Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Great Gathering Pays Trib
ute to Executive.
High Point in Present Campaign
'Keached at Dinner Given to
Mr. and Mrs. Olcott.
Decisive victory for the repub
lican party In Oregon at next Tues
day's election was confidently pre
dicted by Governor Olcott last night,
when a high point of the present
campaign was marked by the din
ner and reception given to the chief
executive of the state and Mrs.
Olcott by women members of the
republican state central committee.
A more representative gathering
of party leaders probably never as
sembled in Portland. Singularly de
void of anything even faintly rem
iniscent of the spread-eagle variety
of . oratory, but nevertheless brim
ming over with sincerity, unity of
purpose, enthusiasm and irrepressi
cle zeal, were the partisan speeches
that told eloquently of modest, ef
ficient service rendered by Mr.
Olcott in the part of a term he has
occupied the gubernatorial office
and of the vital interest Oregon tax
payers have in seeing him returned,
as well as the necessity for uphold
ing the national administration by
keeping the present Oregon delega
tion in congress intact.
Issues Clearly Presented.
Governor Olcott, United States
Senator Stanfield, Representative
StaArthur, and Judges, lawyers, doc
tors, farmers and representatives of
civic clubs and community organ
izations men and women from
many sections of the state filled
almost every minute of a two-hour
programme with vigorous and forceful-
addresses, summarizing the is
sues of the campaign and outlining
the reasons why republican success
at the polls Is indissolubly linked
with the future prosperity of the
Primarily intended only as a quiet
reception to Mrs. Olcott and the
governor, it was made plain at the
outset that the meting was about
to be converted into a spontaneous
and climactic campaign rally.
'In former campaigns," said the
governor, "I have stuck to letter
writing to place my views before
the voters. But so many misrep
resentations were made by my op
ponents that the1 more I read them
the 'madder' I got, and I finally
resolved to take the plunge and
go out on the political stump for
the first time in my life. I have
just completed a long journey up
and down and across the state, and
I am glad to be able to tell you that
there has been a distinct change
in sentiment throughout Oregon in
the past two weeks in favor of the
republican ticket.
Eastern Oregon Responds.
"This Ave found especially true
of eastern Oregon, which we now
believe is definitely lined up on the
side of republicanism. The fight on
the governorship is in western Ore
gon, but we are confident that vic
tory will rest on our banner when
the votes are finally counted."
The governor said very little more
in this vein, but devoted the rest
of his brief address to relating
homely - anecdotes and little inci
dents that have come under his no
tice that have a humorous relation
to the campaign.
"I am going to reveal a family
secret," he continued. "Mrs. Olcott
has never been enthusiastic about
my political career. She has often
expressed the wish that I would quit
politics and get into' 'some decent
and honest business.'
"The other day my oldest boy,
who has not yet arrived at the age
where he has completely grasped
the political system of our country,
playing with his brothers, stopped
for a minute and said to his mother:
'What is this talk I hear about dad
running for .governor? I thought
he licked that Charley Hall once.' "
Judge Stapleton, toastmaster, called
upon a number of those present to
tell in one-minute talks why they
are supporting Ben W. Olcott for
re-election as governor.
I. N. Day, the first to respond,
said: "The reason I am for Gov
ernor Olcott will be found in the
10th chapter of St. John, 41st verse:
" 'And many resorted unto him,
end said John did no miracle; but all
things that John spake were true.' "
Otto Hartwig, president of the
State Federation o Labor, said the
considerable element of the elector
ate which he represents has always
found Governor Olcott willing to
give the working man a square deal.
"I'd tell you many other reasons
"Why I am supporting the governor,"
be added, -"if I had more than a
minute to talk."
Trilmtfs Paid Governor.
Other expressions were:
Ralph E. Williams, vice-chairman
of the national republican committee
I am for Mr. Olcott because his
record is cleaner and better than his
opponent's and he's a republican.
Mm C. B. Simmons Governor
Olcott has never turned a deaf ear
to any plea for help In a movement
affecting the welfare of women and
Mrs. George W. Stapleton Be
cause I like him.
Circuit Judge Rossman Governor
Olcott has not dismissed from the
employ of the state a single com
petent official and he has not made
a. single appointment that was not
based on merit.
Mrs. Edith Knight Hill I always
found the governor honorable, cour
ageous and kind hearted.
Judge Walter H. Evans As secre
tary of state, Ben Olcott learned
the state's business. As governor
he has brought order out of chaos
and put efficiency above expediency.
H. E. Thomas, city editor of The
Oregonian As a representative of
The Oregonian- I need not say any
thing. . The paper has given its rea
sons for supporting Governor Ol
cott. Personally I'm for him be
cause there has never been even a
breath of scandal about his admin
istration. Representative McArthur I don't
belive in swapping horses in the
middle, of a stream. That goes for
me as well as the governor.
Senator Stanfield If Oregon is
remiss in its duty it will have an
insincere demagogue in the gov.
ernor's chair instead of the high
minded, fearless, able busin-ess man
who is now at the helm of the state.
2700 Crowd Into Armory and
Hear Governor Olcott.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)
More than 2700 persons, the largest
jcrowd ever in the armory here,
Jammed the hall tonight on the oc
casion of the final republican rally
in Marion county during the present
campaign. The speakers included
Governor Olcott, Representative
Hawley and State Senator Eddy
of Roseburg. Walter L. Tooze Jr.,
chairman of the republican state
central committee, presided.
Senator Eddy, who gave the prin
cipal address, talked straight from
the shoulder and handled the legis
lative record of Walter M. Pierce,
democratic nominee for governor,
without mittens.
"The great interest in this cam
paign is the contest for governor,"
said Senator Eddy. "On the one
hand you have Governor Olcott run
ning on the republican platform, and
on his record as a safe, economical,
careful and patriotic executive. On
the other . hand we have Walter
Pierce, nominated as a democrat,
but in reality a non-partisan who is
basing his campaign on impractical
schemes which he has said will re-
suit in the reduction of taxes.
"Though Mr. Pierce has been in
public office for years, he went into
this campaign without a programme
or a practical proposal of any kind
except the income tax. Tet he has
said that he is opposed to the in
come tax measure now on the bal
lot. His record on the income tax is
as strange as his record on many
other public matters.
"While a member of the state sen
ate Mr. Pierce introduced an income
tax measure, but he withdrew it be
fore it came up for a vote. To this
day I never seen or heard a
word of explanation as to why he
withdrew this bill.
"Though he has shown shrewdness
in accumulating a fortune estimated
at nearly $500,00-0, no man can tie to
him nor can any man foretell his
course. He is an unstable as the
wind. Accepting money for his
services on the draft board during
the world war shows that Mr. Pierce
believes in patriotism that costs him
nothing. '
"Mr. Pierce's attempt to excuse
his method of borrowing $30,00-0
from the school funds for his own
profit, when carefully considered,
explains the man. When confronted
wun uie iacts .Mr. Pierce said at j
first the transaction was altogether
innocent, and yet he now appealB
for sympathy on the ground that his
enemies are throwing mud."
Representative Hawley reviewed
the work of congress under the
Harding administration and told
how the expenditures of the nation
had been reduced millions of dol
lars. Governor Olcott spoke briefly. He
reviewed some of the achievements
of his administration and declared
that if elected next Tuesday he will
strive to conduct the state gov
ernment at the least possible cost
consistent with an efficient, ad
ministration. Walter Tooze Jr., chairman of the
republican state central commit
tee, in introducing the speakers re
ferred to falsehoods circulated re
garding ;the religious affiliations of
Governor Olcott and that more than
80 per cent of the state employes
are Catholics. Mr. Tooze said Mr.
Olcott Is a Protestant and that only
nine of the 350 state employes are
Catholics. ,
Man, 58, Attempts Suicide Also
Because of Being-Unable to
' Obtain Employment. ,
Youth turned burglar, and age
sought death last night one be
cause no one cared to hire a young
man; the other because no one
seemed to want his services. Both
felt justified, although the youth
"searched for work" but a few
hours, and the elder for two weeks.
Arthur Norwal, 17, arrived in
Portland on November 1 via freight
from Brainerd, Minn., and started a
career of burglary that night, he
told police, because he had failed
to find work the day he arrived. He
was captured last night by I. E.
Evans, 1006 Pairview, while in the
act of robbing the Evans home.
After he had been turned over to
.police he confessed to robbing the
home of W. F. Holden, 134 Macleay
boulevard, on the night of November
2. He said he did not remember
the address of the first house he
Norwal is the son of Frank Nor
wal, Minnesota carpenter. He was
equipped with a flashlight, pass
keys and a glass cutter. He will be
held for the juvenile court. The
value of the loot he obtained was
Tom Smith, 5S, whose nearest liv
ing relative is J. R. Smith, district
superintendent of the city of New
South Wales, Australia, was lonely
as well as out of funds. He at
tempted suicide last night in a
downtown lodging house by slash
ing his throat several times with a
razor. None of the self-inflicted in
juries was dangerous and after
treatment in the emergency hospital
he was sent to jail, along with the
youth who wished to be a burglar.
Secret Papers Reveal Scheme to
Win Favor With Moslems.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased "Wire.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, ' Nov. 3.
The text of a "secret document"
from the soviet minister of foreign
affairs at Moscow to the soviet am
bassador at Berlin, which reached
here today, throws an interesting
light upon the part soviet Russia
expected to play in the near east
This document indicates that the
Moscow authorities expected to play
the part of mediator between the
Turkish nationalists and .Greece,
and by virtue of that mediation to
win greater popularity with the
Mohammedan people all over the
world and possibly recognition from
the western powers. -
An educator and lecturer of broad experience
and unusual ability. A powerful and convincing
speaker who know his subject
will apeak tmr tke
Compulsory Education Bill
Also City Auditorium, Sunday, 4:30 P. M.
Free to the Public
A. & A. S. R. School Committee, 721 Gasco Bldg., Portland, Or.
, ' ", (Paid Advertisement)
Proposed Measure Declared
to Affront Democracy.
Dr. Pence, It. W. Montague, and
Professor Sisson Attack Big
otry at Mass Meeting.
The compulsory school bill af
fronts the very basis of democracy,
in that the rights of minorities are
disregarded and it Is so glar
ing an example of un-Americanism
that it does not square with the
constitution of the United States,
was declared at a mass meeting that
filled the Peoples theater last night.
Ben Selling presided and speakers
were Dr. E. H. Pence, pastor of
Westminster Presbyterian church;
R. W. Montague and E. O. Sisson,
Reed college professor.
Mr. Montague, in presenting legal
aspects of the measure, attacked its
constitutionality and held the father
and mother of the child have the
right to choose the school where it
shall be educated.
State Cannot Dictate.
He said the state has no right to
dictate what institution shall edu-
cate the child, since that is alone
the province of the parents. Ore-
gon is the only state, the speaker
maintained, where such a stringent
law Is regarded seriously. Michi
gan voters defeated a similar law
by a vote of two to one, and in Okla
homa a sufficient number of sig
natures was not obtained to place
such a bill on the ballot.
"All this agitation has split us up
and will make it more difficult
than ever for our people to do their
duty by the public schools," said
Mr. Sisson.
- Measure Branded Rotten.
"This is not only a drastic bill,
but a rotten one, too, from the legis
lative point of view. The people
who wrote it would have the heck
of a time enforcing it. First, there
should be a bill of particulars set
ting forth the necessity for such a
measure, but there is none.
"The public school owes a debt of
gratitude to the private school,
which Is an educational laboratory.
The Chicago elementary school,, a
private institution, that ran in that
city a few years, did more to ad
vance the public school than any
other InfluencA I know of. ' Evprv 1
Dublic school is in debt to it. This
bill would eliminate any possible
educational . experiments in the
Dr. Pence Telia of Row.
Dr. E. H. Pence touched briefly
upon a controversy in his own
church, the Presbyterian, in which
he became involved by reason of the
school bill. He said it was correct,
as was charged, that he signed a
petition asking that a compulsory
school measure be favored. .He
said he was asked by a group of
Presbyterian preachers in Corvallls
last July to sign a petition, which
he did unwittingly. ;
"I don't believe I will sign a peti
tion again without reading the fool
thing," he said.
Dr. Pence said Oregon is probably
the best example of democracy in
the world with 85 per cent of her
population American born. The
war drives, with Oregon first over
the top in practically each one,
showed that this state need not be
dragooned into giving further proof
of its Americanism.
Island Declared Plastered With
Political Literature.
LONDON, Nov. 3. England has
been literally covered with political
posters and literature since the an
nouncement of the general election.
Thousands of tons of paper have
been transformed into campaign
matter during .the last few weeks.
The bill posting ia being carried
out principally in the provinces with
such appeals as; "If you vote labor
party you'll please Trotzky," "Lloyd
George won the war, he'll keep the
peace" and "A vote for labor is a
vote for national ruin."
i 1 to 7 Years Given for Larceny
of City Funds.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Nov. 3. John
F. .Malone, former city commis
sioner, was sentenced today to from
four and a half to seven years at
Auburn state prisori. He was con
victed on Tuesday of larceny of city
"Three employes of the department
of parks and public buildings, of
which Malone was the head, and
four business men who pleaded
guilty of participating In the
frauds, amounting to about J150,
000, also were sentenced.
Officials Through With Chrlstler
Killing, They Say. .
HAVRES Mont., Nov. 3. With the
departure of the small army of spe
cial, writers and press association
representatives and the conclusion
of efforts of relatives of Mrs. Mar
garet Carleton to develop new evl-
dence, Interest in the shooting of
Mrs. Carleton and Rev. Leonard J.
Chrlstler here a week ago seems
to have passed.
Local officials told newspaper
men today that so far as they can
see now the case is closed. Efforts
to trace the ownership, of the gun
with which the shooting was done
have proved fruitless. Except for
determining the fact that the gun
was manufactured about 1910 noth
ing else has ' been learned of its
Publisher and Bruiser Plan Big
Gambling Establishment.
(Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.)
PARIS, Nov. 3. Henry Letelller
and Georges Carpentier are en route
to Moscow to negotiate a gambling
concession in Russia with the So
viets. The couple are due in Riga,
where they expect permits to proceed,-
as ' M. Letellier already has
been corresponding with the bolshe
vik! concerning a concession which
provides for use of the late czar's
palaces as gambling halls. Only
gold rubles and English and French
money will be accepted in the gam
bling, paper rubles be'ng barred.
M. Letellier, publisher of the
Journal and erstwhile admirer of
Peggy Joyce, owns a string of race
horses. He is a shareholder of the
Cannes, . Deauvllle and Biarritz
gambling casinos. Last year he
visited Prague and almost completed
a gambling .concession in Czecho
slovakia Marienbad and Karlsbad
but popular outcry caused the gov
ernment to cancel it.
"Regardless of the worthless cur
rency, gold, precious stones and
metals are still plentiful In Russia
and M. Letellier and the Soviets
can split $20,000,000 annually on the
deal," said a friend of the publisher
The prestige of Oregonian Want
Ads has been attained not merely by
The Oregonian e large circulation, bur
ty the fact that all its readers are
interested in Oregonian Want Ads,
i " ' " " ' ' ' 1
S j
I " Tfia Man Wlin Tnmnwnw,? I
m - M iiiu 111011 w w Mill ogjwy ja. usmji i u vw m
if Here's a gorgeously "differ- J(K K l
1 : , ent" picture! A story so 7 C - ' '
M original that its authors . N ; " S , ' CTARTQ Y
! would not even reveal an Jti' - x " '" "31 AKliJ M
... outline of it until the picture fffjX " TODAY i
1? was released for fear the .YP ' A ETkD h
p plot would be stolen. Aro-; VsS " k KJl :i
;,:;-. mance that whirls you to the ' 7 f ONE U
1 ; South' -Seas, to the dizzy. ' M , fkZ?li " J XlT?T?ir H
I heights of London society , , ;UL WfcJllS
I and to a land where mortal & l&k lmk ONLY
I has never been before. '
I ' WITH ' .fcSfc: &f5v
P HP HIT f II M Zefy " V I k v
i -And a wonderful supporting cast Mfffl 'VVfe-i &Y
fe " that includes Theodore Roberts, ; f l'li I T ' yUVil f 3rf 5
M Leatrice Joy, June Elvidge, Eva 11 - fiVfcM K't Wpt vHl-
W Novak and John Miltern. I ?V 1 fH & - f i U1 'Ai I
I ilifl MPfift Hivyu , v a-M 5'
1' . 4- r s
I players f j. ; r :. TWO-PART COMEDY j
f ; I . wj'"-: ' : -w kinograms and a new scenic
.Uimil H.IHHJIIHI.IWI.I.IIU11U.LLL . ., ....IIP mn.i IHJIIIIII Ill '111 I I" I I .... ...... , . . . .. . ..II .. . I,.. I i. lOfl
S .-ni - n- iMiiiiiimiiinirii mi. in. iiiiit' ni i i i irn j-.: . ... ..i.L 1 inr-n " - --''-''tinr'ilMwii'A jAi
Wild Demonstration Follows Ac
quittal of Woman Who Killed
Spouse and Stenographer.
(Bv Chlcasro Tribune Leased "Wire.)
the Hps of the 12 men chosen to pass
judgment upon Mrs. Catherine
Rosier, who slew her husband, Oscar
Rosier, and his stenographer, Mil
dred Reckitt, January 21, spoken as
In one voice came the words late
today on the 15th day of her trial:
"Not guilty."
Hardly had the last echo expired
on the stillness of the courtroom
when a cheer from the greatest
crowd ever assembled in a court
room In this city beat against the
walls and resounded through the
corridors of the city hall.
The 22-year-old defendant, lifted
up by three husky court officers to
receive the verdict, fell back into
their arms, an inanimate burden.
The enthusiasm of the spectators
could not be quelled. It died down
only to rise again In renewed cheers.
Women stood on their chairs and
threw kisses to the Jury.
Married Life for Mother and Her
-Daughter Begins With Bang. .
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 3. Mar
ried life for two couples began with
a bang here this afternoon, when
explosion of a pound of flashlight
powder blew up the studio to wnicn
they had gone for wedding pictures,
painfully injuring one bride, one
j bridegroom and the photographer,
besides calling out the fire depart- j
Mother and daughter had planned
to be married together, but the plan
had gone wrong. The daughter,
Miss Edna Gordner, and her fiance.
Warren Wood of Buena, Wash., were
married in the morning; and the
mother, Mrs. Dolly Mae Cordner, and
her intended, Marion Earl Davis of
Spirit Lake, Idaho, this afternoon.
The visit to the studio of J. F. Cam
pion followed.
Mr. Campion has been unable to
explain the cause of the Ignition of
the flashlight powder. He was
slightly burned, and Mrs. Wood and
Mr. Davis cut by flying glass. The
injuries were not serious.
National Labor Leader for 25
Years Dies in Obscurity.
TIFFIN, O., Nov. 3. His grave
unmarked by a single flower,
Charles R. Martin, 66, for 25 years a
national figure in the labor move
ment, and, with Eugene V. Debs,
founder of the socialist democratic
party, was buried here today. He
died yesterday.
Mr. Martin was national secretary
of the Knights of Labor, and when
that organization broke up he
turned to socialism. For the last
decade he lived here in obscurity.
Jury Convicts Mable Champion
of Manslaughter.
CLEVELAND. O., Nov. 3. Mabel
Champion, charged with the first
degree murder of Thomas A. O'Con
nell, carnival promoter of New
Haven, Conn., in a restaurant here
last July, was found guilty of man
slaughter by a jury composed of
seven women and five men in com
mon pleas court last night.
Judge Bernon immediately Im
posed the maximum sentence of 20
years In the Ohio penitentiary.
Pair Slain by 1 1 Detectives in
Effort to Escape After
Staging Holdup.
WITTENBERG, Mo., -Nov. 3. -(By
the Associated Press.) The bodies
of John F. (Jack) Kennedy, 52 years
old, notorious robber of western
Missouri, and Harvey Logan, a com
panion, who were killed early today
by railroad detectives and postoffice
inspectors after the men had robbed
a passenger train of the St. Louis
San Francisco railway near here,
were in a local undertaking estab
lishment tonight, awaiting dispo
sition. During the day a steady stream of
curious inhabitants of the thickly
wooded hilly section in this vicinity
came to Wittenberg and viewed the
bodies. Kennedy had for many
years defied the law and outwitted
the efforts of the shrewdest detec
tives to capture him.
The bandits held up and robbed
the train of registered mail at
Seventy-Six, a water tank station
near here, and had reached this
town on the engine of the train,
which they uncoupled, when 11 offi
cers lying in wait covered them with
revolvers and ordered them to halt.
The men, planning to reach their
automobile, which was hidden in the
brush, and make their escape, drew
their revolvers and fell dead in a
hail of bullets which the officers
poured at them. The mail was re
covered. Kennedy was known by the sobri
quet of "the Quail Hunter," follow
ing his arrest in Kansas City one
winter morning in 1897. There had
been a sleet storm the night before,
i and at daybreak a patrolman sawi
la horse slip and a rider fall. It
was Kennedy, and train robbers'
paraphernalia was found in his cus
tody. It was presumed that he was
on his way to rob a train, but he de
nied this, asserting. he was starting
on a quail hunting expedition. Ha
was released.
Small Table, Two Chairs and
Moonshine Found in Place.
Henry Kasovlch on October 25
received a license to conduct a soft
drink place at 60 Fourth street.
Last night police morals officers
raided the place. They found no
stock of any sort just a small
round table, two chairs, a milk bot
tle partly filled with moonshine
whisky and a drinking glass. He
was charged with violating the pro
hibition law and with maintaining a
The report of Sergeant Oelsner
for the month of October shows, in
unduplicated figures, fines of $10,
157.50 and a total of 3S6 arrests, as
follow: Liquor, 120; women, 3S;
gambling, 155; narcotics, 10; mis
cellaneous, 54. Confiscations to
taled 3475 gallons of wine, 3060 gal
lons of mash (destroyed), 115 quarts
of beer, 892 pints of moonshine and
11 stills.
$5,000,000 Corporation Organ
ized on $25,000 Basis.
CHICAGO. 111., Nov. 3. A criminal
court jury today found Leslie Har
rington, Peter Zilvltis and Anthony
Lebecki guilty of operating a con
fidence game. The penalty is an
indeterminate prison term of one to
10 years.
Harrington was the organizer of
a 55.000,000 corporation known as
the United States Novacut company.
It was charged that he purchased
the property for $25,0fl0 and that
he and his two associates sold stock
in the company to foreigners, prom
isinpr fabulous profits.