. ' i t , ... ifTfinnnll kZ j ron Ml r tt TDHin.l . I agra,!!!!!.! jm , . , THICTO 1PJ 1 FOB SALE AITOMOBII.E. I FOR SAL- At TOMOBIjUT-g. I , , WASTED-BEAT, ESTATE. vn . ..-i Horseo. Vehicles, 1JW1- H "WANTED EADLi. We have Just received 2 orders from eutaiae parties for wt JP": ment houses, one up to ?1W 000 and another up to JloO.OOO; must be priced to sell, lita is a bona fide proposition from people who mean business; if your property answers the above kmrtiy notify us not later than Monday. Oc tober 9. See Geo. P. Henry with . COE A. McKENNA & CO., (Established lR:t.) Artirans Bids. Bdwy. REMEMBER We can set you the highest price the present market warrants for your va cant property in any section of the city. Come in and we will talk it over. K1TTER, LOWK & CO.. REALTORS. 'iul-S!-3-o-7 Board of Trade Bids. - "LOT WANTED. 50x100, west front, between Haw thorne and Broadway, river to ltfj must be priced right. See Dwyer, with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. Chamber of Commerce. SMALL HOUSE OR SHACK. Pay cash up to .uv. 630 Chamber Commerce bids. "Wan tea to Rent Farms. "WANT to lease Or rent ua.ry r' stocked and equipped, by responsible party. AR 888, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. VGS ACRES, 35 acres cultivation, balance pasture, some bottom land running water good house, barn, outbuildings, 8 cow's, 3 horses, 20 tons hay, all farm machinery; rent 1350 a year. Sell stock and implements. C. W. Millership, 1H.' 4th st. Main 5275. g ACRES under cultivation, with 50 fruit trees, barn and 4-room house partly furnished, at Nasoma station on Oregon Electric line. Call Walnut il30. : . 0 ACRES for rent, stock and crop for eale; 25 miles south of Portland. An swer, Mrs. Henry Boege, Aurora, Or. Box 4. TIMBER LANDS. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for good financially responsible lumberman to '. get exclusive right to operate in 500,- 000,000 feet of good fir and cedar: ex- cellent logging ground and an advan tage in weights and underweights; 30, OU0 capacity mill installed and ready : to operate with transportation to main ' line railway provided; 70 miles from Portland. O 979, Oregonian. 31DS will be received on the purchase of 2:1,000,000 feet of old-growth fir timber in Clackamas county, Oregon, 1 mill included; minimum bid $2.50 per I M. Description and terms by writing hj. Hurlbert. BUtt N. vv. x?ana uius I'OR SALE by owner, planing mill and retail lumber yard In thriving eastern , Oregon town; invoice stock; good 1 terms on mill and grounds; reason for selling, ill health. AV S4, uregonian lO CLOSE estate, several sections of fine yellow fir; near Portland railroad. V 984. Oregonian. VOR SALE 160 acres, neavily tim bered, in forest reserve, reasonable. L. W, Mead, 632 E. Madison, city. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. REAL STOCK RANCH. 2500 acres of deeded land, control of i 82 sections in eastern Oregon; 125 acres ,' in alfalfa; plenty of free water for ! Irrigation; yields 6 to 9 tons per acre. ! Sold over $S000 worth of hay and pas- 1 ture last year. ' 500 head of horses; 50 to 100 head j of cattle; all necessary farm equip ment and household furniture. A full I set of good buildings; all goes for SoO, ; O00; or will trade for what have you? : Anywhere between Portland and Ash- land. STTJRM-KEFER CO., 214 Fifth St. WANT TO TRADE my fine 80-acre farm, 3 miles south of Sherwood, 19 miles from Portland ' (Red hill dist). Fully equipped; horses, ' cattle, pigs, chickens, tools; walnuts, potatoes, grain, hay, etc. Want $17. 000; trade for clear property or cash, balance long time loan. Phone Sherwood 33-8 or write H. Graham, Newberg. Or., R. MV BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. Large living room, dining room; ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout; in cludes four bedrooms, , finished attic, maid's room, full basement with Gasco furnace; will take two lots in Irving ton or Laurelhurst in trade, or smaller house. Phone East 5932. LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what vou have for what you want? 'Bring 'me your propositions, large or small, city or country; I will match them. E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. 270-ACRE farm, near Brownsville, Or.; 00 acres under plow, balance fine pas ture: 3,000,000 feet good tmiber. For quick sale will sell for $40 an acre and take in a Portland home up to $4500. E. M. Kellogg, Beaver bldg., Oregon City, Or. EXCHANGES. For quick action, list with COE A. McKENNA & CO., (Established 1S89) Artisans blag. Bdwy 7522. LARGE, modern 8-rm. house, close to west edge of Laurelhurst; built for home by owner; will exchange for smaller home in good locality. See Mr Phillips, with J. L. Hartman company, 8 Chamber of Com, bldg. 100 ACRES 80 acres under forest fire protection, bal. open land; 35 miles from Portland. floOO: trade for auto, some cash. C. W. Millership. 185 Ji 4 th st. Main 527.. l'KAOBS We nave a nice iot of new trading listings and will try our best to match yours if you will call on us. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. S16 Chamber j3fCommerce. jBdy. 5654. " "will, trade. We can match you on any trade 1 having merit; houses, lots, farms, acreage." Bring in your proposition. Robinson-Spooner Co-. 712 Couch bldg. HAVE 5 acres, mile from city limits in high state of , cultivation. Cully i equipped; will trade equity for good ! car, truck or what have you. Route 1, Box 31, Gale road. Foreland- ill GOOD building lots near 43d and Division; want farm, income property, . sellers' contracts, hotel or apt. house. J. H. McMahoti, 2307 East 43d St., corner Division. $ 7,"0 ' EQUITY ti-room modern house, paved street, Richmond dist.; also auto valued at ?300; will trade one or both for equity in smaller place. Sell. 8192, StT'CHnton. 4 ACRES; H acres cultivation, in fruit, fi-room house, barn, henhouse, electric lights, close in ; $4500 ; take residence ; ft3M0; terms. Lawson, Bdwy. 7429. 201 TRADES We have a nice lot new trad ing listings and will try our best to match vours if you will call on us. ! RALPH. HARRIS CO.. 36 Cham, of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. ;'--TON WORM DRIVE truck, valued at $S0O, to trade for U or 1 acre, close in or a good lot. What have you? Thorn Jensen. Bdwy, 06:H. Eve.. East 241 S. ti ACRLS. 7 miles out; 4 acres cultiva tion, 4-room house, barn. 4 blocks pavement; $3500; take residence same value. Lawson, 201 McKay bldg. TWO shares schooner, now operating: un der charter, to trade fox; lots or acre Hge; might assume small amount. 412 Macleay bldg. 1'ObR acres, Oregon Electric. 5 -room .house, barn, well, spring ; $3500 ; for citv home and assume. Jackson, 207 Railway Exchange bldg. 8-ACRE HOMB NEAR MIMVAUKIE. VALUE SS000. FOR MODERN HOME IN CITY. O t02. ORECOXIAX. TWO 40-acre tracts, irrigated, 4 miles from Grants Pass. $1400. for Portland property. H 042. Oregonian. 5l,M)U EQL.1T1 in lovely i-room home for acreage. Will assume small loan, AL 97i, Oregonian. J?OR SALE or trade, 3-room house, 0x100 lot, Irvington Park addition. F !97, Oreponiam aPKuKKTY EXCHANGE SFKClALldT. A GORDON ROSS, Bdwy. 8173. 624 Henry Bldg. TO K XCHAyC K M I SC EI. LA ' EO r SL BIXCLE and tioublo unit Perfection milker, tank, pump, engine complete; . Al shape, easily worth $350; trade for Ford truck, touring or other styl boAv or other make in good shape. B utler & M c En tee. Urownsm ead. Or. SWAP Furniture for kaisomining- and floor painting. 204 East 52d st. North. FOR SATE. Horv Vchirle. Livestock. bOME good fresh cows tor sale. Cham berlain Feed Co.. Tabor 4655. 1364 F. Olisan. . TKA M. '-SO0, with harness, for $100; hIso draft tfam, S0OO. with harness and waon. $-"0. E. 8407. KH'R fresh cows, ali liuikere. $60 and up. Division. young and heavy 4l0 Sd st., near 3 FINK milk goats for sale or trade tor a n v mu si c ! i a s t ru mft nt. t'3 . Rodney. vr.TKRIMARlAN. DR. HO'WKS. TABOR 6566. UEAl animals taken quickiy. rauae CALVES and beef cattle wanted. Fnona AtwatPr WAGONS. KIGOIKS, HARNESS. s SN.'i Front and Main st.. on dock. T v; A M S to skid logs. Cft'l Kast 17S.V B.OKiiii;s tot flawy. 40 HEAD of horses tnat are almost new, with a season's work; wilL sell cheap; some of the prices follow: 4 horses, wgt. 1450 lbs.. 2o each. Bay mare, gray horse, wgt. tbao, $100. 18. wgt. 3100 lbs., $150. The above horses are working every dav here in city and must be sold: new and second-hand harness at reduced prices. Columbia stables. Front and Columbia sts. G. K. Howitt. BROWN mare and gelding, well mat, sound, very best of hitchers. harness like new. $195; chunky pair mares, i and 8, fat, gentle, suitable for orchard work, with harness, used 2 months, $i:!5- big bay mule, weight 1300 lbs., have no mate, will sell very reasonable. Call Portland Lumber Co. barn, foot Harrison St. CHESTNUT mare and gelding, 7 and 8. weight 3300 lbs., true to pull, in good condition, with almost new breeching harness, 3ii farm wagon complete, $340; entire outfit or will sell separate Call Portland Lumber Co. barn, foot Harrison St. CHEAP, good, ycung. sound team, weight 2800, harness and wagon; also fresh cow; have moved in from coun try; no place to keep them. 422H 41st ave., Woodstock car to 42d, ask lor Mrs. Reed. BAY AND dapple gray gelding, both B years old. weight about 2050 lbs., extra good workers; also young bay. gelding, weight 1400 lbs., lost mate, will seil one or all very reasonable. 381 water street, corner Montgomery. 3 REG. HOI.STEINS, 4 reg. brown Swiss and 1 grade brown Swiss coo, ' heavy producers and are guaranteea breeders. They are pric to seil.- Box 41, Scappooee, or. FOR SALE 4 sows and registered boar. O. I. C, and youns pis, - of cattle in fine condition. Cheap, miles south, Sherwood on Ross ranch, or phone Sherwood a.-o. $175 TAKES good team geldings, b and 8 vears old, weight 290O lbs., wfth heavy breeching harness, like new Call Portland Lumber Co. barn. loot Harrison st. REAL high-class saddle horse, weight 1000 lbs., sound, very stylish, suitable for ladv; price low. Portland Lumber Co. barn, toot garrison tu EVBBT farm should have a few regis tered sheep; we have Shropshire, lor $10 a head and up. Holman Fuel Co.. 84 Fifth St., Portland. WILL exchange registered Ehorthorn cattle and Shropshire sheep for M J oats or cordwood. Holman iuel Co, 94 5th St., Portland. PAIR bay mares, 6 years. 3000 pounds; pair geldings, 6 years, 2800, with har ness cheap. Creston Feed & Fuel Co., f,0th st. and Powell Valley road. TEAM, weight about 290U IDS., grain leu and rieht at work. Sell at a bargain Have no further use for them. 1087 Francis ave. Woodstock car to 36th r'200-LB. TEAM of well mated mules, young, sound and gentle. Several horses cheap. Harness and wagons of all kinds. m. atn st. 3000-LB. TEAM of good. Honest wor horses with harness for $125. Our work is done; no further use for them. 40 E. Sth st SPN of young mules, weight about 2400 lbs.: well broke and very gentle, cheap price for cash. 381 Water St. West side. FOR SALE 3200-lb. team, 82d St., Gres ham car, 15 Llocks south Kendall sta. Mrs. ti. A. uaiiin- SIX HEAD of horses. 5 to 7 years old, 1350 to 1750 lbs. each. Inquire 564 Northrup FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Baenshare, 300-366 East Morrison St. FINE PACING horse and good . bike cart cheap, or will tmke good furniture in exchange. 275 14th st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. $10 CASH, J5, $6 OR MORE MONTHLY buys a piano, uku, ii 1921 model" for $295, or a .$675 Playe' piano, used, for $395, and 1921 model for $495, $15 cash, $8 and $10 monthly, during the world's largest factory clear ance sale right here in Portland at Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th st- iz : $550 Hallet &. Davis upright lj $60 Emerson upright fo- $900 Stein-way upright J? $950 Thompson player piano . . . . $3Ja PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE. $60 Sonora, $35. $5 cash. $2 monthly. $125 Columbia. $75. $5 cash. $3 month. $163 Brunswick, $85, $5 cash, $4 month. $260 Brunswick, $135, 5 cash. $3 month. $300 Edison. $235, $10 cash, $8 month. $350 Victrola, $275, 10 cash, $10 month. SCHWAN PIANO CO. 101 10th i at stark SECURITY ST'GE CO. CLOSING OUT. $275 Bard & Coi upright .$75 $375 Emerson upright x4o $400 Laffarque upright ,' $750 Weiler Player i:"' 103 10th, at Washington St. ax-tttat. MflM PI-COMING SALE. Pianos, $195, $265, $375, $5 to $8 a mnnth- nlaver rjtanos. $395. $475, $8 and $10 a month; grand pianos, $675, $875, $14 and $17 a month. Lipman, Wolfe & Co., wasnington. aim BEAUTIFUL-TONED $600 "Royale" up right .piano. atmoL ""n.(:'.: terms; no agents. Owner. 12o0 o9th at South. WOOdStOCK car. Automatic 638-77. rrTTTTTTS r iD,i . ran buy a piano at almoji your own Prlc. -n- colleges, churches and dealers buy here; tney khuw vo.iu-. iTfuu ninno: iust compare witn st brand new one uptown; this is a lenume BuVh & Lane; only $385, terms. 33 2 Worcester oia rifiw-T q Tiinnn until VOU nave ca fhft fine new B. Shoninger pianos; all styles; get our price am tr-mH :U2 Worcester bldg. ttoh -vni'n hraina and save money; all "kinds of finest pianos at almost your own price and terms at 312 Worcester buiiatng. PIANO tuning and phonograph repair ing, any make, all work guaranteed. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., la 4th st. Bdwv. 6576. - PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20c lip, pans, auH"ta- ' " near JStn, $2 "0 RENTS phonograph with records. ' v us nth st. Broad- f,mpir j- ana". ----- n;o. I PAY CASH for used pianos and player rolls Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park, near v ash, st. RENT a player piano. The whole fam ily can enjoy it. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park, Just north of Wash. WILL buy Sohmer. Steinway. Mason & Hamlin or Everett grand. No dealers. AM 978. Oregonian. 35 PIANOS, $115 to $250 each; many ox America's best standard makes, lerms to suit. 312 Worcester diub. WANTED Good-toned used piano tor 11 cash, tiroanwayijio. $575 MARSHALL & WENDELL piano. S;u, terms, ox- i.mo,.. .o. I WA.NT to buv a used piano from pri vate nartv. No dealers. East 5259. FINE old violin, rare quality, for sale. Made in 1725. H. S. Earl. 364 N. 23d st. GOOD black walnut piano, 'cheap for cash. Main li. MUST sell my Chickeaing piano; wonder ful tone: will sacritl' Sell: 1529. BEAUTIFUL piano bench, like new, sell cheap; terms. No dealers. East 52aJ. BARGAIN Howard piano, $110. Broad- way 3HH. Furniture for Sale. STORAGE SALE. Goods sacrificed for storage and loan charges, consisting furniture, house hold goods, sewing machines, dishes, pianos, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, Moves, tables, etc. t SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER ro.. 4th at Pine St.. opp. Multnomah Hotel. HOWARD heater etove, board and pipe, used only short time, good as new. com bination wood or coal size. $20: burner gas hot plate. $2.50. 833 Over look blvd.. near Shaver; take Missis sippi car. DON'T sacrifice vour lurulture if going eaBt or to California: we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. 11. Olson Transfer & Baggage Co.. 245 Pine st. AB GAS RANGE, in new condition; an excellent stove; for quick sale, $20. u-Kit. bassinette on rollers, with mattress, pad and pillow. SiS'1 East SELLING mv beautiful overstutled mo- i.o .iBrpT-nort. walnut dining room set. t. wason. ruKti, bedroom furniture and other articles. Call Atwater 3, u ivTEll To rent or sell beautiful fur niiure of 5 rooms; rooms full, pays rent, real bargain. Bdwy. 2698. FOR SALE A light oak ti-foot expan sion table and buffet, good as new. cheap . til o E. Davis COMBINATION range, mahogany dining room, set, rug, bedroom furniture, rocfaers, wardrobe. Walnut FOR SALE -Six rocking chairs, mahog. library table and writing desk. lain Utiub evenings. S-KOOM furniture for sale. 3 bedroom sets, range, etc. Walnut 3S77. L'HMTCRE for sale, including pif inquire Sat, and Sun.. Tabor t: OtfUe Furnittire. 3 BOOKKEEPERS' DESKS 1 roll-top desk. 2 fiat-top desks. 1 safe, 6 chairs, 1 steel 4-door upright files, at $37.50. Eua hong & tJQ.. rars u FFRNITX "RE like new, fully equipped or fice. 3 decks, ti chairs, adding machine. tvpe writer, cneca, Fui.iay". -.r.v-t'ric fan. Inquire 4o3 Davis st- FOR SALE: 1 roll-top oaK oesK, i o&k swivel chair, X oak .typewriter , table, .fclaia 0270. . ... - RUSH FOR SATE. Oifice f uruiture. 3 MAHOGANY flat-top desks. 3 Mahogany T.-W. desks. 2 Mahogany tables. 2 Mahogany bookkeeper desks. 5 Rotary chairs, mahogany, 8 Side chairs, mahogany. 6 F.-W. chairs, mahogany WESTERN BOND & MTG. CO.. Board of Trade. , 4th and uaK sis. A BIG buy of used oftice lurnnuie, bought right and passed on to our cus tomers right, desks, roll or flat, tables, chairs, safes, adding machines, type writers, all in fine condition and Priced to sell quick. - Our new line at the price of used elsewhere. We rent of fice equipment. D. C. Wax. 2-26 N. th. iidwy. Zl-iif. NEW and used roll-top desks, fiat top . desks, chairs and tiling cabinets at at- tractive prices-. IBWIN-HODSON. Furniture Department. 391 Stark St.. Portland. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, tor sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable; .i0, com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. p5regon TYPEWRITER CO., Oi Trifth St. - Broadway 7169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below manu facturers' price. TERMS $o monthly it desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months, $7.50 up. WHOLESAUtJ Tirfivnuinn vvj., 31 wasningion oi. Bdwy. 7481. REBUILT GUARANTEED TYPEWRIT ERS all makes, CASH, PAYMENTS. 124 4th St. DOANE'S. 3 RENT6 Underwood, Remington type writer. Empire Transfer, 145 11th st. Broadway 0155. REBUILTS. M-hand rental, cut rates. p. D. U. UP. , :'ai CTiam si. juwj.. $3RENTS Underwood, Remington, Em pire Transfer, 145 11th. Bdwy. 0150. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell, supplies. Type writ erInC!12arJBdj P-igs. Rabbits. Cirga aiiQ Fet Stocfc. FROM genuine imported St. Andreas burg roller strain; green and yel'0,w males, now ready to leave trainer. $10; females $2. East 6S74. 687 Multno mah street. THOROUGHBRED Airedale female. I paid $10 at 1 month old, now 4 months old. I am taking a position and will not be home to care for same. Fine condition. $10. Mrs. G. L. Craig, 401 E. Webster. , 2 11-MONTiIS pointers, $25 each; o 8 months, $15 and $20 each; all ready to hunt; 3 4-months setters, choice ones, $8- and K15 each. Hoaglin. opp. old H arney school , East Vancouver, a s t TOY BLACK-AND-TAN puppies at Toy Kennels, Westanna St.. between Wil lamette blvd. and Lombard st. Em pire u ST A.NDREASBERG roller canaries from imported German stock. Also two par rot 4jWehaJeriaJ3eJLlj)2J). PEDIGREED POLICE DOG PUPPIES. SPEEDWAY KENNELS. 5 miles west on Canyon rd. Main 4348. SEE JAPANESE POODLE SPANIELS IN SKIDMORE'S WINDOW, 3D AND MORRISON hrRtcis. jxx. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pups, A months old. after 6 P. M. Walnut o644. SOMETHING classy in toy Boaton ter- riers: A. K. C. stock. Bdwy. 3663. WANTED Good duck retriever. Main 1194. TRAINED roller, 18 months old, $15. 46ti e. ciay. GOOD male shepherd puppy; natural heeler. 240 E. Sth St. COLLIE puppies cheap. 75 14th st. Main 4519. WELL-TRAINED bird dog. English set ter. E. van Blancom. xNewoem. vi. CHEAP fox terrier female puppyt 240 E. 8th st. Poultry. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks for sum mer and fall months from stock ac credited by Sonoma county farm bu reau We guarantee safe arrival. Write for prices and literature. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th St.. Peta- luma. t.al. FOR SALE 200 White Leghorn hens. 1 yr.. in moult; Tancred strain: 60c. E. L. James, Beaverton, Or., R. 4. 13 1. 100 WHITE LEGHORN pullets. 3 milch goats, 1 Jersey cow. Frey. 37th st. ana oota ave. Kegs and. Barrels. KEGS AND BARBEIS-Jir and wWte oak. Western Cooperage Co., SOS IN. 14th St.. near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. S19-19. Slactiinery. 1 42-TON two-truck, Shay locomotive. rebuilt. 1 50-ton, two-truck Shay locomotive, overhauled and in good condition. 1 10x12 Washington half-breed., 1 11x13 Willamette Humboldt yarder 1 12x13 Washington compound CLYDE ROT'TPMRXT COMPANY. Coal and TVood. BLOCK and a?au mixed, $4.50 a load or 2 for 58. Dry biocte and slab mixed. $5.50 per load. Call Walnut f-t.atU 16-inch block and siaH mixed, partly . dry; fine for furnace Or heater. NATIONAL FUEL CO. Bast 2041 UTAH and Rock Springs coal Lump $15.50 err $13. First and second growth fir, oak and country aiao.. Hoiladay jf ue l via. . casw lgl WANTED Xo buy a quantity of 1st or 2d-growth cordwood. Call Bdwy. 04Sb. 430 Burnsxce. BKST old-growth fir, $9; Rock Springs and Vtah co&L Sellwood 0314. 6.4 'IC 16-ia. slab, $3,50 and $4 load; box, $4- ljt-in. thick, $5; anywhere; No. 1 cord, $7.75. Sellwood 1T69. Paul Fuel. SHORT, dry and green block and 'ail road tiea. Blab and cordwood. Main UTAH KING COAL EAST tiEAVY planer wood,, dry, big load, $6. fcast r-'-s. rjoy FIR cordwood, coal and country j slab. Wal. 34U3. Atwaterr526. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed; two loads, $9; one load, $5. Wainut13i9. FIR AND HARDWOOD. Call S. K. How- eli. 6i't Y. Vancouver, Wash. DRY BOXWOOD. Main eoas BLOCK and slab, partiy dry. single load FOR DRY WOOI5 CALL. EAST 5467. 1 C I Main 7070 Oregonian Want-Ad Department j Sixth and Alder Sts. II MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, HOURS Almost all lines of business, including news papers, street cars, stores, banks, etc., have their rush periods, when some delays in service are inevitable. With a morning newspaper the. latter part of the afternoon is the rush period. Although the office is open all day for the acceptance of Want Ads the larger share come in late in the afternoon. ' By bringing in your Want Ads in the morning you will not only avoid the afternoon rush ' period, but will' eliminate the possibility of typographical errors, which sometimes occur in last-minute copy. It will also insure the appearance of the add in all editions, of The Oregonian. If it isn't convenient to come to the office just telephone the ad, but be sure to do it this morning. , FOR SALE. Coal and Wood. J4.50 PER LOAD $4.50. TWU-LUAl IjULO. 16-Inch fir blocks and slabs: runs partly dry, for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO.. WALNUT 4102. Fruits and Vegetables. 56 ACRES apples, 50 cents a box lor tree run at Hamm Bros, farm south or Sheridan: furnish own boxes and pick them yourself. Jonathans. Yellow ie towns. Grimes Golden, and Wagners. Hamm .tiros., anermaii, vicf-w... GRAPES Standard varieties at ac lb. 4th house on' Craig road, north or Barr road Orders every day except bun- Tabor son. FOR SALE Cheap to 1 person, from 75 to 100 bushels unpicked apples. Sell- wooa imu. GRAPES Standard varieties, 5o lb.. 50 lbs. delivered, iraig roau. ia.m ...m. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BUY. SELL AND TRADE. NEWMAN, 128 FIRST. NR. ALDER. v-TrT.F".T RAY Headquarters. Inc., sixth floor Raleigh bids n. w. cor. Sixth and Washington. Phone Broadway 6840. FOR SALE Ice box, safe, chairs, root beer fountain, mirrors, electric fix tures, candy trays, gum cases, linoleum and counter. tv aj,,.,. We buy. sell and rent a single chair or a complete office outfit. D. C. Wax. 14-26 rs.tn. .puw y. PLUTO Jewell No. 16 heating stove, with water coil; 1 cast Iron Nugget stove, good condtion. Aut. 644-1.6. No dealers. HUTPOINT electric range, practieallj new, solid oak sideboard, Majestic steel range, all in first-class condition. Ta bor 7570. liou li. ramimi PRACTICALLY new child a gray leather harness. Remington typewriter, liull tni zithr. musical inst., wardrobe. trunk: a. bargain; deliver. East 3210 ONE 12-guage Remington pump, ham merless shotgun; one 12-gauge Colts double, hammerless shotgun. Mam ORDER now for Christmas, hand-embroidered gifts, bed-spreads a spe cialty. Phone Jast xoo. LLOYD baby carriage, ivory; practically new; also tvory nurseiy x-iia.i, sonable. At. 2406. Mrs. Manning. LUXURIOUS white polar bear rug. about VUxS'i, $200; some terms. Walnut loo.:,. . GRAPES Best in Oregon, at Withrow's, River road, 4tli house south ot Court 150 ney roa',. . DOMESTIC Science tireless cooker No. 15, two apartments with stand, almost pew, $25. East 1765. BOHN syphon enameled refrigerator, family size. 7u-lbs. ice, cost $150. Sell ney roan Tor $ Wl. casi. x m. COLONIAL walnut twin beds, new, sac--jfiio. at sio Oall mornings. East 9019. r FOR RENT Duck lake with cabin: 1 hour's drive; Sauvies island. D 990. Oregonian PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and xviorrison. fqr RENT Electric vacuum cleanera 75c per day, delivered. Tabor 8531, formerly wamm x.,. DIEBOLD SAFES, new and second-hand, special prices. Pacific Safe and Supply Co.. 48 Front at. Broadway 1968. " ' ' KODAKS. Wo buy. sell, rent and exchange kodaks, sanqy, oroauway. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired, 226 Stark St. Bdwy. 7534. FERTILIZER. Fxtra well-rotted cow manure deliv ered in any part of the city. Wal. 6233. ?,6-INCH -steei-clad" trunk, special $10. All trunks for less. THE BAGGAGE SHOP, 2S8 3d St. VVA.NTED At once, auto trailer; good condition; state price in mat icun. u. Blaine Troen. arn. si, LADIES' exclusive used coats, dresses, suits; large selection in a home. Tabor 2825. - REVERE Duesenbery, almost new, 6 ivos lots rtf extras, classiest car in town, bargain' tor someone. East 7484. DOUGHNUT KETTLE, counter, bicycle and other baking supplies. 971 East 31st street iNortn FOR SALE Reasonable, first-class wood and coal range, with gas attachment. Main 4137. SHOWCASES, cash reg.sters, scales, pool tables, wall cases; big reductions. I'i9 lstst FOR SALE Navy Bolivia coat, size 38- Walnut BEAUTIFUL set Alaskan mink furs; will sacrifice for cash. s iwu, urpgoruan. GOOD hot blast coal heater, $15. Tabor 8176. I2-tt East Lincoln, 1 LARGE, beautiful floor lamp, 1 Oliver typewriter, reasonable. 230 N 18th st. DROPHEAD Singer machine, good con dition, $15. East 3W. ooa w miaiu-. TRADE 6-hoIe fanpe with coil tor biKe; taring your DiKe, zv aasi o-a si SHINGLES, good grade, extra Star A Star at Couch st. cock. LADY'S coney fur coat, gaod condition. size about 3. j.t. nrsi, room - ,0-OAL'ijE Winchester pump gun, 25; 1 2x 1 4 tent. IfixISfiv' S20. V.'al. 1145. SIMPLEX MANGLE, household size. Child's crib and mattress. Main 0789. CONCORD grapes for saie. Call Tabor 7339. ALMOST new Apex electric vacuum cleaner, $30. 1241 E. Couch st, NEW Pacific chiropractor table, never been used ; oargain. tan jjam w.s. FURNITURE repairfng, upnoisteri n g. Faulkner. Main 4477. 17 DECOY ducks for sale. Address Mrs. Wm. Thomen. Warren, Or. (jD RAWER electric cash register; also small sate. i, SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacinc iem & .-.-....i.a io-.. FOR SALE Caih register, safe, adding 43 1st. near Ash. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL RUGS washed on your iioor. Hamilton SPLENDID nickel piated wood or coal range; goon c""ul , " -T- GR PES Maddock's, 3Stn and Steel ave. s" E 5c pound. Woodstock car. SAFE, Hall make. 34x2x23, cfieap. AS civfiEH sewing machine, almost new ; OA. .77 K1ni- - lfi'2-2 leaving -city. SHINGLES direct from nuii, extra Star- itCO FOR SALE. Bdwy. 2794. FOR SAI.H. Miscellaneous. DAINTY, lacely white gold and p'.itinurn mountings; thev make your diamonds look 25 per cent larger and brighter as well; a wonderful selection to choose from. Miller's Big Little Jewelry store. Sells for less gifts that last. Next door Majestic theater. Washington. . near Park st. ELECTRICAL REPAlliliu Authorized service station for Hamilton-Beach appliances and Roal vacuur-x cleaners; we repair all makes of Irons, neaters, toasters, curling irons, etc. Hynson Electric Co., G2 th st. . Broadway 4293. Specialists in e.ec- trical repairing. 1.-T cpth ir B-IVTI'RES. Buy them from the factory show rnnm and save one-third; all styles, finest selections: come in and see. you are under no obligation to ou.y. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. tawv pjniil,' KH? Verv aegravatiiig, indeed! Why not a comfortable and permanent roof? We repair RUBBER BOND and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, de teriorated and disintegrated oid leaky roofs; work guaranteea. duwj. o.o SEWING MACHINES. Singer, 20; New Home, 23: v nlte Rotary. $30; 66-1 Singer, 35; Free, $20; Wheeler & Wilson. $18; Willam ette, $15; all very latest and strictly guaranteed. Singer Agency. 19l 4tn, at Taylor. Mameyj. tAVXAn WiSHINT, MACHINES. We have only a few left at prices that will astound you. These machines are new, but slightly damaged on the outside, with brand new motor, $4o each, without motor, $32.50 each. 180 Front St., between Yamhill and Taylor. SEWING machines, new ana secona htnd sold for less; no agents era ployed; complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and renteo. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 1!0 3d St.. near Taylor. Main 8431. IF YOU appreciate splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to Miller's Big Little Jewelry ' store. Sells for less gifts that last. Next door to Majestic theater. Park ,d Washington sts. DOORS, windows, screen doors, Hold ings, miilork. glass roofing and hot bed sash. See our odu stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST.. be:. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213 SAFES Fire ana Durgiar proof sates, :.ew and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if desired. MORRIS SAFE &, LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Bdwy. 7045. FOR SALE Good office fixture, with beautiful grill, suitable for bookkeeper's or cashier's desk, "L"-shaped. 12 ft. long and 5 ft. wide. Priced for im mediate sale. 500 Tilford bldg. Bdwy. 5083. - SACRIFICING Circassian dresser, dress ing table, brass nea, Wxi rug, oas dresser, white fox fur, violet chiffon velvet dress, size 30. No reasonabm offer refused. 005 Weidler. Broadway cap. ' WOOL BATTS. Best grade, virgin wool batts, at $1.10 per pound. Mattresses made to order. Mllwaukie Wool Carding Mill, Milwaukie, Or. Phone Mllwaukie 110. LADIES and children's use or clothing, good etyle and quality, shoes and nats very reasonable. Vogue, 4th floor, 403 Alisky bldg., 3d near Morrison st. Main 3132. , WE INSTALL hot water codls in stoves and furnaces; al-fo put on gutters and down, spouts; general repairing; aM work g uaranteed ; reasonable. Phone East 0920. WHY WAIT? Have your car painted while the summer prices are still in effect. De troit Auto Painting Co., 425 East Mor rison. DUCK HUNTERS Chance for 3 sports men, shoot on the best lake on Sauvies island, fine blinds and cabin, lota of birds, close to Portland. E 1000, Ore- gonian, 50 SLIGHTLY used White,, new Home, Singer sewing machines for sale or ren; liberal terms on sa.le. E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave. at Belmont. Phone Ea.st 2359. BANKRUPT SALE of the Pacific Tire & Supply Co. stock and equipment such aa tires, inner tubes, accessories, etc., at whole sale prices and below. 331 Burns. de. HOT-WATER tunKa j5, gur. ; tank, gaa water heaters repaired; plumbing con tractors; estimates given. East Siae Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. E. 851B. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1022 FORD touring, run 1250 miles; has several extras; this car still haa one month free service. Will aell for $125 less than ft cost. Empire 173ft. $2;(i BL iS late moOtl Cnevrolec touring, shock absorbers, nff top. curtains and new rubber; $122 down, bal. easy. Call owner. East Ul . . CADILLAC, 7-pass., '14, good condition, great stage car, worth $350; make of- . - r 91 T?,. h Klriv DORT-EXCELLE.NT touring car at a price; purchase from owner in need of monpv. Main 5ftT. lf20 OAKLAND sedan in A-l condition, cord tiras. a bargain at $950. 683 Com mercial st. Walnut lMJ. 1921 OLU&AlU-fc Loum-is , iuus iine new; cord tires and one spare. Cat 120 FORD sedan, wire wheels, mechan ically perfect; must sacrifice, $425, terms. Tabor 9137. 1922 CHEVRULfcT touring with cord tires, spotiight and extras, at a sacri fice. Tabor i319. 1.120 FORD touring, first-c.ass condition, $275 cash, or terms. McCutchan, Y. M. C. A. bldg. Main 8700. FORD touring, new engine, upholstering, paint, top and gypsy back curtain, 5150. 500 Williams ave. USED AUTO 1920 Ford touring, with starter; $295. Long & Bilva. 462 Hawthorne. 4-90 CHEVROLET TOUR! NO $ 135. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC. Bdwy. 32sl. 11th and Kurnside sts. FORD roadster, late 1921 model, de mountable rims, new tires. 2S N. 11th st. Bdwy. 3214. 1 i:19 HL'P MOBILE touring; must sac rifice, rtawy. iw. W- CHEVROLET, must sell. $237 will handle, balance terms. Tabor 9137. liiiiO OVERLAND 4 touring, reducing $10 j -x-30 V Rroadwav. per u. -- - : flGHT ROADSTER. RUNS GOOT; $25 . VPT ATWATER 3471. iyi5 FORD touring; gooa rutioer East 1920 FORD coupe lor sale, price $400. Main 61 1J. 1923 USED CAR SNAPS. The best two month of ttte year are ahead for too motorist. Buy your car now and be sure to select it from the Mitchell tock of GOOD USED CARS. HM9 1!U6 1921 1022 1918 191&I JW4 1920 1919 3517 li'21 1917 1H17 191S 1920 3917 1917 3917 3917 1918 1918 Chevrolet touring .. Mitchell roadster. . . Overland touring . . . Oakland touring ... Mitchell touring . .. Willys-Overland Maxwell touring .... Chevrolet touring ... Studebaker touring -Maxwfii touring .... Briscoe touring .... Mitcnell tourins... . .. Scripp-Booth sedan. Mitchell touring ... Butck touring Overland touring ... Ford roadster Mitchell touring Overland touring . .. Grant sedan Dort touring Maxwell touring .... OldsmobUe Stuta Briscoe touring .... . 32 . i 4 r . 33 . . 40 . 2M . a . n . 4-.0 . 3M . 4'K .. 3-T.O . 375 . 375 . 32j . 175 . f."0 . 10 . T5 . 275 .. 175 . 425 . 11!5 . 260 We sell on easy terms and yon will like our fair nd squarj methods of doing business. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVE R COMPANY. 40 Years In the Northwest, Broadnav and Everett St., Portland, Oregon. ASAFE PLACE TO BUY. W. R. DE LAV MOTOR CO. Broadway at Burnslrfe. HERE ARE REAL VALUES.' An unusually fine selection of high grade cars for your approval. Come in and see them. 1922 Buick "Four" roadster, run only 1921 Velie six touring, just like new. 1921 Peerless "8" touring, fine car. 1919 Chalmers, tourings low price. 1918 Dodge touring, priced low- 1917 Oakland six touring, only Ju. 1918 Paige touring, fine condition. 1920 Oidsmobile "8" touring, only $700. MANY OTHERS OPEN EVENINGS. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO.. ISC. Distributors Veii and Peer!". A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. Broadway at Burn-tide. Phona Broadway 312L SALE. SALE. SALE Saturday and Sunday. Oct. 7 and 8- Prices Slaughtered. Must reduce our UriED CAR STUt k. DODGE touring FORD Late 1921 Tour. r UKii .-ate n'-i . b-iut. i.qia Rndfter rhovmlt Tour., nearly new, run less than 1000 miles CHEVROLET 1920 Touring.... Chevrolet Late 1919 Tour. ..i.. Chevrolet 111 Touring 2 Ohevs. with starters at Chev. Lt. Delivery 32.'. 240 IBS 100 1N. 49.-, Kcnpps-Hoo.n. late ....... - Our Used Cars are overhauled and guaranteed as represented. Long liberal terms, sold on small down payment. long time onajuiipe. ARTHUR BRYAN MOTOR COMPANY. Portland's New Chevrolet Dealer, East Broadway at Wheeler St 3 blocks cast of the Broadway bridge. Phone East ."H4. - !-..- v mi' o iTTin SALE. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BAKliAtw 1921 StudeDaaer ngut i . 1910 Essex touring 1921 Overland four .1920 Overland four 102O Chevrolet touring 1920 Chevrolet touring ..... 1920 Chevrolet rondster .... 191S Briscoe touring 1915 Buick C-2." touring ... nnon Kvenin.B and Sunday ..$7 ft 6,U 44: 32: 275 lt3 FRANCIS MOTOR CAK CO. t;rana ana nawuiu. nc East 3770. WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING CAR This is a 7-passenger car with the famous sleeve-valve motor that can't be beat. This will make a wonderful car for stage purposes and also for someone that needs a 7-p;isenger car. Look up the reputation of the Knight .Motor before you even conMder this. This is priced exceptionally low for a Knignt Motor car, $700. r , WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO . Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 3..15. OVERLAND 83-4 TOURING We nave 2 of tiese to choose from. These are I of the best 5-passenger cars in town. We defv anvone to show a better bar gain than we are offering here. Ask anyone about this Model Overland. Will have to be seen to be appreciated. Willvs-Overland Pacific Co., Broadway at yaviB. pu w 1923. new touring, Intest one-man car: sloping windshield. 1922 new roadster body, 191K u.sed body, 10. 1922 tcuring. slightly used. $00. ARMENTROUT-WICKE MOTOR CO &2d and Foster Road. Auto. 3N4tf. BUICK A fine-looking 7-passenger 6- cvlinder; four gooa tirf. uum.. Run comparatively little; will give any demonstration desired. Model K-4. Price $825: private car; terms if desired. Main 1504. Apt. 33, Elm- woodApts OVERLAND 90 TOURING We have two of tnese gooa ugm cum. vn- H'"ti maroon one painted green. They have been thoroughly overhauled Your choice of either. 8350. Willys-Overland Pacific Co.. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 3535. LOOK ! look: Many people forced to sell their automobiles at great loss, including roadsters, tourinirs. bugs and aedans $75 and up. Cars on display. '7 -- rv " ... 1 1 NEW CHEVROLET TOURING. Must sell my new Chevrolet touring, run about 900 miles. Goodyear cord tires, spotlight, spare tire and other extras. Runs and lonks like new. Terms. Call Tabor 3913. 1922 OVERLAND TOURING TB11 car was a salesman's demonstrator, driven 1900 miles; has 5 tires, license plates. This is a regular buy for the small car purchaser, 60. Willys-Overland Pacific Co., Broadway and Davla Bdwy. 3;33. li21 HUPMOBILB This car is in first claps shape throughout, top good, paint good. 5 cord tires good, and the price right. Will take email csr In trade, $950 Willvs-Overland Pacific Co.. Broadway and Davis Sts. I!dwy. 3T.3.Y 1921 FORD TOUKl.NO In -the best of condition, looks Hke new, only run a few thousand miles. Main ihi-:.i. n-xjiu CHE.P SNAP Will sell for $l0 my lit tle four-cylinder Mitchell, nice appear ing good condition, tires excel. ent. 5- LATEST model superior Chevrolet. Ha had best of care. Will take Ford or Chevrolet In trade. Call owner. Sell w ood OST.ft. I MUST sell 440 Chevrolet touring, like new. small payment down, long "any terms; a bargain for quick sale, id-ln 109;.. w vt Chevrolet or Ford as first payment on new Chevrolet. Call Ben- ning. nroaa y n-c TP-iR -m ud and sell the nieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Aider at 17th. Bdwy. 82. 4. Man oraers iiiiea. H-i l922TODGE ROADSTER. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD INC.. TMwv 3281. 11th and Burns. de sta "WE PLT steel teeth in your old fly wheel; crankshaft turning, cyl. grlnd- g. H. t. x3iacK. .).-t .t.uri, -ju j y- H"" v? u deposit on a new lord car; will sen ai a !-- - 1371 7T:"h r-m.rc AERO EIGHT, excellent con dition; owner leaving city; will sacri fice for cash, labor VAX 1020 FORD louring, starter, good tires and a heluva good engine; must sell ouick; 2rt?i. Call sen, -tin.. v.xun enune. run two weeks, take tour ing or roadster, good terms on balance. Seilwood 1119. MUST sell n-y 1920 490 Chevrolet touring by Sunday nigni ; wm ko nn terms: car like new. Main 1095. FORD coupe, used 2 months, perfect con dition; well equipped; cash or term G 923. Orrgonian WILL "!! new ora at discount. irsi rnmcr e"ta it. Main 101V STAGE OWNERS, attention ! 1915 6-49 FaCKarn lor am-- -' OAKLAND touring car. Mrs. B O. Holr-a. Cail Kat 457-. 1&1S BUICK light six. 5 cords, good shapp. $47.. Antomatic t4H-ff. 1 if2l NASH, winter top, iooks like new. Bdwy. 790-J. WILI.YS-OrFRT.ANT PACIFIC 0M CANT. Broadway at lvi. THIS IS SEDAN W EATHER. TV submit th following for ou contderation: T.ATK WILLYS-KNTOHT pA Thi car ha fen thor oughly overhauled, repafd cord tires, for the hih-cla buvr thm car ia "P t " price. $16.1.0. OVERLAND LIGHT fK PAN This i :.-pn"' cr Will mak Just the tlin tr t famiiv. Priced low Ur a qui. k sale. $'-V0. OVERLANn HO BFOAV One of the good light 4-yUndr crP pair.ted a rich maroon. )r" whfpU, good tir.. TV';. m good shape mechanically. wo. LATE SERIFS OVERLAND HE DAN We hiv'Mwo oC th late J-vrtnrid fiedsns to chfo from. Both are fine nhape me chsnicaiiv. Have good tln-p. good paint, and th are th moft economical nt a' I light weight cars to drive. Your choice of either. $71H. THINK RIGHT BUT RIGHT. W1LLTS-OVERT.A VP TAC1KIC COMPANY. Broadway 3'35. Open Evenings until t O'clock. USED CARS. LOOK THEM OVER. 9-B Frsnklln, o t r I J tires llOtKP 8-B Franklin ardan. looks VMm new -A Franklin touring. J"'1' buy w -B Franklin. 1921. looks hm new 3921 Dodge sedan, Al shape 1921 l.f-xington T-pMirnfr. dandy buy 1- ' 3920 cripps - Booth. n e w paint Willys-Knight touring W 3920 Olds . new paint. dndv tires Ford touring, good tires, bar gain 1922 Hup with lots of re pairs 1 3922 Essex coach. 1100 of tras lmJV SEE MlT.fH AT THE BRALY AUTO O'WMNT. 14th and Burnstde Sts. FOR KEAL BARGAIN!. RKCONHTRUCTION PALE. KORl'S, FORDS. FORI? FORDS. KmL. -n. -,.i.t rilur our '"'k of Ue cars. pnnng - iiw annex, which wi;l give us tA half bio. k of ground flor sps e . r'l- .ftn,rfui barsains at our main sales floor TOURING CARS. 1914 Ford touring ISIS Ford touring 1919 Ford touring .... X20 Ford touring, starter. .. 3920 Ford touring. SS- dem 1921 Ford touring ROADSTERS. 191 Ford roadsier. d-m. .... 21" . 3.' a;.-. .$19f 1918 Fora roau-i-r - 1920 Ford rosdlri, S3. A d-m... f 1920 rorfl roHUKfr 1921 Ford roadster CLOSED CARS. 1919 Ford coupe. 4 speeds . . - 1920 Ford s-dan 1920 Ford sedan 1920 Ford coupe 1920 Ford coupe 1921 Ford sedan 1921 Ford eoup lot of rxtr COMMERCIAL. CA KS. 191 3 Ford chaiwif 1915 Ford dWIvery. pnl hady 1917 Ford truck. ov"rhuid .. ... $75 iro . 47-1 .. 5- 5 . . 525 . . t 7 .. LI" . . 2 1 H r oru irui n ch 192o Ford delivery ;. 1922 Ford truck, with body We ar open until o'clock nltn and Sundays; (buy a used rr of re liable deaier; we give the same servics on ud cars as on new 7"'" FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. f.rnfi and HaWthofT,. E.tot 37 . TH-TyOLLOWING USED CARS WLRE OAKLAND tt-44. AND M L ST BE SOLD. 1920 Ford touring. Dmountshte rim. foot trr lerator. trter wonderful condition .$-. 391S Buick "4" touring Has ror! tir-s and spare, bumper, pt liarht. rear-view mirror. i.n- mechanically $275 1919 34-B Oskland tourin. Has wire wheels and cord tlr!'!l-,-,. Ready to go. Low price .$373 34-B Oakland touring. In wond-r-ful condition from tires to top $4.0 84-B Oakland touring. This little car has wire whe-ls, lMr tires. Latest pistons and rings $430 1921 Oakland rosdTer. Thl csr has all latest improvements. A regular ulomo&lle ," 1922 Oakland 6-44 ... 84-B Oakland touring $9fM .$350 1921 Oakland touring. Absolutely rebuilt; service guarantee. See ing is believing 9W NORTHWEST OAKLAND COM PAN Y, Park and Couch Streets. Broadway OJ2 "REAL BARGAIN Fo It SOME ONE $750 cash buys a Cas- sdin, run itm than 50ti0 mil": in P'D-rt shape; or $i'50 cash buyi JH19 D5T t 'add Ear. must seil one of the cars st once, an aril leaving town; or wiil trad) both or one of these on a Cdi!Iiic in--N.--d car and pay the dif ff r-ncp. I'lim, Broadway 514. King Strt Oirm 1921 MITCHELL touring. Al mechani cally; ready to go; ay rld.ng and economical: $T.".0 BRALLY. GRAHAM A CHILD, INC.. Bdwy. $2SL lltb and Burnside bis. YOU want the bet used t'hv rolft t"T your money. I have ntvn on con signment for you to rhoo from. o you can't go wrong, but p don i waste your time or mine uri.fss sou re in a position to pay down at leant $ :.o. E. 5.HH. b NEW RL'ICK "4 " Mut sH my nw li22 Bulrk "4 s my bunin1" d-msn4ls a enmrnrei car; run 2oii0 miles. hur tnn n-w; prfr ct condit ion : $50. good ti-nn Call Aurr-malir -;44-7n MAXWFLL touring. m hrti. nly a. k A car t!i;it will Kf-t nu tbr and glvs good Bfrvire, Onlv $155, on frrna. COOK (IILL CO., In . Psrk to 9:h .on Burnside. Bd -y. TTSl W INTOV SI X. 7-pass-ngr, good cond tion and good rubber will sacrifice for oulit ..,!, Prifc $5Q. 855 Wash 8t Bdwy. 75 JM. 410 CHEVROLKT tourms. In goul con dition; car has hid bt of rr, a rn forced to sil and whi take ' casn, v,a i it2 pt m'T'b T - bor T,H. 'j '0 tTU o b.A rv r. n r-i r.,.i . j unit ben ovrhul-d. n-w tir-s Th tir la in A I condition. T-rrns to r-nponn. hi nr!V. ('.!! Ksst SUM. "''''l UHEVROf.KT touring ( ar. (in m--chan.cal condition, has Jut ben o.r hauled and hae A S''d ttra Tbe car looks llhe ,i:-w. Wfti nnt .27. IT'l FORU louring cur. tut new-, nrd tires. S. 8- ap"t!ights. damountao rim' lots of extras; cnh or t-rrns. i U n t An Jye S .... rhon K ast 4 24. TTcHBVRULfiT in sxca nt m. tian- ial condition, r!o in this car bf..r vou buv.; can mak vr.u attract, v t ( r m a. ' ' Iwt-od 2u: 0. r v-n ngn iTv OV N K R 19 -I Frd 'oun, wire whe-ls A-l condition. Jots of "tras. rlrd tins. U:i Srltood TT FaNEL ufiivery, ihiw n-wo. t, Hh. Vhohe afte- t M Aut. ?7L TKX&r-X, nearly n-w; tlE tak l!ttt 'Z "'i Ksrx as part paymfot. bi an r! "lifiiPL- Ph "na A"' .--: TTvm gKX touring iv ro-rt int bait; , r-ondiuon; n!y Pintd and good 1,17 WAXWEi.L, 10 t-sn. m,4& ont h waim.-r.tP l'r.on Ui 7 l ruTTToVEKLANW touring. rd'icln $J ' f.'r d- --an N. Prosdwsy. TTTTTrrwiniiK tor:r mr is f, m. hftrgam St $ LVt. Johniktn, K 447. "JProRD esdan In flr-t-cias shap. ii&Z. Johnson. ast TH S FAMOUS HCrSOM PUTER six ArTOMoniLrn, lt Models, the lt-l:0 r-' linden -pr la. c.ss cond.t,rn with Wiiiluhiii springs U4l n "upr ig. fin e- tiu, great U)r... ........ 191$ lludsoft - 1921 Esse t 1920 Dwdre Proa. teorieg... J1 Jll Liberty J 1919 ChsSmers 1921 Olds 4 - 7VI l2fl Nssh 1920 Oids ts Llbfriy sdan ............ Cle 8 Sisphf ns 6 t-srgpt Qr d mr HfMiwh mtnrm In th r.i, t 4" i N fir- , m, i K a .'un4f sftd evs nmgs. BROADWAY ST3. C. L. BOSS AUTO MO BILK CO. Trr rrn car ?bm a RETUTA RLE STAHLl.sMM ENT. Thr ia ft trmt 6 than J'st ths tr 1 c-dr; probsbly the mr.st lmpft thing ts fhs hott-- from whim you buy; w n4vr lo tll HCty the c'1'f- ef err ear; ws s'snd bsS f what srs tea jrou, no ntauor at what cosu TII'Nr.; Our poV.-- cf d- hurnox Is h i u "T f he p IKITT OK HAVING Y M ri ni.ir lio'ip w " t.ww k WILL NOT it.VlAIU FRO TU1-, "ALWITH TH f"T r AT the )j,rr pit i. i.."" COVEY MOTOR CAR COWPANT, TWO LOCATIONS. Main p'ant. 2'st st Wa.hlngtosu I'hoflf fidsrr. ."44 Brosdwar Branch. 2--S0 irsse. W hvs ears l take jrww Irom nt p.mum lo the otbr. $100 DOWK. EAST TKHil. f-rt ft-pas-Tr. m k inl i"uii, M . ' . fi' tp, 0'-ri nd t". A t. itklftiid I i.g. Bw paint. Vrit-, a dnl 1 j.l Ford n iitf. S bHHs. PORTLAN D MOTOR CAR . lOlh an-1 lturns.de. Xla. 0-1- v f ; ft MVMT HACIMFIi'F ING AURAD. 1 '1 CoI.F. 4 1 i'. t U'OIIT. hi'' MiT M 'DLL M l Pit to . rf(l dui.,. ! ur.f-r .'.T.'.' r r ;Sshs.-e li.ix. ::... 2 f '. O.rJr !" l.'-r- Inii - ' im - " h. w nil " M ji5lto: t,Si tn l'rt,'l a ft T- rms tr t:'f. '.!, ' -3it4 .r 3t2 lt s. r1 . K Mr, I Ki.l-M , LirnTT iinsng CAHF.r, AtToMonit.rcK CA!!ir :i. T"it B'T nn Ft L AV AfTo vr IU!..v: WK PfR!"U TtiR !-NKT; fiUU JKUVIf- W it.t, 11 .fo: T -t ' OH KG 'N It N 1 A MOH TlAi I O . 2"7 K l I 1 s,iJ U ' L'-.JL.i. ' . U U Mbl.L ALT" ASH tt a, .KUi ' l MICA f pnn't buy urt, u hm looked Slo.K nvr PoRTLNO Al'TO "At ft. 125 I'.Ih. i f U ...h n!. O n - v. ,;;. k- and ? u.Jr, r-h..-.- n !- n: .... jTVT KT rti i,r f " f t. - v r t lour, if s. pi'shti u1!. btf-r thaa iw . " ' ou a-" m th miii r m iw rtr. o i csil hat t " rt mr,t,r,. Urrni and n- - -.ir rvn umntx4 on tbs CuCTi Ni .v v xxu KXl iVoaTtI l Im Oi li22 n.chsoical f.lr sd rt-fg uni' . f cord lira, will iir,,iiff t d ' I " " y liHAi.Lv ;raham ftirr ivc Ivlwy 32 3 1"i 1 Im'r 1 ? HUI""N HUI'KR T"l HlN'i T ' r r i'w iroaiftii rd l!k n-- and ht fhui'1 and ! in f rf 'a, it - !..' ' r f an ; bns go-d If" -"' in Hi tM.ntb. PhonTbr T T . !-, ' I Mi t o K 'rd tourit . ba r't Iff four UU - vn -n ' t f : 4 --h HliAl.KV (Jit A M M A t UU.T IN', 3 - 1 lllli I"! J ; j - . -1- " Pun S'"fp mM-a. gd tt--. t-rhafl. Italy p-rfw-t. alM S dir.tjftt and to rp n.i party, i'bobe K-t . K V to 1 ,1 T x pn- l ! ' d to or on Pira.ght cn.mio bal, I ivmrr i rt d-. i 'r r- Mtrd A p (i l n i a f a . f . .la M'nut tar o . 14th si.d A.-i-r lit 17 VK1.IK T 'I I'.IV'I - V '-d in h.i !'.-. tumraliy. Iris f -r ,,u - k aa " WILLY! 0 K. I I - A N II pACtrii" C . U"i,d y at I " P tt r B " i',i2. Kr".X T"( liiMJ," $:r.i T'i!i nr l" t" IN- r.w d Is t f i't -r 'a-- r.- i-ar. ml fM-.'.'.nn and ).a S I "d '..'d . ss-ll on '-i"r"'-" 1 1 ) '" - wTlXV? "KNii";ii-r ,un ..,! .r ie Snoo n- ii'- . S -rd I r tif ' s d g v no .1 i a' --r i - . w t a H - an. 5) rnr in f ad. lid . A.U, ilr, nt kl. V '21. r p. , r"'' r. .- I r . a ra , 1 A r-i bu f-ir $..75. K v -r. rt "K a in i.L ro. tr . rk t i t: .r. ! r - J Y Tt i: !'. AN li'.NK A" illl-.H'lT Thm ' n sh.o.ir! t m rn!-! rvr t- n run U" i ' i iv b a r d -p.rr. .!.' '.utU t -r H ' !-' A ur . ff' 4 2 ,. Ii ! ".1- l ' ' -"r b ' -r run" n H lfm f r-. iru'd tt- Thia r f- a b-i-1 "itum to r p' UfiU'.m pmrr t.l Ivaat 81 4. n. , 1V21 k''Vi t-. nr. i. r. m .! a'a'ir r . Kinunlbia fi" Mr? -r : m Sli "ti-P: ''' 'o rpr 9,u ,a 't p , vv '" u - -1 ''- . L L . .... f airkn' rmr m f . , I i rri. tm mri'.m H a v : I . ') Fi 'HO li' A l I f J. 1!2t ; s "d f ir M' -on. if. mat f tfr, $:. Terms. - t h. A w 1 ;n . - LI o M T S Oi I K Run cni VtiQ m ! "s""4 be In ' i .t-r.a Mf '' r -.f. l.hm p. w will "' '"' -m' 741 ftf22 Hi KVROI.r-T !'""i:." u"4 rrf ii : ' ' n d m' ' a' d m (M L.r' " . .. 77u"Ch i-v : I " I ' ' ' .."on. rr rt f a . s forcd 'u P.l end ','. a n bstJ -r-r' rlL,.Jlm'.'r $;,2 Ul.Tt r i'- 1 o.tra. r r -"r t bafor ' t. 10 A . nulS.'"l ... ff l.o-- ! r. Mai 1:3 M LI' T 4HAM t M HI 1 INT, Bdwy 3-M d H 11 1 t:m NKW WAXW KM- div-r. 'U e.S). Mrix-0.1 rr b ! . . . ;.!. Vn.r i M-t r j.ora- ti.m l-:a ur.ZJ. t ..., OAKLAND bug o w f f. ' ' ' !- ,.. s q( f.. ft and "a " A'-m n tak f l lO K A OOL f ,, l-.r l ark t' t'h Lo i iJy TTSt LAT i't. r.l- f; ! H't-y, o ii , s f ifK-ai or if. Kt tng butS'; oT KKhA Ni' 01 g-.'-t J ' ' " r trad for yimo A M ! a. -n-n ' A,i;.ft'Vl..'r- ...