Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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Ex-Chairman of Shipping
Board Praises Advances.
Possibilities for Development of
Water Resources Pointed Out
by Machine Firm Head.
Just as he gave Oregon ship
ibuilders full credit during the stir
ring days of the war for united ef
forts to block the way of the enemy
with tonnage, Edward N. Hurley,
ex-chairman of the shipping board,
yesterday, praised the growth of
the port in a commercial way though
lie had been in the city only a day
ia connection with a trip through
"the western territory.
These days Mr. Hurley is moru in
terested in matters electrical as
cnairman of the board of the Hur
ley Machine company of Chicago,
lut he likes to talk ships. He de
clared that if the European conflict
liad held on much longer the wooden
carriers for which the northwest
pained fame would have more than
c.-mpensated for the outlay and
strenuous programme.
Politics and the proposed ship
tmiisiay Mr. Hurley will not . dis
cuss. Eleetrical Power Noted.
"But," he said, "from an electrical
Standpoint the Pacific coast is the
greatest market in the world today,
with its water power, which means
cheap service and energy, making
it possible to use power at low cost
for home labor-saving devices of all
The "big story of the day," in his
opinion, was learning that the larg
est proportional sales made in the
territory during October by the
Pacific Power & Light company's
force was through meter readers,
linemen and others in the construc
tion end of the organization. In
fact, he was so taken by the show
ing that it prompted several long
telegrams to the east last night.
"Never heard of the like," he com
plicated. "Here is a country with
every advantage from a power
standpoint and even the men string
ing wires are so enthusiastic they
sell the company's staple wares."
Trade Increase M atched.
The intercoastal trade increases
impress Mr. Hurley. He said fhat
while certain conditions resulted in
there being somewhat of an o.ver-1-alance
as to the railroad lines, he
felt that there would be an adjust
ment.' AVith the big carriers mak
ing the principal ports on both
coasts and handling such 'mmense
amounts of freight, he declared it
was not easy always to keep in mind
the distance covered and the terri
tory served.
Mr. Hurley ia accompanied by his
brother, Neil Hurley, president of
the company, and two sons. They
leave today for San Francisco.
"I notice that steel ships built on
the coast, in which Portland had a
leading and flattering part, are still
in service and it bears out that they
were good ships, well built and with
faithful attention to the require
ments. Yes, 1 know what the
northwest can do and I feel that
the whole coast will be the field of
extensive manufacturing in the
future, in which electricity will be a
Grays Harbor Exports Promise to
Break All High Records.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 3.
. (Special.) Grays Harbor's rwnrri.
Dreaking pace in exportation of
lumber by the water route was
maintained during October when
71,648,140 feet were taken out on
Bhips. This is the second largest
...uuiu i. uic fear, me June record
of 89,187.927 feet being the only one
Thirty-nine vessels cleared in the
coastwise trade with 40,226,611 feet,
nine went to foreign ports with 16,
696,740 feet, seven cleared for At
lantic coast ports with 13.050 151
feet, and two went to the Hawaiian
islands witfi 1,774,638 feet. The total
for the year thus far is 617,871 481
feet. Prior to 1922 the greatest
yearly figure in the history of the
jport was in 1912 when 486,000 000
j-eei were exported. Shipping of
ficials expect the 1922 total to reach
760,000,000 feet, or nearly twice that
of liie previous record.
tcss AVheat in Parcels Than Here
tofore Being Shipped.
Of wheat exported during the
.1331-22 cereal year from the Oregon
district, SO per cent was floated in
"whole cargoes, the remainder being
In parcel lots, while eo far this
season, from July 1 to October 31,
grain moved in whole cargoes
represents 85 per cent of the
amount floated.
Collector of Customers Piper is
to forward the data covering the
manner in which shipments have
been made to Washington in re
sponse to a request for the infor
mation, which is assumed to be
desired because of the operation of
various regular steamship lines
between western harbors and those
of Europe.
During the present season there
also has been a marked gain in the
proportion of wheat moved In bulk
as against that shipped in sacks,
both in full cargoes and parcel lots.
Large Shipment Made to Atlantic
- Coast and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)
Among the miscellaneous cargo
shipments from the port of Astoria
during the month of October were
57,033 cases of canned salmon to
Atlantic coast points; 6600 cases of
canned salmon, 193 tierces of mild
cured salmon and 38 barrels of shad
to foreign ports; 112,000 bushels of
wheat and 2000 barrels of flour to
Kurope and 336 tons of steel to
The port receipts include 1500
tons of wood pulp from British Co
lumbia; 1539 tons of coal f rom 'Aus
tralia; 29,645 cases of canned salmon
from Jtineau, Alaska; 6568 -sacks of
cement and 451 barrels of asphalt
um from San Francisco.
Shipping Deals Reported.
Recent fixtures in the intercoastal
- trade for single round voyages have
been made at $ 1.50, the steamers
Bocfca and Montauk being taken at
that rate. The British steamer Tus-
Qnolr tlf tho Ttllla filar flaat -nrhlni;
ia dua November 20 to load apples
and other cargo for the United
Kingdom, was' reported fired for
sugar from Cuba for Vancouver, B.
C, at $4.25. for the present voyage,
the sugar being assembled at San
tiago. West Munliam Allocated.
The steamer West Munham,
turned out, by the Columbia River
Shipbuilding corporation - for the
shipping board, having been deliv
ered April 12, 1919, has been allo
cated by the government to Danet,
Ripley & Co. of Galveston for opera
tion in the trade between Houston
and Havre, Antwerp and Ghent. j
Marine Notes.
In channel operations under way on the
lower Columbia river the government is
dredging to about 33 feet below zero,
which ia done to Insure ' ample depth in
connection ..with the official 30-foot
project. In' one or two cuts made fol
lowing the freshet. In which full 30 feet
was provided, the dredges will be sent
to cover those stretches and add two to
three feet to the. clearance.
The British steamer San Lamberto, a
tanker that was dispatched from Amster
dam September 21, for the Pacific side,
has a consignment of creosote for this
The German bark Harald is to land
the last of 1000 tons of ballast at the
C!ark & Wilson mill today and start
lining for wheat early In the week.
The British steamer Benvenue, listed
for Puget sound to load wheat for Eu
rope, is reported coming to Portland for
cargo. She is bound from Yokohama,
where she took a cargo from London.
The American-Hawaiian steamer Amer
ican left Bellingham for Portland yes
terday afternoon, and the Mystic of the
same flag was to have left Bellingham
last r.ighu The Kebraskan came into
the river yesterday and was ordered to
Westport to start her east coast cargo
with lumber. The Sudbury was due last
nigh at Westport and no Portland
freight will be loaded on her. The Pan
aman is to leave Pugt sound tonight.
. The Norwegian steamer Unita, of the
Asiatic America flag, is due November
-5 from New Orleans with general cargo
destined for the orient, and will finish
here with lumber the same as the Nor
wegian steamer Bratsberg, which is
loading here at present.
The Japanese steamer Talbu Maru,
loading for the far east, moved yester-.
day, from Inman-Poulsen's to the Penin
sula mill.
The steamer Florence Luckenbaeh left
yesterday afternoon with cargo for the
gulf district.
The Japanese steamer Yojin Maru,
working grain for Japan in the interest
of Mitsui & Co., shifted yesterday from
the North Bank dock to terminal No. 4.
The motorship Californian moved from
Columbia dock to Kerr, Uifford & Co.'s
Albina dock yesterday, in taking on the
last of her cargo for Europe.
tlie oriental freighter West Kader
steamed from terminal No. 1 to ter
minal No. 4 yesterday to finish loading.
The Japanese steamer Ayaha Maru
was dispatched from Columbia City for
Kobe and Hongkong yesterday with a
full cargo of lumber, part of which she
worked on Grays Harbor.
The n:otorship Sierra which arrived
yesterday from San Pedro was ordered
to W-ivna :o start a return lumber cargo,
and she is to be alongside the dock of
the St. .tchns Lumber company today
to take aboaid more of the material.
The British steamer Tudorstar of the
Blue Star fleet arrived early yesterday
morning from Europe by way of Puget
sound, and berthed at Mersey dock to
load wheat, after which she goes to
terminal No. 4 to take aboard apples
for the United Kingdom. She is tlie
second of the refrigerator ships sent
this season by the t Blue Star interests.
The tank steamer Frank H. Buck of
the Associated Oil company's flag ar
rival f.stcicay from Gaviota and Is
discharging oil at the Linnton station.
The steamer Deerfield reported from
Atlantic coast ports last night, and
after landing general freight at terminal
No. 1 will shift to the Willamette Iron
& St?el works to deliver 40O tons of
steel plate. The material is to be used
in the, consiructlbn of pipeline pontoons
frr government dredges.
Th Isthmian line freighter Steel En
gineer will work tinplate and other in
bound shipments at terminal No. 1 today
and while she will proceed to. Puget
sound to fitish is to return to the river
for a part'al loAd of lumber.
The Willfaro of the Williams inter
coasal service is discharging at Albers
dock and has considerable freight await
ing ncr there for the return to New York.
The steamer Frank D. Stout left yes
terday for San Francisco and carried a
full lumber cargo as well as passengers.
The- steamer Pawlet of the Columbia
Pacific Shipping company's line to ori
ental harbors, moved across the river
last night from the Globe mill to the
North Bank dock.
Th' steamer Ryder Hanify, which is
loading lumber for the California mar
ket, is to come into the harbor today
from Vancouver, Wash., and berths at
the West Oregon Lumber company's
The steamer West Notus of the Swayne
& Hoyt line reported at San Francisco
yesterday trom Buenos Aires and way,
bound here.
Dr. W. J. Holland Honored.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 3. Dr. W. J.
Holland, director of the Carnegie
museum of Pittsburg, today was
elected president of the Carnegie
hero fund commission to succeed
the late Charles It Taylor. Dr.
Holland formerly was chancellor of
the University of Pittsburg.
Port Calendar.
To Arrive in Portland.
Vessel From. Date.
Rose City .....San Fran. ...Nov. 4
Adm. Goodrich San Fran. ...Nov.
West O'Rowa. ...... San Fran. .. .Nov.
American ...New York. ..Nov.
Wm. A. McKenny. . . .New York... .Nov:
Admiral Evans. .... .San Diego. . ..Nov.
Munalres New York.... Nov.
Panaman New York ...Nov.
Mystic Gulf Nov.
A. F. Luckenbaeh ...New York ...Nov.
Santa Paula New York ...Nov.
Nevadan Hamburg ....Nov.
Sinaloa C.America ..Nov.
Delrosa S. America. . .Nov. 12
Adm. Farragut San Diego. . .Nov. 13
To Depart From Portland.
Vessel For Date.
Californian Jilurope Nov. 4
West Kader.. Orient Nov. 4
Willfaro New York.... Nov. 4
Nebraska Europe Nov. 4
Multnomah San Pedro ...Nov. 4
Admiial Goodrich. ...S.F. and way. Nov. 6
Wm. S. McKinney....New York.... Nov. 6
American New York ...Nov. 7
Rose City San Fran.... Nov. 1
Admiral Evans San Diego.. . .Nov. 8
Mystic 3ulf Nov. 9
Panaman New York ...Nov. u
Tudorstar Europe Nov. 8
Steel Engineer. ..... .Europe .... ..Nov. 13
Adm. Farragut San Diego.. . .Nov. IS
Vessels In Port.
Vessel Berth.
Baron Cawdor Irving dock.
Karon Offilvv North Rant H
Bermuda .Montgomery dock.
Bratsoerg -Eastern & Western
Californian .......... .Albina dock.
Challambra lnman-Pouisen'a.
Chillicotne Albina Marine.
Daisy Freeman Couch street.
Daisy Mattnewa St. Helens.
Deerfield Terminal No. 2
Devon City Terminal No. 4.
Ecola Astoria
Frank H. Buck Linnton.
Haraid dark & Wilson.
K. V. Kruse West Oregon milt.
La Merced . . Port. Veg. Oil mill.
Multnomah St. Helens.
Nebraska Terminal No. 4.
Nebraskan Westport.
Oregon Pine Peninsula mill.
Oregon Fir. ...... ...Westport.
Pawlel.. . . . . North Bank dock.
Ryder Hanify West Oregon.
Sierra St Johns Lbr. Co.
Sir Thos. J. Lipton. . .St. Helena
Steel Engineer Terminal No. 1.
Talbu Maru Peninsula mill.
Tudorstar Mersey dock.
Wawalona St. Johns.
West Cayote Drydock.
West liader Terminal No. 4.
Willfaro Albers dock.
Yojin Maru Terminal No. 4.,
Trans-Pacific Mail.
Closing time for the trans-Paclflc
raai'j at the Portland main postoffice la
as f'j'ioW3 ions hour earlier at Station G
282 Oak street):
For Japan, China and Philippine.
11:30 P. M., November 10, per steamer
President Jackson, from Seattle.
Fcr Australia, 7:45 P. M., November 8
per 'learner Tahiti, from San Francisco'
For Hawaii, 7:45 P .M., November a
per steamer Manoa, from San Francisco'
1 For China, Japan and Philippines 7-:
I P. M , November 14, per steamer Presi
j dent Tan, from San Francisco.
Japanese, Canadian Lines
Keep Out of Agreement.
Posting of Bond to Keep Faith
Is Postponed Until January
Session of Conference.
Pacific -westbound conference con
cluded a five-day meeting this aft
ernoon, when representatives of ten
of 14 trans-Pacific lines in attend
ance signed an agreement t main
tain standard rates, agreed upon at
a preliminary session in Portland,
until May 1, 1523.
Three Japanese carriers and the
Canadian government merchant ma
rine declined to be signatories to
the contract. The Japanese com
panies are Sukuzi & Co., Mitsui and
Co. and the Tamashita Kisen Kaisha.
One of the principal issues, in ref
erence to good faith on the part of
the signatories to the new rate
schedule, was the posting of a
$25,0(M) bond by each of the com
panies. This matter was postponed until
January 8, 1923, when the confer
ence will reopen in Vancouver, B. C
Some of the conferees suggested
Seattle as the next meeting place,
but the British Columbia port finally
was chosen.
The following: overland rates cov
ering weight or measurement tons
for Pacific coast ports were adopted:
Cii,'rettf!S, $6 a ton; cotton, 25 cents
the ICO pounds; sulphate of ammonia, $6;
general merchandise, $9; milk, $7.50;
photi material, $9; plate plass, $11.25 ;
dyestuffs, ?9; lime, $9; rubber goods, ?9;
cottoL piece .goods, $9.
The new schedule represents no
material rise in rates affecting Pa
cific coast originating shipments.
The California tariff on arbitra
tions, issued December 3, last, was
adopted in its entirety and affects
all Pacific coast ports.
All of the delegates left tonight.
Before their departure they ex
pressed a unanimous opinion that
minor difficulties would be adjusted
at the Vancouver meeting.
Well-Known Mariner to Com
mand Liner President Hayes.
With the combination passenger
and freight steamer President Hayes
being placed in commission to
inaugurate the new service of
Swayne & Hoyt from Washington,
Oregon and California to the east
coast of South America, it is under
stood Captain Ahman, who has
been in the Swayne & Hoyt fleet
some time, will be given command.
Captain Ahman was master of the
turbine steamer Great Northern,
now the H. F. Alexander, on the
Flavel-San Francisco run and when
the vessel, together with the
Northern Pacific, was drawn into
war service he was commissioned
in the navy.
Captain K. A. Ahlin, also well
known to the Portland marine
fraternity, is to be master of the
Susquehanna, at present in the east,
and he will be sent to bring her to
this side. It is reported the Presi
dent Harrison, which was assigned
to the Los Angeles-Honolulu run to
replace the burned steamer City of
Honolulu, perhaps will make a few
voyages after ending her first
round trip. It has been planned to
have the President Hayes, now at
Oakland, start her first voyage
from Portland early next month;
Japanese Steamer Expected Here
Wednesday on New Service,
Lumber will compose the major
part of the initial cargo the Tama
shita company will dispatch for
ports on the west coast of South
America aboard the Japanese
steamer Toshida Maru No. 3t which
will be due at Nanaimo Monday
to bunker and is looked for here
Wednesday. J. J. Gorman of Se
attle, in charge of the affairs of the
company in the north, who is in the
city, says much encouragement has
been given for starting the new
service, which will be on a montnly
schedule and serve all ports on this
coast and extend as far as Val-!
In the oriental fleet,' which has
included two sailings a month, the
Japanese steamer Kohnan Maru is
the next to come for cargo and is
to arrive November 17. Bookings for
that vessel will include much lum
ber as well as some other co-m-riiodities
in lesser lots.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)
The steamer F. J. Luckenbaeh arrived
from Portland this morning and is load
ing 300,000 feet of lumber, 500,000 lath
and 4000 cases of salmon at the Astoria
terminals for Boston.
The steam schooner Daisy Freeman
arrived at 4 o clock this morning from
San Francisco and is loading 350,000
feet or lumber at warrenton. She will
shift to Rainier to finish.
The Mason line steamer Makena, carry
ing 816,300 feet of lumber from St.
Helens, as well as 60,413 feet of lumber
and 100.000 lath from Astoria, sailed at
4 o clock this afternoon for Honolulu.
The motor schooner Sierra arrived at
3 o'c ock this morning from California
and will load lumber at Wauna, St.
Johns and Westport for San Pedro.
Bringing a cargo of fuel oil for Port
land the tank steamer Frank H. Buck
arrived at 7 o'clock last night from Cali
The steamer Willfaro arrived at 7
o'clock last night from New York via
ban Francisco and went to Portland.
The steamer Deerfield from Phila
delphia, via San Francisco, arrived at
11 :6U last night, enroute to Portland
The steamer Nebraska arrived at 7:30
last night from Puget sound, and after
loading 6000 cases of canned salmon
here for Boston, went to Portland.
Carrying wheat from Portland and
Astoria, the Japanese steamer Etna
Maru sailed at 9 o'clock last night for
we unitea iunsraom.
The steam schooner Hornet laden with
650,000 feet of lumber from KnanDton.
sailed at 1:45 this afternoon for San
The steamer Steel Engineer arrived at
10:40 today from San Francisco and
proceeded to Portland.
The steam schooner Johan Poulsen
sailed at 4:45 this afternoon for San
Francisco with 100,000 feet of lumber
from Warrenton and 600,000 feet from
The steam schooner Viking, carrying
1,200,000 feet of lumber from St. Helens,
sailed at 3 o'clock, this afternoon for
The steamer Sudbury is due from
Puget sound and goes to Westport to
load lumber.
GRATS HARBOR, Wash., Nov. 3.
Special. ) The steamer Hartwood ar
rived from San Francisco at 8 P. M.
yesterday to load lumber at the Eureka
mill, Hoquiam. J
The steamer Tamalpafs arrived from
San Francisco at 5 P. M. yesterday to
take lumber at the Eureka milL
The steamer Skipsea arrived from
Moji, Japan, at 10:30 today to load for
Australia at the port terminals.
The steamer Ernest H. Myers ar
rived from Astoria at 8:30 A. M. to
load at the Grays Harbor mill, Hoquiam.
The steamer Daisy Gadsby arrived
from San Francisco at 9 A. M. to take
lumber at the Grays Harbor milL
The steamer Fort Bragg arrived from
San Pedro at 9:30 A. M. to take lumber
cargo at the Hoquiam Lumber & Shingle
company's plant.
There were no departures.
The William liner Willsolo shifted yes
terday from the Wilson mill to the
Grays Harbor commercial company's
plant In Cosmopolis.
Steamer Caoba b tar ted loading lura-!
ber at the American mill, after dis-1
charging a cargo of general freight at
tke Foster dock, Hoquiam, and Benbam
dock, Aberdeen.
Steamer Milan Maru moved from the
port terminal to the Bishop Dolphins
to take on a consignment of Japanese
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 3. To load
2000 tons of army supplies now in the
quartermaster department at Camp
Lewis, the U. S. S. transport Pyro ar
rived here this morning and is berthed
at the Balfour dock. The supplies load
ed here will be taken to San Francisco,
the Hawaiian Islands and Philippines, it
is said. The Pyro will be here several
days taking her freight.
After loading floup and general cargo
here the President Jackson of the Admiral-Oriental
line, sailed this after
noon for Manila, via Seattle and Vic
toria. The Dorothy Alexander of the Ad
miral line coast service arrived at the
commercial dock last night from San
Francisco and will sail tomorrow morn
ing. Doors will make up the cargo of the
Panaman of the American-Hawaiian
line, which arrived at the Baker dock
this morning from New York and sailed
in the evening, via Bellingham.
After loading at the terminal dock the
Robin Adair shifted to the smelter to
night to load copper. The vessel was
expected to sail for Atlantic coast ports
eaj-ly this morning.
The Griffco from Stewart, B. C, ar
rived at the smelter today.
VICTORIA, B. C, Nov. 3. The steam
ship Cacique, of the Pacific Mail com
pany, arrived here today to load 1,000,000
feet of lumber for the Atlantic coast.
She is to complete cargo at Nanoose,
B. C, and San Francisco, and is to carry
20,000 cases of salmon.
COOS BAY, Or., Nov. 8- (Special.)
The steamer Admiral Goodrich sailed for
Portland at 12:25 today, after discharg
ing freight and passengers here.
The Kaikiyu Maru, it was reported
here, would not arrive until Monday, al
though due today.
VANCOUVER, B. C-. Nov. 3. Grain
bookings here for November, including
the hangover from October, now total
101,000 tons, orient and continent. Last
year the United Kingdom total for the
season was 110,000 tons. Practically all
of this season's movement, thus far, has
been to the United Kingdom. Totals
for this season are now up to 209.523
tons, according ft the Vancouver Mer
chants' Exchange.
SAN PEDRO, Cal., Nov. 3. The Nor
wegian tanker La .Habra left here today
for Port San Luis after undergoing a
general repairing .at the plant of the Los
Ange!es ShiDbuildine & Drydock corpo-
rntion The vessel, chartered to the Union
un company, struck a submerged object
off the Gallipagos islands recently and
broke three propeller blades. At Port
San Luis the La Habra will load 70,000
barrels of oil for delivery in Antofagasta,
The motorship Boobyalla began un
load, r.g 3 020 tons of print paper and
3 00,000 feet of lumber upon her arrival
today from northern porta.
SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 3. In the ex
pectation of unusually heavy travel to
California this winter from Canadian
agricultural areas, C. L. Courtney, travel
ing passenger agent for the Admiral
line at Vancouver, B. C, conferred here
today with H. F. Alexander, president
of tho Pacific Steamship company, and
E. G. McMicken, passenger traffic man
ager. Mr. Courtney, just returned from
a trip to Winnipeg, reported that Cana
dian farmers have had a prosperous
season, and that after November 15,
when the crops will be mostly out of the
way. they are going south in large num
bers. With a heavy cargo from British ports,
the .Astronomer of the Harrison Direct
line is announced to .arrive here Mon
day. One thousand tons of lumber,
shingles and canned goods are booked
for her return. She is to be followed by
the Logician, December 10, the Chancel
lor, December 17; the Statesman, Janu
ary 1, and the Electrician, January 10.
It was said that bookings are so heavy
for Europe that two vessels each In De
cember and January were demanded on
Puge sound. ,
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3: There has
been transported through the Panama
canal during the month of October 50
per cent of the total, amount of canned
goods out of Pacific coast ports during
the entire year of 1921, according to
H. C Cantelow, general manager on the
coast for the Luckenbaeh Steamship
compay. Mr. Cantelow arrived here to
day, after spending more than a week
in the northwest investigating shipping
All the tonnage passing through the
canai in former years will be outstripped
by thousands of tons for the 12 months
of 1922, Mr. Cantelow said. He pointed
out that the movement of dried fruits
and beans has been proportionate during
the last month to the canned goods
movement. He advanced the opinion that
within two weeks the intercoastal lines
would have the unprecedented' rush of
freight undeT control.
The Luckenbaeh manager reported
that all .north shipping points were
facing the same situation as" San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles in reference to
the acute shortage of railroad cars.
The steamer Lurline of the Mat son
Navigation company, scheduled to sail
from here Thursday, will be forced to
remain in port for a week to undergo
PORTLAND, Nov. 8. Maximum tem
perature, 50 degrees; minimum tempera
ture, 33 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M.,
2.1 (eet; change in last 24 hours, 0.1-foot
fall. Total rainfall (8. P. M. to 5 P. M.),
none; total rainfall since September 1.
1922, 6.70 inches; rormal rainfall since
September 1, 6.09 inches; excess of rain
fall since September 1, 1D22, 0.61 inch.
Sunrise, 6:65 A. M. ; sunset, 4:65 P. M. ;
total sunshine, 5 hours 29 minutes; pos
sible sunshine, 10 hours. Moonrise, Sat
urday, 6:19 P. M. ; moonset. Saturday,
6:39 A. M. Barometer (reduced sea
level). 5 P. M., 30.22 Inches; relative
humidity, 5 A. M., 99 per cent; noon, 61
per cent, 6 P. M., 61 per cent.
a g B Wind.
" ?E s I a
3g 3g s 3
STATIONS. S B c j o o Weathr
S. 2 S
o j .
Calgary . . .
Chicago .
Denver . . .
4S 0
48 0.
50 10.
36 0.
40 0
t46 ..
48 0,
t36 . ,
00 1
00 !
00 '
Pt. cloudy
C ear
Des Moines.
'Pt. cloudy
Eureka . . .
Galveston .
Helena ...
Kan. City. .
L. Angeles.
ft. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Marshfiell .
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
N. Orleans.
New York .
North Headl
Phoenix . .
Portland .
00 . .
00 i
Pt. cloudy
St Louis . .
Salt Lake..
San Diego.
San Fran..
Seattle ...
Pt. cloudir
00 1
Spokane . .
Tacoma . . .
Tatoosh Is.
Valdest ...
W. Walla..
Wash'ton .
Winnipeg; .
Yakima . . .
02 14
00! . .
00 . .
00 ..
tA. M.
ing day.
today. tP. II. report of preced-
Portland and vicinity Rain; south
easterly winds.
Oregon and Washington Rain
cloudy east portion; strong southeasterly
gales along coast.
Southeast storm warnings were ordered
at 6 P. M. for all Oregon and Washing
ton seaports. A severe storm aproachlng
Vancouver island will cause strong to
whole southeasterly galea tonight and
Quizzing Done Over Salary for
Chief Engineer and Offices
Planned in Foreign Ports.
Officials of the Port of Portland
spent. three hours yesterday before
the tax supervision and conservation
commission explaining details of
their 1923 budget, which calls for
$1,146,316 as compared with the ap
proved budget of J877.483 for the
"current year.
Included In the port's budget was
that of the Joint traffic bureau. For
this the sum of $45,966.25 is asked,
as compared with $30,000 for 1922.
Establishment of offices in South
America and Australia, projected for
the coming year, was said to account
for most of this increase.
The tax commission members did
a bit of quizzing with reference to
salary proposed for the chief engi
neer of the port. It developed that
when the dock commission presented
its budget this embraced an increase
in salary for the chief engineer from
$6000 to $8000. ostensibly to put this
Job on a par with that of the port's
chief engineer and general manager.
When the Dort body's budget came
under scrutiny it was found that it
proposes to raise the salary of its
chief eneineer to $10,000. G. B.
Hegardt is 'chief engineer of the
dock commission and James H. Pol
hemus of the port body.
Frank M. Warren, chairman; Mr.
Polhemus, as general manager and
chief engineer, and J. P. Boyle, as
sistant secretary, were the port of
ficials who appeared before the tax
commission. Harry Hudson, head
of the traffic bureau, was also pres
ent, together with numerous mem
bers of the Chamber of Commerce.
Movements' of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Or.. Nov. 3. Arrived at
6 A. M., Tudorstar (British), from Van
couver, B. C. ; arrived at 1 P. M., F. H.
Buck, from Gaviota; arrived at 4 P. M.,
Willfaro. from New York and way ports;
orrlved at R P. M.. Nebraskan. from New
York and way ports; arrived at 5:15 P. M.
Deerfield, from New lork ana way puna,
sailed at 11:30 A. M., Annette Rolph,
for San Francisco and San Pedro; ar
rived at 11:55 P. M., Steel Engineer,
from Baltimore and way ports; sailed at
4 P. M., Florence Luckenbaeh, for New
Orleans and Mobile via Puget sound.
. . . -v. 4 T i.n at S
last night, F H. Buck; left up at 10
last night, Willfaro; left up at 11 last
night, Nebraskan; arrived at 7 last night
j it in-fK A "f Tloorf i.lH
illlU J(Ti.L utJ j. -uu ..i., - .
from New York and way ports; arrived
at 1 ana lert up at - a.
(motorship). from San Pedro, for Wauna;
arrived at 5 A. .M-, Daisy Freeman, from
left up at noon. Steel Engineer, from
Baltimore ana way porxs; saueu o
P. M., Viking, for San Pedro.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S. Arrived at
9 A. JL. Robin Goodfellow, from Port
land, for New York and way ports; ar
rived at 9 A. M.. West Notus, from
Buenos Ayres, for Portland; arrived at
3 P. M., Howick Hall, from New York,
for Puget sound and Portland.
rno n i v Mnv 'A Railed nr noon.
Admiral nnrirth from San FraUCiSCO
and Eureka, for Portland.
ST. HELEN, Nov. 3. Passed at 10:40
A. M.. Willfaro: passed at 1:45 P. M..
Nebraskan; passed at 2 A. M., Deerfield;
passed at 3:20 P. M., F. H. Buck.
CRISTOBAL, Nov. 1. Sailed, -Santa
Eulalia, from Pacific coast ports, for
BOSTON, Nov. 1. Sailed. Wabash, for
PHILADELPHIA, Nor. 2. Sailed, Kcn
necott (motorship), for Portland.
BOSTON, Nov. 2. Sailed, Texan, for
BELLINGHAM, Nov. 3. Sailed at 4
P. M., American, for Portland; sailed
at 11:65 P. M., Mystic, for Portland.
GRAYS HARBOR, Wash., Nov. 3.
irriven Hartwnnri Ta.malnais. Ernest
H. Myers and Daisy Gadsby, from San
Francisco; Skipsea, from Moji; Fort
Bragg, from San Pedro.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Nov. 3. Arrived
Motorship Vaquero, from San Pedro, 4:30
A. M. ; Ruth Alexander, from Seattle, San
Francisco and San Pedro, 8:15 A. M.
Departed Yellowstone, for Coos Bay,
2:45 P. M. ; Ruth Alexander, for Ensen
ada, 11 A. M. ; motorship Vaquero, for
San Pedro,. 5 P. ii.
TACOMA, Wash.. Nov. 3. Arrived
Panaman. from New York, 9:30 A. M. ;
Pyro, from San Francisco, 11:30 A.
Griffco, from Stewart, B .&, 12:35 P.M.;
Robin , Adair, from New York, during
night; Atlas, from San Francisco, 10
A. M.
Departed President Jackson. for
Manila, via Seattle. 3 P. M. ; Panaman,
for New York via Bellingham, 8,P. M.
RAYMOND, Wash., Nov. 3. (Special.)
Departed Helen, for San Francisco,
9 A. M.
Arrived Shasta, from San Pedro, 10
A. M.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 3. Arrived
J. A. Moffett, from Richmond, 9 P. M. ;
Pennsylvanian, from San Francisco, 3:39
P. M. ; Katrina Luckenbaeh, from Port
land, 10 A. M. ; Munalres, from San Fran
cisco, 1 A. M.
Departed Panaman, for Tacoma, 5:10
A. M. ; Admiral Schley, for San Fran
cisco. 10, A. M.; Cacique, for Victoria,
B. C, 1 A. M.
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Nov. 3.
Arrived Nankai, from sea, 4 P. M.
Passed in Mukitteo, for Mukilteo, 3:40
P. M.; Charles F. Crocker, for Port
Blakeley, 11 A. M;
EVERETT, Wash., Nov. 3. Arrived
Ceiilo, from Tacoma, 6:30 A. M. ; Fred
Baxter, from San Pedro, 7 A. M.
Departed F. S. Loop, for San Pedro,
2 A. M. ; Santa Rita, for Seattle, 5 A. M.
BELLINGHAM. Wash., Nov. 3. Ar
rived Fulton, from Seattle, 5:30 A. M.;
Mystic, from Tacoma, 10 A. M.
Departed Sudbury, for Portland. 11:30
P. M., November 2.
SAN FRANCISCO- Nov. 8. Arrived:
Nome City, from Port Angeles; Lyons
Maru (Jap), from Manila; Robin Good
fellow, from Astoria; West Notus, from
Buenos Aires.
Departed: Lehigh, for Portland, Me.;
Hoquiam, for Portland, Or.; Frank G.
Drum for Honolulu.
NAPLES, Oct 27. departed: Provi
dence, for New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Departed: Sta
vangerfjord, for Bergen; Albert Jeffers,
for San Francisco.
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 26. Departed:
Carlsholm, for Portland, Or.
HONGKONG, Nov. 2. Departed: Em
press of Asia, for Seattle; Shinyo Maru,
for San Francisco.
KOBE, Oct. 81. Departed: Arizona
Maru, for Tacoma.
CEBIT, Oct. 31. Departed: Protesllaus,
for .Tacoma. f
YOKOHAMA, Nov. 1. Departed: Nan
king, for San Francisco.
GALVESTON, Nov. 3. Departed: Mun
rio, for Portland, Or.
SINGAPORE, Nov. 1. Departed: West
Prospect, for San Francisco.
CHERBOURG. Nov. 1. Departed: Or
duna, for New York.
NEW YORK. Nov. 3. Departed: Sam
land, for Danzig.
KOBE. Oct, 31. Departed: Lisbon
Maru, for San Francisco.
HONGKONG, Nov. 2. Departed: Kaga
Maru, for Seattle; Petricola, for Saa
SAN PEDRO, Cat, Nov. 3. Arrived
Pacific, from Puget sound, noon. Novem
ber 2; Claremont, from Wlllapa, 8 P. M.,
November 2; Everett, from Redondo, 6:30
A. M-: Florence Olson, from Grays Har
bor, 6:30 A. M.; Boobyalla, from San
Francisco, 8 A. M-; Eagle, from San
Francisco, 8:10 A. M. ; H. F. Alexander,
from San Francisco, 10:15 A. M. ; Har
vard, trom San Diego, 10:30 A. M. ; Lom-
Charlie Watson, from San Diego, 10:30
A. M.; City of Reno, from San Fran
cisco, 6 P. M.
Sailed Ruth Alexander, for San Fran
cisco, 1:30 A. M. ; Coalinga, for San Fran
cisco, 6:45 A, M. ; W. S. Rheem, for San
Francisco, 3 P. M.; San Diego, for Ta
coma, 6 A. M. ; La Habra (Norwegian),
for Port San Luis, 6 A. M. ; Virginia
Olson, for Aberdeen, 7 P. M. ; Sabine Sun,
for Philadelphia, 8 P. M. ; Harvard, for
San Francisco, 4 P. M.; H. F. Alexander,
for San Francisco, 5 P. M.; Trinidad, for
Grays Harbor, 10 P. M.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 1. Departed: Mls
sourian, for San Francisco.
HAMBURG, Nov. 2. Departed: Ordu
na, for New York. . -
CHRISTIANIA, Nov. S. Departed:
Frederick VIII, for New York.
NORFOLK, Nov. 3. Departed: Great
City, for Portland.
GLASGOW, Nov. 2. Departed:, Mexi
can, for San 'Francisco.
EUREKA, Cal., NovT 3. Arrived, Casco,
from San Francisco. Sailed, Sequoia, on
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
High. Low.
0:41 A. M...7.6 feet5:41 A. M....2.5 feet
12:26 P. M...9.1 feet7:21 P. M....0.1 foot
Beport From Month of Columbisv
NORTH HEAD. Nov. 3. Condition of
the sea at P. M., smooth; wind, south,
26 miles.
Entente Envoys Invite Statement
on Debt Problems.
BERLIN, Nov. 3. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The official discus
sions between the ailied reparations
commission and Dr. Hermes, German
minister of finance, have reaoned
the stage where 1L Barthou and his
colleagues believe they are war
ranted in asking the German gov
ernment to state its views on the
establishment of budget equilibrium
and limitation of the floating debt.
constituting two of the problems
with which the entente representa
tives primarily propose to occupy
themselves in the course of the pres
ent conference.
M. Barthou, who is president of
the commission, communicated thisu
xji. uci mca di nio uiuse
cf today's discussion, and the min
ister Friday will present a carefully
prepared memorial dealing with
all phases of German currency and
financial and economic conditions
in their relation to reparations.
This presentation of specific data
will recommend methods which the
government deems of immediate
necessity to accomplish the correc
tion of German currency and the
balancing of the budgets, and will
name as a cardinal condition an in
ternational loan to be floated at the
earliest possible period to accelerate
any movement calculated to halt the
further disintegration of the mark.
Allowing that some time will
elapse before such a loan would be
available for practical purposes, the
Gf rman government will indicate its
willingness to undertake 'temporary
measures looking to stabilizatioi. of
the mark. In requesting Dr. Hermes
to submit tangible plans for achiev
ing- the financial reforms de
rr.anded, the reparations commission
will enter into direct negotiations,
the early course of which it is be
lieved will determine the measure of
success to be expected from the pres
eni conrerences.
Although there was no bourse to
Aw j, .... .
utniita anu DroKers were
swamped with buying orders. The
mark touched 5200 to the dollar in
post-Dourse trading.
Woman in Hawaii Tries to Dance
Way to Legislature.
(Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.
Copyright, 1822. by the Chicago Tribune.)
HONOLULU, Nov. 3. Hawai's only
woman candidate for the territorial
legislature is literally attempting
to dance her way into the lower
"When called upon by the chair
man of a democratic rally here last
night, Mrs. Woolsey signalled
Hawaiian orchestra and, clad in a
native costume with a long string
of glittering colored beads, she
swayed and wriggled in the intrica
cies of the hula.
While the audience was still
wildly cheering at her terpsichorean
efforts, Mrs. Woolsey launched into
a spirited campaign talk. ,
Aberdeen Election Is Today.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) Aberdeen voters will go to
the polls tomorrow to nominate
candidates for mayor, city clerk,
city treasurer, police judge and a
councilman from each of the six
wards. With good weather condi
tions the vote is expected to be
larger than in any previous, city
primary. Mayor Bailey, running for
re-election, is opposed by James
Empey and James A. Hood. Nelle
Thrift, Floyd Vammen and E. E.
Taggart are unopposed for city
clerk, treasurer and police judge,
Clackamas Jerseys Coming.
OREGON CITY, Or., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) Six head of high-class Jer
seys from the Lazelle .farm at Twi
light, about two miles from Oregon
City, were shipped to the Pacific
International Livestock show in
Portland today. Two more head will
be shipped to that city on Saturday
morning to be ready for the show
when the gates swing open. The
herd of Jerseys is owned by F. J.
Meindl of Portland.
To Waterfront Employes and the Public
In our previous announcements we have shown what the objects of the Waterfront Employers'
Union of Portland are and have given a complete history of the present strike. It has been our
purpose to set forth in these articles clear statements of facts that can every one be substanti
ated and proven true. , ...
Those of you who have read the first four of these articles will understand our policy printed
in full below:
The Waterfront Employers' Union of Portland does not recognize the M. T. W. I. U. No. 510 of
the I. W. W., nor will they negotiate with that organization in any way whatsoever or knowingly
employ any members thereof for work on this waterfront.
. There will be no strike settlement made with the Longshoremen's Union Local No. 38-6, 1. L. A,.
That organization has violated without cause or reason the agreement made with the employers on
June 22 and for the second time within eight months has brought about strikes on this waterfront
to the detriment of the shipping industry of this city and to the distress of the community as a whole.
No radical or other rouble maker, union or non-union, will be given employment on this
The basis of employment is efficiency and good citizenship. Any man, except those specified
above, who can qualify under the rules and regulations of the hall is eligible for work as an individual.
To those men now working out of the Neutral Hall who have proven themselves efficient work
men and loyal citizens jpd to those loyal citizens who show promise of becoming efficient work
men within a reasonable time, we pledge ourselves to continue them at. work and not replace them
without having afforded them a fair chance to make good.
The rules and regulations governing employment at the Neutral Hall will remain in effect
until such time as changing conditions warrant amendments being made.
.The wage scale of May 1, 1922, remains effective. The wages are for longshore labor 80c per
hour straight time and $1.20 per "hour overtime; for trucking 70c per hour straight time and ?l-05
per hour overtime, with the usual extra 10c per hour for certain duties added to these rates.
As shown in our first article, the employers are organized not only for their own protection
and efficiency and to protect and develop the shipping of this port, but also to seek correct solu
tions of the problems affecting the common welfare of both employer and employe. Further, to
assist employes in the solving of their problems and to develop closer relationship between em
ployers and employes.
These are the real objects of the Waterfront Employers' Union of Portland. These are the
objects to be attained. They can and will be attained provided both employer and employe do their
part in working out the various problems now confronting them and which arise from time to time.
. The Waterfront Employers' Union of Portland pledges itself to give every worthy man a fair
chance and asquare deal on the Portland waterfront.
President Urged to Use Author
ity Under Act to Retaliate
Against Other Countries.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 3. Appli
cations to the tariff commission for
action under the flexible tariff provi
sions of the new Fordney-McCumber law
now total nearly 100. More tnan nan
of these have been received since the
publication of regulations governing
procedure before the commission lasl
Most of the unnlicattons are for
changes in duty, under Section 315 of
the new law, which authorizes the presi
dent to increase or decrease duties by
not more than 50 per cent. There are
a few applications for the imposition of
the retaliatory duties under becuon jio
relating to unfair methods of competi
tion in the importation of foreign goods
and under Section 317 relating to dis
crimination of other countries against
commerce of the United States.
It was stated today at the tariff com
mission that a preliminary investigation
of some of the more lmnortant appli
cations may be completed within about
a week. No hearing on any of the
applications are in prospect before De
cember and possibly not before Janu
ary. .Several months will elapse before
the commission is prepared to make any
recommendations to the president for
changes in duties.
Death of Canadian Soldier at
Marshfield Being Probed.
MARSHFIELD. Or., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) Investigation of the death of
Charles Beattie, who died here,
supposedly from being drugged, is
being made by the police. A mys
terious woman figures in the case,
having come here to be married to
Beattie, as a result of correspond
ence. The woman's name has not
been disclosed by the police. She
is quoted as saying she annulled
the marriage pact because she found
Beattie drinking when she arrived
in this city.
Beattie. was an officer in the
Canadian army in the world war,
according to report. Seven hundred
dollars, which he said he brought
with him here, had disappeared
when Beattie was found in col
Marriage Licenses.
LOONEV-.MII.LKK Orville S. Looney.
32, 409 East Burnside street, and Aline
Miller. 10, 24 East Thirteonth street.
orest. legal, 1140 Sandy boulevard, and
Blanche Ackiey Roark, legal, 430 fcj
Alder street.
2:t. lo47 Fjske street, and Mamie Howard,
1!). 1547 Flske street.
McKEEN-MURRAY .Tames Albert Mc
Keen, 26, 1136 Senate street, and Glad
ness M. Murray, 20, 3126 Sixty-second
street Southeast.
HASKILL-BOLM Irl H. Haskill, 2fi.
Elgii:, Or., and Margaret Bolm, 19,
KCHAI-VETSCH Anton Schal. legal.
425 S'jmner street, and Anna Vetsch, le
gal. 36? Twenty-fourth street North.
er. 34, Aibajiy, Or., and Bessie Porter,
34, Portland.
Vancouver Marriage Licenses.
BRYAN-WALKER George A. Bryan,
legal, of Portland, and Helena A. Walk
er, legal, of Portland.
MILLER-RE VIS John B. Miller. 45,
of San Diego, Cal., and Ina F. Revis,
27, of Portland.
BAILEY-TRENTO Dwight M. Bailey,
22. of Eugene. Or., and Mrs, Bessie
Trenta, 32. of Oak Ridge, Or.
BAILEY-WOOD Clarence Bailey. 36,
of Portland and Mrs. Myrl Wood. 26, of
FROST-LA GRANT John D. Frost. 22,
of Portland and lone La Grant. 18, of
ACKER-WICKS Edward J. Acker. 47,
of Vancouver Barracks, and Mrs. Annis
M. Wicks, 41, of Vancouver.
! Market Bureau Steps Taken.'
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)
The first active steps toward the
establishment of a co-operative
marketing bureau here for handling
the surplus vegetable crop of the
county were taken today, when a
committee from the chamber of
commerce met with the citizens of
the Brownsmead district. Commit
tees from the various sections of
the county will meet next Wednes
day to formulate the final plans
for the inauguration of the pro
posed bureau of exchange.
Movie Cameramen at Astoria.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)
A party of Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy Railway company motion
picture men, headed by Rube Foster,
general agent in Portland, arrived
today and is taking films about the
harbor and city and will make
pictures of the scenic points along
the lower Columbia river highway.
Ship Reports by Radio.
By the Radio Corporation of America.
(The Radio Corporation of America, in
co-operation with the United States public
health service aad the Seamen's Church
institute, will receive requests for medical
or surgical advice through its KPH San
Francisco station without cost.)
AH positions reported at 8 P. M. yes
terday unless otherwise indicated.
S. Y. CASIANA, Honolulu for San Pe
dro, 307 miles from San Pedro.
LIEBRE, San Pedro for Tokuyama,
1218 miles from San Pedro.
CAPTAIN A. F. LUCAS. Latouche for
Richmond, 96 miles from Richmond.
San Pedro, 115 miles northwest of San
San Francisco, 170 miles south of San
W. S. RHEEM, San Pedro for Rich
mond, 328 miles from Richmond.
YANKEE ARROW, San Francisco for
Beaumont, Tex., 1121 miles south of San
SUNBEAM, Philadelphia for San Pe
dro, 41 miles northwest of Balboa.
LEVANT ARROW, San Francisco for
Panama, 2066 miles south of San Fran
cisco .noon.
F. H. HILLMAN, San Francisco for
Philadelphia, 2113 miles south of San
ADMIRAL DEWEY, San Francisco for
Victoria. 245 miles from San Francisco.
COLUSA, San Francisco for Van
couver, 175 miles north of San Francisco.
ADMIRAL EVANS. San Francisco for
Portland, 26 miles north of San Fran
cisco. JOHANNA SMITH, San Francisco for
Coos Bay, 142 miles north of San Fran
cisco. H. M. STOREY, Richmond for San
Pedro, 130 miles from Richmond.
EL SEGUNDO, El Segunflo for Astoria,
562 miles from El Segundo.
EXSLEY CITY. Manila for San Fran
cisco, 243 miles from San Francisco.
RICHMOND, San Pedro for Portland.
530 miles from Columbia river.
TAHITI, Sydney for San Francisco.
S12 miles from San Francisco.
Portland, 24 miles from San Pedro.
H. T. HARPER, Richmond for San
Pedro, 110 miles south of Richmond.
HOWICK HALL, San Pedro for San
Francisco, 37 miles from San Francisco,
EDGEMORE. United States light'.iouse
tender. New York for San Francisco, 197
miles south of San Francisco, noon.
STEEL MARINER, Man Pedro for
Yokohama, 3ti4 miles west of San Pedro.
IOWA, Portland for San Francisco, 100
mjle.s north of San Francisco.
MAHITKONA. BelHnKham for Hono
lulu, 1312 miles from Tatoosh.
HYADES, Kanaapali for San Fran
cisco, 104.") miles from San Francisco.
FRED BAXTER, Everett lor Blaine, 20
miles from Blaine.
ADMIRAL SCHLEY. Seattle for San
Francisco. 95 miles from Seattle.
TUG EQUATOR. Seattle lor Qulllayute,
65 miles from Seattle.
YOSEMITE, Port Ludlow for San
Francisco. 60 miles trom Fort Ludlow.
REDO.VDO at Lake Bay November 2.
SKAGWAY, Seattle for Anchor.:n, an
chored in Sunny cove in snow storm No
vember 2.
Yakutat, 97 miles from Juneau Novem
ber 2.
, NORTHWESTERN, anchored off Point
Johnstone November 2.
VICTORIA. Cordova for Seattle, 333
miles from Cordova November 2.
AI.AMEDA. Seattle for Ketchikan. 107
miles from Ketchikan November 2.
CHINA. San Francisco for orient, 1620
miles we.t of Honolulu, November 2.
NAXKING, Hongkong for San Fran
cisco, 2titi6 miles west cf Honolulu, No
vember 2.
Seattle, 1769 miles from Seattle, Novem
ber 2.
WEST ISI.IP, San Francisco for New
Zealand,. 478 miles from Honolulu, No
vcm ber 2.
BEN MOiHR, Yokohama for Vancouver,
2000 miles from aa Francisco, noon, No
vember 2.
THOMAS. San Francisco for Honolulu,
154'5 miles from San Francisco, Novem
ber 2.
HAROTD DOTJjAR. Karatsu for San
Pedro, 1460 miles from San Pedro No
vember 2.
SYLVAN ARROW, finn Francisco for
Taku Bar, 2M!X miles from San Fran
cisco. November 2.
TASCALUSA. San Pedro for Shanehal,
1732 miles from San Pedro. November 2.
ENTERPRISE. Mahukona for Hilo, de
parted 7 P. M., November 2.
OOL. E. T,. DRAKE, Honolulu for
Richmond, 1924 nailea from Richmond,
November 2.
PACIFIC Honolulu for Vancouver.
1004 miles- northeast of Honolulu.
SUA BONE E, San Pedro for Itozaki.
10R.3 miles from San Pedro.
ROSE CITY, Kan Franciwco for Port
land, 19-5 miles south of Columbia river
NORTHLAND, Port Anirelcs for San
Francisco. 2S1. miles from San Franciseo.
FOREST KING. Seattle for San Pedro,
327 miles south of Seattle,
VIKING, St Helens for Redondo, 130
miles south of St. Helens.
By Federal Telegraph Company.
Hongkong, 387 miles from Manila, Nov.
STOCKTON, Manilla for San Pedro,
4060 miles from San Pedro, Nov. 2.
WEST FARALLON, San Pedro for Yo
kohama, 4320 miles west of San Pedro,
Nov. 2.
WEST PROSPECT, Singapore for
Zamboanga, 340 miles from Singapore,
Nov. 2.
Hongkong, 371 miles' from Hongkong,
Nov. 2.
GRANT, San Francisco for Manila, 613
miles west of Honolulu. Nov. 2.
HANNAWA, Yokohama for Portland.
705 miles from Columbia river, Nov. 2.
for San Francisco, 2833 miles west of
Honolulu, Nov. 2.
Seattle, 1769 miles west of Seattle, Nov.
QUTNAULT. Tacoma for San Pedro,
152 miles north of San Pedro.
LOS ANGELES, Martinez for San
Pedro, 237 miles from San Pedro.
HARVARD, San Pedro for San Fran
cisco. 50 miles from San Pedro.
APUS. San Pedro for Yokohama, 1022
miles west of San Pedro.
FRANK G. DRUM, Avon for Hono
lulu, via Gaviota, 103 miles south of
W. F. HEP.RIN, San Pedro for San
Francisco, 34 miles from San Pedro.
HAMER, San Pedro for Everett, 808
miles from San Pedro.
VENTURA, Sydney for San Franciscow
1090 miles southwest of San Francisco.
LA PURISIMA, Martinez for Seattle,
138 miles from Seattle.
PRESIDENT TAFT, Yokohama for
San Francisco, 697 miles west of San
BOHEMIAN CLUB, Port San Luis for
Manila, 1963 miles west of Port San
ECUADOR. San Francisco for New
York, 284 miles south of San Pedro.
for Yokohama, .629 miles west o San
MERIDEN, San Francisco for San
Pedro, 18 miles south of San Francisco.
W. S. PORTER, Linnton for San Pedro.
S91 miles from Linnton.
AVALON, San Francisco for Sari Pedro,
107 miles west of San Pedro.
Important meeting at Masters',
Mates' and Pilots' Hall, room 020,
Chamber of Commerce building, No
vember 4, 8 P. M.
poo (Britisa) from Tocopuia, s . 41.;