11 . v Take Your Cash Discount in S & H Green Trading Stamps We Give Them Free With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More a THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1922 I i I I i 4 f t t f i Bead Necklaces At 39c Main Floor Novelty Bead Neck laces in a large selection of differ ent styles and colors reds, blues, greens, amber, jets, corals, ame thyst, pearl, etc Lines selling in the regular way at 75c. QQf Special for Climax Day at Ouis Dressing Combs $1.39 Slain Floor Imitation Ivory Combs of splendid heavy quality.- All coarse or coarse and fine. No tele phone or C. 0. D. orders accepted for this item. Combs such as are usually priced at $2.25, fl-T QQ on sale Climax Day at pA.Ot $2.250WKCorsets$1.69 Climax Special Second Floor Low bust, medium long skirt model, neatly trimmed, with hook and eye below clasp. Two pairs heavy hose supporters. Shown in flesh and white. Sizes 21 to 26. Reg- (gl Q ular $2.25 Corsets special at 3--.U Brassieres $1.49 Second Floor Vanity Brassieres in long type with elastic all around bottom. White Belding satin and flesh color satin striped and brocaded AQ, materials. $1.75 values at P J- Outing Flannel Skirts 98c Muslmwear y2 Price Second Floor Women's out ing flannel Petticoats of ex cellent quality in white and stripes. Regular and extra sizes. Just , the thing for winter wear. Regu- HO lar $1.29 values only elastic at SHOP EARLY On special $4 Satin Canton $3.48 Chiffon Velvet $4.48 Main Floor Plain and Satin Canton Crepes in black, white and a full color assortment. The most favored silk of the season. Regular $4 j0 g grade; special at tDO.rrO $4.50 Wool Suitings $3.48 56 Inches Wide, All Wool Main Floor "Melrosa" one of the most popular weaves of the season. Strictly first quality made by Forstman & Hoffman. Fall weight. Tan, gray, copen, brown, flQ A Q toast, beaver and handsome mixtures. Special, yard wO.riO $5 Kid Gloves at $2.75 Sport Main Floor Don't overlook this opportunity to buy qual ity gloves. Real kid, slip-on style, full P. K. with em broidered backs also pearl clasps at wrist. All (JJO PTC wanted shades; at tP.I t) Sale Men's ;5N ,i '', .T'jui M i' i J s1 Men's Hose, mercerized cotton, in black, gray, cor dovan and navy. On Ol special sale today, at Av Men's Reefers, accordion knitted, f ri n g e d ; assorted colors; Regular $5 PO flr values; special at DuitJ $3.00 Knit Reefers $1.95 Odd Lines Boys' Shirts fit IP Mm $5 Dolls $3.50 Fourth Floor "Mama" Dolls the kind that walk and talk. 21 inches long and regular.$5 (19 values. Special PO.DU THE MONEY-SAVING EVENT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR f-r-Ki If i Regular Halloween Party In Onr Ten Room. You're Invited. A Rousing All-Over-the-Store Sale That Brings Phenomenal Savings on Merchandise of Dependable Quality. Great Crowds to the Store, for We See to It That Every Article in the Sale Is a Real Bargain. Plan to Shop Here Green Trading Stamps Given With Purchases an Additional Cash Saving on the Money You Spend. Second Floor Special clean up sale of Muslin Underwear. Odd lines Women's Night Gowns, Skirts, Chemise and Drawer s slightly soiled from display. Climax Day' Sale special at HALF PRICE Children's Rompers Special 69c Second Floor Creepers and Rompers of chambray, gingham, crepe and muslin. .Several odd lines grouped for quick clearaway. Sizes 1 to 4 years. C(n Values up to $1.35 Climax Day "l Bloomers 25c Second Floor Odd . lines Children's Bloomers in crepe and drill materials. Flesh and white. Band top styles with knee. Sizes 4 and 6. 25c sale today at; a pair Main Floor Black Chiffon Velvet at a very special price for Climax Day. Shop early in the day, for quantity is limited. Regular Qj i Q $5.00 Velvets; now WAO Hose $1 Main Floor Women's extra quality cotton and wool Sport Hose at a very special low price for Climax Day. Fancy mixtures in a large assort ment of colors. On P1 (f special sale, a pair D.L.Ul Overcoats Regular $20 Values Main Floor All-wool Overcoats of a well known make.. Smart double-breasted style with con vertible collar. Lined sleeves and shoulders. Good serviceable Coats for Winter wear. Sizes 36 to 40. Oxford gray Q only. $20.00 Overcoats at wW Silk Shirts , $4.95 Main Floor High-class Shirts made from silk broadcloth in a variety of. handsome patterns . . j i n 't 1 ana coiors. correctly lauorea a ci,;an 1- t0 Sel1 flt 6-95- Day; at $4.95 ,.,1, climax Men's Night Gowns of good heavy quality outing flannel. Military neck, 3 button front. Priced QP special for this sale JJVs Men's Suspenders the fa mous Shirley make. Regu lar $1.00 values. On ?Q special sale; the pair Ul and Drawers, Each 500 AA 1 Ji $1.25 Dolls 75c Fourth Floor Lovable lit tle Dolls with sleeping eyes and curly wigs. Fully dressed, ll-ineh I7P length. $1.25 value i OL Bags, Purses Priced i Special Main Floor Special purchase sale of travelers' samples in women's Handbags, Purees, BUI Folds and other leather articles. Values up to $2,50. C1 AA On special sale today DAl 25c Shoe Trees At 19c Notion Dept., First Floor Enameled Shoe Trees in red, blue, pink, yellow, black, lav ender, gray and white. "1 Q Regular 25c values; now A! 25c Hair Pins 19c Notion Dept. Bone Hair Pins in shell and amber. Assorted styles and sizes. "Per- 1 Qy fection" make. Special -l-C 15c Hair Pins 11c Notion Dept. D'Arcy Hair Pin Cabinets. Jet only. A stand ard 15c item. No teie- "j 1 phone orders. On sale 1" Handkerchiefs At 5c Main Floor Sport Handker chiefs in all colors and patterns. Dots, checks, etc. Also in plain white. Specially priced for pf Climax Day Sale, at only -' Kerchiefs 5 for $1 Main Floor Pure linen Hand kerchiefs with embroidered initial and dainty hemstitched hem. Suitable lor Q-fl ffi gifts. Special, 5 for wl.UU Metal Bag Frame At 69c Main Floor Very suitable for fabric and beaded bags. Frames are 6 inches wide and are shown in several finishes. On CQn special sale today only VJ?v Transformations Priced Special $D Second Floor First quality natural wavy hair Transforma tions for all around the head. Regular $7.50 and (PC fA $8.50 values. Special wU.UU Doll Wigs Second Floor Special sale of Doll Wigs. Bobbed and curled styles. Made from real hair. Now is the time to buy for Xmas. Special $3.50 to $6 Hair Switches Second Floor Strictly first quality natural wavy hair Switches made up-in 3 separate stems. Regular selling prices $7.50 to $8.50 priced P AA special for this sale $10.00 Pumps $4.85 Main Floor "John Kelly" and "Selby" calfskin Pumps for street wear. Especially good for winter. Dark tan one-strap with rieat round toe and flat heel. Regular ?10,00 values. Special, pair $4.85 Nut brown Calfskin one-strap Pumps, blunt toe, military heels. Regular ?9.B0 values, Q A OP priced special, a pair Or.Otl Mahogany calf one-strap Pumps.ltegular ?9.50 CM -CK values; special, pair Br.OJ Imported Norwegian grain leather 2-button, one -strap Pumps. Regular $10 P A OP values. Special, pair w'itOO 1 iiPI Olds, Mrtinon RELIABLE MERCHANDISE REU ABLE METHODS. iMQppreoN. Aipa. wist pawn, awo twth street Women's Sport Sweaters Specially Priced for Climax Day Bath Robes $4.75 Second Floor Women's Bath Robes of excellent quality blanket material. Handsome new patterns including floral and Indian effects. Long col lars, V necks, patch pockets. All new colors. On QA rTffr special sale today I O Middy Dresses at $5.98 Second Floor Splendid serviceable Dresses for school wear. Made up in good quality all-wool ' serge. Yoke styles with sailor collars and plaited skirts. Trimmed with braid and emblems. Navy, maroon and . brown. Sizes from 6 up OfT QO to 14. Priced special at DO0 Middy Dresses $9.98 . Second Floor Sizes 6 to 14. Plain and checked serge. Yoke styles with plaited skirts. - Trimmed with silk braids, emblems, etc. Navy, black and white. Sizes flJQ QQ 6 to 14. Climax Sale viUuO $3.50 Blankets at $2.69 Climax Day Extra Special Third Floor A good opportunity to buy your Winter's sup ply of bedding. 72x80 heavy quality cotton Blankets in tan and gray with pink and blue bordrs. Standard Of $3.50 values. Climax Day Sale, special the pair witUi 500 Yards Cork Linoleum Cocoa Door Mats Special 79c Sale of Braided Oval Rugs Third Floor Good heavy brush Cocoa Door Mats, size 14x24 inches. Special pur chase lot on sale Cli- HQkn max Day at low price Sale of Household Needs .Main Floor Check over your list of home requirements and take advantage of these savings. 45x38 Pillow Cases Special 25c Main Floor Bleached Pillow Cases of good quality. Size 45x35 inches. No tele phone orders. Special 'til Sheetings 42c Main Floor Bleached Sheet ing, 2 yards wide. This is of good firm quality. AO On sale itoday, a yard Linen Napkins Special $5.95 Main Floor Pure linen Dln jier Napkins, slse 22x22-ineh, Limited quantity, P QK Climax Day; doien OOtUO Silk Mixed Esponge, en sale Climax Day, yard $1,50 $4-69 2d Floor Compare these with Sweaters shown about the city at $6.50 and ttore! Made from pure wool yarns in plain and fancy weaves. Tuxedo, slip-on and ruffneck styles with belts and braided sashes, open, beige, jockey, orchid, honeydew, gray, navy and black. Round and V necks. All sizes 36 to 46. On sale $4.69 Petticoats $4.79 Second Floor Taffeta, Satin, Jersey and Pussy Willow Taffeta Petticoats with fancy p 1 ai t e d and hemstitched flounces. Black, rose, purple, brown, copen, cerise, navy and jade On spe- &A r7Q cial sale today at 5' I V Special Sq.Yd. 9c Third Floor The genuine printed Cork Linoleum with burlap back. Shown in many attractive tile pat terns suitable for offices, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Blue, brown, green, etc. Bring in exact measurements and save time. Climax Day HCkn Sale, special, per square yard Slight extra charge for laying. Third Floor $4.00 Braided Rugs, si2e 2x3 ft.; I0 QfT on special sale at wiuO $6.50 Rugs, size g QK 2x4 ft; special DOt) Fancy Bath Towels , Special 68c Main FloorFancy Bath Towel in medium ize, Very suitable for holiday gifts, Specially prjeei f e? !Q Climax Pay sale, at UOC French Voiles a4 9 BatUteaj social, yar4 Phonographs $5 4th Floor "Baby" Phono graphs; play all records and well made. Regular selling price $6.00 (PC Climax Day special wtl It's an Underselling Event That Never Fails to Bring Today and Share in the Splendid Offerings. S. & H. """" -"-iW-1jT - $10 Leather Bags $7.45 Third Floor 16, 17 and 18-inch cowhide leather Traveling Bags in black and brown. 236 -ounce stock. Double- stitched, sewed corners, lift catches, leather lined, 8 pockets. These are good durable Bags and they are easily worth $10.00. Qn ir Climax Day Sale; at D w Basement Millinery Rousing Climax Day Sales to clear the stocks at once. Here are values that you cannot af ford to overlook. Shop early! Women's Hats $3and$5 Banded Hats in smart shapes and best colors. Regular CQ values to $5.00; special at Trimmed Hats in a large as sortment of styles and colors. All the newest shapes. (IJQ Values up to $8.00; special Trimmed Hats, .values (JJC up to $10.00; special at Children's Hats this takes in the bulk of our Basement stock of children's Hats: Many attractive styles and colors. Values QO FA up to $3.95. Special jA'0J All Hat Trimmings HALF PRICE 'Star' Hams 30c Lb. Fourth Floor Every housewife knows how delicious ! "Star' Hams are and will be glad of this opportunity to buy a fresh supply at low cost. Weights 10 to 12 pounds. Put up by Of) Armour & Co.; a pound OUl Cane Sugar Special i 14 lbs. i Fourth Floor No deliveries ex cept with other grocery pur chases and we reserve the right, to limit purchases. Best P- Cane Sugar, special, 14 lbs. DA Ginger Snaps 15c lb. Fourth Floor Regular selling price 20c per pound. Fresh, pure and wholesome. The kiddies like them immensely. On sale Climax Day, special, 3 "I K lbs. for 42 per pound J-l Stamped Bath Towels 95c Art Needle, Second Floor Size 40x20 inches. Pink, blue and yellow. Stamped with easy-to-work designs. Climax QKr Day Sale, special, each ' Shetland Floss 45cBall Second Floor-No telephone or ders accepted for this special. Broken color line Shet- " Kr land; Floss; irpecial, a ball AtlC Bed Spreads $2.85 Second Floor Appliqu Bed (Spreads, Attractive designs stamped en g&od quality un bleaehed muslin, On (PO QC sale Clima Dayj at D&00 Pillow Slips ?1, 39 geeond Floef Stamped Pillow glips of good quality tubing, Chdice designs. Hem (PI OQ stitched edges, Sale 51.0J Toy Trains $1.00 Fourth Floor Mechanical Toy Train with - track regular $1.25 kind. 1 Climax Day Sale at Vl $1.00 Play Phones' 85f f American Express Free Travel Bureau Between Elevators, Second Floor. Sale of Art Values to 75c '&Cl Special Yd. Third Floor Over 3000 yards in this lot. Hundreds of beautiful pat terns in desirable colors for cur tains, bags, scarfs, pillows, aprons and other purposes. Cretonnes of dependable quality selected from our regular stocks. Values up OQp to 75c. Priced special a yard Drapery Silks 98c Yd. Third Floor For draperies, for lamp shades, for quilt covers and many other uses these Silks are most desirable. Splendid selection of patterns in the most wanted colors. Silks selling up to QQ $2.00. Priced special a yard 501 $1.50 Tuscan Net, special 89 Couch Covers $1.00 Third Floor Tapestry Couch Covers in attractive striped patterns. Just the thing for the porch lounge, couch or single bed. These sell in the regular way at $2.00 and are good values at AA that price. Sale tDJ-.U! Glass Butter Boxes 48c Extra Special for Climax Day Third Floor No telephone orders for this item. Clear glass Butter Boxes (with covers) in the 2-pound size. Keeps butter pure and sweet at all times. Every home should have JQf one or more of these. Regular 65c values.' Speeial Oven Glass Bakers At 98c Third Floor Fireproof, san itary and easy to clean. Size of Bread Pans, 10x5x3 inches. Our regular QOf $1.60 values. Special wOt Deep Dish Pans At $1.48 Third Floor Aluminum Dish Pans ill deep style as illus trated above. Polish finish, strong and durable, riveted handles, rounded plain edge. Specially priced -IQ for Climax Day at 0 1.4:0 orders. Basement Climax Sales Five special offerings that mean exceptional savings on seasonable merchandise. Yon cannot . afford to miss, these items on sale in Basement. Umbrellas $1.19 Basement 500 men's and women's Umbrel las in a special under price offering for Cli max Day. Plain and novelty handles. . Ex tra values Q1 1Q at only Women's Pajamas Specially Priced $1 Men's Work Shirts on Sale at 89c Basement Women's Pajamas of good grade Outing Flan nel. Two-piece style also a few In Billia Burke effects. Fancy striped pat $1.00 terns. Climax Day Scrim Curtains Special $1 Pair Mixed Wool Blankets $4.50 Basement Scrim and Mar- .Basemen t Heavy grade milsette Curtains plain hemstitched and pome with laee edges. a edges. On Af at, the pair P-LW sale Wool Scarfs $2.49 Main Floor "Brushed wool Scarfs, 2 yards long. Plain col ors .with fancy striped ends. Fringed. Regular $3.50 values. O A Q Climax Day Sport Hats - Brushed wool and stitched Tweed Hats in medium and light col ors. Fine for auto and school wear. QO fQ Climax Day tDZi.O $3.95 Neckwear $2.49 Main Floor Women's full bodice Guimpes of fine Bretonne Net trimmed with filet, Irish crochet, Birken and val laces. Tuxedo and Bromley styles. Regu- AQ lar $3.95 values. Sale $'7 Veilings 49c Main Floor Plain and fancy mesh Veilings with chenille dots and woven effects. All the new colors and combinations. Also a yQ few Drape Veils. Special v Cretonnes ' Ladies' Desks V2 Price Fourth Floor Special clear ance of Ladies' Desks, golden oak and fumed oak finishes. Several attractive designs. 8 Desks only. Here's a sug gestion for that Xmas gift. Regular $19 to $24 Ladies' Desks on sale $9.50 to $12 8-Ft. Lamp Cords At 75c Third Floor Extension Cords with key socket and attachment plug. 8-ft. length. For floor, table and (7f davenport lamps; only tfVr Beater and Whip . 33c Third Floor Egg Beater and Cream Whip also Used for mixing may onnaise. Pint size fluted glass jar with perforated dasher shown in sketch. Cli at 33c max Day sale Aluminum Colanders Special 98c Third Floor -'-Seamless Colanders' also used for straining purposes. Well riveted feet and handles that wont come off. No telephone QQ Priced special at only Basement 600 of these good Shirts ready for Climax Day Sale. Hade up in excellent quality blue chambray. Full cut. Sizes 14 & to 17. QQ Climax Day special atOw mixed wool double Blankets, fancy colored borders. Gray only. Wonderful jA ?rv values at, the pair. 3t.OU i j I i ' V t