14 THE 3IORXIXG QIJEGONTAN, SATURDAY,. OCTOBER 7, 1922 ClfsCilATI OUTCAST VVlfJS HERD'S CRDWFJ John William Scott Aston ishes Yankees. DERELICT STAR OF GAME Eyelmlls Pitched Out of "Waite Hojt and Giants Lifted to Commanding Heights. J. mr GRANTLAXD rice: ' Wi'JW YORK, Oct. 6. (Special.) Those broken blossoms from the rreedy human gardens of life might consider the case of one ..John Will vn Scott of Ridge way.' N. C.,, and th New York Giants. Only a few months ago John WiU IVi ricott was also a broken blossom ' la the garden of a game where time and fate, the two caretakers, have but little mercy on those who seem to be drooping on the-bush. When the spring season opened Scott, at ' the age- of 28, was a pitcher with a lame shoulder, a family to feed, and I nothing left but a worn-out glove. The lame shoulder was so far gone that Cincinnati turned him adrift to tet him learn another trade. But It So happened that while his right shoulder may have been full of Snots and seamy trouble there was Sothing the matter with Scott's Heart. ' MHiraw Take Chance. Somewhere around - mid-summer lie tall pitcher, 6 feet 2 above the jj, carried his lame shoulder to the ' fclo grounds and offered it to Mc Oraw. And -McGraw took a chance. This afternoon in the presence of 1,8, 000 fans a tail, stoop-shouldered vitcher by the name f John William : Scott of Ridaeway. N. C, and the New York Giants, stepped out front of the hard-hitting Yankees and turned them inside out with one . of the greatest pitching exhibitions of the year. Working away with all the cool ness and serenity of one who knows that he has whipped fate to a stand still, Scott held, the astonished Yan kees to four scattered hits, shut them out and thereby lifted the Giants into a commanding position that overlooks the fertile plains of another rich world's aeries harvest. it was almost as if an abandoned derelict had .sailed in and whipped a battle criiser. for Scott pitched the eyeballs out of Waite Hoyt, with an exhibition of consistent sniping that none of those present will ever forget. Scott won. 3 to 0, and he finished under wraps. SlauKhter In Expected. Having heard that the Giants had no pitchers left with Nehf and Barnes out of the way, the packed stands peered out through the .hazy Indian summer afternoon to get a close-up of the terrific slaughter about to happen to Henry Fabian's green carpet below. They expected to see the tall, gaunt Giant, in build almost the haunting ghost of Shuf flin' Phil Douglass, hammered to a pulp that knows neither shape nor form. They expected to 'see Yankee bats pound him. into sudden and quick submission as Hoyt.. rolled back the Giants as easily as he d.id a year ego. But as inning after inning went by, as the light went out of the set- j ting sun and the October haze grew deeper, it began to look as if tne impending slaughter might be de layed. The savage Giant attack got to Hoyt for two runs in the., third; but the Yanks never got to Scott. Round after round they found his cool, sedate delivery and his baf fling curve ball blocking the high way. And no-one found the Ridge way wanderer harder to reach than Babe Ruth. . Ruth at Scott's Merey. Scott held Ruth at his 'mercy, a marionette at the end of a string. The big Babe took his old toe-hold, scowled each time with grim de termination and drove the big ash at the ball, but Scott, still unruffled and unperturbed, continued to do his stuff as the Babe tried in vain to hit one out of the infield. In four separate and distinct trips to the plate the Bambino died the death of slugging shame on easy grounders to first or second that a child might have caught in his cap. Scott had him faded and the Babe's glory again disappeared back of a hitless cloud. The big boy gave the best he ha3. but rieott had more on the ball than Ruth had on the bat, and when this happens there is only one story left to tell. As the game wore on and the stands saw the ' ex-derelict of fate drawing closer and closer to the kingdom of victory they began to wonder whether or not the tall pitcher could go the route. Thirty eight thousand fans got their an swer in the fourth inning. Wally Hipp had grounded out when Bob Meusel pumped a hit over the pitcher's quivering reach. SchanS then followed by a line lash down the right-field line that drove Bob Meusel to third as Wally slid in safety to second base. 7 Blood Is Whiffed. The slaughter was about to take place after all. The crowd scented the first whiff of blood and after the manner of all crowds upon such an occasion one of these wild, roistering roars .beat back id forth across the field. Scott had made a brave start, but he was now standing on the rim of doom. Yankee bats were back again and the tide was running their way. In a flash Huggins lifted Aaron Ward, who hadn't been hitting a lick, to make way for Elmer Smith, the left-handed hitter with the tagle's eye. Since Scott was break ing up, ( one more heavy shot would tie the count and drive John Wil liam from the reservation to seek ' his solace under the cooling shower :nd think how closely he lad come to beating his way back to the fashionable marts of his trade. But as we suggested .lust above j there was nothing the matter, with I John Scott's heart. Facing . Elmer Smith he looked as cool as a thin slice, of cucumber on- ice.'' lie must . have known that his attempted comeback -would be about ended by another blow as McQuillan was warming; up In centerfield. Interest Is Breathless. The second largest crowd that ever saw a world series game in the Polo grounds sat in breathless interest as Smith took his place at fat while Scott, taking his time looked the batter pver before hand- ' ing over the first strike. Three balls followed and then Scott turned on two perfect strikes and Smith stalked back to the bench as 38,000 voices paid their tribute to a good arm and a game heart. But Scott had another Scott to handle and the Yankee deacon Is no piker in a pinch. This time he. too, was helpless as Bancroft threw him out and the Yankee rally went to seed. This was the only tlm through out the battle when the Yankees ever threatened to spoil the story of a derelict turned into a man of war. They never had a chance against the combination of Giant pitching and - Giant infield play, where Groh, Bancroft and Frisch continued to back up their pitching mate with an impregnable defense. Four hits, only two of which were bunched, tells the story of Scott's greatness and the second Yankee defeat. For the Yanks were beaten in that third inning when none other Uian our hero, viz: John Will iam Scott, led off with a single to Hcyt's astonished disgust. Ward booted Bancroft's hard low ground er into left and Scott, by unexpected speed, raced on,- to third. Gron grounded to Hoyt and Scott was run down, but Bancroft and Groh kept on running ..until they reached third and second, waiting- for a hit.! Frisch scored Bancroft with a long I sacrifice fly and Irlsn Meusel's busy j bat scored Groh with- all the runs Scott needed to complete his day of triumph. I Hoyt yielded another tally in the seventh before Sam Jones replaced him in the eighth, but the battle was already oVer. It was . over when Bancroft scored the first run as far back as the third, although no one except the Giant pitcher seamed to know It then. The beauty of Scott's pitching-was the perfect ease and lack of effort which stayed with him all the afternoon. He knew that ninetenths of those present expected his complete demo lition at almost any moment. BIOMom Blooms Again. He knew that the message had gone forth that, after Nehf and Barnes, the Giants had no one left to stop the Yankee attack which was now about due to. resume its chorus from the opera of Swat. But knowing all this the. lanky one from the Carolina pines proved that the broken blossom was blooming again in the garden of the game s acclaim. Scott had not only stopped the Yankees, but there came, another dent for the soft and yielding jope in tne Giants heavy assault upon Waite Hoyt, who only a year ago naa stopped them effectively at al most every turn. They socked Hoyt with care-free, abandon, bunching their blows in two inningjs. which usually quite enough when the other pitcher is turning in a shut out. Save m a few spicy instances, the crowd was strangely quiet. It must have been remembering that uncalled- outbreak against Judge L.andis the day before when a head less mob proved how headless, 'un fair and cowardly a 'mob can be when it starts to work. Those in the big demonstration must have known the judge had .no part in the uin; Ire's lack of judgment, but few mobs ever go far enough to call upon any function of the brain. 1 Yankee Hopes Dimmed. As a result of two defeats Yankee hepes are -dimmed, but they are not yet entirely crushed to earth. . For the Yankees today are just where the Giants were a year ago after Carl Mays and Waite ' Hoyt had wrenched away the first two games. After these two defeats the Giants then rallied and' fought their way safely through, winning five of the Itist six games through superior strength in the box. The Yankees still look to have their share of pitching supremacy left if "Bullet" Joe Bush can only stand the strain upon his wounded heel, thereby proving himself to be a better man than Achilles from another day. But so far it must be admitted that the supposed Yankee margin 11 the box has failed to show up. Bob Shawkey has turned in- the best stuff so far from the American league camp and the best he could get was a ten-inning draw. Both Bush and Hoyt were outpitched, proving again that the dope can break in more directions than a piece of shrapnel. Anyway, with the shorter series, this next game is I vital affair and -Carl Mays must drag his ball club back into the jubilee unless it is to be demolished in four out tf five games. Yank Are Doubters on-, Huggins is almost certain to rush Mays to the pit while McGraw fig ures on McQuillan. Ryan Or Nehf. It may be that McGraw's pitching staff is weak. It may be that he has no one around who can hold the hard-hitting club at hay. But you can no longer prove this by three worM's series crowds who have seen Nehf, Barnes and Scott under fire. And no one can make the Yanks believe it. They have been" hammer-I ing away lor three days now. with out getting anywhere and the mo ment has about arrived when they either start or else stand out as one of the greatest upsets that ever overturned the dope, as big an up set if they are beaten quickly as the Brave-Athletic series developed just eight " years ago. Rosey. Ryan to Yel. . WORCESTER, Mass.; Oct. 6. An nouncement has been made - of -the engagement of Miss Anna H.. Reidy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. Reidy of this city, to Wilfred (Rosey) Ryan, the Giants' pitcher, who held the Yankees scoreless in the last two innings of the first game of 4he world's series. IT TueV BR.NG M A ' HOLDS My AJHl-e IV6 GOT MY McXjTV, -x- o SM'"T THAT A FlMtH WAY Tb TREAT r, Tt-te.tR. owiu so0 ' SCOTT, UNKNOWN YESTERDAY, IS TALK OF THE WORLD TODAY $5000 Spent by New York Club on Doctoring Ann of Outcast Is Repaid McGraw's Sympathy Wins. BY ROBERT EDGREN. POLO GROUNDS, N. T., Oct. 6. (Special.) There is a new base ball hero developed ( in e-very world's series. This year it is Jack Scott, the new Giant pitcher. Scott, only last year a derelict on the baseball sea, shut out the Yank3 this afternoon with flawless pitch ing that outclassed anything. Been at the Polo- grounds since the series began.' r ,, If the Giants win the .champion ship, which now looks very likely, it will be .largely because of Jack Scott.' and the fact that somewhere jn John McGraw's tough old hear;; there is soft streak of sentiment The Yanks were favorites in the be ginning because they had five star pitchers, .and it was supposed that the Giants had only one, in th3 person of Nehf. But 'there was Jack Scott, unknown yesterday and famous tody; Jack Scott, who made the faltering .Yanks -eat-out of his hand and sent them to defeat to the tune of a 3-to-0 score. No Halo Before. . Not to go back loo far into Jack Scott's history, his career up to this year in minors or the big league has- not brought- -the limelight hovering around his name. In 1921 he was with Boy ton where, .he pitched 28 gam-es, winning 15 and losing 13, fair, but not sensational. During the winter Boston traded Scott to Cincinnati, and in the spring he was taken south with the team on the annual, training tr.ip. Here it de veloped that Scott -was suffering from strained ligaments in his pitch ing arm. If there is one thing-that a ball club has less use for than any- ' thing else i is a pitcher with a j dead wing. ' The doctors reported ' Scott's case hopeless. No use keep i ing a baseball corpse an the payroll. I k . Releawe Is "unconditional. I -Cincinnati released him uncon ditionally. The report that Scott had no pitching arm trickled out1 PLAYERS , FACE PROTEST TYO OS IDAHO TEAM HELD I.NEL1CIBLE BY WHITMAN'. Bob Fitzke and Morris Kline May Not Get In Opening Foot- . ball Game Today.' WHITMAN COLLEGE.Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 6. '(Special.) Bob Fitzke and Morris Kline of the Uni versity of Idaho football squad will not play in the Whitman-Idaho opening game of the season if Coach Borleske has his way. A formal protest will be made if Coach Mathews attempts to use his two stars in the . game tomorrow, but since Idaho did not send an of ficial eligibility list as required by conference rules, no formal protest will be made until it is certain Idaho intends to use these players. Fitzke played with the University of Wyoming team on Armistice day last season and then registered at Idaho ' Whitman's opening lineup will be the lightest team to represent the college for three seasons, since the team which will line up tor tne Rick-off averages only 169 pounds. Included in this lineup are: Schroe der and Holmes, ends-; Blackman and Heritage, tackles; Ratchford and Lucht. guards;,, Walther, center; Roe. quarterback; Tilton and Hall, halfbacks, and Norris. fullback. On the list of reserves are: Boyd, More lock. K. Carr. C. Heritage, .linemen, and Walton, Bartholomew. Bleakney and Lackey, backfield men. The veteran backfield is Borles ke's only hope for victory over speedy Idaho, which is reported to be much stronger than last season. OFFER IS MADE FOR TRACK Receiver Announces Deal to Get Rid of Encumbered Property. TACOMA, Wash.. Oct. 6. (Spe cial.) An offer of $3500 and the agreement to take over certain ob ligations due the state of Washing ton, 'amounting to approximately $12,000, has been made for the plant of -the insolvent Tacoma Speedway association. Frank A. Neyhart, re ceiver for the association, filed a petition in superior ' court. asking that a date be fixed for a hearing for the purpose of confirming the! sale. Judge William D. Askren fixed MAY BE COMEDY FOR SOME FOLKS, BUT IT'S TRAGEDY FOR ME. "TFte-rJ THev all Hrwe a' Sis laugh through the leagues. Nobody want ed him. He was a veteran, crippled, finished. He might as well go out, aft famous Amos Rusie did when his salary -whip buckled, and pile lum ber for a. dollar arid a half a day. Wandering to New York, Jack Scott saw' John McGraw and asked to be allowed to practice at the Polo grcunds. McGraw listened sympa thetically and consented. Scott went to work alone, unaided, friend less, patiently trying to get his arm back. McGraw, watching him day after day, admired his grit. Mc Graw always had a fondness for any man who wouldn't quit. Also the Giants were badly in ned of pitch ers. So .on McGraw's suggestion the club engaged the best doctors avail able to examine Scott's arm and see if anything could be done. Arm Is Doctored. The report was favorable and the club spent 15000 in treatments. Scctt's arm improved so rapidly that near the end of the season he was pitching mighty good ball. He won eight games out of ten. McGraw signed him on as a regular. The high spot in today's game came in the seventh inning. The Giants had scored two runs early in the afternoon and were safely de fending their lead, the Yanks play ing a spotty game, listless at times, at times waking up for a spurt. In the seventh Pipp singled and Schang cracked out a two-bagger, advancing Pipp to third. There was confusion and delay, and finally .imer Sjmitn, the pinch hitter, trotted out to bring in a couple of runs and if possible crack one over into the bleachers for a homer and a lead, and Scott calmly curled them over the plater one, two. three, and made Smith fan out. As for what Jack Scott did to Babe Ruth, shoot ing them at Babe's legs or putting them over so-that Babe could get nothing better than a pop-up when he didn't slam the empty air that alone was worth the price of admis sion. (Copyright, 1922, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) next Saturday as the date for the hearing. Th offer to purchase the prop erty is made by Walter C. Baldwin, and is masde- with the understanding that the property is to be delivered withoUjt lien or incumbrance, except those set forfh in the offer, it is shown by the petition. 60th McGraw and Huggins Praise Scott. ' 'erfeet Control Feature of the Third Game and Thing to Mar vel At. N1 EW YORK, Oct. 6. (By the Associated Press.) The perfect control of John Scott, curve ball pitcher, who several months ago was thrown into baseball's discard, was the outstanding feature of the third game of the world series, ac cording to McGraw and Huggins managers . of the Giants and Yan kees. McGraw, considered the best judge i piLciiuig aontiy in Daseoall, who picKea up scott, a cast-off in mid- season, said he knew the "deacon had plenty of stuf. but that his con trol was a thing to marvel at. "Catcher Karl Smith told me saidMcGraw, "that not once during tne game aid scott tall to put the ball where he wanted it. His curves were breaking perfectly, and- after a couple of innings I just let him and Smith work as they pleased.' "I thought that our team should have counted more runs on their hits, but with Scott's pitching that didn't matter. We won and the credit is all Scott.'s." Huggins. the Yankee leader, also praised the Giant pitcher's .work. "We thought," he said, "that Scott would bo- easy for us, but his con trol was too good." "I think that the error credited to Ward lost the game for us. It was a bad ball and 'Ward was hardly to blame for kicking- it, but that was one of the Mareaks'." Huggins said he wolud start Mays in tomorrow's game and McGraw, who can now afford to take a chance, is to have McQuillen and R y-aar e a d y . Wheeler and Wasco Play Today. FOSSIL, Or., Oct 6. (Special.) The Wheeler county high school will begin its football career this year with the Wasco high school eleven on the Fossil gridiron tomorrow. Both first and second teams are put ting in long hours of practice each afternoon and other games have been arranged with . Heppner, Lex- ington, Coiidon and Prairie City. NNKS BEWILDERED AT UPSET OF Fullerton Admits His Figures Have Gone Awry. BABE RUTH PLAYS DIRTY Groh Bumped, Knocked Down; Slugger Is Target for Boos and Hisses Thereafter. BY HUGH FULLERTON. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) POLO GROUNDS. N. Y Oct. . Beaten, stopped utterly by a busher, outbatted, outfielded, helpless, the New York Yankees fell In almos&J disgraceful style before the Giants today, losing 3 to 0, while John Scott, a far-backer from the back counties of North Carolina, leaped Into fame. For the third day these Yanks, terrors of the American league, the slaughterers, home1 run champions, failed utterly and this time, failed worse than in the other two games. They did not even offer the Giants a hard chance. All their boasted slugging disappeared. They looked minor leaguish before- the terrific speed and almost perfect control of the elongated mountaineer. Scott "Kink of Broadway." Scott, tonight, is crowned kink of Broadway, duke of the buttonhole makers and earl of the bright lights and be deserves the honor. He stepped into the limelight in the most tense and decisive moment 01; the series and pitched as if back on the mountain top at North Carolina. He was as cool and steady under tr.e attack of the Yankees as if he had pitched world's series all his life. Only once during the battle did the Yanks have a chance. Then, as they were striving to break the nerve of the raw-boned, tall hillite. with runners on second and third and one out. and with Elmer Smith at bat, he put on more of his speed and struck out the hero of another world's series. Frankly. there is something wrong. . Every hit of the dope is as it should be excepting the far-famed Yankee attack. The Giants have done in each game exactly as they argued to do. The Yankee pitchers have pitched almost exactly as they were doped to pitch: the Giant pitchers have done better thar. they were doped to do but the big crash over the dope is in the Yankee at tack. If anyone can explain it, the bewildered Y'ankees want to know. Hoyt Hit Steadily. Yet the Giants did not particular ly shine in attack. They hit Hoyt steadily, persistently and but for a weird error by Aaron Ward, they would have been lucky even to get a run. It was Ward s error that gave them their two runs in the third inning. He was grabbing at a high, bounder, with an easy double piay in prospect, when he stumbled, punted the ball clear past Scott into left field and a sacrifice and a hit followed, which yielded two runs. The other run Hoyt practically pre sented to the Giants after hope was abandoned. He pitched carelessly, as if angry, and the Giants added one more to their majority. They ought to have made two, perhaps, three other runs, but their efforts to press their openings led to taking too many chances and they de stroyed two fine openings. The excitement of the day was furnished by Ruth, who fell so far off his pedestal that he half-buried himself in the dirt. He took a wild chance of reaching third in the fourth inning and. when thrown out he bumped Groh clear off the dia mond. The crowd resented his dirty ball playing and Jeered, booed, hoot ed and hissed him through the- re mainder of the battle. Sarkere Come Oat Again. In spite of the debacle of yester day the New York suckers came in quantities, again packing the unre served sections long before game time and taking the edge off the roar put up by the players against being cut out of their .share of yes terday's gate receipts. The players feared, that the anger of the fans over the decision of the umpires to call the game and the demonstration against .Judge Landlfi, would reduce attendance. However, it didn't to any great extent. The baby cry of the play ers who feared they might lose a few dollars may not develop. The quick action of Judge Landis and the New York club owners inMcVany came behind him and shot deeming iw sivc cn; ictpiiPio iu , IT MAV BE COMEDV FOR SOtve Folks But t;s tragedv for fe j charity saved, or at least tempered ) the situation, but the temper 01 the crowd today waa not nice. The effort, seemingly studied, to place the blame on Judge Landis. failed. The consensus of opinion was that Hildebrand could not -see whether it was dark or not. judging from his ball and strike decisions. Crowd Wears Cata The crowd was capacity half an hour before play started, but it was different. The diy was cooler. The spectators wore their coats and for the first time the background was fair to hit against. The Yankees could do nothing with Scott's fast offerings in the first . and retired in order. Ruth almost striking out. Groh and Frisch hit nice clean singles- off Hoyt in the Giants' half, but for once the luck was with the Yankees and Meusel's half hit line fly went straight to Ward and resulted in a double 'piay. Pipp started the Yankee" second with a screaming single to right. tood still while two went out, then stole second, Smith shooting slow and wide, and was left when Ward, with three balls and two strikes, hit weakly to Bancroft. Scott's low, fast ball was troubling the Yankees; In ffct, almost anything the Na tional leaguers pitch seems to trou ble them. Y'oung started the Giant second by dropping a fly into left. Scott, without a chance to reach the ball, drove Meusel back from It and when the ball fell Y'oung made a wild effort to reach second and was tossed out by ten feet by Meu sel. It was well for the Yankees that h made that attempt, as Cun ningham hit a scared single over first later that might have scored the run. As it was, two nice hits were wasted. Witt Polls Boner. Then Witt got himself into the Snodgra&s. Heinle Zim class. He drew a base on balls and, standing a couple of feet off first, was turned around talking to some one ai sec ond base when Smith shot down to first and caught him standing still, talking with Frisch. perhape, about his share of the series money. John Scott started the trouble for I Hoyt in the Giants' third by crack- ing a hit to center ana wnen nn i. croft hit sharply at Ward Aaron thought he was playing football and punted it to left field so that, in stead of a double play, runners were on first and third. Groh hit to Hoyt and Scott was caught off third. Jock eying until the runners advanced to sceond and third and Frlsch's long sacrifice fly let Bancroft score and Groh reached third and Irish Meusel singled to right, sending Groh over with the second run. Burlesque Play Keep On. The burlesoue baseball kept on in the Yankees fourth when Ruth was hit by a pitched ball, and with two. out, started to steal with Scott holding the ball. Scott, wakened from his dream, tossed to second. Ruth retreating to first safely. Then l-'risch fumbled Meusel's sharp smash and Ruth, tried to go clear to third. He was thrown out by 10 feet, but bumred'Groh so hard he knocked him five feet. Although he still clung to the ball. Heine wanted to fight how tho boys have changed since 1918. Kelley's easy pop liner fell at Ward's feet 'and he failed to scoop it. The boys were tired of scoring errors and gave it a hit. Kelley tried to steal and was caught. Smith singled over third. Everyone of the Giants had a hit then, except ing Bancroft, who was deprived of one by the scorers. The Giants were getting two hits an Inning off Hoyt and he was lucky to be getting away as easily as he did. Frisch drew a pass with two out in the fifth and was out in a des perately close decision while trying to steal, which was all the action In that inning, except that the crowd was roaring and booing Kutn at every move, because of his bumping of Groh at third. Hnth Grounds Feebly. Hoyt opened the sixth with a rlngle, the second the great an- xee 'wreckers had made on acott. but no one else could h't him, the great Ruth ending with a feeble counder to Kelley. , ! Young singled for the Giants, but that was all as Hoyt seemed to be D''.ehing better The Yankees failed in the seventh when it looked as if their, attack had finally come to something, Meusel beat out a scratchy single, I Schang lashed a'hard double across first.. With runners at second and third and one out, Elmer Smith Was sent to the rescue. He had three balls and two strikes called when he took two terrific swings at wide balls and struck out. and in the pinch Everett Scott hit softly to Bancroft. John Scott was a seven inning hero at least. Hoyt Seems Careless. With two out In the Giants' seventh Hoyt seemed careless or indifferent. He passed Bancroft, who w-as running when Groh pushed a hit through to right field. Frisch followed w-ith a single to right. That scored Bancroft. The Giants almost got another, for Meusel's hot shot went through Pipp, hut Dack. retiring tne slow runner. Sam Jones went In to pitch and Young singled to welcome him Kelley sacrificed and, after getting two strikes on Cunningham, Jones eased up four bad balls, but noth ing came of it. The Yanks went feebly and un fightingly to their doom, beaten and shut out by a busher REED GOLFERS WORK OCT Preparations Made for Match AVith Eastmoreland Team. Reed college golfers are getting into shape for their postponed match with a team from the East moreland Golf club early next week. Captain Douglas Nlcol has an nounced his three colleagues on the J Reed team as Arnold Henny, Har rison Piatt and Tom Wilson. Eigh teen holes w-ill be played. A golf clock has been constructed on the Reed campus and the golfers daily are sharpening their putting ability. SeveraA tryoufa over the Eastmoreland course this week have resulted In favorable scores. Hoqulani Rejects Extra Game. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Oct. . (Spe cial.) A proposal that Aberdeen and Hoquiam high schols play two games of football this season, one on Armistice day and the other at Thanksgiving, has been rejected by the Hoquiam school authorities. One game is sufficient the Hoquiam mentors declared. Baaeball Summary. - How the Krle Stand. At Portland a games. Halt Lake no game: at Lna Angeles 8 rarree. San Fran clue 1 same; at Seattle 2 samea. pie ramento 1 same; at Oakland 3 lmi, Vernon 1 name. Where the Teams Play Neat Week. Halt Lake at fteattle. Sicrtmenti St Portland. Oakland at San Frauciauo. Vernon at Lea Anre'ea. Beaver Batting A ferae ea, B. H, Pet.1 B. H. Pet. Hale.,, 493 17 .SS7 MMdte'n, 104 24.1:2 Connolly R 1 SS:t r.everens loo 22 .2.-0 High.,, K2K lt .31 1 Fuhnnan 1 k :. .10. Hraalll. 437 1 3 .31 1 Walbnrg , '2 14.104 Greaott M 1 HJ S 1 1 Pa ton . . . 04 19.13 Pool.. 712 .antiCrumDlar 7I12.11 Cox..,, .141 Jo4 .21s:Mite. . -. at 3.1e ar a.ie e s.i'o 2 a. ton 24 2 -:) 11 l.Oil McOann Ml 1S2 .27S Bleinlller Sargent, 424 11 1 .21 'Yarrinon , King... in M .2M!lCoieman, Wolfer. 6e.lM .2?i7iSulllvan., Suibar d lei 21 .-oil E IT THEE STRAIGHT Score Against Bees 7 to 1 in Well-Played Game. JIM POOLE GETS HOMER Drive Jnst About Long and Deep as Possible Without Dropping Into Bleachers. TOD Y ELK' D Y. This will be Elks' dy at the ball park. There will be a double-header between Portland and Salt Lake, start ing at 1:3(1 o'clock. The Eiks' band and drum corps will play during the games, and in between the double-header the Elks' drill team will sjlve an exhibition. Fifteen per cent of the gate receipts mi l go to the Elks' welfare fund to be used for charitable pur poses, and so will a percent age of the receipts from ths hot dog and soda pop sales. FarUle Coe.t leacne aiaadlna. W. I. Prt.l V4 1. Prt a -.. VI Rft s:'SmIM.. ftS 10.1 ,444 Vernon 110 "o .B3-I k lnd . . M 17 I. Ant'l lt 4 .M' Portland . 74 11" ' 8. Lake. HI loo .47ls-rm to It 11 .32 Yewterdar's Heeulta. At f.e An"le 2. !n Krnrlce 0. At Seattle 4. KacranK-nto a. At nk:nd '2. rniin a. At PoriUnd 7. bait Laka 1. BY L. H. GHEGORT. The Beavers made It three In a row from Salt Lake yesterday In an other well-played game. The score was 7 to 1. Among other features waei another homer over the right field wall by Jimmy Poole, his sec ond In two days. James hoisted the pellet across the extreme center field end of the fence. Just about as long and deep a hit aa he could have made without dropping one Into the bleachers. Intensively the home boye played dashingly behind the fine pitching of Lefty Leverena. The veteran never looked better In his life than he ha done In the last few weeks. Yesterday the B-e were absolutely helpless before him. He yielded only four hits, one of them a scratch sin gle in the ninth by Paul Ktrand. Ktrand Adda One. That hit made Strands total for the season 273 rlouta by the lateet unofficial averages. Thus to tie Hack Miller' mark of !0 hits, made In 1920. he needs only seven hits; to tie Jay Klrke's world record of !2 hits he needs only nine eafnles and to beat it only ten. If he averagee Just one hit a game for the remain der of the season he can do It easily. One of the spectators at the ball game yesterday who w Intensely Interested in Strand a effort to set a new batting mark was I'eacon Van Buren. a whale of a player In the good old days. The record books credit Hack Miller with the Coast league hitting record on his 2n hits In 1820. but Van Buren said yester day that he himself made 2hl bits while playing with Portland way back In 190.1. The records for that xeanon confirm his statement. Ho, unknown to himself. Van Buren ac tually held tho world hitting mark until Jay Klrke went him Just one hit better last season by clubbing out 282. Van Buren played professional baseball for 20 years and when he retired at the end of 1914 was sti ill a good ballplayer. He la building houses In Portland at present and looks good enough yet to go out there and show up some of the present-day crop of players. Rna "cored In flnatera. The Beavers scored their runs yes terday In clusters by bunching hits olf Gould. In the first Inning Ihey opened with a three-run lead. W'ol fer doubled on the second ball pitched. Mct'ann walked and HraKlli sacrificed them up a peg. Wolfer scored on Hale's hlgh-bouncltig out at first and then Jimmy i-ooie brought In McCann and himself by poling a low pitch over the fence. The Bees came hack with one In the second on rliglln'a double and Riley's Texas leaguer to left, but that was their sum total. After that Inning they went hitless for five ses sions, and then Hand s single In the eighth came with two out. In the fifth the Beavere clouted over three more. Brasiil singled with one down. Hale scored him with a double and Poole walked, whereupon flresselt tripled to renter and scored them both. Oressett was out himself at third after having made the bag. because Oscar Vllt. one of the smartest third sackers In baseball, figured he would do ex actly what he did do shift his feet on the bag. Vltt got the throw too late to tag Gressett eliding In, but Oscar, old boy. stood right over Gressett and as that youth shifted his feet preparatory to standing up. bingo he tagged htm In the frac tion of a second that neither foot was on the bag. It was a pretty piy- The Beavers maae tneir seventn and final tally in the seventh on McCann's double, a sacrifice and Hale's hit past short. Today la Elks- day at the ball parlc and there will be a double-header, with the first game starting at 1 SO. Heore: Bait Lak Portland Jt H O Al ' B H O A Vltt.S a 0 a r M 4 I 4 1 4 n I 1 Wolfi-rm. 4 15 0 a Jl Mi-rann a. 1 I 4 I 0 Krailll.2.. 2 12 1 a I Ha ..... 4 2 n a , a z i-.h.i. i . .. a 211 n 1 Hieh.rf . ..41 I j 1 :rMitt.l. 4 3 3 e fand.a. . . Hlranri.Jn. Mslm.2. . Si hlrk.r. Riley I . . , Dhlna.c I li t l.r-uhrnian.n 4 o a n 3 0 0 2'Llvrrenx.e 4 1 0 2 Gould, p. . Totals.. 30 4 24 131 Totals. .3- I 3 27 10 I Salt Lake Olueonoito l HUa ' " " " I Portland " " ' " .1 ' Hita a 4 i . a . i Krror. McCann. Hum reaporalbl for. t nontd 7. Leverens 1. Mruck out. f.ouKl : 3 I.vrns 4. Hanea nn halla. iloul-1 2.1 leverena 3. Paaaed hall, r-lhrmil. Two-) baa hita. Wolfer. riiailn. Mr. ann. Three- i haae hit. Oreaaeit. .Saentwa hita. Hra--.ii 9 rinuble rlara. liould to hand to Btley; Hala to Hraaill to Poole. Time of same, 1:30. I'mplree. Kinney and l-asoa. LOS ANGELES BLANKS SEALS Score 2 to 0 ; Scott and Hoghe-e j Are Oppoxlne; Pitclir-ra. LOS ANGELKS. Ca1 Oet. . Los : Ana-elee blanked San Kranolaeo In a ! pitchers batt e t- day. t to . ttVeti , held the home team creleas until: the sixth, when Hushes. Twombly and rarroll slnglna conaecutiyeiy and Hughes scored. elr'ahe forced Carroll at aerond. and Twamhl scored the second run when Keal forced VoCabe. The feala' chance of scorina- In the eighth ent allm rr.rrins when, with the banes full. Kilison hit Into a fast double nlay. Kamm'a perfect day at bat with a double end three single In four i was a feature. -re: irri.o !. Am - - II II l Al H o A ft I s n ?t.Mr,t 112 4 4 V o . ar't 1 1 1 1 O . 4 4 9 S M m I lean . . . : 4 t 3 o ,i ... I .. a ii'i ; !;! r .JI44 a o i 2 i - '.-i-M, ..a i i 4 j a 4 i i t , . i 3 4 i o i ? it t alia I 0 o K.'lr t. .. o Con l.m Kamm.S., K : t.n. 1 . s.r ..... Rhtn.i . KIIJii''.:. ana.c. t a. . . Vai;... Ta' .ia ; : it T it 1 1 liatt4 for Hhroa In nlntn Sao t'ru,ig e eeeeeeee-a ii ita teea '- t !. a..-i.. eoeesee-. line eieeoaee- Buna r- r- ne- t-.r a- " a fut. by llua'tva H--tt 4 li- . rr hoit iiuf h.i ; e Kamm T-ta f '. Kn-. '"' ' I inn I ..ub- p'a An ' ' I h ' r ' . Lifrtt-nnn to t-k to ir ii Tun. 1 U'mpirva, BMM.n an-1 W ! VEROX LJMIS IP tilMi: Oakland Defeated. 3 la 3. WMI" Kan Kranrlai-o Ixwee. OAKLAND. Cel.. Oct. i Vernen defeated Oakland here today I :. Han Kranrlaco lues t"day plarra Vernon within one game of ij-trg the Seals for first place. rVhrielder and .Maderas both n-ked homa runs The Onka Inat the aiarre In the eighth Inning when Head threw the ball Into center field, allowtn two men to score. The Oaks obtained a one. run la In the second Inntnav ernon Ie l the score In the third In ta eighlt.. with two men out. l.o. her alnale.l and stole second Murphy ainaie.1. lacker going to third, and nth m-n scored when Head attempted to catch them In a double ateal. throw ing the ball into the field The score: I Oakland A1 It II n o tarm( t . M 3 I li.iiik"r.l 4 e 4 a a I a I 1 1 n a(ht 2. . 4 I I .f..-it. 1 4 II i ..t r m, 4 M,!-rae.S. 2 K.a'l -.... I H-. v.... t I OAr!ttV.. I a t inn-a p . . . " " a litano!'. I O o Tntala ,.il t ST In Ttaia..ai 17 14 Hall(l fnr t ier In a-1, lhallad for Head la Sin. vmn eeioeeei e - Mils 2 I I e O I 3 - t Oakland oinoeeaei J a I t ijioeieii-t Krrora. MoJtle, frenrh. .ln. H"!-!. Chat ilffeat in Kl. Itnna rpen.h tnr, Kiev I. Jimia 2. ai,u, M ,ut. Jam 7. .lor.a I liae nn !'. r-.l. Jamea a II II by i.Mle" ta I Sm.lk hr K:y. Hlnln ha atr'..tl, Mini rnna. I,-h n. ulr .!. I baa till. IK.. Two t. hlla. I l.v.tl. Wa.l.ri" H.'f ' !!' ' M"-'. I 'had bourn.-. Miit,l ft"- i- Krn--h ; HrllHakr In Iti-a.! to lain tfMVeite. r rn h m .n.i to i-o-w , Hinllh to Lo. k.r. Tim. I 4S. Imptl'. H-rn and r- SEATTLE It I LI EH ADVI Three-Ron Lead Oaprcome lo le- feat Na-a. 1 In) I. PEATTI.n. V aall.. Or arta mento made three runs In the first inning today. Hratfle came ba. k with two In the aeeond. Hrd the score In the third and made It 4 to 1. wbtch was final. In the fourth Oardner. on the mound for the In diana. Settled down after th frat Inning, poor fielding by tne Kn ators waa a b.it factor In the re suit. Hcnre: Baeramentn Kattl H It OA mini Knpp I , 4 o 4 " I an m 1 a a i M N lv.m 2 I n -, iii.a. 0 1 a oil 'n I 1 O t f.,.lrd.r. . I a 5 'rr.. I '.' - u.nrf I .. I l I w a. 1 . I oil o il,...d l ... a liar I 2 r. 4 Mnr.a. a I a H 'rr.. a Sh n. ... a par-ree.. I O O I rn -....21 t M Hhra r. a O 3 n Tolon .. 4 t a J Prouah.p.. a o a ;UNftr.p. 4 a I Kyai.r... I I i' Totala..ai a 1 4 II T-tala. a: e:tl4 BiT.m.ntn a a e e a a e o t mi. a I e I e I 4 Heallle 030001 IS 4 un. a 2 l I oe 2 o - ICrmra. Mmi'r 8. M. ha. Slempf Thr'.-I hu. Jt -Ml Two laa Mi., Hhhah. Tohln. Ilarftflre hu. -ii. Kl'lf'l Tt.-a nn haiii ntt llf" . off I'rnuah a H-tui-h out. nr li.r.tr, 4. hr Prouah a I'otii.ie r. V'l.tri Hlnmpf lo Wl'riil U.in ri.flhia for. iardnr a. I'rnuih 3 Tim vt iimr, 1 hour 3j mlnuc. I mpir, tiriuil eee Toman. Candy Makers Are Wlnnera. AriKRIiKKV. Waah. Oct. 4. (-pe. rial.) The Olympic randr mafceia won tm-o out of three eamee fmrn the Grand theater tram la th hnni. Ing matches played on Academy al leys laat night, r'rank llateman nf t he randy makers made high single tally of 211 pin, while llor-o Turin of the same team tooa til un total honors, with &S2 Elks Day Today! BASEBALL Pacific Coast League. SALT LAKE xn. T0RTLAND Dnuble-HradVr Torfae- First Game Called at 1:39 The ELKS BAVD em! DRILL TEAM Will Be There Let' Co to the Ball Game FOOTBALL TODAY. OCT. 7. 2:30 P. M. ASTORIA LLC ION ricked Team V KTtS IS MULTNOMAII AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLU General Admission SO Centa. Grand Stand 73 Cent a, riua War Tat Dancing Orchestra SOUTHERN CHICKENJINNERS ENTERTAINMENT PLANTATION INN (Formerly !2-Mile House) BASK LINK HO AI Under New Management Vernon n it o Chanh n.m 4 I a s inl-rr.r S I 1 i h a . 3 n I HoHta 1 . . . a A n l,o-k-l. 4 2 Mijrphvc. 4 I S lr.nrhi. 4 11 Xior 2.. a I 3 Jimn.p., 4 O I Mla-h.l. . .. let