Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 03, 1922, Image 1

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    VOL,. LXINO. 19,304
Entred at Portland f Oneron )
Poat office ag Second-c!a?e Matter.
Offer Is "Discussable,"
Allies Decide.
' agrffmfnt tdday
I IUI I ll till l-l I UhUIIII
lb'. rv r.R(TrvT.
" J Sj - v
Kemal Makes Conditions for
Military Halt.
General Harington and High
rjommissioners Are Met; Kem
alists Are Near Chanak.
th Associated Press.) The Kemal
ist proposals which will be laid
formally before the Mudania con
ference tomorrow are "discussable
but not acceptable." This was the
decision of the extraordinary ooun
cil which met at the British em
bassy this afternoon. It included
the allied high commissioners. Am
bassadors, generals and admirals.
M. Franklin Bouillon, the French
envoy, through whose efforts with
Kemal Pasha the conference was
made possible, expressed his confi
dent belief of the Associated Press
correspondent this evening that an
agreement would be reached tomor
row at Mudania.
"Kemal will make an even greater
effort for peace than 'he. has made
for war," he said.
Two llueMtions Important.
Two of the most important ques
tions to be discussed at the confer
ence will be demarcation of a new
neutral zone on the Asiatic shores
of the Dardanelles and Ismld, and
the evacuation of Thrace.
The allies hold that Kemal's de
mands, as outlined by M. Franklin
Bouillon, are of such a nature that
the Angora assembly would there
after be in a position to reject the
allied note. Kemal Pasha insisted
on settlement of all military ques
tions before replying to the allied
proposals. He and four of the
ministers at Smyrna "accepted the
allied npte in principle, but the
attitude of the Angora assembly
was not made known.
Neutral Zone Xot Mentioned.
The allies feel that Kemal's de
mands could have ben made with
better grace if the allied note had
been fully indorsed by his govern
ment. Kemals armistice terms
make no reference to a neutral
zone or neutrality of the straits,
but the opinion of the allied coun
cil was that the most important
question to be discussed tomorrow
would be the establishment of a
provisional neutral line at Chanak,
as suggested by General Haring
ton's latest note to the Turkish
nationalist leader.
It must be remembered that the
Mudania conference is military, not
political, but the evacuation of
Thrace is largely under the latter
category and is hardly considered a
matter to be decided upon by the
allied generals alone.
Session to Be Ashore.
It was decided tonight that the
armistice conference must take
place ashore at Mudania, instead of
on one of the allied ships. This
decision was reached principally
because the allies were unable to
agree even on such a minor ques
tion as to which should have the
honor of acting as host of the con
ference. Each apparently feared that the
holding of the conference aboard
one of the others' ships would give
that nation a distinct advantage in
the session and in the report of
that session which would reach
the outside world.
Delegates Go to Mudania.
Hammid Bey, representing the
Angora government, accompanied
by M. Franklin-Bouillon, the French
envoy, will leave tomorrow morn
ing for Mudania on the cruiser Metz.
General Mombelli, who will repre
sent Italy at the conference, will
proceed on tne Victor Emmanuel;
General Sharpie, for France, on the
Jean Bart, and General Harington
on the Iron Duke.
The conference will begin at 1
o'clock. Newspaper correspondents
will be excluded from the meeting.
Daily communiques will be issued
on the results of the conference and
transmitted by wireless to Con
stantinople. Change Cannes Comment.
General Harington's consenting to
meet Ismet Pasha, instead of Mus
tapha Kemal has. caused much com
ment. There is a vast difference in
their ranks. General Harington be
ing commander-in-chief of the allied
forces, while Ismet Is only second
in command of the nationalist army.
It was learned that M. Franklin
Bouillon had obtained Kemal's
pledge to suspend military move
ments during the armistice confer
ence, provided the allies accept the
following conditions:
1. Formal guarantees concerning
, the evacuation of Thrace.
2. The establishment of 'allied
garrisons in the larger towns of
3. The occupation of Thrace by
Concluded on lJe '2. Column A)
John Hella, 45, and W. J. Strat
ford, 32, Both Single and Resi
dents of Florence, Victims.
EUGENE. Or., Oct. 2. (Special.)
John Hella. 45, and W. J. Strat
ford, 32, fishermen of Florence,
were drowned in the Pacific ocean
at the mouth of the Siufflaw river
five miles below Florence last Sun
day afternoon, as they were at
tempting to enter the river in their
gasoline launch after a fishing trip
to the halibut banks several ruffes
out to sea.
The two men went out early in
the day and after making a good
catch started home. A heavy sea
was rolling and as their . craft
struck the bar the swamped
it. The men clung desperately to
the overturned boat but both were
torn loose by the waves before
members of the lifesaving crew.
who had observed -their struggle
could reach them. The lifesavers'
boats made good time to the over
turned launch and as they neared
it the niembers of the crew saw
one of the men still clinging to it,
but before they could reach him
he had sunk. Neither of the bodies
had been recovered late today, and
doubt was expressed that they will
be found at all unless they are
washed up on the beach.
Even when the .. two fishermen
ventured out of the Siuslaw Sun-
Iday morning there was a heavy
sea ana tney were aavisea not to
attempt the trip. The waves be
came much higher by the time the
men started back. Both Hella and
Stratford were single and had lived
at Florence for many years.
Man, Woman Accused of Selling
Husband Poison Drink.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 2. While Daniel
Ury, 35, a shoe dealer, fights for his
life in Lebanon hospital, his wife
will appear in court tomorrow to
press a complaint of felonious as
sault against two persons who are
alleged to have sold wood alcohol to
her husband. Mrs. Ury went to the
cafe of Mary Sommer last night, fol
lowing the removal of her husband
to the hospital. She bought some
whisky there, it is alleged and then
the Sommer woman was arrested
together with Frank Datay, said to
be a bar tender in her employ.
Ury told his wife he had beer;
drinking at the cafe ail day yester
day and when she consulted the po
ire they suggested that she dn a
bit of sleuthing. Thetwo arrests
followed. Ury is critically ill and if
he recovers will be stone blind.
Serious Injury to Curio Collector
Laid to Serpent.
ZURICH, Oct. 2. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) What is thought to
be the poison of the 15th-century
Borgias has been transmitted to a
curio collector here with serious ef
fect. The collector recently bought .
a ring in Turin, Italy, made in the
form of a serpent and guaranteed to
be of the Borgia period. The buyer
wore the ring and returning here
found that his ring finger and fore
arm had swelled. A doctor was
called and declared that poisoning
was due to the ring.
Investigation proved that there
was a email hole under the serpent's
head and from this the poison was
emitted, but time had weakened its
Belated Citizens Seek to Register
for November Election.
Lines of belated Citizens are now
beginning to form in front of the
counters of the registration depart
ment ef County Clerk Beveridge's
office daily. Saturday is the last
day on which registration will be
permitted prior to the November
general election.
While Multnomah county has
what is known as a- "permanent
registration' system, voters who
fail to exercise their f ranch ise in
two consecutive general elections
or who move from the precinct in
which they last voted, must register
again. The registration room will
be open in the evening Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, the countv
clerk announced.
"Over the Top" District Loses
Building; Firebug Suspected.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 2. (Special.)
The new schoolhouse in "Over the
Top" district No. 128. east of Foster,
was burned to the ground some time
Sunday night, according to word re
ceived here today by Mrs. Edna Geer,
county school superintendent, from
E. E. Waters. Incendiarism l sus
pected and an investigation is being
made by Sheriff Dunlap.
School is being held temporarily
at the residence of Mr. Waters,
chairman of the district. The loss
is placed at $2500 with 11500 in
surance. 19,916 SEE CRATER LAKE
Attendance at Park Establishes
New Record.
MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 2. Accord
ing to official figures compiled to
day attendance at Crater Lake Na
tional park this Tear established a
new record with 5691 cars and 19,916
people, compared with 4915 cars and
17,996 people last year.
The season at the lake closed
j ytsterday officially.
Fans Alert Like Boy
When Sis1-Beau Calls.
Freight Trains and Pullmans
Shelling Out Onlookers.
Writers From England, Japan,
France, Russia, Cuba and
Brazil to Report Games.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2. Je fast
freight train stopped in Newark,
N. X, at dusk today and from one
of Its car doors jumped a lengthy,
sunburned youth, known down in
a far' hot corner of Texas as "Long
Jim" Baker, star hurler of a semi
professional team named after a
grocer for advertising purposes.
Jim came to New York on a tube
train and found a cheap hotel.
"Who's going to pitch the fust
game?" he asked.
"Joe Bush for the' Yankees and
little Archie Nehf, the left-handed
Giant," answered . an individual
whose face was buried in a sporting
One Never fcSeed Afore."
"Wa'al," drawled Jim, "I been
expecting for some time that some
of these here days I'd be a-pitchin'
a world series game myself, so I
tho't I'd come up to see what
they're like, get used to the crowds
of folks and all that stuff. Ain't
never seed one afore."
At about the same time Jim left
his freight, and for some hours
previously during the day, fast
passenger train's were arriving at
their New York terminals, bring
ing crowds of minor and major
league players, managers and of
ficials and newspaper men and a
fair-sized bunch ' of fans. -
It probably is true that the sec
tional interest is not so great
when the series has for its prin
cipals two teams of the same city,
but a baseball fan is like a little
boy when his sister's beau is call
ing. He can't forego the burning
desire to take a peek.
Interest World-Wide. -
And, too, a funny thing about the
world's series is why they call it
that. The contesting teams always
are American teams and one could
hardly conceive of interest in the
series being manifested in the orient
or in the far north countries of.
Yet among the writers who will
report the games for newspapers
from other countries are a squad
from England, two from Japan, one
from France, one from Russia, one
frr.m Cuba, a couple from Brazil and
the Argentine, a half score from
Canada and one from Sweden. The
(Concluded on Page It, Column 6.)
you !!
Whole Section of County
Mount Victory Is Scoured
With Renewed Energy.? o .
Posses of" farmers were ' scouring
this entire section of the county
with renewed energy tonight for
two lions, reported to have been
seen several times near Mount Vic
tory. An all-day search proved
futile and farmers were under the
impression that the jungle beasts
were confining their activities to
the night time. ,
The animals were first seen about
a week ago by William Wilkerson.
Since then they have been reported
am having been seen by several
other persons. Interest reached a
high pitch today, when a railroad
enginer and fireman reported that
they saw the lions last night.
"The night- was' clear and there
was no mistake about it," said Ben
F. Gregory of Bellefontaine, engi
neer. "They were snooping nere ana
there, and when we got within close
range both made a beeline for a
Woods near by."
His fireman, Arthur Stauffer of
Indianapolis, confirmed the state
ment. It is recalled that considerable
stock has been kiired and this was
attributed to dogs. Now the kill
ing is believed to be the work of
the beasts, which are thought to
have escaped from a circus.
Reputed Instigators of Jaurez
Uprising "Are Accused.
EL PASO, Tex., Oct. 2. Conspir
acy to set afoot a military expedi
tion against Mexico was alleged in
a complaint filed today by depart
ment of justice agents before the
United States commissioner here
against Manuel R. Reis, Pablo
Amaya and Roberto Loza Enriquez.
These men3 were arrested follow
ng the Juarez uprising on a ranch
near Ysleta. Bond was fixed at
Vancouver, B. C, Seeks to Re
cover $76,000 Payroll.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Oct. 2. The
city of Vancouver, through Chief of
Police Anderson, today offered
reward of $5000 for the recovery of
the $76,000 stolen by robbers who
last Friday held up and robbed-City
Paymaster Schooley and his assist
ant, Robert Armstrong, of the
municipal payroll.
No trace of the robbers has been
Tourist Swerves Auto to Dodge
Canine and Son Is Killed.
EL, PASO, Tex., Oct. 2. While
trying to keep from hitting a dog,
Charles Ross, tourist,, swerved his
automobile, throwing his son, Willis
Ross, 8, under the wheels of the
machine, killing him instantly.
The accident happened here this
afternoon at the tourists' camping
grounds. Ross lives in San Angelo,
H (M ! "THE
Present Rates of Pay to Continue
for Year Working Rules to
I Be Slightly Changed.
CHICAGO, Oct. 2. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Approximately 49
roads west of the Mississippi river,
embracing ail the principal carriers
in this section, tonignt were re
ported ready to sign an agreement
with the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen and the Order of Railway
Conductors, continuing the present
rates of pay and rules with some
slight changes for not her year.
Negotiations began this morning
between a committee of executives,
headed by W. M Jeff era, general
manager of the Union Pacific, and
W. G. Lee, head of the trainmen,
and L. E. Sheppard, leader of the
Only two main points were at is
sue, Mr. Lee said, -overtime and rates
of pay. He said the discussion to
day was friendly and all indica
tions were that an agreement would
be formally reached tomorrow. The
brotherhood committees met tonight
and it was understood virtually ac
cepted the proposition with the ex
ception of some slight changes in
rules, to be worked out tomorrow.
At present members of the train
men's and conductors' organizations
receive time and one-half pay for
overtime after the eighth hour. The
roads have attempted to do away
with this punitive overtime and
have carried this dispute along with
wage disagreements to the labor
board. The two organizations also
have sought aid from the board in
disputes on these points. Any agree
ment reached, Mr. Lee said, will
provide for withdrawal of all such
Mr. Jeffers, while refusing to
discuss the meeting for publication,
intimated that the propositions
"were mutually agreed to" and that
new contracts were assured.
Fred Baker Will Succeed Walter
J. West at Klamath Reserve.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 2. Walter
G. West, superintendent of the
Klamath Indian reservation, will
be dismissed, and Fred Baker of
Klamath Falls will be appointed
to succeed him, according: to in
formation given at the Indian of
fice here today. " ,
Details of the reasons for Wei' s
dismissal were not riven out, but
it is understood that charges were
filed against him of improper con
duct with the daughter of an
agency missionary.
Women's Curtailed Dress Causes
Sickness .Kates to Go T"p.
GENEVA, Oct. 2. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Low necks, short
sleeves, short skirts and high heels
n feminine apparel have increased
women as an insuPdnce risk.
Sceral Swiss insurance compa
nies which insure against sickness
have announced that their pre
miums have been raised 15 per cent
for women because of her curtailed
H. j. Overturf and 0. B.
Hardy Are Discharged.
Personal Interest in Loans
,to Veterans Suggested.
Thorough Investigation by State
Commission Said to Have Pre
ceded Ouster Action.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 2. (Special.)
Summary removal of H. J. Overturf
of Bend and O. B. Hardy of Red
mond, members of the board of
bonus loan appraisers for Deschutes
county, was effected at a meejing
of the world war veterans' state
aid commission held here today.
The meeting was attended by all
the members of the commission and
presided over by Governor Olcott.
Mr. Overturf, one of the men re
moved, served as a member of the
lower house of the legislature dur
ing its last session and is well
knovfn throughout the state. Mr.
Harly is a land appraiser and has
been a resident of Redmond for
many years.
Vajues Declared Padded.
Padding of realty values was
given as the reason for the com
mission's action. Investigation of
Dedchutes county loan appraisals
was said to have disclosed a num
ber of cases where the values have
been kited. Erroneous reports of
purchase prices and of the value of
property offered the state as secur
ity were attributed to the two ap
praisers by the commission. At
present there are but two apprais
ers, the third member of the board,
Fred N. Wallace of Tumalo, having
resigned recently.
The commission at the same time
reached a decision to present the
entire matter to the proper author!
ties for presentation to the grand
Jury in DesAutes county for in
vestigation. Members of the com
mission refuse to discuss the mat
ter further than to say that the
whole operation of the an law in
that county ought to be delved into
and that from the facts and rcporjs
which it has collected the grand
jury is the proper body to make
such an investigation.
State I.oas Held Fared.
That the state stood to lose heav
ily through loans made on farms
and homes is apparent from the
high valuations placed on proper
ties offered the state as security,
members of the commission de
clared. It was said that in several
the appraisers fixed values
on property that were more than
v v ' ...
50 per cent greater than the a
price, in some cases mt.t
were those In which Mr. Overturt
had either a personal interest or an
interest through a Utah loan
agency of which he has been the
' representative, it was alleged by
tne commission.
The action of the commission in
removing Mr. Overturf and Mr.
Hardy was preceded by' a pains
taking investigation. From the
first days of the loan operations the
commissioners said they had noted
high valuations placed almost with
out exception on Deschutes county
properties and finally decided to
institute an inquiry.
y Special A seat Is Seat.
A special agent was employed by
the commission and sent to Des
chutes county, where a careful and
thorough Investigation was carried
on. All loans in the county have
been held in abeyance since that
time and losses to the state pre
vented The agent who conducted
the investigation appeared before
the commission today.
A new set of appraisers will be
named at once and the operation of
the loan law will be resumed in
Deschutes county.
Because of the prominence of the
men invOlved the action of the com
mission caused a mild sensation
here tonight. . i
Telegrams were sent to Deschutes
county by the commission tonight
notifying Mr. Overturf and Mr.
Hardy of their removal from the
board of appraisers.
Appraisers, under the law creat
ing the world war veterans' state
aid commission and rules subse-
quently adopted by the body, re- j
ceive so tor eacn appraisement.
This fee is paid by the applicant
for the loan. There is a board of
appraisers in each county in the
state and loans are made by the
c.nimixninn nartlv unon the recom
mendation of these boards. '
vi- nv..i, i. - nndMil, for'
re-election to the lower house of
the legislature at the November
election, it was said tonight.
Fatal Mishap Occurs at Crossing:
in St. Paul. Minn.
ST. PAUL, Oct. 2 Six persons
automobile in which they were rid-
ing was struck by 'a Chicago. St.
Paul. Minneapolis Omaha railway!
train at a crossing here, 1
France Is Declared to Be Spoiled
Child and Poincare to Look
Like Village Vndcrtakrr.
(By Chicago Tribune LfiKd Wlre.f
WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 2. On
leturning from a European tour of
-several weeks in the couru of
which he visited France, Germany,
Austria, Czecho-Slovakia. Serb's.
Jugo-Slavia and Italy, Senator
Caraway, Arkansas, democrat, who
was back in his office today, de
clared that the politicians of Eu
rope are engaged In a propaganda,
the policy of which is to blame
everything that goes wrong on
America, that but for French 75s
Greece would not have been hu
miliated by the Turks and the pres
ent tense situation In the near east
would not have deveh.ed.
The Europeans, he said, hate one
mother, but when it comes to hating
the United States they forget all to
tal animosities and join, he del
clared. In "one grand chorus."
France. Senator Caraway asserted,
has become the "spoiled child" of
Europe. She has enjoyed too much
"petting and acclaiming" as the
"savior of civilization," he said, and
has apparently definitely arrived a,
the conclusion that so far as the
rest of the world is concerned ail
her debts, past, present and future.
have been cancelled.
President Poincare, whom he met
and talked with several times. Sena
tor Caraway described as a "sort of
village undertaker person," who
gets much more consideration in
the United States than in Europe.
"Poincare." said the Arkansan.
"looks like Senator Ladd of North
LDakoti, and reminds you cf the un
dertaker in the . little town, who
puffs up and dresses up when -he
time comes to bury the Tillage's
leading citizen."
Senator Caraway, along with his
colleagues. Senators Spencer, Mis
souri; McKinley, Illinois; Ladd.
North Dakota, and Harris, Georgia,
called on the league of nations when
in Switzerland. The firet three are
republicans and with the two demo
crats comprised the American sena
torial delegation to the inter-parliamentary
congress which was recent
ly In session in Vienna.
"The situation Is bad and some
thing has to be done to stablize in
dustry or else, in my opinion, the
day will come when we will have to
go back either with our statesmen
or else with our soldiers and sailors,"
Senator Caraway said.
Administrator of KMate Named
Pending t'onlcM Settlement.
NEW YORK. Oct. 2. Petition of
Richard Croker Jr. (or the appoint
ment of an administrator for the
estate of his father, the late Rich
ard Croker, ez-leader of Tammany
Hall, was granted In surrogate's
court today.
The New York Trust compa-ny
was named as temporary adminis
trator of the entate in this Jurisdic
tion pending aettlemrnt of the con
test of the will, which has been In
stituted by the Croker children In
the Florida courts
The will, which leaves all of the
property to Buia croker. ftlrnatM
U'roker's widow, was filed by hrf
; for probate in Florida. Young
;t.rokRr aerled , p,,Uon to
the New Vork surrogate that Flor
ida was not his father's domicile
but that his real home had been, un
to the time of his death, at tjlen
cairn, near Dublin. Ireland.
Tbe Weather.
TESTER DAT'S Maximum t.mpratur.
SO rizreos; minimum. 40,
TO DAT" S Showfn: southerly lnla
Turks laylnr pUns to get financial help
from America, pace 2.
Smyrna refuse tanned by Turks, any
Dr. Ethr Pohi Lovejoy, x-Port-
lander. Par 2.
Turk and allt open peac conference
today. Pase 1.
Smyrna and vicinity like Inferno. Pas t.
Ex-agVnt of department of luetic ac
cuved of 110O.UO0 liquor theft, rasa a.
America can't us rrm to hTt Turk.
Hushes replies to bishop. Pas a.
AsfflRtant ecretary Job offered Ralpb
Wllliama Pace 6,
American 'aentlment declared 'to favor
armed suppreseton of Turk. Pas a.
European aid to hate America. Pace 1.
Wtem railroad ready to alrn aare-
ment with trainmen. Par 1.
Coal operator and miners meet. Pac a.
Isadora Duncan end soet-huhby win ad-
mtMion to America. I'ac -
Ohio farmers poase bunt two lion.
Pas 1.
State bank h!o! on record aralnst
branches. Pane IS.
PmdrTH Kerthwewt.
Chaos and rloom pervade Europe. Par 7.
Two fishermen drowned when wave
swamp launch. Par 1.
Two bonus loan appraisers discharged by
veterans' commission. Par 1.
Rasebalt series has world (. Par 1.
low water and sun make hunting poor.
Pase is.
New York Giants weak in pitching. Par
Commercial and ..Maria.
Ipswich due her tody Oyi flrt vaysg.
Demand ror nops not sumcient to mi
mantel. rune
Brt.k a Jv a nee In bond market at New
vork. Page Z3.
Favorable near eist new puis grain
prices down. Page 22.
Peace new give stock big lift. Pag 22.
American lose girantic sum speculating
In German paper mark. Pag 23.
Portland sad Vicinity.
Democrat nael finance dinner and
publicity camrlgn. Pag 10.
Minister refuse to act on educational
bill. Pag 11.
Warren Bro. win suit for paving royal
ties. I
IF 13.
Pbocomcyjrejent. large volume of
f..r i,, .-. ,n k-
uuhd. following court deci.lon.
lag . .
Cries of Anguish Rise
From Far-Flung Towns.
Mothers With New-Born Are
Among Starving.
American Itesrue home, bu!
Agony of t.rrat Crowds Rivals
Hell for Thooe Who ee It.
(fhlcaso Trlhun Forln Nws rre,
Convr.sht. tt2-. by th rhleo Tribune I
SMYRNA. Oct. 1. (By Courier to
Constantinople Oct. 2 The erf of
Rachel mourning for her children
and refusing to be comforted Is
arising alike from hundred of thou
sand of Christian and Moslem
From the moumtaina and valleys
or western Anatolia, from the ruins
of shepherds' huts and from what
were strong cities, there arise the
same pitiful appeal, the cry of an
guish that cannot be assuaged, the
agony of spirit that cannot he
Soldiers are weeping for their wo.
men folk, nursing hate against ths
foe. Wive and mothers sre crying
for husbands and children for aged
Hate ever has been the heritage
of man's stupidity.
t ries A44 ta Volarns f H.
From the blackened Moslem field,
from mountain villages, far behind
the Turkish lines, where nearly half
a million of the people of Islam
seek new homes, as well as from
Smyrna, In ruins, from refugee
camps where 0,0()0 Christians sr
starving, the cry fnngs Itself forth
to add further poison to the heri
tage of rancor in the near east.
Surely it was from such scenes
as the burning and massacro at
Alathrho and I'anderma or from
the burning and evacuation of
Smyrna that Dante drew Inspire,
lion for his Inferno.
Those of us who have wst'hsd
the exodus of cle to 250,no) refu.
gees from thl striken city or have
seen them In the Greek camp on
the Aegean Islands or on the main,
land l.svi been closer to hell dur.
Ing thl fortnight than we wish to
be hKWIIl.
The death toll at Smyrna ha been
small compared to that In the In
terior. We have seen the almoat
indescribable scenes on street, en
dorks, elsewhere, among the refu
gee. New lives have been ushered
into the world n stone or plank
One woman, Ihe time nf birth
uion her, as she struggled toward
the bf-at that w to take her awav,
K'ont'luoVj un l'as 2, Column 2 l
The Oreuonian will pre-
ient all the news of the
world's series between the
Yanks and GianU, which
opens tomorrow, in its usual
comprehensive way. tvery
angle of the baseball classic
will be covered by experts
who can write as well as ex-
Grantlaml Rice, probably
the best descriptive writer in
sports today will wTite the
main running story oi eacn ,
game. , J
Hugh Fullerton, foremost
dopester and keenest analyst
of them all, will analyze each t
day's play and dope out the
chances of the next. It will I
be remembered that when i
Fullerton some weeks ago
picked the Yanks and Giants J
to win on the dope, his pre-
j dictions were fiercely as- J
T -. , , . iL. V 1. J -
f saneo uut, tne j anas ana t
I Giants won, just as he said
j they would, and the other
t contenders lost in tne very
I manner that he forecast.
t And then Robert Edgren,
! greatest of all authorities on
all-around sports activities,
t will telegraph a 500 -word
j daily color story of each
game. Edgren id as inter-
i esting as he is well informed.
Besides the daily accounts
of these three stars, the Chi- I
cago Tribune experts will
a . : - i.i -1 : u i
present, iniajreai-iiig oivicikiii. a
n 4 U cawiab anil then iher.
VII 1,(13 D 1 , ( - .
will be the always full and
a reliable service of the Asso-
ciated Press.