1THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVE3IBER 8, 1922 PIERCE IS ELECTED STATE STANDARD-BEARER OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY WHO HAS BEEN CHOSEN GOVERNOR OF OREGON. ' boards In nearly all of the pre cincts in the county promised early returns. Pierce Wins In Haines. HAINES, Or., Nov. 7. (Special.)--But little more than half the voters in the Haines precinct, Baker coun ty, appeared at the polls today. Out of a possible 500 but 246 votes were cast. There was much scratch ing and counting was slow. It is conceded Pierce has carried the county and his lead in this precinct is estimated at 4 to 1. Sinnott for i BY ABOUT 20, Incomplete Returns Indicate Trend of State. congress is leading Harvey Graham. Olcott Far Ahead in Wheeler. FOSSIL, Or., Nov. 7. Complete returns for governor from nine pre cincts in Wheeler .county give: Olcott, 431; Pierce, 194; etate treas urer, Hoff, 495; Touvelle, 69; public instruction, Churchill, 521; George. 63; labor commissioner, Gram, 422; Hansen, 77; public service commis HALF OF VOTE COUNTED Compulsory School Bill Appears to Have Carried, But Single Tax and Income Tax Lose. sioner, Campbell, 427; Ericksen, 31; Kerrigan, 35. - . ! A v V?V J? i (Cnntinued From First Page.) piled to show the certainty of re sults. ' For state treasurer the count in 401 precincts, including 87 in Mult nomah county, gives Hoff 34,097, Tou Velle 13,816; Hoff's lead 20, 281. For school superintendent, 453 precincts, including 78 from Mult nomah county, give Churchill 32, 871," George 17,349; Churchill's lead, 15,522. For labor commissioner, 384 pre cincts, including 71 from Multno mah county, give Gram 30,860, Hansen 11,500. Gram's lead 19,360. For public service commissioner, 426 precincts, including 113 from Multnomah county, give Campbell 27,513, Erickson 10,602, Kerrigan 9758- Campbell's lead 16,911. School Bill Carried. The public school compulsory measure has, It is indicated by the returns, been adopted by a major ity perhaps in excess of 10,000. With less than one-third of the precincts reported, the bill has an affirmative majority of more than 5000. Conditions regarding this bill, however, are somewhat spotted and the size of the affirmative majority is difficult to analyze from the re turns so far in. In Multnomah county about one-half the precincts give the bill a lead there of nearly 3000 and "the counties upstate, while .showing so far only about 2000 majority for it. are less repre sentative of the full vote than is Multnomah county. The vote at the compulsory school bill stands: Yes 33,024, no 27,847; affirma tive lead, 5177. Fair Measure in Doubt. The exposition enabling amend ment voted on in the state at large is somewhat in doubt. It has a present majority of 3605 in Mult nomah county alone with about half the vote counted ihere. In the state at large the vote so far is split almost even, but the slight difference is against the bill. If these ratios continue the amendment is carried by a sub stantial majority. The indications are favorable for the amendment. She vote in 426 precincts, includ ing 225 in Itfultnomah county, out of a total of 1729 in the state, follows: Yes 21,'095, no 18,709. Lead for the amendment 2386. Single tax has again been de feated, this time two and one-half times to one. The income tax amendment is also defeated by better than two to one. Single Tax Whipped. On single tax, 307 precincts, in cluding it 9 in Multnomah county, Kive the bill: Yes, 7458; no, 19,066; lead against the bill, 17,608. On the income tax amendment 342 precincts, including 141 in Multno mah county, give the amendment, yes, 8540; no, 18,093; majority against the bill, 9553. In the second congressional dis trict N. J. Sinnott has been elected over J. II. Graham. In the incom plete vote 13 counties are repre sented. The figures stand at present: Sinnott, 6228; Graham, 4189; Sin nott's lead. 2039. For governor. COUNTY. 40jBaker 30!Benton S:i:Clackarhas . 4i01atsop .... BSICoos ITiOurry 29i Deschutes .. 6i:r.)ouglas .... "OlfHlliam 14;Hood River. , 56.Iackson .... 25 Josephine .. IPjLake HSlane 25!Linooln . ... . f4 Ijinn 37:Malheur 74 Marion 426!Multnomah . S7iPolk SO. Tillamook .. fit Umatilla ... 3"!lTnion 34iWallowa SnIWaseo 46 Washington 4;Vheeler ... 43 Yamhill .... 1 12 14 24 2,139 1,906 7 306 "503 26 2.1 9!t 2.369 28 1.353 2,220 7 321 112 7 1,327 2.504 9 676 1.038 7 425 282 3 268 189 11 699 1,328 12 539 1,004 3 341 109 28 1.682 3,273 2 210 200 7 565 906 3 57 67 39 4.409 4,595 265 14,083 16,625 1 104 175 ' 6 19ij 367 3 492 627 - 1 23 4 85 10 231 596 10 893 870 . 8 695 433 12 549 284 12 772 1,334 560135. 60l'l44, 405 172SI Total Pierce's lead SS04. IXCOMPLKTK HKTI RS ON RF.P KESEXTATIVK 1 CONGRESS. 8ECOXU DISTRICT. Graham Umatilla 1035 Wallowa . 580 Klamath 78 Jiarney 163 Sherman : 160 Hood Kiver 301 Deschutes 574 Grant 131 Malheur 0 Jilliam 276 Baker 63 Lake 298 Union . 420 Total 418J 1103 605 755 350 344 628 1244 249 68 588 41 65 207 6228 Pierce Leads In Union. LA GRANDE, Or., Nov. 7. Incom plete returns from Union county WALTER M. give for governor, Olcott 14, Pierce 27; treasurer, Hoff 20, Tou Velle 6; school superintendent, Churchill 30, George 4; labor commissioner. Gram 23, Hansen 5; public service com missioner, Campbell 15, Erickson 5, Kerrigan 6. Measures Single tax, yes 7, no 17; 1927 exposition, yes 11, no 14; income tax, yes 8, no 16; school bill. yes 20, no 17. SHERIDAX GOES FOB PIERCE Returns From City and Portion of County Complete. SHERIDAN. 'Or., Nov. 7. (Spe cial.) Precincts 30, 31 and 39, in cluding the city of Sheridan and some of the territory in southwest ern Yamhill county, complete, give: Olcott 193, Pierce 264; Hoff 289, Touvelle 128; Burnett 339, Mc Court 297, Rand 287; Churchill 296, George 100; Gram 262,, Hansen 87; Campbell 234, Ericksen 73, Kerri gan 50. On the measure to permit Linn county to pay outstanding war rants, 116 yes, 122 no. On the meas ure to permit Linn and Benton counties to meet outstanding war rants, 116 yes, 102 no. Single tax, 45 yes, 251 no; fair tax, 166 yes, 177 no; compulsory education bill, 218 yes, 185 no. Representative Hawley got prac ticelly the entire vote, 298, for rep resentative in congress. For state senator. G. B.- Foster, dem., 172, Peter Zimmerman, rep., 225; state representative, Ed Cary 186, R. B. Stockton 257, T. E. Holdredge 112, Arthur McPhillips 184. The following city officers were elected: Dr. R. C. Field, mayor; H. A. Banister recorder: F. W. Daniels. treasurer; E. F. Back, city marshal;! ,G. W. Epley, H. M. Frick, F. A. Thomas, W. A. Gage, F. C. Johann- sen, H. W. Flanery, councilmen. The charter amendment to make the offices of city recorder and city marshal appointive was defeated. OLCOTT LEADS IN" DESCHUTES Exposition and School Measures Running Behind in Count. BEND, Or., Nov. 7. Incomplete returns from Deschutes county give for governor, Olcott 476, Pierce 408; treasurer, Hoff 610, Tou Velle 236; school superintendent, Churchill 676, George 214; labor commissioner. Gram 563, Hansen 165; public serv ice commissioner, Campbell 474, Erickson 151, Kerrigan 129. Measures: Single tax, yes 166, no 489; 1927 exposition, yes 156, no 432; income tax, yes 197, no 451; school bill, yes 353, no 462. HOOD RIVER FAVORS OLCOTT Incomplete Returns From County Give Governor Slight Lead. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Nov. 7. (Spe cial.) -Incomplete returns from Hood River county give for gover nor, Olcott 268. Pierce 189; treasur er, Hoff 306, Tou Velle 131; school superintendent, Churchjll 312, George 109; labor commissioner. Gram Ztfa, Hansen 127; public service com missioner, Campbell 191, Ericksen 108, Kerrigan 131. Measures Single tax, yes 91, no 299; 1927 exposition, yes 220, no 198: income tax, yes 139, no 257; school bill, yes 159, no 286. PIERCE AHEAD IX CLATSOP Kerrigan Toor Third for Public Service Commissioner. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 7. (Special.) Incomplete returns from Clatsop county give for governor, Olcott 1657, Pierce 1689; treasurer, Hoff 2412, Touvelle 679; school superin tendent, Churchill 1575, George 1292; labor commissioner, Gram 1756; Hanson, 1087; public service com missioner, Campbell 1474, Erickson 1037, Kerrigan 257. Marion Contest Is Close. SALEM, Or., Nov. 7. Returns for governor from 39 precincts in Mar ion county give Olcott 4409, Pierce 4595; for state treasurer from 23 precincts give Hoff 2635, Tou Velle 1689; for public instruction, Churchill 3295, George 887; for labor commissioner. Gram 3253, Hansen 6S4; .for public service commis sioner, Campbell 2872, Ericksen 480, Kerrigan 660. Olcott Leads In Malheur. VALE, Or.. Nov. ,7. (Special.) Returns for governor from six pre cincits in Malheur county give Ol cott 236, Pierce 155; for state treas urer, Hoff 224, Touvelle 109; public instruction, Churchill 271. George 69; labor commissioner. Gram 237, Hansen 66; public service commis sioner, Campbell 215. Ericksen 53; Kerrigan 39. Wallowa Against Fair. , ENTERPRISE, Or.. Nor. 7. Re turns from ten precincts in Wallowa county give. Single tax, yes 92, no 512; exposition tax, yes 227, no 395; income tax, yes 264, no 358; com pulsory education, yes 425, no 345. . -j. J" " v Iff "IS PIERCE. city election the greatest Interest" in years was manifested. Twice tltf ballot supply was exhausted and rush calls were sent to the printer for more. The last ballot was used Just as the polls closed. The city polls closed four hours earlier than those for the state election. COTTAGE GROVE FOR PIERCE Incomplete Returns Show Olcott to Be 120 Votes Behind. ' COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. Nov. 7. (Special.) Incomplete returns from city precincts gave Olcott 248, Pierce 360; exposition bill, yes 105, no 109; compulsory . education bill, yes 241, no 153. The local armory bond measure has carried. The city ticket is: Mayor, Andrew Brund; recorder. Homer Galloway; treasurer, Herbert Eakin. Councilmen elected are First ward, A. W. Swanson and E. E. Eads; second ward, S. L. Mackin; third ward, Elbert Bede. Douglas Against Exposition. ROSEBURG, Or., Nov. 7. (Spe cial.) Incomplete returns from Douglas county give for governor: Olcott 676, Pierce 1038; treasurer, Hoff 1045, Tou Velle 493; school superintendent, Churchill 1175, George 433; labor commissioner. Gram 1026, Hansen 334; public serv ice commissioner, Campbell 922, Erickson 237, Kerrigan 196. Meas uresSingle tax, yes 223, no 1070; 1927 exposition, yes 544, no 672; in come tax, yes 445, no 820; school bill, yes 897, no 607. Pierce Leads in Lane County. EUGENE, Or., Nov. 7. (Special.) Incomplete returns from Lane coun ty give, for governor, Olcott 770, Pierce 1531; treasurer, Hoff 1470, Tou Velle 522; school superintendent, Churchill 1080, George 1127; labor commissioner, Gram 1228, Hansen 386; public service commissioner, Campbell 875, Kerrigan 639. Meas ures Single tax, yes 216, no 1056; 1927 exposition, yes 483, no 605; in come tax, yes 508, no 702; school bill, yes 1303, no. 549. Pierce Ahead in Polk. . DALLAS, "Or., Nov. 7. Incomplete returns from Polk county give for governor, Olcott 104, Pierce 175; treasurer, Hoff 180, Tou Velle 86; school superintendent, Churchill 190, George 74; labor commissioner, Gram 169, Hansen 64; public service commissioner, Campbell 148, Erick son 37, Kerrigan 49. Measures 1927 exposition, yes 71, no 140; income tax, yes 88, no 88; school bill, yes 115, no 140. Linn County Voters Out. ALBANY, Or., Nov. 7. (Special.) With clear skies and sunshine most of the dxy. Albany and Linn county voters flocked to the polls in unprecedented numbers. Rain this afternoon tailed to dampen interest in the issues. Many women cast ballots, which was. looked upon with significance, in the race for' Linn county sheriff. Double election & Vi i ii I i ,i i j 1 1 i fTTn" iTiitr-mwMmm! Serve Golden West Coffee Sandwiches or cake served with Golden West. Coffee makes an ideal luncheon for afternoon or evening chummy yet thoroughly complete. " " Hood River fpr Olcott. HOOD RIVER, Or., Nov. 7. Re turns for governor from nine pre cincts in Hood River county give Olcott 579, Pierce 514; for state treasurer, Hoff 602, TouVelle 235; for public instruction. Churchill 683, George 227; for labor commissioner. Gram 597, Hansen 215; for publio service commissioner, Campbell 512, Ericksen 183, Kerrigan 110. Lincoln Race Is Close. NEWPORT, Or., Nov. 7. Returns for governor from five precincts in Lincoln county give Olcott 409 and P'erce 412; state treasurer, Hoff 506, Touvelle 195; superintendent public fhstruction, Churchill 499, George 164; labor commissioner. Gram 507, Hansen 161; public serv ice commissioner, Campbell 488, Ericksen 129, Kerrigan 303. Olcott Behind -in Tillamook. TILLAMOOK, Or., Nov. 7. Re turns from six precincts in Tilla mook county givi: Olcott, 190; Pierce, 367; state treasurer, Hoff, 404; Tou Velle, 107; public instructor, Churchill, 302; George, 197; labor commissioner, Gram, 308; Hansen, 171; public service commissioner, Campbell, 313; Ericksen, 81; Ker rigan, 55. Jackson in Pierce Column. MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 7. Returns for governor from 11 precincts in Jackson county give Olcott 699, Pierce 1328; state treasurer, Hoff 1073, Touvelle 514; for superin tendent public instruction; Church ill 1313, George 499; labor -commissioner. Gram 1057, Hansen 394; for public service commissioner, Camp bell 906, Ericksen 304, Kerrigan 275. Curry Gives Olcott Lead. GOLD BEACH, Or., Nov. 7. Iit complete returns for governor from seven precincts in Curry county give Olcott 363, Pierce 255; for state treasurer, Hoff -397, Touvelle 147; for public instruction, Churchill 394, George 220; for labor commis sioner, Gram 354, Hansen 161; for public service commissioner, Camp bell 278, Ericksen 97, Kerrigan 125. Pierce Leading in Polk. . DALLAS. Or., Nov. 7. Incomplete returns for governor from three pre cincts in Polk county give: Olcott, 158; Pierce, -285; state treasurer, Hoff, 279; Touvelle, 144; public in struction, Churchill, 305; George, 115; labor commissioner, Gram, 279; Hansen, 96; public service commis sioner, Campbell, 236; Ericksen, 72; Kerrigan, 66. Pieree Ahead in Linn County. ALBANY, Or., Nov. 7.-rReturns for governor from 13 'precincts in Linn county give: Olcott, 939; Pierce, 1494; state treasurer, Hoff, 1383; Touvelle, 834; public instruc tion, Churchill, 1631; George, 610; labor commissioner. Gram, 1579, Hansen, 497; public servite commis sioner, Campbell, 1311; Ericksen, 377; Kerrigan. 356. - Harney Race Is Close. BURNS, Or., Nov. 7. Incomplete returns for governor from Harney county give Olcott 203, Piercje 255; state treasurer, Hoff 258, Touvelle 140; public instruction, Churchill 323, George 64; labor commissioner, Gram 297, Hansen 60; public serv ice commissioner, Campbell 239, Ericksen 60, Kerrigan 42. Yamhill for School Bill. McMINNVILLE, Or., Nov. 7. Re turns from 33 precincts in Yamhill county give: Compulsory education, yes 3039", no 2287. Pierce Leads in Yamhill. McMINNVILLE, Or., Nov. 7. In complete returns for governor from 33 precincts in Yamhill county give Olcott 2012, Pierce 3412. Moore Leads for Corvallis Mayor. CORVALLIS. Or., Nov. 7. (Spe cial.) N. R.. Moore, 'republfcan for (Concluded on Page 22, Column 3.) and f:i I f- - -f-v' vfii2 3U "k-"7 , . 1 ,jPl jf' 3v qiiiiiWl.l,!!'W,pM For winter motoring, fill your tank with "Red Crown "quick starring "gas" and nothing else. Then you won't have to sit in the cold and buzz-buzz your starter you'll get a prompt kick-off at the first jump of the spark. "Red Crown" vaporizes rap idly and uniformly in the cold est weather. Fill at the Red Crown sign, at service stations, garages and other dealers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CAUFORNIA) ey- The Bread 3 upreme? i Efficiency YWherever you may qlance at the operations of ihc U. S. Bakery you will find efficiency. for the delivery of our products w keep -moving a fleet of thirty trucks all Whit cs so that one stock of parts takes care of every car- arid every car is maintained in perfect condition by our own mechanics in our own qaraqa and repair shoo- sJ J economy Zerolene good cold test oils flow freely and lubricate per fectly in zero weath erprotect the bear ings increase the power and flexibility of your engine. V cconomv . fvrfieiencv I II i efficiency PROSTATE TROUBLES cured without operation. Men are often afflicted with this trouble long before they' know what it is. SYMPTOMS Weakness or pain in small of the back, at nape of neck, in groins, down legs, in urethra; burning, frequent desire to empty bladder. Itcning areas on abdomen. Insomnia. Ner vousness. Worry. When two or more of these symptoms are present, have your prostate gland ex amined by a physician who is thoroughly familiar with its ailments. Dr. R. A. Phillips 905 Broadway BIdg. Catarrh Will Go Help Comes in Two Min utes Complete Relief in a Few Weeks. Don't go on hawking yourself sick every morning; it's cruel, it's harmful and It's unnecessary. If after breathing Hyomel, the wonder worker, you are not rid of vile catarrh you can have your money back. No stomach doling just take the little hard rubber pocket inhaler that comes witn each outfit, and pour into it a lew drops of Hyomei. 1 treat he it according to direct ions. In two minutes it wiil relieve you of that stuf fed-up feeling. Use it daily and in a few weeks you should be entirely free from catarrh. Breathing HyomM is a very plea.sant anc certain way to kill catarrh germs. Get a Hyomel outfit today. It's sold by druggists everywhere with guarantee to quickly and safely end catarrh, croup, coughs, colde, sore throat and bronchitis or money back; It's inexpensive. Owl Drug Co. can supply you. Adv. I ir JlI 111! LUif Red Tepper Rub takes the "oucH" from the sore, stiff, acffiiiK Joints. It cannot hurt you, and it certainly stops that old. rheumatism torture at once. When you are suffering bo you can hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating: heat as red peppers. Junt as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Fain and soreness are gone. Ask any good druggist for a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package. Adv. lcad The Oresonian classified ;.ds.