THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, "DECE3I13ER 9, 1923 ASTORIA BUSINESS SECTION DEVASTATED BY $12,000,000 FIRE Remarkable Photographs by Staff Photographer of The Oregonian Tell Story of Losses Sustained by Business Houses When Flames Swept Through City's Heart : - -I Pftipii W 4- N x t r war .i IS - mm 1 ! 4 X; 'XSS-'Si-- -'-"V ft v:?.,-' : " r V SSs;:;:p 4 S3 ? r s - " " "3 S -si 2- 4 St -r - J?i 1 llillllliilillliiilliiil v. X X v w V1 - -J 1 what is left of Astoria Furniture company store, with 6 Refugees moving into apartment house that stood outside of fire-swent area. 7 Looking east on Exchange street, Y. M. C. A. building rsrt tidrif 8 Scene that presents itself by looking north on Tenth street. remnants of automobile. 2 Wall left standing amid fallen bricks like war scene. 3 Another vivid bit showing ruthlessness of yesterday's fire. 4 Household goods snatched from flames. 5 Ruins snapped from Tenth street, looking toward court- 9 Ruins at corner of Tenth and Exchange streets looking house. southeast; Elks temple in right foreground.