Hi THE 3IORNIXG OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922 ' IS A r a .jroFoanoL iiewspaper uirciiiatioiis The Present Paid Circulation of the a a ' 1 Is More than 83,000 Each Week-day, and More Than 118,000 Each Sunday Radius Map Showing Territory, 125 Miles From Portland From Which Portland Draws Retail Trade To Be Exact, Yesterday It Was 83,627, and on Sunday It Was 118,605 3 is A federal law requires newspapers to publish sworn statements of circulation April 1st and October 1st of each year. The statements just published give the average circulation for the six months ending September 30 and show that The Oregonian leads the field in Portland and the Portland territory, as usual. Here Are the Figures for the Six Months Ending September 30, 1922 JOURNAL OREGONIAN Daily . -. . 81,992 Sunday ... .:. . 1 15,807 77,871 98,490 TELEGRAM 62,400 NEW5S 31,326 There are different kinds of circulation. The Oregonian leads not only in quantity but in quality as well. The circulation which really brings business to the advertiser is that which goes into the homes and is read there. The latest available authentic figures showing just where Portland newspaper circulation goes are the publisher's reports to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, an organization to which nearly all the important newspapers of the country belong. These statements show that the average home-delivered circulation in Portland was as follows for the six months ending March 31, 1922: . - (Official figures from the Audit Bureau for the last six months will not be available for at least six weeks.) .; Average Home-Delivered Circulation in Portland for Six Months Ending March 31, 1922 OREGONIAN JOURNAL TELEGRAM NEWS Daily ........31,519 28,420 22,965 14,271 Sunday .. ..... . ..34,108 29,433 . Street Sales Circulation Daily street sales constitute an inferior quality of circulation. Portland afternoon papers issue regularly from four to eight editions. Street sales begin as early as 10 :30 in the morn ing and include deliveries to restaurants and hotels. They are largely made up of reprints of the preceding day's pages and carry only a few new pages. They are planned chiefly for hasty headline reading and are of little value to advertisers. In contrast, Sunday street sales are of complete editions, which are usually bought for home reading. . Average Street Sales in Portland for Six Months Ending March 31, 1922 (From Audit Bureau of Circulations Report.) OREGONIAN JOURNAL TELEGRAM Daily .....4,125 10,795 9,366 Sunday 9,960 5,989 ...... ...... There is, of course, some duplication in all circulations and this is so on Sunday as well as week days. A Portland merchant expresses it this way: "I take both Sunday papers. I am sure to read The Oregonian, and if I have time I read the other one." This sentiment aptly expresses what a large proportion of other people do. NEWS 9,771 Leads Its Field in Advertising and News Service The Oregonian's superiority in news-service has long been recognized throughout its field. It gives its readers a greater quantity and higher quality of news and features than any other paper in the Northwest. It is unapproached as a newspaper and its leadership in volume of advertising has consist ently followed The Oregonian's leadership in news-service and circulation. Here Is the Advertising Record for September OREGONIAN JOURNAL TELEGRAM NEWS Local Display. .39,047 in. 37,257 in. 25,506 in. 23,433 in. Foreign 11,809 in. 6,873 in. 3,674 in. 1,725 in. Classified...... 32,805 in. 20,585 in. 4,825 in. 2,138 in. Total ...... .83,661 in. 64,715 in. 34,005 in. 27,296 in. Note the difference in volume of space carried by The Oregonian, and also note that The Oregonian carries more of each classification than the other papers ; then again, note that The Oregonian is the only paper which carried more business in September, 1922, than in Septem ber, 1921. Here is the gain and loss record: Gains or Losses Over September, 1921 OREGONIAN JOURNAL TELEGRAM NEWS Gains 2,463 in. ......... .. ........ Losses 2,862 in. 6,241 in. 4,054 in. These figures tell a story in themselves. The Editor 8c Publisher, a New York publica tion, in commenting on the newspaper situation in the United States, made the statement that The Oregonian carried more advertising in six months than any other Pacific Northwest paper and that it was seventh in advertising volume among all morning newspapers in the United States. -WJ 3pxN j (A rmsrJJ- (IV ft--" ) ill euKNj J I I V Mzr1"4 (( P C O' ft I V VSHLANDeJ , tMt I This rs a radius map drawn to exact scale. It shows exact straight-line distances from Portland, although railway and highway mileages to some of the cities indicated are greater than 125 mile. Circulation in the Portland Market Area Portland retailers get a large volume of trade from all the territory in both Oregon and Washington within a radius of 125 miles of Portland. The Chamber of Commerce has proved this fact many times. Geographical conditions account for it. Eugene, Astoria, Bend and The Dalles in Oregon are the same distance from Portland as Aberdeen, South Bend and Centralia in Washington, and all send a profitable business to Portland retailers. The Oregonian leads in circulation in this field. Circulation of Portland Newspapers in 125-Mile Radius from Portland Figures compiled from publishers' reports to Audit Bureau of Clrrolatlon March II. U2J. and from later statements issued to Portland advertisers. OREGONIAN ' DAILY SUNDAY Home Deliveries . In Portland 31,519 34,108 News Stand Sales . In Portland 1,268 8,961 Street Sales . In Portland 4,125 9,960 Country Circulation Inside 125 Miles. - r - - ... In Oregon 23,530 30,194 Country Circulation Inside 125 Miles. . 44 In Washington 7,974 11,593 JOURNAL TELEGRAM NEWS DAILY SUNDAY DAILY DAILY 28.420 556 10.795 23.571 4.958 29.433 8.214 5.989 34.640 7.756 22.965 9.366 J27.832 fl 4.285 9.771 t6.343 TMUe Radius 68,416 94,816 68.300 86.032 61.950 30.400 Country Circulation S!idVuV."?:.J?.il.e...'...13520 16,642 8.550 9.534 1.213 557 Entire circulation total. 81,936 111,458 76.850 95.566 63.163 30.957 Washington circulation figures for th Journal Include the entire atate. Details Inside 125- mile radius not available. tDaily News does not separate Its figures for Rome Deliveries and News Stand Sales. JN'o separate figures available. Outside of Oregon and Washington The Oregonian's circulation is only 1692 daily ' and 2850 Sunday. ' To keep up with the growth of The Oregonian's circulation and advertising there wilt soon be in stalled a new Goss straightline high-speed press. It is to be five decks high and four pages wide, will print in colors, and is the last word in mechanical ingenuity. A new patent drive makes this the most silent press yet devised. It is now being built for The Oregonian and will be installed within a few months. It is not disputed that The Oregonian has a larger circulation than any other Portland newspaper, but that isn't the important point the important point is that The Oregonian enters and influences more homes than any other Portland newspaper