FOREIGN EXCHANGE FLUCTUATES SOME Decline in Early Trading Is Followed by Recovery. FRENCH BONDS SENSITIVE Secnrities Advance at New York While Decline Noted at Paris; Speculative Activity Seen. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK", Sept. 29. Insofar as the financial unsettlement has been a conse quence of the dispute with Turkey, the recovery in today's markets musts be considered aa reflecting, not a change in the aspect of that singular controversy na tn whether the market s movement might not take too much for mi,t.ri Thr have been few war scares" or diplomatic deadlocks in the experience of seasoned financiers which have been, surrounded by such obscurity an this in the matter ol actual mouveo. indeed of actual facts. Tha confusing considerations which 1 ve accompanied every stage of the episode have naturally opened the way to financial uneasiness. If only because of tle free play they gave to imagination, ymt- thnr huvA aIko left even the un- pleasant conclusions in an atmosphere- of uncertainty. All tnis was piaamy jimi c&ted. in the course of today's markets. Foreign Sxchange Declines. Foreign exchange rates again declined In the early trading yet again regained most or all of the lost ground before the close. The stock market declined sharply at the start, but its recovery was so con siderable as to leave most prices at set advance for the day... French government bonds have seemed ell the week to be the most sensitive of standard securities to the eastern de velopments; today they advanced at New York while they declined at Saris and the United Kingdom bonds moved slmi larly on the whole. The day's movement suggested the preponderance of purely speculative activity oh all the markets. together with the presence of genuine buyers on the decline. The change In front from the weak ness of the preceding day was most no ticeable in today's bond market, where it certainly seemed as if the lower prices, instead of unsettling confidence, had at tracted some new buying. Other Influences Felt. This remains to be determined; bond values in general have -been subject . other influences than eastern politics. It was l.oticeable today that, notwithstand ing the rather numerous recoveries in prices of foreign securities or company bonds, the liberty loans slipped off an other small fraction from Thursday's closing, although not touching that day's lowest prices. Sterling exchange, at the day s low rate of $4.36, brought less than on any other 4ay since March; but like most of the other markets, it recov ered rapidly before the closing. It cannot yet be said that the week-end reports of the mercantile agencies bear out the more or less prevalent expecta tion of great expansion in our autumn trade. The "note of optimism" is sounded in these reports as it has been in Wall street and emphasis is clearly and rightly laid on the "very general increase in buy ing ai primary markets of all the leading textiles" on a ''demand for railway equipment proDaoiy surpassing the prev lous Dest records" and on "the gain in purchasing power that has resulted from tne ruiier employment of workers. Against tnese well-known facts are pru aently placed such counter considera tions as export trade much below that of a year ago, continued caution in the piacmg or orders for future delivery and the chance of a railway freight blockage. K C Sou ref 5s Jfc0 Keo & Dcs Moines 1st 5a 192i I. S & M S 4s I, & N 19 do gen fis J?? do uni 4s M St P & S 8 M 614s M P gen 4s do ret os 1940 1948 1975 192 NYC deb 4s 1934 do con 4s do ref imp 4ia do cv deb 6s ...... do eq Ts . . . . . NYNH&Hcvfts 1998 2013 1935 1930 1948 N O Tex & Mex Ss N P P L. 4e N P 6s i do eq OSL ref 4s Pac Fruit Ex Penna 6s 1997 2047 1930 1929 7s 1930 lW3t do gen 4 J85 1960 1968 1930 1936 1997 1949 do 4198 do gen 5s do 7s Penna R R 614s . . Reading gen 4s 51 A T. Am do 6s A - "J? Sou Ry con 5s 1994 So Pac cv 4s l?;? ' do ret 4s - 1955 do ref 4s 1949 do conv os i?S7 do eq 7s E 1935 St L & 3 F P L 4s A 1950 , StL48F sen 6e J931 StL8FPt!lB 1950 St L. & S F gen. s 1931 do adj 6s I900 do inc 6s I960 St U & S W 1st 6s 1952 do cen 4s 1931 do 1st 4s 3989 Tex Pac 1st 5s 2000 Union Pacific 1st 4s 19' do CT 4s 19 2 . do ref 4s 3008 ftr A, - 1928 do eq 7s 1930 Union Tank 7 1930- Wabash 1st 6s 1939 do 2d 5s 1939 West Pac 5s 1946 Industrials ,., Allied Packers 6s 1939 Am Can deb 6s 1928 Am Agr Ch deb 6s 1924 do 7V.S 1?41 Am Sm 1st 5s 1947 92 oV 93 10814 1151 924 104 H eaij 98 9054 83 88 A 105 111 82 T8 8914 109 111 92 11114 110 90 Va 100 100 110 110i 8514 58 65 ft 98 92 90 ft 88 104 116 75ft 97ft 81 104 ft 84 76 80 76 7914 FOREIGN BONDS RALLY POPULAR ISSUES SHOW NET GAINS AT CLOSE. Speculative Kails Also Make Good Recovery; Losses in Lib erty Group. Nominal. - Abandonment of the plan to consoli date the Midvale-Republic-Inland Steel companies, the last of the original seven companies to discuss merger terms in the spring, caused a sharp break. 4a the stocfta of the companies which had car Tied on negotiations to the end. On heavy selling 'directly from, the opening Mid vale steel opened down 1 points today at 59. From that level there was a slight rally to 59 ft followed by a break later in, the day to 56. The close was 67ft. i . s Standard Oil company of New York mounted to a new high record for the year during this morning's trading on the assumption that the directors of mat company would take some action at today's meeting in connection with the rumored stock dividend. The meeting was held but an announcement was made that only routine matters were dis cussed. This caused a sharp reaction in the New York stock and it ended the day with a net loss of 8 points while the range between the high and low prices for the day was 29 points. Based upon the statements of railroad earnings already in hand, covering the month of August, estimates were made In official circles today that net oper ating income of first-class roads this year will be below $45,000,000, or less than half the total reported last year. To earn 6 per cent on the tentative valuation the roads would have to earn approximately $108,000,000 gross this month. The reason for the poor show ing is due entirely to the expenses in curred as a result of the shopmen's strike. ; Among the liberty bonds the first 3fts which had held up best on the recent break, went 10 cents lower than they had sold Wednesday and 20 cents under last night's closing figures. Moderate losses occurred in the balance of the group. In spite of the feverish market for exchange on London and the 2ftc fall sustained by the rate at the opening. jsruisn loans in mis market stood up remarkably well. Greater reflection of the break in sterling was shown in a ran or a point in Japanese 4s, which are payaoie in demand sterling at nxea rate or $4.87. A decline of a point wns enown oy ueigian Tfts and Czecho slovak 8s. While foreign bonds gen erally were inclined to recede, French issues ruled steady, except for heaviness in FTenchrAmerican 7fts. Selling concentrated mostly on specu lative railway bonds. Losses of one to two points were irregularly distributed. The larger drop occurred in Delaware and Hudson 5fts. Seaboard Air Line 6s, Western Maryland 4s. a few of the Bal timore and Ohio obligations, Friscos, Missouri, Kansas & Texas and New Haven bonds were down a point, Chesa peake Ohio 4fts and Aachlson 4s went contrary to the general trend. New York Bonds. Furnished by Jordan & Wentworth company of Portland. Railroad bonds . Atch gen 4s 1995 92 A C L 4s 1952 90 4 do 7s 3930 10714 B O KPld 4s 194S 84 'i do. con 414s cv lfl:r . S514 do ref 5s 1995 89 Canada Southern 5s 1962 99 Can Pac eq 6s J!W2 107 Can National eq 7s ....... 19:15 in Can Nor 6fts . 394S 313 do 7s 3 940 113 ft Cent Pac 1st 4s -. . . 3949 89 Chi N West 614s 1936 11114 Ches & Ohio cv 4fts 39.10 RSli do gen 4fts 1902 SKyi do cv 5s 1946 96 do oon 5s 19.19 102 C B & Q 111 div 4s 1949 9014 C & West Ind 4s 1952 77 ft C G & W 4s 3959 52 O M & St P 4s 3925 SQ do cv 4fts 3932 73 dr deb 4s 3934 64 do gen 43 A 3 989 77 , do 5s 2014 75 to 54 r 4fts A 2014 66 Chi N W sf 5s . 3929 101 do gen 4s 3987 8S do 6fts 3936 111 14 do 7s 3930 no O R I & P ref 4s 1934 S412 Colo So ref ex 4ft 3 1945 88 A Colo Sou 4s 1929 93 ft Del & Hudson cv 5s 3935 100ft do 7s i 3930 110 T & R G cv 4s 3 936 78 do adj 7s , 3932 40 JSrie PL 4s 3996 63 Erie con 4s A 3 953 50 ft do B 1953 51 do D 1 9.-13 .11 TCrle Pa CG 4s 1951 87ft Grand Trunk eq 8 'As 1X16 107 Gt Nor 4fts infil 94 ft do 7s 1936 311ft Gt Trunk 6s 19;i 10234 do 7s 3940 313ft 111 Cent .it 5s 1963 . 99 do ref ia 1835 S8ft Am Tob 7s 1923 Anaconffa, 6s A ; 1929 do 7s B 129 Armour cv 7s . JJJ3JJ do 4fts 1939 Beaver Board 8s . 1933 Beth Steel 7s 1923 do eq 7s . . . IJdft do ref 5s ... 1942 Cerro de Pasco 8s 1931 Chile conv 6s A 1932 do 7s 1P--3 Col Graph 8s 192o Copper Exp 8s 1924 do 8s 1925 Colo F & I gen 5s 1943 Colo Ind 5s 1934 Corn Prod ref 5s 1931 Cuban Am Sugar 8s 1931 Cuban Cane cv 7s 1930 Distillers Sec cv 5s 1927 Diamond Match 7fts 1935 Dupont 7ft s 1931 Empire Gas Fuel 6s 1924 Gen Elec deb 6s 1952 do 6s 1940 Goodrich 7s 1925 Goodyear Ss 1941 Hershey 7fts 1930 111 Steel deb 4fts 1940 Ind Steel os 1952 Int Agr 5s 1932 Int Marine CT 6s 1941 Int Paper cv 5s B 1935 Kelly Springfield 8s 1931 Kennecott 7s 1930 Lack Steel 5s 1923 do 1st 5s 1950 Libby McNeil & Libby 7s 1931 Liggett k Myers 7s 1944 Lorillard 7s 1944 Midvale 6s 1936 Morris & Co 7fts 1930 Republic I & St 5s 1940 Sears Roebuck 7s 1922 do 7s 1923 Steel & Tube 7s 1951 Swift & Co 7s .' 1925 do 7a 1931 United Drug 8s 1941 U S Rub 1st ref 5s 1947 do 7ft 193U U S Steel sf 6s 1963 Va Chem 5s 1923 do 8s .... ' 1924 Va Car Chem 7fts 1932 West Elec 5s 1922 West U T col tr 5s 1938 West Union 6fts 1936 Wilson 1st 63 1941 do cv 6s 1928 West Elec 7s 1925 Westinghouse 7s 1931 Public utilitles Amn Lt & Tran 6a 1925 Amn Tel coll 4s 3929 do coll 5s : 1946 do 6s 1925 9314 95 8814 104 111 103 100 92 ft 86 ft 75 98 07 103 9814 101ft 101ft 10314 104 91 73 106 10214 87 ft 122 95 ft 108 30 102 103 ft 91ft 78 1)9 107 ft 86 - 53 107 107 106 100 ft 105 ft 102 11614 104 92 101 80 93 ' 89 108 104 100 S3 102 117ft 118 89 ft 106 96 100 101 102 ft 10114 102 110 89 ft 107 ft 11214 10JL 10514 100 98 ft 110 101 ft 97 ft Bell Tel of Pa 7s 1945 B R T 5s 1945 Bell Tel Pa 1945 Cal Gas uni 5s 1937 Cities Service 7s B 19ti6 do 7s C 1966 do 7s D I960 on Gas cv 7s 1925 Jilt -Met 4fts 1856 Lit R T ref 5s 1966 Laclede Gas 7s 1930 Mont Power 5s A 1943 Northwest Tel 7s 1941 Ohio Cities Gas 7s 1925 Pic Tel 5s 1937 Pac Gas 5s , 1942 Pac Gas & Elec 7s 1925 South Cal Ed 6s 1934 Souwest Tel 7s 1934 Toledo Edison 7s 1941 U R R of SF 4s 1927 Oil Bonds Anglo Amn 7fts- 1925 Atlantic Ref 614s 1931 Galena S Oil 7s 1930 Gulf Oil 7s 1933 107 106 ft 92ft 99 114 10214 60 ft 97 127 90 91 'ii 71ft 101 99 ft 107 "99' ' 94 ioift 102 ft 107 ft Humble Pan Amn 7s Mex Pet cv Ss Sinclair 7fts S O Cal 7s S O NY 7s Texas Co 7s Tidewater Oil 6ftB ..... Foreign Governments Vacuum Oil 7s Argentine 7s Belgium 8s -. Bolivia 8s Brazil 8a do 7s ................ Canada 5s Chile 8s Czecho-Slovak Denmark 6s Dutch East Indies 6s do 1923 1930 1936 1925 1931 1931 1923 1931 3936 1927 1941 1947 , 1941 1952 1952 1946 8s 1851 1942 ... 1947 1962 French Cities 6s 3934 Mexico External 5s Mexico External 4b Netherlands 6s Paris-Lyon-Mdtrn 6s ... Rio de Janerio 8s Seine 7a Foreign Gov't Internal- French Internal 4s French Victory 5s ...... Belgian Restoration 5s . British 2ft consols . Ital Cons War Loan 5 . Lei Stockholm Christiania Copenhagen Rupees Argentine Chile Brazil Peru Greek Spain Czecho- Serbian Swiss Finland Curb Bonds Allied Packers 63 ....... Am Tel & Tel 6s do 6s Anaconda Copper 6s .... do 7s Anglo-Am Oil 7fts Armour & Co 7s Beth Steel 7s Copper Ex Assn 8s .... do Ss Galena Signal Oil 7s .... Grand Trunk 6fts Gulf Oil Co 7s Inter Rapid. Tran 7s .... Sears Roe 7s 3-vr So West Tel 7s Stand Oil N Y 6fts .... do 7s Swift & Co 7s do 7s Vacuum Oil 7s ......... Brazil 7fts Elberfeld 5s Prague Tfts Hamburg 4fts Mexico 4s Montevideo 7s Yugo Slavia Ss Switzerland 5fts Netherland 6s 1954 1954 1972 1958 1947 19421 10314 105 103 ioi 306 306 104 109 i03" 108 101 102 96 ft 301 89 ft 98 103 ft 91 8ft 94 94 79 53 ft. 40 94 73 100 87 . . 1917 47ft .. 1920 5814 85 51 35ft 62 26.35 17.00 20.30 29 ft .. .... 35.90 14.25 11.85 330 ft 2.15 15.10 3.10 1.38 J8.66 2.21 .. 77 .. 1922 99 .. 1924 101ft .. 101 3 0314 ' 103ft .. 104 .. 1935 102ft .. 1924 102ft .. 1925 103 105 ' 10 103 : 100 .. 1923 101 ,102 .. 1933 1 09 .. 1926 10ft .. 1925 101 14 . . 1931 102 .. 108 ft .. 1925 . 88 1932-52 1 .. 1952 80 61 .. 1945 39ft . . 1952 92 . . 1962 92 .. 1929 104ft ...... 94, NEW - YORK, Sept. 29. Prices of bonds, 'especially the foreign securities, reacted .sharply at the opening of today's market in response to a sharp break in sterling exchange, but they exhibited strong recuperation power in the after noon, a few of the popular iBsues show ing net gains of a point or more. The average, however, was slightly lower. Belgian 7fts were down nearly two points and most of the other European issues a point or more before the recov ery set in. The late demand for British, French, Mexican and Japanese issues re sulted in Mexican 6s being pushed up lft, Japanese 4fts, 1ft, and French 8s and Soissons 8s a point each. Czecho Slovakian 8s dropped to the lowest fig ure since they have been listed on the stock exchange. Some of the speculative railroad mortgages - also made good recovery, particularly Frisco income 6s, - which sold off a point, made up their loss and then moved up a point above last night's close. Other railroad liens, which moved up a point or more were Atchison 4s, "Katy" firsts, Missouri Pacific 43 and Illinois Central and Chicago, St. Louis & New Orleans Joint 6s, Delaware & Hud son "5fts were the heaviest, drbpping more than 2ft points. United States. Rubber " 8s, American Smelting 5s and Bethlehem Steel re funding 5s made good progress in the industrial division, each gaining a point or more, but acute weakness was noted in Brooklyn Union Gas 7s and some of the local tractions. - Liberties eased a bit, but the Josses were only nominal. Total bond sales, par value, were $14, 981.000. New offerings this week were slightly in excess of $120,000,000. Bear traders conducted another suc cessful attack against prices in today's early stock market, using the unfavor able overnight news in the near eastern situation and the abandonment of the Republic-Midvale-Inland steel merger as an excuse for their assault. ' Prices were forced down to new low levels on the current reaction before j the shorts ran into substantial buying power and the extent of this caused a scramble -to cover, starting a rally which carried a number of Issues well above yesterday's closing figures. Indications that tne abandonment 01 the steel merger was unexpected in the financial community were seen in the sharp break in Republic, which carried down 4ft points before recovery set in, the net loss for the day being 3 1-3 points. Midvale offered a little more resistance to selling pressure, yielding only two points. United States Steel common, Bethlehem "B," Vanadium and Crucible Steels were weak in sym pathy, but aJl rallied later, United States steel registering a smau imc tinnnl piin for the day. EouiDment shares led the rally in the final hour, American Locomotive being pushed, up 3 points; Baldwin, 2; American Oar & Foundry. 2ft; Pullman, 1, and Lima Locomotive, 1. Pittsburg Coal also shook off its recent heaviness, gaining two points and other coal shares also moved to higher ground. Union Pacific and Lackawanna moved up a point, but there was some irregu larity in the rest of the list, most of the changes being of a fractional na ture. Motor shares showed some im provement. Standard Oils of California and New Jersey moved in an erratic manner, weakening in response to the sharp break in Standard of New York on the curb, which was attributed to the fail ure of the directors at their meeting to day to announce plans for capital re adjustment. They recovered later, each showing a net gain of more than a point on the ,day, Mexican Petroleum fluctu ated within a radius of nearly four points, closing at a net loss of lft points. ' Tobacco shares were under pressure, Liggett Myers "B" dropping six points and American Tobacco "A" and "B" de clining two or more, but recovering later. Improved metal trade conditions were ; reflected in the better demand for cop- j per, zinc and lead shares, most 01 which showed slight gains. National Biscuit was one of the In dividual features, showing a net gain of 11 points. Other strong spots were Houston. May Department Stores. Iron Products and Retail Stores. Total sales were 1,050,000 shares. Call money opened and renewed at 4 per cent and advanced to 5 in the early afternoon, holding at that figure until the close. Time money continued quiet with no appreciable change in rates, but there was a good demand for com mercial paper. The feature of the 'foreign exchange market was the quoting of the Canadian dollar at a premium. Unsettled condi tions In the foreign market caused a sharp break in sterline in London, which was reflected here, demand bills drop ping to $4.37, but rallying somewhat later. Continental rates eased in sym pathy, -but -less sharply. Brie 1.900 15ft 14 15 do 1st pfd ... 4.700 23 23ft 23 Famous Players 7.600 B41i 92ft 04 Fed Min & Smelt - 12ft do pfd 600 59 59 os ft Flsk Tire 2,600 12 12 12 Gen Cigars 900 77 ft 77 ft 77 ft Gen Elect 200 174 174ft 174 Gen Motor 13,900 14 14 14 Gen Mot 6 83 Gen Asphalt ... 9,300 61 59ft 61 Gliddin Paint .. 600 14ft 14 14 Goodrich T & R. 1,700 33 ft 32 33 ft 15,800 1, 86 900 80 ft 900 22 500 113 500 38 9 14 16 66 29 ft 39 88 83ft 77 ft 21ft Glen Alden Granby 2,100 30 Great Nor Ore . 1,100 , 39 ft Great Nor pfd . 4,600 91 Greene uananea Gulf S Steel ...1 Mouston Oil Hupp Motor . . . Ills Cent Inspiration Int Ag Corp com ao pro. Interboro 200 lft lft do pfd 500 3 3ft Int Harv 200 10514 10514 Int Merc Marine 1,100 14 ft 13 do pro 13,800 Int Nickel ..... 1.100 Int Paper 2,000 ao pra Invinciie Oil ,.. 2,900 15 Island Oil 700 Jewel Tea K C Southern .. 200 do pfd 500 Kayser J 1.900 55 29 39 90 30ft 85 80 ft 21 112 113 38ft 38 9 36ft lft 3ft 105 ft 14 Libby, McNeil Libby, new... 7 National Leather 7 57 1614 65 'iift Kelly-Spgfld Kennecott Keystone Tire. . Lack Steel Lee Tire Lehigh Valley 2.600 5,800 1.000 r,600 200 7,100 23 56 44 41 34 ft 8ft 79ft 25: 66 23 55 ft 43 39 33 7ft 76 ft 25 60 Lorillard 1,800 169 166 Loew Theatres . . 5,800 20 20 L fc N 200 135 Lima Loco ...f. 3,000 59 Marland Oil 2,800 40 ft Maxwell Mot ,"A" 600 57 Maxwell Mot "B" 3,900 18 May Stores 700 130 Mex Pet 32,100 193ft Mex Seaboard .. 3,600 20 Miami' .......... 8O0 Mid States Oil...4,600 Aiiavaie steel . . 4,200 M K & T 4,200 Mack Truck . . . 2,600 Mont Power .... 1.800 Mont Ward 2.600 Mo Pac . 4,900 do pfd 8,700 JUSti-&SSM ... Nat Biscuit . Nat Enamel . Nat Lead . . . Nevada Con . New Haven . Norfolk & W Nor American Nor Pac 2,900 XV ova Scotia Stl. 200 N Y Air Brake.. 200 N Y Central . ..14,200 Okla Prod ref.. 600 Orpheum 1,800 Ontario & W 200 Otis Steel 400 Pacific Dev 300 Pas Gas & Elec. 3,800 Pacific Oil 12 inn Pan Amn Pet 21.400 do B 8.100 Penna 4,000 renna sea steel. 600 Peo Gas 1,000 Per Marquette . 1,500 Phila Co 400 Phillips Pete ... 3,900 Pierce Arrows . . 4.400 Pierce Oil ...... 2,800 Pitta Coal ..... 7,300 Pitts & w Va. . . sno Pressed Steel Car 1,000 Punta Alegre . . . 700 27 13 ft 32 17 55 72 21 21ft 57 135 57ft 39 56 17 12flft 180 20 27ft 13 30 17 55 71 21ft 20ft 56 59 16ft 56 ft 80 15 ft 18 23. 65 1 44 41 34 7 79 25 66 167 20 135 59 ft 4014 56 ft 18 130 182 20 ft 27 ft 13 31ft 17 55ft 2.100 175 1,800 61 500 103 1,400 15ft 7,300 29 900 119ft 117ft 3,800 93 92 ft 34 36 05 ft 2 25 24 ft 10 4 84 ft 58 78 72 ft 47 6ft 94 35 ft 43ft 60 13 614 60 37 ft 87 45 21 20 57 68 161ft 173 60ft 61 102ft 103 15 15 28 29ft 84 34 35 ft 93 2ft 25 24 ft 10 4 81 54 76 70 47 614 93 34 43 ft 49 ft 12 6 58 ft 35 ft Pullman ... 5,000 130Ti Pure Oil 2.400 Ray Cons , . 1,500 Reading 4,300 Remington 100 Replogle Steel.. 3.600 Republic I & 3.. 36,200 do pfd 900 Rep Motors .... 2,100 Royal Dutch Oil y Hteel spg Saxon Motors . . . 500 Sears Rosbuck.. 2,400 Shattuck & Ariz 400 Shell T & T 400 Sinclair 13,800 Sloss Shef ..... 100 Sou Pacific 8,500 Sou Ry 1,800 do pfd 300 Stand Oil Cal.. .38,500 120ft oLauu tjii ma us Stand Oil N J... 10,400 199 31 14 ft 77 34 33 59 ft 85 2 57 100 117ft 4 87 8ft 37 33 47ft 93 24 61 119 93 84?( 33 36 95 o 25 24 ft 10 ft 4 83 ft 65ft 77 72 47 ft 6ft 94 351i 4314 50 ft 13 01: 60 37ft 8 45 130ft 31ft 14 ft 77 34 ft 32 57 y 100 200 300 8900 100 400 4,900 1,200 17 ao 37 ie' " 1 82 54 ft . Low. . 78 ft 17 54 37ft i3 1 79 53 Bid. 7Sft 16 ft 54 37 66 15 ft ' lft 81ft 64 ft 101ft 103 43 43 ft 40 ft 40, 56 67 iOS Chicago Potato Market. CHICAGO, Sept. 29. Potatoes steady on whites, weak on other stock; receipts 61 cars; total United States shipments, 1329 cars: Wisconsin, Minnesota sacked round whites,. $1.001.10 cwt.; do bulk. 8595c cwt. ; Minnesota sacked sand land Early Ohlos, 90c $1.00 cwt.; Minnesota sacked Red River Ohios, $1.00 1.10 cwt South Dakota bulk Early Ohios, 90c cwt.; do sacked $1.00 cwt. Chicago Oil Market. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire. CHICAGO, Sept. 29, Gasoline .-' Tank wagons. 21c; service stations. 23c; ma chine. 27.9c. Oils: Summer, 11.4c; win ter, 11.9c. Carbon perfection, iron bar rels, llftc; linseed oil, raw 1 to 4 barrels delivery, $1.02; boiled, $1.04. Turpen tine, $1.60; denatured alcohol, 40c. 26 53 6ft 12 68 CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Stock Sales. High. Adams Exp iou 79 Advance Hum . do pfd Agr Chem do pfd Ajax Rub . . . . Alaska Gold .. Alaska Juneau. Allied Chem... Allis-Chal do pfd ....... 200 103 Am Beet sugar. 1,300 43ft Am Bosch 2,200 40 Am Can Co 4,900 58 ft do nfd Am Car & Fdy.. 1,100 185 182 185 do pfd 12 Am Cot Oil 300 do pfd 100 Am Drug Synd. . 700 Am Hide & Lea 300 do Dfd 300 Am Ice . . . . 3,400 108 Am Intl Corp... 1,900 35ft Am Linseed , 300 37 do pfd Am Loco 25,400 125 120 ft do pfd Am Saf Razor. . Am Ship & Com Am Smelter do pfd Austin Nichols. . Am Steel Fdy . . Am Sugar ...... do pfd Am Sumatra Am Tel & Tel Am Tob do "B" ... Am Wool do pfd .... Am W. P. pfd Am Zinc Anaconda . . . Assd Oil .. . . Atchison do pfd Atl Coast Line... 600 118ft 117 Atl, Glf & W I.. 800 29 29 lOCO. .41,OV ld4fe 1SU ft 25 53 6ft 12 67 ft 107 33 ft 36 26 53 6ft 12ft 67 ft 108ft 35 ft 37 56 125 ft 118 7 20 ft 60 ft 99 35 43 78 200 110ft ioft 109 600 37 37 ft 37 ft ..10,800 120 120 120 . . 1,700 159 loB JOS . . 1,400 153 . . 9,100 97 Stand Oil Ky St L & S F 1,300 Stromberg Carb. 400 Studebaker 42,900 Swift & Co Tenn Cop &' Ch.. 400 Texas Oil 10,400 Texas Pacific . .. 1,000 Tex Pac C & O. 1,900 Tob Products ... 1 sno iran JontI oil-. . 4,000 union .ttag & r"a. Union Oil Del .. Union Pacific ... United Alloy . . , united Drug. . United Food Pro. United Fruit . . . United Re Storesl4,600 U S C I Pipe . . . 1,100 U S Ind Alcohol. 6,200 U S Rubber . 6.300 ao 1st pfd. U S Smelting U SI Steel . . . do pfd Utah Copper Va Chem do pfd Vanadium Steel. 45 128 30 14 ft 75 ft 34 ft 32 ft 56 ft 85 214 55 117 4 85 ft 8ft 37 32 47 92 24 ft 61 117 119 116ft 118 196 19Bft 2ft 56 11714 4 8714 8ft 374 33 ft 47 9314 24 60 . 107 ft 107 ft 107 ft 28 52 126 107 9 47 28 ft 24 ft 62 13 ft 3VU 73 100 18ft 3,700 148 200 80' ' 100 6ft S0O 146ft 81ft 31ft 62 52 97 ft 27 50 ft 52 ft 123 126 10614 107 9 9 46 ft 27 ft 2314 61 12 72 18 146 '79" 6ft - 46 28 ft 24 61 1 13ft 72 38 148 37ft 79 ft 6ft 14514 1471? 81 500 .42,000 102ft 300 122 . 2,700 6614 200 200 8,400 Vivaudou 3,300 Wabash do A pfd ' do B pfd Wells Fargo Western Pacific. do pfd Western Union.. Westinghouse AB do E & M West Md White Eagle Oil. White Motors . .. White Oil Willys-Overland. do pfd Wilson Packing . Wis Central Woolworth Worth Pump . . . W & L E , ,000 4,500 4O0 900 300 3 401 I.366 600 800 200 500 1,300 400 800 , 200 1,100 26 64 45 12 11 31 21 81ft 17ft Uft 14 30 48 ft 7 6 40 45ft 40 12 ft 31 31ft 60 61ft 50ft 52ft 96 96 41ft 100 102ft 121 122 65ft 66ft 26 26 64 ft 64ft 43 45 12 12 lift lift 30 ft 30 21 20ft 80 81 17ft 17 62 . 62 110 111ft 99 60 61ft 13 ft 13 29 29 48ft - 48ft 7 7 6ft 6ft 40ft 41ft 44ft 45 i9ft "40ft' 40 12 ft 12 3,700 7ft 7 1,600 20 20 2,900 60ft 59ft 1,266 35 34ft 2,100 48 42 800 78 77 ft 151 155 96ft 97ft 900 1.400 3.400 S00 .1181 32 18 32 17 50 11514 108ft 32 18ft 5,800 103 102 ft Baldwin do pfd Bait & Ohio 2,900 54 do pfd 100 65 Barns Corp "A" 4,300 37 do "B" Beth Steel "B". 10,200 72 Booth Fish 400 8 B R T 700 23 . Butte C & Z 500 6 Butte & Sup.... 200 31 Burns Bros "A". 1,700 134 do "B" 200 48 Caddo Oil Cal Pack Cal Pet . do pfd Cal Zinc & Lead 1.400 Can Pac . . Cen Leath. Cerro de Pasco . ' 900 37 ft Chand Motor... 6.700 61 ft Chi & N W 3,900 90 ft Chgo Gt W 1,600 614 do pfd .1 4,000 14 ft Chili Cop 2.100 25 Chino 900 2ft C M St P 3.900 31ft do pfd 4.8O0 49 ft Coco Cola 8,400 73 C & O 4,100 71 Colo F & I 600 32ft Colo Southern . . sou 411 Col Gas & Elec 1,000 1,100 3.600 100 10 83 63 95 9 3,300 14314 2.6OO 4(114 53 65 3514 72ft 8 22 30 ft 132ft 45 10ft 82 ft 62 ft 95 914 142 39 37 ft 59 88 6ft 13 ' 24 . 28 ft 30 4714 71 70 ft 32 47 ft 115ft 103 92 117ft 29 333 116 53 64ft 37 ft 26 72ft 8 22 6 31ft 134 46 10 83 ft 63 ft 95 9 143 ft . 40 ft 37 ft 61 90 ft 6 14ft 25 28 3114 48 71 71ft 32 ft 48 Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions furnished by the Ovirhprlr A company of Portland: Closing T ... .. Open. High. Low. Bid. Liberty, 3fts.. 100.84 100.92 100.66 100.72 99.90 do 2d 4s 99 SO 5 l5c lYfs-19S.1, 1002 166:64 100i08 do 2d. 414s.. 99.90- 99.54 99.86 99 88 do 3d 4fts. .100.00 100 00 99 82 99 90 "do 4th 414s. .100.14 IOO 18 ino no tnn'na Vic 4s call.. .300.20 300.22 30oi20 30020 i-o i.oam xuu.00 100.48 100.54 Money, Silver, Etc. NEW YORK, Sept. 29 Call money, firm; high, 5 per cent; low 4ft per cent ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid 5 per cent; offered at oft per cent; last loan, 5 per cent; call loans against ac ceptances, 4ft per cent. Time loans, firm; mixed collateral 60-90 days, 4ft 4 per cent; four to six lftonths, 4 per cent. Prime commercial paper, 4ft4ft per cent. Foreign bar silver, 68ftc. Mexican dollars, 52c. LONDON, Sept. 29. Bar silver, 35 5-16 per ounce. Money, 2 per cent Discount rates, short bills. 2 5-16 per cent; three-months bills, 2 2 11-16 per cent. Standard Oil Stocks. Standard OH stocks furnished by the Overbeck & Cooks company of Portland: Bid. Asked. Anglo 39 20ft Borne Scrysmer 425 435 Buckeye .- 97 98 Cheesebrough 198 203 do pfd 110 115 Continental 144 146 Crescent 3 37 Cumberland 150 -155 Eureka 95 - 97 Galena com 52 55 do old pfd 108 112 do new pfd 100 103 Illinois Pipe ....170 , 174 Indiana Pipe 96 98 National Transit 26 , 27 N Y Transit ... 170 175 Northern Pipe 110 112 Ohio Oil .807 311 International Pete 20 20 Penn Mex 2fl 28 Prairie Oil 640 650 Prairie Pipe 265 267 Sclar Refg 370 880 Southern Pipe 97 99 South Penn Oil 210 220 S W Penn Oil 60 65 K O Indiana 117 318ft do Kansas .....585 695 do Kentucky 107 108 do New York 530 534 do Ohio 485 495 do pfd .-J.138 119 Swan & Finch,.. 80 34 Vacuum . .......525 585 Washington 22 25 S O Nebraska 190 195 Imperial Oil 110 ft 111ft Mining Stocks at Boston. " Mining stock quotations at Boston fur nished by the Overbeck Cooke com pany of Portland: Bid. Asked. 8 100 64 10 2?ft 18 60 1 285 18 10 40 4ft 10ft 2 S 105 4 1 52 3ft . 10 S 3 ft 84 214 41 20 23 lft 44 27 4ft lft 60 1 ft 2 2 11 1 T 60 Ariz com 7ft Aventure 50 Ahmeek 62 Algomah 3 Allouez 23 Arcadian 2ft Bingham Mns 17 ft Cal & Ariz 58 ft Calumet & Hecla i .280 New Corn 17ft Centennial ................ 9 Cop Rge 39 Davis Daly 4ft East Butte 9ft r rantcun aing 1 Hancock 2ft Island Creek ..103 ft Keweenaw 1 Kerr Lake 3 La Salle 1 Michigan 2ft Mohawk 50 May-Old Colony 3ft Mason Valley lft North Butte . 10 Nipissing . . 6 Old Dom Cop 23 Oseeola Mng ; . 34 Ojibway 1 Quincy Mng 39 Pond Creek 19 Isle Royal 21 ft Supp Boston 3 Uni Shoe Men 43ft do pfd 26 Superior Cop 4ft Trinity Cop lft Tuolumne 50 Utah Metals lft Utah Con ' - 2 It Utah Apex 2 Victoria 1 14 Winona , 1 Wolverine Wyandot . 10 50 Foreign Bonds. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: Belgian Rest 5s 1919 do Prem 5s 1920 do 7fts 1945 do 6s 1925 Brazit Ss 1941 British 5s 1927 do 1929 do Vky 4s 3919 do Ref 4s 1919 U K 5fts 1922 do 1929 do 1937 Bordeaux 6s ........ 1934 Canadian 5s 1926 do 5143 1927 do 1929 do 5s 1937 do 1931 Chinese 5s 195! Chile 8s 1941 French 4s 3917 do 5s 1920 do 1931 do 7fts 1941 do 8s 194. German W L 5s Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s do 4 14 s Lelpsig- 4ft s . ao os Munich 4s do 5s Frankfort 4s Italian 5s 1918 Jap 4s 1931 do 1st 4fts 1925 do 2d 414s 1925 Norway 8s 1940 Swedish 6s ..... 1939 Denmark 8a 194 Russian ofts 3921 do . . 1026 do 6!4s Iftlft Sao Paulo 83 1936 Swiss 8s 1940 German bonds Quoted in cents.- Bid. Bid. 64 68 103ft 99 ft 101 ft 91 91 72 100 106ft .101 79 99 99 100 99 ft 99 ' 51 104 46 ft 68 57 ft 06 ft 100 .40 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .75 .75 .75 34 ft 79 92 ft 92 110 ft 103 10914 11 32 102 121ft Ask. Ask. 5 72 304 100 101 94 94 78 7 100ft 3 07 101 ft 79 99 ft 100 101 100ft 100 53 104ft 47ft 71 58 ft 96 100 ft .80 .90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . 1.25 1.25 1.2. 35 ft 93 93 111 103 ft 110 14 2 16 103 122 How will the decrease in immigration effect Portland? How will the operation of the new immigration law . react upon property and other investment values? ' I "HE operation during the first year of the new immigration law resulted in a net loss to the country ot 11,687 males. Previous to to 1914 the gross influx exceeded 1,200,000. Between 1910 and 1919 industry required 250,000 new workers every year while the growth of our population supplied 135,000. As a result of immigration restriction, a labor shortage will tend to develop in those industries where many men are necessary. Higher wages and shorter hours will follow. The recent voluntary wage increase of 20 per cent, given by the United States Steel Corpo ration and that of 40 per cent by the H. C. Frick Coke Co., are straws that show the direction of the wind. These are portentious facts. They are of great significance in their bearing upon man ufacturing and living costs and upon the value of all fixed and long term investments. How will they affect your bonds, your prop erty, rents, taxes? Is it time to sell or to hold, to develop or to wait? Such important and vital questions require careful analysis and experience to answer. Are you trying to solve these perplexing problems alone, or do you have the counsel and guidance of those trained to answer them? Our organization and its experience are at your service. Strong Sl MacNaughton 1 CORBETT BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON Investment and Property Alan agers for Estates and Individuals dollars and T BULK OF SALES AT $11 11,25 AT LOCAL YARDS. Cattle, Sheep and Lam suiet Unchanged, vt,i" and Light Receipts. The livestock market was auiet yester- uay witn & run 01 only six loads. Hog quotations were unchanged, but an easier tone was reoorted in the mar ket and the bulk of sales were at JlliS 11.25. Cattle trade was very quiet. Sheep na iamos were steady and unchanged Receipts were 8 cattle. 156 hoera and 44U sheep. The day's sales were as .follows: Wght. Price 3 steers. 1000 $6,001 Columbia Graph 1,600 314 3ft Con Gas 12,100 136ft 133ft 600 109 ft 106 108 ft 3ft 136 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Copper IJElectroly tic... spot and futures, 3 4c. Tin firm, spot and futures, 32.75c. . Iron steady, unchanged. Lead firm, spot 6.356.30c. Zinc, firm, &ast St. - Louis spot nearby delivery, o.6ua.&0o. and Cons Cicars .... 1.100 37ft 3534 37 Cons Textile . . . 3,600 9ft 9ft 9ft Contl Can 1,400 86 84ft 85ft Corn Prod . 4,600 114ft 111ft 113ft do pfd . 118 Cosden Oil 24,300 49ft 47ft 49ft C R I & P 6,000 43ft 42ft 43 do "A" Dfd ... 800 101 100 101 do "B" pfd .. 300 90 ft 94 89 ft Crucible 11,200 86 83 ft 85 ft do pfd .. ' 100 94 94 94 Cuba Cane 1,100 33ft 13 13 do pfd ....... 600 37 35 37 Cuban Amn Sugr 300 23 . 22ft 22ft Davison Chem ... 800 49 47ft 47ft Del A Hudson . 400 3 32 132 133 Del & Lack .... 200 133 130ft 133 Dome Mines ... 4.100 36ft 35 35ft Elec Stor Bat. 4.800 52ft 51ft 52ft Endicott Jolmaoo 4,SW 83ft 82ft 63 Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchang-e rates at the ekise of business yesterday, furnished by Notrh western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit In United States funds: Country. Unit. Rate Austria, kronen $ .000019 Belgium, francs 071800 Bulgarian, leva .'. 006800 Czecho-Slovakia, kronen 031500 Denmark, kroner . 205000 England, pound sterling 4.403750 Finland, finmark 022500 France, francs 076000 Germany, marks 000650 tjreece, araenmas 027000 Holland, guilders 388000 Hungary, kronen 000600 Italy, lire 042500 Jugo-Slavia, kronen 003700 Norway, kroner 172200 Portugal, escudos 046500 Roumania, lei 006400 Serbia, dinars 014500 Spain, pesetas . 152000 Sweden, kroner 264000 Switzerland, francs 3S7OO0 China-Hongkong, local currency .573500 Shanghai, taeis 777500 Japan, yen .490000 2 steers. 2 steers. 1 steer. . steers. 2 cows. . 1 cow. . . 72 hogs. . . 99 hogs. . . 2 hogs. . . 1 hog. . . . ( 2 hogs . . . 1 hog. . . . 17 hogs. . 20 hogs. . . 17 hogs. . . 10 hogs. . . 19 hogs. . . 1 bull... 1 lamb. . 2 lanrbs. 37 lambs. 1045 985 1010 1205 960 40 5.50 5.00 4.00: 4.50 5.50 50 196 11.00 197 11.001 350 8.50 17011.50 240 11.00 290 9.25 237 11.25 211 11.25 175 11.50 282 10.50 260 10.50, 1250 4.0O 60 10.00! 93 9.00; 9 11.00 38 lambs. 7 lambs. 2 ewes. . . 7 ewes. . . 10 ewes. . . 3 ewes. . . 10 ewes. . . 16 mixed. . 3 steers. . 1 steer. . . 1 steer. . . 1 steer. . . 1 steer. . . 1 eteer. . . 1 bull 1 bull 1 bull. . 23 hogs. . . 13 hogs. , . 1 hog 1 hog. . . . Wght. Price 68 8.00 70 lO.OO 140 5.00 104 130 86 112 109 493 1260 970 1220 1350 1200 1340 1050 1370 3.50 5.00 3.60 5.00 7.50 3.50 5.50 4.00 5.00 5.50 5.50 4.00 3.25 3.65 231 11.25 21211.25 560 T.00 250 9.25 NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Foreign ex change, irregular; Great Britain, de mand S4.38, cables $4.3814 , 60-day bills on banks $4.36; France, demand 7.57ftc, cables 7.58ftc; Italy, demand 4.23ftc, cables 4.24c; Belgium, demand 7. llftc, cables 7.12c: Germany, demand .08c, cables .06 l-16c Holland, demand 38.68c, cables 38.75c; Norway, demand, 17.00c; Sweden, demand 28.25c; Denmark, de mand, 20.25c; Switzerland, demand 18.62c; Spain, demand 15.10c; -Greece, de mand 2.49c; Poland, demand .Olftc; Czecho-Slovakia, demand S.09c; Argen tine, demand 35.37c; Brazil, demand 11.75c; Montreal, 100. Swift & Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cook company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 106ft SwUt Interuailonai 22 . 7.B0 8.00 . 6.75 7.50 . 5.75 8.75 . 4.00 5.75 . 5.00 COO . 3.50 4.50 . 1.60 2.00 . 1.50 2.00 . 3.00 4.00 . 5 00 5.50 . 4.00 a 5.00 . 8.50 9.60 . 7.00 8.00 . 7.00 S.00 . 5.00 7.00 . 4.00 5.00 ll.00fflll.50 30.0O 10.50 9.00 10.00 7.00 9.50 11.00 11.25 11.00 11.50 5.00 7.50 Prices quoted yesterday at the Port land Union stockyards were as follows: Cattle Choice steers Medium to erood steers. . Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers.... Med. to good cows, heifers.. Common cows Canners , Bulls Choice feeders Fair to good feeders Choice dairy calves Prime light calves Medium to light calves .... Heavy calves Common heavy calves ....... Hogs Prime light Smooth heavy, 200 300 lbs. Smooth heavy, 300 lbs ... Rough heavy ... ..4 Fat pigs Feeder pigs Stags, subject to dockage.. Sheen East-of -mountain lambs.... 10.0011.00 Choice valley lambs......... 10.00 11.00 Medium valley lambs 9.0010.00 Common valley lambs 8.00 i.00 Cull lambs 7.00 8.00 Light yearlings 8.00 8.50 Heavy yearlings 7.50 8.00 Light wethers '. . . 6.50 7.50 Heavy wethers 5 50 6 50 Ewes 2.00 6.00 Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO, Sept. 29. (United States Department of Agriculture.) Cattle, 4500, generally steady on all classes, strictly good and choice beef steers scarce: canner cows fairly active, strong to higher, early top matured beef steers, S11.75; long yearlings, $11.50 bulk beef steers, $9 10. 50; Wyoming grassers, $6 7.60 for several loads; bulk bologna bulls, $4.154.25; bulk desirable veal calves around $12.50; bulk canners around $3. Hogs 16,000, early market steady to 10c higher; later around steady; bulk, 180220-pound averages, J10.40 10.50; top, $10.65 early; bulk, 240260-pound butchers, $10.1010.35; good to choice, 2803O0-pound butchers, $10.1010.25; bulk packing sows, $7.758.25; pigs strong to unevenly higher, mostly $9.50 9.85; heavy. $9.10ie.30; medium, $9.90 10.60: light, J10.1010.55; light light. $9.8510.25; packing sows smooth, $7.75 8.60; packing sows rough, $7.25 7.80, killing pigs, $8.759.90. r Sbesprr-SaOO, best native, lambs Heady. shade lower; top, $14.50; in between grades full, averaging good 25c lower: bulk, $13.75 14.25; culls mostly $9 0.60; no range lambs on sale, receipts in clude 3600 direct to packers; sheep gen erally steady; big weight fat ewes mostly $3.504; good handyweight, $6.50. Pasco IJvestock Market. PASCO UNION STOCKYARDS. Sept. 28. Receipts in the cattle section were fairly liberal, yet everything offered found a ready buyer at steady to strong prices. Feeder steers crossed the scales at $5.50 per hundred, 25 cents stronger than a week ago. There were no hogs on the market, but stock buyers stand ready to absorb a moderate run. Sheep were active with liberal receipts for trading both lambs and aged ewes. Buy ers are constantly calling for more feeder lambs at strong prices. Some breeding ewes changed owners at good figures. The market here could well place a fairly heavy run of feeder lambs. CaUIe Receipts. 373 head; prime steers with good diversion, $7 7. 25; good to choice, $6.507; fair to good, so.ouo; choice cows and heifers, $45; good quality feeder steers, $5.255.75; fair, $55.25; stocked cows and heifers, $3.50 4. Hogs Receipts, none; prime ngnts, $10.5Oll; smooth heavies. $.5010; rough heavies, $89; feeder pigs, $10 10.50. Sheep Receipts, 2213 head; prime lambs, $10 11; fair to good, $9.60010; feeder lambs, $9.5010.50; fat ewes, $5 5.50; breeding ewes, $9 12 per head. mon grde, $66.75; beef cows, good grade, $5.756; medium grade, $j.25 5.90; common grade, $45; canners and cutters, $23.50; bologna bulls, 5II4J' 4; calves, market slow, steady. 150 to 200 pounds, good and choice, $8.!tr; 2U0 to I'.lo pounds, good and choice. $7.508.50; 250 to 300 pounds. '3.600 6.50. Hogs Market dull; values barely steady; good and choice grain-fed Call fornias, 150 to 200 pound". $11I1.50; 200 to 250 pounds. $10.50U; 250 to 31 pounds, I7i&'7.50; rough sows. 250 to Roo pounds, $0(('6.50; over 300 poumi, $5fl. Sheep and lambs, full blooded Mar ket steady, lambs, good and choice grades, $11.50I2; medium grade, $11 11.50; ewes, medium and good. $3$6; wethers, medium and good. $78.W1. Kansas City livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Sept. 29. (U. S. Department of Agriculture.) Cattle ReceiptB, 6000, undertone weak on calves; HMtrnhlA vealera irenerallv 1010.5O: one load prime heavy steers around 1500 I nounds at $11.80: looks higher; an otner classes dull, canners and cutters, s.of 3.25; few cows, $56; common kinds mostly $3.754; common to medium grass heifers, $4.505.oo; medium bologna bulls mostly $3.50. Hogs Receipts, 4500, steady to too lower, mostly decline on mixed quality shipper and packer top, $10; 180 to 240- mmnders. $9.65 10: bulk 2au to oo- pounders, $9.50 9.90; bulk of sale $9.35 9.90; packer sows 20 to ooc lower; bulk, $7.858.15; few $8.25; stock pigs steady to 10c lower; bulk. $960.80; few lighter weights, $9.85.90. Sheep Receipts, 1000; most receipts direct to packers; no westerns offered; odd native sheep and lambs about steady; native lambs, $13. Omaha IJvestock Market. OMAHA, Sept. 29. (U. S. Department of Agriculture). Hogs Receipts, 6500; fa-irly active, steady to strong; bulk packing grades. $88.35; bulk 200 to 300-pound butchers, $910.15; top, $10.20. Cattle Receipts, 1500; trade slow, an classes generally steady; full load beef steers up to $10.90; choice grades scarce. Sheep Receipts, 12.000: tat western lambs steady to weak; bulk around $14 with $14.25 bid for best here; natives and clipped lambs 2535c lower; top natives, $13.75; clipped, $12.85; sheep steady; ewe top, $6; feeding lambs slow. 1525c lower; other sales, $13.75. San Francisco Livestock Market. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 29. (Federal- state quotations.) Cattle Market strong and active; beef steers, good grade. $7.75iS!: medium grade. tTOfTUn-. com- Heattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Sept. 29. Cattle Steady; receipts, 20; prices unchanged. Hogs .Steady; no receipts; prices unchanged. KKCOKD WEEK'S TKADK IN KAIL General Increase in Ifuying In Teitile Market.. NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Bradstreet's tomorrow will eay: Trade ana industrial conditions very generally show further improvement. Ex pansion In fall buying, steady to high er commodity prices, a still faster pace in Industry, employment about the moit widely ri ff fud nf the year. coile1nn better and the tste northern crop ripen. trig with trilling froit dm.o. are among the notable features of the viwh. outHtanding special features In a wek which has en some of the laten of the season made up for by more conM- nt buying, are the reported hvtK purchasing nf steel rails ever m-tnl !u one week; a very general lm'rra !! buying at primary market nf ell the leading lenities, with Important ad vances wltneftkCd in several kind, of rnt ti.n goods, raw t!k and raw wool, the bissppearance of the bile car (rmii the rnilwny rerordn. wild th lrK"t lll f loading witnme,i for 11 montlia pt and an lncrBt coal output, thin mnro especially vlflblc in the anthracite branch. Weekly 332. 01 '0. bank clearing r tfM'.m,. London Ksrliange Market I neeitled. LONDON. Kept. 2. Hy the Ateoclal- ed Press ) The foreign rulMni market In considerably unsettled by the situation in the neer emit. Thre are ennetent rumors, but there Is nothing in the na ture of a panic. The fr-etur of tndey'a movements, and one cauelng eome cmi. ment. was the decline of the New Ynrit rate to SJ.ItiLfc per pound sterling Tli decline was attributed partly to the fact that coal phlpmente to America hate ceased, while France and Rngland e quire wheat and cotton. Phone your want adg to The Ore- iconian. AM Its renders are inter ested in the classifier! rnlumns lpkins 6 East Inc jprocfressiveness r-i WEST-MADE DESKS A War Veteran Bought a $5000 Home Without a Cash Payment This transaction was made possible through our ESCROW DEPARTMENT Let us explain how this was done and .how many other deals can be simplified by our escrow service- Before escrow you buy officer. talk to our litie and Trust COMPANY"-:? T1T2X AN r TKUBI BUTUMNO POBTLAeTD t 3'J 5iSi."V I II I ssB 1 I 1 1 I l Ilk tsl a I I iUj I IIJI pwrvv TTHtl- I F I ,1 1 1 v . I " W- " II . 1 $NX t LPT IJiilltkNifeS 1 SjCwsia Portland's spirit of prepress i exemplified fay Hopkins & East. Inc., financial brokers and busi ness managers. Their most re cent achievement is completion of plans for a $3,000,000 build ing. This- mammoth structure will cover the entire Failing estate block between Fifth and Sixth, and Taylor and Salmon streets. In keeping with their projrM siveness, Hopkins & Eat, Inc., use West-Made dce-ks in their offices. Their judgment can be relied upon. West-Made, the fifty-year desk, will increase the efficifney of your office. It will bring you greater investment return. Man ufactured on the Pacific Coast, the substantial saving resulting makes the West-Made moder ately priced. Vt'KT-M lK lKK COMPANY, NMXl'FACTl.'REHS I'ortland I. H. A. Mold exelualvely- la Ier1laa ky BUSH0NG & CO. 91 Park Street Broadway 0104 WE ST -MADE The Fifty-Year Desk (V