24, THE MORNIXG OB EGOXIAX, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1922 SITUATION W A y TKP M A LE . Bookkeepers, Ethnographers. Office. MARRIED MAN, long experience as bookkeeotr and accountant, thorough ly competent and reliable, typist, mer chandise and lumber mill experience, frelg ht ratea and export knowledge, desires o.-rmanent position to start at reasonable salary. Phone Tabor S749, or write 108K East Alder. tlOOKKEBi'lNG service, weekly or monthly. Financial statements pre pared; audits. P. O. Box 556. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. REFTNED young lady wishes general office position; best of references. Ad dress V 70, Oregonian. COOKS, waitresses and housemaids want positions in restaurants a-d hotels, Square Deal Employment Agency, Macleay bldg., 401. Bdwy. 76H2. THOROUGHLY experienced young woman wants apt. or rooming house to run; best city reference. Phone Atwater 2830,room 5. LADY desires work In a drug store, willing to work without wages first month while learning. X 51, Ore- gonian. REFINED schoolgirl, 13 wants board and room home tn exchange for Auto. 514-38. years old, in Christian light work. POSITION as manager of first-class apartment house; eight (S) years' ex perience meeting the public. Bank and personal references. V 73. .Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wishes position cooking in private family; city refer ences. W 35, Oregonian. WILL- care for children afternoons and evenings during parents' absence; ref erences. Walnut ion- COMPETENT laundress Wednesday. Thursday, ences. Walnut 1611. wishes work Friday. Refer- YOUNG Japanese woman wants sewing a-d embroidering at her home. P. O. Box 503. North Portland. Or. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Monday, Tues. Wednesdays. References. Walnut 1611. , PRACTICAL male nurse desires work; has had tvo years' experience. Call Belleview hotel, room 420. P. C. Tice. DAY WORK Woman for cleaning and housework, $1.50 day. Main 2202, Keep number. A-l DEMONSTRATOR and saleslady wishes position. L 70. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dental assistant wishes position. K 71, Oregonian WOMAN wants day work. Phone Broad way 4811 WANTED Janitress or restaurant work, evenings, reterences, Jv 'jree""'"- EXPERIENCED girl wishes housework, wages $55 or $60. E 48, Oregonian. DAY WORK for Monday. Wednesday and Thursday Atwater 3810. WOMAN wants waitress o dish wash Main 8570. ing work at logging camp. LADY wishes chambermaid work. 501. room 27. COMPETENT woman wants day ' rofrences. Walnut 4S1S. HOME-MADE mince pies, pumpkin piea, roils and doughnuts. Walnut 6210. STRING, capable woman wants work by day. $2.16 per day. Auto. 641-2S. HOCSECLEANING and laundry wanted. Call Aut. 628-09. WANTED SMALL BUNDLE WASH INGS. TABOR 5616. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, 30c hour. Phone Main 8000. I MAKE quilts and keep children. Front st. Miin 5153. COMFORTERS made to order and re- covering. 626 First st. , CLEANING, window washing, laundry, by hour. Mrs, Christensen. Main 6746. WILL care for children afternoons and evenings. Atwater 3ftfil. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. EXPERIENCED office manager and sec retary, with best of references. Has been very successful In meeting the public, both in person and over the phone. Knows Portland and Oregon well. Appointment, call Tabor 0125. REFTNED young lady wishes general office position; best of references. Ad dress V 70, Oregonian. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or cashier, half or all day; 9 years' ex perience. Telephone between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Main 0100. Mornings and evenings. Automatic 613-97. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenogra pher wants all bookkeeping or gen eral office work.. Phone Oak Grove 130-W. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, office held of all descriptions; quick service. Call Bdwy. 6953.- Williams Personnel Service, 504 Spalding bldg. STENOGRAPHER. young woman. 5 years experience, government, insur ance, law, 2 years secretarial ; best reference!. Main 7110. COMPETENT stenographer, automobile experience, wishes position; best of references. Address .7 72, Oregonian, YOUNG woman wants stenographic po sition; college graduate; can give good references. Tabor 3103. STENOGRAPHER with 3 years' general office experience, desires permanent position. East 9!?3S. YOUNG lady would like position as tp- ist and filing clerk, wai. ou. GIRL wishes errand or light office work. Small salary. Main 6020. RELIABLE girl would like typing and general office work. Walnut 42.io. Dressmakers., DRESSMAKING, repair work, mending. $1.50 per day or $1 with room and board. Selhvood 3207. HIGHEST class fashionable sewing, spe cial rate until holidays. 309 Barker apts. Atwater 2742. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, satisfaction gv.-iranteed. Phone Walnut 0180 after 6 P M. DRESSMAKING and altering reasonable. Mam 4tiii. HEMSTITCHING, any color. 6c. Rm. 403 Raleigh bldg., 327 Wash. Bdwy. 3742. COATS, suits, also dressmaking and re modeling by day. Tabor 3213. DRESSMAKING and designing at home or go oti t for day. Main 461 a. SUITS tailored, $12; coats, $10. Mrs. .Johnson, tfroaq way Apts. Domestics. HOME-MADE mince pies, pumpkin pies. roils and doughnuts. Walnut 6210. REGISTERED nurse would like nursing or care ior invalid or convalescent good ref. Main 5605. TRAINED nurse desires position in drug store. raoor nun. LONG practice, general nursing, best ref- . erences. Aut. b-J-3- A-l "PRACTICAL nurse wants case. Phone Atwater 2285. Housekeepers. COMPETENT lady wants housekeeping or coo King, city. Phone Olympia hotel. room 4. YOUNG lady with little girl wishes to be housekeeper; prefer widower's home; no tnflers. BP 63. Oregonian YOUNG woman with boy 2, wants house keeper position for gentleman. O 6, Oreconian. LADY wishes housekeeping, full charge. .-; Aider, apt. ground floor. WANTED TO RENT. House. WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents, C. A. WAGNER CO., 230 Stark St. UNFURNISHED, strictly .modern 6-room bungalow; 3 adults; references. Tabor 9310. COUPLE with infant, want 3-room house or flat, furnished or partly furnished; eaBt side. AO 34. Oregonian. 2 OR 3-ROOM apt. or small cottage, fur nished, reasonable, east aide. Walnut 4595. Room With Board. WANT ro )m with board in private fam ily by refined, trustworthy gentleman with cht.d school age; home privileges. N 55, Oregonian Business Places. WANTED Clean, dry storage space on east side track; about 2500 feet re quired; state full particulars and rent, X 26, Oregonian. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St.. at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and haths; light and airy. Steam heat. THE ST. PAUL. Fourth and Alder. A RESPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL, $1 up. Rates by week or month. LIGHT, airy room, all conveniences; close to business center. 214 llth st. Atwater 0004. MARLYN HOTEL Corner 17th and Couch; larffe. well fur nlshedm qdernr oom sjreaso n a b 1 e. BUSHMARK hotel. Wash. St.. cor. 17th.. clean, modern rooms. $3.jt) week up. LABRABEE hotel, steam heated, fl.50 week up. - Larrabee and Holladay. LARGE, desirable . 6th st. rpoms, modern. 327 DAYTON HOTEL. 1st at Taylor; mod. era rooms. $2 per week, and up. FOR RENT. Furnished Rjoiiih. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH. QUFRT, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. SHOWER OR TUB BATHS. FREE PHONES, EXCELLENT CAFETERIA. TAILOR AND BARBER SHOP. LA DIES' HAIR-DRESSING PARLOR ALL IN THE BUILDING; $1 25 PER DAY, t PER WEEK AND UP. GARAGE OPPOSITE HOTEL. ANGELA HOTEL. 025 Washington St. A clean, respectable place to live; free phones in each room; automatic ele vator, large comfortable lobby; restau rant in connection; near Washington park, Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rate, 'day, week or month. GORDON HOTEL. West Park and .Yamhill Sts. Main 0202. Clean, modern rooms at reasonable prices. Transient and . permanent guests desired. ' HOTEL GRANT. 51 Wash. St.; clean, respectable place to live; $1 and $13 day. $5 and $6 week; room with private bath. $1.00 aaa $2 day, $8 a week. Free phones in each room.. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington; rates $5 per week and , up, $1 day; fireproof; large, attractive, spotless rooms, close jo amusements ana snoppmg center. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A. with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. CLEAN, nicely furnished rooms, use of k nchen and dining room, everything furnished; regular homo for young women; ground floor, 1 block west Lincoln high. 387 Mill. Main 5634. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Hates $1 a day; a week, $5 and up; private bath, $S; fireproof and clean; close to business center. kooms! rooms: rooms: HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 to 211, 4th st.; centrally located, rates 75c, $1, $1.50 per day; with bath, $1.50, $2, $2.50; special rates. $4 per wk- and up. ROOM and bath, exceptionally clean, lots of heat t;nd hot water, for re fined gentleman or lady; references re quired. 166 St. Clair st.. cor. Washing ton. WASHINGTON HOTEL. . 32TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at rea sonable rates by week or month. N'EW PERKINS HOTEL. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive weekly and monthly rates. See our accommodations. CLEAN, light, nicely furnished deeping room, lots of heat and hot water, free phone, close to hospitals. Take DM car. 253 N. 21st st. Main 4390. HOTEL BRISTOL. 16 12th St.. cor. Stark. New management ; modern ; private baths, free phone, reasonable rates. . $5 and up; hot and cold water, steam heat. NICELY furnished room in modern apartment, walking distance, 17 Mor ton apt.. King and Washington. Broad way 520. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington St.. fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. MAT HI ESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day and up, S3 week up; clean, light, hot aad cold water, steam heat; elevator service. 204 Columbia. 50c DAY, $2.50 weeK up. Clean rooms at a low price in a quiet, respectable place. Baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson. ROSE FRIEND apts., Broadway and JtUerson. large single room and bath, $35. ONE SMALL sleeping room, suitable for gentleman; also one basement room. 550 Everett. Bdwy. 8201. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th St.. near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL SAVON, 181 HTH ST. Modern fireproof steam-heated bldg. rates $5 per week and up. THE ALAMO APTS. , Warm furn. rm., home privileges; steam heat; $15 per mo. 494 Market. HILLCREST HOTEL, 733 Washington St., new management, reasonable rates plenty of steam heat. ALEXANDER hotel, 131 10th at Alder; clean rooms, reasonable rates; some h. k. apts., steaTn heat, hot water. Unfurnished Rooms. 6 RGOMii, modern, ciean, close in; adults . ly. East 1300. 3M Grand ave. S. Furnished Rimms in Private Family. CLOSE in, for two, very desirable, warm room with connecting bath; twin beds, breakfast served ; reasonable rates. 469 Clay. Main 2228. ATTRACTIVE front room In Irvington home; hot water heat; suitable for business woman or gentleman; nearby garage. East 6726. FINE FRONT room in modern house near Montgomery-Ward bldg., $15 per mo. Main 304S. ROOM for two working girls or school girls, use ot Kitchen; home privileges. Tabor 8844. LARGE, pleasant room for 1 or 2 gen tlemen, close in, witn or witnout ga- rage. Rent reasonable. E. 1962. FRONT room in private home, clean, quiet, modern, west side, close in; rei erences required. 'Main 4640. PLEASANT front room, double bed, large closet, steam heat, electricity, teie p h one, $6 week. 255 12th. Main 0680. LARGE, nicely furn. front room in strict ly mod. home, suitable tor l or & gentlemen. 165 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1432. STEAM-HEATED, neatly furnished room in nice home; easy walking distance. 215 14th st. A HOME for young men employed, only those appreciating a real home need apply. Bdwy. 2333. BEAUTIFUL room in apt. house; pri close in on vate entrance, $ l H month, Irving. Main 3203. LARGE, cozy, light, well heated sleep ing room; oath, pnone. close in; Holi day district, tast Kiwi. COMFORTABLE room, suitable for two gentlemen, breakfast and dinner; two other roomers. lOSu E. 1 1th St. N. NEWLY furnished front bedroom, walk lng distance. Bdwy. 6059. 91 N. 17th street. LOVELY sleeping room with use of kitchen and living room, very reason - able; walking distance. 387& 12th st. NOB HILL Large rm., fireplace, prlv. bath; also cheaper rm. and 3d floor rm. 84 N. 21st. cor Everett. TWO beautiful rooms, each will accom modate 2 or 3 young men; plana home privileges. Broadway 2721. NOB HILL; attractive cor. room with fireplace: near both hospitals; lady. 275 rw. 25tL. Main COZY room, private family, for 1 or 2 girls. Will serve breakfast and dinner.' Walnut 0197. 1419 Curtis ave. ROOM in newly furnished home, all con veniences; close in on west aide. At water 2863. LOVELY room, finished in gray and white, furnished with birdseye maple, furnace heat. East 2604. 451 Weidler. ROOMS, close in, all conveniences, steam heat. Broadway 4434. 661 Kearney st. IDEAL for 1 or 2; a reas. ; 8 miu. walk. mod. front rm., 400 Park st. LARGE rm., walking dist., choice loca tion. 770 Irving st. Atwater 4410. PLEASANT sleep, rm., desirable loca,, walk, dis. 554 Everett. Bdwy. 2256. GENTLEMEN Pleasant front room nr bath; w. s. Main 2425. FURN. room with grille or kitchen priv ileges. 49th and Sandy. Tabor 5739. PLEASANT front room in private fam ily. E38 E. Caruthers, near 26th. LARGE, clean room, bath adjoining; m eals if desired; garage. East 84 69. COMFORTABLE, warm room. ue of electric grill. 490 Tillamook. E. 8551. LARGE front room. 1 iences, walking dist. r 2; all conven Bdwy. 1592. .pPOMlSfc M&. THAT Tell tomm pa'- n Am -X'TOfAhAV. ; JYi Copyritht. Newspaper Feature Service. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. MOST beautifully furnished rooms in city, strictly high cla.es. nardwood floors, private baths, fireplace, twin beds, parlor, piano and home privi leges. Rates $3 50 up. Main 2116. 723 Park ave. ON SANDY blvd., one block from "Ben der's, 2 rooms, single or in suite with private bath and sleeping porch ; new house ; plenty of light, heat and hot water; garage if desired. Phone Tabor 4664. FIRST-CLASS sleeping room, bath, phone, furnace heat, breakfast if de sired; use of living room with fireplace. Hawthorne district, close in; gentlemen only. Tabor 0716. FINE large room, furnished very attrac tive, modern new house with piano; good location, 10-minute ride Haw thorne car. 204t East 22d, near Haw thorne. Phone East 6636. IRVINGTON Warm, attractive bedroom finished in ivory; front entrance, close to bath; all conveniences, for man or woman employed, $15 per month; ref erences exchanged. E.' 705. BRIGHT, clean, front room, well fur nished; walking distance; west side. Call Sunday or early evening. Main 8570. FRONT room with dressing room and sleeping porch, west side; garage if desired; gents; walking distance. Bdwy. 4329. ROSE CITY PARK C. S., private home, lady desiring quiet place to rest or r-eperate will receive excellent care. Lovely room, furnace. Auto. 324-54. VERY pleasant room in well furnished - h'.'me, convenient west side location. This is better than the average and reasonable. Main 3643. CLEAN, warm room; electric lights; hot and cold running water; private lav atory; close in; no carfare; private entrance. Phone Main 5758. 1RVJNGTON Ideal room for gentleman; modern home. East 4073. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. MRS. E. JEAN CAMPBELL, FOR MERLY CONNECTED WITH CAMP-RP-i.T, HOTEL. One of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a. day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's down town high-claws family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the comforts or a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 11-80. CHESTERBURY HOTEL, 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by day, week or month. Meals served to transients. BEAUTIFUL home converted Into resi dential hbtel, catering to people of re finement; shower bath, fireplace, plenty of heat and hot water; excellent home cooked meals; attractive rates. For appointment East 7384. HOTEL HEREFORD. 735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3303. Excllent dining room service, under the direct supervision of Mrs. Mc Lougall, formerly of the Ramapo hote'. NICELY furnished room with shower bath and two meats a day to couple of men; $30 a mo. each. Apply 59 Tri n ity Place. - HOLLYWOOD HOTEL. 633 KEARNEY BDWY. 1509. Residential, newly furnished home for bn mess people; excellent meals ROOM and boaxd for business girls; mod em convenience; walking distance; $5 per week. East 9730. 12 E. 7th st. 45. MORRISON Rooms and board, mod ern conveniences; walking distance. MODERN rooms, home-cooked meals. Marshall. Main 4878. DESIRABLE room for 2, with 2 meals. 320 11th. Atwater 0672. Kooms With Board in Private Family. I HVE room and board for two more bueness men; all the comforts of home, with good home cooking. 288 North 23d at, corner PeUygrove. Bdwy. 8159. BIG, clean room with board for 2 men; fireplace in room, besides furnace heat; also smaller room for one. 451 West Park. Atwater 3268. . BIG clean room with board for 2 men; fireplace in room, besides furnace heat; also smaller room for one. 451 W. Park. Atwater 3268. 2 WORKING girls in need of home can have large room and breakfast ior ?n a month during winter if taken at once. Walnut 6591. i WONDERFUL view. Willamette Heights, large front room with - porch; home privileges, 2 meals, $45 for 1, $75 for 2 persons. Atwater 0746. ROOM and board in private family ior employed couple, a young men or two young women. No children. Walnut 4136. LARGE front room, twin beds, 2 closets, a windows, mbdern home, good meals, IV blocks from car, 1 or 2 people em p loyed. C. S. pre f erred. Tel. East 6591. ATTRACTIVELY fur. room in modern home; excellent meals, $4i; well heat- ed; gentlemen preferred. Walnut 4796, NICE large room, hot and cold water, large closet; suitable lor 2 or 3 men. 191 11th. LARGE front room with board in raod 'ern home, walking distance. Rates for two. 481 W. Park. Main 8952. - ROC'M ani board in private boarding hiuse, 2 to 6 working people, $8 and $8.50 per week. 692 East Ash. E. 1207. NICE room, good board, .In strictly mod eru home for 2 men or man and wife; home privileges. Tabor 2538. WAJIM, comfortable, well furnished rom witi best board in pleasant home. 381 12th st. Main 1 199. Reasonable. NEWLY furnished first-floor room suit ab - for two with breakfast. Rose City Park. Automatic 317-68. ATTRACTIVE room with board for gen tleman; across from Multnomah club. Main 7720. IRVINGTON Near 2 car lines, large room for 2, in modern home; excel lent meals; garage. E. 6724. CONGENIAL home for gentleman, close in, privileges, home cooking, near MV 'car. 22d st. East 4848. CHEERFUL AND CONGENIAL HOME FOR ANY ONE DESIRING SAME; $30. SELLWOOD 2203. IRVINGTON SITTING ROOM. SLEEP ING PORCH. BEST HOME COOKING, REFTNED HOME. EAST 6645. ROOM with excellent board in refined family. walking .distance. $30-$35. East 9144. CHOICE board with mod. rm. for gentle man; close in, on west side; $32 month. Auto. 619-36. FOR RENT -Nicely furnished room with board if desired; a real home and good eats. Call 703 Northrup. EXCELLENT room and board in widow's home, close in, near two car lines. SMlwood 2270. NICELY furnished laYge room, 1 suitable for 2. Home privileges. Atwater 2781. 774 Northrup. ROOM for 2 gentlemen, also single room, bovrd, all modern conveniences. 430 Harrison. Atwater 1002. ROOM with or without board, price rea sonably close in. Main 7797. WILL give best care heme. Walnut 6817. to child in my ROOM with best of home cooking, home privileges, walking distance. East 1H3. COMFORTABLE rm., good meals, mod. home. $8.50 per wk. 287 N. 24th. 540-71. HOME privileges, furnace beat, East 1769. ROf-M and board in private home for 2 r?fmed men. 859 Minnesota avenue. LARGE, warm front room for two, near dental college. East 9498. ROOM and board, in private family, good home cooking. Wai. 4323. wottJ Who ffeuy Thr&x I'll 'tai 1922. Inc., Grwt Britain hf Ktt rtrved FOR RENT. Rooms With Conrd in Private Family. NEWLY' furnished room, with hot-water heat, batn, phone and home privilege verv best of home cooking, congenial family, close in on east side, walking distance, 1 block from car. 585 East Ash East 8355. ' ONE nice, large, airy room, suitable for married couple or z gentlemen, month, bath on same floor, hot water; house privileges, home cooking, near dental college. East 9978. Broadway and I. J. cars. " EXCEPTIONALLY nice double or single room with board in private family, wet side, walking distance, 1 block from car; furnace heat, home privileges; very nice location. Phone Main 2028 LADD'S addition, 1 room, suitable for L. excellent home-cooked meals, plenty of hot water at all hours, walking dist.. 1 block off 14th and Hawthorne. 99 Holly st. East 4370. LARGE, airy rooms, suitable for two; also single , room in private home; every comfort and convenience; walk ing distance; breakfast, garage; ref erences. 442 Holladay ave. E. 0226. BEAUTIFULLY fur., steam heated rm. and good board for 1 or 2 refined young ladies; home privileges; pleasant companionship. Moderate rates. Bdwy. 2438. LARGE, well furn. front room. 3 win dows, turnace heat, breakfast if de sired; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 690 Flanders. BUSINESS MEN, tired of hotels and res taurants; this mod. home, walking dist., pleases. Main 6552. " BOARD and room with good cooKintr; reasonable. 696 Hoyt St. Main 1463. Furnished Apartments. THE GRAND OAK APTS. Well furnished 2 and 3-room,- walk ing distance, $35 to $45. Grand ave. and Oak et. UOVSMAN APTS. Large 2-room, 2 c'osets, large kitchen, furnished; 8 room sleeping porch, unfurnished. 730 Hoyt. Main 1552. 4-ROOM corner apt., steam heat, free phone, private bath; adults. 843 Nel son, 1 blk. south 27th and Sandy. East 4789. SPECIAL RATES FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Dormitory room and board, $5 per week; age limit 17-25. Main 3429. JEANNE D' ARC. CLEAN, complMely . furnished, 2-room apartment, water and light. $20. 680 Lombard and Fiske sts. Empire 1813. &t. jonns car. ETNA APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, dressing room and bath. hardwood floors, white enamel ; free elec. washer and mangle. East 3782. SUNNY 2-room apt. for congenial lady, ga plate and pretty dishes, $25; Al berta car to 30th and Jarrett st. 850 Jarrett st. Auto. 315-17. TODD APARTMENTS. Nice upper front apts, 3 rooms and bain; reas. rent. E. 12th anuV Stark. B.i Ft 9140. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 ELEVENTH ST. 3-rm. well-furnished and lighted, 2 disappearln g beds; also on e 2-rm. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. ' Modern 2-rm.; hardwood floors, elevator, electric washer, lights and phone; walking. 386 3d. Main 9469. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. AfTS.. WK. OK MTiL K. 1990. NEATLY furnished 2-rodm apt., clean and light, steam heated ; everything iurnisnea out gas; on car line, $2t.du. 1566 East Glisan. Tabor 44S0. JEFFERY APTS., special 2-room furn. apt., $10 per month ; walk dist. cor. of Russell and Kerby st. DIEL APTS.. 790 E. ANKENY. Attractive 3 and 4-room steam-heat ed apts. East 1808. HANTHORN APTS. Desirable- 3-room furnished apt., beds, very close in. 251 12th st. ROOMS, ground floor, opposite Ladd school, close m, children not objec tionable. 390 Jefferson st. UNUSUALLY large, attractive 3-room apt, $40. S. E. cor. of East 27th and Jarrett sts. ; garage, $o. Auto. 315-17. IRViNGTON district, well fur., clean, modern Apt., all outside, rooms. 514 Hancock st. East 2202. CLOSE in, desirable 2-rm. front apt. spotlessly clean, well furn.: private en trance; reasonable. 474 Clay. Atw. 4194, MODERN outside room with or without kitchenette, complete , new furnishings. iou jn. znn st. Main 2iuo. WARM, cozy 2-room apts., steam heat, hot and cold water, light, phone, IZi.ov. cos unsan, near 2ist. 4-ROOM furn. apt., newly renovated reasonable. 401 10th, apt. E. Main 24 SO. WOODLAWN arartments. 551 Dekum ave Walnut 1150; 1 apt. or lower fk.cr. 520. LOVELY rooms for 2; excellent meals, in exclusive nouse; located close in. Bdwy. 4314. BUSH MARK hotel. Wash, st., cor. 17th, clean, modern, 1 and 2-room apts., rea- sonapie, steam neat, close in. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apt. 697 Wasliing ton st. jjroaaway iwb. SUNNYCREST, steam heat, newly turn redecorated, 3 ro"ms, priv. bath op tionai, gas, elec, $25-$30. 186 Sherman IDAHO APTS., 389 6th st. Furnished 3. 4-room apts., $20 so $35; walk, dis tance. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Two rooms, kitchen, tile bath and dressing room; elevator. Main 0359. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. GUILD APTS. 4 large rms., private bath, sip. porch; heat. h. and c. water lur. 2.id st. car. Main 305. THE LILLIAN. 3-room apt., ciose in, west side, water 1378. 381 Sixth st. At PLEASANT 3-room fur. apt., neat and clean, priv. bath, use of garage. Tabor 4836. au-l .Burngiae. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 3-room apartment; private bath. 331 3d at. Atwater naB. ALTON1A APTS.. 19th and Marshall- 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, unfurnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. ALICE COURT. E. 8th. Burnside Walk ing distance; 2 and 3-rm. apts., 2 beds, fireplace, private tel. and bath. E. 3566 SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and Multnomah. 2 and 3-room furnished apts., an outside apts. iast 1426. HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL, 3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs. private balconies. $35 up. Atw. 1 160. WESTMINSTER. Main 6582, nicely fur nished apts.. with bath.; sleeping rooms. CARLOIS APTS. 2-room fur. apt., rea sonabie. a-t Hin st. WILL share apt, with reliable business girl, $20. Call Tabor 2338 evenings. ROSELYN APTS.. 110 North 21st St.; room furn. apt Bdwy. 4140. A NEAT, congenial girl to share apt. Call evening, Alco Apt., 810. SUITE 2 rooms, newly painted, light, pleasant, very desirable. 534 Morrison. MARTHA APTS., 1 furnished. Main apd 2 rooms, newly 2141. UNION AVE and Killingsworth. furn. apt., $24.50; complete; concrete bldg. 2 AND 3-room apts. Peabody Apts., 409 19th St. N. Bdwy. 1546. THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th, 2 and 4-room apts. Broadway 3658. 2 AND 3-ROOM apts., 17th and Lovejoy. Arllne Apartments. Bdwy. 1812. $5 VERY desirable, phone, bath, light s. large, 3-rm. apt., 566 Market st. TWO AND three rooms, private baths; walking distance. 414 4th st. I HAVE fur. apt. to share wion some goi ( lady. East 6152. 6-ROOM furnished apt.. King Hill, 171 3-ROOM furnished apartment, with bath, west ide. Marshall 0547. POLLY AND REF0S ITTell T TOaUIY'S IATEXTIOAS WERE FOR KENT. Furnished Apartments. STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. The very handsomest furnished apart ments in the city; 1 to 4 rooms and sleeping porches, very artistic in Chi nese rugs, ivory willow and antique furniture, pongee hangings, lovely floor lamp; a home in every respect with refined surroundings. Al service, lots of heat, maid service if required, single rooms and suites for refined bachelors; references required. 166 St. Clair, cor. of 22d and Washington. Broadway 5830. IRVINGTON. Beautiful furnished 2-room apartment, gas, lights and heat furnished; rent $35. Call East 8874. TWO-ROOM apartment, beautifully fur- nisned. spotlessly clean, easy watKing distance, one block from R.t C. car and Grand ave. Also one beautifully furnished room, hot and cold water, gaa plate for light housekeeping. 415 E. Couch. WESTCOTT COURT. New Irvington apt., large living rm. balcony, dining room, bedroom, outside' kitchen and bath, elec, range, hard wood floors, tastily furnished in ma hogany. Eighth anid Weidler, block S. of Broadway. WHEELDON ANNEX APARTMENT HOTEL. 2 and 3-rooin apartments and single rooms by the day, week or month; close to business center. Main 6641. KINGSBURY APARTMENT HOUSE, 186 Vista Ave., near 23d and Wash. High-class apartment house, 3 rocms newly furnished and decorated, with a real bedroom; will be vacant Nov. 1. Call Main 3483. 3-ROOM APT., $42. Good residence district, west side, walking distance, private bath, com pletely furnished, heat, hot water, janitor service. College Apts., 3d and College. . THE CROMWELL, FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. All outside 2 and 3-room furnished apts.; French doors and balconies, per manent and transient. Atwater 5198. THREE big rooms, all outside corner. hot water heat; disappearing bed; beautiful place, homelike; 10 min. on Mississippi car. See this, two adults only. 816 Albina. ONE ROOM, bath and kitchenette, very lovely and complete, bay window; nice for refined business woman; references required. 106 St. Clair St.. cor. Wash lngton. ' VOLHE1M apts., 30th and East Alder; very beautifully furnished 4-room apt Exceptionally large living room, two disappearing beds, hardwood floors, electric range, electric washer. 2 ROOMS, including heat, not and cold water; walking distance; $15 and $25. Bdwy. 4292. Jennings apts., S4o N. 17th. ALTAMONT APT., 304 College, cor. 5th d rooms, private batn, ?.; 4 rooms. private bath, $o0. Main fajia. NICELY fur. 2-rm. apt. with kitchenette nd sip. porch. 721 E. Ash. East 0234. Unfurnished Apartments. APT. B ONLY 1 LEFT. Beautiful 3-room apt. with private bath, all large sunny outside rooms gas range. Universal bed, attractive light fixtures, globes included, close In; nice yard; rent reasonable. Call 34 E. 9th st. N., cor. Couch, or phone East 20 To. RESIDENTIAL apartments, just com pleted. 793 K. Mam st.. cor. 2ath Private entrance. 3 rooms and tiled bath and dressing room: steam heat, eiectric range, 2 disappearing' beds. East 6918. O. W. Tari PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine five-room apt.; steam heat wood fireplace, tile bath, janitor serv ice; no children; references. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 60P7 HIGH-CLASS 5-r. Bteam heated apt. In Irvington; h. w. firs., French ivory woodwork, imported tapestry paper, elec. wash, mach., janitor service, $75. E. 1369. IONIAN COURT, 18th and Coucb sts 4-room modern apartment, all outside sunny rooms, newly decorated, elegant view, walking distance, rents reason able Adults. Bdwy. 2761. KINGSBURY APARTMENT HOUSE. 188 Vista Ave., Near 23d and Waah. One 3-room unfurnished apartment with 2 disappearing beds; newly pa pered and painted. Call Main 3883. TUDOR ARMS, 8th and Couch Unfur nished apts., 3 rooms, narawooa noors, shower bath, electric stove; references reouired. Bdwy. 2559. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON APT.. MOD ERN; HARDWOOD FLRS.. FRENCH DOORS. IVORY WOODWORK: GA RAGE. EAST 9fi95. 730 WEIDLER. VOLHEIM apts., 30th and East Alder; beautiful corner front three-room apt.; hardwood floors, electric range, electric washer. VERY attractive 2-room and kitchenette apartment, breakfast nook, disappear ing bed, gas range and garage. Tabor 1786. 984 E. Washington, cor. 33d. TWO and 4-room, new, mod., hardwood floors, breakfast nook and garage. Walnut 3943. E-ROOM apt., steam heat, free phone; adults. 843 Nelson, 1 blk. south 27th and Sandy. East 4789. STEAM-HEATED apartment, hardwood floors, splendid view of city, reason able rent. 625 Main st. MARLBOROUGH APTS Five large rooms, newly decorated . throughout, very lignt. Mam 7oitv MAYO apts., 503 y Union ave. N. 3 'roorn unfurnished apt. Walnut 0920. ALTER APTS. 6 rms.. sip. porch, tile bath, shower. 21 st-uverton. uawy. iu, THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 6-rm. apartments. Bdwy. 8360. LOVELY, modern, 4-room corner apt. Reasonable. East 14O0L LORENZO 8678; 2-r apts. 427 Salmon st. Main n. furn. apt. 2 blks. library. Furnished or rnrurnmnefl Apartments. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 406 N. 26th. Main 5497. Furn. and un furn. 3 and 4-rm. apts., everything new. JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. $ar 5 ROOMS, fine district, newly ren ovated, polished floors, water and gjrbage. East 7277, or 10 E. 24th N LOVELY modern home offers rooms with excellent meals; always hot water, close in. Bdwy. 4314. NEWLY BUILT modern fi-rm. upper flat, furnace, linoleum, polished floors and garage. Meimont. m. u-a. MODERN 4-room flat, just completed, furnace, gas, water heater, $35; adults. East 4483. MODERN 5 rooms, sleeping porch, all clean and new, in white enamel: close l,n; adults. 440 Ross st. East C396. IRVINGTON 5 rms., hardwood floors. furnace, Radiantfire, gas range, sleep ing. porch; garage. E. 6926. 4-ROOM modern flat. 772 V. Osage ave. 1 blk. south of 23d and Washington St., west side. Main S'Jas or iwy. EIGHTEENTH and E. Ash Desirable 5 rooms, fireplace, furnace, balcony, clean. $22.50 WARM, flat, 649 2d. clean, modern Main 1690. G-RM. UPPER flat walking dist., $40. in east Portland, East 2301. 7 R. OMS. all conveniences, close in, west fide. 325 13th st. Metzger-Parker Co. WEST SIDE 5-room lower flat, fire pi ac efurnaoeJTOlEvere 4-ROOM upper flat, yard, -basement, at tic. 978 Commercial st. Walnut 1111. HER PALS OTHERWISE BY CLIFF STERKETT3 HE A AilCE. "LlL TELLER ) I gAT ) 1 1 HEAvfeAlb l&lV) M' 1 VKOrr HAVE. A C HIM A44ASfcul.HiATHiS( beat him up ' p- fSy. ' FOR RENT. Flat. BEAUTIFUL new Irvington five-room - apartments, ready about the 15th. elec tric ranges and electric water heaters; automatic heat; extra large living room and sun room, fireplace, tiled and shower bath. Phone East 8803. COMFORTABLE 7-room upper flat with sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace with gas; gas range, linoleum in kitchen, west side, 15 min; rent $50; city view. Strong & Co., 606 Ch. of Com. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON APT., MOD ERN, HARDWOOD FLRS., FRENCH DOORS, IVORY WOODWORK; GA RAGE. EAST 9695. 730 WEIDER. IRVINGTON 4-room modern flat, sleep ing poroh, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, gas range and water heater. Tabor 8018 BEAUTIFUL five-room flat, hardwood floors, strictly modern, perfect con dition; adults only; $50. Inquire 74 E. 29th st. N. Fhone East 5 070. 5-ROOM flat on east side, close In. good car service; rent $22.50 per motith. The Lawrence Co., 212 Corbett Main 6915. NEW and mod. 5-rm. upper flat, very conveniently located on west side; no children-; references required. 666 - Kearney; , MODERN o-rm. upper flat, gas range, water heater and water furn.; adults; near Wms. and Russell st. 549 Ganten-b-Vn ave. E. 5042. BEAUTIFUL strictly modern 5-roora fiat, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, all built-ins. 861 East Yamhill st. Mi'tzger-Parker Company. MODERN 5-room flat. W6 Madison st.. fireplace, furnace, gas range in Kitcnea. Mfctzger-Parker Company. WEST side new, modern, 5-room upper flat, hot water heat 502 Jefferson. Main 4592. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat. steam heat. 401 10th st. Main 2480. MOD. 5-rm. upper flat, walking distance, $30. 650 E. Alder. E. 3'J. , Furnished Flats. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. $45 Real cozy, modern flat. You'll like it; has everything. 1089 Hawthorne, near 36th, Phone 547-50. IRVINGTON, on car line. 2 large rooms. small kitchenette, completely furnish ed. on ground floor; $:J5, includes phone, lights, water; no children; suit able tor z aauits. n.ast ar. 4-ROOM furnished flat, private bath, eat. electricity, water, garbage, two adults. -73 Failing: Walnut 4739, $25.00 3-ROOM furnished flat. 820 Vaughn St. Information call Atwater 3719. - . $30 3-ROOM modern, clean, private bath; whole floor to itself; adults omy. 570 Mill. . ELEGANT flat, linen, silver, 204 N. 22d. nicely furnished; phone, bedding. Adults only. WELL fur. upper and lower flat; rent reasonable. 759 Williams ave. East 99HS. . FLAT Unfurnished, 4 rooms and bath, near Jefferson high school. 1035 Rrfdney ave. Phone Walnut 7122. ROOMS in modern private home; em ployed couple, mother and son or daughter: adults only. Walnut 1636. MODERN 3-room lower flat, neatly fur nished : walking distance. 550 Mill st. 4-ROOM modern upper flat, with piano. 272 Shaver, corner Williams ave. 7-ROOM furnished flat, ail new. 561 Ev erett st., cor. 17th. Bdwy. 8012. 4-ROOM furnished modern, open 10 to 5. 614 Commercial st. Atwater 2812. 4 ROOMS and bath, modern, car Phone Tabor 0386. 5-ROOM furnished lower flat. $40. Ap-p..- 1ST Chapman st. Atwater 0402. $16 3-ROOM fur. flat, Mill st. Salmon st. Call 329 4 ROOMS and bath, neat, dean, walking distance, $3S. Adults. East 7722. 4-ROOM furnished flat, reasonable. 10th t. Main 2480. 401 NOB HILL Nicely fur. 6-room and sip. porch, piano, fireplace. Atw. 3462. 7-ROOM upper, clean, fireplace, ant. 395 5th st.. cor. Harrison; pleas $55. Housekeeping Rooms. WILL GIVE large housekeeping room. very nicejy rurnisnea, to some one wno will care for 4.he furnace and give some assistance in light duties. Auto. 315-17. ' VALUE JO APTS. Brick bldg., clean, comfortable H. K. apts. Reasonable; 4 car lines. Busi ness district. 532 Williams ave. SINGLE H. K. rooms, steam heat, gas lights, hot and cold water furmsnea, clean and respectable, $3 up. Hen ri ri caJnd , SNAPPY, clean furnished h. k. rooms, everything new and everytning xur nished. Good yard for car. 302 Tilla mook, near Williams ave. BEAUTIFUL outside h. k. and sleeping rms., nswly furnished with sona ma hogany and cane furniture, fireplace and reading lamp: low rent. 335 18th. TWO WARM, light front h. k. rooms. well furnished; also 1 sleeping room; lovely neighborhood, close in; reason able. Bdwv. 4205. 629 Everett. BEST LOCATION IN PORTLAND. Front room and kitchenette, fine for particular bachelor, $4.50 week. 187 12th st. FURN. and unfurnished large h. k. rooms, single and apts., some newly papered. 223 . Pire at First. FURN. H, K. rms.; everything furn-ifih-rt hut mjsi close in: children wel- come; $25. 29th, Morrison. Bdwy. 1609. THREE outside furnTshed housekeeping rooms, walking distance, $Jo. 00a Mill st. Atwater 2772. thk rravf.r 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. a. rooms. io up. lnciuumg not water, eiec. ngnts. launury ruum. LARGE room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, furnace. 494 layior. Main " 212L ' VERY desirable double newly furn. H. K. rooms, very dost in. Cor. 16th St.. 013 Yamhill. LARGE front rocm. kitcnenette, $20; 2 rooms, $30; electric lights, phone, bath, laundry. 655 Flanders st. WELL-FURNISHED apartments, single or double, reasonable. Alta Vista, 644 Pettygrove . 1HFI MAPLE. 30 N. 17th.. near Wash. Best h, k. romis for the money; steam heat. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, no objection to one child, $20 per month. A. M.. 5003 58th st. S. E. 1 NICE room, kitchenette, steam heat, hot and cold water, $4.50- per week. 372 6th st. Atwater 4485. NICE, clean, H. K. rooms, single or in suite, close in, good conveniences, rea sonable. 495 Davis st. 4 H. K. RMS., nicely furn., piano, bet. Union ave. and Wiiliams on 315 Fargo st. Phone East 6126. ONE EXTRA large, clean, warm 11. K. room, on first floor, close in. Roycrest apts., 175 12th St.. cor. Yamhill. $72o SPLENDID 2r! suite; elegant home ; furnished and bedding. 940 Corbett. Main 8940. LARGE 2-rm. apt., well fur., Broadway. East 6228. near E. ONE CLEAN H. K. rm., $6 a week, close In. 5oO Everett, nawy. p.ui, 1 AND 2 rooms, $2.50 to $4.50 a week. Walking distance. 573 3d st. . SUNNYCREST, steam heated, h. k. rms., Sl'iup, priv. bath opt'nal. I6 Sherman. 3 FVRNISHED housekeeping rooms; fur nace heat. Call Walnut 1035. TWO CLEAN, well furn. H. K. rms., $25. 10 East 10th St. East 2796. DENVER APTS., 208 Wash. st. H. rms.. single ami ooume, .tt uy. STEAM-HEATED h k. water, $3 to $7 week. rooms, h. and 147 13th st. LARGE H. K. rooms cheap rent. 253 Washington, at Third. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. COMPLETELY furnished suites, large, light rooms, every, convenience, hot water and free baths at all hours; phone, linen,, gas ranges; clean suites for desirable people; center of city; no carfare; $4 to $5 week. 288 Third st.. near Jefferson. 1 Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. WEST SIDE Half block from car line, 3 blocks to Couch school, nice warm, newly furnished h. k. room ; clothes closet and kitchejsette,- furnace heat, electric lights and phone free. Plenty hot water. 571 Glisan sL 2 OR 3 LIGHT, cheerful H. K. rooms in attractive home, for 1 or 2 adults; fine location; best car service. 196 E. 30th. Tabor 5501 . LARGE, sunny H. K. rms.; private bath, porch and entrance; adults; employed preferred. 572 E. 6th. Sell. 0165. AN EXCELLENT apt.. 2 large front rms. tJiean ana comiortaoie. w a turns uia tance. $5 week. 229 North 16 ih st. NOB HILL 2 clean rooms and kitchen ette, heat, light, bath, accommouate a adults, $35. Phone Bdwy. 0224. 624 Northrup, near 20th. . 2 EXTRA nice furnished rooms, heat light, phone, hot water, yj.ou, vaianu Sunday. 14 E. 33d on Salmon. iauor 6875. TWO ROOMS, downstairs, newiy furn.. heat and light; also I room ano aucn enette; Irvington car line. Fine loca tion t.ast lit 1. 3-ROOM apartment, clean, gas. lights. heat, phone free. 1 blk. from Wash, st. Walking distance. 65 North 22c st. Main 6036. LARGE light sleeping room. $20 month. Nice 2-room apartment, $32 month or $7.50 week. Walking distance. 195 21st and Taylor sts. . NICELY furnished housekeeping roams and sleeping room, close in, reasonable rent. l uroaqway. 4 UNFURNISHED h. k. rooms with bath; no children. 560 E. Morrison. E. 1663. SMALL H. K. room, $4.25 a week: heat, hot water, electric lights included. 24 12th street. LOVELY apt. for 3 or 4 people employed, sleeping porch, fireplace, walking dis tar.ee. 61 North 18th et. , IRVINGTON, $40; 3-r. corner apt.; all outside rooms; heat, light, water. Bdwy. fcar. E. 8259. . CLOSE-IN sleeping and housekeeping rooms for rent reasonable. 569 Everett street. , $35 3 FURNISHED rooms, 425 st. ; adults only. 2 NICE h. k. rooms, light, phone, fur njee heat. 1214 Holgate st. Sell 3400. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, clean. walking distance. Adults. - . iou-". TWO nicely rooms. 590 furnlsned, clean Marion ave. H. , K. 3 ROOMS, partly furlshed, Dutch kitch en, private entrance. 388 Gra.nda.ve. N. 2 ROOMS furnished for h. k., light, pbore. ieat. 711 East Ankeny. LARGE, single h. k. rm., furnace heat, close in. $5 a we-. 331 W. Park. 3 PLEASANT h. k. rooms to adults. 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. NOB HILL 2 front warm, comfortable H. K. rooms. 710 Love joy. Houses. GROVE LAND PARK. near Franklin high; 8 rooms, modern, for rent. 441 E. 52d sL. or see agent, 810 Spalding bldg. ' CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at Tenth Street. 7-ROOM apartment flat, residence dis trict, west side, strictly modern, attrac tive proposition for right tenant. 996 Savier st., corner 29th.- Atwater 4371. DUPLEX, 3 bedrooms, living room, din- me room, U. kitchen, naw. noors, nre place and furnace, all new; adults. Wai 6944. 223 Haight ave. 8-ROOM modern house, lovely porch, newly tinted and painted, obtn st. ana Foster Road. For particulars call Main 9121. 8-ROuM house, newly papered and paint ed. 629 3d st. Inquire 634 4tn. Main 0186. NICE 5-room bungalow, moaern con veniences; close in. 6(2 n-ast xayior. Main 8440 or Broadway 7340, LAURELHURST 8 room, ail hardwood, 2 baths double garage, latest iinisn. new. option to buy. Tanor 6386. 8-ROOM house with sleeping porch, nawly renovated througnout. on 4tn and East Salmon st. Main 4668. FOR RENT 4-room house, hew, built- ins. garage, easy to lurnisn, jd per month. 97S Kast 31st st. ortn. FOR RENT or lease, modern 5-rm. house with sip. porcn ana garage. 'ia iutn S. E. Auto. 610-39. MODERN 6-room houae, furnace, fire place, yard 969 Vancouver avenue 5u, Wamut 0196. 4 OK 5 ROOMS. FURNITURE MOVED ANY PART OF CITY. $10. PHONE ATWATFR 3347. HTTT RATSS ON FURNITURE MOVING FIREPROOF STOR. 16 DAYS FREE, LONG DIST. HAULING. BDWY. 2145 WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Trans fer Co. Main 1261. 202' Alder st. MOVING Pianos. furniture; long-di- t n- hauline a SDecialtV. O. W, Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Bdwy. 5121. 7 ROOMS, 311 E. 60th St.. all conven- iences. lovely grounds, bee Metzger Parker Company. 5-ROOM bungalow, partly furnished one block to car ana store; aa only. Key, 4.06 Woodstock ave of.nf.RAL and lone distance hauling. Sell. 1132, 1305 E. 19th S. Westmore land. s-itooM modern bungalow in Laurel hurst. 1169 E. Pine st., Metzger-Parker Company. i .iiiHKF.W'l RST -6 rooms, entirely mod ern. 256 E. 33d st. See agent, S10 Spalding bldg- i--!rnT huncalow. oartly furnished; block to car and store: adults only. Key 4506 Woodstock ave. Aut. 62S-(j., 4-RCOM house, bath, gas-, electric. $Jl pf.r month including water, garbage, 364 Nortn 19th st 5-ROOM house, walking distance, $20 moi th. 225 East. 7th st., near Market, FINE 10-room house, all or any part. E-npire z 6 ROOMS, modern, clean, close in; adults only. Kast 13sJ. ni urnnq ave. o. 7-ROOM house, 575 Gideon St., $35. Broadway on id. R-ROOM modern house, garage. 830 E. 82d N. Alameda. Call Walnut 0798, TRANSFERRING at all times; lowest rates in Portland. Sellwood 3164. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, rent $35, on 74tn SI. ltii"i jro,; REM o-room nouse. Main. Phone Ea.t 0480. $35. '581 E, 5-RtOM cottage, garage. E. 178. gas, bath, electricity 372 VICTORIA ST. 6 rooms, modern, close in. fcast two. 3-ROOM house, electric light, water and gas. 443 c. 4da ft. ,-.aP0r 1 8-ROOM house, 2 baths, furnace, $40. 695 E. Washington MODEDN bungalow, seven rooms, g. rage. Irvmgton, close in. Atwater 423 MODERN 6-room bouse for rent. Call Walnut 3558. TO RENT your home see Frank L. Mo fiu:re. Abmgton Diag. 5-ROOM house, electric lights -and gas. 861 Upshur st. MODERN, clean 6-room house, oak firs., 3 bedrooms. Tabor nwtf. $42.50 6-RM. mod. house, furnace, fire piace. si. pore ii ; K.y h.l . . idlh 5-ROOM cottage, MS 5th ; reasonable. Phone Broadway 2332. LAURELHURST Strictly modern room house, $50. East 3C22. FOR RENT. FOR RENT New 6-rm. bun galow at 610 East 48th st. N., $50 per month. Will giva lease. HILLER BROS., 211 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 3626. $50 RENTS 8-room house, thorougmy modern sunroom. Sleeping puicu, ucn, ... ..nrt nnn table: r.Ot- water furnace; lot 100x125, with nice i .1 v, . fruit- ifaraee: Z blocks from car. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 300 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. ljHb. innh nnsaii! CITY "RARGA1N. oitraMiu. R.rnnm bungalow rtmihiA onrrii.teri ' built-ins. Dutch kitrhen nice licht. airy bedrooms rnH riinmh.TUT .illl r-pmeilt baSemeilt, vh n-avs: d'andv lot. fine shrubbery and lawn; good garage with cement floor and runs. Tabor from. MOVE THE SECURITY WAI. Extraordinary Service For the Ordinary Price. t a ri.- VTAVMVC STORAGE. SRPl'K .TV STIIB XaV.' TRANS. CO., 4tu at Tine st., opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Bdwy. 3. in. A HOME for rent, 15 East 72d st. No obiection to eood children; largo erniinds: thre minutes to good grade school; modern in everything; 7 rooms and two sleeping porches with dressing rooms. For information can Bdwy. 1590. r.RM nvvk'.i.T.'vr. ner end 01 irvin; toy c a 1 brie iar line- furnace, batn, two iav ftc; good condition $47.30. Union Sate Deposit & Trust Co. Bdwy. B:43. 2M Oak st. wnonsTnrw f-rrtni house, firepiac electricity, bath, garage; large grounds. Suit for i.-irpri familv: will lease. reasonable rent. Wakefield, Fries Co., S5 Fourth st. 7-ROOM modern house; 4-room modern house with sleeoine norch and oatn , each with garage and paved street. 8MB 6-'i st., or call 612-6. Furnished llou&es. 1089 HAWTHORNE AVE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Real cozy, modern home. You'll surely like it. Has everything. AUTO. 547-50. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES. 524 Heichts Terrace. 3, 4 rooms, fine view of mountains and city, 10 minutes' walk to heart of city; Hall et. car. on Morrison to wtn, 2 blocks west ; shower and tub bath; eee to appreciate; wood in lor winter, don't miss. HAVR ?i.rrtnn wnriprn nittJiCa in Lents, 6303 94th S. E. Has always rentea ior $25, furnished. Will give 1-year lease for I KS furnished or unfurnished. Must be advanced cash, however. Se owner at 7511 65th ave. S. E- Oia Folks home. Auto 617-14. LARGE two-room furnished h- k. apart ment; very clean and oomioridDit', hot and cold water; good furnace heat, electricity and laundry privileges; em ployed adults only; no children. Broad way 6833 or '167 Washington, about 1 block south of 2oth ave. -ROOM furnished, modern home, piano, hardwood floors; will lease to respon sible adults for 1 or more years. 173 Eet 20th st, near Belmont. S. S. or Mt. Tabor car. . . WILL share 8-room modern house with congenial coupie or win rent - siwjjimb rooms, nicely furnished and clean, near Westmoreland golf links ; double ga rage. Sell. 3317. NICELY lurnished new 5-room bunga low, modern furnace, fireplace, corner lot,- 2 blocks to car, close in; rent $50 to the right party. Phone Bdwy. 64 69 . ' ROOM modern house In Lents, 1 yr, $185 in advance. Rented last year for $25, furn. or unfurn. Owner, 773:, 64th place. 2 blocks north ot Woodmere school. , . FIVE rooms, partially furnished, acre ground, plenty fruit; i-ents. aiso nouse near Milwaukie. Also dairy ranch, some equipment. Phone Milwaukie 44Y. CLEAN, 8-room lurnlflheu house, suit able 2 families; large basement. iur nace, electric lights, gas, 1 block, from cline, R0. Bdwy. 6012, 5-ROOM bungalow, wonderful view, new ly furn'shed, excellent rurnace; aauus onlv; references, ."t0. East 28th st. South. Sellwood U2. $35 LOWER floor. 5 rooms, completely rurnisnea, jnciuamg- pianu, if washer and sweeper. 6403 V-d sC S. E. Automatic 62o-42. . ATTRACTIVE stone bungaiow on Wil lamette river and river roan; garage available; rent 515. Call 728 Morgan bldg . ROOMS. E. Morrison st, near ftSth. $40 a month. Immediate possession. Herman Moeller, 42U Lumbermen bldg. WILL lease a o-room lurnished mod. hniiBo KlKO fnr omp vear. :au a: 7733 64th Place, 2 blocks north of Woodmere school. irrvn u v.vt well -furnished modern home. S5r. or if two cnuaren oareu for part time no rent charged. Apply 1201 Commerci al alter b P. Al. PARTLY furnished small house. S2. including light, water, garoage. o East Oak at 2$th. East 7:t?4. 3-BfiOM furn. house. $20. Apply Jeffery apts., corner of Russell ana jeroy( du- tween 10 and 4 P. Al. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house for 9 months; to. ooo r. oruauwj. East 5565. SMALL , 3-room rur. cottage in rear; walking distance; 524 per montn. wa E. 7th st., between Oak and fine. KENTON dit.. 3-room house, close to cir'ins. reasonable, call i&b umaaa avenu. -ROOM houHe, cleau and well furnished; walking distance. E. o642. 20ti Han- cock. Kent .room house. Dartly furnished, $40. 4410 44th st. S. E. Call "Woodlawn 5104 for detail FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, newly painted inside ana out. nait oiock. irum Alberta car; aauus. ion, iu. -m pl. 0-RCOAI bungalow in Irvington. hard wood flocrs, ivory iimsii; rent uv. Kast 0713. forenoons. 4 ROOMS, modern conveniences. good suburban location, -u. ma.ia Loral H7. 6iu0. -ROOM, lur., mod home. hardwood floors fireplace, $60 month including hat and phone. vor RENT Furnished 4-room house. $:!". Call E 5-ROOM furn.. for rent, adults. 1028 E. Alder st. Tabor 0i43. OR 5-ROOM well furnished house. Kenton dlstru-t. AN 71. uregoman. ti-ROOM house, piano, ciose in on car- line. Ho montn. Atwater io-o. ATTRACTIVE modern 6-room bungalow; retsponsiDie people, aeu. o-tg. MY HOME, modern, 7 rms., completely furn., ptano. garage. Am. pji-,. COMPLETELY fur. house, Riverview dist.. -u a montn-. mam whj 7-ROOM modern furnished bouse $50 montn ma r. aiif-iu. 6-ROOM furnished 3 bedrooms, $25; mod ern. W alnut ant. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, iurnace. l anor itr.. I!oaeft for Rent Furnltarw for Sale. MODERN 5-room upper flat, two large overstuilea cnairs. ainmg room noi, mahogany bedroom set. South Bend malleable range, stair runner, rugs, curtains; move right in: rent only $17.50. Don't go by outside appear ance; $425 cash. 4!4& Columbia, near 14th. Main 2157. 7-ROOM house, modern conveniences, clone in, west aide; suitable 2 families or more, for sale; will lease; furni ture for sale; in good condition; 2 ga rages. 621 6th St. Automatic 620-61. COMPLETELY furnished upper 8-room flat, 3 rented.; walking distance, west side; owner consider any reasonable offer. Call Sunday or early in eve nlng. Main 8570. 5-ROCM house, rent $12.50, walking dis tance, furniture for sale, canned fruit, vegetables, also wood, goes with it for qu.ck sale. 424 E. Couch. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for Bale, $475; good furniture ; flat for rent ; close in, west side ; reasonable renU Broadway 4801 ' Stores and Business Places. STORES TO LEASE. Have several stores in the heart of central west side district suitable for any ordinary business. Rents from $100 and up. Long leases to desirable ten ants. Mr. Fulton, with W. M. Umdn etock &. Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. NEAR SANDY BLVD. Across from Doernbecher Furn. Co. Storage space, 30x60, concrete bidg.. concrete floors, rent reas. to right party. Will lease. A. B. Gustaff. 40 Her.ry bldg. Bdwy. 4f)75. $25 STORE, 22x60. 652 Thurman st; excellent business location for store, shop, small factory, restaurant. Bdwy. 7063. WAREHOUSE. FACTORY BUILDING. 24,000 sq. ft., $150 per month; long lease. Lewis. 262 Stark 6t. UNION AVE. store for rent, $35. R, J. McGulre, 545 Union. E. 5407. . FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware houe phone Broadway 3715. Offices. FURNISHED room, use main line phon 433 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I DESK room in modern office, eltf Spaldins bldg. Appiz