' 20 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX,' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, , 1922 FOR SALIC. I'iano, Orgp antf Aiusicai inKtruiornta. ilO CASH. $S, C6 Oft MORE MONTHLY buys a 475 piano, used, for $193, and 1921 model for 2'.5. or a 4375 player p:ano, us1!, for ana is2l moaet .1 for 495; 115 cash. 8 and flu monthly. during the world's largest factory clear ance sale rich t her in Portiand at Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th at. Viz: S550 Ualiet &. Davis upright 51&5 3ti0 Emerson upright 5295 S:il0 fcteinwav unrieht S31H $900 Thompson piayer piano ...... S395 PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE. $60 Sonera. $3.. cash, $2 monthly. , 125 Columbia. 873. J." cash. 3 month. tl5 Brunswick, $o.-, $5 cash, 4 month. . 2o0 Brunswick, 135, 5 cash. ." month. $300 Edisou. 235. $10 cash. $8 month. , $350 Victrola, $275, 10 cash. $10 month, fcCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY ST'GE CO. CLOSING OUT. $27- Bard & Co.. upright 75 $375 Emerson upright $400 Laffarque upright $19j $7.0 Weller Player 295 103 10th, at Washington St. $275 VICTROLA, cab., man. case. $175 275 Victrola, cab., oak case 165 j 175 Columbia, cab., oak case.... 125 250 Packard, cab., man. case.... 100 1 200 Packard, cab., mah. case 100 12-1 Columbia, cab., wal, case.,.. 75 125 Victrola, cab., oak case 95 115 Edison, cab., mah. case 60 Small table machines, $15, $25, $30. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 14ft 6th St. ANNUAL HOME-COMING SALE. Pianos, $195. $265. $375, $5 to $8 a . ' month; player pianos, $395, $475. $ - and $10 a month; grand pianos, tt?a, $S75, $14 and $17 a month. Lipman. Wolfe & Co., Washington and 5th sta. DON'T be fooled; you can buy a fine pi ano at almost your own price and terms at 312 Worcester bldg. Schools, colleges, churches and dealers buy here; they know values. BUSH & LANE piano; just compare with a brand new one uptown; this is a genuine Bush & Lane; only $3&o. terms. 312 Worcester bldg. IONT buy a piano until you have ex amined the fine new B. Shoninger pi anos; all styles; get our price and terms. 312 Worcester Ding. XJHE YOUR brains and save money; all kinds of finest pianos at almost your own price and terms at 312 Worcester bldg. . ; . PIANO tuning and phonograph repair ing, any make, all work guaranteed. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6576. , CAXOPHONKS Soprano, alto, mel. C and baritone, in brass and silver: all different makes, $90 to $150. G. F. Johns-on Piano Co., 149 6th st. CONOVER piano, fine condition, case re finished, a wonderful buy for $225; terms. G F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. ACCORDIONS, genuine imported Italian makes, $n to nu. v. jourawn Co.. 149 6th st. ri.AHinXETS. Albert &. Boehm systems, $30 to $100; term. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. VIOLIN outfit for beginners, complete with bow and case, sis up. j. j?. Johnson Piano Co.. 146 6th st. ACCORDION, size, $300. 149 6th st. piano key board, concect G. F. Johnso Piano Co. ACCORDION, piano key board, genuine Italian, terms. u. r. jonosou Piano Co., 140 6th' st BASS VIOL, 4 size, slight repair nece.s: sary ; price $25; slide trombone $5, Empire' 1172. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20c up, pans, supplies, oto oeiHiisLuii, near 18th. 5ft n RTS nhnnneraDh with records. Empire Transfer, 145 11th st. Broad way 015a. i PAY CASH for used pianos and player rolls Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park, near Wra?h. st. 5rT a nlaver rjia.no. The whole fam ily can enjoy it. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park, just north of Wash. WILL buy Sohnier, Stein way. Mason & Hamlin or Everett grand, wo neater AM 978. Oregonian. B5 PIANOS. $115 to $250 each; many America's best standard makes. Terms to suit. 312 Worcester bldg. "WANTED-Good-toned used piano all cash. Broadway 1548. $575 MARSHALL $250. terms. 311 & WENDELL piano, Worcester bldg. 1'ROK. DRUM outfit. Ludwig. complete. $75. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th. FOR SALE Slightly used alto saxo phone. Call Main 2078. Furniture for Sale. STORAGE SALE. Goods sacrificed for storage and loan charges, consisting furniture, house hold goods, sewing machines, dishes, pianos, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, stoves, tables, etc. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 4th at Fine St.. opp. Multnomah Hotel. HOWARD heater ntove, board and pipe, used only short time, good as new, com bination wood or coal size, $20; 2 burner gas hot plate, $2.50. 833 Over look blvd., near Shaver; take Miasis sippl car. ON'T sacrifice your lurnlture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight In our through cars, fireproof storage. C M. Olson Trans fer & Baggage Co.. 24S Pine st. BELLING my beautiful overstuffed mo hair davenport, walnut dining room set, tea wagon, rugs, bedroom furniture and other articles. Call Atwater 3795. FURNITURE of four-room lower flat for sale. Flat for rent, no objection to children. Call after 10 o'clock. 42D K. 13th N. FvR SALE Oak household furndture and. rugs, like new; best offer takes it; no dealers. 344 Eaat 49 th St.. near Mill. OWNER will trade household furniture and ruga even for auto, value $300; Ford preferred. Bdwy. 3400. IVORY chiffonier, beveled glass. Ivory wood, full-sized bed. steel springs, ail for $25. 6t6fr Hoyt st. 11 ROOMS furniture lor aie. victrola, piano. Prke $1300; $1100, rest $50 a mon th. 390 Kverett st. WANTED To rent or sell beautiful fur niture of 5 rooms; rooms full, pays rent: real bargain. dwy. hhn. .0 LID WALNUT vanity dresser, with Frenen piate, long mirror, oe r. Phillip, 171 King st. ,. Co MBINATION range, mahogany dining room set, rugs, oearoom i urnuure, rockers, wardrobe. Walnut 53S9. FOR SALE Six rocking chairs, mahog. library table and writing desk. Main OtjOtt evenings. FURNITURE In 4-rooin flat for sate cheap; flat for rent. 4291? East 13th st. North, corner Tillamook. BUNGALOW furniture cneap for quick sale; no dealers. Tabor 881 3. .HOOM furniture for sale, 3 bedroom sets, range, etc. Walnut 1877. ItUG. 9x1 2. blue Axml nster. $o5. Broad way 2555. Office furniture. FOR QUICK SALE: 2 tvpewriter desks. 1. 6-foot office table. 2" office chairs. 1 swivel chair. 1 sections! file. 1 6-foot counter. 1 double 13-foot tire rack, iron. 1 automatic electric sign, varl-col-red. 3 air romp., complete with connec tions and hosa 75 feet long, $90. 104 33th St. L BIG buy of ussd office, furniture, bought right and passed on to our cus tomers right, desk, roll or flat, tables, chairs, safes, adding machines, type writers, all in fine condition and priced to sell quick. Our new line at the price of us-d elsewhere. We rent of fice equipment. 1. C. Wax. 2-2 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. 8 BOOKKEEPERS' DESKS. 1 roll-top dPKK. 2 flat-top desks. 1 safe, 6 chairs. 1 steel 4-door upright files, at $37.50. Buihonr A Co.. 91 Park at. FURNITURE like new. iull equipped of fice. 3 decks, 6 chairs, adding machine, typewriter, check proteetograph, elec- tric fan. Inquire 4Q3 Davis t. FOR SALE I roll -top oak cek. 1 oak twivel chair, 1 oak typewriter table. Main 0276. , FOR SALE I swivel eli air. oak ro'l-top desk aud Call at 406 Broadway Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rfnt. exchange. We are exclusive dis tributers of Corona portable; $50, com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. p 4 k ifth St. Broad wa y 7169. ALL. MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below manu facturers' price. TERMS $5 monthly If desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months. $750 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 32 1 Washington St. Bdwy. 7431. REBUILT GUARANTEED TYPEWRIT ERS, all makes. CASH, PAYMENTS. 124 4th St. POANE S. $3 RENTS Underwood. Remington type writer. Em p:re Transfer. 145 11th st. Brn(iav' 0155. REBUILTS. 2d -hand rentals, cut rates. P. D. - O. Co.. 231 Starkst. Bdwy. 750T. $3 RENTS Underwood. Remington, Km pire Transfer. 145 11th- Bd wy. 0 155. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell, supplies. Type writer Insp. Co.. 312 Stark. Bdwy. 7549. log. Rabbits, Birds and Tet Stock. CHEAP fox terrier fetnaie puppy. TOR SALE. P'tgn, Knbbitw, Bird ami Yet Stock. THOROUGHBRED Airedale female. I paid $10 at 1 month old, now 4 months old. 1 am taking a position and will not be home to care for same. Fine condition. $10. Mrs. G. L. Craig, 40l E. Webster. SETTER, very well bred, perfect mark ing and a real hunter; also auto shot gun. Sell one or both, leaving city; real bargains. Walnut 4523. SOMETHING classy in toy Boston ter riers: A. K C. stock. Bdwy. 363. WANTED Good 1194. duck retriever. Main TRAINED roller, 18 monthi 460 K. Clay. old, 15 CHIHUAHUA fox terrier pups, reas. Moore. 870 Halght ave. Walnut 3784. GOOD male shepherd puppy; natural heeler. 240 E. 8th st. COLLIE 75 14th st. Main 4 Poultry. FOR SALE 2W White Leghorn hens, 1 yr., is. moult; Tancred strain; 60c. E. L. James, Beaverbon. Or., R. 4. 137. 100 WHITE LEGHORN pullets. 3 milch goats, l jersey cow. a rey, ai tn st and 56th ave. Coal and Wood. $4.50 PER LOAD $4.50. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch fir blocks and slabs; runs partly dry. for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO.. WALNUT 4102. 16-IN. BLOCK and slab mixed. $4.50 a load or 2 for $. Dry block and siao mixed, $5.50 per load. - Call Walnut 5904. $4.50 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch block and slab mixed, partly dry; fine for furnace or heater. NATIONAL. FUEL CO. East 2041. UTAH and Rock Springs coal. Lump $15.50 egg $15. First and second growth fir, oak and country slap. Holladay Fuel Co., East 7921. WANTED To buy a quantity of 1st or 2d-growth cordwood. Call Bdwy. 0486. 430 Burnside. ' BEST old-growth fir, $9; Rock Springs and Utah coal. Sellwood 0314. 674 East 16th. NICE 16-in. slab, $3.50 and $4 load; box, $4;.l-in. thick, $5; anywhere; No. 1 cord. $7.75. Sellwood 1769. Paul Fuel. SHORT, dry and green block and ail road ties, slab and cordwood. Main 676. ' UTAH KING COAL. EAST 8984. HEAVY planer wood, dry, big load, $6. East 7921. DRY FIR cordwood, coal and country slab. Wal. 3423. Atwater 2526. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed; two loads, $9; one load. 5. Walnut 1399. FIR AND HARDWOOD. Call S. R. How ell. 696 Y. Vancouver. Wash. DRY BOXWOOD. Main 6538. FOR DRY WOOD CALL EAST 34 S 7 Kegs and. Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., SOS N. 14th St.. near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 519-10. Machinery. 1 42-TON two-truck. Shay locomotive, rebuilt. 1 50-ton, two-truck Shay locomotive, overhauled and in good condition. 1 10x12 Washington half-breed. 1 11x13 Willamette Humboldt yarder. 1 12x13 .Washington compound yarder. CLYDE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. . Fruits and Vegetables. GRAPHS Standard varieties at 5c lb. 4th house on Craig road, north of B:U"r road. Orders every day except Sun . day. Tabor 6Q14. FOR -SALE Cheap to 1 person, from 75 to 100 bushels unpicked apples. Sell wood 1640. GRAPES Standard varieties, 5c lb.. 50 lbs. delivered. Craig road. Tabor 705S. Miscellaneous. USED OFFICE FURNITURE, We buy, sell and rent a single chair or a complete office outfit. D. C. Wax. 24-26 I. oth. 3(1 wy. , LARGE willow bassinette, $7; willow oriole, $5; nursery chair, $1; Lawson gas stove and Simplex electric heater, like new. Tabor 1161. PLUTO Jewell No. 3 6 heating stove, with water coil; l cast iron nugget hiuyc, good condtion. Aut 644-56. No df.alersv BLACK velvet suit, good condition, size 38, $15; white crepe de chine coat- and bonnet, size 2 years, $5. almost new. Broadway 208. HoTPOINT electric range, practically new, solid oak sideboard, Majeetlc steel range, all in first-class condition. Ta bor 7570. 1750 E. Yamhill. . PRACTICALLY new child gray leather harness. Remington typewriter, i-xi tent, zither, musical inst., wardrobe, trunk; s. bargain; deliver. East 3210. NEW STAND electric White sewing ma chine, great aacriiice ior casn. Atwamr 2453. DOMESTIC Science fireles3 cooker, No. 35, two apartments with stand, almost new, $25. East 17C5. BOHN syphon enameled rcrngerator, family size, 75-ioe. ice, cost iou. oeu for $60. East 1765. EOY'S slightly used wood overcoat, very reasonable. Tabor utsoo. xvo .. tn st. S. TAN OXFORDS, worn less than week. at sacrifice. Bought at ureeniieiu &. E 994, Oregonian, COLONIAL walnut twin beds, new, sac rificing at $UO. (jau mornings, jasv FOR RENT Duck lake with cabin; 1 hour's drive; Sauvies island. 1 800, Oregonian. FINE grapes, 5c lb. pjCKed. vvni de liver 40 lbs. or over. 835 E. 28th st.. near Gladstone ave FILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75o per day, delivered. Tabor 8531, formerly walnut izotf. DIEBOLD SAFES, new and second-hand, special prices. Pacific Safe and Supply Co., 48 Front St. Broadway 1968. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange kodaks. Sandy. 124 Broadway. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. FERTILIZER. Extra well-rotted cow manure deliv ered In any part of the city. Wal. 0233. S6-INCH "steel-clad" trunk, special $10. AU trunks for less. THE BAGGAGE SHOP, 288 3d St. WANTED At once, auto trailer; good condition; state price in first letter. J. Blaine Troen. qurs fiarK st LADIES' exclusive used coats, dresses, suits; large selection in a home. Tabor 2825. FOR SALE 1 electric Stradavara nograph at the Electric Shop. Washington. Automatic 530-50. pho 546 REVERE DuesenUery, almost new, 6 tires, lots of extras, classiest car in town, bargain for someone. East 74S4. DOUGHNUT KETTLE, counter, bicycle and other baking supplies. 971 East gist street rvortn FOR SALE Reasonable, first-class wood and coal range, with gas attachment. Main 413". SHOWCASES, cash registers, scales, tables, wall cases; big reductions. pool .329 1st St. DROPHEAD Singer machine, gnod con dition. $15. East 3769, 567 Williams. .0-GAUGE Winchester 12x14 tent. 16x1 K fly. pump gun, $2-0. Wal. $25; 1 145. SIMPLEX MANGLE, household size. Child s crib and mattress, -nam mat. CONCORD grapes lor sale. Call Tabor 7339. - ALMOST new Apex electric vacuum cieaner, -iO. l-l m. loucn si JAPANESE mink choker, coat, felt lined. $17, Size $10; dolman . E. 7M8. Zt rapes ; Division. cents a lb-, big baskets. 1782 Tabor 3 636. FURNITURE repairing. upholstering. Faulkner. Mai n 4477. ALMOST new two-burner oil stove and oven. Walnut 5S2L 17 DECOY ducks for sale. Address Mrs. Wm. Thomen. Warren. Or. DRAWER electric cash register; also small yafe. Bdwy. 14-S. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning l'o.. iso. 1 st st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 3st. near Ash. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL cars. $10 to $15. Broadway 4492. MAJESTIC range, good condition, bar gain Tabor 8745. - RUGS washed on your fioor. Hamilton Beach, carpet washer. East 4045. SPLENDID nickel piaied wood or coal range; good condition. Bdwy. 1170. CONCORD grapes. East Main st. 5 cents per Jb. 1613 GRAPES Maddock's. 3itn and Steel ave. S . E. 6 c pound Wood stock c ar. DOUBLE-BARREL shotgun, $10. 427 Harrison. BEST Star shingles. $3.20 per M. 427 Harrison- SAFE, Hail make. 34x22x23. cneap. 02 3. Crrgonia.o- SINOER sewing machine, leaving city. Main 1S22. almost new; SHINGLES direct from nnil, extra Star-A-Star. Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. HUG FOR &AL&, Bdwy. I4,: FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ALMOST new White Frost refrigerator, family size, water tank attached, cost $125. Sale price $75. Two-sectional hr-iifs9 itnn nd' has mahogany) $25. Hot-point vacuum sweeper, almost new. J;i0. Wicker desk and chair, both fnr 135 One double wicker Oira cage "stand; twin mantle lamps with, brass base, hand-paint ed snaue. very Beau tiful, $40. Two small rugs, $5 each. Call Tabor 0H83. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK- By onr latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pain; absolutely harmless and no after effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J Klesendahl, above Majestic theater. 851 Wash ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory snow room and save one-third; all styles, finest selections; come in and see, you are under no obligation tct-buy. STAJfLEY LUZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Broadway 4253. DAINTY, iacely white gold and platinum mountings; they make your diamonds look 25 per cent larger and brighter as wen; -a wonderlul selection io c-uu-from. Miller's Big Little Jewelry store. Sells for less gifts that last. Next door Majestic theater, Washington, near Park st. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Authorized service station for Ham 11 ton-Beach appliances and Royal vacuuu cleaners; we repair all makes of irons, heaters, toasters, curling irons, etc. Hynson Electric Co., 62 6th. st. Broadway 4293. Specials ta in elec trical repairing. LEAKY ROOF, EH? Very aggravating, indeed! Why not a comfortable and permanent roof? We repair RUBBER BOND and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, de teriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Bdwy. 5958. S E VV I X G MACHINES. Singer, $20; New Home, $25; White Rotary, $30; 66-1 Singer, $35; Free, $20; Wheeler & Wilson, $18; Willam ette, $15; all . very latest and strictly guaranteed. Singer Agency. 193 4th, at Taylor. Main 6833. SEWING machines, new and second hind, sold for less; no agents em ployed; complete line of parts for all ' makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, lu 3d Sc.. near Taylor. Main 9431. IF YOU appreciate splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to Miller's Big Little Jewelry store. Sells for less gifts that last. Next door to Majestic theater. Park and Washington .sts. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mold ings, millwork, glass roofing and hot bed sash. See our odu stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., down town iumber stor. 171 FRONT -ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. SAVE your wife; send your wet wash to the Snowflake laundry. Clothes washed snowy white in separate com partments; Thurs.. Fr. and Sat.. 15 lbs. for 60c, 4c for each additional pound. Val. premium given. Phone East 8433. SAFES Fire and Durgiar . proof safes, uew and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if desired. MORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Bdwy. 7045. SACRIFICING Circassian dresser, dress ing table, brass bed. &xl2 rug. oak dresser, white fox fur, violet chiffon velvet dress, size 36. No reasonable offer refused. 505 Weldler. Broadway car. BANKRUPT SALE of the Pacific Tire and Supply Co. stock and implements such as tires, inner tubes, accessories, etc.. at whole sale prices and below. 331 Burnside. WOOL BATTS. Best grade, virgin wool batts, at $1.10 per pound. Mattresses made to order. Milwaukie Wool Carding Mill, Milwaukie, Or. Phone Mtlwaukie 110. LADIES and children's use of clothing, good style and quality, shoes and hats very reasonable. Vogue, 4th floor, 403 Ansky bldg., 3d near Morrison Main 3132. WE INSTALL hot water coils in- stoves and furnaces; a!eo put on gutters end d-own spouts; general repairing: al-1 work guaranteed: reasonable Phone East 0020. DUCK HUNTERS Chance for 3 sports men, shoot on the best lake on Sauvles island, fine blinds and cabin, lots of Diras. close to portiana. louo. ore gonian. BANKRUPT SALE. One 5-mould vuicanizer, complete, at a very low price: also one 3-mould vuicanizer, tubes and other articles used in this business. 331 Burnside. BLEACHED and laundered 100-lb. flour sacks, $1.20 perMozen; sugar sacks, 9oc dozen, and 15c 'dozen for postage and insurance. Snow Flake Laundry. 480 uelmont. 50 SLIGHTLY used White, new Homef Singer sewing machines for sale oi rent; liberal terms on sale. E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave. at Belmont. Phone East 2359. HOT-WATER tanks $5, guar.; tanks, gas water heaters repaired; piummng con tractors: estimates fnven. .ast uio Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. E. 8516. FOR RENT SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BUY, SELL AND TRADE. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST. NR. ALDER. VIOLET RAY Headquarters, Inc., sixth floor Raleigh bldg., n. w. cor. Sixth and Washington. Phone Broadway eh40. FOR SALE Ice box, safe, chairs, root beer fountain, mirrors, electric fix tures, candy trays, gum cases, linoleum ana counter. 440 Washington st. GOOD hot blast ooal heater, $15. Tabor FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. HIGH-GRADE AUTOMOBILES. '21 AUBURN SPORT CAR. Brand new and has all the- very latest extras on it; one of the fore most cars in America; liberal terms and take car in trade. '21 AUBURN SEDAN. Light 7-pass. car that is the last word in sedans; ready for delivery; take car in trade. "21 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. This real automobile is refinished the very latest colors, brand new tires and one extra; tools and side curtains; all ready to deliver; low price and take $400 down, bal. monthly; take car in trade. '21 HUDSON COUPE. Reffnished and new tires and the real class; no trades; low price; term. '21 AUBURN TOURING. Refinished midnight blue; cords and one extra; all ready to do your work; low price, easy terms and take car In trade. '19 DODGE TOURING. Reffnished and looks and runs fine; low price of $383 with $150 down, bal. monthly. LATE MODEL CHEVROLET TOUR. Refinished and set seat covers; new tires, one extra; all goes at low price of $265 with $100 down. bal. easy. LATE LIGHT ROADSTER. Popular make, refinished latest col ors; come and try it; ready to go; $100 down, bal. monthly. GRANT SIX TOURING. $100 down. bal. easy : take car in trade; all ready to go; good tires and one extra; good paint; runs fine. BUICK LIGHT SIX ROADSTER. Hero Is the kind that is bard to get; brand new tires and two extras, all conis and mounted, side curtains and tools, spotlight: low price. $485 with $175 down. bal. monthly; Just being re finished and looks like new car. Liberal terms, no brokerage, and the largest stock of late model high-grade ears on this market to select from. Phone 513-67. MURPHY MOTOR CO., Sixteenth and Alder. WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING This is a 5-passenger car with the famous Knight sleeve-valve mtor. One of those cars that you can't wear out. Is in fine shape all the way through. One of the few chances to get a Knight motor cheap. $325. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 8535. W I LLYS - KNIGHT $ 81 5 . Late '20 model Willys-Knight tour ing, real car, powerful, economical, silent running, splendid bargain. $895; very easy terms. Pacific Motor Co., Broadway at Flanders. B d w y. 7916. WILL sacrifice 1920 490 Chevrolet tour ing, in perfect shope. cord tires, moto meter. spotlight, bumper, hand brake. Will give easy terms. Call owner, Walnut 5019- 1921 7-PASS. CHALMERS, factory dem onstrator, cord tires, 1 spare, spot light and license; mechanically good. Price $tO0; terms. Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation. East 0531. 1921 CHEVROLET touring car. fine me chanical condition, .ha just been over hauled and has 5 good tires. The car looks like new. Wainut 23S7". $500 HUDSON SEDAN $500. This car looks like new and runs like new; is 1917 and will be reduced $25 per day till sold. Auto. 815-45. l!!is GOOD MAXWELL Think it over, $175. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO., Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 3 535. FORD WANTED as part payment on my late model Studebaker special six touring car; long, easy terms on balance. E. 7439. FORD touring Here is a real buy ; tires o. W., extra heavy springs, motor in fine condition. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Aider. Bdwy. 1460. 1918 FORD touring, new tires, new top, sun. j i ' :n - prnaoway. SACRIFICE LATE 'IS STUDEBAKER. 612 PANAMA BLDG. FOR SAT.F AUTOMOBTLES. DODGE BROTHERS used motor cars - really estab . lish a precedent in the favor they receive, both to all dealers who have the opportunity of taking them in through new car saies and also to the USED CAR FUR CHASER. Very often the other dealer ot'ersteps good judgment in allowance on used Dodge Brothers' cars because of the good name the car bears. In this case that dealer's only redress is In passing this fictitious price on to the used car buyer. As DODGE BROTHERS AU THORIZED DEALER we face as strong a moral obligation in the sale of used Dodge Brothers cars as we do with new cars. We know the record of each Dodge Brothers Used car; the exact date of production; its value. In the purchase of vour used Dodge Brothers car full infor mation im at your disposal for the asking. It is not necessary to purchase from us to have thi service at your command. We do invite your comparison with our values of "guaranteed" transportation. We have found this to be protection to you. DODGES ALL MODELS. $200 TO $S00. 3918 type Buiek touring, refinished, dandy car $400 1921 late Maxwell touring; cord tires; refinished like new 450 1019 85-4 Overland touring, renewed and refinished.... 325 1922 Ford roadster; Al car. . 375 1939 Overland tourmg. Just a good car 250 1920 Overland 4 roadster, rebuilt and refinished...... 375 1919 Maxwell touring; excep tional car, cord tires, re finished 835 BR ALE Y, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. 11th and Burnside. Phone Broadway 32SL USED CAR SNAPS. The best two months of the year are ahead for the motorist.. Buy your car now and be sure to select it from the Mitchell tock of GOOD USED CARS. 1919 Chevrolet touring $ 325 3916 Mitchell roadeter 350 1921 Overland touring 465 Oakland touring 300 3922 Mitchell touring . 1350 1918 Willys-Overland 450 1918 Maxwell touring 250 Chevrolet touring 575 1914 Studebaker touring ... 110 3920 Maxwell touring 450 3919 Briscoe touring 350 1917 Mitchell touring 400 1921 Scrippe-Booth sedan... 1250 1917 Mitchell touring 375 3917 Buick touring 375 1918 Overland touring 325 Ford roadster 175 1920 Mitchell touring 950" J917 Overland touring 150 Grant sedan 675 193 7 Dort touring , 275 3917 Maxwell touring 375 3917 Oldsmobile 8 425 1918 Stuta 1195 1918 Briscoe touring 260 We sell on easy terms and you will like our fair and square methods of doing business. MITCHELL. LEWIS 8c STAVER COMPANY. 40 Years in the Northwest, Broadway and Everett St., Portland, Oregon. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO. Broadway at Burnside. HERE ARB REAL VALUES. An unusually fine selection of hlrh ; grade cars tor your approval. Come in oa see tnern - 1922 Buick "Four" roadster, run only uui mi.es. 1921 Velie six touring, just like new. 1921 Peerless "8" touring, fine car. 1919 Chalmers, touring, low price. 1918 Dodge touring, priced low. 1917 Oakland six touring, only $250. 1918 Paige touring, fine condition. 1920 Oldsmobile "8" touring, only i uu. MANY OTHERS OPEN' EVENINGS. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO., INC., Distributors Velie and Peerless. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. Broadway at Burnside. Phone Broadway 312L ETUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS. The John K. Leander Co. Is the new Studebaker dealer. Their policy is one of service to the owners and purchasers of the new STUDEBAKERS and the buyers of used cars traded in. We ex tend to you. MR. USED CAR BUYER, special invitation to visit our USED CAR DIVISION at 341 Burnside. near Broadway. JOHN K. LEANDER CO.. 341 BURNSIDE ST.. and 10TH AND GLISAN STS. RECONSTRUCTION SALE. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. 1921 Studebaker light six $750 1919 Essex touring 650 1921 Overland four 445 3920 Overland four 325 3920 Chevrolet touring 350 1920 Chevrolet touring 825 1920 Chevrolet roadster 295 1918 Briscoe touring 275 1915 Buick C-25 touring 195 Open Evenings and Sundays. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. Grand and Hawthorne East 3770. CONSERVATIVE WORKING MEN. 1921 roadster $325 1921 coupe 495 3921 touring 360 Here is a peach: 1920 roadster, brand new tires, nat ural wood wheels, external brakes, fine shape, only $313: 9100 cash, balance your own terms in reason. 128 N. -BROADWAY. Used Ford Car Center. 1921 FORD TOURING. In the best of condition, looks like new, only run a few thousand miles. Main 0623 Room 316. CHEAP SNAP Will sell for $160 my lit tle four-cylinder Mitchell, nice appear ing, good condition, tires excellent. 5 passcnger Main 1564. WANT used Chevrolet or Ford as first payment on new Chevrolet. Call Ben nlng. Broadway 0240. , 3921 FORD SEDAN $400. Privately owned, good condition. 701 North ru p. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 631 Alder at 17th. Bdwy. 3254. Mail orders filied. j825 1922 DODGE ROADSTER. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sta 1922 CHEVROLET road ter. just broken in big discount for use and easy terms. Main 1095. PAIGE, 1919. privately owned; Goodrich and Oldfleld cords; perfect condition $400. Main 8926. WE PUT steel teeth ,in your old fly wheel: crankshaft turning, cvl. grind. ing. H- B. Black, 534 Alder. Bdwy. 281. HAVE a deposit on a new Ford car; will . sell at a discount. Phone McLeod. East 3371. 1921 COLE AERO EIGHT, excellent con dition; owner leaving city; will sacri fice for cash. Tabr 9387. FORD-coupe, run two weeks, take tour ing or roadster, good terms on baiance " Sellwood 1119. FOR SALE Classy bug Ford, good top; a bargain; your own terms. Call Bdwy. 8626. FORD coupe, used 2 months, perfect con dition; well equipped; cash or terms. G 923, Oregonian, STAGE OWNERS, attention !- 1915 6-48 Packard for sale. BJ 991. Oregeni a n. lpi7fiHSj iF mu iD 601 $IS5. Fhone East bo64. FOR SALK AUTOMOBILES. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS AD. SPECIAL. j . FORD TOURINGS WITH STARTER- j 1919-1920-1921 MODELS. 1921 Repainted, new top, good tires $30 3921 A right one 375 1921 40 1920 3l! 321 35C 2921 30 1H20 825 3921 375 1921 "Wire wheels, speedometer, bumper, other extras, everything the best 90 3919 310 3920 This is an exceptional value 325 3 921 375 3921 85 per cent new Js5 3921 350 Most of the cars have extra equip ment. They are all in excellent con dition. Some repainted. Some not. Some with demountable rims, some without. But get this: THE BEST STOCK OF LATE MOD EL FORD TOURINGS IN PORTLAND AND THEY ARE PRICED RIGHT FOR THE ACTUAL VALUE REPRE SENTED. Not a Sale. Just our usual policy of keeping tht price rignt. DUNNING MOTOR CO.. East Third and Broadway. Trade In your old Ford and get one wnn a sartr. BUY USED CAR FROM A REPUTABLE ESTABLISHMENT. There ;lj a great deal more than Just the car to consider; probably the most important thing is the house from which . you buy; we endeavor to tell you exactly the condition of every car; we stand back of what we tell you, no matter at what cost.' REMEMBER THIS ONE THING: Our policy of doing business Is based upon the NE CESSITY OF HAVING THE PUBLIC'S GOOD WILL. WE WILL NOT DEVIATE FROM THIS. "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." . COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, TWO LOCATIONS. Main plant. 21st at Washington. Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadway Branch, 28-80 Broadway. We have cars to take you from one place to the other. $100 DOWN. EASY TERMS. Dort 5-passenger. Oakland coupe. Maxwell, new top. Overland 90, Al. Oakland touring, new paint. Velie, a dandy. 1921 Ford delivery, 2 bodies. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., luth and Burnside. Bdwy. 0521. ALLEN-GOO DSELL MOTOR CO. "The House of Service." 12th and Stark Sta. 3920 Ford , sedan. 150 extras 1920 Ford coupe, overhauled... 1921 Ford sedan, good buy 3920 Ford road, box (starter).. ..$515 jn-'i v or a tour., camping seats.... 8 1921 Ford coupe. Overhauled 5 1919 Ford tour., starter 2 3918 Ford coupe, overhauled 3 1920 Ford road., extras 2 1920 Ford tour., see this one 2 TERMS. Many others to choose from. ALLEN-GOO DSELL MOTOR CO., "The House of Service." 12th and Stark. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE; WE FURNISH THE MONEY; OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., BEST SNAPS IN TOWN. We are not dealers. These machines were lert with us for quick sale. 3922 Ford roadster $ 3921 Commonwealth 550 iv iv o-pass. tnajmers, lust thor oughly overhauled 350 .jims uodge touring 375 Ji'j btnwood Paige, ifke new.... 12, 101 N. 11th st.. North Bank Garage. WE SELL AUTOS AND WS SELL 'EM CHEAP. Don't buy until you have looked our biock over. PORTLAND AUTO SALES. 125 loth, Cor. Washington. Open evenings and Sunday. ' Phone Bdwy. 4374. LATEST model superior Chevrolet tour . ing. slightly used; better than new U you are in th&- market for a new car, you can have good discount, terms and new car service guaranteed on this car. i.ast .t.thjk. LIKE NEW MAXWELL ROADSTER. Has the 1922 mechanical features and starting units; new cord tires will consider trade: '$575. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. .pawy. d.ai. j.iin ana j-surnside Sts. HUDSON SUPER-SIX TOURING. $550. 1 his car is jum repainted and looks Jike new ana nag just been rebuilt and Is In first-class mechanical condition; has good tires: $200 .down. $35 month. Phone Tabor 5775. $50 $50 $50 Ford touring, balance in four equal paymen-ta of $16 each. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sta 392- CHEVROLET, Run 3000 miles: good tires, median ically perfect; will give big discount and terms to responsible party. Phone East, CHEVROLET salesman wanted to work on straight commission basis, down payment on aemonetrator required. Apply sales manager, Field Motor Car Co.. i4tn ana a iaer. 1920 FORD COUPE with 5 wire wheels, new tires, speedometer, dash light, sun visor, shock absorbers, tool box. Car runs fine and is good in every way. Empire 1736. 1920 VELIE SEDAN, $775. Velour upholstering, 5 cord tires, bumpers, spotlight, etc.; some buy. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnai de Sts. 1921 ESSEX TOURING. $750. This car looks like new and is in first-class mechanical condition and has all good cord tires. Will sell on ea.-v terms. Phone East 3962. 1022 CHEVROLET touring; must sac rifice and seli today. $237 cash will handle ; easy monthly payments on balance can be arranged. Call Tabor FORD, 1919, for sale cheap, on account of sickness; car in fine condition; esay - terms; $100 cash, balance $16 a mo. Broadway 2170. FORD ROADSTER. 1921 ; good condition; starter, many extras; $300. Terms- 628 6th. Atw. 1768. LIGHT 6 COUPE. Run only 6000 miles, guaranteed to be in first-class condition, looks like new; will sacrifice. East 7484 FORD COUPE. 3920 model with extras; car A-l me chanically and looks good ; $435. Bdwy. 2488 or 609 Washington st. 822 CHEVROLET touring car: used very little; need money and will sac rifice. Terms to responsible parties. Phone E. 5708. 400 CHEVROLET touring, in good con dition; car has had btst of care; am forced to sell and will take $S0 cash, bal. $12 per month. Tabor 5935. $252.50 PUTS this 11122 Chevrolet dem onstrator in your possession, if taken before Oct- 10. E. A. Docksteader, Wal nut 3201. 1916 REO TOURING car. $73 down, $10 a month for 10 months. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC., Bdwy.3281. 11th and BurnsideSta jTa FRANKLIN tourmg, good eondi- tion; $H"0. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 328L 31th and Burnaide Sta. 1922 CHEVROLET superior touring car. can accept trade on your old Ford or Chevrolet: tenn on balance. Phone B d wv. 0425. evenings Tabor 2276 NEW SUPERIOR jnodei Chevrolet tour ing but sghtiy u:ted, at a good dis count. Walnt02 1120 CHEVROLET, good shape, engine over'naud; $325. term. Tabor 9137. FOR SALE at a sacrifice. Maxwell tour- ! ing car, goa cwmiuum. ca JtK,L 1 920 OVERLAND 4 touring, reducing $10 per day. 2-30 N. Broadway, FOR PALE A I TO MOB H F. WILLYS-OVER LAND PACIFIC COM PAN Y, Broadway at Davis. THIS IS SEDAN WEATHER. "We submit the follow Ing for your consideration: LATE WILLYS-KNIGHT PP. DAN This car- has ben thor oughly overhauled, repainted. 5 cord tires, for the high-cla buyer this car is a snap at the price. $1650. OVERLAND LIGHT SE DAN This is a 5-passenger car. Will make Just the thing for the family. Priced low for a quick salts. $550. OVERLAND 90 SEDAN On of the good light 4-cyiinder cars, painted a rich maroon, wire wheels, 5 good tires, and in good shape mechanically. $600. LATE SERIES OVERLAND SEDAN We have two of thee late Overland erians to choose from. Both are fine shape me chanically. Have good tir. good paint, and they are the most economical of all light weight cars to drive. Your choice of either. $700. THINK RIGHT BUY RIGHT. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway. 3535. Open Evenings until 9 O'clock. USED CARS. LOOK THEM OVER. 9-B Franklin. oversized tires HW 9-B Franklin sedan, looks like new 2300 9-A Franklin touring, dandy buy 6 9-B Franklin. 1921. looks like new 1500 3921 Dodge sedan, Al shape 900 1921 Lexington 7-passnger. dandy buy 1250 3920 Scripps - Booth. new paint 0 Willys-Knight touring 350 1920 Olds 8, new paint, dandy tires Ford touring, good tires, bar gain 100 1922 Hup with lots of re pairs 1000 3922 Essex coach. $100 of ex tras 1200 SEE MURCH AT THE BRALY AUTO COMPANY, 14th and Burnside Sts. FOR REAL BARGAINS. RECONSTRUCTION SALE. FORDS. FORDS, FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. Wt must reduce our stock of used cars, pending the completion of our new annex, which wiil give us a full half block of ground fUor space; see these wonderfui bargains at our main sales floor. TOUR15U UAKB. 3914 Ford touring $ 75 215 225 295 825 375 1918 Ford touring 1919 Ford touring 1920 Ford touring, starter. ... 3920 Ford touring, S3. A dem.. 1921 Ford touring KUAUBTEnS, 1918 Ford roadster, dem $190 3918 Ford roadster 225 3920 Ford roadsters, 83. A dem... Z9.i 1920 Ford roadster -'5 1921 Ford roadster ' CLOSED CARS. 1919 Ford coupe. 4 speeds $450 3920 Ford sedan 475 3920 Ford sedan 485 1920 Ford coupe 4.H5 3 920 Ford coupe 415 1921 Ford sedan 5-5 1921 Ford coupe, lots of extras... 525 COMMERCIAL CARS. 1915 Ford chassis I 75 1915 Ford delivery, panel body ... 135 3917 Ford truck, overhauled 295 1918 Ford truck chassis 225 1920 Ford delivery 295 1922 Ford truck, with body 650 Ws are open until 9 o'clock evenings and Sundays; buy a used car of a re liable dealer: we give the same servlcs on used ears as on new ones. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Grand and Hawthorne. East 3770. THE FOLLOWING USED CARS WERE TAKEN IN ON THE NEW OAKLAND 6-44. AND MUST BE . SOLD. 1929 Ford touring. Demountable rime, foot accelerator, starter, wonderful condition $285 1918 Buick "4" touring. Has cord tires and spare, bumper, spot light. rear-view mirror, fine mechanically . . . : $275 1919 34-B Oakland touring. Has wire wheels and cord tires. Ready to go.. Low price $373 34-B Oakland touring. In wonder ful condition from tires to top. $450 34-B Oakland touring. This Tittle car has wire wheels, lO0' tires. Latest pistons and rings $450 1921 Oakland roadster. This car has all latest Improvements. A regular automobile $750 1922 Oakland 8-44 84-B Oakland touring . . .$900 . . . $350 1921 Oakland touring. Absolutely rebuilt; service guarantee. See ing is believing $800 NORTHWEST OAKLAND COMPANY, Park and Couch streets. Broadway 0082. REAL BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE. $750 cash buys a Case if dan, run lem than 500O w iiie: in perfect ahape: or $ 1 250 cash buys 1919 D57 Cad i Mac ; must sell one of these cars at once, aa am leaving town ; or will trade hot h or one of these on a Cadillac inclosed car and pay the difference. Phone Broadway 5184. King Mree-t Garage 1921 MITCHELL touring, Al mechani cally; ready to go; easy rtoing ana economical: $730. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC.. Bdwy. 328L 11th and Burnald tots. YOU want the, best used Chevrolet for your money. I have seven on con signment for you to choose from, so you can't go wrong, but plea- don't wast your time or mine unless yon - are in a po-ltlon to pay down at least $50. E. 5568 FORD SUDAN. Ipte model, starter, dem. rims, speedometer, dash light, good ti-es, spare tire with cover, $475. Terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Haw-thorne Ave. at Rth. East 0720. NEW BUICK Must sell my new 1922 Buick ''4" as my basinia demsndn a commercial car; run 2ooo miles, better than new; perfc ct condit ion ; $850. good terma Call Automatic 44-iH, 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, new top. new paint, good tires, spare tire, $425. Terms. !. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave. st th. East 072O. CADILLAC BUG Good tire, good me chanical condition, 1922 license: eary terms. Be sure to see this car. North wwt Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Broadway 3 46". 1921 FORD TOURING CAR. Dandy condition, some extras, real buy Mr $825. terma Call Tabor 1727. J920 FORD touring, starter, dem. rims, shocks, 2 spetllghi. foot throttle, etc.; good t1rs. good condition. $325, Terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave. at Sth. Eait 020 OVERLAND Model 85-4; new tires; first-class mechanics ily ; a ra! buy ; prtce oniy $-VK. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18;h and Aider. Bdwv. J40. W FN TON SIX. 7-paasenger, good condition and good rubber: will sacrifice for nulck sale. Price $630. 353 Wash St. Bd wy 75 7 9 . BY OWNER 1921 Ford coupe, wire wheis. A -i condition, lots or extras. 5 good tires. Call Sellwood 2?o2. PANEL delivery, 1919 Chevrolet, good condition, six nearly new tires. $275 cash. Phone after 6 P. M. Aut. 687-SL 1822 ESSEX, nearly nw; will take 1920 or -i j-rt p?iTi-ni, oaiance c as h or terms. Phone Auto 32V : . WILL wacririce 40 tnevroift touring; like new In every respect; easy terma Main lyl" MAXWEl, I j cah. ba.ano easy m iont ri!y payment Phone East 1371. il0 OVERLAND 4 touring. rer ucin$$i9 pr day. 26-30 N. Broadway, THE FAMOUS HUDSON -PITER SIX Al'TOMOBILCff. 19JO Model, the 19!9-I920 nes. ItudMnn JSuper Six, la f'rt ciasa cond.lioa I With WeetlBgneuse air springs lo;a Mel H Puper fine condi tion, great buy... 5 J9t Hudson -40 -5 1921 Essex 7 3920 Dodge Bros touring... 823 1918 Liberty . . ' 1919 Chalmers 475 1921 Olds 4 70 3920 Nash so 1920 Olds S T1 Liberty sedan Cole 8 Stephens r4 Lsrgeat used car branch ttore in the city, at 4-4 N Brvd w ay. Open Sunday and eve nings. ' BROADWAY 3739. C- L. BOPS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CARS. Nash coupe. Iota of entra. 2 bumpers, run only 7mM miles 11075 1920 Oakland roadster, orig inal finish 650 750 1920 Velie. lots of extras, looks like new 1920 Stuta rsdter. 6 C"M tires: everything In the way of extras you fin put on a car. Doa't overlook thl. 1917 Dodge touring. $150 top; at a real bargain. 1919 Nash, repainted, over hauled 1921 Nash, sport mflsl; new paint. guaranteed ilk IftOO 50 1919 Chalmers Peerls bug. a classy Job, with a lot of speed. 1917 Cad'Mac. "-pass. vatly used prl- EAST TERMS. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. lOvh and Burnside. Bdwy. 0521. WILLYS-KNIGHT TOfRTVO CAR Th'i is a 7-psssengr car wtth th famous sleeve-valve motor that can't b bt. This will make a wonderful rar for stage purposes an-l also fir someone that neeils ft 7-paenBr emr look up the r-putatlon of the Knight Motor befor you even Consider this. This is priced exceptionally lew for a Knight Motor car, $7(iO. WILLYS-OVEKLAND PACIFIC CO., Broadway at Da via Bdwy 8V1 OThRLANO S-4 TOURING - We ha 2 of these to chooee from. The 2 of th beat ft-paesenser cara In town. We defy anyone to show a httr bar gain than we are off-ring here A-k nvon about this Mot.rl Overland. Will have to b l"n to be apprrla I el. Willvs-Overland Pacific Co. Broadway at Davis Bdwy. 33 S 3 . 1021 BUICK LIGHT SIX. 1921. Rebuilt throughout, beautifully refin ished. cord tires; wMl giv you the service of a new ear ; must be on to appreciate. Priced low at $1 lot. terms, and will consider imM light car In trade, t all A uiomai ic 324 .3H. BUICK A fine-looking 7-pa wngef cvhnder; four good tir". bumPT, etc. Run rim paratl vely lift ie; wlil give any demonatra ton desired. Mdl K-49. Price $2A; rat car; i-rms If desired. Main 150. Apt. Klm wnnr A Pa OVERLAND 90 TOURING We have twn of these good light rara. Gn painted maroon, one patnted gren. Thy have bn thoroughly overhauled Your choice of either. $850. Willys-Overland Pacific Co.. Broadwsy at Dsvts. Bdwy. 3r.:i3 LOOK ! LOOK! Many people forced to sell their automobiles at great loss, including roadsters, tourings, butra and sedans, $73 and up. Cars on display. COR. OAK AND PARK ST. NEW CHr.VRoIr Tiit'KISG. Must sell my new-1 hevroit touring, run about OOO miles. Goodvesr cord tires, spot lis ht. spare t;re and o her extras. Huns and r-k ;ke new. Terms. Cm, I Tator 9:3. 1921 FORD roadater. with at after", horki and sp-edometer. everything In perfect order and nan lots of pp Thl la a fine buy, ana rntiat oe aoi.i nrm sway. Come and make m" n offT during the noon hour at 7o Luioa ave. N. Ib22 O V ERLANO TOf ft 1 N G Thl s was a saleanian's demonatratnr, driven lino miles: has 5 tires, itcns" rntr. This Is a regular buy for th rinll car purchaser. $6nO. W Ulye-Overland Pacific Co , Broadway and Davii Bdwy. 53 DORT touring, brand new. never run mile, 1921 model; powerful, economical and in every way a moat at fa-try cr. 'Factory guarantee and servce. Terms. NorthwM Auto ro, cor. 18th and AMer ata. Bdwy. 14'iQ. 1921 Ht'FMORI LE This car ta In firM claas shape throughout, top good, paint good, 5 cord tires good, and the prtr right. Will take small car In trad a, $930. Willys-Overland Pacific fa. Broadway anrl nvts P'S. H'lwy H.V1Y WILLYS-KNIGHT demonstrator. run $000 miles, 3 cord tires, guarantee and give 30 lsvs jrervice; will take sms'l car In trade. Bdwy. 8333. Mr. ot. Oeorge J2l D jUCJ E touring. l'ioks like trw. oversize cord tires, spare tire, el $735. Easy terma 1.. T. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave, at Hth. Ewat 0720, BRAND NEW 1922 CH EVKO'LEtT This is an ahaolutely nw 40n rhy. rolet; never been run. Will gtv hand some discount for quick todav. Aut. 830-42. "90" OVERLAND touring, good Mr. nwiy painted, good condition, $250 Terma. L. T. RTLLIN'fSRLEY MOTOR ro . Hawthorn Ave, at 'h. Ksst 0720. 1921 DODGE 5-pangr; looks and runs lk new Has )otg of extras, god tires. This car is a bargain. Terms to responsible party. Call Kaat 1H4. FRANKLIN Mechanically perfect, A'o mlt and spotlight, five cord tires . must be pold. Will consider small car part payment. This cannot be equaled Phon owner. Main 1552 1921 FORD muring. slf sarter. de mounts hie rims, first-class hsp ; will sell cheap: terms to responsible psrty. Walnut lfi7H. evenlr-rw 1919 CHEVROLET 4Tft touring. In v good condition, good tirep. t",rt. Trma L T. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR ( O Hawthorn Av at th. Kt OT2'i 191 H CHEVROLET 490 touring. gooa condition, good tires. $225. K-y terms, L. Y. BILLINGHLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorn A v at Ht Jv Fawt Q720 WILLYS-KNK;HT touring, lata niodT. exrellent condition. A cord tlra. will S.Vifi. Mr. Ptt fiorg. I91H FORD touring, dem. rim. Tlassicr shocks, new top. good tire. 1235 L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorn Ave. St fh. Kaat 072 rtT-triC llrht six. go ond ttm looki wll, good tires, 4..". kiv terms. L- T- BILLINt.SLKY MOTOR t o . Hawthorne A v l t h Kaat jf720 40 CHEVROLET touring. In go-tl con dition; car n-is had best of rr; am forced to ail and wl.i tah to cash, bal. 12 p-r mon'h Ta hor 1IH7 DO I 0 E ; a ra! buy: 1 :t22li'-en7. rood tlr. xcnnt rondlMnn ; terms Northwst Auto "o., cor. 1 l rt and Ai der. Bn-wv. 14n. 1020 PTUD E BAKER SPECIAT, Jut been overhauld. new tir. Tht car la in Al condition Trms to responsi- ni pa "jy. ' 1 1 r.t im i 1121 CHEVROLET touring car. fins n. chanical condition, has Jtiat bn over, hauled and baa S god tir The car Kfoks like nw. Walnut 2--HST 1921 FORD touring car Ilk nw. cord tires. S. f. spt:ighs demount a h, rsm; lots of i?ra. cah or terma SZ Union ave. 8 Phon" Knat 4-4. 7920 tHKV ROLET in ex'-e'lsnt ttie'-tar7. ical condition; rid tn this csr trf..re you buy: an nuh 5011 atfra tivs ters. Call Hl?mood 201. evening" 19 19 DOlxiE touring. Car U f ; x h Cc U , a hargain at $4.o. Jntinfon. K 4STH. l'j-t FOR D ssdan li f cias aLape. $16$. JubUMO. aat iitt. r. o nt.EArMt KR9 BI G -If o w.M pr In no, n-g t'So WAXWM.I, 10t; prf Mrs. m"hni(t,v g --I MAXtVKIL H'4-J I I - l runnnf rn i if,n s l". tt"-. r 4 rri t" g HTUW. HA M k ni in rr RT rmr h.a 4 -1 r"ri !tr. a4 mr h'Mi i v g-04l TUT; K' M -TKM If wt po-4 an4 p-r fcera tm '.r r h r. MARR'H'N TOT'UKl-This is asttan car. has ', t vfh1 t v motor, one-maa top. (u. f "at ing a a tea BUICK 4 i Y, (n miR la. ple giaas to rear, sl ct fr a C1IK H l.rT f?3 m Mel. la w cwt rendition his car im s hoyt 4 moot ha son" ee a r-Urr ha (J fr rrtr-' C1IE frtu. r l4tT UK vD nif(1i. in f n rn.Hl. gj"t t '". top and ephi atertaf r f ep b.u tawxiy. tola a rur n ng r. OVKHLA.v I ' 4 Nnnir, e tlf4r. r-- irtnttnntl trw'tor, W top t 4 tr. apT. OAKl,AV!-Ui mwl'l. light f, vv e. ..nnmic in fttaln'sto. email ttra ari l very r gs. Ts oi curtains In rr' t nre, rftnUht in 4iri -n IflTMi '111. K 5 enr4 tir-, Citrll ewubT. A 1m greasing s trn; m-hnnanv thts car In A I tonditton; a bargain for sm on CROW ELKHART l-el nvAl. HgM car; !,) rrtftr f- r,Mt ea ffCRirrs-i. otii h- iadpty m nft -f th'tse roomr. anappy-innfcmg ears tht is thean to maintain CIIEVKOI.KT 4t'H 12 m4ei, W '"P. mchnielly right. HAYNt.4 I. tbt m-cy Mb-It. Ju' tft of the paint shop K;ty frpriag f "d rTiii an aua4. IiLrf'"N' hPKKl'KTr.H itvn 7vm ml two bunNii, win'i sht-lf wings. spoHsht, cord Urrs, factory finish. c. O. BLCAHDALK. Contracts not bandied Itirewgh broke-s. M0 Aider St. Bdwy. last. wiLLT-ovrr?LAvn tacific com pant, Brosuway at lavta THINK THIS OVER. As I bsv msnMrtfied In th oluinni tcfnra whn buy'ng a car ynu shuM ebov ill thins taae into rrnstdra t ion t ha cm panr o bu'nia lth l-oW up thHr r-pu'atlon (n dealing wtth th puMi-. lor tip th stability f th company Wtu you snow sn1 1 snow thl the ua1 rsr you ry la tin biggsr bt tnr than I he enmpsny t hat Is selling; tt. We offr fr your c n --e"1rtln what w think ir I ha lowest prlrro" al best rortd H t -d Cars In Portland Ral sery ad In t h rnlumni and fom par ours wtth t hs rl In rs- :r1a to ronrfif ln anil pr'ea im sure and THINK THIS u ts.il. Liberal Trma Open Evsnlngs Till t o'clock- WILLYS OVFRLAVr fACiriC OiMI'ANT, Bro-dw 5$3. AN OVKKI.AMi TKI ON THT K This truck haa'i't bn rtr1n rr.ile H artvr s cab on H . nw tirs all lh way s rnu ml a nd t hs fa mnu aennami el lis ht 1 tur motor I hs' ws ar lug in our pfwni n ! I s I ht veryon ta talking about "f ) on that Is loosing for it-tr-,rk this can't be bt at the prr WILI.YH OVftrtLAND rA'MriC Crt. lr-nlrf lwi s1 ronr r"nrg Kv-ry tr In t'p-top cmliiton. l21 s"ian. shks cMe I .'1 P'Jl tour rg. ror mti " I'J 1 7 tutu Tig, J ol OVft,U d . , . , . , T.'tl to tJ I Ynu WILLIAM M'T..rt f . ? V !l-h. r.r M-i" . ! H !- r S314 LAI K bhii I r,H OVI Kt.AMi 1 '! K I Mi - nf of t h-- go.. i i car thl har vr yn rtm t-a!rg mn wi .f 't'-'-m rar ha b-n cvr h v t thorughl A lot of t-r for a ltd. iitowey. Harry on tM 14.1 WlLLVI-o KT.LAMD TAfirfC rn, H'oii'l n a v at H l- y IMS WILL t K V I i 1 1 r T i iV K7S litJJ wit lv - K nlK ht I'lurim ; has ! O u"1 for d ft nnl i t T I m in I lie r y h t -f ondit .n. Y'.m eor'l tlr lirrns ! unrritr"l Wi, r i 1 I'm- t.i.c to, iiroartwajr k-l i lkJ. MEi HAM'-H ATTKX'f !i N! 1 has a lat tlil (a- ala tonrtng rar sii'b flv new orJ ur, U Hft a urv lit f ', surk fli r ovj .a r worth $IO0. 1 nvnt I at ot. T flrt man lth ."".0 imt'm I K. liAVE K'.rd louring iar in l"-t .fr-n-dttton. g"-1 iitra nw top ari-1 frifa on will l it Ih i r'. ritusl -if, l f)f $.!! itel stub nf fi tmr st Kinnear Kroa , Ford Lrag, T0 Cat a a . K . ; ' 191 KHAN vl.iN Tt Rl Vti AR wTtZ w h la, goofl 1 tr. s"oi top n f l. innior r n iy o cr ba v1 Iit th ' i-rsa1n t $'? H 1 I.I.VH LMf.AND PA' li' CO , Hro.'wr at !!. Mlt S ' ' ir2t rnol I with h-w h poi . tr, dmountbl rln.s nJ rtt hr t t--sa; rar Jut fert r rf1 orhaW'"'1 bt4 look good. Ul) 2 or 9 NAati(nsfl'n sf. T t 1 1 1 ; M A K K H f T 1 f ' K f K st H Il moll t not aser p" isl sis. In eacl!t:nt rnrrtil.n, m'tt he f on- Tb's hrgaln can 1 b , Villi prtc only '. 1'Unty of terms. Kn-t 74.t OV K It LAN T 1 90 rilfMMT ii A ; 'gfr It Thl Is Just 11 thma for s I; ht w 'g h f.mily rf ; nw pf.t, gomj ira, whia snl rini"ti' si l" run o U lllys-0 erisnd I'a- iff Co . Bros 4 - v. v mf r-avi T A a v M5 K"-RD T' . f H i i J9IS moIe' rh 1mootab1 elm snd praclltaKv ntw tires. ( thl rmr rl' I -ll chap. I'-iiwy. 241 or Wahlngtnn ' 1921 roi'.D Tor IN' 'n vry oj shape. iisa h'en rtrin J m'ihs. tires r good: sp1oTel r. Th"" la. a sp 'ai prtr- on this cer with 1 tiii Km - !r 1 "M r.i: Kj.nc"To"i'rK'i sj - t-a.m i In good hai n --ha ntcs Ily Prl' for qui Mwi WILLY -fiVERLANH PA'iriC f. . . tr"j.i ay ri 11 y H'.n- Ft k n n ts'TiVR. Nw 1922 lJon v , nnt- 4rjt sn thrs months Wi aa'-riff for or-, half price an1 gi )iur on term. V.. T4R' 117 FHU TorRiVi -This ts th 1.' ' 1 7 Ford touring li tn M'chanlcslty tt ran t b bm. I?"' W,LY-0'ERLAND TAirH CO. Tiro-!-- atl i H li'-'iK'-Hlt ( .f'K luon u ph.Vf" n w t yp window ad lost era. pd . .intr. snork r'.rhTa nd 'n th lt of condition mchani-aily. Phone Et M' - 192 mode'; its new -ar; nti s" STtr. car HW rw, $S.2S Hd- 4S rt'iitii ct . 1 r1 1 1 t2l mod) in ecr,nt running eon. dltlon for llfiV lof of extras Rly 94fc or rV.( H'liHtifMfl LATE rt'O'1-1 I'"de tor;ng, 1aS rTf "T time or any p a-s. a -gsn. Ui nui in o I'-T-'if; hau'd: h scrn :d K'd bl'.w 111a rkt prir f, Cm 1 Tah" iIX -I'Vr.lN'nni 3 7a-S. Sdn . lor,Tan1 rltv. If jnu Sf lo.(cig fnr dan. NV MA XU kT.I. diivrr. spT.Ta""i 1. 0t njf led d I v t v W-'t r gun nii, $7."0,. V asr! t Motor Fs ,m t "orpors t-rn r .t IS 1 OLIihm'oMTLE I iou r,f. In rw. rnrn 'irm sni rn- par Ci v a nttr f' -'i n rOHli aVnn. 1( H.". I ' t . a n t . f 1 ft a n - rai t'f tn, r-. ir.ii fine Tator 1 " a T J0 r- R ' '"Un, w'r- h- o ira'.ly rfct. rr ut s"rtf.'-. 4JV V4 t rs. ' ss'l rMC: ACT'" Fr4 t-w . T-h s-srr ; SUV Long A .lv j 11 a wt om n v r r r x 1 otjrl - 10 ."'I rt m- hmntr m 4 t a,-"t f1r't " NV ' ' 'I' "' ' ,.jj 1ILH 'I an'-iebf XJ j 1 kvh'Tf. r d-H w ( H T -I r " -N ir am- ar; . f. lf T'"""' iT : v tr. Ai ed 11 uJTti rTuLANO 4 f ' ' s t1.' I d rf Im -v N is--.. ! J-Vicf r'- - a 1 f v r 'n 'uiiK $. i T t R rol' ... rwp !": .g. I iia a&U Clittoa touai-