4 THE MORNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1922 EDSEL FORD HERE FOR CONFEREKGE Motor Company Head Shuns Newspaper Interviewers. SPECIAL CAR IS LATE Heir Presumptive to Millions Keeps Local Chiefs Busy at Mght Meeting. Edscl Ford, president of the Ford Motor company, and heir presump tive to millions, motors and, maybe, Muscle Shoals, arrived in Portland late yesterday afternoon from the south aboard his private car. Fair lane, to spend the entire evening in close conference with local agents and executives of the company. He was met at East Morrison street station by W. H. Goodwin, local manager, and escorted immedia'ely to the company's plant at East Eleventh and Division streets. Both the Fairlane and Mr. Ford were late, several hours late in fact, owing to an early morning derail ment on the Shasta division of the Southern Pacific and by reason of this tardiness plans for the enter tainment of Mr. Ford and his party were virtually abandoned. Secrecy Is Observed. Reputed to be a keen young busi ness man,- the chief of one of the greatest industrial enterprises in the world insisted upon the night conference, and did not even dine at a downtown hotel. An air of secrecy hovered about the Fairlane end the nebulous millionaire. "Mistah Ford," advised the smil ing porter of the private car, "is somewhere 'round about town. Yes sah. 'Most generally he nevah catches this here car till it's just a minute or so before train time." At the Ford plant, where Edsel Ford was? reviewing Oregon pros pects and advocating greater effi ciency this last the announced pur pose of his continental tour it was suavely announced that Mr. Ford had not been there, would not be there, and goodness only kmows where he was. Long experience had trained Edsel, evidently, in the elusive tactieg ot his distingufshed father who is reputed to be a dif ficult man to find when not inclined toward an interview. Acquaintance Kinds Meiutt. H. .1. Bryant, senior classman of the Hill Military academy, son of H. H. Bryant, state agent of the Ford company in Idaho, visited the Fairlane twice in quest of Edsel Ford, who is his first cousin. Fre quently he has been the guest of the Fords, and it was his earnest representations that at length brought Mr. Ford to the telephone, with a cousinly greeting and the proffer of an appointm-f after the conference. "Edsel is a fine fellow,"' said Ca det Bryant. "He was .my brother's chum back in Michigan' before Mr. Ford made his fortune. I was only a little chap, of course, and too -:mall in he their nlavm.ite. hut I emember those days quite clearly uncle iienry is ine unesi initii jl byci knew. I'd say that even if he wasn't who he is. He's never in bad humor, and he's always smiling and full ot fun. He married my father's sister. ' War ReeOTd Iefended. "Edsel wasn't treated fairly by the newspapers during the war. It is qu'te true that he didn't enlist, but he wanted to. Uncle Henry wished him to stay and help with the company. They compromised on the proposal that Edsel should serve as soon as he was called in the draft. It isn't his fault that he wasn't called. He was ready. He had attended a couple of military schools and was offered a commis sion because of this training. He told them, and it was quite like him, that he wouldn't accept and that when he went he wanted to go as an enlisted man." Edsel Ford has twice before vis ited the coast once 'when he vis ited the San Francisco exposition passing through Portland, and once at the wheel of a special model racing auto, a flivver for all that in a try for the transcontinental motoring record from New York te Seattle. Race AVon by 18 Hours. It was one of the seasons of the Seattle potlatch, and the record reads that Edsel Ford worsted his nearest contestant by matter-of 18 hours. He was then a boy in his teens. Mr. Ford is accompanied on his tour of inspection by W. A. Ryan of Detroit, B. Jt Graves of Los Angeles and several other members of the Ford organization. At 11:30 last night the Fairlane turned north ward to Seattle and Tacoma, con tinuing tne continental circle. . PAPER EXPERT ON VISIT Fred H. Fuller of Watertown, "s". Y., Guest or W. P. Hawley. OREGON CITY, Or., Nov. 2. (Sne cial.) Fred H. Fuller of Water town, N. Y., was in Oregon City to day as the guest of W. P. Hawley, president of the Hawley Pulp & Paper Co., and his son, Willard P. Haw.ey Jr., vice-president and gen eral manager of the paper mill. Mr. Fuller also visited among some or nis otner mends in Oregon City, for he was a resident of this city years ago when he helped to set the second paper machine in place In the Crown Willamette Paper company's plant, at that time the mill of the Willamette Pulp & Paper Co., before the consolidation of that mill and the Crown com pany's paper mill. MUSIC COMPOSER DIES Edward Green, Famous 40 Years Ago, Is Believed Suicide. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Edward Green, famous 40 years ago as the composer of "Will You" Remember Me," "Mother's Memory" and other ballads of the '80s, died of gas poi soning today in the small plumbing shop where he had worked the last jears of his life. As a young man Green had sung in the music halls of the city. Cir cumstances of hi3 death Indicate sui cide, the authorities said. COMMUNITY BALL DATED Armistice Day Event to Be Cli max to Music Week. As a climax to Portland's annual music week and an event in con nection with the Pacific Interna tional Livestock exposition and with father-and-son week,' all of which are on the calendar for next week the city's first annual community grand musical ball has been an nounced for the evening of Novem- , ber 11, Armistice (Jay, .at the Arm- cry bunding. The event also wilt be one of the features of the Armistioe day celebration in Portland. The community ball is under the auspices of the Community Service, which has named a committee head ed by H. R. Blauvelt to be 'n charge, and plans already &re under way to make the event the largest enter tainment held 'n Portland for a long period. Tickets to the ball are on sale at a nominal price and the proceeds of the event will go to defray the ex penses of music week, which by agreement have been limited to $1000. All money above that sum taken in through sale of tickets will be distributed to needy ex-service men through a special committee headed by Oolonel C. C. Hammond. IS REPUBLICAN TICKET LOOKS EASY WIXNEK. Only Congressional Contest Is In Sixth District, Says San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) The republican ticket should sweep California next Tuesday be cause of the overwhelming repub lican majority. The registration shows the republicans to have more than 600,000 votes in excess of the democrats. The total registration is 1,532.3S4, of which 968,429 are republican. United States Senator Johnson is expected to win over his democratic opponent, William J. Pearson, by a quarter of a million votes. The race for governor between Friend W. Richardson, republican, and Thomas Lee Woolwine, (wet) demo crat, is being hotly contested, with both sides claiming victory. The republican candidate should be an easy winner, however, based oa the registration. There is only one congressional contest, that in the sixth district, where J. L. MacLafferty, republican, is figured an easy winner. In the first and second distriots the 'demo cratic incumbents won the repub lican nomination at the primaries and have no opposition today. In all other congressional dis tricts the republicans expect to win by large majorities. NEWSPAPER IS RAIDED Nationalist Youths, Led by Girl, Wreck Office at Warsaw. WARSAW, Nov. 2. (By the As sociated Press.) The introduction of fascist! methods is enlivening the election campaign. A group of na tionalist youths, ied by a university cf Warsaw girl student, today raid ed and wrecked the offices of the Kurjer Poranny, a pro-Pilsudski newspaper. The members of po litical parties are tearing down posters of opposing factions or past ing their own bills over those of their rivals. These acts lead to frequent fisticuffs. During a dis turbance today a prominent writer of a nationalist newspaper was bad ly beaten. The campaign is an extremely hot one in the cities between the so cialist and the nationalists. The principal promise made by the so cialists is a new housing law, which would forbid landlords to raiBe rentals or dispossess tenants who pay regularly. LIFEBOAT FARE TARGET Biscuit Salty, Says Survivor ot City of Honolulu. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. The sea biscuits furnished passengers who were forced to take to lifeboats when the steamer City of Honolulu took fire in the Pacific ocean recent ly were salty, according to a depo sition filed by Dr. P. C. Keck of San Francisco today with John K. Bui ger, supervising inspector of the steamboat inspection service. Dr. Keck, who was a passenger on the City of Honolulu, said in his de position that the water furnished in two lifeboats was "brackish" and appeared to have been in the boats since the City of Honolulu was built. The other lifeboats contained no water, the doctor alleged. Supervis ing Inspector Bulger will investigate the charges. LAD OF 15JN COLLEGE Harry D. Morris Youngest Stu dent at Corvallis Institution. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Nov. 2. (Special.) The youngest student in college is Harry Dunlap Morris, lo, of Cor vallis. Morris was the youngest graduate from the Corvallis high school last year. He was a member of several high school clubs and so cieties. Morris has always wanted to be a surgeon, and is registered in the school of pharmacy, taking all the pre-medicar subjects available' in preparation for his life work. He intends to finish the four-year course at this institution and go east to take his surgery. Public Dinner Tonight. Women of the republican execu tive committee will give a dinner tonight at the chamber of com merce at 6:30 o'clock, to which the public is invited. Governor and -rs. Olcott will be the guests of honor. Ten women and ten men have been obtained to make speeches, limited to one minute each, and each speaker has instructions to make the talk as snappy as it is short and to condense a full-length speech into 60 seconds. : ft- Closed Cto att a B Msw Low Pi4ce -: PJAICHOT IS SLATED TO BE Millionaire Reformer Gain ing in Popularity. OLD GUARD IS IN LINE Cplifter Takes Delight in De tailing to Wet Communities Plans for Reforms. BY ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. . By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.l PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 2. Gifford Pinchot, former bull mooser. millionaire reformer and irrepres sible uplifter, is going to be elected governor of Bennsylvama next Tuesday, according to present indi cations elected as a regular repub lican with the support (more or less) of ,the republican old. guard. How the old guard dreads it! The boys who- used to laugh so uproariously whenever Penrose vented his derision upon "that fellow Pin-shot" are rallying to put Pinchot over, hoping he will have mercy on their jobs and their patronage. It is not doubted that Penrose will turn in his grave, while the ultra-pessimistic are prepared for even more horrendous portents and prodigies of "a strange-disposed time." How come, you say, that the old guard seeks not to escape from its impending fate by putting over John A. McSparran, the democratic candidate for governor, in place of Pinchot? Well, up to a few days ago the -democratic managers had high 'hopes that exactly- this was going to happen. But one after another the Penrose followers who fought Pinchot in the primary have lined up for the candidate with Joe Grundy and the other Penrose men who espoused the cause of the re former from the start. Republican Is Preferred. The job holders and contract ben eficiaries figure they will be safer under a republican, even though an uplifter, than under a democrat. Also they would be regular against the time when a republican primary goes 'the other way about and the old guard will expect Pinchot and his followers to stay on the reserva tion. No, if Pinchot should be beaten It will not be the result of any r'ot on the part of the old guard. It will be because of. a combination of cir cumstances over which the organiza tion has had no control. In the first place the Republican state committee is hard up. There Is no money for campaign workers and propaganda to counteract the democratic drive. If the republicans only had a harrean old-time Penn sylvania republican plurality could be assured the ticket, one learns at headquarters, for of course, you un derstand that these miracles were due to the judicious use of money by the late Mr. Penrose. That tzOO, 000 in currency found in the Pen rose safety deposit bore was for some such purpose, but Penrose died and the cash went to his estate. Pinchot Dies Tip Little. Pinchot decreed that the collec tion of campaign funds from state employes must ,cease and it did cease. The business men failed to come across. Those who did not like Pinchot gave their contribu tions to the national committees and Senators Pepper and David Reed. . These who did not mind Pinchot still failed to loosen up. opining that a millionaire never would feel it if he should finance his own campaign without assist ance. Pinchot spent $132,000 to get himself nominated, but up to date he has contributed only $5000 to the election fund. In his primary campaign speeches Pinchot had said he would close every saloon in Pennsylvania and drive out the bootleggers. That made him popular with the drys but ex ceedingly unwelcome to wet dis tricts. Once nominated :' Pinchot seemed to take special delight in detailing to wet communities his plans for. reform. In vain did the republican managers protest and point out that McSparran, though a dry also, was keeping mighty quiet on the liquor issues and im proving the chance of garnering wet support. Then there wa the unpopularity of the Harding administration with the workingmen which embarrassed the republican ticket generally. Half a carload of buttons emblazoned "stand by the president" went beg ging in the industrial centers amid much outpouring of derision by the workers upon the badge distributors at the factory gates. It is only fair to say, however, that Pinchot did not share this un popularity. . ... DUTY PUT ON CEMENT Retaliatory,. Steps Taken Because of Canadian Assessment. ' (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 2. An order issued today by Edward Clif ford, assistant secretary of th treasury, provides that a duty o'. eight cents for each 100 pounds shall be levied on cement imported from Canada. The order is based on a retalia tory proviso in the new tarriff law. Cement is on the free list in the new law, but it is provided "that if any country, dependency, province or other subdivision of government im poses a duty on such cement im ported from the United States an equal duty shall be imposed upon such cement coming into the United States from such a country, de- on pendency, province or other eubdi vision of government," 1 The Canadian duty on cement is eight cents for 100 pounds. The tariff bill as passed originally by the house imposed a duty of 5 cents for 100 pounds, but following an at tack on the cement industry on the floor of the senate the commodity was transferred to the free list, but with the retaliatory proviso attached. FRUIT UNION PROPOSED Organization to Deal With Car Shortage Is Desired. SACRAMENTO, . Nov. 2. Sugges tion that a conference be held here for the purpose of forming an as sociation of fruit growers of all the pacific coast states to deal with the interstate commerce commission regarding future car shortages was contained in a telegram received here today from Louis F. Hart, gov ernor of Washington, by George H. Hecke, director of the. state depart ment of agriculture. Governor Hart sa'd he would send five representa tives to the meeting and suggested that governors of the other states be asked to take similar action. In his reply to the telegram, Hecke said the suggestion would appeal strongly to California growers and that it would be worth every effort to consummate' such a programme. The matter will be taken up, he concluded, as soon as other impor tant conferences with fruit growing interests this week have been dis posed of. RAIL TAX CASE ARGUED Southern Pacific Counsel Says Constitution Is Violated. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2. Taxa tion of railroad property at a dif ferent rate than ordinary property is a violation of the 14th amend ment to the United States consti tution, the Southern Pacific com pany and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroads contended today in their federal court uit to pre vent collection of taxes by the state of California under the King bill. The King bill raised the rate paid by the railroads from 54 Per cent of their gross earnings in California to 7 per cent, a tax which they pay directly to the state government as a contribution toward its upkeep while ordinary property taxes are collected and used by the cities and counties. "The 14th amendment prevents this kind of discrimination," argued Max Sloss, appearing for both rail roads. Attorney-General Webb will begin a reply on behalf of the state to morrow. WRIGHT BANDITS' VICTIM How Wisconsin ex-Professor Met Death Is Explained. NEW YORK,- Nov. 2. LesteF James Wright of Waukesha, Wis., formerly a professor at the' Uni versity cf Wisconsin, whose murder near Aleppo, Syria, was reported early this week, met his death at the hands of eight Kurd bandits, said a cablegram to Near East Relief headquarters today, detailing the attack. Wright, Enoch R. Applegate of Jersey City, N. J., a native chauf feur and two native relief workers were returning to Aleppo "by auto mobile from Antioch,' .where they had been on an inspection tour, the cable said, when they were fired upon without warning. Phone your want ads to The Oregonian, Main 7070. TJ3 Now Playing ill i:mk: EVERYTHING READY " FOR BIG PARADE Fair and Bridge Boosters March Tomorrow Night. MEETING PLACES FIXED lonsing fathering of Committee Held in Chamber of Com merce Building. With the sole exception' of the actual assembly of the parading hosts, everything is in readiness for the great amalgamated parauo the 1927 Exposition advocates and the Burnstde and Ross island bridge proponents tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. " At a rousing meeting of the pa rade and stunts committee of the 1927 Exposition forces yesterday afternoon in the Chamber of Com merce, Chairman Hofmann an nounced the following schedule of points of -assembly for the partici pants in the "1927" section of the parade: The parade will swing into line on Fourteenth street between Main and Morrison streets. The following divisions form east of Fourteenth street: Sellwood club, Kenneth Biown, marshal, and Gresham club, John Brown, marshal, form on Yam hill east of Fourteenth: the East Side club, L. M. Lepper, marshal: North Portland club, B- C. Darnall, marshal, and the Highway Butte division, form on Taylor east of Fourteenth; the Realty Board, T. O. Bird, marshal; the Portland Rail way, Light & Power company, Fred Brace, marshal; the Beaverton divi sion and the Portland Labor Coun cil form on Salmon street east of Fourteenth; the Exposition direct ors, the Caravan club, W. P. Merry, marshal; the Oregon State Motor association, David B. Seger, mar shal; the Ad club. Ray Albee, mar shal; the Three-Mill Tax club; the Rotary club, G. H. Crane, marshal, and the Progressive Business Men's club, Harry P.oCoffin, marshal, form on Main street east of Fourteenth Suggestions Are Offered. The following divisions form west r Pnurteenth street: Hayden aland division, Clement Scott, mar Peninsula division and Indu vision, Harry Beckwith, form on Yamhll street, west teenth street; the Auto Dea sociation, A. S. Robinsonj anri tvio ca rn ere owners' at fjrm on Taylor street west of Four teenth street. All divisions not otherwise listed, also -individua cars, trucks or floats form, east of Fourteenth street on Yamhill or Taylor streets. Chairman Hofmann has offered the following suggestions to mar shals and aides: "Be in line ready to move at 8 o'clock.Suit do not move into parade line until the order is given to your particular division. Note which division you follow. Marshals should have enough Aides along the parade line to keep their division in proper formation. Lo not have an irregular line. The aides should be men who know what to1 do n case of an emergency. In' case a car gets into trouble f'o not let the line beconte blocked. "East is West" is the first big dramatic presentation Constance Talmadge has ever undertaken. She is showing the world that in her own new way she can register a score as high as Norma hit in "Smilin' Through." I 'iViTfatti-iil iffl Constance Talmadge EAST The picture to see first of all! A sensation on the stage. A stunner on the screen! A wonder-drama of East ern love and Western love and the old, old color conflict. 8 REELS ATHROB WITH HUMOR, DRA MA, SPLENDOR. Ab solutely the biggest show . that's come here in months A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION MUSICAL PROLOGUE at' De Luxe Performances rVd! Get the car out of line and let the parade proceed. Route to Be Roped Oft. "The route of the parade will be, roped off at 7:30, therefore the dif ferent units in the parade should proceed to their forming station by way of Third street and up to Madi son, or tome' other street further east or south. "The industrial, the Hayden is land, the auto dealers, auto club and garage owners should proceed to the forming ground by going up some street north of Washington ' and above Fourteenth, because these di visions, form on the streets west of Fourteenth. "Marshals must not start their di visions in parade line until the or der to move is given. "In forming your lines ready to move into Fourteenth street keep the middle of the street open for fire protection.- This also leaves room for a division which should, form ahead of you and which may be late in forming. 'If for any reason your people are r.ot on time and some other division gets ahead of you on the forming street and has you blocked, take po sition directly behind the division ahead of you. "All cars not listed will take po sition directly behind the division formed on either Yamhill, Taylor or Salmon streets, east of Fourteenth and marshals will be there to in struct you." 11 Communities to Take Part. Eleven community sections will take part in the new bridge section of the parade to boost for the bridge bond proposals. At a meeting yesterday of parade officials, the assignment of sections were made The Burnside and Ross island bridge boosters will lead the parade, form ing south of Jefferson street. The locations at which the various divisions of the bridge forces will form are as follows: South Portland Improvement club, on Market between Thirteenth and Fourteenth: Burnside bridge com mittee, on Market between Twelfth and Thirteenth; Westmoreland Com munity club, on Market between iv I TONIGHT! : i IS YOUR LAST OPPORTU- P NITY OF SEEING II WALLACE REID IN i P "THE GHOST BREAKER" r: . v...- i Jj r " " . ''J ; 1 " .. aw ' ilk.' : " s. ' 8- 4 " i ! I i ' -t ' .",' 1 1 N h ' v k -: -V . M V ' l ' v A . -V; r4 w Pi tW V--v" ' -iiA ! ,fc . I H ' ' - rj i AND WE TAKE PLEASURE . fj i.fl IN ANNOUNCING THE ! k! COMING OF THOMAS MEIGHAN IN HIS GREAT- v i ! ! i' EST ROMANTIC ROLE AS i I'M "THE MAN WHO SAW , : TOMORROW" ' I ; " TO BE SHOWN ONE WEEK ! : STARTING ! TOMORROW! i .MI1IUI.MMIMWIIIMLM llI.IWIlJl)UII.JIMflllll,.illlllllllllW ' 'X i ii in rr - I mi mil ill in--- -r'" 1 Eleventh and Twelfth; Brooklyn Boosters' club, on Market between Tenth and Eleventh;- Mt Scott Im provement club, on Clay between Thirteenth and Fourteenth; Wood stock Pep club, Clay between Twelfth and Thirteenth; Rose City Park club. Clay between Eleventh and Twelfth; Lents' Business Men's club, on Clay between Tenth and Eleventh; Laurelhurst club, on Columbia betjveen Thirteenth and Fourteenth; Sellwood Community club, on Columbia between Twelfth and Thirteenth, and the Portland Automotive Trades association, on Columbia between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. YOUTHS TO PARTICIPATE Bureau of Parks to Have Part in Health Show. The bureau of parks will have an important part in the health show. Boys and girls of the Pen insula and Sellwood community houses will put on three dances at the Saturday afternoon programme. In gay costumes the young dancers will present a Jack-in-the-box dance, a garden gavotte and a jester dance. The children have been trained by Miss Edna Agler and Louis Gallo. playground directors. The boys of the junior class will give the Jack- in-the-box number and ,the girls will present the garden dance. Bessie Carr of Peninsula will give the jester dance. Mrs. Edna Morrin will accompany- the dancers. PRESIDENT HARDING 57 Message of Greeting From' Am bassador Fletcher Puzzling. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 2. One of the many messages of greeting received today by President Hard ing on his 57th birthday was just a bit puzzling to him. It was from Henry P. Fletcher, American am bassador to Belgium, and often one of the presiden's partners at golf. and concluded with the words, "Hope you make 90." The president was unable to de-, termine whether the 90 referred to his golf score or the number of his years, but finally decided that in either case it was worth while to hope. CLERGY BURIED, REPORT Ten Priests and Greek Metropol itan Declared Victims. x7 a cinvr.Tnv r C. Nov. 2. The Greek Metrolopitan and ten priests, captured by the Turks at Aivialy, were buried alive because tney re fused to embrace Islamism, accord ing to a cablegram received today from Athens by the Greek legation. Word also has been received in Athens, the message said, that all Greeks who remained in Aivialy and on the island of Moschonissia have been massacred and that wells in the vicinity "are filled with the bodies of young girls," who drowned themselves to escape from the Turks. Christians in Smyrna between the ages of 18 and 50, the legation was informed, have been deported and forced to hard labor, hundreds dying from hunger and fatigue. Kale of Transports Planned. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 2 New bids for sale of the army transports Sheridan, Sherman, BuCord and Crook wiii be asked by the war de partment soon, it was announced to day, all offers received when the vessels were first offered for sale having been rejected as insufficient. It was said the transport Dix also will be sold by the shipping board. Murder Suspect Arraigned. BAKER. Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) George Williams of Haines entered a plea of not guilty of a charge of first degree murder of Tom Paine, also of Haines, six weeks ago when he was arraigned before Circuit Judge Anderson today. Read The Oretronian classified ads.