20 THE MOHNTSC OTtEGOXIAT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1T5. 10 TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS (fen Us try in exchange for j automobile painting. Call Main 43V. ; FOR SALE. HorsesVeliifleK. Livestock. 1'OR SALE 4 sows and registered boar, O. I. C, and young pi?s. a.lso 8 bead of cattle in fine condition. Cheap, 3 miles south, Sherwood on Ross ranch, or phone Sherwood 33-8. i'OK SALE - first-class Guernsey cows, joucg and frtan in lew days; alto 1 lai gc Guernsey-Jersey, fresh 1 week, 5 gallons guaranteed. Call at lt27 Peninsula ave. . fcHEEP for sale; 3U0 head, crossbred ilerino ewes, 1 to 5 years old, sooa S.-iapc, bred to lamb March 5; price t. Cail on or address C. W. Warner, "W ll bur. Or. tVERY farm should have a few regis tered shepp; we have Ktiropsnires i"r $10 a. head and up. Hoiman Fuel Co., i4 Fifth et.. Portland. . TEAM Full-blood Percheron mares. 3000 lbs.. 6 years old, souna; win sell rea- sonable I have no further use for them. 4301 67th street, Alt. Scott car. "WILL exchange registered touorthorn cattle and Shropshire sheep for No. 1 oatJ or cordwood. Hoiman Fuel Co., 04 5th St.. Portland. J" A KM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esenshare, ;JfS0-at0 East -Morrison bt. SEVERAL extra horses, 1000 to 1400 lbs., $JJ to Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders. i'Oiir fe A LE Lai ry cows fteder hogs or pigs. J. Tigard, Or. -r trade lor H. Kichter, AOOU-POUND team, with harness, for $100. Another draft team $250. Will trade for lot or auto. E. 8407. VETERINARIAN. PR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. JjEAD animals taken quickly. Phone Milwaukee t'.t-J. WAGONS. BUGGIES, HARNESS. 285 Fronts H ORSES for sale. Bdwy. 3G07. Pianos, OrganB and Musical Instruments. $10 CASH. i, 6 OR MORE MONTHLY buys a $45 piano, used, for $195, and 1921 model for $295. or a $675 player piano, used, for $395, and 1921 model lor $495, $15 cash, $ ana iu mommy, during the world's laretst factory clear ance saie right here in Portland at Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th St. Viz 550 Haliet & Davis upright $195 $60 Emerson upright $295 $900 Kteinway upright $395 S95U Thompson player piano $395 PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE. $60 Sonora, $35, $5 cash, $2 monthly. $125 Columbia, $75. $5 cash, $3 month. $165 Brunswick, $S5, $5 cash. $4 month. $260 Brunswick, $135, 5 cash. $5 month. $300 Edison, $235. $10 cash, $8 month. $350 Victrola, $275. 10 cash. $10 month, tSCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY ST'GB CO. CLOSING OUT. $-7o Bard & Co.. upright $75 X75 Kmorsrtti unriirht $145 $400 Laffarque upright .... $195 $750 Weilor Player 293 103 10th. at W as h i n t on St. USED PHONOGRAPHS. $275 Victrola, man., cab $175 $275 Victrola, oak. -cab $165 $175 Columbia, oak, cab $100 $125 Columbia, wal, cab $5 $225 Victrola, mah., cab. (new).. .$190 $200 Packard mah.. cab $100 $125 Brunswick, oak. cab $75 Small table machines from $25 to $75; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 1 49 Si xth street, 4SELL your piano; we will sell it quick for you and get you all cash; our com mission is small; many people have us Fell their piano; why not you ? The Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. Brlwy. 1548. We also pay cash for pianos; get our bid. ANNUAL HOME-COMING SALE. Pianos, $195, $265, $375. $3 to $8 a month; player pianos, $395, $475, $8 and $10 a month; grand pianos, $675, $H75, $14 and $17 a month. Lipman, Woife & Co., Washington and 5th sts. WITST NOT BUY a good piano cheap? You can if you go to the Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. Hundreds of pianos are sold there at wonderful bargains; terms. STEIN WAY piano, mah. case, in beauti ful condition; ca.se like new; only $525. Terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth street. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS OR RECORDS. Newman. 128 First, near Alder. Broadway 7161. Auto. 627-46. iiENUINE Bu.sh &. Lane piano, latest de sign, only $.15, with terms. Just com pare this with a new one uptown. The Brokerage Co., 3J2 Worcester bldg. PINE old violin, lots of wood ; never been rebuilt. Frhe solo instrument. Phone Main 3221 for information or appointment to try out. 6PEC1AL banjo outfit, with big tone and perfect scale; excellent for or chestra work, includes case, $35. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. fVlOLIxV outfit, includes violin, bow, case and everything needed to start with, $18 and $30. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. IT6 PIANOS, $100 to $265 each, many of America's best make; terms. Broker age Co., 312 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. uBUESCHER baritone saxophone, silver, gold bell and pearl keys; like new, $150; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. ALMOST NEW, EXCEPTIONALLY BRILLIANT TONE PIANO TO BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE. SELLWOOD 30JS2. PIANO tuning and phonograph repair ing, any make, all work guaranteed. sciberiing-jjucas music go., 12o At a tt Kdwy. t; ffi. 4550 LATEST Tftoranson piano. $225. $35 down, $12.50 month, 312 Worcester building. SMITH BARNES, mah. case; like new, a splendid buy, only $325, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. XTnderman & SONS terms. piano, latest 312 Worcester make; offer building. I PAY CASH for used pianos and player rolls Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park, near Wash, st. 10 PIANOS, $115 to $200, many fine standard makes; terms. 312 Worcester building; SUA R TIN C" mel. saxophone. ailver, John gold bell, $125; terms. G. F. son Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. CONN C melody saxophone, silver, gold bell, $125; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth street STENT a player piano. The whole fam ily can enjoy it. naroia a. unoert, 107 West Park. Just north of Wash. PHONOGRAPHS repaired, all makes; pianos polished; work guaranteed. W. O. Enke, Tabor 8S43. 12000 CHICKER1NG parlor grand, mah., $625. Some bargain. Terms. 312 Wor cester niag., ana gsk. WILL buy Sohmer. St em way. Mason & Itamlin or Everett grand. No dealers. AM 97S, Oregonian. WE REPAIR musical Instruments of all kinds and guarantee our work. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 Sixth st. $650 IVEUS & POND right. $150, terms. SV. piano, good up Worcester bldg. 550 It . S. HOWARD. $235; terms, ester bldg., 3d and Oak. WANTED Bargain in used piano for all cash. Cail Bdwy. 154S before 5 P. M. I WANT to buy a used piano from pri viitp party. No deaiers. East 5259. KIM BA LL piano, fine condition, $165; terms. 312 Worcester blag. $linj, J. & C. FISCHER piano, only $200: mahogany; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Good used piano lor all cash. $650 PIANO for sale party. Terms. Kas cheap, by 5259. private FOR RENT to responsible party, smuil u prig ht piano. Phone eves. A 326-50. A FINE A. B. Chase player piano, ma hngn ny case. Terms. Main 378Y WANTED Bargain in good player piano, fash. Broad w ay 1548 before 5 P. M. Furniture for Sale. I)ON'T sacrifice your furniture If going enst or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through ca rs, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A- Paggitge Co., 245 Pine st. Ifc'O.H SALE Some good house furniture, a beautiful first-class dark sideboard and large dining room table and Fiench dressing table, all practioailv new, cheap. Phone Main 8377. UNIVERSAL combination range, mahog any dining room set, mahocanv cabi net, phonograph, rugs, bedroom fur niture. wardrobe, rockers. Wal. 53S9. FOR SALE One combination blue enamel isterlin-- range, one oak dining rV'ni table and &;x oak chairs, one Nu foM davenport. Call Tabnr 06Pt. 1'R SALK 6 rooms of furniture, com V.:iti.. $450- house for rent. $22.50 ma. 433 E. Harrison. Call mornings. East 21S(i. CO LI D oak 4s-;neh dl-.ing table and 5 Rather uphols: red chairs to match. No dealers. Main 010S. 3MUPT seil furniture at once, everything poes. furniture for 8-roo:n house. Phone East 6407 or call at 65S Clackamas st. FURNITURE of 5-room bungalow for swle. No dealers or phone culls. Wal nut 204-i. IUST sell my beautiful overstuffed dav enport and chair, very slightly used. Call Walnut 3 1 59. 4-t'iECE walnut bedroom set, $110 ; &as water hearer, $14; other furniture, yell wood 1455. j FOR SALE- Stoves and household fur niture; bargain -for the lot. Owner, P 998, Oregoniar LIKE NEW 6-piece mahogany bedroom let. Will sell far ha if. .Bdwy. tS. FOE SALE. furniture for Sale. 111SH FURNITURE CO. offers a large shipment of sanitary Watona Art Rugs at extremely low prices, 9x12, $12.00, $1 down and 5lc a week brings one to your home. These rugs are absolutely water proof. Cleaned with a mop. No tack ing. Wilt not curl or kick up. Beau tiful designs, colors and ail "sizes to thoose from. Never before have these guaranteed flaor coverings been offered in Port land at our low prices and easy terms. II down, 50c a week; ,9x12, J12.5U. Others in proportion. MiSH FURNITURE CO. 1S8- 3 90 FIRST ST. AUCTION. AUCTION. Friday, Oct. 13, 7:30 P. M., w will sell a large consignment of household goods, a parlor and bedroom set in ma hogany, quarter-sawed oak diningroom set, with leather upholstered chairs, china closet and buffet, brass and Vernis Martin bed3, springs, mattressee, Axminster and Wilton ruga. large as sortment of pot a. pans, dishee and other articles too numerous to mention; these goods are open for inspection all day Friday at 649 Union ave. N.. where the sale u-ill take place. Bell Auction Co.. East 2(51 7. PAIRS portieres. 2 Leather bottom rocking chairs. 2 Leather bottom dining room chairs. 1 Sewing rocking chair. 1 Dining loom chair. 1 Chiffonier, quartered oak. 1 Library tabie. 1 12-ga. Stevens pumpgun. 1 Underwood standard typewriter. 1 Bedstead, springs and mattress. 24 Folding chairs. 1 Blackboard. 2H feet by 4 feet. All these articles first-class shape. Take Woodstock car.get off at 48th St., walk south to 67th ave.. first house on right. Ask for Mr. Smith. STORAGE SALE. Goods sacrificed for storage and loan charges, consisting furniture, house hold goods, sewing machines, manes, pianos, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, stoves, tables, etc. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., 4t h at Ptne St.. opp- Multnomah Hotel. GENTLEMAN. $100 buys furniture and contents of room. 5th and Stark corner; 5 outside windows; aa rioor; moaern; pnone in cluded; rent $15 per month. Broad way 7879. In between 6 and 8 evenings. CHEAP Breaking up housekeeping, moving back east. Furniture of 5 rooms at a big sacrifice. Must sell before 15th. House for sale. No deal ers. 1031 Killingsworth ave. 8 ROOMS furniture for sale. 3 bedroom sets, range, etc. Walnut 1877. Office I' urnltuxe. SAVE 50 . The following office equipment is from an insolvent concern and Is priced very low for quick sale: 2 Elliott Fish er bookkeeping machines, 1 Burroughs, 1 electric check indorser, 1 Reming ton accounting machine, miscellaneous tiavsfer cases, card and letter file binders, etc. Call Bdwy. 6559. . SALE OF NEW FURNITURE. We are selling our complete line of new equip'ment nt eecond-hand prices to make room for a purchase. It will pay yoU to see us if you need to fur nish a complete office or a single piece. We buy, sell and rent furniture. D. C. Wa x, 24-2 8 North Fifth. Bdwy. 2739. NEW and used roll-top desks, flat top desks, chairs and filing cabinets at at tractive prices. IRWIN-HODSON. , Furniture Department. 391 Stark St.. Portland. WILL TRADE 3923 model Old3mobile, 4 cylinders, and some cash for 20 to 40 housekeeping rooms or apartment house. SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1O07 Yeon Bldg. CLOSING out Cutler desks at special prices; S used, fcookkeepers' desks, 4 - used flat-top desks; oak and ma hogany. Bushong & Co.. 01 Park St. MAHOGANY office furniture, large flat tepped desk, 1 typewriter desk. 1 fil ing cabinet, 2 swivel chairs and 4 of fice chairs, $150. Sellwood 1455. PHYSICIANS' STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at reduced prices. Albatross Metal Furniture Co.. 715 Thurman at. FOR SALE Roll-top desk and revolving chair, $30 ; also four chairs cheap. Broadway 3709. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, alt kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable; $50, com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 04 Fifth St. Broadway 7169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below manu facturers' price. TERMS $5 monthly it desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months, $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. Bdwy. 7481. REBUILT GUARANTEED TYPEWRIT ERS, all makes. CASH. PAYMENTS. 124 4th St. DOANE'S. P. D. O. Co., 331 Stark st. Bdwy. 7507 ' $3 RENTS Underwood. Remington, Em- ptre Tranarer, 14a lit a. 5cl wy. uioa. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell, supplies. Type writer Insp. Co., 312 Stark. Bdwy. 7549. Poultry. FOR SALE 400 White Leghorn pullets. 6 months old, $1.50 each ; sell all or none. Chas. Simonson, lirusn. prairie. Wash., R. F. D. 1, FOR SALE Mallard ducks. 21st and Lake road. Phone 112J, Milwaukie. J. M. Stucky. Dogs. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. FROM genuine imported St. Andreas burg roller strain, green and yellow males, now ready to leave trainer. $10; females $2. East 6874. 687 Multno mah street. - GENTLEMEN SPORTSMEN. We are equipped with high-clasi bird dogs for upland shooting and are prepared to show you some sport afield. Make your engagements in ad vance. PiAne Tabor 3640 for WarralJ or Munger. liEAUTIFUL male English pointer. 20 months' old. Good hunter and retriever, $35. Raeson for selling, have 2 dogs. Inquire 446 E. 43d St. N. LIVER and white 14 months male point er dog. Ripe for this year's hunting. 742 Mississippi ave. Walnut 0856 or Walnut 1249. FOR SALE White male English pit bulldog, age 15 months, eligible reg istration; wonderfully trained ; $35 Call Main 2585 or 449 3d St.. after 5- TOY BOSTON terriers. A. K. C, won derful markings. Reasonable. Bdwy. 3(it3. PEDIGREED POLICE DOG PUPPIES. SPEEDWAY" KENNELS. 5 miles west on Canyon rd. Main 4348. FOR SALE 2 Llewellyn setters, 3 and 4 years old. weii trained. write otto Ha ss i ng. boy 114. Mt. Angel. Or. FOR SA-lE Boston terrier pups; can be seen at 134S E. 10th N. between 9 A M. and 2 P. M. MY SERVICES with dogs for hire during hunting season. R. R. Whiteside, B.. 6, Port la nd, Or. M a. n 0580. BROKEN Pointer dog for sale. P. R. Whiteside. R. 6. Poitland. Main 6569. WELL-BRED Airedale nog, one year old. Children's pet. E. 5005. THOROUGHBRED Boston bull puppy, male, 3 0 weeks. $20. East 1951. TOY" BOSTON terrier K. C., won- derful markings. Bdwy. 3663. POINTER, female, well trained, 3 yrs old, $35. East 0739. C MONTHS' old Scotch collie for sale. 728 She rrett ave. E. 5451. PEDIGREED Brazilian Chihuahuas 6 wltt old; only ones in city; Ta. 1333. Bouts, LaunchfH and Marine Equipment. ORDERS' taken for small boats and skiffs, suitable for Oregon City troll ing and duck hunting. See Mr. Rosen, Interprise Planing Mill, East Yamhill ar.rt Water sts. HOUSEBOAT, new, modern, complete, $1150 cash. $1250 terms. Willamette Moorage. Call Sellw ood 2527. Coal and Wood. BEST ol J-gi-owtn fir. $y ; Rock Springs and Utah coal. Sellwood 0314. 674 East 16th. ' 16-INCH block and slab mixed, $1.60 per load, 2 loads $8; dry range wood. $5. Call Walnut 5904. 40C- CORDS of wood for sale. 18 miles out on hard-surface road. Write R. ML. Earden. Rt. 3, Sherwood. Or. HEAVY country slab $6.50; cordwood, oak. Utah Pock Springs coal. Ho Had ay Fuel Co.. E. 7921. GOOD, found, dry second-growth. $7.50 per cord, immediate delivery. Call Em pire 1727. ' DRY FIR cordwood. dry slab and Rock Springs coal. At water 2526. H E A V Y 16-inch bio'jk and slab mixed. $6.50 per cord. Atwater 2855. COUNTRY SLAB. $5.50 a cord delivered. Automatic 522-15. UTAH KING COAL, EAST 8934. HEAVY planer wood, dry. big load, $3. East 7921. FIR AND HARDWOOD. Call S. R. How ell. 696 Y, Vancouver, Wash DRY BOXWOOD. Main 653S. tSLOCK and slab, partly dry, single load $5, Dry wood $7. Walnut 666... BIG LOADS block and elab. mixed; two loads. $9; one load. $5. Walnut 1390. No. i OLD-GROWTH cordwood, dry plsner clippings. Phone E.ist 1759. OAK. wood for aie. Call Tabor 5933. FOR SALE. Coal and Wood. $4.50 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch block and slab mixed, partly dry; fine for furnace or heater. COAL 510.50 PER TON COAL, Good Washington lump coal, deliv ered direct from car to your bin. BEST OLD GROWTH FIR. $8.50. HEAVY 4-FT. COUNTRI SIAB, $6.50. NATIONAL FUEL CO. East 2041. $4.50 PER LOAD $4.50. TWO-LOAD LOTS 16-inch fir blocks and slabs; run partly dry. for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO.. WALNUT 4102. WOOD-HAULERS, ATTENTION! 16-inch slab wood for sale at the mill, wood dumped into the truck, $2,75 card. Cail Empire 1774. NICE 16-in. slab, J3.ro and $4 load; box, $4; li -in. thick, $5; anywhere; No. 1 cord. $7.75. Sellwood 176i. Paul Fuel. SHORT BLOCK, slab and railroad ties, cordwood. Main 2676. Regs ana Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 308 N. 14th st., near Petty grove. Phone Aut. 519-19. Machinery. 1 42-TON two-true. Shay locomotive, rebuilt. 1 50-ton, two-track Shay locomotive, overhauled and in good condition. 1 10x12 Washington half -breed. 1 11x13 Willamette Humboldt yarder. 1 12x13 Washington compound yarder. CLYUB EQUIPMENT COMPANY. VULCANIZING outfit complete. 5 molds, cost iooo. w hi sen at a Dig sacri fice. Must be sold by Sunday. 331 Burnside St. Phone Bdwy. 1024. "ruits and Vegetables. CONCORD GRAPES, oc Main, near ttlst st. lb. 16 IS East Miscellaneous. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and - exchanged; easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Bdwy. 7045. SEWING machines, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents em ployed; complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d St., Near Taylor. Main 0431. OFFICE FURNITURE USERS. Wonderful bargains in both new and used equipment ; typewriters, add. ma chines, safes, safe cabinets and files. We rent equipment. D. C. Wax. 24-28 North Fifth. Bdwy. 2739. 50 SLIGHTLY used White, New Home, Singer sewing machines , for sale or rent; liberal terms on sale. E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave. at Belmont. Phone East 2359. SHOWCASES, wall case, counter scales, g.sss jars, candymakers equipment, furnace, marbles, kettles, tools, also seme stock, chocolate nuts, etc., cheap. 496 Market st. . BEAUTIFUL set high grade Alaskan dark mink scarf and muff. Cost $1100 made up; will sacrifice for quick cash sale. Your chance for wonderful buy from owner. AG 10. Qregonian. LADIES' and children's used clothing, good style and quality, shoes and hats very reasonable. Vogue, 4th floor, 403 Allsky bldg.. Third near Morrison st. Main 3132. , HOT-WATER tanks $5, guar.; tanks, gas water heaters repaired; plumbing con tractors ; estimates given. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. E. 8516. SHOWCASES, CASH REGISTER. Scales, wal leases, safes, coffee roast er, soft drink bar, pool tables. Bar gains. lfft First St., near Alder. CONCORD GRAPES for sale In large quantities, picket7.. 3 c per lb. Oppo site Cook's garag-j, Troutdale, Or. J. W. Monhan. $160 SET OF Alexander Hamilton Inst, books on modern business ; full, new set, never been used; no reasonable offer refused. AC 11. Qregonian, COMPLETE FIREPLACE SET. including andirons and screen, with shovel, poer, tongs and stand for same, TEN DOL LARS. 11M E. Couch st. Tabor 4664. IMPORTED plate mirror, 6 ft. long by 3 ft. wme, gold iar irame. rnce $250. Call Main 4031 between 10 and 12 A. M. ROBIN HOUSE AND YARD FENCE. 200 ft. costly woven wire, posts and all, S30. Sell separately. 426 Beech St., cor. E. 6th st. N. Bdwy. 5622. VULCANIZING outfit complete, 5 molds, cost $1500, will sell ax a Dig sacruice. Must be sold by Sunday. 331 Burnside Phone Bdwy. jo4 COMPLETE course in the I. C. school. Any branch. East otu. tail aunaay or after 6 week dayg. SECTIONAL bookcase, solid oak. like new; $20; also rtark. oak Horary xaoie. Phone East 7921. FOR SALE Baby's Iron crib and sulky, also box couch, tan cat lamaui, near 29th st. - SHELVING and showcases, suitable for drug store or any other business. ;bo 1st st.. near Madison. MANNING burner complete Vn price; also 50-gallon storage tank: 628 Flan ders st., bdwy. 4bi . HOT WATER coils installed in stoves and furnaces. General repairing. u,as. 0920. IDEAL tireless cooker, splendid for working couple, $18, cash or will trade for good trunk. .Main j.zh. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, in first class condition, FOR FIFTEEN DOL LARS. 1181 E. coucn et. Taoor stm. BARBERS One large double lavatory, shampoo attachment and trap. Call East 0519. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. 226 Stark St. Bdwy. "534. FERTILIZER. Extra, well rotted cow manure dellv ered in any part of the city. Wal. 6233. 36-INCH "steel-clad" trunk, special $10. Ali trunks for less. THE BAGGAGE SHOP, 288 3d at. LADIES' exclusive used coats, dresses, suits; large selection in a home. Tabor 2S25. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange koda ks. Sandy, 124 Broadway. DIEBOLD SAFES, new and second-hand, special prices. Pacific Safe & Supply Co.. 48 Front St. Broadway 1968. WANT all men, women and chfldren to wear our hand-finished sweaters. Knitting Store, 1593 Peninsula. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleanera 7ftc per day, delivered. Tabor 6531, formerly Walnut 1259. ORDER now for Christmas, hand-embroidered gifts, bed-spreads a spe cialty. Phone East 1525. HOLLY TREES. 4 and 6-ft. trees, $1 each. Sellwood 1934. HEATING stove and pipe, nearly new, burns wood or coal, $15. 528 Rey nolds street, Sellwood car. LADIES' and gents' raincoats made to measure. A. Goldstein, the Tailor, 2114 Morrison st. 4 PAIRS Irtsn lace curtains, aJmost new; wicker chaira and chocolate set. Wal nut 701. WRECKING my store building at Russell and Borthwick sts. ; building material very cheap. HALL Borchet adjustable dress form, $10. East 4799. SMALL set Royal Chelsea china, new, at co-?t. nice gift. Main 0854. LATH Special price on. East : nings. LARGE wood heater, half price. Phone Sellwood 0S97. SINGER portable electric sewing ma chine. 1403 Greely st. SHINGLES direct from mill, extra Star- A-atar. xayior-st. cock. Main oo. BEAUTIFUL wicker bird cage with ped estal stand, reasonable. East 5586. BRUSSELS rug. good condition, May Apartments. Apt. 27. $15. COLTS .38 SPECIAL, 569 5th St., after 7 new, $10. P. M. $125 BAHMAN 4800. safe; terms. - Bdwy. BUICK truck, exchange for close-In acreage. Bdwy. 4800. clearing GOOD as new; Detroit Jewell gas range, $25. Call Walnut 5633. FOR SALE Reasonable, several dozen Mason fruit jara. Call Tabor "532. TWO DUCK hunters wanted. Broadway 4758. or call at 326 Davis t QUINCES, 5 centa; pears, $1; apples. 85c, box. We will deliver. Tabor 6983. FO R SALE Concord 2195. grapes. Walnut SEWING MACHINE, STANDARD MAKE, A L MOST NEW. MAIN 1822. FOR SALE, cheap, Wayne gasoline pump and tank; almost new. Auto. 325-08. FURNITURE repairing, nphciiterlnsf Faulkner. Main 4477. WINTER APPLES $1 a box; fine pears 75c a box. delivered. Tabor 0121. RUGS washed on your floor. Hamilton Beach, carpet washer. East 4045. DROPHEAD singer machine, good con dition. $15. East 3769. 562 Williams. SHINGLES, good grade, extra star at Couch at. dock. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st. near Ash. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL cars. $10 to $15. Broadway 4492. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., No, 1 1st st. SAFE, Hall make, 34x22x23. cheap. AE 4J23 Oregoni a n. TOR SALE. M isce llaneo as. GOOD SHOTGUN WANTED. WILL TRADE any of the following articles: Binocu lars, leather suitcase or handbag, trunk, lady's or gent's gold watch, late model Conn cornet or trombone, violin, Vic trola. banjo-mandolin, large organ, check writer, typewriter, roll top desk, or 1UU0 OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES. We pay cash or trade. You'll always find something you can use. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, 128 First St.. bet. Alder and Wash. Sta Bdwy. 7161 or Auto. 627-46 or 625-82. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. Bv our latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pain; absolutely harmless and no after effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J. Kiesendahl, Above Majestic theater. 351 H Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1 8-ft. front plate floor case. 1 6-ft. sloping front. 3 plate shelves, marble base, oak finish candy case. 1 Lang comb, wood, coal or gas small restaurant or family range, used six months. 10 counter stools. 428 Hoyt. Bdwy. 1363. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, 'finest selections; come in and see, you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. v 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. . ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Authorized service Btation for Hamilton-Beach appliances and Royal vacuum cleaners; we repair all makes of irons, heaters, toasters, curling irons, etc. Hynson Electric Co., 62 6th st. Broadway 4293. Specialists in electrical repairing. DETROIT storage battery, in good con dition, 6-voIt 40-60 amp. Violin, practically new, been used about three weeks, Swedish - American double head phones; m perfect condition; 2000 ohms Call East 8728 after 6 P. M. 575 E. 25th St. N. MAYTAG WASHING MACHINES. We have only a few left at prices that will astound you; these machines are new, but slightly damagea on xne outside ; with brand new motor. $45 each: without motor. $32.50 each. 1S9 Front st., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. SEWING MACHINES. Singer, $20; New Home. $25; White Rotary. $30; 86-1 Singer, 35 ; J?Tee. $20; Wheeler & Wilson, $18; Willam ette, $15; all very latest and strictly guaranteed. Singer Agency, 193 4th. at Taylor. Main 633. w LEAKY ROOF. EH? Very aggravating1, indeed! Why not a comfortable and permanent roof? We repair RUBBER BOND and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, de teriorated and disintegrated old leaky roof; work guaranteed. Bdwy. 5958. IF YOU appreciate splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to Miller's Big Little Jewelry store. Sells for less gifts that last. Next door to Majestic theater. Park and Washington sts. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mold - ings, mtllwork, glass roofing and hot bed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 413. GOING first-cla.s rully equipped SUM MER SHINGLE MILL cheap, 10x16 engine, 60-H. P. boiler, about 1000 cords timber. Box 120, R. D. 1, Clatfr kanle. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD TOURING. 1921 model with demountable rims and spare tire, shocks and other ex tras. Car perfect mechanically and looks good. Bdwy. 24S8 or 609 Wash ington street. COLE coupe. Aero 8 type; a wonderful car, beautifully upholstered and con sidered the most attractive car in Portland ; phone for appointment. Northwest A uto Co.. cor. 18th and Alder. Broadway. 1460. FORD delivery, '22 motor. 2 cord tires. aemountame rims. Dig roomy coverea box, foot throttle; also 1920 Overland sedan, fine condition. 6000 miles, new battery, good tires. Phone. Tigard 4152 or write Sherwood. Or., Rt. L Box 26. $700 CASH buys a 7-pass. Case sedan; this car is in first-class shape; run less than 9000 miles; leaving town ; must be sold at once. King-st. garage. Phone Broadway 5184. 1918 BABY Grand Chevrolet, new top. new paint, good tires, spare tire. $425, terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. 1920 DODGE TOURING. $52; This car is in the pink of con dition, equipped with extras, and will give you first-class service. Terms, 1701 E. 13th st. Sellwood 3317. FIERCE-ARROW 7-passenger touring car, is in fine shape, good tires, paint good; Is fine car for stage. Priced to seil. Call today for demonstration. B.iwy. 1572. Mr. Goodwin. REO SIX Just overhauled; will paint to suit customer: in best condition; tires good; a wonderful car. Northwest Auto Co.. cor. 18th and Alder. Broadway 1460. GOOD Maxwell touring, practically brand new tires all round. Will stand in spection, $185. Pay $75 down, $20 mo. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. I NEED a little cash and will sell my 1921 Velie six touring car for a song. Car looks and runs like new; give easy terms to a reliafile party. Cail Mr. GUdea, Broadway 3 1 21 . $101 HANDLES this Chandler 7-pass., looks new, good mechanical, cord tires, an exceptional buy for quick action. Terms. Phone East 5568. 1917 DODGE; a real buy; 1922 license, good tires, excellent condition; terms. Northwest Auto Co., cor. ISth and Al- der. Bdwy. 1460. 1921 DODGE touring, like new, oversize cord tires, spare tire, $735; terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. East 0720. 1020 PAIGE light 6. $640. Looks" like new and has just been completely overhauled. 1301 E. 17th S. Sellwood 3317. BUICK BUICK BUICK. 1918 Bulck touring, fine light 6, $400. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3281, 11th and Burnside Sts DODGE touring car, 1918 model. $450 cash; In good mechanical condition, some extras. Call from 9 A. M. till 1 P. M. Friday at 321 32th st. 1921 CHANDLER Dispatch, in fine con dition; brand-new cord tires, extras: terms. Phone Tabor 0376 after 6:30 P. M. LATE MODEL MAXWELL TOURING CAR. Run 4100 miles, in first-class condi tion;mustseII. Call Walnut 3822. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, run short dis tance; would consider earlier model Chevrolet or Ford in trade; will give terms on balance. Tabor 9137. MUST sell my 1917 Bulck light six tour ing car, in finest condition; a big map for someone. Call Mr. Howell, at B roadway 3121. WANT Ford roadster or delivery and some cash in exchange for Oakland six in good running condition. East 3649. $250 1920 FORD touring, perfect condi tion; oversize tires, large spotlight, starter, ail in fine shape. East 8954. 166 E. 16th st. $1751919 CHEVROLET touring, extra gooa snaps, license ana tools; o tires. East 821tt before 5 P. M. IF YOU are In the market for a good used Ford cheap and at moderate terms call Walnut 1673, evenings. WE PUT steel teeth In your old fly wheel: crankshaft turning, cvl. grind ing. ILBB!acki 534AIderJBd 26S1. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. rortiana auio w reciting tjo., obi Alaer it 17th. Bdwy. 8254. Mail orders filled. LIGHT touring, in good running condi tion, starter, lights, tires all good. Price for quick aale. $75. CHEVROLET touring in fine condition: seat cut down for bed; $75 will handle aa first payment. Tabor 5947. FORD TOURING, 1918, looka good, runs good, sacrifice for cash, $165. Broad- way nop. GOING to buy a new Ford sedan? Will save you some money If you call Tabor S079. 1920 FORD touring, wire wheels, fin equipment. A snap, $390. Bdwy. 4997. 3 23 N. Brjadway. 1920 FORD roadster in good shape and tires, good paint. A snap, $315. Call 128 N. Broadway. Bdw y. 4997. 1920 FORD louring, in fine mechanical condition. A bargain, $340. Call Bdwv. 4997. $175 CASH iR TERMS. ' I91S roadster, motor overhauled, body and tires good. Tabor 3079. 1920 FORD coupe, $400, for quick saie. E. 4699 NEW Ford bug body, etc., complete, cheap. Walnut 4675 evenings. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, for aale by owner. A real buy. 1992 Eaat Alder. FOP. SALE 1922 Buick, rain for cash. Cail E. '.ike new, 9365. 19: DODGE touring, sacrifice for im mediate sale. Tabor 4T25. i.922 TYPE DODGE touring; owner leav ing town. $750. Call Auto. 329-25. 1919 FORD touring car for sale. $250 ; tke it home. Call Walnut 7048. HUP. TOURING, model 8, good running condition. GheaiJ. East oOwS. -A t TO MOBILES. USED CARS SOLD CHEAP FOR 10 DAYS. PRICES DOWN TO REDUCE THE STOCK OF USED CARS. THE FAMOUS HUDSOU SUPER SIX AUTOMOBILES. 1920 Models, the 1919-1920 Seriea Hudson Super Six, In first class condition $850 1918 Buick 550 1919 Bulck 625 With WcittBCDODii air springs 1075 1915 Hudson 6-40 325 1921 Essex 750 1920 Dodge Bros. touring,.. 625 1918 Liberty 483 1919 Chalmers 473 1921 Olda 4 750 1920 Naah 750 1920 Olds 8 -. 675 Liberty sedan 900 Cole 8 485 Stephens 6 650 Largest Used car branch store In the city, at 40-46 N. Broad way. Open Sunday and eve nings. BROADWAY 5739. a L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. RECONSTRUCTION SALE. FORDS. FORD.S. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. Wp must reduce our stock of used cars, pending the completion of our new annex, wnica wm give us a iuw half block of ground floor apace: aee these wonderful bargaina at our main sales floor. TOURING CARS. 1914 Ford touring t $ 7S 1918 Ford touting 215 1919 Ford touring 225 1921 Ford touring, starter 325 1920 Ford touring. SS. '& dem 325 3921 Ford touring 375 ROADSTERS. 1016 Ford roadster, dem $190 1918 Ford roadster 225 1920 Ford roadster. SS. & dem.... 295 1920 Ford roadster 3-5 1921 Ford roadster- 375 CLOSED CARS. 1919 Ford coupe, 4 speeds $4n 1920 Ford sedan 475 1920 Ford sedan 485 1920 Ford coupe 45 1920 Ford coupe 49 1921 Ford sedan 525 1921 Fo.-o coupe, lots of extras 525 COMMERCIAL CARS. 3915 Ford chassis $ 75 1915 Ford delivery, panel body.... 135 1917 F.rd truck, overhauled 295 3918 Ford truck chassis 225 1920 Ford delivery 295 1922 Ford truck, with body 650 We are ooen until 9 o'clock even'ngs and Sundays; buy a used car of a re liable dealer; we -give the same aevvlce on used cars as on new oVes. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Grand and Hawthorne. East 3770. USED CARS ARE NOW AT THE LOW LEVEL. We are now at the time when used cars have reached the low price level we must ciean house in the fail we are reducing the prices of our stock to the point where each car ia a genuine buy. We told you last year when our prices were right the same condition exists at this time. BUY NOW! Our present selection is far better than it wilt be later on. "ALWAYS THE REST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. TWO LOCATIONS. Main p'ant, 21t at Washington. Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadway branch 28-30 Broad way. We have cars to take you from one place to the other. RECONSTRUCTION SALE. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. 1921 Studebaker light alx $750 650 445 1919 Essex touring 1921 Overland four . 1920 Overland four 3920 Chevrolet touring 1920 Chevrolet roadster 1918 Briscoe touring 1915 Buick C-25 touring Open Evenings and Sundays. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Grand and Hawthorne. East 37 350 295 275 195 KEEN BUY. 1920 VELTE SEDAN. $775. This car cost $3 100 two years ago and you will pass up the best buy in Portland if you do not aee and buy thia car; has many extra. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sta. SLAUGHTER SALE OF USED CARS ALL THIS WEEK. Essex. Hups. Bulcka. Fords. Dodges. Overlnnds and other standard makei at prices below the lowest. Roadsters. touring and inclosed cars. Every car In good order and guaranteed on the road. Cara can be aeen at Portland Auto Sales. 125 15th. cor. Waeh. Open Sun day and evenings. Phone 4374. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE; WE FURNISH THE MONEY; OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. BUICK 1922, 5-pass., 4-cyMnder. a beau tiful small car of wonderful power, comfort and economy; mechanically perfect; 5 cord tires and 'completely equipped; guaranteed service. An un usual bargain. Terms if desired. $825. Main 1564. IRVINGTON'S NEW GARAGE. P AND P GARAGE. N. E. 21ST ST. AND MULTNOMAH. Day and night service. Storage $6.50 per month -$750 1921. model 34. Velie. 6 cord tires, re finished; will consider light car in BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3 2S1. 11th and Burnside Sts. 1H21 DODGE TOURING. Five cord tires, spotlight and aun visor; excellent mechanical condition : paint and upholstering good. No real estate accepted. Main 1159. BUY a Ford from me. I will teach you to drive and take care of your car. Atwater 1792, apt. 2. Leave your ad dress. NASH 6. 3919 model, in fine condition: owner needs mqney. will sacrifice for $500; terma to reliable party. Call East 6593 LATEST model superior Chevrolet. Hai had best of care. Will take Ford or Chevrolet in trade. Call owner. Sell wood 0856. $450 1921 FORD SEDAN. Car Uke new, and many extras. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILDS. INC.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside. ats. CHEVROLET touring, new top and cur taina, "shock absorbers and other ex tras $122 down, balance $16 month. Cail owner. Walnut 5901. 1921 MAXWELL touring, cord tirea, per fect condition and appearance. $425. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILDS. INC.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside ats. 490 CHEVROLET touring, in good con dition; car has had best of care: am forced to sell and wilj take $M caah. bal- $12 per month. Tabor 5935. ATTENTION For information on the new model Chevrolet call salesman. Tabor 169. 1917 FORD coupe, other extras; a Phone E. 1371, new good paint, buy a hocks. : $250. WILL sell my $550 equity in 1921 Cleve in first -class shape for $300. Broad- way O0Q3- '19 FORD touring, $225; fine snaue. new tcp, speedometer, shock absoroera no j-ta rt er or licence. Tab-r 6986. REVERE Dusenberg. almost new, 6 tirea lots of extras, classiest car fn town, bargain for aomeone. Last 744. 1919 HUDSON sedan, newly painted, perfect mechan ical condition, cash or terms. East i-54. -AUTOMOBILE;. TREMENDOUS REDUCTION ON USED CARS. ONE WEEK u.NLT. COOK & GILL COMPANY DECIDES TO UNLOAD. Comparative prices are submitted te how our loasts, which are your fain- I&17 SAXON 6. WAS $250. NOW $17V Splendid value and is in good ru nng condition. 1916 PAIGE. WAS $400. NOW 1250- Thia is the beat buy we have eve offered on a Paige. 1918 OLDS 6. - First-class mechanical conditio. Thf car to be sacrificed at 39i. 1918 OVERLAND 0. WAS $425, NOW $310. Has the popular Continental motor and is guaranteed mechanically. DODGE TOURING. Very fine condition, excellent rub ber. Quick saie price $265. 1919-1920 SERIES PAIGE. 7-passenger. thia car la in aplend!d condition, excellent rubber, beautiful dark blue paint, reduced from $875 t $595. 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH. WAS $850. NOW $675. Renewed and guaranteed. This ta the classiest model built by Chand'.e and la finished In robin a egg blue. 1919 PATOE LIN WOOD. WAS $750. NOW $600. Rebuilt and guaranteed and looks like new. 1920 PAIGE LARCHMON'T, WAS $1050. NOW $810. Wonderful sport car and ia finlaheel In beautiful cherry red and la in per fect condition, 1921 PAIGE 6-66. WAS $1700. NOW $1550. Thia is the first used 6-ort Pairs we have ever had for aale and ia some buy at this price. Has Iota of extraa and is guaranteed same as new. Easy terms and will consider light car in trade. Now fa the time to buy a uaed car. ss this is our slack season and we do not want to carry on hand a btg utock of used cars. We have cut our prlce to the bone and are offering the care vry much lower In price than vr before in the h. story of our buainia in oraer tnat we may move ineio quickly. You can now get a high-grade oaed car at the price of a new chp one, and please remember that thee prices are lower than they will be next spring. COOK A GILL CO , INC. Paige and Jewett DiatribiiTors. Burnside St. From Park to Ninth St. Phone Broadway 7751. USED CARS. USED CARS. USED CARS. We still have nome bargains left. If you really want a car you owe It to yourself to look these over. WiMys-Knight. new rear tires $ J5n Dodge roadster, dandy shape .... 450 Overland 90, 5 passenger 20 Franklin 9-B, oversize cord tires., lfio Frankln 0-B sedan. lUe new.... 2-Vo 9-B Frankllng touring, dandy buy 650 9-B Franklin, looks like new 1500 1921 T,elncton i-paas., dandy buy 1250 1920 Scrippa-Booth. new paint.... "O0 1922 Hupmobile. with lota of ex tras looo See Murch. at BRALY AUTO CO., J4th and Burnside Sts. ALLEN -GOOD SELL MOTOR COMPANT. "The Hou of Service." 12Th and Stark St. 1921 Ford Touring etnrt-r 1S20 Ford Touring, starter 1U2U Ford Touring 1921 Ford RoadPter 1920 Ford Roadster, box. starter. 1920 Ford Sedan, starter 1921 Ford Sedan, ararter 191 8. Ford Coupe, overhauled .... 1920 Ford Coupe, alerter 1921 Ford Coupe, overhauled .... $3-.n 325 20 275 515 525 825 475 &U0 TERMS. Open Sunday 9 to 1. Manv nthern to chonw from. ALLKN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO., "The Houxe of Service." 12th and Stark St. Authoiixed Ford and Lincoln Tealr. LEAVING CITY MUST SELL. Privately owned Veil 6. Al condi tion, good corrl tires, a pa ra, curt a i ns, price $150. Will take $185 cash, bal ance $50 per month to respona:ble party. Broadway f.r.0 between 11 end 12 and nfter 5 P. M. Mr. Mn-rl. 1921 BABY GRAND Chevrolet. Car has been in storage and Ufed very I1ttl. Tires practically new. Absolutely firat ela.ss shape mechanically. Ha Just ben given $60 pa:nt job. For respon nible purcha.T will aell for $300 down. Automatic B30-42. 1919 NASH TOURING Well preserved, beat possible condi tion for car of lta age ; $000 cash, t " r ti or trade. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3US1. 11th and Burnside sts. DODGE TOURING. 3918 model. with special oiling system, wind deflectors, spotlight and other extras; a buy for someone who will appreciate a good car. BROADWAY 24S. 1922 CHEVROLET TOURING. Must sell my 1922 Chevrolet touring; run less than 3000 miles; you cannot tell it from a new car; will take cheap car in trade; term. CaH Tabor 39in SPECIAL BUiLT AND DOLLED UP. 1921 Overland 4. 2-pase., speedster, $450. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. IVCTT Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Ss. FORD EXPERTS. We overhaul your motor, guarantee to run as good as new, $20. Universal Auto Repair, 210-212 Jefferson st., corner 1st. 3920 FORD TOURING. With Starter, very good condition. $265 DUNNING MOTOR CO.. East Third and Prondwnv. FORD sedan. 1921. car In f irat-ciasa condition; new tires, refinlshed. shock absorbers: looks and runs like new; a snap: $190. balance $25 per month. Tabor 5935. A NEW 1922 FORD roadster, never been off pavement, run about .Vrt mile, used for pleasure only. A perfect car. Must be sold at sacrfffce. Walnut 3612. evenings Tahor S9T 1922 SUPERIOR model Chevrolet, with hand emergency brake snd latet mo tor changes; some extras; must ae'i quick and will sacrifice. Sellwood 2'!6 evenings. Cadillac; - 3922 suburban 7-pass.. earns as new. A real buy. reason for selling, going east. Private part. BF 983, Orego nlan. ' 1921 CHEVROLET louring, looka and runa like new, cord tirea, spotlight, pare tire. Fhock absorbers; will ac rifice for $350. $150 down, bal. monthly Phone iowjiejWlnutJ18L $"350BUYS late model Chevrolet toi-ring. Looks like new. Shock absorbers, spotlight and cord tires, hand brake and spiral gears. Will give easy terms. Call ownor. Walnut 6:25. ford: ford; ford: Seeing la believing: to get a good Ford for less money come to WMliama Motor Co.. 28 N. 11th Bdwy. 3214. $2'K) IS REAL buy in 3918 Overland tour ing in wonaeriui conation m--l cut for bed; cord tirea 105 N. 11th at. Bdwy. 5378 FORD sedan, Hassler ahocka spotlight, oversized steering whel, new palnT, real buy. $JU8 fur quick sale. 28 N 11th. Bdwy. 3214 HUPMOBILE TOURING. 1917 model N. with new paint snd overhauled. This car enn be bought right. Bdwy. 24 or fion Wash, ao. FORD COUPE. 1921 model with lota of extree and new paint. MechanfraJIy nerfect, $465. BROADWAY 24S8. FORD TOURING. 1923 mode, must sell: leaving city: will discount and give trm. R 740. Oregon -an. li13 FORD touring, a real car and rea sonable: wiil give easy terma. Auto matic 1237. 1922 LATE model Chevro.et roadster, driven short dirtance : 5 good tirea. shocks. $575; term s. Tabor 91 37. MUST stl my Marlon rosdster, going east. $125 cash, newly overhauled. god fair rubber. Call Tabor 91T0 CHEVROLET roadster. 1920 icodei good pamt. just overhauled. $350; terma Tahcr 9137. LATE Forrt coup, every extra, best con dition. $473. Private owner. Bdwy. 4S61. 1916 FORD touring, fine condition, $I4v, aaay- twrxna. Automatic 6-U-lo, FOR ft t K At TOMnniT I . HAVIVO rrad a contract with The Studebaker Corporation of Amer ica for the Portland diatributtoa ot St ud baker cara We Are Going To Bell Their Stock of Used Cars Conaiatlnff of Ford a Maxwell Dodge Bulck Studebaker and Many Others of Standard Make At Money-Back Values Remember, these are Studebaker Corporation cars and we will aell them regardless of cot. JOHN K. LKAXPBH C" . 31 Lurnside &l., Bdwy. 2731. C. O. BLEASDALE. FORD BUn If you want power see this one; big bargain .9199 MA XV." ELL. 1917 Puncture-proof tires, mt-chanically good 0 MAXWELL ROADSTER In od running condition, good top. good ttrew. and ready to so STUOEHAKER. H-CYU Tbla car has 5 goo-1 enrd tires and is me- chantcully gi-od -0 STUTZ ROADSTER If you want r.u1 mr mr hr IB your clis ne 2 BUK'K, 4-CTL.-One-n.an top. plate glass in rear, t.eat cut lor bed ; a snap -0 HAROUNU TOrVtVO Thia ts a small rar. has 3o3W tirea. over head vs !ve nmtir. one -in an top, full floating a'ee 275 CHEVROLET 40O 102O model. new top. merha nice My riit . . . - tOO OVERLAND llndei ho tr.. in A-1 condition. 4 new C"rd .Urea 1 Mre tire, motnmetrr, ready to drive out 4.. OAK LAND Late model, light , very fcnnom teal to ma in is tn. small t'rea and very easy oft saa Top and side curtains in prf-t shape, reltnlshed In dark sreen - 40 OV E H LA ND 5 pass.. 6-ryI . red seal Continental nmtor. new tp. 5 Rood tir s. bumper - - - 450 CHEVROLET 1922 model. In very good condition. Thia car Is onlv about 4 months old and ran be purchased verv reasonable 550 CROW KLKIURT-Ui md-1. Itttht car; will sacrifice for quick ale. BUICK Light 6. 3 good Urea, new tt p. ref:nlshed and . verb a uld . . 87$ HA YN KS Light tt-cyl., J'ist rui t the paint ahop. Kelly, spnng fieid cor1s ell a-ound fi"5 HUOHON SPEEDS! ER Run only 7 5 tO mtr. 2 bumpri, wind ahield wings, spotlight. cord tirea factory finish. C. O. BLEAHDALE. Contracts not handled through brokera 530 Aider St., Bdwy. 12. BARGAIN PRICK ON GOOD USED CARS. Compare the Quality "f thse rara from the J.ihell siorlc wnh the quality anl prlrea of other uaed cara now on the m-r-ket, anl you win agree that ibis la the place to buy. in Id Naah tnurlnr . . . . . . . P"jlbaker touring ... mil Mitchell touring Overland lourir.g 1!M'.I Mitch-ll t.iurirg If t S Franknn tnunn U'22 Jordan tour. re Jordan tourinc 1l'0 Chevrolet -un 1!2' Liberty tourtnc -.4.., 1 1 1 ft Mitchell tour I US 1!I2 Chevrolet l'-urln i:t'2 Cardner touring lfti: M.fcheli lourn. ll'l'J Chevrolet loU'inf 1U1U Mitchell roadster .... Oakland tnurtn 1!21 M-.lchell lourirK 11 Wijjvs-Overiand tour. IMS MaiwU tnurit K Chevrolet murmur .... 1920 Maxwell Inuring Pl! Urtscoe tourlnc 1 0 1 T Mitchell murine l'.i'Jl Scr:ipa-Pooth sedan.. Ift.'O Mitch'll muring JJtl" Maxwell tounng lft 17 Mdamnhile 1H20 Miiche.i louring litis siuts murinr litis overland muring .... Urlsco touring $ ?ra 1 "V 2 -O 1 1 : is , t. . y . s.'.ii 1 .i 4 .O 2'0 A7.t 4 '0 sr.o 4'X 1 2 Ml It VI 17 4.1 It" 2tu EAST TERMS. Open Sunday tiuni 9 to B. A reasonable payment down and the balance wht e ou ride. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVFR CO 40 Tears In the Northwest. Broadway al Everett. USED CARS. 102O Osklsnd roadster, orig inal finlah 3 1020 Velie. Inta of extraa. ;ooks like new 730 1020 Rtuts roadster. cord tirea; everything in the way of extras ynu can put . on s car. Don't overlook thia 1I7 Dodge touring. $150 top; st a real bargain. 1919 Naah, repainted, over hauled 700 1921 Nsah, sport model; paint, guaranteed Use new 1000 Peer'eaa bur. f!s-.ey Job, with a lot of speed. 1P1T CadtPac. 7-pssa, pri vately used sM EAST TERMS. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burns. da Bdwy. 0&21. HI'P. Hl'P. n:p. .1010 Hop touring, equipped With Weatinshouee ho'k a hsrhers aid otherwt-e dolled up wit a extras, $t .O (nr immedlaie -ale. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD INC., Bf! w y. S2tl. 11th a rd Bu-relde 1 . FORD touring cr. new tires, spotltrht. atorage batteries. 1 man top. in 1" claas running ordr. Priced f"r n''""t eaie $175; fr further Information phfne Jensen. Bdwy. WM1 , evenings East 2411 . NEW U22 Chevrolet touring. Mv r.r absolutely new. By taking, advantage of my sacrificed price yo can mane an attractive savinga Must eU 'h s car today. Call ma and I win show vou this car. Automatic 40.4 3. 1(21 KOltJ touring with 5 wire w' :. frood tirea bumper. peeiometer, H er shock ahaorhera dash light, uphnl stertng ftntah and motor pke new. Hmall payment down and bal. eeay terms 2ft 1. even in ra 1121 NASH 7-1'AhS. I will sell my Nash at a real bsr fain; has bumpr. good cord tlra. AH rehuilt and new px;ni; loks sod runs like a new car. Price $700. terma Ta- PRACTICA LLT new C nevrolet 4 -door J sedan: latest moii, or ven e!'gtt.y over S0A0 mlies; has had nr.Dt.on rare and Is Jus niceiy farohen ,n . bumper. its cord spare I. re. etc. Owner. P-oom goo Orggntan b dg FORCED to !! my snuity In Iste "2 Chevrolet, soma estraa: has had beat c,f car; run about Jftoo mi.ea Phone Eaat 1371. WILL sacrifice Ute if 1 4 Jt u-iba -er g od condition. fr I H" U:.t K. jur rison. Phone Tabor ICM BKT "OFFER takee I10 fm k m4, I goon enape. new tirea. i car ew prea. Fee ric.ij!evarj erase, 4 I'd and mmisAy HAVE a cvps-l on new P-,rd car w ..1 acU at l-U Uiacou&i. i'aooe E. l7i. rn i r m touohii r. IotH;K BROK. MOTOR CAH . NEW AND HKHl II-T 1?2 Pmlee ouf'tr - 1lt.i Ir..!a r,.).t.f II'. I se t .-r lv.o lw?. rM-i'r I'.-O !-m! Ifur f ls.-.i Teir ! 'i T1 ( loyfiri !: 1 rc!r ', !4,' t ' r ' lf'7 l.f iunr $: Iwl 7 1- -Ite cvertble e- - - 21 l ire aide e-iity The lar ad mwt etoch of r'ii:i Me't S 11 4 rec-nd tinned ffce.M Vaiw:i. 4-er at'iN fetudet'eSers. BKAITT, OftattAat Hir rv INC . Bdwy. sail Barmaid a FORDS rR fALC 1020 Sedan. At conditio .... I44 121 rwitrery with roadster feojy ,40 1P20 Toartnt. eerd tire I91S Touring. Al conditio. . 116 Itoadst. 130 dv. PORTLAND XOT"R CAR CO imh ar4 Bum. Ma Bdwy. S3L . BAf-AVrfC nt PAYMENTS Can't! ac. 5 .a---T-r Overland, ft t-eref. f ierce-Arrow roup Krd rosdsier. pnRTt.ANh VOTO An lth and liums.-l. tw. 0-.l. $no asPT ol MP. s " fnr the t l "rfr"M rtMate w.mi d r-cTmei.d this ear tn any of htm c- nei it.e-.ta l Is MMi.rl Willi manv e.O-a en ! "lu In M p.nrtie r,f i a fce see ih. Jbn K l.e-r.der Co. et H..nsrt- atr-el. !....1-.v 2T.l1 - l-nMTIVt ' V HK-T IH I IN p.HTT.AM' Brand new iUJi U C . n WM sold e-e. pf'" "f ""' nVr- on ll.e er.,., V.'. -M rr-det, equ p-fnf. 5 Mlft t It lerirs no b"'"r" ' "f f" .en st Tenth ai d Mrk sa I -1 'j . 1 1 1 t :K H i T T I ft. r.o- K AT M I H J !' Ins firrMnlni lh 'r when Mill' of the refc .Ol h- . ! -'d b'aired fr t, he. w,r look lk a n" --r-'ie jn k I ,n'1er Co.. 341 lirai.e SI Mroe-I- v i 7 11. . f.VI -S.A rAK1,IN T'tl 1V'I S-ire rer. a ni d lt" pI'Al.rV r-.KAMAW - ' H 1 1 - f S.'-l. Iih B -!! YOU WA'.T ih ! f "r"',7r o.,r n.,. 1 Mnnl fo. v t . . . . , a hi' V a g in r - t .o r. i -.1' r - e, , A- l"l I -r it: i f t and Sd- 1 or ! ' rhid'd A . ' ' j'.... 1 l.. w' : r' -,(, -This ' in P f dM.-.n el " ' fur m ytee i' -n 'e nf a !. .- J"i K. I.-Hfi'1-r . JMI iris...e. I'ted w.v 2.M. V It I. - 7 roe BCrk MmoI Of -' ,.-e at e . , I A i e a r li' 'pi'i A mr M. 1m'-' - - -.-.A. T a nr ia r . r r-P I end ih.t . 11 of . el I Vrl,e, tld fntrril lo libs . te ae f, fe. t, rnia 4;T5 n'rs ih phr- riitii.f 1 !''' r,r ra sv. i'- '-"r-'ae rtcR:Vtat'U' "n..dr ''m r n-a, le,1,ll- ia i-eM. ira st.are t" - I.. Y Mii.i isom i r W R tt t t t nc A" ' I't.'O I li I n ''d . 'rtr ard A., rr r g--l tt. Y"l i" -' t'rd On. l life it f-"f a more m.ie r ri r'-e , , I'.il'J il T'"K ?' Pmrtwr, ( I a-tle and famtr.l a f wheels m" ' I'tri, f mr I Kp ari l fwra new. T rar is a r-arn Ttw t jM niM LA T V. "rrl-j imio el :, . ; I .a .t r r .t 1 irtJ-' :l-n lM r if-. . i i , r Viral -e!a.e r.nd ; f u-n , fun on'y 4 r" r '1-a. reaeonal-.a i- nht rerly. . I'.'l'l V' l; 1 r-t.r. in lif' i "rt"n 'rnMUifl 1 "'l-l rt.a(nd f.ng n a I rih mi"r' ant the fce.a' ni Th- 4 V" U'! sP iiTr"l.ur . ' -. "d eo- (ir nn - e I einTf-d '""r Ifc Y. PILLI'i 7 M'Tttn c. 11a art hot ne A ", a I Sih, l.aal H' CHEVROLET T THIV'- B A N D S rw" Anvnt c..rei-1'rinr hi a car .an ftv ".0 on th'a tnr, petera-. h"Uw'"LS"'': . , . fllAU; a .n'- rri'tei ('..p d on) rs -I r h h hii rt o"-t tn ie., iit 'iifi. ft a i e''ratie ptu, 1 T 'r?-? . 1 :.. y i h . i in n "" ' t o '. . r nrw tir-a and 'ota ol e-ra. tt f h tr.or. m rer but I H Sil It lf V.-nplfe 1711 Kt'K" HAlK-'-n ftl-'i .ret., g A rpeetlNr,l' a rcrdH'co, a I -d l" ih extru-. at a r low ptue. 4i T 't.'-r ' : V -n i TTa "ain" frd rurlhnm. .: h is-1 bos h,fk, fine -ar mr lis d.teT $t', , ,Jr. i- c, i pie- 10 (.VLHI.AM'. ft " I I'rea. prW paine.. god roicli' "P I '."-". Iem L- Y. BILI.IMli-I.LY M"i-HC 1tr" ' mi Ave a I h t'at O T ; ILL ru inv l.g'U C '''" l ar mnA t.v lf 0 ( HrfV. d-.iv rtn for Ir-ia rt'wrr. S-.fne t" Vr, or I"LL.''r,i:: 1,1 . Ht tCH' hal t 'wyi "rf-'-n Wei riuirped. loova -e.l tC" m'wa L Y. IMLI INHM-KT M -T"H It aw i re A ve a h I a at f: J jTi.' I VHlt sr'1(.r. c.rd t . f e St-d e'fa Will take r ord nu"f i Of fa-la. mr in tra-le t anre iiim Parga.n el r.i loi. r.r Hfi nio rr , li a a hew lr S o-f - r. .... t-i-a U Y. I'll. I IV.M.I V M -T -K ' 1f h- i r e A v a I " P . JJ i hfwfv'i vinron fo V. T - rd a- 1 t"-ad: - l'.n t a K hnl.K r t ...it r c 1 1 ri. wll e-i'iTP-d I -. a I. T IMI.I,IN'.1,I r M"f"H ' ll.wi'.rrtv Ave mt ' ! rrj-i A P "I PLY the .rt l. , in c i r rd tr uno tnuet ' r tt . rv ev-''g V,ntit ewetli-iga T.-tor . 1 u!7"t "vtc,r. to! T prf r I m' h a ? . ' a I nA . isi. ' I ' ra rjna apd Hkm (.. k t UriM lale.r 1 I I V r.tt v r Tt rodsre roiidater .-M.g' in V; t, -J' ' "' '''-' ' ,.r Z'' ' 7 . PmHO t- uiifiS o.- 5 n ( spo IgM. .e' - fra I ae . $i't. N io- J,I',T il r .tT .'t" y if-i i"f -irg by Sur-dsr r . e i terma; far w Va: to'". Xu O V f T LA M lo'i'.ri ear e f.w mi'ea la J'tat i h fi. mr a A-1 rondition. left-, a, ( til Pa at 14 1&2I COLK ArWO rflHT. i'"M e. d if loo . owiar ir f ' ! Ui tmt 1. m for fih. Tai-r Sa? lV-1 yOpr touriig. I?7S. 'M.f fh-v-tt rrd , .ra. . ht a ' d na r sat ra, m i a-iarai' A 1 ml " .T J4ST4 Hi: T.I a ! '' '.! t ' T Uhlr h-r par-. fl li-'ey A -'HI pi n!h:a 'i.-kv-: i t " T.'WN M''W!H' K Toi V' HPfl" l7".i ,;k i ", A t'-r 1 v, tip. K a T.P CAN" i new "tt.j7.'.0. I : V ' ' -1 - ' " d ' " lo"ks '. no I'-vjff-e r i-'"ti No :'' 1 C-i.I I N