Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 08, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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1 Candy Specials Chocolates, 25 Lb. Peanut Brittle, 25 Lb. Dept. Main Floor
Our Store Will Be Closed Saturday Armistice Day
Plan to Supply Your Double-Holiday Requirements Early in the Week
Propaganda Continued by
Presenting Petitions. ,
SeSH "Christ on Calvary
Famous Painting .
$1 A Marvelous Work
of Art, Valued
at $85,000.00
Business Men Are Urged to Sup
port Committee Findings; Plans
for Referendum Are Blocked.
Every Man, Woman and Child in Portland Should See This Picture On Exhibition, Second Floor
Activity of persons opposed to
the resolution adopted last .week
by directors of the Chamber of
Commerce expressing conclusions
on the unmerger of the Southern
and Central Pacific properties again
became marked yesterday when pe
titions were circulated for -signatures
to a statement promulgated
by the special railroad committee
of the chamber and submitted some
time ago. This report ws not ap
proved by the directors who made
an entirely different finding.
It was common knowledge that
agents acting for the Union Pacific
company are besieging local busi
ness men for their signatures. The
contention between the Southern
and Union Pacific for possession of
the Central Pacific property was
not allayed when the directors of
the chamber reached their decision
with adoption of the latest resolu
tion on the subject.
Fltcht Expected to Continue.
While this was satisfactory to the
Southern Pacific, since the report
of the special chamber committee
had declared for dismemberment of
the Southern and Central Pacific,
which the directors did not indorse,
the Union Pacific protagonists
found in -the directors' action that
they were losing ground in the con
tention and wished to have the spe
cial committee report reaffirmed.
Directors of the chamber had
hoped that the controversy over the
unmerger that has raged for weeks
throughout the state would be
quieted, so far as Portland is con
cerned, when the report was made.
But this belief has proved vain and
it appeared yesterday the fight is
likely to go on.
Controversy 1m Deplored.
That such a situation is deplored,
and regarded ' by officials of the
chamber as likely to cause harm
to that organization, since bitter
feeling has been aroused and hos
tility developed by the unmerger
fight was evident in a separate
resolution adopted by the directors
last week when the unmerger stand
was taken. This was in answer to
a request for a referendum vote
by members of the chamber, asked
with a view of supporting the re
port of the special unmerger com
mittee. The resolution referred to
the wisdom of allaying the contro
versy and was as follows:
Wlieras, questions arising from the
supreme court decision on the unmerg
ing of the Southern and Central Pacific
have been under consideration for ap
proximately five months by the. beard
of directors of the chamber at' many
HIecial and Tegular meetings and through
various nperial committees, and
Whereas, the board has, by a sub
tantial majority, adopted a resolution
expressing its conclusions,' and
Whereas, owing to extensive propa
ganda carried on by the parties most
directly affected by this question there
has arisen more or less controversy
which, if continued, might result in
serious detriment to the Chamber of
Commerce and its Usefulness in de
veloping the best interests of the state
of Oregon, and
Whereas, it has been recommended to
the board that the matter be decided
by a referendum vote of the members of
the chamber; therefore be it
Resolved. That it is the sense of this
board that the interests of the chamber
will be best served by avoiding the
possibility of further agitation and
propaganda inevitable to a campaign
in connection with a referendum vote,
and that we respectfully decline the re
quests for referendum and ask that such
request be withdrawn.
Correct BtiIifi:
1 A Daily Quiz
IMPROVE the sentence, "That is
plenty good enough."
What is maladdress?
How is it pronounced?
What is the meaning of maladroit
in, "His remark .was very mal
adroit"? How ia maladroit pronounced?
Answers to Tuesday's Questions.
" An acousticon, pronounced "a-koos'te-kon,"
is an instrument aid
ing hfaring.
.Employee is now fuUy anglicized
to mean one of either sex employed
by another.
Corporal means relating to the
body instead of the mind, as cor
poral punishment.
Corporeal means having a body,
material, as "The corporeal eye sees
the material only."
Say, "Lil has just been at (not
"to") the theater.
New Today in
"(he Markets
X ciosea Saturday, which is Arm
istice day, and hbusewives who wish
to make purchases there should do
so on Thursday or Friday. Ore
gon tomatoes are selling at ad
vanced prices, at 5 cents a. pound.
Corn is still offered at 20 cents a
Concord grapes, delicious in ap
pearance, are 10 cents a . pound.
Extra fancy Concords'ar'e selling at
higher prices.
Salisfy. or oyster plant, used for
soups and seasoning is 5 cents a
pound. Echilots, a cross between
onions and garlic, an imported prod
uct, are $1 a pound. Cabbage, which
is especially white and firm in ap
pearance, is 1 cent a pound. House
wives who have not yet made sauer
kraut, will find the cabbage is in
good condition now for this use.
If ,!',fi
The droop-brim hat is universally becoming, and in the model above
the designers of millinery have put some very charming touches which
lift it out of the commonplace into the realm of distinctiveness.
The entire frame is. covered with almond-green shirred velvet, while
the points are covered with moleskin extended out at the side, giving the
necessary, width.
prise at the kind of fruit'that was
purchased, as. only the very finest
was selected and a, premium was
Fall Creek Route to Be Graveled
by Forest Service.
EUGENE, Or., Nov. 7. '(Special.)
A portion of the road being, built
up Fall creek by the forest service
will be graveled this fall, accord
ing to Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor
of the Cascade forest, who has just
returned from a .trip of inspection
of road projects in the upper Wil
lamette district. Three miles of
the road, which will extend up Fall
creek a number of miles, have been
The work of grading this road has
ceased on account of wet weather.
The graveling will be done in co
operation with the county and the
settlers along the route. A portion
of the Kitson Springs road will also
be graveled, said the supervisor.
Rifilit to XJse Water for Power
Plant Is Obtaint'd.
AT VfPTl Woch Mnv- T Th.
city of Tacoma received permit's to
day from Marvin Chase, supervisor
of hydraulics, to divert water from
tne north lorK of the Skokomish
river for power purposes' and to
construct the Lake Oushman reser
voir to store 190.000 acre feet of
water. The issuance of the permits
has been held in abeyance for some
time pending the settlement of liti
gation between the city and the
slate fisheries board over the ap
propriation of the water..
The estimated cost of building
the reservoir is $1,768,000 and foi
generating 75.000' horsepower the
cost will be approximately $6,000-000.
committee in charge of dance plans,
expects the affair to be one of the
biggest ever held in Aberdeen.
Astoria Soft Drink Man Held.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 7. (Special.)
For the second time in two days,
E. Johnson, proprietor of a local
soft 'drink palace, was arrested to
day by federal prohibition agents
McKnight and Christensen -on a
charge of having liquor in his pos
session. He was held in jail in de
fault of J1000 bail. K. Kyro was
arrested on a similar charge and
was held in default of $500 bail.
Rancher's Home Is Burned.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 7. (Special.)
The residence of E. O. Luukinen.
a rancher residing at Fernhill, about,
ten miles east of here, was de
stroyed by fire which started from
an unknown cause last night. The
loss was about $3000, with $1500
Moonshine With Poison Element
Fatal to Man From Oregon.
TACOMA, Wash.. Nov. 7. Frank
J. Cook, 58, was found dead in his
hotel room today and Coroner
Shaver pronounced death due to
drinking moonshine liquor contain
ing poison ingredients.
Cook caine here from Oregon sev
eral weeks ago, and a slip in his
pocket said his next of kin was
Fred J. Cook of Flint, Mich.
Pupils'Form Industrial Club.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 7 (Special.)
The first boys' and girls' industrial
club to organize in Linn county for
the coming year is at Franklin
Butte school in the Beio neighbor
hood, it was announced here by the
county agent. The local leader of
the new girls' sewing club is Erica
I. Moore. Elma Milligan is presi
dent, Lottie Horsburgh, vice-president
and Bonita Sutherland eecre
tary. Other members ' are Thelma
Lucas, Dorothy Weaver, Zelia Milli
gan and Aileen Weaver.
. the
" Remedy for
If you are snfferliiK with
looHe teeibv MimnKy Rum or
any of the consequence of
pyorrhea. PVRO - FORM ia
" the remedy you need. This
Helen tific preparation de
stroys the pyorrhea s e r m,
e 1 1 m 1 n atex the polxonoua
pus. restores the gams nnd
teeth to a normal healthy
Before having- your teeth
extracted, or taking expensive
treatments for pyorrhea, try
"Pyro-form" at onr risk.
Sold by leading druggists on
a positive money-back
Send 2oc for liberal sample.
San Bernardino, t'ai. JjC
Big Armistice Dance Expected.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 7.
(Special.) Mora than 700 couples
are expected to attend the annual
Armistice day ball to be held this
year in the new armory under
auspices of the American Legion.
A E. Hunt, who is chairman of the
Finest or Cranberries Bought for
Portland Campaign.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 7. (Special.)
A good-sized shipment of cran
berries left this district yesterday
for a pie company of Portland. It is
the intention of this company to put
on a dr've for cranberry pies in the
near future, and hearing of the su
perior virtues of the cranberries
produced at the mouth of the Colum
bia, a personal representative of the
company made a trip U) this sec
tion in order to select the very
finest cranberries that could be
Even the growers expressed sur-
Just say
to your druggist
The simplest way to end a
corn is Blue-jay. A touch
stops the pain instantly. Then
the corn loosens and comes
out. Made in a colorless
clear liquid (one drop does
it!) and in thin plasters. The
action is the same.
Pain Stops Instantly
1 W tFfi
i J mm
I I Arc W
Ciitscura Soap
Without Mug
Cstims Bosp It tk twnritB foriaf TrnorhTiog.
Every Sneeze
Has a Meaning
When you begin to sneeze, look
out! It's a sign that you've caught
cold not just "catching" it. Right
then is the time to get busy, if vou
want to conquer the cold easily,
quickly and completely. -,
Go at once tp a first-class drug
store and ask for a 50-cent jar or
25-cent tube of "Deo." the famous
Dennis' Eucalyptus Ointment. Heat
a spoonful of "Deo" in a tin plate
or cup and inhale the soothing va
por. This will quickly open the air
passages and help destroy germs
which have attacked the mucous
membrane. Repeat the treatment
night and morning, drawing the
vapor .into the lungs and holding for
several seconds before releasing.
Place a small quantity of the oint
ment in the nostrils and snuff up
into the nasal cavity. When going
to bed, rub your neck and chest
with "Deo" and cover with hot flan
nel. It is a good plan to carry a tube
of ,"Deo" in your pocket and apply
up the nostrils several times during
the day. A valuable treatment for
colds, catarrh, coughs, influenza,
bronchitis, asthma and respiratory
troubles. Contains nothing injurir
ous. Guaranteed to give satisfactory
results or money refunded. Don't
ask for Eucalyptus Ointment say
"Deo" and you'll get the genuine.
For sale by druggists everywhere;
Dennis Mfg. Co., makers, Berkeley,
Cal. Adv.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month
Best Butter $1.03
Delivered only with other grocery
purchases. This butter is put up ex
pressly for Olds, Wortman & King's
by one of Oregon's largest AQ
creameries. Special, 2 lbs..5 -LUO
Olds, MriiuuM WKimj)
Free Travel Service
China, Japan, India, Australia, the
Philippine Islands our American Ex
press Travel Bureau is agent for all
trans-Pacific Steamship lines 2d Fir.
ake Your Dollars Do Their Full Duty
Buying at This Store Assures Utmost in Values Plus Reliable Merchandise and Courteous Service
Today, Feature Sale of Blouses
Presenting an unusual opportunity to secure beautiful holiday Blouses at ex
ceedingly low prices. In each of the four lots that comprise this sale there is a
splendid selection of styles so that you may depend upon finding a model that
will suit you perfectly. Blouses for all occasions in all the very newest shades.
Women's Crepe Blouses
Here is assembled a large and varied as
sortment of Blouses in the season's most
favored , modes. Dressy overblouse effects
and tailored styles. Developed in Georgette
Crepe and Crepe de Chine in flesh, white,
navy, brown, rose, red, purple, gray and
DiacK. Many Deaumul rersian pat- qjjr
terns in the showing. All sizes; at
Women's Crepe Blouses
These are mostly in the tailored models for
wear with suits or separate skirts. Made up
in splendid quality Crepe de Chine in white
only. Attractive styles with round or V
necks, Peter Pan or long collars, long sleeves.
Effectively trimmed with tucks and plaiting.
Also some with dainty embroid- QQ
ered designs. Sizes 36 to 44. Sale DOt0
Women's Crepe Blouses
Loveliest of, Blouses that reveal the last
word in smartness for the holiday season, and
the price is so low that you can afford to
have two or more "of them. Dressy models
in the overblouse effects. Of Crepe de Chine
and Canton. Beaded and braided. Bobolink,
French blue, navy, henna, gray tfrr QQ
and jade. Priced special today at 9 I t0
Women's Crepe Blouses
Of light weight Canton and Crepe de Chine
in gray, henna, Chinese red, navy, brown,
bobolink, French blue and other fashionable
shades. Many beautiful models in this group
including the newest Russian effects. Beaded
in exquisite designs and colorings. Don't
fail to see 'these new Blouses. A AA
Specially priced for- this sale wlviUU
Metal Flouncings
New lot just received. Silver, gold, antique and steel
Metal Flouncings and Allovers in the 36-inch width.
For dinner or dancing frocks. Special at,,yard $8.98
New Beaded Tunics
Main Floor Special shipment of the much-wanted
Beaded Tunics now on display. Crystal, sequin and
pearl beads. White, plum, black, blue and jade. Easily
fashioned into a charming gown. Priced $39.50,
$49.59, $89.50. Ask to see these new Tunics.
Sale of
Spanish Lace
Main Floor Not in years has the de
mand for laces been so great. Make
your selections at once while pattern
assortments are complete. Sketches
show frocks made from Spanish Laces.
50-Inch Lace Flouncings
At $4.95
Patterns as shown in first two
sketches. Very fine quality Spanish
Lace Flouncings in brown, navy, gray,
sand, henna, copen, honeydew, jade,
orchid and rose.. 50 inches (14 Qpf
wide. On special sale, yard Vwtl
50-Inch Lace Flouncings
At $5.95
Finest quality Spanish Lace Flouncings
in many exquisite patterns one as
shown to right of above sketch. 36 and
50 inches wide. Black, navy, brown,
honeydew and gold, cardinal AJfT QpT
and gold. Values to $9.00; at pOVO
$4.50 Flouncings $2.49
Main Floor At this special low price
for one day only. Excellent quality
Spanish Flouncings and Allovers in sev
eral patterns. Black, jade, brown, gray,
henna and orchid, rust, navy. (PO
$4.50 values. Special a yard wulxU
At Olds, Wortman & King's
GRAND CHORUS 9 A. M-, Rotunda, Main Floor Employes
Only Direction Mrs. Fred L. Olson.
12:15 P. M. Tea Room, 4th Floor Direction Mrs. Fred L. Olson.
. . .Mr. Cecil Parker, Baritone
Miss Sylvia Weinstein
. .Georgia Schmeer, Soprano
...Mary Albertini, Contralto
Zulah Andross, Soprano
Anderson, Bridgefarmer,
Albertini, Whitsett.
ACCOMPANISTS Miss Nettle Leona Foy, Miss Susie Mlchels.
Special Lunch
Servic 11:30 A. M. to
2:30 P. 31.
Cream of Cauliflower
aux Croutons
Chicken Giblet a la Creole
Escalloped Eastern Oysters,
Baked Halibut, Anchovy
Buckwheat Cakes with
Fried Home-made Sausage
with Vermont Maple Syrup
Saute Sirloin Tips, Mush
rooms OWK Baked Beans
and Boston Brown Bread
Creamed Carrots and Rice
Pie Ice Cream Baked Pears
Tea Coffee Milk
4th Floor
Notion Sale
Main Floor
Blocked India Tape, 40
Lingerie Tape in pink and
blue, special, the bolt 100
Wire Hair Pins, assorted,
priced special, package 40
Defender Safety Pins 40
Dove Toilet Pins, pkg. 40
Tailors' Tapes, each 70
Rickrack Braids for 130
Skirt Markers, only 270
Tatting Edging, bolt 110
50c Trouser Hangers 370
Curling Irons at only 70
D'Arcy Pins, special 70
Office Pins, special 110
Hose Supporters at 130
Bone Hair Pins at 100
Queen Stocking Darners
pn special sale today, 180
Sale of
Third Floor A pre-holi-day
event that will be of
special interest to those
who are planning on giv
ing something useful this
year. These Deautnui
Chests are made from1
Red Cedar
and are guaranteed dust,
moth and mouse proof.
Each chest is carefully
mad and finished in the
best possible manner.
Outside has high polish
that brings out the nat
ural grain of the cedar.
Four attractive styles in
the sale afc illustrated.
Also Larger
in a -large selection of
styles some with wide
copper band decorations.
With or without inside
Ideal Xmas
Nothing you could se
lect would be more ap
preciated than one of
these handsome Chests.
See window display.
This Chest $22.75
This Chest $12.95
This Chest $15.95
This Chest $19.50
Sale of Undermuslins
Bargain Circle, First Floor Mildred Stout Muslin Skirts,
Envelope Chemise in many styles, Marcella Combinations,
Women's Pajamas in pink and white Children's Muslin
Pajamas in size 14 only Children's Combinations Women's
Night Gowns Women's Bloomers Children's Gowns, Bloom
ers, Princess Slips odd lines of various kinds priced for
quick clearance at HALF PRICE. Shop early in the day.
Sale of Rompers and Creepers
Rompers and Creepers of . Crepe Rompers, 1,2, $2.59
fine quality Romper cloth m
blue and rose. Trimmed with
hand work. Sizes (PO 1 Q
1 and 2. Special D4J.7
Cotton Crepe Rompers in
attractive styles and color
combinations. In C0 QQ
sizes 2 and 3 at ti&QV
We give S. & H. Stamps.
-Girls' Play Aprons of
schoolday cloth in white and
tan. With pockets and yojje.
Embroidered in yarn. QfT
Sizes 4 and 6. Special DC
Children's Rompers of
Eden cloth. Warm and com
fortable. Sizes fl- OQ
1 to 4. Special at 9lJ
Bargain Circle, Main Floor