THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1022 " 22, FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. - ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington fit. A clean, respectable place to live; free phone in each room; automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby; restau rant in connection; near Washington park, Multnomah club and hoapi iaa reasonable rate, day, week or month. HOTEL. CLIFFORD, PRTNHTPAT. EAST RIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON' ST. AT EAST 6TH; QUIET, DIGNIFIED A JN 1J K,f'i.CJJ I1.2X PRR DAT. Stt PER WK. AND LTP CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. i)K.s I rable large room with alcove, fireplace, modern, suitable for one or two entlemen: walking distance; Nob , Hi!:. 73S Hoyt 6t. Main 2964. FnrniHhed Rooms in Private family. NOB HILL Kxceptionaily large front room ad j oinjngr bath, done in blue ; beautifully furnished in ivory; walk ing distance, iJawy. itjoo. LOVlsLY cor. rrn. with large dressing rm., pnv. bath, Ilrepiace; very muo attio rm. Also rm. with private en trance. 84 N. 21st St.. cor. .Everett. W I'll, fiimiehfirf frnnr room for Eentle men; twin beds. plenty of heat, shower bath, close in. Apt. 10, Trinity KJace apts. Bd wy. o.ur. TWO NICE, clean newly furn. rms., la Ktrfr-tiv modern flat, close in. east side meals if desired. E. 3561- 33 E. Main. NOB HILL, WALKING DISTANCE.' Cosy, clean, si. rm., homelike com forts. $15. 69H Hoyt 3 ROOMS, partly furnished, lights, hot and cold water, Datn, puuue. Walnut 17G3. 1 LARGE furnished sleeping room, twin beds, running water, for men only. 60S Everett, near 21st. FURNISHED bedroom, $12 per month; all home privilege to empoyra. lauy. rnone w ainut 1 r.J.Tr. A NT TT. K. rooms, heat, gas and lieht and phone furnished. $L'o. ti6 E. Ankeny at. CLEAN, comfortable room with bath, $3.51 per week; gentlemen preferred. 40!i Yamhill et., close in, upstairs. FRONT parlor, dressing room, sleeping porch; gents; west side. Bdwy. 4329. LARGE front room, suitable for two. 233 N. 21st st. Main 4078. FURNISHED room, 74 E. Stark, cor. liJth : all conveniences; $20. LAL'ttEi-iiiL'K T lurmsi car lint. T;ilor 324. LARGE place.. tuitable 35. FRONT room, fined home. or two, re- Atwarer 3735. Koonw With Board. rAM PP.ELL HOTEL, LEADING RESIDENTIAL HOTEL FOR YEARS. 23d St. at Hoyt; 23d st. cars to en trance of hotel; high-class brick build ing: every modern service; reasonable rates; transient meals, Atwater 0SSL CAMPBELL H ILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. One of the beat-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. CHESTERBUUY HOTEL. nl NORTH 20TH ST. R E S 1 D E N T I A L T R ANSIENT AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by (Jay, week or month. Men is served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portlands down town high-class family hotel ; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1180. PARK VIEW HOTEL.. West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. 704 LOVE JOY ST. MAIN SuIO. Residential hotel; a real home for people employed;, ood home-cooked mea is. H O T E L M E REFOR D. 735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3305. Excellent dining room service, under the direct supervision of Mrs. Mc Dougall, formerly of the Kamapo hotel. 223 EAST 20TH. Popula r east side resident i a I hotel. A real home for people of refinement. Shower, not water at all times: excel lent home coo kt'tt m f n !s. E. 73K4. ATTRACTIVELY furn. steam-heated rms. with bi homelike phi couples emplo st of board; a refined, for young ladies or i. ciose in. Bdwy. 243S. LARGE living room with sleeping porch for two business girhs or students; also single room; home-like place, with good board. . 295 Wet Park. ROOMS. Double, Single, Meals, Bath. 779 Marshall. Main 4878. WANT 1U youn Doard. Price ; men to room and month. 293 Vi per Weldler. East S3S1 ROOM and board for business girls; mod ern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per Wfek. East 9730. l'J E. 7th at. REAL home. All privileges, :win beds, excellent meals. 1J4 N. I9th. Bdwy. 4Sll , - Rooms With Hoard in Private Family. TWO PEOPLE may have large room with dressing room, hot and cold water, sleeping porch, wonderful viw, splendid home cooking, ail home privi leges. This is a real home. References. Main 0511. LARGE, sunny front room with hoard ; furnace heat, good home cooking; suitable for two people; home privi leges; priee reasonable; in; west side. Auto. 519-36. BUSI NESS women ; 2 large rms., newly furnished, twin beds sleeping porch, modern home, excellent board, home privileges ; fine view, good car service ; ga rage. Ta b or S21 1 . WANTED A home for an old lady, not helpless, ' with elderly person, where she will have home comforts, and at tention. Phone mornings. Walnut 414. fiOOil and board m reat no me at Sea side. Will give special caie to aged pfople or in poor health. Mrs. A. M. Johyrn. hox 5St Seaside. Or. MODERN" homo, close in, one and one half blocks to Rose City car line; large front room; twin beds; excellent table. Tabor 47JS. TWO comfort able front rooms for rent, with board, very reasonable; all home privileges. Phone Atwater 416S, or 696 Overton st. liOOM with board for two high school girls or boys; walking distance to Franklin high or Creston school; half block car. K3 4-74. WILLAMETTE H EIGHTS charming modern home, wonderful view, large front- room, $45 for one, $75 for couple. Atwater 0746. NU'EUV fur. rm.. with board, all home privileges; on Mt. Scott carline. 1 blk. from en r. $22 per mont h ; working girl Ijrefnrred. Automatic 633-65. N I V E room and board for two ladies or gentlemen; half- block to car; also ga r:i ge. 634-71. BOAKD and room in modern home for young man or lady, 1 block to car. Tabor 5115. 326 East 32d t. LADY wants children to care for by day or week, must be healthy, ages from 2 to 5 years. 6029 41ft ave. S. E. TWO GIRLS share t-atne room, m room nd break fast for $ 14 a tinier girls on need a pply. Wi ly have month ; .1. 6591. Vt'l'.NG couple without children will take child between 2 and 4 yeare, reason able charges. Tabor 53T9. E M V LO Y ED couple close in, modern h charged. East ATTRACTIVE rm:. and board for gen tkman, across from Multnomah club. Main 7720. FRONT room for couple employed, home cooking. Real home privileges in re fined ad u Ufa m i ly. E as t 3109 IRVINGTON ELEGANT ROOM, RUN NING WATER. BEST HOME COOK ING; GARAGE. EAST 6045. GOOO board and room lor employed trvopie or married coupie; all home Priviieges;$S.r0 wet 1 E. 2418. WILL take small children in private family; will give mothers care. East 733 ft. A HOME for young men employed; only those appreciating a good home need apply. Bdwy. 2333. NICELY furnished room with or with out board. M ai n 6094. 741 Hoyt. GOOD home, mother's care for small child. Can Tabor 9137. BOARD and room in private boarding house. to $1. 92 E. Ash. E. 1207. ROOM and board. preferred. E. 6339. 664 Wasco; gents ROOM and board, home privileges, ga rage if desired. Tabor 4 ''35. WILL room, board and References exchanged. care for child. Call Seil. P.M2. WILL take care of small child at my home. Tahor P 2 ";'. LADY care. s-ishes little girl to keep, mother' Wainur 6SI7. ( ROOM Phon and board :i Sellwood to: t 541 Beacon St. LADY child in private home, no other children. Evenings. Walnut 6511. LADY with comfortable bum will care for children school age. Sellwood 1861. DESIRABLE front room with meals, i modern home, close in. Tabor 8424. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board; home privileges, clns" in. Main 1199. REFINED ho with board, near Muit Maia 6552. no man, club. FOR RENT. FurnJished Apartments. THE CKOilWiiLL. FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT All outside 2 and 3-room furnished apts.; French doors aDd balconies, per manent and transient. Atwater oiuo. CHAMBERLAIN APARTMENTS. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2 and 3-room apts., with bath and sleeping room; newly remodeled; rea sonabie. Eat 0052. ROBISON APTS.. 23L AND MADISON. Sunny apt., large living room, dis appearing oea. oatn. dressing ruum, breakfast nook, kitchenette and etec- tric range. New building. $30. Phone iast oU04. WELLINGTON COURT. TINDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 5 Tooms with beautiful golden oak furniture, main floor: only 3 blocks from Washington st., phone included, $57.50. Bdwy. 1245. - MOST attractive! v furn. 5 rooms and sleeping p. apt., Chinese ruga and whifP wdlnw all i-mtsiri rms.. 17 Win dows. 166 St. Clair, cor. 22d and Wash. BERYL APARTMENTS. Very attractive 2-room, newly fur nished and decorated; close in; must be seen to be appreciated. 6U5 Lovejoy, near 21st. THE GRAND OAK APTS. Well furnished, two and three-room, walking distance; $35 to $45. Grand ave. and Oak st. ' NICELY furnished 2-room apartment with hotel accommodations, uxtord hotel, 11th and Washington, opposite Blue Mouse Theater. SAN MARCO, Hf. 8TH & COCCH-3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MTH. 35. iy0. ' THE ALAMO APARTMENTS. Furnished 3-room front apt., steam heat, private bath, disappearing bed; for working couple; $40. 404 Market. BEAUTIFUL furnished outsiae rooms. plenty of heat ; no objection to dren. Hotel service given to bach elors. 1 bU N. 23d St. HANTHORN APTS. Desirable 3-room fur. apt., pearing beds. 251 12th st. THE REXFORD. 2-room apt., steam heat, telephone, newly furnished. This is a nice one. Main 0553. CUMBERLAND APTS. 3-room apt., well furnished outside 100ms, absolutely clean; walking dis tance. West. Park and Columbia. ROOMS with bath, dressing room and sleeping porch, heat and hot water. Walking distance. Rent $40. Adults. 427 Rodney. ' MARTHA APARTMENTS. 2-room newly furnished apts., week or mantii; also sleeping rooms. Main 2141. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Modern i-room. hardwood floors, ele vator, electric washers, lignts and phone; walking. 3S6 3d. Main 9466. SPECIAL RATES FOR. YOUNG WOMEN Dormitory room and board. So per week; age limit 17-25. Main 3429. JEANNE D'ARC. 3-ROOM furn. and unfurn. apts., in high- class apartment house, with first-cnass service. Cor. E. 15th and Belmont. East 6U13. 3 OR 5-room apt., finely l'ur., French doors, silk drapes, h. w. floors, fur nace, ffreplace, garage. Walnut 5936. 1 117 Cleveland. BEAUTIFUL 3-room apt., hdw. floor. steam heat, perpetual hot water; walk ing distance. 415 Cham, of Com. bldg. BUENA VISTA APTS. 434 Harrison St. Main 1052. 3-room unfur. apt., also 1 2-rm, fur. ALTAMONT APTS., 304 COLLEGE. 4 rooms, private bath, nicely fur nished. newly painted- Main 6375. lj-onc. apts., iso d st. 8-room apt., private bath; $45 winter rate. Atwater 2250. 3-ROOM apt., furnished. linen, light, hot and cold water; private oatn and toilet. $2 o per mo. o4d water st. Atwater 134 HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms.. kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs., private balconies. $35 up. Atw. 1160. VERY desirable large 2-rm. apt., lights, phone, bath, fireplace, $25. 566 Mar ket st. CARLOIS APARTMENTS. Two-room modern furnished apart ment, reasonable. 14th and Market. ALICE COURT, E. 8th. Burnside Walk ing distance; 2 and 3-rm. apts., 2 peds. fireplace, private tei. and h:Uh. E. 35G'V -ROOM apartment. beautifully fur nished, walking distance; rent $60. 24 E. Nth st. N. Bdwy. 1904. ALTON1A APTS., liith and Marshall 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., lffrge, light, airy, un furnished or fumlfhed. Bdwy. 1412. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. WESTMINSTER Apt., Main 5582. Nicely furnished and unfurnished apts. 262 Sixth st. PLEASANT 2-room apt., with balcony; steam heat, light, h. and c. water; $27.50. ;rs Glisan. near 21st. FOR RENT 2-room apt., fur., price $45. Salisbury apts., 24th and Sandy, Tabor 7043. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Two rooms, kitchen, tile bath and dressing room; elevator. Main 0359.' 3-ROOM furnished apt., and sleeping porch; walking distance. 388 11th. At water 4174. MORTON A PTS. s 3-rm. furn. apt., 697 Washington St. Bdwy. I11H8. $40 LOVELY heated, hot 3-room "apartment, well water all the time; de- sirri Me. Main 3(0 , AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 arfa 3-room apts.; walking dis tance; opp. auditorium. Atwater 5563. SERENE COURT APTS.. cor. E. 1st and Multnomah. 2 and 3-room furnished apty all outside apts. E. 1426. KING ALBERT APTS. Two and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main ;."!: WANTED Girl to share neatly furnished apts., cloce in. Call room 29 Bushmark apts.. 17th and Washington, evenings. 2.". TO $32 month for 2-room steam heated furnished modern apartments. 402 '-2 Third st.. corner Harrison. UNUSUALLY attractive 3-rm. furnished apt., $40; heat, light, and phone fur., garage. Automatic 31 5-1 7. ALCO apts.. E. Couch. Union, apt.., spotless, both, $30 t nod. i $42 -ROOM apt., walking distance; 328 Mill, near Broadway. FRONT suite, sleeping porch, bath; walking distance. 414 4th. BANNER APTS., nicely fur. apt., 1 basement. 4U Clay st. 12TH ST.. large room, kitchenette, is. light, heat, phone furnished. NICE 1-2-3 apartments,, walking dis tance. Phone Bdwy. 6911. 117 N. 18th. NICELY furnished 2-room apt., at 230 No rt h ISth st., near Lovej oy st. 2 AND 3-room apts. Fcabody Apts., 409 19th st. N. UNION AVE. apt.. $21.50. and Killingsworth. fur. Complete, concrete b'.dg. -ROOM furnished apartments. 355 Hall street. J.ROOM front furn. apt. 394 5th fet. Harrison Court. Main 51 48. LOVELY fur. 2 large rooms, able. Close in East 2796. SUITE 2 rooms, light, airy, pleasant, newly painted. 534 Morrison st. EOSELYN APARTMENT, 110 N. 21s 2-rm. modernl furn. apt. ' i-ROOM apt., clean. li;ht, airy. Lombard. Empire IS 13. 6S0' THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19th, 4-room a pts. B road way 3658. NICELY furnished 4-room modern apt., close to car line. $30. At 4166. f STAN RIGHT HERE, SHEEZI! ho DO f WAuT. ' THoTcHTp fiT jlljS ' tlTTt-E INluH I N V THaees Some:on I 1 Mev blossom PossiSlv yoj might E t ( o 1 ESS HErr r,ME 1 TeLL You I ' iHEoI v---at the door- pwl J nice part of t r Z VJ lib stay in the bathroom f "Py . . I, 7yf t Cakc 1 just J - -1 K Woo Stay thcre! ' jj ' Jy 1 ' ' ' ' ''' mm wwm mmhb - m mm m m m , i i n .. i LL mimmXmZmmm FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. For tourist and permanent guest, the handsomest furnished apartments in the city; 1 'to 5 rooms and sleeping porches; very artistic, light, airy . and exceptionally clean; few in ivory, wil low, Chinese rugs and pongee hang ings, floor lamp. etc. Those wishing a home in every respect, with refined surroundings and Al service and maid service if required.. Single rooms and suites for refined gentlemen. Refer ences required. 166 St. Clair, cor 22d and Washington. Bdwy. 530. WHEELDON ANNEX. Has been thoroughly renovated and redecorated and under new manage ment; 2. 3 and 4-rm. apts. to perma nent or transient by day, week or month; close to business center. Cor ner 10th and Salmon Main 6641 2 AND 3-room modern furnished apt. 602 Glisan. Unfurnished Apartment. BUILDING JUST COMPLETED. HOYT-GLISAN ; APTS. There is only one 3-room and one 4 room apartment left In Portland's new est and most modern apartment house. These apartments have large - bright rooms and overlook beautiful . gardens. 800 E. Hoyt St.. near 24th. iasx pzi. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. BOWMAN APARTMENTS. Fine five-room apt.; steam heat, wood fireplace, tile bath, janitor serv ice; no children; references. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com. blJg. Bdwy. 6007, BERYL APARTMENT. ' Large 3-rm., 2 disappearing beds. 2 dressing rma. , all outside ; fine view ; newly decorated. Must be seed to be appreciated. 605 Lovejoy, near 21st. WASSELL Nice 4-room apt., all out side rooms ; disappearing bed ; ciose in; rent $45; adults. 555 E. Yamhill. East 3252. FOUR large unfurnished rooms, private bath, gas range, heater, u. r ur nished complete, $25. Brick bldg. Seli wood 375H. HOUSMAN APTS. Large desirable 3-room sleeping porch, all outside. Main 1552. 730 Hoyt st. " . TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desira ble unfur. a)ts. available at reasonable rentals. Phone Broadway 686Q. TOV1AM C.Cl ITRT. 1 ST IT AND COLCH. 4-room. modern iront corner apt., x blk. off Wash. St.; adults. Bdwy. 2761, ALTER APTS. fi rooms, tile bath, show er. steam heat. 21st and uverton. B r o adway 1080. 6-RM. APT. in large desirable home; partially furnished; line neignoornouu. E. 7973. . 4-ROOM unfurnished apartments. The Wilmar, 742 vereti st. rnone jh.i 5164. l THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 10th, near Taylor, Atwater 0128; 5-room unrurnisnea apts. BOWMAN APTS.. IRVINGTON. 4-room modern outside bungalow apt., steam heat; janitor. East 1369. THE WEIST. 23d st. 6-room apartment. 3 ROOMS, unfurnished, 388 Grand ave. MORDAUNI' 5S6 Everett. Large mod ern 4-rm. homeiiKe; inspection mvueu. -ROOM modern, steam heat, front and back porches. 561 Glisan st. THE AMERICAN Modem 4 and o-room apartments, itroaaway iduu. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH. ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 4 6 N 26th. Mam 5497. Furn. and un furn. 3 and 4-rm. apts. : everything new. FOR RENT 2 and 3-room apts., furn ished and unfurnished. Rex Arms, East 66S0, East 13th and Morrison st. HIGHLAND CUL'KT. aXWaTER 3181. Furnished or unfurnished apartments. Fiais. 5-ROOM flat, 391 16th St.. second house south of Montgomery st. ; rent $37.50; 7-room flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, with gas log. gas range in kitchen. 393 i6th St., rent $47.50. Keys to both flats in basement flat. STRONG & CO.. 606 Chamber of Commerce. 5 LARGE, airy rms. on first floor, hard wood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch, first-class neighborhood. 295 E. 21st st., near Hawthorne. Call Bdwy. 1906. FOR RENT 4-room, unfurnished fiat, Portland Heights, no children; furnace heat. gas. hot water; reasonable rent; references. Phone Atwater 440. IN IRVINGTON 2 nice 4-room flats, gas ranges, radiant heaters and turnace suitable for lady and married daugh ter. Walnut 0709. IRVINGTON 4-rm. modern lower flat, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, water heater, bath, gas range, wash trays, sleeping porch. Tabor 8018. 4-RM. UPPER, furnace, gas, range; built-in beds; near Jej'ferson high; $30. 1040 Albina ave. VERY attractive lower, 6 lare, light, airy rooms. Nob Hill district; adults. Main 3749. WEST SIDE 7 beautifuf rooms, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace. Very attra ctive. Adu 1 ts. $60. Atwa ter 4371. TWO up-to-date 5-room flats, 4 outside rooms ; attic and basement, new tile building; adults. 841 E. Yamhill. MODERN, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, an clean and new, in white enamel; close in; adults. 440 Ross st. East 5396. FOR RENT 6-room upper flat, close In on east side; excellent location, iient $40. Main 680:. MODERN sunny 5-room upper flat, new lv painted throughout, $30. 4906 East 1 2th st., near Division. Sellwood 1989. 4-ROOM lower flat, yard and basement; all outside rooms. Will lease to adults only. 978 Commercial st. . -ROOM flat, basement, private resi dence, furnace, modern. Green Hills. West Council Crest. Main 2471. TWO outside partly furnished house keeping rnomft $18. 71 K. 22d st. 552 E. MAIN 5 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace. East 0356. 6VROOM modern flat., close in. 190 17th st. Inquire 1S9 16th St. . 5-ROOM lower floor on Hawthorne ave. $32.50. Tabor 8003. . IRVINGTON Mudern 5-room lower flat, $50. 610 Hancock. East 0208. 5- ROOM lower modern flat. 649 2d; wa t er included ; walking distance. 6- ROOM modern flat, close-in. 190 17th st. Inquire 189 10th st. UPPER 6-room 309 u. N- 19th. flat, modern; Adults. $35.60. CHOICE street. 7 largo, light rooms. East 8015. 12 Va EAST 18th st.. cor. Ash. Modern 5-room upper; fireplace; furnace. $40. Furnished Flats. 4-ROOM furn. flat, 2SS Fargo. East 1710. For key call 664 Wms. ; adults. 4-ROOM lower flat, lawn, kie st. Sellwood car. niS3, Milwau- MODERN 5 rooms, clean, porches, reas.; close in. 592 Salmon, opp. Mult, club. 3-ROOM flai, Irvington district. 605 Tillamook st. THREE rooms, bath; new, modern; pri vate entrances. Walnut 5662. 4-ROOM, nicely furnished flat, 616 Com mercial st. Call 10 to 5. Atwater 2S12. FURNISHED 4-room flat, with sleeping porch. Tabor 7139. 3-ROOM furnished fiat. near S. P. Shops. 20. 691 Haig st. Sell. 3134. IRVINGTON Attractively furn. flats. Heat, li ght, gas. 711 Thompson st. 4-ROOM furnished flat. 327 South 17th st.. west side ; walking distance. $00 6-ROOM, modern, well -furnished, piano. 1S7 16th St., near Yamhill. GASOLINE ALLEY YOU STAY WHERE YOU'RE MORE PUT, FOR RENT. Fiirolxhed Flut. FURNISHED or unfurnished for lease, by Oct. 1 at $55 and $65 per month, two 3-rnom. one 4 -room, newly fur nished apts. Desirable location and pleasant surroundings; walking dis tance; heat, hot and com water iur nished; large and airy rooms, private bath, garage if desired. Adults only. ISO E. 16th South. Phone East 8472. MODERN 3-room flat, private entrance and bath, walking distance; adults only; $25. 462 Flint st., near Williams ave. E. 5571. 5-ROOM modern flat with garage if de sired, 3 blocks from Broadway and Williams ave. North. Call owner. 426 Rodney ave. East 8572. MODERN 4-room flat, nicely furnished, bath, sleeping porch, furnace, laundry trays, built-ins, $35 a month. 1178 Vi Albina ave. East 3621. , , $35 WELL-FURNISHED 3-room flat, . private bath, desirably located; perma nent; adults; references. East 4911. 3-RM. FLAT, fine order, phone, water, nice view, walking dist., $32.50. 3o9i 16th St.. south of Montgomery. CLEAN, modern 4-rm. furn. flat, sleep ing p.. basement, yard and garage. Walnut 1908. 105 Fremont. NICE, clean 4-room flat, furnished. 733 Rodney avenue, $30; adults only. East 7020. Housekeeping; Rooms. LxGHT, clean, furn. 2-room basement apt.; heat. light, gas; use of phone tree, $16 per month; also single base ment room, $12 per month. Rent re duced for starting fires.- Bdwy. 10S4. 666 Hoyt st. 2 AND. 3-ROOM suites, $1- to $15; single H. K. rooms, $5 to $10 per month; bachelors or couples; lobby; special rates to ex-service boys. The Vaughn . apts.. N. 19th and Vaughn sts. LOVELY large rooms, clean, light and warm; some with kitchenette; chil dren welcome. 501 Harrison, above 14th. Auto. 518-13. LIGHT, clean, well furn. rm.. and kit chenette; splendid house; light and heat furnished, $27.50. 571 Glisan, near 18th street. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, also sleep ing rooms; good neighborhood; clean; lights, gas. heat furnished, reasonable, 428 Mill St., bet. 11th and 12th sts. ONPj LARGE sunny weii-iurn. H. K. apt., on first floor ; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace heat; come and see this. 631 Hoyt, near 20th. Bdwy. 4046. CHAPMAN ST.. 170. near 18th and Mor rison 1 room and kitchenette; heat, ngnt ana pnone; $4.0 per ween. Atw. oo. $3.50 SPLENDID h. k. room, kitchen ette. S40 Cprbett. Main 8940. Beau tiful place. LA RGE f ro'n-t room and k itch-oet te ; light, pnone ana neat; $20 per month. ROOM and kitchen, $3 a week, 2 rooms. first floor, $5; walking distance. 573 xnira st. 3 FURNISHED rooms, pantry, trunk room, walking distance ; $25, East 5251. 2 E. 12TH ST. N.' Housekeeping room. use of bath and phone. Call between iu and 3 P. M. 461 EAST MORRISON, corner East 8th, furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. apts., reasonable. VERY desirable, newly furn. 1 and 2 h. k. rooms ; heat, light, phone; close in. 513 Yamhill et. THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $15 up. including hot water, e 1 ec. lights, laundry room. NICE, clean furnished h. k. rooms, $2.75 week up; single and double. 364 E. Morrison st. Buckeye apts. THE JEFFERSON APARTMENTS. 2-room apartment. 305 y Jefferson st corner 5th st. 2 H. K. ROOMS. 2 beds, $20 a month. One H. K., $13 a month. Small room and kitchenette. $9. 372 Hawthorne. LARGE, newly furnished h. k. rooms, steam heat, light and gas for cooking free. Manager, Goodnough bldg. TWO large, warm front rooms. first floor. Single rooms $10 to $15 month- ly 655 Flanders. NICELY furnished 2 front rooms, house- keeping. 475 Main st. 2 AND 3-ROOM h. new furniture. 32 NICELY, well-furn. front h. k. rms., light and heat furnished. Tabor 3332. CLEAN housekeeping and sleeping rms, Right downtown. Call 83 Park st. DOWNTOWN H. K. rooms, cheap. Wash., cor. 3d. 53 NICELY furnished large front room for light h. k. 507 Clay st. Atw. 3602. 1 CLEAN rm., 1 h. k. rm. 121 N. 23d. Atwater 1502 2-RM. H. K. fot., plenty of heat hot water; reasonable. Atw. 3456. THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17tb h. k. and sleeping rms.; t. ; furnished steam heat. 1 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $2.50 up. 200 First, Taylor apts. NICELY fur. 2-room h. k. apt.; reason- able rent. 275 N. 21st st. Main 5309. DENVER APTS.. 208 Wash. et. H. K. rms., single and double, $2.75 up. 2-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart ment, $6 weekly. 350 14th st. STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and w water. $3 to $7 week. 147 13th st. Housekeeping Rooms In 1'rtvate Family. 2 NICELY furn. suites of 2 and 3 rms.; H. K. ; also 1 sleeping room; good lo cation; block to car; furnace heat, light, gas, bath and phone; use of laundry rm. ; very reas. Auto. 547-70. TWO large, clean, light front rooms com pletely furnished; hot and cold water, furnace heat, bath, phone, laundry privileges, walking distance; adults only ; rent $25. 329 Grand ave. East 2143 after 4 P. M LARGE single and double furnished house keeping rooms for particular people private entrance; 1 block south of Washington, on 21st; beautiful loca tion; prices reasonable; references re quired. 15 S. 21st. Phone Bdwy. 6680. BEAUTIFUL and new; never rented out before. All new .bedding, furniture, rugs, ivory woodwork, grained floors; everything furnished. 133 North 18th street. $20 ROOM, kitchen use, home privileges, piano; w. a.; reuaote coupie. Jiain TWO-ROOM ED apt., furnished for house keeping, bath, phone, heat. 711 East Ankeny. . LARGE, nicely furnished rooms with use of phone, $3; half block from car; no children. Phone Empire 1172. 3 UNFURNISHED H. K. roomy with ga rage, light, water and telephone; very reasonable. Tabor 2328. 3-ROOM suite on 3d floor; good for fam ily or 2 or 3 persons employed. 128 14th. near Washington. Bdwy. 2560. HOUSEKEEPING apt., 2 rooms; clean, close in; everything furnished, $20. 327 Clackamas. S. 5305. H- K. APTS., 3 rooms unfurnished, walk ing distance to S. P. shops. 688 East 11th st. H K. ROOMS FOR DENTAL STU DENTS, REASONABLE. 204 Mc MILLEN. LARGE, clean room and while kitchen ette; light, gas and phone furnished; Haw. district. Tabor 7162. ONE LARGE sunny H. K. room, well furnished, hot and cold water; $20. 631 Hoyt. near 20th. Bdwy. 4046. TWO large H. K. furnished but gas. rooms, everything 90S Corbett. STOVE heated sip. rm. $10, h. k. rm. $12, bath $20, furn. 66 E. 28th N. E. 6728. 2-ROOM H. K. apt., newly decorated; 1 single room. 121 N. 23d. At. 1502. NICELY furnished room in private home in Ladd addition. East 6625. 2 AND 3 VERY large, rms. 249 13th st. modern H. K. FOR RENT. Houses FOR RENT IN ROSE CITY. Brand-new, large 5-room bungalow, all hardwood floors, fireplace, tile bath and drain- boards, furnace, all enamel finished ; garage ; on 42d St.. 2 blocks from Sandy blvd. in Rose City: never been lived in; lease for 1 or 2 years at $75 per month, or sell at $7Uou. , Call W. F. MAHONEY with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Bdwy, 6006. WEST SIDE. Large, finely situated house of 37 rooms in best district of Portland Heights. Extensive grounds, fine view; suitable high-class boarding house or residence. Gasco furnace. Five-year lease given. Apply 534 Chamber of Commerce bldg. AiOVE THjI SECURITY WAY. Extraordinary Service For the Ordinary Price. PACKING. .MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS. CO.. 4th at Pine St., opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phcne Bdwy. 3715. CALL EROADWAY 5SU OH NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO., LIGHT POWER HE- T. Washington at Tenth Street. BEAUMONT HOTEL. Well-kept modern 8-room house, 2 blocks to car; rent $55. Phone Auto. 643-72. t IK.MTUltS moving. $2 per hour and up; 30 days' free storage on household goods in brick warehouse, estimates gladly furnished. Phone Bdwy. 12iT. FOR PENT Unfurnished 5-room house and garage, on 60th ave. S. E., 3 blocks west or Fremont station; $25 a month. Phone Aut. 612-3L A 54 EAST 21ST ST. N. $45. 7-rm. bung., den, slpg. pr., fur nace, fireplace, garage; 2 cariines. Owner, Atwater 4678. ' FOR RENT. GO LOOK. 7-rnnm house, furnace. 401 Rose lawn ave., near Union, $40. Donnelly, Sellwood 2960. ' A SPLENDID HOME for rent, 411 E. 37 th N., 2 blocks from Sandy boule vard ; 8-room house, In good oond-itio-n, and garage for 2 cars. Auto. 321-78. SMALL house with acre at Multnomah station, for rent or sale. Phone East 2119. $40 9-ROOM house. 1 block from Rose City Park school ana car. 041 &. 04 tn St. N. Tabor 11135. 3-ROOM cottage, newly papered and painted; gas, yard, close in; adults only. Inquire 006 da st. NEAT 5-room bungalow near Peninsula park; $35 per month. Call 184 East Holland St.. or phone walnut 5181. FOR RENT After Oct. 1. 7-room house, Sunnyside carline; furnace, fireplace, lawn; $40. Phone Tabor 1009. 5-ROOM bungalow, with sleeping porch and garage. 332 East 40th near Haw thorne. Tabor 1793. CUT RATES ON FURNITURE MOVING. FIREPROOF STOR. 15 DAYS FREE. LONG DIST HAULING. BDWY. 2445. 5-ROOM partly fur. house. $25. st., bet. Porter and Wood, to Hooker. , 744 4th NS car MOVING Pianos, furniture; iong-dls- tance naming a specialty. o. & W. uck Service Co., 40 2d st. Bdwy. 5121. BIJAUTIFUL, modern home. 7 rooms ; fine location; close in, east side. 879 E. Harrison: lease $75 per month. WHEN moving, city or country, get ta best at. lowest prices. Green Trans fer Co. Main 1261. 202H Alder at. BEAUTIFUL bungalow flat, 5 large rooms and bath, strictly modern. 823 Kerby St.. $37.50. No children. T. 8171. MODERN 6-room house, gat age, Sandy bJvd.. $4000; long lease. , Call 161 E. 47th N. 5-ROOM cottage, near Jefferson hlh schooK 1038 Williams ave. East 3?3. NEW MODERN 5-room house, close In. East 0413. TO RENT your nome Guire. Abington bldg. MODERN 6-room house, with furnace. 103 Knott st. Take Williams ave. car. S-ROOM house, modern. 629 3d st. quire 634 4th st.. or Main 6186. G-ROOM house, 208 Sherman st. 634 4th st. Main6186. WILL lease mod. rms.; rent reas. 6-rm. house. Tabor 4193. 3 bed Owner. MODERN 7-room house; double garage; Alameda district. Phone Wal. 6861. MODERN. 4-room house, partly fur nished, in Rose City. Call K. 74K4. .). -ROOM house. 341 E. 12th st. N; $60 monthly. Call East o!20. A.T 906 HAWTHORNE ave.. modern 7 room house, hardwood floors; $50. 4-ROOM house and garage, $15. Call 112 West Humboldt st 7-ROOM home, 106 N. 16th St., 3 blocks north Wash. West side. ROOMS, close to Sellwood car $25. Tabor 8402. FOR RENT 7-room house, carline. Empire 2222. 5-RM. MODERN house and garage. E. 60 N. Tab. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT In Mt. Tabor district; large modern home, completely fur., piano firenlar-e. hardwood floors, also sleep- in e nnrrh. and beautiful grounds; $125 per month for the winter or a year; adults only, can laoor ouo tor appointment. FROM Nov. 1st for 6 months, a modern. nentra iv orated east aide residence. beautiful grounds, choice shrubbery. 3 line bedrooms, large sleeping porch, reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen, large garage; adults only. Phone East -'JM. MY TWO-STORY iurnishea modern home; fireplace, built-ins, piano, dav enport. William and Mary dining- room set: three nice bedroom auites; extra bed; nice rugs, etc. Rose city -rarit. Tabor 2746. $35 WELL-FURNISHED lower flat, four large, pleasant rooms, bath; fine neigh borhood; Buchtel ave., near Laurel hurst park. Kerns school, car barns; also upper flat, 3 rooms, bath, $25. Tabor 3900. FIRST floor, modern house, 5 rms. close-in: basement, furnace, large yard garage, gas, light Included; rent $40 mo. Fuel in Easement ior saie. E. 8d N. THOROUGHLY modern house, 5 rooms, sleeping Dorch. gas furnace, garage. completely furnished ; will lease for year or more;.. no small children. Phone Automatic 521-59 7-ROOM, completely furnished, modern home for rent, to reliable family; west side, close in. Couch district. Bdwy. 2474 before 10 A. M and after 4:30 P. M. PARTLY furnished 4-room and bats.; chicken house, large yard, fruit trees; $17. Mt. Scott car to 69th St., walk 1 block north. 6914 47th ave. S. E. 5 ROOMS, good location, modern, walk ing distance, furnace, fireplace, well furnished, piano; adults; references. Atwater 3106. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 7-room mod ern house in Irvlngton; piano, hard wood floors, fireplace, ivory woodwork, good furnace, garage ; $XQ. East 9274. MULTNOMAH station, 3-room furnished bungaiow, 2 lots, near Ore. Elec. ata., $20 mo. Ned Burke. Main 1903. S-ROOM house, completely furnished, piano; good neighborhood, near car, close in. Call at 125 N. 6th. $25 3-ROOM furnished house, bath, pan try, closet, water and lights. 3729 67th Bt S. E. FURN. 5-rnom modern bungalow in Al berta; furnace and ' garage; near school. Call at 1042 Union ave. N. $50. NICELY furnished house with Call East 4281 on week days. 3-ROOM shack, well furnished, lights and water paid, $12- Walnut 6540. 7 ROOMS, elec, gas; ideal place for children. 507 E. Sherman. $37. 9 ROOMS, west sWe. Atwater 1464. FOR RENT. Farnfhhed Hou COMPLETELY furnished. modern. 7 rooms, for rent, west side, close in. firepiace, furnace. 5S1 Marshall St., between lOiJUt and 5:30. . WILL rent my classy Pullman buntca low In Rose City Park for $40, with garage $4 5. Atwater 2146. 6-RM. MODERN ho us--, in Overlook; lur nace. newlv decorated, clean; no young children, $45 per month. Ti'2 Colonial. MODERN 5-room furnished house and garage, Linnton road. 7 miles from city. Phone Empire 1257. TO LEASE To private family, furn. or unfurn. modern 10-room house. Main 2H28. 4-ROOM cottage and breakfast nok. lights, water, telephone and vicirola. $35. Walnut 654IT $20 4-ROOM cottage home. 528 E. 21t. near S. P. shops and Ford factory. Atwater 43M. COMPLETELY fur. 7 rooms with garage, Afatneda district, $5 per month, la q ui re 60 1 Lewis bldg. . FOR KENT MoUfrn 5-rm. nice lawn. Call at 4 04 south. furn. houne. E. 11TH st. $37 MODERN 5-room bungalow; well furn., near high school. 631-75. LOWER floor, 4 rooms, adults. $35. with or without garage. 85 East 44ih ft. 5-ROOM furnished house. $35. 96 E Stark or Mr. M orisset, Bdwy. 86ftS. MY HOME, modern, completely fur nished. 6 rooms, furnace. Call 631-43. 736 KEARNY ST. 8-room modem house. Bdwy. 6252. Call 1 to 5. 5-ROOM modern furn. house. Minnesota ave. Inquire 1561. $50 FURN. 6-rm. bungalow, Irving ton car, close-in: adults. E. 0963. FOR RENT 3-room furnished cottage. Inquire 40 E. "2d st. North. NICE 5-rm. bungalow, near Rose City car. Tillamook st. Tabor HAWTHORNE district, completely fur nished 7-room house at 305 Glenn ave. IRVINGTON, 6-room furnished houe for eix months, reasonable. a.ast o-i.i. $16. 3 ROOMS, whole 2d floor. Call 329 Salmon. FIVE large clean rooms,' modern, Dutch kitchen; $35 per month. East 852s. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house 446 11th st. Mam 04d. GOOD modern 6-room house, fuinislud, $45. Call 718 Ellis ave. 5-ROOM furnished house, $35. 9S E. Stark or Mr. Mori met. Main P668. Houfu-N for Rent mmHure tor Sale. 7 ROOMS and large sleeping porch; plenty of fruit trees; high-class furni ture fcr sale. 1171 Hawthorn ave., near 39th st. Tabor 9101. 8-ROOM corner house, fine furniture, close in, cheap for quick sale; rent $40, west side. 361 S. 14th at. Auto. a25-lfl. S ROOMS, good furniture and clean, rent $35; Nob Hill district; a real buy at $560. Sturm-Kefer Co., 214 5th st. ri-iav f,,-n ioViorl flat eood location. rooms, sleeping porch and bath; rent $20 per month, phone Sellwood 8 ROOMS, oak furniture, modern nomo Ar v. 1, t ..ruir- navs rent; $00 cash. 171 East 34th st, FURNITURE of 7-room house rur snap if sold this wee, ma . FURNITURE 5-room heated apt. Bdwy. 3090. sale. For particular; Store and KuNinet rtce. FOR RENT. 2 stores on 11th st.. 20x60. will give lease for number of years; will rent them separately .or together. See Mr. Hicks. 714 Couch st. Bdwy 5.HS. DESIRABLE space for lease at reason able rate for manufacturer or facturer's agent; cloe in, 20 feet 01 trackage. Call at 33J-336 E. Morrlaon- or phone East 631 FOR RENT. Store building on Washington st., 21x96' will give lease from 1 to j years. See Mr. Hicks, 714 Couch bids;.. Bdwy. 5948. . BAKERY, fully equipped. 3000 ft. rioor space, brick oven, equipment ior at a bargain ; long lease on building. A. A. Hoover, 454 Washington st. STORE space for office or display, room With show window. 544 Washington St., near 17th st. USE THIS BUILDING for wholesale, retail, storage, etc.; subdivide. Front ana Hurnsioc. e-rr,r 1J'V 1424 Randy, cor- 52d. will 'be vacant Oct. 1. Both $37.50 month. .Main iwo. 25 -STORE 18x40. East 1st and nowa day ; steam heat. Key next door. WEST side store. $20; Columbia St., near Third. Cox, Aiatn 4ds. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway 3ila. STORE. First street. Concord bldgj $20. Apply 606 STORE ROOM st. Sltwrod 2483. 692 MiJwauk.e Offices.. 1-i.tiITPM Vf in R fiVKRHEAD Well lighted and heated offices. ino-iA n- n fill it central office build ing in financial section of city; low -rents. See Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second st.. corner Stark.'tr il.T.T located offices for manu facturer's 1 agents, .or sample rooms; reasonable! rent. Buchanan bldg. Bdwy. 5890. FRONT OFFICE ; modern conveniences ; Railway Exchange building. Apply room 312. DESK room with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Broaaway 37L. wctn rkvt. desk room with phone, call at 305 Henry bldg. See Ifftldwin. kth vi rcn room, use of mam line phone. 433 1: nam. per 01 1 v'"- OFFICES for rent Fliedner bldtf., 10th and w asn. Bt. OFFICES for rent at 680 Vs JUomDara, Empire 1813. BrSTNKSS orroRTrviTTFs. Pil'T SHOP PARTNERSHIP. irniial' interest In one of city's Isrg est paint shops, doing only high grade work, best west side location, filled to doors, and large volume on waiting list; experience not msenui tun genial and a willing worker; big profit assured: $650 handles. 432 Ch. of Com. blag., 4th and Stark. HERE is a fine opportunity to buy a f irst-clafs hair dressing business, es tablished 15 years; good location, first class equipment: rent very reasonable: reasons for selliner poor health; act now and take advantage of college year; fine income. AV 123, Orego nian. - GARAGE. East side; concrete bldg. ; 40-car storage capacity; Ions; lease ; reason able rent; doing about $1800 a month now; $3500, terms. JOHN M. KROO. CO. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. MANUFACTORY. Mfg. Ford products, catering to wholesale trade, wishes to retire, offers for sale this profitable plant. Full in vestigation solicited. CHAS. D. WOOD, Room Ml Railway Exchange Bldg. BUTCHER SHOP WEST SIDE. $5000 cash will handle; on of the best money-makers in town. Mccarty, maxwell downet. Room 1 Ry. Exch. Bdwy. 7519. A REAL RESTAURANT. $1250. Heart of city. Ions; lease; place has been running $75 day; can be handled with $400. Harper, 264 Stark St.. ground floor. AUTO GARAGE. Located west side apt. district, cleara $350 month, and price is right. Particu lars 511 Railway Exchange. $375 RESTAURANT $375. Neat and clean, fully equipped two living rooms; rent $25. Morris, 415 Ry. Excn. bldg. CUPID. BrHINKHS OPPORTIMTIKS. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 347, Pit toe k, " Washington at Tenth. Phone Broadway 2651. , OREGON'S LEADING RKOKKRS 14 Successful Ven in Th.i lua.ue. Deal with a dependable concern w th sound finnnutnl reditu rcn. A.I t.l guaranteed. Our buyers protected, AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. We have Just liLed xc.un.veiy an equal interest in one of the tar- at 'and most successful financial concern in Portland. A clean, iuu-t' ins; and highly lucrative busmen. tx-pt-nence not msentiMl as the dutit are light and as;ly learned. As the vulum of bus.nesa is fro wins; rpiu; ri'-ed interested he.p. If you are trust worthy and reliable th is our op portunity to mtke a permanent con nection with a bi futur anj steady incoms of not less than I.h per month for vourself from the strt; -'3" re quired. A bona fide sound investment that is seldom offered. DpU D. OARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Hers Is the very btst opportunity In Portland to secure an equal hsif inter est in a long established gr.tte and auto repair bust nett. Idea! hi at ion : right downtown ; fir' proof bid-., f u'v equipped; repair shop, storage of cr practically pays all expena- : repr shop receipts clear profit. You need not b an sxpert mechanic if you are handy with tool and to learn the business. You can ctr never leas than l-'0O per month f -r yourself. Equal h.f interest niy tHl A first-class shop in a first-c;as loca tion. Best buy in Portland. Be sure and see th.s befors you inviat. Dept. A. CIGAR, NEWS PT AND SNAP. Ideal location in lobby of large. we!l- known hotel, downtown; complete staple stock, fins fixtures; the best looking cigar stand in Portland ; any lady or man can easily clear never le than lf0 per month; owner will stay ten days with purchasers to teach busi ness if desired; only $mm require!: real snap that is seldom offerad. Dept. B. GAS AND OIL STATTOK 50. NPLRVltIl OPPORTUNITY. Only $650 required to aecurt an tqjal half interest In well-know n ana long F-jUablished, steady paying bus!ne fine, busy location, comp.ete equip merit: handles full tins of faft and popular oils, lire, accessories an aiiDDfieM: need a reliable man to serv (he customers and handle inw cash previous experience not necessary. the work ia easily learned; no lroubl to rtear better than S-'iHJ oer month f" yourself from th start; a genuine bar gain. Dept. U. GUARANTEED SALARY AND PROFITS. A reliable man with $S00 cash ran secure an active lntereat in well known manufacturing eonrern; need Interested help; special experience not nrr.ry will aruarantee a salary of la pei week and divide profita monthly: can easily clear better than 2." per month lor yourself; your investment iuny cured in every way ; an unusual op nortunitv with a bic future and a guar an teed income from the start. Dept. C LUNCH COUNTER AND RESTAURANT, flntv 1450 rea ul red : excellent tion in heart of hotel and auto di trict; long established, steady paying business; will positively clear f2J p- month right from the start and bu mHH will srreatlv Increase in winter son; rent only $35 month; real bargain. Dept. A. EOUAL INTEREST. 11250 CASH. An Investment of $ll?-"o will securs an artive interest In a big raying bui nesa in connection with the motion pie ture Industry. No special experience nere-utarv if vou are intelligent ana re liable, as I need Interested help. Your share of the profits will aver;igs bttr than $500 per month. Dept. li. LIVE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS I.nratcd in modern fireproof bid - here In Portland; product now selling In targe quantitiea to grocery and con fectionery stores ; pioneer work all done; business increasing rapidly; now clearing 5uO to itMMi per rnonm; co nirttelv euuinned ulant. Special oerience not essential; any Mildness man can handle Full Price 4KH paying business with a big future. See my exclusive agents. A-t. r.RflPERT WITH LIVING ROOMS. Fine corner location, doing larr volume of business. Rent only -" mAnihlv for strre and rooms. Clear' ing better than 1150 monthly now and business can be greatly lncread; llt.Mi cash required. Value In aight for every dollar invested. Dept. C ATTRACTIVE CHILDREN'S PFTnp Splendid location, modern brick bidr UrM niihiin school: handles com plete line of baby and children' roods; also gift articles; excellent equipment; any live business woman can clear better than S175 per month. Full price 1 350. Personal reason fore saie; a genuine sacrifice. Dept. a,. GREAT NORTHFPV P.ROKER AGE COM PANT. Suite, JUT Pittock Hlk., Wnsh. at IQth. PART N rJ H A N T U. AUTO RKPAIK. Hera la absolutely the very ht op portunity In this city to secure an equal one-half interest in the busiest and best eoulpped frmall auto repair shun: fine busy eornT Inration, vi 4ow rent; lons-etab!lwh1 stendy trade; doing only guaranteed ftrat-clax work: have more work than ran handle; prefer a steady and reliable partner to hired help; previous experience not necessary tr. you are mecnanit:a 1 y . c lined and handy with tools; t his li vnur onnortunity io learn the busines: and easily clear better than U3 very winth vniinplf from th start: only required to secure an equal half Interest; don't fail tn are this before you buy ; well worth double th in vestment: a genuine bargain. 'all early at 347 Pittock block, Washington at 10th st. GROCERY A CONFECTIONERY. Corner location, in good resi dential section, clean tock. fin fountain, 8 large, airy living rms. with bath and garage In connec tion; rent only 150 month, liuni ness is good and increasing very day. Can be handled with J0U0 cash, bee Mr. Erman. with STILLER BKOV SIX Railway .Exchange Bldg. "sV'FCIAL GARAGE PARTNERSHIP One of the best and busiest garages In Portland; authorized repair and parts station for weU-known mk of car; this ahop Is fully equipped in ever detail: arg volume or wrg all times; owner desires partner to take care of office and boohs in prer erence to hired help; you can get an equal half interest in this bona fide proposition and a guaranteed draw ing account of $35o a month and share profit equahy for Investment of only $3 cash; this incorporated business must be seen to be appre ciated. Call ear:y nt 33 Morgan b.dg. COUNTRY STORE F O R H USE. 1 sere of land near Portland, on a fond, well trageled road. Store building with !Mng room, water system, large warehouse, with engine and feed grinding mill; gaso line service and oil station, tank and pump; stock of merchandise, 1 H-lon truck ; a good going business In god location for $H-".o0; no Incumbrance. Will aell or trad for small nou in or near city. , MacINNKS. EXCHANGE HEPT. RITTEIt, LO W E ("J i. 201-2-3-&-7 Board of Trade Bldg. POOL HALL, BAKUER KHOP. CON'FKsJTIONERY. CIGAKtf. With five furnished living rooms. Rent only $40. with 3-year lease, lo cated In the suburbs of Portland; food Income. Price only $Joo MERRICK CO.. S04 Panama Bldg. Piwv. nig. WEST BIOE RESTAURANT. ONLY l-'WMi, Well equipped and in chotc loea tion, 2-year Ie at per month. Average better than $50 per day. MERRICK e CO.. 304 Panama BMg. Pdwy. W4, GARAGE BARGAIN. Fireproof bldg, 60-car rapacity; ash rack and sublets pay rnt, west side location; can show good profits; $1500 handles. Apply 4.12 Ch. of Com. b ! d g.. 4th uril St-irk CASH .MEAT MARKET. Best location on east side, in re stricted dist., doing Al business, fifths will hand e. Buy Include Ford deliv ery Call Tabor 7n12. PRINTING material. 3 stands. 0 tnd ard ion cased, 10x15 pre and assort ment of material, less than half pric. Inquire at.i i -J' $1050 SUBURBAN grocery, dolrg J.'IO daily, 4 dandy living rooms; rent oniy $15. Morrta, with O. O. Sletten, Real tor. 41S Ry. Kxch. bldg. WAXTSD GROCERY 6TORE. Hav buver with VK to 4uO. ARTHUR L. ht'OTT. M0 Cham, of Com. H I wy LIOHT grocery, confectionery a nd soft drinks; must as, I today. Pnca only $.-.K. including ntture. Inquire at 6"! Mississippi avenue. FOR SALE Restaurant in Astoria, do ing good businesa See owor, Waaa- tngmn restaurant. SfH Pond St. CONFKCTIU N E K Y , worth :in. wi:i acreag. traoe ror nous am .01 close. In. T 04.1. Oronltn SMALL grocery stor or sal. BUMvr o:'rorri iTrw PARTNKR M"T Top AM' ifii'V M Here . oU- . hAi. - th l-oi.-t h-v prt sent 'Wfi-f i I"l ii- j n !- "- h.n'I;Ti(- h" l1J" ." if ..r Ki 1 li. h-- mor-- t I; . n ttm is w thout a 'i oj ji.!'iuun n I'ott. J-otl, ..;u HTIin , w nt of jl Se I...' I ICriiiM n. it h li l l.l.Fi: TIP. 211 Uai.v.y i-r WILL ...-,.. , , MMI. I - r ' tr r. 1 $1 ."l II Mm-feoi-.-n' 1 f..r I u ; Inv gro mnA t-r 1 p. t th 1 rm 1 r. Ike p.av W tii.B. 31 r..ii h r . !'. GAilAoi; UlVKTlMTY. Thi -'h -f 1 he 1- M pay gafwaes m th ciiv. looxltwi nrw tri bulUltna, 10-. ar ipr, ' tif a--c.MM.ri-.. ;;, rpt b -p mr'.i. ing two in.- h- nl . ta,u averag ing L"'m 14., .n-. ,t,i.y. low ns r ! T-pw,n;T tour.t.g r, i 'r lea, r.-nt on.y T-o a t n-nth N-t'ing .. al a month p'"tT- )'t; Hh hr c lu ti d'-u-t t upon r- nl . -'""O rnn, t'uianc on ti'ti". ai'-ll 1'aitaiua i.l trf . 3d and A . 1 r HXt "KPTl"oN "AL . V liAwt. It II' i A I - H-rs Is fti-olu-(unity In Ptriud s-rura a g-traK ar pair shop witu v-i r a n - han i 1 W-l.-. pi-1 r 1 1 1 a ihv fattrteril d itlli.ot'.tl low rent. VHiuab, pays nil ov ad. ha lots of wot R I him mliTful .,in-ni:.g f r a tn . '-rnT is carlg iMl par ri..n?h. :t;.1 cah w li l.-ndu- t.f ("..n. hldg 4ifi and tark iVt AN K KiC a M 'M ' Jl , i K lit MNK- Hire 19 a f n oppurtun.ty i .! an oiil-etab!ih'.i and transfer bu.iif; f I lrV.. ful quipp-l and hi hsu!rg contra- 1 with many of 4-d f.g rnr- rliants; I k wl.l hw a f-r.-f t b- - ter than I e:i every rio.ntli; $ 1 ' wt l hsnrti'. This ta a g-nuin Urmn. nwr.f.-- la o.i and wnis t. retire 'l l'o I'h.nibvr vf Cwiu. bMg. 4th a4 f .irk MAM'I'AiT'iK Y K -it h A LK lut to the stock nn bn nl rtlcl being riiaoufa turt m vn vinc you of th great, wnllmitl f tur for this attui.. in n world. t , th Terr ranabla pr'c that it b-ing ef frl for sal tv -rner wh wishes to retire. Any rna"nb. fter win be accented. No agvnta lail Mnln I HHMl j., ,J, Partner cannot Steam h e r t , rr nl t ash mhiit, a show CNs-. J - II A LL I I""", nrr" ; brie k kMg , I 1 P-m lihin. wall raas, ls iuni-r, 1 2 ch toils fountain, ic ho, pir r. 1 1 r o -l"iim on fiior, othr first-class ft ture. All gue f r Wnmi ANVlKilt IVVKSIMr-.N'T CO 4oft Panania , 3 1 and Ai.Ief. "IkV;i,esh rilVMriAVH I'KKICK iCstah,iiif d fl f'r by pe-ni own er, stesm bath, h.s-b. frcjun. f ma chine, massatfe t'. and I hr "M h . et-Ulprd 1U e-ry detail. In larga west "! of f !'' bu' id Ing. steady p 1 ron i Prlf gtO. ith-r nterefs ae t" S' 10-11 Panama H . ! and A :d r liUm'KUY T K K HOO cah. small li.Unra sy; i ceMent location, low rent: 2 l.vmg room ftvalialoe; let us how you 1 1 and you. can watch the bus ns, if " i tP th and want to buy jou ti suv.y grab rhia. , 1 4 ri'l -I'll VTTn PoWT j.j.,U cl7L ING AM 1 K L .SU"" Hiii'l t t'M Ttent tU3 per month: 2 living r"n f urn It u r. ciea ning out f . t . ma I oin g attout $40 a vK buuni si. AH go- Ir .V.o A.N ' IIon INVEMTM K VT Cn n.t H I'snatna P.Mg . -ti and A idee . UK t T V r-ri..r Unt.t;n, v. r t h :n g o m -p eia and up I lie minute m ' respect; e!.tbhshed buiits; f.n lo cation; i:"'"!. term ItUMWELL RUMVKT.L. 274 stark. n-i ?r. anth jiiid Sanrtr ;u' v 1 i ; NO r'IMl liKH T' HUT Oood drirah: location. r asonabl rent ; under lese ; living rinti . ' f 4 $40 daLy. W'.ll invrn' ry srtfUl.d liono. ARTHUR 1 bCOTT. .in rjintii i f C m Mdwy !rr KK.VI'A lit A NT. better than $ per 1y; f taken th:B week can b bousht f"f 1 1 Oihj and t's w ort h It . It us ihns ou th' nd th-- wRt.h tha business tit satisfy oifsHf How' hal7 714 ti ,l rf LftLi"i HI W T Wlf GK K'KK V store at invo;. e W havs SM-veral that you fn w.rrx irm 11 will py you to the place bef ur you buy. 4m Railway Ki hm.f W1IU W K NTS I.IVK 4-C11AIH li A It ItEFtHIP 'P? Modern. ' 1 lo- t,l. gno1 es; svery t h t Kg rl kIi t ;, e. and mh and off-r, Mu' m-:i. THOMSON, 6 JO liKN'RT PI.rr. KU HUP II AN KKKU UTOItK. On Pacific highway; al.-ul dril ; I'Uslncss a r-d e-j ut men t 7'"i . rent $'.'o . IP en tor fto, k ee rtt h. w lih Kr-d W. liiTnmn i.'-o . ltalor, 7 Cham rf Com . ; Y HI Kit.1. pfep In and 1"( us ultrfi.l m-mm f r ihrm. hrg;n In rffoerv f" rooms; we h v a nu" f.OK K V V K Pdwr. UTi'fl 3J7 'tm MOVING picture business T-w sale, north ern I'innu; n 'ii "a -.n- , .-...r In town , renter of lumh-r Industry ; nn lara lake; thra railroads, draw ing power or OWU. rca 9 I.1MI0 ..v 1 (rcirnnun. IT 1 1 1 ' Villi Y K Ira a imill n In Vll d, SH" ctt- e le(t nt roa trt. going roun'iry, g-oa " ' la met vnl.ey. well eU'W iwila. nower elevator. Ian mttxrni Malilne sh A ddrews A V irs' 1 a h a t- tils n. Kirs -c!a c nt Itirtrbea and rlsar S(!iacent n larif n 14 n t P -1 n d ' b ' ' 1 -t i'inerv. rounta'Sj. in n' r, ri ptctur show. d MAMKAiTllilN'.. Psrtner wanted for growing btl- fles-s; a staple prodU' t : can draw god Ury besides share of profit. Itoom 41 f"ktmi bids. Ff'K SA I .!-; ortiT nicrv, new Wltn garage; t-aae ; !! oll1 lo near 'J a. hools. good bosinsas; living rorn atoca and f.iturn IIMhi Hv own, r. Watnnt fi I . at ore, cm t ton In rite n out CAt'TluV. It- Kith fo rt'-al or o-..ti iri'T" llslie1 ret rotate In of Port land It tildg Phone i' al'v Ho 4-1 Ora ,il .v in CASH lili"''i:ilV. Fine location. T"tr s. h-" s; good living fotrr: eala $ Invoice, at.out $-M0. Call way ; Ha 'is. row rn t ; 611 Itai.- A-; ran1v lo ItOTAI RANT, if ,nn, on good rrtr, al biisl ness, but ownar hsa laree ran- h o can I fuu bulfe. Cl Sou Hur nide. n ill PAl.K 1 p-to-d ita restaurant do. Ing Al bunln-f ' t eU on aeftunl Of hea M O. W rlt lb. 1. .N'M, it ! port, (ir; WKLL etai:s. Kl-:- bauery aa-n-y Li". 1 o. r g larga t'ti (!) , cheap unL Addrtu A V in city or best locution. Oregon tan A C ' A M IH SINK - . $3S bus '"iiiifiii""' and bus'n Net profit s $ .'' month, trial gi ll mm 4"l I-miit b'iig KLSTAl MAM, 9 ' ''. 9, . -h r-t II IS a ai term a. ta.i fwrn siiiim n"'i. Sd st . b(or 9 morn, or ftf Foil K A I K and n r h -nm shop n on of th tet towns tn isain a ti-rP J H 111. Wapj. t... s- ' MY H0i rillMlMi outfit cheap. Mil pr ss, rut 1 t-r. r yp . vrytnlng. It a. pa J. Kddy.Oregoncity. Oiti CKIt Y s;o. k and fnlurs. ri(. taking mor y, irrr' ;ivng n.nm Hdy. 1TL'. VFarla-id '. F- Jlng b d RhV-T Al'IiANT. dy.r.g f.i.e b-aira. g .4 I'l'ihon, t ri'-np. term, irsa. Owner. f 'l ' " " r tiftfi , Tit SA L?- Cat pernor sli ('. t- 1 i t.on, i tteap. 1 hurt Walnut U-K. 1, alter 0 1' M Glti Kllf ator a; firpt-r' .4 f - . n:,a. ar4 3 rXulikll sh.p f- r a e. a fmn I at ns I'oe rr ar..i i t FOR ft A I K A pron mhur I U'Ot tAiRT-"K'Vuli- l"d $;q.iK0 Maa- (our. ta. t. ewnf. n nr He.-nn 1. tfi'l" Or ar.d f.-u.i FIN 15 new barber h bfha, be t 1" I' 9 r -s. r.i .r F u i. ;ii furri' KB? TAUilANT tor s r.' r l-v;T,g city. e. g tntl l.ji!ut; iolT I n.on i. N HA E $1" to invest It o-d -wrr store r" m owner. T -' . r ' T ' '1i?F 7XCELLE.T pa ing clrar s- ort la flow ll'str.e. Tni,.r l".o Sh. $j?toij l7,jA V on r w burJow. .,od urnr. Jabsr ljul. .Su ccuuuatiAi,