THE CORNING OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, KOVE3IBER ?, 1922 I 111 - FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. NOVEMBER 1ST TO 18TH. Starting Not. 1 and contlnu.ntr until the 18th of Nov. the following cans will be offered at the prices and terms Quoted below, and In addition we Will ST vm an inciiran rwilif-v t A eCtt fcfcuyer. 1921 Velle 5-pass., T50; 150 down, $50 month. 1021 Nash o-pass., $1000; $250 down, $75 month. 191T Cadillac 7-pass., $825; $225 down, ?iU month. 1914 Cadillac, new paint, $250; $50 down, $20 month. 1&18 Oldsmobile 8, $450; $100 down, $35 month. 1919 Nash, 5-pasa., $700; $200 down, $50 month. 1920 Oakland roadster, $550; $150 down, $40 month. 1919 Oakland touring, $450; $100 down, $35 month. 1920 Stutz roadster, $1600; $400 down, $120 month. 1920 Maxwell touring, $350; $75 down, $27.50 month. 1918 Buick 7-pass., $575; $175 down, $40 month. 1915 Studebaker 7-paaa., $250; $50 down, $20 month 1921 Nash 7-pass., $1000; $300 down, $70 month.' 1917 Ford touring, $125; $50 down, $10 month. 1917 Cole 8, 7-pass., $400; $75 down, $;52.50 month. 1918 Bodge sedan, $600; $150 down, $45 month. 1919 Apperaon sport, $850; $200 down, $tio month. 1918 Apperaon, disc wheels, $550; $150 down, $40 month. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burn side. Bdwy. 0521. COVET MOTOR CAR COM PANY'S USED CAR PRICES. There Is one Idea we, want to continually impress upon you : This house aims at ail time to have Its used car prices lower than can be found elsewhere lower than can be obtained at any sale. Remember that. See our cars. "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. TWO LOCATIONS: Main plant, Washington at 21st. st. Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broad way Brance, 28-30 Broadway. We have cara to take you from one iace to the other. HARRY C. STUTZ SPECIAL COUPE. uiiy equipped with brand new cord tires, 6 wire wheels, 2 bumpers, spe cial traveling trunk, snubbers; it's just out of paint shop and looks like a million. Is in good mechanical con dition. Owner has no need for two cars so will consider very reasonable terms from responsible party. Car la etored and will be demonstrated at 107 13th st. . CHRISTIES. THE REPAIR MAN. 192-J BUICK FOUR. My private car; used only a few thousand miles; cord tires, wind de flectors, spotlight, motometer and cap, automatic windshield s wiper, mirror, in fact all you need of extras. This car has had the best of care. Call me at Aiam uua. Koorn 31b. SLAUGHTER SALE OF USED CARS. jsse, &tmz. iuick&. Fords, Dodges nnd other standard makes. All good cars and heavy cuts in prices and all guaranteed on the road. Portland Auto galea, 125 13th, corner Washington. Opon. Sundays and evenings. Phone Bdwy. 4;t'4. REO ROADSTER. $350 ON" TEftitS. 3-passenser lf18 4-cylinder, guaran teed in boat mechanical shape; good paint, new battery, spotlight, oversize cord tires; b-en in private city use on y. Tabor 0305 403 Ease 44rh m 1920 OLDSMOBILE speed wagon; all ",a,iu turu irucK type tires; over hauled and repainted; a fine buy a $550; terms. PREMIER SALES CO., iNinin ana couch Sts. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, $950. In first-class condition; looks like new; 3 new cord tires. 2 spotlights, bumper, trunk rack, stop light and other extras. Must be sold at once. .a Aider st. .Broadway 1852. 1991 TUTir'tr Tn a nc-ri?n ' Rebuilt, repainted, fenders rebaked brand new cord tires, factory guaranty goes with this car; see it and you will buy; privately owned. Main 0623, room 316. STOP LOOK LISTEN. "Will sel! my late model Chevrolet touring car at a price that will please you; make your money buy the best; small payment down, long easy terms. Bdwy. 4538. 1922 BUICK 4-CYL. 1922. Driven on city streets, 7500 miles; guaranteed condition, factory service guaranty still in force; car good as .new. Call Auto 324-36. Price $S00; liberal terms to responsible party. $195 1913 CADILLAC, 7-pass. touring; FREE 5 DAYS TRIAL. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside Sts. SERIES C-4 l'our-paseenger Pierce- Arrow, oniy run 21,000 miles. Perfect mechanical condition. New rubber all around. Call Ryan, E. 3770, or Main C316. after 7 P. M. LATEST Chevrolet demonstrator in per- . luuuiuuii, iuii oniy j.jouu mi., tinancial condition forces me to sacri fice this car. Walnut 3612. Tabor 8897 evenings. 1920 FORD SEDAN $475. Can't be told from nev. Free 5 Days Trial. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC , Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside. GET THIS MR. WORKING MAN. ' 1 have a Chevrolet touring that I will sell below actual value with small payment down and easy terms to right Jj'OR SALE by owner, 1018 Chevrolet in KOOd mechanical nnniHHnw K tia a new ones; $225v Call at 15 East Bryant COMBINATION range, overstuffed 11 v- mahogany grafonola, rugs, bedroom furniture, rorkprs. Walmt Koaa 1H21 FORD sedan, at a snap, car is in liieuuHiucai conaition, excellent paint, tires and uphoistery. lots of ex r tras, very easy terms. Sellwood 0856. 1918 CHEVROLET, $150. ' 5 DAYS FREE TRIAL. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC Bdwy. 3281. nth and Burnside. BARGAIN. " ' HUDSON CAR: NEW PfiRn ttrt?c - MUST SELL AT ONCE SEE THIS 84 GRAND AVE. SOUTH. 1918 MAXWELL, $165.' o oays iree trial. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside Late model, twin Hass-ler shocks 5 oversize tires; a sacrifice at $425 ' "8 N. llth. Bdwy. 3214. "B ' 1918 SAXON 6. $225. " 5 days free trial. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC Bdwy. 32S1. llth and Burnside. BRISCOE chummy roadster, starter, de mountable rims, good rubber; motor in good shape; $135, 1066 Union ave North. 1917 OAKLAND, $225. 5 days free trial. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, IXC. Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside. WILL take a good shotgun as first pay ment on good, light car. 415 Glisan. Ask for Charles. 1919 CHE ROLET roadster, $60. FoT information call Sell. 3871 or 737 Clat sop ave. WILL trade an automobile for livestock; have 50 cara from which, to select. 1911) FORD roadster, tail delivery, good condition, nearly new tires, $150 cash. Mathlsen, 5U Morrison st. Bdwy. 1846. 1918 FORD, guaranteed In good condi tion, quick sale $125. P. Janes. Aloier 1117 ELGIN, A-l condition, sell $75 down or trade for furniture. Bdwy. FOP. SALE Ford coupe, in excellent condition, some extras. Phone Main STUDEBAKER car. will trade for dia mond or other article of value. Broad, way 1551. DO YOU want a used Ford? Phone ma for a money-saving proposition. East 55 68. IdY FRANKLIN touring, A-l condition will demonstrate. Call Walnut 2542. $00 BUYS Chevrolet touring, good rub ber, good battery. 34 X. Grand ave. 1917 MAXWELL TOURING. $5T 495 WASH ST. ELIE 6. 1919, a good, cheap, family touring car for only $400. East 9748. jTFORD sedans, late model?, bargains; don't miss these buys. 28 N. llth. FORD coupe. $275; must have tfco cash. Iil9 mo ?i. 684 JC Aoh, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. THESE ARE OUR SALE PRICES. Tou can buy these GOOD used cars at the lowest prices ever -put on good used cars. -Special sal now on. 1917 Dodge touring $ 425 1918 Don. touring 285 1916 Nash touring 395 Studebaker touring.... 210 3915 Mitchell touring i5 1919 Mitchell touring 595 1918 Franklin touiin'g 1J50 1922 Jordan touring 1800 1919 Jordan touring 850 1920 Chevrolet sedan 535 1920 Chevrolet touring .... 345 1919 Mitchell road&ter .... 125 1919 Chevrolet touring . .-. 335 1918 Oakland bug 20 122 Mitchell touring 1350 3 918 W;illys-Overland 425 -1!18 Maxwell touring 220 1919 Briscoe touring 325 3917 Mitchell touring 375 3921 Scripps-Booth sedan.. 1043 1919 Mitchell 5-passenger. . 725 3918 Overland touring .... 295 1920 Mitchell touring 935 3917 Grant sedan 395 1917 Maxwell touring 165 1920 Mitchell touring 935 3918 Stutz touring 1195 1917 Mitchell touring 375 3917 Mitchell touring 325 3918 Briscoe touring 2t0 1917 Mitchell touring 225 EASY TERMS OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS DURING SALE. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., Broadway at Everett St. 40 YEARS in the Northwest. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Our used ears are recond I tioned In every way to give the best service. 1921 Cole 8. SDort model. perfect $ 1250 1tji Hupmobilp, nke new. 1920 Hupmobile, all first class 3920 series Stude. spec. 6, like new 1919 Oakland, extra special job 1920 Chevrolet, very good.. 1918 Chev., overhauled, re painted 1918 Dodge, rebuilt motor. 3916 Dodge, runs first class 1921 Ford sedan, $300 ex tras, 2d gear, 6 tires, extra bargain 1920 Ford sedan, starter, paint iMM 800 750 375 350 235 425 290 550 400 400 295 125 125 350 1920 Ford paint 1920 Ford. coupe, starter, St., dem. rims, body, good shocks Ford tour. late rims, fine Studebaker roadster, order 1920 Maxwell, all very fine EASY TERMS. MAXLEY AUTO CO., llth and Burnside. Bdwy. 0217. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BUYING OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. Ford touring .-......$ 225 Ford coupe -t 400 .Maxwell roadster 175 Maxwell touring 1 r.O Chevrolet touring 325 narroun touring "Jin Overland touring 20 Buick .tourwig , 250 Buick bug , 250 Hupmooiie touring 375 Dodge touring , , 375 Haynes touring 6X1 Vehe chummy 400 Stutz --passenger 1050 Hudson speedster 1050 MANY OTHERS. $50 to $1350. Look these over and save money. C. G. BLEASDALE, TERMS NO BROKERAGE. 530 Alder St. Bdwy. 1852 BANK SALE OF TRUCKS. Must be sold at once. Terms1. No brokerage, 2 only, l-tort new Kigsel trucks . . . .-. $1500 1 on!y, 1-ton new Kissel truck 3000 1 only 3!4-ton slightly used Atterbury truck 2200 Also 1 brand new 3921 spe cial H. C S., fully equipped, 2 extra tires... 1500 10th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 1641. Eve., Tabor 2739. NEW USED-CAR LOT. BROADWAY AT LARRABEE. GOOD BARGAINS FOR LESS MONEY. Chevrolet touring $225 Chevrolet" touring extras '. 50 Ford touring '. 150 Ford touring 295 Kord touring 343 Maxwell touring " 19.5 Chevrolet delivery j5 Otuer bargains not listed. FIELDS MOTOR CAR COMPANY BROADWAY STORE BROADWAY AND COUCH STREET. First week sale makes history, 200 per cent increased used car sales. Con ditions and prices responsible. WiU continue this sale. Buyers astounded at values. Come and .be convinced. Bring your mechanic. Choose and ride in your car. Car and terms to fit purse We guarantee satisfaction. Absolutely no misrepresentation. Today's special a wonder, ia0 Chevrolet, recondi tioned, $290. Call Broadway 0240 FIELDS MOTOR CAR COMPANY BROADWAY STORE, BROADWAY AND COUCH STREET LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. . AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE; WE FURNISH THE MONEY; OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO 107 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. J921 CHEVROLET touring, first-class condition, cord tires, spotlight and other extras. Will sell for $325 and give terms. Will be glad to show car. Call Walnut 5019. 1920 LIBERTY SEDAN, like a new car $900. If you want a small sec an avajl yourself of this special winter price. Walnut 6763. THE GUMPS TODAY IS THE DAY 'jO TO TVIE ?OCU5 NT t0 OM1B I MR. MftfWOOT- . I KMC- KNt t V.OOKS JT ? TWtSE CONGRESSMAN- AND VOV) ftU0S WWO Mte OT2E5 TMlS W-WKWRwA V0TB VmItI ( HM,NC ( ?OCVr AMOtMt I MfcH KNOCKING ME 00 ANt TtLL S00R. ttOSStS I i wwsBAtt-o S Pffi' ov-x sou cw-5-M feou8-tFu CUSTOMERS- wWo it- mwcnm s-J ryt H0U OF CJvS -MS ( "WEN -COME )P J V V PRtNTNfe -n?r ' FOR PALE) AUTOMOBILES. - EXCEPTIONAL VALUE? IN WINTER PRICES. Any established motor company dealer wiii confirm this state ment. "You can save money in the purchase of a used car during the winter monthg and have a better selection from which to choose during Novem ber." The many used car sales by all dealers during this period is further proof. The reason is heavy incoming new. car ship ments requiring both space and finances. Our winter prices were estab lished in our sale last week. These prices continue and offer exceptional value in recondi tioned cars from a dependable firm. FIVE DAYS" TRIAL ON ANY ' x CAR. DODGES OF ALL MODELS AND PRICES RANGE $175 TO $900. BRING IN YOUR OLD CAR AS FIRST PAYMENT AND TRADE. 1917 Buick 6, 5-pass. ' 1919 Nash 6, 5-pass. 1921 Studebaker little 6, 5-pass. 1920 Scripps-Booth 6, 5-pass. 1921 Velle 6, 5-pass. Ifc21 Mitchell 6, 5-pass. 9-A Franklin 0, 5-pass. Oakland 6, 5-pass. , Saxon 6, 5-pass. Many others to choose from. Including Fords from $100 to $475. i BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside. BUY YOUR USED CAR ON THE LEANDER PLAN. Every purchaser of a Lcander used car will be supplied with the former owner's name, address and a complete history of the car, and particularly the amount of labor and material used in reconditioning the car to give the pur chaser value and protection. We value used car patronage as much as new car- buyers. We are building our used car busi- ness on guaranteed satisfaction basis. The shortage on rew Studebaker automobiles adows us to secore the best selection of used cars as trade-in on new cars. This permits resale of used cars at below prevailing market prices. SEE OUR SELECTION FIRST. JOHN K. LEANDER CO. 10th and Glisan Sts. 341 Burnside St. Broadway 16U5. Broadway 2731. ' $o. $100. $100. 1916 Reo touring car, well preserved; looks and runs fine. Free a Days Trial. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burns lde Sts. 1922 CHEVROLET, MUST BE SOLD. My nearly new car must be disposed of at once to responsible ptrson. will sell for $-J00 down and easy payments. Auto. 630-.42. CADILLAC, mode; 57 for sale. This car in first-class condition. If you want a good buy in Cadihacs see this one. Will take small car in trade. Tabor SSI 8. FORD ROADSTER. 1921 model, good tires, very good shape. $175 for quick sale. 28 N. llth. Bdwy 3214. FORD BUG. $150. 5 days free trial. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside. FOR 3 DAYS. Forced sale, 1921 Chandler 6, cloaed in Calif. Gillie top, privately used, $950. Walnut 6436. 1919 DODGE, $350. 5 days free trial. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside. FORD TOURING, late 3921 model, spot light, fire extinguisher, cutout and starter, very good shape. $285, 28 N. llth. Bdwy. 3214. BUICK LIGHT FOUR. ' Fine mechanical condition, $350; good tires and retinished. 530 Alder st. Bdwy. 1852. $13 1918 FORD touring, demountable wheels. 5 Days free trial. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. Bdwy- 3281. llth and Burnside Sts. 1920 FORD coupe, all new lires, speed ometer, spotlight, new paint; In fine shape; $435; terms, los N. Broad way; $245 1919 BRISCOE 5-PASS. Free 5 Days Triai. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3291. llth and Burnside Sts. GOOD used fenders; good bodies; all jo.kes of cars, cheap. Hodes Auto Parts Co., S. W. cor. 16th and Alder sts. Phone Bdwy. 3638. . 1922 FORD ROADSTER, $325. Free 5 Days Trial. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11 ih and Burnside. FORD COUPE. Shock absorbers, spotlight, demount able rims, 5 good tires. 530 Alder st. Broadway 1852. ESSEX touring car; lots of extras; $575; will make very easy terms. Walnut 0ti3. Automobiles Wanted. HAVE 40 acres of land, 19 miles from Vancouver, to trade for automobile. Value $1500; might assume some. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox bldg. , Bdwy. 1375. ' WE WRECK THEM Highest casn price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN. WANTED Fords. Maxwells, Chevrolets or any light cars to buy outright or sell on consignment. 430 Belmont st CARS wanted to wreca; parts for all cars for less. 8. & S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Alder. Bdwy. 636. WE PAY highest cash prices for all model Fords. 28 N. llth, bet. Burn side and Couch. FOR SALE or trade for car, some high class furniture. Write me. Address Oak Grove, box 301. $75 TO $175 CASH for best Ford or Chevrolet offered. Drive to 166 E. btn st. s. Jr'none e. N954. AUTOMOBILES wanted to wreck. Auto Wrecking Co., 523 Alder st. Bdwy 8736. CASH for ail makes of cars. 414 Glisan VVoodyard. Bdwy. 0293. WANT Ford, Dodge or Chevrolet for clear lots. Owner, Walnut 5325. TOn SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. I WILL give you $10 during the winter for every prospective purchase of an automobile that buys a new or used car. Of course, if someone else has given me the name first, this would not .apply. Have the best selling qual ity and proper priced automobile on the market. East 3319. ' WANTED Reo speed wagon. 240 East 8th. Motorcycles. LATE MODEL INDIAN. A 3 -speed Indian motorcycle, cradle frame, generator and magneto, horn, electric light, dream tandem, speed ometer, good tires and license;, $145, terms. Durant, 15th and Burnsfoe, FOR & ALE 1920 Harley-Davidsori mo torcycle with sidecar and electrical Equipment, only $150. Call Frohman or Swanson, Main 1100. MOTORCYCLES, bicycles and supplies. East Side Motorcycle Co., 44 Grand avenue. MOTORCYCLE parts cheap. Schuck cycle. 1922 Westlake, Seattle. Wash. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2U9 Third st. Main 6139. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOMOBILE for hire; drive, your own car; save money and enjoy- the job; cara without drivers for rent, 75c SJid up per hour; weekly rate on request. East Side Auto Livery, 191 Grand ave., cor. Taytor. E. 4114. T. McDonald. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or withou( urivei-s. Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 39lh and Couch. Broadway 359G. Re mem ber Our Number Bdwy.' 3696. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. -132 12 U at. Broadway 0840. C-CYLINDER, 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DftlVER. BDWY. 3547 For Exchange Automobiles. WILL TRADE you a powerful car run less than 10,000 miles for a vacant lot. See owner. 404 Piatt bldg. tOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC., 200 Second st-, cor. Taylor., Compare our shop, compare our equipment, compare the number of our employes and compare the factory behind us with any concern with which you might deal in the purchase of a truck. We believe that after you have done these things your business judgment will bring us your trade. 3-ton Packard; this truck has been used on mainte nance work by a large corp oration and has been run comparatively but a few miles .$ 600 5-ton Standard. Contin ental motor, Timken axle, -Brown - Lipe transmission and other standard units. 1950 2-ton O. M. C , large freight body. A-l condition 1675 -ton Reo, for the man who wants utility rather than looks 450 2-ton White, thoroughly overhauled 150 1-ton G. M. C. over sized pneumatic tires; has been used but a few months and is an excellent buy at 1550 1-ton G. M. C., new solid tires; truck thorough- Z overhauled , 1250 1-ton White, In good inning order 750 1 Vz -ton Republic, good platiorm body, cab and windshield , 450 1-ton Panhard, cab and platform body 375 1 -ton Wlnther. four wheel drive; this truck is just the thing to bank out your cordwood where no other truck can secure the traction; every wheel pulls 975 1-ton O. M. C, 35x5 pneu matic tires, all overhauled. 650 -ton O. M. C. pneu matic tires 450 1-ton Ford, worm drive, pneumatic tires, cab and stake body 350 1-ton Ford, new solid tires, overhauled 275 1-ton Republic, pneumatic fro n t . so 1 i d rears, ex p ress body 875 Ford light delivery, panel sides 225 BUSSES. BUSSES. BUSSES. 14-passenger stage bus, body has been carefully repaired- and chassis over hauled $1250 20-passenger school bus, G. M. C. chassis 750 16-passenger stage bus, A-l condition , 475 WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC., 200 Second st., cor. Taylor. ' INVESTIGATE. We have some very reasonable buys In trucks, up, $100 up; ready to go; some . guaranteed. Fords. Denbys, Whites, Indiana, Mack, Republic, G. M. C. Many others. Ask for Frentzel. 415 Davis. Bdwy. 0691. Eve nings. Empire 0512. FOR SALE 1922 REPUBLIC 1-TON TRUCK, RUN 5 MONTHS.- GOOD CONDITION. NEW TIRES. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. NEED SMALLER TRUCK. BARGAIN. AP PLY 49 N. FRONT STREET. SELL or trade 3-ton truck, $600 and 2-ton, 4-wheel trailer. $100. Address 1500 Kaufmann ave., Vancouver. Phone 264 or 3iOJ evenings. HAVE a new truck top, 7x12 curtains, complete, cheap for cash, sell separate. Call East 9075. 1-TON FORD with and Stark sts. rack, $325. 3 -TON Atterbury, Stark sts. $2200. 10th and 1-TON Commerce, new, $1100, with top. 10th and Stark sts. 2-TON Master, $1500. 10th and Stark. GARAGES. LIVE storage, $0 per mo., dead storage, $5 a mo fireproof building. Lowns dale garage, loth and Washington sts. LIVE or dead storage, leasonable rates; fireproof building. Liberty Garage, 14th and Washington. Bdwyj 7731. DEAD STORAGE, $4 per month, brick building. 120 Union N. SINGLE garage. E. Sherman, between 7tr and Mb Stephens add., $5, cement driveway. STORAGE $4 and $5 per month. Fire proof. U. 8. Garage, 351 1st st. ' AUTO REPAIRING. YOUR auto repaired at your home or mine, witn guarantee. Tabor H4b. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVER COATS, MACKINAWS AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAY OR EVENING. CAL-. AiWATiiR 1229 OR 253 MADISON. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING want ed; we pay the most lor cast-off clothing and shoes. Call us. Bdwy. 2845. 129 North Sixth st. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CAH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245& BURNSIDE ST., BET. SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent ana low prices; remodeling &i.d repairing; furs tanned and dressed. Li France Fur Mfg. Co., 164 Park st.. between Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Maan 6529. FURNITURE, HARDWARE AND , , . CLOTHING. See us beiore belling and get the highest price for your goods. 167 Front st. Mam 5670. SECOND-HAND clothing wanted. " Joe the Tailor pays highest prices for suits, overcoats. we call anywhere in the city. Call Main 2366 or 223 Madison, near 1st' st. CLOTHING WANTED. GET YOUR FULL VALUE FOR YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING. CALL MAIN 7004, 235 1ST ST.t COR. MAIN, INDEPENDENT Paper Stock Co., 483 Overton. Bdwy. 2003. Highest prices newspapers, magazines, waste paper. WE ARE in the market for EVERY THING. Furniture, tools, clothiner, junk, etc. Call Main 4UJ8. CLOTHING WANTED If you want to sell cast-off clothing. Mar. 3225. Peo ple's decond-Hand Store, 209 Madison. WANTED Newspapers and magazines tied in bundles. Will call and pay 50o 100 ibs. Call Empire 1339. WANTED Euisou dictating or trans ' mitt ing machine; state condition and price. A J 31, Oregon ian. . CENTRIFUGAL or tripiex pump, 200 . gallon, belt driven, state price, condi tion, etc to N j2, Oregonian. WANT CABINET TALKING MACHINE. Bdwy. 7161. Auto 627-46 or 625-8 WANT showcase, cash register, scale, electric fan. Newman, 128 First, near Alder. WANTED All glass showcase. 6 feet, with adjustable shelves. Price must be reasonable. O 53. Oregonian. SAFE Give lowest price- for cash. N 65, Oiegonian. ONE SET ot bathroom fixtures, 1-plece kitchen sink. Call Main U0. HIGHEST cash prices paid for rifles, shotguns. Hochteid, 85 3d. near Oak. DIAMONDS and gold bought; reliabTe estimates. G. Cramer, 720 Se 1 lingbtdg. DIAMONDS bought at highest market prices. E. Deeds, 340 Washington si. WANTED Complete auto camp outfit for two persons. D 51, Oregonian. WANTED Coaster wagon or velocipede, go'.d condition. Tabor 4090. SAFE or taie cabinet, also light vault door. S 49, Oregonian. COMPUTING scale, cash register, safa and couniers. E G9. Oregonian. WILL store piano for use; no children best of care. Atwater 3155. MEAT MARKET and grocery store fix- tures for cash. W 70, Oregonian. Furniture Wanted. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time; best possible prices paid for furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds ot household goodsto ship out o town, will pay more than other local dealers; call us for one article or a houseful ; a courteous, competent buyer will cali. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange, 72 N. Third st. Bdwy. 2200. MAIN 0734. EVGS.. TABOR 6731. When disposing of your used .furni ture and household goods cali us up and be convinced that wo wih pay you a just price. We are the largest han dlers in the city of this class of mer chandise, whether you have tn article or a house full. MAIN 0734. EVGS., TABOR 6731. CALL ATWATER 0587. Before ou tell -your furniture call Atwater 0587. We pay tfce top price for used furniture carpets, stoves and household goods. H. S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 165-167 First St., near Morrison. PAY toPOT casn tor second-hand furni ture, rugs, carpets, 'stoves, dresuers, tables, chairs, beds, dishes, everyth ing you want to sell or exchange. We pay moie than anyone in town; your call promptly attended to. CALL EAST 8986. LOOK HERE. SEE FOR YOURSELF. We are in the market for furniture and household goods. Also gratonolas and pianos and we pay all It's worth. One piece or a houseful. We always pay more than local dealers because we ship out of town. Call Main 4058. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See ua before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE CALL MAIN 8878. CALL EAST 8944. I will pay you the full value for your furniture, pianos, phonographs and all kinds of household goods. EVENING CALL AUTO. 318-36. WE NEED SECOND-tHAND FURNITURE, of any description; pay cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First st. WD BUY used furniture of all descrip tors, and pay the right price. AMER-1-."N FURNITURE CO. East 2405.' WE WILL BUY your furniture or eell for you on commission. George Baker & Co., auctioneers, yflialn 3332. SCHOOL books and other books bought, sold and exchanged. Pioneer Book Co., 226 Washington st. HOUSEKEEPING furniture wanted, up to 20 rooms. East 0345. WANT roll and flat-top desk, chair, ta ble, safe. O. M. Babcock, Bdwy. 4775. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach the trade in 8 weeks, fur nish a set of tools to you and give you some pay while learning; positions se cured. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside at. MODERN barber college teaches trade In 8 weeks; tools furnished; .some pay; position secured; special rate this month. Write or call 234 1st st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Day and ni ght cl asses. STUDY MASSAGE AND HYDROTHER APY Portland School of Massage, Inc., 414-15 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 2722. MISS MATTING LY"S- shorthand, type writing school, day, evening, individual Instruction. S69 14th near Jefferson. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state eupt.,' mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. 512-13. COMPLETE secretarial course, board, room, tuition may be earned; catalog free. Mackay Business Col., L. Ange 1 es. MISS EDITH KELLEY. teacher of piano. European training. Studio 609 Biush & Lane bldg. Res., phone Atwater 1429. SPECIAL ENGLISH. DECKER BUS1 NESS COLLEGE. Alleky bldg. FISK TEACHERS' AGCY., Journal bldg., 4ftda. learning position; tree reg. GREGG- shorthand taught privately. Call Bdwy. 2740. room 404, YATES-FISHER Teacher Agency Free registration. Mam 62 .4. ttawy. bid EDUCATIONAL. IP TOU WANT A GOOD POSITION READ THIS AD. We have helped hundred of our graduates to big paying jobs. We can help you too. We teach auto repair ing, auto starting, lighting and 'igni tion; also battery work.- SDecializing in auto electricity. The Specializing auto mechanic finds it difficult to get a position at low pay; Adcox graduates are in demand at big pay. The dif ference is Adcox men are trained spe cialists. Full proof of the above is in our new 112-page catalog. Write for a copy, it's free (ask for Book No. 5) or call and inspect: school any day at 10 A. M. or 2 P. M., except Saturday, ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL. 874 Wasco St., Cor. Union Ave. Take Woodlawn or Alberta Car. v STEADY POSITIONS. and GOOD SALARIES for LINOTYPE OPERATORS. -A shortage of competent operators already exists and thousands of type setting machines will be installed with in the next few years. Prepare now. You can learn to op erate a Linotype in 13 weeks. Print ing in all its branches taught In from 12 to 18 months. Easy terms. Address Northwest School of Printing. N. 216-24 Division St., Spokane, Wash. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It is. Standardized with schools in 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and instructors. Ac tual shop practice given on real re pair jobs. Results absolutely guaran teed. Ihe time for you to go to school is while business is quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few months. Inquire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main St. at Sixth. Ex eervice men get STATE AID. LEARN MORE. FOR LESS. It will pay. you to Investigate. HEMPHILL AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL before enrolling elsewhere. 125 N. oXH ST., N-EAR UNION DEPOT ENROLL any Monday for day or night school; all business courses, and as soon as you are competent we will piace you in a paying position. . Send for free Success catalog. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. 4th, nr. Morrison. Phone Main 0569. AUTO STUDENTS. FINAL NOTICE. All students wishing to attend night class at Adcox school, please report Friday evening, November 10, at 7:30 sharp. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, 374 Wasco St., Portland, Or. LERN AUTO WORK Quick and easy . unier new system; practical training; low cost. Send for FREE book; ex plains everything. Write Dept. -18, National Automotive, .811 S. Figueros, Li.. Angeles. YOUNG MEN are in demand for sten ographic and secretarial positions; pre X'are quickly in day or evening school. Every graduate placed in a good po sition. Oregon Institute of Technology. Sixth street at Taylor. MADAM CURTIS has reopened her school of beautv culture at 402 Aliskv bids. apart from her beauty shop, 147H 3d St., AiisKy oiag. ioDoy, wnere arrange ments can be made for enrollment; course guaranteed. Phone Main 2150. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE "will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 23 Madison. HELP WANTED MALE, GO-GET-'EM, large company; state age religious belief, sales and mechanical experience, also schooling; advance ment up to you; out of town; minimum wage to start. AH 59. Oregonian. WANTED For out-of-town mill, first class flour and feed packers; also bolters; wages $5 to $5.60 for 8 hours. Call immediately at 231 & Oak St., 3d floor. WANTED By a large commercial art company, art students and those who like to draw to qualify as commercial artists; earn while yu. learn. Call 510 Dekum bldg. ' WANTED Man to se41 electrioal sup plies to the trade; good commission; onf who is familiar with this line pre ferred. Phone Walnutr-3791 for inter view. BOOKKEEPER with credit experience for branch wholesale house. Answer iullyy giving age and references. AL 3a, Oregonian. WANTED Japanese vrh school boy for light janitor -jg .ce; will give room and board und small wages. 3i)0Vfc Mill St., corner Park. WANTED Experienced heading turner; applicant must apply in person at Western Cooperage Co. mills, St. Johns, city. NEAT APPEARING YOUNG MAN WANTED, MARRIED PREFERRED. INQUIRE MORNINGS, 128& 2D ST ROOM 7. " MAGICIAN wants partner. Man with $350 to $400, to become full partner; splendid opportunity. Investigate. Ad- rlt-aeB X? A.t HiiI1t ran rial D,.-.ln. J MAN to do chores and light work around small flour mill, suits elderly man. Ap ply at 1069 Sandy blvd., after Sun- day, iflast 56T. 1 NEAT appearing young man, over 21, with selling ability, to take orders in Portland; satisfied to earn $25 a week WANTED First-class sign painter that can do house painting; also must be good, steady man ; job out of town. AV 282, Oregonian. WANT men to do chores. Ford Jersey Dairy, one mile east ot Vancouver, Wash. WANTED A-l carpenter to room and board in exchange for part service. Tabor 8106. BIG monev for two active men taking orders. No investment or experience necessary. AV 263, Oregonian. I-LANER foreman, small mill in Oregon; good wages. Call early. Butts & Oa ke Em ployment Co., 224 Burnsid'e. MEN WANTED to exchange labor for course in auto mechanics. Hemphill's Motor School, Fifth and Glisan sts. WANTED Foreman in garage (auto trucks), salaty $150 a month; must invest in business. 63 Morgan bldg. WANTED Automobile instructor; must be university graduate. Hemphill's Motor Schools. 125 North Fifth st. BUS HELM A N wanted. Oregon Tailors and Cleaners, 113 2d St., near Wash ington. ' BRIGHT, neat boy for counter and of fice work; must be able to operate typewriter. 213 6th st FIRST-CLASS French pastry cook, good wages. Lewes' Employment, 43' N. Second st. EXPERIENCED advertising soiiictor; farm monthly, official organ. Phone Atwater 2310. BOY living at home to run elevator. Perkins hotel. IRUE-LANCE artist, take space with advertising agency. N 58, Oregonian. DRUGGIST wanted, A-l references, de tails, call Main 4520. EXPERIENCED mattress maker; come 1 eady for work. 1072 E. Lincoln. MEN TO GRUB Panama bldg. 7 acres. Call 409 CAN USE 10 men for important special holiday advertising. 329 E. Morrison. TWO concrete shovelers' job. 1087 Ala- meda, Tuesday morning. REPAIR shop, will give lease or will rent. U. S. garage, 351 1st st. WANTED Tailor. 383 E. Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. MEN WANTED. At rates prescribed by the United States Labor Board, as foUows: MACHINISTS, 70 cents per hour. BLACKSMITHS, 70 and 80 cents per hour. BOILERMAKERS. 70 cents per hour. FREIGHT CAR MEN. 63 cents per hour. Apply to any Roundhouse or Shop, or to Superintendent. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines are invited to consult the advisory and. employment department. 1. M. C. A. To non-members a special membership is issued, costing $5 per annum, giv ing service of this department for a year and two months' full privileges and ten months' social privileges of tne association. I WANT a real first chair solo cornetist for 162d infantry, O. N. G., band of 70 pieces. Required one night each week. Good pay. best facilities. Here is an opportunity ior tne right man. Can also use one horn, one slide trom bone, one cornet, one piccolo. Apply bandmaster. Armory, 10th and Couch sts.. Tuesday or Thursday evening. WANTED -MOTORCYCLE RIDERS. The Oregonian needs motorcycle riders to complete Its force for the gath ering of election returns this evening. Five dollars for short-time work. Call at room 814 Oreejonian building, this morning between 10 and 12. W ANTED, at once, boys and young men over 16; light,' congenial employment, delivering telegrams ia the city, good pay; fine chance for advancement for wide-awake boys; a preference given to boys with wheels. Apply in person at 2-"3 Oak st., ask for Mr. Loop. WANT LOT SALESMAN who has car and experience In Port land property. Good opening in resi dence Jot department. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 2 ENERGETIC young men, neat appear ance with selling ability, to join our Bales forces for city and road work, permanent work and good pay for the right party. Call 3 to 4 P. M. 718 Oregonian 'bldg. LINOTYPE operator for night news shift, show up Tuesday P. M. or wire Morning Enterprise, Oregon City, pr. Help AVanted -Salesmen FRANK L. McGUIRE wants a salesman TODAY 1 No ex perience necessary! We'll teach you the business; all property furnished; our successful salesmen mnke around $5000 per year! WE ARE HANDLING A LIVE SUBDIVISION well vacant lots make money! Commissions paid the day your deal is closed. (No ad vances) . This is your opportunity to get into the real estate business as sociated with a live, progressive firm; Portland is on the verge of one of the greatest real estate activities in her history. YOU CAN SHARE IN IT. See C. W. Borders, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 717L 3d ht., bet. Wash, and Stark. SALESMAN wanted . good, permanent income guaranteed to aiert, enterpris ing, ambitious and steady man, sell ing In the state of Oregon an artistic line of calendars, blotters and fans? an opportunity to represent a firm es tablished 36 years, manufacturing high-class goods appealing to the besi trade; satisfactory references of abil ity, character and experience required. Address sales manager, the Best Man ufacturing Co., New Haven, Conn. WANTED! DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE. Large Fortland nrganizatton has opening for several high-grade sales men; to the right men we will give a thorough training in our business and assign a territory. Permanent posi tion with plenty of room to advance If you have a clean record and desire a connection with earnings of $5000 a year and up. call at'1108 Wilcox bidg for interview. WANTED High-class salesmen with previous selling experience in stock, insurance, adding machines or other kindred lines to start on new propo sition by manufacturer who will fur nish fullest co-operation through pre ferred distributors and furnish direct leads. High-grade men should make from $200 up weekly. No advance made. Call 412 Imperial hotel Tuesday oniy. MANUFACTURERS of power specialties want representative for Oregon, on whole or part time basis; liberal com mission proposition; a real salesman and worker can earn money. Give full details regarding yourself. AV 283, Oregonian. IF YOU are acquainted in city or county and you are reliable, we have a place for you with our company who will stand close investigation; age or. sales experience not essential. Call at 601 Pittock blk. WANT LOT SALESMAN who has car and experience In Port land property. Good opening in resi dence lot department. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SELL FOR US Good territory open. Full line first-class trees and plants to push. Your chance to make money. Start at once. Capital City Nursery uo., zn uregon Dmg., ttaiem. or. WANTED Salesladies to sell apartment houses and business chances, and sales men in all departments of the real estate business. 505 COUCH BLDG. SALESPEOPLE Opening for four live wires, big commissions, special Xmas offer, silling complete line hosiery, in- ciuuuiK vvuuia. ,ox uuva xioiei, lltn and Jefferson. Mr. Brown. AUTO drivers! Big money for you talting orders for Al accessory. It delivers the goods. Every owner a prospect. AV 204. Oregonian. MAGAZINE or newspaper salesmen, city worn; puDiisner s own oner, no money collected in advance. Steady work. 28Exchangebldg.!Second aud8tark. AN EXCELLENT proposition' for aeood man with car on territory rights for nousenoid needs. Appiy 279 Haw t borne ave. CASH in on Christmas business; men or ladies can sell our merchandise Call 8 t o 6. 203 Artisans b 1 d g . SALESMAN to sell the American maga zine; will pay 25 per week to hustler. failing mag. GOOD pay, steady. Want crew at once and crew managers. Monday before no o n. 517 Exchange b 1 dg SALESMAN to take orders from con sumer. No delivering. City or country 1106 N. W. Bank bldg. LIVE magazine men, new proposition, pays highest commission, representing publisher. Mr. Piper, 222, 122 3d st SALESMEN With Ford or Chevrolet tjuring. 443M) Burnside. DEPENDABLE magazine sales. 428 Ex- cnange Diag., becona ana btark. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED Men and women, live wires, can make $75 to $100 a week. Write, phone or wire Goodyear Sales Co.. 637 Pacific bldg., San Fran cisco. WALLETS, shopping bags, aprons, biff profit; investigate. L. Haas. 1436 N. 10th. Phlla delphia. Pa. HEALTH, accident and hospital insur ance; big eommltsion. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A bright young and attrac tive business woman to solicit and take charge of our supply department on a. COMMISSION BASIS, handling ribboiy;, carbons and office supplies. Good proposition right party. 124 4th Ft. DOANE'S. LAW STENOGRAPHER $113 Stenographer-bookkeeper, capable of taking charge of office, gen tlemen's furnishings 100 Bookkeeper, suits and coats 75 WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, 504 Spalding. WANTED By a large commercial art company, art students and those who like to draw to qualify as commercial artists; earn while you learn. Call, M Dpkum bldg. WANTED Stenographer, preferably ex - perienced in fire insurance, real es tate, bookkeeping, conveyancing, per manent, first-class position for rifcht party capable of becoming office man ager. L 73, Ongonlan. LADY in suburban store wishes In con nection milliner to put in small stock. AP 60, Oregonian. SPLENDID opportunity for woman who wishes to engage in business all her own, whole, or part lime; call or write. Franco-American Shop, 614 Broadway bkig. EARN commission weekly spare time at Home, addressing, mailing mueiu circulars, send at once for information, etc. American Music Co, 1G58 Broad way New York. ANT GIRL, in need of a fr.end apply to th Salvation Army White. Shield Home. Mavfair and Alexander atj. Phone Main 3450. DM car. WORKING girl, employed part of day. or high school girl, can have board and room for help and company. Lady alone In nice home, r ,14. oregonian. WOMAN" wanted, high Ecnooi or normal training, writing good hand, speaking good Kngiish; rapid advancement to rieht n:rtv. A N 4. Ore.ironlan. WOMEN in Portland and Oregon de- il!OUl Ol lliaiWllg money tui i:.i,.- selvcs or cluba, call or write 627 Cor- oett mug. WANTED Girl for general housework, no washing, ironing, $3."; good refer ences required. Auto. 3-4-92. FOUR more ladies to sell latest novelty toys, Guys from Mars. Something new. Room 5. Oxford hotel EXPERIENCED nursemaid for 3-year-old boy; references required; good wages. 840 Tenth street. AN EXPERIENCED nurse to care for year-old baby and to ussist with up stairs work. Flip ne Atw ater 0T4 3 . THE FLORENCE "CR1TTENTON homa is ready to help any girl in distress. East Glisan. "MV" car. East 031rt. EXPERIENCED municutist and hair drtsser, nrefe Marlnello graduate. Marinello Shop, W) Central bldg. WANTED Girl or woman to do house work and assist with children. Call Sellwood 0071. GIRL WHO would like to learn prac tical nutsing answer at once. AO 63. Oregon! :in. WANT young girl to assist with house work. Call 430"i Broadway. WANT girl for housework. 341) College. Main 6133. , Wanted liomeucf. WANTED Girl for genera! housework, comfortable room, no company for dinner, plain cooking, no fires to build family washing sent out, eve nings off if desired; 3 children; good wages. East 7h39. . GIRL to assist with housewora and cara of child, heated room, good home and wages for willing girL Call forenoons. Walnut 6361. , WANTED -Experienced girl for cooking and downstairs work, no furnace, no washing, good wages. 860 Marshall St. Main 43ti3. MAID for general housework, $30 a month; mutt have references. East 06S8. 850 Hancock st. Take East BW car. COMPETENT girl for cooking and some housework; 3 In family; I keep second help; wages $"0. Call Immediately. 741 Everelt. T.depho ne Atwater 3 3 1 1, GIRL or middle-aged woman, light housework; no cooking; good salary. 88 3d st. Tabor 3263. WANT GIRL for general home work, middle age, with references; small wages, tast $55 FOR experienced girl to do general housework; no fires to attend. Main 243 Cornell St.. hd. Marshall st. WANTED Girl for second work in small hospital. Call after 9 A. M. 742 Over- torn m WANTED Clean, neat, reliable girl as mother's helper; might consider school girl. Tabor 20to. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework; call mornings. Atwater 42NO. soi rcortnrup. WANT girl for general housewrk. 3 in family, small home, Eastmoreland. Sellwood 2i'il. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Apply at 835 Lovejoy st. Phone Main 3710. . WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work. City references. Call 4M) E. 17th st. N. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house work. 1621 Willamette blvd.. So. St. John. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family. Call Wal nut 41 24; . WANTED Good girl to assist with gen eral housework, two. in family. Call -before 10 o'clock. Tabor H06.S. WANTED Cook, keep 2d maid, no laun dry, gas furnace, 190 King st. Phone Broadway 5!)06. : , NEAT refined girl to assist with -light housework in small family; must have so me experience, tun watnui ooio. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper, German preferred. In the city, J40 month. Lewes Employment, 43 N. 2d st. . GlRlTwanted for cooking and downstairs WOTK. 05" liVtirii. WANTED Girl for general housework; small lamity. r,i ,.,-,. GIRL for general housework. Tabor 5827. , GIRL to assist with housework in small family: good wages E,ast oujo. WANTED Girl for , general housework, small family. East 2329. WOMAN for general housework good wages; 3 In fnmily. Main 5405. GIRL to assist with housework; no wash ing. E. 7H3H. GIRL for general housework. Cail East 5427. NEAT, reliable girl for general bouse work. East 40S5. HBI.P WANTED WITH INYBSTVTrTNT. 1'OUNO MAN to invest from J300 to $500 and services with growing legitimate business. Honest, reliable and a rus tler, with several years' selling and office experience. References Al. BP 63, Oregonian. PARTNER in established woodsaw busi ness, small investment; make from $5 to $8 a day. 505 Swetland bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMAtK. HIGH SCHOOL boys and girls can make big money in spare time at 302 Pine st. Call and see. HAVE fine opening for first-class realty salesman with car. 428 Morgan bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MARRIED man wants work of any kind, exp. as fry cook or kitchen helper. Main B476, Apt. 6 DISABLED veteran wants light work. Day or night. East 6002. PAINTING, tinting, calclmlning. Best material, very reasonable. Main 7865. WANTED Young man wishes work aft ernoons or evening. AJ 63, Oregonian. CEMENT work, reasonable rates. Walnut 6!)6i. CEMENT WORK; HAVE illXERS. PHONE TABOR 6781. EXCAVATING Char. Cheeseman Wal nut 6100. CARPENTER contractor to build your home or repair old one. Auto. 630-25. YOUNG man with car wants work; good references. E. 1769. JAPANESE wants position as porter or dishwasher. Auto. B13-65. Call 6 P. M. FOR CLEANING and odd Jobs call Jan itor, jiam -m. FRANK MARTIN, expert tree and shrub pruner, 206 13th Bt. Phone Main 7648. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work: PAINTING and tinting with the best of material. Auto. 622-96. IF YOU want a steady man, reliable, call up D. P., Main 4562; references. WANTED Carpenter work, new and general repair. Sell. 1806. PLUMBER first-class work done; experienced mari. East 4852. long CARPENTER wants work. Walnut 1662.