Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 07, 1922, Page 24, Image 24

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Kodaks and
We have a complete assortment of kodaks
from $6.50 up. Brownie Cameras from $2.00
up. Photo albums from 20c up. Expert de
veloping and printing.
Meier Frank's: Main Floo.-.
Chocolate Almond
Belmonts 39c
Regularly priced t 75c pound. 2500 pound
of finest society cream fondant with chopprd
almonds dipped in dark vanilla chocolate with
chopped almonds. No deliveries.
Main and Ninth Floor, Il. rn nt lu Irony.
The Quality Store
of Portland. Oregon
Sale of Boys9
2-Pants Suits, Overcoats
1 Sale!
I 100 Smart New Hats
$7.50 '
Everything new in this collection of Paris-inspired hats at a price
which puts them within reach of every woman. Of black Panne and
colored Lyons (U. S. A.) velvet with modish flower and feather trim
mings. Large and small hats, some with irregular brims. Excellent
choosing while the quantity lasts at $7.50.
New Hats: Special $15
Fifty hats, individualized creations, every one newly received from a leading
designer. The woman who wishes to gratify her . taste for the exclusive can
achieve this at moderate cost if she makes selection from this assemblage.
i ;5
The Children's Hat Section
offers more than 300 new hats in many youthful styles at prices from $2.50 up.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. ( Orders Filled.)
Sale of Smart Bertha CoDars
Regular $1.50-$1.95 Values
A just-received special purchase accounts for
this Saturday price. New Bertha collars to
wear with round neck dresses and sweaters. Of
net combined with val. laces and tucks, trimmed
with real filet and Irish picot edges.
i: -
Scarfs $2.95
Regularly priced at $3.95. A special lot
of wool . scarfs for street and motoring
wear. Pleasing striped effects brown
with tan, maroon with white, Pekin blue
with tan.
i Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
' 90
Neckwear $2.50
At this
price one will find stylish new
with tuxedo collars of net
trimmed with val. lace and embroidered
band effects. Also Bromley lace collars
with cuffs to match.
New Imported Veilings for Fall
We have an excellent variety of new imported veilings in Russian, woven and
filet meshes black, brown, navy, purple and taupe. French dotted effects on
hairline meshes. Also medium and large chenille dotted patterns in solid colors
and with bright contrasting dots. Yard 65c to $2.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
x Special Saturday Presentation
I Fine New Tailored Suits
V . -
Fashioned in Distinguished
, '.. Plain Tailored Types
, '25 -$35
ir" SIZES 16 TO 44
In response to a well-defined demand for suits of
this type at moderate cost we are pleased to an
nounce the arrival of a splendid new shipment
sf plain tailored suits.
Navy Tricotine
and Twill
are the chosen yarieties and the manner of their fash
ioning will prove very satisfying indeed.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Special Saturday -Featuring
Misses? and .Women's Sweaters
m me ngnt oi me qualities and assortments ot-'4-fered
prices will prove particularly attractive
.. flTld fprtninlv T 1"1 a nrf.i C inn Jc -firfinnr tr. 4-Va caqenn
M " - - - j nn. wvvwuivil U llhbuig .J L J. L ovarii.
C J 1 girls' sweaters of novelty rib stitch wool.
V-neck, collarless slip-over models. Self-
tp- JU
sash belts.
jockey red, gray, navy, copen, "brown, white
New shades of overseas blue, QfT
!! I school girls and college students will like
p these slip-over sweaters of fine wool in ruff
neck style. Tomato, navy, copen, gray, brown, QJT QEJ
tan and white ...... 3070
f new model sweaters of good weight wool,
"-HootJo tuxedo and coat styles. -The tuxedo model
has contrasting band trim around bottom and all have
tassel-fimshed belts. Navy, peach, tan,
Kelly, red and white
copen, red, white
wool sweaters in round-neck slip-owr style with self collar and sash
are especially good for colder weather. Brown, gray, navy, (JJJ OPT
rIeier & Frank s: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
For an even ten dollars a boy can be
outfitted here in a new fall and winter
suit or overcoat of fine all wool material,
in a correct style a garment that repre
sents the utmost in value-giving; at this
well-liked figure.
The Suits $10
All have TWO PAIRS knickers. Tweeds,
herringbones, dark brown and grey mixtures.
Sizes 6 to 18 years.
y Belted style with convertible collar.
- brown and medium grey shades.
Sizes 4 to
16 years.
Tln-ira Pane 70
rafeAll wool caDS in light and. dark mixtures.
Taped seams. Unbreakable visors. Half leather
sweats. Sizes 6 to tys.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Children's Pony Stockings 50c
Boys' plain lisle and medium or heavy weight cotton stockings in black and
cordovan. Girls' mercerized and plain lisle stockings in black, white, cor
dovan, polo, srnoke, elk, brown and piping rock. Pair 50c. .
Also girls' Pony -drop-stitch stockings priced at pair 55c.
Hose 29
Four pairs $1. Children's medium
weight ribbed cotton hose in black
and white. Were 35c.
Hose "55
Children's medium weight ribbed
lisle hose in black and cordovan.
Were 50c.
Hose 59
Children's white silk and wool mixed
hose with double thread heels and
toes. Imperfect 75c grades.
Hose 35c
Three pairs $1. Infants' mercerized
cotton hose with double heels, and
toes. Black, white and tan.
Children's Three-quarter Hose 79
Medium weight silk and mercerized hose with rolled turnover tops. In com
binations of cordovan and silver, gray and silver.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
A Sale of Girls' Dresses
Regular $3.50 to $6.50 values. Girls'
gingham and linenette wash frocks in
attractive styles. Many are prettily em
broidered. Light and dark shades. Sizes
6 to 16 years. These are on sale on the
Center Aisle Bargain Square, Main Floor.
Fall Dresses $5.95
Regularly $7.95 to $10.95. . Girls' wool serge
and jersey dresses in styles for school and
general wear. - Sizes 6 to 16 years
Fall Coats $10.95
Girls' fall coats of all wool materials in pretty
checks. Large choker collars. Fully lined.
Sizes 5 to 9.
Other coats in sizes 6 to 16 years at $8.95
to $40.
Bloomers 75
Sizes 2 to 14 years at 75c. Sizes 16
and 18 years at $1.25. Serviceable
black sateen bloomers with elastic at
waist and knee.
Waists $5.95
Smart new- wool jersey and middy
flannel waists to wear with separate
skirts. Peter Pan collars.. Elastic at'
waist. Sizes 4 to 18 years.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Kiddies' Crisp Ribbon Bows
Special Saturday selling of 500 crisp new hairbows tied of 1 yards plain
taffeta, moire, satin edge moire and plaid ribbons pink, blue, red, navy,
old rose,, brown and black. Mary Jane and butterfly styles.
Camisoles $1-95
Worth $4.00. Made - of exquisite
satin or satin and brocaded satin
combined. Finished with hemstitch
ing and fancy ribbon straps. All
colors and combinations.
Handbags $1.95
Worth twice ami more. Limited
number of handbags made of jac
quard, moire and satin ribbons.
Plain colors and two-tone effects.
Beautifully lined and finished.
-Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mafl Orders Filled.)
New Famous Mme. Hendren
Walking and Talking Dolls
4 1
Ilk it
There is a little doll nursery on the
Fifth Floor a very particular sort
of nursery where several hundred
dollies who can walk and talk and go
to sleep are being cared for.
They are the Mme. Hendren dollies
and are all togged out in fancy little
dresses with caps to match. Some
have real hair and sleeping eyes.
All say "mamma" in a most realis
tic way. Attractively priced at
75 and
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Ratnrdav men's shonnint? dav nar excellence has been selected for vei-y
7 L i O v A
snecial featurinsrs of the clothes and furnishings that men need right now.
Meier & Frank qualities.. Meier & Frank values. Meier & rrank service.
$40-850 All-Wool 'Suits'
and Overcoats $29.50
You may have seen the price before, but it is a safe bet that you haven't seen the quali
ties this sale offers in the assortments this sale off ers at the price which is very much
less than usual, as you can see.
In addition to their all wool fabrics these are un
commonly well tailored suits in proper styles for
men and young men (sports models included).
There are plenty of the finely serviceable wor
steds that Portlanders like so well, also cassi
meres, cheviots, tweeds and blue serges! Sizes
34 to 50 for regulars, longs, shorts and stouts. .
Men and young men who haven't got their new
overcoats yet (and not fathion only but th
weather man urges early selection) are going to
find it an easy matter to get what they want ia
this sale at a price which does not tax the
pocketbook unduly. Single and double-breaMed
coats of all-wool fabrics. Sizca 04 to 44.
Meier & Frank': Third Floor. Mil Orderi rilled
Buy Warmer
Now when you need it and save on the very
best brands of underwear made. Thousands
of union suits and separate garments in Fall
and Winter weights and styles reduced at this
store. Munsing, Medlicott, Chalmers, Wright's
Health and other makes.
Seventeen distinct price groups and every
garment in every group reduced. Union suits
now $1.45 to $6.85 were $2.50 to $8.60 suit.
Separate garments now 55c to $3.25 were
75c to $4 each. It's stock-up time for men,
and women who buy for men.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
New Silk Tics
At this price which is a fourth to a hat
than our own regular fair pric, we offer
thousands of cut silk four-in-hand tie- neck,
wear now at the apex of ill popularity.
Rich Swiss fat inn and moire, Ital'an hand
loomed grenadines and twill, French charvets
such are some of the pilks which have been
fashioned into the he handsome scarfs.
More than hundred nw patterns and
many many colors. These ties are co extra
ordinarily fine at the price that it will he ad
vantageous to anticipate holiday requirement.
M'ltrt Kntili'.' Wln Klon".
t MhiI ( irrt. ru KHlel I
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
New Fall Hats
Reduced From $6.00
The limited number is all the more reason
why men should hasten to take advantage
of this special price on famous Frank H.
Lee hats of fine fur felt.
New Fall styles in brown, Wack, dark green
and gray. Satin lining. Full leather sweats.
Sizes 6i to 7.
vv - N ' r A
MMr Frank's: Main Flnor. Mall Ordem Filled )
A llan's Shoe Special at $7.35
Shoe3 that are good, dependable, properly styled
and made. Offered in the men's shoe section at
a price which makes their purchase a source of
certain satisfaction.
Style for men and younjr men in th rollsc
tlon which offers only good shoes with the bent
of leather soles. French, Fnglieh and medium
broad-toe lasts.
Meier A Frank': Third Floor. (M;l rdr. Filled )