Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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All Ingredients for Delicacies
Are in Market.
Delicious Preparations in Store;
Some Imported Plum Varie
, ties Being Shown Again.
The season for making mince
meat, plum pudding and fruit cake
Is here. All ingredients for the
delicacies are in the market in
large quantity. Lemon and orange
peel is offered at prices ranging
from 45 to 60 cents a pound. .Citron
is priced at 60 and 75 cents a pound.
Currants are about 30 cents a pack
age and raisins are priced at 25 and
30 cents a package.
Boiled cider, which is used in the
mincemeat, is 25 and 35 cents a pint.
Fresh cider is 75 cents a gallon with
the container. Brandy extract sells
at 35 cents for a two-ounce bottle,
S3 for a pint and $4.50 a quart.
This year's crop of almonds is
priced at 40 cents a pound and se
lect walnuts range from 40 to 50
cents a pound. Cooking apples,
which are suitable for the mince
meat, can be found for 5 cents a
pound and less.
Prepared Pod dings Offered.
Delicious prepared mincemeat and
plum puddings are offered in the
Btores. Some imported plum pud
ding is being shown again. Most
of the bakeries are showing fruit
. Oranges which are considerably
better looking than those shown
earlier in the season are 65 cents a
tlozen. Less fancy oranges are
priced at 30 cents. Lemons range
from 30 to 60 cents a dozen. Flor
ida grapefruit, in different sizes, is
priced from 10 cents to 25 cents.
The Florida product is replacing
the Isle of Pines. Some Arizona
grapefruit also is being shown.
Pomegranates at 10 cents each
and persimmons at 10 and 15 cents
are still in the markets. Alligator
pears are 60 cents each: priqkly
pears are 5 cents each. Quinces are
offered at four pounds for a quarter
and fresh figs are 35 cents a dozen.
Sweet pears are in the market at
25 cents a dozen and 40 cents a bas
ket. Peaches are still offered at
B0 cents a basket. Bananas are 15
cents a pound. Raspberries are 20
cents a box. Huckleberries are
priced at 25 cents a pound and cran
berries at 20 and 25 cents a pound.
Cranberries are reported to be
scarce this year and the wholesale
price on them has gone up slightly.
Grapes, Apples Plentiful.
Both grapes and apples are plen
tiful and make it easy to arrange
beautiful fruit baskets. Tokay
grapes are variously priced at 10
and 15 cents a pound. Malaga, mus
cat, Concord and Emperor run about
the same. Lady Fingers, which are
shown in small quantities, are 10
15 and 20 cents a pound.
Apple prices differ according to
the variety. Delicious apples of se
lect quality are $3.50 to $4; Spitzen
burg, 2 to J3; Northern Spy, $1.50,
to $2; .Jonathan, fl.WO to $2. The
Jonathan apples are just about gone,
since the early frosts cause them to
grow soft.
California tomatoes are coming to
the market and are priced at 15
cents a pound and two pounds for a
quarter. Oregon tomatoes are priced
at 4 cents a pound. Fresh green peas
from California are 25 cents a pound
Brussels sprouts are 20 and 2o cents
a pound and artichokes, which are
plentiful, are 15 cents each.
Danish Squash Offered.
Fancy cauliflower is 15 and 20
cents a head, eggplant is 15 cents a
pound and Danish squash are of
fered three for a quarter. Sweet
potatoes are 5 cents a pound and in
some markets can be found six
pounds for a quarter. Ground cher
ries are 15 and 20 cents a pound.
Cabbage ranges in price from 1
to 5 cents a pound, potatoes are 1
cent a pound, and French carrots
are offered two bunches for a quar
ter. Spinach is three pounds for i
quarter and 5 cents a pound. Celery
is 10 cents a bunch and three
bunches for 25 cents and celery root
Is priced at two for 25 cents. Corn
on the cob is still in the market at
0 cents a dozen ears.
.parsnips and carrots are four
bunches for 25 cents in the stores
and the Yamhill market price is 1
cents a pound. Turnips are three
bunches for 10 cents. Green sweet
peppers are priced from 5 to 10 cents
a pound and red sweet peppers are
two pounds for 15 cents and 20 cents
a pound. Oregon lima beans are 20
cents a pound and green lima beans
are 25 cents a pound. Yellow string
beans are 20 cents a pound.
bij Madam Eickpf
PORTLAND Dear Madam Richet:
Please help me with my problem of re
modeling a dress like inclosed sample
Will buy trimming or suitable contrast
ing material as you suggest. If possible,
would like pattern number and periodical.
The dress at present is made with waist
to normal waist line, opens down center
front. Underneath an extra set on front
of same material, which is trimmed with
black soutashe braid; has full - length
sleeves in one piece, with gore at back
trimmed with self - covered buttons to
elbow. Skirt is In two straight piecea,
36 inches long, with three-inch hem and
each piece is about 30 .inches wide, gath
ered at top; has a straight - gathered
tunic 20 inches in length, which does not
extend all the way around, but just
comes to sides of center front. Tunic
also is trimmed with the soutache braid,
tiklrt opens at side. Would like a dress
suitable for church or street wear. Am
35 years old, five feet four inches tall,
weight 118 pounds, bust 38 inches, waist
28 inches, hijis 38 Inches. Have light
brown hair, blue eyes and medium com
plexion. MRS. E. A. G.
MRS. E. A. G The blue dress
needs little to make it quite up
to the minute, and I would advise
the removing of the tunic, piecing i.t
into side panels placed just below
the point of hip bone. Braid the
seams of piecing with black sou
tashe; remove the vest and replace
with one of taupe broadcloth. Braid
the sides of blouse which follow the
front line of vest. At the bottom of
toe panels a very attractive fea
ture would be in the use of caracul
in the black. The cape can be
eliminated or one of taupe broad
cloth used with a smart collar of
the caracul. . Please see the model
(shown in the fall quarterly of the
jlcCall number, page 17, No. 2810.
Face your ekirt if it now seems too
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 81. Dear
Madam Richet: I have a. navy blue
tricotine dress which is too small for me.
J would like to combine it with some
other material for a street dress. Tbe
front is one. pieue, hut. haa small slit J L
pockets with a lighter blue strip of flan
nel for trimming. There is also a strip
of the flannel three inches wide around
the bottom of overdress. The back is
two pieces with small self - material
buttons in a single row the full length.
Three-quarter set in sleeves. Fastens
under left arm and on shoulder; 62 Inches
around bottom and 44 inches just under
arms; 48 inches from shoulder to bottom
o: dress. The under skirt is 12 inches
long, 57 inches in width, and is fastened
to a silk top.
1 am 5 feet 6 inches in height, 46
bust, 36 waist, 46 hips and ' weigh 178
pounds. ty hair is very light auburn;
dark blue eyes and a little color. I am 18
years of age. MRS. J. H.
Mrs. J. H., Aberdeen, Wash. Be
fore masing over your dress may I
suggest that you be fitted to a well
made corset, for truly you are far
too young to have such large hips
and bust. In the fall quarterly of
the McCall fashions there is shown
an attractive style, page 9, No. 2800.
Combine with a blue canton crepe,
using the latter for the pleated
apron, and piece out the skirt to
the desired length with the drop and
the front removed. The seams can
be finished ,with the cording. From
what you write of your blouse the
side button trim with fringe or
monkey fur will be very attractive.
The model will give you a plan
upon which to work, and I am sure
that you will like the dress when it
has been completed. The buttons
can be of the contrasting or the
self -covered and the fringe or fur in
the black.
AURORA, Or., Oct. 21. Dear Madam
Richet: Would like your advice in mak
ing over a dress of- navy blue silk tri
colette. Will buy suitable contrasting
material as you suggest. If possible I
would like pattern in Pictorial Review
fashion book. The dress at present Is
made with waist to normal waist line
and plain two-piece skirt. The waist Is
plain with the exception of the sleeves
being set in an underwalst.
W ould like to iresnen up tne aress, as
I have worn it two years, by an over
skirt or anything that you will suggest.
Am 5 feet 1 inch, weight 160 pounds.
have light brown hair, medium com
plexion, blue eyes;" bust measures 41,
waist 3:2. PERPLEXED.
Perplexed. Aurora. Or. With the
blue tricolette you have I would
have the henna moire for the skirt
panel strips with an effective de
ign done in the eteel beads, une
blouse and the sleeves to be of the
combining shade. Meeting your re
quest for a pattern I shall ask you
to see the model In the fall quarter
ly of the Pictorial Review, page 16,
No. 1152. The lines will give you
length and the combination of blue
and henna is always attractive.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 2. Dear
Madam Richet: Have five yards of
black taffeta, .40 inches wide, like in
closed sample. I would like it made In
a way that I could wear lor a. coirpie oi
years without making it over, if such a
thing is possible. I don't want any bead
ing or embroidery on it.
Also I have two and one-quarter yards,
40 Inches wide, of gray crepe de chine
for a blouse. I want something becom
ing and simple for dress wear. Do you
think beading or embroidery would be
good? What color?
I am planning to make a coat suit. I
don't know what kind of material and
color would be best. How about navy
blue poiret twill. Suggest pattern. I am
18 years old and 6 leet tali, ofl oust, ou
waist, large below hips. My hair Is
medium brown, eyes bluish green and
complexion medium, with some color.
Please select Butterick, Standard, Ladies'
Home Journal "or McCall's, as they are
the only kind kept here. Thanking you
in advance, MARY JANICE.
Mary Janice, Hood River, Or.
With the request for a dress that
you can wear for two years without
making over I can assure you that
you have given me a problem, for
only a prophet can foretell the
whims of fashion. However, there
is in the Ladies' Home Journal for
October 'a very smart frock shown
on page 62, No. 3674. Inasmuch as
you do not wish the beading or
the handwork, I would suggest the
use of Copenhagen broadcloth used
for the tabbed collar and sleeve
trim. This contrast can be re
moved without demanding a general
change to the dress. The pleated
panel at the side should be lined
with the blue as used on the blouse
and well weighted at the bottom.
For the gray crepe de chine blouse
there is a most attractive model
shown in the winter quarterly of the
Butterick on page 36, No. 3698.
Follov the Russian cross-stitch in
a combination of colors such as old
blue, black, henna, copper, orchid
and green. The overtype will be an
advantage in lessening the full line
below the hip. I would do the em
broidery in the rope silks.
A splendid type of suit for the
winter, because of its high collar,
will be found in the winter quar
terly of the Butterick, page 51, No.
3956. This I would have in a dark
blue poiret twill.. The stitched strap
trim at the side will be especially
good for the full hip, as it will give
length, and the sightly bloused line
at the waist is very well planned
or the tall figur.
Civil Service Association Resolu
tions Advocate Amendment
of City Charter.
City employes are anxious that
the city charter be so amended that
they will not be required to "dip
into politics," as is the case now,
because of the three-mill tax levy.
In resolutions adopted by the mu
nicipal civil service association the
city council and the people of the
city of Portland have been urged
to amend the city charter to embody
the 6 per cent tax limitation as a
replacement of the 8-mill limitation
now in the charter and thus allow
the tax levy of the city to operate
as intended by the framers of the
tax limitation amendment.
In the same resolution the city
employes pointed out the danger,
not alone to themselves, if the
3-mill tax is not authorized, but also
to the normal functioning of the
city government to the point of peril
to the health, happiness, safety and
the city's social and business rela
tions. The Original Food-Drink for All Age
RichMuk, Malted Grain Extract in Pow-
der&Tabletforms. Nourihing-No cooking.
8 Avoid Imitations and Substitutes
Strictly Freah and "Wholesome
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
L Invalid &
Prices Are Practically Same
as Ljst Week.
Chops 20 and 25, Stew 12J,
Breast 15 and Sausage 30;
Tamales Are on Sale.
Veal and beef will be plentiful
on the market today and prices will
remain practically the same as last
week. A leg roast of veal, choice
cut, is 25 cents a pound. Veal chops
are 20 and 25 cents, veal etew 12
cents, breast 15 cents and veal sau
sage 30 cents.
A prime rib roast of beef today
will be about 28 or 30 cents pound.
Loin steak will range from 25 to
30 cents a pound, pot roast IS cents
and boiling ; pieces 12 cents a
Lamb prices have not been ad
vanced this week although a rise
is expected soon on the local mar
ket Legs of lamb will sell today
at 32 cents a pound, shoulder roast
will be from 22 to 25 cents a pound
and breast 12 cents. Shoulder lamb
cutlets will be about 25 cents a
pound and choice cutlets will be
from 30 to 40 cents.
Shoulder Steaks 23 Cent.
Pork leg roasts are 25 cents a
pound, shoulder roast 20 cents and
spareribs 18 cents. Pork tenderloin
is frO cents a pound. Neck bone and
backbone are selling today at 5
cents a pound and pig's feet are
also offered at this price. Shoul
der steaks are 22 cents and loin
chops 30 cents.
Ham prices are quite generally
reduced this week end, but still vary
considerably. Best quality hams are
offered in the half or whole at
prices ranging from 26 to 30 cents
a pound. This price is about on a
level with the wholesale price of
Hot tamales are offered in almost
all the groceries and meat markets
now. The general price is about
25 cents for a small chicken tamale.
Salmon 25 Cents.
Salmon is 55 PAnta a nnnn
hut nnrl stlire-nn 30 nan to an A con ,4
dabs 20 cents. Fresh water catfish
are 4i cents a pound and trout,
raised in a private nnnrl an in
cents a pound. Smelt is 20 cents,
riounaer 10 cents, crabs range from
35 to 50 cents each, according to
their size. Eastern oysters are 60
cents a pint and Olympias are 70
In the markets frys and roasts of
select quality chickens are 40 cents
a pound while on the Yamhill mar
ket broilers under two pounds are
32 cents a pound and fryers, more
than two pounds, are 30 cents. Hens
range from 28 to 38 cents in price.
Ducks are priced at 40 cents a
pound and turkeys 55 cents. Dressed
hares on the Tamhill market are
30 cents a pound.
Pelphians Present Programme.
MONMOUTH, Or., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) The Delphian society pre
sented a programme Fr'day night,
October 27, in the chapel. Numbers
included: Violin duet, Mary Cole
and Clara Wieresick; reading, "The
Highwayman," Kathryn Peterson
dance. "Pumpkins and the Stems.'
directed by Hazel Mae Loucks;
reading, "Halloween Customs," Fay
Ward; a Halloween frolic directed
by Elizabeth Johnson, and. trio, Lena
Cramp, Estella Muir, Alice Sm'th.
Caucus Nominees Unopposed.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Nov. 3.-
(.opeciai..) uanaiaates named at a
citizens caucus a short time ago re
main unopposed, no other names
having been added to the list up to
Wednesday, the last day open for
the filing of candidacies. Andrew
Brund is the" candidate for mayor.
jneroert ii-aKin tor treasurer, Homer
Galloway, recorder, and Elbert Bede
S. L. Mackin, A. W. Swanson and E.
E. Eads for councilmen positions,
four of which are open.
Served Hot, It's a
Gorgeous Plum Pudding
Steam it, that's the best way to preserve the plump
lusciousness of the fruits. Serve it piping hot with each
portion crowned in creamy hard sauce, or wreathed
'round with golden lemon sauce.
Good? It's tbe last word. "
Fruit Cake
is made as you would have it made in your own kitchen
of. golden butter, fresh eggs, southern molasses. Pi
quant fruits and mellow nut meats of the Southland
mingle with the dark brown cake.
Oblong in shape, you can fold the heavy foil and
wax paper close over the unusued portion and Tru-Blu
Fruit Cake will keep moist until used. Its flavor improves
with the keeping,
1- Pound Cartons.. ..65c
2- Pound Cartons 25
Also in tins for distant shipping. 3-lb. tin $2
;' . .
Four ounces
T-an honest quarter pound of
Caracas Sweet Chocolate
Pure wholesome delicious
Made from only high grade Caracas
cocoa, pure cane sugar and flavored
with Mexican vanilla Leans.
Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS.
Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free
Permanent Injunction in Water
District Case Is Asked by
Opponents of Measure. .
An amended complaint was filed
in the circuit court yesterday in
the effort of certain Rockwood citi
zens to prevent formation of the
Rockwood water district. It asked
that the temporary injunction re
straining county officials from giv
ing approval to the election results
be made permanent and that all acts
performed in the attempt to create
the district be set aside.
A new allegation was that 60 per
cent of those who signed the peti
tion asking for an election October
14 on the question of creating the
district were not legal residents of
the district. With the illegal names
deducted it was alleged that less
than the required 15 per cent of
valid signatures were obtained. Ex
ception was taken, also, to the plan
of County Clerk Beveridge in ar
ranging only one polling place in
the election held, where it is cus
tomary in all other elections to have
three polling places
In the election there was an evi.
dent majority of 39 in favor of cre
ating the new water district. Suit
to " enjoin officials from carrying
forward the project was filed re
cently and a temporary restraining
order was obtained. Among other
allegations made n the first com
plaint was one that wards of the
county living on the county farm
had been taken to the polls and per
mitted to vote. It was said, also,
that the election officials did not
restrict voting to those listed on
the registration books.
Monmouth School Plans to Ob
serve Armistice Day.
MONMOUTH, Or., Nov. 3 (Spe
cial.) Appropriate exercises will be
held at Oregon Normal school on
armistice day. The programme will
begin at 10 o'clock in the morning
and the 'principal address will be
delivered by Chaplain William
Gilbert, pastor of the First Presby
terian church of Astoria. A short
talk on "The Legion and Its Work'
will be given by Lieutenant L. C.
A banquet will be served in the
domestic science rooms of the nor
mal school. The banquet proper will
be prepared by the women of Mon
mouth, for the legion, Grand Army
of the Republic and auxiliaries. Fol
lowing the banquet the legion will
go to Dallas for entertainment in
the afternoon and evening.
Mayor Decides Tie in Council
PENDLETON, Or., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) For the first time in the
history of the present city council,
which will soon quit office, Mayor
G. A. Hartman was called upon to
cast the deciding vote last night.
The tie arose over a block of pav
ing, and the mayor decided in fa
vor of the "demonstrators.
WHERE cooks of the greatest skill are en&aed where
the utmost care is exercised in the preparation of foods
and baking failures simply cannot be tolerated there only
the highest quality products are selected and employed.
Pies, cakes, biscuits, muffins and all, must be served perfectly
baked, wholesome and pure. Every discriminating mistress
agrees with her cook that
The Economy BABKBRJl
never varies in quality that every can contains more than the ordi
nary leavening strength that bakeday failures are tinlcnown and re
sults always positive where it is used. Calumet has been relieving
housewives o bakeday worries for over 30 years. Its sale is over 1
times as much as that of any other brand.
It is pure in the can pure in the baking
contains only such ingredients as have been .
officially approved by the United States Food
, Authorities. v .
Get a can of Calumet today try the recipe below.
4 cups of sifted pastry flour
4 level teaspoons Calumet Baking Powder
' 1 level teaepoon of salt
2 rounding tablespoons of butter or lard
H cup of milk cup of water
Sift flour once, then measure, add salt and baking pow
der and sift three times, rub shortening in with fork or
spoon, add milk and water, turn out on a well floured
board and roll one inch thick, cat and bake in a quick
oven about 12 to 15 minutes.
A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 ounces.
Some baking powders come in 12 ounce instead
of 16 ounce cans. Be sure you get a pound
when you want it.
No. 2
of a
A model electrically equipped bak
ery which bakes one loaf of bread
that's one of the features of the big laboratory where all
ingredients for
Breads ofjqjxaiity
are tested for purity and quality.
Not only is every ingredient tested separately and regularly,
but a "key loaf" is made and baked in a miniature electrical
bakeshop in order to prove the combined results of the tests,
thus insuring the uniform goodness and quality of every loaf.
Ingredients are weighed in the scale shown at the right, which
is so perfectly balanced that it would weigh a gnat's heel.
Good grocers throughout the Northwest recommend and sell
"Breads of Quality."
Made by
88f99BfiH 0
Vancouver Avenue at Ivy
In the'
( mm .