Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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Finn to
Attend the Pacific
Live Stock Expo
sition. Blotter
and Better Than
Kver Before!
Our American Express
Travel Bureau
Telegrams sent, baggage checked, tickets
furnished, hotel reservations made! Let us
attend to the details of that trip. 2d Floor.
Call Atwater
We'll see that
your Order is
- Carefully and
Hair Bobbins
by Experienced
Men Barbers
All the latest
styles. Barber
Shop on the
Second Floor x
Trading Stamps Given on
Charge Accounts
If. paid in full on or before the 10th of
each month. Filled stamp books redeemed
at the S. & H. Office on the Third Floor.
Taken for En
grayed Greeting
Cards at
Stationery Depart
ment on the
Main Floor
Winter Wearables and Home Needs Can Best Be Supplied at This Store
Olds, Whitman iKme?
300 Trimmed Hats
In a Special Clearaway at
Half Price
Many of the hats in this Sale have never been shown before.
All are made from good quality material not the inferior
merchandise one often sees in special sale events of this kind.
Street hats, dinner hats, dancing hats, sport hats every popu
lar style of the season is represented from the small turban to
tha large picture hat. Black and the most favored colors.
$12.50 Hats Special $6.25
$40 Hats Now $20
$15 Hats on sale at $7.50
$17.50 Hats on sale, $8.75
$20 Hats on sale at $10
$22.50 Hats on sale, 11.25
$25 Hats on sale at $12.50
$27.50 Hats on sale. $13.75
$30 Hats on sale at $15
$3250 Hats on sale, $16.25
$35 Hats on sale at $17.50
-$3Y.tu nats on sale, 2ls.7o
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor
Whipped Cream
the sweet of all sweets!
Made from high-grade milk
chocolate with whipped cream
centers. You'll say they're
the most delightful confec
tion you've ever tast- OA
ed! Saturday, pound O"
English Toffee, pound 450
Dollar Mints, pound 330
Broken Opera Sticks, 250
Maple Peanuts, bag, 100
Main Floor
Sale of Veils
Main Floor Plain and fancy
mesh veilings with chenille
dot and woven border de
signs. Good range of col
ors. Values to 75c. QQ
3 for $1.00 each OVi,
Bag Frames
Main Floor 6-inch straight
.styles new designs oxid
ized and silver finishes. Also
gate tops for bags, in
several finishes. Special
More and more Portland men are coming here for their
clothes and furnishings. Conveniently located just inside the
Morrison street entrance, our Men's Store offers matchless
assortments of things men want, at the lowest prices.
are pre-eminently quality
hats. Any man who has
worn a Schoble knows this
' to be an established fact.
All the new shapes
and colors. $5 to $10.
NEW Schoble Sportex
Hats for young men, just
received. Ash, peach
bloom and poindac shades.
Size 6 to 7. Priced $5
Men's Shirts Bates Street,
Arrow, Knickerbocker and
other famous makes in a large
selection of handsome new
patterns.- Priced $2 to $4
Men's Night Shirts of splen
did heavy grade outing flan
nel. Cut generously full and
well made. $1.25" to $3.50
Ex. long Night Shirts $2.50
Your Underwear
can be fully taken care of in this superb
stock. Cooper's Union Suits in winter
weights at $2.50 and $2.75 Carter's
Union Suits in many different weights
at $3.30 to $10 Cooper's "Allen A"
mixed wool Union Suits in ' winter
weights at $3.50. Dept. Main Floor.
' 1)1
31 St
Hosiery in Reliable Makes
Beaver Knit. Interwoven.
Webber, Winsted, Idaho and
other well known makes in
men's hose here in complete
assorttneflts at lowest prices.
Cashmere, ribbed cashmere,
silk-and-wool ribbed heathers,
colored mixtures and drop
stitch effects. Headquarters
for heavy knit Sport Hose and
plain colors, heather mixtures.
S. & H. Trading Stamps.
Men's Sport
Main Floor Snug-fitting Wool gar
ments to wear under the coat. Espe
cially desirabls for the outdoor man.
V neck styles with four &IJ rr
rockets. Priced at 3 I .til
Wool Vests
4-pocket Wool Vests in the well
known Bradley make, $3.50-$4.00
Rib-stitch Wool Vests priced at $5
Jantzen Wool Vests. 4 pkts., $5.75
Men's Wool Sweaters
A very special price for Sweaters of
such good quality. Slip-on style, "with
ruff neck. Warm and serviceable for
winter wear. Shown in an excellent
assortment of colors. On (JpJ 1Q
sale Saturday at, special Vtl.Xl
Second Floor
Save on Your New Coat!
Special Groups of High-Class Coats for Women and
Misses Go On Sale Today in the Garment Salons,
Second Floor.- It's an Underselling Event That Should
Command the Attention of Every Woman in Portland.
Women's Coats
Second Floor High-class Coats of
Velour, Chinchilla, Tweed and other de
sirable materials. Solid colors and the
newest plaids and checks. Numerous
belted models in "sport effects, also
dressy styles in loose and plaited mod
els. Convertible collars of fur or self
material. Patch or vent (?Ozl JQ
pockets. Priced special tOr"
Women's JDoats
Second Floor Stevanna, Gerona, im
ported Tweed and other fine quality
fabrics are used in the making of these
attractive new Coats. Black and all the
most favored, shades, also many in
beautiful rich plaids and checks. Some
with collars and cuffs of fur and car
acul. . Beautifully tailored C?f C QC
throughout. On special sale tDxUsItJ
Junior Shop Sale of Coats
Second Floor
Here a real economy opportunity
that mother and daughter will do well
to take advantage of. Every coat in
the sale is of superior quality.
Juniors' Coats
1 1 Junior Shop Smart, attractive coats,
youthful; in line and well made in
f every particular. Bolivia, Shawsheen,
Kersey, Velour and Mixtures in all
the new shades. Waistline, plaited
and dressy wrap models some with
coney or nutria collars. I?Q"j QQ
Sizes 8 to 18. Special VmX.7C)
Juniors' Coats
$11 98
Junior Shop Models for misses and
small women. Bolivia, Kersey, Shaw
sheen and Chinchilla materials. Splen
' did selection of styles from the tail
ored, straightline effects to the dressy
models. Many with fur
collars. Sizes 10 to 19.
Juniors' Dresses
New Models Just in!
Junior Shop, Second Floor With the opening of the
holiday season and its many festivities young women
will require new frocks. This timely showing reveals
the newest modes of the moment for gala occasions
of all kinds. Lovely models developed in Velvet and
Canton Crepe in black, henna, brown, navy and medium
blue. Paneled and draped styles with long or short
sleeves. Sizes 8 to 19. Specially low priced $15-$42.50
New Bath Robes
$5.00 $ 5.75
$7.95 -
Second Floor The woman who appreciates home
comfort knows how important it is to have a
good warm bathrobe or two. We've an excep
tionally fine stock of just such garments. Made
up in blanket materials that will give best of
service. Large selection of beautiful new pat
terns including florals and Navajo designs. 'Gray,
raspberry, rose, green, navy, conen. orchid and
red. Specially low priced $5, $5.75, $7.95, $10
Featuring New Models in
Women's Crepe
Second Floor Tailored and dressy
models in pleasing variety. Of
plain and figured Crepe de Chine,
Georgette and Tricolette. Also a
few lace models. You must" see
these attractive Blouses to know
their real value. Special at $5 J
Silk Pongee and white
Linen Handkerchiefs with
colored borders. Priced 500
Linen Kerchiefs in white
and the new sport colors.
Finished with hemstitching
and applique. Priced 650
Italian Kerchiefs with
dainty hemstitching. Finest
of hand work. Rose and
blue. Extra values at' 750
Linen Kerchiefs in the new
French stencil effects. Hand
hemmed. Shown in a great
variety of colors. Only 850
Main Floor
Collars, Sets
Women's fancy Collars and
Sets in white and cream
Plauen laces. Tuxedo and
shaped styles. Spe- KQ
cially priced at
Sport Scarfs in several
new and attractive styles.
Some with belts and pock
ets. Priced $1.95-$10.50
Sport Hats of brushed
wool. Fine for flJO Qpf
school wear, Sale V tl
Cabashons and Buckles for
coats and the new draped
dresses. Priced 500 to $3.95
Main Floor
Warm and
Nightwear is essential to the good health
of the children, and right now is the time
to supply their needs. Special showing of
the celebrated
Dr. Denton's Sleeping
in the Shop for Little Tots on the Second"
Floor. Made in popular style (for boys and
girls), of finest quality soft knit fabrics.
Cut generously full to allow full freedom
in all positions. Priced at $1 to $1.50.
In Sizes 1 to 6 Years. '
Boys' 2-Knicker Suits
Specially Priced
Main Floor "Dubbelbilt"
and other reliable makes are
included in this lot. Suits
that are made to withstand
the wear and tear of real live
American boys! 2 pairs of
knickers with each suit.
Tweeds, Cheviots and Cassi
meres in serviceable colors.
Sizes 7 to 18. PQ OP
Priced special at 37.00
Better Suits $12.50-$20
the big roomy ulster styles
that afford greatest protec
tion and at the same time
look smart and dressy. Made
from pure wool fab- P" K
rics. Sizes 7 to 18.
Wool Sweaters $4 to $9 ! Boys' Wool Tarns at $2
Kni.tted Jackets $3.75-$4.75 Bath -Robes $4.85-$7.50
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps
Saturday Extra Special
40-Inch Crepe de Chine
Our Regular $1.95 Quality
.f T-rl a i n t .
iuam r ioor at tnis special low price sfo S X
Saturday only. One of our best selling N J jTVJ
numbers in Crepe de Chine a grade much ti I I v X
in demand for costumes and blouses. Full
assortment of colors to select from. 40
inch $1.95 grade special $1.69 a yard.
Take Your Cash Discount in S. & H.' Stamps!
Sale of
Drugs and
Don't delay! Read over
the list below and lay in a
supply of toiletries for
months to come. Every item
is priced at a big saving.
Dept. 1st Floor.
Ivory Soap
5 Cakes C
None sold or delivered at
above price except with other
purchases made in the Drug
Department. Limit 5 cakes
to a customer. Ivory OP
Soap, special 5 cakes "'til
Extra Specials
Frostilla, special a jar 200
Mulsif ied Cocoanut Oil 300
-Bromo Quinine special 180
L'Oregon Talc Powder 890
Boradent, Kolynos or En
thymol Tooth Paste, at 190
Revelation T. Powder 180
Woodbury's Soap only 180
25c Phenolax Wafers 190
Woodbury's Facial Cream,
on special sale at only 390
Woodbury's Gold Cream,
specially priced at only 390
Djerkis Talc. Powder 180
Mennen's Tal. Powder 180
Cream Meallys special 980
Sal Hepatica on sale 190
Pompeian Cream specially
priced at 430, 690, 980
Hinds' H. & A. Cream 320
Kid Gloves $2.69
Bargain Circle First Floor
Women's high-grade French
Kid Gloves in slip-on style
with strap wrist and em
broidered backs. Brown,
beaver and 'white. Lines
selling formerly (TJO ?Q
at $5. Saturday tPAi.U.
Kid Gloves $1.89
Broken lines of Women's
Gloves in kid and mocha.
White, tan, black, brown and
gray. Not all sizes, but
wonderful values, fijl DQ
Special a pair tDl.OJ
Chamoisette Gloves
N o v e 1 1 y Chamoisette
Gloves in slip-on style with
buckle -at wrist. Shown in
beaver, gray and polar. Very
serviceable. Spe- J"J OQ
cialpair, Saturday uJX.Ot
Great Pre-Holiday Sale
Leather Goods
Center Circle First Floor
Sample lines of high-grade
Handbags, Purses, Bill Folds,
Coin Purses, etc., in an ex
traordinary sale at sacrifice.
At 25c
Coin Purses, Pass Cases,
Key Cases, Travelers' Fold
ing Hangers and many other
items. Values up to OC
75c. Priced special tli
At 50c
Bill Folds, Back - Strap
Purses, Coin Pursqs, Pass
Cases, Kf y Cases, ' Playing
Cards in Cases hundreds of
items in this big lot. Kft,
Values up to $1.50.
-ii " i I
At $1.00
At $1.50
Women's Handbags in sev
eral styles also Bill Folds,
Card Cases, Coin Purses, Soft
CoHar Cases, Purses, Photo
cases, etc. Values to fij-! FA
Your choice
Women's Handbags in
many different styles and
sizes, Bill Folds, Collar
Boxes, Music Rolls and (J"l
other articles. Choice Dx
Handbags, and Purses of
real Pin Seal, Cowhide, Calf
skin and other leathers.
Values to $5.00. flQ Kfl
Priced this sale tDO.tlU
Wear Educator Shoes
x For Perfect Comfort and Service
This store is the Portland agency
for regular and modified Educator
Shoes and Oxfords. Made only
from the best of materials, by
highly skiUed operatives, Educator
Shoes allow the feet to function as
nature -intended. Educator Shoes
for men in black kid, black or tan
calf $9, brown kid at $10 Oxfords
in black at $8.50, brown $9.50.
Educator Boots for
women black $10.50,
brown $11.50. Oxfords
in black kid or tan calf
$9.50 brown kid $10.
Educator Shoes are
recommended and guar
anteed to give perfect
comfort and superior
service at all times.
Shoe Department
Main Floor
........ ...... .j
Special Purchase Sale Men's Trousers
-Heavy Wool Melton and Serge
U. S. Army
Special purchase and
sale of 2000 pairs. Wool
yarn just the thing for
winter. Made with extra
long double cuffs. On
special sale at, the pair
qHE BASEMENT STORE invites the
A special attention of Portland men to a ,
very unusual sale of U. S. Army Trousers,
beginning Saturday morning at 9:15. Sev
eral hundred pairs in the lot and we have
priced them at less than today's factory
cost of materials alone. Extra well made
from heavy wool meltons and serges. Sizes
32 to 35 waist, 31 to 33 & length. Splendid
serviceable trousers for outing and rough
work. On sale today at special $2.95 pair.
500 Pairs U: S. Army White Drill Mittens, Special 25c Pair
Food Specials
For Saturday
Cheese, Oregon, full OQ,
cream, special, pound "Oi
Oregon Walnuts, new (P-!
crop, 350, 3 lbs. for Dx
Brazil Nuts, new
crop, 2 lbs. 350, lb.
Seedless Raisins, QP
new crop, 2 lbs. for 001
Betty Brown Biscuit Flour,
oil anA-,-, fn T; - . VI'
cuits in 10 minutes. OOC
Sliced Bacon the ft(n
best eastern product vt
Model Grocery
4th Floor