THE MOUSING OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932 T yj. JwM w 7 or r -lit tt V. i. . e n , . ""ic. let 'ft"-""-1 elI ?oW ffiriilifiliiliwIIT'lj -r""'"",T Mt7 mm 1 Jii Twbute From Everywheee "One of the greatest film epices ever made; merits visit after visit to grasp all its glories.". New York Telegram. "The most amazingly beautiful motion pic ture ever screened." New York Mail. fyfier-Prodiictioti SA "Every hit as important as any play on Broad way. We whole-heartedly commend it to every man, woman and child." Daily News (Chicago) J f j :,: J .if -ff S' it S n j? -t f . A- "f has magnificent settings and costumes and lighting effects of almost unbelievable beauty." New York Sun. I '4 r " 'Wien Knighthood Was in Flower' is daz zling." New York Times. "'When Knighthood Was in Flower repre sents the supreme achievement of the motion picture art." Boston American. "The supreme triumph of the season." Portland Oregonian. '4" J ,!" Jf , ,'J Jy . V' .JSP NOTE ! RESERVED SEATS In answer to numerous requests we have ar ranged to reserve a limited number of seats for every show during this last week. Telephone Atwater 0880 for reservations. A " Augmented orchestra playing specially comiel ' score under directorship of Joseph Sampietre. Attendants costumed in the same manner as is Marion Davies in this photograph from the play. Admission is 55c and 75c (Loges $1.10 and $150) : "- jfow at the "pTL"