THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1923 FIWE EATING APPLES NORMA SHEARER DISPLAYS FALL CREATION OF RARE CHARM 'iiEW LAW PROPOSED which the leaders were placed waa Lostine first. Joseph second. Promise third, Wallowa fourth. For best individual display the results were J. K. Carper first, Mrs. Roy Daggett second and Mrs. J. H. Lindley third. , Exhibits of farm products and of livestock are the largest in years, the showing of hogs and sheep being iLS OF GRAPES OH DEATH REPORTS fMMtiSP noticeable. Among the pigs is Poland China weighing 940 pounds. Several Late Varieties Com ing Into Market. Special Cards to Be Used for Sudderv Demises. shown by H. G. Masterson of wa Iowa. Prizes and premiums totaling 800A are offered by the fair board. The 1 attendance has been excellent de spite three days cloudy and cold weather. A feature of the fair is thl pres PEACHES ARE SCARCE DR. PARRISH HAS PLAN ence of about 200 Indians from the Nez Perce tribe in northern Idaho if and the Umatillas of Oregona. 12 r - " ' ' - f 1 .f i , ' ! (A ' t J " f I f Z 'f ' v J " ' ' I I 1 " 1 I "i . I 1 ' " - r0' A f" If- ' I ' f j mm . w II I s- - "if Fresh Limes' Are 5 0 Cents Dozen and Alligator Pears Are , Sold at 40 Cents. Eating: apples, bright colored and hlney, are rivaling grapes for first place In the fruit basket this week, and as fall advances sevsral va rieties are coming: into the markets, lixtra fancy Jonathon apples are of fered at 50 cents a dozen, while those of less select quality may be found at 25 cents. Fancy. Oregon Gravensteins are 30 cents a. dozen and Kingr Davids are the same price. Concord sra-pes are priced at three pounds for 2o cents or 10 a pound. Malagas and Tokays are 10 a pound and lady fingers, 20 cents. Some se Ject Malagas and Tokays are offered at 20 cents. Jsla of Pine grapefruit, the first shipment of which was received in Portland last week, is sacre now, awaitinir the new shipment which is in transit. This variety is said to be very nearly tne quam oi the Florida grapefruit and superior to that which comes from Califor nia. It is priced at 25 cents each. Few Choice Peaches Left. Although peaches are just about gone p. few choice ones can etill be found at 40 cents a dozen. Fresh limes are 50 cents a dozen and al ligator pears are to be found at 75 cents each. Huckleberries, at 25 cents a pound, are , becoming scarce nd the season for them is just about over. Bosc pears are about 40 cents a pound. Strawberries are of- fared today at 20 cents a box and raspberries at 25 cents a pound. Nut prices will be high this year, jnarket men say, because of the ad- , dition of tariff on those which are imported. New walnuts are ex- j pectea lor nexi wetn. Ainiunua w 35 and 40 cents a pound and chest nuts ranee from 20 to 30 cents a pound, 'ew brazil nuts are 20 cents a pound. Fresh cocanuts are of fered at 20 and 25 cents each. Cauliflower prices are coming down and a large sized, white head can be found at 15 cents.' Smaller sized heads are graded in price ac cordingly. Hubbard squash, which is comparatively new on the market, Is offered at three for a quarter. The quash are the size pt a small cantaloupe and should be-cut in half and baked. Brussels Sprouts 25 Cents. Brussels sprouts, which are just coining in, are 25 cents a pound, and are tender and delicious. Egg plant is 15 cents a pound and green string beans are 10 cents. A few green peas can be found -at 35 cents. Caelrabl, cr German turnips, generally used for boullon, is also in the market. Tomatoes are plentiful at 40 cents for a 25-pound box and pear to matoes are 10 cents a pound. Arti chokes, which are scarce, are priced t 15 cents a pound. Mushrooms, brought on in quantities by the warm rains, are in the markets at 60 cents a pound. j New spinach, at two pounds for j 25 cents, is of good appearance. ' Shell beans are 10 cents a pound or three pounds for a quarter, yellow bantam corn is 20 cents a dozen and new dried onions are 3 and five I pounds for 10 cents. Red peppers are 30 cents a pound and green peppers are 10 cents. Fancy sweet potatoes are five and six pounds for 25 cents. Sweet on ions and new radishes are offered thre bunches for 10 cents. el h TYTITa i l !f I Iflit " ' 't H . : : i ; NEW FALL GOWN OP MICH BEAUTY. WITH ACCORDIOX PLEATED SKIRT, Copyright Photo by Hain, III.OT'SE OF PERSIA9T DKSIG.V, I 1 1 WOMfAcftVlfe Sumner Woman's Relief corps No. 21, (J. A. R., will arve a potluck supper at their regular" monthly so cial today in room 525 Courthouse. Thursday, October 12, a dinner will be served at, the same hall, the pro ceeds of wh'ch will go to the relief of a. member of the corps. 9 m The Ladies' auxiliary to the United Commercial Travelers will meet at the home of Airs. Anthony H. Metzelaar, 600 East Fifty -first street North, Tuesday, 'October 10, at 2:15 o'clock. Plans for the win ter season will be discussed and a social time enjoyed. All members are urged to attend. Auxiliary to World War post No. 907, Veterans of Foreign Wars, are to hold a homemade cake sale all day today at the Cascade market, Third and Yamhill streets. The Young Women's Christian as sociation will have an unusual Sun day afternoon service at 4:15 jn the social hay An attractive programme will be j given by a group of delegates that J attended the recent Y. W. C. A. stu- i dent, industrial and business girls-' conference at Seabeck, -Wash. Four-minute talks will be given covering the interesting features of the study courses, lectures, recrea tion, pageants and plays. Confer ence songs will be sung. Mr. jess Owens Runyan will be the soloist and song leader. The Blue Triangle club will be repre sented by Miss Anna Wickland, th Blue Birds by Miss Anna Roes and Miss Elma Pease. The Comrades by . Miss Vera Hampton and Miss Eleanor Michaelson. The Swastika club by Miss Anna Yost and the Four L's by Mrs. Lily Johnsou. At the conference, Miss Anna Roes was appointed leader of the Portland delegation, which included three secretaries Miss Ethel Mitchell, girl reserve secretary; Miss Mabel Byrd, secretary of th William avenue branch, and Mrs. Robert H. Tate of the religious work, depart ment. Business and Industrial girls and their friends are invited to be pres ent. Following the programme there will be a "get-acquainted" hour, when tea will be served by the club girls. Citizens to Help With Budget. COTTAGE GROVE, .Or., Oct. 6. (Special.) A committee of seven citizens, including Worth Harvey, C. J. Kem. R. E. Walker, C. A. Stev ens, J. H. Chambers, Andrew Bound and George McQueen, has been ap pointed to work with the city coun cil in the drawing of the 1923 city budget. All were members of the same committee a year ago. Read The Oregonian classified ads. MEAT SUPPLY IS VARIED Market Offers Good Quality in Various Classes. Fine quality of meat in alK va rieties will be offered today in the Portland markets. Veal, which has been scarce for some tim and of inferior quality, is here In large quantities today and is much higher In grade. Beef, pork and lamb are Also choice. Shoulder roasts of veal are 25 cents today and leg roasts 28 cents. Chops range in price from 25 to 30 cents, according to the cut, and breasts are offered at 17 cents. Calves' liver is 35 cents a pound and eweetbreads, which can be found in email quantities, are a delicacy. Pot roasts of beef range from 18 to 20 cents and rdund steak is priced from 25 to 28 cents, accord ing to the cut. Boiling pieces are offered from 12 cents to 14 cents a pound. Sirloin steak is 30 cents a pound and porterhouse and- T-bone eteaks are from. 35 to 38 cents. Prime ribs roasts of beef are priced from 2-5 to 3-0 cents a pound.. Pork is especially fine in appear anct and the prices are in most markets are as follows: Leg roast, 115 cents; shoulder roast, 20 cents; lean shoulder pork steaks, 22 cents; loin chops, S2 cents; pork spareribs, IS cents, and neck and backbone 5 cents. Lpg of Iamb Is offered at 30 cents a pound today, shoulder roasts from 23 to 25 cents. Chops are priced from 25 to 40 cents a pound, ac cording to cut. Breast of lamb 12 V. cents. ' Hams, which have gone up a few cents in the past two weeks, can still be found at 27 cents a pound. This is for choice sugar-cured hams. Picnics are 20 cents a pound and cottages, weighing three and four Hounds, are trttia a nmmH Rnn when bought in slabs is from 32 to I'S cents a pound and when sliced and trimmed comes at 60 cents. Chipped beef is .70 cents a pound. Fresh lard in pails has gone up about two ments during the past two weeks. The price stands at about 90 cents for a five-pound pail and $1.80 for a ten-pound pail. Fish prices remain practically the same with salmon and halibut in the largest supply, at 25 cents a pound. Fresh oysters and clams are also in the market and crabs are more plentiful than for some time. Choice milk-fed chickens are also plentiful and are 40 and 5 cents a pound. By looking about the house wife can fiwd fries at 30 cents and broilers at 32. 1 . 1 Ife Members of Council Favor Re quiring Doctors to Tell About Accident Cases. As the means of giving the public greater protection. City Health Of ficer Parrish will propose to the city council the pasage of an ordi nance requiring physicians to re port sudden deaths on special cards to the city health officers. It also will be Droposed that physicians be required to report the treating f all persons who nave sunerea in artnirienta. excent where fiucn treat mtnt takes place in a hospital, whrA renorts are now made. Monihflrsof the city council wn fHnciiHseii the plan yesterday ra it on the erounds tnat it would provide a means of investi gating sudden, accidental or mys tprimm deaths that might be over lr.oked if such reports are not made. Aid In Investigation Planned. Under the city charter the city health officer of Portland is also registrar for the-city, and the re ports of all deaths and births must be made to him. At present Dr. Parrish demands information on all deaths that appear to be out of the ordinary, but it is felt that tne re porting of sudden deaths would en able speedier investigation. "I favor this plan," said Dr. Par rish, "for the reason that the regis trar of the city of Portland should be acauainted with all facts con cerning any death in the city of Portland. I have no criticism to offer against the county coroner, as our office has always had full co operation from his office. But, re eardless of this fact, the plan I am proposing will protect the public and will, if adopted, result in great amount of good. The report of one sudden death and the proper investigation might perchance save the life of someone else. Accident Reports Evaded. In connection with the reporting of treatment accorded to persons suffering from accidents, it was pointed out that in many cases this would be the only report that could be obtained. While the law now re quires the reporting of all automo bile accidents, many of such are not reported, it is said. a It was said also that cases sup posed to be accidents have resulted from violence, but failure of reports to the authorities have prevented official inquiry and action. The proposed legislation ' will probably be drafted by rr. Parrish within the next week and submitted to the city council for its -xonsid eratlon. , NewTodatjirv ihe Markets VALLOWA Fl IS GOOD JEVETT TO ESTER OX LAST LAP TODAY. TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Liberty Richard Barthelmess in "The Bond Boy"; also George Larkin and -Ollie Kirby in person. Columbia Anita Stewart In . "Rose o' the Sea." Rivoli Milton-Sills in "Burn ing Sands." . . Majestic "The ."in Flood." Blue Mouse Owen Moore in "Love Is An Awful Thing." Hippodrome "Silent Tears." Auditorium The Bible pic tures. - . Circle Harold Lloyd in "Grandma's Boy." E" liequisitioit Issued for Fugitive. OLTMPIA. Wash., Oct. . iSpe-eial.)- Requisition directed to the (governor of Oregon for the return to Spokane of William Murphy. Rlias William McCarthy, wanted for highway robbery, was issued today by Governor Hart. Murphy Is under arrest at Portland. He is alleged to have held up Lue Soss, a Spokane jeweler, in his store August 24. bind ing him hand Qnd foot, taking his keys and robbing the safe and cases of rash and jewelry worth $2877.42. carrying away the loot in traveling bass sjulen trom the stock. DNA WALLACE HOPPER, who boasts that ehe is 62 years old, yet admits and has every attribute of a young lady 19, is com ing to Portland soon to tell the wo men fojks. .and the men too for that matter, an aoout n. xne uiu nugo "time will tell" apparently does not apply in the case of Miss Hopper. Thirty years ago she was a success in "Florodora." "Wang, Mr. syn tax," "The G-irl I Left Behind" and other stage successes, and now her friends and those that have seen her on the stage all admit that she is apparently more, youthful and more beautiful than ever. Miss Hopper will be in Portland for a week and will make daily appearances at the Rivoli theater. According to Gus A. Melzger who arranged for Miss Hop per's appearance in Portland, she has nothing to sell, nothing to Ex ploit, except clean right living and to tell how she had her face made over through the miraole of "plastic surgery." ' ,v . Screen Gossip. George Larkin and his wife, pro fessionally known as OJlie Kirby, and who was aleo previously in pic tures, open their engagement - in their noted dancing act at the Lib erty theater today. This attraction will be in conjunction with the showing of Richard Barthelmess' latest starring vehicle '"The Bond Boy." - ,:-' Novel in plot and treatment and containing many unique situations, "The Sin Flood." with its surprise finish, begins its engagement at the Majestic theater today. - The Bible pictures at the audi torium will be shown this afternoon and evening and tomorrow after noon. ' There will be no performance Sunday evening, the attraction clos ing .with tho matinee performance. - Stuart Paton is selecting a cast worthy of the story embodied in the next Frank Mayo vehicle Universal will make. "The Altar Stairs." Sup porting Mayo wiU be Louise Lor raine and Pagmar trortowsky in ths chief feminine roles, and Lawrence Hughes, Boris Karloss, Hugh Thompson and J. J. Lanoe In other principal parts. "The Altar Stairs" is a South sea island novel by G. B Lancaster ,which Doris Schroeder I prepared for the Paton-Mayo com bination. ' Thomas Meighan hated school as a boy, but a few months shoveling coal in his dad's foundry in Pitts burg made school eee-m like, para dise by comparison. "Tommy" is the Paramount "lucky star." , When Betty Compson made her first professional appearance as a violinist, she used a nom de theater, fearing her high sehool friends would be shocked. But they recog nized her and gave, her a big "hand" so she did not try to camouflage further. T. Roy Barnes, the noted char acter actor and comedian, once, worked for a photographer and had to "kidnap" photographs of children afterward to be sold to doting mothers. He admits it was hard work. Exhibits of Farm Products and Livestock Declared Largest in Many Tears. ENTERPRISE, Or., Oct. 6 (Spe cial.) "Eastern Oregon's greatest fa''r, the title claimed for the an nual Wallowa county event, enters its last day tomorrow morning. The finals in the bucking contests. will be ridden tomorrow. This afternoon the relay race was concluded the Cougar Creek Stock association win ning by a narrow margin over the Joseph Creek string. Other contend ers were Marr flat and Chesnimnus associations. The relay is a competi tion between the stock association of the county. William Dorrance won the calf roping event. In the comeptition between pre cincts of the county for the best agricultural dis'play. the order in olIwoil FRESH dried fruits are coming into Portland markets sjid in clude dates, figs, a-pples, peara and prunes. Fresh dried dates, RUher variety, can be found as low in price as 30 cents a pound. California Smyrna style figs, considered extra fancy, are $1.75 for a box of three pounds of pulled figs and pressed figs are 35 cents a pound when pur chased in bulk. Market offerings are including hominy at IB cents a. pound. This Is for both corn and .wheat hominy. Sauerkraut, freshly made, is tempt ing for cold weather and is priced at 15 cents a quart. Brussels sprouts, just new on the market, are priced at 25 cents a pound and new spinach can be found at two pounds for a quarter. Cauliflower prices are lower and large heads are of fered at 15 eents. Bananas are slated for a rise this week, when they will go from to 9 cents a pound. Grapefruit is scarce in the market today, as the fresh shipment from .the Isle of Pines is in transit. tyuve times a day Golden West meets the exact ing taste of thousands-- no better proof of oualitn 0l.1V Chloroform Will Remove Dry Paint Stain. SOMETIMES one does not notice a pairtt stain on a grarme-nt until the paint has become hard and dry. You can retnov euch a stain by rubbing butter or olive oil on the spot. After the grease 1 well rub bed in apply chloroform until both the grease and paint are removes. rhis is especially grood for cotton and woolen goods. THE HOUSEWIFE. . State Kmploye Weds. SALEM, Or.. Oct. 6. (Special.) Miss Theima Eshleman, for the past two years employed as stenographer in the state motor vehicle depart ment, and Hugh Wayne of Gervais, were married in Portland Tuesday night, n nnrvr r tr f in format inn re- -ft A. ceived here today. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne will make their home in Gervais. Healing Rally to Be Held. Rev. John G. Lake, overseer of the church at Portland, will conduct a mag meeting on divine healing to morrow night at 8 o'clock at the municipal auditorium. Meetings will continue after October 22 at the church. 129 Fourth street, under the direction of Mr. Lake. c) you want waffles V Read The Orep-ontan riapifid ad. VS. ?iJ,?,Ir Safe Milk For Infant, invahd dc . Childnn The Original Food-Drink for AJ1 Ages. QuickLunchatHome.OmcefcFountains. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract to Pow- der & Tablet forms. Nourithini-Wo cooking. Avoid Imitation and Sntititue '.vr ij ' .t-.; 111, Sold Everywhere Cocoa 15 the ideal drin for growing children Not only does its delicious flavor and aroma appeal to tne palate but it supplies tke body with a considerable amount of pure, wholesome, and nutritious food. Children," owing to their almost ceaseless activity", frequentl;? require as large an ' amount of nourishment as adults, and good cocoa is a Valuable aid in the carefully arranged diet. But its quality must be good and no cocoa carr quite so well meet the requirements of dietitian, physician, nurse or housekeeper as " BAKER'S ' Msda on!j b? WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD. Etifclidd 1780 DORCHESTER. MASSACHUSETTS Booklet of Cfieict Recipe tenl fret some morning! Tumbling right along with your waffle appetite comes the thought of "what a bother to make". Not a bit of it with' Albers Flapjack Flour. It makes wonderful waffles, too. Try it. Grocers recommend Albers Flapjack Flour ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. Pacific Coast Miller rlacaroni QjiUamooh Cheese Dress Up Ike Commonplace Foods WHEN brisk fall days whet the appe tite, serve macaroni and savory Tillamook cheese! Here's a new recipe for this old favorite by Prudence Penny; Macaroni, Minced Ham and Tillamook Cheese en cawerole Prudence Penny, Director, Home Economic! , Loa Angeles Examiner 3 tablespoonsful grated Till' moolc Cheese 18 sticks macaroni i cuo minced ham 2 tablespoonsful butter t tableipoonful flour 1 cup milk Ya. teaspoonf fu! pepper Yi cup K le bread crumb 1 table poonrui butter Break macaroni in short lengtni and cook until tender (about 30 minute). Make white aauce'of butter, flour, milk and pepper. Alternate layer fn greased baking dtsh of macaroni, ham, white aauce and TilUmook cheese.. Cover with buttered crumb and bake until brown. Caution: If ham ia very alry, no additional aalc v required. "Tillamook" was the first cheese to be trade-marked. Every cheese kitchen in the famous Tillamook valley is a member of the Association. Every golden slice of delicious Tillamook cheese has the name imprinted plainly on the rind. It's your protection! It's your guarantee of uniform quality. Be sure you get the genuine ! TILLAMOOK COUNTY CREAMERY ASSOCIATION Tillamook, Oregon 25 cheeae kitchen owned and operated by Tillamook dairymen Every pmn& efeheess made in Tillamook County is branded "Tillamook", No other is genuine. 1 If fV" There's aT)rand-new wel ;ome for every-day dishes that have been dressed up with Kr a use's Marshmallows Salads Acquire a new, de lightful taste. Frostinirs no longer dry and crack, but stand thick and lightly beau tiful. Dozens of matter-of-fact dishes are glorified into treats when mother uses Deliriously Flavored Krause's Marshmallows to add a bit of blarney. And for cold weather fun-times, there's nothing joiner than toasting Krause's Marshmallows around the grate-fjre at night. In fact, Krause's Marshmallows are good in so many ways that it's wise to keep an extra can or two on hand all tht time. Fresh Until Used in the FULL-Pound Tin that keeps all the goodness in. That's the economical wsy t buy Krause's Marshmallows whether for use in baking, cook ing, or eating at any time. 1 FULL-Pound Smaller Tins . Tins 60c . . 1 5c TnT .! practically vrywhr druggists, etc. Mlr In l.rtlaffif Kr 1 Ht-Ul.l Ml I IT I . t grnrrr, confcJlonr Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian, Main 7070