V V , . . - " . .-' - . . THE 3IOKX1XG OKE(iOXUN, SATUKDAY, OCTOBER 7, 11)42 J 11 7ZZZZZZ T ,r.r.vn vox.r.s. i jxorists. I ka.. r-4Tr. I heal estate. 1 ! ?S,V.111VJ-Z 1 , " LAST TWO TIMES Today 2il5, Tonight 8:15 T T T? T T T Biwr. t Tayl. IHilLlVJ phone Main 1KH. SPECIAL PRICE- 1 MATINEE TODAY, 2; 15 j itml TONIGHT 8:15 MtisiCAIi ' COMEDY HIT, Take It From Me SPLENDID . CAST STUNNING CHORtS CATCHY MELODIES Prices, Including ' War Tax, MAT. 2.20. I-ll.'.. l.ia, 85c 65c EVE. $2.75, 2.20, 1.65, $1.10, 85c, 55c. - . THE WORLD'S GREATEST PSYCHIC SENSATION Five Other Big Acts No Change in Price ,lliU OPEJTIA'G- STODAV, OCT. 8 Keating: ft Flood Present Lyric Musical Comedy Company And tke Famous Rosebud Chorus In a Season of IHsrh Clasa Musical Frolics Matinees Daily at 2 Evenings, Two Shows, 7 and. 9 ForvfUne New But the Name ' rnntiminiiB STlOW 1 to 11 P. M. BRINDAMOUR ROSE DIONE & CO. rn Silent Years 7 VARIETIES 7 Children Always 10c THE CIRCLE THEATER Fourth at Washington. Open from if o'clock in the morning ui.tU 4 o'clock the following morning. RATES FOB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In order to earn the more than one time rn te, ad vertibing must run In consecutive issues. One time .12c per line Two times (rach issue).. 11c per line Three times (each issue), ,10c per line Seven times (each issue), Sic per line One to six months, per month 2-50 per line Six to twelve months, per month $2 25 per line The above rates apply to all head ings with the lollowiug exception: . Sit nations Wanted. Each Insertion c per line Business Opportunity Headings. Financial Headings. Help Wanted, Proposals Invited. lMst and Found, (Special Notieea. PersonaL Funeral Notices. One time 15c per line Two times (each Issue.. 14c per line Three times (each issue) 13c per line Seven times (each issue) 12c per line One month 3 pr line NEW TODAY. Kate I'er Line. Daily. Sunday. One time 16c 20o Two times (per issue) . . 15o 19o Three times (per issue).. 14c ISo .seven times (per issue).. 13c 17c One month, daily and Sunday ..$3.50 -Count five words to the line. No ad taken for lens than two lines. Ads run Sonuajs only charged at one-time rate. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "Situations Wanted") will be taJken over the telephone if the ad vertiser in a Muberriber to phone. The Oreiconian will rvceive adver tising by mail provided sufficient; re iii itt ante for definite number of issues Is sent. Acknow ledgaaent wilt be for warded promptly. Advertisements are taken for The Iatly Orcgoiiian until 7:30 P. At., tor The Sunday Oregwniatt until 6 P.. M. Saturday. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 2r' YOU like to draw, a large commercial art house a1 show you how to earn money in spare time; state age, phone, address, box. etc V 7t. Oregoniaa. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS A P-5 S147 932. 9S, 977. 824, 917, 990. U i.sii (iSl, !yS. 97S. 8K9, U75, 851. SI70, !)17. Sill. 7t. SHU. . C !7ij 944. S)S3. H. 11 i3. si-,0. 900. Ji U47, 1(K)0. SiS, 947. 991. 937. 909. 90S, mt: iik:i J.- iiso 90 7. 3. 796. 992. 9S2, OSS, 895, SSS. 85S 990. 9811. 980. C tins 7tt. 975. 990. 992,.12, 955, 995, 973, 997. 208, 957. H mil, OKI. 922, 954, 652. 969, 990. 980. , iiy7, .!.., 97S. 955. 9S5. i ...ii u-j Mi;?. 7S flSX. JU sitil.- DM." 900. B92. 909. 901. S82. 993. 98 S. l m0 9S0, OSS. 606, 930. 6S5. 9S2. 9M 977. 87-L, 995, 1000. 992. 90S, 99S. 903. 1000. 959. 9.S4. M 97T, J. 1194. 41907. K 998, 942. 996; 991. S65, 908. 939. I'tii, 93. 902. V 940. 9S2, 9V5, 976. V sisu.. 91'4, WIS. 998. 9S2, 892. 9S1. 997. SlBii. ao, 977. 9S7. 994, 993, 991. 953. 901. y !'R2. 997. Sll, 820, 881. 924. 977. 875. 995. 945. 90S. Alt IsS. 991. 9S2. 9S6. 960. S93, 980. 8S1 AC !7. 979, 9S2. 982. 991. 996. AK 92. 911, 925, 9i6, 9U9. 024. 9S6. 9S2, .'1. 990. AK 97. 941). 992. 951. 970, 996. 979. Ai 984. 9S.V 979. Aitlii7 9l0. 994, P29, 995, 977, 920. . 92!. 925. 920, 995. 944. 986. AK 982. 92S, 934. S.iS. 983, 987. 980. 839 5li. 989. AL 995. 986. 961. 083. AH 985. 993. 922. 980, 9S4. 992, 1000. 976. 986. 951. 925. 983. 977. JlS 994. 880. 994. 990. S3ti, 949. 980. 864. 999. 918, 920, 988. 971, 1O00, 925. Ail 1179. 910. 962. AP 2, 993, 981. 982, 919. 929. 946. 918. A4 939, x,-, v. wfta. f-i. U'. !W7, 8X9. SOW. 917. 983. 99S. lil) 948 997. 993. 982. 945, 963. 864, 949, 999 498. 980. 991. 97J. BF 1178 994. 990, 938, 90. 678. 998, 889. BJ 976. 962. 927, 952, 987. 892. 899. . Above answers wlii be destroyed if not called for within six days. MEET UNO NOTICES. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT NO. 28, 1. o. O. F. Golds, thi (Saturday) evening lo Rai neer to confer all the degrees on a lArge class. Patriarchs inUd. - C. CHR1STENSON. C. P. S. A. STARS, Scribe. RESERVATIONS ARE NOW BEING accepted for dancing jerries at Coiilllcm Hail, . ft. J. iieilaod. H&r. Sidwy. ZoOi. mm GUL BBAZES GROTTO, childhood dance, Pythian temple, Thursday, October 12. Come and enjoy the Wednes day luncheons. Grotto con vention Him, Liberty theater. n wk utartinK Saturday. October 14. Ceremonial Saturday. Oc tober 21. Tea, I saw your ad to the Grotto News. Order of Monarch. HARRY A. MsRAE, Sec STJNNYSIDE LODGE So. 163, A. F. AND A. M. 39th and Hawthorne bpeclal Ucu 7. M. M. degree H and at 7 P. it -WASHINGTON I; O DGB, NO. 46. A. F. AND A. Special communication this Saturday) , evenlnB, b eg-m-nins at 5 o'clock. East 8th and Burnside. E. A. degree. OREiiON LODGE, NO. 101, A. T. AND A. M. Stated communication Saturday at 8 P. M. Business. Visitors inime. Order of 'W, M. UopfiiM SHRIKE. NO. 1. W. S J. Stated communication this (Saturday evening, October 7, 8 o'clock, Pythian tempie. Bj order of the W. H. P. CLARA B. GRAHAM, Scnbe. LODGE NO. 3, I. O- O." F. All members Oddfellows and Rebekahs are invited tn a homecoming tonight at 814 11th st. AHhort business ses sion at s o ciock. .TT,T.T tvt r ANNA L. OSWOLD, Secy. HALL on wasningion , -I... j i. Qunavn ehtB. See Alaccabees. Morgan building. DIED. FULTON At residence, 299 E. 45th St., Gladys J. J'ulton, agea Jew.. of Robert J. Fulton, and mother of Robert J. Jr., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Somers of Des Moines, la., and sister of W. S. and TV R. Somers. Remains are at McE-ntee & Eilers' parlors. ISth and Everett sts. Funeral nAticft later. ALLTN In this city, Oct. 6. Robert james, ageu. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. JUlyn of Goldendale, Wash-, and brother of Mary F. Kearny. The remains were forwarded Friday, Oct. 6th, by J. P. Finley & Son to Goldendale. Wash., where service will be held and inter ment made. FUNERAL NOT1C3SS. GAVIN In this city, Oct. 5, Anna J. uavin, ageu lo lou " 16th st., mother of 'James, William and Helen M. Gavin, Mrs. George W. Hoover and Sister Anna of the Sisters of Providence. The funeral cortege will leave the above residence, Mon day, Oct. 9, at 8:30 A. M., and pro ceed to All Saints church. East 39th and Hoyt sts., where mass will be celebrated at 9 A. M. Friends in vited. Concluding service, Vancouver, Wo h .T. P. Finlev & Son. directors. DEROGATIS In this city, October 3, Caroline Derogatis, mother of Mary Derogatis, brother of Salvatore Deroga tis. Services will be held at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son, Third and Salmon streets, today, Saturday. Oc tober 7. 1922, at 8:45 A. M., under the auspices of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Aerie No. 4. The cortege will proceed to St. Michael's church. Fourth and Mill streets, where services will be held at 9:30 A. 3L Interment at Riverview cemetery. CLOSE At Tualatin, Or., ' Oct. 5, Eu genia M. Cose, aged 52 years, beloved mother of Kenneth Close of Tualatin, Or. ; sister of Mrs. C. W. Cooper of Windham, Mont. ; Chas. Garver of Overly, N. D-, and D. C. Garver of Tualatin, Or. The funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, Inc., 414 East Alder St., Saturday, Oct. 7, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Con cluding services at the Portland crem atorium. GALENTINE In this city. October B. 19... nosanna ri. uaitiiuuc, o&ou years. Mother of Mrs. Laura Mc Dougal of Dayton, Or.; Louis L. Galen tine of Newberg. Or.; Loan J. Cham bers of New Orleans: Mrs. Rose Tom berlin of Seattle, Wash. ; Leslie Galen tine nf Portland, Or. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son, Third and Salmon streets. Saturday. October 7, 1922, at 10 A. M. Interment Riverview ceme- torv KLINE At the residence 105' N. 20th St.. UCtoDer o, iviaria jjviiug. .ts" years, beloved mother of J. L. Ram age and George W. Ramage of Top penish, WTash. Funeral services will be held Saturday. Oct. 7. at 2 P. M.. at Chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment i.nni Fir cemetery. WARREN The remains of the late Ade laide r;. warren, wno uieu m who October 3. 1922, will be forwarded to dav to Castle Rock, Wash., by the Skewes Undertaking Co., where serv ices will be held and interment take place. CEMETERIES. RIVERVIEW CEMETERY. BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL. Lots from $20 up; perpetual free maintenance. Atwater 1236. City of fice. Main 1002. 1025 Yaon bldg. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funerals, weddings, shopping. Jones Auto Livery. At. 0114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Ts. Independent Funeral Directors. "Washington St., bet, 30th and 21st. Sts., West Side. Lady Assistant. Broadway 2691. J. P. FINLEY & SON MORTICIANS. PHONE MAIN 4322. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH ST. A. D. Kenworthy. R. S. Henderson. A. D. Kenworthy Co. 5S04 921 St.. Lents. Automatic 61S-21 McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of Phones. Broadway 2133: Auto. 531-33 HOLMAN & SON (Founded in ISM.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon His. Main OfiOi. KAST STUK FUNERAL DIRECTORS (F. S. IU lt. 9- The Family Sets the Priee." 414 East Alder St. Phones. East 0052. East ft?74. SNOOK & WHEALD0N Funeral Directors. TJi,r,oiit at S5th. Tabor 1258 E. Wilson. R. H. Reed. C HAMBERS CO.. INC.. '4;250 KiUlnjrsworth Ave. Wa. 3306 East Eleventh and Hawthorne, THE PORTLAND MORTUARY, MORRISON AT 12TH. WEST SIDE. Broadway wn. O 7CI I CD nii 592 Williams Ave.' Phone East 1081. crcufce cndektaking co., ONCu LO Third and Clay. Main 4162 MONUMENTS. PORTIMQ MARBLE WORKS ten 4th St.. Opp. City Hsfl. NEC BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MAHSLfi WORMS 1 i j. CK3MJTT MEMORIALS j C. TH1BO tWE STS. t HOVt e.lSj EL. n j, F-t.tw 0)sTysTIsw jJ : i flirt '1 V " M 854 WashiJwrtMl St. Main 0269. Flowers for AH OeeasksM ArtiHticaJly Arranged. Roses and Rare Orchids a Specialty. Quality amr Service Since 11490. People's Floral Shop Under New Msaaewnent.' FLORAL DESIGN'S A SPECIALTY. CCT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS. 249 Alder St., Bet. 2d and 3d. Phone Broadway 7126. N HOT HOUSES ' XT? ua QnatestlAxrietif Main 1854 341 Jlorrison Street 'Just the Best' Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Funerals 287 Washington, Bet. 4th and 6th Sts. Phone Broadway 4527. Smitk's Flower Shop TOMMY LUKE. Portland's Progressive Florist. Floral de signs specialty. Sixth at Alder. Main 7215. CHAPPELL'S .FtOWER SHOP 331 Morrison. N.W. Bank Bldg. Main 6116 Phon-e your want 'ads to The Oregonian, Main 7070. PORTLAND BUSINESS BULLETIN ACCORDION FLEA TING. CUT SEAM. HEM, machine-pleat skirt, 75c; hemstitching. 5c; mail orders so licited. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., o 14 Fifth street ASSAYERS AMI ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d si Gold. sllv'.T. platinum bought. BATHS STEAM, showers, tubs and swim, all for ooc. 121 rourtn 'CELLULOID BUTTONS. "THE IRWIN-HODSON COUP AN l, 387 Washington St. Broadway 3144. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle, Floreiio and Deft ane Deveney the only scientific chiropod ists and arch specialists m-city. Par lors 302 Geriinger bldg., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder sta. Mam 1301. JJg 5 o FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected, lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Mam 816. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg.. Broadway 7596. No collections, no charge. DANCING. AI.ISKY DANCING ACADEMY. Expert instruction given in latest ballroom and fancy dancing: private and class instruction in aesthetic, ori ental. Spanish. Egyptian, soft-shoe, clog and many other dances taught. Children a specialty. Phone Main 4t14. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Agnes Simmons, RINGLER'S dancing school; best instruc tion, private and ciass daily Broad wav and Main. Anto. 513-39. DENTISTRY. DO. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner of Sixth and Washington Sts. Broadway 7219. Automatic 2119. WITHOUT PAIN wD8KcAaSENE Tour "Teeth Sleep While we w orK. Above Majestic Theatf-r, 351 Wash. St I) ETECT1 YES. O. C. PRICHARD. Private detective; dav calls. Main 864: night rails-. Main 2784 1333 Northwestern Bank bldar. X, A AY VERS. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer, 5Ub Chamber of Commerce bJdg. QPTOM ETBISTS. srjp Out of the Iliffh-Rent District. w Years experience. Consult us JkSe free. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Goldman, associate optometrist. Main 2124. Chas. W. Goodman, 203 Morrison. WHY PAY MORE? y&JD3 fitted to your eyes, $2.50; mm& double vision glasses at low nHfP.- satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hnrwit.. oDtometrist. 223 First street. OPTICIANS DR. GEORGE RUB EN STEIN, veteran optician; eyes tested, glasses fitted; broken lenses duplicated, very reason able. 226 Morrison st., Main 36til. PRINTING. DD!WT!8Jfl F- W. BALTBS & Co., First at Oak. Bdwy. 4641. Latent attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, registered patent attor ney 25 years; If invention really valu able see attorney. 603 Dekum bldg. PIPE REPAIRING. , "pjnro Repairs by experts. IJl l-U pipe Shop, 272 vv PHYSICIANS. h. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway build ing, stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys, bladder, rectal, prostate and female disorders, without cperation. TRANSFER ANi STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St. Bdwy. 1281. DRAYAGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks WATCH REPAIRING. DO NOT throw your walch away; I will repair, guarantee any watch 2 years, prices reasonable; 30 years' experience. Harry Brown, 149 3d. near Morrison. NEW TOOAY. FLUFF RUGS Made from yonr old worn-out carpets. Saves half ths price of new rugs. Send your rags and woolen cloth. Mali Orders. Send for Booklet. 8x12 Kngs. Steam Cleaned. L5U. East 35R0- 188 F-. 8th St. JsOKbHESI KCtt CO. REAL ESTATE. BUILDER'S NOTICE I want to commu nicate with some builder to erect four houses. A 988, Oregonian $11,500 to Loaa On good west side r.al estate tit 9, Slain 9140, V. BRESJviS. r or naip iml iuiu kui uuiu v . - - - t no t iia-.ip ll'ITtl 1 NJl'l'l "Lf FT. Owner must sell hie beautiful borne, 24 lots, choice shrubbery, lawn, fruit tree3, 10-room house, arranged in apts., with income $lsu, furnished in heavy Axminster rugs, overstuffed and ma hogany, floor lamps, never had a va cancy; $6000 will feandle. small bal. Owner. East A FLAT SNAP. 55x100 on the. 8. W. corner of Gar field artand Alberta Bt.; four nice fiats with steady tenants; out-of-town owner is anxious to sell; look it over, but do not, disturb tenants. STRONG & CO., 606 Cnam: of Com. REAL SNAP BT OWNER. Newly overhauled. 2-f!at house, close in. full lot and fruit trees. Phone East 435or East 3998. EAST side income property; some trade. 540 East Stark. For Sale Beach Property. FOR SALE Beautiful beach home. Tha "We-Huse. Call East 6380. For Sale Lots. OUT OF LUCK. OUT OF LUCK. BLIND AS A "MOLE OR BAT. Just think, directly across the street from my home, which is located in the center of greater Portland, a first class still was found in full blast, with plenty of imaginary joy on hand. My excuse for the oversight was that I have been very busy selling Walnut Park home sites, located around the Masonic Tempie, now under construc tion. Can furnish Masons with home jsite at bedrock prices. Call on owner. W. M. KILLING SWORTH. Office cor. Union and KillinKsworth av. Office hours. 9 to 12 A. M. Phone appointment. Walnut 0491. Residence phone. Walnut 0951. " ALL MASONS SHOULD KNOW that Mount Hood lodge is building the finest temple in city, located in Walnut Park, near Jefferson high school and library on Killing'sworth ave. ; also ail should know that no misrfeke would be made in securing a homesite in beau tiful Walnut Park. SPECIAL INDUCE MENTS OFFERED, few days; better call today on owner, W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. Office cor. Union- and Killingsworth, Office hours 9 to 12 A. M. Phone appointment. Walnut 049L Residence phone walnut 095L ROMESEEKERS. "WHY NOT BUILD? It Is less expensive. We ar Interested in how well we can build, not how much we jean get for building. See us before buy ing or building. KOBNETT & McCLURE, - BUILDERS, S02 Couch bldg. Broadway 6574. V REMEMBER We can get you the highest price the present market warrants for your va cant property In any section of the citx- Come in and we will talk it over. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of 1 rade Bldg. BUILDERS. HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY. Our construction and workmanship, together witn liberal financial assist ance, will please you; soldier bonus accepted. KEiMSRS & J OLIVETTE. Pell. 2964. TWO GOOD lots. Rose City district, on pavement, free and clear, cheaply priced. Will sell or exchange for build ers' contract; will pay cash difference in value. Phone Tabor 7133. L. M. Pheridan. ROSE CITY PARK LOT. 2222 garage, streets paid; price $1100. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldf Slain 37S7. LOT FOR business purposes, in Irving ton. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 653 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. OWNER leaving city, will sell choice close-In lot. East 28th and Holgate ; all improvements in. . Bargain. East 2671. 730u. Quarter block on Grand are., nar Hawthorne ave.. by owner, no agent i'none, aju-t-. lacor mo., IRVINGTON PARK SNAP. 25x100 lot on East 23d near Jajrett, $150 cash takes it. STRONG & CO.. 606 Cham, of Com. t'OR SALE Four lots. 31st and Long ave., 525 each, or $2000 for ail; street not iropi u yen. - a . !.. FOR SALE 50x118 lot. Elmhurst. 57 th and Broadway; bargain for cash. Y 981. , ureponian. i LaUKELHURST SXAi- 1300; 50x100; Laurelhurst avenue, near Ulisan. Wal nut 5321k 2 LOTS. Beaumont district, 50x100. At water 1828. after 4 P. M. IRVINGTON-ALAMEDA lot for -sale cheap tor casn; uy owner, -tasi tew. LAURELHURST corner lot cheap. Scott & Berry. 1038 Belmont. GOOD business corner. Sixth E. Burn b i de, on termsj Call ow nr, East 2704. A" CORNER LOT. E. 12th and Taylor, 2500. Main 5622. $75 TAKES 50x100 on Gay St., assess ments $200. Walnut 430S. . LOTS near Peninsula park. $350; terms 510 per month, walnut 4dim. EAST front on Concord, only $530; terms S10 per month, walnut 43t.m. CHOICE lot. Walnut Park; bargain. Torms, Owner, Atw. 5400. Tabor 5770. For Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL AIN SWORTH AVE. $4250. Are vou looking for a bargain in a five-room bungalow ? You can live in thi as long as you want to and sell It at a profit of any way 51o0; all hardwood floors, rooms all large, furnace, garage, 50x100 lot. every thing in and paid; you know Ains- worth ave. is one of the most beautiful streets in the city; will sell this with J100O first payment, balance $40 per month, including 6 per cent interest; might be able to get the first payment down some.'Call W. F. Mahoney, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Bdwy. 6006. LAURELHURST BARGAIN Par tial brick house of most expen sive construction. $6750. We doubt whether $9000 would du plicate it today. Steam heating plant. Out-of-town owner says sell. Drive out to our Laurel hurst office now the key is there. Terms can be had. too. A G. Teepe Co. LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE, 39th and G!i san, Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9586. EASTMORELAND. NEW- ENGLISH COTTAGE. Overlooking the golf links; six rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement.- furnace. hoJse is finished in the latest finish; all French win dows and screened ; large corner lot. garage. This is one of the classiest homes vou ever saw: you know East moreland is one of the finest districts in the citv. Price is cut to $7000; if vou have $200 cash as first payment. This place will equal any $10,000 home In the citv. Call Mahoney, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Bdwy. 6000. . IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $6500; owner paid $7500. left town, must sell : new. modern finish, at tractive design, near car. Neuhausen & Co.. Mam Ml 1 3- cast van 4-RM. HOUSE, iot 60x100; fruit trees; near car; price $750, $100 down. 3-rm. house; good condition; 1 lot; cement waiks ; near car; $600, $100 down. A utom yr I C wl-al. 6-RM. BUNGALOW, f urn. ; has mod. improvements; sleeping p., 3 lots and fruit trees, cement walk, sewer, paved street, near car line; price $2700; $400 down; can use cheap car. Automatic 631-57. FOR SALE By owner, new modern 5 room house, hardwood floors, furnace, attic, garage and nice lawn; lot 50x120; all st. imp. in and paid; near Franklin high; Mt Scott and Hawthorne cara 1450 Division st. PhoneTabor 6558, NEW IRVINGTON HOME. 1 Corner, with garage, built for home. Accept good lot part pay. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank B!dg. FINE Irvington residence for sale by owner- 7 large rooms, old ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout; modern In every detail; price $8950. 603 26th st. North. S-W car to Brazee. STRICTLY modern 6-room house with garage: very desirable neighborhood, close in. This Is a sacrifice at $4300. Call after 6 P. East 9498. owner. SSOO CASH $3250. -B-roora bungalow, Dutch kitchen, laundry traya, Improvements In and paid. E. 89th et. 1038 Belmont. A DANDY, new, B-room, modern bunga low ready for oecupaney; corner lot; c&raee; at a bargain price. Call Auto. S Mj-KrV MUST sell beautiful ::.... Koie City bun galow; Jiardweed floors; ail modern: garage! terms, From pwner, Soil furnished if tie.alre:i Tahar 7170. ALAiiKDA PARK, colonial, ideal small home srtiatio finish, unique design; owner must sacrifice; naae effer. eo. hausen ie.t Main iw.q, cast wan.. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room bunga low,' modern, paved Btreet, excellent car service, garage, east front. Phone Walnut 5707. FOR SAI-E Smalt house and lot, S97 tllenn avenue, by ewaeF. Chas, ZedjHAT, 102J Sast..3tith st. See FRANK L- McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. America'! Largest Horn Seller. 2000 Photographs of Homes for ift Every home personally inspected ami -ftBlSGEfiT VALUES IX THE CITY. I'll help you make your firat payment If necessary. Open All Day Saturday. Open Evenings Until 9. 90 Salesmen With Autos. $350 CASH TAKES THIS. 150 Cozy, neat --room Ml. Scott cottage. 41st ave. 4250 DOWN MT. SCOTT. $.1590 $250 down; comfortable S-room cottage, on 81st st. REAL ALBERTA BARGAIN. 2290 7-room home In Alberta aie trtet; 2 blks. to car; garage; paved street; cement sidewalks and sewers all in and paid. E. 6th ft. Terms. SELLWOOD SNAP. 22490 $500 down; good modern T-reom home, just east of Milwaukie st., on Clatsop, 2 blks. to car line, near school; full lot with fruit, etc. Terras are very easy. NEW! NEW! NEW! $2890 J250 down! Brand new bunga low, in. Peninsula district; 4 rooms, built-ins; close to big Industrial plants. This Is a real snap. The monthly terms are easy. Portsmouth ave. BIG PENINSULA BARGAIN., $2990 Easy terms. A home on St. Johns carline and paved street, that will make a cheery place for the children; 6 rooms; all modern conveniences; full ce ment basement ; full lot with garden: no liens to assume. Fessenden st. $400 DOWN TAKES THIS. $2990 -$400 down! This 5-room mod em home is on paved street, with all assessments paid; ga rage; full iot with fruit; Mon tana ave. BIG MT. SCOTT VALUE. $2S50 $400 down. Very nice modern 5-room bungalow with hard- wood floors throughout; built in buffet: Dntch kitchen; break fast nook; 2 bedrooms and white enamel bath: full cement basemen L Just think, you can have It all for only $400 down. 6ith Ft. RKR THIS S250 DOWN. $2990 $250 down, buys this 6-room modern bungalow cottage: half blk. to Russell-Shaver carline; all improvements are paid. Mis souri ave. DEFIES COMPETITION. $3490 $500 down; only half blk. ts car. This home In Montavllla la unduplicated value; 6 rooms; very attractive and substantial: strictly modern; $500 down and only $35 per month on the bal ance. E. 79th st. KENTON BUNGALOW. $3490 $500 down ; practical, substan tial 5-room modern bungalow in Kenton district. Omana ave. HAWTHORNE, $500 DOWN. $3590 $500 down; comfortable 6-room modern home, in Hawthorne district 68x100 lot with fruit. E. Main st. WEST SIDE $500 DOWN. $3590--$500 down; 6-room modern home, on west side. Arthur st. IRVINGTON HO L LAD AY. $3750 $500 down. This attractive bungalow on E. 15th St.. near Irvington carline. is a distinct bargain ; 5 rooms, all Improve ments are in and included in price. Owner living out of state wishes to dispose of it at once. FRANKLIN HIGH HOME. $3990 ?oO0 down; 7 rooms and sleep ing porch are In this Franklin high bungalow; juet the place for a large family; 100x200 w ah fruit. 62d st. HUNDREDS OF OTHERS. See FRANK L Me GUI RE To Buy Your Home Realtor. Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171; 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. A LAURELHURPT HOME AT THE PRICE OF A HOUSE. 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors 'and Ivory finish throughout; every modern convenience and built-ins. in cluding large breakfast nook, large basement. Gasco furnace; no trouble about coal or wood; your alarm clock snd thermostat tend the furnace. For ale by owner on premises, 1168 East Flanders. Phone Tabor -4969. ROSE CITY BARGAIN NEW BUNGALOW, with furnace and garage, $550O. Here, folks, Is a real buy. Ideally located be low the hill. Living room ex tends entire width -of house. A real light, attractive, cheerful home, and built just as you would want it built. Reasonable Wms. Better see this torlay. A. G. Teepe Co., 40th and Sandy. Ta.hor 95S6 or Tabor i433. of fice open Sunday. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. New English stucco; refined, distinc tive, exclusive district bordering City Park: Includes living room, dining room, entry hall, lavatory, kitchen and garage, 3 bedrooms and bath, maid s room, lavatory and shower, laundry and furnace ; house thoroughly con structed, complete to every detail; is light, compact and convenient; gas furnace, between Vista ave. and Ard morf on West Madison. 1 THE MACLEAY ESTATE CO.. D. M. DRAKE, Constructor and Agent. Bdwy. 2478- 313 U- S. Bank BMg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT PRAC " TIC ALLY "NEW BUNGALOW. $4600. You will appreciate the value. A real attractive home, touilt right. Classy, distinctive. Special terms to r.ght person. In spect this. A. G. Teepe Co., 4mh and Sandy. Tabor 9586 or Tabor 3433. 6 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, RECEP TION HALL, LARGE BATHROOM. MODERN RESIDENCE, IN IRVING TON, NO. 839 CLACKAMAS, NEAR EAST 26TH ST. LOT 50x100 FEET. PRICE $5500. EASY TERMS. PARRISH. WATKINS ft CO., 252 Stark St. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. $3990 If you want a bargain, here it is. Attractive, almost new five room bungalow, below the hill. All st. impta. In and paid. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, all the built-ins, 2 nice bedrooms. Wonder of a Dutch kitchen. R. SOMERVILLE, Main 3761. FOR SALE 8-room house, now vacant, walking distance. 50x100; garage, fire place, furnace, full cement basement, paved St., large attic, near high school, place for large family or rooming house; must sell quick; price $5500, easy terms. long time. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences of any building, assist la financing same; 12 yrs.' continuous and complete bldg service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L-. B. Bailey, coa tracting architect. 924 N. W. Bank. SANITARIUM. Modern 8-room house with 2 beau tifuiiy wooded acres in city, on car line; a restful, seciuded spot, wonder fully adapted for real boms or sani tarium. Attractive pVice it taken at once. Owner. Auto. 6:11-44. OWNER says cut price $.100 and sell 7-room 2-story house in Al condition, 2 blocks from car. Handy to Laurel hurst park.. Snap at tlAO. Must have cash. Hurry, see me today. John Calderwood, 1336 Hawthorne ave. Tabor SWU3. vr a. WTT-f ORKfi: RI'XGALOW. ?s e w 5-room modern; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, large attic : will accept small car and soms cash, first pavment, or will trade for Oswego property. Macphereon. Bdwy. 67S5. IRVINGTON bungalow, 4 rooms, break fast room snd bath, hardwood floors, full basement, furnace, garage; street assessments all in and paid for; $42a0, eih or terms; no agents, for sals by owner. Call 80 Schuyler e. . IRVINGTON- 650O; $500 cash, corner bungalow. 5 rooma, hardwood floors. fi rep ace, furnace, floored attic, solid concrete garage. East 0410, IPVINGTON So 5.12 E. lth N., near Knott. 1 lovely rooms and servant's - room. Beautitul iot and garage. FOR SALHJ FROM OWNER. 4 -room houss, come lot. on block e ear. t.v.: tsrin. auio, ' 3Te"a U T i F L" L .Portland Heights residence, unobftructed view of Hy, $20,0M. X o'y go. Morgan Mag, &qo NEW 3-room plastord fcousa, 1350 caah, balance 5 per piontJi, 112 E. NEW 6-room, all modern, near in, closr t to 'schools and ear lines. Terms, 705 Keoney av. "" cavb commi-sino, buy from owner, new fi-reora bungalow wiUl B&si 55UO; , terms, WtuiiUL 4713. HOUR KUKKKUS. A'iIBSTll.V ! If you are iu the market for a home in the city, it will pay you to call W. F. MAHONKV, Broadway Soi)6. as I hav. at the present tune some of the best uys 1 ha ever had at any time. I have woooerful buy in LAUKSLHfKST. 'i"' KOSE CITY. PUKl'LAND Hb.HjHIS and ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. a.so WESTOVKK. Let me know what ou want and I am sure I can plea., you. Before 1 list a place it must be won.fi W F. MAHONEY REALTOR WITH CORCOKAN-JONtS "EALILCo" 1175 Oak St. 1MV- P8- ALBERTA. 3i.""l. New. six-room bungalow, hardwood floors, concrete basement, ftoxiou lot and you can handle this with only iiUO cash, balance to suit you. IRVINGTON. Five-room bungalow. ,,''ar,'wJ0; floors, fireplace, lurnace. all fini.heu in ivory. SOxluO lot. located on l.tn st This is just like new and a real buy at th,s money; 1U00 cash wUi hCOKCORAN-JONE3 REALTY CO, J73 Oak St. Bdwy. '). SANDY BLVD. BARGAIN SIX ROOMS AND PL-VINtJ 1'OKcH. RIGHT ON THE HIGHWAl. lotlio. Some one with an eye to value win buy this quickly. Al most any reasonable term, can be arranged. Modern In every way. Reaiiy an unusual lus A. O. Teepe Co.. 40th and Sandy. Tabor t6&o or Taoor OI fice opea Aundsy. IRVINGTON. 3-ttktO. New B-room bungalow. fireplace, cement basement, furnac. sll tha latest bullt-lns. finished in Ivory, , Box 100 lot, located in the best part . of Irvington. one of the nicest llttie Pia'ef you ever say; 1000 cash wi.1 bCORCORAN--JONE3. REALTY CO 7.1 aE tot. . ... - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern six room bungalow, it ha. two large .ry bedrooms, living room across the front of the house, a large dining room. Urge kitchen with breakfast room a arg. basement with a pipele lurnace. th. living and dining rooms have th. arched ceiling with Indirect ItsMing; hardwood floors; price .,000, trnia Any reasonable offer accepted, rnons East 4617. . LAURELHURST. swioU. 7-room house and garage at 11M Esst Couch St., near Last 3th and two blocks from Park; house is doub.e constructed and h hardwood fioor.. plate glass windows, sleeping pore 11. sewing room snd full cement base ment. See this house befure you buy. 1 10R East Couch St.- BARGAIN. J1S25 for a modern 4-room bungalow, with garage A 1 I built-in kitchen conveniences. Easy terms. Automatic el-K-; 6587 4th st. a near.esm ave. owner. i CLOSE TO SANDY BLVD. 4850 for this new. extra welt built 5-room bungalow, large, long living room. Just the siae every one likes; hdwd. floors, flreplsce. Dutch kitchen. All the buill-lns. nook, 2 nice bedrooms. eiepm.ie elec. fixtures. Fine location, close in. Can arrange terms to suit. R SOMERV1LLK. Main $35 PER MO., Including 6 per cent in terest, $200 down. S4lK) for a new -room, modern horn, with full base ment Tour choic of M'xiSO or f.n acre of land with It. right on hard surface road; ail city convenlencea See Mr. Phillips, with J. L Hartman CO.. B uamntr vi v-mi.. n o v c" w Ti T T X 1 A LO W . $2ti00. 1500 cash, 30 monthly; living room has tapestry paper, oak floor and fireplace, two bedrooms, kitchen and batn, full plumbing; vacant, move right in- nnnsnv CO- 633 N. W. Bank Pldg. Main 377. NOB HILL, near 22d and Glisan, modern 8-room home, hardwood floors and stairway, large reception hail. ci-n parlor, dining romii. pass pantry ana kitchen on lower floor, iour bedrooms and bath on second, large sttir full basemen. 60x100 lot. owner. Auto. Sill -32. west sim-:. J1RO0. $300 cash. 30 monthly, in cluding interest: H block to Fulton car close to school, small bedroom. ' living room, kitchen and bath; prac tically new; flowers and fruit. JOH NPON-DODSON C O 33 N. W. Bank Hldg. Main 37S7. $6500 CHOICE Irvington home for sale, house built of excellent material; has S tine rooms, large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace. 2 firepiar, 2 toilets, garage, etc. Beautiful lot. 75x100 with ornamental shrubs, plonty roses, some fruit, fine yard, open any t ime: terms. Ownr, ft-'O Schuyifr st. BEAUTIFUL modern bungalhw in Rich mond district; & rooms, large sitic, hardwood floors, furnace and laundry tubs; nice lawn snd fine tosps; Just painted and in perfect condition. A real bargain for 4fmu. For appoint ment write is . urfBonmii !rK0FOR TODAY ONLY S3 1 .10. lVa-story modern 6-room home, full basement, firepisce. elope to srhool. car and library; J50 cash, 35 month ly, including interest at per cent. JOH X N - DO PSON CO .. fiaa x. W. pink rtlir- Main 377. Pr.RTI.4Xl. HEIGHTS SNAP. One of the mot substantial built 8 room houses in Portland, fine condition, lots wonderful view, hot-water heat, cement garage; close to school and club- $7n(Ml. terms. liROOKE. Mam 4341'. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS BEAUTY, rnniiil residence, almost new. lot 75x157 finely improved, double garage, very large living room, glassed-in aie'p inK porch with dressing room, gas fur nare; SU.50O. Main 4342. , .nil T ,W N 1.".00. The bent buv in Portland. $500 rah will handle, will consider the soldier iM 'i htx.rnnma. living and dining room, breakfast nook, fireplace, garage full basement. Walnu 140.. 8 ROOMS. Colonial, modern, hardwood floors, built-ina. fireplace, east front, full lot. 42d st.. near Sandy h.vd; worth HO0. sell for $5o0. Term. Ow n"r. H' ''z -iiTi.i. nv PAVED STREET $17O0. I ifa-arorv 7-rnoirt home. 1 block tr car 50x100 lot; $250 cash. $15 monthly. JU H N SO N - DO D SON CO .. fl3'3 N. W. Bank P.lde. Mam FOR SALE New 3-room house; ne.r been occupied: lot 60x100; near Arling ton school; 5204 Mth st. S. E. ; price 180O, terms; will take auto first payment. Tabor 423 ft. r-i ihr .IN $:450. 2-story. 7-room modern home; paved street. 1 dik. m cr, JOHNSON-DOlSON CO.. Raa V. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S uWNER will sell 6-room modern house. ,rnwhPl corner lot 100x120. in fruit . n, Krrie. sood buy for larxs 1am- liv close to school and one block to . i Kue in. . u f car, umuiic o'Q ROSE CITY PARK. Ara you looking for a house? Corns out ana vv Lti.o, .i. , .nit Kli f.' '.At h mt ST JOHNS bargain; s-ronm house, mod ern' all in ivory, for t3o)), irmn; blocks from new high school; price Only d'n'. jauur 'wj HOUSE PLANS, 10 designs, $1U to $15, or specially designed st re a so nab is Xe. L. R. BAILEY CO,, 524 X. W. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON Fine home on 23d near Knott; high class throughout; riihi hnmri for DwODle of mean. McDONKLL. E ast 0419. LEAVING city. Sell at half vame 8 room colonial bouse, cement basement, furnace, rTage. enclosed aiey.ng norch. Wainat H467: BY OWNER Nicely furnished bunga low 3 ro-rnji Efid bath, garage, paved street snd all other improvement term- 82 -Ba - 6inil t-'- NEW 5-RrtOlsVmodeTn bungalow, hard wood floor, furnace, etc., near Frank lin high, only $tiSflv terms. Owner. 6.ttt-a'.. 5-ROOM house on macadam street; mod ern eacept furnace;, paved street. 1 bik. to car; $400 handles. bL easy terms. .Owner, Bdwy. 414ft. 4-KOOM house. 1 '4 arf-a, small barn, fruit tres. in city; $2500, term. AN (trtS. Oregonian. TTwq 5-ROOM modern cottage, easy terms, lot HOxlQu, on ilat st. 8. SL owner, ft i. u",i'""" t ii25y 7 ROOMS, lot & Ox 100, 842 Fargo et. Terms. Best buy In Portland, After 6 P. M. eti premises. GOOD B-room bungalow on E. UWh st., U block to ar, .ftoo, $00 down, bL monthly. Bell nil Clinton. 71S E. FLANDERS 6T, $4850, new, modem ft-room tmnga Jow; aacrlfico for quick sale. fatn 37H1. NEW o-ROOM house and garags, K 4ftth N Walnut a5l9 ROSB CITY PARK 5-room bungalow. Call ft wner, main .-mm. r -. - JjUO O 4 rooms and bath, cellar, on paVCQ trPl. o - ra.m. m NEW 8-ROOM bungalow, Hawthorne dia- CLOSK JN 5-rtn. houaa, soiua XuroiUUro; $a0. Tabor jUiVtf. tAfRKI.HrRfT. A liKAU BUV. ROOMS N&VV AM CLASSY. $Im CASH W ILL HAN L1.B, $n5 V tire id y.tu find another like it In L ur.turt for the money, hp.fndiuiy ,mied and a bunnow of urn ut.uui charm &d of many iir modem features- It's ur nik its ppvl i'olon.a. trp. Cfinent pon i, large p.t -m inluit. -ilving ir.a cttucg rrn. mcrwi-s t he frn t. fmUiiod in r,"l ;d ivory. eKpenaive tp--Jry p pttr, an unusual. y ttr-tlv ft -d firep.c. luxurious Unh, tt rd. wlih iaient p.umhiHg Ths kit. n en is perfection lffe f. wtth Used drsin bofird Full .Nncre; dr.ve m ay with garage. AW ssts. paid. Buy thi todny tnp.t It. any way. A. Te-pe Co , LAI HKL WCRST TRA T OFFICV;. &'Mh and o.isan. TsUor iH'.Xi r Tir 5d. JSAMV BLVI. ma BUSINESS BLOCK. BARGAIN. Reduced from $55n, your erporta Plty to pick up a HOMK WITH AN INCOilE at a iittle mora than tit price of the iot. Propri' cor.t f THKFE large store. ijARAOK, mod ern KuUR-ROJkl spt. with two bed rooms, complete b;a, cabinet utcnn with breakfast r.ook. large living riMm w,th mafie ftrvpia-. oolNU T Ktl.L AT $4ir5U, wua ONLY $lOV caa down. DAVTT HARP. Ms.t.arf. It. T. STREETS JHsndy Wivd. nffte. 1150 Sandy bivd. st Syth. Ant. l:'0-'Hi. AN OLD HOME BARGAIN IN 8UNN YS.tK. Mr. Homelem tnn if you ar payi out your hard earned mnnmy for rent you are waiting your moy and you will realiss it some day. Her Is a chance to pui your rnt taor into a horns. Hers Is a very good fcabltli 6-room houe for 2a.0, only a first payment, balsncs d-iy $3 per month. No morn aires or Uses to turns. Houne Is vacant. You can move right in. Has taih. llKhts and aa Fins lot. Handy to Puni.jds rin, Glencos school and good itow, No trouble to show. Do not heitat to come right in and E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal BMg. Main ROPE CTTY PARK rooma ear ner lot. $.'5u. Owner moving from Portland and must ae... $1U4 c,h wtll hand'e. wlrB In every way. Including garaga. Near school and car . rnnks iO offer the owner wants qim'it ac tion. A. O. Teepe i "., 4uth and Sandy. Tabor H-".R(i, or Tsbor ii-i&i. Open Sunday. A LA MK D A N K W. If you want a rral hnm In tha bent part of Alameda surrounded by beautiful homes. Investigate thia Built ons year ago; has 4 bedrooma sun room, hardwood floors. firepia-e, wonderful kitchen snd breakfast nook. Gasr-o furnace. lnstantaneoua water heater, garag a Ow ar forced to aa .1 WltM. CMPDENHTOCK sV CO, Brtvry. 1'" 21fl trrn B dg. NEW BUNGALOW 9 OR 1 ACRES. $500 down: her Is amething ex ceptlonalls attracUve; oniy 40 minutes out ; fin ,1; wonderful vtw ; ner tfregon Citv (Wit Hde; hurgsow and garage; really worth $4MH,; prU-a (.''W with 3 acre, ..".0. ntf aras; hard wood floors, firepiaea, ceif.ent be. Tii'nt lutch kitchen AtwiT HH, FINE modem Irvington bungalow on E. IHth st.. very ext-lustva district: this bungalow ta vsrl ana strictly modern; sttrai tva pries and terms to re-nwi.-tt.il a jrty. For sppi!ntmnt phono Mi. Lucius. E. 4WJL $ii.s:.o. WALNT'T 'A RK HOME SACRIFICED. Buy from owner, sava commtton. This beautiful ne.w B-room bungalow reduced $" fr quirk sale. Owner needa money; reasonable down J -mnt. See it now, it won't last, low Mft 1 1 ory a ye. 1RV1NGTONS MOST BEAUTIFUL Hull K. Without douht the finest M(ilrw tton; would copt $aO.Ol lo dupltcaie; owner will sacrifice. $17.ft4H: complete in everv detail; tlif.lrMl crnr loca tion. Phone for appointment to NVtihauaea sV Co.. Alain HUTS. fct t;tst4 'pkvivktm.a PARK rUHTRirr. Modern bungalow. " rooms nd stt'e. firepl.j ; f uri:tM , booh;r-aM- bufr-t, hardwood floor throughout; 9')t $1IM)0 VHfh. bsiianre month!-. .it HNH tN-KEl.I V O. SOU Poa r.l of .Trsde- B Id g Bdwy A BARGAIN By owner. I?"); disroUn for rnnh ; 5-room hnuw in ') ,rit condition ; larire baihrnom. oW frlrity and gas; lot out. WO; six Iearins frutl tres and brrlen, c'ose to S' Hnol and nr. Some terms. Walnut I'tMiL 14H V.HPt ft'h st. Norfh. H il-I.ADA Y A OIMTION. Br owner, new coioniai, 7 rooms, center entranca hall, tile bathroom and drain; ivory finish. French doora. hard vood floors throughout; wired for fi-c. trie range. 27 Kssl t5th at. 74 Fa-t I5th St.. tor Wr. FOR SALE Fina iJHrrinurm nouae. strlr:ly modern, T rooms, lot lOOaltMj. dou ! garsge. fins (awn and ahruha, enr.nssd with ornamental fence; furn ished or unfurnlsh.d; owner learing cay. will sell at a bargain. Call Last 1 me. WOODTiAWN. 411 E. Morgan St. Practically new 4 -room bungalow . with attic, fireplace, cement basement, corner lot- I-ocsi-d cU to schools ani car. nly .t2.v $loO0 cash. CaU Walnut RH22. evenings BEAUtlFTL NEW. MOUEHN HL.MiA IAJ . High-Class Reidenra District T.ar roonm. beaut if uity finished, close in; buy thin, cava moner aid b S a t i f i e i J: t.V'OQ; rn y te rm A -S-1 7 HA WTHO KXK BUNGALOW it A H'"i A IS wi-h garage; on y 4.0. Sta room. sleeping pon h, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace. Terms. East 4th and Hawthorne avenue. Call at all Mohawk b:dg.. or ra'l Mam ''12, - ISHU N i:W 4 -room hu. large living room, newly paper. and psinted throughout; nw cesstpool and plumoing, lijKhta, gaa garage, iot 4Uxtl2; term $TO ch. $12 per month, lr cant . ti t. BU0 52d ave y r. Owner. NKARLY an acra ground, fru.t trea flow era new. modern boa, garaaa. poultry houaea. corn-r 55th St. in. Powe.L Owner. 5t. Powsll Val.a road. sT?rior hnurr) furn.shad. ' $.1 down, baianre jVa rent. 5th st. . Automatic 12-'2H Suhuraan Home. HO. VI K IN fcl liUKIia Why not .! where you can raise your own fruit, flowers and vegetables and give your children real p!a grounds ? That m ars out of the dust, dirt and dang-rs of tha city. If you answer "que-ison of rchools and keeping maids," then you haven't Investigated tha R.vrdae school and ct.ee kd ths 4th-t. red ar ervwe. W havs ona of ths fiet ochoo.s in Oregon and the red car would take you out as quickly as s citv ear takes you to Irvington or Isaurelhurst. Ws ar offering one aers for $35mj, r 2 S acres for l3Mf 'r. rihl At station, 2d minutes from vahtns ton by red car or by auto, Hhort, afe waik to arhooi, closa to river, good mountain view. gntls slops and good aoii. In a frame ut f.nest naOvo traoa Sea i& T. Va n N ce . LALD ESTATE CO., rtsrk St. SUBURBAN 6 rooms snd bath, ueariy , -ere te basetxent, iifhta and wmm. on if 5 b'o-ks to electric Itos. ronrri sid- walks, t big lots, aver -acra fruit, building suitable for varsve and fusi, a b'g barsa.n at I ' 'U cub. HALL AND WaHnSR, Aernt Bdg , Oswego, j'hone Ot tl FO R 1 A LB N e w 5- room bungs 'ow ; ail rooms largs with good light; f replc e, ' hardwood floor. bookcases, Iut a k 1 1 - a so, brea k fast ooo k. ia i ha e ment and attw; H-I acre good ground in attractive location srtd cl" i si a tSon Prfce and ter re.Bbi. jftPrum, owner. Main 52nS iSUN'i ALO -V iluHnjmafa l;:on, 2 bed rooms, full basement, furna. hard wood ifloora, flr-p ace. butlt-ina; prHai OVPi y F. H'-k'n, H 'I wy t rf jiobKRN 1 4-room house. beautiful grounds. 9 acr-s. I In orchard1; 9 ank out; Capital highway br. Iaiiaa, L. Bdwy. 704H. tJoMFOKTABLK 5-room horci and 2 irri; gas. water, phona, garage, chicks, turksya, cow. be.. gooU, 2i minutes rtde, Atwa'er O-tO, $47Mt RIVKR FRONT, bariga.ow home, large grounds, garage and al rnn vaoienctjs. between 'ort?and and Off pn. N P?l. Oreiro F' "-iil!j,B" Pmita nr. Jj-i 'It HA UK nntt -. acre b-r;f g fruit snd berra. hi ken house. ci y house and store ernhmed . g"d iftt.s buslnesa: water and gs C ,t i-unuay g aiLa ta aay A4aia taiiij, Very Wt so... a-i ttt u-nvC.a. 1 fet ttt !! It " . s hool and '-Utw tMn. a1 Imh this Aa lr oS A- M-Km CO- Artisaa -' teT.NN K ALls. a MLUmL .r trwet wtthia a m"'- !""' r ort .and. f(4 :., I tm4: 9o p-r a-rs n.Mi iio pr ra.lh. ief ,t Pv. . . iiaswli. W HaJ' -li-Jw r. I . m-r'-m I m.i fr-m irwM-in. J off htshwajr t n .1-f.. r v, ii , i en. r-n'm r - gmm aifM-lne , g iu . A-fm b " ba-n. rtowam l...tea, ui-a A bartiin tr kxikw.. k-U 4a . Iom i.mot.t , ., .... at K r'H ' a: S i t i Ar v . . n I I. 1 ' " " burn. I inro' t I lt Si 1 f ' fer ma, Inta tvdsf . A Mr ! j'lii. u 1 t'"Ti Cofc. A M M NX CX, A I ! l"i'S t-r;tn. St I $;5a ad i11- m t iw U. V.-VM far" 7- batl e $ .5 a n nib- lr lar 1 - L f,,r a j cH i K a--' f f ' n in -p mi.: ai 1r.r ema m attd pa. 4 tor aoi.-ra-.a-r t r t ;rcis fns t sU. A r iraH hm. tmr rr, r pwi Hug mr t-e platung. iK.S li.i-UANU. '' Ta' .a 1 . ' $W CAHU I IT A H MS. 1a arc at rnoia lious snd I'M. '"- re h oil; totai prlis ara T kN1 O , fm ef fnni WE IT K t-r niiTp of "" t ahia''. mhnminm 5"- ""n. 1-w I rs aad sar rm i.ffTd t" m'tr wt imih . r.i -kk n j wnicfi XX FR rlK i'-U atwl w i -4 aast of NM)Ti fioip farm. In ira-r' s t sa: aa ist cah; t ' issrfart. J Kau'TT-i.n. I!n-n " ' " ' n Ik TICS' ACliK,"CU LS TM'iMA ai.i.rs. tt ' J li 5aV' H r " r i m "n Hrr rad, l"t4n tor itw Vo?T Iock. WA Fne fia e Tl a". - Chehalta. X mile, frum H (l-fP in oh - vat'oi tixi a nn'-a in 1 n b-r. itw rip-d t- . ham 4 hf so. o!tr oo1bUd'r.p low nti r.yr for H nui. Mi tu Na' r.al l'rk Mil-' I " good s. ho.,1. p'U a $:. stork. iTp.rmanii and ra1 for Stna.l m.l.-T4 pimrm. mi a, r 2 n i - fr tn b-wa P '. rshn. or brd. et '" fc.ara. ia acres oared. W a. res tsw. s. ar.. e tin br. 1 n;.e fr.m Ntu.r.l hthi): prioa I jooo or l!!" . nail pare. Mwne, Howard Mom? Itm-h. V s-n l al! iroaday I i w. n T anri f p M - 7 m K KI HAN' IU K40 irra n Jfhs eowm a Pralfte Clt lo acr-. in -fa.Ia aed t.tru.'H. b. a-"" I.r pa ture. iir timber. ,rnaid t lsr rr -i tnd pr,r a ! d houses, ohr tviH , s. t rh.fi. th I f"o ) ' " m '"r 1 r-acrv at!b t p si tas rn the aat aad ' ' rt k - M head l D.ro.m ' . ' n s-hii r th .ii S 4h Va r r. canaT.iax kaii "m i.Tvi" .i ,i..t arrva Una r " Hv.t.r h- - wt lor.g snd err . fns ' t""' . iiruffiuu p.rtr 5", AUtta. Cn.. on 'rlm t y ' 1, retu' ed r r rl r 'lvt t rtK u.f- mvvlr ns1 n I t Ry C.. . , lts l r - 'ir t- '- I P Th'r? lon.ji ' ' ' " 2' ' : mu Rll.t - ftx or t-fnm. . r Iton s'i, (p l. r" tl mb , but tli;T'f mer lke, lje Ci.i nnn .rtsUtnt ul"f 17 , lUI ' or i'ii. ,14 - h 1H ' bmild ir... f.r c.lifor I1'"'"' 4..a,r. 1 a.i.i .1. ,. ... ;,, A, at; (Bi!i,. l.'-.f I - ' Mil s. r-. vr.l-r . ' "'- ' ' ' " Itir.. X r"l.HMi -I ' "-, " ' "r nuirn .si. m : " ' " and Is." I" a l'i'.l . Mi' lviMi r. M K. ..... H'r i"".. I'tniMi ". '' STTr i,.- u '" r" ,.!.. 24 n.lli fr"n. I ' r.n'h. I'l r" I" ixi. " ,, r-m i..H'rt I '" b.ln.- in in.. to-'. ,'"' -snvil.ins. IM.tff .-" , i i.-. rail (..u s tll't III .pr--. l B-r "ah-- y jT.Vr. ..f IJ'M H.'M A.h'-r. tJJ bd bills, pli"- '- . .. inniiiv. i.vi.k. w n..i i.. i . h" -Kb mo.irrn , ,i i i s ' ' .,,.. ... .'.i ' 1 P n't ' ' , iTna.!-. i" ' - T.." lA.'r-ul I - .. , :i.I.K M. '' ' "'; ml... ....ith of "r.. .r..l r4. li.r...n..ll iM ,ort land. i-n H ' ''" L- 7 . '" ir.it ha i. : Yamhill rounlr. IB. ' nr..... ai.....i ( ' ""' ;VeV Oscer, Hood PW-t. o-s- . iTlKKCT fjom I" ffc ar ' - Ka.anra dUffog W ysea. anas -ft p.v ..r'. d ,n sinn. h" ' n .,. . , ruii'lfl ; FHI'ir"" "AMP! HANi'Hl S) L A-...- h..t a.II. f-f.s. ail S . M, rirl.n l. rea '" ' - F5 room .sum. am Im - yl4 W Uth St.. Vaovaar. . 1'hOf! tJ ... ... . .. TK Ml.K or l-nl- s w arn -rom hou sw ' a ole. f!' ' Iw.ro. Or . 11 3 . , ll h A 1 " 1. ked sod e4U - 1 PoMtS t crop, mmv 1 i. desToption, rtte K. i- AcMf, -' mmh T- . - Hl l Imvfl rUsr. fn"l. 4 t"l ho.m, Mf; VV...m.a "f' road; lerma J K- Marp-, 4 w a nrn-f r t. rTTT. M IMI ri " " .nt I" '" !"- , :vm J.,Hrn - JW-lters. WrK.tMl 2,"r3j"I- , vTl rX"7 I'i'" .'.." s '" IW..I-J Iia.' Ir. '.. ' ' v. ' n. jnlr-l r.f.tT.. t..l .' " , , - Ta V Kl "r.b . ' ' ' ft.rnnrn roll..- ' bn ' lir.t fi-r; .r.. ! "-: .1. " r ''"' r . I Um !' " " . nVli"ci-nr-"t '" .. ' room '"-"' : ll..ihiri. ft . is -" ' ' ' I,". "-.. "i Mi.K., k .1, " " I.MAI.L, if.wf.' w A-.tr;. W. b.v. b-r I " " ,HH; t-i-mr.1 l.l ' h -h w iimt. t ... .. . 7"? r . i MeK.HAVk ' - ' ''' lnv.,( In l'r" .no lor .-., rr.r.rl from I'm.. to .l K ITT KB I.OWK . 1. ;in sniT n 1 o'Tt.-i- I- . vTaNTI.I Hi r... in my r... if.!i.n HtHif.H ' .AKT 1 l-TAIH. 14.". ?, ' r A .. i i,i: i"f.... ' i.i . " '"'"' b l... .ua u ! " " ' ' " , " 1 - '' ''"" .o., c.'.m t. on ' '' Mr l-liii ! -i'n J ' ." - " o' r oJ IT a i V; rsnrh c w. I Mli.rll, " R AM In wir . rT i"''i -t ' -.1! SiV. ! (it"! ' l sr. I IW ... ! ,, . J'.r '. r ' - J tv'f S ..7 I l. !''" or Uur.irM ' M" ' ' hnr.l ll ao4 r . . r,otiisn. . . .. ,. T"ciK "W. r.r. Ifl .o4 ... " raab. " a.la. TatT 7 1 !. - :...l M"oT s.h fir b ' '"'"- .- b!ur HI. I. Kim l.. if !. I.wf ri.ii gUAI.l. fin .. in. . t ..4. f ' vi . Ki ' '-' '" -1 ,.. r.all l -..,' .' "..'