16. SUtlN ill IDENTIFIED; $2000 RING AXD MOXEY ARK TAKEN FROM BODY. Ex-Restanrant Proprietor, Who Left Oakland Home, AVas Bound for Portland. LOS ANGELES, Cal. Nov. 5. Clothing- and other articles on the body of a man found last Thursday. ! shot to death, in the outskirts of Los Angeles were today identified I as Deicnging . to iick a. xinoenn, (ormer restaurant proprietor of Oakland, Cal., who disappeared on October 16. Mrs. Mary S. Dabelieh, his widow, made the identification. The police said they believed the case one of murder, with robbery aa the motive. .Sirs. Dabelieh said her husband, wnen sho last saw him, wore a ring set with a 3 -carat diamond worth more than $2000. He, had recently sold out his interest in a restaur ant which he and his brother, Peter Dabelieh, conducted in Oakland, and Mrs. Dabelieh believes he also car ried the proceeds of the sale with him. She said she did not know the amount. There was no ring on the dead man and only one cent in money. Dabelieh. the widow said, left their Oakland home October 16, say ing her was going to Portland, Or., to endeavor to buy a new business. On the following day, however, she received a postal card postmarked San Jose, Cal., on which was writ ten: "I'm on my way and going fast." That was the last she heard from him. She said she had no idea why her husband went to San Jose instead of to Portland. He was a graduate of a San Jose institution teaching religious healing, she said, but sho declared she believed this had no connection with his trip here. The body was found underneath a culvert on West Adams street, one of the main thoroughfares from Los Ar.geles to several beach resorts. There was a bullet wound in the head and another in the body. No weapon was found. Dabelieh was 28 years old, a native of what is now Jugo-Slavia, and had lived In this country about 10 years. Head The Oregronlan classified ads. AMUSEMENTS. Continuous Show 1 to 11 P. M. TOM MIX "For Bier Stakeo" 7 varieties 7 pANTAGEg Mats. 2:30; Nights 7-9 Featuring MABY CAKOUNK DANIEL In "YOUTH." Vandeville's New Sensation PROSPER & MAEET. Four Other Big Acts. Lyr ICI Tuesday Niget Country Store MUSICAL SHOWS NOW PLAYING AT Baker Theater S",." Mat. Dailv 1 P. M. Eve's 7 and . Playing "Make Believe" This Week Opens at 9 o'clock In the morning: closes at 4 o'clock the following; morning Today Rex Beach's "THE IRON TRAIL" AUCTION SALES. At Wilson's Auction House, 10 Furniture. 169-171 Second street. MEETING NOTICES. -A, AXD A. S. RITE. Ladles are Invited to at tend a meeting In the Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and Lownsdale streets, this afternoon at MacDougall of "Washington, ri r ,m speak in favor of the compulsory school PRESIDING OFFICER. A. AND A. S. RITE. All Masons are invited to attend a meeting at oconisn n 1 1 e cathedral mis evening at 8 o'clock. rotner William m.,.. , .v yougall will speak in favor Of tho compulsory school bill. By "der u ur ICER. WASHINGTON CHAPTER M Regular t" i (.Monday) "'o ana .Burn side sts., at 7:30 o'clock. Vis itors welcome. WILLAMETTE LODGE NO. 2, A. F. AND A. M. Ptated this Olondav), at vimi'ts welcome. ia.1 UEBKERBN, Secretary, hakmoky LODGE. No. 1-', A. F. AND A. M. Special this (Monday) evening at o'clock. Felloweraft degree. bailors welcome. W. M. DE LIN. Secy. MIKi'Lli CHAPTER. O. o. Annual bazaar. Fri uay. iMovember in, opening , i; r'l"'an temple. Buffet sunner at a nvwir 50c. Turkey given away free oo wuwr prize. tome and jour lnenas. Admission free. CAMEUA CHAPTER NO. -i. y. a. o. stated com iMunimiuii mis (Monday evening. Degrees. Visitors . . y oraer of W. M. iunniijiiEi null I is HON, Secretray. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS ATTENTION! There will be a special meeting o vver me i(i tui ai room ;4M, court house, regarding Armistice diiy dance and celebration. All members requested to attena. GEO. E. SANDY, Commander. ALL, OF US WANT YOU TO ATTEND our dance at the Pythian temple. Monday evening. iov. o, o;.o r. xl. jt is free. Industry L,odge,.iso. h, a. o. u. Yv. HALL on Washington street for rent mornings. Wednesday and Sunday nights. bee Aiaccaoeefi, Aiorgan Diag, TCl230 LAWTON 630 -VfgKj244 aw FOLEY frlETURIm 644 ;TS-s T?57" mcpevitt, keliy B- quinn ssi ; Mf- jic mui-MORTON&GLASS naomi qffi ,b- pgESENT 'April in two shwehs. g a ;di 334 WILLIAMS &W0LFU5 914 K2p n 'From Soup to Nuts'- j?fff m .BILL ROBINSON Bffi ETjS THE DARK CLOUD OF JOY 10 tllllliiJ 4?3 I FRED GALLETT1 & MABEL K0KJN" iOU CTOE bring RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In order to earn the more than one-time rate, advertising mu&t run in cooHecutive issues. Onetime 12c per line Two times (each issue) .... lie per line Three timea (each issue) . . .10c per line Seven times (each issue) ... lie per line One to six months, per month $2.50 per line Six to twelve months, per month $2.25 per line The above rates apply to all head ings with the following exceptions: Situations Wanted. Bach insertion 9c per line Business Opportunity Headings. Financial Headings. Help Wanted Proposals invited lost and Found, Special Notices, Personal, Funeral Notices, Onetime 15c per line Two times (each Issue) .. . .14c per line Three timea (each issue) ..13c per line Seven times (each issue) . . J2c per line One month $3 per line NEW TODAY. Bates Per line. .Daily. Sunday. One time 16c 20c Two times (per issue).. . . loo 19c Three Clmes (per issue) . .14c 1 Sc Seven times (per issue) . . 13c 17c One month, daily and Sunday $3-50 Count five words to the line. No ad taken tor less than two lines. Ads rim Sunday only charged at one-time rate. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "Situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the cd vertiser 's a subscriber to phone. The Oregonian will receive adver tising by mail provided sufficient re mittance for definite number of issues i-i sent. Acknowledgment will be for warded promptly. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Oregonian until 7:30 P. M.. for The Sunday Oregonian until 6 P. M. Saturday. PORTLAND BUSINESS BULLETIN ACCORDION PLEATING. CUT, SEAM. HEM, machine-pleat skirt. me; nemstitcmng, oc; man oraers so licited. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 864 P fth street. ASSAYEKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d St. Gold, silver, piatinum bought. BATHS. 6TEAM, showers, tubs and swim, all for occ. im p'ourtn st. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington st. Broadway 3144. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle, Florello and DeWane xeveney. the only scientific chiropod ists and arch specialists In city. Par lors 302 Gerllnger bldg., southwest cor nered and Alder sts. Main 1301. DR O. O. FLETCHER Foot trouble sctr.tIHcally corrected, lady assistant. 612 Morgan bide. Main 8762. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg., Broadway No collections, no charge. DANCING. RINGLER'S dancing school; best instruc tion, private ana class daily. Broad way and Main. Auto. 513-39. DENTIST. DR. B. E, WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner of Sixth and Washington Sts. Broadway 7219. Automatic 2119. WITHOUT PAIN IV-Te Tour "Teeth Sleep" While We Work. Above Majestic Theater, S51V4 Wash. st. DETECTIVES. C. PRICHARD, Private Detective; d.v calls Main 8664; night calls, Main 27M. 1333 Northwestern Bank bldg. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS. DON'T TAKE CHANCES. Your glasses fitted by in reach of all. Dr. VfifV Harrv Brown. 149 3d St., near Morrison. WE SPECIALIZE in fitting eyeglasses; ii-ryptolts. xoncs, also the cheaper grades, from $2.50 and up. Dr. George Rubenstein, optometrist, 226 Morrison. LAWYERS. B. "W. EASTMAN, lawyer; 523 Chamber or commerce bldg. OPTOMETRISTS. WHY PAY MORE? Glasses in gold-filled frames. 'AflJ' luted to your eyes with mod era Instruments, as low as $2.50; double vision glasses at a great saving; glasses in all styles; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwitz, optom etrist, 223 First street. - OUT of the High-Rent District. i ears- ot experience, consult us tree. Thousands of satisfied nations. Dr. Samuel Goldman, .associate optometrist. Alain 2124. thas. W. Hoodmatt, 209 Morrison. PRINTING. F. W. BALTES & Co., First at Oak. Bdwy. 4641. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C WRIGHT, registered patent attor ney zo years; 11 invention really valu- abic- Bie attorney. oi ueKUm bldg. McCRACKEN & PATCH, Washington, v LAicm icpresentacive, tr, y, Bracdenberger, 4H7Gerlinger bldg. PIPE REPAIRING. PIpCC Repairs by experta I II LP Pipe Shop, 272 Wash. PHYHItTANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway build ing, stomacn, bowels, liver, kidneya, bladder, rectal, prostate and female aji-oraers, witnout operation. ROOF REPAIRING. ROOFS repaired and painted, tin and paper rocrcs covered witu not pitch, 'labor 0929. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO 4T4 Gusan St Bdwy. 1281. DRAYAGE, STORAr.R Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. WATCH REPAIRING. WE REPAIR YOUR WATCH BETTER FOR LESS. Cleaning $1, main spring $L All' work guaranteed 3 years. REINGOLD'S, JEWELERS, 147 3d St. DO NOT .hrow your watch away; I will repair, guarantee any watch 2 years, prues reasonable; 30 years' experience. Harry Brown. 143 3d, near Morrison. CARD OF THANKS. WE WISH to express our thanks to our joyau relatives ana many rriends, also the Portland fire- dept., city council, Washington high and the carmen's union for their kindness and beautiful floral offerings at the- time of the death of our beloved husband and father. MRS. OSCAR B. GABRIEL, -and son, RAY WILSON. PIED. FISHER November 4 at the Vat resi dence, 313 Alberta street, Georgia S. Hged 44 years. wife of Har rison Fisher. The remains will be forwarded by J. P. Finiey & Son this (Monday) evening to Riverside. Cal.. where services will be held and interment made. RICHARDSON November 5. Martha. C. Richardson, aged 68 years, late of Inde pendence, Dr.. mother of Mrs. Rose L. Mc-Grath, john W. Richardson Jr.. Frank E. Richardson and Charles W. Richardson of Portland. The remains are .at Finley's Mortuary. Montgomery at fix to. notice oi iunerai nereafter. CHANDLER At the residence. 843 E. 7th st. N., Nov. 2, Chas. B. Chandler, aged 75 years, beloved brother of Sea bury Chandler of Warsaw, UL Funeral notice later. Remains are at resi dential parlors of Miller & Tracey. . RICH In this city, Nov. 5. 1922. Floyd B. Rich. Remains are at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son. Third and Sal mon sts. Notice of funeral later. FCXERAL NOTICES. LEE In this city. Nov. 2., Ann Burkf Lee. aged 12 years, beloved wife of . Philip Lee. The funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Monday, Nov. fi. at 8:.t0 A. M thense to Holy Redeemer church, where mass will he offered at fl A. M. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery, ROGERS Private funeral service for the lat Elizabeth Rogers of 561 East Sixtyfirst street North win be held today (Monday) at 10 A. M. at the Portland Crematorium, Fourteenth end Bybee streets. J. P. Finiey & Son. di rectors. WRRTHEIMER At his late residence. 714 Thurman street. Nov. 4, W22, Aaron Wertheimer. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Edward Holman Son, Third and Salmon sts., today (Monday) at 10:30 o'clock A. AL In terment a eta Israel cemetery. FCNEBAr, NOTICES. WALLACE At St Helens, Or.. Novem ber 3. William Rufus Wallace, age 48 years, son of Mrs. Luclnta Wallace, brother of C. O. Wallace of Portland. Mrs. - Charles Hart of Milwaukie. Or.; M rs. Ida B. 11 or row of Los A ngeles, Cal.: Mrs. D. Larkln of Portland; Mrs. L. W. Burling-ame of South Bend. Ind.. and P. S. Mitchel of Portland. Fu neral services will be held Monday, November 6, at 2:30 P. M. at the resident funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy, 1532-34 E. Thirteenth fit.. Seilwood. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. SHEEHT At residence, 413 E. 10th fit. N., James Sheehy, aped 64 years, hus band of Mrs. Sarah Sheeny and father of Marguerite B., Robert E., James S. and Lieut. John W. Sheehy, Honolulu, brother of Katherine Sheehy. Funeral wiil be heh3 from late residence Tues day, Nov. 7, at 8:45 A. M., thence lo Hoiy Rosary church, E. 3d and Clacka mas sts., at 9 A. M., where requiem mass will be offered. Friends invited. Interment Riverview cemetery. Mc Entee & Eilers, directors. Please omit flowers. TUBBESING At hia late residence. 455 Alder street. Nov. 4, 11)22, Frederick V. Tubbesing, husband of Sophia Tub besing, father of Freda, Hilriegarde and William Tubbesing- and brother of Henry Tuttbesing of St. Louis, Mo. Fu neral services will be held Tuesday. Nqv. 7, 1922, at St. Paul's Lutheran church. East 12th and Clinton sts.. at 2:30 o'clock P. M. Interment in Lone Fir cemetery. Remains are at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son. 3d and Salmon sts. where friends maj call until 1 P. M. Tuesday. WAMBOLD At the residence. 333 Ca ruthers St., Nov. 4, 1922, Mrs. Helen Wambold, aged 20 years, beloved wife of William Wambold, mother of Man doline and Garnet Wambold, daughter or Mr, ana Airs. Christian Woes. iter. sister of Mrs. Sidney Naylor, William of Astoria, Oregon; Christian and Adolph oi fortiana. juass will be oiterea rues' day, Nov. 7, at 9 A. M., at St. Law rence church. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Remains at residential par lors of Miller & Tracey . CARPENTER Funeral services for the late Caroline Carpenter, aged 76 years, beloved wife of Franklyn Carpenter of Oregon City, mother of O. F. Car penter of Salem, Or., and Mrs. Addia Hannant of Oregon City, will be con ducted Monday, Nov. 6. at 1:30 P. M. in the mortuary chaoel of A. D. Ken- worthyq Co., 502-04 92d et. S. E in Lents. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Scott cemetery. BOTJRHILL At his late residence. 006 East 12th st. North, Nov. 4, 1922, Frank W. Bourhill, husband of Mary Bour hill. father of Francis. Bessie and Cath erine Bourhill and brother of George 5. iiournin. Funeral services will be held today (Monday) at the above res idence at 2 o'clock P. M. Interment iu Rose City cemetery. RHODES The funeral services for the late George Wilfred Rhodes will be conducted from the funera home of jju wiling k jDenenei, c. nn ana .aiui l nomah sts., today (Monday) at 1:30 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. WEBSTER In this city, November 3, .Howard m. Webster, aged 30 years. son oi. iu.r. ana Mrs. Haiieck A. web ster and brother of Louis and Hal A. Webster. Remains will bo forwarded by AlcEntee & Eilers to Sallda, Colo rado, where interment will take place HEWITT The funeral service for the late James Hewitt of Metzrer. Or.. will be held today (Monday) at 1:30 f. Ai. at tne Fort land Crematorium. Fourteenth and Bybee streets. Friends invited. J. P. Finiey & Son, directors. Pjease omit Ilowers. SMITH The funeral service for the late George Smith of 14i Knott street will be heid todaV' (Monday) at 2:30 P. M. at Finley's Mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service, Mt. Scott cemetery. LTLE The funeral service for the late Alice C. Lyle will be held today (Mon day) at 10:30 A. Mf at .Finley's Mor tuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service, Portland. Crematorium. CEMETERIES. RIVERVIEW CEMTERT. ' BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL. Lots from $20 up ; perpetual free maintenance. Atwater 1236. City of fice. Main 1002. 1025 Teon bldg. 1 FUNERAL CARS. LMIOUSINE for funerals, weddings, shopping. Jones Auto Livery. At. 0114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors, Washington St., bet, 20th and 21st. Sts.. West Side. Lady Assistant. Broadway 2691. J. P. FINLEY & SON MORTICIANS. ' . PHONE MAIN 4322. '. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH ST. A. D. Kenworthy. K.. S. Henderson. A. D. Kenworthy Co. 8804 92(1 St., Lenta. Automatic 618-21. HOLMAN & SON (Founded In 185J.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Third and Salmon Sts. Main 0507. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of home. lth and Everett Sts. Fhonea. Broadway 2133; Auto. 531-35. EAST "SIDE FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. (F. S. DUNNING, INC.) "The Family Sets the Price." 414 East Alder St. Phones, Eaat 0052, East 9774. SNOOK & WHEALDON Belmon at 35th. Tabor 1258. LERCH, UNDERTAKERS. East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 0781. THE PORTLAND MORTUARY, . MORRISON AT 1I4TH. WEST SIDE. Broadway (1430. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO., Third and Clay. Main 4152. A D 7CI I CD On 592 Williams Ave. V 111 i-LLLLIl UUi Phone East 1088. FTXRISTS. ATwater 0753 328 MORRISON ST. poRoTi!.D 7709 Qrcatestlhrielu . "I y . In. . Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Funerals S87 Washington, Bet. 4th and 5th Sts. Phone Broadway 4537. Smith's Flower Shop TOMMY LUKE, Portland's Progressive Florists, Floral de- signs Specialty. Sixth at Alder. Main 7215. People's Floral Shop ITORAI, DESIGNS A SrECIALTV. 249 Alder t.. Bet. Id and 3d. f Phone Broadway 7126. CHAPPELL'S FLOWER SHOP 331 Morrison, K. W. Bank bldg. Main 6X16 mm FLORISTS. S54 Washington St. Main 02U. Flowers for All Occasion Artistically Arranged. Roses and Rare Orchids a Specialty. Quality and Service Since 1890. 371 E. Broadway, corner Union East 7713. Flowers for all Occasions. WE GROW OUR OWN." Chge. Accounts Solicited. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 266 4th St., Opp. City Hall. NEC BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MAR ELS WORKS1, QUALITY MEMOWiXS 6. THIRD & PINS STS. t HOKE E.743 NEW TODAY. FLUFF RUGS Made from your old worn-out carpets. Saves half the price of new rugs.. Send your rags and woolen cloth. ' Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. 9li Rugs, Steam Cleaned, S1.50. East 3580. 188 E. 8th St. NORTHWEST KL"U CO. MORTGAGE LOANS Business properties 0. Residence loans low rates. Installment repay ments it desired. Loans promptly closed. N A, H. Birreil-Gill Co. 216-210 Northwestern Bank Bnildlns REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. A FLAT BARGAIN' HERE. 55x100 on' the southwest corner of Garfield ave. and Alberta st. ; 4 fine flats with steady tenants. Out-of-town owner anxious to seii. Look U over, but do not disturb tenants. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. UNUSUALLY good buy. attractive home, splendid investment with great future; large lot, 5 apta., luxurious baths, fine furniture, earage: for quick sale; rea sonable payment handlee. 850 Thurman. 10-ROOM apartment house, rent $50 a month: 8 cords wood goes with trade. Price $850. By owner, 409 Jackson. Main 5196 ' For Saie Lots. STOP PAYING RENT. If you have ambition to get ahead why don't you go out to WILTSHIRE and buy a lot? Look around and see what others are doing in this close in restricted residential district. Lots are 50x105 to 80x114 ft., priced from $HI)0 to $535, terms ?3 down and $2 per week; water, gas, electricity and telephone on tract. Either Broadway or Beaumont car service. Call at Branch Office, 33d and Bryce ave. Automatic 329-31. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. WESTMORELAND. - A Funv Improved District. LOTS $500 TO $1000. Come to the office of the orig inal owners and platters of this fine subdivision for your home site. We still have many good lots to choose from, including a few cornere. Easy terms, low in-., terest. Helps to home builders. See Mr. Patterson. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Bdwy. 5754. 246 Stark St. BEFORE BUYING SEE LADD'S ADDITION. LOTS 1(H0 AND UP. 2D MORTGAGE TO BUILDERS. At last people are beginning to realize the advantage of a home this beautiful addition. Visit the property. Note the activity. SAVE CARFARE. Easv walking distance. Improve ments all in and paid. These prices wont last long, so hurry. A word to the wisf should be sufficient. SEE MR. DELAHUNTY. Ladd Estate Co., 246 Stark St. Bdwy. 5754. Eve. East 3492, $565 MT. TABOR. Paved streets and sewer im provements included in price. This is a snap for someone and just right for a cozy little bun galow; located on E. Stark st., just 100 ft. east of 69th st., - s 35x100 ft. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway 6034. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. 50xl:i0 FT. One of the few good lots in this high-class residence district on Kingston avenue, overlooking the city, may be had on very easy terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg.. Bdwy. &034. EAST SIDE. '. "Rroa-dwav and East 11th. 100x100. East 14th and Weidler, a beautiful 100x100 lot: verv desirab e. Sandy blvd., near 25th. 100x100, cheap. ' East 11th and Couch. 100x100.' We have 100 more. Come in and let us show you. Come early before the election and save yourseir money. COE A. McKENXA CO., 208 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. 7522. Established ISftO. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Carter's addition, a wonderful odd-shaped lot. corner of Htev enson and Market street drive, on very easy terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway .6034, BUSINESS LOT BARGAINS. $1800 Alberta St.. corner Ltd, 50x100 store location, paved. $4M0 Stark, cor. 30th, 100x100. JB500- Sandy blvd., Laurelhufst trance. 4 CHOICE BUILDINO LOTS. $2500 Union ave. business lot. $1,000 ii2d, cor. Lincoln. $ 800 3tfth, near Knott st.. paved, c 8,0 Rope City, 56th. near school. - CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 204 Ry. Exc. Bdwy. 5497. Tabor 29.2 BARGAIN -SEEKERS. $1100. IRVTNGTON. $1100. 4x20G level lot. facine east, on ca line, equivalent to two lots. - Qwner must sell. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 208 Artisans Bldg. Esiab. 18S9. Broadway 7522. NEVER AGAIN. Wonderful view Oot, 300x100. level, sotitheast corner both and Aiamed Drive. 1 block south of Sandv hlvd Everything in and paid at $2U25. i-EE THIS AT UlSl.li. COE A. McKENNA &z CO. 208 Artisans Bldg. Estab. 188U. Broadway 7522. $650 ALL improvements in and paid. E. 48th st.. between Division and Clin ton. Bdwy. 0t37. or E. 8710 Sunday aim evenings. BEAUTIFUL Mt. $.50. $25 down. 28, Oregonian. Tabor quarter acre, $10 a month, - A. P. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. 50c on the Dollar. 50x100 Lots. S2fl5. , PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN TERMS. Heart of the peninsula which is destined to be the great industrial section of the Pacific coast. City con veniences; beautifully wooded lots with fir, dogwood, vine maple and shrubs; convenient to car; high and grade school and new Pier city park. Acre for Only $595. PENINSULA BRANCH OFFICE of Frank L. McGuire located at 1405 Columbia fclvd. corner Fessenden. OPEN EVERY DAY INCLUDING SUNDAYS. TELEPHONE EMPIRE 1772. Mr. E. L. Stady, our representative, will be on the grounds to show you this property. 2 ACRES. ' $17 DOWN $17 MONTH, PARKROSE. . $1700, rich silt garden land, no rocks or gravel, great for garden truck, berries, etc.. ideal pJace to raise chickens. You can buill a little shack here: no building restrictions; low county tax; trees; $17 is total monthly payment; norCh of Sandy blvd. and carline. Parkrose branch office open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car, go to end, of carline. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. ' 80xlO5-FT. $475. $3 DOWN $9 MONTH. This beautiful homesite In WiLshdre is all cleared, good view, new district, Alameda park, Olmstead park on the west. Beaumont suth. new homes around, we have a number of lots in this section, some with trees, 60x105 to 160x105 ft. Verv easy terms. Branch office, 33d and Bryce ave. Auto. 329-31. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., walk 4 blocks east. J, L. HARTMAN COMPANY. SECOND ' MORTGAGE PRIVI LEGES. WEST SLOPE OF MT. TABOR. BuNding restrictions $5OO0 to $75H), paved street and sewer im provements in and paid, connec tion? to curb; this property is in ' the .vicinity of 56th and E. Sal mon sts. Go look at the district of his"h-class homes. Write or call for plats showing prices and terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. HANCOCK ST., near 33d, beautiful level lot. all improvements in: $900. second mtg. privilege. LAURELHURST N. E. corner 39th and Flanders, 1 block to car, clost to park. See this. Price reducec1 to $1600. INVEST YOTJR MONEY, STOP PAYING RENT! Close to Columbia park, unfinished 2-room house, with water, gas and ga rage, 100x100 lot ; groond is worth $1000; ideal place for your chil-lren, away from the traffic and plentv of fresh air. Will sacrifice for $S00, $50 down and $15 per month. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 208 Artisans Bldg. Estab. 1889. Broadway 7522. WANT LOT SALESMAN who has car and experience In Port land property. Good opening in resi dence lot department. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MT. TABOR lot, west slope, $300. Lot near vv ainut parK, jsl'o. Union ave. business lot, $1500. Owner. East 6799. For Sale Hounes. ROSE CITY PARK. Well-built six-room bungalow, large living room, fireplace, dining room, 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout kitchen and bathroom, linoleum, large attic with 1 bedroom, furnace, full basement, not new but in excellent condition. Shrubbery, garage. 391 E. 45th st. N. 12 blocks south Sandy. $5750; easy terms. Owner. East 1875. WES'r SIDE BARGAIN. 35 ROOMS. Located on 21st st, 3 houses, one of 14 rooms with 2 baths, another of 14 rooms with 2 baths, another 7 rooms and bath, all occupied, rent now $200 month,- can be increased; 100x100 cor ner, 1 block from car, good d Istrict, big bargain. Mnhoney, Main 03 1 S. -ROOM RESIDENCE. 342 FARGO ST., NEAR UNION AVENUE NORTH. LOT 50 BY 100 FEET; PRICE $4000; EASY TERMS.,, FARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., 252 STARK ST. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. 100x100. NEAR PARK. Bungalow type, nearly new, 7 rooms, finish unusually good, hardwood floors, tile kitchen and bath; double garage, fine basement; lawn in and landscaped. $7750. terms; worth your inspectioa Bdwy. 6008. IN BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA PARK. Brand new extra large 5-room bun galow finished in cream and white, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, only $5800. $1500 down, bal ance to suit purchaser. J. B. Holbrook, realtor. 21 4-215 Panama bldg. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any cuilding, assist in financing same; ;12 yrs.' continuous and complete bldg. service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect. 924 N. W. Bank. I OWN a , large modern 5-room house with big attic, on 3 sightly lots, close to Multnomah, which I will sell on good terms and take as part pay ment mortgages, sellers' contracts or bonus of value. For particulars see owner, 404 iiatt Dirtg. WHY PAY RENT? $250 gives you possession of new modern 4-mom bungalow with all built-in features. In good district. Bal. on good monthly terms like rent. Full price S420U. Call .Main 2451.' ON ACCOUNT of moving to California must sen my six-room modern bun galow. Prefer to sell furnished. Would easily appraise $6750, but will accept any reasonable otfer Tor quick sale 551 E. 48th st. N. or Tabor 1774. CHOICE HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Brand new, 5 rooms, all modern features, including nook, cement porch, tile bath, furnace, garage, electric fix tures, shades, large lot, improved street. Terms. 351 E. 52d st. SAVE BY BUILDING YOUR OWN. We plan, build and finance high class homes; highest quality, 15 homes under construction ; our price and method will please you. Hedstrom, 614 H-'nrv bide. Bdwy. 1R31 MAGNIFICENT Rose Ctty bungalow, tile bath and sink. This is nw and - one of the most complete homes in the district; open for inspection Sunday. 721 E. 46th st. N. Bdwy. 4231. Sun day and evenings. Fast 4216. BIG BARGAIN in Laurelliurst. 7-room bungalow. 100x100. near park; well built, fine finish, best of floor, hard wood; plumbing, paper and materials. Double garage; good terms. Bdwy FIVE rooms and bath, fireplace, side board and other built-ins. nice yard, fruit trees, corner lot, near good school, $4000, easy monthly payments Sell 0360. NEW. roomy 7-rm. bungalow In Rose City Park; excellent material end workmanship. Price $7050. Must have $3noo cash ; no agents. Call Bdwy. 04-Sfi. Owner. " PARTLY furnished five-room modern house with garage fruit trees and ber ries; close in, Mississippi car line. $30. Call Monday, Walnut 0517 or Walnut 2360. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Neat, modern 4-room bungalow and garage, only $500 down, balance like rent; price only $3300. - Call Main 2451. 3-R. NEW bungalow, bk. nook. H. W. floors, fireplace, L. trays, tapestry paper: Irvington. $4600, $1000. Law- son, Bawy. i-ist FOUR-ROOM bungalow ready for plas tering; also garage, tools and some fur niture; have to sell; bargain. 4518 77th st. S. E. HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs. $10 to $15. or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank bid MOD -CRt 4-room house. Ecreened-in porches, 15 minutes from downtown district. Price $1100, terms. Call At wi;ter 2706. " $1100 4-ROOM house, vacant, pantry, garage, plumbing, sewer, sidewalk, 50 xlOO. J. Wolf. o38 Foster rd. 628-46, IRVINGTON 7-room house, strictly modern: responsible party. 656 East Broadway. East 0565., t KKAL ESTATE. For Sale House. G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC.. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bld& Main 4354-4355. ROSE CITY SPECIAL. Seven rooms and sleeping porch ; extra large full cement basement ; hdwd. floors; strictly modern; just one block off Sandy; this is a real home and is at least $1500 under value; price $5500, good terms. $3990; seven rooms; new and mod ern; oak floors; breakfast wook; up-to-the-minute; a good, new home at a moderate price ; good terms. $4750 ; five-room modern bunga low ; hi block off Sandy in Rose City, below the hill; pleased to showj good terms, A beautiful seven-room brick home In Irvington ; the present owner needs a larger home; will exchange this home clear of all incumbrance for a larger heme and pay cash difference. What have you? Eight-room home in south Port land, clear of .. incumbrance, to ex change for a larger home on the east side; Irvington, Laurelhurst or Rose City preferred. Two-family flat ; just across the Broadway bridge; completely fur nished; will show an income of $1140 per year, or 10 per cent on $11,400; our price $8000, good terms. ACRE TRACT. SHACK. $20 DOWN $20 MONTH. $1650 PARKROSE; this dandy little suburban tract is just a short distance north of Sandy blvd. and car line; homes all around; rich silt garden land, shade trees; your chance to buy your own home on rent terms ; low county tax, no building re strictions ; high and grade school; $20 total monthly pay ment. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 1 8 Chamber of Commerce Building. Broadway 6034. EASTMORELAND. LOVELY CORNER $6750. Six rooms and garage. Just completed. Most practical ar rangement and attractive finish. The beauty of thjs home will grow on you every time you look at it. Wonderful value. Easy terms. LADD ESTATE COMPANY, 4 Bdwy. 5754. 246 Stark St PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine 9-room residence, built of pressed brick; up-to-date in every par ticular. Most attractive grounds, beau tiful view. Will not deteriorate like a wooden house, but can be handed down to your children. BROOKE, MAIN 4342. 2-ROOM HOUSE, rooms large and sleep- in--, porcn, with turniture or without, eemi-modern, lot 50x100, eleven bear-in-; fruit trees, grape arbor, logan and raspberries, flowers, abundance rabbit hutches and chicken runs, one block to car, close to Mt. Tabor school ; price $1200, good terms, then like rent; it' . cosy. "We serve to please." Barney Johnson & Co.. realtors, 66 Ella st. Bdwy. 7947. Weeek dnya. 3 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. Beautiful modern bungalow, charm ing, woodsey setting; 40 minutes' drive from Portland; good roads, good school; 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, elec. lights, cement basement, garage. Price $3950, very easy terms. Atwater 0746 or J. P. Johnson, Rt. 5, Oregon City. WALNUT PARK. By owner, beautiful 8-room house, near Jefferson high, corner lot; just completed; full basement, double con structed, hardwood floors throughout, double tile baths and drain boards! French doors, old ivory finish tapes try paper, sleeping porch, double ga rnge. Walnut 587. IRVINGTON HOME ONLY $6500. Splendid 7-room house, two-story modern, up to date; garage, full lot and splendid shrubbery ; this home is well built and the price will stand the acid test in values. It faces east on 22d st., near Stanton st. Seen by appointment only. J. J. McCarthy, agent, Abington bids. Bdwy. 68S7. BEAUTIFUL SIX-ROOM HOUSE. One block from Rose City car; hard wood floors throughout, fireplace, fur nace, cement basement; breakfast nook, sleeping porch, all built-ins; ga rage, etc. It's a real home throughout. See owner, 673 East Glisan street. IRVINGTON. " 18th St., near Siskiyou, new colonial bungalow, cement porch, hardwood floors throughout; Ivory enamel finish, oriental tapestry paper, fireplace, book cases, tiled lath and drain board, breakfast nook, elec. range, garage. For appointment, owner, Tabor 2417. 9-ROOM modern house and lot, together with elegant furniture, walking dis tance, west side: a real bargain for juuu: terms 2omi cash ; choice d stric: howse nicely arranged for rooming house; why pay big rent when you can own your own piace. n. y. tiarland 260 Taylor st. HERE IS A HOME. Bungalow, 4 rooms and sleeping porch; combination living and dining room, fireplace, bookcases, writing desk, Dutch kitchen, good fixtures throughout, basement and garage. Will take auto and cash as first payment, balance easy. East 3649. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. New, modern bungalow, on paved street, restricted district, price $3005; $600 down, balance $25 per month and interest t per cent. FISHER REALTY CO.. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 4026. WHY BUY AN OLD HOUSE? If you have $500 cash to put dwn and can pay $50 monthlv. will hniM 5-room houpe up to $5000 on a choice lot close to car line and school. S. en did view. Phone Ellis C. Faunton, ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Beautiful, new, five-room bungalow, large att:c, fine garage. 4S4 E. 3Sth st. in. rty owner ana puiirier. 6-ROOM RESIDENCE, 39 CLACKA MAS ST., LOT 50 BY 100 FEET WILT BE SOLD FOR 500 CASK DOWN JKSU INSTALLMENTS AT ON ACCOUNT of business owner will sen a new o-rra, oungalow; hdw. floors, garage; terms $oi00, $1150 cash, bal ance $30 per mo., and Interest. 525 iu. 3.-.tn a. seilwood 1925. IRVINGTON. $7000. New modern 5-room bungalow and garage, cor. Schuyler and 32d st. Fhone owner, Atwater 3.-i2. BARGAIN ON TERMS. 10 rooms furnished, full basement. paved st., 3 lots, beautiful home, half . block to car, $4500. Soldiers' bonus accepted. AL 0, Oregonian, IRV1 NGTO N 53 2 East 16th st. N., J large rooms, all in perfect condition beautiful lot and garage: 00 feet from Knott St. McDonell. East. K19. FOR SALE Six-room house, hardwood floor, fireplace., modern conveniertceis. two blocks from.car line; must be sold to close estate Tabor 3Q61. ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow. hardwood floors, garage, built last .year: paved street; soldier bonus ac cepted. Owner. Tabor 2035. 1H50 $150 CASH, balance $15 per mo., buys good 4-room plastered house, half acre' of good ground. Phone Auto. $1300 IN PAYMENTS of $25 down, $15 month; good four-room house, nice garden, close to cars and school. 3S04 72d st. S. E. Aut. 642-65. FOR SALE Several modern homes, also vacant lots in Irvington, Alameda, Lau relhurst, or will build to suit. East 2432. ROSE CITY Modern five-room bunga low, hardwood floors, garage, paved streets. Soldier bonus accepted. Owner, Tabor 2035. $2500 BY OWNER, nicely furnished modern bungalow, paved st., garage, all other improvements. 82 E. 69th st. N. BUY. NOW; a snap; a home for you; five rooms and sleeping porch, 2 lots, $500, $00 cash. Hawthorne district. . Tabor 7QV2. LAURELHURST Irew 6-room bunga low, uitra modern, double garage. $7500. 087 E. Couch st. Tabor 1335. I NEW 4-ROOM cottage, breakfast nook, mo1er.i, $2650. See owner, save com mission. 733 Girard, corner B aven. ONE ACRE with 8-room house, 2502 E. 71st sU near Division. At a bargain. Inquire 130 6th st. NEW Eastmoreland home, every con venience, exceptionally built. $2500. Cash will handle. D 49, Oregonian, REAL ESTATE. For Sa 1p Hqucw. LAURELHURST. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOU. We have a beautiful lot, 68 feet by 300 feet, on Laurelhurst ave., near 3ith. South frontage and about one root above sidewalk. Will build a home on this property to suit purchaser for 25 per cent down and 1 per ctnt a month. This is an opportunity to secure a new house built to suit your individual requirements without hav ing to pay sales commissions and spec ulative profits. CAMP & DUPUY, Architects and Builders, 424 E. Alder. East 2308. PARKROSE BARGAIN. $1080. 4-rm. bungalow, garage, just outside city limits and only 1 blk. off Sandy blvd., fine living room, dining room, kitchen, good size bedroom, large closet and child's room ; corner lot, nice lawn, flowers and garden. This is a genuine snap, $800 down, balance like rent. Parkrose branch office open every day, take Rose City Park-Parkrnse car. go to end of car line. Ta bor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Broadway 6034. CAN YOU beat this buy? Fine 6-room bungalow, good as new, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, furnace ; corner lot 50x100; garage; nice shrubbery. In re stricted district, 16 minutes from bust- . ness center of Portland. Price $5500, terms. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett building. Malp 7141. Suburban Homes. $1100 SMALL down payment, buys an ununishea 2-room house with Bun Run water, gas, electricity, in choice residence section, near Multnomah, on improved road. BEN R I ELAND, 404 Piatt bldg., and Multnomah on the boulevard. Mrs. M c M a honin c harge For Sale Acren ge. $10 DOWN, $5 MONTH Buys 5 acres close to Vancouver and Portland; $50 an acre and up. We have-5 and 10-acre tracts in this audi tion; fine-lying land, free from rock or gravel, close to Pacific highway fine location for poultry, berries nd general farming. XL'has. Delfel, 318 Railway Exchange bldg. WHY BUY a lot in the city where you nave to pay city taxes and assess ments, when I can sell you a large parcel 100x190 for $650 and give you 4 years to pay? Bull Run water, gas and electricity and fine streets; just outside tne city limits, call Mr. Smith, Automatic 31S-S3. ACRES of highly developed ground. with modern 6-room bungalow; not far from Ryan station; ali kinds of fruit; $7500. BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg. Main 08SO. or Mrs. McMahon. in charge of Multnomah office. Main 6039. A HOME FOR $."i0 DOWN. Balance at $20 per month; acres of rich soil on the Barr road, V mile west of Barker road. Small house and good well. See U3 now. Strong & Co., 6H Chamber of Commerce. OREGON CITY WAY. Bungalow and near acre at Oak Grove, only $2000. at $S5 down and $2o a month; can at .ill Mohawk bldg.. or phone -Main WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices anil easy terms ottered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE Half-acre tracts, improved only 15 minutes' ride from town; $50 down and small monthly payments all city conveniences available. Bdwy 2448 204 Henry bldg. SEVEN ACRES, CLUSK lN. ALLEN. 6131 92D ST S E THOMAS 616-45 Homesteads, Relinquish meats. 120 ACRES; $3000. $4000 worth of stand ing fir and cedar; good soil; running water close by place ; school close, ; miles from railway; fine wagon road 3 miles to sawmill; $400 cash or will take good car. AH 47. Oregon i an . For Sale Farms. BEST 10-A. BUY AROUND PORTLAND Decidedly the best 10-acre buy to be found anywhere near the city, every foot in a high state of cultivation, lies perfectly, not a rock; splendid 8-room double constructed house, plastered full basement, fireplace. Bleeping porch, cose $3e00 to build and it is as good as nftw; barn and outbuildings family orchard, berries and grapes of all kinds; located 6 miles from city limits, east side, in exceptionally pretty and highly developed section, on splendid road, with pavement nearl all the way; price only $4000; $1200 will handle; deal with the oldest farm dealers in Portland and you will variably get the choicest of the char acter of tract you desire and at the best possible price. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. REALTORS 122 N. 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. 87 A. $2.i00 69 A. $19d0 21 A. $ 650 14 A. $ 440 12 A. $ 400 of cut over land, beautiful view. snow capped mountains, broad expanse of Columbia river. 40 miles out highway. 3 miles good road, best soil, no rock, no waste, spring water. Adapted to prunes, walnuts, pecans, potatoes, clover, or any garden or agri cultural crop. Write for circular, photograph of potatoes. 3 miles town and R. R. Small payment down, your own terms within reason. Jon A. Meissner, 821 Gasco bldg. 80 ACRES, lies good, running water, il. 45 about ready to plow, more easy to clear; alt good soil for potatoes, clover, dairy, fruit and hogs, .loins fine free outrange. Close tc neighbers; R. D-"; both high and grade srhool: 4& miles to .town; no buildings S'T. ner acre. With this goes gooc 6-room house in town (4 miles from' place); electric lights, city water, fruit, value iL'Uii. iHK.e Lvr ooin mnn anu house $2400. Box 97, Castle Rock. Wash. RTCH FARMING LAND. 3f acres of rich river bottom land, nearly ail under cultivation, 1 miles from the booming town of Vernonia new rai'road just completed Into the valley: reasonable, with terms to suit Fo. sale by the owner. 610 Grand ave, Seilwood 31)36. 39 ACRES, $1600 Name your terms fruit ranch, 3 miles from Toledo; her rles, young orchard, pasture, goo fencing, buildings, equipment, count r.)?d. John Steiger, Toledo, Or. Bo 101. -10 ACRES most productive land, lower Columbia river; 9 acres potatoes. 6 more slashed ;- 25 easily cleared; half mile from church and school; prosper .ous and progressive community. R. J. Wa t kins,Westport, Or, R. F. D. No. 1. 20" ACRES, four miles from city limits $1000 crop on ground, good four-room house furnished, farm implements. Wilt lease or sell on easy terms. Inquire 384 Benton st. (0.14 ACRES for sale or cash rent; land mostly in cultivation, large prune or chard, good buildings, 3 miles from, Fstacada. Easy terms. P. M. Wagner, Estacada. 5 ACRES chicken and berry ranch, good house, good barn, at Barlow, Or., near Pacific highway. One-fourth mile from railroad station. $3000, terms. Phone or write. Arthur Graham. Canby, Or. FARM FOR SALE. Eastern Oregon wheat ranch for sale or tra:e. Inquire 615 Chamber of Com merce bldg.; ask for Hunter. 10 ACRES, young orchard, berries, crops, new 6-room bungalow, low cash price. A ddress E. O- Richardson, box 23, Trout dale. Or. 40 ACRES Yamhill county; half timber spring creek; 1-rm. house, barn, R. F. D road, good soil. R. R. 6 mi.; terms. J, R. Sharp, owner. 557 Sherlock bldg FARM for sale by owner, improved, 42 acres, near Gresham; high ground, good location. Address Gresham, Or., route A. box 3L CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre; easv terms; best soil; farms all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 20S Failing bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOTS WANTED. Wanted, at once, by builder, 100x100 In vicinity of Shaver and Mississippi ave., or central Albina. Call N. E. Crow, with Frank L. McGuire, Broad ' way 7171. MUST locate a home by November 15 Want 2 or 3 bedrooms; can pay $200 rash and good monthly payments. Wi' furnish best of references. AK 97? Oregonian. WANTED To buy a piece of1 acreage partly improved that I can trade a clear 6-room house as part payment AE 75, Oregonian. HAVE 300 cash as first payment on 4 room bungalow. Must have fireplace. Bal. on gaud monthly terms. Call Main 2451. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOUSE AND 8 LOTS IN BEND. OREGON, FREE AND CLEAR. TO EXCHANGE FOR YOUR EQUITY IN PORTLAND PROPERTY OR WILL fcELL ON EASY TERMS. N. E. EURKITT. 207 SELLING BLDG.. PORTLAND. OREGON. HAVE you a house to sell for $200 to $300 down and the balance In monthly payments? If so we have a buyer. Call at 527 Corbett bldg., and see Mr. Ackley. WANT LOT SALESMAN who has car and experience In Port land property. Good opening in resi dence lot department. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SMALL HOUSE OR SHACK. Pay cash up to $500. 630 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TIMBER I.VNJ8 LUMBERMEN. ATT 34,000,000 feet of pin, fir and cedar, 3U. miles from raiVoad; 200.000,000 ft. joins this tract, with large percentage pine; price for quick sale, 75c per thousand. SUMMER VI LLE REALTY CO.. 605 Couch Bldg. WANTED Cedar poles for rail ship ments. Address postoffice box 367. Vancouver, B. C, stating size, quantity on hand and how long seasoned. RELIABLE sawmill man wishes to lea.ce or run by thousand email sawmill. AG 59, Oregonian. FOR RFNT FARMS. WILL turn over my purebred Jersey herd t neau minting) and place to right man who will care for same: clear 1 acre per year; at end of term will give tenant one-third of increase of herd ; have good barn and modern house. 25 miles from Portland. See Langguth, 606 Concord bldg., Portland, Or. o5 ACRES 24 in cultivation, including 7 acT":s commercial orchard; 27 miles from Portland, on paved highway; new house, bath", toilet, sink, running spring water, team, cow and farm imple ments. Cash rent $3tH). H. C. Noble, Lumbermens bldg TO RENT A farm 25 miles rnmi Port land, 02 acres, 18 acres unaer culti vation, has a good house and barn. Address 213 " Henry bldg. Phone Broadway 5954. RIVER RD.. north Oak Grove. 5 acres. 7-rm. house, grapes, etc., $30 mo., win ters. AG 72, Oregonian. CLOSE-IN farm, paved road, take part of rental in work. Tabor JiSdt. RENT 40 a. 4S miles from St. Johns on shares. 392 Church st. TO EXCHANC.F REAL "ESTATE. HOUSE AND 8 LOTS IN BEND, OREGON, FREE AND CLEAR. TO EXCHANGE FOR YOUR EQUITY IN PORTLAND PROPERTY, OR WILL SELL ON EASY TERMS. N. E. BURKITT, 207 SELLING ELDG.. PORTLAND, OREGON. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW OR A SUBURBAN HOME. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, breakfast nook, built-ins, white enamel finish, garage; one block to car; corner lot; will exchange for suburban home, close to elec tric car. See Mr. Phillips, with J. L. Hariman Company, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FIRST TIME OFFERED. An old established hardware and furniture business, has been operated by the present owner for 10 years, good west side location; invoice around $25,000; done over $50,000 (business last year; will take good acreage or income, property for part cash and terms on bal., good lease, with very low rent Rock, 403 Couch bldg. COUNTRY STORE. Ill health compels owner to sell his business consisting of a general store, ha.awaxe gas station, nice rpsid.-nei ani 2 acres of ground adjoining store aiu' warehouse: own light and wat'T system. Will consider small farm and some cah : good terms on balance to ri-bt party. John A. Meissner, S21 Gac o b'.rig. LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or small city or country; 1 will match them.' E. A. Easley, 205 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. TRADE FOR PORTLAND RESIDENCE. Eight-room residence in Vallejo, Cal., a thriving city of 15,000 near San Francisco ; site of U. S. navy yard; residence near business section on excellent corner; streets paved; value $o."i00. What have you? Y 71, Oregonian. -R. NEW bungalow, h. w. floors, fire place, bath ami shower bath, st. paved, pd. ; $4750; 1. trays. $3600; 5-r. bungalow, sleeping porch, modern, full basemeDt; take close-in acreage, good improvements, same value. 201 McKay. Lawson. 16 ACRES, consisting of prunes, walnuts, apples, cherries, pears, berries, have a $6000 equity for which will take a 6 room home in Piedmont, Irvington or any good district, located in Prune Hill district, Clarke coumy. See Rock, 403 Couch bliig. WANT SMALLER HOUSE. Large home on E. Burnside st.; could be fitted for flats at small expense; value $7200; want d-room bungalow In good location. Ste Mr. Phillips, with J- L. Hartman Company, S Chamber of Commerce bldg. 3-ROOM NEW BUNGALOW Near Rose City car, value $2500, to exchango for acreage, close to electric car. tiv Mr. I'll i Hips, with J. L. Hartmn Company, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXCHANGES. For quick action list with COE A. McKENNA & CO., (Established 188ft.) Artisans Bldg. Broadway 7522. WE HAVE several new trading proposi tions in. One of them is sure to bo what you want. RALPH HARRIS CO.. S16 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 5654. 7-ROOM modern house. Alberta district, for small suburban home; have equity of $3000; part v must assume $ 1600 mortgage. Walnut 4S56. 1117 E. 2iUh sr. N. TRADE ON LOTS. Will trade 5 Rood lots near Crystal Lake park In Minthorn addition to Portland, for a good light car; leaving eitv for health. Call Main 2451 Mmi. FOR SALE. II or hps. Vehicles. Livestock. 45 HEAD of horses which have been working on construction work and now I am through with them; they ar hard and ready for work and will b sold at a verv low price; weighing from 1200 to 1800 pounds. 5"' sets of new and second-hand harness at re duced prices. Columbia stables. Front and Col u mbia sts. G. K. Ho witt. PURE-BRED registered jersey bull calf, 7 months old. rich in the blood of 1st Ma wps ami Golden Glow's Chief; tu berculin tested; $100 See Langguth, 606 Concord bldg. (Pedigree on ap- plication.) . TEA M Mare nd horse, weight 2W' H'C. Six years old. Grain fed. Right out "f hard work. Must be sold to stop f"od bill. Mare 7 years old. weight 1150 lh. Quick sale, $35. 234 Front, cor. Main street. 16 HKAD r-f hories and mares, weigh IH'0 to 1700 lbs., a!l in good shape hard work; prices cheap for cash. KEYSTONE STABLES, 38 i Water St., Corner Montgomery HANDSOME bay mare, weight 3"00 lbs., -broken to ride or drive, very gentle for wrmen and children; price ."0. 3S1 Water st. west side. FOR SALE or trade for car. 1 tim rf large black log. norses, weight 36O0 lbs., and 1 log wagon. Call East S'G2. room 3n. SPAN of young b lucky -bin it ni.i rt-s. we ght about 2700 lbs., well brok-n. in good condition ; pi ice $140 3S.1 Water st.. corne : Montgomery. EVERY farm suould have a ;cw regis tered sheep; we have Snropshircs for $10 a head and up Holman Fuel Co.. 94 Fifth st., Pottiand. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and aecond ha'.d, special prices. P. E. Esenshare, HhO -Hfi'i E as- Mnrrso n st. 3000-LB. TEAM of chunky built, horses. No more use for thm.. Kalk jiis. Woodyard. looRii vision. TEAM mules. 2100 lbs., ynuiiR, htavy bone d . blockyb uilt. 2 4 oEasSth st. FOR "SALE -Cheap. 3 good family cows. 150 Dana st. Call Emp. 0122. VETERINARIAN. DR HOWES. TABOR 65l DEAD animals taken quickly. Milwaukee 60-J. 4