Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 07, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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PERU 10 Pi
zxxxxxxaxx S. & H. Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month W
Fall Buying Can Best BeDone at This Safe and Satisfactory Store
lo Further Authority Needed
From Voters.
Whitney Boys' Chorus
will appear in concert at Municipal
Auditorium next Wednesday, October
11. Many new features. Plan to at
tend this interesting1 musical event.
Candy Specials
Dollar Mints priced special, IK 3S0
English Toffee on sale at, pound 450,
Assorted Chocolates 2-lb. box $1
Candy Dept. Main Floor. -
U nderpricing Several
Smart Models in
Women's Suits
Elastic-Top Corsets
Of Extra Heavy Quality Satin
Xeed for Three-Mill Charge Is to
Be Presented in All Parts of
City; Service Threatened.
- J ' eT a I t
After a lengthy conference with
City Attorney Grant and Chief
Deputy City Auditor Grutze, mem
. bers of the tax conservation and
supervision commission agreed yes
terday that the policemen's relief
and pension and the special park
and playground levies can be in
cluded in the city's budget without
any further authorization from the
It also was agreed that the coun
cil could seek authority to levy the
special 3-mill tax for general mu
nicipal purposes for two years in
stead of one, thus avoiding the ne
cessity of paying out approximately
$25,000 for a special election in the
fall of 1923.
Limit Not Exceeded.
It was pointed out to members
of the tax commission that the
policemen's pension levy as well as
that for the parks and playgrounds.
added to the regular eight mill levy
cioea not exceed the 6 per cent tax
limitation and for that reason there
was no necessity of asking the
people to re-authorize these two
As a result, the council, at a spe
cial meeting last night, referred the
three-mill measure to the voters by
the adoption of a resolution, the
levy to be effective for two years.
'At the -end of that time, if the city
finds it necessary to have the spe
cial levy, the people will be asked
again to authorize its inclusion in
the budget.
Members of the city council are
preparing to wage a whirlwind cam
paign, in behalf of the 3-mill levy,
it being pointed out that failure of
the voters to re-authorize this
amount would disrupt the entire city
"The city council has trimmed out
every possible item in the budget'
that is not deemed to be imperative,"
said Commissioner Barbur, "There
are many things that have been ex
cluded from the budget that are
necessary and that people are de
manding because we are trying to
hold down the city expeditures.
Service I Threatened.
"But if the 3-mill measure is not
ratified it will mean the curtailment
of service, the cutting of salaries
of city employes and cutting of
salaries will not end with the city,
for it will tend to start a gen
eral downward revision of salaries
throughout the city.
"There will not be a department
that will escape being hit, for the
three-mill levy raisen about $830,
(H)0, which wouid have to be re- ;
moved from the present budget if i
the levy fails. This means that
police and fire service must suf
fer, that the health bureau, street
cleaning bureau, public works and,
in fact, every department must
share a portion of the trimming.
'Jn my department, it is im
possible with the money that we
have been allowed in the budget
to take care of more than a frac
tion of the public works that the
people are demanding and to which
they are entitled. People building
homes want lights but if the three
mill levy fails, no new lights can
be installed and it is even prob
able that some of the present lights
cannot be maintained.
"The situation is critical anjl mem
bers of the city council have agreed
to take the stump in behalf of the
Writ of Attachment Filed Cover
ing Any Property in Posses
sion of Dentist's Wife.
When Dr. R. M. Brumfield cheated
the fallows by killing himself in
hip cell at Salem recently and made
it impossible for insurance compa
nies in which he carried heavy poli
cies to escape payment on these, as
they inigrht have done under certain
provisions of their contracts if he
had been legally executed, it seemed
that the spotHKht of publicity had
flasTi-ed for the last time on 'the
name of the Roseburg dentist.
Rut this was not to be. Yesterday
. in circuit court the Douglas National
bank of Roseburjr filed suit to re
cover $1500 due on a promissory note
siRned jointly by the doctor and
Merle Brumfield, hts wife, March 29.
1921. A writ of attachment was
also-tfiled to enable the bank to take
.possession of any property it could
find in the ownership of Mrs. Brum
field. Attorneys for the bank expressed
belief that Mrs. Brumfield is living
in Portland under an assumed name,
but they have been unable to get in
touch with her as yet.
OH Bridge Being Removed.
EUGENE. Or., Oct. 6. (Special.)
The Southern Pacific company has
begun to tear down the old street
car bridge that spans the Willam
ette at Springfield. The bridge was
built about 12 years ago, and carried
the Interurban cars that run be
tween Kugene and Springfield. Early
this year the route was changed and
the cars now cross the river on the
mj bridge with the steam trains.
The concrete piers of the old bridge
will be retained as supports for the
gas mains leading from the Eugene
plant to Springfield.
12th and Alder Sta.
Second Floor, Here are Suits that will come up
to your highest expectations as to quality and
attractiveness with the added feature of being
decidedly underpriced. And the variety of styles
allows ample leeway for every woman to satisfy
her individual choice. Duvet de Laine, Veldyne,
Tricotine and Checks. Youthful models with
medium length box coats, also the very fashion
able long coat models. Trimmed with embroi
dery, braids-, buttons, etc. Black, navy, (JMK
brown and sorrento. Specially priced at wtl
Coats at $43
Second Floor High-class Coats from our own
regular stock. Practical styles for street and
motor wear, also a number of beautiful new
dressy models with wide sleeves and caracul col
lars. Gerona, Corduval, Tweeds, Checks, etc. All
are lined with crepe or satin. An exceptional
opportunity to 'choose a handsome Coat fiJQ
at a substantial saving. Priced special DrxO
Golfine Robes
Second Floor Comfy, warm
Robes for house wear. Made
up in excellent quality Golfine
material. Bathrobe and break
fast coat styles with roil collars
and flare sleeves. Orchid, copen,
rose, purple, etc. . Spe- CJE
cially priced for this sale
New Flannel
Second Floor Regulation and
Co-Ed styles, with and without
ties. Red, green and navy.
Sizes 6 years to "44 bust.
Specially priced $3.75 to $8.95
Girls' Coats
Junior Shop, 2d Floor
Good practical Coats for
school wear, and a number
of the more dressy styles. -Made
up in Pandora, Ve
lour and mixtures. All
sizes from 6 to 14. Full
range of the newest
shades. Spe- flJOO QC
cially priced D&&VO
Dressy Coats
for girls 6 to 17 years.
Here are the season's
smartest models many
with fur collars and cuffs.
Chinchilla, Velour, Gerona,
Pandora, etc. Priced spe
cially at $13.50 to $125
Second FloorCustomers who have
seen these Corsets declare there is
nothing to compare with them in
style and quality in the city under
$7. That they are remarkable values
you will note at a glance.
Graceful Model
with extra long skirt. Hook and
lacing below clasp 2 pairs best qual
ity hose supporters, black boning
throughout. Our famous OWK make.
Heavy quality satin in flesh and
white. Sizes 22 to 28. Spe- P Q r
cially priced for this sale jVxtJ
Philippine Gowns
Second Floor Direct from the Philippine Islands come these
dainty gowns. Hand made and hand finished as only the na
tive islanders know how to do. Extra fine quality material,
embroidered in a variety of beautiful new designs. Wonder
fully attractive.- Specially low priced, $2.29, $2.98, $3.45
200 More New Hats
In a Sensational Clearaway
October Sale of Silks
and Dress Goods
A sale that has already established new records for October
sales. Now is the time to purchase materials for winter wear
ables as prices are at the lowest level of the year.
S5 Broadcloth, $3.48
$2.50 Poplins $1.98
Main Floor 54-inch all wool
Broadcloth in one of the very
best makes. Beautiful high
hister. All the wanted colors.
Priced special for (JO JQ
thi3 sale at, yard
44-inch all wool Poplin in
splendid weight for one-piece
dresses. Full assortment of
The latest colors. Regular
$2.50 grade on sale Q"l QQ
at special the yard O-a-aiO
Silks at Big Savings
Crepe Faille, black QO QO
and colors. $4.50 val. PO.0
Crepe Romaine, QA AQ
reg. $5.00 grade, yd. 3VxxO
Canton Crepe, in PO AO
black and colors, at 50.0
Chiffon Velvet, a Pr QJ?
$7.00 grade, yard
OUR Eastern representative sent these hats
on by express in reply to our request for
more of the same fine value that created such
widespread interest during our last sale. And
they are truly remarkable values!
Trimmed Hats
Tailored Hats
Sport Hats
in styles that reflect the last word in fashion
for Fall wear, Duvetyn, Lyons' Silk J'elvet and
Silk Plush. All the newest shapes and colors
in the assortment. A number of charming
black hats included. Specially priced at $0
One Price
2d Floor
Children's Beavers $3.75
Values to $1.93
Second Floor Full quality lone nan
Beavers in navy, brown, natural and
black. Finished with groiRrain ribbon
band and streamers. Several smart
shanes to select from. Val- QO HTZ
ucs to $4.9."i; special'. priced -'J J
Sec Window of Sale Hats
Millinery Salons, Second Floor
Watch Ribbons 15c
Fancy Ribbons for wrist
watches. Black, white and color
combinations. About ',4-
inch wide. Special, each
Hand-painted Ribbons for
wrist watches, Mark, navy and
gray with dainty floral
designs. Special each
-Ribbon Department Main Floor.
Lovliest of the New
Fall Blouses
In this notable showing of Blouse modes one may
see and admire all that is new and smart for the fall
and winter season. Charming creations of Satin,
Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine and Georgette in a be
wildering range of new shades and combinations. Tail
ored and dressy affairs including the new coatee effects.
Second Floor
New Tailored Goats
For Little Tots
Beautifully tailored and fashioned just like mother's!
Chinchilla, polo cloth and mixtures in rich fall color
ings. -Raglan and set-in sleeves at $6.50 to $16.95
Tailored Hats to match coats also a wide range of
styles made up in leather, plush, flannel, chinchilla,
polo cloth and mixtures. Prices range $1.75 to $6.50
Second Floor
$10 ' : $10
Basement Sale 300 Children's Goats
THE BASEMENT STORE announces another great master stroke in mer-chandising-300Children's
New Fall and Winter Coats to go at a sensationally
low price. Above sketch shows four of the styles and there are many more
equally as attractive in the group. Every Coat NEW! Many have fur collars.
Made up in Wool Velour, Bolivia, Polo and Melton materials. Here's A f(
a sale that should create widespread interest. Sizes 3 to 14. Special
Men's Oxfords $5
Just such
foot wear
as many
stores are
offering to
day at $8.50
to $10.00
the pair.
Tan, black,
brown, white and patent leather. Plain and
fancy patterns and styles. Shapes for every
taste semi-English, French, conservative
and comfort lasts. Sizes range from h'
up to 11. All have welted soles. Qf? ff
Specially priced for this sale at 0Jv"
Shoe Department, Main Floor.
Men's Underwear
Cooper's Union Suits, heavy
grade cotton, long sleeves, each
Blue and white mottled Union Suit $2.75
"Allen A" Union Suits, slightly OO -I O
oil stained. Mixed wool. Special O.J-i
Carter's Union Suits in silk, wool and silk,
wool and cotton, cotton. Various weights.
All sizes. Prices range $3.00 to $10.00
"Winsted" Shirts and Drawers, $2 to $3.50
Saturday Special
For Men
Quality Shirts
$2, $2.50 Values
Center Circle, 1st Floor High-grad
Shirts from our regular .lines. tte.t
standard makes. Repp, madras and
percale materials, wide range of dis
tinctive patterns. Sizes 14 Qt CQ
to 17. $2.00, $2.50 values OA.U
$1 Ties 79c
Center Circle New neckwear in open
end styles. Large selection of pat
terns stripes, checks, dots, brocades,
etc. Regular $1.00 values. HQn
Specially priced for this sale
Men's Hose '39c
Center Circle Splendid quality cash
mere Hose in solid colors and OQp
heathers. Special,, the pair O
Sport Scarfs
Main Floor Colorfui patterns
in all the . new combinations
also many in solid shades with
fancy plaid borders. Fringed
at ends. Made with P? QJT
pockets. Big values wU.iJ
Real Lace Guimpes
Main Floor Full bodice
Guimpes of fine quality net with
Irish crochet, venise, antique
filet and birken laces. Tuxedo
and cascade effects very desir
able. Prices $7.50 to $14.95
Plain and Fancy Veilings 49c
Values Up to 75c Yard
Main Floor 36-inch lengths in plain and fancy
mesh Veilings with woven and chenille dots in solid
colors and combinations lines selling here A(n
before up to 75c a yard. Special at, each
Drape Veils Third Off
Main Floor This special -off sale takes in a wide
selection of Women's Drape Veils in half and square
styles with scroll and dot borders. Variety of color
combinations. $1.95 to $5.50 Veils at one-third off.
Outing Hats $2.95
Main Floors Serviceable Hats for motoring, outing
and wet weather wear. Of tweed material ?0 OPT
in good colors. Several styles. All sizes. DJJ
Ivory Soap
4 Cakes OC
Main Floor None sold or. de
livered at above price except
with other purchases made in
the Drug Dept. Limit 4 cakes
to a customer. Ivory OET
Soap 4 cakes for only J
Jergens' B. & A. Lotion 37
Revelation T. Powder at 25
Hinds' H. & A. Cream 78t
Mum Deodorant at only 25eJ
Mentholatum 23tf and 45
Tevla Hand Lotion only 39
Mennen's Shave Cream 43
Pear's Scented Soap at 22
Purola Shave Cream at 10
Pepsodent Tooth Paste 45
Sal Hepatica 25, 50, $1
Tanlac for the blood at 80
S. S. S., 2 sizes, 95, $1.60
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in
two sizes priced 35 and 45
Listerine 24, 48, 800
Lavoris at 210, 480, 890
Tillamook Cream Cheesa in
dividuals weight about OPT,
3 lbs. priced, a pound OtJU
Smyrna Figs a pound only 450
Macaroni, Italian style 150
Shelled Almonds, pound. 600
Brazil Nuts, 2 lbs. for' 350
Boy's "Dubblebilt'I KniXr Suits
Boys Rain Coats
and Capes .
Boys' Rubber Raincoats and Rain
Capes of best guaranteed quality.
Complete showing. Priced at $1.50
"Tru-Dry" Rubberized Raincoats
with tweed facing; priced at $11.85
Main Floor. "DubblrbiH" mean
double service! Strong, sturdy fab
rics, non-rippinir seams, correctly
tailored these Suit represert th
utmost in value at the prire. We also
include in this lot Quality Suits in
other well known makes. Two pairs
of knickers with each suit. QQ C!t
Specially priced at, a suit O.0J
Boys' Overcoats
at $15
Swagger styles with a'l around
belts, lre porkrts and raglan
sleeves. Overcoats tht are atylb
and comfortable as well. Grays, tans,
browns and greens. Sizes CI C
8 to 18. Priced special ttfU
Other Overcoats $18.50 to 25
Juniors Overcoats $7.85 to $15
Tweed Rain Coats
at $25
Imported Raincoats for born 12 to
18 years. Made from "Iroxite" rain
proof material. Rsc'an shou.drr. all
around beit, large, roomy CO"i
pockets; wonderful vaiuea at
See Page 2