10 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1922 V ESTABLISHED BV HENRY L. PITTOCK. Published by The Oregonian Pub. Co.. 13u Sixth Street, Portland. Oregon. ' C. A. MORDE.W E. B. PIPER, Manager. Editor. The Oreuonian is a member of the As sociated Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publi cation pt all news dispatches credited to H or rot otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein'. All right3 of puolica tion of special dis patches herein are a.lao reserved. Subscription Rates Invariably in Advance. (By Mall.) pally, Sunday Included, one year $8.00 wai,y. Sunday Included, six months ... 4.25 laily, SuT.day included, three months 2.23 JJaiiy, Sunday Included, one month .. " ijaily, without Sunday, one year 6.00 Daily, without Sunday, six months .. 3.23 uaiiy, without Sunday, one month.. .60 Sunday, one year , 2.50 (By Carrier.) Paily. Sunday included, one year... $9.00 Daily. Sunday Included three months 2.23 Dai, y, Sunday included, one month... .73 Daily, without Sunday, one year 7.80 Daily, without Sunday, three months 1.05 Daily, without Sunday, one month.. .63 How to Remit Send postoffice money order, express or personal check on your local bank, stamps, coin or currency are at owner's risk, (.live postoffice address ti full including county and state. Posiase Kates 1 to 16 pages, 1 cent: IS to 3-' pages, 2 cents; 34 to 18 pages, S cents; 50 to 04 pages, 4 cents; titt to 60 pages, 0 cents; 82 to 80 pages, 6 cents. Eastern Business Offices Verree & Conklin. 300 Madison avenue, New York; Vtrree & Conklin, steger Building, Chi cago; Verree & Co;.ki in, Free Press build ing, Detroit, Jlich; Verree & Conklin, Monadnock building, San Francisco, Cal. NOT IN HIM. Statements made by Mr. Pierce and his chief newspaper sponsor that Governor Olcott has said that taxes cannot be reduced are false. Governor Olcott has poinfed out the futility of the Pierce reduction programme, and has indicated the only practicable means of reducing taxes. The statement "Taxes may go higher," quoted by Mr. Pierce and his newspaper sponsor so fre quently as having been made by Governor Olcott, is separation of a few words from the context of a speech so as fraudulently and de liberately to distort the meaning of what the governor actually said. Mr. Pierce's statement that S. Benson in resigning from the high way commission complained of ex travagance in administration costs is untrue. The complete text of his resignation was published at the time and is available to anyone in terested in checking up Mr. Pierce's veracity. Mr. Pierce's statement that Mr. Benson informed Governor ' Olcott that highway administration and supervision was costing $1,000,000 a year is a complete falsification. Mr. Pierce's statement that high way administration and supervision is in fact costing $1,000,000 a year is equally false. That it is false is readily proved by public records. Mr. Pierce's citation of the num ber of automobiles owned by the state of Oregon is untruthful in its ' implicatioij, due to the fact that nearly all pf these vehicles are in the highway department and are war material donated to the state by the national government. Mr. Pierce has misrepresented the proportion of taxes paid by the farmers; he has misrepresented the amount of money in banks; he has misrepresented the cost of state government. Mr. Pierce has by dramatic ges tures given his audiences to under stand that he as governor would known to him to be impossible. He has falsely charged Olcott with responsibility for increases in taxes voted by the people themselves. He has falsely accused Governor Olcott of having knowingly ap proved school land loans based on fraudulent transfers of property similar to those under which Pierce himself got loans far in excess of the limit fixed by the land board. Mr. Pierce has misrepresented the salaries paid at the state train ing school. He has spread untruths about the comparative costs of road work in Oregon and Washington. The Oregonian again makes this declaration and invites 'every' one interested to cut it out and paste it in his hat: Taxes will not be re duced by any effort of Mr. Pierce if he is elected governor. PRESIDENT AND POET. Homesteads are pretty much alike, and so are folks. Memories ding to the one and sentiment stirs the other. This is why President Harding, about the time the near east was aflame and questions of state dinned his ears, took an hour off and bought the old Harding farm in North Bloomfield, Morrow county, Ohio. In a sense he made a dicker for his boyhood, binding with cash the bargain that would afford contact with the drowsy summers, the bright, keen winters, the memorable springs, of long ago. No saner investment in sentiment ever was made. A young poet of the name of Jesson, doubtless condemned for his introspective anarchy, by an ' obdurate providence, made some lines a few weeks since that have for their theme a north Ohio vil lage such a community of neigh borly souls and small shops as the Hardlngs called their market place. Therein it is apparent that Master Jesson must outstrip his youth be fore he is smitten with a fond realization of desirable simnlieitv. - of winds remembered though they uicw uii-ee uecaaes since, ot flowers wnose seeds persevere forever. Quietness over my spirit, like Tho shadows of an old dead town (Irasa between the flagstone-walks. Yellow houses fadin? to hrnnn Lawns and streets growing to weeds and And the Intolerable rust Of baren souls. Twixt president and poet, vouth and maturity must choose. Master Jesson would flee his village to escape nimself. The president would recover his homestead to find Warren the younger. That which is stale and drab to the one is sweet and colorful to the other, If the poet persists in his poetrv, and takes his lute to""" great cities and distant lands, the time will come when he shall celebrate the village that was home, and reveal the unsuspected beauty of the "barren" souls that did not under stand him. In that hour he will comprehend why the president had as his dearest wish the thought of one day possessing a certain acre age in North Bloomfield township. To President Harding the old homstead is mpre than a tract of ' land indicated and circumscribed by lines and fences and records. Its acres are talkative and per sonal, with innumerable stories welling up to their earthly lips. Little joys, little tragedies, little emprises of happy fortune, the whirring rise of a cock quail, the rigid poise of a wild gander in the stubble waxen bloodroot wak ing to April, May flowers, anem onies an indefinable atmosphere and heritage of memory that is timeless. At such a time of year, at such a time of life, there passes an endless' processional of incident, trivial and unregarded in the eager zest of boyhood mightier than treaties and triumphs in the recol lection of middle-age. It is very clear that, for the present, there is more of the true poet in President Harding who seems never to have been indicted of approaching the muse than in Master Jesson, the village bard, who is afflicted' with the blindness of youth and propinquity. Says Poetry, the magazine in which his plaint appears, "Mr. Jesson is a very young poet." What need to tell us? POIXDEXTER. SAFE AND SANE. Candidate Dill over in Washing ton, it is noted, makes a virulent assault on Senator Poindexter -for his support of the Esch-Cummins bill for railroad legislation. We would have expected it. Every radical slangwhanger and socialist wrecker in the country is out with his club after the Esch Cummins bill. They would repeal it before its operation has fairly begun. It is forgotten that the measure is the product of the Jong campaign' for railroad reform car ried on for years by both Senator Cummins and Representative Esch pioneers in the work, and both high-minded, intelligent, informed, and independent statesmen. Yet the wild-eyes and Hearst would tear up the plant to, see if the roots are taking hold. The real impulse behind the war on the Esch-Cummins act is na tional ownership of railroads. The soap-box and crossroads haran guers know it, and they would clear the way for it. The Esch-Cummins law is the last wordin regulation of railroads under private" ownership, The agitators do not fear public ownership or its ' lessons. . They do riot have to look back further than the late world's war to see how it would work in America. In Italy, a great part of the present fascist! movement is to get rid of the pub licly owned railroads and other utilities, because of the staggering deficits they have incurred. The principal grievance of the opposition to Senator Poindexter in Washington is that he' has become safe and sane. CO-OPERATION IN OREGON. Actual progress of Oregon farm ers in practice of co-operative mar keting gives better assurance of their prosperity than any other de vice to rescue agriculture from the depression that " folio wed the war. It is self-help made effective by helping one another, and it depends on no governmental or state action except laws permitting farmers to organize and except the aid and advice given by the agricultural college and the department of agri culture. Its goal is efficiency, by which waste in distribution is cut out, quality of products is raised and standardized, reputation is es tablished and markets are extended. This is being done by the farmers themselves, and the success an nounced at the recent conference at Corvallis will surely inspire others to adopt the same plan. By combination co-operators im prove methods of preparing their products for market, make them salable at higher average prices and at lower cost, and they gain a reputation for fruit, eggs, wool, wheat, etc., as the .products of Ore gon or of some district in Oregon which could not be gained ior the product of each individual farmer. They secure the service of skilled managers, packers and salesmen, and they eliminate middlemen be tween their association and the wholesaler in the final market. They keep informed on market conditions, and thus avoid shipping to a market that is glutted, but learn where active demand exists, and they develop new markets, as has been done in the eastern states, Britain and the orient. By han dling a standard product for which there is an assured, profitable de mand, associations establish a voi ' ume of financial credit which would be impossible for their mem bers individually? This has been the experience of the California as-: socia.tions and of those which are in successful operation in other sec tions of the country. Though Oregon co-operative as sociations did a business exceeding i(,uuu,000 in the year 1921. they are aestined to expand indefinitely. ine great co-operative retail stores of England had their beginning with a little group of weavers at Rochdale. Four clerks in the Lon don custom house clubbed together to buy a chest of tea at wholesale and thus were the nucleus of the great Civil Service Supply associa tion in the British metropolis. With 8000 producers organized in six as sociations, Oregon co-operation has advanced far beyond those modest beginnings, and its success points to it as the way out of poverty to prosperity for the farmer. WHEN JOHN BUIX SPEEDS UP. John Bull has the reputation of being slow and of lagging far be hind Uncle Sam. in speed, but in changing governments he resembles the-hare of the fable while Uncle bam is as deliberate as the tortoise. Here is a contrast In June, 1920, the American peo ple nominated their two candidates for president, In November, 1920, they elected Harding, but Wilson continued to hold office for four months. On March 4, 1921, Harding took omce, having waited since No vember. Now for the way that the pro verbially slow British go about the business. October 19. The conservative party voted to withdraw from the coalition. October 19. Lloyd George re signed as premier, and Bonar Law wa3 selected to succeed him, October 23. Bonar Law took office October 36. Parliament was dis solved and an election was called. November 15. A new parliament will be elected. ' If Bonar Law can muster a ma jority he will remain in office. If not, he will resign and another man will immediately become pre mier. Within a month from its be- ginning a change of government will have been completed, while the American people spread the opera tion over nine months. John Bull may be slow at every thing else, but he is bewilderingly swift at politics. Uncle Sam is well known to be swift at other things, but he lingers over his politics as though he loved them. Probably he does. " WHAT TAX, MR. PIERCE? The total state tax levied for 1921 (payable in.1922) for Oregon aggregated a total of 9.9 mills. Of this levy 6.69 mills are continuing taxes, imposed by direct vote of the people. They are as follows: Mills State elementary schools 2.13 Higher education 2.00 Ex-atrvlce n.en's education 30 Sold.ers' bonus 1.00 State market roads 1.00 Blind school tax ... 04 Total P&rt of this tax Imposed by legisla tlve enactment In 1913. ' That the people, now greatly dis turbed and rightly so over the mounting tax costs may see what their attitude was at the time the various tax proposals were ' voted, the record is herewith submitted: Yes. No. Elementary schools 110,263 39.593 Higher education 102,722 48.57T Soldiers', etc., bill 91,294 50,482 Soldiers bonus "88,219 87,8 State market roads 53,191 28.039 Blind school tax 115,337 30,739 Thus it will be seen that these taxes were voted by an average of two to one. It will also be seen that two thirds of the present state taxes were levied by the people, not by the state administration. The legislature of 1913 enacted a permanent state road levy of one fourth mill. Thus it will also be seen that the taxes for which the governor and the state administration are respon sible are less than three mills. From the revenues of the three mills are paid the expenses of the ot.,ta Inetffiittnne .,,.1, 1 IZl'VZ - V Z V i" I "I'-,7 " l 7 I berculosis hospitals, boys' and girls schools, land board, library, legis. lature, national guard, printing, public service commission, social hygiene, state fair, county fairs, water board, the executive and ju dicial departments, and a great va riety of miscellaneous expenses. All the reforms advocated- by Governor (maybe) Pierce must be achieved within the three mills, un less he persuades the people to re peal the school, higher education and other such taxes. Just what taxes -imposed by any authority since Olcott went into public office does he propose to abblish? ' NORTHERN RAILROAD CONSOLIDA TIONS. While the people of Oregon have been discussing the relative ad vantage or disadvantage to this state of continuing the merger of the Central Pacific with the South em Pacific railroad or of making the former an independent line. they have been overlooking the plan for consolidation of the north ern roads under the transportation act. yet this plan is eauallv im portant to the northern and west ern part of the state and poten tially to all other parts. More, any pian tnat is finally adopted will de cide the transportation future of the entire Columbia river basin, in cluding the Willamette valley, and of all western Washington. The In terstate Commerce Commission ha3 announced a tentative plan 'and will soon begin hearings on the northern systems, but has not even set a date for hearing on the Central-Southern Pacific merger. It is high time that we gave atten tion to the consolidations that are to be considered first. Three proposed systems should be considered together. As an nounced in the commission's ten tative plan, they are: System No. 13 Union Pacific - Norttt- wes-ern-Union Pacific, which Includes the Si. Joseph & Grand Island. Oregon Short Line. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Xavigat.on. Los Angeles & Salt Lake, Chi.-ago & Northwestern including the Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis & OmaJ&a Lak- Superior & Ishpemine. and Wahuh lines west of Missouri river System No. 14 Burlington-Northern PrM!c-Chii-.ago. Burlington & Quincy Northern Pacific. Chlcaeo-Oreat wo.t. era, Minneapolis & St. Louis. Spokane, r-oruanq cc Seattle. Syttem No 15 Milwaukee-Great Knrth. ern-Chlcagp. Milwaukie & St. Paul, Great ."" "Ji j, iiucttgo. jerre Haute & south eastern. Duluth & Iron Range, Duluth Missube & Northern. Green Bav vi- ern, Spokane, Portland and Seattle, Butte, at f acme. In thus grouping the northern roads, the commission in many re spects loiiowed the recommenda tions of Professor Ripley, but departed from them by not adding the Central Pacific to the Union Pacific system, by not attachine the Denver & Rio Grande and Western Pacific to the Burlintr- ton-Northern Pacific system, and in other respects regarding the lines in the middle west. It pro poses to include tha Spokane, Port land & Seattle in either the Bur lington-Northern Pacific system, or the Milwaukee-Great Northern sys tem, leaving that to future de cision. That is the point of most im mediate interest to the neonle of this region. If both the Milwaukee and the North Bank road should be combined with the Great North ern, the Northern Pacific selliner its half of the North Bank to the new system, Milwaukee trains would gam entrance to Portland by the shortest route, and the new system, receiving all in place of nan tne earnings of the North Bank and finding it more econom ical to operate, might prefer it to enner or its lines across the moun tains for traffic to the seaboard. Of the effect of this part of the plan. Professor Ripley says: The St. Paul-Great Northern system neeas certain additions in order to bal ance competition throughout the north west more fairly with the very powerful Northern Pacific-Burlington combina tion. First and foremost, it must be pro tected as to access into Portland. Or. The oKuraue, rmuana s Seattle line down the north bank of the Columbia river is at present owned Jointly by the North ern Pacific and the Great Northern. This admits the St. Paul automatically under the proposed merger to Portland terrl ?YL. Poss"ly the Northern Pacific might withdraw its Investment from the Spokrne. Portland & Seattle entirely In favor of the St Paul, insofar at least as It a as a parallel line of its own. But upon this point decision may be with held. And the continuance of the joint , ..uuuurii -aciuo be tween Seattle and Portland would as sure competition south of Seattle. . North of Seattle the alliance admits the Bt. Paul over the Great Northern lines Into Vancouver, B. C, from which it has heretofore been excluded. Similarly the right' ot the Great Northern In the Des chutes river canyon and down (up) the Willamette valley should be assured equally with the St. Paul. Thus it ap pears that each company would profit gre--.tiy by the partnership and would be able to cope more successfully with, the old and firmly entrenched Northern Pa- f cific line in this district. That suggests placing Portland on an equality with Seattle in the estimation of the Great Northern as a source of profitable traffic. It would also give Portland the benefit of the Milwaukee's short line from -the Palouse country, to be used in conjunction with the water grade of the North Bank line. But we may expect objection from several quarters. Seattle was the Great Northern's first love and will object to admission of Port land to an equal place In that road's affections. The Great North ern, which earned 7.09 per cent net in 1917, may object to taking over the Milwaukee, which earned only 4.43 per cent, especially as the Mil waukee's funded debt in 1919 was 61.92 per cent of its capitalization, while the Great Northern's was only 39.5 per cent. The Northern Pacific may object to handing over the North Bank to its com petitor and to being confined to its roundabout route to Portland via Tacoraa, In anticipation of the present consolidation scheme, the two" owning lines tried to reach some arrangement by which one would sell to the other, but neither would sell and they could not even agree on a plan by which each shoujd have all the operating in come on all the traffic that it sent over the North Bank. The North ern Pacific may insist that, if it should sell its .interest, it have the same right to run trains over the North Bank as the Great Northern and Union Pacific have over the Portland-Seattle line. Whatever plan is finally adopted should provide for extensions and branches. The . Great Northern might be required, in consideration fof its acquisition of the Milwaukee and North .Bank lines, to build the cut-off from Wenatchee, Beverly and Yakima to Underwood in order to give that rich country an outlet to Portland, but both it and the Northern Paeific may be expected to protest. Professor Ripley's al lusion to the Willamette valley may imply extension of the Oregon Electric and more active compe tition with the Southern Pacific. Extension of the Deschutes line to Klamath Falls may be required, with common user right3 for both the Great Northern and Union Pa cific, as on the existing line. The Ripley report lays much stress on the need for military, purposes of a north-and-south line east of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges, over which troops could be moved in. connection with all transconti nental lines. This would be com pleted by construction of the lin from Wenatchee by way of Yakima to Underwood, of the Deschutes line to connect with the Klamath line and of the line from West wood on the Central Pacific to con nect with the Klamath line. The Union Pacific may seek to offset the advantages gained by its north ern competitors by forming a con necting link with the Milwaukee, by which its route from eastern Oregon and Washington to the sound would be much shortened. The rate situation would be deeply influenced by the proposed combinations. Opening of the North Bank line to the Milwaukee would make the latter a shorter route to Portland than any line to Seattle from the wheat country north of Snake river and would give that line a water grade as an alternative to its mountain grade line to the sound. That situation might justify extension of the present rate dif ferential in favor of Portland to the whole territory between the Snake and Spokane. Distance alone having been the basis of the com mission's decision in the. rate case, Portland would have to fortify its claim by showing the economy of the water grade as compared with the mountain line, for the distance argument might lack force with regard to the Milwaukee and might be defeated by a Union Pacific connection with that line! Practically all of Oregon will be affected by the northern consoli dations. It behooves the leaders in business to put their heads together to study what arrangement, pos sible under the law and the inter pretation of it by the commission, will best serve the interests of the state and of the entire intermoun tain country, and to see that Ore gon's interests are properly repre sented at the hearings. If through our neglect a plan adverse to our interests should be adopted, pro test would then come too late. We should have less quarrel with the soviet government if it would be content with ruining its own country. Like the miserable vic tim of other vices, it insists on dragging others down to its own level. A man who got off alive and' safe when the Honolulu was afire says the water in the lifeboat was brack ish and the biscuits tasted salty. He would "kick" on the milk and honey above. Dawes will be one of the speak ers at the laying of the corner stone of the great Methodist temple in Chicago today. Hope his pro fanity is limited to a cursory glance. The death of a young man in Mc Minnville by electric shock points to advice to let all wires severely alone. A live wire does not alwayfe announce itself. Commissioner Bigelow says the city requires the 3 mill tax. Must be mighty necessary, if the treas ury's watchdog is for it. Some of them are charging de feat of labor in the English elec tions to the women voters. Adam began that cry. Report from Manila is that the Filipinos are restive again. Are the islands out of insect powder? Promise to arrest the murderer in the New Brunswick case is con tinued. Nothing new from Havre. Train robbery continues to be an active industry in southern Mis souri. All the rest of the stock show will be up to the standard of its music. Harding was 67 Thursday, but not one of the varieties by a long shot! If the small boy is missing today, call up the stock show. "Hear dem, bells" tonight; More Truth Than Poetry. By James J. Montague. ALTERED PURPOSE. When I heard that a king had been crowned " In the Balkans, a few years ago, I admit that I usually found That the news was a bit of a blow. I had read about Belgrade, Sofia and Jish In mid-European romances. And I couldn't suppress a long, lin gering wish That I had that potentate's chances. To sit on a shimmering throne, With a scepter to hold in my hand And a jewel-set crown of my own, I thought would be perfectly grand. , I thought of the people who d bend on my face , Adoring and rapturous gazes, And come every morning surround ing the place To sing in a chorus my praises. But now when I read that a king To the old city hall has been led, And given a scepter to swing And a crown to clap down on his head, No envy comes up to embitter my breast, I have not a thrill of ambition, But feel well assured that kind heaven knew best When it gave me my humble posi tion. For the kings that they crown over there Stay around for a year, or a week. If the bauble remains on their hair Eighteen months they're consid ered unique. As soon as a.dynasty eways Its new powers, A fresh revolution upsets it. So I'd far rather dwell in a country like ours. Where a man keeps a job when he gets it. Take Horace Greeley's Tip. Apparently the idea of the young Turk is to go west and grow up with the country. Unending; Demand. Milk is not so much adulterated aa it was. The Dootieggers are crowding the milkmen away from the pump. Always Interfering With Happiness. - Reformers never seem to do any thing popular like prohibiting jazz music. FIELD OF EXPERIMENT OPEN Public Schools Themselves Held to Offer Full Opportunity. PORTLAND, Nov. 3. (To the Edi ejtor.' Allow me to correct a iew a imisstatements made by the enemies of the proposed school bill. Dr. Mc- Elveen advances the argument that textbooks are tr'td out in the pri vate schools preparatory to being used in the public schools. I have been cjtinected with the schools of this city, both public and private, for 22 yttrs, and I know that dur ing that -time tho public schools have never attempted to profit by the expediences of the private insti tutions, but have always used their Independent judgment in the mat ter. As for nip statement that the pri vate schools are valuable as experi mental ground, the same statement will hoU' good. The public schools themselves offer a much larger and more valuable field for this sort of thing. "The opponents of the school bill have stated that no other nation has evar legislated against the kind of education which is attacked by this measure. Wrong again! France, in 1905, passed . law which is still in force forbidding instruction by j religious orders in any school in me country. aiio r i ciii-h at last awoke to the fact that the religions orders under the guise of teachers were making little monar chists out of the students, and banned the religious teachers as enemies to the republic. And this in Roman Catholic France! Finally in regard to the uncon stitutionality of the bill. If its enemies are convinced that it is un constitutional, why should they worrv? Why spend all their money and energy in frantically fighting it? Why not sit tight and let it pass, relying on the courts to tnrow it out later? SCHOOLMAN. Constitutionality of Law. PORTLAND, Nov. 3. (To the Edi tor.) What does it take to make a measure constitutional : Does a majority of votes for It make it constitutional or unconsti tutional? If, as some lawyers claim, the school bill could be. or rather would be, declared unconstitutional, tnen could not the same court declare the election of the governor or any state officer unconstitutional and put him out of office? 33D DEGREE. The majority for a bill has noth ing to do with its constitutionality. The constitution is an expression of the broad principles upon which government is founded. Any law which is contrary to guarantees or restrictions enumerated In our state or national constitution is void. In disputed cases the courts determine whether an act is constitutional. If a question arose as to the legality of an election the courts would de cide. If you mean to inquire whether In a contested election the highest court could arbitrarily set aside e choice legally made by the voters, the answer is that in theory it might be possible. Also the legisla ture might in theory pass a law penalizing you for not knowing more about civil government. Or, in theory, we could be reduced either to a state "f anarchy or one of sub jection at the whim of treacherous officials. In fact, your rights and liberties and those of the rest of ua are pretty safe. Teachers In Roy District. ROY. Or., Nov. 2. (To the Edi tor.) I noticed in The Oregonian a letter written by Selena A. Childs in which she says there are two nuns teaching In tha public schools of district No. 14, Roy, Or., the one wearing a religious garb and the other not. The truth in the matter is, there is one nun teaching in the public schools of said district wearing the garb of her order. The other teacher is not a nun, nor is she a Catholic. When hiring the last mentioned teacher the school board did not ask her regarding her religious beliefs or affiliations. Both teachers were hired by unanimous agreement of the entire school board and I wish to add that one member of the board Is not a Catholic. Both teachers are giving entire satisfaction to the patrons of the schools. If some people would take care of the affairs of their on dis trict properly and not bother them selves with the affairs of another district, as the law implies they should, more peace' and harmony would prevail in the state. JOHN W. BERNARDS, Member of board of directors of school district No. 14, Washington county, Oregon. ' . Those Who Come and Go- Tales of Folks at the Hotels. Animals are like human beings when it comes to having their pic tures taken. While some will pose satisfactorily and apparently en joy the experience, others display their resentment by taking it out on the photographer. This is the obesrvation of A. H. Blackmore of the Breeders Photo Service of Los Angeles, Cal., who is registered at the Multnomah. Mr. Blackmore is in the city to take pictures of the animal visitors to the Pacific Inter national Livestock show. "I have lost a few cameras," stated Mr. Blackmore, "during my eighteen years doing this special worK. Cattle are not all alike and it is hard sometimes to get them to keep still enough to take their picture. Sudden motions often ex cite them. Back in Nebraska I had an exciting experience when I was asked to take a photograph of a fine Texas steer that had arrived on consignment to be sold. I went into the pen and had everytning ready to take the picture when someone yelled, 'look out, and I looked and jumped and got out of the way just in time, but there was not much left of the icamera when the steer got through." Nine years ago Leslie F. Rice of Oakland," Cal., was planning his yearly vacation and decided with his chum to visit Portland and see the much advertised Rose Festival. So arrangements were made to form a party of four. but. each told friends and by the time they were ready to go the party had grown to a special train with a boys' band as an escort and a baggage car full of California's best fruit and other thinsrs; "I then told my friends,' says Mr. Rice, who is registered at the Multnomah, "that if I ever left Oakland I hoped that I could live in Portland, and here I am to make my home in your city, and I know I shall enjoy being with you and taking part in the civh; life of the community. A regular Seattle booster of the sort formerly common but now rare, is E. G. Helgeson of the Metro politan Building company now at the Multnomah. Mr. weigeson ae Clares that there is scarcely a va cant office in Seattle and that 500 rooms have been added to one of the large office structures there. He also says that the new Olympia hotel is to be 12 stories high and have 650 rooms, and if necessary. 200 more rooms can be added. This will make the Olympia the largest hotel in the northwest when it is completed. Mrs. P. R. Brown and child from Antone, Or., are at the Imperial. Antone shows on the map, if the map is large, for it consists of two very modern bungalows, a store-and garage, and is located at the head of the canyon which you ciimn get tincr out of Mitchell. To reach Day Ille from Antone, tne motorist , climbs and climbs and climbs, over barefaced mountains, on a twisting, winding road, and the view spread out of the mountains and valleys far below is well worth the trip. Floyd -McKinnon shipped some horses for the livestock show, en training the animals at LaGrande at 5 o'clock in the evening.. The next morning he took the 6 o'clock train for Portland. Imagine his aston ishment when he passed his ship ment, which was sent 12 hours be fore, at Kamela, only a short dis tance out of LaGrande. Mr. McKin non, who is registered at the Im perial with his wife, had a long wait in Portland before his horses arrived. Across the page of the Benson register, written so large that it overshadowed and eclipsed all other names, was that of Mrs. Mary Grove of John Day, Or. Mrs. Grove, who is in the livestock business, is here to attend the livestock exhibition which opens tomorrow. John Day is a pioneer settlement on the John Day river and is now an important point on the John Day highway. It is one of the most picturesque sec tions of Oregon and has a topog raphy peculiarly its own. E. V. Ellington, formerly with the University of Idaho, at Moscow, but now with the Washington! State col lege, at Pullman, is at the Mult nomah. He is here for the livestock show and will bring 15 students from the college to judge dairy products and dairy cattle at the ex hibit. Art Wheelhouse, who used to be postmaster of Arlington and is now the mayor of that town on the banks of the Columbia river, is one of the sheepmen attracted to the livestock exhibit Mr. ami Mrs. C E. Harding mo tored from Seaside to Portland and are at the Nortonia for a few days. Mr. Harding looks after the inter ests of the Standard Oil company at the beach resort. E. L. Hurley, formerly head of the United States shipping board, ar rived at tho Benson yesterday, reg istering from Chicago. He is ac companied by his brother, N. C. Hurley. Walter K. Taylor, a stockman ot Corvallis, Is in the city. Mr. Taylor, head of the state livestock sanitary board, is in Portland to attend the livestock show. T. A. McBride and L. L. Harris, members of the Oregon supreme court, arrived at the Imperial from Pendleton yesterday, where they had been holding court. Walter S. Crane of Boston, Mass., is at the Benson. Mr. Crane is con nected with the home office of the Warren Bros., paving people. Ed Marshall, a well-known and extensive wheat grower of Umatilla county, is registered at the Benson from Pendleton. Adolph Linden, in the banking business at Seattle, is among the Puget sound arrivals at the Benson. A. L. Paine, a lumberman from Hoquiam, Wash., is at the Benson. QUESTION ASKED MR- GIFFORD How Will Proposed Law Increase Americanism in Schools f BEAVERTON, Or., Nov. 3. (To the Editor.) Pardon me foi again referring to the picture being cir culated by Mr. Fred L. Gifford, sec retary on the Americanization of public schools. You kindly answered all of my questions except the one as to whether Mr. Gifford was circulating those pictures to defeat the com pulsory education bilL This ques tion should properly have been ad dressed to Mr. Gifford, who, I un derstand, is 100 per cent American. I now address the following" ques tions to Mr. Gifford: If our public schools are not 100 per cent American, as you attempt to show by the picture you are cir culating, how is it going to make' our children 100 per cent American by passing a law that will force them to Attend such schools? If our public schools are 100 per cent American, as I have been told by Mr. Woodward, director of Port land public schools, why are you heading a committee to Americanize them? JOSEPH CROME, i y , j An Irish, Protestant, Burroughs Nature Club. Copyright, Houghton-Mifflin Co. Can You Answer These Questional 1. I recently saw the botanic name of the banana is Musa- sapientum. Can you give any derivation? This seems an odd name for a plant. 2. How does a sea urchin move? 3. Is it true that cedar-birds will sit in a row and pass food from one to the other? Answers in Monday's Nature notes. Answers to Previous Questions. 1. Are kingbirds enemies to other birds? What color are their eggs? It Is pugnacious indisposition, and will defend its nest fiercely; and is well known for Its habit of attack ing crows and hawks, flying above them and then darting down with vicious pecks of the beak. Aside from this, it is not an "enemy" of birds. Eggs usually creamy-white background spotted with brown or purplish. 2. When do coyotes mate? Late January or early February the mating season is short. Young are born in about nine weeks, ap proximately the same time as foxes, in rocky dens, averaging four to eight per litter. By July the young coyotes leave the home-burrow and by the following month stray from the parents. 3. Please answer the following questions in geology; How are the so-called bird tracks of the Connec ticut valley accounted for? Why do the trap rock ridges of the state front the west? Too extended and technical a point to cover here. Try a library for E. Hitchcock's "The Ichnology ot New England (ichnology meaning rough ly "studying tracks of species known only by, their tracks);" and the 7th . Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey, 1888, an article by W. M. Davis, "Structural Geology in the Connecticut valley." PARENTAL CONTROL INFRINGED Constitutionality of School Bill DIs cussed in Reply to Questions. PORTLAND, Nov. 3. (To the Edi tor.) The instructive editorial in The Oregonian on "Education and the State" says of Che proposed bill and of the present law: "It is explicit mandate to send children between the ages of 8 and 16 to tha public schools and to no other;"' and "the state assuring itself that its own standards are maintained" when the children are sent to other than the public schools. . To my mind these are the chief points involved in the discussion. Is it not true that if the proposed bill should become law parents would be free to send their children to other schools for religious in struction outside of the small num ber of hours comparatively which are required by the state? And is it not true that in all the public schools of Portland, by action of the school board, children may be ex cused for a reasonable time during the regular school hours for reli gious instruction? Where is the in tringement on religious liberty or personal rights contended for by so many of your correspondents? As to the state standards being maintained as required by present law, what evidence is there that this is being done? Are the pupils in the private and religious schools sub jected to the same tests of scholar ship and effie'ency that are required in the public schools? What juris diction have the authorities of the public schools over other schools. and if any, to what extent is it being exercised? A LOYAL AMERICAN. The Oregonian has already said that it does not agree that the pro posed measure is in itself an in fringement on religious rights, as such; but it is, to its mind.an un questionable attack in personal rights viz. parental control of the child. It Is true, of course, that under the bill the child may receive religious training before or after his regular hours In the public school. But the whole essence of the argument against the measure, so far as certain religious bodies are concerned, is that religious and Becular education should be associ ated and co-ordinated. Besides, it is a hardship on the child that after a full day In the public schools or before he should be withdrawn from his natural hours of rest and play for another round of rigid Instruction. The Oregonian does not know whether the Portland school board now has a rule permitting the child to be taken away for a reasonable time for religious instruction. It has not inquired. What has the school board to do with the religious instruction of a child? Why should religious instruction be within the school board's discretion and not the parents'? ARGUMENTS UNFAIR, UNTRUE Protestant Protests Ag-alnst Wild Statements for School Bill. PORTLAND, Nov. 3. (To th& Edi tor.) A circular being distributed by supporters of the compulsory monopoly bill says: 1. There is no feeling of any kind back of the bill. 2. Principal objectors to the bill are those who do not want to sup port the public school. 3. Compares objectors to bur glars, murderers and gamblers. 4. Says "there is no politics in the bill." 5. Says "bill Is not aimed at any church or religion." 6. Any one who believes in our public schools cannot avoid sup porting the bill. 7. Campaign is bitter only on the part of on or two religious denom inations. 8. Opposition to the bill comes only from religious interests, wealthy persons who wish to send their sons to private schools, private school owners, and sinister persons repre senting secretly in our midst for eign nations. Let the intelligent and fair-minded voters of Portland study these utter ly unfair and untrue "arguments" and they will better understand the malevolent and unscrirpulous spirit that is back of the campaign that has torn this community with the most bitter dissensions it has ever known. PROTESTANT. Airplane Pilot's License, CURLEW, Wash., Nov. 2. (To the Editor.) Is it necessary for the driver of a commercial airplane to have a pilot's license? Must he have a license to carry passengers for hire? SUBSCRIBER. The state of Washington has no law on the subject. If you are in terested in the Oregon law provid ing for the examination and licens ing of air pilots, write to Floyd Hart, secretary etate board of aero nautics, Medford Or. Hall-Mills Murder Motive Declared Jealousy Review of famous mystery case by scientist and criminologist finds the crime was committed by two different personalities, though conceived by one person, says illustrated article appear ing in The Sunday Oregonian. Big Livestock Exposition Is On - Twelfth annual classic of Pa cific International series is largest fair of kind under one roof, says article illustrated in color to appear in tomor row's paper. Materialism Ruined Genius of London Friend of California writer declares that everything was sacrificed to eet money to run immense ranch, in article m the Sunday paper. IN THE MAGAZINE Why Rich Men's Sons Elope "Girls of our set insipid,'" de. clares one who married a Cinderella, in illustrated ar ticle. - Now We Have the Sky Limousines America leads the world in machines that are as luxu rious as the fliers of the solid highways. Science Hopes to Conquer Fog Problem is one of most stub born yet dealt with, declares scientific writer. Man Builds House Single-Handed Seventeen years required to complete beautiful ten-ioom structure. Life Sketches by W. E. Hill "Psychic Stuff" is topic of page illustrations of people in intensely human attitudes. Local Livestock Market Nominates Northwest Exceptional competition as sures growers excellent re turns by. open sales system. A Little Story of a Woman Who Waited She longed for a swain who would come and take her, even as her father's violin had conquered her mother. Jewels of Czar Now on Sale Fifth avenue now asks who will be rich enough, to wear dazzling gems. OTHER FEATURES Near East Cause to Be Presented Members of Sunday schools to be asked to increase of f erings for relief work among orphans. Jefferson Magazine Work of Art First issue of high, school publication out. Commerce to have play. Ten Dollars for a Title Beginning Sunday and each Sunday thereafter will ap pear a drawing without a , title. The one submitting the best caption will get a check for ?10. New Radio Plant Under Way Antennae built for The Oregonian's new broadcast ing station and work pro gresses rapidly. News of World in Cartoon Full page by Darlington pre sents current happenings pictonally. Route to Eugene in Good Shape Splendid road awaits univer sity home-comers, says illus trated article in automobile section. News of the Social World Activities in the realm of music. News of the drama, the motion picture and the world of sports. All these and many others handled in departments. Portland Forges to the Front . Development of city is chron icled in pages of the Sunday paper. All ihe News of All the World Found in The Sunday Oregonian Just 5 Cents