THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1023 n CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. B0-B5 Sunday Editor .Main 7070, 560-95 Advertising- Dept Main 7070. 560-fiS Superintendent of Bldg. Main. 7070. 560-95 AMUSEMENTS. BAKER Eleventh and MorrHon) Ly ric Musical Comedy company. Alter ' noon only. HIPPODROME Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and. moving pictures con- . tinuous daily. 1:15 to 11 P- M- VANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaudeville. Three shows daily. 2:30. and 9 P. M. MrKiiiBrrrine- Party Tonight. The Minnesota State society will celebrate Columbus day tonight at t.,,- v.roin hall. Thirteenth and Main street, at 8:15 o'clock. An ap propriate and interesting programme has been prepared in nonor 4?,nth anniversary of the discovery of America, consisting o an addres by Mrs. John R. Murphy, a characte sketch by Mrs. Mary K. Robinson nri a (anci dance in military cos turn. v.v ntH Miss Helen Walter, ttr knnwn as the "miniature Mar iivnn Miiur." The. hall has been annrnnrlatPlV PCOrated for the OC' casion, and the programme will be iollowed by the first social aance ui ..inn There will also be card frames, prizes and refreshments. All former Minnesotans and members of other state societies of the city and their friends are Invited. Woodmere Parent-Teachers Ac rrvrc Additional school grounai recently provided for the Woodmere hi thA school board have been secured as the direct result o the activity of the Woodmere t-ar nt-Tacher association, accordin! to a recent report made before the reerular meeting of that body Dy committee appointed for the pur inneo Th lareelv increased mem toership of the organization has caused a greater interest to be taken in school affairs in tne district, a. big social meeting to take the form of the annual halloween masquer ade ball and pumpkin festival is now being arranged for the evening Saturday, October 28. Art Association Exhibit Open.' Th. inhibition which is to follow that of the child artist. Pamela-Bi anco. now on at the museum of art, Is the annual local exhibit of the wnrir f Oree-on Daintera and sculp tors. Work intended for this local A-rriihit xhnnlri presented at th museum on October 20 and 21. Oil and water-color paintings, drawings in anv medium and sculpture will be litrihlo The iurv is composed of thA fnllnwlns professional artists r T-nwrence Barnes. Sidney Bell "Wade Pipes, Clara J. Stephens and H. F. Wentz. Full information may be obtained at the museum of art. Mr. Gillespie Strong for Prohi rnoN. That the activities of th Association Against the -Prohibition Amendment is a "conspiracy to thwart the will of the people and to trample upon the fundamental law of the land and is worse than rob bing the mails" is the declaration of s. K. Gillespie! local attorney, in a letter to G. C. Hinckley. Washing ton, D. C, national Secretary of that association. The letter was sent in replv to an invitation to join the organization received by. Mr. Gil lespie. AD Club Meets Todat. The plan for brinfdng the Old Oregon Trail from Missouri to Oregon will be dis cussed by prominent speakers from eastern Oregon at the luncheon o the Ad club at the Benson hotel to dav. Sneakers will include Walter E. Meacham of Baker, president of the Old Oregon Trail association and secretary of the Baker chamber of commerce, and others7 connected with the- movement. George M. 01 sen's orchestra will give a pro gramme of the latest in music Women are invited. City Emplote Injured. James A, Marshall, 41, an employe of the city water works, was struck by a truck driven by Frank Saso, 567 East Sev enteenth street, yesterday at Twen ty-seventh and Thompson streets, where he was at work marking pavement for a repair crew. Saso Is 'said to have struck him when he backed his truck around a corner. Marshall, who lives at 473 Emerson street, was taken to St. Vincent's hospital. His injuries are confined to cuts and bruises on the legs. Stranger in City' Loses Money. C. W. Cristwell arrived in town from Canada Monday, met two obliging men who showed him a large part of the city's sights in the north end, and woke up in the Oxford hotel. 413 M Washington street, minus t-0 In his report to the police yesterday Cristwell said that he paid all ex peruses for the party, both for his companions and himself. He i! broke now, he 'says. Milwaukie Warehouse Progress Ino Work on the new building for the Milwaukie Warehouse company Is being rushed to early completion Excavation has been completed and the foundation is being erected this week. The building is the first of several new structures which have been planned for the business sec , tion of Milwaukie during the coming year. Sneak Thief Robs Woman's Desk. A sneak thief entered the office of the Northwest Auto Supply com pany at Nineteenth and Alder streets at 11 o'clock Monday night . and made off with a vanity box con taining 128.50 in cash, a watch and other articles, the property of Miss E. M. Jenkins, who was in a back room at the time. The front door of the establishment was open. Thieves Steal Clothes and Arti cles. Thieves who entered a bed room window in the home of Fred E. Alder. 468 East Thirty-eighth street North, made off with a suit of clothes, a watch and a diamond stick-pin. Alder said in his report to the police that the entry was made sometime Monday night. Hoac Burned, Only Half Insured. If you had a fire tonight would your insurance replace your prop erty and personal effects? It is bet ter to be insured than sorry. Why take a chance? For rates and fur ther particulars phone Atwater 2391. W. R. McDonald Co., Yeon bldg. All kinds of insurance. Adv. Indicted Man in Custody. Frank Zuermer. secretly indicted by the Multnomah county grand jury, charged with a statutory crime, is under arrest and awaiting return here, according' to advices received at the sheriffs office from George "W. Lewis, sheriff of Josephine county, Oregon. Social Worker to Speak. The regular . noon luncheon of social -workers will be held at the Seward grill at 12:15 today. Pr. R. R. Reeder, member of the child com mission of Serbia and superintend ent of the orphanage, Hastlngs-on-Hudson. will speak. Campbell Hotel Chicken Dinner. Best in the city for 85e. Hotel on Twenty-third and Hoyt. Special menu tonight. Dining room open at 6:30. Call Atwater 0SS1 for group reservations. Adv. Notice to Our Customers. The Dundee-Fruit & Walnut company's dryer and packing house at Dundee is closed on Sunday. Come week days or mail orders. W. H. Bently. Adv. Congregational Bazaar. The la dles of the First Congregational church will hold their annual bazaar on Tuesday and Wednesday. Decem ber 5 and . Further details later. Adv. Office, suitable for doctor or dent ist. 304 Selling bldg. Adv. , Watch Is Stolen, Fur Lost. Yio let Smith, 1541 Williams avenue, re ported to police yesterday that someone seated next to her in the Majestic theater Sunday night took a gold watch which hung from her neck on a ribbon. She did not dis cover the loss until after she had left the theater. Mrs. Alice Bagu ley, 490 East Forty-second street, reported the loss of a mink fur cape, valued at 8800, which she be lieved was left In the Highway thea ter on Sandy boulevard, at Fifty second street, last Thursday night. Dr. Reeder to Speak. Dr. R. R. Reeder, member of the child com mission of Serbia and formerly su perintendent of the orphanage, Hastings-on-Hudson, will address the first assembly of the Portland school of social work of the Univer sity of Oregon in room A. central library, this morning at 11 o'clock. The assembly will be a weekly con vocation, and will be addressed by various people Interested in social work during the year. Dr. Philip A. Parsons is director of the school. Hunter Pleads Guilty. Though Vern Jacox is back at Flint,' Mich, attending his duties as truant offi cer for the public schools there, he was allowed to plead guilty in the local federal court yesterday to a charge of killing migratory birds. He was fined $15. Jacox, while vis iting relatives in Baker county last summer, shot and killed a mudhen and a bittern in violation of federa game laws. He said that he knew of no law against the killing of such birds. Smallpox Is Found in School.- Glencoe school, at East Forty-ninth and Belmont streets, was closed yes terday for fumigation following the discovery of a case of smallpox it one of the classes. The pupil suf fering from the disease is Janet Stockley, 7 years old, who lives at 1384 Tabor court. All pupils of the school will have to be vaccinated or remain out of school for 21 days. Classes will probably resume Thurs day morning. First Train of Loos Dumped. The first train of logs over the newly opened Portland, Astoria & Pacific railway, subsidiary of the Spokane. Portland & Seattle, was hauled from Vernonia and dumped into the Nehalem boom at Burling ton yesterday. It was the date of opening the line to logging traffic and general freight will be accepted between Portland and Vernonia Oc tober " 16, while passenger service will be started November 1. Boys Are Accused of "Rolling" Drunks. With Hugh Edwards, 18, in custody, the trial of four youths said to have been "rolling" drunks in the north end for the last few months, will be held in municipal court today. Edwards was picked up by inspectors late Monday night at Second and Burnside streets. The other reputed members of the gang, L. B. Ford, Lloyd Preston and Ed ward Cline, were arrested early Monday morning. Community Dances Arw Resumed, Weekly community dances spon sored by the entertainment commit tee of the Hawthorne Parent-Teachers association will be resumed Sat urday, October 1-1, at the Washing ton high school gymnasium. East Thirteenth and Alder streets. The regular meetings for the fall and winter have been resumed by the organization and the social pro grammes are being outlined for the gatherings. British Society to Meet. The monthly meeting of the British Ben evolent society of Oregon will be held tonight at 8 o'clock, in lecture room A, public library. Tenth and Yamhill streets, for the transaction of business. Friends and members are requested to attend. After the conclusion of business a musical programme will be rendered under the direction of Miss Mackenzie. Bakery Plant Visited. Members of the Chamber of Commerce made heir- weekly industrial trip yester day to tlrfti-plant of the Pacific Coast Biscuit company, where cakes, can dies and other delicacies were served the visitors. The operations of the plant were viewed and con siderable knowledge gained about manufacturing crackers, cookies and other products. Two Fugitives Returned. James Oliver, accused ,of having stolen postal money orders in his posses sion, and Jesse B. Welns, accused of violating the prohibition law. both of whom were arrested at Baker, Or., were brought to Portland yes- erday by Deputy United States Mar shal Wells and lodged in the county jail. Both will face the federal grand jury which is now in session. Eas"B Side Gets Raper. A new east side community newspaper to be known as the Portland Review has just made its Initial appearance n the central east side district. L. S. Slner & Sons, of 11 East Morrison treet, are publishers of the paper. which is to be issued weekly on Fridays, and Miss Nina M. Johnston s the editor. Albert E. Cole Sought. In a message received by the Veterans f Foreign Wars. Portland head uarters. yesterday, from B. R. Taylor of Donnellson, 111., inquiry was made as to the whereabouts of Albert J3. Cole. The letter stated hat his father had died and he was wanted at home. He is supposed to in this city. j Woman in Auto Injured. Mrs. Andrew Aro, 26, 772 Interstate ave- ue, was cut above the eye and suf fered other injuries when the auto mobile she was driving went over the curb, at Delay and Lombard streets yesterday morning and truck a telephone pole. She was taken to St. Vincent's hospital. Mrs. Clark to Speak at Library. Mrs. Mariella Clark, who has been Washington and New York city four years engaged In work for the ational woman's party, will speak t the public library, room A, Satur day at 8 P. M., on the work and accomplishments of the woman's party. Stanfield Asked to "Stump." ebraska and Colorado republican state committees have requested R. N. Stanfield, United States sen- tor for Oregon, to take the stump n those states. The request has been made by Horace Ellis, repre senting those states. Addict Sentenced to Jail. John urns, narcotics addict, was sen- enced to- 60 days in jail yesterday charge of possessing a card of plum and a hypodermic outfit when e was arrested Monday night in the Coast hotel near Second and Burn- ide streets. George B. Cellars is Indorsed. eorge B. Cellars has been indorsed for city commissioner by the execu- ve committee of the progressive party. The committee has also in dorsed Gus .L. Erickson for state ubifc service commissioner and George N. Cosmos for city auditor. Dine This Evening at Campbell Hotel. Twenty-third street, at Hoyt. De licious fond, served right for less money. Big chicken dinner tonight 85 cents. Adv. Electric Treatments by an ex pert, no shock, burn or sting. Dr. Sherman. Atwater 3155. -Adv. One Room makes two rooms with Oscillating Portal Wall Beds. Cress Co., 9S-9S Front street Adv. Try Roman Meal Bread. Your grocer. Baked by Log Cabin Bakery company. Adv. Doctor's Suitb of three reams for rent. 822 CorbeM bldg. Adv. Aitkb, the children's photographer. organ bldg. Main 0J39. Adv. ; MB MM DEAD VETERAJf PKEXTEK VICTIM OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Old Employe of The Oregonian Succumbs at Home, 1294 East Twelfth Street. Benjamin F. Morden, one of the veterans of The Oregonian's com posing room staff, died at his home, 1294 East Twelfth street, as a re sult of an attack of Bright's dis ease. He was 65 years of age and had been a resident of Portland since 1901. ' Mr. Morden was a prominent member of the Centenary-Wilbur Methodist Episcopal church, and a reception which was to have been held at that church last night was postponed on account of his death. He was born at London, Ontario, February It, 1858. From there he moved with his parents to Nebraska City, Neb., when he was but 10 years old. He learned the printer's trade and worked on the Nebraska City Daily News for 30 years previous to coming to Portland. In Portland he was employed first In the composing room of the Tele gram and later with The Oregonian. He was a member of Oregon Fir court Modern Woodmen of America and of typographical union No. 58. Mr. Morden is survived by his widow, Elizabeth J. Morden; three sons, Earle Morden of New York, Parks Morden of Astoria and Her bert Morden of Portland; two brothers, C. A. Morden, manager of The Oregonian, and G. Parks Mor den of Hood River, and two sisters, Miss L. M. Morden of Waterbury, Conn., and Miss Mima Morden of Pacific Grove, Cal. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at Flnley's chapel. Interment will be at the Mount Scott cemetery. Kiwanis club at Its luncheon yes terday at the Multnomah. Mr. Meacham is here to interest Portland business men In a cam paign to preserve the trail as an interstate highway and to under take its Improvement and comem oration by suitable - memorials on Uie Oregon section of it, as Idaho and Wyoming on their part have already taken steps toward doing it. The luncheon was held especially in honor of Admiral Henry T. Mayo, ex-commander of the Atlantic fleet. Yesterday was the anniversary of his entry into the club. ISLAND EDUCATOR HERE Clancy of Philippines Portland for Visit. in PIONEER MERCHANT ILL Doctors Fear That Vincent Cook Will Not Recover. Vincent Cook, pioneer Portland business man, is seriously ill at his residence, 426 Fifth street, and it was said last night that the at tending physicians had given up hope of his recovery. Mr. Cook has been unconscious for the past 24 hours, it was said, and was appar ently growing weaker. . He has been ill for three months. Mr. Cook has been a resident of Oregon since 1854, when he arrived from the east by the Nicaragua route. Shortly after arrival here he engaged in the' manufacturing business with a brother. He successively engaged in the dry goods and the salmon canning and mining business. He is a mem ber of the Oddfellows' lodge. That education of the masses in the Philippine islands will solve this country's Philippine problem was the declaration of D. E. Clancy of the bureau of education in those islands, who has been ' visiting friends in this city. He announced that there are at present more than .one million pupils enrolled in the public schools of the islands out of a population of 11,000,000 persons. Mr.. Clancy is on a year s leave of absence and while in this country will make a study of educational problems. In Portland he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crofts. He left Portland last week and will visit New York, Washing ton and other eastern cities during a three-months trip. He will then return to Portland again. During the past three years Mr. Clancy has been division superin tendent of schools in the province of Ilicos Sur in Luzon. FARRAR STAGE SEATS Are Now Selling at Sherman, Clay & Co. On account of the great demand for $1.50 tickets for the -Farrar Con cert. Thursday night, at the Audi- r i torlum, Steers & Coman will place stage seats on sale this morning. Prices 12.50, $2, $1.50, $1. War tax 10 per cent extra. Adv. OREGON TRAIL IS TOPIC Preservation of Famous Route Urged TJpon Klwanians. Is the old Oregon trail, most im posing and picturesque nistoricai highway that America possesses, which still traces its pristine route across the prairies and mountains of Missouri, Nebraska, Wyoming and Oregon, to the Pacific at the outlet of the Columbia, exactly as it led when Ezra Meeker, its famous sponsor, was a tow-headed pioneer's son, to remain intact, or to be broken up into separate and dis organizing state highways? That the query that Walter Meacham, president of the Old Oregon Trail association, presented before the DECOU LECTURES THRILL Crater Lake and Columbia River, Set to Music, Captivate. Crater lake and the Columbia river, set to music but not the music of the firs will bring to thousands of eastern stay-at-homes a realization of the scenic wonders of Oregon this season. Such is the purport of a letter received by Jo sephine H. Forney, director of pub licity for fhe chamber of commerce, from Branson De Cou, whose unique and beautiful travel lectures are not unfamiliar to Portland people. In his series of "dream pictures," now appearing before eastern lec ture audiences, Mr. De Cou is featur ing views of Crater lake and a new set known as "Guardians of the Columbia." both the product of the Kiser studio. The various views are displayed to an accompaniment of musical selection, in harmony with the subject, and enhanced by brief descriptive readings. TANGLE TO EE CLEMD DESCHUTES COUNTY LOANS TO BE EXPEDITED. Adjutant - General White and Lyman G. Rice Leave for Bend to Close Up Business. George A. White, adjutant-general of Oregon, and Lyman G. Rice of Pendleton, representing the world war veterans' state aid commission, left yesterday for Bend for the pur pose of closing up pending loans to soldiers which have been held in abeyance for several weeks as a result of Investigations of the work of the Deschutes county appraisers, J. B. Overturf and O. B. Hardy, who were removed by the commission. General White and Mr. Rice have been empowered to close the loans on the spot for Deschutes county veterans who have been compelled to wait for their loans until the tangle could be cleared. The two commissioners will in spect every case where the ap praisal has not been completed, and their work will include the clear ing up of some 40 cases where one of three appraisers has rendered no report for more than two months, thus blocking the work of the com mission and preventing the ex-service men from completing their loan contracts with the state. Candidates Increased to Five. LA GRANDE. Or., Oct. 10. (Spe cial.) The list of candidates for city commissioner in La Grande was in creased to five when C. M. Hum phreys filed Just before time for the certification of the nominations. Rural Mail Route Extended. ALBANY. Or., Oct. 1I Sr.e-!! C. H. Stewart, postmaster, today announced that rural mall route 1 out of Albany will be extended tK-to- ; ber 1 three miles to render better' service to patrons in the Orleane , community. Petition for this j tension was made las April. E. IV j Cornett 1- tn. carrier. New Electric Fixtures Makes a Wonderful Change in the Old Home LET WALSfl ELECTRIC CO. Figure Your Lighting Problems Electrical Devices and Wire Installations Everything Electrical Repaired If convenient, phone early in forenoon and we will give service same day Bdwy. 5781 Sales Rooms 106 Fourth WOODMEN HOLD FROLIC Street Carniva 1 Staged to Get Ready for Silver Jubilee. . Preparatory to their silver jubi lee, which they will hold In the armory October 27 and 28, the Mod ern Woodmen of America, Oregon branch, staged the first night's programme of their street frolic last night on the grounds adjacent to the armory. It will be continued j every nigm mis weett. tne it one, which is put. on by a carnival com pany picked expressly with the re cent Investigations at the state fair in mind, is a brilliant one, including merry-go-rounds, Ferris wheels, game booths, sideshows and sundry variations from the usual run of bazaars. A street parade preceded the opening. M r . Aim mm Good Health Is Your Asset PERFECT TEETH Inaure Better Health Peclde riaht now to h ' teeth put in prft-t rf-ftl'inn. You will h fll riM in (ulure health T ilviti'mr r.f in hlh 'n1rd qui I'v dn!ltrr me offr-r ou at lie h lw f You'll finrl our iM-t-ntifie m'thorla ara ahflutely r-ai.e. mjr ell'knon promt's guarantee. " It Hurts, Don't Pay Mc met t in ii hum it H It My Charge Average About a Others Charge tk'ktii t;Tn Tr-.n nv Dr. Harry Seraler nrrmm Flor ll.k, flallalaa Tlf aa Morrlana Mala U74 Dr. A. B. llla mllh lata ffk- rwn6shtp that tloivs trom the hcarl cannot be frozen hy a6i;ersihf f as the water that flows from the spring cannot congoat m unnten J.Fenimore Cooper 4i pr fr.!'!-!!-?": tr n n re? 'ri; nr-,:. j Peacock Rock Springs coal. Dia mond Coal" Co.. Bdwy. 8037. Adv. Dancers The Portland Institute of Music and Dramatic Art solicits your co-operation to induce Ivan Baiikoff the great dancing mas ter now at the ORPHEUM to return and teach in Portland Communicate with us at Broadway 7262, 7th Floor Eilers Bldg. Stephen Juhasz, mgr. CHOCOLATES Seal of Trioi)6sbip Make Somebody Happy NATIONAL CANDY DAY October 14th f "r; ; is i -rrz : as n An attractive Toox of Hazelwood Candy will appeal to the most discriminating taste. We send candy by parcel post to all parts of the world. The Hazelwood 388 Washington Street Broadway Hazelwood 127 Broadway 1 1 IKK . i mm MUST 'a w ll sgMgaaa .ii mm MEN WANTED FOR SHOPS AND IJOLXDHOLbE RATES: Machiniala 70 pr hour Blacksmiths 70c prr hovf Shret-Melal Writ's. 70 per hour Electrician. 70c per hour Stationary Enfinrerai Various ratra Stat orary Fir'mra: Va -ioua ratra rol'crmakcm . . . . 70-JOJ'je hour fararnfrr-Car Men 70c prr hoar Freight-Car Men. . SJc pt hur" Helper, all claaae 47c per hoar ii allra llm aaa-fcalt - flaw rfca la vara W lal aoara prr tlM. airlaa vaaallMas prall. ArrLY room sn COL'CH BLDG, 109 lOL'RTII ST, NEAR WASHINGTON. PORTLAND 'V'l'-i i UV t r j ' 1 'V r';3rvf-f;:'5!'fei Thomwo't DeLuxa Box A delightful assortment of TbotnMn'a hard mad soft center chocolatea. Every pteco dipped by band to insure uniform thickness of costing. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. S CJ O A 5, q-J W'aSMaaa lii i I liirjrt - - S3L m a is of; ' -Util, . S - JF il r M : - i rV A.. ;fl C r - A! I p'-w- fn Ostein;.- IpJtJ te, p .VJ'Twin'Bf tji f? - rl Cured without Surgery MY guaranteed cure for Tiles is a non-turglcal method, eliminating knife, operation, anaesthetic, rin and confinement. 1 have never failed to cure a cat of Tiles in the history of my practice, proof of hlch may be, haj by obtaining the lrng I tat of prominent fJorthwett people horn I have treated. I nam alt a.t aa ta fawaha W aaiaaias a rWaal raar f It I fall to an raar Pila. WrMa ae a ta aay far ar TRUl aaaalat. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN tNO AMD MOnarlOH r-OHTl.An n. amt a KIIULON T' Hill Hl Km 1 7 r" Joy Series No. 3 NE. OF THE. U A i A' .'.. . a l 0 . a m M . F. hANt n TURNAtL- SV)ESS VHICH ONE. THS NVJRNING--"HAtiTo START Wish l lived IN THE . Socrrn SEA . r.tJ. ) furnaces! yr 3 GONGHRT BT Whitney Hoys' Chorus Ml Ml ll'a Al IIITIIHM . naear KeU. 0,t. It. T. H. nil. I. BaicTT. Pecond Xiahrai Voir, in World. Bat By hol'rtr-l VS .( nf I 'hlcMarft. IMkrr BeaiarfcahU fly rralcla. aa4erfwl lliimiiM a4 aalaalla Urlll-leaaa Maarala. nrv.l aaata rKhrrran riar'a after 10 A. XI. Tuly. l-lihr 10. lta. seata 7Sc. G-nral iflmlwon too. I i . . '- . , 1 ' 1 11 I ' 1 PORTLAND HOTEL Antiot-nce openinr of thtT Newly Dworitfd Grille. I.unrh from .11 n 1 Ta from 2 X TMnnfi" fmm i Supper from .......... 3 t 11 CeorRe Olscn and His Orchestra WtJEH you ao TO SAN FRAMCISCO HOTEL STEWART a Care St.. Jnrt mil tTn!n Srir, 1n mart of l.t murm. eaf.a. Ooo4 acirRUBiMlauea at my mo-i.n'. ratal, aert kaova ai.,i la tia Vn.i-4 Btaua. IiinUit KM-. "--. Ltinrh, a Ik- ann-Ur. T"' D'aaat. II 25. Boadair". 1 0. KuBiftp.l ..r Pihm door. twart ! tr.i.'f and luinin. It la aaaaUia ta iaaa liMmUnu la ad.aaca.