4 VOL,. LXI C 19,310 Entered &t Portland fOoecon Postoffice a Srcond -c'.ag Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUaJAX OCTOBER 10, 1923 PRICE FIVE CENTS BRITISH DIG IN, COAST CAR SHORTAGE PUT AT 85 PER CENT w IIY0UTH ACCUSED BRIDE OR EX-KAI&-TO CALL SELB$cJEEN c INTENT TO ASSUME PRUSSIAN TITLE ANNOUNCED. SUICIDE COMMITTED BY WOMAN PHYSICIAN DRIVERS AMAZE S TRAFFIC CHIEFS OF KILLING TWO ONLY 430 OF 3358 NEEDED REPORTED AVAILABLE. DR. CONSTANCE J. KLECAN ENDS LIFE WITH DRUG. mOMIXEXT WEALTHY BAKEIt CITIZEX IX JAIL. RAILWAY DYNAMITE ROADS DECISION STAND A Bridges Also Blown Up Near Constantinople. MUDANIA SESSION ADJOURNS Time Given Turks to Refer v Allied Demands. DESTROYER AT SHILEH English Warrior, on Refusal of Kenialists to Withdraw, De J cities to Stay, Too. ts Id ' CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 9. (By the Associated Press.) The allied generals, Haring-ton, Mombelli and Charpy, returned to Constantinople late tonight. The Mudania ponfer- ence has been adjourned to permit the Kemalists to refer the allied demands to the Angora assembly. The Turkish nationalist troops yesterday resumed their advance in the Dardanelles area in the direc tion of Chanak, the British strong hold, according to a Mudania dis patch to the local newspapers. It was reported that Turkish irregulars had appeared yesterday a short distance from Beikos. Beikos is a suburb of Constantinople, eight miles above the American naval anchorage. The British began en trenching around Beikos. Bandits Enter Villages. Turkish irregulars and small bands of guerrillas and bandits which form the advance guard of a Turk ish army have appeared in small villages east of Constantinople. These villages include Tashkeu psu, Tavshanjik, Omarli, Agfa and Armulli, all within the suburban limits of Constantinople, on the Asiatic side. The British yesterday made final preparations for defense, blowing up bridges and cross-roads. Destroyer at Shlleh. A British destroyer anchored Sun day at Shileh, on the Black sea coast. The commander went ashore, met the nationalist officer there and requested him to withdraw his forces. The Turk replied that he had orders to remain, whereupon the British commander declared he would also remain. Navigation in the Bosphorus, which was suspended by the Brit ish Sunday as a result of the Turk ish incursions into the neutral zone, was re-established today. liOXDOX STILL WAITS NEWS Council Has Little to Do but Hear Curzon Report. LONDON. Oct. 9. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The government still is awaiting news from the Mudania conference and the result of the orders Kemal Pasha was reported to have given for the re tirement of the Turkish troops from the neutral zones or to such new lines in those zones as may be agreed upon. The tabinet council today had little to do beyond hearing a re port of Lord Curzon's mission to Paris and discussing purely pro visional arrangements for a peace conference, should the Mudania meeting prove successful. It is understood that some of the delay at Mudania arose through cer tain differences in wording or other tndefiniteness in the instructions conveyed to the British and French delegates. The national council representing the 'hole labor party met today to consider the new eastern situation and passed a resolution expressing lack of confidence in the govern ment's policy and demanding the immediate resignation of the gov ernment and the election of a new parliament. KEMALISTS LESS CONFIDENT Complete VnanUnity Among Allies Recognized by Turks. MUDANIA. Oct. 9. (By the Asso ciated Press.) There was distinctly less confidence in the Kemalist camp here today when it became thor oughly understood that there is now complete unanimity among the al lies. The pllng for dividing the al lies having failed, it was realized thai Kemal Pasha had the world arrayed against him. The Greek delegates also came Into light with the three allied pow ers, Colonel Mazarakis informing General Harington that Greece would "conform to whatever meas ures the allied generals recommend." lie also assured the commander-in-chief that in case of necessity, "the whole Greek army in Thrace will rally to the support of Great Britain." Mustapha Kemal Pasha keeps in continual touch with his delegates at Mudania over a long distance telephone line, recently installed 30C miles to Angora. Ismet Pasha per sonally speaks with his chief several times daily reporting to him on the progress of the negotiations and re ceiving instructions as to the exact procedure to bg followed. Eastern Lines Are Blamed In Part for Condition, "as They Do Not Return Western Equipment. OLTMPIA, Wash., Oct. 9. (Spe cial.) Less than 15 per cent of the number of freight cars ordered for territory Tvest of the Montana-Idaho line are available, with no improve ment for the shortage in sight, E. V. Kuykendall, director of the depart ment of public works, announced to day. Reports of the railway depart ment show 3358 cars ordered for the territory andV only 430 available. Cars which will be made available within the next few days total only 1911, which will be needed to supply the orders which will be placed dur ing that period. Nor is any relief promised from tha eastern end, where O. O. Calder, traffic expert of the department, is working for equipment to move westward. Additional refrigerator cars have been ordered to help in moving the fruit crop. The Milwaukee and Great North ern roads have just filed an export grain rate, with the Northern Pa cific preparing to file the same rate within a few days, which will tend to bring Montana wheat to Seattle and Tacoma for export, making many more box cars available for eastern loading, Mr. . Kuykendall said. The railroads assign some of the reasons for the shortage on the western coast to the large move ments of freight through the Pan ama canal and the failure of ex treme eastern roads to return, empty cars. It is said that for every five cars sent east only one is returned to the western lines. The Northern Pacific today em bargoed the. shipment of potatoes from the Yakima valley in refriger ator cars and has no cars of other classes available to move the crop. WEATHER MAN IS SAVED "Probably" Rain Forecasts Fail for Last Few Days. But for that little qualifying word "probably" the United States weather bureau would have been a false prophet the last few days. It "probably" rained on Friday. On Saturday the forecast was "probably" rain. The same for Sun day and Monday. But it did not "probably" rain, so the prophets were saved and not without honor. Be that as it may, autumn is to be late, but sure, said District Fore caster Wells, who returned yester day from a three weeks' inspection trip through eastern Oregon. Yes, winter is coming, he said. surely and not probably, although the forecast for today .called for "probably" rain. LIQUOR ON SHIP SEIZED Whisky Taken From Freighter Upon Arrival From Smyrna. NEW YORK, Oct. 9. The first seizure of liquor aboard a United States shipping board vessel under Attorney-General Daugherty's dry ruling was made today by agents who visited the freighter Winona, arrived from Smyrna after evacu ating refugees from the ruined city. Four cases of whisky and a num ber of loose bottles w-ere taken from the vessels' hold The vessel's officers said they could not account for the presence of the liquo and that it probably had been brought aboard by refugees. REGISTRATION IS 112,873 New Record lor Multnomah County Established. The unofficial total of registra tion in Multnomah county as checked yesterday in the of ice of County Clerk Beveridge was 112,873. This is a new record and bears out pre dictions of last week that the total would reach 112,000. The checking process has not been completed, and it was said there may be a change of three or four dozen one way or the other in the present total, but scarcely more than that. . Saturday's registrations set a high mark, being reported as 2296. Repub lican registrations Saturday were 1490 and democratic registrations 722. BABY GIRL IS ACCEPTED Parents Finally Convinced Child Is Their Own. JERSEY CITY, N. J, Oct. 9. Ed ward Rich and his wife today ac cepted a girl baby as the child born o them recently at the Bergen san tarium. convinced at last that their wish alone had inspired belief that their child was a boy. The Darents were held on a charge of abandonment last week when they refused to accept the girl baby, insisting someone at the hospital had mixed new-born babes and given them the wrong one. EUROPE INSULTS GRANT Civil War General's Son Finds Americans Are Hated. NEW YORK, Oct. 9. Ulysses S. Grant, eldest son of the civil war general, who arrived here today on the steamship Finland, says he will never go " to Europe again. Mr. Grant, who is a lawyer of San Diego, Cal., was accompanied by his wife. He said that he believed Amer icans were hated in Europe and mentioned specifically an affront which he received on a train bounl from Amsterdam to Berlin. Southern and Central Pacific Order Final. SUPREME COURT DECIDES Mandate to Put Edict in Ef fect Is Next Step. DOCKET IS CLEARED AH Motions for Reconsideration of Cases Dismissed; Iron and Anthracite Hearing Set. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 9. The supreme court today denied a re hearing of the case brought by the United States, in which It directed the Southern Pacific company to di vorce itself of ownership and con trol over the Central Pacific rail road. The court at its last term rendered an opinion which reversed the United States district court for Utah and held that the ownership and control of the Central Pacific by the Southern Pacific was in vio lation of the Shernan anti-trust act on the ground that the two systems were competing under the law. The decision resulted In numbers of petitions being presented to con gress by commercial and other or ganizations, some urging and others opposing the enforcement of the de cision. The refusal to reopen the case will result in the issuance of a mandate to the district court in Utah to give effect to the decision. Petition Sent Congress. After -the decision of the court last June a number of petitions were presented to congress from commercial and other organizations discussing the probable effect of the decision. Some urged and others opposed its enforcement, but the supreme court, in refusing today to reopen the case, brought the pro tracted litigation to its last stages, and a mandate will now . issuo under which the United States dis trict court for Utah will proceed to give effect to the decision. Although no opinions were deliv ered by the supreme court today, it cleared its docket of aU motions for rehearings which had accu mulated during the summer recess and advanced for argument the Pennsylvania anthracite and the Minnesota iron tax, the New York telephone and a number of other important cases, besides issuing orders in other cases. Decisions Made Flna1. By denying rehearing in tne cases decided during the closing days last term the court made final its deci sions in such important litigation as the Southern Pacific, the Coro nado coal, the emergency fleet cor poration, baseball and the Laramie river irrigation project cases, the latter of vital importance as laying down a governmental policy to be observed in the diversion of water (Concluded on Page a. Column 1.) UNCLE SAM: "THEY CAN'T ACCUSE ME ANY MORE OF Preliminary Reception to Bridal Party Held at Doom; Wed ding to Be November 5. DOORN, Holland. Oct. 9. (By the Associated Press.) The bride of ex-Emperor William, the princess of Reuss, will assume the title "Queen Wilhelmina of Prussia," according to an announcement today during a preliminary reception to the bride and bridegroom-to-be at the castle here. The ex-kaiser was attired in his favorite uniform of a high admiral of the fleet with his breast covered with a multitude of pre-war decora tions and his left sleeve showing the mourning band. The ex-ruler showed many cour tesies to the guests. He seemed to be in high good humor, entertaining the company with many anecdotes. "I shall soon be the happiest man in the world," he said and then added gaily: "No longer will I be called the solitary exile of Doorn." The princess of Reuss appeared equally happy. The only member of the Hohen zollern family present was the ex emperor's fourth son, August Wil helm, although the ceremonial was attended by a large number of German professors, ex-generals, court officials, members of the nobility and their wives, including Count von Moltke, together with several Dutch professors and many members of the Dutch nobility. The castle was adorned with garlands of flowers, . which are arriving dally, the gifts of admirers and friends of the ex-emperor in many parts of the world. The registry book was signed byi8 now Uving wU an uncIe ln hundreds of visitors. According to the present arrange ments, the marriage ceremony on November 6 will be held in the chapel of the castle. This will be in harmony with Dutch law. Baron Schommel-Pen-nick Van de Oye, the mayor of Doorn, will act as civil officer and deliver the customary speech. The church ceremony will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Vogel of Potsdam, former court chaplain, who will preach the sermon. By order of the ex-German mon arch, no photographers or journal ists will be allowed to attend the ceremony. They are being carefully excluded from the castle, grounds by the guards, who have been in structed also to keep a close watch on anyone suspected of having fire arms or other dangerous weapons. OREGON STUDENT WINNER McMinnviUe Man Lands National Contest Prize. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 9. (Special.) First prize In the national peace oratorical contest was taken by an Oregon Agricultural college man, Clarence W. Hickok of McMinn viUe, senior in industrial arts. A letter from Miss M. and Miss H. Sea bury of New Bedford, Conn., found ers of the contest, inclosed a check for $50, the prize given annually for the winning oration, to President Kerr of the college for presentation to Hickok. The national contest is the cul mination of all state contests, the two highest men in the state meets being considered as contestants. Hickok won second place in the Oregon meet at Newberg last spring. Three-Hour Effort of Doctors to Resuscitate Victim Fails and Death Comes at Hospital. A mad race with death a three hour battle at the finish, and then death won and claimed Dr. Con stance J. Klecan, well-known woman physician, who, tiring of life yester day afternoon, drained the contents of a small phial of morphine. At about the time the unfortunate physician was taking the fatal po tion. Dr. Marie Equi, three blocks down the street, was opening a sui cide letter which Dr. Klecan had written earlier in. the day. Dr. Equi read the note, bolted down the stairs, hailed a passing autoist and drove to- the Stevens building, where Dr. Klecan had her offices. The physician lay on her office couch, unconscious and dying. Dr. Eoul summoned other doctors. And for three full hours the medical men and women battled with death to save their fellow-practlUoner. Death won when Xhey attempted to send the victim to a hospital. Dr. Klecan passed away as the ambulance, bear ing her, backed up to the entrance of Emanuel hospital. Dr. Klecan was distinguished scholar, physician and pathologist. A Pole by birth, she had attended the leading medical schools of Vien na and the famous Virchow clinic, had studied at Johns Hopkins uni versity In this country and had spe cialized in pathology and bacteriol ogy. She was well known in-Portland's medical circles, both as a gen eral pract;tioner and as a patholo gist. Melancholia and depression, ac centuated by loneliness and the de- o -,n uaa hAc vmmce ri u 11 ch ?ir who Cracow, were thought to have been the causes of the physician's suicide. Dr. Klecan had given evidences of her desire to end her life on several previous occasions. Friends tfissuad ed her and succeeded in cheering her up, temporarily. Yesterday at about 2o'clock Dr. Equi received her afternoon mail in her offices in the Lafayette build ing. Among the letters was an envelope bearing Dr. Klecan's ad dress. As the other physician had been engaged in doing some lab oratory work for a patient of Dr. Equi's, the latter thought that the letter was an ordinary business one. But on a second thought she dropped her work and opened it. It read: "Dear Marie: 1 am worn out and so am going on a long, long rest. Take, good care of Mrs. W . You can have my books. Goodbye." Dr. Equi did not wait to put on a hat or coat. As she ran out of her office she saw an acquaintance driving up Washington street in an automobile. The physician darted through the traffic, climbed on the side of the car and requested the driver to hurry Jto the Stevens building. The man accompanied her to the 12th floor. As they "could not open the door, the autoist clambered up and looked over the transom. Dr. Klecan was on the couch, uncon scious. Then followed the three-hour bat tle with death. A number of Ste vens building physicians took part. Dr. Earl Smith, county coroner, was called. With Dr. Ben Wade and Dr. Equi he. led the fight. Emetics, antidotes, hot coffee, strychnine in jections and artificial respiration were tried. When the woman's pulse returned the medical worker? (Concluded on Page 4, Column 2.) BEING A BOOTLEGGER." Heels Replacing Heads, Declares Officer. NORTHWEST SESSION OPENS Legislation to Make High . ways Safe Studied. AUTO THEFTS PROBLEM Expertsof Six States and Prov ince in Conference to Plan Vniform Traffic Laws. A multiplicity of problems Inci dent to the amazing growth and de velopment of the horseless age were discussed yesterday at the opening of the second binennlal conference of motor vehicle administrative of ficers and traffic officers of the states of California, Oregon. Wash ington, Idaho, Montana, Utah and the province of British Columbia in the Multnomah hotel. The object of the conference, which was welcomed by Governor Olcott and is beini; presided over by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state for Oregon, Is to brlrg about co-operation between states and countries in establishing uniform laws and to interchange views and opinions on how best to preserve highways, make them safe for all kinds of traffic, reduce to a minimum the number of auto thefts and obtain the best thought on how to legis late for the benefit of the public. Heels, Not Heads, Used. "Probably the most serious prob lem we have to contend with is hu man nature," said L. D. McArdle, director of the department of ef ficiency of the state of Washington. "The proverbial Maud thinks with her heels too many human Mauds, if they think at all, think the same way. s "Of those using the highways al together too few exercise their heads and realize the rights that owners have. And while on this subject, the thoughtless or finan cially irresponsible driver is the cfause of many serious accidents that entail loss of life and property damage. This is one of our most vital problems how can we make drivers having no financial re sponsibility realize that damage caused by them must be paid by them? Were the state responsible for every preventable accident In tensive thought would be applied to seek a solution. We feel that the driver of every car, domestic and foreign alike, operating on the highways of the state, should be made responsible for the damage caused by' him; then a more care ful lot of operators might be ex pected. There is, at" this time, a movement in progress to provide state Indemnity for loss of life and property damage by traffic acci dents. rroKrrn Is Made. Fred J. Dibble, director of licenses, of the state or Washington, con tributed an interesting paper He recounted some of the forward steps that his state has taken to reduce traffic accidents. "The report of the Washington highway patrol to August 1," said Director Dibble, "over a few months since Its creation, shows that 3039 arrests were made and minor viola tion nutlces given to 1847, besides the work of recovering stolen cars, warnings at grade crossings, special investigations and the weighing of some 400 trucks for the purpose of protecting the highways. "We have today splendid co operation all along the line toward the one object the elimination from the highway of drivers guilty of In toxication, carelessness or delib erate recklessness and their punish ment. The motor vehicle operator In our state realizes today that un less he complies with the raw he will lose bis right to operate on the roads." Non-Rcaldent Ureases Free. California issues non-resident li censes free of charge, Charles J. Chenu, chief of the division of mo tor rehicles at Sacramento, told the conference. "We issued 30.000 such licenses this year," said Mr. Chenu, "the cost to the state being about 13 cents apiece. The license entitles each tourist to operate for a period of 90 days within the state. Before a motorist can obtain such a license he must satisfy our officials that he is the owner of the car. "Since this law has been ln opera tion we have been instrumental in the recovery of millions of dollars' worth of stolen motor vehicles. As many as II or 20 cars a day have been held by our division in a single day at Los Angeles, awaiting iden tification. Recoveries Arc Reaaarkable. "This city seems to be the mecca of motor vehicle thieves. Thanks to our co-operation, however, the! number of recoveries of stolen ve-j hides has been remarkable. It Is i estimated by the insurance under- j writers' bureau that 90 per cent of; such stolen vehicles are returned to their rightful owners." Other speakers at yesterday's session of the conference were Ken- Concluded ea fate a. Ceiuma Zj Woman, Tired of Having Boiler" Aronnd House, Tips Offi cials; Raid Follow. BAKER, Or.. Oct. . (Special ) Orln 'Osborne, deputy county asses sor, a prominent . and reputedly wealthy Baker citizen, is in the county Jail facing a 30-dy sentence and a S500 fine. He pleaded guilty today before Justice Allen on a charge of manufacturing and pos sessing intoxicating liquor. His home in the fashlonabls north end waa raided by federal prohibi tion agents and county authorities Saturday night and a small electric-ally-operated still was found. A small quantity of whisky, wine and beer was confiscated, officials said. Mrs. Osborne, prominent local church woman. Informed the au thorities of the existence of her hus band's still, the officials added. She is understood to have told the raid ers she was tired of having the "boiler" around the house. Mr. Osborne handed in his resig nation today to Assessor Baird. It has not been acted on. Assessor Baird said. EX-AVIATOR IS ARRESTED Former Assistant Movie Director Is Accused of Burslary. DENVER. Ort. t. Richard A. Barton, 27 years old, ex-member of the British flying corps and until recently an assistant director for a nationally known motion picture producing firm In Los Angeles, was arrested here today charged wllh having robbed the home of Judge James Owen of Denver. According to the police, he ad mitted he had jumped bond In Kan sas City, where he was charged with robbing Mrs. W. J. Doan of $00. All of the loot taken from Judge Owen's home was recovered In the hotel room of Ruby Lucas, a f-leml of the man under arrest, according to the police. Miss Lucas was de tained by the police. POWDER MILL BLOWS UP Ten Thousand Pounds of Black Exploitive Is Fired. TACOMA, Wtb, Oct. . The Corning mill of the E. I. Dupont de Nemours Powder company at Du pont blew up shortly after noon to day with such force that the exple slon was heard all over the sur rounding country. Ten thousand pounds of black powder exploded, and the building was totally wrecked. No one was In the mill at the time. One man 250 feet from the scene was hurled to the ground but was not Injured. TROOP MOVE IS ORDERED Companies to Shift From Camp Lewis to Vancouver. THE OREGON I AN NEWS BUREAU, Washington? D. C, Oct. 9. Th 7th infantry and the headquarters and headquarters company of th Sth In fantry brigade have been ordered from Camp Lewis to Vancouver Barracks. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS Th Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum t,mpriur. SN degrees; minimum temperature, 4 degreea TODAY'S Increaelng c Inudlneas followed by rain; winds mostly northerly. Karris n. British file In and blow up roads asar Constantinople. Fags 1. Brlda of ex-kslsr to aaeume tills ot Queen of Persia. Iae 1. No temporising- with Turks oa freedom . of siraits, says Urltish premier. Pass X National. Southern and Central Pacific railway di vorce to stand. Pasa 1. pronpecte of crops suffer generally. Pag . A'.ll-d debt cancellation strongly oppossd Psge . Lasker orders halt to liquor sal on ela. Pag 6. laomeatlr. Youth of 1 accuaed of killing ret'or and womao, Paas I. raeltle Northweat. Baker woman t'P authorities and wracks husband's whi.kv busln.a Pass I Coast car hortags Is placed at J Pr cent. Pasa I Trial of Phillip Warren. Indian for mur der, begun at La la. Or. Pag J. Huge lime plant to b built In Josephln county. Page . Hport. Many sportsmen out, but few get limit of ducks. Pas 14. Ownera of Yankeea stand by Manager Hugglna. Pag la. Commercial and Maria. Block market has bit of egcHamest, Psge '-'3. Invtment bankers urge short-term bonds for cities. Pag '2. Grain trad alow as result of unaattl.d conditions in near east. Pag 21. t;ndrtone of wheat futures stronger with cash market. Paga 21 w government bonds !! abov par a curb markei. ra -a. Port nds In handling eeaaonabla cargo likely to b taken up at meaung to- day. Paga 21. Psetlnnd and Tlrlaltr. Traffic offlcera study max of problama Paga . Fourteen men. on woman fll for cout). .11. Paga . Collualon can't aava llnuor-carr) Ing cars, court ruls. Page 13. Raiding of wrong boma probed by pollc chief. Paga .12. Dr. Conatance 3. Klecaa commit sui cide. Pag I. Profit hr padding land valuation charged to ouated bonus sppraiser. Paga S. Railway t npn new atretcb of track In coming week. Page . Old Oregon trail recognition aaked. Paga M. i;yor Baker laaue statement relating whola atatua of fair. Paga s. Dollar Interests scoutr control of Port land LuaMf tompaajf. ic I. Rector and Woman Held Slain by Mistake. BODIES DECLARED ROBBED Stories Fail to Piece To gether, Say Officials. TWO BOYS ARE GRILLED Olrl fcurports onfrlon'' la Part, but Position of Ito-ai Is Explained by No One. Mr rii -. hot i.r.tnr.n (fr 'hh-a Tribune L4 'lra Her are tome points In tha Hall-Mills murder mystery not explained by the reported confession: Why was th throat of M' Mills cut" If th shooting was a of mistaken Identity? Why wss lh clothing sr. rnnged so rarsfwllr. and who scattered th Inrrlmlnstleg letters over lh bodies? How ws Mrs. Ml!!., a woman of maturity, mistaken for a alrl It yesrs eUT What reason had ftchnelder to plot lh murder of Prsrl Hahmrr when lh pair appar ently wer good friends th next dsyf Why should Hayes hava felt bitter toward Pearl? No In dlratlon that h even was well acquainted ha been given. If th killing waa th re sult of mlatakea Identity, who took th gold tc worn by Ir. Hsll? NKW BRUNSWICK. V. J . Oct. . (By th Associated I'res. '1f ford Hsyea. a youth of 1. was h:d Incommunicado In th Komrt county jail at 8omrvllls tonight on a war:ant charging him with first decree murder of th Rev. Kdward Wheeler Hall and Mrs. Klennor Iteln hardt Mills on Keplember It. Rut If lh authorities who cud. his arrest hsv any vldenc whl. h would show a logical motlv for his alleged activity, they csrefully wit h held It. The explanstlon of ftsmond Schneider. S2. whoa accuatioa caused Hay' arreat. waa thl It was a cas of mistaken Identity. Hiiii. h said, thought h waa shooting- 15-)r-old l'erl Bahmer and her etp-flhr. Nicholas !! mir. But lh only motlv h. sdsnr4 for th rsckless crlm ss a sort of quixotism on Hayes' psrt a dea.-a to right a supposed wrona don a friend. Schneider, who. sithourh married, admit he la In lov wlto learl. Mary I Un-tarvd Lie. Hayes' retort was that Schneider wss a "damned lisr." admitted goln wllh Sc-hntider 10 th deserted rhlilips farm, m hr lh bodies wer found. In sesreh of fesrl and her step-fatler. They heard ahols and scresmlna. h said, and ran towrd th erb appl tre. whenc lh shots md to com, obaervin an sutomobi: disappear s tnay ran. Beneath th lr. h declared, they found th minister and te choir sxnger desd. snd, he sddsd. Schneider bent down snd stol the minister's wst h. Tui Schneider hollr defiled dur. Ing the long examination to whuh th ou:hs r objected. K,-hni. der. In turn, sccuned Hares of hsv. lnc committed the thrfi. On of th moat glaring dierree anclcs In tichneldrr story Ms assertion that nlthr he nor He tou hed th bodi. except for th filching of th wstch of which ba arcuaes Hayes. It has been established by a be lated autopsy that Mrs M ils' threat was cut from car to ear, and her head almost aaversd. hchncldsr could not explain this. raaltlwa t Tssa ftat :plald. ' Neither could h explain ho IHt bodies cam to b Uid out rarfui:r. aid by side, sa If far burial. H was equally unaettefactory to how th lov Utter written Mra Mills to th mlnistsr cam 19 b acattared about th scn. or shi had placed on of the ministers cards ggalnat th ! of hi h, as if to make aura of Idrnllfh all -a. His story does ta,!y remarket., however, with th first stafemer.t attributed to Mrs. Hail sfier is murders wr discovered that ser thory of th double slaying was "mistaken Identity." This statement later wss repudiated by Miee Hal l'slera confidant of Mr. lii. ah said th rector widow K.u d.lm- gin no motlv. arer-t (.. i, . that of robbery, for the mutdira Although they openly ep ., confidence that !h had ben practically solv.d. th autboetfl,. TubaciusU a Teas . l'ii.uu , i