23 THE MOItXIXG ' OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1923 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. USED FORDS WANTED. "We do not want to take your Ford on consignment. We give you real cash money for your Ford. TWIN TWO MOTOR CO.. INC. Ooy Wash. St., Just Above lVth. Or call Bdn-y. 24S8 for appointment. WANTED Good used auto and some cash for new 4-room house and 5 or 10 acres, suitable Cor chicken ranch. Earl, Slain 0jt2. Motorcycles. LSED MOTORCYCLES, all makes. lib eral terms; used parts 10-75 discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand avenue. Distributors for ACE, reading; standard. Cleveland. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, side car at tachment, thoroughly overhauled, Al condition, price iluO; private. Slio Flanders at. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY L'3. 2')9 Third St. Main fil39. A u toi no biles for Hire. AUTOS drivers, FOR HIRE, with or without Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3Cfl. Remem b er Our N u mber Bd wy. 3u'J0. AUTOS FOR HTRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 12th St. Broadway 0940. 6-CYLINDER, 5-PASS. BUIOK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. -3. 4 7. For Exchange Automobiles. PRIVATELY OWNED VELIE 6. What have you to trade for my Velie , dandy condition; will consider Vic trola. Price S4.j0, equity $200. Mr. Morris, Broadway fiUSO, , between 11 and 12 and after 5 P. M. FOR PALE TRUCKS ANT TRACTORS. 1-TON CHEVROLET truck, self starter, litrhts and pneumatic tires. This Is a substantial worm-drive truck and is in good running order $350 1-ton Ford, worm-drive truck; good closed cub; looks like new; pneumatic tires $400 i-ton GMC. 35x5 pneumatic tires. This truck lias had very careful attention and is an ex cellent buy at $450 i-ton Republic, solid tires,, good standard express body. A real snap - $330 1-ton GMC truck, first-class standard express body. 35x5 cord tires; has seen very little use; never been overhauled; your op portunity to Judge for yourself just how much this truck is worth $850 114-ton GMC, pneumatic tires, all overhauled $1350 1-ton Denby, pneumatic tires, platform body and cab (750 14-ton Federal, pneumatic tires, cab and windshield. This job is in AA1 shape $750 lH-ton White, in goon run ning order; has been in use every day $750 2-ton GMC. This truck has been disassembled, every unit has been carefully inspected, checked and repaired, and we can give you a 100 per cent guaran tee $1575 2-ton GMC, good freight body. Come in and look it over.. $1675 3-ton GMC, looks like a new one and will perform with a new one $2150 3 - ton shape . . . Packard, In good .$500 WENT WORTH & IRWIN, INC., 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor. 1020 OLDS SPEED WAGON. First-class mechanical condition ; all "brand new heavy duty cord tires; $550; terms to suit. PREMIER RALES CO., 0th and Couch Sts. OLDS ECONOMICAL -TON.. Delivery, $050; cprd tires, top con dition. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 32SI. 11th and Burnside sts. 3-TON DUPLEX, a powerful truck; four wheel drive; a big bargain, easy terms. New and used. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. NEW and used trucks, all kinds .sizes and prices ; easy terms. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 3 400. GMC 2 -TON, in fine shape, this is a real buy; easy terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 00;1. evenings East 241S, MACK 2-ton, guarantee! same as new. a real truck at the right price. Phone Jen sen. Bdwy. OHUl, eves. East 2418. FEDERAL 1-ton, with license and all complete. $200 takes It. Phone Jen sen. Bdwy. OliPl. evenings East 2418. REPUBLIC 3&-ton in. first-class snipe. Make offer. Phone Jensen, Bawy. 0691, evt'ntngs East 2418. $150 FORD DELIVERY. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 32S1. ' 1 1th and Burnside Sts. INDIANA 3'vi-ton. ready to go, 050, and it's yours. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0OU1, evenings East 241S. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck In good condi tion $275. Call garage, foot of Everett street. FOIt SALE CHE At. Large assortment bu I ! tractor parts. CLAY S. MORSE. IXC. 1021 FOKU delivery in first-class condi tion, $225. 4;0 Burnslde st. DEAD STORAGE, $4 per month, brick building. 120 Union N. AUTO REPAIRING. YOUR auto repaired at our home or mine with guarantee. Tabor 1146. WASTED MISCF.I.LANEOrS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED MEYER THE TATLOR PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER COATS. MACKINAWS AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN TlPbl CITY, DAY OR EVENING. CALL ATWATER 122U OR 253 MADISON. ECONT-HAND CLOTHING want ed; we pay the most for cast-off clothing and shoes. Call us, Bdwy. 2345. 129 North Sixth st. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAT9 HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 332. 245 Va BURNSIDE 6T. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co.. 164 Park St.. between Morrison and YarnfailL Phone Main 652U. SECuND-HAND clothing wanted. Joe the Tailor puys highest prices for suits, overcoats; we call anywhere in the city. Call Main 236ti or 223 Madison, near 1st st. SPOT CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. Buy, Sell, Rent or Trade. Newman, 12S First, near Alder. Broadway 7161. Auto. 627-46, 625-82. CLOTHING WANTED. GET YOUR FULL VALUE FOR YOUR. CAST-OFF CLOTHING. CAUL MAIN 701)4. 235 1ST ST., COR. MAIN. WE ARE in the market for EVERY THING. Furniture, tools, clothing. junk, etc Call Main -u53-., ' AN T E D Newspapers ana magazines tied in bundles. Will call and pay 00c 10O Ida Call Empire 1339. CLOTHING WANTED if you want to aell cast-off clothing. Mar. 3225. Peo p 1 1' 's Second-Hnd Store. 20 y M a d i.'ic n . INDEPENDENT Paper Stock Co.. 4S Overton. Bdwy. 200.". Highest prices newspapers, magazines, waste paper. DIAMONDS and gold bougnt ; reliable estimates. G. Cramer, 720 Selling bldg. DIAMONDS bought at highest market P ri ce. E. Dee ds. 30 Washington a t. WILL make Xmas novelties, lamp shades, fu n cy uiu 1 e r wear. S e : t . 3 3 y 5 HI Li BEST cash prices paid for rif.es, shotguns. Hochfeid. S5 Sd. near Oak. fcAFE, fireproof, give sze anu. price. ytiO. Oregonian. WANT ail cord Cleveland foot engine ; good condition. Kast S636. WAN TED -Lunch counter, stools, bread rack and fioor case. Walnut 0OS7. LAWN mower, aiso set high-grade china dishes, reasonable. Tabor 6730. CARPENTER'S large tool chest: might buy toois if chtap, Bdwy. 4S00. Fnrn.ture Wanted. CALL MAIN SS7S. We pay the highest prices for use furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORK. CALL MAIN KS78. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; pay cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First st. WE BUY used furniture of all descrip tions, and pay the right price, AMER ICAN FURNITURE CO. East. 2405, WANTED MISCELLA?. EOl S, 1 urmture Yt anted. GSVUKTZ PAYS TUf PRICES FOR USED FURNITURE. We just moved to our new location and we need all kinds of household goods, furniture, carpets, stoves, etc Caii ATWATER 0587. and our buyer will coine at once with the cash. A. di S. GEVCRTZ FURNITURE STORE. 1G5-1G7 1st., near Morrison. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time; best possible prices paid for furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds of household goods to snip out of town; will pay more than other local dealers; call us for one article or a houseful ; a courteor.s, competent buyer will call. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange, 72 N. Third st. Bdwy. 22'Hi. PAi S-fuX cash for second-hand furni ture, rugs, carpets, stoves, dressers, tables, cnnirs, beds, dishes, everything you want to sell or exchange. . We pay more than anyone in town; your cail promptly attended to. CALL EAST 898. LOOK HERE. SE3 FOR YOURSELF. We are in the market for furniture and household goods. Also grafonoias and pianos and we pay ail it's worth. One piece or a houseful. We aJways pay more than local dealers because we ship ou t of town. Call Main 405S CALL MAIN 0734. You paid for your furniture and household goods all it is worth. Why not gfct all it is worth now? When you call Main OT34 you will be sure you will get every cent it is worth now. Cail Main 0734. v ATWATER 2093 Call a, fair and square man when selling your furniture, rugs and household goods, and I will pay "you all U is worth;- we will appreciate your call and attend to it immediately. Atwater 2003. WE WILL BU- your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Bauer & Co., auctioneers. Main 3332. WILL exchange dental work for furni ture. East 0172. EDUCATIONAL. $50.00 NOW FOR OUR REGULAR $150 AUTO-TRACTOR-ELECTRIC IGNITION AND BATTERY COURSES. HEMPHILL'S SCHOOLS ARE AP PROVED BY THE STATE DEPART MENT OF EDUCATION. APPLICA TIONS FOR STATE BONUS NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR OFFICE. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOLS, FIFTH AND GLISAN STS. NEAR UNION DEPOT. IF YOU WANT A GOOD POSITION READ THIS AD. We have helped hundreds of our graduates to big paying jobs. We can help you, too. We teach auto repair ing, auto starting, lighting and igni- tion, aleo battery wont. Specializing in auto electricity. The untrained auto mechanic finds it difficult to get a position at low pay; Ad-cox graduates are in demand at big pay. The dif ference is Adcox men are trained spe cialists. Full proof of the above is in our new 112-page catalog. Write for a copy, it's free (ask for Book No. 51 or call and inspect school any day at iu a. Ai. or 2 f. Ai.. except Saturday. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, .1 1 wasco at., tjor. union Ave. Take Wood lawn or Alberta Car. STEADY POSITIONS and GOOD SALARIES for LINOTYPE OPERATORS. A shortage of competent operators sureaay exists and inousanda ot type setting machines will be installed within the next lew years. . Prepare now. You can learn to op erate a Linotype in 13 weeks. Print ing m all its branches taught in from twelve to eighteen months. Easy terms. Address: Northwest School of Printing, N, 216-21 Division' at., Spokane. W ash. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here it is. dtanaardfzea with schools in 00 other cities. Best laboratories,best ciiup equipment ana instructors. AC tual shop practice given on real re pair jobs. Results absolutely guaran teed. The time for you to go to school is while business is quiet. Prepare now lor big business opening in a few montns. inquire Oregon Institute Technology. Main st. at Sixth. Ex- service men get STATE AID. NIGHT AUTO INSTRUCTIONS. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL. Night class begins November 1 ; no appiicatiwn accepted after October 25. Class limited to 50 students. Enroll now to insure a place In the class. School open for inspection Friday eve ning at 7:30. Take Woodlawn or Al berta car on Second street; get off at Union ave. and Wasco st. BEGIN EARNING MONEY QUICKLY. Enroll for day or summer school at this great business college, the train ing school for success. Courses include comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat. Write or phone Main 590 for free catalogue. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Fourth, near Morrison. Portland. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach the trade in 8 weeks, fur nish a set of tools to you and give you some pay while learning; positions se cured. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside st. i.HE DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Alisky bldg. SPECIAL ENGLISH CLASS. Anyone who wishes to Im prove his English is eligible. Evening classes. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty: tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 2S"1 Madison. ii' lUU like to draw, a large commercial art house will show you how -to earn money in spare time; state age, phone, address,boxJ, etc. V 076, O rego n ia n. MODERN barber college teaches trade in b weeks; tools furnished; some pav; position secured; special rate this month. Write or cail 234 1st st. STUDY MASSAGE AND HYDROTHER APY Portland School of .Massage, Inc., 414-15 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 2722. MISS MATTiNGLY'S Shorthand. Tpe writing school; individual instruction. 200 14th, near Jefferson. BEAUTY parlor course evenings at spe cial summer rates. Madam Curds, 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. 0902 LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Day and night classes. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agencv. Enzoll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst etate supt., mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. 312-13, F1SK TEACHERS' AGCY., Journal bldg. tfoi. xctujiuug position; tree reg. AiiLUAhKi classes organizing in my home. Cal! East 0936. YATES -FISHER Teacher Agencv Free registration. Main 6274. Bdwy. bldg. HELP WANTED MA L E. WANTED. APPLE PACKERS. Six cents per box on job and gen eral warehouse help. F. E. Oil em an. Hood River, Or. ALL AROUND printer for country daily. Must be good all around floor and press, fast and accurate; steady job. State wages, or no attention. Give age, married or single. AV 161, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced stave sawyers and pickups. Applicants must apply in person. Western Cooperage plant, St. Johns, city. WANTED First-class experienced wash erman. ?35 per week. Address AV 15S. Oregonian. MAN for all-around painting, cleaning and repairing in apartment house; also help janitor. A 13. Oregonian. GOOD home and small wages to a man for washing dishes and helping about tru house. East 4222. WANTED Two blacksmiths; men with steam hammer experience preferred. A. p p I y 5 20 Ore gon b 1 d g. WANTED Good all-around tailor. Ap ply Joe Or man. Bank of Commerce bldg., Oregon City, Or. j ACTIVE, willing boy for errands in w holf sale house. App'y 134 Front st. FIRST-CLASS stove repa.ir man- by Star Furniture Co.. cor. 1st and Morrison. EXPERIENCED sheet metal worker. Roehm Hardware Co., S33 Miss. ave. uNE FIRST-CLASS detail frame ma chine man. 224 2d st. WANTED Operator on coats. Barkhurst. 6th and Stark. Ray COATMAKER wanted at once. Abington bldg. Ba K HER wanted, steady job, S2U guar anteed. 205 Morr'son st. WANTED Experienced pouring man for - mirror works, h. a st aivts. WANTED Experienced baker'a he! bt Mississippi avenue. HELP W.VXTED MALE. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 ANKENY ST., COR. SECOND. LEADING LUMBER OFFICE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. OFFICE OPEN 7 A. M. TO ti:3Q P. M. NORTH TO GRAYS HARBOR. WASH, CU-AIUrOlWb A.N U M Li T it, -SA.NO. WASH. Mill and yard men, 53.25 end $3.50 young men. box factory, jj. Ship to nignt. SOUTH MILL CITY CR HAMMOND LUMBER CO.. FARE ADVANCED. CAMPS WILL RUN STEADY." 3 sets failers, 38c M. or $4.80 and o.: 4 DucKers. 3c M. or S4.su choker setters, S4.Su; 2 chasers, $4.S0 snip toaay. KLAMATH FALLS. OR., FREE FARE, b track men, 4; board $1.0i per day cnip lomgnt. LARGE CAMP TILLAMOOK LINE, FARE ADVANCED. This camp will run al! winter. Board hoc per meal. see us toaay. ' . 4 buckers, $5.40. 4 sets failers, $5.S5 and $6.12. 5 R. R. laborers, $4.05. LATE SPECIALS. 1 hewer bridge timbers, $5.75. 2 piledriver men. $5.00. 1 loading engineer. $7.00. 1 loading, dupiex engineer, $7.50. . 1 head loader. $S.0o. 3 buckers by M. 15c. 22c, 30c. 1 head rig man, $6.50. 1 2nd rig man, $5.50. 2 construction millwrights. $6.00. 4 rick woodchoppers, tools furnished rick $1.00. 5 carpenters, B. & B. gang, S. P. Co., Sacramento. Free fare. LATER ONES ON OUR BOARDS THIS MORNING. IF YOU WANT WORK, WE HAVE IT. AEVV UKDKKS COMING - EVERY HOUR. PEE US TODAY. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. MEN WANTED. At rates prescribed by th United States Labor Board, as fellows: MACHINISTS. 70 cents per hour. BLACKSMITHS. 70 and 80 cents per hour. BOILERMAKERS, 70 cents per hour. FREIGHT CAR MEN. 63 cents per hour. Apply to Any Roundhouse or Shop, or to Superintendent. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. WANTED Advertising man to solicit business in Portland. Publication one of the leading national trade papers of America. An opportunity for a good maa who may be representing some otner non-contiictmg publication. Will" make a fine commission arrange ment. Must be absolutely dependable, first-class man of ,jrood appearance. Address, giving age, details of past experience, names of publications new representing, if any; also references. All correspondence confidential. The manager will be in Portland shortly and will arrange to see those whose answers are complete and who will ap preciate this opportunity. AV 144, Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. ' Young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines a'e invited to consult the advisory and employment department. Y. M. C. A. To non-members a special membership la issued, costing $5 per annum, giv ing service of this department for a year and two months' full privileges and ten months' social privileges of the association. WANTED 3 BUCKERS, 5 RAILROAD LABORERS, FOR LOGGING R. R. APPLY 4L' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 33 N. 3D ST., NEAR BURNSIDE. WE ARE in need of a first-class cutter for men's tailoring; must be able to handle both city trade with tryon and country orders without tryon. Position now open for head cutter; good salary; h steady piace. ?o one considered .Dut high-class man. Write or wire Browns ville Woolen Mills, Portland, Or. WANT at once experienced shop grader and tallyman; steady work, good sal ary;, none but first-clase man consid ered; phone or wire. SCHAFER BROS. LUMBER & DOOR CO., Montesano, Wash. WANT 8 rough carpenters long way south In California, winter's jojj. Also want some slab wood contractors in city, 40c a load on cars. Winter's job. Want 10 construction men. $4 and $4.50, close by. Sanitary camps. 224 Burnside. BUTTS AND OAK. YOUNG man for mall order department ruling orders, keeping up stock, etc. Wages $18 week to start.-Good opening tor right man. permanent, state age and experience. Don t answer unless you have pep and ability. AM 11, Oregonian. WANTED Painters and laborers to ex change work for complete courses in auto, tractor, electric ignition and bat tery course, in our new school, now un- uer construction. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOLS, Fifth and C.lisan Sts. STEADY MAN wanted to take perma nent charge good territory; supplies and special information furnished ; ex perience not required; cash weekly. If a permanent, profitable business inter ests you give us a trial. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toppenish, Waeh. $225 PER MONTH averaged by many salesmen; some make more; congenial easy work for young or old; experience .unnecessary; cash weekly; business splendid year around. Washington Nursery Company. Toppeniah. W as h . WANTED AT ONCE Boys and young men w 1 1 11 w nee is to aenver telegrams in the city; easy, congenial work, good pay, steady job. Only bovs over 16 years of age need apply. C. W Loop, 253 Oak st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS ELECTRI CIAN FOR REPAIR WORK; MUST UNDERSTAND CONDUIT THOROUGH LY. OREGON PULP & PAPER CO.. SALEM. OR. WANTED Bookkeeper and general of fice man with lumber experience; must be familiar with cost accounting, bill ing iind invoicing. Replies will be an gwered Saturday. AV 153. Oregonian BIG OPPORTUNITY City Koines dept., must have auto. ROGER W. CARY UPSTAIRS. 142V3 2d., cor. Alder. IF YOU are a good salesman come and see me. I have a money-making prop osition for you. Director Brick, Moose Temple. FIRST-CLASS bridge carpenter foreman for highway bridges; long job, good wages. Portland Labor Agency, 11 N. Second st. BARBER wanted. Friday and Saturday, muM be good barber, union shop, no old man wanted. Sl6 Lombard. St. Johns car. FARM HAND and milker wanted ; must be steady, willing to work; $50, room and board to start. Call between 10 and 11 A. M. Oct. 12. 4S3 Union ave V WANTED First-class sheet metal work er. J. L. Austin Sheet Metal Works, 37 East Alder. MALE stenographer. splendid oppor tunity for right man. Phone 1 Em pire 1303. EDWARDS CO., 5th and Oak. require the services of an experienced man for car pe t and linoleum wo rk . HIGH school or college student, good typist, $:0 Business Placement Serv ice, ."4f Morgan B.'cg. YOUNG man, piano player, wanted; will ing to travel. Apply 321 Lumbermens bldg. SPORTING and athletic goods, salesman wanted; one who has road experience preferred.. J 0. Oregonian. CAN USE more men for important special work, permanent with a fu ture Call or write. 329 E. Morrison. WANTED First-class cabinet maker; none other need apply. James I. Mar slmil Mfg. Co.. 4--2-Hoyt street SHIP CARPENTEP.S WANTED. Apply Portland Shipbuilding Co., foot of Ne braska st. WANT young men for railway news serv ice; blue serge suit and 23 cash se curtty required. Apply 131 N. oth st. WANT bushelman ana" presser. 14 12th street. WANTED -One, carpenter finisher, no other need apply. Call 676 Ladd ave. Help Wanted Salesmen, HIGH-CLASS salesman to side high-class homes. tractive position. handle west A Very at- J. R HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 3-2 Ank-ny nr. Broadway. Bdwy. 2045. WANTED Salesman with car. Main 1S5fll. DEPENI At 12 DABLE magazine salesmen. Call totock JutcnanaTQ Diag. .1 HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN. If you are a real huitler and can buy a demonstrator, there is a wonderful opportunity selling the Willys-Knight and Overland; it will take a lot of grit and hard, work; if yon can meet these requirements get in touch with us. Previous experience unnecessary. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 3535. WANTED, GENTLEMEN SALESMEN. We want salesmen ot high character, who think in terms of $ou00 per year end up, permanent, with plenty of op portunity to advance to executive posi--tions. We teach you the ousiaess and give every possible co-operation. Cail at una wiicox oidg. LA.Di salesman wanted. If you are locking for a good steady lob and have the pep and sticktoitiveness aj a good salesman, call and see us be teen 5 and 6 P. M. Good territory now open for the right man. 105 N. - 2d et. SALESMEN. exclusive territory; oat ented article first time here; long term contract; rirst imnortant improvement of its kind in 2000 years; high-ciass merchandising proposition ; representa tive wanted m every country-. j&ee vi eaver. Congress Hotel, room 406. SALESMEN wanted, towns outside Port land in Oregon and Washington; sell Foater's Bonded Aspirin ; $1.50 every sale. R. F. Lynch & Co., 504 Exchange bidg.. Portland, Or. LOS ANGELES manufacturer wants re sponsible distributor for article in great demand ; experience not neces sary; no competition; restricted- terri tory. 443. Burnside. SALESMAN wanted, experienced in han dling ousiness cnancea or apartment houses; must have license; regular realtor commissions. AP 038, Oregonian. 6 SPECIALTY salesmen, with grocery or security selling experience; must have clean record. Answer with reference, AB 14. Oregonian. WE DESIRE the services of high-class salesmen; splendid opportunity; rei erences required. Apply 447 Morgan bldg ATTRACTIVE proposition for Al solici tor tor dry Cleaning p. ant; oniy live wirei. Must have own delivery car. 173 W. Park. REAL ESTATE salesman with auto wanted. Old established firm. Fine opportunity right man. 274 Stark st. TAILOR Able to sfll. The real thing must have car. tor tne ngnt man; AJ 8i5, Oregonian. TWO high-class advertising programme salesman, live proposition. 21 totocK Exchange. Apply before 0:30. ADVERTISING talesman with a punch. salary and commission, city or oad work to right man. 60S Panama blog. SALESMAN Young man to take orders; good for $2o week to start. Mr. Piper, 222 Failing bldg. EXPERIENCED magazine salesman for business section. Worth $o0 and better to live man. Room zjtz, 122 3d st. WANTED AGENTS. HEALTH, accident and hospital insur ance; big commission. oOl Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. APPLE PACKERS.1 Six cents per box on job and general warehouse help. F. E. OLLEMAN. Hood River, Or. WANTED Youne ladv canable of oper ating multigraph successfully and can do clerical work; temporary employ ment few weeks. Reply with refer ences and salary expected. AF 6, Ore gonian EXPERIENCED stenoKraoher for fire in surance and mortgage loan oiiice; stata experience, age. salary expected; ans wer own handwriting. AP 7, Ore gonian. WANT strong, healthy woman to care for invalid ladv: salary 9 to a month. Call between 2 and 4 afternoons, 206 Oregonian bldg., or telephone same hours Main 01SS. WANTED Young woman to take care of sick woman, to do Uetit nouseworK room, board and small wages. Call 367 E. Irving, between s A. -M ana r f. m LADIES for house to house canvassing; average 14 daLy to start, call Satur day afternoon, 10 to 12 Sunday; fore noons wpen days. 262 3d and Madison. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army White Shield Home, Mayfair and Alexander sts, Phone Main 2450. DM car. WOMAN wanted, high school or normal training, writing good hand, speamng good English. $1200 and ub B 1000, Oregonian. WANTED Woman r.ot over 30 years old as second cook to work with man fir.st cook in large camp; will have man kitchen helper also. AF 1. Oregonian. AN Al SALESLADY with book-selling experience, splendid salary and com mission. BOOK of KNOWLEDGE, 132 10th st. CLEVER woman to take orders for Xmas stationary. Attractive offer, bldg Call on trade only. 527 Cham, of Com. WANT woman as kitchen helper; small camp, close in; wages $20 a montn, board, bed. Portland Labor Agency, 11 N. Second st. WANTED Young German girl or woman in family of 3 adults and children; knowledge of English not necessary. Call Main 4586 mornings. WANT cook, hotel, city, JG0, R. & B.; girl for institution to do combination wook ; cook for private home. , Square Deal Employment. Macleay bldg, 401. LADIES in Portland and throughout Ore gon interested in making money for themselves, through clubs, churches, etc.. call or write 627 Corbett bldg. APPRENTICE wanted, beauty . parlor; young lady living at home preferred. 428 Mert'eal bldg. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girl in distress. U55 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 0316. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. Apply morning, 702 Mv sall. IF YOU are a good saleswoman call and see me; I have a money-making propo sition. Director Brick, Moose Temple. SCHOOLGIRL or person employed In morning, over 18. to assist with house work. Automatic 814-76. WANTED Young lady, pleasing person al tit y, to assist physician do general office work. Dr. Dean. 234 Morrison. HEAVY masseuse, Swedish graduate preferred; give name and phone. V 970. Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, small family. Call Auto matic 328-74. YOUNG lady stenographer, state experi ence. ' age and salary expected. AR ftS7, Oregonian. YOUNG lady to operate switchboard in Ford agency ; must be courteous and aggressive. PC ftiifl. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chorus girl wanted, good salary. Apply 321 Lumbermen's building. EXPERIENCED stenographer for whole sale nouse, stage age, experience and references. A 729. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house keeping, family of two; small wages but comfortable home. Sell. 3925. WANT cook for small hospital, after 9 A. M., 742 Overton st. WANT cook for ranch. Main 3191. Phone early. "WANT an experienced waitress at the Campbell Hotel. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Grand ave. GIRL living on St. Johns carline for light factory work. Walnut 20S5. WANTED Reliable aged woman for light housework. 702 Wiicox bldg. WANTED Operator on coats. Ray Barkhurst, 6th and Stark. GIRL or woman assist with general housework. East ti45. WANTED Woman to do plain cooking. A pply 12 East Seventh st. South. GIRL wanted for confectionery and cigar store. 3i1 Burnside st. CLERICAL worn.. 73. Business Place ment Service. 540 Morgan bldg. Wanted Domestics. GIRL for general housework in small pri vate family, pleasant surroundings. Call Tabdr 7-00. WOMAN, experienced with children and plaio cooking, no washing, no furnace, yao. Tabor 7777. ' WANTED Woman to do plain cooking. Apply 12 East Seventh st. South. GIRL for general housework in family of three. Aut. 312-3. GIRL for general housework; i r. g- and no furnace Rl E. no wash 17th N. WANTED Girl for general housework. JVSl Knott st., cor. 14th. GIRL for general housework, small fam a ! y. Aut. 320-3 2 GOOD girl for general housework ; no washing or cooking. 32S Jackson street. GIRL for general housework. Call East alftj . . WOMAN for light housework and care of children; small wages. Tabor 37J7. GIRL for jgeneral housework and cook ing. Apply 215 N. 24th st. Main 9368. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. Call Main S26S. H E IP Vi. NT ED FEMALE. Waated Domestics. WOULD like a girl to help with light housework and take care of little girl of 3 years; will have A good home. Call at 4oO Clay st., reference pre ferred. , WANTED Clean, energetic woman to help in kitchen; small family hotel, for board and room, self and hus band. East 7384. GIRL wanted for ceneral housework; good wages and good home. Phone Auto. 610-&13. Spring and Foster road. i-e n ts. WOMEN wanted for peeling pears. Star rui i roduce Co 321 . limniiL C1RL or woman for general housework, 2 in family; pay $3o per month. Phone Tabor 7407. 10 A. M. to 12, or call 040 East Main. CLERICAL nurse wanted to assist with light housework. Auto. bit-. ur Bach, Beliview Sanitarium. GIRL to do eeneral housework ; must be abie to cook. Call Main 4264 or apply 778 Everett st. WANTED Girl for housework; .no cook ing. Cail 151 Laddington Court. Ta bor 5754. WANTED Neat, reliable maid for gen eral housework. Must be good cook. Family of 3. Call Tabor 7702. EXPERIENCED maid for cooking downstairs work. Main 2057. and 581 Jackson. Portland Height! YOUNG woman to assist with housework, good home. Call 300 Cook ave. Phone East 94S5. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general housework; wages $50. Atwa- ter 041D. - HELP witn housework, electric washing machine and cleaner. Call between 8 and 10 mornings. 331 12th st. GIRL wanted to assist with general housework. Call Tabor 8766. 32 East 41st st. North. COMPETENT girl to assist with light housework. 3 In family; $25 a month. Tabor 9382. GIRL for general housework. 2 adults between rnd 1 child. 185 16th St., Yamhill and Taylor. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work ; good cook ; no laundry; four adults; good wages. Call Main 3720. WANTED COMPETENT COOK. REF ERENCES. APPLY 61W FLANDiSRS. PHONE MAIN 4i5. WAITRESS for logging camp, $65 a month, board and room. Columbian Employment Agency, 21 N. 2d St. GIRL Assist light work, care children. Good home, steady position for right girl. Main 2S30. MAID for cooking and downstairs work Mrs. Unas, McGonlgle. At water HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED. APPLE PACKERS. Six cents per box on Job and sjeneral warehouse help. F. E. Oileman, Hood River, Or. HET.P WANTED WITH IWKSTMFNT. SALESMEN and saleswomen wanted; if you are good at selling and ha $8 come and see me; I have a money making proposition for you. Director Brick. Moose Temple. WANTED PARTIES FOR ROAD SHOW. BIG RETURNS. EXPERI ENCE NOT ESSENTIAL. H AN SWERING STATE ALL. W IS. ORE GONIAN. NURSE of good character and executive ability with services; some mvnuri.- required; references exenangea. a dress AV 15. Oregonian td K I)TV I." VI in tfthl Inhed wooasaw bust neji: small investment; make from 6 to J10 a day. 505 Swetland bldg. WANTED Man with small amount to Incornomte. 423 in. jiornson. WANTED Partner Hi Phone Walnut 4452. fuel business, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Tailoring. Will exchange first-class oaintina: for tailoring. Call JK. 4.. BOY. 17 vears old, wants work on farm. is well experienced. Write 281 & Lar rabee st. Clifford Starr. FLOOR surfacing and finishing. waxin and nolishlnsr. w . n. nuuit. 32d ave S. E. Tabor 4052. Ti-w nTMi r hfMisp and cararei and re nair old ones: rock-bottom prices. 733 East Main. East 30. TREES topped or removed from park ings or any place in city, by experi enced man. Atwater 3006. YOUNG married man wants Job. Drive car or truck. Anything considered. M a i nj 5Sl.Davi so n. , WANT WORK Young married man, auto mechanic, driver or anything; references. Y 12, Oregonian YOUR car repaired, your home or mine; work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 2830. suite 18. YOUNG man. 21, with some experience, wants position press feeding. Tabor ' 7003. FILIPINO young man wants position, jpnitor or housework. Call William, Auto. 517-89. CARPENTER expert for Inside nnisn and cabinet worn, u; u -. Call Main 752ft. WANTED Work of any kind ror J-ton truck. 1.75 hour or win contrast any thing. Atwater 2083 PAINTING, paperhanging, kalsomining; nrices lowest, material, worKmaiisnip guaranteed. estimates frte. Tab. 232S. HIGH school boy 16 needs work after school, or lor ooaru ana room. i water 0260. Room 34. YOUNG man wants work in dairy, neiper on truck or labor 01 any aino. isawy. 4100, room 6. mornings. YOUNG man with some experience wants work In meat market, rnone aiwaier 4587. . MARRIED man needs work, painting. kalsomining. rioors waxeo ana pousneu by expert. Reasonable. Main 1515. PAINTING. PAPERING. KALSOMINING .Material and wornmansnip guaran eed. Phone East 0212. YOUNG married man wishes Job as Chaufreur, lor private iamuy or con cern, experienced. Sell. 3822. Flat D. SHINGLING We specialize in reshSn- gling and roor repairing; get our esti mate: work guaranteed. Matr. 7!10. FIRST-CLASS all around machinist wants work; can do any machine shop or millwright work. Call Sell. 2004. GUARANTEED RESHINGLING, KABLE & t-., Worcester Diag. East 2684. JANITOR wishes work In office building or apartment. August Neuman, phone Atwater OS.M HOTEL clerk, three years experience meeting commercial public; references. 415 Angela noiei. ELDERLY man wants lob as watchman, collector or elevator operator. East McCoy. . DENTIST Experienced, registered man, wishes laboratory work in city office. N 13, Oresonian. MAN and wiie wish position as man agers of rooming house or apart ments; references. AL 982. Oregonian. MAN and wife wish position as camp or boarding house cooks; years' expe rience. O 081. Oregonian. BRICKWORK, boilers relined, fireplaces, etc. Auto. 319-39. PAPERING, painting and tinting; paper ing 30 cents a roll. Atwater 24!t3. PAINTING, tinting, best material used. For real service call Main 7S65. , MARRIED man, white, janitor work, handy all around. A 19. Oregonian, GARDENER, experienced, wants pcsl tioD. H. Scott. Hoytt hotel, city. MECHANICALLY inclined young- man wants job. Main 2087. t MARRIED MAN BADLY IN NEED OF WORK. WALNUT 701 S, , JAPNEriE wants position, any kind of 1. a foml'v Alltn. ?l'-71 PAINTING. referen ?s tinting Auto. and paperhanging, B22-38. or Sell. 1027. 2 YOUNG men wish rongh carpenter work or remoaenng. wain o:. FIRST-CLASS ALL-AROUND MACHIN IST WANTS vurvtv. ALAL1 Pl. YOUNG man of some experience wanU jet in meat marnei. empire FIRST-CLASS dyer and cleaner wants work. A V 130. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS elevator man wanta job. elevator or watchman. Call East 3232. PLUMBING repair expert wants small jobs: low prVe. Walnut 40. JANITOR or nightwatenman, enced, Phone East lf20. RESHINGLING and repairing, roof work of all kindf. Walnut 521 f. Cement work; have mixers. phone tabor 6751. carpenter a no. 1 builder of homes. jobbing. tabor 3323. PLUMBING and repairing, best work, i-ea.-onab'e. Phone East f3S. HOlsE painted. S-lO-tHo; pure lead oil used. Call East 0450. p 1NTING. tinting, papering; good work; reasonable. Sellwood 1309. FAINTING, tinting, papering, eatlmates furn. A. C. Kinder & Co. Atwater 1828. CARPENTER UNEMPLOYED, H J MODELING DONE. WAL lo6i S ITt'A TJ IO XS n AXTE D MA l.K. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman, cultured and refined. thoroughly experienced in nursing, desires the care of a male- in valid; thoroughly qualified; trained in nursing and hospital management; would be valuable as doctor Wm ant ; will go any place and work ieng hours, but the salary must be at tractive; references exenaugad ; avail able Nov. 1, ll22. AV 1A5. Oregon. an. EXECUTIVE Thoroughly capable, ex perience with large corporation manager large branch, acquainted with business men and bankers of north west, open for position where ability, experience and acuuaintanc wil oe required. Have handled sales force and credits, collections and auditing. AH ftsft, trgoman. notice, contractors. Graduate civil engineer; several years technical and business exper ience, field and office, dtires connec tion with contracting firm a esti mator, office manager, etc., in or out of city; available immediately. S 24, Oregonian. BY EXPERT automobile mechanic with long experience with machine tool, welding, battery repairing and gen eral shop work; will take full charge of shop If necessary and furnish rx cellent references. AP 97S. oreiconiar SHINGLING We speciaiixe in rehln gling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; sat la fact! on guaranteed, eau- mates free. East TV-H. YOUNG man, 25. salesman, buyer, man ager, etc, wholesale and retail, deaires position where ability, personality and experience ia required; highest credeu- tials. S 23, OregoniciQ. CARPENTER work wanted by good me chanic by hour, day or job. Estimate of time and material gladly given. Shop 345 RusseiL Phone after &:30 P. M. East 7000. PRINTER Al printer, capable of tak ing complete charge of average shop; salary must be good, but can deliver the goods. 8. S. Sivertson. box 266. Yreka, Cal. BATTERY repairman; have had 1 years' straight sales and service ex nripnrn: U'lllnrd 1 Kxide 111 alnz!e 24 years of age. What have you? J. Rush. Box itsa. snverton. or. PAINTING AND PAPERING. Let me guarantee you a first-class jot at a reasonable price. J. n. jenatna. labor ;.. MAN experienced in auditing, appraising and systematizing will accept perm a n-nt position or will contract any part 01 the work. B(J a. uregonian. NIGHT watchman or other work be tween the hours of 4 and 12 P. M Wanted by eldNy- man; references given. L 047. Or-gonian. MAN WITH FORD WISHES WOKK WITH COLLECTOR OR SALESMAN BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. AT WATER 3307. . I CAN drive any make of aas car; cm furnish good reference; would like to drive party to Los Angelas. Call red, 530. Alder st. Bdwy. 1 S.VJ. SHOE MAN With 12 years' experience in retail; also window trimmer, wants position in or out of city. Box AP 25, Oregonian. AM FIRST-CLASS aula mechanic and good on ignition. Will do uny kind of worK to snow aoiuty oerore oeing hired. Earl Sherman. Atwater 2B:i7. STEADY, reliable young man. now em ployed, desires position where there is chance lor advancement. Will jam L. Pratt. 1704 E. 8th St.. S. Portland. WANTED Painting. Special rates fur double houses and large jobs; nrt clsss work guaranteed. Cail Empire 0122. A-l BUILDER Estimates nNhed: see my work. W gladly fur i.nut ."3j. BulsE pointed. :.0-e0.".; $1-$.-,: papering. 35c roll. rooms tinted. Walnut os4. It ookkeeera. ytnocrapnr. Offlc e. ACCOI NTANT and goneral bookkedp. r. 12 ears' experience with large cor poration in the east, desires to locate in the west; can supervise or handle large set of books, prepare state and fodtral tax returns, operate modern oTfice equipment, prefer lumber busi ness in or out of town; 32 years of ae. married; references furnished from former and present employers, alo C. p A. For personal interview write Thomas F. Kerr. Yoncalla, Oregon. ONE WHO is conscientious has Initia tive and personality; 30 years of age and mar-ied; have supervised vari ous departments, such as purchasing, receiving, shipping, accounting and em ployment; experience acquired throuKh 13 years of steady employment in white lead and metal manufacturing plant. AF f'4, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING service. weekly or monthly. Financial statements pre pared; audits. PjG. Bjx 556. MARRIED MAN "wishes work, office, salesman or driver. Walnut 074it. GOOD bookkeeper and office man desires position; references. W 22. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE REFINED young lady wishes general office position; beet of reference. AH 76, Oregonian. COMPANION Young lady employed days desires place as companion nighta in exchange for room and board. Chil dren or traveling man's wife preferred. X 17. Oregonian. MRS ANNE HUNTER would like day work, laundry or cleaning. Phone Sell wood 0142 or Sell wood 7o;l3. Address 618 Maiden ave.. Sell wood. GIRL. 2. wihes position as oiflce aait. ant; can operate typewriter; experi enced in meeting public; good refer ences. BF S, Oregon ian. EXPERIENCED comptometer operator and billing clerk wishes position, can also orterate switchboard. Call Main B41. apt. 211. any day before 1 P. M YOUNG lady will take charge of apart ment house or will cook for one or two; ranch or homestead. AE 3. Ore- fron 1 an. eyvkr i i-:nced woman withes day work, apartmenti preferred. Bdwy. 2411. Mrs. Gallagher. BEAUTY operator wishes position, facial, scalp treatments, permanent wav;ng. East 7710- RELIABLE, all-around woman for day work, laundry, cleaning or cooking Call Main 7S13 EXP. cook and chambermaid wieht-s po sition in country hotel, on dredge or logging camp. Mn-M. R. 0ft. EXPERIENCE! maid. kitchen heP, dishwasher; any ama ol wor. ai water 37S2. , TRAINED nurse will stay with children while mother is away. 80c per hour. East 4048, or Tabor 223". LET me bake pumpkin pies and dough nuts for your Halloween party. Phone Walnut 21. WOMAN want position in grocery or bakery, experienced cashier. Auto matic 35-l). EXPERIENCED woman wants house work ; small town or suburbs; refer- ences. AV 160. Oregonian. GIRL 13 wants work after school for room, board and little wages. Call Main PK74. RESPECTABLE girl wishes errand or light office work; small salary. Main CItjO. m 2 SWISS girls wish positions doing gen eral housework. Box 128, R- 2, Beav- erton. Or. GROCERY CLERK with 5 years experi enco wanta work. Tabor 412. EXPERIENCED woman housework and cooking. wants lurht Brdwy. lj-.2. WOMAN wants hour or day work or care of children. East 2CR3 DESIGNER WANTS WORK. BDWY. 13R7. EX P E P. 1 E N C E D all-round orator want a-ork at pn beauty 00. Eaat COMPETENT worr.an wishes lny work, n u rs in g and sewing. Main Q2 M . WOMAN wants to ciean of free, steady Job. 147 Belmont at. Rauwrher. LADY wants work, cafeteria or janitor work preferred, tan ucwy. j-i RELIABLE woman wants housework by ncur ; referencee. East room 3S. WILL care for child ren atternoun ana evening. Atwater 3!-61. PIANO taueht by experienced lady, rea sonable; adults or children. En at 03 1 3. DAY WORK. WANTED. Best references. Automatic flirt-3k, EXPERIENCED girl wishes to care for tab ies. Ma i n ca. LADY wanta housework by the day. Sell wood 253. DAY WORK, cleaning, washing, ironing, at 8 A M. Call Bast .1311. COOKING or ar.y k nd of cafeteria work by exp. woman. Phone Walnut GIRL will take charge of chidren even I n K3. Wa 1 n ut Snl. Main 3"10. EXPERIENCED cook, wishes position. Mn1.- good 1 4W.t2 WANT DAY WOKK. EAST Rook k ee pe m. Stenogru phera. O fire. STENOGRAPH irlth five years eral office experience desires posit ion. preferably In small office; local ref erences. Tabor 4C4. WOULD like position as stenographer, typist or general office work: experi enced, educated; referrncea East wu31 BT RESPONSIBLE person, addressing and copying, at home. Call Bdwy. -ics 7. STENOGRAPHER employed has time and would like extra work. AN li, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cashier and general of fice Firl wants work. J Oregonian. CoM PETENT bookkeeper and stenog rapher, 11 yeara' experience. A4w. xiJ, situations w tvTrn-rrM i UKkkeejertt. ?irpg rler. fftr. REFINED young Isdy w1h renar! office pof.ti'-n; bt of reference AH UTG. Oregonian. YOUNG married wman with 7 y-r srtnral office ixpiirnf. wo'd 1 work for part of the d i.y, prf nrm l affrn'ons. in sma'l offit--; can n-fc rinc . AC 12. rr r "" n LAlY fticnoKrapher with $ j-r- xp rience, wiih-s poet t ion. Willing to Mart with moderate salary where there Is chance for advancement. Phone Atwa-cr 1712. ant. 17. STENOGRAPH E H J. ho,,khr-pri, eff oe tiel" jf mil d'Ti)rinn; qu.Cfc ae-vica Ca'J Bdwv tiiOS. Wililiml 4'ereoanel rr'r. 604 "palling b Jz EXPERIENCED p. B X. operator wth-s position, general off'e and htel x- ferien n rj. tteiiaoie. riu "7. iiai mora- STENOGRAPHER, 4 yrT experience-, an lea office, stock, bo ml a. loane and mortgage, where meeilnc purple f ar- nil!; posit ton Oft. 1ft. Main 3T'.V YOUNG lady with know.r-1r of taping and office appiiancea. rivtres poaiuou, mall at la ry K t 21"' '. l)reMMiakera. DKKSSMAKING anU alterations by the (lav, eattef action guaranteed. Al water 221)4 room S. bHtlSSilAKl.NU and a.tenng reaeunab.a. Main 4015. W. W. LYES' has moved from 4 is:n n. to i noyt t. Main ewes. DIlESHM AKTNO and tailoring; also re- mocK'hng by day. Thor 32 1 3. DRESSMAKING, alteration, work guar- nn:p"l. pr d.iy tl. Ka t F1KST-CLASS d reft making, horn or out; bfst rf j ! at i.faot iv n. .Vnln 3:i 4. L'l; KSS.VlAK.ER makeover lailor"; ret Civen. Af:T g P. M.. Bday. 5:.2. hLMTJTt'lll.U, any color, tic. Rm, ol Alt'f11 bldg.. a.'t Waah. Bdwy B74i. DRESSMAKING and altering. WeidlT ft. Phone Eaitt 431 844 STILISH onu-piece dreexea mtie from out -o f-da;c milH. P 1 wy. 32 H . DRESSMAKING course In exrhanre for plain new f n g. S 2J1Oretron tan. GUARANTEED dr"i.matin at cur home. F.at 6"45. urt's. PRACTICAL Nt'KSB would like rare of infant : under t tnds proTr ferfiri etc. Experienced. Doctors references- K.N I'hlHI ENCED, practical nurre wnj;! like mf, matertjity preferred. Wal nut l.'.HB. INTELLIGENT, capatj will care for invalid for I rn n k p o r t n 1 1 o n . lo. pracLu al nur koIdk to Callforrii Atwater 21 PRACTICAL UK.sa innt. obs:ctric Broadway 8720 vl n for iriKiji Case pref 1 rred. NL iiSE aoiirlis iro si k. Invalid, elderly, convalescent. Call Main 27iJ. FOR TR Al NED nm sea. vndrgraduatea and practical, phone Atwater vmik HonieU eepere. hou e k ee p-r In w 1 d o w e r' a home or f r working couple; no objertton to one child ; good rferem e. 3-t. S lt t.. nfm Si. St. .Jamtn h"l ''I. I n ritThnn IIEI.IAIiLE! rruii 'lie-aged wo mm wants housekeeping in wlrinwer'a h'Hne w it hout ln 11m bra nee. Mide.ty hiiic, si Vaahlngton. Call all week. Bday. V"W wants housekeepers J-b. e-l-rt with poultry, aleo can milk, arid gnod gardener, will also work in town. Call Blwy l"fl Mra J M T"I'NG woman with llttl boy ihea houaekeepiug fr gen t i n:a n ; would so In ennter'i Oregon with small family. O ItlttJ. ftn-goni.in. MIDDLE-AGED lady wtnhs position mm houet-kefper for a t,rntrtntQ. Addrrea V 17. trranin. EX i'EKI KM KH woman wiahea position a huunekefper in hntel (,ut of town. Phone evi'tiina. Auto. 1112-47. ELDERLY lady wanta position as boue-ke-piT for widower out of town; small wixn fall today Kft Cfi-3 . CuJul'KIK.NT young woman witii ch..d 4 years wanta position as houftekeepor Tabor 2.'. lme-.tica. ELDERLY party wishes ligtit work In plain home, no laundry. Pbona Atwater 4 214. EXl Kill KM ED g.rl good wagon. K 14, a anta hnuw'tt utk Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Ilouaea. EIGHT or nine-roum modern houae. Mint be tn fir-t-ciasa condition, tn good lo cality. Will lease for de'tnit" period. References as desired. Give fn par ticulars fhrst letter. AP 1.1. Orennnian. WE HAVE many calls for houses an I fla'e and ran rent youra; let ua bandl your property and collect your rents. C. A. AVAGNE K CO.. 210 h'nrH at TIKkMSi N & THOM.-UX, ItLA i-i Hi. Want to lease unfurnished house. rooms or more. Bdwy. 4SMJ. B2u Henry Mdc ti OU 7- KH i.M f urnuh"-d or ari .y fur nished hou e, I n ctn tral at able dia tr;ct. by i ct. 1." K JS. Oreg..nian. LAICiiE Wt-at idu reaidenre wanld to rent : will take long lease. Ihaney, Mnin O.H1H. WANTED To rent a 9 or Ill-room fur nishd house. Apply at 410 H'th st. HOI dL of Call Knft l or mure rooiua, wui aide. Apartment'. FUI'.NISIIED or unfurnHhe ! 4 -room eam-heated apt., reliable adults with two chlMren ; local references. Call Tabor vll. . Room. Vul Nil m. tn dt-aircs sU'eping room wi:h Jewish family; with or without board. J 14. Orc-ifonian. Room With IWmrtl. GOOD -T 10 me, motherly car1, lor S-ya.tr- old girl; mother employed, where I can room ; ret. ; wet room 1 4. afternoon WANTED A wuman In vriimy of 11th and Halt to room and board little boy 5 year old. B oreonian. ROOM and hoard, by young ;ady, pioyed. Eat Hrnadway district ferrerj. L 11. tri Ronl.in. v m-pre- KEK1NED your.g rouple dwalre with board In priiate family; district. nin 9 1 TWU young ladies lh lomiu aad In prla'e home. BP 1M. rjlf' lluuKekeeplna1 Koonia. ROOM and kltchf-neiie or kit hen privi leges, by eiderly lady in prt'.ate fam ily ; near Laurelh jtst. X Kid, orro nlnit. FOR RFXT. Kami h r-ii Kaa m a. AN.soNIA HOTEL. 124 14th iu at WaaliinKtun; rate f5 per week and up, St day; fireproof; larire, attractive, apotlemi room a. close to ant u ttn' anil ah o pplna cent er. CALL at V. M C. A. to see f ,imt of moderate prieeS rooms for young mn In all prts of the city, lnIdln rooma at the Y. M C. A. with ph-ne In ea h room. howr bsitha and r'Mh farlll! irp. HOTEL NKTH tIKI.AN DH. 1 2 13th ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rijea $1 a day; a week. S3 and op; priva ia bath, S . fireproof ant clean; close to biiBtncM center. RnriMS! H'iOMS! It' IO.MS! HUTEL ROWLAND. 2l7 , tn 2114 4th st.; centrally loraied, ratea 75c SI, $1 SO per day; with bath. SI 2.,i(): apecja I ratea. perwk. and up. W ASH I N GTN H i' K L. 12TH AND WASHINfiTON STS. Attractive rooms and aujt-s at rea sonable rates by week or month. MATHlE.s.NhN UoTEL. Rooms SOc day up. S3 ek up: , ate-ttit cienn. liaht. hot anl coin wate het. e vator ervlee !V4 '"'on h'a. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North loth 2 blocks north of Waetitngtoo st.; fire proof ; pleaaant rooms and suttra at very reasons bie rat eabjr day or week. HOTEL nUCKINGHAM. under new man agement. "-2 v W ashlnaton St Modern, private hatha. fr- phnnm, reaaonun1 Tilted. 3..0 ve. k UP. Broad wav K'TI NEW i-hhKINS H'MKU FIFTH AND WASHINGTON lTfl. Attractive weekly and monthly rata our aerorunv!a t Ions. '' AJ'.'fH lit HOTEL 1 70 11th st , near Mornaon Clean and modern rooms- by dsy wek or montrj at reasonable ratea. Que DAY, 42 5u weeK up; large. abailnt ty clean rma. J baths free; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefl-raon. CXiKG k, fiant. nlceiy furruahad room; at earn ht-at; easy waiktner distanv. 213 Hth st. MARLTX HOTEL. Comer lTth and Coueh; lerg-. well furnished, modern roonia reasoa b e DAYTON HOTKL 1 at laytor; mod"- ern r-ornw. $2 i-er week Itii up. blHllAHK hotel. Vian. at., cor. 17th; clean, modern ruonie J.'l .S'f week up. UN R nice y furnlahed. p'eam-haatrd rm. N uTh. H'-wy 4dnt H 1 1 -LC H EST H OT L L. V aahlngton new itiBnmf n-nt, fetiaonbie rat -a NKWLl' IU heate-l front t m. Cl in. BLEEPING A t water cm. modern. Dth 174. XJCKLT f ur mh A room, ate a m ' . 3 :.tt we. k A h mo a pta . 4''4 Jdjrk-t yiCE. t-iean. veil turn. rm. on lt f nor , eay warring dlatancy. Yam hi i. N 1 ' E yuutig man lo "n:-re b'-.i and rouni. 42 h Jei:run su Mala 6; Id. ro Rr, fttrrttnhr! hitt. kNGKI.A I A K-mn. r-( tb. vl r, I 1 ('! f i I -T! ft ti lit ''1 at, u t s 4't uti el ; ' ri to live. 1 i 'i Su ; rvnuin w.n r.-t and tj dmy ana fit tf ) i ti. ci.uV'rf. rmvrvj-AU r.-r bit . H't::. T.T MuKHI.v.N T AT J. 4 'V ' Tl', g'v 1KT KMMKIfl' ANT' Hi INK.. 1 2S I'FK DAT. l'l I'Hl K - M I ' ; m Co.W II ; FN T AI.I.-Ni'lMl A H ! .. .rw" Hutel" . vrit DaM B'1 N. S-l M. Clean, airy n.m. m heat, her nd roid i'r, !tm ban. iai fortabie lobby. Kaie ZC ay :, Br. fcl.L Ft KM.MI KI l; ruAll, rw atfeineui. o v HuTKL i Itn and aah., . 1 i--te aew Telegram - THE ST. rAt L. Koartn mr4 AM-r A H KSPKCT A HI.C lnWNTN H'ilCU (1 uik hete br w or month. lioil-L oCKI.iir. "ii.n.s-n st. at I 1 a dey; weekly i eo-i up, U and bths. liifJit and ry, AXV, tea m-ha! rd i.l with fte:e femit v referrnr- tiar !. ! etl S hoi;.i-a, on lrun si. Ia n -.. -rnUh.-.l Iw.jrrlvatyjiWiJ',, 1 in fci M uti.y in rI. 1 bo!i. b hej in Ivory, a-l nii nnu!i from town; uid p.ored vouni l i y anl o u . J rea 1 - chKiiaed, ii si. ;m N, Nt '! If ILL V ala.ng d ' roo.n. beautifully furnlan la mai" any overt uft I 1 uf tilt 4lJ"na; bath, otvntnr on lare er.rJoead log ponft Brolwa' 2t'' Nlt'KLY fur. mi'twm M 3. ! prtvl.ea. a if dt ire.i. :i"et aaraga. No o"hr mon '-h.-in e R of m e t r b nn g- 1 T UV.Mi KAlu.t la ae r...:., ih aU ue f:rej.ia.e. fnoiera. au.table fof one r two gentle"n; wtiki'K d ic, H I 7 w H -i st '-nj" . . . BKALlTl UL rm. aith'f.rn' clos ets, uriv. bnttt. fctnti." r n' - - - no, :ii floor; n n f'rs iiiwr. a Ii. -iat ( . cor. i'vmrrll V K.-T blPt.-N d in, b; c.u r at, cU" In, Phone :a n can ria-n. .S muuin- lwia at. piivtiv h.: working mn prf-rral. within Italaing iliaten.-e; ba'4 if air. ! ( ,. l M " c. ? ' h ? HJ " ' h . Lo KLV f r.ii.l f..m. han-'s'J 'F I"' -Pibed In aitra't' pfvate !' f -f two young men, t a II frmttr fare I. nt 'ILLY room in tuUTa Bme fi-- 1 .ini n,rf,i'rl t 1 1 h - , p. are. clean, bum iniforts. C . W frrd. Aii'T li:i. IjiV KI.V r. -m In mern Nub Ili-I h"" " all enenienr' p, piare, clan tiurtt' rc Trr d A i 1 1 i jtiitutva. C. 1j NH K. ceaii. .n. rt ai ' ' eerjr bone coune". y dtatanre. Mra. Junnaton. ' t., rortir ilth. Ataier U'S Mai et (111. u- a . 111 ' r f-Miihea c-im-i; not .!-. r.Kuii. t side, iiwt ia. I'hoa W' 1 i:al iuie. j-aifc-ATK w.::- V flHOl.A AND ONLl W v , H m a i.y.y t. a i -' , CiiM.t.M A . ur.g ' ' ... . 1 ,.mr im i nli. Diana home, l r weaa. t .unai It 1 m y 'T2l V t ' lT" if S T I . bi M A N , nsbsBr " front 1 ft" jun-t. r."tern pi' At water i;u. Para al.. t-r l Will. , M KLV lurul-l,l f...i lor an nen or aiu!-" i. -nvi lam.i ttr beat, iwy Ufai4 a- N- Kmm it-ie. t, lr Phati A Ko E. ,-iurniii'l rM r bom. nar pilva Wtrtuni "n ttlh aebvota. rrn r 15th. WAUJM1 iliatan. C"Y ba-n,f nt alp, f.om. h an breakfaat and all hon t ',n,,',' ''' l,: 1 ullT h a. rti.a.. a t I.IO. Aitlu ici ri.iii.'. 1 K-meniea. liw. gi,tlenai., t- t t side. WaJ.iui J'.oa i.r ; room with a ; u tb. (of ntlemen, wat aiu. refru.ea At- T a-i... newly furnisbe.t Mn autiab' f- In. I K.Jlrtsdway: K ' ' Kl.L f urn inii d. at ' m - b ate.l t private hin". roncvinil. el s !, U'lv '-n4,'L PCHNI-iiiMI' rii. nlta i" innnt h. 1 bor , I'Dili iittn I'' r re-1 BM'iHT, tban liTinhd t.utn. ri.ate r.iiiiiij. ev.-r 'm'.ru !! L Joy, mar 2 i -1. '' r . 14TH. Mt JKIM.rte' l'f room, rn-ta. convenient , a nH'tig u.- tan N L i L Y 1 tt-Utf 'I Iron! t" l'l 1 1 UMI i M.r 1 i: JTau.tr Ith JT-'-".al fin i.N'T room rtith at. PLEASANT front tr a"ntieian. 11I -unv nh n .1-.. I.NJi Iv (urn. i-.o 1- a rna r ti.aitr tf 1 ; "i, m Null M1LI.--Niee Hon ni a V ll h I U -aril. CAMPtlTf.L llnTKU LEA DIN ti t.i .Mil -I :.N riAla IH'TFla W a "ll U.AHt Sfld '. at Hoy. '.'! "i. er t -tranre T hotel, h ah br.t a hui.o lr: every modern er . e. ratial ra: ea. Tratii-M m at It .ar l room wiln r itr - l bath; - S-r and up. Atwater t'L CAVPPFLI. llU.L II O In A . H I N T N -Till. r f rattfetidal One of th i'-t - a n n hf f -e wr ttia i'm:ii c'a Anman pian, with r thout bafh. f - --o a utr up. fnt b Menia frvnl to Jra' " ' jjj ka r -' ' Fe!ualv east 'i" rr .-! n !' hr, vm.iU;t or. stirarlba fn.ni twom. ftrep rt.ntiing i u f t ali a fi,r tuup.'. Kmj a 1. a . Kft 7 '! .... MjMT wM A fr.L. p.'.fi Ten"d a d loan h n-(.a farrnir . n auiie or ;. tb r w it tt board, for fam l-r d .u nea n a'ld wmiirn All l'e rn. a' home. or .a t,: fair i . 11'. in kj I hi; i. i i; V . I t -hi N 'M 1 H :l h - t B KM t'KSTI l 1 .Ufi K.NT AilKI'.li.AN II. AN. P.a'es b rta, oerli .r mnh. ll.-al tv'-'I 1- t -.' Wu i r.l. If Li: 'It I 73. Hoi. near Kirrhrnt ' room a f th direct iar"r'""ft f D-.urall. foett,. ly ' 1" Iu SiTtAKi a ttd r-'-nt ,u bn. 'u. h--nr for a f-w an .nti twi, who nl tb n.t' and are ii.n ' p - a i .r,-e for thrtu El -""- Ilk. A I Till L" " ; . a t r .!. n t'aa hajne-i i-k rd mi". r K s.de nr oriial tiiiit. ie. CLEAN. :..! front a ep! a.rsle kr l fi t , ''ir Dm.bie, S.t. . T'.M .Mar. Va.n rZT"Mand tK.srd 1'tt '!;; ern cofivtM-m, tla 'h. 4 . WaNT Li i.. Jr-ti rvntol and ftvod car a. a, i 2 1-1' batti, Isphti. (ua I1.K1 I r ;t 1 i -l-l Vul Ml ;aiy wi plan-". .l on '' N.:'.rTh 12' h. r I UN. r cut linea, I. de.ir. PK(TT Im 1 Mi.'KI.V fu:n. h k . 2 a-- tn.n I'OaM ar.'t ' n I I7T I .LV P ' UN i"HMi It" M I T ll KXrri.l.rtNT f I. A T. V A "T itTxima 'J rrt In J'r" 'e I V A 1 ; A i.) iuii,!.i;... !. "t. I . . rone y iY'l S' fT'-'iM t-trl a' -l Iluit a:, f'Nor. I w "i I J "" 1 , RT7i'til?i. b'.i-ri .'.7 4 li'l I ar r.. r r.4'1 l?rt ar-l fw n. .e 5 1 i Jfl ft -T-i.a r ! 'o' bout I.rjvOgea. rfi- n V ' n ' 'H HkT h'rne a;if warm. i.iah'd : " h " ' ' ' '' 777 A MO a 1 t-.;n i. - " cm,. fx to ''': v .' S!n i:-.m XA?. l M I - wu'-rf t. un 'o a. a" . CI. KAN rjo n -hr'u t i.- ' ; in s T't"- ' i ' n wi'ur- ' t , II.Ltaie V 'M' l K' l A