TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1922 21 " TOR SAtE AUTOMOBILES. 1921 OLDS "4." $750 A beautiful car with extra equipment looks like new and is an automobile that has abundant power and will make you a fine family car. John K. Leander Co.. Burnside, L.ORT tmirincr hra nri now nfiVer run mile, 1021 model ; powerful, economi cal and in every way a most satisfac tory car. factory guarantee ana ei v ice. Terms. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder sts. Broadway 1460. il15 LOCOMOBILE Looks like new; 6 ajmost new cord tires ; car in perfect shape. .Just the car for stage or to rebuild into bus. See this car toaay. Mr. Goodwin. Bdwy. 1572. , OAKLAND six In fine condition. Want quick sale, need money. East 3649. Automobiles Wanted. USED FORDS WANTED. We do not want to take your Ford on consignment. We give you real vah money for your Ford. TWIN TWO MOTOR CO.. INC. 60!) Wash. St., Just Above lftth. Or call Bdwy. '24SH for appointment. WANTED Good used auto and some cash for new 4-room house and 5 or 10 acres, suitable for chicken ranch. Earl, Main 0562. I XEED 12 light cars, touring, deliveries tnd roadsters; . will pay highest cash price for same. T. McDonald, 131 Grand &ve. East 4114. 'WE WRECK THEM Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO. THIRD AND GLISAN. TILLAMOOK, SO acres for auto, half mile from highway, Ihs miles from town. m3rtgage ."00 runs 2 years; want late model car. DC 900, Oregonian. FORDS WANTED. Spot cash paid for all models. Bring to 28 N. 11th st. between Burnside and Couch. $1 000 EQUITY on 6-room house and 3 lots, will trade for truck not less than 2 tons. Atlas Transfer Co., 104 N. ftth vt. Ask for air, juqiuck. F' R EXCHANGE 5 acres, Al apple lpnd, at Mosier. Will exchange for late model automobile worth $800. S 991, Oregonian. m WANT late model auto as part payment on R. C. bungalow. Auto. 329-10 or 710 E. 47th N. ' WILL pay top cash price for your Ford, any model. Bring it to 609 Washing ton st. at 19th. t CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object 414 Glisan, woodyard. Bros d way 0293. CARS wanted to wreck, parts for less. Hodes Auto Parts Co., 522 Alder. S. W. cor. 16th. Bwy. Stir'S. Mail orders filled. CARS wanted to wreck; parts for all cars for less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking C o. , 15-th and Alder. Bdwy. 636. CASH paid for car to wreck. 34 N. Grand ave. HAVE a piano to trade for a Box 184. Route 5. Portland. Ford car. Or. WANTED Overland :tt).5. Sunday. Call Atwater Motorcycles. L'SED MOTORCYCLES all makes, lib eral terms; used parts 10-75 discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand avenue. Distributors for ACE. READING STANDARD, CLEVELAND. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, side car at tachment, thoroughly overhauled. Al condition, price $150; private. U2u Flanders st. 1919 EXCIOLSIOU. side car and top, new tires and batteries: $125 cash. t:5 Love joy. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2(ill Third st. Main 6139. Autoniobilen for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. ( Remember Our Number Bdwy. 3096. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 1th st. Broadway 0840. 0 V LTND KR . 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. 3547. - For Kxchangp Automobiles, PRIVATELY OWNED VEL1E 0. What have you to trade for my Velfe 0, dandy condition ; will consider Vic troln. Price $459, equity $200. Mr. Morris, Broadway 60S9. between 11 and 12 ami after B P. M. W 1 LL trade Weber piano for late Ford cou pe or roadster. East 31 61. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. 3'4-TON GARFORDS. Long wheelbase for wood or lumber. We overhaul these trucks and sell I he in right. See Hartshorne, 353 Burn side st. SU-TON RICKER. Equipped with wood hoist and box. There is no better gravel truck. Get our price on this. HARTSHORNE, 353 Burnside. OLDS ECONOMICAL. -TON. Delivery, $650; cord tires, top con dition. BRALEV. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bd w y. 32S 1 . 11th and Rurnside sts. 3Mj-TON GAR FORD. Wood hoist and box. good as new. Only tlNOO. HARTSHORNE. 3r3 Rurnsirle St. TRUCKS to trade for lots and city prop erty; we have several used and new trucks, all makes and sizes. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Aider. Broad way 14(H). TWO-TON WOOD TRUCK. Dump bod y, good running condition. Only $350. See Hartshorne. 353 Burn sirte St. REO SPEED WAGON. Onlv $450. See Hartshorne, 353 Burn side St. i -TON Hethlohem truck; brand new; a wonderful buy; easy terms to respon sible party. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 1hth and Alder. .Bdwy. 140U. ONE-TON G.M.C. Only $500, best of shape. See Harts- r.rne. ;; s Hurnsme ft. $130 KURD DELIVERY. BR ALE Y, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwv. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. FOR SALE CHEAi. Large assortment bull tractor parts. CLAY S. MORSE. INC. 1-TON FORD truck for sale at a bargain. Call Walnut 7048. 1921 FORD delivery in first-class condi tion, $225. 430 Burnside st. GARAGES. building. 120 Union AUTO REPAIRING. TOUR auto repaired at your home or mine with guarantee. Tabor 1146. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVER COATS, MACKINAWS AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAT OR EVEN I NO. CALL ATWATER 1229 OR 253 MADISON. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING want ed; we pay tho most for cast-off clothing and shoes. Call ua, Bdwy. 2S4&. 128 North Sixth at. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. roadway 3932. 243H burnside ST. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS PURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co.. 1G4 Park st., between Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 6529. SECOND-HAND clothing wanted. Jo th Tailor pays highest prices for suits, overcoat; we call anywhere in the city. Call Main 2360 or 223 Madison near 1st st. CLOTHING WANTED. GET YOUR FULL VALUE FOR YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING. CALL MAIN 7004, 235 1ST ST., COR MAIN. WE ARE in the market foT EVERY TH I NO. Furniture, tools, clothing, junk, etc. Call Main 4058. WANTED Newspapers and magazines tied in bundles. Will cail and pay 50c 100 lbs. Call Emp Ire 1339. CLOTHING WANTED If you want to seil cast-off clothing. Mar. 3225. Feo o Ic's Second -Hand Si ore. 209 Madison. tfcTKNCI L cutting machinery, Biograph or Ideal: must be in good shape and cheap for cash. AG S7S. Oregonian. WE BUY second-hand ciothing. furni ture, al' kinds of junk; pay highest! price. .Main i .. mum. INDEPENDENT Paper Stock Co.. 43 Overton. Bdwy. 2003. Highest prices f newspapers, magazines, waste paper. D1AVONDS and gold bought; reliable I estimates. G. t ramer. . I'Q Selling bidg. DIAMONDS bought at highest mrktt prices, r. ueeu h. 34 ash l ng t o n s t . 1 1. Li make Xnias novelties. lamp I HIGHEST c aTh prices paid " for riflesi .-ihotguns. Hnchfeld S5 3d near Oak. SAKE, fireproof, give sixe and once, C 960. Oregonian. CARPENTER'S large too! chest: might 1 ouy ioois u cceap. jaawy. &ou. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. Buy, Sell, Rent or Trade. Newman, 128 First, near Alder. Broadway 7161. Auto. 627-46. 625-82. "Furniture Wanted. GEVUETZ PAYS TOP PRICES FOR USED FURNITURE We Just moved to our new location and. we need all kinds of household goods, furniture, carpets, stoves, etc Call ATWATER 05S7. and our buyer will come at once wlthi me casn. A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 165-167 1st., near Morrison. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time; best possible -prices paid for furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds of household goods to ship out of town; wiil pay more than other local dealers; call us for one article or houseful; a courteous, competent buyer will call. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. 72 N. Third st. Bdwy. 2200. PAY SPOT cash for second-hand furni ture, rugs, carpets, stoves, dressers, tables, chairs, beds, dishes, everything you want to seil or exchange. We pay more than anyone in town; your cail promptly attended to. CALL EAST 80B. LOOK HERE. SL3 FOR YOURSELF. We are in the market for furniture and household goods. Also grafonolaa and pianos and we pay -ail it's worth. One piece or a houseful. We always pay more than local dealers because we ship out of town. Call Main 4058 CALL MAIN 0734. You paid for your furniture and household goods all it is worth. Why not get all it is worth now? When you call MaLn 0734 you will be sure you will get every cent it is worth now. Call Main 0734. ATWATER 2693 Call a fair and square man when selling your furniture, rugs ana household goods, and I will pay you ail it is worth; we win appreciate your call and attend to it immediately. Aiwater 2093. CALL MAIN 8H76. We pay the. highest prices for used furniture. Sre us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. CALL MAIN MH7S. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; pay cash. Phone today. Main 4H27 or 160 First st. WE BUY used furniture of all descrip tions, and pay the right price. AMER ICAN FURNITURE CO. East. 2105. . WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker & Co.. auctioneers. Main 3332. WILL exchange dental work for furni ture. East 6172. EDUCATIONAL. $50.00 NOW FOR OUR REGULAR $150 AUTO-TRACTOR-LLECTRIC IGNITION AND BATTERY COURSES. HEMPHILL'S SCHOOLS ARE AP PROVED BY THE STATE DEPART MENT OF EDUCATION. APPLICA TIONS FOR STATE BONUS NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR OFFICE. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOLS. FIFTH A N D GLIS A N STS. NEAR UXiOX DEPOT. IF YOU WANT A GOOD POSITION READ THIS AD. We have helped hundreds of our graduates to big paying jobs. We can help you, too. We teach auto repair ing, auto starting, lighting and igni tion, also battery worn. Specializing in auto electricity. The untrained auto mechanic finds it difficult to get a position at low pay; Adcox graduates are in demand at big pay. The dif ference is Adcox men are trained spe cialists. Fuil proof of the above is in our new 112-page catalog. Write for a copy, it s free (ask for Book No. o) or call and inspect school any day at 10 A. M. or 2 P. M., except Saturday. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, 374 Wasco St., Cor. Union Ave. Take Wood lawn or Alberta Car. STEADY POSITIONS, and GOOD SALARIES for LINOTYPE OPERATORS. A shortage of competent operators already exists an d t houeands of type setting machines wiil be installed with in tile next few years. Prepare now. You can learn to op erate a Linotype in 13 weeks. Print ing in all its branches taught in from 12 to 18 months. Easy terms. Address: Northwest School of Printing, N. 216-24 Division S-t.. Spokane. "Wash. NIGHT AUTO INSTRUCTIONS. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION - SCHOOL. Night class begins November 1 ; no application accepted after October 25. Class limited to 50 students. Enroll now to insure a place in the class. School open for Inspection Friday eve ning at 7:30. Take Woodlawn or Al berta car on Second street ; get off at Union ave. and Wasco st. EXPORT AND FOREIGN TRADE. Examiner of national organization will interview few young men who wish to make export and foreign trade work their life career and who are willing to undergo intensive prepara tory training. In writing for interview state age. education, business expe rience and telephone number. W 902, Oregonian. - BEGIN EARNING 11U N E V QUICKLY. Enroll for day or summer school at this great business college. thi train ing school for success. Courses include comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat. Write or phone Main 5y0 for free catalogue, BEHNKJS-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Fourth, near Morrison. Portland. MOL.ER BARBER COLLEGE will teach the trade in weeks, fur nish a set of tools to you and give you some pay while learning ; positions se cured. Write or cail for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside jt. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks ; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 2N3 Madison. IF YOU like to draw, a large commercial art house will show you how to earn money in spare time; state age, phone, address, box, etc. V 976. Oregonian. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE7 Alisky bldg. SPECIAL ENGLISH CLASS. Anyone who wishes to improve his English Is eligible. Evening classes. MODERN barber college teaches trade In S weeks; toole furnished; some pay; position secured ; special rate tnis' month. Write or call 234 1st st. STUDY MASSAGE AND HYDROTHER APY Portland School of Massage, Inc., 414-15 Stock Exch. bldg. Ma in 2722. MISS MATTiNULY'S Shorthand. T pe writing school; individual instruction. 2fi0 14th, near Jefferson. BEAUTY parlor course evenings at spe cial summer rates. Madam Curtis, 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6H02. LEARN TELEGRAPHY' Railway Tele graph institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Day and night classes. FISK TEACHERS' AGCY., Journal bldg. Main 4SH5. Teaching position; free reg. MILLINERY clashes organizing home. Call East 0f36. YATES-FISHER Teacher Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Bdwy. bldg. WHI-t &7SOS2 Kjs Color OR 750; - kt6 loM cm Hoo V T , yMTlW' FK WlW UVO i '-: J MM N THV GO OUT ANO MArt iar" unvia ? wnfls . rv i g i ,-, .. t u i EDUCATIONAL. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here it is. Standardized with schools in 60 other eities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and instructors. Ac tual shop practice given on real re pair jobs. Resuits absolutely guaran teed. The time for you to g to school :s while business is quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few months. Inquire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main st. at Sixth. Ex service men get STATE AID. ROCKY JIT. Teachers' . Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles,- ex-asst. etate supt., mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. 512-13. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Advertising man to solicit business in Portland. Publication is one of the leading national trade papers of America. An opportunity for a good ma a who may be representing some other non-conf iicting publication Will make a fine commission arrange ment. Must be absolutely dependable, first-class man of good appearance. Address, giving age, details of past experic-nce, names ot publications now representing, if any; aiso references. All correspondence confidential. The manager will be in Portland shortly and will arrange to see those whose answers are complete and who will ap preciate this opportunity. AV 144, Oregonian. WANTED. APPLE PACKERS. Six cents per box on job and gen eral warehouse help. F. E. Olleman, Hood River. Or. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment la commercial, clerical or technical lines a-e invited io consult the advisory and employment department, Y. M. C. A. To non-membeis a special membership is issued, costing $5 pr annum, giv ing gervice of this department for a year and tw-o months' full privileges ai,d ten months' suclal privileges of the association. WANT at once experienced shop grader and tallyman; steady work-, good t-alary; none but first-clasis man consid ered; phone or wire. SCHAFER BROS LUMBER & DOOR CO., Montesano, Wash. WANTED Painters and laborers to ex change work for complete courses in auto, tractor, electric ignition and bat - tery course, in our new school, now un der construction. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOLS, Fifth and Glisan Sts. WANT bookkeeper, salesman, ship) ping clerk, truck driver and factory men to complete organization for co-operative industrial project; permanent salaried and profit-sharing arrangement open in short time; $50 Investment each re quired. B J 25. Oregonia n. ALL AROUND printer for country daily. Must be good all aiound floor and press, fast and accurate; steady job. State wages, or no attention. Give 'age, married o." single. AV 161, Oregonian. YOUNG man wanted to install chande liers and doN house wiring; must clearly understand the business and be neat, fast Workman ; please do not appiy if you ca nnot answer this description. 200 Chamber of Cn in merer bldg. WANTED Two men of good appearance with nerve enough to go out and get their share. Those making good will be in line for a managerial position. Apply Air. Base, 615 Pillock blk., 1 to 4 P. M. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LAYER-OUT BOILER WORK. TURRET LATHE OPERATOR, AUTOMATING FORG ING MACHINE OPERATOR, BOLTS, ETC.; OPEN SHOP. CLTY. APPLY 520 OREGON BLDG. WANTED AT ONCE Boys and young men with wheels to deliver telegrams in the city; easy, congenial work, good pay. steady job. ' Only boys over Hi years of ag& need appiy. c W. Loop, 253 Oak st. CEMENT WORK. Wanted man to figure concrete work on 2 or 3 houses; take concrete mixer as part payment. Atwater 0740 (even inga only.) WANTED "EXPERIENCED WEAVERS FOR STEADY WORK. APPLY PORT LAND WOOLEN MILLS. IF YOL are a good s-aiesman come and fee me. I have a money-making prop osition for -you. Director Brick, Moose Temple. IN CITY Knee bolter for manufacturing Co.. S hours, steady work ; pay every week. Portland Labor Agency, 11 N. 2d st. WANTED Experienced stave sawyers and pickups. Applicants must apply in person. Western Cooperage plant, St. Johns, city. WANT night man for downtown garage; must have experience and be capable of handling any kind of' a car; must have guod references. AC 5. Oregonian. WANT man of ability and character to sell houses, etc.; must have car. ROGER W. CARY. UPSTAIRS. 142 Mi Second Corner Alder. REAL job printer for steady position at Corvallis. See Mr. Hurd at American Type Founders during noon hour to day WANTED Cleaner and dyer; steady job for good man. Vancouver Dye Works, 108 E. Uth St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 2!. WANTED Busheiman and presser. Van couver Dye Works, JOS E. 9th St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 269. WANTED Prune box makers at once. Write or wire Oregon Growers' Pack ing corporation. Roseburg, Or. WANTED First-class experienced wash erman, $35 per week. Address AV 158, Oregonian. MAN for all-around painting, cleaning and repairing in apartment house; also help janito r. A 13, Oregonian. WANTED First-class sheet metal work er. J. L. Austin Sheet Metal Works, 3H7 East Alder. MALE stenographer. splendid oppor tunity for right man. Phone Em pire J.tO.i. EDWARDS CO.. 5th and Oak. require the services of an experienced man for car- pet and linoleum work. WANTED First-class cabinet maker; none other need pply. James I. Mar shall Mfg. Co.. 4.-2 Hoyt street SHIP CARPENTERS WANTED. Apply Portland Shipbuilding Co., foot of Ne braska st. WANT young men for railway news serv ice; blue serge suit and $25 cash se curity required. Apply 131 N. 5th st. WANTED One carpenter finisher, n other need apply. Call 676 Ladd ave. WANTED Operator on coats. Barkhurst. 6th and Stark Ray WANTED Experienced pouring man for mirror worKs. East .1106. GOOD BOY WANTED BAD. TOMMY LUKE. 141 SIXTH ST. WANTED' Experienced elevator App 1 y Sherman. Clay & Co. WANTED A young man to learn the shoemaker trade. A 7, Oregonian. WaNTED Dishwasher's helper, middle aged man. 10 N. 3d. BARBER wanted for Saturday, sell st. BARBER for Saturday. students need not a pply. 75 1 Union avenue North. W ANTE D helper. Filipino or Japanese kitchen 35 Hoyt. COATMAKER wanted. 410 Stark st. OO TOO MEAM O0 ARE. UMMtAHO OvA CHtCtS FOR-SS.OOO ANt 10,000 TO j TUS CAMPM6N M.N-.StR OF OURS W ACT LKE A. A.7Ptft- i i i : -v t i i J.. . . . r HELP WANTED MALE. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. . 240 ANKENY ST., COR. SECOND. LEADING LUMBER OFFICE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. OFFICE OPEN 7 A. M. TO 6:30 P. ,M. NORTH TO GRAYS HARBOR. WASH., .COSMOPOL1S AND MONTE SANO. WASH. Mill and yard men. $3.25 and $3.50; young- men, box factory,. $3. Ship to night. SOUTH MILL CITY OR HAMMOND LUMBER CO., FARE ADVANCED. CAMPS WILL RUN STEADY. 3 sets falters. 38c M. or $4.80 and $5.25; 4 buckers. 3ttc M. or $4.80; 5 choker setters. $4.Su; 2 chasers, $4.80; ship today. LARGE CAMP TILLAMOOK LINE. FARE ADVANCED. This camp will run all winter. Board 35c per meal. See us today. 4 buckers. $5.40. 4 sets fallers. $5.85 and $6.12. 5 R. R. laborers, $4.05. LATE SPECIALS. 1 head loader, $$.on. 1 loading duplex engineer, $7.50. 3 buckers by M., 1 5c. 22c. 30c. 1 hewer bridge timbers, $5.75. 1 piiedriver man. $5.00. 2 construction mill w rights, $6.00. 1 camp flunkey. $6u. R. and Bd. 4 rick woodehoppers. . Toois furnished. Rick. $1.60. 5 Carpenters B. & B. gang. S. P. Co., Sacramento. Free fare. LATER ONES ON OUR BOARDS THIS MORNING. IF YOU WANT WORK, WE HAVE IT. NEW" ORDERS ARRIVING EVERY HOUR. SEE US TODAY. LICENSED. BONDED. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAIL WAT. MEN WANTED. At rates prescribed by th United States Labor Board. aa fciiows: MACHINISTS. 70 cents per hour. BLACKSMITHS. 70 and Sj cents per hour. BOILERMAKERS, 70 cents per hour. FREIGHT CAR MEN, ""63 cents. per hour. Appiy to Any Roundhouse or Shop, or to Superintendent, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. WE ARE in need of a first-class cutter for men's tailoring; must be able to handle both city trade with tryon and country orders without tryon. Position now open for head cutter; good salary; steady place. No one considered but hip-h-class man. Write or wire Browns- viile Woolen Mills, Portland, Or. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 120 2d St. Help Wanted Snlesmen. - READ RIGHT THROUGH. If today you see the gleam of a pos sibility that seems too good to be true, grasp it. believe it, endeavor toward it. and tomorrow It will be true. I need one more real go-getting salesman to sell, what is generally conceded by men who know, to be the best investment stock for sale in the city of Portland. This is the gleam of your possibility. Come over and see me today it will pay you well. STARR FRUIT PRODUCTS COMPANY. 321 East Yamhill St.. Ask for Mr. Greene. SALESMEN If not satisfied with pres ent employment we have unusual ooen ing with the largest house of its kind in the world; nationally known, noted tor its high-gradje product; references required. Apply 716 Journal bldg. to day or 7 and 9 tonight. 1 SALESMEN. If you are a real huttler and can buy a demonstrator, there is a wonderful opportunity selling the Willys-Knight and Overland ; it will take a lot of grit and hard work: if vou can meet these requirements, get in touch with us. previous experience unnecessary WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 3.VI5. SALEbMAN I want a real security salesman to join me in putting on a proposition 01 merit. it is ngnt and ripe, unique and attractive. I have enthufiiasm and fresh leads: if vou can sell W hard proposition you can cash in Dig on this. you must have reter - ences and the punch. Address C ltt. Oregonian. WANTED. GENTLEMEN SALESMEN. We want salesmen of high character, who think in terms or $0(iU0 per year and up, permanent, with plenty of op portunity to advance to executive posi tions. We teach you the business and give every possible co-operation. Call at 1108 Wilcox bldg. t-AMJr salesman wanted. If you are lof.kine for a -rood st eadv lob and have the pep and sticktoitivenesw a a good salesman, call and see us he t veen 5 and 0 P. M. Good territory now open for the right man. 1 05 N. -fd st. SALESMEN Write for list of lines and lull particulars. Earn JJSOO to $10,000 yearly. Big tlemand for men. Inexpe rienced or experienced, city or travel ing. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 1!74. Chicago. LOS ANGELES manufacturer wants re sponsible distributor for article in great demand; experience not neces sary; no competition; restricted terrl- tory. 443 H Burnside. ti SPECIALTY salesmen, with grocery or security selling experience; must have clean record. Answer with reference. A B 14. Oregonian. WE DESIRE the services of high-class salesmen ; splendid opportunity; ref erences required. Apply 447 Morgan bldg. TWO high-class advertising programme salesman, live proposition. 214 Stock Exchange. Apply before 1:30. ADVERTISING ralesman with a punch. Salary and commission, city or road , work to right man. 618 Panama bldg. SALESMAN Young man to take ordtrs; good for S25 week to start. Mr. Piper, 222 Falling bldg. EXPERIENCED magazine salesman for business section. Worth loO and better to live man. Room 222. 122 3d st. HIGH-CLASS salesman to handle west side high-clRPs homes. A very at t ra ctlve position. WANTED Salesman 851H . with car. Main DEPENDABLE magazine salesmen. Call at 212 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED AGENTS. HEALTH, accident and hospital insur ance; big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTKD FEMALE. WANTED Two experienced waitresses. 00 North 6th st. THE GUMPS HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. APPLE PACKERS. Six cents per box on job and general warehouse help. F. E. OLLEMAN. Hood River. Or. THOROUGHLY experienced drapery saleswoman. Apply employment bu reau before 10:30 A. M. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. ASST. bookkeeper, 18 to 25. customers accts., automobile house. $7o. Young lady used to meeting, public, for general office work, wholesale seed house. $75. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, 5n4 Spalding rung EXPERIENCED stenographer, bookkeep er and asst. to manager of manufac turing concern; must be well educated of good personality and capable of as suming responsibilities; permanent po sition. R 743. Oregonian. WANT student to assist with genera! housework for room, board and arnaii wngea: must like children ; walking distance from Jefferson high school. Call Automatic .iI-'-,'i. WOMAN stenographer-bookkeeper Mr permanent work in daily newspaper office. Corvallis. See Mr. Hurd. Im perial hotel, this morning between 10 and 11. - W ANTED EXPERIENCED WEAVERS FCR STEADY WORK. APPLY POUT- LA N D V OO LE. M 1 1. Life. WANT strong, healthy woman to care for invalid lady; salary $75 a month 1 CnM between 2 and 4 afternoons, fl n-ea-nninn bids:., or telephone same hours Mam uin WANTED- lu Laurelhurst home, refined ... o t oa rnmnanlnn and appfst in l:ht housekeeping in exchange for room and board. Phone Tabor 42 AE 6. Oregonian! LADIES for houe to house canvassing; average $4 daily to start. C3ll Satur day afternoon. 10 to 12 Sunday; fore noons week dsv 262 3d and Madison. ANY GIRL in need of a iriend apply to the Salvation Army w nne niuem Home, Maytair and Alexander stw. Phone Main 245rt. DM car. WOMAN wanted, high school or normal training, writing .good hand.- speaking good English. $12uu and up. B 1000. Oreeonian. OIRL 1H or 20 years, with 2 years" high chord, who can type, to learn multi graphing; small salary while learning. M 9I2, Oregonian. WANTED Young German girl or woman in family of 3 adults and children : knowledge of English not necessary. Call Main 4586 mornings. LADIES in Portland and throughout Ore gon i: terested in making money for themselves, their clubs, churches, etc.. call or v rite 27 Corbett bldg ' MIDDLE-AG ED woman, cook in small country hotel; good wages Wa i t resse . $ 1 5 unrt $19 a week. Lewis Employment. 43 H N. 2d st. RELIABLE, neat, efficient high school Kirl to work before and affr school for room, board and email wages. Phone East 77. SOM EONE to cook dinner and every night for family of two. 9019. COOK and waitress for restaurant In smail country town; must be clean and ntat. BF 25. Oregonian. 5 YOUNG ladies to take orders for a food product. Call between 8 and 9 A. M. 105 N. Second st. WAITRESS for logging camp. $65, wit.i room and board. Columbia Employ ment Agency. 21 N. 2d st. THE FLORENCE CRITTEXTON h . m e iri read v to help anj gin in out r-s. ;55 East GMsan. "MV" car. East 0310. IF YOU are a good saleswoman calt and see me; I have a money-making propo sition. Director Brick, Moose Temple. FIVE women to call on homes for new Oreeon survey : percentage basis. ( ali after 1 P. M. 317 Abtngton bldg. RELIABLE woman or girl to do house work in small house for small family; no washing. Empire in in. HEAVY masseuse. Swedish graduate preferred ; give name and phone. V 070. Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, small family. Call Auto matic 32S-74. YOUNG lady stenographer, state experi ence, age and salary expected. , A R 0S7. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house keeping, family of two; small wages hut comfortable home. Sell. 1025. BEAUTY operator; also need 3 people to complete our class. 706 Washing ton st. WANTED Sack pate hers. Apply ready for work. Winkleman Bag & Burlap Co.. 14th and Johnson. T WO LOGGING camp waitresses, expe rienced. Call 15 N. 2d. WAITRESS wanted. New England res taurant. 27-"t Burnside. WANT cook for small hospital, after 9 A.M., 742 Overton st. WANT cook for ranch. Phone early. Main 3101. WANTED Operator on coats. Barkhurst. 0th and Stark. WOMAN to keep house for employed couple; wages $25. Tabor 6S52. Wanted Domestic. WOMAN for genera 1 housework by elderly woman living in country town. Phone East 2636 or inquire 702 East Flanders. TWO neat, reliable women for general housework to go to Bend, Or. Good wages, pleasant quarters, permanent posit i o n s-for right parties. Ma in 2 il 54. WANTED Neat, reliable girl to assist with housework and care of child. Atwater 2243. WOMAN for light housework, no wash ing, $20 per month, fmail family. Fred Stevens. Holbrook. Or. WANTED Neat, reliable maid for gen eral housework. Must be good cook. Family of 3. Call Tabor "7!2. WANTED COMPETENT COOK. REF ERENCES. APPLY 600 FLANDERS. PHONE MAIN 4050. MIDDLE-AGED lady for general house work; good wages to right party. Tel ephone Tabor 4462 after 10 A. M. GIRL Assist light work, care children. Good home, steady position lor right girl. Main 239. GIRL for general housework in small pri vate family, pleasant surroundings. Ca1.! Tabor 7S00. GiKL for general housework;- in family of three. Aut. 812-3S. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily. Aut. SS0-32 GOOD girl for general housework: no washing or cooking. 328 Jackson street. GIRL wanted for general housework. Call Tabor 7S54. RELIABLE girl to assist with house work. Much time off. Phone Wal. 4107, GIRL for cooking and general house work. 483 E. i:3d st. N. East 084::. GIRL for general housework and cook ing. Apply N. -'4th st. Main WANTED Wo 111 an for general house work ; 2 adults. Tabor S7Q.t. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Call Main 6268. HO, HUM! 7. "TvWK I'M te- xo-j-.. VUAS-WIN6TON LIKE wt 60 TO r - I f I II HKIP ANTED FEMALE. W iu t d DuraeMUca. WANT competent young woman for gen eral housework nl assist wun enn dren: good wages; no washing. Cull at 620 Board of Trade, or call Sell- mood 3T31. GIRL wanted tor xenerul bouse work good wages and good home. Phone Auto. tilu-VS. Spring and Foster road. Lents. WOMEN wanted for peelinit p-ra Star -run I'roduca Co- 321 SC. 1-mHl.L GIRL wanted to ai-Sist with light houw- work apd take care of children. Tabor 12i3. 557 E. 54th N. Tak R. C. car HELP WANTED MALE OR FBM At.K. WANTED. APPLE PACKERS. Six cents per box on Job and general warehouse help. F. E. Olleman. Hood River, or. HKI P WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. SA i.ESM EN and alej-women w anted. If jou are good at selling and ha $8 come and see me; I htv a money -making proposition for ou. Director Bnck, Moos Tempi WANTED PARTIES FOR ROAD SHOW. BIG RETURNS. EXPERI ENCE NOT ESSENTIAL- IN AN SWERING STATE ALL, W 1, ORE GONIAN NURSE of guod character and executive ability with services; some In vest men required; references exchanged. Ad dress AV 154, Oregnn'an. PARTNER in estkb.inhed wooflww busi ness: small Investment; make from f A to $10 a day. 505 SwetTand bldg. WA NTED Man with small amount to Incorporate. 423 E. ,Morr1on: SITI ATIONJ WANTED M LE. EXPERIENCED man wishes position an elevator opr., janitor or night watch man. Phone Ma.n 2100. E. F. Thomp son. COcK, f irct -claf. good butcher and ba ker, wants situation. De.a. L 21, Oregonian. WANTED Tailoring. Will exchng-first-class painting for tailoring. Call E. 0459. . FLOOR surfacing ftrd finishing, wising and nolUhing. W. H. Tibblts. 4bu3 3,d ave. S. E. Tabor 4052. WE BUILD houees and garages and re pair old on;s; rock -bottom, prices. 735 East Main. KaM TREES topped r removed from park ings or any place In city, by experi enced mn. Atwater 3'MlC. YOUNG married man wants Job. Drive car or truck. Anything considered. Main 451. Dwvison. WANT WORK Young married man. auto mechanic, driver or anything; references. Y 12. Oregonian. YOUNG man. 21. with some experinc. wants position press feeding". Tabor 7003 WANTED Work of any kind for 2-ton truck. $1.75 hour or will contra-t any thing. Atwater 293. HANDY all-around man. repairing, painting, varnishing, machinery, gar dning. etc. V 2. Oregonian. 13 YEA R-OLD boy. farm experienced, wanis woi k after school for board, near Mt. Angel. Or. Box SW. SHI NOLINO We specialize In redhln gling and. roof repairing; get our eatl matp; work gu aranteed. Ma in "1 WORK by all-around repair man. hotel or apartment hu. Kom 314 Ht. 'hailes hotel. Main H)30. WuRK bv camp harne4i maker, will s-o nnvwhere. Room 314 St. Uhar.es hotel Main 0fi30. . YOUNG man nuld like d i- h wah ing. neat anM experienced. Mac Ken lie. Phnne Atwater QK. room 1 1 . CJ I Al'FFEl R. colored. want: position driving with private family. P 12. Oregonian. PAINTING, paper hanging, ka Iwn V : n 1 n g ; prices lowest, material. workmnhip guara nted. estimates free. Tab. HIGH school boy 16 needs work ater school, or for board and room. At water flWO. Room 34. PAINTING, PAPtiKlNG. K A I.MO.M IN 1 Ni i Material and workmanship guaran teed. Phone East 0212. VOT'XC married man wishes Job chauffeur, for private fmnlly or con cern, experienced. hPil. it--. r lat it. FIRST-CLASS all around machinist wants work; can do any machine shop or millwright work. Call sen. JANITOR wishes work In office building or apartment. August Neuman. phon Atwater 0S.. ELDERLY man wants Job as watchman, collector or elevator operator. East 5S05. McCoy. DENTIST Experienced, registered man, wishes laboratory work in city office. N 13. Oregonian. HAVE i 150U and services to invent li established, staple business; no agents . Sell wood 2010. MAN a ill wife wlnh position as man agers of rooming houe or apart ments; references. A I 02, Oregonian. MAN and wife wish position as camp or boarding hue cooks; years' expe rience. O On 1 . Oregon Ian. MARRIED man in need of work; Jobs. Walnut 701 S. LA WNS made and jeed-d, general gar den ins by expert. Main 5521. LOCAL ex-service man must have any kind permanent work. Bdwv. 544H. PAINTING, tinting, calciminlng, patr hangfng. Price risht. Bdwy. 0013 FURNITURE and moving, local and long distance; covered bodies. Bdwy. 04 Hi I A INTER wants work by the da- $6. 8 hours. Sell wood 1032 after 7 P. M. WANTED Hauling of any kind ; have all-sized trucks. Call Bdwy. 046. BRICKWORK, boilers rellned, fireplaces etc. Auto. 319-30. PAINTING, tinting, best material used. For real service call Main 7Mi;5. MARRIED man. white, janitor work, handy all around. A 10. Oregonian, MARRIED MAN BADLY IN NEED OF W ORK. WALNUT 701V PAl NT1NG. tinting and paperhanglng. re fe r e n en. auio. -r-im. or gen. nrj 1. 2 YOUNG men wish rough ca rpenter -ork or remoqpnng. -wain wn. FIRST-CLASS dyer and cleaner wauta work. A V IP". oreKunian. FIRST-CLASS elevator man wants Job, elevator or waicnman. v an cast xjjj. FLUMIiING repair expert wants small lobs: low price. Walnut 4QSQ. JANITOR or night watch man, enced. Phone Kaat 1010. REsH ING LING and repairing, roof work cr all kinds. Walnut C2M. CEMENT WORK; HAVK MIXERS. jluXE TABOR ff71. rjXRJEN TER A NO. 1 BUILDER OF HOM ES. JOBBING. TABOR 83.3. PLUMBING -Wid repairing, best work, r (.ft-onnMe. Phone Kas t OSaj. p JNT1NG, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable. Sellwood 13VJ. PAINTING, tinting, papering, estimate furn. A. C- Kinder & Co. Atwater K2S. CARPENTER UNEMPLOYED, R U UJDELINQ DONE WAL. Itjfi2. A-l BUILDER Etii!iatea gladly fur nished: see my work. Walnut 503.1. HOUSE painted, $-"0-t"i; rooms tinted, papering, 35c roll. Walnut 80H4. JoXT hme tXWin or TO ARO0NT TV INK N0 MTI ATIOXH WWTFD M I E. MIDDLE-AGED gftu.eman. e.l:4 refined, thoroughly rip-rifnc-l In nu-imc. f"-.r- tiie csre of m In vaitd; throutly quHf:eif. trit.d m nurs.ng and honpit l mnf r mtn t , wou.d b valut mm d.K-tor's -u-; - ; , 1 T ant, w:.l go any p:c and work wn j ti hours, but th M.ary must b f . .n. lr t.v; ref-renr -chnc-! : l XECrxi E -Tfaorr u-hiy i p-ri-nee with ln- enr pr-1 i-n mnK?r lrg br i, h. .-nn-d with bu neM men and t.nkt of imrt h We. rpn for pvltmn whn atu.nv. fxpince and aci um 1 nt n" - wi'i t-" required Hv hn.tl-d for and credits, coilrcttona and auditing. , AH V in f r. ,n YOl.Vti MAN it h ! I hrn knowlflr of D. C. and A - C ei'irn-: By, wifhm paiUtn .tant . year' tufly; ft ncrtir.f or mir nia in ten m preferr l. t.ut would rn -M-r :nr linen Go any piae. rit i A' ''77. Or-gnnlwn I HiilNGLING V c i e ;a;i in r-Mu-i glmg and root repairing. It ti t you to get our inur before l-tina c.r.t ract ; Mtt ' act :tn cuarantrf d, ; '' ' re. hM I"-' ! CAR PEN T 1-2 R.rrk a nied t tc I met j thanic by hour, da or Joh h,timi of tune an.; innivnl gUtP ?irn I Shop 315 K.UM-.-U. Phone ill'r i 3 J. JI. fca-t ;:!. I PR INT EH Alprmter. capable of ta- ing Cumtilflf rhrt- f erg P'h-(.. j Mi-ry miiMt ba but ran Hr.ts r the good. tt. . fivertwn, boa ! Yreka. t ai i Yvil'Nil MAN. .. Mi-'niui. bu--r. in-n-ager. etc.: wholes. and r--t-U. d'tr' p.mit.on whre atnil'y. ir-iinality and experience. 1m ft "'. hifhrt (.red. it tl 1 n. f I it. n g n : a n BATTKKY rep.ur nian , tiav- ha4 year.' tralM snd iri - perience. Will.ird I. Kltle A line. -4 y ears of aee. H" hat ha ? rtimh. Hnx 1C PAlMIMi AND rAIKHIVJ Let m guarantea you a f it t - Job at reaaonabia pru. J. It JrnkiDa. Tahor MAN epTin'e(l in auHtn appri- ng and -leniatuing wiil at rpt p-rnm-n-nt po-moti or will r.nirt i any part of the wurk HO H. t ifintiiniv MA V WITH K ttt D WISH KS U ' lt K WITH UOLLKCT IK H H. LV.flM A N H Y DAY. WEEK H i O N Hi A T WATKFt yol'Nii man a a til n.ng nient or fi ea rm' ork !r Ml experieni e in drug, fc-w-t MAKIUKU MAN 111-; w.-ia. Jam- liir, watchman. garnnr r eJ-"r wi.rk ; h-t ref-r-n. m. Hnry It i l-i . K. th N Wi.IJH" AM f' ; HST-LASH "a'tt. me. hanr anl good on ign ttin. Will do inv kind ' work to ihow alMtity b-'" r1 "tng lnred Karl hihrman. At"r l7 SHOE MAN With 12 yin fxprlnr in retail: alao window trimmer, wants ltaiilon In or out of cit. Hox AP . rK"ni n. hTKA D VT"'"' f.e )mm man. now ni ployed, delre position Jier I hr l c 1 ) a r. ce tor a d v a n r m e n t . Will am 1 . Pratt. 1704 E. ih ,. fori a n n WANTED rintil.a f 'ial ralrn 7-.r double housen and lirga J"ba , f trt -rlait work guaranteed. Cad Empira l2 ni ARM AUlrfT Yora ep' ien.-. r sintered Washington and 1 r-oti. im -t-fKNf ul. capable tm-!n"- man. t,on or relit-f 1 1 lArnoid T- ..r';--. yJi'S'd man with otne c-perit-nce wanii work in meat market. Pliona Ataaier 4.-R7 IlH k U eeerw. nt enig rauhera. "" ACCOUNTANT and g-n ral bo..k k . -p. r. 12 , ears' experience with lara cor poration In lha eut. rfeirea to !-! In the weft, ran uprviM rr handle large set of book, prepare at die sod federal tax returns, operate modern ortk-a eoulpment, prefer luntlwr bul r.frfrp in or out of town; 3 '2 yn of named; reference furnifhed from former nd present employers. al-o C P. A. For pefFonal Interview writ Thom n F. Kerr. Vn. ai :. rrg..n MAR UI El MA H' -ftint . r.nal.t, , long exin-rl'-nc bn.i k k p.-r and accountant, t put. thoroughly romi -tnt and rltnbte. rtf-air p-ntmnrnt position to start at reasonable aiary. Phone Tahor 7ir . EN 1 Kit 1 EN C -; D bookk.--P-r. cre-Ll 11 an. steady, industrious, reliable, exut iva ability, capabl handling correppond enoe and typewriter. ! iperlenre. permanent work d"ird. bU reler- ncea. Morgan. Atwater tfSH YOVNil married woman with 7 e..rs o-pn-ral off lee PiiH-rlrnr would work for part of tho dHv, prferat. y afternoons. In small offiea; can g.ve r- fernre.. A" 2. rrg o n I n lit -viK K KKl'INil nervlre. ek!y monthly. Financial taternenta prr I ited: audits. P. Hq GuD bookkeeper and o'ti' i position ; retwrencen. W 22. tin d'-ir irrmnian, HITVATIOXW M AVTFI t KM l Ti MHS ANNE HUNTER would lik d a work, laundry or ri-anlng. Phon ll wood 0142 or P-Ilwnod 7o3.1. Addrraa '.! H Ma (1"n Vf s.-: ; wnnd PIANIST Oien for na ajremc nt . perlenced In all kind of pmfeaonal work; 3 years tn pictur-a. Can fur nif h ladies' orrhewtrw. 'l abor hi '22. V(;l.LD like a good home for girl 14 to wn to small country school n-ar I'ort land and help with housework. L, '4( treaf-nlan. vnt-vr: l.iHv will taka chrg. of apart ment houa or will cook for one or two; ranch or nonteaieaa. a r . 1 r gonlnn. li A t "T Y operator winn pri t ion. fc ralp treatments, permanent wav.na East 77'. RE LI A BLK. all-around woman for dajf work laundry, cleaning or cooking ('all Main 701S LET me bake PU ti pk in pits and d"U h nuts for vmir llailoween party. I'tin Walnut WOMAN wanUa pos.tlon In grocr bakery, e perlenced cashlf r. Auto- n.atlc fi3.i-l" OIRL 13 wania work after ho-l for room, hoard and Httla wa-. Cai Vain H74. RESPECTAHLE a!rl wlshe arrand lla-ht office work; amail salary. JHalu 2 SWISS airls w iah posltlnns doing g eral ho u a work, lloa K. 3. Daav EXPERIENCED private xch hgf opr tr wlhea employment with hotel or apt. Reference. hast M . PtJSlTION. eie trie light office, axpe rlenced, would go out of city. 8 J. Or ronian. wl D W, unincumbered, r'ponibl. 1 perlenced. wants management apt. h-'Ue: r!l refer-n'- Min 5'. 3 CLEANING, window washing, laundry. bv h"Ur. Mrw I hninw n, . " ; n2' ' H ENPER1EN ED b-n. I" ; ni-ld a.id wiirit. Phone P.d wy. i'Jtiwj, a pt & PIANO taught by p-r:n.d Udv. r 110 nuMp; a-lulta or ch lldre n. Ea-t t3 M. LA D Y want bwuntwork by the da. feli- wood 2.' tig. DAY WORK, 34 rt. hour, ara of chil dren even tr. r. Room 7. M 1 n 1 !- 1. WuRK wanted. hra. I"r.tla. to wah. i rw n. fleim. Bd wy. 7.3 room -7. Fl.'tST-CLASS work woman wants a work. Call Eaft 0'4. Jl I L DLE-. keeping; LdfcD wants cooking or h'iuf reflBb. K -1. or"ron!an KTI'toNU, re;iul:e onnn nbn work. Tahor S 2 1 . DAY WORK fur k r;d Atwater 341 y and Saturday. I'OfITloN a contpanlon to elderly lady, good reader. W 2, Oregonian. AS XOOH KS rvcSC MONtN WIEH STAtT W6HT lM WttP- AWO "TVrH.CtaTAW-wN CAN V4tLV- N0lA GOT TO VNAur TWt HOUtevATM A $AI t ACt ' IP THEH STE T0? MiUNf TMtN TOO AfcE. t0)WC VOtUU TVT,H OO OUT AHt MArt A TwMaP ovt OV T'ov- In ' dva o.r-a p a " ;-nw.fi u t ' lit r r .-.(. f r r ! -r.-l ri - dr-n i.r 'a h.iAi if it-f-rt . X It. irr..i..t RKl'i KI ..f,t- p., U',A. i'f fBtl . All I K! ! MH.K l.iiA I'll H 1 j. a t d'- rip' H.t v ' f ti pi- rr ri . I W VST a 1 v .rf t: a sua-atl V A MM' N I U K I N ' and a-t ca ra'r a -(AKlNi. a !(' 'k t i-- r f 1 1 -i : 1 V. K r h t. a . !-' t-m a f 1I(I "MKl.U, I It A ' ' T 1 ' A I H.,u--ti r-pr .1 iti.i: t. h.ne: il or tr 1 I ' if a Ma aay t h n. It ! 7i' W. TKD It K. ui im un l-' tn hntllf, lint' ar 1 1 W II M .W wr.f h (-rt Wtth l-t!tr ir-x.d -'d. n--' Cail HO- !" rat m - . uo ..k m I ar. t a n W K H A K t tm anl mn r.nt ..fa. 1 ml u 1 " t i ..ur p i' It- n -hd houae. n frr.tt ir,r, by ih! V. K ' I tfiii'iilt a -.1.1 4 o ItntiM . f iitrlr..I. tru i. r-"i ' ' rM LA IHIK wl '- rm r-n( . '' lak ti.g 7 .1). I.. . A' I & or i Mar rnt to atiit. prn Irninii. A I KOH KKNT- 7 f.m m..l " hM1)., ttnama lih ttrl. t4 D b " in', ni' t h r . v t r fid nirl. iTiTr !. j- .u I ml." rn r"m , rf, ' a. 1 1! 3. r.-tn 1. ''". inl ta Kal I. I'l . it!' fr-r"d tra-lwa ItttoltWM I'lar a. ST' H K PI ILDIN'J W 4TI I ' prr.prtr to bui d ! anil f , i -. WANT vn ant r,t ti r-ar r flttrh-i'I, rt l.n fnr ar... -r r r 'r " ' h HT"HK W A NT Kl ,"" ''' ood Im-ation. 1" -a. tit . i ti. a M. Iftaah t : 'i'-- ri faa' ftfara 'f - t4 II " t r ' SH w-h; f'nm with pr -m t " and 2 day. mr4 1 wawa. phon'ln jf'i r.-.ii . m i kl" m rr U D rniNTirAi, r.r hipk htic:, K A T V H lit. N T A "r l-A-i TTt; t ' 1 KT. Id'iMK'EI A N f KI- KlNf r.. si i-r.n t x. i-mi a k aM'I '"N KM V N 7 Al.l.-N.iiHT N I w in i ku" t Trn nd X d l" Clan , a - r rt"--. t am ba', fc ar.d r..ld waiar, n, !(' r... f- rtabi- l.il- . hft -'C -P I'm4- t:i. WCll-"Ft 'It NT" 1 1 I l"o .'4 w la aamm( n w raf p' H 'TKI. KRf. lib and Waati. ri'tu w Talaaam P.-JB , AN.hwMA It 1 7 -1. 124 I4ih pi at Wa-hitai.'ti. It rir Wt- and up. 1 f !fr... . arc. a 1 1 ra- I a, p- ' r to .i -n 'i' tr.r . ' an I ' i p r ' " " '" CALL at V. W - A - a'- I" r mu'lrat'' pr rwmm ir ' a In a. I prt ut t i . Ii- ! f "' at n V M C A wl'h ph n- in aa-i r.i-m, h"r 'h "t - f-r ' ' ll-'TKL M-TTMK) !.AM". 1? lh lr AT V. A "Hi v.I"V Hata 11 a Hav; a w. 1 an prf. a i ba'h. f trpr-Hif ao4 la; 1 4th mi. . II .VI p. fi:t 7'-, i. t. It . t. A-a f WASH I'.'TM AND WAMIIN A 1 1 f a i nt MA I II.K'rK ' H i K i rtoi ' up --l I Iran, l.lhl. hnt ad -'d h-a .' 4 "r '"'v"" V, '"' ' " ' it. it':l is ft a di n y- :-' pr"(; p-a"i -" ' v-r '' -'.-- re' ! Hoi KL 111 h 1 . H . 1 -" prlv at Urn l,m t pii--".". for r !. t ' u:- P- ,J " " 2 file r fufnawtd n--. t'i-l trn wa k-r. a.taia- "". r.d "i'jri firTH AND tt AMIIN'.T' "T Aura. !W 'k r m'"i tn"n'hr rat Sf Oilf r-n-i.n(ia'u.i.i Ali i IM It II 1." Morr. in- -i . i . r a .-r n. '11 V. I ,y c.' n r it. ; ,,t M-t ltd LK ANT t at liti!"-rial Ar ati-J md i . i li a r a t la. y t,r , r- A P ' . I ' 1 ! 7 UK " T." PAIL F-'i"h iA:'t. A I K.HI'KCT A JU.I-; IiMMN IKTIU fl up. H! fel wh of itnMh .. Htl KI.o K LI ".V" M.rr mi at. at "" -II a day, waa;y I arl up, fiaa fttoaa and bo.. I.ft.t and aity. LA K. K. L l ram l.-at, ay Wa king '.' I H', ' Cnrn 1 7 ' h "d "i f irnl-l-.ed. f md-r u " 7aytov" KoTKL, i . W"l r-..t,-. a Hi hl VIAKK C's bn V fu" i- ' a N ! i " h7ll7'iii.t Mol - I? t. i4 rm. 11 .' M.. r.l A a - NI K. . T irr,nh ' r-- 42a Kb li.ra-a