20 THE MORNING OREG ONI AX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1022 FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES. HAVING made a contract with The Studebaker Corporation of Amer ica for the Portland distribution of Studebaker cars, We At Going To Sell Their Stock of Used Cars Consisting of Fords, Maxwells, Dodges, Bulcks, Studebakers, and Many Others of Standard Makes At Honey-Back Values Remember, these are Studebaker Corporation cars and we will sell them regardless of coat. JOHN K. LBANDER CO., 311 Burnside St., Hdwy. 2731. RECONSTRUCTION SALE. $50 BALANCE) EASY PAYMENTS Cupillac, 5-passenger. Overland, 5-passenger. Plerce-Arrow coupe. Ford roadster. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 0321. KEEN BUY. 1020 VELIB SEDAN. $776. This car cost 9-100 two years ago and you will pass up the best buy in Portland if you do not see and buy this car; has many extras. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 8-SL 11th and Burnside Sts. SLAUGHTER SALE OF USED CARS ALL THIS WEEK. Essex, Hups, Butcks, Fords, Dodges, Overlands and other standard makes si prices below the lowest. Roadsters, touring and inclosed cars. Every car In good order and guaranteed on the road. cars can be seen at Portland Auto Pales. 125 3 5th. cor. Wash. Open Sun day and evenings. Phone 4374. - DODGES DODGES DODOES. ' All rebuilt and guaranteed, offered at Portland, lowest price, quality con- "rOADRTERS- TOURING! S SEDANS. BRALEY, GRAHAM &. CHILD, INC., BUivy. 3281. AJUh and Burnside Sts. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE: WE FURNISH THE MONEY; OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING P.LDO., 2i FLOOR.. $r,r0 fl-A FRANKLIN TOURING. Fine condition and new cord tires. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. EXTRA SPECIAL. 1022 Ford roadster in A-l shape; muMt sll at once. $275 cash. We have a new 5-pass. light touring car, run only 1100 miles;, full stream line bodv a snap for $."50. NORTH BANK GARAGE. 11 N. 11th Ft. .. FOKDS FORDS FORDS. Investigation proves our prices are lower, inspection shows every car in A-l condition. To get a good Ford at Icpb money, Bee WILLIAMS MOTOR CO.. 2H N. 11th, upar Burnside Bdwy. 3214. BUICK SIX ROADSTER. Late model, reflnished and new tires, all ready to do the job, come and try it. Low price and $175 down, bat. easy. Will let you ride home. 10th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CO. S,i OVERLAND. This is the heft of all model Over lands. 1 t's in first-class shape and a snap; cord tires, 1 extra; $lo0 down, balance easy. PREMIER SALES CO. IKh and Couch Sts. OU want the best used Chevrolet for your money. I have seven on con sign men t for you to choose from, so you can't go wrong, but plenee don't waste your time or mine unless you are in a position to pay down at least 50. E. 53H8. IRVINGTON'S NEW OARAGE. - P AND P GARAGE. N. E, 21ST ST. AND MULTNOMAH. Day and night service. Storage 9.5U. per montn, l2l CHEVROLET. This is the best little Chrevolet touring we have had this season. It's first-class and We will guarantee it that way; 93N5; small payment down. PREMIER SALES CO., ftth and Couch Sts. LOOK! LOOK1 Many people forced to sell their automobiles at great loss. Including roadsters, tourings, bugs and. sedans, $;a and up. Cars on display. UUK. UAB. AINU fAttH ST. . Iit20 OLDS SPEED WAGON. I First-class mechanical condition; all brand new heavy duty cord tires; $55tf; terms to suit. PREMIER SALES CO, 9th and Couch Sts. $750 j 1021, model 84. Velle. cord tires, re ftnlMhed; will consider light car in trade. BRALEY. GRAHAM ft CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 321. llth and Burnside Sts. ' GRANT SIX TOURING. ' " $75 down. bal. monthly, first-class. Take car in trade. $75 down, late model Chevrolet tour ing, seat covers. 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 1920 FORD coupe in spiendld condition; new tires and lots of extras. Wrorth more money but I'll sell it for $450. Empire 1736. 1919 MAXWELL. Good condition, S tires, factory fin ish, $125. Call today if you want this bargain. Main 0623. room 816. 1018 Baby Grand Chevrolet, new top, new paint, good tlrea, spare tire, $435, terms. L. Y. B1LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave.at Hth. East 0720. 3010 PREMIER touring, reconditioned We will guarantee this car; $000;. $230 nown. nai. mommy, premier bales Co. th and Couch stp. J020 CHEVROLET touring. "400." good tires, well equipped, $295. terms. L. Y. BILLINOSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne ave. at 8th, East 0720. LATEST model superior Chevrolet. Has had best of care. Will take Ford or Chevrolet In trade. Call owner. Sell to ood 0S36. 191S FORD tour., good tires, good con dition, well equipped. $1MS, terms. L. Y. BTLLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorn Ave, at Sth. East 0720. 1010 BUICK , 5-pasa.: all in first-class condition ; good tires, good palnr ; a bargain at $623. terms to responsible party. Call East 2277. LATE '20 HUP. Looks like new. runs like new. lots of extras; will take small oar in trade Call Main '623. room 316. BUICK BUICKA-BUICK. 191 Buick touring, fine light . $400 BHALSY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC. Hd wy. 32S1. llth and Burnside St a FORD touring. $223; fine shape, new top. speedometer, shock absorbers, no tarter or Ucen.s. Tabor WB TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. &31 Aider at I7th. Bdwy. 3254. Mail orders fllied. Automobiles Wanted. CARS wantf J l cars for less. Co.. 1!S:h end o wrecK; parts tor aSi S. A S. Auto Wrecking A'rter. B i wv 63S. I WANT a few light cars; must be bar gains. J. M. Knysdon, S3 park st. CASH paid for Grand s-ve. WILL take automoMle In trade grocery si or. 423 Stark sL FOR SALE A I TO MO BILKS. Automobiles Wanted. USED FORDS WANTED. We do not want to take your Ford on consignment- We give you real cash money Tor your Ford. TWIN TWO MOTOR CO.. INC.. 609 Wash. SU, Just Above 19 th. Orcall Bdwy. 24S3 for appointment... LATE model touring as first payment on modern 4 -room bungalow. Large lot and frurt trees. Value $3HW. 53 E. 87 th street near Staak. ML Tabor car. Key at 37 E. htith st. Automatic 313-03. " .. WANTED Good used auto and some cash for new 4-room house and 3 or 10 acres, suitable" for chicken ranch. Earl. Main 0562; . NEED 12 igct cars, touring, deliver ies and roadsters; will pay highest cajh price for same. T. McDa. :ld. 11 Grand ava. East 4114. WW WKKCK TH KM HiChest Jia.SH DriCST! paid tor old cars, condition no object.1 THIRD AND GLISAN WANTED To trade several good young work horses for automobile, lots or house equity. What have you to offer? 806 Powell Valley road. . FORDS WANTED. Spot cash paid for all models. Bring to 28 N. llth. St.. between Burnside and Couch. $1000 EQUITY on 8-room house and 3 lots, will trade for truck not less than 2 tons. Atlas Transfer -Co., 104 N. 5th Ask for Mr. Dome-. WILL pay top caisn prius lor your Ford, any model. Bring it to 60S Waahing- ton st at 19tfa. . r PRIVATE party wants auto from owner. Dodge, Chevrolet, Ford, Hup. Sell wood 2002. . CASH foi ail mae oi cars, condition no object. 414 GUsan, wocdyard, Broadway 0203. CARS wanted to wreck, parts for less. Hodes Auto Parts Co., 522 Alder. S. W. cor, lath. Bwy. 3638. Mall orders filled. Motorcycle. USED MOTORCYCLES, all makes, lib-, eral terms; used parts 10-75 discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand avenue. Distributors for ACE. READING STANDARD. CLEVELAND. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, side car at tachment, thoroughly overhauled, Al condition, price private, , s. HENDERSON, $75, worth $150. Leaving town. Dream tandem, gooa tires, n-asi 8248. . . 1010 EXCELSIOR and side car and ex tras; no reasonable oner reiusea Main 02-54. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 209 Third et. Main Bl.au. Automobiles for Hire AUTOS FUR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day ana night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember Our Number Bdwy. 3G96. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAjGE. 132 12th st. Broadway 0840." tt-CYLl.NDER- 5-PASS. BLilCK FUR HIRE VVlTrf IJK1VEH fci U W For Kxojianye Automobiles. PRIVATELY OWNED VEL1E 6. What have you to trade for my Velie 0, dandy condition; will connider Vic trola. Price $450, equity $200. -Mr. Morris, Broadway 6tiM, between 11 and 12 and after 5 P. M. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS, 1020 OLDS SPEED WAGON. First-class mechanical condition; all brand new heavy duty cord tires; $5o0; terms to suit. PREMIER SALES CO., 0th and Couch St. TRUCKS To trade for lots and city property. W e have several used and new trucks. All makes and sizes. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Aider. Bdwy. 1460. " OLDS ECONOMICAL -TON. Delivery, $050; cord tires, top con dition. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. Bdwy. 3 2 S 1 llth and Burnside st. MC a-TON, in fine shape, tnis is a real buy; easy terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. nt;;H. evenings East 2418. MACK 2. -ton, guaranteed same as new. a real truck at the right price. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. OliOl, eves. East 2418. FEDERAL 1 -ton. with license and all complete. $200 takes it. Phone Jen sen. Bdwy. 0601, evenings East 2418. REPUBLIC 3 -ton in. flrst-Ctasa shape. Make offer. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0651, e v enings K:ist 24 IS. . INDIANA 3 tit -ton, ready to go, SK0, and it's yours. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0601, evenings East 241 S. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck in good condi tion $275. Call garage, foot of Everett street. FOR SALE CHEAf. Large assortment bull tractor parts. CLAY S. MORSE. INC. 1921 FORD delivery in first-class condi tion, $225. 4;0 Burnside St. GARAGES. DEAD STORAGE. $4 per month, building. 120 Union N. AUTO REPAIRING. YOL'R auto repaired at our home mine with guarantee. Tabor 1146. WANTED MlSCEIXANEOrS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVER COATS, MACK IN A WS AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL ATWATER 12StO OR 253 MADISON. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING want ed: we pay tha most for cast-off clothing and shoes. Call us, Bdwy. 2845. 129 North Sixth at. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR P4.YS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 8032. 245 BURNSIDE ST. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co., 164 Park st.. between Monuton and Yamhill, Phone Main 652. SECOND-HAND clothing wanted. Joe the Tailor pays highest prices for suits, oercoats; we call anywhere in the city. Call Main 3utf or 223 Madison, near 1st st. . SPOT CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. Buy, Sell, Rent or Trade. Newman, 18 First, near Alder. Broadway 7161. Auto. 627-40. U:.VS2. INDEPENDENT ftpef Stock Co., 4 S3 Overton. Bdwy. 20 03. Highest prices newspapers?, magazines, waste psper. WE ARE in the market for EVERY THING. Furniture, tools, clothing. junk, etc Call Main oaa. WANTED Newspapers ana magazine tied in bundles. Will call and pay oOc IW Iba. Caii fcjmpire 133tf, WANTED. RANGE. Wanted, a bargain for cash In good gas or electric range. Main 3761. CLOTHING WANTED if you want to ell Cast-off clothing. Mar. 8223. Peo ple's tfecond-Hnd Store. 20t Aludisun. WANTED Floor show :3d st. Bdwy. 3000. 840 North DIAMONDS and gold bougnt; reliable esti mi t es. G. Cramer, 7 20 Selling bid g DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds, 340 Washington st. W ILL ma ke Xma a novel ties, 2a mp shades. lancy underwear. Sell. IS'Ji. U1GHKST sliotguni cash prices paid for rifles, Hochfeld. 63 3d. near Oak. SAFE, fireproof, give siae and price. 6U, oregonian. WANT all cord Cleveland foot engine; good cohdttion. East 8636. . WANTED Lunch counter, stools, bread rack and floor case. . Walnut 0087. WANTED A small air compressor out f it. Call East 3313. ONE 54-IN. typewriter desk, sanitary base. AH 803. Oregonian. t Furniture Wanted. LOOK HERE. SEE FOR YOURSELF. We are In the market for furniture and household goods. Also grafonolas and pianoa and we pay aU it's worth. One piece or houseful. Wa always pay more than local dealers because we ship out of town. Call Main 4038- . CALL MAIN 0734. You paid for your furniture and household goods all it ts worth. Why not get all it is Worth now? When you call Main u734 you will be aura you will get every cent it la worth now. Call Main 734. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See ue before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNiTURfi STORE. CALL MAIN 8S78. WE NEED SECOND-HANO FURNITUR1B f any description; pay cash. Phone today.- Main 4627 or lfifi First st. WE BUY used furniture of aU descrip tions, and pay the right price. AMER ICAN FURNITURE CO. East. 2403. WE WILL BU- your furniture or sell tor ou on commission George Baker & Co., auctioneers. Main 8332. KUGS, carpets, dressers, ail kinds ofl furniture, pay highest cash price. Phone Main 4187. Charlie. WANT wardrobe Call Tabor 7118. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ PAYS TOP PRICES FOR TTSED FURNITURE. We lust moved to our new location and we need all kinds of household goods, furniture, carpets, staves, etc Caii ATWATER 0587. and our buyer will, come at once with the cash. . A. &. S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 165-167 1st., near Morrison. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time; best possibls prices -paid for furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds of housenold goods to ship out oi town; wm pay more toan otner local deaiers; caii us for one article or a houseful; a courteous, competent buer will call. Rossnberg'B Furniture axenange. a M. intra st. Bcwy. jjw iAI SPOT cash lor second-hand furni ture, rugs, carpet, stoves, dressers, tables, chairs, beds, dishes, everything you want i or e-xenang. vv e pay more than anyone in town; youi tail promptly attended to. CALL EAST 8986. A T WATER 26U3 Call a fair and square man when selling your turnitura, rugs and household goods, and i win pay you all It is worth; we will appreciate your call and attend to 1: Immediately. Atwater 26U3. WILL exchange dental work for furni ture. East 6172. EDUCATIONAL. $50.00 NOW " FOR OUR REGULAR S150 AUTO TRACTOR-ELECTRIC IGNITION AND BATTERY COURSES. HEMPHILL'S SCHOOLS ARE AP PROVED BY THE STATE DEPART MENT OF EDUCATION. APPLICA TIONS FOR STATE BONUS NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR OFFICE. - HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOLS, FIFTH AND GL1SAN STS. NEAR UNION DEPOT. IF YOU WANT A GOOD POSITION READ THIS AD. We have helped hundreds of our graduates to big paying jobs. We can help you, too. We teach auto repair ing, auto starting, lighting and igni tion, also battery wonc Specializing in auto electricity. The untrained auto mechanic finds It difficult to get a position at low pay; Adcox graduates are in demand at big pay. Tha dif ference is Adcox men ore trained spe cialists. Fuil proof of the above is in our new 112-page catalog. Write for a copy. It's free (ask for Book No, 5) or call and inspect school any day at 10 A. M. or 2 P. M., except Saturday. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, 374 Wasco St.. Cor. Union Ave. Take Wood lawn or Alberta Car. STEADY POSITIONS and GOOD SALARIES for LINOTYPE OPERATORS. A shortage of competent operators already exists and thousands of type setting machines will be installed within the next few years. Prepare now. Tjq can learn to op erate a Lino p in 13 weeks. Print ing in all its brar.ches taught 1c from twelve to eighteen mouths. Eay terms. .Address: Northwest School of Printing. N. 216-21 Division at-. Spokane. Wash AUTOMOTIVE BCHOOL, Tta want no'-hing but the best. Here It is.. Standardized with schools in 60 other cities. - Best laboratories, best shop eq uipment and instructors. Ac tus.; shop practice given on real re pair jobc. Results absolutely guaran teed. The time for you to go to school is while business is quiet. Prepare new for big business opening in a few month. Inquire Oregen Institute of Technology, Main et. at Sixth. Ex .ervtco men get STATE AID. NIGHT AUTO INSTRUCTIONS. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL.- Night class begins November 1; no application accepted after October 25. Clans limited to 60 students. Enroll now to insure a place in the class. School open for inspection Friday eve ning at 7:30. Take Woodlawn or Al .beria car on Second street; get off At Union ave. and Wasco st. BEGIN EARNING MONEY QUICKLY. .Enroll for day or summer school at this great business college, the train ing school for success. Courses include comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat. Write or phone Main 590 for free catalogue. BEHNKE-WALKEK BUSINESS COLLEGE, Fourth, near Morrison. Portland. mole it Barber college will teach the trade in 8 weeks, fur nish a set of tools to you and give you some pay while learning; positions se cured. Write or caii for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside st. THE DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Allsky bldg. SPECIAL ENGLISH CLASS. Anyone 'who wishes to im prove his English is eligible. Evening classes. uREtlON BARBER COLlEuE Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and lace massage specialty; tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced thin term. 2H3 Madison. IF YOU like to draw, a large commercial art houfe will Fhow you how to earn money in spare time; state age. phone, address, box, etc. V 976. Oregonian. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 5 weeks; tools furnished ; some pay; position secured; special rats this month. Write or caii 234 1st st. STUDY MASSAGE AND HYDROTHER- i i ruuiHuu sl'iiuui oi juasiaie. inc., 414-15 Stock Exch bldg. Main 27211 EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Mtss isucKeia- private school ror young ladies; individual attention. East 0427. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Type--writihg school ; individual instruction. 20i 14th. near Jefferson. BEAUT parlor course evenings at spe vciai summer rates. Madam Curtis, too Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6002. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele- graph institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Dr.y and night classes. ROCK.Y MT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst state supt.. mgr.. vy. nank bldg. 512-13. 1-1SK TEACHERS' AGCV., Journal bldg. Main 4K3.Y Teaching position; free reg. MILLINERY classes organising In my home. Call East 0036. YATES-FISHER Teacner Agency Free registration. Main. 6274- Bdwy. bidg. HELP WANTED MALt CAN show a business man, with or with out services, that has $10,000 where he can double his money in one year by my plan of building; investment se enred. AP POO. Oregonian. SCHOOL BOY or handy men can have room and board for light services morning and night. Mrs. Gardner, At water 0416. lr YUL iire a good salesman come and see me. I have a money-making prop osition tor you. Director Brick, Moose Temple. HIGH-SCHOOL graduate, 17 to 10, liv ing at home, for bank messenger; $60. Call early. Williams Personnel Service, 504 Spalding bidg. SPECIAL edition advertising solicitors. rri'.Btir number vtrna' ma era in ; 4- WANTED Party to run apt. house, fur nace, for use of apt. or store. AK 19, Oregonian. ONE stock cutter for window and door f ra me factory : good wa gea Cen tral Employment Co.. 13 N. 2d. MAN WANTED, with experience on Hoffman presser. Columbia Knitting anus, -i, r irst st, MALE wtenographer, splendid oppor tunity for right man. Phone Km- pire 3 30J, EDWARDS CO., 3th and Oak. require the services of an experienced man for car pet and linoleum work. WANTED- Cutter and coat maker for out-of-town; good wages. Apply F. Dilnrd. Benson hotel morn!nes. YOUNG man, piano player, wanted; will ing to travel. Apply 821 Lumbermens b'dlT. WANTED Boy with wheel for deliv ery. Sweeney, Var&ey r Straub. 10 N. llth et. HONEST, elderly man In need of work Call at ZIS 3d at., from 0 A. M. to 6 P. M. FIRST-CLASS coatmakers wanted at Norman Brothers, Meseanine floor. N. W. Bank bldg. CAN USB 2 more men for important special work, permanent with a fu ture Call or write. S2P E. Morrison. WANTED First-class cabinet maker; none other need apply. James L Mar- shall Mfg. Co.. 4.'2 Hoyt street EXPERIENCED sheet metal worker. Ro-er, m Hardware Co.. 833 Miss. ave. ONE FIRST-CLASS detail frame ma- BaRBER wanted, steady work, at 120 Second et. WANTED Operator on coats. Bsrkhurst, flth snd Stark Ray BARBER wanted, steady job, $20 guar- antee. 203 Morrison st. LINOTYPE operator, union preferred. Burkhardt Linotyping Co., 19 Stark. HELP WANTED MALE. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 ANKENY ST.. COR. SECOND. LEADING LUMBER OFFICE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. OFFICE OPEN 7 A. M. TO 6:30 P. M. COL CM J I A RIVER CAMPS FARE ADVANCED. 2 spts fuller- bv so. ft.. 10c: S choker setters. $5 and $5.25; 3 chasers, $5; ( buckers, 4.80 and 5; 1 set fallers. 3c M. ; other positions in hourly. , NORTH TO GRAYS HARBOR. WASH.. Mill and yard men, $3 and $3.&0; young .men, boa factory, $3; ship to- i - LARGE CAMP, TILLAMOOK LINE, J rAKti ADVAfitCU. This camp will run all winter. Board 35c per meal, see us today. m 2 choker setters $5.67 2 buckers 5-40 2 punks 4.05 ' 3 swampers 4.50' 1 head rig man 6. io 2 sets fallers . . """ 12 and 5 85) YS HARLOR. WASH., NORTH TO GRAY COSMOPOLIS AND MONTE- SANO, WASH. Mill and yard men, $3.25 and 98.50 young men, box factory, S3. Ship to night. SOUTH MILL CITY OR HAMMOND LUMBER CO., FARE ADVANCED. CAMPS WILL RUN STEADY. 3 sets fallers, 3Mc M. or $4.80 and 5.25; 4 buckers. 30c M. or $4.80; 5 choker setters, $4.80; 2 chasers, $4.80; ship today. KLAMATH FALLS, OR.. FREE FARE. o track: men, f 4; board fl.ua per day. Ship tonight. LATE SPECIALS. 1 pile driver hammerman $7.00 a carpenters, n. and & gang, . f. Co.. Sacramento, free fare. 1' loading engineer 6.57 o ricit wood-choDuers. tools fur nished, rick l.ftO 2 sets fallers, by sq. ft. 10 8 buckers, by M .30 3 sets fallers, by M 30 2 construction millwrights 6.00 J-AitK UMSS ON OUR BOARDS THIS MORNING. TF YOU WANT WORK, WE HAVE A JL . ISJIJW ORDERS COMING EVERY HOUR. SEE US TODAY. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. MEN WANTED. At rates prescribed by tha United States Labor Board, as fellows: MACHINISTS. 70 cents per hour. BLACKSMITHS. 70 and 80 cents per hour. BOILERMAKERS, 70 cents per hour. FREIGHT CAR MEN, 03 cents per hour. Apply to Any Roundhouse or Shop, or to Superintendent. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. WANTED Advertising man to solicit business in Portland. Publication Is one of the leading national trade papers of America, An opportunity for a good maa who may be representing some other non-conflicting publication. Will make a fine commission arrange meat. Must be absolutely dependable, firt-class man of good appearance. Address, giving age, details of past experience, names of publications now representing, if any; aiso references. All correspondence confidential. The . manager will be in Portland shortly . and will arrange to see those whose answers are complete and who will ap preciate this opportunity. AV 144, Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment la commercial, clerical or technic! lines aa invited to consult the advisory and employment- department, Y. M. C. A. To non-membeis a special membership is issued, costing $5 per annum, giv ing service of this department for a year and two months' full privileges at,d ten months' social privileges of the association. WET ARE in need of a first-class cutter for men s tailoring; must be able to handle both city trade with tryon and country orders without tryon. Position now open for head cutter; good ,talary ; steady place. No one considered but high-class man. Write br wire Browns ville Woolen Mills. Portland, Or. ARE you a salesman? Ambitious, full of pep and determination? If so wa need you; increase your earnings; build yourself up with our assistance to a real future and permanent position ; earn good money while so doing. Call 413 Corbett bldg. WANT at once experienced' shop grader and tallyman; steady work, good salary- none but first-class man consid ered; phone or wire. SCHAFER BROS. LUMBER A DOOR CO., Montesano, Wash. SALESMAN wanted to take orders and measure for tailor-made clothes; must have some experience and furnish bond; good chance to make money, Plioae Bdwy. 7884 or communicate Werner-Petterson Co., tailors, 313 hi YOUNG man for mall order department filling orders, keeping up stock, etc. Wages $18 week to start. Good opening for right man. Permanent. State age and experience. Don't answer unless you have 'pep" ar.d ability. AM 11, Oregonian. WANTED Painters and laborers to ex change work for complete courses In auto, tractor, electric ignition and bat tery course. In our new school, now un der construction. HEMPH ILL'S MOTOR SCHOOLS, Fifth and Glisan Sts, STEADY MAN wanted to take perma nent charge good territory; supplies and special information furnished; ex perience not required; cash weekly. If a permanent, profitable business inter ests you give us a trial. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wah. WANTED Carpenters, painters and la borers to exchange work for complete ceurses in auto, tractor, electric igni tion and battery course, in our new school, now under construction. "HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOLS." 5th and GllFan Sts. WE NEED a man who ts a good elec trician to install wiring in our plant at Brownsville, Or.; must be thorough ly experienced. Apply to Mr. Bowman at the Brownsville Woolen Mill store, Portland. 3225 PER MONTH averaged by many salesmen; some make more; congenial easy work for young or old; experience unnecessary; cash weekly: business splendid year around. Washington Nursery Company. Toppenlah. Wash. WA.N'a 2 industrious single young men. Ill to 23, to travel with manager and learn good paying business; must be ready to leave city immediately; ex penses advanced weekly. Call 10 to -12 today, room 418 Carlton hotel. SEVERAL additional men wanted to complete organization and later take active part in operating industrial pro! ect- r0 each required for promotions 1 State WANTED AT ONCE Boys and young men with wheels to deliver telegrams in the city: easy, congenial work, good pay, steady job. Only boys over 10 years of age need apply. C. W. Loop, 253 Oak st. 2 NEAT appearing young men over 21 to take orders in Portland; experience not necessary; satisfied to earn $23 a week to start; steady employment. Room 428 102H Second St. WANTED Man and wife for dairy farm near Astoria; permanent situation; good equipment and pleasant sur roundings. Apply today Portland hotel. Room 255. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS ELECTRI CIAN FOR REPAIR WORK; MUST UNDERSTAND CONDUIT THOROUGH LY. OREGON PULP & PAPER CO., SALEM. OR. WANTED Bookkeeper and general of fice man with lurn,ber experience; must be familiar with cost accounting, bill ing and invoicing. Replies will be an swpred Saturday. AV 153. Oregon iar WANTED Live salesman to handle of fice and enroll motor students; straight commission proposition. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR. SCHOOLS. Fifth and'Flisan Sts. EXCEPTIONAL OPENING FOR SALES MAN WITH CAR. SEE MR. SYM MGNDS, WITH COE A. McKENNA & CO.. tn3 ARTISANS BLDG. Help Wanted Salesmen. REAL ESTATE salesman with auto wanted. Old established firm. Fine op portunlty right man. 274 Stark st. EXPERIENCED salesman for apt. and hotel an find a first-class position 500 Henry bMg. SALESMAN Young man to take ordtrs; good for S23 week to start. Mr. Piper, Failing bldg. EXPERIENCED magazine salesman for . husineiw section. Worth &-r0 and better to live man. Room 1-2 3d st. DEPENDABLE magaaine salesmen. Call at 12 Stock Exchange bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. WXNTED A SALESMAN. BY FRANK L. McGUIRE. No experience necessary: we'll teach you the business. You can make big money selling real estate, associated with a live, progressive, established firm. Our successful salesmen make thousands of dollars per year. All prop erty furnished. Your commission paid you tha day your deal is closed. Port Ian 1 is on the verge of one of the greatest real estate activities in her entire history. Your opportunity to participate in tt la now. Call for Chas. W. Borders, with FRANK L. McOUIRE. Ablngton bidg. Bdwy. 717L 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. SALESMEN. If you are a real bustier and Can buy a demonstrator, there is a wonderful opportunity selling tha Willys-Knight and Overland; it will take a lot of er it and hard work : if vou ian meet these requirements, get in touch with " ua- Previous experience unnecessary. . Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 3333. WANTED, GENTLEMEN SALESMEN. We want salesmen of high character, who think in terms of $0u00 per year and up, permanent, with pi&nty of op portunity to advance to executive posi tions. We teach you the business and give every possible co-operauao. Caul at 1108 Wilcox bldg. SALESMEN. exclusive territory; pat ented article first time here; long term contract; first important Improvement of its kind in 2000 years; high-class merchandising proposition; representa tive wanted in every country. See W eaver. Congress Hotel, room 406. SALESMEN Write for list of lines and full particulars. Earn $2500 to $10,000 yearly. Bis demand for men. Inexpe rienced or experienced, city or travel ing. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn., DepL 274, Chicago. LOS ANGELES manufacturer wunts re sponsible distributor for article in great demand ; experience not neces- vary; no competition; restricted terri tory. 443 Burnside. SALESMEN wanted, towna outside Port land in Oregon and Washington; sell Footer's Bonded Aspirin; $1.50 every sale. R. F. Lynch & Co., 504 Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Two men to learn how to sell our goods, salary and commission to men who look willing to learn; experi ence unnecessary as work with experi enced flesman. 172 Third St. SPECIAL opening for one man with sales experience; work in ousiness sec tion; something new; pays big; maga zine and newspaper men take notice. 428 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. MAN WITH some selling experience in stocks, bonds, insurance, books or mag azines, call today, 10 to 2, W. H. Gltea, 406 Oregonian bldgJ SALESMEN, i neat-appearing men for city earn $40 to $50 per week. Call . 203 Artisans b:qg. Tw, work; 8 to ATTRACTIVE proposition for Al solici tor for dry cleaning plant; only live wires. Must have own delivery car. 373 W. Park. WANTED AGENTS. AN AGENT wanted in your territory as exclusive representative of the finest floor covering made. Sold to banks, hotels, theaters, office buildings, pub lic institutions, taxi companies, archi- . tcti. etc. Possibilities unlimited. LEATHER HAT MANUFACTURING CO., INC., 840 Sansome St., San Fran- Cisco. HEALTH, accident and hospital insur ance; big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANT four experienced saleswoman, to represent large, reputable company ; women with experience selling insur ance or investments preferred; per manent, dignified business opportunity; attractive proposition to right women. ' B 988, Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED stenographer and Edi phone operator. Apply mornings only, Stubbs Electric Co., 75 Sixth st. EXPERIENCED stenographer for fire in surance and mortgage loan office; state experience, age, salary expected; ans wer own handwriting. AP 7, Ore gonlan. . WANTED Young woman to take care of sick woman, to do light housework, room, board and small wages. Call 367 E. Irving, between 3 A. M. and 3 P. M. LADIES for house to house canvassing; average $4 daily to start. Call Satur day afternoon, 10 to 12 Sunday: fore noons week days. 262 3d and Madison. STENOGRAPHER,' bookkeeper and all around commissary clerk; good wages; must leave city; answer before 2 to day. AC P0. Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a fr:ena app.y to the Sajvation Array Whita Shield Home, May fair and Alexunder sts. 'Pnone Main 4.tQ. pM onr. WOMAN wanted, high school or normal training, writing good hand, speaking good English. J1200 and up. B 1000, i jregoman. GIRL wanted for dih washing and kitchen cleaning from 11 to 4; no Sunday work; com ready, to work. ili)!l Belmont. WANTED Young German girl or woman in family of 8 adults and children ; knowledge of English not necessary. Call Main 4 5 S t mo rn i n g s. WANTi cook, boarding house; chamber maid, waitress, out. Portland Ladles' Agency, 401 Macleay bldg., 26 Wash ington. GJRL, 16 or up, to care for' child for room and board and wages. Phone East 9ilit3 between 0 and 7 o'clock, or write AN ft3. Orogonlan. LADIES in Portland and throughout Ore gon interested in making money for themselves, through clubs, churches, etc.. call or write B27 Corbett bldg. THE FLORENCE CR ITT EN TON home is ready to help any girl in distress. 035 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 031. IF YOU are a good saleswoman call and ree me; I have a money-making propo sition. Director Brick, Moose Temple. SCHOOLGIRL or person employed In morning, over 18. to assist with house work. Automatic 314-7Q. WANTED Nurse girl, over 1. good home, permanent position. Main liou. 1 110 Westover mad. WANTED Single lady for clerk in fur niture store, experience not necessary. Call Main 20O9. COOK for ranch, nationality or sex not essential; must be fast and neat with work. Call MIn 3131. ' WANTED Lady typist for work. Call after U o'clock. Rafael st. half-day 211 San HAVE a good position for about 4 ladies I of good address. Call after :30 A- M. 300 Stock Exchange bldg. SALESLADY for east side dry goods store. ADply 418 Dekuna bldg., 10 to 12 A. 5f, wecnetoay. WANTED Young lady, pleasing person aitity, to as--i.t physician do general office worn. Jr. iFan. zj -j axorriaon REFINED young lady to care for child . or 4 evening? a week for room In nice home. East 233 WANTED Competent girl for general housework, small xarniiy. uaii Auto matic 32W-74r j VOITNG ladv stenoKrauher, state expert ence. age and salary expected, r AR 0H7, Oregrinian. av ai SPKCTALIST with booksellinr ex p-erience: splendid salary and commli- YOUNG lady to operate switchboard In Ford agency; must be courteous and n ggresslve. RC !. Oregonian. Rx'PF.Rl EN'CED chorus girl wanted good salary. - Apply 321 Lumbermen's building. WAITRESS wantedt Oreeon restaurant f28 Union ave. N. Hours 3:30 to 11:30 P. M. HIGH school girl to asmst with house work and children. Main 47-".H. GIRL living on St. Johns carline for light factory work. Walnut 20H6. WANTED Experienced cashier i 6th st. wrapper. . mporium, l EXPERIENCED -waitres wanted. Nor tonia hotel. YOUNG women to give steams and mas- sages. 2 in S wet land bldg. WANTED Reliable aged wdmm for light housework. Tn- Wilcox oirtg. WANTED - Operator on coats. Bark hurst. 6th and Stark. Ray WANT short-hour cashier for cafeteria hours, from 3:30 to 7 P. M. 2W AMei GIRL or woman a.Mst with general housework. East 6t45. Wanted Domewtica. GIRL for general housework in family of three. Ant. 312-3, GIRL for general housework ; no w&sh ing snd r.p furnac 616 E. 17th N. GIRL wanted for light housework. 5th. Atwater 11-0. . GIRL for general housework, small fam ily. Aut. 320-32 CAPABLE woman for housework; ings off if desired. Auto. 334-7 GIRL for cooking and housework. East 11-0. 324 East 21st st. North. GOOD girl for general housework: no washing or cooking. 325 Jackson street. GIRL for general housework. Call East 592. ... . GIRL for general housework, and cook Ing. Apply 215 N. 24th St. Msjn WANTED Girl to assist with general 8-6-S. . . j ownstairs work I housework. Call Mam MITj for eookfng and d Mrs. Chaa. KcGonigle. Atwater 0805. HELP WANTED FEM ALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Housekeeper on farm, close in: three ad u its, one child; no laundry, 40. Wflte Mrs. Mabel Howard. Braver ton. Or. R. R. L or come to Arrow station, Beaverton line, red cars; sta tion on farm. GIRL wanted for general housework : good wages and good home. Phone Auio. 61ti-S3. Spring and Foster road. Lents. WOMEN wanted for peeling p-ara Star Fruit Produce Co. 321 J. xamni.L WOULD like a girl to help with liffhl housework and take care of babv; wul have a good home. Cll at 4oo Clay St.; reference pr-'f erred. LADY wants young girl not attending school to watch 4-yer-oid boy in ex change for board and room; small pay. 108 Shaver st. Call 6 P. M- A GIRL living near lih and Montgom ery for general work in small apt. ; must be good cook and ao home nights; $30 a month, fhone -lain s-n CLERICAL nurse wanted to assist with light housework. Auto. 61H-U3. Dr. Bach, Bellvlew SsnUarlum. ( GIRL to do general housework; must i be ab.e to cook. Call Mam 4264 or applv 773 Everett St. WANTED Girl for housework; no cook ing. Call 131 Laddingtoo Court. Ta- n7."4. EXPERIENCED maid for cooking and downstairs work. Main 2l57. bSl Jack8on,PTtla nd Bg;h ta GIRL for general housework, 2 adults and 1 child. 18. lttth su, between Yamhill and Taylor, NEAT young girl to assist with house work and cooking, good wages if capa ble. Phone mornings, Aum. aiv. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; best wagta Temporary position. c 11 Mrs. Bm lth. Main 8M. GIRL wanted to aaist with light house work; good home and some wages. Call Atwater 2SH7. r.21 Pirwt st. WANTED An experienced upstairs maid who understands sewing. Call Main 2H1M. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work: best wages; temporary position. Call Mrs. Smith. Main mh.. GIRL Assist light work, cara children. Good home, steady position for right girl. Main 2&3. H ELP WANTKD MALE OR Fff MA I.E. WANTED Man and wife to car for dairy herd of about 80 cows; will be In Portland at Portland hotel next Wednesday and will interview all ap plicants in person; both man and wife please appear. Writ AV 152, orego nian. hkt,i wa yrrn with tvestmfxt. av a VRiTifirs and reliable man want ed, with 230 cash and services, by one of the largest and best-known fi nancial concerns In Portland. Clean and interesting work; no special ex perience necessary if you like office work and can meet the public. Right man will receive $500 per month; In vestment fully secured in every way. Apply 347 Pittock blk., Washington at lotn st SALESMEN and saleswomen wanted; If you are good at selling and bav come and see me; I have a money making proposition for you. Director BrtcK. aaoose lempie. i i . t1 NURSE of Kood character and executiv ability with services; some investmen required ; references exchanged. Ad dress AV 154, Oregonian. PARTNER in established woodsaw busi ness; small investment; make from $0 to $10 a day. 3u3 .wetland bldg. S1TTATIOVS WAVTFJIV MAIB. BY EXPERT automobile mechanic with long experience with machine tools, weld In- hB.ttrtrv renal rins and gen eral shoo work: will take full charge of shop if necessary snd furnish ex cellpnt references. AP 7H. Oregonian SHINGLING We specialise in reehin gllng and roof repairing It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed, esti mates free. East 1928. PRINTER Al printer, capable of tak in? rnmnlft charsre of average shop salary must be good, but can deliver the goods. . is. Biverison, ovm. Yreka, Cal. . PAINTlN'd AND PAPERING. Let me guarantee you a first-class Job at a reasonable price. J. H. Jenkins. Tabor D3r,4 . MAN experienced in auditing, appraising and systematizing will accept perma nent position or will contract any part of the work. BC 8. Oregonian. NIGHT watchman or other work be tween the hours of 4 and 12 P. M. Wanted by elderly man; references given. L 147. Oregonian. . 8 YEARS' experience in lumber business, buy, sell : operate small mill or yard ; want position with future. AR fe2. Oregonian. MAN WITH FORD WISHES WORK WITH COLLECTOR OR SALESMAN BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH, AT WATE R 33117. AM FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic and good on ignltio- Will do any Kind of work to show ability before being hired. Earl Sherman. Atwater 4S2H. I CAN drive any make of gas cur; can furnish good reference; would like to drive party to Los Angeles. Call Fred, .r30 Alder st. Bdwy. 1K52. JANITOR seeks position ; apartment house experience. Call room 3, Broad way 17i7. FLOOR surfacing and finishing, waxing and polishing. W. H. Tibblta, 4803 8:.d ave. S. E. Tabor 4052. WE BUILD houses and garages and re pair old onfis; rock-bottom prices. 733 Eaat Main. East 3.yU. TREES topped or removed from park ings br any place In city, by experi enced man. Atwater 8"0(V YOUR car repaired, your home or mine; work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 231. suite 1. YOUNU man would like restaurant work, can wait counter and do soma fry " work. Phone Atwater OOfifl. room 10. YOUNG man, 21, with some experience, wants position press Xeeding. Tabor 7003 FILIPINO young man wants posit ion, janitor or housework. Call William, Auto. B17-S9. CARPENTER expert for inside finish and cabinet work, day or contract. Call Main 7320. . WANTED Work of any kind for 2-ton truck, I1.T5 hour or will contract any thing. Atwater -JVSB. PA IN" TING Daoerhanging. kalaomining prices lowest, material, workmanahip guaranteed, estimatps free. Tail. M HIGH school boy 16 needs work after school, or for bnard and room. At' water 01V50 Room- 34. PAINTING, PArKKlNG, KAlOMIMMl Material and workmanship guaran teed. rnone ksst s-'i YOl'XG married man wtitfes job ai chauffeur, for private family or con rprn. experienced. Sell. 3N!i. Flat D. SHINGLING We specialise in reshln gltng and roof repairing; get our esti mate JorkgJiaTBjiU?ei:Ma JANITOR wishes work In office building or apartment. August Neuman, phone Atwater hxmi. . HOTEL clerk, three years' experience meeting commercial pub.lc; references. 415 Angela h otel. MECHANICALLY inclined young man w a nts Job. Main 2DS7. MARRIED MAN BADLY IN NEED OF WORK. V ALMT 7IH.y JAPANESE wants position. work except family. Auto. ny kind of 52S-71. PAINTING, tinting and paperhanging. references. Auto. 62--Prl. or Sell. 10-'7. YOUNG men. wish work or remodeling. rough carpenter Main 0'2O. JANITOR, -employed, wants extra work, any hours. Janitor. Main 2707. CARPENTER, good finisher; day or con tract. Main 7422. EXP. NIGHT clerk, small town.. Address F. E. C. 416 Wash. FIRST-CLASS ALL-AROUND MACHIN IST WANTS WORK. WALNUT S78. FIRST-CLASS elevator man wants Joh, elevator or watchman. CaM Eart 8232. YOUNG man of soma experience wanta jlor. In meat market. Empire O042. FIRST-CEASS dyer and cleaner AV 130. Oregonian. JANITOR or night watchman, enced. Phofi East lt2. GRADING fcnd exesvating. big teams, good equipment. Phono 619-84. RESHINGLING and repairing, of aU kinds. Walnut 021 1. roof work MIXEP.S. CEMENT WORK; HAVE PHONIC TAmjn ni. CARPENTER A NO. 1 BUILDER OF HOMES. JOBBING. TABOR 3H23. PLUMBING and repairing, best Phone East PS38 TtaonDte. fciuLf-E painted, 40-U5; pura iead and oil used. Call East 045ft. p INTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable. Sellwood 18H9. PAINTING, tinting, papering, eailmat turn. a. '- Jvi-.u-r oc v-j. vn.w-.i-r i CARPENTER U N EilPLOIE I', R E- EXPERIENCED landscape gardener, new PAINTING, tinting. bet material uaed. For real service call Alain 760. otII .riTTR Katlmat4a f!I!v fur. nlsh"d: see my work. Walnut Sna.y HOUSE painted. J.O-I'..' ; roomg tinted. l-$;; papsruig, v iuii. rraiuui worn. SITUATIONS WANTKfV MJLK. MIDDLE-AGLD gvntTswanr cu.lur4 and r nnen, i r.orru n iy exierienr- i n nur-'ng. r?eire the cere f a ma'.a in valid; thoroughly nu;;fid; tramed in nursing and hospital ninemnt; wouid be vaidxhle as doctJs iwlM ant; wl;I go any plc and work lone h'-iurs. but the aa.ary must b at tractive; refer-nova exchng-d: at-1 e Nov. 1. i A V S or-- 'ii-i.ru fcxkcUTlVJS Thoroughly cp-ti. ex perience with lro corpornti'in manager large brunch. ar4UinLd with bus: nt-ss men and bunkn of non h w"st, open for position where ability, experience ind acjuHint-nc Will t required. Have ha r. lied anlea fnrr snd credits, collections and auditing xi'KHl ENCEU mn h ihs poit:-n as vat or opr., Jnlt"r or n:g :u watch man, Pbone Main 2IiX. E. F. T'.iomp- Book k re t- ra. ffienwg ra p ftf-ra. Of fir. -CCOUNTANT and general b-"- kpr. 12 years' experience with .arg cor poration l the east, desires to lca: in the wet ; can supervise or hankie large set of boks. prepare itst and fdrai tas returns, operate modern office equipment, prefer lumb-r bu-l ne- in or out of town, 32 ar of a. n.arrled ; re ferine- f urr afid trrn Tormer and present employ-. a!o C. P. A. For prrntl Interview writ Thrtmsn F. Krr. V"nral'.. ""n. ONB WHO is finm i-nt uus hia imita tive and peraonailty; SO years of ag and married : have suprv iet van ous department, such aa purrrlnc. receiving, shipping, accounting and em- ?!oyment; exprlf-ne aAUviired thmugh 3 years of atesUy mpioymnt in white lead and mtal maoulacturlng plant. A F ft 4. Orrgnnian . BOuKK E El'E it, tptM. young man lt out of coiUge; not afraid of hard work, wniing to begin at the bottom. Wamul 03 1 ft. UucK K KE I' F. R, utenogrrh'-r. rr ii!f, canahlf office m-ti: vral yeara rx- P' rfence st Tihor 7 sttmating anu coal a ping. i.TUt XT A N T and au.1;lor .I under take sm)l at of books; mo J rata fee. BOOKKLEI'ER-STES'O.. wlahes t whole or part time; experience; enrrs A R trgrian. ;l,ofl ref -r GOOD bookkeeper snd o'fue man U-airs position; reference W 22. uregnr.lwtv Kalramen. X HAVE a nw Ford touring filing experience, tt hat offer? AL ff4. Oregonii ave you to MTrATIOV WANTED rKMALK. YOUNG lady of good personality and good appearance, -.ith H years' experi ence. dslres position with wril-eatsb-llnhed Jeweiry atore as .eelaiy or of fke aHSl.tant; caA give local referancea H 970. uri-KonUn. r WANTED By "woman of ability and ex perience, position as houf keeper In hotel or wou.d manage small botel . nn objection to leaving tha city. W fl!'0. tr" gonlan WIDOW, unincumbered. rponetMe, ex perienced, wants management apt. house; city referenoea. Call mornings. Main M US ANN E HUNT K R wou.d Ilka work, laundry or cleaning I'hon- 8Wt wood 0141 or Hllwood ;d.'.3. AAdrraa 11! Maiden ave.. 8'. I wond. WOMAN with 5 mo. baijy will care for child for noma or will share rM of apt. with employed girl. 2su C ra n d ave. R no m 1 t 1 . GIRL, 22, ishas position as office ait ant; can operate typewriter; experi enced In meeting public; good refer ences. R F H. irgonlan MIDDLE-At! ED lady wants hounawork from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. : no laundry; bent references; west side preferred. Atwater 4173. REALTY operator wlshe powttton. facial, scalp treatments, permanent a avittg. East 77io. RELIABLE, all-around won. an fr day work, laundry, cleaning of cooking Call Main IttlJI SWEDISH woman wishea work by day and hour; ran run electrio washing machine. ET EXP. cook and chambermaid atuhe po sition In country hotel, un dredge or lagging camp. .'.30 -31. R. . AMBITIOUS -le woman with experience and tact, wiahes posit Inn with re sponsible firm. AP II. Oree-mian GOOD luunlrrMi and dnt Wednesday and Thursday, more. Bdwy. 7237. room 2 r wishes hours or WANTED Cafeteria work. Ihurougf; i v experienced, best references. AM U'jI. Orr-Honlan. WANTED Woman to care for elderly Jadv and ke-p house for two In modern bung;ilnw .V Atwater 0J!4. RELIABLE woman will care for sick or asred couple, mght or day. A J It. Orpgrfn is n. M 1 lDI-E-Ai ED woma n a ant rouklnr or hiuiekeeping; good worker. At' ny C'rert" 'rt n. EXPERIENCED niald. kit. hn be p. UlshwachT; .any kind oi work. At writer 37'. YUI'NG iaily wlah s poult ion as tor oprtttr; d.y or night work. At' water yrnn. DA V wnra. ex ct-p t t-t urd aye and Hun tlayi, by competent woman. Automatic 04:i-4i. arter i r. m. TRAINED nurse will atay with rhil'lfen while mother Is away. 30c per ho Et 4?4H. or Tbnr UtMjD working worn an wants day work. ra'l F.aat '"4 SWISS girl wants poaltion tn g'od hnn a n mnthfr's he!p-r. J ?. Orrg-mU n WOMAN wants hour or day work r care of rhi dren. En at -'H.l DrsiONKR WANTS W u R K . BDWY. 137. CALL EXPERIENCED all-round orator Mint work at on( bciuir op- m day aoik. in 0'.'S4. COMPETENT ' nurslns and EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta cham ber work. Eawt "Ml. Itorfi 3. woman ma to ci-t j. b. u7 He;mn nt at. n off Paurh- Steady LADY wanta work, cafeteria or Janitor a ork preferred. Call B-lwy. 1S-7 RELIABLE woman wan: houa work by rour; rffcrenres. Kt Q'.IM room .is WILL care fr chiMren evening. Atwater 3'T.l. ifternonn and PIANO taught by exp r.n-ed ludy. re aouable; adults or children. V.nl WB ' H. DAY WfjRK. WANTED. BflSl nfarrBiM-. Automatic B1H-3H LA D Y wlhea housework by the dy. WANTED Care of children ev-ningi or day work. 35r bmir. f CAPABLE woman wants day work. W.- nut 5HM WANT DAY WORK. KA?T 7T27 Hook keeper-, Menorpiera. f f Ire. YOUNG lady who ta kea 'clerical work seriously wishes permanent pout ion wiih reliable firm. Cnn operate awltrh board and typewriter; experienced ; bt referenreF- L I'll. Oret.,nla n. THOltOl'HLY experienced Burroughs bookkeeper, deairca lool pAltlon wi?h meltable firm: aio operie oomp tometer or calculator. H bH. Ore- gonittn. STENOGRAr'HEKS, buokk-Ira off -e helL Jf all d"arlption; quick servtca Call Bdwy ft!:3. Williams Personnel EXPERIENCED p. B X. operator wih-i position, general office and botel am- perienca tngs. Reliable. Bdwy. 7117 morn AM HiTIOUd graphic or wa tfr 207 4. ng la1y narits s teno- gen ral oirica wurx. At WANTED Off I" work and t pu K , ll. leave clt y ; good referencea A N fcni rrerori ia n 6'i tNuilKAl ll-ft with iaw and general experience ha apa r lime, ZU2 Gr- li n gT bid gM -1 nh- 1 , YOUNG Isdy with knowI-!r- of t vplrig snd office gpplinnrea. rtnlres powliion. arnall salsry. Pant 2'." WiULD like position as itcnmr.ij-hr, typist or general of fl' e worn . rup r i mcf !. eflurjitd i rernf w Kn'l BY RBfsONTB L E person, addreing and copying, at horns. Call Bdwy. 4hk7. , . STENOGRAPHER fmpio'd has time and would like extra work. AN 1 1. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cashier and general of fice girl wants worK. .T I'.M. ragonlan: W TfULD like tplng to do at borne. Et C O M I'ETENT LookKr-per and stenog rapher, II yarn' exnefieUfg. Atw. EXP DICTAPHONE operator wants po st r f on.hsjfd y. En' A'.'. . . IrriMiinakrra. DRESSMAKING and altia:lona bv tha day. satifffsctlon guaranteed. Atwater ;!."( rooTn &- . DK KH I A K ING and a.terlug raaaunabi. Main -l ---. URS. W. W. LYE V has maved from I ftl l.ttn SI. TO wi noT' --'J AT HOME or by day, renode.iug a spa dairy B 1-1 1- . DRESSMAKING and tailoring; also r rrmri e 1 ing by d i TaOor 1 & , DR EHSM A K ING. altratlnna work g an.cd, ptr day 14. Kant gT? -ar- 11 1'.ST -CLASS (Iri'MmHBlr.C, bun.e or out. b-pt ref ; sariafadlon. Main 33V4 fcRESSM AK KR, fnakeo r t.ilor : ref A't'-r g P. M.. Hflwy. 5'i HEMSTITCHING Jy color, fir. Rm 4'S Ra.aish bidg. ail Wash. Bdwr. ITU DP.FSMAKINO and altering. 4A4 Weldler nt. Phn Ftaat 43 1 ST VLIMI one-pi' t e out-of-date suits. C r'e( rna 'le Bdwy. 3JUL from MTT TfOX a W TnwrrMU . lrMniBkfrt. 1U i.VMAK IN vi. r 1. 1"-trt wurHrnsimhip la!"' ! "J s t pr1 - kin in .. Dlt r.MAMN'-i A ' 1 iu4nr.t"d. Mata p :. i'R nun. f)ff. I'M i 1 I T h '.u:i : l ; i "a I. apt. Lav .i KKI1A LI. !! Ik r n 'i f 1 a, maternity lre!rr i. n.sii' RKMNKI'. ' uoi mm hoi titn man i would a . urig h mtt ,M ktr for r' c . . 1 1 " mt t aa 'rih a-ns-r e a:-ooi by. AO Ota P-rt with rulf. e'41 mn m'l. g..od KtM'-rx-r Will a'U la tOB I'a" l ! ll"t Mr J M I A I'A IM.K refined. S trail b" CB)fe p',!"- aa b-Pr for rit--i a ; -!: l.;c rd p.r e i ' a ' ; Ti' nr " " h o u -or m- tt.t"N woman w,ih mi by w houaehieping f.'f g nt ri.ati . wu4 s In .teMi tffcm witto entail . O H'.mV. ( ireon.,n. .., EXlT.r!K.Ni.li kauin tah-a t. A ft a h u-ta tr in UI nut of ! A. l'l).n ttn i i A'i g'!47 - KI I'KK IT ie?r an i e U ' fce.-p-T for tli!"f rill rvf I"Wa, tlK I Wat- !; tn:y r tcMIK i K.s f auinan .! h" ' h 4 4 wans anta oa.tiaa as kulitr. fn hor 6, " liwe-i . k.l,'Mli T pan w.afiea ! U t w .rH in pun liomt, an laut.Jjj-, pa ana Aii"r 4-T WANTED TO trT. M EI EH FRANK'I Informstlti aa4 li tat Aiureaa. ReHab'e. up-ta-date !'aa de"b'a farn:hed and unfttrn hl! a.aea. apsriments aa1 flat. w;ii aafmna i" form at ton pa-clam mc to earb, a"p-t- ItKirria N-)coiwra ta ro-anl w".l ffd ibsa bureau wf gral va n 'tx h p rg th n get properly aed iiutck.y Itxattd. K ghtb Floor. Al'l'J.T ruUi. -M 3 rr .-rmm urf irn 777n 2-afory hcua itb iou1 montn-. i-tra' im-w'. not too far out; pt t g.rag. Il l'-4. . ' Teg-'n:n. .. . LiH f or i.tne-r't.un in-Urn I be in fir"t-'Ae enn Miin. in s"d ' rallty Wtil lease I -T d-fin.!a M-rl'l Heferfw-a as dir4 ita f tlru a-" f rmt ieiti-r, AP rT n W K II A V K tnanr rana f"f b m flaa and caa rent you; ! -s haa i your prp""r and e i ie- t y ur r-tts. C. A . W KiS rLn ,fL ' f - . WANTh.ii llv 1 3 r f- n w nfied hcue. Iwil ar llthOn. gfwwl care given; r-aaonal la rent, Aul 47- Uvnti iviiMiiti jnt 3 i-r a hoiiM in lioae Ci v Para dlatcU t, ra WANT KDTu niab'l hu" tnt aU Apply ,t 4to lH ai nvrHE n.uie rowtita, wi s.U. Flit till NU la-ly with luhter. a hnol ma. denirra wi li tornUht.l. larga front r' wrh f irepar-a and use ( kitchen tn rf ln d. t hor'U hiy rn"lrn hum". Portland llinta or Nub Hhl. tn-l mnrnitiii ' 'n t ) . Koami With !U.r-l WANTED Gt-nll-n.an. n.il'He wifiirt rm. r r-tti and sr. private home; rmit bm Ami ai (l-rnian lim preferred. Ad-Jfeea f"S a 'r'i"(in W AX J Kit A Wu:i r u h and liall to room H t" nd rw-ar . 4regor little bop yearn ol-l inn iT0)M -.Hi. l.reakfatt, v ft ai-)e A' " O raik.ng Uuiauci' In pr: a hi.rrte. HK U H-uwrhe-plngitM lOuM an.l k!-.hiina or klthen pMt- lf-ge. I.V Jerir Isdy in pi te frn- l. near LAurelhurat. X ur man. rrK KF-r JK'l rn Uhed J iium ANGKI.A H-TKI.. ti.5 Mit:iini'n A 'lean, rIe. Ibe pi a' Id 1 'v ; f ra phones la a h r-m . autft.e l vimr, lets comfortable iot.tv; r-i-a. rant fn rnnni tion ; nar a ah s in park. Muitnof.iab club m4 hitia:.; r"nh r-t. dy. week er n WlilTI.UAl.l. HwlCL, X.l HiKtn it. Hug parlnr, Krt hwet bt. bif pa-e. mndara smsie n suite. pf month and up; fwur b)oo Iran bust center. 11. I, OK a X r. and 1 1 Aa?. ar. t 4MW wh place to live; I 94 w-'K; rnum with pr te t.a'b, l "4 and $2 dir. 49 and 14 fe hnn" In "'"h ri"i . If' 'TKL (MIT' UD PRINCIPAL RMT HID MTICT. KAJT JK4HKlHiX "T. AT It A R T fTtf; uriBT. ll'iN!Klr-I A V r JUKlrM. I I'ICIt DAT, II i r.H K AM V I. rnWl.MKNT ALL N I i II TG A M A K, W KI.L- Pl'ii.v I m i K I " li u XI s). a w" sua n" aguineat, n-w rtrr-'H lfTKL irtl. lth and Wash- biMaiie Telegram BMg nO iibi! ItiKMHrrt"i)i 1IU7LI, ROWLAND. te tit 4h at., centrally hie, raiet T ?a', i. $ I 5m p-r iy, tun batti. 6. i. 7 frii j nt.e-'a) fatea. ;r wk. n. mp, A X PUN1 A It i KI 134 14tu st. al Waiiinat: rata $ per we and up. $1 ir: trmptnnl , la rg. attract iva. spot Immm momt, a Hmn to amuaemepta an-l aJiopf -inm mntmt Nl' 1 l.T f ura iai"l. iJ.t. ' I coriK-r frit rm, bath a'D'-mna. plenty h t waif . In weal apt huat; D"M-ta, inuimiv- ffrr i. B'l ay. CALL at . M I-. A "to free" ilmt f moiJirit pr i'H ronmi for young m-m In al prtrta ul the clt. In- iuHt rrm at 'he V M A. at!h ph-n m t ronfTI, -li n ef hn'M ! t& fa' 1 1' " HOTLiT"N .T IC LH LA st !? 13ih tr. AT HAHHI.Virog, liate l a Amy. a we 1 aa4 . private bath. ft. fir-prol aotl ciaaai Cl'i lo l.ti-re-ta renter. "" WAMtiN'i i "n' r i u mi AND WAHHIN1T' HTX Attrc!iv motua aat a.iiaa ai raa orab!" raiea br wa or nmnih, " M ATHIt KX "llurit I,"" flnon.i &Uc 4m v ap. $ mmmtt t; elran, Ushl. hot and .'! water, tar h e I .-m1'-r ei v-re ' t . . H'TKL 4 ON It A D 1 N I", 23 XorVh luth al", t blocks north of Waahing"a et. ; flr prof; r.Miant rtx'ii.s r.l suit's ai Terr nn.b! faea by day ar mmmm, H(iTEl7 IH K I SOU A rui)'lf ne-r.-"-ag :nent. aJ H uhlni'nq et a-1ira. private he' ha. f' pfon, rqf, a rea, t '0 W' H up M A way f .St.Vt j'l.liil" llnllj, ' " rrrTii and wahhinmthm t Atirativa wkiy aad monthly ralaa. -e .uf a- t M.tta AH l Ml R H''TI.L ITo IHh at, nf JkJnrrlaon -Oea TTiort et n toomi fr t rtay rr tt'ori at rema r'r, Tfl r;T I A t ., f.,nrh tn1 AM". A HhHI'LCI A hl.K mWNT'WN HOTEL l up. "by w" tf month. X'l'E front if.g.- mom. fuintHoeU, uin- n onlv. tfreadway Court, JtA k. Itroa-iwav. m U T LI.'o K I I: f . NWrunn at. at 67h 1 a dsy: wek!y j and up, fr ptiottm and hatns; light tndl atry. 6fC D A Y, 2 weeh up; larga. a bar .-lily c4-an TiiiS.; baths fra. t-r ) hot. Hotel jtaiiiac.fi near JmtU-rw-n, U K i rC, hg'it. nife.jr furr had r. ream heat, ta WS.aUl diilM. MAKLTN HoTKL. Crmr 17th and Cuti larg-, wall fur&iahed, modern rooti.e. raaaab s. ITaTToN MOTKU l-t l Tsloi mod rn rma, '2 j,r weeH an-1 up. Jj I' ft Ah K l.olml. N a it. at, c Jr. I Tib; r:n. nod at n rivn"ia. 13 &t w"g up. t.N iC nk y fyr-iei4. I'tm-liMiid tstk. ",0 N J Mh P i - f 4'tt h ! r rtiaagertier. t. reahi 1 1 u n i t tut, t.. . K. aide. 91: hi.l.Kl'i.NG A ' water f TO, mteJriB a. 7 cm st. NP'VLT f ufi,.h' 4 fwwn.a. ' ut b'm ,1 .,0 we.- A ,arnn i aj - ;"' M' a 5V'K. i m)i . fuf rn let f i eaty wa a!tg dlaane IM UtII ""f itrnUhrd 4.a In l'rta( rmlly. FRONT rt'm ub K ? h s 1'h ! I-Mi. I 1 t-.f houee a h r ing"riii g''t III?. nt,maa. Pi. KAMA NT ff-t f"fi 1 a it rnnvrl'n'M. ,, " 2 " ' nrvTN'i X 'N -l l' a. tw m tr t in..i, n ly furrv 0"-o ' - !. 1 " 1 " pT.K A K A N T a g rn f irrTU4 ay lr gantinan. 4- I 10M si.