Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Democratic Plans in Massa
chusetts Wrecked.
Outstanding Irony of Present Po
litical Year Is Pointed Out
by Mark Sullivan.
(Copyright, 1922. by New York Evening
Post. Inc. Published by Arrangement.)
BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 9. (Special.)
-As things stand, lour weeks and a
day before the election, put it down
that Henry Cabot Lodge is going
back to the senate from Massachu
setts. Put it down also as the out
standing irony of the present pol
litical year in the United States that
the man whom the democrats aTe
running against Lodgre is a man
who voted against Woodrow Wilson
in 1916.
The whole theory of the demo
cratic fisht, to take revenue on
Lodge for the way Lodge acted to
ward Wilson, has pone to nothing:.
For the nearly four years since thei
time when Lodge began his bedevil
ling: of Wilson, and his fight against
the league of. nations, the Wilson
democratic leaders in the nation and
the league cf nations people every
where nursed the thought that this
coming election, in Massachusetts
would be "the (Jay" when they would
have their revenge. But all that has
Whole Programme Fails.
All the plaus to put forward
against Lodge some ardent cham
pion of the league of nations, to ge-t
the support of Wilson friends be
hind him, to bring James Cox into
the state to denounce Lodge as the
sordid enemy of the league of na
tions and of all idealism, the whole
plan to make the fight on Lodge a
great democratic effort and the
principal national political event of
the year all that programme has
failed step by gtep.
This Massachusetts fight was to
be the vindication and cononization
of Wilson. All the Wilson zealots
in the country were going to help.
To persons who( looked forward to
this, kind of an issue, the actual
fight, as it has developed, has little
appeal. In fact, the ardent Wilson
partisans are more than indifferent.
They are embittered and sullen.
The man who got the democratic
nomination against Lodge voted
against Wilson in 1916. The league
of nations, Wilson, our foreign re
lations generally none of these
things are issues in the campaign.
The democrats will put up a con
- siderable fight; but it will be
wholly different and much less ap
pealing than they originally
Gaston to Run Well.
The democratic candidate, Will
iam A. Gaston, is a barrker who
stands high in his state, but he
offers no contrast to Lodge of a
sort that would appeal to the Wil
son league of nations idealists. Gas
ton will make a good fight and
while Lodge, as things stand today,
is by every evidence clearly clearly
and strongly in the lead, he will
hardly be allowed to have a walk
over. Gaston is an energetic and re
sourceful man, and his heart is set
on the senatorship. Although in the
present fight he is th.e victim of
animosities stirred up in the recent
campaign and is not the favorite
of the dominant element in such or
ganization as the democrats have
nevertheless he has a considerable
democratic following of his own
jsd is the beneficiary of the grati
tude of the party workers for occa
sions in the past when he has
stood by the party and at times led
it himself during periods of ad
versity. He is a wealthy man, and
the democrats this year will prob
ably .have what is for them the un
usual experience of having more
funds than the republicans.
Republican Organization Good.
But Gaston's only chance lies in
some extraordinary development not
now to be foreseen, arising out of
such new basis of campaign as the
democrats may devise after the
wreck of the original programme.
All that the democrats can do in -the
way of organization will be of an
emergency nature, improvised out of
the almost complete chaos into
which the democratic party in
Massachusetts fell two weeks ago.
The republicans, on the other
- hand, have a thoroughly compact
organization, with the prestige of
victory behind them. Moreover, the
republicans are confident and en
thusiastic over the idea of scoring
a success in the eyes of the nation
by sending Lodge back to the sen
ate. The republican convention
which nominated Lodge was not
conspicuous for its enthusiasm. The
democratic primary compaign, in
which Gaston fought hard for the
nomination against two others al
most equally strong, was conspicu
ous for lack of enthusiasm, and
left a good many scars in the shape
of libel suits and bitter resentments.
Little Interest Is Taken.
Important factions among the
democrats are indifferent to Gaston,
or more than indifferent. Even
some of the leading democratic and
independent newspapers, which
might have been counted on to rush
to the opportunity of defending
Lodge, are either indifferent or else
disposed to support Lodge.
Many persons who don't approve
of Lodge and who look forward, as
the democratic national leaders did,
to taking enthusiastic part in a
fight against him, now take little
interest in the campaign. Further
more, Lodge is helped by a senti
ment in the state whiciyhas got its
back up against the heathen beyond
its borders who have been saying
savage things about their senator;
against those democratic senators
from what Massachusetts regards as
the uncouth wilds of Arkansas and
Mississippi and against all other
outlanders, from ex-President Wil
son and. Mr. Cox down who have
been saying what ought to be done
to Senator Lodge and what they
were going to do to him.
This section of Massachusetts sen
timent proposes to show the world
that it knows exactly what it wants,
and is going to do its own choosing.
They are not going to have it said
that the man whom Massochusetts
has been sending to Washington for
some 40 years is an undesirable sen
ator. This state of feeling, which
is a definite and important factor
in the campaign, takes little or no
account of the tariff, bonus, pro
hibition, foreign affairs or any other
issue. The lack of any heated dis
cussion of issues is conspicuous. Mas
sachusetts does not particularly like
the tariff, but there Is littie or no
talk about it. Both Lodge and his
.opponent, Gaston, axe lor the bonus.
Gaston, although a banker, is for
even a bigger and better bonus than
But this sort of thing is not dis
! cussed. The only thing brought for
ward as seriously likely to hurt
T.njfr, a-nA the reniihliratlfl is the
possibility of cold weather on elec
tion day coupled with no coal, and
those who have charge of the coal
distribution in the country tell me
that by November 1 the coal scarcity
will not be severe.
Out of all this Senator Lodge in
his public appearance in his native
state looks very chipper and carries
his 72 years with what is, even for
him, exceptional nattiness and con
fidence. If you have disciplined
yourself into looking at politics
wholly as an observer you would
have got an amusing emotion of see
ing, at the Brockton fair one day
last week. Senator Lodge and Vice
President Coolidge, both high hatted
and both black-coated, mingling
genially among the pumpkins and
the prize cattle, but preserving that
slightly remote air of distinguished,
silk-hatted aloofness which Massa
chusetts prefers in its-public char
Arrests Follow laborer's Com
plaint to Police of Being
'Rolled' Fol lowing Party.'
F. J. Adams, itinerant laborer,
reported to the police Monday that
he had been "rolled" of 240 Sunday
night by two men and two women.
Last night inspectors had Adams in
jail as a material witness, his 240
for evidence and the four in jail
charged with larceny. They are
Addell Scott, alias Tiny Booth,
dressmaker at 253 M Washington
street; Louis Schildt, prize fight
follower; Genevieve Kenney, 18, and
Roy Thomas, brakeman.
Adams told, police that the brake
man sold him a bottle of whisky
and introduced him to the Scott
woman on the train en route from
Hood River to Portland. He said
he went to her apartment with her,
and that later Thomas and the other
woman arjjyed. - They had a party,
following which he and Thomas
went to the north end, where they
were, joined by Schildt. Before the
party was over Adams was minus
his watch as well as the money.
Schildt, police said, turned over
to them J100, admitting that it was
Adams' money. Thomas had the
same sum. Each man had given
one of the women ?20, which they
turned over to police. The women
said they did not know, until they
ware questioned by police, that the
money had been stolen.
Confession of Kevolting' Crime Is
Made by Nova Scotia Guide.
HALIFAX, N. S. Confession that
he burned alive pretty 19-year-old
Flora Gray after she had success
fully repulsed his advances' in her
bedroom in the dead of night was
made today by Omar P. Roberts, 68,
guide and proprietor of a hunting
Koberts was carried into court,
his feet having ben badly burned
by the flames which destroyed Miss
Gray. Preliminary hearing of what
is declared the most fiendis-h crime
of Nova Scotia history was held
behind locked doors because of the
revolting details of the attack and
Plea of guilty, without counsel
and a complete confession, was of
fered by Robert, according to the
The guide, who had testimonials
from leading clerymen and sports
men throughout the United States,
certifying to his good character and
the -comfort of his lodge and camps,
declared he committed the murder
on the night of August 28. He told
his story to a jailer in his cell.
Flora Gray, he said, .was house
keeper at his lodge, Riverside house,
at North Kemptville. Pretty, less
than a third his age, shej attracted
him overpoweringly. He proposed
marriage but she scoffed at the
"She loved the hired man, Ran
some Randall," Roberts told the
jailer. "I had a good home to give
her but I didn't blame her so much."
According to his confession, the
old guide went to Flora's bedroom
late at night. He declared his "in
tentions were evil." They failed.
"I did what I did then because of
jealousy," Roberts said. He told of
strapping the girl in her bedcloth
ing till she was powerless to move
and of pouring gasoline over her.
He said he then set fire to the girl
with a match.
Then he drove to a neighboring
house and gave the alarm of fire.
Ransom Randall, the hired man,
rushed to the scene. He and Avery
Gray, a relative of the victim, went
to Flora's room, beating their way
in through the flames. In a corner,
under a mattress, lay .her charred
One report was that she was alive,
although burned from head to foot,
and that she was able to whisper
the name of her assailant.
Roberts, in another part of hs
confession, said Flora struggled as
he poured gasoline over her and
that he spilled some on hia own
feet. The flames that enveloped th
girl leaped to his moccasins and
leggings as he fled.
Cuban Banking House Heads
Will Be Prosecuted.
HAVANA. Attention has' been
called again to an interesting report
first circulated last May when the
German-Cuban banking house of H
Upmann & Co. closed its doors, by
the provisional conclusions formu
lated by Fausto Alfonso, prosecut
ing attorney, against H. Upmann for
alleged fraudulent failure. ,
The states attorney says Mrs.
Maria Teresa Bances de Marti 1s not
included in the list of thos clients
of the bank to whom reparation
should be made, since she received,
before the bank went under control
of the federal bank liquidation com
mission, $130,000 in jewels and
It was reported in May that Mrs.
Bances, when first she heard that
the Upmann bank was in trouble,
went to the Upmann home and by
some means or other the stories
vary in this-partlcular secured vir
tually all the famous diamonds of
the banker's wife to guarantee her
account. Both are members of two
of Cuba's most noted families.
Another feature of the public
prosecutor's findings is the heavy
sentence asked for H. " Upmann,
totaling 26 H years of correctional
imprisonment on nine charges of
embezzlement and the payment of
an Indemnity of $1,547,262.50 to those
he is alleged to have defrauded. No
date for the Upmann trial yet has
been set.
Phone your want ads to The Ore
gonian. All its readers are inter
ested in the classified columns
Friends Greeted in Diffident,
Humorous Way. 7
Representative McArthnr, Ralpb
,Villiams, Walter L. Tooze
Jr. Give Addresses.
When the republican county cen
tral committee convened Monday
night at library hall, it entertained
certain eminent members of the
party and they in turn entertained
it. by addresses -replete with aa
monitions to suDnort the party and
its principles, and predictions of
sweeping success at the November
election. The enunciation ef such
views never failed to elicit genuine
storms of applause, 'but the appear
ance of Governor Olcott brougnt tne
committee members and casual spec-
ta.t.ora to their feet in tribute. ,
Governor Olcott did not make a
political speech. In rather diffident,
humorous manner he greeted them
as friends, deplored the fact that he
had been so busied with executive
duties that his participation in the
campaign, up to the present, nan
been negligible, but assured su
within hearing that he was watch
inr with intense interest the strenu
ous and high-spirited progress of
Candidate Gump, the 100 per cent
American whose boast is that he is
collarless. Then the governor, pro.
facine the significant statement by
a plea that in a moment he must
catch a. -train for Salem, sale mat
henceforth folk would know tnat ne
was in the lists. 9
Active Campaign Pledged.
"From this time on." Governor
Olcott pledged himeelf, "I am going
to take an active part in the cam
paisn to the end that success may
attend the republican ticket in No
vember. I tiave no message for you
now." said the governor, ' but I shall
have rather an important one when
next I sneak before you.
Representative McArthur, jaw
thrust forward and shoulders
squared, received an ovation equally
vociferous, and for ten lively min
utes upheld the standard and defied
party detractors. Mr. McArtnur re
minded his hearers that primary
election returns in the various
states had in no sense been rebukes
of the national administration
which had definitely declined to
concern itself with the success or
defeat of candidates in these party
elimination contests, and that ' in
the main the approval given to con
gressional candidates for renomina
tion had proved the confidence of
their constituencies. The results,
he said, were a complete refutation
of .the "shallow writing" of the
riamruraiir nrPKH
Both Ralph William national
committeeman, and 'Walter jU
Tooze Jr., state chairman, stressed
the necessity of complete party co
operation, the latter asserting that
party controversy is settled at the
primaries and that thereafter the
duty of republicans is to further
the success of all candidates "from
Governor Olcott to Dow Walkerl"
"Republicans have less excuse
this year,"' said Chairman Tooze,
"for bolting the party than they
have had in years gone by. There is
no reason why they should not stana
by the primary nominees with- a
united front in November. If we
have any differences of opinion in
the party the logical plaae to, settle
them is in the primary."
Governor Is Commended. .
"Vigorously commending Gover
nor Olcott's candidacy the speaker
tossed a barb in the general direc
tion of Walter M. Pierce, the demo
cratic gubernatorial nominee, as
serting that he had attempted to
make political capital of the market
roads bill, which bears his name, but
which, i ke the cheeild in the meller
drama, has, alas, another daddy.-
"The market roads bill," exclaimed
Chairman Tooze, "bears his name
simply because he begged the com
mittee, with tears in his eyes, in
that winning way he has, to let him
have something to show when he
get back to Union county!"
Summing up the prospects for No
vember and urging that harmony
and brotherhood should be the twin
shibboleths of republicanism, the
slate chairman succinctly con
cluded: "If the republicans stay by
the ticket we don't care what the
democrats do!" A roar of approval
answered this philosophy.
The meeting was presided over by
W. E. Eddj, county chairman, who
introduced the several speakers and
vied with them in expressions of re
publican fealty and reminders of
the importance, to the nation, of
Oregon retaining her eminence as a
republican state in all particulars.
County Aid to Dependents and
Delinquents True Economy.
WASHINGTON, D. C. County of
ficers in many states are finding it
sound economy to make appropria
tions for local care of dependent, de
fective or delinquent children,
rather than to allow this work to
be carried on by individuals or other
private groups, according to a re
port by the children's bureau of the
United States department of labor.
Administration of care for neg
lected, handicapped or delinquent
children by local boards of citizens,
employing trained workers aided by
state boards, is, according to the
summary, the plan which is gaining
approval in a constantly Increasing
number of states. .
Within recent years laws requir
ing or permitting some form of
county welfare organization of broad
to your druggiit
The sithpteit way to end a
corn is Blue-jay. A touch
' stops the pain instantly. -Then
the -corn loosen and comes
out. Made - in a colorless
clear liquid (one drop does ,
it I) and in extra thin plas
ters. The action is the same.
Pain Stops Instantly
Jeatuy ,1 J '
scope have been passed in Arkansas.
Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina
and Virginia, while individual coun
ties, private agencies or state boards
in Alabama, California, Florida, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania and South
Carolina are working out similar
plans without special .legislative ac
tion. County organization concerned
mainly with the care of dependent
children is found in Arizona, Indi
ana, New Tork and Ohio.
In the past, the report said, the
development of preventive and
constructive activities for children
in rural sections usually depended
on the willingness of some private
individual or group to assume the
financial obligations. The recent
rapid growth of county welfare
work has come about largely as a
result of the development of state
wide plans, but a local organization
is usually put into effect only after
the county has indicated a desire
for it.
While it was found that plans are
not alike in any two states because
of variations in local conditions, the
"basic principles are in agreement."
The general tendency is in the di
rection of broad, co-ordinated pro
grammes, according to the report.
Some Say University Will Resign
While Others Aver Rebnke
Will Be Accepted. .
cial.) Any announcement as to
what will be the attitude of Stan
ford with reference to. the public
reprimand ordered by a vote of the
Pacific Coast conference in Port
land last Saturday will be unauthor
ized until such time as the Stan
ford board of control holds a meet
ing, which will likely be the latter
part of the week. Divers state
ments have been made.
One is to the effect that Stanford
will resign from the conference.
The other is .diametrically op
posed, with the assertion that Stan
ford will accept the reprimand and
not resign.
A prominent member of the Stan
ford board of control, who refused
to permit his name to be used, made
this assertion:
"I can only guess what Stanford
will do. But if I were guessing I
wpuld say that Stanford will tender
her resignation to the .conference."
As a matter of fact, Stanford is
awaiting a full report from Stewart
Fisher, Stanford man, who repre
sented Stanford at the conference,
though he did nottyiave a vote. As
soon as that report reaches Stanford
a meeting of the board of control
will "be held.
Just what the conference has done
with reference to the east versus
west game and Pasajlena remains
to be discovered. No announcement
has been made as yet to the press,
but it is considered likely that ne
gotiations with Pasadena are being
continued. Pasadena has the .only
stadium outside of Stanford that
would be large enough to accommo
date the crowd and bring in a gate,
and Pasadena will unquestionably
be selected.
Lute Nichols, graduate manager
at California, who was present at
the Portland conference, has not re
turned from the north, but is ex
pected tomorrow morning. He will
doubtless be able to throw some
light on the situation unless the
conference pursues its usual course
of secrecy.
Brnnsbuttel Line Provides Im
proved Connections to Poland.
-NTTTrr vfiR W Th. Cnnard line
announces that, beginning with the
Mauretania sailing septemoer it,
and . continuing with subsequent
sailings of the Berengaria and
Aquitania, the North sea steamers
making overside connections with
tKooa china at Knnth&Tnoton will call
at Brunsbuttel (Hamburg),, Danzig
and i,ioau. improvea uuiiiicuuub
have been made for Lithuanians to
travel via Libau.
The new Briinsbuttel route offers
up the first opportunity since 1913
for passengers to travel in great
,hina nr th. Anuitania. clans all the
way to Germany without rail
travel. It is expected mat passen
gers for Germany, Austria, Czecho-
clMrDl,ia Hnnirarv nnd Rhiimnnia
will greatly favor this route.
Phone your want ads to The Ore
gonian. All its readers are inter
terest in the classified columns.
our future is in part
determined by our
willingness to go
anywhere, day or
night, and do all in
ourpowerto execute
ourpatrons wishes.
Only when we satisfy is
our business worth
I MUN lliOMtKr Al nnn
t 4
Sit Our
Brembers of Three Branches of
Veterans Gathered Up Along
Way to National Meetings.
Headed all ' the way down and
more than half way across the con
tinent, part of Oregon's delegation
to the American Legion, the auxil
iary, and the 40 Hommes and 8 Che
vaux conventions at New Orleans,
left Monday morning from Port
land, routed by way. of Spokane and
George R. Wilbur, who, with Mrs.
Wilbur, joined the party at Hood
River, will head the delegation as
state commander of the legion. Oth
ers were Lane ("Blue") Goodell, past
state commander; Harry N. Nelson,
state adjutant; William B. Follett.
past national vice-commander; Dr.
Eugene Rockey. Mr. and Mrs. Pat
Herbert Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Erskine of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Knox of Portland, A. R. Doris of
Scappoose. Earl R. Goodwin and
Ward H. Eulrich.
Others from Oregon at the big
gathering will be Glenn Dudley of
Athena, Mr. and Mrs. Linn Coovert
and Henry Cato of Bend; W. W.
Wilkins of Condon, L. M. Holder of
Astoria, Mrs. W. A. Eivers, Miss
Patsy Eivers and Mrs. Paul Barthol
emy representing the woman's aux
iliary of Portland, and Mrs. E. B.
Stewart of Roseburg: Mrs. Kffie
$ i fi . - "
I - 'J0& f Mr
(S Vw7,,rr, 21 iH'(' ?.
" -i' - " j.
e ' . ' ,,:j..lJf
Designed by Kaufman
Well :Ta
May Newton of McMlnnvi'.le. Mrs.
R. C. Dillard of Marshfield; Mrs.
E. S. TutUe and Mrs. R. H. Fields of
Eugene. A party of auxiliary dele
gates will leave Roseburg Wednes
day morning and will travel by the
southern route.
The convention convenes Octo
ber 16.
Growing Importance of Lanes in
Pacific Causes Action.
cial.) With the growing import
ance of ocean lanes in the Pacific
as carriers of world commerce, the
coast and geodetic survey has de
cided to make more extensive sur
veys along the west coast of Amer
ica. Two or three steamers are shortly
expected from the Atlantic coast to
take up survey work in the Pacific
Fremont Morse, in charge of the
local office of the coast and geo
detic survey, announced today. The
new vessels are all oil burners. The
steamer Lydonia, a coal burner,
which has been making surveys
this season along the Oregon coast
with headquarters at Coos Bay, will
sail tomorrow for the Atlantic with
Captain R. F. Luce in charge. One
of the oil burners will replace the
Lydonia, while another will prob
ably be sent to Alaska where the
steamers Survey, Winona and Ex
plorer have been worklnf this year.
Adams to Box Bronson.
LIVINGSTON. Mont., Oct. . Joe
Adams, Junior welterweight, signed
a contract today to box 12 rounds In
Butte, Oct. 17, with Muff Bronson of
Portland. Or. Adams claims the Pa
cific coast junior welterweight title.
Stylish and correct in balance, drape and
design; to fit all men; please varied tastes
We know taste differs and we make different models ,
to fit men's mind as well as build. We convert pure'
wool fabrics that will give satisfactory wear to
practical use, and uphold that quality of tailoring
(and design which is satisfying to the wearer.'
iWe guarantee our clothes
f 1
Son, Enraged When He Finds No
Supper Provided, Murders
Victim and Curses Him.
inr Chlat Tribune Leaeed Wire.)
CHICAGO. Oct. t. BrrUM his
father. 77 years of ae. feeble, un
able to work and with no money,
had not purchased food and pre
pared his supper. Helmuih Klock
steln. a iced is. cleft the skull of the
aged man. William Klocksteln. with
a shingling hatchet. The bleedln
body was left lying on the kitchen
floor, while the murderer. hie
mother, aged . and his three
brothers, sat around and cursed be
cause the old man had failed to pro
vide supper.
"I told him I wanted supper and
he said he had been unable to (Ft
anything." said the murderer. "I
went out into the wood-ihed and got
the ax and killed hint. 1 guess I
must have hit him eight or 19
Mrs. Klocksteln said the father
had been in much distrras lately
because his hulking, loafing sons
had looked to him for food and he
was so old and feeble that be could
not always provide their meals.
127 Fair Project Indorsed.
The Portland bulldlnsr trades
council, by unanimous vote lest
ni-ht. decided to support th 127
ilored Suits
exrosit'on prnj-t sn4 to 't r.
aniied labor la this city 19 d.i I -
Ise. It wis p--t the cn"l
labor council would take imilr
action last nlfht. but that boil v. af
ter meeting. aljournd lo n I the
fir prevention masa mectlcg at t'-e
California Fruit and Vrgftabl
Art la Held Illegal.
rial ) The aiate supreme court to
day declared the California fruit
and vegetable etn1ardlaatlon art
of l:i invalid In a d-cllon grant
ing a writ cf habeas erpue to T.
H. Jrpra. a well-known aoulhero
California oranaa grower, who Hiade
a tst of the rait.
The act provlrtea that tha stale
department of asrtruliure be em
powered to dec4 what orn"l
should be considered toe bad fur
ah ipment.
The act deleaatea to the atata ag
ricultural department (he iuihoriif
lo determine the mailer, ut Ilia
auprrm court beld this waa Im
proper antra It veid an a1
miniMratlva body with leji.tsine
Peppers, who ra-etvad the baseaa
rorpua writ, had been arrested
for shipping three bniii ef froieaj
oranaea w hlrh had not been In
apected and paaaed ty the Ineper.
tore of the atale agricultural d
Th prawlta ef Wn!en Wan'.
Ads he ben attained not me-e.iir hr
The Orercmian'e larwa rlrrvlalinn,
but bv th tat that all lis re4ere are