T1TE MOBNIXO OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1922 Si BOARD VESSEL SCENE! BIG M Passengers Accuse Officers of Being Drunk. STEAMER OUT OF FUEL Oil Said to Have Been Pumped Froin Tanks Into Ocean, by Mistake. (Bv Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Seldom has a vessel brought'such Indignant pas sengers to this port as those arriv ing today on the steamer Southern Cross, one of the largest of the United States shipping board's fleet, which is given over to the Munson line for operation between New York and South American ports. Running short of fuel oil for some unexplained reason, after leaving Rio De Janeiro, Captain Bert U. Heald was forced to put Into Ber muda, where the ship was held for five days for oil that it took 12 hours to put on board. And, strange as it may seem, some of the passengers blamed the mis hap to liquor, although the ship ping board vessels were supposed to be bone dry. While no liquor was sold on board, great quantities were brought aboard by passengers. Officer Drunk, Charge. Charging that one high officer of the ship was under the influence of I'quor in the presence of passen gers, Hiss Hardynia K. Norville of Montgomery, Ala., representative in South America of the World's Women's Christian Temperance union, said she was going to report the matter to the Munson line, the United States shipping board and take up the matter with the organi zation she represents at the con vention In Philadelphia from No vember 11 to 19. So serious was the situation on board the Southern Cross considered that J. C. Sheedy, one of the board's vice-presidents, was on the dock when the vessel reached Hoboken, and began an immediate investiga tion. Although Mr. Sheedy, after boarding the vessel at Hoboken, said he understood the shortage of oil was due to salt water becoming mixed with the oil, passengers main tained that members of the crew told them an inexperienced assistant engineer had pumped oil overboard when told to pump some water out of the ballast tanks. Teacher Blames Drink. Clifton A. Barker, a teacher in the American Baptist college at Rio De Janeiro, said: "If there had not been so much drinking on board we would have been here five days earlier." Another incident of the voyage came to a climax on the pier at Hoboken when Miss Norville was confronted by Mrs. Gertrude M. Shirk, the ship's hostess, who charged the temperance worker with spreading the report that she had been intoxicated on board. "I did not say you were intoxi cated," snapped Miss Norville. "I said you had been drinking alco holic liquors. It was another woman on board who said you were drunk. She said you took 18 drinks at one sitting." "I had some drinks." answered Mrs. Shirk, her face taking on a crimson glow, "but I never had 18 at one time. Furthermore it was understood when I became hostess on this vessel that I could drink with the passengers. Mr. Munson told me I could." NEW BUILDING STARTED Wrecking of Old Residence at Tenth and Yamhill Is Begun. Work of wrecking the old resi dence located at the northeast cor ner of Tenth and Yamhill streets has been started by Charles W. Jirtz preparatory to the erection of a two-story building. The new structure will be of cement, fin ashed in the California style of ar chitecture, and will cdst about $17,000. The building Is being erected for Herman R. Burke of San Francisco and George W. Earle of Herman s ville. Mich., owners of the property. 3t will have four store rooms down stairs and offices upstairs. The building has been leased for five years to Louis Klumpp .of the Klumpp Engraving company by J. P. Parker of the Metzger-Parker company. v SCHOOL SHOW TONIGHT Benson Polytechnic to Raise Funds for Gymnasium. A show, the purpose of which is to raise funds for the equipping of the school gymnasium, will be put on at the municipal auditorium to night by the Benson Polytechnic high school. A feature of the affair will be a three reel showing of Portland's free public technical high school in full action. Drynan's Scotch dancers will en tertain with bagpipe accompaniment, giving an entirely new dance im ported directly from the old country. There will also be vocal solos and music by the school band. The af fair will be' under the auspices of the student body of the school. LECTURE IS SET AHEAD T. H. Compte to Address Realty Salesmen November I t, Owing to the fact that the time for the regular lecture of the Realty board's educational course comes on election night the next. meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 14, instead At that time T. H. Compte will give a lecture on "How to Get Pros pects." A .general discussion will follow. Last Tuesday the conference was on the subject of lots anJ home sites and was led by William R. Lacey. the home of Dr. L. E. Griffin, head of the biology department, 1325 North Thirty-first street. Dr. Wolf, who held a commission of lieutenant in the medical corps of the United States navy. Is a brother-in-law of the famous polar explorer. In testimony of the excellent service rendered the exploring com pany by Dr. Wolf the Peary Arctic club has presented him with a let ter commending him as follows: "That the entire company and the native contingent escaped serious illness and returned in good health from the most northerly winter sta tion ever occupied in the western hemisphere may be attributed in no small degree to your professional skill and care, and the club records in Its minutes this testimony to the ability and to the loyalty of the sur geon of the expedition.'.' DRY LME TO CONFER FIRST SESSIOX OF WORLD BODY DRAWS NEAR. Transportation of Llqnor Will Be Discussed With Reference to High Seas Traffic. TORONTO, Canada, Nov. 5. For the first time since its organization in-1919, the World League Against Alcoholism will meet In convention here November 24 to 29. Liquor transportation on the high seas will occupy a prominent part in the discussions scheduled for the convention. The campaigns to be conducted in a number of countr'es within the next year for tem perance in those lands will be brought up. Members from countries from all corners of the globe are expecte 1 to be present at what officials dec.'are will be the largest international re form convention ever held in the world. One of the features will be pageant of the nations in national costumes. The league was organized at Washington in 1919. Because of the necessity of dtvoting every resource '.o the enforcement of prohibition in the United States and because of world conditions following the war no convention has been held up to this time. At the time of this convention in Toronto there will be helo conven tions of the Dominion Temperance alliance, the Toronto branch of the alliance and the Inter-Collegiate Prohibition association. It is ex pected that many delegates to the rational and world convention of the W. C. T. U., to be held at Phila delphia just prior to this convention will come to Toronto following that meeting. PREMIER'S BUST . DONE Activity of Mussolini Bothers Sculptor, but Task Finished. ROME, Nov. 5. By "the Associ ated Press.) The sculptor Lorenzo Caprino, who undertook to make, a bust of the super active, super-energetic Mussolini, has a hard task, since the premier eats and sleeps at any hour except those of ordinary mortals. Caprino began the work when the fasclsti leader's days were less strenuous. More recently he has worked on the clay model while Mussolini took a Slurried supper at 9 or 10 o'clock at night and then re touched it at another time while the subject ate, talked, rushed to answer the telephone and received visitors on important business. Notwithstanding all these difficul ties the model was finally completed and is described is showing to a marked degree the characteristic ex pressions of the new premier. GERMANS ASK BIG LOAN $125,000,000 Wanted to Stabil ize Value of Mark. (Chicaeo Tribune ForeiEn News service Copyright, 192, by the Chicago Tribune.) BERLIN, Nov. 6. Late tonight it was learned that the German pro posals which have been submitted to the reparations commission in clude the following: An international loan of 500,000, 000 gold marks ($125,000,000), to be raised with the assistance of the allies and used exclusively for the stabilization of the mark. Germany pledges itself to raise a similar internal loan, though the amount is not specified. Germany also pledges itself to stimulate German production. The formation of an international financial commission to handle the loan in question as well as the problem of the stabilization of the taark. Japanese Traffic Rates Stand. 'S PLEA OPPOSED MRS. HALL TTNXIKELY SEE GRANT JURY. TO Woman Said to Have No Right to Demand Opportunity to Refute Charges. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., Nov. 5. The "demand" of Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall to appear before the Somerset county grand jury which is to have presented to it the coming week evidence in the Hall-Mills murder case, will be denied, It was reliably reported tonight. Mrs. Hall's declaration, through the medium of a friend, that she wished to go before the inquisitorial body and tell what she" may know of the murder of her husband. Rev. Ed ward Wheeler Hall, and Mrs. Mills, his favorite choir singer, and that she would waive immunity, was be lieved to be a bold move for the sympathy of the public. The only way in which Mrs. Hall could appear before the grand jury would be in answer to a summons issued by the prosecutor, officials asserted. It is unlikely that such a summons will be issued. , In spite of this the widow deter mined today to file with the grand jury foreman, Alfred Gibbs, a for mal request to appear and deny the truth of statements made by Mrs. Jane Gibson, who has 'sworn to the authorities that she twice saw Mrs. Hall in Derussy's lane on the night of the murder. , James Mills, widower of the slain choir singer, said today he, too, wishes to appear before the grand jury. Mills doubts that the mystery ever will be solved. rounded' Mohammedan insurgents near Baltshik. The insurgents were annihilated, according to the newspaper, and among the bodies was found that of Enver Pasha in a British uniform, the pockets of which-contained let ters to his wife and son, and a num ber of seals. GALLIPOLI LANDING MADE Ten Turkish Barges Put Troops on Peninsula Secretly. (Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service. ATHENS, Nov. 5. It has been learned from Gallipoli that ten Turkish barges from Lapsaki have landed Kemalist soldiers secretly on the coast of Gallipoli peninsula. It has been reported that the Kemal ists intend to occupy Gallipoli by a raid when the British warships are absent for patrol. Greek civil authorities will remain in Gallipoli until November 20, when they will hand over the administra tion to the commander of the French troops in Gallipoli. REBELSlifiEU!! BUSINESS BEING SLOWLY STRANGLED, IS. PLAINT. In ELKS TO HAVE YULE TREE Lodge Arranges Christmas Cele bration for Children. In conformity with the policy to which it is committed Portland lodge of Elks for the fourth consec utive year will again sponsor and finance the municipal Christmas tree for the needy children of the city at the public auditorium on Christmas day. Announcement to this effect was made yesterday by S. S. Pier, treas urer of the permanent Elks Christ mas tree committee. "The Elks," said Mr. Pier, "regard the annual Christmas tree for the unfortunate children of the community as one of the fraternity's most sacred obliga tions and it will be ,our aim to in sure to every needy child in the city that Yuletide cheer it would not or dinarily have were it not for the Klks' municipal Christmas tree." The Elks' Christmas tree commit tee is composed of Mayor George L. Baker, chairman: S. S. Pier, treas urer; C. A. Alphonse,- Ray Bark hurst, G. W. Bennett, R. A. Cultan and Dan Flood. Monroe Goldstein, secretary of the Oregon State Elks' association, who directed the former municipal Christmas trees, will act again as manager of the enterprise. MAYOR IS RENOMINATED H. E. Bailey, Aberdeen, May Be Unopposed at Election. ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 5.(Spe cial.) Mayor H. E. Bailey was nom inated by a vote of 1077 to succeed himself in the primary elections held today and from all indications will be unopposed in the final elec tion December 2. James A. Hood was second place with 811 votes, and James H. Empey was third with 574. The council manic ticket practically unopposed will be first ward, A. Phillips; sec ond, O. A. Miller; third, L. M. Stew art; fourth, L. G. McClellan; fifth, J. E. Stewart; sixth, C. M. Cloud. CONSTANTINOPLE IS WON (Continued From First Page.) government no longer exists, and I have assumed the governorship." The landing of allied or Amer ican sailors from the warships will not be permitted unless by special permission of the Angora govern ment. This pronouncement is made in one or two additional notes which Hamid Bey handed to the allied commissioners tonight. The first note dealt with the visit to Kemalist ports of eight allied and American warships and declared that the port authorities have been instructed not to permit a landing. In accordance with maritime laws the Turks required that these ves sels salute the Turkish flag. The other note set up a claim for the Immediate handing over to the Angora government of the Turkish railways in Europe and Asia which are under temporary allied control. TOKIO, Nov. 4. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The fall in prices of lumber, paper, cotton, yarns, fabrics and other necessities has made it unnecessarv to carrv out the cabi net's decision to lower traffic .E:VER REPORTED KILLED rates, according to an explanation made here today by the department : , . . . T nt commerce n.v(, th er. Turkish Ex-Mlnlster Is Declared nacular newspapers declare the Japanese dealers ' Influenced the cabinet to reverse its decision. Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. All its readers are inter ested In the classified columns. Slain in Fight With Reds. PARIS, Nov. 5. L'Humanite states this morning that it was positive Enver Pasha, ex-Turkish minister of war, was killed August 4 when contingents of the red army sur- Burning of Main Postofflce Dublin Declared Part of General Attack. BT PAUL WILLIAMS. (Chicago Tribune ForeiEn News Service. Copyright. 1922, by the Chicago Tribune.) DUB1KN, Nov. 5. The burning of the main postoffice in Dublin this morning is incidental to a general attack upon the essentia services in Ireland. This the irregulars consider a vital part of their plan to break the free state government and break the treaty. And in trying they are breaking their country. Business generally is being slow ly strangled by the guerrilla war fare, crime, interrupted communica tions, loss of credit, loss of confi dence and unemployment. There is little buying or building because of the danger, in one case, of some armed . persons taking what is bought away, and in the other arson. , Wealth has been leaving the country by millions for months. Railroads are operating about 70 per ,cent of their mileage and in some areas bridges continue to be blown up as rapidly as they are repaired. The sex pale, which has protect ed women working with the Irregu lars, has been lifted and those caught serving actively in the fu ture will spend an exalted martyr dom in damp cells. The activities of womanhood have resulted in many attacks costing the lives of a number of troops. Coleens gloried in such services performed with impunity, but those days are over. All those who play must pay. Carrying messages, providing shelter, posting propaganda, toting revolvers and ammunition to help men assigned to particular jobs and taking guns from them after an ambush are the more common duties of women members of the "cumann namban." WIFE TRADEDFOR AUTO Teamster Gives Woman as Part Payment on Car. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) SYRACUSE, N. T., Nov. 5. Ac cording to a deed of barter made public by a prominent official in Oswego, F. R. Woodruff, a teamster of Fulton, signed over his wife on July 18, 1921, to Grover Coant for his Ford touring car and all "con siderations, including one tire, one pump and all the toules in the car at the present time. I let all bonds drop on my wife this 18th day of July, 1921 A. D. . . Signed, Frank R. Woodruff, Grover Coant, Neda Woodruff." The spelling of the foregoing deed is as it was written. Woodruff did not long enjoy his Ford, for he failed to make payments due and it was taken away from him. The case came to light when Fulton au thorities discovered that Woodruff's children were neglected and an in vestigation brought out the 'strange facts of the barter. Mrs. Woodruff is said to be In Utlca, but her ad dress is not known to the authori ties. Coant is still in Fulton and has said that he was ready to trade his present car - for another good woman. SURETY COMPANY SUED Ole Larson Witness in Suit to Collect $50,000. TACOMA, Wash.. Nov. 5. (Spe cial.) Faced with an indirect charge that he defrauded the de funct Scandinavian-American Bank of Tacoma out of $196,252.23, Ole Larson, ex-PTesident of the bank, was one of the principal witnesses in a suit for $50,000 from the Na tional Surety company, brought by J. P. Duke, state supervisor of bank ing, and E. L. Farnswarth, state director of taxation and examina tion, in Judge W. O. Chapman's court. The state officials, who are rn 8 DR. W0LFTO LECTURE Experiences on Arctic Expedition to Be Told Stydents. ' Dr. Louis J. Wolf, Portland sur geon, who accompanied Commander Peary on his expedition to the north pole in 1905-6 as physician to the exploration company, will relate his experiences in the arctic before the Reed College Biology club meeting Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock in Olcott and the Ex-Service The State Bonus Governor Olcott recommended and assisted in procuring the present Bonus law. He is now a member of the Commission administering the Act. Soldiers' and Sailors' Commission Governor Olcott saved this Commission from being abolished in 1920. The Commission has (1) established an Oregon Club in New York; (2) opened an employment office in Portland through which 20,000 ex-service men have re ceived employment; (3) housed 500 disabled men at Soldiers' and Sailors' Club; (4) provided educational facilities for 200 ex-service men. ' . Soldiers' Home at Roseburg Governor Olcott assisted in opening this Home for World War Veterans and appropriations for its maintenance have been given during his administration. Olcott has been the friend of the ex-service man. In token of our apprecia tion of Governor Olcott's unselfish interest in the ex-service men, we, the under signed ex-service men, who have actively interested ourselves in Soldier Relief, urge his re-election. , We urge the MOTHERS of ex-service men to support BEN W. OLCOTT. 9 ! T. Henry Boyd Frank M. Moore Wm. B. Follett Fred S. Cook E. C. Mears John A. Beckwith Glen H. Ticer Pat A. Allen Robert Sabin Jr. V Frank M. Phelps Harry B. Critchlow (Adv. Furnished and Paid For by the Above) James R. Bain James F. Alexander Merle Campbell Wilber Henderson Maurice Crumpacker KM I lYiy.iytYtYiYtYtYiYtYiYtYiYiYiYtYtYiYM Highland Heather S It 111 npHE most notable advano JL in the weaving of overcoat cloth in the history of the loom the interlocking weave the harmonious contrast of face and back tailored into garments of recognized style and quality. Satisfaction and long wear double the value Made by master tailors in the daylight shops of Rosenwald & Weil CHICAGO BEN SELLING MORRISON AT FOURTH m Portland's Leading Clothier for Over Half a Century .y'.v'.y'.'.vV".v.w charge of the liquidation of the bank's affairs, contend that the surety company gave them insur ance to protect them, to the extent of $50,000, against the acts of any dishonest emproye. They hold, in the complaint, that Ole Larson was a dishonest employe and that in 11 different instances he defrauded the bank of a total of $196,252.23. ary field and has first-hand infor mation on conditions in the afflicted countries of the near east. Appraisal Tees Bring $1222. The sum of $1222.44 has been turned over to the Portland Realty board so far this year as the re sult of fees collected by the organi zation's appraisal committee. The committee appraises property fot anyone desiring such service and is sues certificates giving their judg ment as to the value of the prop erty. The committee is composed of Phillip V. W. Fry, Samuel W. Norton, J. Fred Staver, E. J. . Daly, Herman Moehler, J. Logie Richard son, Walter Daly, Dwight Hubbell, J. A. Wickman and A. G. Teepe. Vote for Loms P. Hewitt for circuit .iudjre dept. Xo. 5. Rallot No. 34i Adv. STUDENTS GET PRIZES $50 and $25 Rewards Offered for Scholastic Ability. WHITMAN COLLEGE. Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 6. (Special.) Two prizes of $50 and $25 to be com peted for by members of senior classes of the four-year high schools of the state will be offered this year by the Whitman chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic fraternity. Details of the plan have not yet been announced, but it will be car ried out as an encouragement of scholastic ability. Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest of existing fraternities, being founded at William and Mary cpllege in 1776. Among the six new charters granted this year is that to the University of Oregon. College to Hear of Turks. WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 5. (Special.) An address on the Turkish situation will be given Tuesday night by Pro fessor E. T., Allen of Whitman col lege in the first of a series of monthly lectures to be given by Whitman faculty members. Dr. Allen was formerly in the mission- 10,168 People Killed by Automobiles and other vehicles in 1921 in 34 states containing 82 of the coun try's population, announced by Census Bureau today. Portland Statistics: 31 killed, 1410 seriously injured in 1921. WHY TAKE A CHANCE? Protect yourself, your family and bank account against such hazards. Phone ATWATER 2391 for rates and particulars. w. r. Mcdonald co. General Insurance With Service 921 Yeon Building WHY WORRY? Drawing $50 per week and hospital expense. He carries an accident insurance policy with us. IT IS BETTER TO BE INSURED THAN SORRY. I "SAVE AND HAVE" The most effective way of developing the savings habit in children is through the small safe. It is an ever-present re minder that a share of the child's spend ing money should be put safely away. The coins in the safe a constant re minder of the child's progress. We have a new supply of attractive, small "savings banks." There is one for each child. Gome in and get one. Ask Mr. Hoyt (Savings Dept.) for full information. T HE 'NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL-BANK PORTLAND OREGON