 5- quire 795 1st st. 6-ROOM house i'or rent, 14th and Colum bia (west side). Call Main 6049 or Main 5424. 5-ROOM, modern furnished cottage, 48! Division, corner iast iutn st., $dD. ast 5235. Close in. . 4 ROOMS completely furnished, $30 per . month. 88 East Skidmore st., 1 block to Miss. car. LEASE all or part of elegantly fur. 6 room house to responsible tenant, t block Multnomah club. Main 1847. SMALL furnished house, adulta only. Walnut 3698. NIFTY furnished bunealow and earasre. in Rose City Park. $45. Atwater 2148. 4-ROOM furnished house, walking dis tance, west side. Bdwy. 8262. A 5-ROOM furnished house, west side, walking distance. Bdwy. 8262. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES. 524 Heights Terrace. 6-ROOM house, piano, sewing machine: reasonable. Call Walnut 2194. 3 ROOMS, bath, gas, elec, garage, $20. 79th near Powell. Auto. 540-72. 6-ROOM furnished home with garage, Woodstock district. Rhone 636-82. 4-RM. FURNISHED house. 300 Ivy st. Houses for Rent f urniture for Sale. COMPLETE furnishings of my bung;i-i low for $165; 4 rooms and kitchenette; bungalow for rent. 1184 Omaha ave, half block from St Johns car. Walnut' MUST sell at once, elegantly furnished, income 6-room house, Va block Mult nomah club; come and make offer. Main 1847. - ON ACCT. of sickness will sell, reason able, furniture and furnishings of 5 room house and rent house, close la, V 132. Oregonian WANT to sell my furniture ; house for rent, 11 rooms, very reasonable; lost my wife. Call Bdwy. 3010 from 5 to 8 o'clock. MODERN 5-room cottage, furnished, reasonably e. L. Butler, 334 2d ave., west Seaside. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; reasonable. 654 E. Ash. E. 1614. 5-ROOM cottage, modern, furniture for sale. 166 Grand ave. 5-ROOM modern upper flat, good fur nlture, $375. East 0215. Resorts. MODERN five-room cottage, furnished. reasonable. L. Butler, 334 2d ave., west. Seaside. Stores and Business Places. 5-YEAR LEASE. Store at 144 2d at, bet. Alder and Morrison sts., west side. Mr. Burke, DEKUM & JORDAN, 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 2249. STORE, No. 203 Jefferson St, brick bldg., close to S. P. and O. E. Ry. depots; reasonable rent A. H Birrell Gill Co., N. W. Bank bldg. Atwater 4114. STORE! for rent, Gerlinger bldg., next to lobby. T. Meienberg, 509 Gerlinger ' bldg. , STORE In new brick building 20x60. for confectionery; good east side business district Inquire 120 Killingsworth. MODERN store, 184 Glbbs. Four fur nished living rooms, and bath in rear. Rent $25. Apply Louis Gevurtz, 185 1st. FOR RENT Second floor, 561 Haw thorne ave., 100x100, good concrete building. FOR DESIRABLE space in rireproof warehouse. Rhone Broadway 71S. STORE for rent, reasonable, good loca tion. 5SQ Union ave. N. Bdwy. 6800. STORE, Washington St., $50. First st, $25. Apply 606 Concord bldg. FRONT OFFICE; "modern convenience-.; Railway Exchange building. Appl? room 312. . FINE) offices, suites or sinele: also fur nished office, reasonable rent Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill ats. DESK room with telepnone and steno graphic serv:ce. Phone Broadway 3715. DESK room for rent 014 Henry bidg. Phone Bdwy. 1931. OFFICEtS for rent Fliedner bldg.. 10th and washmirton st. FURNISHED room with main line phone. 433 Cham, oi coramerce oiog. OFFICE for rent, corner location. 801 Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED office Including phone, $20- Calls cared for Atwater ?310. HAVE a few r.si table 2 and room suites. Apply 303 S wetland bidg.