Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1922, Image 1

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    .1 UUU
VOL.. LXI XO. 19,312
Entered at Portland fOnejrcm
PoatoffJce a second -claFS Matter.
Extent of Grain Specula
tions Withheld.
Mementos of Career to
Be Auctioned.
OFFERLVG OF $500,000,000
Traffic in Futures Helps
Farmer, Commission Told,
Buying and Selling Plan Is De
fended by Witnesses at In
quiry Ordered by Senate.
CHICAGO, Oct. 11. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) J. Ogden Armour,
meat packer and capitalist, declined
today for the present at least to
reveal to the federal trade commis
sion the extent of his speculations
in wheat and corn during- the period
from July 15, 1920 to May 31. 1922.
Mr. Armour will appear again Fri
day morning after conferring with
his attorneys and tell the commis
sion whether he will give it the fig
ures sought.
Admitting that he had been1 in the
market 'occasionally" as a specu
lator during the period under inves
tigation, Mr. Armour declined to
nxme his brokers or reveal the lump
sum of his long or short lines on
any given day.
"I can't answer that off-hand and
I don't know how that can interest
this commission," he replied when
Victor Murdock, vice-chairman
pressed him for the figures.
Answer Is Avoided.
"Were your operations quiet ex
tensive?" the examiners asked.
"I presume that would depend on
a man's point of view," Mr. Armour
Mr. Armour defended speculation
in grain and the marketing machin
ery which makes it possible because
the farmer is afforded an opportu
nity to sell his produce on any day
of the year in an open market. The
producer does not always get the
price he is entitled to, he admitted
but on the average, he said, the
farmer does benefit by the system.
His views on the speculative mar
ket were brought out by Mr. Mur
dock who recalled his acquaintance
with P. D. Armour, founder of the
Armour fortune and father of the
present head .of the house.
Relations With Father Recalled.
"Thirty years ago," Mr. Murdock
recalled to the younger Armour, "I
was a newspaper reporter and it
was part of my duty to call on your
father every week. I got to know
him as a newspaper man will know
a man of his magnitude. He had a
marvelous knowledge of the grain
and produce markets. Since those
days you have taken his place and
are interested in the development of
this great middle-western basin. Do
you believe from your own observa
tions, that the speculative plan of
the future market gives the pro
ducer a square deal?"
Mr. Armour answered:
"On the average I think it has,
because the farmer has a place to
sell his wheat every day in the year.
He may not always get the price he
should, the price he is entitled to.
but I think it has stabilized condi
tions. Without the speculative
future market no trader would buy
wheat until he had it sold, and you
know that sometimes you have to
carry wheat a long time before you
can sell it."
"Is there any way," Mr. Murdock
said, "to alleviate the condition
known as the "May squeeze?'"
Others' Advice Taken.
"That is a very difficult thing to
obviate," Mr. Armour replied, "so
long as there are individuals in the
world who do things that some peo
ple do."
Mr. Armour said he was not famil
iar with the rules of the board of
trade, had no opinion as to the fair
ness of the "emergency car load de
livery" rule and did not know
whether on the two occasions it has
been invoked, it operated to his ad
vantage or disadvantage. The rule
permits delivery on cars when the
public warehouses are full.
Da you take the advice of others
to buy or sell in planning your
deals?" he was asked.
"Sometimes." v
"Do you follow George E. Marcy'a
(head of the Armour Grain com
pany) advice in that particular?"
"Not always."'
Effect On Price Unnoticed.
"When engaging in future trans
act io.-.s do you notice any effect
on the grain price due to the pur
chase or sales made by you?" the
examiner continued.
""No, sir; nothing noticeable."
Mr. Murdock attempted to learn
whether Mr. Armour "eases" in or
out of a market through small lot
purchases or sales, or whether he
accumulates . his long and short
line, as the case may be, in large
lots, but after considerable spar
ring the most he was able to learn
was "That depends upon circum
Vou have the theory of trading, !
(.Concluded on Page 5. Column x.)
Secretary Mellon Says Smaller In
vestors Will Be Taken Care
or Despite Demands.
WASHINGTON", Oct. 11. The gov.
ernment's new bond issue the first
since the war has been oversub
scribed. Secretary Mellon announced
The total subscriptions, it is un
derstood, aggregate something near
$1,000,000,00(1 on an offering limited
to about $500,000,000.
Preliminary reports received from
the federal reserve banks show, Mr.
Mellon said, that the subscriptions
for the new 44 per cent bonds of
1947-52 are well distributed over
all sections of the country.
Notwithstanding the over-subscription
of the sale, the secretary
announced, investors who subscribe
for amounts of JIO',000 or less, or
who desire to exchange their 4 94
per cent victory notes, or Decem
ber 15 certificates, for the new
bonds, still may get an allotment
in full ipon their application, if
tendered promptly to the federal
reserve banks.
"It is the treasury's intention,"
Mr. Mellon said, "to hold down al
lotments on the primary offering to
$500, 000,000, or thereabouts, and
with this in view the subscription
books for this part of the offering
will close at noon, Saturday, Oc
tober 14, 1922. Subscription books
on the exchange offering will not
close until Saturday, October 21,
1922, and 'such subscriptions will
continue to be allotted up to a lim
ited amount, thus giving investors
who desire to turn in their Victory
notes, or December 15 treasury cerT
tificates, a further opportunity to
invest in the new bonds."
Mr. Mellon expressed the opinion
that the volume of subscriptions al
ready received to the new issue
exceptionally attractive to inves
Government Announces Discharge
or 6000 Shipyard Workers.
WASHINGTON', D. C. Oct. 11.
Discharge of 6000 Japanese navy
yard workers as a beginning- of the
naval reducing programme agreed
upon at the Washington arms con
ference, was announced today in of
ficial advices to the Japanese em
bassy. ""The step, taken in advance of an
exchange of' ratification of the
naval limitation treaty was re
garded here as reflecting the con
fidence of Japanese statesmen in the
eventual acceptance of the pact by
all the signatories.
Foot AVound Made by Tack in
Shoe Proves Fatal.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 11. Special.)
George K. MacAdoo, 21, who had
lived at Monmouth for a short time,
died in a Salem hospital today of
ckjaw. Physicians said the lock
jaw probably was the result of a
small wound on MacAdoo s foot,
caused by a tack in his shoe.
The young man is survived by a
sister, Mrs. Leone C. Grove - of
Haines, Alaska, and his mother.
The body will be sent to Portland
for burial. Mr. MacAdoo lived i.
Portland before locating in Mon
Both Cane and Beet Products to
Advance 15 Cents Today.
prices of both cane and beet sugar
will take another jump at the"open
ing of business tomorrow morning
according to announcements today
by the Western Refinery, the California-Hawaiian
Refinery and the
Spreckels Sugar company.
Cane sugar will go up 15 cents the
hundred pounds to $..15 and beet
sugar also will make a 15-cent ad
vance to $6.95 the hundred pounds.
Widow of Millionaire Chewing
Gum Maker Is Married.
CHARLOTTE, X. C, Oct. 11. Mrs.
Willie Jenkins Fleer, widow of the
late Frank H. Fleer, millionaire
chewing gum manufacturer of Phil
adelphia.' was married here tonight
to George Humeread of Baltimore.
The bride and bridegroom left to
night for New Tork and will depart
in a few days for South America on
a wedding tour.
Contraband Valued "at 225,000
' Seized in Xew York.
NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Seven pro
hibition agents, armed with federal
search warrants today seized $225,
000 worth of liquor, wine and alco
hol ir. a building occupied by the
Franz Trucking & Rigging com
pany, Inc.
Schooner Marshal Foch Aground
and Fight of Crew Land.
HALIFAX. Oct. 11. Fourteen
members of the crew of the Glou
cester schooner Marshal Foch, dis
covered today to have run ashore on
Sable island, are missing.
Eight of the crew were landed.
Stream of Regugees
Swelling Rapidlyc
Penniless Wanderers Face
Starvation in Greece.
Government Haa Problem That It
Cannot Meet and Hoover Is
Asked to Send-JHeJp
(Chicago Tribune Foreicn News Service.
Copyright.-1022, by the Chicago Tribune.)
ATHENS, Oct. 11-. The Turk will
enter Europe on the heels of l.O'OO,
000 terror stricken refugees Greek
and Armenian Christians who are
fleeing westward before the cres
cent and sword of Islam.
Five hundred thousand of these
exiles already have arrived in
Greece; 500,000 more are on their
From the cities of the Asia Minor
coast where the deportations and
massacres still continue, from Con
stantinople where the Europeans
live under the threat of an inva
sion, from the Thracian plain where
the word from Paris struck terror
to 250,000 Christians who know the
Turk of old, these frantic refugees
today are streaming into Greece.
People May starve.
The migration may complete the
catastrophe here. Greece itself a
tiny nation of 5,000,000 does not
have food, accommodations or em
ployment for this horde of penniless
exiles. With winter approaching,
disease is prevalent in the crowded
concentration camps and the situa
tion has passed the phase where the
government can cope with it, un
aided. The Thracian deU gates to the
Greek parliament yesterday cabled
Herbert Hoover," asking for help
from America. Americans and Eng
lish residents here have organized
temporary local relief committees.
These, however, do not reach the
bulk of the suffering peopl. Be
yond this nothing has been, done
foi the thousands who are arriv
ing daily.
The half million ;old men, women
and children deported from Smyrna
and the Asia Minor coast, who
landed on the Greek mainland and
the archipelago islands, are now
augmented by the vanguard of the
Thracians, who already are cross
ing the Maritza river and streaming
into Dod-agatch and Porto Lagos.
There are 250,000 Gre-eks in eastern
Thrace and in addition 129,000 refu
gees from - Asia Minor, who fled
there after th Smyrna fire.
The Athens government already is
making plans to evacuate these peo-
(Concluded on Page 4, Column 3.)
Oit V1
Nf-E. G.6T MORE.
9t-ftN$ you CAN
islature to Be Asked to Desig
nate Certain Units in State to
Be Named Part of Route.
The old Oregon trail, the pioneers'
highway to the coast, ' is again to
become a reality, according to plans
outlined yesterday at a meeting of
a Joint body of representatives of
various civic clubs, at the Cham
ber of Commerce. This body will
present to the legislature a request
that certain Oregon roads be named
as parts of "The Oregon Trail." A
stipulation was made by the Port
land committeemen and accepted by
the eastern Oregon delegation that
the' Columbia highway is to pre
serve its Identity under the plan.
A permanent organization, with
Henry J. Ottenheimer as president
and Frank Branch Riley as secre
tary, was effected. Committees
from the Chamber of Commerce, the
Ad club, the Realty board, directors
of the Oregon Tourist bureau and
the Pacific Northwest Tourist bu
reau are already merged in the or
ganization. Before the end of the
week it is expected that the rep
resentations of at least three other
civic bodies will be added to the or
The Oregon Trail movement has
found staunch supporters in Mis
souri, Nebraska, Wyoming and
Idaho. The old trail traversed four
states and touched four others. It
Is the plan of the backers of the
movement to blaze anew the old
route of the pioneers, to placard it
with suitable signs and to make it
a nationally known highway lead
ing from the Missouri river on the
east to the Pacific ocean on the
The Joint organization which will
boost the plan in Oregon will ask
the legislature to designate the
Oregon roads which were integral
parts of the old route, as "The Ore
gon Trail." It is proposed that mark
ers, bearing the label of an old
fashioned prairie schooner, be used
to designate the route.
Walter E. Meacham. of Baker, who
is president of the Oregon Trail as
sociation in this state, has been in
.Portland for several daysi stirring
up interest in reclaiming the his
toric old road. Before the Ad club
yesteiday he delivered a telling ad
dress on the subject. Pamphlets,
setting out the value of this trail as
a transcontinental highway and giv
ing a brief outline of the historic
importance of the road, have been
circulated freely in the city. Mrs.
Meachan also addressed the mem
bers forum of the Chamber of Com
merce, Monday, and outlined the
plans of the trails association.
If the Oregon legislature takes ac
tion on the request, this state will
not be alone in the attempts to re
claim the almost forgotten Oregon
trail. The legislature of Idaho is to
consider a similar bill at its next
session, it is claimed by Mr. Mea
cham. The Ad club delegation, appointed
by President George L. Rauch, which,
was added to the permanent organ
ization boosting the project, is com
posed of W. R. Morgan. Samuel C.
Lancaster, Frank Branch Riley,
Marshall N. Dana and Paul R. Kelty.
Krrr-.. I
a I i, nil
Mayor Baker Explains Reasons
for Postponement and Pres
ent Status of Plans.
Unanimous indorsement of the
proposal to hold a world's fair in
Portland in 1927 was voted by the
Presidents council, consisting of
the heads of leading civic clubs of
the city, at a meeting last night,
and a resolution was adopted urg
ing all member organizations of the
council to indorse the project indi
vidually. This action was taken after Mayor
Baker, director of the campaign to
obtain approval of the Portland
electorate and the voters through
out Oregon of city charter and state
constitutional amendments to en
able those who will conduct the
contemplated exposition to carry it
to successful fruition, had explained
in detail the reasons for postponing
the fair till 1927 and the present
status of the project.
"After taking a number of trips
into every section of the state and
seeing conditions with my own
eyes. I believe the legislature did
exactly right in turning down the
plau as originally put before it,"
declared the mayor.
"In many sections of Oregon the
opinion has- prevailed and not with
out reason. that Portland Is a self
seeking octopus that reaches out
with greedy tentacles and grabs
everything in sight to swell its
growing paunch. It is time, that
Portland should spend some money
to help ihe outside sections.
"We must do something in a big
way to help the farmer find a mar
ket for his products. He is over
burdened with taxation and cannot
stand the addition of a single cent
tobh already paralyzing load he
carries. We must bring more people
into the state and to do this we must
provide an incentive for visitors to
come here. Or.ce here they will see
for themselves the vast opportuni
ties offered", in wide areas of poten
tially fertile lanl now under sago-
"Our matchless scenery must be
called, forcibly to the attention of
the world and the possibilities of
irrigation, manufacturing, mining,
soil products and other outlets for
new capital must be throat into the
spotlight. ..Such a, fair as we are
now planning will result in a future
development and upbuilding of the
state the scope of whijeh few minds
can faintly vision."
The mayor went over the. argu
ments he has put forth in the past
for the holding of a fair and in par
ticular the immediate effect the pas
sage of the exposition amendments
at the coming' election will have cm
the city.
He said that upwards of $9,000,000
would be spent here in preparing
for the fair and the expenditure of
this money would start as soon as
favorable vote is recorded. He
called attention to the fact that the
city charter amendments to enable
the city to raise $3,000,000 in the
next three years by taxation are
contingent upon the raising first by
stock subscription of a fund of
"If the people of Portland and
the state indorse the fair project at
the polls next month," concluded
the mayor, "there will be no further
postponement of the date of the ex-
(Concluded on Papre 3. Column 3.
Startling Revelations in
Murder Imminent.
Couple Reported Interrupted
by Sounds of Shots.
Killing of Rector and Singer
Yet Far Frtftn Solved, As
serts Prosecutor.
By Tribune Leaeed Wire.)
NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J., Oct. 11.
When the "smoke screen" of the
arrest of young Clifford Hayes,
charged wltli the murder of the
Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall and
Mrs. Eleanor Mills, clears away, it
is believed that the hind of suspi
cion will be placed on the shoulder
of one in a walk of life higher than
any ever trod by Hayes or the three
others whosn arrest thus far have
been the only result of the murdef
A story which was Investigated
tonight is to the effect that i
prominent member of Ha. Is congre
gation, who sings bass in the choir
of the Church of St. John the
Evangelist, of which Hall was pas
tor and Mrs. Mills choir member.
was at the scene of the double mur
der on the Thursday night of Its
commission. It is told that the
man, who is married, had taken a
young woman of the church for
ride; that they were interrupted
by the sounds of shots.
Part In Merdrr Swaeected.
The man was so excited over the
cccurrence that he was unable to
go to his place of business next
day. He will be asked whether he
was the person who removed from
the Phillips farm a blood-stained
basket, in which were some rags.
also stained with blood, and a copy
of a New Brunswick paper, dated
September 14, the day the murdered
pair left their respective homes.
The basket was seen about 125 feet
from where the bodies were found.
but disappeared during the excite
ment of the day the tragedy was
Ralph V. Gorsline. a member of
Dr. Hall's church for years, has ad-
imtted that he picked up a young
woman in his automobile on the
night of 'the murder, rode around
lor a short time and took her home.
it has been established that the
young woman was Miss Katherine
RattaH, a member of the church
choir, in which Mrs. Mills sang.
Miss Rastall's mother today de
clared that her daughter was at
home at 10:30 on the night of the
murder and emphatically dented
that she had been anywhere in the
vicinity of the Phillips farm.
Gorsllae'e Auto Burned.
Gorsline's automobile was burned
beyond all hope of repair on Tren
ton road a week ago last Sunday,
the day after he had een questioned
by Prosecutor Strieker. He Is to
be questioned again tomorrow.
Although four persons are In Jail,
connected directly or Indirectly by
charges with the murder case, the
authorities of Middlesex and Somer
set counties made little or no real
progress toward solution of the
mystery today.
The Middlesex county authorities,
Including Prosecutor Strieker, ex
pressed the belief that the murder
was as far from solution as ever,
while Prosecutor Beekman of Som
erset county held stubbornly to the
belief that In Hayes and Raymond
Schneider, his accuser, held without
bail, as a material witness, he has
the two principals in the crime.
More than a hint came today that
Governor Edwards intends to take
further drastic steps In the case.
Broad Intimations were received
that the office of the attorney-gen
eral of New Jersey may be called on
to go into Somerset and Middlesex
counties and take over the Investi
gation. Girl Recalls Threat.
This from an editorial in the
Trenton Times was widely quoted
today In New Brunswick:
"Whatever the motive behind the
strange antics of the prosecuting of
ficials in the New Brunswick mur
der case tbey certainly are bringing
the good name of New Jersey Into
disrepute all over the country. It
will. Indeed, be a sorry day If the
latest arrest Is merely a political
"But la it all politics or social In
fluence or Is it something mora
sinister?" .
Pearl Bahmer, .the 17-year-old
girl, an Intimate of Schneider, who
is in Middlesex county jail charged
with incorrigibility, said today that
her father had often threatened to
cut her throat The girl's father,
Nick Bahmer, was also In Jail, held
or. a serious charge preferred by his
The entire Bahmer family haa held
an unsavory reputation for year.
Nick's brother was killed about flvo
Concluded os f'ae's a. Column 2.
Paper Gets Exclusive Portland
Hights to Print "Our Amer
ican' Adventure."
It appears that, on the whole. Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle found much In
America to like and admire during
his recent visit which, while for
the purpose of a lecture tour on
psychic research, was not wholly
devoted to matters more or less ba
yond the Styx. In "his most recent
book, "Our American Adventure."
Sir Arthur not only discussed the
psychlo phenomena which he Inves
tigated while here, but us. as welL
The Oregonlan has obtained ex
clusive Portland rights to the pub
lication of the Doyle narrative, and
(will present the first chapters In its
issue or saturaay, luur, ...
tinuing the serial In dally Install
ments. It Is felt that the wide
interest. Irrespective of agreement
or disagreement. In Sir Arthur's
varied and Interesting views, fore
cast for this feature a general pop
ularity. The eminent English au
thor Is an affable chap, whether
chatting of ghoste or of golfing,
and whatever he has to eay upon
any topic always stimulates the
public ear. Particularly is this true
of his experiences with the so-called
None other than Houdlnl, the
master trickster, received from
Lady Doyle, In a sitting arranged
by Sir Arthur, an automatic writing
which professed to be the handi
work of his dead mother. The
magician was gravely amased by
the phenomenon he witnessed
though It Is worthy of note that he
remained skeptical, while Sir Artnur
was wholly convinced. This epi
sode, with scores of others, will be
touched upon In "Our American
What d: I Conan Doyle think of
u. when we parted company with
him? What he thought of our cltl
may well be surmised to be that
which he thought of us. He didn't
care much for Boston, a fact that
Is a facer for Boston culture. tjHos
ton was but the shell of splendid
old tradition.
"It seems to have gained the
whole world." said Sir Arthur. In
his narrative, "and lost some of lt
own soul. Commerce has triumphed,
but where now are the 1'arkmans,
the Lowells, the Longfellows, all the
wonderful circle which for a time
put New England above old Eng
land In culture?"
I'erhapL Boston will answer him.
or echo. Toledo la rich in psychic
resources. Washington architecture
is superlative. Chicago la noisy snd
kind. New York roaring and bril
liant. Henry Ford Is but that's a
secret until the chapter comes to It.
"Our American Adventures" Is a
fascinating narrative, written In the
eay stylo that mads blr Arthur
lamouH even before he became
herald of ghosts.
Jersey Herd Sells for 15 160.
HALSEY. Or., Oct- 11. (Special )
The registered Jersey sale of Wil
liam MacBrldt. west of Shedd, Or.,
yesterday brought good prices. This
fine herd of 24 cattle brought 15160.
The head of the herd. Holair. a
gold medal bull, brought $8ou. 'A
yearling heifer brought $150. anoth
er yearling $2o and a cow $900. One
baby calf brought $140.
The Weather.
TODAY'S Fulr: nnrhwMrly wind,.
TESTBRHAT'8 Minimum tmpriitur,
AO degrees; lowest tempratur, 64 !
Million in terror fleeing Derors Turks.
ta(e 1.
Maryland tired of Snator Krsnre Dem
ocratic SHin forecast oy iara buih
van. Tms 4.
McNtiry to leave Hundnv for horn to take
tump tor party, rusa
Armour refuaes lishl on train specula
tion. Paao I.
Flrat (rovemment bond taaue since war
over-aubairlDea. rin X.
America not evading- duty In Kuropa.
auy administration leaders, rasa 1.
British Cunsrd Una will flht Amerlran
liquor ban on foretarn atiipa- rin a.
OeraMlne Farrar to sell all her effects.
Page 1.
Prominent churchman suspected In mur
der. Psse 1.
Woman Jilted by Atlanta capitalist de.
clarea war on slanderara. ma z.
Armr dirigible does 750 miles la 16 hours
Page -'-
Flying Boilers. eecentrle set. lead
quaer life on little Island. rag a.
Warning of another coal strlka soundad.
Page 13.
Panlfle Norfhweat. .
Washington state congress begins cam
paigns. Page o.
Case against Philip Warren. Indian
layer, goes to jury. Pags 7.
Pacific Coast league results: AC Portland
S Hacramento : at Man r ranria-o S.
Oakland J: at tleatile . Halt l.aa. S.
at Los Angeles I, Vernon 2. Page 14.
Hus-rlns re-engaged to pilot Taakeea
Page 16. .
DouMe J eleven defeats Llicola. 14 to
13. Page 11.
Reports of strike of major leagua base
ball players drtdd. Paga 17.
Cam mere la I aiAtMsns.
Potato production Increased In nearly all
sections. Paga -a.
High-grade Investment bonds seals sell
at lower prices. Page 27.
gtate superintendent reports Improva-
ment in condition of Oregon bana.
Page Si.
New Tork market appears nervous
Paga 27.
Grain values move ep after reaction In
Chicago market. Page 2.
Local rata war considered possible.
Page 14.
Ship subsidy foes beaten by baskers.
Page 2.
Mills make heavy parchasee ef wool.
Paga ;.
Portland and VIHalty.
Rait divorce casa authorities cited
Paga 1'-
Public welfare board asks county rm
rnlsslorera tor relief fund of $100.0UO.
Page 26
Penineula beast Identified, pare 7.
Mma. Matsanausr silent oa love letters.
Page 2.
Tbs oregonlan buys Censn Doyle story
Paga 1.
Hlghwey of pioneers sgaln te be reality
Page I.
Vincent Cook, pioneer ef tSM and early
business sib, dlea Pass 13 ,
Presidents' council Indorses 1927 ex
position. iaee 1. 1
Famous Singer to Get Rid
of Life's Collection.
Devotees Throng Ttootn V hrrw
Proper j I . ear mhleU for
I'ulWIe to View.
NEW TOT.K. Oct. 11 "Memories
for sale" might ll lacked shoe
the doors of four bl chambers at
the rifth-srenue auction roorne
which were thrown open today f-r
public Inspection of the affects cf
Ueraldlne Karrar. scheduled to be
sold st public auction aext rridsr
and Saturday.
For Into thee chambers Amer.
es s most fsmous diva hsd crowd.
sll the phyalral mementos of kT
long and brilliant careet o tba
metropolitan stagr, end all tl
could remind her of her equally ta.
moua. tut more brief snd less s ic
ce.sful cireer as the wife of 1
Gorgeous costumes, wlga. shsw s
and Jewels thai she wors In her
most famous rotes are there In f r...
fusion. Ho sre the rich furnishings
of the home she occupied with ber
famous actor husband furniture,
tapestries, rugs, even the rubt.ef
doormat with its Inlsld "T "
Karrar. through with opera a she
Is with romance, has bit the trail in
a private car for a concert tur rf
the l-nlted fttatss snd is now on Ihe
pacific rnaat. After that she Is a.,
pected to appear tinder the man
aaement of David Belasco on the
speaking stage.
Itevalee-a rwwel
The exhibition, opened today, drew
throngs of Fsrisr dsvoteea f rum
first nlghters who were present a
decade and a half ago when
made her metropolitan debut, down
...nae.t "(lerrv flappers'
who have watched with braihl
awe. Gerry's career as a prima d -n-na
and a screen star, as a bride end
a near divorcee. And. what thay saw
established forever Farnar s repute,
tlon for lavlshns. Thr re
Items In all and every single one
fraught m 1th me-morics of stsga or
shattered romance.
About !0 of the diva's most fa
mnus costumes are drspel on head
less dummies in on of the eshlM
tlon chambers. Among theee sre the
red spangled frou-frou creation thst
dassled first nlghters si "Zasa"; tt
cloth of silver gown, with Amrlrsn
rises draped from the soulder. 'In
which Karrar sang during the llh
erty losn campaign, snd the court
dress of sliver cloth, with queens
rape of blue velvet and ermine re.
puted to cot $ll.n). which she
wore but three times In the Ill-fated
"La Reins Flametla"
( snaes W ordrabe Ilea.
Prores of other fsmous cotumes
hsn about the walls In rrl-d
rsnks. liko ordinary garments In a
clothes closet. Hr Carmen ward
robe alone would b sufficient tt
i-. dnaen Carmen road
companies. There are six baalo cos
tumes. 14 shawls. Macs. wig., a
..nii!!.i a dozen Koanlsh fana and
enough beads, ear rings, bracelets.
.irrllrs hair comns
Jet trinkets to outfit a clgaretla fac
tory full of Csrmens.
Ferrer's wigs alone nil several
.t.nav cases, for she Invariably co .
ered her own black Iressea with a
wig. even In operss where bar ro e
celled for cut batr. There are au
burn wigs for Flsmette and 7-ssa.
blonde wigs for Marguerite snd
Thais, light brown wigs for .
dark brow J wigs for Mignon. black
wigs for Butterfly end Csrmen.
All are of human hair sas l
worn In the early scanes of Thais.
Thess are of gold thA-ad. for It was
the custom among women of Thais'
time and profession to Hd their
Among the brlghtaet spots of (be
exhibit are the almonas worn in
Butterfly. There are It of these
each vlelng wUh all the other, for
the ultimate In gorgsousness.
Tea Kesieslrs Mleeleat.
There sre two noisble
of th Metropolltsn mlaeing from
the exhibit, however. One Is the
red velvet robs worn In Tosrs $sr
rer presented thU to sn aeslsiar.t
stage mansser wno long bad ad.
mired It. The other Is the tab e
knife with which she stsbbed bar.
pla In Tosca. The knife, a trirk one.
was a "prop" and etui Is lsin
actors low orr the metrcpol ,tea
One of the most Interesting Ksr.
rar hats on ethibltlna Is the fsmous
affair with the blue, yellow and
greeh ostrich plumes, which in
wore In Tosca. The first night sue
wore It, It also contained a red
feather. But this caused so many
gssps thst everybody sgraed ins
red feather should be deleted.
Among the trappings of her re
mance with I.oo Tellegeei. offered
(C'.sc.udttl aa 1 a a $, Ca.atui I