THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1923 14 KPFC ATIQy A L, 1X YOU WANT A. GOOD POSITION T Courses at the Adcox Auto school i-A irn cr and more expensive than most school, but Adcox graduates arn more- uur record 01 neipms over 500 graduates to big paying jobs Is the proof. Don't enroll elsewhere until you have inspected our school. Call any day (except Saturday) at 10 A. M. or 2 P. M. or send for our big 112-page FREE catalog. Ask for book.Xo. 5. NIGHT CLASS Night class begins November 1st. Only 50 students accepted for night class. Enroll now to ensure . place in class. Take Wood lawn or Alberta car on Second street. -,-.T AJXJOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL 37 WASCO ST.. COR. UNION AVE. STEADY POSITIONS and GOOD SALARIES for -LINOTYPE OPERATORS. " A shortage of competent operators already exists and thousands of type setting machines will be installed within the next few years. Prepare now. You can learn to op erate a Linotype in 13 weeks. Print ing in all its branches taught In from twelve to eighteen months. Easy terms. Address: Northwest School of Printing, N. 210-24 Division at.. Spokane, wash COMPTOMETER AND CALCULATOR. .Registrations accepted this week tor evening class to open October 9. . MILLER SCHOOL. ' 414 Yeon Bldg. OREGON BAKBEK COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and tace massage specialty; tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 283 Madison. HELP WANTED MALE, WANTED TODAY TWO SETS OP FALLERS TO FALL AND BUCK ON RIGHT OF WAY. - TWO BUCKERS. FIVE TEAMSTERS. 10 LABORERS BOARD $1.05 PER DAY. BLANKETS FURNISHED. FREE FARE LONG JOB. OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. APPLY 328 WORCESTER BLDG. THIRD AND OAK. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 ANKENY ST., COR. 2D. LEADING LUMBER OFFICE PACIFIC COAST. OFFICE OPEN 7 A. M. TO 6:30 P. M. LARGE CAMP TILLAMOOK LINE. FARE ADVANCED. This camp will run all winter. Board 35a per meal. See us today. 2 choker setters 5.67 5 buckers 6.40 2 punks ....... 4.05 3 swampers t .. 4.50 1 head rfg man 6-75 2 set fallers $6.12 and 5.85 LOWER COLUMBIA RIVER. FARES ADVANCED. These camps will run all winter. 5 choker setters $'6.00 and J5.25 4 chasers 5.00 3 whistle punka 4.00 4 set fallen, $5.50 and 5.75 4 buckers 5.00 3 rig up men 5.00 3 wood splitters 3.S0 3 wood bucks 4.00 1 rttt man 4.00 3, flunkeys $60, room and "board. lcamp dishwasher. .$60 rm. and bd, LATE SPECIALS. 1 bull cook. $60. X head rigg man, 75c hour. 5 railroad laborers, $4. 4 buckers, 15c, 22c, 30c M. 2 set fallers, 10c square foot, 3 buckers, 30c M. 2 set fallers. 30c M. 1 punk, $4.50. 1 tally man, $5. 2 exp. car loaders, $5.25. 1 off bearer, $4. Edgerman, $6.75. Resawyer. $0. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY;. MEN WANTED. At rates prescribed tty the United States Labor Board, as follows: MACHINISTS. 70 cents per hour. BLACKSMITHS, TO and 80 cents per hour. BOILERMAKERS, 70 cents per hour. FREIGHT CAR MEN, 63 cents per hour. Apply to Any Roundhouse or Shop, or to Superintendent NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. blSABLED ex-service men. trained by the government in 92 different voca tions, are now available for employ ment; these skilled men are furnished at no cost to the employer or to the employe. United States Veterans' Bu reau, Myler bldg., th and Oak. sts. Broa d way 762 1. J.1EN who are desirous of becoming high grade and efficient salesmen, perma nent connection and qhance for ad vancement. Determination all we re quire. 413 Corbett bldg. "WANTED Exp. man to take care of mortgage loan department of large financial institution. State experience, references and beginning salary. AJ VirJ, uregonian. MAN and wife, cooks, country hotel. $150 board and room; experienced employ ment man, $ 150 and commission. Lewis Emp., 43 Mt N. 2d. &PEC1AL EDITION ADVERTISING man annual big feature number Oregon Mo torist. See J. H. Schmidt. 301 Stock Exchange blrttc., Monday noon. KXPKRIKNCED cake baker at once at Ournwald'a bakery. 017 Broadway, Ta coma. Wash. 1WO CANVASSERS wanted. Auto fur nished. Call before A. M. HO Grand ave, "WANTED AT ONCE Several boys over 18 with wheels, good pay, steady job, fine chance for advancement. 253 Oak. V ANTED First-class cook for a flrst e ass home-cooking hotel; must give good references, a J fw, uregonian ANTED--Family to pick prunes, 10c per box, house with cook stove. Call Monday before 0 A. M. 140 E. 32d st. fcUITCASE maker wanted. Call 1522 Landcaster, Monday; take Kenton car to Denver ave. WANTED Good architectural drafta man, designer preferred ; state eupa' rienee. Afr. uvu, uregotnan v'A NTED First-class sheet metal me chanic. Aberdeen Sheet Metal Works. Aberdeen, wash IF YOU want help of any kind call 34-9o, employment dept. of Japanese church. V ANTED Capable Chinese or Japanese houseboy, good cook; references. Sti9 inth st. wain i,tMP truck for two weeks work. Sten strom. Read hotel, 4th and Salmon. Io not phone. WANTED First-class broom makers for steady work. National Broom Mfg. Co.. vo sanay Diva SvANTED Experienced sheet-metal worker. Roehn Hardware Co.. S33 Mississippi ave. walnut 0746. WANTED Married farmer, wages $50; house, garden ana wood. vail Lon day oerore a. m. j . a st. ANTED By new concern, solicitor Call Stllwood 1772. Mr. Gardner. "WANTED School boy to take care of furnace. Call Atwater omz. ..u llth. WANTED Woodworker. Acme Body Works. Tl5 Division St. il I LLR wanted for small mill. Call 106U Sand Bdl. Phone K. 507 S. HELP WANTED MALE. SPOKANE, PORTLAND & SEATTLE RAILWAY COMPANY. RAILROAD MECHANICS WANTED. STRIKE CONDITIONS. 840 CHAMBER QF COMMERCE BLDG, WANTED Young man for office- of large local retail establishment; one w ho has good personal 1 ty, possesses executive ability and has had office experience; credit store preferred; give full details in own handwriting of Qualifications, age, experience, salary wanted and telephone number. N 977, Oregonian. WANTED Two first-class carpenters, none other need apply, to build 2 or more houses in Rose City Park. Call Monday between 7:30 and 9 A. M. C. J. Johnson, 313 Henry bldg. GOOD hom for boy over 17 who can operate a Ford. AB f)S0. Oregonian. Help Wanted Salesmen. SECURITY SALESMAN. Exceptional opening for a man of ability and good character; must have pleasing personality and qualities which will enable him to meet and do busi ness with investors. We deal only in high-class preferred stocks and bonds and will give the man who can qualify valuable assistance in the way of names of prospective purchasers, etc. Experi ence not essential but must have en- ergy and ambition. Permanent posi tion and opportunity for large- earn ings. Apply 421 Spalding bldg.. - be tween 9 and 10:30 A. M. SALESMEN. An unusual opportunity for a high grade salesman to make a permanent connection with an established local financial institution. We can consider only a first-class man for this posi tion, one capable of earning not less than- $500 per month; successful ex-, perience selling bonds, stocks or life insurance Is valuable, but not absolutely necessary. Give experience, present employment and earning capacity. In formation strictjy confidential. L 991, Oregonian. WANTED, GENTLEMAN SALESMAN. We want salesmen of high character who think In terms of $5000 per year and up. permanent, with plenty of op portunity to advance to executive po sltiona We teach you the business and give every possible co-operation. Call at 1108 Wilcox bldg. ONE OF the nation's largest growers associations can use several high-grade salesmen with abiity and capacity to earn $5000 yearly in Portland and other Oregon d istricts ; no stock;, but a splendid investment and universally used products; permanent position; practically unlimited earning possibili ties. 801 Wilcox bldg. Apply after noons or call Bdwy. 4091 for appoint ment. . WANTED, GENTLEMEN SALESMEN We want salesmen of high character, who think in terms of $5000 per year and up, permanent, with plenty of op portunity to advance to executive po sitions. We teach you the business and give every possible co-operation. Call at 1108 Wilcox bldg. ONE OF Portland's oldest automobile firms has splendid opening for high grade retail automobile salesmen; ex perienced men only will be consid ered. Answer at once. L 981, Ore gonian. WANTED Some real salesmen to han dle the Courtesy Light. This is a good seller and will pay you to give it a real trial as money possibilities are great. See us Monday and Tuesday at 4UU UIKJU CHEVROLET salesman wanted to work on straight commission basis, down payment on demonstrator required. Apply sales manager. Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder. t LOS ANGELES manufacturer wants re sponsible distributor for article in great demand; experience not neces sary ; no competition ; restricted terrl- tory. 443 tfurnaiae. FIRST-CLASS, experienced salesman wanted on high-grade line of cloaks and suits, references required. Apply Tuesday, 503 Phoenix bldg. WANTED Salesman to handle products direct to consumers; large commls- fiona. Call at 711 uenum Dint;, TWO SALESMEN for radio s-peclalties new. 311 Glisan. st. Between 11-12 noon or after 6. SALESMAN Two men for city work; Al references required. Call 3 to 6. 203 Artisans bldg, USED CARS salesman, good future for right man. Apply at once. Lee Hall Garage. Oregon City. WANTED AGENTS. VIOLET RAY Headquarters, Inc., sixth floor Raleigh bldg., n. w. cor. Sixth and Washington. Phone Broadway 6840. CHOICE territory in Oregon and Wash ington on fast selling: auto accessory; big money for salesman. See room 320, noyt JHQtei. HEALTH accident and hospital Insur ance ; big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN' wanted to work in cannery at Vancouver. Wash. ; good wages and carfare paid from Portland and return each day. Apply, ready for work. Ore gon Packing Co. Canneries, tfth and Hill sts.. Vancouver. For Information call East 6096. WANT man and wife for hospital as cook ana janitor, out. ot. . v. wwnmu for housekeeper, out. in a widower's home; 4 in family, $30. Square Deal Employment, Macleay bldg., 286 Wash ington. . . WOMEN In Portland and throughout Oregon Interested in making money for themselves, their clubs, churches, lodges, etc, call or write 627 Corbett bldg. . ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army White Shield Home, Mayfair and Alexander sta Pnor.e Main 3450. DM car. GOOD live women wanted to work on commission basis in Portland and sur rounding towns. Call or write. 614 Broadway bldg. ' WOMEN -wanted for peeling pears. Star Fruit Products Co., 321 E. Yamhill. WANTED Capable high school girl to assist with general housework. Senior preferred. Good wages. Sundays free. can n.ast ooo WANT cooks, waitresses and general maids, Portland ladies- Square Deal Employment, Macleay bldg.. 2iS6 Wash- ington. room 401. Jira. t nomas, rrop. WANTED High school girl, Irvington dist., whose schedule permits her some afternoons off to care for child; 50c and car fare. AK 970, Oregonian. 2 EXPERIENCED clerks In drygoods. 18 years preferred. Call mornings. 10 to 12. 171 Third street. RETOUCHER wanted; must be first class. Steffens-Coleman Studio. 218 Piatt bldg. ffTK ana wayiimso. EXPERIENCED Rlrl for general house work; must like children. $o0 a month. East 1003. CHARACTER woman, aiso ingenue, dra matic sketch. Address AG 991, Ore gonian THE FLORENCE CR1TTENTON hom Is ready to help any girls in distress. 955 East Glisan. "MVT' car. East 031 EXPERIENCED millinery makers, year ly positions, highest wages. Elsie Hat (JO., ArllSttllSimJS; GIRL for general housework, small wash ing with machine; no ironing; wages S40. Main 5"1T WAITRESS wanted for small restaurant. Inquire at 530H Washington, Spanish Chef. . WOMAN for -general housework; no cooking, no lurnace. mam WANTED Experienced waitress, at 232 3d st. GIRL for housework, no cooking or washing. 1078 E. Glisan. WANTED A girl to wait on counter. 1 723 U Denver ave. FIRST-CLASS shoemaker wanted. Wright WANT a clean, capable girl for general housework, 2 in family. Main 6351. WANT woman for cleaning work. Union Laundry, 2d and Columbia sts. WOMAN cook wanted. Box 256, Browns- vllie. Or. WOMAN or girl for general housework. East 8393. WANTED Girl for second work. 320 llth, comer CSay. WANTED Lady to answer phone for transfer company. 125H N. 6th. EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted. Liberty Cafeteria. 311 Wash, st. V ant ed Domestic. GIRL for general home work In family of 3. Automatic 312-38. WANTED rExperienced second: maid, good w tapes. Phone Main 4103. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. Bdwy. 4738. WANTED Girl for housework in small plain home. Phone SeUwood 3801. WANTED Competent girl for second work. 260 Cornell road. Atwater 4125. WANTED Girl for general housework. 575 E. Morrison. Call after 5 P. M WANTED Capable woman for general housework; on farm. G 986, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Reliable girl or woman for general housework in small family on Portland Heights. Must be good plain -cook. Good wages and pleasant home to right party; references. Call Main 2730. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework, can go homo most of the time at night If desired. Apply 461 E. 20th st. N., near Thompson. WANTED Woman for general house work; all electrical conveniences; good wages; adults employed all day. 3W5 E. 12th st. N. Telephone East 5831. HOUSEKEEPER for lady invalid. Some one refined, capable and home-loving. Christian widow preferred. AH 9U0. Oregon la b. : WOMAN wanted for ranch ; must be good cook, fast and neat with her work. Phone Main 3191. WANTED Maid for general housework. No children. Call Main 2925. Morn ings only. GIRL wanted, not over 25, light house work fw room, board and wages. 6506 Foster rc-ad. Phone 625-10. WANTED Girl for general housework. Would consider colored man and wife. 801 Westover road. Main 6995. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general housework; wages $50. At water 0419. WANTED Experienced housekeeper for hotel ; give phone number. G 924, Oregonian. EXP E R I EN CED girl for coo king and general housework, small family, good wages; referenoe-s required. E. 8487. WANTED Girl for general housework in la may or 4; wages 4u. no wasnmg. Call Tabor 2274. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily. No washing or furnace work. 617 East 21st st. North. WANTED Experienced cook, no wash ing, Ironing or second work ; good wages. 6J4 Wasco st. East 5694. COMPETENT person to take care of WANTED Competent girl for second work. Apply 008 Overton St. Atwater 4546. GIRL wanted for general housework. 831 .tveamey. GIRL for general housework. 538 East 18th North. East 2007. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTflD Dishwasher. 1723 hk Denver ave. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. r'AKTNEK lu established wooasaw busi ness; plenty work; make from 4tt to i3 a day. 505 Swetland bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MACHINIST, all around man, expe rienced at contract and R. R. work. Will go anywhere if steady. AE 921, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man in window and door frame; also shaper and band sawyer; can do my own billing and layout. AE 984, Oregonian. IF YOU need an Industrious, nonest and absolutely reliable watchman. call Tabor 2527, ask for Thompson, best ref erences, j CARPENTER work in all branches, new or repair, yve matte a specialty oi re modeling. Prompt and reliable. Ta bor 8374. . PAINT YOUR HOUSE WITH LEAD AND OIL; BATHROOM FREE. AU TO M ATIC 628-40. WANTED Gardening, grading; Mrst class landscape gardener. Broadway 4201. , . CARPENTER contractor; building, alter ing, repairing; estimates. C J. Smith, 92 N. 3d. Broadway 1975. WANTED Work of any kind for 2-ton truck, $1.50 hour or will contract any- thing. Atwater 9a. SITUATION- wanted in creamery, thor- POSITION as clerk oy pharmacist with experience ; registered In either Idaho or Oregon. AV 86. Oregonian. WANTED Position as watchman; re liable and have experience. Address 472 Going, or phone Walnut 1492. YOUNG man desires position as piano player in small theater or music store. Start wun small senary. ruiiB iiwiv. FLOOR surfacing and finishing, waxing, polishing. W. H. Tibbits. 4803 32d ave. S. E. Tabor 4052. EXPERIENCED Japanese boy wants position, general housework. BC 983, Oregonian. LAWNS made and seeded, general gar dening by expert; cheapest and best. Main 5521. EXPERIENCED man wants work as janitor, watchman or caretaker. Tabor 8779. PAINTING, papering. Let me do you a first-class job at a reasonable price. Jenkins. Tabor 9354. WE BUILD houses and garages and re pair old ones; rock-bottom prices. 735 East Main. East 3f50. SHINGLING- we specialize In reshlngling and roof repairing; get our estimate; work guaranteea. Main iiiiu. ARCHITECTURAL designing. Call at 264 Mill. Main 7805. Blueprints rea- sonajple. DESIGNING and finishing your Interior residence ; something different. Call Main 7805. 264 Mill. CARPENTER contractor will build your new home or repair old one. Auto matic 630-25. CARPENTER Experienced inside and outside, also heavy frame work. Phone Automatic 624-37; EXPERIENCED man and woman want janitor work In office. Best of . refer ences. Call Bdwy. 2675. JAPANESE high schooi boy wants work after school or work in family. N 903. Oregonian. CARPENTER will reshingle, remodel anything; it will pay you to call Wal- nut 5676. ; PACKER, shipping clerk or stock clerk; experienced, references. AR 906, Ore- gonian KALSO MINING, painting, plaster re- palring. Reasonable. Main 2865. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; , reasonable. Sell wood 1399. WANTED Lawn-mowing. weeding or odd jobs. oic nour. nast 47. PAINTING, tinting, papering, estimates furn. A. C. Ki-nder & Co. 'Atwater 1S2S. PLASTERING, cementing, repairing es timatfs. East 4210. ARTHUR HARRIS, house painter. 185 Stanton St. Walnut 4476. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position on Sundays. Automatic 512-67. JAPANESE couple want coo King and housework. AK 087. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants schoolboy's job. 155 Front st.. cor. Morrison. KaTOHET setter "with "sawing experience wants position. bj ?sh. uregonian, FIRST-CLASS painting, tinting, ere Walnut 2497. CUT RATE PAINTERS AND KALSO MINERS. WALNUT 6613 CARPENTER UNEMPLOYED, R E MODELINQ DONE. WAL. 1662. EXPERIENCED landscape gardener, new lawns, shrubs, rockeries. Tabor 7613. FAMILY garden work, housecleanlng, caretaker. Mr. Bacon. Main 4032. HOUSE painted, $50-$95; " rooms tinted, $l-$5; papering. 35c roll. Walnut6084. CARPENTER A NO. 1 BUILDER OF H O MES. JOBBING. TABOR 3323. RESHINGLING and repairing, roof work of all Kinas. w amut Dan. PAINTING, tinting, papering: estimates furn. A. C. Kinder & Co.. Atwater 1628. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work reasonable. SeUwood 1390. fll5lrS Blossom! 1 YK. ASen-T 7 q IU BET Some Fenov. f ( THH UCXWKPOti; U wiL JnWT WH-i ' X situations w Anted male. EMPLOYERS! One cf the things the Portland T. M. C. A. does U to sort men over for par ticular Jobs, or positions. If you shouiJ need a man for any position we will be glad to sort over a large number of men. without expense or obligation to you, atd make available two or three men, with their credentials, from whom you may make selection. Call Main 8700 and ask for advisory and employ mert department. .. COOKS. MAN AND WIFE FOR CAMP OR MILL, EXPER'D, CLEAN, ECONOMICAL; READY TO REPORT AT ONCE. PHONE BROWN. MAIN 5621. MORTGAGE LOANS Gentleman, experi enced, desires to associate himself with an established concern. Knows how to meet clients. Competent to take charge of mortgage department. Beat ref- erences. AK. 9tj. uregonian. SHINGLING We specialize in reshm gling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed, esti mates iree. .uast la. STEADY young man wants position as a heating plant engineer, driving truck, or car for private family: where good service is appreciated. 310 St. Johns ave. city. RELIABLE, NEAT-APPEARING young man, 22, office and sales experience, desires position. Can drive any ma- . chine. Salary, no object. M. 077, uregonian. CARPENTERING and generai repairing and overhauling; no Job too small or large; satisfaction guaranteed. Let me give you a figure. Phone East 1942. HANDY man with tools, brush, machin ery, pipe fitting, also have experience in gardening. Would go anywhere. AF 976, Oregonian. POSITION as watchman, long experi ence as plant fire marshal and watch man. Will give heads of police and fire bureaus as . reference. Bdwy. 4556. WANTED By reliable young man posi tion as collector on commission or work with wages; prefer hotel work. Phone East 4364. or AR 910. Oregonian. HAVING sold out my own shop, have had charge of some of the best ga rages in Portland, am looking for sira- 13ar position. til) 7, uregonian. CEMENT WORK; HAVE MIXER3. PHONE TABOR 678L Bookkeepers, stenographers. Office. Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Has available for immediate call, ex pert accountants, bookkeepers, sten ographers, timekeepers, commissary clerks and auto mechanics. Call Main 8700 and ask for W. A. Eliot of the advisory and employment department. YOUNG married man of pleasing per sonality, 16 years' experience as book keeper, stenographer and general of fice work; thoroughly competent and reliable, desires permanent office posi tion ; best references. AK 989, Ore gonian. fOUNO married man, general clerk, wants situation, can start immediate ly. Energetic and adaptable. What offers? R 983. Oregonian. ' Salesmen. SALESMAN Sales engineer, technical college graduate, successful 14-year mechanical engineering record, 1 year salesmanship training, 35 years old, de sires to leave present employment Oct. 1. L 999, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. RELIABLE lady would take charge of rooming or apartment house for apart ment for self - and small wages, or would keep house for couple employed lor same. AK V-i, uregonian. EXPERIENCED woman with reference would like to work Monday and Tues day. Call Main 2467. COMPETENT LADY with 10-year-old girl wishes position as housekeeper or cook. Phone WA. 5516. ' EXPERIENCED colored woman wants days work. East 5 tOS. COMPETENT laundress wishes work .Wed.. Thurs. ; references, walnut ion. WANTED Care of one or two children of school age. Apply 6609 62d ave. S. E. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED, 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. E. 6196. EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator would like position. Atwater 0242 WOMAN wants day work, 25o an hour. East 2522. . WORK wanted. 6 hra., Mon., Tuea., wash., Iron., clean. Bdwy, 7237. room 27. WOMAN wants hour or day work or care of children. East 2683. BREAKFAST girl, dining room, pantry or Isitchen. Tabor 3oa. WILL cook and serve dinners, luncheons, teas; splendid references. Tabor 1529. LADY wants housework oy day. Call after 8 P. M. SeUwood 2563. GIRL, 17, desires to learn office work. Walnut UU9. HOSPITAL, hotel, institution, evening or RELIABLE WOMAN wants day work. r., x Main TOT 3 GENERAL cleaning by day or hour, wash! ng or kitchen helper. East 1072. EXPERIENCED lady cook wishes posi tion; institution preierreu. -uain WANTS work by the day. Walnut 4951. Bookkeepers, btenograpners. wnce BRIGHT, intelligent, capable girl with three years' experience in secretariat and sales work, desires position with reliable firm ; dependable, willing to work and accept responsibility ; refer ences . Interview at your convenience. YOUNG lady desires light stenographic and general office work. Will accept very moderate salary. Experienced. L 096, Oregonian. THE Y. W. C- A. free employment bureau furnishes all kinds of office workers. cinnA tvnps of cirls reelstered. Refer- ences carefully investigated. Main 481. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, office help of all description; quick service. Call Bdwy. 6953. Williams Personnel Service. nt)4 spammg piog. STENOGRAPHER wishes position, will ing to start at low salary. Walnut 50HK. YOUNG lady, just finished school, wants office work, Including typewriting and shorthand. Main 4294. A-l BOOKKEEPER -CASHIER. typist; capable full charge; full or part time. v e ry high e st ref. E 979. Oregohla n . STENOGRAPHER, 6 years' experience. Aut. 313-17. , , EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. E. 8083. Dressmakers. THE GLAD SHOP. Capes, coats, dresses for morning, afternoon, evening; expert workman ship; latest fall and winter styles; moderate prices. Main 5354. 1001 Broadway bldg. DRESSMAKING Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Main 7171, apt. 20. Leave phone numoer. AiRS W. W. LYEN has moved from 149 13th st. to 681 Hoyt st. Main 6963. DRESSMAKING and coats. Tabor 7526. Address 1045 East tirant gt. HEMSTITCHING, any color, 6c. Rm. 403 DRESSMAKING and tailoring, also- re modeling, by day. Tabor -321 3. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, home or out: best ref.; satisfaction. Main 3384. DRESSMAKING reasonable; your home or mine. Phone East 2560. MRS. MEROA LEE'S home for aged or convalescents. 81 So. Watt st. Walnut 0700. 0 NURSE, care sick, maternity, conva lescent, invalid or elderly. E. 8572. Househefperg . HOUSEKEEPING for small family, country, by woman, 34, with 2-year-old boy. W 982, Oregonian. GASOUNE ALLEY WANTED TO RENT. H OUSTS, WE HAVE many calls for nouses and flats and cai rent ours; let us haodle your property and collect your rents C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark . Apartments. WANTED By elderly business man small apartment with kitchenette and private bath, west side preferred Answer with pho-. number. -G 072. Oregonian. WILL share expense of apartment with woman of refinement. References. K 982. Oregon ta n. Booms With Board. COMFORTABLE room, close in, west side, with breakfast privileges, by young business man. AN 347, Ore gonian. LADY wishes modern home in small family in exchange for sewing, light work and companionship. A J 93, Oregonian. ' FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms, ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington. St. A clean, respectable place to live; free phones In each room ; automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby; restau rant In connection; near Washington park, Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rate, day, week or month. HOTEL CLIFFORD, PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH; QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY. $6 PER WK. AND UP; CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. NEW HOTEL FOSTER. N. 3d and Davis sts. Clean, airy rooms; hot and cold water; steam heat, free bath, fire proof, large comfortable lobby. Rat 50c day up. NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold water In each room; one-half block from dental college; also one house keeping apartment; walking distance. 426 Oregon st. BEVERLEY HOTEL. Park and Yamhill sts. -Newly-furnished and renovated Large modern rooms at reasonable rates. . HOTEL EARLE, 832 10th st., cor. Market. Marfn 6381. .New management; residential and transient; excellent home cooking; steam heat and water In all room a WHITEHALL HOTEL, modern, large glaas sun parlor, homelike place, down town location; rooms single and en suite; rates $20 month and up. 253 6th st. ROOM'S 1 ROOMS! ROOMS! HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 to 211 4th st.; centrally located; rates $75c, $1, $1.50 per day; with bath, $1.50. $2. $2.50; special rates, $4 per week and up. ANSONIA HOTEL, . 124 14th st. at Washington; rate $5 per week and up. $1 day; fireproof; large, attractive, spotless rooms, closs to amusements and shopping center. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week. $5 and up; private bath, $8; fireproof and clean; close to business center. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12fH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at ret sonable ates bv weeh or month. WHY NOT have an apt. while In town? Three modern furn, rooms, $12.50 per week. San Marco, E. 8th and Couch. E. 1990. DESIRABLE large room' with alcove, fireplace, modern, suitable for one or two gentlemen; walking distance; Nob Hill. 738 Hoyt st. Main 2964. HOTEL CONRAD1NE, 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. CUMBERLAND APTS. Two single sleeping rooms, suitable for gentlemen; well furnished; walking distance. West Park and Columbia. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones, reasonable rates, $3.50 week up. Broadway 6831. MATHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia. WEAVER HOTEL, 708 WASH. ST. Nicely furn. steam heated base ment sleeping room next to bath, reas onable rates. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive weekly and monthly rates. See our accommodations. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT OCTOBER 5. 587 MADISON, NEAR MULTNOMAH CLUB. AT WATER 1859. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 llth at., near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, wee or month at reasonable rates. SINGLE or double rooms moderately priced. Weekly rates. Center of busi ness district. 6th and Stark. THE ST PAUL, Fourth and Alder. A RESPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL $1 up. Rates oy ween or montn. , FRONT rooms, clean, homelike place, all conveniences ; $8 and $12. Main 2202. 366 Lincoln st. BOTEL OCKLBY. Morrison at. at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone a n d baths; light and airy. FURNISHED ROOMS, modern con veniences, walking distance. Hoyt st. near 19th. Bowy m.v. 60c DAY, $2.50 week up; large, absolute ly clean rms.; baths free; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. MARLYN HOTEL. rnrner 17th and Couch; large, well- fur n lshed, modern rooms; reasonable. DAYTON HOTEL, 1st at Taylor; modern rooms, fa per ween ana up. BUSH MARK hotel. Wash. st.. cor. 17th; clean, mooern rooms, o.ou wee up- SLEEPING room; modern residence. 327 Sixth, COMFY d. & s. rooms. 1 H, K, sulta. 742 Lovejoy. M. 2760. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 084 Glisan. phone Atwater 0197. DESIRABLE new large or single room, board if deslrea. 301 otn. Furnlwhed Rooms In Private Family. $15 PER MONTH, west side, walking distance; attractive, sunny furn. rm. ior may viiiy. 1 ONE OR TWO nicely furnished rooms, heat bath, etc. Waverleigh Heights. Phone Sellwocd 1526. IRVINGTON In modern home to lady employed, privilege of breakfast. Ref. Phone Hiast 3iti NICELY furnished bedroom for gentle man, walking distance. Atwater 2900 44 iau street 257 12TH ST. Single, double room, hot, cold water: men only. PLEASANT room, first floor, near cen tral library, reasonable. 410 Salmon. COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms reason able. 63 N. 22d st. Main 1746. FRONT parlor, dressing room, sleeping porch; gents; west side. Bdwy. 4320. NOB HILL; two lovely clean front h. V. rooms. Atwater 2854. LARGE front room, suitable for two. 253 N. 21st st. Main 4078. FINE rms. for bus. men or boys in L. high dist. Main 1199. NICELY furnished room, with large clothes closet, breakfast. Tabor 8745. CORNER room in good residence, other roomers. Walnut 3764. FURN ISH ED room. 674 E. Stark, cor. 19th; all conveniences ; $20. 3-ROOM apt. furnished; light and linen, $ 30. 447 5th st. LARGE, cheerful room In Walnut Park district. Walnut 6306. NICELY furnished room with bath; waiking distance, $12. 607 2d st. COMPETITION MEANS REDUCTION. FOB BENT. Fnrnihed Rooms tn Private Family. NICE large room, twin beds, hot-waier heat, large closets, hot and cold water, $'J5: one bed sitting room, ground floor. $18. Broadway 6747. 5?S6 Northrup. NICE heated room, clothes cioset. eiec tric lights, bath, phone; running wa ter in room. $20 per month; aiso base ment room. 265 llth st., between Main and Jefferson sts. , LARGE, cheerful room, suitable for 2 or 3 men. near dental college; reason able. Call East 3188. or 226 Grand ave. N. LOVELY cor. rm, with large dressing rm., prtv. bath, fireplace; very nice attic rm. Also rm. with private en trance. 84 N. 21 Pt st . cor. Kvr-it. NICE, sunny rooms, alt horns privileges, with or without board; 15 mln. walk to Broadway and Washington. East 0463. NICE heated room. new and clean, phone, bath, electric lights. $20 per month: also one room for $15 per mo. 2'8 10th st., between Salmon and Main. NOli HILL, exceptionally large front room adjoining bath, dons in blue; beautifully furnished In Ivory; walk InK distance. Bdwy. 2'.'M. WELL furnished front room for gentle men; twin beds, plenty of hwat. shower bath, close In. Apt. 10, Trinity Place apts. Bdwy. 6S2H. . CONGENIAL young man w.shes room mate; separate beds; piano; a real home; $3 a week. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721. . COM PORTABLE, ATTRACTIVELY FUR NISHED FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. FOR A GENTLEMAN; REF ERENCES EXCHANGED. MAIN 0000. VERY pretty, bright, sunny room, every convenience, exceptional surroundings, refined family. Very suitable for gen tleman. i. aiornmga. o.m. NICELY furn. front and twin beds, for gentlemen, modern. 101 N. lijth, st. Bdwy. 149b. COMFORTABLE rooms, ctose .n. quiet family. 205 East 1st N.. near Holladay, near N. P. Pema 1 college. East 2238. BRIGHT, cheery front room in modern home. Nob Hill district, walking dl- tance. Main y4a. LARGE, comfortable front room, modern home, also fireproof garage. Tabor 7nk4. VERY pleasant front room for one or two young men, west side; walking distance. Call Main 1349. LAURELHURST, beautiful furn. rm. in lovely home; every convenience; half block to car; garage. Tabor 2437. 1 LARGE furnished sleeping room, twin beds, running water, for men only. 60S Bverett. near imu LARGS pleasant front room, facing park; heat, bath and phone; gentle men only. Atwater 0299. WELL-FURNISHED room In private homo, 15th and Haw"thorne; hot and cold water. cat BEAUTIFUL front room, five windows, modern home com fort w. 228 10th st. " " Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, LEADING RESIDENTIAL HOTEL FOR YEARS. 23d st. at Hoyt; 23d st. cars to en trance of hotel; high-class brick build ing; every modern service; reasonable rates; transient meala Atwater 0881. CH ESTER HURT HOTEL, 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by day week or month. Meals served a irnienn. NCRTON1A HOTEL, Portland's down town high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1180. PARK VIEW HOTEL West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. 794 LOVEJOY ST. MAIN 8019. Residential hotel; a real home for people employed ; good home-cooked meals. . HOTEL HEREFORD. 735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3303. Excellent dining room service, under the direct supervision of Mrs. Mc Dougall, formerly of the Ramapo hotel. ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam-heated rooms with best of board ; a refined and homelike place for young ladles or couples employed; close In. Bdwy. 2438. 228 EAST 20TH. Popular east side residential hotel. A real home for people of refinement. Shower, hot water at all times: excel lent home cooked meals. E. 7384. LARGE living room with sleeping porch for two business girls or students; also single room; home-like place, with good oard! 295 West Park. EMPLOYED In northwest Portland? See us for clean rooms and good board at low rates; free bath, dandy lobby. 412 19th st. N. WANT 10 young men to room and board. Price $35 per month. 293 Weldler. ' East 8331. ROOM and board for business girls; mod ern conveniences; walking distance; $3 per weeK. Kast 973U. ia t,. in St. REAL home. All privileges, twin beds, excellent meals. 194 N. 19th. Bdwy. 4314. ROOMS. Double, Single, Meals. 770 Marshall, Main 4878. Booms With Board In Private Family. ATTRACTIVE rm. and board for gen tleman, across from Multnomah club. Main 7720. ROOM AND BOARD In refined home for a couple or two young men, close In. Phone East 7307. FRONT room, with or without board, suitable for two or more. Main 2864. 394 Columbia, cor. 10th. FRONT room for couple employed, home cooking. Real bom privileges In re flned adult family. Eaat 31U9. LARGE, clean room, modern home, close in; breakfast if desired. 389 10th st. Main 1263. IRVINGTON ELEGANT ROOM. RUN NING WATER. BF.ST HOME COOK ING; GARAGE. EAST C645. ROOM, BOARD IF DESIRED, HOME PRIVILEGES, WALKING DISTANCE. BROADWAY 3355. GOOD board and room tor employed people or married couple; all home privileges; .du wenn. ft, tie. VACANCY Sept. 27 for 2 men employed; all home comfort and privileges; $8 p-r weett. Hroaaway z.-Ma. NICE front room, big closet, furnacw heat, convenient to bath room ; board If desired. Tabor 7372. or 166 38th st. ROOM with board for married couple ; $40 each. Excellent home privileges; near Rose City carline. Tabor HK5. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; reasonable: convenient to 8. P. shop. SeUwood 8022 WILL take small children In nrlvat family; will give mother's care. East 733 . ROOM and board In private family. On Hawthorne car line, rnone laoor an.. NICE room and good board. $30. 121 PLEASANT room and board. 301 Has salo. E. 3d N. East 4Sg. NICE, light sunny rooms, $23 per; closs in. B5i Williams ave. BOARD and room in private boarding house. 692 E. Ash. Phone East 12i7. YOUNG people may have board and rm. per montn. tmwy. -.-.n. WILL take care of smail child at my home. Tabor 0259. LADT wl!th little girl to keep, mother's care. Walnut gwi7. ROOM and board, 428 Mill street. FOB RENT. RaomkJV Uh lUmrd I o Pn yte Family. FUR" RENT Nice room and" board" in a new home, with horn prtvtt"ea, for ow employed. NVar Alberta car lin". Kt-ferencs required. Ltniirt rny, X2u2 1 st t. Sort h,. Irving ton V a rk. FOR TWO ladle, large, light, corner front room, largs cutset. 2 berts: In Nb Hi.l district. Kins vsw. plenty well cooked food, horns privileges. C. A. preferred. Main S3."3. TWu peopis may have large room with . dressing room, hot snd coid wlr, siet-plng porch, wonderful view, splen did home cooking, all home privileges: References Main 0511. . kOOM ana board in real nom al s:ds. Will glv special ci 10 people or In poor health. Mrs. A. M, JobBcn, box 5tl Seaside. r, IRVINGTON. oiose to Broadway. Irvtng ton cars; one single r'Oin and board to Udy mptoed. SI. It. iTih st. North. rnoni 3J3-87. JOARD and room In private ramuy m a cheery bunxalow; 1 block from car line; gentleman preferred. 1 3 1st St. Tabor 2'M. . . WILLAMJCTTB HEIGHTS charming modern home, wonderful view, large front room. $45 for one, $75 for couple. Atwater OT4K, FOR BUSINESS PEOPLE Room an excellent meals, lovely home, desirable neighborhood, close in. C 8. pr ferred. Ca' ftt'r A M -A ? to 3?T'B1 BOARD and room In prlvat family, well furnished room, suitable for two, wa.k ing distance; excellent cooking. d 21St St. 2 MEALS, breakfast and dinner, clean place; reasonable; walking distance. 5474 6th st. . ROOM and 2 meals for one man In pri vate home. $4U a mo. 4o Broadway. Atwater lftOw. ONE LARGE, light front room, t tn beds, fireplace, hot and cold watvr; walking distance, west side. B. 433. KXt'ELLENT meals served in pri ate home, also room. Writs X 393, ors- gonlan. ROOM AND BOARD for two young mn mho win rwtu injkusi , uv,m - leg-s Tabor 462 Fum thd Apartment. MOST attractively furn. 5 rooms and sleeping p. apt., Chinese rugs nd white willow; all outside rms.. 17 win dows. 160 St. Clair, cor. 22d and Wash. Bdwv. 5830. . SICK ESS calls me from the city. De sire to rent my four-room apartment furnished; piano and sewing machine Included. Not suitable for children. Tabor 9363. LUZERME APTS. 2 -room modern furnished apt., rea sonable rnt; walking distance. 263 Hali street - SAN MARCO. E- TH A COUCH 8-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MTH. Bv 1990. BEAUTIFUL furnished outside rooms, plenty of heat: no objection to chil dren. Hotel service given to bach elors. 19 N. 23d st. . BARKER APARTMENTS. 4-room front apt.. 2 disappearing beds, large closets. 685 Irving U. cor. 21st and Irving. HANTHORN APTS. Desirable 3-room fur. apt., 2 alsap- peering beds. 21 lJthst TUB", hkvfohd 2 -room apt., steam heat, telephone, newly furnished. This Is a nice one. Main 0553. -. THB STILES. 2 and 3-room apts. with bath, walk ing distance of Northwestern Dental COUCgf. Phons KMl 4MI. !HOICR APARTMEN1S. "Merlin." Broadway and Grant; 3 rooms and bath; clean and airy; wU-in- dtftsnce. Rent $2X Atwater 04'. CUMBERLAND APTS 3 -room apt., wsil furnisht d Outside rooms, absolutely clean ; walking da tanrt. Writ Park and Columbia. ALIA MONT APTfi.. 804 CU LLEGEV 4 rooms, private bath, nice I v f ur- nlahed. newly painter aiftin o. WENT WORT II APTS.. 2a 2 12th; 4 rooms, modern, everything furnished, $55. Also 2-room apt , $23. NICELY furnished 3-room apariment $4, Including light, heat, phons and Kl. 275 North 21st St. Main ft30. LIGHT, clean 2-room apartment; close In, west aide; quiet place; 2Us 17th at. Vain 762. Ml'NI-EY APTS.. 390 Clay st.. cor. W Park, 2-room modern apt; walking distance. Main ,. TUDOR ARMS. 18th and Couch Two rooms, furnished ; rnt $42 Mi : refer- encea required. Uroartway z-trm. HANTHORN APTS Cor. 4-rni. fur. apt.; 3 dlf appearing beds. 2M ii'th sr HIGHLA.N1 COURT. Atwater 3181. 8 -room furnished apt. on first floor. THE ORDERLKIGH. 82 Grand avs. Attractive modern 3-room suites: nicely furnished, private bath ; reasonable. l.tONL'ii APTS.. Ibd 2-tl Bt, 8-room apt., private bath; $43 winter rats. Atwater zzau. 3-ROOM apt., furnished, linen, light, hot and coio water; private oatn ana iuut, 125 per mo. M5 Wsfr st. Atwster 218. H ADDON HALL. 11TH AND II ALU 3 rms., kitchenette, hath. h. w. firs., private balconies. t:i5 up. A tw. 1 1 60. NEW YORK APTS.. 1. 2. 8-rm. apta, gas ranges, elec. lignts. sink, steam nest, walking dist. $4 up. 4411s Belmont. VERY desirable large 2-rm. apt., lights. phone, bath, flrt place, $25. 560 Mar ket st. . CARLOiS APARTMENTS. Two-room modern f urnmhed apart m ent, reasonable. 14th "d Mark st. ALJC2 COURT. E. 8th. BurnsIde-Walk lng distance; 2 and 8-rm. apts.. 3 r-eds, fireplace, private im. nn num. r.. a:nr ALToNIA APTS., 19th and Marshall 2, S and 4-rm. apts.. large, light, airy. qa furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1413. JULIANA APT.H. 43 TRINITY PI-ACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS WESTMINSTER Apt., Main o5h2. Nicely furnished and unfurnished apta 262 Sixth st AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. and 3-room ants.; walking dis tance; opp. audltoritim. Atwater 55M. bEKENE COURT APTS., Cor. E. 1st and Multnomah, 2 and 8-room furnished spt.. all outsiae apt, c ni'B. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity Plac furn. outside apt, A vaiisht 10th: 4-room basement apt. Itrd. 5151. KING ALBERT APTS. Two and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath, llth and Montgomery. Main ft:t.'.9. 2.HOUM furnlsned apt., neatly furn walking distance. 3,Vt llth. Atwater 4174. NICELY furnished 2-room spt at 230 Nort hi 1 n St., nror ivo-jnj t. TJioN' AVE, and Killings worth, fur. s P t . 1-1 "0- Com pie tg. co n crsts bldg Z n: vvhrest S 2 . 3-rra. apts.: bath. steam bt.; newly fur. HA f-Mjierrnan. LOVELY apt. for rent. 881 N. 12th. Corner Montgomery. IDAHO APTS.. 3tt9 th st ; furnished X 2-ROOM apt., large rooms, private en trance. Tree pnonw. iiii tfHumn; st 2 ROOMS and sleeping porch. 401 10th St.. apt. r. aiattn , THE CHELTENHAM, 225 N. 13th, 2 and 4 - roo m L " ROSELYN APARTMENT. 110 N. mooern. 1 uri m vi- 1 f R 2-room apu Aionigomsry, corner Broadway. CHOICE 2-room front f urn fash r1 apt. with piano: anuits orwy. r.ast a . ONE 3-ROOM suite, reasonable rem. WJ th rt. ATTRACTIVE 8-room apt . 140. S. E. corner K. 27th and Jarrett t. 815-17 for Krr. l-'urnUhrtl Apsrl mrnl. STKLW T APAHTMKNT, H r ill CLASH For tourist snd p-rmannt . th hni(m-M furntsh 1 prtmnt tn the city; 1 to 3 rooms rtd witp!" porches; very artlstir. Ilht. try snd ecpi!nnaity cisn; few in Ivory, wil low. Chinese rus and pi fcsns inga. Toor lamp, etc- Th" wishing a horn tn vr rpt, with r-rn"l urroundtngs and Al stv1-s and msld si-rvtr if rquirfd. Hirgis rooms and suites for rfl-d Hf---. nii reoulr-d 1 Clair, eor 224 and Vhinirrnn. Tdwy. WHEELDON ANNBX. Has bn thoronshty rnvtd a reds-oratd and under new rnns rntit; 2. 3 and 4-rm. apt, to prms trwnt or transient by day. e f month; closs to luine rntr Cor ner 10th and oalmunu Main V4L E LB RIDGE APARTMENT. Nifty 2-rom comsr apsrtmant. dressing room, prlvst bsth. ronvntnrs. 274 North 21t St., nr Ovsrion. . cor THIS t'HttMWKi.u m FIFTH AH Coi.VMHIA T NOW I'NUKK NEW MANAGEMENT Ail cutsid 2 nnd 3-room furnished apts ; Krnch doom snd baioni. Pm manrnt and transient. Atwstsr ftlfl. v (U'li.U AIT. 194 Oullrt. mar lau and Th""". t.r, room.. ,rlv. h..l. h.t nd hot w.t.r: v.ry .t'r.ctt. Aim 4 mtmm STQS CHAM HCRUAt N Al' A KT Mr.VTH. VNOKH NEW W AN A.IKMKNT. 3 n4 8-room .pt-. wuh b.'h .n ,l..pln, room; n"y r.(i)tl.lr4 ; r..- t'..t WIJ. , OSK LAKUK ,utin well fiirnlh.J II K. .pi. on flmt fioor. Ji.Mwowl f.ooni. ftr.M.r. ,nt furn.c b..t. Cam. .nl . tb.l. tul Hojrt. n..r iOth. Ha.. . MARTHA ATAItf WENT. 5-room n.wty furni.h.4 .ft... r ni.nlh; ,1m l.pir. room. M.m 2Mt, MO.STliUMKKT AI'AIITMKNTH. Modern K-room. bMwoo4 Cr, .1 ..tor. .l.otrtn fi'h'n. .nl pnon.: w.lhlnc jlft V.ln 4l SI'Ei'lAl. KATKM KUK Yol SU rMKN riormltory room ind bo.rd, is l.r . limit 1T-;J Mln .'! JKA.K l Art' FOR RENT 0 front room nd liisht. furnltur.. lu h V Vnfurnl.hrd A 11. ft mrrtl.. BU1MIN JlWci M l-t'.KTKU. H'VT-(it.lrlAN APT Th.r. ! only an. -room .n1 on. -room mwrlmrnt t.ft In l-orll.n.r. nr.. .rt nt mo.t moil.rn trtm.nt f" Th.M p.rtm.m hav. Ir, hrmhl room, linti overlook b.aittlfu! ff.r.J. . S'. K Hot! . nr.r '.Mth r t , I'tiK TI.AM ItK.tilll HOW MAN APAKTMtNTH Fin. flv-r)rr pt. : .'..m wood flrp!.c. til, i.nttor r ic.i no chtlrtr.n; V. K. HOWMA.v CO . 810 Ch.m of Com bl ! lulwy QOT ilKHYL. Al'A KT M KN I I..r .-rin., 3 di.pprlnir Ifc flr..iri rm, .11 ouimUr; f.n. !; mly d'coril"! Mu.t b. "-n lo b. l.t.rfflld. iw tyjjQJ.j! "ll lxlK AKMH. 1TH AM' COI H. -rm. pl... Hwl'H !".. .hor bth.. .'.. Ktforrnce. r- S 'X.'1. ." 1 " . 1MB A1.TKK e-rin. .i.l.. tll.d bll. how.r. hdwd fir. , chin. tlot, r. i.l.r IT&. ! ov.rtoa. Udwy. in ho. - TKrNlTf" PLACE APT A I'm b;. unfar. apt., t r.MoMbi. r.nt.lfc I'nott. 'to. WAUdKL.L-V.rir d.rBl. walking dl.t.iio.. aJuii.. 4 room apt.. fiaJ K. hill. I-KIXJM apt-. lr rd. no obJ chlldr.n Ea.l Mtl. K- rtion to 1.1(4 ltOWMAN AITS.. IRVINGTON. 4-room mod.rn out.ld. '" p'-lLtm ln -i - 4k7"m)M unfurtiiainu parlmni .Jh. XVllmar. Hi .u l lion. Main 81114; - FUlt'ltKNT -room upp.r f'at. rlo . on eat .Id.; c.U.nt location. Ilnl tto. Maln-illl TUB DEZCMXrlllf APTS, 20 nr T.ylor. Alwal.r BIM: unt urnl.hrd apt a ilODKHN -"room apt-. Ivory woodwork; lir.Uft tim l"'-1. rC Id itiiHDAl'NT 6r1 tir,. niod- rn 4-rm. hom.ilke; In.v.'-tloii Invlt.d. TH K "AM K K1C AN Mo't.rn 4 and 8-ro.ra t)rtMintllro.llw.v:!:im THB OHM l N "l 5 E 4 - rno m. unfiirnl.h,- apt.. itMIFlanrt.ra. Hdwy. . slfiWLY renovated 2-r.."in apt, 4mI llll ' ml . apt. - " " THE WK1HT N. I".d t. om. , TtoOMi. unfurnlh.d, ahH Uran4 tta N. z mrni.'ij.'"""" rurnUI.d or.,1 nf Apnmfma JAEGER APT . Tnl WAH. t. AND 4-JIUUK AL-I-. TUB VICTORIAS 4-room furnl-h.4 rpartm.nt. vry """"'f,-,.'''";"''"; In 4 Columbia, mar llth. Atwat.r J.17T. I'l'SIH It A PA It TM-NTI4. 4 6 N -tr. Matn 54;7. Korn and nn furn a n d 4 rm . l it ' " " " r'OK RENT 2 and a-rooin apt... lu-ra-th.d and unlurnl.h.d. l- Arma. Kant nHHtt. i-.M.t an. ...... UHiHLAMi tolKT. A1'aTKII -lal. Kurnl.h'd or un' M -n ! . l-lala. r.t. am 1 "tn t.. "". f'PV aouth of Monta-otn.ry ' rBt " " 7-room flat. alpm porrn. fir. pla. ., with ira U.. " rn in kit. h. n 3:i .0th at . r-nt 4T !M. Krym to bot flat. In b..fnint flat. KTkONO Hod Chamh-r of C"inm-ro SPI.KNDtn 3-room flnt, top floor. vl.w. lljtlit and airy: 2 o,..n p-.r. h-a. I b.droom.. wail h'd in llvir., room and lnrlod alKPinc port h: r.w ... r.i. n.w Inlaid Iturlrum. Jfr and h-a for only "'. Apply ' ml nrar Hawthorn. v. . . 4-ROOM flat, "flrit-tl.... condition, all modern r.ntral or--tlon, BOod nnihlKirnnia. r..wnh. r.nt to dralrabl. t.-nnt. adulia only. la-o ownrr. . , i r. .i ft i . . I.ARUK. a.ry rma. on Ilr.t door. l.arlT. wood floor,. firp:a-.. alpn pwn-n firl-cjar n.I,hhorhood r.. -i.t t.. nrar Hawthorn., ' all Ud. ! '" J-(i)i).M mu'lfrn f a :i blork. t Hroa.lway and William, a v. . If dalr.d: .ir. month Call owm r. 4'. JIODt-KN room lit r-r in l..t Portland; walklh Uialahc.. Is.. at 23UI. .. WEST ilK 1 beautiful room. h.rd wood fioora. furnp.. fir. p. a. .. - atlracllv. Adulta. fW. A tw.t.r 44. I, TWO up-to dat. .room flt. 4 mut.l l" room,; attio and bawinnl. nw lil buildlnit; adult,, iiti .. lamnMi,. 3-r-oom mod.-m apartment, i. b.da. fireplace, hardwood floor. !.. rloa. In. .'... 4''i- A KrtT Hfrrr;. cioe In. "mou-rn wnh nil conr.nionc; 1 roonii; montn. Kant IKI41I. l.JtM fl.AT. 2 iH-dtooioa. ftn." oit.r; i.hon, wlrr. nlr. vi.-w. w.lklon di.t i pi. i"'1 '"lh..' ' VKWl.V huiit o-r.vom mirr f Ji. for nurr, llnoi.umi ltl" luflud.u. rll'J.'t. ! l-:.,t 1 1. i 'r KArlT TaTII T.. ;..H ARII - Mod rrn, 0-roorn uppr, fornat-. lajweiOTat: Af. t:i7r g6 s i.v. TTrooM lrTwT modern flat. u 31. (. r jr. i" I vi l ". a I K ( p lift". 6HUOM n04lrtp fi'. rl---in. IW Kill ln'L" 1 " ' ". . iM unfiJriilsh-d fa! 4 11!U Z7n ri)M art S-l i . r-pt r ti m 1 mhA Urn. ft-KOOM mm-rn ir f.t. wHii a raft If d'Mi'r-d; wslktn d.stsnr. r-"-sonbl rent la rislit prty. Call 4S tt-KioM ui'l"-r liai. LJo . ! ' it aist mod 22d. Rent 4i. l"lns ltd. 0f'L3 .RM. FLAT. ffn or1-r. phur.-, ir, nir -tsw, wslHmii .list,. J.l-' S tp n st , south of Mont , S"ti mTMOD., all outside. UPprr at. furniture ; W, H ; wslfct (list, 114 K -Brn-. M urn 1 -"T m TWO furnished fist. uji-r four r"-m. lower thrf rooms sod ur- .;T f 17th St.. wsst ssd-; a k;. d s'-n-. CLKAN. modern 4-rom fur nisii - d f n with gamr; tlos in; sdu.ts Wnhtui 1HOH --. ,,- 8 ANU HHj,J-t. h-t, i-jht. ph"n. trsras-e. pisn, f.rpis w-isin dls titnt . r-ff'-r-nr's 4 J 'J l rtm ' . Wtil-KRS room-, rifan. por. h- a. rrs ; U-IiOOM f'i. IrvlJistou U'trli;L T'llarnook st. 4-rUX 'M. nK-iy f urcli-hrj t-t. 1 o ... n.-r-i; st. rl 1" to 5. Aiir 2""l-. fTflT.fTM furn flat. Km' t,V Kor . - mil ift Ka rqt. r fW t4 u jrV'sh n.rth 'K" "V I'irniiiir. for tmU, for r-nt ':r,.,,l . WKl.I. fumiKh-.! S m f :t . pis'. hrrt"fl f infers FTR. -KM'HUl tr f.nt. 41 . 'U4 M-lwv 4--.Ti .... I f urnb d rvvzo. l IM'mus.