VOL. LXI NO. 19,333 Entered at Portland Oregon) Postoffice aa Pecond-c1a,"s Matter. PORTLAND, -OREGON, SATURDAY, 'NOVEMBER 4, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS NTY MILADY'S WAIST LINE IS ORDERED BACK E FLIERS SPEED ON WAY ACROSS CONTINENT BE I JLIVESTOGK SHI MR. 0LC0TTIN NOTE SCORES OPPOSITION EG E BOU A H Did PIERGE.ATTACKS 111 BOOMERANG r Statements on Roads Laid to Ignorance. nUVLIVIDLfV MOfXLU HELPS 618 FOLK STAND fJEUTR ILI ILL OPEN TCI v PARIS DECREES CORSETS FOR NEXT SPRING. NON-STOP PLANE PASSES PERSISTENT MISREPRESEN APATHY HELD GREATEST OF i OVER PRATT, KAN. TATION CHARGED. NATION'S PERILS. Pension Fund Cares for Aged and Infirm. EN AND WOMEN INCLUDED Workers and Tried Friends Among Beneficiaries. KIND DEEDS REWARDED Charities Sonnd Practical Over tone to Keynote of Epitaph on Ironmaster's Tomb. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. On the tombstone of the ironmaster, An drew Carnegie, in Sleepy Hollow cemetery, is the epitaph he wrote: "Here lies a man who knew how to enlist in his service better men than himself." Documents made public today ar.d filed in the appellate division of the supreme court, in support of an appeal asking that a $4,500,000 pen sion fund created by Carnegie's will be declared untaxable, sounded a practical overtone to the keynote of the epitaph. 600 on Pension List. The documents showed that 600 men and women, most of them more than 60, and many more than 80 years old, were on the pension list of the Scotch ironmaster, who died in 1919. Some of the beneficiaries receive $10 a month; others get in comes that approximate $5000 yearly. Some of them are work men grown too old for their trades; some of them have been downed by some misfortune. One of them is a viscount of London; another is the widow of a railroad engineer. But most of them are men who "enlisted in the service of Andrew Carnegie." Helen Keller Beneficiary. To Miss Helen Keller, the famous girl, who Is deaf, dumb and blind, the Carnegie pension fund grants an annuity of $2500. vjauuuni juiin jytoney oi wimDie don Park, London, is provided with 1000 a year after reaching the age of 80, according to the pension pro visions. Hundreds of others, whose names are unfamiliar 'on news pages, 'but which once were written on the payrolls of steel mills and plants in Pennsylvania, receive incomes of varying size from the fund. Obscure Friends Remembered. Several letters from Mr. Carnegie in regard to the care of obscure friends were made public by Robert A. Franks, who for many years di rected the disposal of the pension fund. One says of an old man and his wife: "They are old, no longer able to work and on the verge of losing their minds. "The arrangement I suggest I hope will make them comfortable to the end." Engineer's Family Aided. Another letter concerns an engi neer who was close to death and asked Mr. Carnegie's aid for his family, one of whom was a crippled daughter. The engineer, in his fee ble days, had been pensioned and the letter directs the Ran t inna t irm of aid to his family, saying: "If more is needed to keep the widow and her daughter, it is to be given them, sure." One letter, directing the enroll ment of the name of a woman on the list of pensioned, tells directly of a "man enlisted in the service" of Carnegie. It says: Generous Loan Rewarded. "Please say her father loaned me $217.50 in order to make my first payment on sleeping car stock. Say that he took my note without se curity, saying 'Yes. I'll lend it to you. and you're all right! "So his daughter need have no hesitation in coming under my wing now, as it were." The appeal for the ruling dis pensing with taxation of the fund which was granted was partly based upon proofs offered to show that the pension fund was but a small part of the philanthropies of the iron master, who gave away, the accounting shows,-' $350,000,000 and died worth $23,000,000. Last Days Philanthropic. Andrew Carnegie retired from business in 1901, the court was told, and from then until his death at Shadowbrook. Lenox, Mass., on August 11, 1919. was most interested in the disposition of large portions of his fortune. NEW YORK. Not 3. The Fifth avenue home of the late Andrew Carnegie, valued at $3,070,000, is not liable- to an inheritance tax, the appellate division of the supreme court decided unanimously today, reversing a decision made recently by Surrogate Foley. ' The court upheld Surrogate Foley in a decision that a $4,500,000 fund set aside by Mr. Carnegie during his lifetime to proV'de pensions for friends and others unable to care for themselves was not subject to tax. New York Disregards New Fash ion by Ordering Sntt Skirts 9 Inches From Ground. NEW YORK. Nov; 3. Paris style makers having demonstrated they can raise or lower women's skirts almost as easily as they manipulate a window shade, now are getting ready to bring back the vanished waist line, which went into the dis card along with corsets. This was the word brought back from France today by David N. Mosessohn, head of the Associated Dress Industries of America, word of which he said leaked out of the conferences now being held to de termine next spring's styles. Just where the waist line will be located has not yet been decided, but there will be waist lines and corsets to hold them in place.. Mr. Mosessohn predicted. "Just what size a normal 16-inch waist should be is a question," hj said. "It is safe to assume, how ever, that it will not be reduced to 18 inches as in the olden days. There will be enough of the straight line effect to satisfy the universal demand for comfort. American women need not worry." Long skirts have received an other setback if early orders for spring, 1923, are any indication. A New York department store has placed orders for spring suits with the skirts niae inches from the ground. - ' CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Six inches from the ground for skirts for street wear and four inches for evening gowns is Chicago's demand this sea son, according to announcement to day by the head buyer of a leading woman's wear shop. "Conservatism is the note in Chi cago," said Mme. Alia Ripley, presi dent of the Fashion Art League of America. "We approve shorter street suits, from six to seven inctftes from the ground, according to the woman who wears them. Evening and dinner dresses are longer, about four inches, although frequently there are points and ends that touch the floor." GUMP TARGET IN TEXAS Injunction to Keep Andy's Name Off Ballot Asked. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) FOR'it WORTH, Texas, Nov. 3. Earl Mayfleld, Ku Klux Klan candi date for the United States senate, and George Peddy, anti-klan candi date from Texas, are sharing their election troubles tonight with Andy Gump, people's candidate for con gress. Inspired by the success of injunc tions issued agains: Peddy and May field, enemies of Gunfp filed a for mal petition in Eastland county this afternoon, asking that his name be barred from the ballot. The petition charged that Gump is spending too much money, that he is a member of a secret order other than the B'nai B'rith and the Knights of Columbus and that he is the candidate of a society that meets in cow pastures and dark places. The petition was filed by Assist ant County Attorney Barnes and will be called for hearing Monday at Eastland. THOUSANDS IN DISTRESS i Russian Refugees in Manchuria in Starving Condition. TOKIO, Nov. 3. (By the Associ ated Press.) Official reports indi cate that thousands of Russian ref ugees from Vladivostok are at Hun chun, . Manchuria, in a deplorable condition. Supplies are exhausted in the district Some of the exiles are reported sell'ng their children to Chinese. The first general order issued by the new red government of Vladi vostok prohibits gambling and the use of opium or cocaine. The Japanese warship Kasuga will return to its port November 10. The Nishhin will remain in Vladi vostok through the winter. Perfect order is reported in the Siberian port. GALES RAGE OFF ALASKA Vessels in Northern Waters Are Delayed by Severe Storms. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 3. Heavy southeast gales sweeping the south eastern and southwestern Alaska coasts have delayed vessels in these waters, according to reports re ceived here today. The Alaska Steamship company's steamer Vic toria, southward bound from Nome and St. Michael, reported she had encountered a storm near Cordova and was able to make only 100 miles yesterday. The passenger liner Northwestern was anchored yesterday near Cor dova, unable to proceed because of the gale, and the freighter Valdez reported she vas delayed by a heavy storm near Ketchikan. LISBON CABINET TO QUIT Portuguese Executives Decide to Reconstruct Ministry. LISBON, Nov. 3. (By the Asso ciated 5ress.) The Portuguese cab inet has decided to resign and re construct the ministry. This is in consequence of criti cism of certain executive depart ments by the opposition. Chamber for Solution That's Best for State. NATRON CUT-OFF IS URGED Directors for Compromise Despite Special Report, MORE EXTENSIONS ASKED Rail Line From Crane to Eugene and Connection 'With Lake view Also Wanted. Another chapter In the vexing nnmerger situation was written yes terday when the Chamber of Com merce directors, in special meeting, adopted a resolution that was not at ail a Reaffirmation of Its special committee report a few weeks ago. The resolutions did not declare for the dismemberment of the Southern Pacific-Central Pacific properties, as did the committee report. In stead, the directors adopted a com promise attitude that admits of a number of solutions of the problem created by the supreme court deci sion on May 29 last, which called for the divorce of the Central Pacific from Southern Pacific control and operation. Greatest Benefit Sought. The directors pledged themselves first of all to a solution that will be of most benefit to the state of Ore gon, whether it be by an indepen dent Central Pacific system, a com bination of the Southern and Cen tral Pacifies, or a merger of the Cen tral Pacific with the Union Pacific system. The resolutions expressed implicit confidence in the interstate com merce commission in working out the Central Pacific's destiny. It was also urged that the commission give careful consideration to completion of the Natron cutoff, with its pro posed connectiof!, completion of the Crane branch of the Union Pacific to a junction with the Natron cut off, extension of the Deschutes can yon line from Bend to join the Nat ron cutoff or, the projected Crane- Eugene line, and extension of a branch line from somapoint on the Crane-Eugene line to Lakeview. Loophole Is Left. , Finally, the directors left a loop hole for further declarations on the whole subject, should other facts come to light that might affect the situation. . ... . It was understood the vote on the adoption of the resolutions was 9 to 6. Among the recalcitrants were said to have been members of the board who thought nothing would be gained by a reversal of the policy outlined by the special committee on unmerger, which went into the matter after considerable study and whose findings, it was said, were worthy of indorsement. H. B. Van Duzer was chairman of the special committee, which had (Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.) IN OTHER WORDS, ANY ONE WHO MISSES IT Start From San Diego to New York Is Made Just as Day Is Breaking. I TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 3. The monoplane T-2 on its non-stop transcontinental flight passed over Pratt, Kan., at 10:10 o'clock tonight, according to reports received at the Rock Island offices in Topeka. This was the last report received. It had been reported over Dalhart, Tex., at 8 o'clock. Rock Island of ficials said that they did not. ex pect the plane to pass over Topeka, but that the next report was ex pected from Eldon, Mo. The speed, they said, was about 150 miles an hour. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. A check by the Southern Pacific com pany telegraph department on the non-stop filght from San Diego to New York, which was started early today by Licntenants John A. Mac ready and Oakley Kelly of the United States army, showed that they passed over Gila, Ariz., at 10:15 A. M., Tucson, Ariz., at 12:17 P. M. ; Benson, Ariz., at 12:48 P. M.; Dragoon, Ariz., at 1 P. M.; Wilcox, AHz., at 1:15 P. M.; Bowie, Ariz., at 1:25 P. M. and Deming, N. M., at 2:35 P. M. The flyers were making great speed, according to the in formation reaching the company's headquarters here. EL PASO, Tex., Nox. 3. The air plane in which Lieutenants John A. MacReady and Oakley Kelly are try ing to make a non-stop transconti nental flight, passed over Guymon, Okla.. at 9:20 o'clock (Central stand ard time) tonight, according to in formation received by the chief operator of the El Paso & South western railway here. The dispatcher's information in dicated that from Vaughn, N. M., to Dalhart, Tex., the plane flew at the rate of 102 miles an hour. It passed over Vaughn at 5:35 P. M., Santa Rosa, N. M., at 5:55; Tucumcari, N. M., at 6:35; and Dalhart, Tex., at 8:30 P. M. (Central standard time), his information indicated. SAN DIEGO, Cal., Nov. 3. Keen interest, in which anxiety may have shared, was expressed at Rockwell field late today as the progress of Lieutenants John A. Macready and Oakley Kelly, trying to make a non stop flight from San Diego to New York, in the great monoplane T-2, were driving into what were sched uled as the n'ght hours of their at tempt to cross the continent with out landing. Afer the report came that after taking off from the army aviation field at a few seconds be fore 6 A. M. the flyers had passed Deming, N. M, and were apparently headed safely on the next stage of their journey, officers at the field said they felt confident that all was right with the aviators. The take-off was acclaimed. as a masterly p'ece of airmanship. Lieu tenant Kelly handled tho wheel, as he did on the mo.-ning of October 5, when the two aviators took the air on a flight which resulted in a dura tion record of 35 hours 18 minutes end 30 seconds. - When the big ma chine left the ground today, how ever, it weighed 10,800 pounds, or 500 pounds more than when it started on October 5. Both aviators expressed confi dence. "We expect t& eat dinner in New York Saturday night," said Mac ready with a laugh. "It certainly looks like our day," (Concluded on Page 2, Column 5.) Attitude on Taxes as Outlined in Speech Declared Garbled by Democratic Paper. Persistent misrepresentation of Governor Olcott's stand on the tax issue is charged against Walter M. ,.V . V . " - - canaiuaie, ana tne.uregon journaj in a letter signed by the governor. Jn this letter Governor Olcott point ed out that Candidate Pierce and the Journal have used 'a garble ex cerpt of one- of the governor's speeches in order to riake it appear that Governor Olcott stated that taxes cannot be reduced in Oregon and may go higher than at present Governor Olcott in his letter quoted the paragraph used as it was given to the press and delivered by him two weeks ago. The letter is as follows: PORTLA NO, Or., Nov. 3. To the Editor.) The Oregon Journal and Mr. Pierce have persistently misrepresented my attitude on the tax issue. They slate that I have said in effect that taxes cannot be reduced, and may go higher, and they quote a garbled excerpt fiom a speech of mine in support of their assertion. The written text of that speech was furnished to the press, and no fair minded man could so garble it as to bring out the idea that the opposition to me is endeavoring to portray. Permit me to quote from the typewritten sheet, as given to the press, when. I started out on this campaign two -weeks ago: "For the year 1U22 there were 2769 distinct tax levying bodies in the state. Tnere are hundreds of other bodies with power to levy taxes that, for some reason or another, did not fa.ke advantage of that power in 1922. TIley may take advantage of it In 1923, in 1924 or in any other year if they desire to do so, and if they do your taxes from those sources will rise rather than decrease. The governor has no power over the action of these tax-levying bodies save in an exceptionally few rases. These taxes are under the control of the people of the various localities and are as remote from the power of the executive control as are the taxes of the federal government." Thus it will be distinctly seen that the reference was entirely to taxes in those localities where tax-levying authority ex ists that was not exercised in 1922, but which might be exercised at any time. Mr. Pierce and the opposition press should be big enough and fair enough to concede that 1 was the originator in Oregon of the idea that taxes should be reduced and equalized, because they both know that I made such a recommenda tion to the legislature two years ago, and that it was because of my call ng their attention to this condition, and urging upon them authority for the ap pointment of a special tax investigt:on commission - that -the present agitation 'concerning taxes resulted. Incidentally, permit me to add that the Oregon Jour nal, at the time this commission was appointed by me, made the statement editorially that the appointments wtre "mos: excellent." Very truly yours, SEN W. OLCOTT. HEIRESS STICKS TO JOB New York Girl Refuses to Marry for $50,000 Bequest. NEW YORK. Nov. 3. Heiress to $50,000 on condition that she get married, Miss Ruth Spanier, 21, has decided to continue selling bread, rolls and pies in her mother's store. Miss Spanier was named beneficiary in the will of her uncle, Jacob Spanier, who died in Los Angeles. "I certainly will not marry for money," she said today. "When 1 marry it shall be . for love and I will not alter my plan Just because of this bequest." PRINCE OF WALES HURT Fall From Horse Causes Slight Injury to Royal Ankle. LONDON, Nov. 3. (By the " Asso ciated Press.) The prince of Wales today fell from his horse, slightly spraining his ankle. A medical examination showed no Injury beyond a swelling. IS OUT OF LUCK. FACTS DISPROVE CHARGES John B. Yeon Says Candi date Would Retard State. TAXPAYERS PAY NOTHING Great Results Achieved by Com mission Through Levy on Those Who TJse Roads. Attacks launched by Walter M. Pierce, democratic candidate for governor, against the state highway commission and Its programme, have come home to their author with the zest and thud of a boomerange. John B. Teon, member of the com mission, far from shrinking into re tirement before the onslaught of Mr. Pierce, yesterday Issued a state ment in entire refutation of the charges, and placed the commis sion's own case before the people of Oregon. Reduced to its essential declara tion, the commission's counter-claim is that It found Oregon thigh-deep and hub-deep in mud and gave It roads that rank foremost among the highways of America. And this without cost to the general tax payer, but by the special taxation of those who use the roads more than others the motorists of the state. This accomplishment, not to be de nied, has been realized since 1917. Results Are Cited. The statement of Mr. Yeon, for the highway commission, made pub lic late yesterday, is as follows: "For the purposes of his own cam paign, Walter M. Pierce has at tacked this commission and its pro gramme, dealing largely in gen eralities and misrepresentations that cannot pass without challenge. Ore gon has witnessed the evolution of a commonwealth from wilderness. Its history is linked with that of its roads, from the Indian trail of the past to the paved highway of the present. And much of this Mad de velopment, it must be borne in mind, has been achieved within the past five years. The commission found Oregon a land of mud and impass able barriers. It points to the con venience and simplicity of travel in the present. Salem Cut Off From Portland. "When the'programme of the com mission was initiated Salem was iso lated from Portland during the win ter season. Farmers were held at home by impassable thoroughfares. There was no connection between eastern and western Oregon except by rail. Southern Oregon was a dis tant, mud-locked province during the rains. The state was provin cial and scattered into units, inac cessible for tho greater part of the year save by rail transportation. Its economic development was ham pered and at a standstill. "The proof of the soundness of the commission's programme and of the service rendered rests in the ad mirable highways of today, which have been declared by Thomas H. McDonald, in charge of national highways, to surpass all state high ways in excellence and value for the money expended. Travel by auto, transportation by truck is today an actuality. From Vancouver, Wash., thu motorist may drive di rectly through the length of Oregon and to the Mexican line. Pierce Would Retard State. "Mr. Pierce attacks the commis sion's plan of raising road funds. He would substitute therefor the pay-as-you-go system. He would turn -back the clock. It is easily demonstrated that, under the taxa tion plan he proposes. 56 years would be required, with the raisins of $1,000,000 annually, to build the highways that are in operation to day. Increasing taxes, he would at the same time retard development for half a century. "The roads of Oregon have not been financed by tax money, but from the fees of automobile owners, every one of whom has benefited far more than the amount of his contribution. - Oregon had been linked, county to county, town to city, farm to market place,' with out any increase in general taxa tion. Do not forget that the visiting motorist contributes approximately $125,000 per annum in gas tax to wards our roads. In addition the tourist leaves a total of 12 to 15 million dollars per annum in the state. These figures are fcased on our traffic census reports. Bonds Promptly Retired. "He assails the financial sound ness of this plan, despite the fact that it already has proved itself de pendable and efficient. Under the commission's plan all highway bonds have been retired when they became due, all interest charges have been fully paid and there is today a surplus of $1,800,000. Mr. Pierce has said, oddly enough, in the face of his proposal to reduce taxes, that the commission's finan cial plan is impossible of applica- Tlead of National League of Women Voters Asks All to Go to Polls Next Tuesday. fBy Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 3. A strong plea to women voters to go' to the polls and cast their ballots Tuesday was issued today by Mrs. Maude Wood Park, presi dent of the National League of Women- Voters. She declared that the apathy of botn men and women voters was. the greatest menace to the country today. "Our country is seriously im periled by just one thing the apathy of enfranchised men and women, and the danger that threat ens is greater than the menace of any armed enemy," said Mrs. Park. "Destruction of our commerce, bombardment of our coast cities, invasion of our shores, could in no wise destroy us. Our country 13 too large, too varied, too rich ever to be conquered, but it can be wrecked from within. "It can cease to possess a demo cratic government, representative of the people's wishes, their ideals, their best interests, and become an autocracy ruled by the vicious or stupid few, and every man or woman who fails to vote this year contributes all that is in his power to such an overthrow of the institu tions our forefathers left to us." PINKHAM FUNERAL HELD Ashes of ex-Governor of Hawaii to Be Sent East. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. C The funeral of Lucius E. Pinkham, for mer governor of Hawaii, was held here today, Rev. William Kirk Guthrie of the First Presbyterian church conducting the service. The body was cremated and the ashes will be sent to Pinkham's former liome in Worcester, Mass. FILIPINOS URGE DEFENSE Warships to Protect Coasts of Islands Requested. MANILA, Nov. 3. (By the Associ ated Press.) Warships to defend the coasts of the rhHipTice islands are asked for in a resoiuticri 3" duced 1n the Philippine house o rep resentatives. The United State congress is pe titioned in the reso.utlon to author ize construction of vessels. LINER BREAKS RECORD Mauritania Crosses Atlantic in 5 Days, 7 Hours, 33 Minutes. NEW YORK. Nov. 3. The Maure tania, which arrived here today, broke the speed record between Cherbourg breakwater and Ambrose light, covering the- distance in 5 days 7 hours and 33 minutes. . This is 1 hour and 47 minutes bet ter than the previous record, also held by the Mauretania. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 60 degrees; minimum temperature, 33 degrees. TODAY'S Saturd&y rain; southeasterly - winds. Foreign. Ex-l.a!ser to simplify wedding ceremony. Pf.se 3. Abezzano u named Italian ambassador to United States. Page 2. Turkish sultanate reported abolished. Page 2. -British lists include 1370 candidates. Page 6. National. Head of National League of Women voters askB for big vote Tuesday. Page 1. Domestic. Fliers speed on way across continent. Page 1. ' v Rosalie Shanty to have operation. Page 3. Accused retells story of murder. Page 5. Koclot death car found, is report. Page 3. Miladv's waist line coming back. Is edict. Page 1- Leaders rash to save Senator Freling kuysen. Page 2. Dr. loyle raps clergy and praises press of Toronto. Page5. Carnegie pension fund supports 600 per sons. Page 1. Sports. Aggie-club game should be snappy. Page 14. Franklin defeats James John, 10-0. Page 14. Harter or Davis may meet Walker. Page 15Y Topnetch elevens are opponents today. Page 14. Commercial and Marine. Milling wheat in northwest at highest price of season. Page 22. Government bonds advancing on New York market. Page 23. "Secretary Mellon issues- statement of prcgress in reduction ' o national debt. Page 22. ' ... New United States, bonds go back to subscription price. Page 23. Rise in market of remnant wool. Page 23. Edward N. Hurley praises port growth. Page 16. Ten trans-Pacific lines sign standard rates agreement Page 16. Portland and Vicinity. Pierce attacks on highway work prove boomerang. Sir. Yeon says. Page 1. Livestock shows opens today. Page 1. Chamber modifies attitude on railway divorce. Page 1. Mr. Olcott in note scores opposition. Page 1. Amalgamated parade to pass in review tonight. Page 8. Orders received retiring General Blatch- ford. Page 7. Season for making mincemeat Is here. Page 9. "True Blue" ticket branded as mislead ing. Page 8. Beef and veal supply plentiful. Page 9. Income tax urged by investigators. Page 22. Health show finds two perfect babies. Page 17. Representative gathering pays tribute to Oregon's chief executive. Page 4. Compulsory education bill attacked at 25,000 Children to Be First Visitors. BEST OF WEST ON VIEW Champions Will Compete for Grand Prize. 4000 ENTRIES ARE MADE Last-Minute Preparations fop Opening Go On and Be lated Arrivals Placed. ; Aristocrats of the ranch and range, the prides of the great livestock-producing territory of the Pa- . cific coast, their total value ex ceeding $2. 500,000, are awaiting the opening of the 12th annual Pacific International Livestock exposition in their stalls at the exposition grounds in North Portland today. The doors will swing open at 8 o'clock this morning and until 13 o'clock Saturday night, November 11, the finest the west can produce in horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry will vie for the greatest distinction in the livestock world, the purple ribbon of the grand champion of its class. The exposition, coming as it does in the late fall, is the grand climax of the galaxy of county fairs, slate fairs and stock shows which are held throughout the northwest, starting in August, From one to an other of these shows the finest tho west can produce is taken in the gradual elimination process until the final and greatest exposition, the Pacific ' International at Port land In November, is held and thence and for all time the claims of tho finest animals for the championship honors are settled. 4000 Entries Are Made. With a 10 per cent increase in the number of entries this year, totaling nearly 4000, the greatest show in the history of the exposition is an ticipated. The 4000 entries do not include the poultry entries nor the total number of animals participat ing in the various classes. In sev eral entries there are as many as three or four animals, but the 4000 does represent the total number of individual exhibitors of high grads stock. The exhibit pavilions and the stock barns were a veritable bee hive of industry yesterday, and throughout the day and last night hundreds of animals arrived. The capacity of the unloading platforms, which will accommodate 50 cars at one time, facilitated the unloading of much of the stock which arrived during the night. Two special trains of 48 cars each arrived at 6 o'clock last night from Spokane and inland empire points in Washington and from eastern Oregon sections. 25,000 Children Expected. Today has been named as school day at the exposition, and 25,000 school children of Portland are ex pected to attend the fair. Free ad mission tickets have been distrib uted throughout the schools and as an added inducement a $50 prize will be awarded to the school having the largest percentage of attendance present. As an added attraction to today's programme the stock judging team3 from the various colleges through out the Pacific coast will be present and vie for honors. Five men will participate for each of the colleges represented, the competition being .in the judging of dairy cattle and beef grades. The colleges to be represented include the University of California, University of Mon tana, Washington State college and the Oregon Agricultural college. Mere than $80,000 in premiums will be awarded to the exhibitors who are present from all sections of every state on the Pacific coast and in the northwest district. Listed among the more valuable in dividual exhibit is that of the Car nation Milk companjr-of Washing ton which has brought its world's champion cow, holder of the world's record, giving 38,000 pounds of milk yearly. The cow is a IIol stein valued at $100,000 and known as "Prospect," and in her unique stall specially prepared for her ex clusive use she will play the lead ing role in the scene of a Holland dairy farm home. Beit Jersey to Be Shown. Another champion will be pres ent in the form of a breed cham pion, Lad's Iota, a product of the S. J. McKee stables of Independence, Or., and the holder of the world's record for jersey cattle. In her private stanchion in the center of the huge Jersey division of the dairy cattle department. Lad's Iota will play the leading role in a scene depicting a typical dtiry home in the Isle of Jersey, where her an cesters were raised. Livestock exhibits will vie with other equllly important exhibits from the standpoint of the Pacific coast agriculturists, for the depart ment devoted to the manufacturers and land , -products exposition in the huge main pavilion building has .. (Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.) mass meeting, .rage t, , (Concluded on Page 2, Column 2.)