Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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Champion Is Challenged to
Fight Winner of Go.
All Other Elevens Today Are Resting for Coming Big Games or
Playing Outside the Select Circle.
Matchmaker Hansen Sends Tele
gram to New King Asking
Consideration of Bout.
It's just possible that the winner
of the Travie Davis-Bobby Harper
bout at the armory Thursday night
will, get a chance to fight Mickey
Walker. the new welterweight
champion of the world, in a Port
land ring.
After reading reports yesterday
of the Jack Britton-Walker fight,
in which Walker lifted the, welter
weight crown from Britton on a 15
round decision !n New York, Match
maker Hansen of the Portland com
mission shot a telegram to Walker
offering a scrap against the winner
of the Davis-Harper argument here.
Davis had one chance at the wel
terweight title when it was held by
Jack Britton. When the champion
made his trip to the northwest two
years ago Davis was one of the
coast boys who fought him. The
bout was held in Seattle and was a
six-round draw, with newspaper re
ports giving Davis the better of it.
Shade Drops Champion.
On the same trip Britton fought
Dave Shade for the Milwaukie com
mission and Shade early in the fight
dropped him for the count of nine.
Britton, after the Davis fight,
made the remark that there were
four welterweights in. the country
he figured as real topnotchers of
championship caliber, and that some
day one of the quartet would win
his title. Britton was right. .One
of the four, Mickey Walker, 'now
hoids the title. The other three
were Travie Davis, Dave .Shade and
Ted Lewis.
Davis r raised Highly.
Discussing the merits of the four
boys, Britton said Davis was one
of the best prospects he had seen,
and that the Seattle youth was
wasting his time on the coast. He
should go east, declared Britton,
where he could get a whack at the
big purses and work himself up in
the welter division.
Matchmaker Hansen's offer to
Walker is quite attractive and un
less the new champion already is
booked for a string of bouts in the
east, he cannot pass it over with
out some consideration.
Hansen's telegram yesterday to
Champion Walker follows:
"Kindly advise immediately if you
vould consider meeting winner of
Davis-Harper bout in Portland, ten
rounds. Fifty per cent gross re
ceipts Figure would draw between
$15,000 and $20,000.
"Matchmaker Portland Boxing
NLY one Pacific coast confer
ence football game is on to
day's schedule. That one is be
tween California and Washington
State at Berkeley.
The other conference elevens are
resting for coming big games or
playing outside the conference.
Washington, Oregon and Idaho are
resting. The Oregon Aggies play
Multnomah here today and southern
California takes on an easy one in
Occidental at Pasadena., Stanford is
no longer In the conference, so what
it does can have no bearing on the
championship race. For anybody
who cares to know, Stanford is
booked against Nevada.
The dope at Berkeley, of course,
favors California against Washing
ton State. The Pullman crew ought
to make it a battle, however. Cali
fornia didn't show with exceptional
"brilliance against Southern Califor
nia, whom the Bears could lick only
1- to 0 last week, and then not
until the last half. On the other
hand Washington State lost to
Washington, 16 to 13, because
Baggy's men were & little too slick
with their forward passes.
On straight football Washington
State had it all over Washington.
Statistics of the ' game show the
Cougars gained 296 yards from
scrimmage to only 159 for Wash
ington. But Zeil of Washington
outkicked the Pullman booter, and
in the pinch he threw a couple of
forward passes, one right after the
other, each of which resulted in a
touchdown. The passes upset the
game, after the Cougars had it in
their pockets with a two-touchdown
California has played only one
conference game so far, that against k?oom to discuss, let us say, the late
Fans Declared Kolibed of Thou
sands of Dollars Yearly.
CHICAGO, Nov. 3. That unscru
pulous operators of baseball pools
are robbing baseball fans of hun
dreds of thousands of dollars each
season was asserted by Ban John
son, president of the American
league, today. He said that he ex
pected to bring this form of gam
bling to the attention of the club
owners' annual meeting in Decem
ber with a recommendation that im
mediate action be taken.
While admitting that he did not
know what could be done, President
Johnson said his agents made an
investigation of large baseball pools
And had decided that it is incum
bent on chib owners to break up
this practice.
President Johnson said that oper
ators of large professional pools
were the principal offenders and
added that "the perils of gambling
have not been removed from base
ball and it is incumbent upon the
club owners to force action if we
are to escape another scandal."
Southern California, while Wash
ington State has played two against
Idaho and Washington. Here are
the scores made to date by both
University of California.
California. 45ISanta Clara 14
California SOlMarines 0
California 4 list. Mary's 0
California SSlOlympic club 0
California 12!Southern Cal 0
Total 2031 Total .....14
Washington State Colleg-e.
Wash. State lOiGonzaga 0
Vv ash. State 18'Idaho 9
Wash. State 13!Vashuigton 16
Total 4li Total 25
Perhaps the Golden Bears are not
as good as last year, and then again
perhaps they are or even better.
Today's game will show. Anyhow
Andy Smith has a scoring machine,
no doubt about that. To date Cali
fornia is tied with Cornell for high
scoring honors for the season.
Herbert Crombie Howe is profes
sor of English literature at the
University of Oregon. He special
izes, or used to, in Ruskin and
Carlyle, though he can likewise go
to the mat on anything ever writ
ten in the English language. They
say of him that you can't be in one
of his classes without learning to
He not only is a professor and a
good one, but 'he looks the part,
with whiskers, spectacles, high bulg
ing forehead and all professorial
trimmings. Jf he cared to air his
erudition ne coma knock tne casual
discussionist for a row of sectional
bookcases in the opening round.
Here, you'd say, meeting him for
the first time, is one of the fine old
faculty type who would, abolish foot
ball and sporting pages, outlaw, ath
letic contests and as mild recreation
flunk out a couple of halfbacks
every week.
Which is where you would be all
wrong. For this learned savant
takes his recreation, of all unex
pected places, on the sidelines at
football practice and in the grand
stand or on the Oregon bench at
football games.
Football is his hobby and his
pleasure. He's as dyed-in-the-cloth
a football fan, is Professor Howe,
as ever breathed. He can tell you
offhand the score of the Oregon-O.
A. C. game of 1909 and what Dud
Clarke did on that memorable day
or the time when "Cack" Moullen,
the famous place kicker with the
chopped-off foot, booted Oregon to
a field goal victory when there
seemed no hope. Name a man who
played football at Oregon and Pro
fessor Howe can tell you his record,
his later success as a graduate, all
about him.
When the Oregon team goes trav
eling it is Professor Howe who ac
companies it as faculty representa
tive. He also is Oregon s repre
sentative in the Pacific coast and
northwest conferences.
All of which doesn't keep him from
giving a football player, or any
other student, a tough few minutes
if said student is asked in the class-
.lr. Ruskin's differentiation between
mere fancy and true imagination.
Nor does it keep him from devising
most devilish inquisitions on ex
amination day, to answer which in
even moderate thoroughness would
exhaust the possibilities of the
eight-hour day.
In short, a grand old scout is Pro
fessor Howe, albeit a professor and
a faculty man a human being as
well as a professor, who keeps him
self young and in tune with the
times by being interested in foot
ball and athletic sports generally,
as well as the tomes of Dryasdust.
Professor Howe is to make a little
speech at an Oregon alumni lunch
eon at the Multnomah hotel at noon
today. The luncheon will be in the
nature of a homecoming rally for
the Oregon-Washington Sate game
at Eugene next Saturday. The topic
assigned Professor Howe is the
seemingly impossible one of "Medie
val and Modern History In Relation
to Oregon's Chances Against Wash
ington State in Football," or some
such wording.
Having been introduced herein
to Professor Howe, you will guess
rightly that the subject will be well
handled. And our bet is (hat if he
wishes to, he can predict for you
the exact score.
Teams Are Evenly Matched in
Records for Season.
gene, Nov. 3. (Special.) The Ore
gon freshmen will swing Into action
tomorrow afternoon on Hayward
field against their traditional rivals,
the Aggie rooks. The teams are
evenly matched as to their respec
tive records this fall. The Oregon
freshmen played Columbia univer
sity to a 7-7 tie, while the rooks
outnosed Smith's men in the final
stretch of their game at Corvallis
and won, 16-13.
The Oregon freshmen will line up
against the rooks with Gosser at
center. Bliss and Hunt at guards,
Mautz and A. Sinclair at tackles.
Bass and Toole ends, Hobson and
Brosterhouse at halves, Anderson
quarterback and Mills at full.
Officials for the game as an
nounced by Graduate Manager Ben
efiel are Francis, Multnomah, ref
eree; Russek, Michigan, umpire;
Donaldson, Multnomah, head linesman.
Ex-Catcher of Red Sox, Broken
in Health and Almost Penni
less, to Be Provided For.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Lou Criger,
whom oldtimers will remember, is
ready to tell the world that senti
ment is not an obsolete word in the
big leagues. Broken in health and
almost penniless, his diamond deeds
of long ago eclipsed by the present
day stars, the once great catcher of
the Boston Red Sox is to get a
chance to come back. The Amer
ican league will foot the bills.
During the recent city series here
word came to Bill Gleason, White
Sox manager, of Criger's predica
ment. Gleason told the story to
Umpire Dineen and the latter car
ried it to Ban Johnson, American
league chief. Johnson immediately
put the matter before his clubown
ers, and back came word from five
of the eight to attend to the needs
of the oldtimer.
Johnson's first step was to com
municate with Criger at Jones. Mich.
The league chief learned that Cy
Young's and Bill Dineen's old bat
tery mate had already lost a leg be
cause of tuberculosis and was facing
another operation. For the latter he
Fish Pond Is Planned.
EUGENE, Or.. Nov. 3. (Special.)
The state game and fish commis
sion is planning the building of a
new tish pond at McKenzie bride-e
55 miles east of Eugene, according
to M. L. Ryckman. superintendent of
state trout hatcheries, who is here
on business connected with the
project. According to Mr. Ryckman,
the plan is to take the trout eggs
from the state hatchery at Vida
further down the river and hatch
hem in the new pond. When the
Voung trout are ready for liberation
all that will be necessary is to open
the dam that separates the pond
from the river.
will be brought here, probably next
week, and after that American
league funds will provide for hira
in the high and dry Arizona country.
Strength Added to Oregon Eleven
for Cougar Game.
EUGENE, Nov. 3. Bill Spears, one
of the best players of the University
of Oregon team, who has not had a
chance to play In a regular game
this season on account of injuries
and being behind in his studies, is
again In the lineup, it was an
nounced today.
Prink Callison, the star center.
Hunk Latham And Dutch French, all
of whom have been out on account
of injuries, will play in the game
against Washington State college
here November 11, said the coaches.
Secret practice has been inaugurated
and none but the members of the
squad and coaches' and trainers are
allowed on the field.
At That, Clipper Smith's Eleven
Didn't Travel at Full Speed',
14 Touchdowns Tallied.' "
The biggest prep school football
score rolled up here in many sea
sons was registered on the Columbia
university campus yesterday, when
Clipper Smith's Columbia eleven
massacred the Chemawa Indian
school team. 101 to 0,
And even at that Columbia waj
not traveling at full speed. After
the score passed the 50 mark, the '
Columbians contented themselves by
taking things easy, playing listless
ly and trying not to hurt their little
opponents. Several of the Indians
were carried off the field, one being
severely injured after crashing into
huge Wes Schulmerich, Columbia
left half. Chemawa was outweighed
plenty and when the Indians did get
the ball, they couldn't make a yard.
Columbia scored 14 touchdowns
and Schulmerich kicked goal 11
times. Schulmerich, tipping the
beams at 190 pounds or better, yet
moving like a bantam, was the star.
both on the offensive and defensive.
He scored four of the 14 touch
downs, Cudahy scored two, Collins
two, Johnson two, Geenty two, Ran
savage one and Hicks one. Touch
downs were made in every imagin
able way.
Hicks, husky right guard, got his
by picking up a dropped punt after
three or four players on both sides
had tried to fall on ' it. Hioks dug
around until he located it and ran
30' yards for a touchdown without
The Indians were not very strong
on tackling, being contented with
crashing in and trying to upset the
on-rushing Columbia backs. Colum
bia scored 61 points the first half.
The fireworks started with Cudahy
racing 55 yards for a score. From
then on it was hard work keeping
track .of the score. The lineups:
Col'bia 101 Position Chemawa 0
Logan L E Crim
Van Orden LT Ceheka
Hasgert LG Masten
McElhaney C Shiskin
Hicks R6 Keeta
Ransavage :R T Strom
Doherty RE Donnelly
Cudahy Q Buckert
Schulmerich LH Abraham
Johnson R H Bryson
Collins F Siiryiions
Substitutions Columbia: Geenty for
Johnson. Officials Referee, Francis
Jacobberger: umpire, Morrison.
With Score 14-0 Against It, Team
Beats Pendleton, 26-14.
PENDLETON, Or., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) Pendleton high today went
down "to defeat before the strong
eleven from The Dalles, when, after
having a score of 14 to 0 in its favor
in the first half, Pendleton slipped
and the boys from down river made
touchdowns and one goal kick. Final
score was The Dalles 26, Pendle
ton 14.
During the third and fourth pe
riods The Dalles players plowed
through the Pendleton line and,
after putting across one touchdown
in the last of the third quarter, on
bucks, scored two more when Pen
dleton safeties failed to stop long
Albany to Meet Cottage Grove.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)
Albany high school football play
ers worked hard this week in prep
aration for their coming battle with
Cottage Grove at that place tomor
row. There have been some changes
in the Albany lineup. Pittman, Kel
ler, Laubner and Gray will probably
start in the backfield. Stein has
been shifted from guard to end and
the guard berth filled by Cox. The
last game the local team played was
two weeks ago with Salem, the game
last week with Medford having been
canceled because of the death of
Maynard Bilyeu, star quarterback.
Today fT
Impromptu Horse Show
College Students' Judging
High School Students' Judging
Special Children's Music by Camp
bell's American Band
3500 Purebred Animals
Western Winter Poultry and Rabbit
; Show
Beautiful Industrial Displays
Western Dairy Products Show
Educational Government Exhibit
Manufacturers' and Land Products
School Children
Free Today
This is School Children's Day at the Pacific Interna
tional. All of them are invited. Prizes for the best
essays are offered.
Take Special "Stock Show" cars -on Broadway direct
to the Exposition. 5c extra fare from Kenton.
See Prospect and Lad's Iota, two world's champion
dairy cows.
General Admission
Aberdeen Eleven Crippled.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) Aberdeen's hopes for taking
the game with Olympia at Olympia
Saturday are small, according to
Coach Walter Herreid. Goehrend,
center; McCrimmon, tackle, and
O'Connor, halfback, . will probably
not be able to play on account of in
juries suffered in practice. Captain
Mel Ingram has been sick several
days and may not start the game.
The coach and 19 players will leave
for the state capital tomorrow morn
ing and will be accompanied by
about 200 rooters.
Ellensburg Normal Wins.
ELLENSBURG, Wash., Nov. S.
(Special.) The Ellensburg normal
school eleven here this afternoon
won from the Bellingham normal
19 to 0. Elletfsburg scored in the
second period on straight football
in the third period on an intercepted
pass and in the f'nal quarter on a
blocked punt. Bellingham was fa
vored to win, as it has defeated the
College of Puget Sound, which in
turn had won from Ellensburg. .
Vancouver 45, McMinnvllle 14.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. ?.
(Special.) The Vancouver higii
school eleven swamped McMinnville
high here today 45 to 14. The local
lads opened with a rush and put
across four touchdowns in the first
quarter. The second quarter they
made two, and in the third made a
field goal. McMinnville scored in
the third and fourth periods.
Washington Played Next Week
and Team Does Not Want to
Show Plajs to Scouts.
cial.) Andy Smith is up against a
peculiar situation tomorrow. He
must win from Washington State,
and would like to do so without
uncovering all of California's plays
and exhausting his men. He has
said, and still affirms, that Cali
fornia's hardest game will be at
Seattle, a week from Saturday
against Washington, and he knows
that keen-eyed Washington scouts
will be watching California tomor
row. Washington rests that day.
But the Bears cannot afford to
take a chance with Washington
State. That team is too strong for
that. It may be that the Bears
will have to go at top speed for the
whole game, and in that case it will
help Washington next Saturday, for
The Best Play to Use,
(Copyright. 1922, Sol Metzger.)
With the ball in your possession on
opponent's 30-yard line, fourth down. 6
yards to sain, with but a few minutes
remaining to play and your team lead
ing ly a touchdown, you should never
try for a drop-kick to run up a larger
score. Always punt and punt high, so
your punt wilt be covered. An attempt
at a drop kick has proved costly to mors
th.'.n one team at this stage of the
The linemen may let up, thinking; the
game on Ice. whereupon the kick is
bkxked and then anything may happen.
A'r'her point about the drop kick is
t.ia; it is easier to block than a punt
he;aue tiie ball follows a lower trajec
tory in its flight, thus more frequently the arms of the oncoming
o;ioine; linemen trying to break through
and blcck it. Teams have lost too many
sui's victorit-s by attempting a drop kick
herd m orUur to roil up a score.
OvyER. Good
VWY Yes - i Guess
foO MAC - ?. Tnts IS
Bill- Yen- houj's
"Ihas Goot
VJftAT'S That! ?
fati'T Got a Drop
IaC - You Kwoui That
Thought i'P Give.
hojj you'we comin&
alonjg - ujheri-
Veo BeeiM lately" .
V A SHOT !? f
A THtrG TbrsHGHT?-
yjHv ?
the Bears must make the long jump
to Seattle, starting about Wednes
day. As a result there will be little
or no practice at Berkeley next
week. i
Something of the same, kind of aj
situation exists at Stanford. Andyj
Kerr wants to beat Nevada tomor- j
row without showing too much, for
he has his eye on the University of
Southern California game the fol-.
lowing Saturday.
Stanford must win tomorrow, of
course, to keep in the running, so
the Cards cannot afford to get care
less with Nevada. That sprightly
team is liable to cause trouble for
anyone. .
Hunters Find Cougars.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Nov. 3. (Spe
cial.) More hunters than ever be
fore are reported to be in the moun
tains about the foot of Mount Adams
and the St. Helens section, accord
ing to Newberry Truman of Che
halis and a company of friends who
have Just returned from 10 days
spent in the Iron creek trail section.
Game is unusually wild this season.
Most, of the time the deer remain
in the deep woods and canyons, is
the general belief of the hunters
who are experienced in the art. More
cougars were in evidence than usual.
Three were seen by members of the
party and tracks were frequently
found. Newberry Truman, is. o. Al-
ibers, Pat Van Bibber, Everett Hard-
Tnan and Mr. Thome of Chehalis and
P. M. Truman of Riffe constituted
the party.
Umpire Awarded Western League.
fBv Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
CHICAGO, Nov. 3. In a decision
promulgated today Commissioner
Landis declared Umpire Frank Wil
son the property .of the Western
league. Last June when Wilson was
released by the American league he
Immediately signed with the west
ern circuit. Later he signed a con
tract tendered by President Heyd-
lor of the National league. Presi
dent Tearney of the Western league
thereupon let out a howL and Lan
dis decided in his favor.
You Bi3 -STIFF
TsKtN3 V?
TMg LIKE This.
Women's Golt Event Awarded.
NEW YORK, Nov. 3. The wom
en's national golf championship
event for 1923 has been awarded to
the Westchester-Biltmore Country
club at Rye, N. T., by the United
States Golf association, it was an
nounced tonight. The date for the
tournament has not been set, but
it will be held within the first fort
night of October, 1923, according to
Thomas T. Armour, secretary oi tne
Westchester-Biltmore club.
Centralis 19, Elm a 0.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 3.
(Special.) After Centralia had
scored three touchdowns in the
first half this afternoon, Elma high
braced ana neia tne locals score
less. The final score was: Centralia
19, Elma 0. The visitors threatened
only once, taking the ball on tneir
own one-yard line at the beginning
of the second quarter and carrying
it to the middle of the field on line
smashes before they were halted. -
Assistant Chief of Air Forces Be
gins Suit That Terminated
, in. Favor of Defendant.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 3. Brig
adier General William E. Mitchell,
assistant chief of the United States
army air service and chief of the
American flying forces in the Amer
ican expeditionary forces, was di
vorced in the Milwaukee circuit
court September 27 by Mrs. Caro
lina Mitchell, it was revealed today.
Brigadier General Mitchell is a
son of the late John L. Mitchell,
late United States senator from
Brigadier General Mitchell had
charged his wife with cruel treat
ment which he alleged "began about
ton years ago and with each suc
ceeding year, has become more vio
lent, exasperating and harmful," his
complaint read.
Mrs. Mitchell In an answer filed
September 27 den'ed his . allega
tions and in a counter attack al
leged a charge of deseration June
14, 1921. In an answer to this he
admitted he had left Mrs. Mitchell
on that date. The decree was
awarded to ZSvs. Mitchell by Judge
Falrchild. "
The custody of the three children
was awarded to the mother in a
stipulation approved by the court
by which General Mitchell agrees
to pay $150 a month each for the
support of Elizabeth, 16, and Har
riet, 12, and $100 a month for John.
2, until each reaches the age of
21 years.
By the stipulations no alimony or
attorney's fees are awarded Mrs.
Mitchell, the general setting forth
in his complaint that she has prop
erty in her own name an i as a sep
arate estate, either in possession or
expectancy of the value of about
$250,000, of which property worth
about 175,000 is vested In her.
The divorce judgment provides
that none of the children shall be
taken up in an airplane by General
Mitchell without the consent of the
mother. The father has the right
to visit the children- at all reason
able times, the stipulation provides,
and should he so desire may have'
the children with him for a period
no longer than three months.
$70,000 to Bo Turned Back. 1
SALEM, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)-"
Reports made to the state board ot
control, in session here today. Indi
cated that more than $70,000 in ap
propriations be returned to the gen
eral fund. Dr. R. E. Lee Stejner,
superintendent of the state hospital,
said that his institution will return
more than $40,000 to have been used
for maintenance. The state school
for feeble-minded will turn tack
$30,000, according to Superintendent
Machinists 70c per hour
Blacksmiths ...... 70c per hour
Sheet-Metal W'rk's. 70c per hour
Electricians 70c per hour
Stationary Engineers:
Various rates
Stationary Firemen:
Various rates
Boilermakers .... 70-70 'jc hour
Passenger-Car Men 70c per hour
Freight-Car Men... 63c per hour
Helpers, all classes 47c per hour
Mechanics and helpers are al
lowed time and one-half for time
worked in exceti of eight hoori
per day. Strike condition pre
Ben Hecht Under Indictment.
CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Ben Hecht,
author and playwright; Wallace
Smith, artist, and Pascal Covlcl and
William F. McGee, publishers, were
named In an indictment by the
federal grand jury today. They are
charged with sending obscene
matter by express. "Fantasziua
Mallare," written by Hecht, illus
trated by Smith and published by
the other defendants, is the basis
of tha government action.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
There's something about them
you'll like
fra Herbert j
London Cigarettes
Tureytans care a Quarter again
Twenty to the package