THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1022 18 REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. ,, - . CHOICE SL'BCRBAN HOM ES. NEWBERG HIGHWAY 1-! acres in cultivation, orchard, berries, -room. house, barn, chicken house, on way at ry. sta; $4750. good terms. AT RY. STATION, O. L- R,y miles city, 16 & acres choice level lanu, mofitlv in cultivation, 5-room house, barn, garage; .4500, good terms HIGHLY IMPROVED 6 acres in cul tivation, 6-room bungalow, bar out buildings, cow, 60 chickens, near fcia., 9 miles out, close to school; u"' good terms. Take house up to This ie a bargain. . AT TC'ALATIN, 9 acres level land, o a. in cultivation, bal. pasture, 3-room new bungalow, garage, fine well water, 300, $50 down, $1!5 month. - BON IT A STATION, near Tigard, 2 acres in cultivation, fruit, berries, gar den, 6-room new house, chicken outnt. ?300, $5-00 down, monm. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 16514 4th t. SUBURBAN' HOME BARGAIN! -REDUCED TO BE SOLD TODAY! I1 acres with fine assortment of fruit and berries; 3-room shingled bunga low with sleeping porch and Jarfe attic; Bull Run water; only 3 ?Ztv to station on Red Electric line; oalx $M0O for quick sale. GOOD TERMS. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 212 Abington Bids. Bdwy. 1.1. Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. ft-ROOM furnished house with breakfast nook and bathroom, thoroughly mod ern very sightly lot with, fruit, in chcce residence district on the west aide. Price $1650; $100 cash, balance easy terras. See Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg., or Mr. Williams, at the Multnomah office, For Sale Business Property. A SAFE INVESTMENT. West Hide Income on Carline. Six 3-room apartments, bath in each, rent for $-0 per month apiece ; aiso large store, should rent for $05 per month. Property has been badly man aged; has wonderful possibilities; lot &0100. This is good speculation and a. sound investment. See Geo. P. Henry for terms, with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. ARTISANS BLDG. BDWY. 7522. WEST SIDE FLATS. 512,500. This Is the best buy on the west Bide. There are two regular 5-room bungalows in one building is what it is; modern, in fine condition, 2 fire places, all large light rooms; lot worth $7500, building would cost $10,000 to day; located on 23d St., near Wash ington. SEE REVERMAN INV. CO.. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2954. E. STARK AND 28TH. 4 lots, 50x100 each, facing south on Stark. This property is well located for stores, apartments, oil station, etc; will sell all or part. See is for full in formation. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. X'or iSale Acreage. THESE FEW TRACTS IN CONCORD AT HALF PRICE FOR OCTOBER ONLY. 2.39 ACRES, PRICE $1800 4 ACRES. PRICE $2400 1.14 ACRES, PRICE $625 8.20 ACRES, PRICE... $8000 3-39 ACRES, PRICE $3000 ALL UNDER CULTIVATION, CLOSE TO OREGON CITY CAR; VERY REASONABLE TERMS. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE OWNER, OAK GROVE 1W. OR ADDRESS MIL WAUKEE. OREGON. ROUTE 1. BOX COMPLETE LITTLE HOME. 6 acres, 4 a. in cultivation, bal. pasture and timber, 14 a. potatoes, 6000 kale, 5000 cabbage, carrots, pars nips, lots of berries asst., cow, chickens, tools, implements, hay in barn, 5-room bungalow furnished com plete, on main road, near Boring, 21 miles city; $2000,, $3 360 cash, balance mortgage; a real bargain. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 y 4th et. A REAL BARGAIN. 4 ACRES ONLY $1200 TERMS. Mostly beaverdam and fronting on macadamized road; has a dandy spring on property; is close to both electric lines and is only 9 miles from court house. MERRICK & CO., 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. Open Evenings ana hunaays, ONE ACRE all in full bearing Cuthbert raspberries, at East 02d and Section Line road, just outside the city limits; no city assessments; faces good gravel road ; has Bull Run water, gas, elec tric lights available; price $1275; $100 cash and $50 every 3 months. See Say ler E. Smith. 318 Ry. Exch. bldg- even ings. Tabor 0513. $4000 FULL PRICE. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 3 acres, 5-room house, barn, chicken house, running water, orchard, plenty of garden, city water, gas; less than V mile from Heaver ton highway on good rock road; 1 mile from Beaverton. SCOTT & BERRY. 1038 Belmont Ave. WE HAVE 20 acres of the finest kind of land, all cleared and level; only 20 miles from Portland and near elec. car. We will accept city property for the full amount. The price is right. Call Us an dtalk the matter over. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6380. SUNNY SLOE. ACKKAUS. B-acre tracts within G-mile limit of Portland, good soil, good road; $104) to $300 per acre, $50 to $100 down, bal ance $10 per month; no interest to pay, S. B. Gustoff. 400 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4975. I MUST SELL 7-room house and 1 acre of ground covered with fruit and ber ries, in good residence district on East 7 2d st. Will take small payment and give easy terms. For particulars call Main 0S0. 20 ACRES, excellent soil, 7 acres cul tivated, all can be when cleared. Has $1000 worth of wood and only 30 min utes from city. Will sacrifice for $3500. Acreage same locality selling for $600. Maepherson. Bdwy. 0785. NEW 4-ROOM bungalow with every thing up to the minute. This is on the carline and a fine little home. Price $3800. Yes, we can arrange terms. OTTO & HARKSON. 4K? Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 63S9. $50 PER ACRE 20 acres, partly cleared, some timber; a dandy chicken ranch, etc.; $200 cash. A lao 10 acres, culti vated, $1000. A bargain; easy terms. Bdwy. 7072. McFarland, 20S Failing bldg. $25 DOWN, $7.50 PER MONTH. ' Total price $1050, 2.00 acres, located on good road, close to elec. station. ilVj miles from city limits. Fred W. Ger man Co.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO Tacoma, Wash. WILL take car, Jot or house equity on jny partly improved 2 acres at Jen--nings I-odge, 3 blocks from car. At water 2146. FOR SALE Nice 5-acre tract on high way near Hubbard ; small buildings, onil - nnlv S 1 .nfl l"!ritlAnden A N PniM-nnil TTu hYi'u rrt Or l ACRES for site, reasonable; will finance a house; will give reasonable terms. Aut. 1 -22-10. A BARGAIN : No" 750 Wasco si. ; six rooms, :ull lot: term Phone E 2432. fcSEVKN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 0131 92D ST. S. E. t616-45. Homesteads. Relinquishments. VACANT government land The Home aeeker legally describes thousands of acres, place to apply, plats, new laws, etc.; sample copy free. Homeseeker. Box 4273. Portland. Or. HOMESTEADS 2 for location within tv milc of r. r. and town in eastern Oregon; can be irrigated; also a few 640-aere grazing homesteads. C. L. Gardiner, room 4 Ainsworth bldg. HOMESTEAD with 4 to 5 million feet of good fir and pine timber, for sale cheap or trade. AP 182. Pregonian. For Sale Farms. CHICKEN RANCH OR DAIRY IS acres close to Portland, nice house, large barn and silo. 2 large chicken houses, brooder house, family orchard, creek. Ready for business. Snap at $5700, terms. Enquire L. A Mathisen Co.. 201 Alisky Bldg. 40 ACRES, improved, all tillable, run ning creek, 5-room house, barn; 5 milch cows, good team, 2 hogs, 100 hens, all farm machinery, 20 tons hay, 8 tons straw, 20 tons roots, plenty wood; price only $3200. Mr. Reynolds. Rainier. Or. "NICE LITTLE FARM." 31 acres, stocked and equipped. 17 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, fine creek and springs; 5 room house with outbuildings; 20 miles ' Portland; fine road; $5500, good terms. R. M. OA TEW OOP & CO., 105 4th at. 100-ACRE relinquishment ; stock ranch, range, 4 miles from town, creek, good buildings. orchard. , berries, grapes. horse, wagon, cows, pigs, cnicKens, tools, furnii niture; price rignt. jr. .uaon, Cotton. FOR SALE My place of 10 acres, I miles south of Cottage Grove, Or., or grave! road, good improvements and good land : can all be farmed. H. L. Rogers. Cottage Grove. Or. FOR SALE By owner, 120-acr piace in Yamhill county, well improved, can irrigate about 50 acres. A bargain. Must rs sold at once. Address Hood River G'aci e r. Hood Ri ver, Oregon. FARM ""for sale, bargain; 23 acres; good 5-room house, outbuildings; good soil. 214 W. 17 th. st.. Van cou ver, Wash, phone P47J. ACRES, level, clear, fenced, 4-roorn house, barn; Willaroina ono mile, good road; terms. J. R. Snarpe, S3fe 3d tu REAL ESTATE. -Farms, ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY. -20 acres, 14 miles from center of Portland; close to electric station and school; very liberal frontage on high way; best of loam soil; IVz acres cul tivated, 3 axres timber, balance pas ture; nice, sightly land; 25 young fruit trees; 2 new 5-room houses, barn, garage, chicken house. Price for short ' time only $5S00; terms. ' Gerlinger bldg. Over 500 small places, near Portland. n ft tr.v 1 1 no Good road, close neighbors, all free soil, no rock, adapted to prunes, nuts, berries, potatoes, garden stuff or any agricultural crop. Close to booming town; highway and R. R- Plenty of work if desired. We take you out by auto, 2 hourB' ride. 20 cash, balance your own terms, within reason. Larger or smaller tracts if desired. Absolutely the best buy offered in logged-off land. John A. Meissner. 821 Gasco bldg. 1 APR RS 14200. Ideal country home. Level dark loam soil. 7 acres in cultivation, fam ily orchard, grapes, berries, asparagus. Modern 6-room bungalow, plastered fireplace, large new barn, 2 large chicken houses and chickens. 220-ca-pacity incubator, 2 Jersey cows, separ ator, shop and garage. Terms. John A. Meissner. 821 Gasco bldg. 35 ACRES $5000. Wou:d you buy gold dollars at 50c apiece? Then , buy thi farm. All cleared- 4-mile from West Scio. Come and see photo of buildings. They cost more than $5000. You are getting the iand for nothing. All good soil, second bottom, suited to any agricultural EXTRA CHOICE HOME. 20 acres extra fine upland, 0 a. good onion land; can irrigate; 4 a. prunes loaded with fruit; 100 other treeej all cultivated ; 8-room modern house, bungalow style; cost .$6500; barn and outbuildings; 9 miles courthouse; good road; $10,000; terms. Take income, city, up to $6000. balance mortgage. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th st. "CLOSE-IN DAIRY." 40 acres choice land, 32 acres in cul tivation, 8 acres pasture, creek, fruit, berries, 7-room plastered house, 2 barns and outbuildings; 10 milk cows, 2 horses; fuily equipped with every thing necessary; 12 miles city, near railway station; good road; $12,000, terms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th et. WILL sell my relinquishment and im provements on 150.26 acres on a quick sale for $350; 4,000,000 feet of good cedar; furniture, tools, 600 posts, all go See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington Bldg. . Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. JHet. wasn. ana .--tarK. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre; easy terms; best soil; farms, all sizes. McFarland, realtor. 208 Failing bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED, IN IRVINGTON. Have party with $8500 to $9000 cash; will pay all for a good colonial. If you have a good colonial priced worth the money and want all cash cal' us and teli what you have. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 60O6..i INCOME PROPERTY WANTED. If your income or business property has merit and is for sale list it with us. You will be satisfied with re sults. See George P. Henry, with COE A, McKENNA & CO., (Established 1889.) ARTISANS BLDG. BDWY. 7522. REMEMBER We can get you the highest price the present market warrants for your va cant property in any section of the citv. Come in and we will talk it over. BITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SELL YOUR HOME through an old es tablished firm; competent, courteous salesmen with autos; efficient office force. If your property is worth the price asked, we will sell it. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bunga low in Laurelhurst, Rose City or irv ington preferred, not too far from st. car or school. Will pay $1500 down, not over $5500. Give fu'l description, number and street. AP 91S, Pregonian. WANTED 4 or 5-room modern house, preferably furnished, in good location, from owner. Must be a bargain, other wise do not reply; also terms and par ticulars in first correspondence. AM 902. Pregonian. WE ARE in the market for a $4000 or $5000 house in exchange for 10 acres, close in, with house, barn. 150 chickens, 8 tons of hay, orchard, berries, a dandy place. Weston & Co., 1206 N. W. Bank bldg, WANT 15 to 20 acres close to Portland; have 2 acres improved at Metzger sta., aiso some cash, will assume; state price, terms, location ; no inflated prices. Owner. R 982 Oregonian. WE HAVE a buyer for a 4 or 5-room bungalow; must be class "A," Rose City or Alameda. JOHN E. WALTER. Realtor. 1421 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. SMALL HOMES WANTED We have buyers: list with us Tor re sults; personal attention. See Kerston with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Co WE HAVE a cash buyer for 2 lots in Colonial Heights or vicinity. Call Bdwy. 7522. Coe A. McKenna & Co., Artisans bldg.. Bdwy. at Oak. ACRE OR ACRE. PAY CASH. 'Must be bargain and close in. 030 Chamher of Commerce Bldg. . FROM owner, 1 to 3 acres, with small house; Oregon City line preferred. Bdwy. 2956. WANTED At once from owner, 5 or 6 room modern bungalow, in good dis trict; not over $4500. Bdwy. 2956. SMALL HOUSE OR SHACK. Pay cash up to $500. 630 Chamber Commerce bldg. HAVE 'BUYERS for lots in Alameda right.' Vance T. Ferguson. Bdwy. 4620. WANT good lot and some cash as first pavment on charming new bungalow. Builder. East 6799. APTS., hotels, farms, residences to trade. 630 Chamber of Commerce. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED to rent, small acreage not too far out, with good buildings. AE 980, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE by owner, planing mill and retail lumber yard in thriving eastern Oregon town ; invoice stock ; good terms on mill and grounds; reason for selling, '11 health. AV 84, Pregonian. FOR SALE 160 acres. heavily tim bered, in forest reserve, reasonable. C. W. Mead, 632 E. Madison, city. FOR RENT FARMS. CASH OR SHARES. 35 ACRES. 3 TO 5 YEARS; ALSO OTHER ACREAGE WITH FRUIT AND GARDEN LAND YEAR TO YEAR. FOR INFORMATION PHONE OWNER, OAK GROVE 1 W, OR MAIL M I L WAUKIE. OR.. ROUTE 1, BOX 2S 25 ACRES adjoining Beaverton, 7 miles from Portland; house, barn, well, apple orchard. grapes, loganberries, etc.; hard-surface road; for rent, cash or on shares to right party. References required. N U'J4. uregoman. . S15'i YEAR, houe, barn, 1 2 acrs, near Portland; fine for garden, berries and eh icfcews ; o or o-y ear itsc. miun auto. Bdwy. 7072. McFarland, 208 Failing bldg. . 143 ACRES. 0 miles northwest of Jeffer son. KJT. , l"l umijHis, shares; immediate possession. If in terepted call at farm. J. S. Talbot. 50 ACRES for rent, stock ana crop for sale; 2o miles south or fortiana. An sw er, M rs. Henry Boege, A urora. Or. Box 4. 5-0-ACRE farm for rent, nearly half clear, running water. Owner, 266 E. 53d st. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TRADES We have a nice lot or new trading listings and will try our best to match yours if you win call on us. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 310 Chamber of Commerce. Bdy. 5654. WANTED to exchanee 5-room modern houso with 1 acre at 8807 73d ave. for 5 or 6-room hoise, any good location; will take equity as first payment. 665 E. Morrison. WILL take car, lot or house equity on my partly improved 2 acres at Jen nings Lodge, 3 blocks from car. At- water - no. MODERN 6-room bungalow, lot 80x100 ft., corner, Mont a villa district; $5000, mortgage $1000; want old house 7 to 10 rooms, close in, same or little more. R. M. GATEWOOP & CO.. 165 4th St. 10-ACRE apple orchard. 11 years old, lo cated in the Ciearview tract. Sheridan, Or.; value $2500; will trade for auto mobile or equity in a house. Call Tabor 2930. WILL TRAJE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit; houses, lots, farms, acreage. Bring in your proposition. Robinson Spooner Co.. 712 Couch bldg. CORNER lot on paved street as first payment on 5 or 6-room modern bun galow. UBBCr. XT Wr V . UUU. A GORDON ROSS. Bdwr- M73 624 Henry Bide MY AUTO FOR YOUR LOT. 222 ABINGTON -BLDG. I TO EXCHAXGE-BEAt ESTATE. 200 ACRES, dairy and fruit ranch, east ern Oregon, near Snake river, hence good climate; about one-third in cul tivation; hay, corn and orchard: al ance hill pasture; all fenced and cross-fenced for pasture and hog lots; under good irrigation system, scuuui- , house on property. Several acres I finest grape soil; farming land mostly t silt or overflow; no 'sticky.' Fair j buildings; 30 head, dairy stock, part ! young; hogs, chickens, horses, wagon, jnacK, nay aerrccK. cmer juim. tum sheller, separator, machinery, tools, etc. Price $S5O0; will trade for Port land residence or near acreage, right value and location. Property or cash balance to $4000 or up. balance terms to suit. This is a chance to walk into a good ranch home and a bargain on small property payment. Owner. Tabor 7130. - EUGENE POULTRY AND DAIRY RANCH FOR PORTLAND RESIDENCE. 40-acre poultry and dairy ranch lo cated 9 miles north of Eugene; mile from school, church, store and R. R station, land all in cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced, -some fruit and berries; 6-room plastered bunga low, fine large barn, hen house, etc.; buildings could not be replaced for less than price asked for the entire ranch; price 5000, or owner will trade for Portland or Oregon City residence of equal value. See Mr. Hyde at 324 Henrv bldg. Phone Bdwy. 0779 and he will take you to see the ranch, or write KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO,, .Eugene. Or. . PIEDMONT AND LAURELHURST. In Piedmont. 100x100. paved sts., in and paid. beautiful 10-room home, hdw. floors, furnace, 2 fireplaces, ga rage, billiard room. Price $12,500. Mtg. $3500. What have you? In Laurelhurst, 3 lots, very attrac tive 9-room house, 2 sleeping porches, wonderful corner, good view of moun tains, double garage, has hot water heat, three fireplaces, hdw. floors, beautiful shrubbery; price $17,500. Will take good acreage or smaller property as part payment. We handle exchanges. Geo. P. Henry with. COE A. McKENNA & CO., ARTISANS BLDG. BDWY. 7522. EUGENE FRUIT AND POULTRY RANCH. Five-acre fruit and poultry ranch, located just two miles from the busi ness district of Eugene; 3 acres fruit just coming into bearing; berries for family use; 5-room house, barn and hen house. Price $2500. Owner will take Portland vacant lots or car up to $1250, balance payable $25 per month. See Mr. Hyde at 324 Henry Bldg. Broadway 0779. or write KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO., Eugene, Or. CLEAR OF DEBT. PRICE CUT TO $100 PER ACRE. 90 acres, 40 acres in cultivation, 40 acres timber, about 12.0OO cords wood. 7 acres orchard, mostly prunes; finest of soil, all tillable; creek, well, 7-room house, barn and other buildings, some equipment and only 23 miles of Port land. Will exchange for house in city. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6785. FOR EXCHANGE. Have party with 20 acres well im proved land, all stocked and equipped ready to start farming. This is clear and the price is $7000. The owner will trade this clear and put in up to $6000 in cash on a good home in Portland. CORCORAN-JONES KliALTT CO., 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6000. WANT STOCK FARM. 25 acres, nearly all in cultivation and in crops, choice level land, good 6 room house, barn, outbuildings, fully stocked and equipped, near Ry. station, 26 miles Portland; $7500; also 10 acres, stocked and equipped, near above j.lace, value $4500; trade both places or separately for cheap land for stock. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th St. NEWBERG FOR PORTLAND. Will trade my modern, exceptionally well-built, 8-room plastered house, bath, 2 toilets, full basement, electric lights, telephone and about half acre planted to bearing fruit and berries, fronting on highway in city of New berg, for desirable residence in Port land. AB 923. Oregonian. - $30,0(X DANDY up-to-date farm near Portland, mile off Columbia high way; good bottom land. Will trade for same value near Modesto. Cali fornia, either" improved city property or farm. Party has to leave Oregon owing to weather conditions. BORLAND & CORDY, 300-2 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts. FOR EXCHANGE Nice 5-acre tract, all cult, small house, barn and chicken house, acre and half logans, half acre strawberries, three-fourth mile to elec tric store, school and station: would take auto in part or house in Portland; what have you? Price $2000. C. M. Crittenden, owner, Hubbard. Oregon. LOOK! WILL YOU .TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country; I will match them. lE. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery st., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 20 acres, all in cultivation, stocked and equipped, good buildings of all sorts; 30 miles Portland; $7000; want house up to $10,000, pay difference. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 1-65 4th st. EXCHANGES. For quick action, list with COE A. McKENNA & CO., (Established 1889) Artisans bldg. Bdwy 7522. SACRIFICE OR EXCHANGE. What have you? I have several lota; am leaving city, for sale on your own terms or will build you a cheap house. Phone evenings, Atwater 0746. TO TRADE FOR LPT. Late model Buick, wire wheels, for lot in good district, val. $1000. Coe A. McKenna & Co., Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 7522. 180-ACRE apple ranch near Newberg, Or., for exchange for income prop erty; will assume. Broadway 6772. to exchange: misceleaneots. FURNITURE FOR CAR. I wish to trade the contents of a completely furnished 5-room house for good used car. Have sold house and owner is leaving city. See Mr, Hyde, 324 Henry bldg. Phone Bdwy. 0779. I HAVE a 2 -ton worm-drive truck, va-iued at $800; I want to trade for a half acre close in or a real good lot, even up. What have you? Phone Jensen, Bdwv. 0091; eve.. East 2418. EQUITY in Eastmoreland lot for Vic trola. wood or what. Main 4112. BUICK 4 .Runs good ; what have you; value $150. East 7279. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE "Adel" Arisl ippus, pure Anglo-Nubian buck, registered in both associations ; 3 years old, disbudded ; sire "Adei" Alertes son, P-875, dam "Adel" Aurelia. P-135; heavy milkers, tests high; sire of fine kids, large per cent does. First $250 takes him. Agnes Spannuth, Hiilgrove Farm, Win lock, Wash. , . 8 YOUNG mules weighing from 1000 to 1100 lbs., alt broken to work and ride; also gen tle riding horse. Will make special price if taken in one lot. Honeyman Hardware Co., Park and Glisan. Bdwy. 1122. WILL arrive about Oct. 2 carload east ern Oregon horses and mares; 4 to 8 years old; weight 3 200 to 1600 lbs. Will be sold cheap for quick sale. KEYSTONE STABLE. 3S1 Water St.. Cor. Montgomery. FOR SALE Team of good young mares, weight about 3000 pounds; work any where; kind and gentle; a real bar gain. 1644 E. 17th- Phone, Seilwood 0174. JUST received a consignment ' of high grade Jerseys and Guernseys fresh with calves, heavy milkers. If in need of a good milk cow. call at 234 Front, foot of Main. TEAM of geldings, weight 2800 lbs.. 5 and 6 years oid; ood set of heavy harness; 3"4-inch Bain wagon, good aa new; one 4-year-old horse, weight 1250. Price $55. 23 4 F ro n t fop t of Main. EVERY farm should have a few regis tered sheep; we have Shropshirea for $10 a head and up. Holman Fuel Co., 94 Fifth st., Portland. WILL exchange registered Shorthorn cattle and Shropshire sheep for No. 1 oats or cord wood. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th St., Portland FOR SALE: Two cows just fresh, heavy milkers. 1967 E. Stark St.. corner of 78th. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esenshare, 300-306 East Morrison st. SOME good fresh cows for sale. Cham berlain Feed Co.. Tabor 4655. 1564 E. Glisan. FOR SALE Five-gaited chestnut sorrel saddle horse, "'David Harum." Broad way 6007. VETERINARIAN. XR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD animals takan Quickly. rhou M i 1 waukee 69-J. CALVES and beef cattle wanted. Phone Atwater 2178. BARGAIN in horses, harnesses and w a gons of all kinds. 240 E. 8th. GOOD young cow and fine heifer ealf, cheap. 240 E. 8th st. WAGONS, BUGGIES HARNESS. Front ana Mam st., on aoc k. iiOKSS for sale. Bdwy. 3661 FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, LiTCfttock. CROWN STABLES. If you are looking for a cheap horse we have a lot we have been working all summer that we are selling rgardies of what they bring. They are young. Most of them we broke early last spring. They are a good class of horses and are all for sale. Have any kind of harness, new and second hand. Wagons of all kinds. All stock guar anteed as represented. Phil Suetter, Mgr.. 28j Front st. 50 HEAD of horses, part of them work ing here in city. I will sell this stock very cheap, as am almost through with the season's work. They consist of some 1300 lb. farm, chunks, 1600 lb horses and some middle-aged that can sell for $5 each; new. and second hand harness, colors of' ail sizes at reduced prices. Columbia Stables, Front and Columbia. G. K. Howitt. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. $10 CASH, $5, $6 OR MORE MONTHLY buys a $475 piano, used, for $195, and 1921 model for $295, or a $675 player piano, used, for $395, and 1921 model for $495, $15 cash, $S and $10 monthly, during the world's largest factory clear ance saie right here in Portland at Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th, st. Viz: $550 Haliet & Davis upright $195 $60 Emerson upright $295 $900 Steinway upright $395 $950 Thompson player piano $395 PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE. $60 Sonora, $35, $5 cash, $2 monthly. $125 Columbia, $75, $5 cash, $3 month. $165 Brunswick, $85, $5 cash, $4 month. $260 Brunswick, $135, 5 cash, 5 month. $300 Edison, $235,' $10 cash, $8 month. $350 Vlctrola, $275, 10 cash, $10 month SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY ST'GE CO. CLOSING OUT. $275 Bard & Co.. upright $75 f375 Emerson upright $145 400 Laffarque upright $195 $750 Weiler Player $295 103 10th, at Washington SL ANNUAL HOME-COMING SALE. Pianos, $195, $265, $375. $5 to $8 a month; player pianos, $395, $475, $8 and $10 a month; grand pianos, $675, $875, $14 and $17 a month. Lipman, Wolfe & Co., Washington and 5th sts. PIANO tuning and phonograph repair ing, any make, all work guaranteed. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6576. I PAY CASH for used pianos and player rolls Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park, near Wash, st. RENT a player piano. The whole fam ily can enjoy it. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West JarK, just noun oi w tmii. WILL buy Sohmer, Steinway, Mason & Jriamnn or vereu g muu. w AN A. B. CHASE player piano, upright, mahogany case, for sale by private party, -jvyam jibo. COLUMBIA grafonola, very reasonable. Call C. J". Crawford, Magnolia apts. 148 E. 3d st. S. 125-YEAR-OLD violin. Main 4673. 1054 Corbett sr. FOR SALE Used piano for cash, by owner. East 2299. . Furniture for Sale. AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION, WED., OCT. 4TH, 7:30 P. M. at E. 649 N. Union ave., we will sell at public auction a large consignment of H. H. goods, consisting of Simmons beds in i'ory and Vernis-Martin fin ish, also sr., silk floss and cotton mattresses, quarter sawed oak dining tables and chairs, dressers, chiffoniers, rockers, rugs, stoves, cooking uten sils and other articles too numerous to mention; no reserves. Bell Auction Co. We pay the higher prices for house hold goods or will sell on commission. Estimates given free. PHONE BELL AUCTION CO., EAST 2617. STORAGE SALE. Goods sacrificed for storage and loan charges, consisting furniture, house hold goods, sewing machines, dishes, pianos, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, stoves, tablets, etc 6 SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER no.. 4th at Pine St., opp. Multnomah Hotel. HANDSOME new mohair davenport and chair; also high-grade bedroom furni ture in mahogany and ivory at less than wholesale. 571 Glisan st. Broad- way 4632. DON'T sacrifice your turnlture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through ' cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Baggage Co., 245 Pine st. MASSIVE oak chiffonier, 1 bed to match, 2 rugs 9x12, 1 dining - room, table, 1 gas plate, 3 burners; 1 genu ine leather davenport and gafden tools. 1111 E. 15th st. North. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale; large size ice chest, dresser, dressing table, sewing machine, phonograph, carpet, tabl'e. 2 chairs. 2,0 Nartiiia st. LARGE quartered oak dresser, 0x12 Wil ton rug, oak rocker, white iron bed, 10 yards wool ingrain carpet. Call Seilwood 3762. HOUSEHOLD furniture, large gas range, dishes, inlaid linoleum. Southeast cor. of E. 12th and Alder sts. Aider street entrance. . MAHOGANY library table, dining-room table and 5 chairs, linoleum; no deal ers. 41M; Jiaii st. 11 ROOMS furniture lor saie. victrola, piano. Price $1300; $1100. rest $50 a month. 390 Everett st. FURNITURE of flat for sale cheap. Beds, dressers, tables, chairs, rugs, etc. East 4172. IN PERFECT condition, four-hole mal leable -top range, with warming oven. $30. 581 Belmont st. Office Furniture. FIVE mahogany flat-top desks, with glass top. 4 mahogany typewriter desks, singie pedestal. , 4 mahogany typewriter desks, double pedestal. 1 mahogany typewriter desk. with pedestal attachment. 5 rotary mahogany chairs. 4 side chairs, mahogany. 12 typewriter mahogany chairs. 6 oak chairs, without arms. 1 small mahogany table. 2 mahogany bookkeepers' desks. WESTERN BOND & MTG. CO., Room 7, Board of Trade Bldg A BIG buy of used office furniture, bought right and passed on to our cus tomers right, desks, roll or flat, tables, chairs, safes, adding machines, type writers, all in fine condition and priced to sell quick. Our new line at the price of used elsewhere. We rent of fice equipment. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 3 BOOKKEEPERS' DESKS. 1 roll-top desk, 2 flat-top desks, 1 safe, 6 chairs, 1 steel 4-door upright files, at $37.50. Bushong & Co.. 91 Park st. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable; $50. com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for ail manes. ORRGON TYPEWRITER CO.. B4 Fifth St. Broadway 7169 ALL MAKES GUARANTEED RE B V J LT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below manufacturers- price; TERMS $5 monthly If desired. LATE MODELS RENTED S months, $7.50 up. TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington si. Bdwy. 7481. U C. SMITH & BROS. Typewriter Co., 80 Spalding bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6975. Sell typewriters thoroughly rebuiK la OWn lC:or, tXiav lemma, cmyytioo. REBUILT GUARANTEED TYPEWRIT ERS, all makes, CASH, PAYMENTS. 124 4th St. POANE'S. . REBU1LTS. 2d-hand rentals, cut rate P- c - Co., 231 Stark st. Bdwy 7507. $3 RENTS Underwood, Remington. Em- pire lrauaici, .m - -w REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell, supplies. Type- wnter insp. o., qj. ji-". ' j-'"- 10-INCH Remington typewriter, good Shape. $; Afa W-v, ureBmiian D'gs Rabbits, Birds and Fct Stock. REGISTERED and pedigreed English set ter male, and pointer, female, both trained; also Chesapeake Bay re triever pups for saie. J. R. Maguire, 87 Oregon, BEAUTIFUL sette whelped January 5, 1922, wonderfully marked and has no equal for stamina and energy. Grand sire Count Bans tone and sire San cton e's Ben. Price $75. Walnut 4528. POLICE DOG. Dark wolf brindie; 1 year oid, splen did watch dog, fine pet for children. A t water wee pays auer JAPANESE poodle spaniels. Last chance to get grown dog or puppies cheap; going away. Tabor 7027. 314 East 40 th S ANDREASEBERG roller singers, good trainer, young singers, females. Walnut 3652. CHIHUAHUA fox terrier . pups, reas. Moore, 870 Haight ave. Walnut 3784. CCLLIE puppies for sale cheap. 275 14th St. Jaiii t,Ji.7 WONDERFUL male Airedale pup, 5 mo. " . m . It A ... CtACt. A.A. SOMETHING ciassy in toy Boston ter- rierS; A. n. - Bim-n.. jjuwj. iuo. YOUNG German rollers, also trainer, very reasonable. Walnut 4333. Nursery Stock. "BULBS FROM TULIP TOWN Special offer for October: assortment of 60 bulbs, tulips, hyacinths, narcissus and crocus, $1.50, parcel post prepaid with full directions. Tulips any variety 60c per doaen. $1 per two dozen. American Holland Buib Co., Belling ham. Wash. Ask price list. Radio Equipment. 1. 4.DIO audion set complete, two steps. See to appreciate,' between ? and P. M. 1154 Ivon st. FOR SALE. Coal and Wood. $4.50 PER LOAD $4.50. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir blocks and slabs: runs partly dry, for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO., WALNUT 4102. NO. 1 FIR. $9.00. NO. 2 FIR, $7.75. ROBERTSON FUEL, Main 5336. 16-IN. BLOCK and slab mixed, $4.o0 a load or 2 for $8. Dry block and s:ab mixed, $5.50 per load. Call Walnut 5904. $4.50 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch block and slab mixed, partly dry; fine for furnace or heater. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. UTAH and Rock Springs coal. Lump $15.50 egg $15. First and second growth fir, oak and country alao. Holladay WANTED 500 cords and up fir wood. son Fuel Co.. R. 5. box 1S7. Portland. $4: 1-in. thick, $5; anywhere; No. 1 nrrl t? TK Hn-nnr4 ITttU Pail Fllpl SHORT rirv anri erwn hlofk and rail road ties, slab and cord wood. Main 2676. UTAH KING COAL EAST 8984. HEAVY planer wood, dry, big load. $6. East 70 2 L . ALL KINDS of wood. Call S. R. Howell, 696 Y. Vancouver, Wash. HEAVY 16-in. block and flat mixed, $0.50 per cord. Atwater 2K. NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH CORDWOOD. PHONE EAST 1759. - DRY FIR cordwood, coal and country slab. Wal. 3423. Atwater 2520. BIG LOADS block and slao. mixed; two pads, $9; one load. $j. wainui i.v.m. BEST old-growth fir. $0. Seilwood 0314. ' Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 808 N. 14th St.. near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 519-19. Machinery. ONE 3-gang tractor plow for :-ale, $75; , almost new. Mrs. J. Petera, Sher wood, Or.. R. 5. Miscellaneous. LADIES' coat, excellent condition, pretty tan shade coating, sealskin collar and cuffs; a real bargain. 1083 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Well-furnished tent house; must be eold by Tuesday noon. $75 cash takes everything. Call 1280 Mon tana ave., near Ainsworth. Mississippi car. $75 MAHOGANY cabinet phonograph with small collection of records. In good condition. A snap at $25. Phone Atwater 4169. SHOWCASES. CASH REGISTERS. Scales, adding machines, coffee roas er, coffee mill, electric hotel and res taurant jlgn; big reduction. 129 1st st. HOT-WATER tanks. $5, guar.; tanks, gas water heaters repaired; plumbing con tractors; estimates given. East Siae Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. E. 8516. FOR SALE Nearly new 30-30 Marlin safety rifle and 12-gauge Stevens pump gun; reasonable. 782 E. Salmon at. East 6218. FOR RENT SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BUY, SELL AND TRADE. NEWMAN, 128 FIRST. NR. ALDER. VIOLET RAY "Headquarters, Inc.. sixth floor Raleigh bldg., n. w. cor. Sixth and Washington. Phone Broadway 6840. FOR SALE Ice box, safe, chairs, root beer fountain, mirrors, electric fix tures, candy trays, gum cases, linoleum and counter. 440 Washington at. MULTIGRAPH, large size, electric driv en, some type, extra good condition. For quick sale less than half cost of new. P 987, Oregonian. LADIES' slightly used clothing, good material and style, very reasonable. Vogue, 403 Alisky bldg., 4th floor, near Morrison st. Main 3132. 1 USED OFFICE FURNITURE, We buy, sell and rent a single chair or a complete office outfit. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. FOR SALE Stewart wood and coal range; also Garland 3-burner gas range; both In good condition. Wal- nut 4463. 173 W. Portland blvd. HEAVY black ovencoat; Persian lamb collar; satin lined with wool cloth interlining; size 38, $10. Address D 11, Oregonian. SINGER sewing machine, very reason able; also adjustable dress form. Call before 9 A. M. and after tf P. M. Room 310. Eaton hotel. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75e per day, delivered. Tabor &531, formerly Walnut 1250. DIEBOLD SAFES, new and second-hand, special prices. Pacific Safe and Supply Co., 48 Front st. Broad way 1968. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange kodaks. Bandy, 124 uroaqway. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired, 226 Stark St. Bdwy. 7334. FERTILIZER. Extra well-rotted cow manure deliv ered in any part of the city. Wal. 6233. PRUNES, 3c; quinces, 5c; pears, $1; apples, 85c box; we will deliver. Tabor 6083. FOR SALE Electric toy train with track; good as new, $10. 95 N. Bdwy., corner Flanders. WANTED Auto camp' trailer, must be in good condition; sta,te price wanted. J. Blaine Troeh. 408 Stark st. UNIVERSAL, electric griddle, complete, $4.50; electric iron, $2.50; one 8 h., D. C. A. C. motor. $6.50. Atwater 1675. GAS WATER heater, $10; 2-burner gas plate, $3.50; Acorn gas range, $22.50, ' good condition. E. 4852. 12 VITROLITE tables. 48 Wakefield chairs, 1 Frisco coffee urn. 311 Wash ington. LADY'S dark blue tailored suit, size 40, new, half price. Phone Tabor 9384 after 4 P. M. COLONIAL walnut twin beds, new, -sacrificing at $90. Call, mornings. East 9019. J: OR SALE Child's bed and mattress in first-class order.. 184 cor. Winchell t Kenton. NEW STAND electric White sewing ma chine, great sacrifice for cash. Atwater 2453. FLOOR CASES. SCALES. BARGAIN. Newman, 128 First, nr. Washington. AT REASONABLE price, a perfect steel blue 1-karat diamond by private party. E 955, Oregonian. LADIES' exclusive used coats, dresses, suits; large selection in a home. Tabor 2825. $800 16-ft. Oak Bar and Back Bar. With Large Mirror, only $2O0 cash. Particulars 128 First. . near Alder. NEW gasoline log and tree saw. In quire C. Moessinger, Terminus bldg., 3d and Everett. . DARK suit, size 40-42, with extra pair trousers ; also dark heavy overcoat ; very reasonable. M 994, Oregonian. MAGNIFICENT hand embroidered Japa nese throw; good size. Call mornings, 906 Bryce avenue. WILL sacrifice 3-A Graflex with vertical finder and carrying case for $110 cash. 1420 Hawthorne ave. GOOD Concord grapes by the ton smaller amounts. Walnut 1784. FOR SALE Baby sulky. East 6702. QOt East 2d st. N. FOR SALE Gas range. 381 S. Broadway. Phone Atwater 2787. CAST-IRON wood heater for sale, $5. Walnut 33S2. DRESS SUIT, 38-40, like new, $15. 820 Going street. $50 GENUINE reed baby bed and mat tress, like new, $25. Broadway 7746. TWO misses' coats, good condition, for $15. East 3687. after 6. GRAPES Maddock's, 38th and Steel ave. S. E. 5c pound. Woodstock car. FOR SALE cheap. 19-J. Waltham. 14 K. gold chain. AP 981. Oregonian. VERY fine white wicker baby buggy, good as new. East 6194. SAFE, Hall make, 34x22x23. cheap. AE 923, uregonian. FOP. SALE Lloyd baby buggy, good new. Price $25. Call Walnut 092 SINGER sewing machine, almost new, eavmg city. aiain o-. SHINGLES direct from mill, extra Star-A-Star. Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. FOR SALE Cross fox fur scarf, excep tion a 1 lyfineskln;Wajn GRAPES, Concord and Niagara at W. Frank LPP , - pv'-miiu ottimy utvu. FURNITURE repairing. upholstering. F-aulkner. Main 4477. East 6060. FOR SALE Grapes. 5c per lb. Wainut 2195. ;Y-,c- roX and other restaurant equip- "g." Atwater 000. -i-rHiTE rotary sewing machine', like new. 1 y,n Kast 37titf. 562 William, ave. rrros'D-HANIl tents tno covers lor sale. Pacltic lev " ' ' iroR SALE Cash register, aare. adding Tn.phine. showcases. 43 1st, near Ash. rriRASTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL GVrg10 to 15. Broadway 4482. TvkuN fireplace stove, pipe and .njirom. like new. Broadway 4487. , , t v heater, coot stove with gas plat, attachea- 650 E. 53d at. A'. FOR SAIJB Miscellaneous. BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS ATTENTION. We have 600.0 good, clean 2d hand red bricka which we are offering at a vtry low price, also several thousand bats suit able for cesspool a, etc ALASKA JUNK CO 203 Front. Cor. Taylor. Main 4110. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room ar.d save one-third; all atyiea, finest selections; come in and see, you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce BMg. Broadway 4253. THE ELECTRIC SHOP. House wiring, repairmg, fixtures and supplies for sate. We also repair any thing electrical. Genuine mahogany stand and floor lamps made to order, or any other stand lamp repaired or refinlshed. S4o Wash. st. Pbona 530-511 DAINTY, lacely white gold and platinum mountings; they make your diamonds look 25 per cent larger and brighter as well ; a wonderful selection to choose from. Miller's Big Littie Jewelry rtore. Sells for less gifts that last. Nexi door Majestic theater, Washington, near ELECTRICAL KKrAiRi.w. Authorized service station for Hamilton-Beach appliances and Roai vacuum cleaners; we repair all rnaHf of irons, neaters, toasters, curling irons, etc. Hynson Electric Co., 62 ttth st. Broadway 4203. Specialists in elec- ATTEXTIOX! Wanted, fish buyers, cold storage men to buy fresh fish direct from fishermen ; on Rouge river, one cannery packs 20,000 to 40,000 cases per year, 20 boats with own gear. No market C H. Walsworth, Gold Beach, or. vi a v-r An w sm(, MACHINES. We have only a few left at prices that will astound you. These machines are new, but slightly damaged on the outside. With brand new motor, H5 tar-.- wifhnnt motor. S32.50 each. 10 Front ft., btw-een Yamhill and Taylor. SEWING machines, new and second hand sold for less; no agen-s em ployed; complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented, SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d St.. near Tayior. Main H431. 1? YOU appreciate splendid warch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to Miller's Big Little Jewelry store. Sells for less gifts that last Next door to Majestic theater. Park and Washington sts. DOORS, windows, screen doors, morn ings, millwork, glass roofing and hot bed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., down . ,K .lnr 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO . 105 Second St. Bdwy. 7045. FOR SALE 3x4 Kodak No. 3 spe cial, equipped with Zeiss F 6.3 lens, fclate back with ground glass, three plate holders and case. Original cost $80. A snap at $40. 525 Abington hidg. SAVE your wife; sehu your wet wash to ihe Snowflake laundry. Clothes washed snowy white in separate compartments. Mon., Tues. and Wed., 15 lbs. for 70c; 4c for each additional pound. Valuable premiums given. Phone East 8433. LARGE, French plate mirror, set up in solid walnut frame, carved and gilded, cost $500 to ship from France; will sac rifice for $75: can be seen at 83 Grand ave. or At. 049L NEW oriental wicker chairs, settee, floor lamp and oriental pearl ; also fully equipped violin going at a sacrifice. 663 Holman st. Take Woodlawn car to 18th st BLEACHED and laundered 100-ib. flour sacks. $1.20 per dozen; sugar sacks, 95c dozen, and 15c dozen for postage and insurance. Snow Flake Laundry, 4b0 Belmont. WE INSTALL hot water coils, in stoves and furnace!; also put on gutters and down spouts; general repairing; all work guaranteed, reasonable. Phone Ea.t 0920. 50 SLIGHTLY used White, new Home, Singer sewing machines for sale or rent; liberal terms on sale. E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave. at Belmont. Phone East 235! HUDSON seal coat, full length, full skirt, new. latest style cape collar; faced with ermine; worth $750. M1 for $450 spot cash. AR 028, Oregonian AT SACRIFICE, new navy blue satin crepe drees, pize 34-36. made by a de signer price $30. Bst grade black pmsn coat, i an .-vj-. FOR SALE Cheap, A B wood range, used only 2 months. 7730 50th ave. S, E. Auto. 627-60. FOR SALE ArTOMOBILES. 1921 MITCHELL touring. Al mechani cally; ready to go; easy riding and economical; $750. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. Bdwy. 328L 11th and Burnalde Sta. FRANKLIN touring car, series 0B. In first-otass mechanical condition. Thi car must be sold at once. Will sacri fice for $1)00: terms to responsible party. Therkelsen Motor Co.. Rlchen bacher distributor. 527 Washington. Bdwy. 4233. FORDS. FORDS. Come to the used Ford dealer; we have all models, prices right, terms i$ desired; we buy for cash; that meana you got more for your money. WILLIAMS MOTOR CO.. 28 N. 11th st.. near Burnalde. B. 3214. 1922 DODGE touring, practically new; see-this before you buy; $4oO firr-t pay ment will handle. We are open eve nings. GRANNING & TREECE, 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723. 1017 BUICK touring car in first-class mechanical shape; new paint, tires practically new. Will sacrifice for im mediate sale. Therkelsen Motor Co., Rickenbacher distributor. 527 Wash ington st. Bdwy. 4233. A SNAP. Late 18 convertible Olds roadster, has been reground. in excellent condi tion; party must sell at once. A serv iceable car for $275. 461 Montgom- ery st. 15J20 HUP. Looks like new, runs like now, in fact you won't hardly know the difference, lots of extras; will trade and give terms; not real estate. Call Main 0-023. Jack Scholer. 1921 FORD coupe, in dandy condition. Real buy at $425, terms.. Call Ander son. Tabor 1727. 1921 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Run only 7500 mile; 6 cord tires. 2 bumpers, side deflectors. spotlight, will sacrifice for cash. 530 ALDER ST. BUICK ROADSTER. I will sell my late model Buick road ster at a bargain; has all nearly new cord tires with other extras. Phone evenings. Tabor 0455 FORD COUPE. 3 020 model, with all kinds of ex tras; car Is a bargain for some one wanting cheap buy. Bdwy. 2488 or 600 Wash. St. HUPMOBILK, 191S. In extra fine condition, 5 cord tires; $550. 530 ALDER ST. FORD COUPE. 1021 mode!, with extras; car like new one ; $465. Bdwy. 24SS or 609 W?sh St. $185. PAIGE touring, splendid mechan ical condition; 5 good tiros, spotlight, private party must sell. 153 E. feth St., before 5 P. M. 1022 CHEVROLET. Run only 3 months, good as new; quick sale $550. ..iV A 1 jli K rt M r. lOliJ FRANKLIN roadster, in the best possible condition, bumpers, spotlight, 5 good tires, $1475; easy terms. Binns, , 542 Alder. FRANK LIN. This car-has brand new battery, all cord tires; must sell, bargain. 530 ALDER ST. OAKLAND LIGHT 6. Overhauled and refinished, 5 good tires, $430. 530 ALDER ST. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the piece. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder at 17th. Bdwy. 3254. Mail orders filled DODGE TOURING. Runs fine, new top. seat covers, 5 good tires. $25Q cah. &30 Aider st. 1918 OLDS 8, in excellent condition, fuily equipped ; will stand rigid inspection, $35, easy terms. Binns. 542 Alder. $jj25 022 DODGE ROADSTER. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 32S1. 11th and Burnside Sts. 1020 FORD EAST 4600. COUPE $450. PHONE 191 7 FORD for pale, extra good engine. Must sell. AN Q.O. Oregonian. 19 IS FORD touring, new tires, run it good; 1145 cawh. lOO Union ave. N. 1917 MAXWELL, $4y eah, oa.nncti eay monthly payments. Phone East 131 1. FOR SAI.B--ArTOMOBII.KS. J 1919-1020 (MODEL O r!s Hud- I n super-six. Westinghous air springs . $1 1 3020 Hudson speedster wita 't- inghouse air springs 1275; Studebaker special six 1015 6-40 Hudson 1017 Hudson 101 3 Liberty 1021 Olds 4 191ft Stephens Cole 8 1920 Chandler 1910 Chalmers Maxwell truck ......... ISO , $25 j 673 j 4,5! 730 45 725 47$ 00 SATISFACTION IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE DESIRE; THAT 13 WHY We completely renew, overhaul rebuild Hudson and Kmn-x automobile These ars- in the best of mechanical condition. They ara also warrant! the same as factories warrant new cars. In addition, we givs 20 day tree mechanival service. Other makes of goo4 automoMI thoroughly overhauled, put in firi ciaxs condition and sold with a 10 days free trial, subject to being re turned and full credit vo on any other car of squat price that customer may select. This give ample time ror every pur chaser to try out the car h bu gives him time to have it Inspected, and we want only satisfied eustomera Largest nsed ear branch store In the city at 40-40 Broadway, Branch tors opea Sunday and evening. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 6730, C. I. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. $100 DOWN. EASY TERMS. Dort 5-passenger. Oakland coupe. Maxwell, new top. Overland OO, Al. Oakland touring, new paint. Vehe, a dandy. 1121 Ford delivery, 2 bodies. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., loth and Burnslde. Bdwy. 0521. Hupmobllea. Dodges. ChevroJeta. Fords. Overland. Gardner. Paige. Studebaker Spec. Cole sportster. I late models in top shape. MANLEY AUTO CO., 11th and Burnslde. REAL BARGAINS. F.EAL BARGAINS REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS li20 Hudson speednter 1019 Ensex, Al condition 650 101H Buick touring 625 1018 Buick roadster 4.5 120 Overland four, used very little 445 1H0 Overland four 8-i 120 Chevrolet touring SM) 1020 Chevrolet touring 825 1020 Chevrolet roadster 2s3 1018 Briscoe touring 275 1015 Buick touring. , C-2S.. 195 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Grand and Hawthorn svfs. E. 3770. 1922 STEPHENS. If you ever saw a real buy In an automobile, this is It. An al most new car at about half price, and with factory guaran tee. You can drive it a year and get as much as you paid. Phone Bdwy. 40o. STUDKBAKER BARGAIN. I M I 'ST HAVE SOME MONEY AND ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER FOR MY 1921 BIG 6. THE C A K IS PERFECT AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. WILL CONSIDER TRAD (3 ('R TERMS. BDWY. 4S9. OR SKK THE CAR AT GARAGE ON 20TH AND LOVE JOY STS. $250 DOWN BUYS 1022 FORD COUPE. 5 WTRR WHEELS. r COHD TIRES. PH'ICK ABSORBERS AND IOTS OF OTHER EXTRAS. RUN ONLY 30v0 MILES. CALL MAIN 5782. 1920 HUDSON speedMer; leaving for the east, must sen at once; car is 90 per cent new, fully equipped and in per fect condition. Call Tabor $35. WB SELL AUTOS AND WE SELL "KM CHEAP. Don't buy until you have looked our stock over. PORTLAND AUTO BALKS. 12S 15th. Cor. Washington. Open evenings and Sunday. Phon e Bdwy. 43 7 4 . fTremier 4-PASS. Cannot be told from a nw car; two new tires; others good shape. Must be seen to get the full kick out of tt. privately driven by one prson only. 239 Imperial, corner of Floral va Tabor Knits Price $2250. COLE coupe. Aero 8-type; a wonderful car beairti fully upholstered and con sidered the most attractive car In Portland; phone for appointment. Northwest Auto Co., cor, lbthi and Al der. Bdwy. 1400. $200 TOWN BUYS 1922 FORD WITH LOTS OF EXTRAS. CALL MAIN 572, $220. LATE model Chevrolet touring, perfect mechanical condition; flvs good tires; spotlight ; motometer; bumper, good top and curtains; license, too I a i '10 K. th st. ESSEX, late touring In excellent condi tion; owner leaving and is bilged to sacrifice; for quick action will tak ti7.T Car can be seen at 125 15th at c o r. WaU. Open Sunday and evening w . 1020 FORD coupe, wire wheels. p-ed-nmtpr mntllffht. nhock absorbers. tool box and new tires. Runs fin and looks gooa. -nc u ww whm good terms. empire t aa 1922 FORD COUPE. Used only 90 days; shock absorber, bumper, oiling system, exterior brakes, large steering wheel, vinor and steering dpvice. HOwy. mow. rirw Velour upholstering, 5 cord tires, bumpers, spotlight, etc.; some buy. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Ht. So o, u.u r"in-' i ink, "- " antral condition: good top, curtains ch ileal cn nun hii . . krly new. oversized tires, spotlight, nse; tools, starter; all in fine snap. East 89 S4 1920 STUD EB A K ER SPECIAL. Hv owner. I will se-il Stude st a bar gain; ha cord tlrea, ;ok and runs like new one. r'nono Aiwmio viw, pu 308, evenings. 1920 FORD roadster, in goid hp $285 we are open evenings. GRANNING A TREBCE. 102 N. Broadway. B-twy. 1723. FORD TOURING. 1921 model, with shocks: speedom eter; demountable rims; car A-i mechanically- BDWY. 218. FORD ROADSTER. 1921 model, completely overhauled, demountable rlrns and other extras. Bdwy. 2H or WOO W ash. BUICK 19 TOURING. $50 buys my Buick 19 touring In excellent shape; can give term lo renDonslble party. Phons MalnJ159. 1916 REO TOURING car. $75 down. $10 a month for 10 months. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD. INC. Bdwy. 3281. lllh tnd Burn;de Sta 19lFORD touring, in f irnt-cias shape. Top upholstery and paint all good. Tires are good. Privately owned, good OVERLAND- Model 5-4; new tires: firs mechanical! v; a remJ once only $300. Northwest Auto CoT. cor. 18th a n d A i d er . B d w y . 14 . ,ti. FRDtouTmg Here la a real buy; tires o k entxa heavy wprlrvss. motor In f-r,e rmvd'it ion Nort h west Auto Co., I hi ta and Alder. Bdwy. 14ft0. jTTa FRANKLIN touring, good cendi bhaleyNirahai a child, inc. Bdwy. 321. Uth and Burned? S's BUi'Kuorlng car, real buy fox $125. r'n Anderson. East n3'3. OVERLAND 5 -pas. " -- Urn t. t :ne condi tion. $2QO. 53Q Aider trt. FKDiug for . cricp Ta&or fU5JL WttH SI B-M TOOMtl.W. DODGE IKOTHLnS uri motdf ram ra ' ? t h Lti a pr S' tn in ta ? r. .. e. bo: h to at Uist u 1-a v the oirunlt t f t thr-m in ihr-'viKh r-w rsr and !-,-, to t, UKI CAM I'i ll i H ANKK N often U dealer ovemtrp iik JuJmt in :lo- ar-e on I Brother" ara Met i 0 ' ' good rams i n car ttr ! t! that drir on v re?rn In pacM.n Um f! t.:iu jttc o to the ied tar bi)r, An rw rGK PROTMKK A " THoRfZKI MAI KM w trori a rnr.r I iii Mnn in t ' of UfJ I-de Hro' ' '' a we do Hh nw m " know th record nf n IVmIss Hroiher I ej car; data of production. Its In the pttrchas if ur cm Brother car fii) ln'" -ma'um is at our ftjn-l '"r i a-k itm. it n ni t-urr: frm us he ervi- at eur rmmsr.1, flu invite our eomi'rin wi our value guaranteed" transportation. We hi1 found this to be protection to you, DotHK ALL voDKLJt -0 T $m, ! t'fe ftwlrfc f-mrlng rrir.!ii4 d, umir r .... 1921 late Mxw?t ttnrlr. rrd tirrs, rf inlh4 Itks new 5 Jftt9 a-4 Over's riA trnirlng, renewed and r-f inifc4.-,. 93 1922 Ford roadtr; Al car.. ITt 1919 Overland touring. List good car 20 J920 Overland 4 roadster, rebuilt and rftnihHt-.. 7J "19tl Maxwell touring; sitcer. tlona! car, trd .re, re finlshed 3SJ. BRALEY, GRAHAM CHILD, IN'. Uth end lurnMe Phone Broadway UL. mY rwKn oar rnnv REPUTABLE UtfTAiiLlM!M-XT. Ther l a great ast tnrm thsn J'ist the vr to rnlr ; probably th m-st lmp"rnt thing Is the bnuw from rdn you bay; wo endeavor lo te.l o sacCy th condition cf every car; w stand bara of what w tvil you, no matter at what cost. RKMEMRKR THIS ONK THING: Our policy of doing buwnwf la basest Ujtin the C K SH I T Y OK II A V I Si TMK PUHLICS GOOI WILU WK WILL NOT DLVI ATki FROM THlfi. "ALWATM THK HKT CAR AT THE LOWiiiST OOVEY MOTOR CAR COM PANT. TWO LOCATION!, , Main pfsnt. 2lst at Washington. Phns H4y. li."4 Broadway Branch, 2-R' Mrosdway. We have cars to tsks you from one place to the other. FORDS, FORDS. FOR DM. PORTI-AND'H LANGKkT oku yuan jAJtK..r. ON 6T!f FT. BKTWFKN MAIM AND feALMON. ROBINSON-BMITH CO, BKST CONDITIONED. PKT Li-oKTNO AND 1WKT. PKIc KD USED fuRDU ON TIlK UAHKKT. lt:3 dns . tvra 120 rUm ."' up JOiO Touring, starter $- 1'''1 Touring, starter . ,.iw ue 1li ."2 Touring, starter. ...$ I 11.'0 Com pen . 1 T tip !! Roadster up 1 :i.'H KM-daiers ....t un Deliveries $T" One-ton trucks 13-W to (' Lata Win touring .ui Htearns-Knighl ........... Classiest Ford bug In town. Lota of Extras. 0 usrcn rnrtn to vwh from. j,OOK 4?r AND i r. i HONK MAIN Hot. 34?! OAKLAND. New cord tlrs. nw nsint, every appointment of ths rr te a I mon t like new, lou will H buy a better rr fir ths pries. Terms It you wh. 424. MANLKY AUTO r ., Jltta and Jiumside. 1'2J FOKU Tnl KINO Fitted with a ltrorntra carburetor and gMs ao miles and better t " gas. Hsssler 1icks tinmr. extra Ur mounted, spothsht. VVe.j chains and msnr other eitrsa. Thie rsr user only two months ami rsnmt be told from n-w; cash takes it. w n- r. W a I niit 2 111. , ,, LAT KJii inotiwl miperinr tucwet t.ur ina. nlfahtty used; lei!er than new ; If you arw In the market for a new car, you can have w. rt ecnunt. terms and nw car -rvit guaranteed on this car M( i" 121 DOUGH taurlna In " ' - f"-1 tuu-.-tion ; itood rubber, sun hie id, m nieier and bar cap. rr view mirror, spotlight; thi t a biy you cant a! for d toj an t " a 1 1 fwr " t-. i i . o n .' CH EVIU 'I.KT .epinsn n o -1 n or nn utrsiKht fiimiii"ii ll. l'i pavment on demonstrator re-iiir4. Apply pale manager. Fields Mtfr t ar I'jJO I HKV K o I K T TOURING. In perfect condition, runs al lrps 11k mw. Will sacrifice. Tern. a Cat I Tabor ao t n 4bO CHEVHol.KT taurine.. In s.i t n -dttlon; car he bsd b"t "t fi forced to sell and win tult ! -. $12 pr mwtifh ,., Ta h"f . T'1'1 . Ush;D Chevrolet . su aU th pay ment, balsncs monthly intnm-nf; if you want a full value tnvewtnnt ntn rtr. r,jt 19!0 4! il)Kl, Myn tnftng. tnkm a demonstration to sppr"iato the valo Rroad way 1I4. A. C fcievens, Sri Washington.: . " " h A Dfl. It On k' and IH't mdef ; m wonorrV bargain at -'"' A. C. Washington ftrrrf. .... 192 fr H IC V It o I . K T touring rr f .re ft rhantcal condition, re Ju bn w er -hauled and Hss 5 n-d t,r - The car looka like fi" w. wt'rt'lt 13T IH.IHJK louring, Hl liiJt. shape; muet be pold ol- k iff'T. Ihne J-n n. Hdw y. . F.t ." pi iVVKItVrt. hi th - c;.a ii ut orn.'t'.ie, run is than !V' mil: In m rni tion. for $L'0 rsh Ho,!itn, a- F.ver-ft mi t : , PAlGB. lll. priatly owned. (ioodriTTi and Oidflfid rnnU; pert-, i .-..rd fion, tin Main FOR IS A I. H or ITA'l . 10.' t Me;; . Ir in (fod hp: ii hiv hat n'Jfgu? K" ts ' 1 , $.-.0. Chandler tnrmt. per frt rondiM n. fully e u : $ Te ! ' r " f - '-' ''.-. vTf " P f T t e e i teeth m your cd f ' T m'heel; crsnkahaft turnlrg. cvl, r;Mi. Ins. H. B ; jlKiJ' ? - A -rt-r f- oXjTs i. I condition, fut-ber, ! a all good; csatl or teriu. I'h'in- Tab. r H 1 a . . OVKHLAND isi. I'Jt!. mut SnT-'t-a t r (,UI, It sale, tsrms H'f at Wi: isrw Y. t mf h and ' "- t m 7J()j,i E "ie iivery. s roeicd aid' a. nr-, paint. -"d condition. 'h Cll 'At aer BIT'S . TV VC wut a rird i.r.nw V-r m attra'-Mvs n.oney sav.rg u tlon K 5 h . , . . HAVafa deport nn a nw F -1 ar . w -j e;i at a d -count. Vhr.t M- Ut.4. t FOR ALK-lt.l'J o.d V p.rt 3il"l roadtr. .ill i 1 1 w f FOKD sedan, real bsrgaii I'. . ttrr i -t;iv fn 75iAn . a-i c.oii-. in, tn.n. will (' I . K-tml . . .... ..):, tiftW'fi r..1; . T I- & i .Iv-'-'--' N' Svb"haI.I5 'rt ' ' "" " wi. : or 1I- 3'-". i