Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 07, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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Action Requested on East
moreland Links.
Ladd Estate Company, Owners of
Property, Send Word of
Desire to Council.
Definite action by the city towards
acquisition of the Eastmoreland golf
links has been requested by the
Ladd Estate company, owners of the
prope-rty, according to a message
brought to the city council yester
day by C. P. Keyser, superintendent
of parks.
The city took over 150 acres
which comprises the links property
on July 5, 1916, on a five-year lease.
At that time the city agreed . to
develop the property as a municipal
golf links and the owners of the
property agreed to pay "the taxes.
Leone la Extended.
In 1917, due to war conditions, the
Tadd Estate company extended the
lease until July a, 1922. During this
time the city has expended about
$50,000 in the development of the
links, while the Ladd Estate com
pany has paid in approximately
$23,000 in taxes. With the city's
lease expired, the property owners
have asked the city to pay the 1921
taxes due amounting to $4500, and
also asked the city to enter into
seme agreement for the purchase of
the property.
Sum Set Aside.
As the means of acquiring this
property, the city council placed
two-tenths of one mill of the spe
cial four-tenths of one mill tax levy
in the budget, which would raise, if
allowed by the tax -commission, a
total of $59,000, which would be
applied on the purchase price.
The municipal links has been
piaceu on a self-supporting basis eo
far as operation is concerned, and
a total of $10,000 borrowed from, the
general fund will be paid out of
receipts during the next few years,
in addition to the payment of all
cpera.ting expenses, according to
Superintendent Keyser.
Attendance at the munic'pal links, ,
according to Superintendent Keyser
has proved that municipal golf
popular with thousands of persons
in the city.
City Without Money.
"Most cities have from two to four
municipal courses," he said, "and
Portland could not afford to lose
the Eastmoreland links. Our records
ihow that golf is giving more re
creation to greater numbers for less
cost than any other playground or
park activity.'
While the city has no money with
which to pay the taxes now due on
the property, there is hope that the
$59,000 placed in the budget will be
aliowed and with this money as a
beginning, a contract can be made
tor the purchase. The L,add Estate
company has offered to sell the
property for $160,000, which is the
assessed valuation plus bonded in
debtedness. . . .
Opening Football Game Xost by
Academy, 39 to 3.
Hill Military academy lost its
opening football game to the St.
Helens high school, 39 to 3, yester
day afternoon on Multnomali field.
Kill was outplayed at the start and
the visitors had no trouble mak
ing long gains through its inex
perienced line.
Joe Crane of Hill scored his
team's only points with a place-kick i
from the 20-yard line in the third j
quarter. Crane was the only regu
lar of the 1921 team in yesterday's
lineup. Nelson, Hill's fullback, was
injured before the game in prac
tice and did not play. Bergen Bell
bille, St. Helens' quarter, was the
star of the game. Bellbille made
five of the six touchdowns his team
scored. The St. Helens players were
the guests of the Hill Military
academy at a dinner last night.
Tulsa Defeats Mobile.
MOBILE. Oct. g. Tulsa defeated
Mobile today after 11 innings of
play, making the series of play be
tween the Western league and Dixie
champions 3 to 1 in favor of the
Oilers. Manager Lelilevelt's home
run with Davis on second decided
the contest.
Huntington Will Start Byler at
Center; Dick Reed Out ot
Game AA'lth Bad Shoulder.
srene, Oct. 6. (Special.) Oregon
will swing into action this after
noon against Willamette university
on Hayward field.
Shy Huntington, head coach, will
start Byler at center, Dick Reed
having an injured shoulder. Par
sons and Floyd Shields will open at
guards, McKeown and Von der Ahe
as tackles. Spear and Rud Brown
as ends. Cogs Campbell probably
-will work part of the time at tackle
and McCraw may get in for a while
at guard. George Bliss will play
end part of the game and several
other linemen stand a chance of
breaking in.
In . the backfield the opening
whistle will find Hunk. Latham at
fullback and Hal Chapman at quar
ter while between the first string
halves Jordan, Gram, King and
Johnson, there is uncertainty as to
which will start. They will all ap
pear some time in the game. Ken
Burton, Art Sutton and Tergenson,
sub backs, also are billed to get a
chance to carry the ball.
Prink Callison, whose injured leg
lias kept him out at center, was in
a suit last night for a short time
and ran a few signals, although the
coaches did not let him work very
long. Callison showed little stiff
ness and may- he able to play
sgainst Multnomah next week.
The strength of Willamette uni
versity is problematical. Last year
nt Salem Willamette held Oregon to
a 7-to-3 score.
Graduate Manager Benefiel - an
nounces that reduced fares will be
in effect on the railroads, the round
trip to Eugene being sold for a fare
ana a third.
Elevens Will Play While Meeting Is Going On in Portland to Decide
What to Do With Stanford.
HILE representatives of the
Pacific Coast intercollegiate
conference are meetins in
Portland today to decide what to do
with Stanford the football elevens
o seven of the eight conference uni
versities will be swinging into ac
tion in early-season preliminary
The game lineup will be like this:
Oren-on vs. "Willamette university at
OregoQ Aggies vs. Chemawa Indians at
Washington vs. Montana at Seattle.
Idaho vs. Whitman at Walla Walla.
Scanford va. Olympic club at Palo Alto.
California vs. Mare Island marines, at
Southern California vs. romona at
In these seven games there are
only two possible chances for up
sets. What Stanford can do against
the husky Olympic club eleven is a
Question. And Whitmans might upset
Idaho's hopes as she did last season.
All the other games on dope should
be mere practice canters for the con
ference elevens involved.
The Olympic club will give Stan
ford one tough fight, that a sure.
The Olympics this season have one
of the best teams in their history.
They have played and won three
games so far by overwhelming
ecores. Stanford hasn't had even
practice game. This clash will be
watched with particular interest as
Stanford s first start under her new
coaches. Andy Kerr and Tiny Thorn
hill, both exponents of the Glenn
Warner system.
Idaho, in playing Whitman, will
be opening one of the toughest sea
son s conference eleven ever had,
Of Idaho's eight games this year,
every one will be played away from
Washington State will be the only
conference eleven to remain idle to
day. The Cougars originally had
game scheduled against the Ninth
army corps eleven, but the Ninth
army corps has no football team this
year. To make- up for that a var
sity-alumni game was arranged, but
the other day Coach Gus Welch, the
Indian, called it off and decided
merely to have varsity-second team
scrimmages. The foxy Welch isn't
risking injuries to his players in"
real game until they are hardened.
This conference meeting in Port
land today is a poser. It has been
called presumably to discipline Stan
ford, perhaps vote her out of the
conference, if she declines t cancel
the post-season game recently
scheduled for December 30 in the
Stanford stadium against the Uni
versity of Pittsburg. The confer
ence charges Stanford with having
scheduled this gamp in violation of
a conference rule that there shall
be only one post-season football
game in the. week ending with New
Year's day, that the conference shall
itself select both the conference
eleven and. its opponent for such
game, as well as the place where it
is playel, and that the game, be
sides, shall be played under super
vision of the conference.
The conference will demand that
Stanford cancel the Pittsburg game,
but Stanford already has indicated
that she will do nothing of the kind,
even if refusal means forfeiting her
membership in the conference. So
unless the conference backs down or
Stanford reconsiders, there are
breakers ahead.
It is not even assured that Stan
ford will be represented at the con
ference meeting today. That would
be tantamount to telling the confer
ence to jump in the lake, for the
seven other universities in answer
ing the call for a meeting gave
assurance that representatives
would attend.
Suppose Stanford Is not repre
sented and continues to decline to
cancel the December 30 game, what
then? Well, the conference will have
to thrash that out today. From all
indications the job will be a hard
one. It is even quite possible that
the upshot will be a split in the con
ference, with the north and south
Board of Commerce Event Also
Is AVon in Sensational Time
AVith Margaret Dillon.
LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. 6. The
May Day staKe, worth $12,250, said
to be ' the most valuable race for
2-year-old trotters ever contested,
was won in sensational style today
by Thojnas . Taggaret's The Sen
ator, setting a new world's record
for a third heat by 2-year-olds.
The board of commerce event for
free-for-all pacers also was won In
sensational time, the two miles in
1:5914 and 1:59 respectively, making
the fastest two heats by a pacing
The May Day proved almost as big
an upset as the Transylvania race
Thursday, as the futurity winner.
Jane Revere, was expected to win
easily. She captured the first heat
in 2:0714. but The Senator was best
in the next two, winning 2:05 and
2:07. The Senator was driven by
Lon McDonald.
The board of commerce stake
proved interesting as it brought
together one of the fastest fields of1
S '
fx X
V " V- r
Top row, left to rlrtt Baekrsmd, tarklei Peatilla, keif buck; Petrrnon. end) Trnnnm, end; Anderson, tackle;
Xordstrom, srnftrd 1 L. Olson, snnrslt Brewer Billle, eoaekr CoHOTiehm, taeklet Dr. F. H. Yineil, club pky
Niaian; Merllln, end; Wilon. srnardt A. Olson, quarterback; Gorman, halfbaek. Bottom row, left to riRht
Ililey. balfbat-k; Jusslla. sraard; Duncan, sruarat Planting, centers Carlnon, tackle; G. Olson, end; Trotter,
end; Gnstafaoa. guard! laal, end; AV. AVillikson, quarterback; T. AVillikson, quarterback; trell, captain
and tailback; Bay, center, . -
agreeing to go their separate ways
and form a new Northwest confer
ence and a new California confer
Today's conference meeting will
be held at the Imperial hotel, start
ing at 10 o'clock. Dr. U. G. uu
back of Oregon Agricultural col
lege. Is president of the conference
and Professor Leslie Ayer of the
University of Washington, is its sec
retary. It goes without Baying that
the meeting this morning, and quite
probably another one this afternoon,
will be held behind closed doors.
All over the country the football
season is beginning to get under
way, though none of the big games
will be played for another week or
so. Nine of the ten members oi
the "Big Tan" will play preliminary
games today, only th university
of Illinois remaining idle. The ni&nH
games will be as follows:
Ohio State
versus Otterbein,
ar Co-
lumbus. ,
Iowa versus Knox college, at Iowa City.
Wisconsin versus Carlton, at Madison.
Michigan versus Case, at Ann Arbor.
Minnesota versus "North. Dakota, e.t
Indiana, versus DePauw, at Blooming
ton. Northwestern versus Beloit, at Evans
ton. Chicago versus Georgia, at Chicago.
Perdue versus James Milliken, at La
fayette. Other football games to be played
by the leading collegiate elevens to
day are as follows:
Tale versus North Carolina, at New
Harvard versus Holy Cross, at Cam
bridge -
Princeton versus Johns Hopkins, at
Princeton. v
Penn State versus William ana Mary,
at State college.
Cornell versus St. Bonaventure. at
Notre Dame versus St. Louis.' at Notre
Army versus both Lebanon valley and
Springfield, at West Point.
Among the Coast leaguers likely
to be with a major league team
next year, one who assuredly de
serves the honor, is Paul Strand.
This tall outfielder on the Salt Lake
team is a major league player. He
is another Reb Russell and what
Russell did for Pittsburg Is history.
Like Russell, Strand began as a
pitcher, worked his way to the
majors, shone for a brief day and
flickered out with a bad arm. Strand
was with the Boston Nationals for
four years and while he was not so
sensational a hurler as Russell in
his hey-day, still was good enough
to stick four seasons. Like Russell
he retired to the' minors and be
came an outfielder. Again like Rus
sell he set out to make himself a
hitter and still bearing out the an-
ology became a great one.
Paul Strand is a really great
hitter. Don't be deceived by the
fact that he is in a temporary slump
just now. A player who in 1,65 games,
the number Strand had played in up
to last Sunday, can be hitting .390, is
entitled to a slump. Among his hits
have been 27 home runs, ut his
homers, moat of them made in the
Salt Lake park, are not nearly so
impressive as the fact that he has
made 273 hits to date, and that 48
have been doubles and 11 triples.
Short fences don't make doubles and
triples a player has to manufacture
them by real slugging.
There is an impression around this
league that- Strand has no chance to
go to the majors because of his age.
But Strand is not the old-timer he is
popularly supposed to be. He i
iust 27 years old. He ranks as an
old. old-timer because he began play
ing bal1 as a pitcher for Spokane in
the old Northwestern league wnen
he was only 16. rie wasin nis sec
ond year in high school at the time,
The boy was worked to death be
fore he got his growth, which prob
ably is the reason his arm went back
on him while he was still a young
fellow. But there is nothing the
matter with that arm for outfield
horses that ever raced. The fact
that Mr. Geers was to drive and
had as his mount Sanardo, with
which he had been winning all sea
son, also added interest. However,
Margaret Dillon, that also has been
racing in sensational form, was
rather a handy winner. Sanardo
raced her all the way in the open
ing heat; in the second he had the
pole and led all the way into the
stretch, where Margaret passed him.
The pace went to the favorite,
Peter Daphne, after Wrack, driven
by McMahon, had won the opening
heat in 2:03 14. After the first heat
the son of Peter Donna was clearly
Let Fly from the Good Time
stable won the second division of
the 2:13 trot after the first had
gone to Todd Hart.
Olson Tosses Singh.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. S. (Special.)
Charles Olson played a waiting
game in a wrestling bout at the
armory here-last night with Basanta
Singh, Hindu athlete, and won the
match after losing the first fall.
Singh was the faster and cleverer
but lacked the strength to over
come the 10 pounds difference in
Cuds and AAliite Sox Rest.
CHICAGO, Oct. 6. With city
series matters even between them,
the Cubs and White Sox vested today
before resuming hostilities in the
Comisky yard on the south side to
morrow. 1
: y""v..i wis-.-. ?::. .-.i' ...i . s
ram today
Winged M and Astoria Elev
ens to Battle.
With Many Stars Out, Coach Falk
Is Elated at Prospects ot
Team Winning Fray.
The 1922 football season opens
on Multnomah field this afternoon
with a game between the Multno
mah club eleven and Astoria.
Multnomah has high hopes for
the club team this season. With
many stars out for the team, Coach
Ted Faulk is enthusiastic over the
possibilities. Faulk has so many
good players in harness that he
hasn't made up his mind yet as to
which eleven men to start. He will
give most of his Bsiuad a chance to
day some time aunng ine gam.
Faulk will select the opening
backfield from Mike Moran .and
Paul Workman, fullbacks; Sam
Briggs and Everett Brandenberg,
right halfbacks; Bill Rinehart and
Francis Jacobberger, quarterbacks;
Bill Steers, Clipper Smith and Vin
cent Jacobberger, left halfbacks.
Moras Coosar Star. -
Mike Moran is the smashing full
back who starrflli for Washington
State college and the Mare Island
marines in a five-year stretch.
Moran has been playing great foot
ball in practice, but even so is get
ting a run from Paul Workman.
The latter attended Lincoln high
school four years and never went
out for the team., His first real
try at the game wis made while at
tending Reed college. As jnter-
class football was in vogue then
he had little oportunity to show
much. Workman turned out for
football at the club last year and
made good from the start. He hits
the line like a ton of brick and
looks as good as the ex-college
A pretty battle is on between Bill
Steers and Clipper Smith for left
half. Steers has been going like
a wild man, but Smith is also a
terror. It will be hard to keep
either of them from starting the
game. As Everett Brandenberg is
bothered with a bad shoulder it is
likely that Sam Briggs will go into
right half. Bill Rinehart, quarter
at Oregon last year, and Francis
Jacobberger, another former Ore
gon man, are candidates for quarter,
though Steers may be used there
Astoria Id Formidable.
On the line - aulk has Bob Pe
louze and Alex Donaldson, right
ends; Charle;- Rose and Don Mor
rison, left ends; B. Hale and Wei
heimer, left tackles; Frank Busch
and Keyes, right tackles; Brick
Leslie and Bob Stewart, centers;
Holmes and Harter right guards;
and Scotty Strachan and Gilbert,
left guards. He has half a dozen
more rugged linemen to fall back on.
This will be Frank Busch's first
game of football here in Your years.
He starred for Lincoln high in 1912,
1913 and 1914. Later he attended
Whitman college and captained the
team. From Whitman Busch went
to Stevens Tech in the east and cap
tained that squad. He is one of
the best tackles developed here in
recent years.
Astoria presents a formidable
lineup of husky players, who are
confident they can give a real ac
count of themselves this afternoon
Popular prices will be in vogue for
today s opener.
Magic Putting Iron of Walter Is
Two Holes More Powerful
Than Wizardry of Gene.
PITTSBURG. Oct. S. (By the
Associated Press.) The magic in
the putting Iron of Walter Hagen
was two holes more powerful than
the golf wizardry Of Eugene Sara
zen the boy monarch of American
The first half of their 72-hole spe
cial match was witnessed by the
greatest crowd that ever trod the
course at Oakmont and the two
champions will start the final 36
holes tomorrow on the Westchester
Biltmore course at Rye, N. Y.f. with
Hagen 2 up.
This worlds series between Ha
gen, holder of the .British open
championship, and the 21-year-old
Pittsburg professional who is na
tional open and professional cham
pion, was responsible for scenes
never before witnessed on the Oak
mont course. Sarazen fought an up
hill battle all day, chiefly because
his putting was erratic, but the
great gallery cheered -him until the
36th hole was played. Now and
then some of the partisan spectators
forgot golf etiquet and roared with
- FT . k
delight when Hagen's ball found a
Par for the course Is 74. Gene
and Walter shot the 36 holes in 150
each. Both champions have beaten
par at Oakmont many times, but it
Is doubtful whether the gallery
would have been thrilled more fre
quently if the medal scores had
been lower.
Sarazen surprised many of ' his
supporters by driving as effectively
as Hagen. Gens often took spec
tacular chances to get on the green
but when he and Walter had to set
tle the issue with their putters the
British open champion invariably
had the edge. On five occasions
Sarazen missed putts of less than
five feet. On four occasions Hagen
sank taps of 20 feet or better, and
he did not miss a short putt all day.
The winner of the 72-hole strug
gle will get 55 per cent of the $3000
purse donated by the two clubs,
and the loser will get the balance.
The original agreement for a 60-43
SDlit was modified today.
Californian Opens Cut Over Op
ponent's Eya and Both Bat
tlers Covered With Gore.
NEW TORK, Oct. . Floyd John
son of California advanced a notch
in the heavyweight division tonight
by winning a technical knockout
the tenth round over Bob Martin,
heavyweight champion of the Amer
ican expeditionary forces.
Martin's seconds threw a towel
into the ring, 31 seconds after the
10th round started. Martin opened
the session by rushing to meet John
son, as he sprang from his chair.
But Martin missed, his only chance
had gone, and he was absorbing
heavy punishment when the sur
render was made.
Johnson jumped into the lead in
the first round, had his opponent
dazed by the end of the third and
was in undisputed command after
the fifth round. Being a novice.
Johnson became excited when he
saw Martin's condition and in his
anxiety to land a knockout was nn
able to place a decisive blow
through Martin's lowered guard.
The Californian showed tremen
dous hitting power and a clever left
hand, but he was slow.
At the end of the third round
Johnson had established a command
ing lead by clever use of his power
ful left. The first was a series of
lively exchanges favoring the Cali
fornian. In the second Johnson
rocked Martin with a left and then
took a hard right to the Jaw. Blood
was flowing from a cut over Mar
tin's left eye and from bis mouth
in the third.
Martin made up lost ground by
launching an attack In the fourth,
sending Johnson to the ropes. The
Californian came back furiously
and in the fifth landed telling blows
at will.
Martin was groggy and on the
verge of a knockout throughout
the sixth, but Johnson could not
place the. decisive blow. Both men
were covered with gore from Mar
tin's injuries.
Martin was dazed and reeling in
the seventh, but Johnson, who was
tiring, was becoming wilder. The
Californian pummeled Martin with
both hands, but his blows lacked
With a chance blow Martin stag
gered Johnson in the eighth, but
then took a terrific lacing. Mar-.
tin was helpless in the ninth and
Johnson landed at will, but couRt
not put over a knockout.
Martin rushed to meet Johnson In
the. latter's corner as the 10th
opened. He missed and made a half
turn, falling back into the ropes.
Johnson pounced on his helpless op
ponent and rained a shower of hooks
to the jaw and ribs. Martin simply
stood and took the punishment until
his seconds tossed a towel into the
ring, ending the fight.
Ellison Romps Home A'icior In
.Derby, Afternoon Feature.
GOLDENDALE, Wash., Oct. .
(Special ) The weather was clear
and the track fast for the second day
of the aces at the Klickitat county
fair. Ellison romped home in the
Klickitat derby but had to run all
ther way as he was closely crowded
by Hugo K. Asher, black racing
stallion owned by I. N. Wamack of
Ritzville, Wash. Bernice E., owned
by J. B. Clark of Goldendale, a stake
winner at Brig house and Hastings
Park during the recent summer
meeting ran third. The track record
was lowered in the derby race.
A thriller for the crowd was
close finish in the two-mile relay.
Joe McCoy, 13-year-old Indian
Jockey, was badly hurt in the first
Indian race when his horse stumbled
and fell with him in a scramble for
the quarter pole.
Four and a half furlonss. Indian Won
t-y Shortcut, AH Alone second. Jay Bus
sing; third. Time. :58.
Four and a half furlongs, free-for-all
Won by Olds Eight, Capilona second,
Irish Maid third. Time, :59.
Half-mile dash, Indian Woo by Hop
Picker, Old Crow second, Mollie A. third.
Time, :5Si,,.
Klickitat derby, 1 mfirs. nurse S500
Won by Jellison, 14, Baker; Huso K.
Asher, 114, Turk, second; Bernice E.,
110, Cantrell. -third. Time. 2:00. Time
at mile in aeroy, i:4.
Half mile dash, Indian Won by Ed
win. Lady Najor second,. Jay West third.
Time, :o.
Three-fourths mile dssh, free-for-all
Won by Skayman. Crome second. Bro-
laeKi miru. lime, i:i.
Relay race Won by Connie Teackel
strinff rider Cahill: second. Captain K.
D. - -ViB string, rider Osborne: Prank
IMemeia string -third, rider Johnnie Mc
Battlers Fuss and Fiddle Six
Rounds to Draw.
OLTMPIA, Wash.. Oct. 6. (Spe
cial.) Frankle Britt of Tacoma and
Tommy liordon of Portland fiddled
and fussed through six rounds to
draw in the main event of the
Elks-Legion smoker last nltrht.
Neither boxer made any effort to
win, according- to the way the fans
saw it. Both proved remarkable foot
The real main event was a spe
cial six-round affair between Young
O'Dowd of Aberdeen and George
Wells Of San Francisco. Wells sub
stituted for Bud Fitzgerald of Se
attle, who was ruled out by the
boxing commission- because he was
no physical condition to fight.
Wells went into the ring after do
ing a hard day's work and put up
a battle that entitled him to a draw.
but Referee Frank Farmer' didn't
see it that way and gave the de
cision to the Aberdeen boy.
Astoria to Play Tillamook. -ASTORIA,
Or.. Oct . (Special.)
The Astoria high school football
eleven left today for Tillamook,
where It will play the high school
team of that city. This will be the
first game of the season' lor the
local aseregatian. i
J 1 The Duck Season
! 'v' ' is now open
' fT Pheasant Season
f T ritT ' opens a week from Sunday 1
1 t IE
Every Burke club is scientifically right. Burke shafts are seasoned for two
years before being made into clubs. Burke "monel-meUl" heads on iron clubs
are guaranteed rustproof. Burke clubs are used and indorsed by leading golfers
all over the world.
We have the different styles and weights of Burke clubs.
Burke Golf Outfit $11.75
Outfit consists of 4 Burke "Columbia" got clubs driver or brassie, midiron, maihia an! put
ter and a good golf bag, all for $11.75.
Standard Golf Balls
Burke SO, Reach, Eagle, U. S. Royal, Colo
nel 27 and 29 all the best known lines of
golf balls may be chosen
Two Days to Be Devoted to Quali
fying; AV. C. Bristol Trophy
Prize in Competition.
The start of the- final and most
important golf tournament on the
Portland Golf club schedule is let
for today, when the members will
gather for the first day's qualify
ing play in the club championship.
Two days will be given to qualify
ing so that those who do not get
out today will have a chance to
qualify tomorrow. ,
. The 1922 leg on the W. C. Bristol
trVphy is the stake. This trophy,
which must be won five times be
fnr. it hnromes the permanent pos-
noeninn of anv nlayer. has been in-
competition since 1914.
Rudolph Wilhelm is the only
player holding more than one leg.
He has won it four straight times
1916, 1917, 1918 and 1919.
Jack Straight won the first leg
in 1914. George McGill came
through in 1915. Then followed
fmt consecutive victories for Wil
helm, after which the trophy passed
to Ercel Kay in 1920. Clare Gns-
wold won last year.
Community Service to Be Host;
Cnps to Be Presented.
Under the auspices of the Port
land Community Service, managers
and players of the 1 inauatriai
teams who were in the Sunrise and
Sunset leagues will meet in the
Chamber of Commerce green room
Monday night. Representatives of
all industries who may be interested
in fall and winter athletics have
been asked to attend.
Cups will be presented to teams
of the Portland Gas Coke company
and the Pacific Fruit company,
winners, respectively, in the Sunrise
and Sunset leagues. Tne com-
nn n v nlavers will also receive a pen
nant, emblematic of the industrial
championship of the city.
Secretary Henderson will have
several entertainers at the meeting
and plans will be formulated for
Portland Industrial Recreation as
sociation. Further particulars may
be obtained by calling the Portland
Community Service office at 437
Northwestern. Bank building.
Schedule of Six Games Prorided,
Most on Home Field.
cow, Oct. . (Special.) Idaho's
light but speedy freshman eleven
has been provided with a schedule of
si e-ames. most of them on the
home field. The freshman team is
considered- one of the best in many
Beasons. Its scheauie louowi;
October 7 Gonxags, high school at
October 14 Cheney xsormai at
October Zl open.
October 27 Ellenaburg- Normal at
November 4 Montana freshmen at
November 11 Washington State
college freshmen at Pullman.
Albany High Ready for Fray.
ALBANY. Or, Oct. . (Special.)
Albany high school football war
riors are all set for the opening
game of the; season with Sclo high
school here on Central field tomor
row afternoon. Local fans are
watching the results of this contest
closely, as it will give an Indication
as to what caliber the Albany eleven
will be this year. Coach Brumbaugh
has made several shifts in his lineup.
Tiny Herman Signed.
BAKER. Or, Oct. . (Special.)
Boxing Promoter Burk Thursday an
nounced he had signed Tiny Her
man, Astoria heavyweight, who won
over Willie Keeler In Portland, last
night, and Jack McCarty of bait
Lake for a 10-round main event
bout In Baker next Tuesday night.
Herman knocked McCarty out In
Boise last week, but McCarty claims j
lie was Jul a-lortuigtil selors the'
Pheasant Season
opens a week from Sunday
Everything Points to
A1 Banner. lYear,
The lakes are full of ducks. Chinese pheasants
are plentiful sret ready for the optninj of the
season, October 15th.
We Have the Necessities
Remington, Winchester and Mariin puns. Ak to )
the new Remington game loads a!rr proof, won't
well and won't stick in your g-un. Rubber tools. In k
erg. Duxbac clothinp;. leather et. la a word, ,
everythinS of the best, at lowest price.
"Burke" Golf Goods
Buhrke Golf Bags
the kind with the aluminum bottom-
are here ia various styles and sizes.
" Melrr & Frsnk'a: Sportlnj Goods Stor. Bixlh rioor,
a The Quality Stori arrf
ao of Portland. Obcoom IktA
bout and la anxious to meet Her
man again. Others on the card are
Battling I.ubbes, linker middle,
weight, and lnny U'Uei. of i:iah.
and Abe Tunney and Jack Woodfin.
both of Baker.
Cincinnati Magnate AIo Greets
Stoneliam With Parisian Hello
(Pr Chlrsso Trfnune Wlr- )
NKW YORK. ort. While Man
ager McGraw was brinsf interviewed
after the game, Gary llerrniar,n,
president of the Cincinnati cluti,
entered the already cramped office
hurriedly and planted a kiss flush
on the full cherk of the Giant pilot
McGraw immediately blushed to the
roots of his graying ffuir. Herrmann,
then espying president Stoneham in
a corner, rushed to the aide of the
Giant magnate and with a "that
goes for you. too," greeted Stonc-
ham with a "Parisian hello.
Judge K. M. 1-anrtls. who was
seated at McOraw's desk during th
period of osculation, jumped to his
feet at this stage of the proceeding
with the remark that there seemed
to be an unusually strong feeling
of affection between the parties In
volved. Hut Herrmann was through
kissing for the day and beat a hasty
St. Martins to Meet Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Oct. . (Pper
cial.) St. Martin's college and Ab
erdeen high school will meet here
tomorrow at football. The game
was arranged only yesterday, after
Coach Herreid had tried vainly for
more than a week to match bis team
against some school eleven of this
section. St. Martins lost to Chehalis
last Saturday by a s to 0 score, the
educated toe of Tesreau booting the
winning kick. Coach Herreid ex
pects to have a hard game here. The
Olympia and Aberdeen high school
second teams are playing here
Krache to Meet Johnson.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Oct. . (Spe.
cial.) Ted Krache. from lloqulam.
will make his debut In the faster
ring circles of the northwest here
October 14, when he fares Kid John
son, Olympia lightweight. In the
main event of Nick Kandlrh's K.aalet
club card. Krache has had 11 fights,
and won nine of them by knockout.
The other three he won by derisions.
Archie itoy. Harbor lightweight,
will appear In the second main
event, having volunteered to let
Krache and Johnson have the final
go In order to give them a chance
to show their stuff as head liners.
Dufur Defeats Stevenson nigh.
DITI'R, Or, Oct. (Special.)
The Dufur high school football team
defeated the Stevenson high school
here this afternoon by a score of 62
to 1. in the openlnsf game of the
Mid-Columbia league.
Hardin Enters Golf Tourney.
President Harding has filed an en
try fee to compete against Wash
ington newspaper correspondents In
the annual fall tournament on Oc
tober 2 at the J'ohimMa Country
ii . There's something ZLboutthaa
youll like" I
U FTTw Herbert . .
- ; itHrsyf OH I I,
. London Cigarettes
AvSk Taretftons are a Quarter again
club of the Washington Newspaper
Golf club. Vlra-I're.l.l.nt -n M
l expected present the prlr.
President Harding wa on ef the
prise winner at the spring tourna
ment and has expressed conf M-tire
of being il.lM.1 r.p.,1 lMa im,
Kt. Paul Itvrns Count.
BALTIMOltK, Ort. Mainly fce.
cause of some woudfrfiil ,jt'-nir4
by llulis Hentnn. rs-l.lg Ireau
southpaw, the Mt. Paul rliili even- I
up the aerie with ttalllmnte I e
raptur'ng the -ond game yes'i
day afternnnn, I to 1. Hentnn h id
the hard-hitting Internal imi !,iii
crew to three hit and afier ,
hud driven In Jilt Inmre s only rut
In the second Inning vtlth a trt
single to riant. -n never tn iIhii
ger. Only 21 men fared the Ht l l
lefthander. He showed a stint tt
breaking rnrn and hie control was
almost perfect.
Iclianon Eleven Beats Majlnn.
LEBANON'. Or. Oct (Hpeclsl )
The Lebanon high foothail ipunt
won Its first gam of the
from Htayion on th lral fie'd -terrlay
afternoon. 32 to 3. ru;txi
made her three point on a lie I
goal In the last quarter hn the
locil team sed up and lt th
visitors make first down twice in
SU"cesslon. Lebanon made fue
touchdowns, three in the second
quarter, ore In the tlil'4 and one It
the fourth. r
Football Facta
bt sot.
(Ceprrisht, J:i. ! l-r.)
Q. What Is a K-rlmmtf T
A. A eetimmss pis' whaa r-
hfrlfier of Ins bill p ' It fat wt"l
the greund, wit Its lone sbI at rsM
ansles to the line ef s h.mmas. ir I
P'lta It Into plsr tor inttpi it t.
The nrrirnmasn ln itnt ens until ta
kail Is dead. Huls s, Section
Q Is It a l if the tall fs esse
either of the uprtsrhts?
S. It I. If an part of M Salt pane's
dlr-tjr over either eprignt. Jlue S,
rt;f T.
ci. If a Slaver estrhee a aunt
in foot In Inn fi-4 r pmr aS 1 '
ether In thn end snne. an4 ttien h
the sail dewa In thn end porta, 1 a
tt-uchrters. ar enfatyf
A. It In a af-tr. seeetne twe weta'a
for opponents. Mule S. Snellen IS.
Q. If fumbled Patt Is aHnntal p
kicked br a piavee tr,mg le ptr, ft t.
mnr h. reeovnr tt and Sis rtAa
ponnlin at It T
A. Hn irtav net. leas er net! fa at
a, . t n f..t T-.- a
AT nin
12th and Alder Sis.
See race 2