Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1922, Image 1

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    Entered a,t Portland (Onpronl
Postofflce as Seeond-ctaa Matter.
VOL. LXI XO. U9,311
Pearl Bahmer Detained
as Incorrigible.
GET $70,000 LOOT
French Influence for
Kemalists Shown.
Greeks to Quit Eastern
v Thrace in 1 5 Days.
Nationalists Agree Not to Place
Army in Area Until Peace
Is Formally Ratified.
MUDANIA, Oct. 10. (By the
Associated Press.) The armistice
convention was signed here tonight
at 11 o'clock. The representatives
of all the powers concerned affixed
their signatures to the revised
protocol, which General Harington
had nresented for acceptance to
Ismet Pasha and which the nation
alist delegates forwarded to the
Angora government for its decision
General Harington had informed
Ismet Pasha that the convention
embodied Great Britain's last word
and that the other powers gave
their unqualified support to the
Turku Are Bit Dismayed.
On his part, Ismet had replied
that he hoped his government would
accept the conditions set forth, and
premised a reply by 5 o'clock to
night. In the meantime, the British
commander returned to Constanti
nople, where he remained until early
this afternoon, proceeding back to
Mudania on the Xron Duke to hear
the Turks." decision.
The Turkish delegates were some
what dismayed and disappointed
over the turn of events in the past
two days. The new attitude taken;
by France after the Paris confer- j
ence puzzled them and they were
aiT.Reed that French friendship, on
which they counted as a main prop
in the negotiations, did not yield
the results they expected.
DittaatlMfaction Is Tolled.
At the session of the conference
Monday night, Ismet Pasha ex
pressed dissatisfaction at the terms
the allies offered.
He said to General Harington:
"But your new armistice convention
is in contradiction to the assurances
given to me by General Charpy.
"The convention instead of paving
the way for peace only makes
matters worse. .
General Harington replied merely:
'General Charpy has assented to the
French Held Responsible.
After the close of the formal pro
ceedings, Ismet in the course of a
conversation on the recurring sub
ject of France's promises, said: It
was upon France's suggestion that
our army ceased operations against
the Greeks, France promising us
favorable armistice terms. France's
responsibility, therefore, is con
siderable. "If no agreement is reached, Our
army will insist on marching into
Thrace, but every day's delay
caused by our reliance on favorable
armistice promises diminishes our
military advantage."
Eastern Tlirace to Be Evacuated
by Greeks in .1 5 Days.
LOXDOX, Oct. 10. iBy the Asso-'
ciated Press.) After numerous de
lays and interruptions the work of
the Mudania conference reached a
concluding point yesterday with the!
presentation to Ismet Pasha, the'
nationalist representative, for ac- i
ceptance of the protocol agreed to!
by all the allies, which, as Lieuten- j
ant-General Harington described it,
would give to the Turks their aims
within -45 days.
The convention, consisting of 14
clauses, was drawn on liberal lines,
showing strongly traces of French
influence on the side of the Kem
alists. I'nder it the Greeks will evacu
ate eastern Thrace within 15 days
and complete the transfer to the
Turks in an additional month. The
Turkish civil administration will
follow, closely on the heels of the
departure of the Greeks, the entire
transfer being under the super
vision of the allied missions and
allied forces provisionally occupy
ing Thrace, not exceeding seven
- The number of Turkish gend
armerie in the province during the
interval is left undetermined, to the
discretion of the Kemalists, subject
to the allied approval.
The Turks, on their side, under
take not to place an army in Thrace
until peace is ratified, while new
neutral zones will be delimited by
fixed commissions.
Ismet Pasha expressed the hope
that his government would approve
the convention and promised an
answer at 5 o'clock tonight. As the
Greek government has instructed
Its delegates -to sign the conven
tion if the Turks sign, there ap-!
pearn good prospect of a peaceful '
iConciuded on rage Column l.)
Dancer Asked to "Park His Chin'
on Wife's Shoulder, Says
Amused Englishman.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.J
CHICAGO, Oct. 10. "My word,
what a beautiful London fog you
have here. Was this arranged to
make us feel at home? American
ingenuity, what?"
Lord Mount Batten, 22-year-old
British peer, cousin of the prince
of Wales, here on his wedding tour,
affected surprise wh?n told ,by re
porters that he had made a name
for himself by telling Judge Land Is
at the riotous New York game that
the crowd was "handing him the
"American slangy I know, is rich.
Topping, I call it. I heard a $ood
one at a dance in New York. A chap
asked my wife if he could 'park his
chin on her shoulder meaning
could he have the next'dance. Very
good, what?"
"Judge Landis? Ripping old com
panion. He didn't seem to mind it
when , the crowd at the game was
giving him the bird. Paid no atten
tion to the hoots and bally jeers
they flung at him. Quite c6ol, reg
ular old snuffer, the judge."
"What does your husband think of
American flappers?" was, asked of
Lady Mount Batten, who was Miss
Edwina Ashley, England's richest
' Ton my soul," she exclaimed,
with determination, "he hasn't had
a chance to meet ay and I'll see
that he doesn't."
The Mount Battens are on their
way to California. They will visit
Hollywood. "Must be topping to
see the bally actors leaping from
precipices and airships and all
that,'- said Lord Mount Batten.
"Jolly well worth seeing, what?" -.
Gotham Candidate for Senate
Has Substantial Backing.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. "He kept
us out of obesity," is the slogan or
0 women and 50 men former mem
bers of Health Commissioner Cope
land's reducing classes who today
organized the Copeland fat men and
fat women's league to boom the
commissioner as the democratic
candidate for United States senator.
Miss Georgia Heffner, who organ
ized the league, said that Dr. Cope
land had helped her. reduce from 241
pounds to 161 and that she "couldn't
do enough for him."
The league will devote most of its
missionary work to people . weighing
upwards of 150 pounds.
Cholera Reported Spreading in
Tokio and Yokohama.
HONOLULU, Oct. 10. (By the As
sofciated Press.) Cable dispatches
received by the Nippu Jiji, Japanese
language . newspaper here, say that
cholera is spreading In Tokio and
Yokohama, 127 cases having . been
reported in Tokio alone. There are
said to have been 28 deaths from the
The American consulate has re
quested the Japanese government
rigidly to examine every passenger
bound for the United States. Ordin
arily only steerage passengers are
given an extensive examination.
Order of Merit Conferred on Dr.
David Starr Jordan.
HONOLULU. Oct. 10. (By the As
sociated- Press.) Dr. David Starr
Jordan, chancellor 'emeritus of Le
land Stanford university and one of
the most prominent American edu
cators, has been decorated by Japan
with the Second Order of Merit, ac
cording to a cable dispatch received
by the Nippu Jiji. local Japanese
language newspaper.
The decoration was conferred, it
was stated, in recognition of Dr.
Jordan's services in behalf of better
relations between the United States
and Japan.
Hood Kiver District to Put Taj
of 25 Mills on Property.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Oct. 10. (Soe
cial.) While the budget of school
district No. 3, comprised of the city
and surrounding rural community,
calls for an expenditure of $93,000
the coming year, a thousand greater
than last year, the total .tax to be
raised will be $6000 less than on last
year and $11,000 of this sum will be
applied to reducing bonde dindebted
ness. The city school tax levy will be
reduced from 27.1 to 25 mills. The
new budget also provides for an ad
dition of two new teachers to the
city faculty, one at the Park-street
grade school and the other At the
high school.
Iowa Man Who Killed Civil War
Veteran Sentenced.
PES- MOINES, la.. Oct. 10. Domi
nick Crlstello was found guilty of
first degree murder by a Polk coun
ty district court jury here this after
noon and was sentenced to life im
prisonment at the state prison for
the murder of J. H- Johnson, a civil j
war veteran, several months ago. j
Johnson's body was found con- ;
cealed in the basement of Cristello's
home by officers who raided the
place in search of liquor,
Wealthy Atlanta Banker
Breaks Engagement.
Demand kfor Name.s of Ac
cusers Is Made.
Mrs. Onezima de Bouchell Says
Asa G. Candler's Friends
Charges Are Untrue.
ATLANTA, Ga.( Oct. JO. (By the
Associated Press.) Mrs. Onezima
de Bouchele. of New Orleans, whose
engagement to marry Asa G.
Candler Sr., Atlanta capitalist,
wealthy Coca Cola manufacturer
and banker, was announced some
weeks ago, made public here today
a statement asserting that Mr.
Candler had broken the engage
ment because of a report brought
to him reflecting upon her charac
ter. Mrs. De Bouchole deniad that she
was making any financial demands
on Mr. Candler and declared sne
was in Atlanta only to protect her
good name and clear up charges
which had been made against her
to Mr. CandLer.
Names Are Not Revealed.
Names of persons who furnished
Candler with the information that
prompted his decision to break his
engagement will not be divulged,
according to a statement Issued
here early tonight by counsel for
Mr. Candler. . .
The statement made public by W.
D. Thompson, attorney for Mr.
Candler, followed one given out
early in the day by Mrs. De
In her statement Mrs. de Bouchele
severely crittcised what she termed
this "clumsy conspiracy" and hide.
ous slander, and Mr. Candler's re
fusal to divulge his source of infor
mation reflecting on her character
which, she stated, he gave as rea
sons for his failure to proceed with
original plans for their marriage.
Publicity la Regretted.
"Mr." Candler sincerely regrets
that Mrs. de Bouchele should have
given such publicity to an unfortu
nate private affair," the statement
issued by Mr. Thompson read.
"Certain friends brought him In
formation in confidence which made
it impossible for a marriage be
tween them to have been a happy
one. Me communicated this to Mrs.
de Bouchele. He has not and would
not disclose it to anyone else. He
feels that it would be unfair for him
to disclose the names of his friends
and thereby shift to them a respon-
(Concluded on Page 12, Column 3.
3UK YtfriNG AHVi
II In ess Said to tHave Resulted
From Eating Shellfish in
Paris; Recovery Expected.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Chauncey
Olcott, back yesterday from Stirope
with his wife on the steamship Or
bita of the Royal Mail Steam Packet
line, today was confined to his home,
17 Sutton place, a victim of ptomaine
A wireless message was sent from
the Orbita to his physician. Dr. Still
well, to meet the vessel. Mr. Olcott
came from the ship leaning on Dr.
Stlllwell's arm. Mr. Olcott said he
could not discuss his trip, as he was
suffering too much.
Dr. Stillwell was reassuring, say
ing that Mr. Olcott soon would be
well. Mrs. Olcott said her husband
was "a very sick man-," and that he
became ill after eating shell fish in
lieutenant Hinton in Porto Rico
Without Health Papers.
SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Oct. 10.
(By the Associated Press.) After
signing a formal request to the
secretary of the treasury asking for
a remission of the fine of $5000 Im
posed on him, Lieutenant Walter
Hinton, who arrived here yesterday
in his seaplane, the Sampaio Cor-
reia II, was today informed that
the seaplane could depart.
"The quarantine officials ' re
ported that the seaplane had no
health papers and the fine was a
formality," said Acting Collector of
Customs Seigmund. "Had Wash
ington advised us that the papers
were not needed, no action would
have been taken.".
Continental Instead of State Con
flicts Predicted.
(Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.
SHANGHAI. Oct. 10. Professor
James W. Garner, of the University
of Illinois, in a lecture here Monday,
said that the wars of the future will
be wars between continents instead
of states. He asserted that America
never will be neutral in the future
and wi.ll participate in all wars.
Professor Garner predicted a rapid
development in the codification and
interpretation of international law.
He is traveling to India to deliver a
series of Tag-ore lectures at Cal
cutta university.
French Federation pf Maritime
I'nions Takes Action.
FARTS, Oct. 10. -(By the Asso
ciated Press.) The federation of
maritime unions, today called off the
seamen's strike in the channel and
Atlantic ports. The strike order did
not include the port of Marseilles
and other Mediterranean ports. .
The strike was called some time
ago as a protest against the modifi
cation of the eight-hour day as ap
plied to seamen by the ministry of
Two Spanish Shawls Valued
$10,000 Stolen From Win
dow on Fifth Avenue.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Pour sets
of thieves, each employing a dif
ferent mode of operation, took loot
estimated at $70,000 in four "jobs"
Aaron Travitzsky, diamond cutter,
whistled contentedly as he .opened
his Pearl-street shop and carried a
tray of uncut gems valued at $50,000
to his. work bench.
The whistling was cut short by a
blow from a gun butt. Travitzsky's
assistant, Gailia Gaier, attempted to
aid him and he ,too, was felled. Both
were bound with rope and gagged
with towels.. The men, roughly
clad, took the diamonds and fled.
A negro visited the fashionable
home of Edward Greene, merchant
imprisoned a maid in a clothes
closet, took $7000 in jewelry and
$150 in cash, ate lunch and left.
Members of the family returned sev
eral hours later and released the
Answering cries for aid, a police
man iouna seymour .Ely, bound, on
the sidewalk in Waverly place. Ely
declared he was set upon by two
men, who bound him and took $1300
from h's pockets.
A huge plate-glass window in a
book shop in Fifth avenue was" shat
tered. Two Spanish shawls, handed
down through three centuries and
valued at 10,000 were taken from
the window.
Supreme Court Hears Arguments
on Ohio Statute.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 10.
Ohio's statute prohibiting- the teach
ing of German to pupils below the
eighth grade in private and paro
chial schools, assailed in cases
brought by H. H. Bohnlng and Emil
H. Pohl, was argued by counsel in
the supreme court today.
Counsel for Bohnlng and Pohl
contended that the act of 1919, by
wjiich the Ohio legislature imposed
the prohibition, was in violation of
that portion of the 14th amendment
to the federal constitution guaran
teeing against the abridgement of
privileges and immunities of citizens
an the taking of life, liberty or
property without due process of law.
Xational Biscuit Company
poses Melon Cut.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Directors
of the National Biscuit company to
day voted to submit to the stock
holders a proposal to double the au
thorized stock and to change its par
value from S100 to $25 a share
It was announced that if the di
rectors proposal was approved
common stock dividend of 5 per
cent would be declared, thus giving
eacn holder of common stock seven
shares of the new issue for every
$100 share now held.
The proposal will be voted on at
a special meeting called for Novem
ber IS.
Improper Conduct With
Child Is Charged.
Miss Who Found Bodies of Minis
ter and Mrs. Mills Thought
to Know Much of Case.
NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J.. Oct. 10.
(By the Associated Press.) Prisos,
bars closed tonight on a third Im
portant figure in the Hall-Mills
murder mystery, but the incarcera
tion, instead of helding clear the
weird tangle of clews and counter
clews, served only to emphasize the
difficulties authorities are encount
ering in their efforts to check up
the evidence on which 19-year-old
Clifford Hayes stands accused of the
double slaying.
The third to go .to jail was J'earl
Bahmer, the 15-year-old girl, who
Raymond Schneider' said Hayes
thought he was slaying, with her
stepfather, when. according to
Schneider's story, Hayes fired four
bullets into the bodies of the Itev.
Edward Wheeler Hall and .Mrs.
Eleanor Relnhardt Mills on the
night of September It on the de
serted Phillips farm. Schneider was
held as a material witness.
Girl Held as Incorrigible.
Pearl was not officially Jailed in
connection with the Hall-Mills case.
The charge against her which she
calmly admitted was incorrigibil
ity. Prosecutor Strieker of Middle
sex county, who has been active in
the investigation of the Hall-Mills
case, appeared personally against
her. County Judge Daly departed
'from the rule of secrecy in juvenile
cases and threw his court open, be
cause he declared the people "have
a right to know why she is being
put in Jail."
After she had testified to Intimacy
with Schneider and her stepfather
she was officially committed for a
week, pending a decision on the In
corrigibility charge.
was said that she was being given
a chance to "think over" the con
flicting stories she has told. Nich
olas Bahmer later was arrested as
a result of the charges preferred
by his step-daughter and held In j
$10,000 bail following his arraign-.
V;irl I. Suspected.
Pearl, who was with Schneider
when the boSies of Mr. Halt and
Mrs. .Mills were "found" two days
after the murders, on more than one
occasion has given newspaper men
working on .the case reason to be
lieve she knew more than she was
Bahmer took exception to the
story Pearl told yesterday that he
was intoxicated ort the night of the
murder. He declared that he was
perfectly sober and was sitting on
his porch when Pearl asked him to
take a walk with her. They stopped
at a store, he said, and had Ice
cream. During their walk, Bahmer
asserted. Pearl complained to him of
Schneider's attentions. He told her
he had bought a .45 caliber pistol
and that she need not worry, as he
would protect her.'
Pearl said today she was sure
Clifford Hayes did not kill the min
ister and Mrs. Mills.
"If they take me before the
prosecutor again," she said, "I'll tell
a real story."
Daughter Disbelieves Story.
Charlotte Mills, the 16-year-old
daughter of the murdered woman,
said: "You will iiever make me
believe that Clifford Hayes shot my
mother and Mr. HaSl. I know Ky
Schneider and I don't think he has!
sense enough to do it."
She said she wanted to go away
from New Brunswick and make new
friends. She has had many pro-
nnsals rtt mnrriair. since her mat li
er's death, she said, but she turn
them down. "I am going to form a
man hater's club," she added.
Mrs. Raymond Schneider, when
seen at her home in South River,
near here, said her husband had
often threatened her. She said ne
often carried a gun.
Prosecutor Says He Could Go to
Trial Immediately.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased "Wire.
NEW YOiiK. Oct. 10. The case
against Cliford Hayes, charged by
the authorities of Somerset county.
New Jersey, with the killing of
Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall and Mrs.
Eleanor Mills, is strong enougl.
Prosecutor Beekman said late today,
to warrant going to trial at any
time. The prosecutor said he haJ
several witnesses to substantiate
the fantastic tale told by Raymond
Schneider yesterday, charging Hayes
with the murder, but he would no:
say who these witnesses were.
It became Known loaay mat ;
Schneider told five separate stories
during tne 33 nours ne was ques- (
tinned in the county court hous
Deputy Commissioner Rays One
Murder Is Committed Weekly
by Intoxicated Officers.
Bv rlni Tribune l,eaed Wire.)
NEW YORK. Oct. 10 After hear
ing the case of John Dolan, patrol
man, accused of having been lntosl
cated on poat, John A. Leach, first
deputy police commissioner, said to
day that on an average of one civil
ian a week la being killed by
drunken New Tork police officers.
"We have got to get rid of the
rum hounds" on the police force."
he said, "and we are well under way
now. There ia a murder a week
from drunken policemen. Two since
last Saturday."
Dr. Leahy, police department sur
geon, said Dolan had reported to
him twice in June, twice In July and
three times in September for Illness
and there was Indication he had
taken alcohol.
Dolan's defense was that he had
"That's the same old story.- said
Mr. Leach.
New Affidavit Exonerates Two
Men, Freed by Court In Accident.
THE DALLES. Or.. Oct. 10 (Spe
cial.) An affidavit, which was sub
mitted to the grand Jury last wee,
wsa made public today, bringing
light a new identlfical Ion of the
mystery car that caused the death
of Edwin M. Hill of Dufur In an
automobile accident on the Columbia
river highway west of The Helles
August 27. The affidavit was sub
mitted by Mrs. Clifford U. Holland
of Portland.
The car described In the affidavit
was a large dust-covered touring
car with the top up. This informa
tion raised the cloud of suspicion
that has hung over the heads of two
men. Frank A. Uilcrlst and Stanley
Pullen, who were detained following
the accident. They were driving a
roadster with the top down.
The court found that these two
men were not guilty, although the
lack of positive proof caused many
to consider thst the two men were
connected with the case.
Policemen Testify In Murder
Trial of Alleged Tons liiisnun,
Llm Kee. alleged Kury flng gun
man, on trial for the murder of
John Stevens, counted not upon
memory of those connected w'th the
district attorney's office when he
told the Jurors he had never b-
in trouble before. Iwputy District
Attorney Mowry promptly Intro
duced noltce officers who had ar
rested Llm Kee nl l-0 and sen him
convicted In municipal court for h
sale of cocaine. other testimony
showed that he had been arrested
also in connection with another tong
Circuit Judge Rossman. before
whom the trial Is being held, sd
lourned the hearing early In the
afternoon because of an engage
ment that took him to Corva;:
The (rial will be resumed this morn
Knouse of Japanese Soldier Is
Ahametl of Arms Affair
TOKIO. Oct. 10. (By the Asso
ciated Press.)" The wife of Major
Hara, a Japanese army officer who
is to be courtmartlaled In eonnec
tion with the disappearance of
Czecho-Slovak arms In Vlsdlvostok
committed suicide today by drown
She leaped from the steamer
Kuain. She left a note In which
she said, "I am dying because 1 am
ashamed of the arms affair In which
my husband is Involved."
Suicide's Son Dies.
Three days after the suicide of his
father. Jay Uould. a Corbett fsrmer.
Jay Leroy Uould. f-year-nld son.
died at (he Multnomsh county hos
pital Monday from a form of blood
poisoning. He was In the hospital
at the time of his father's desth. The
body is at the ,east side funcrsl
The Wealher.
TctSTFRfAT'S Msslntum t.mpers'sre
. ocre-n: minimum. 2.rtrte.
TOX)AT' Rain: variable wlnrta.
Coal eommlaalon personnel chosen.
I lie 2.
Kx-crown prince of il.rm.ajf eae.r te
aid In reuniting country. Pas .1.
Chauncey Olcoft returna from Ksropa
from ptomaine poisoning. I'as I.
Girl. IS. Is held Is rector caa. Pase I.
Klans ts "topplns." says I.ord Mount
l.atten. I'ak-e
Oresos supreme court upwl. plt-l.a ef
state bonus cemmiaeicn. Page T.
Try-for-polnt play on gridiron explained.
Page 13.
Beavers lick Sacs; second place CI Itch ad.
Page 14.
Pacific Coast league reaults: At Port
land S. barrainente 1; at San Kran-claco-Oakland
game poalponed; rain;
at Kealtla i. fait LaKe a lrai.e.1 in
11th. darkneesl; at Loa Ang'le .
Vernon a (14 tnnlnse). Peg 14.
iatherwelght tournament plans Is
adopted. Page 14. .
Commercial aad Marine.
Oregon growers preparing for
ueual winter crop. Pag 24.
Selling movement weakens high-grade
railway bonda. Pag 23.
Legality teat ease plasned for grata fu-
turee tradlr.g act. Page XX.
Many stocks drop la Oofham market.
Page 24.
Wheat la strong In Chicago Market.
Paga 23.
Port land anal Vlrlnlty.
,,oor (rlJuncUon Is brain teaser. Tag. II. i 4
Con,t lo rho U..B at Health l-.po- 1
.,t,oa opene. Page 17.
Fprmjt- comment Id
I fag 2.
prMa cord.
Direct Outlet for Every
Section Is Sought.
Programme Is Presented to
Service Commission.
Project Would .Make Portia ad
Greatest lndutr;'lal Center
on Pacific Coast.
HALKM, Or, Oct. It (Special )
Immediate extension of a number of
railroads now operating In this eiata
to the end that the attending con
nections and Increased mileage will
provide a direct outlet for practic
ally every section of Oregon snd at
the same time make Portland the
greatest industrial center on the
Pacific coast. Is proposed In 4 com
plaint prMared here today b) H. M
Corey, member of the public servjie
commleeic n.
The complaint was Inslroduced br
Mr. Corey st an executive eeaeloa t.f
the commission today, but definite
action was drferred pending con
sideration of Ihe document by other
members of the body. I fndante
In the srtlon Include Ihe Central
I'sclflc fUllxsy rnmpany. tiouthert
1'sclfic company. Oregon-Wehlt-Ion
Railroad at Navigation rompsn.
Oregon Short Line Railroad com
pany, Oregon Trunk Itaiiroad com
pany and the techuts Railroad
Asfkerlty Is Cited.
TJie complaint was drafted by Jte
Corey In accordance with Ihe 1.'
act of Ihe Interstate cmnmrrce
eommlaalon, which gives that b-.d
authority to orlrr isllroad eaten
alons when In the Interest of public
convenience or necessity, snd ali
Ihe expense Involved therein t ...
not Impair Ih ability of the tsrriara
to perform their duty lo Ihe pub 1c.
The complaint. 1 approe4 by
other members of the public service
commission, probsbly a III b filed
with Ihe Interstate rommen e cam
mission within the nest frw we'ka.
It then will be up lo the Interstate
commerce commission t call any
hearings It msy deaire. snd Invest .
gate thoroughly the foaalhlllly and
necessity of the proposed ettenaioi.a
Klrk-Oeel! I.loe Plsaaed.
In summarising the rnmpSamt,
Mr. Corey said thst the pr-posel
extensions would ln lude a line of
the Central Pacific railroad from
Kirk to Udell, a distssre of eppros
imately 40 miles, snd from 0av
ridge to Odell. a distance of
an evt.rtelon of tfce
The world knows the emi
nent Enir!ih tuthor, the cre
ator of Sherlock Holmes,
one of the most mrr be
lievers in the spiritual after
life and as an invent gator
who ha cast all else asids
to follow the thin thread cf
that greatest of mysteries,
life when death has come.
Punnf his recent American
tour Sir Arthur, hy hi eal
ind aincertlT. quickened tha
already artiv interest of tha
public in psychic inquiry. Ida
narrative of that visit ia an
important contribution to lit
erature on th subject.
"Our American Adven
ture." Sir Arthur's own story
of the American tour, has
been purchased by The Morn
injr f)rep;onian. with exrtuniva
rights for the local f.rld. and
will soon appear in daily
serial form a most engross
ing account of his views and
expericncen, and more partic
ularly of those strange mani
festations that were Riven
him this tide of the Atlantic.
Watch for it. Cynic or be
liever, It is well worth your
Did S;r Arthur actually
communicate With the hj!
of Houdini'f mother, and was
that master mystic hunw!f
confounded by the apparent
evidence that offered thro'ich
automatic writing? Bej-nnd
the Jordan what? Life ar
death, the vast quieturfs of
sunless space, or a throrged
and shining- city?
First in Superior Features
The Morning Orrgottiaa
Just Five Cents
4a-ej es-s 4 s i