21 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTE3IBER 29, 1922 FOR SALE ACTO.MOBIIES. Automobile Wanted. WANTED. TVe do not want to take your Ford on consignment. We Rive you real I cash monev Tor your Ford. I TWIN TWO MOTOR CO.. INC.. I 609 Wash. St.. Jast Above l!th. Or call Brtwv 24SS for appointment. HAVE you been tryiig to aell your car with no results? Why not consign your car to us? We can sell it for cash. No charges (or storage, advertising or upkeep. USED CAR SALES CO.. 191 Grand ave. T. M. McDonald. East 4114. . TRY THIS. FREE SPACE TO DISPLAY YOUK CAR. Fine location, small com. charged when sold. SH Park si., cor. Oak. CARS wanted to wrtjcK- Jjarts for less. Ar Part. Po . T.'2'2 Alder. 8. W cor. 16th. Bwy. 3C:8. Mai, orders filled. WANT to trade for a good 5-passenger car. Phone Bdwy. 4ltl. Motorcy olen. USED MOTORO 1CLKS, all makes, lib eral terms; used parts Hl-T-Vc discount. tTAT cinir MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-4B Grand avenue. Distributors tor ACE. J READING STANDARD. CLEVfaLANU. HARLEY-DAV1DSON motorcycle. In ex cellent condition: exceptional buy at tBO; will not last long at this prlcee. Northwest Auto Co.. corner 18th and Alder. Broadway 14l0. 1921 EXCELSIOR, mechanically perfect. Just like new. $15u. 1U1M Excelsior: wonderful value at $75. See these at 530 Alder street. 1920 READING STANDARD motorcycle. Electrically equipped; new tires; Al shape. $S5. 457 Williams ave. N. CASH TALKS Power-plus Indian, just overhauled, dream tandem, new tires. $150. A peach. X 11.15, Oregonian. FtVR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2ll! Third St. Main B139. Automobiles for Hire. 'ACTOd FOB HIRE, with or without drivers, i jy and night service. CO'JCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 36BB. Remember Our Number Bdwy. 3B96. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 12th st. Broadway OS40. NEW 5-passenger automobile tor hire, with driver, hour, day or week. East 349S. ; 6-CYLINDER, 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. 3547. For Exchange AutomohUes. A NUMBER of Ford tourlrtff and road ster bodies, new tops, upnoistermg and oaintlnfir: will trade for old bodies, condition no object. East 1198. 845 Williams ave, WILL trade my Chevrolet chassis for chassis Vl or l-ton. write w nonon Bakery. St. Helens. 1917 7-PASS. for mortgage, lot or cheap for cash. AG 946, oregonian. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS, THE) WHITE COMPANY Offers You REAL BARGAINS hi USED TRUCKS. "WHITE 3-ton, formerly used by large corporation, therefore well taken care of. rebuilt by the WHITE) COM PANY a real truck for LOG or LUM BER $17C0 PACKARD 5-ton, for DUMP or LOGS, motor re built like new, all new tires. You owe It to yourself to see it. . 2500 MACK 5-ton long wheelbase for LU MB E R or LOGS. 1920 model and overhauled .... 8000 FORD 1-ton, on pneumatics.. 300 INTERNATIONAL 1-ton, fine body, 1922 license . . OLDS -ton. 1920, electric lights and starter. . PACKARD, 4-ton, overhauled SOO 400 450 MANY OTHERS. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. THB WHITE CO., S90 Flint St. Cor. Hancock. BANK SALE OF MASTER AND KISSEL TRUCKS. One of the leading Portland banks still has on hand a few new and used Master and Kissel trucks, all' sizes, which must be sold at once at prices that will surprise you. If you are in terested In trucks it will be to . your advantage to inspect these trucks and net our selling prices. Also has one only 3Vs Atterbury, newly equipped for wood haul. TERMS. NO BROKERAGE CHARGES. Removed from 341 Burnside to 10th and Stark sts. Phone Broadway 1641. Evenings and Sundays. Tabor 2739. FORD one-ton truck with wood saw; A-l condition; can handle on easy terms. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside sts. Bdwy 0521. TRUCKS To trade for lo'ts and city property. We have several used and new trucks. All makes and sizes. Northwest Auto Co., cor. lStb. and Alder. . Bdwy. 1460. OLDS ECONOMICAL -TON. Delivery; $650; cord tires; top con dition. FRALET, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. Bdwy 3281. 11th and Burnside sts. 4 -TON Bethlehem Truck Brand new. A wonderful buy. Easy terms to re Biponsible party. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. 2 & -TON Jumbo, overhauled and re painted. It's going to be sold cheap. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691. Eve.. East 2418. NEW and used trucks All kinds, sizes and prices. Easy terms. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. .. BRAND new 16 -ton Commerce truck, fully equipped, top and all. Pneumatic tires. Ready to go, $1100. Terms. No brokerage. 10th and Stark sts. STERLING, 1922 model, with license and ready to go. Come and get it, it's gone for half price. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Eve.. East 2418. 1920 FORD PANEL DELIVERY. $275. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. FORD truck, 1-ton. $100, and it's yours. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691. Eve., East 2418. FOR SALE Ford truck equipped for wood sawing, complete, $250 cash. 101 North 11th street. MACK and 3V2-ton, at a greatly reduced figure. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691. Eve., East 2418. FORD truck for sale cheap; good as new, all new tires; factory made body; must sell a- once. Atwiter 13 56. , C-TON truck with, wood body. Yours for $350. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691.J Eve. .East i!4i. GARAGES. FOR RENT A garage, building holds 3 cars; could be used for workshop; S. E. corner 8th and Beech st.. near Union ave. Bdwy. 5622. 305 Henry building. STORAGE $4 and $5 a month, fireproof building. U. S. Oarage. 351 First st. DEAD STORAGE. $4 per month, brick building. 120 Union N. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co.. 104 Park St.. between Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 6529. SECOND-HAND clothing wanted. Joe the Tailor pays lushest prices lor suits, overcoats; we call anywhere in the city. Call Main 2366 or 223 Madison, near 1st st. CLOTHING WANTED If you want' to sell cast-off clothing. Mar. 3225. Peo pie's Second-Hand Store, 209 Madiacn. WANT SHOTGUN OR RIFLE, TENT, HEATER. Bd wy. 7161. Auto. 627-46, 625-82. INDEPENDENT Paper Stock Co.. 4S3 Overton. Bdwy. 2003. Highest prices newspapers, magazines, waste paper. WE ARE in th market for EVERY THING. Furniture. tools, clothing. junk, etc. Call Main 4058. CANDY.MAKERS' equipment wanted; must be cheap for the money. 18G Qihbs st. WANTED Newspapers and magazine, tied in bundles. Will call and pay 50c 100 Iba. Call Empire 1339. DIAMONDS and gold bought: reliable estimates. Q. Cramer. 720 Selling bldg. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds. 340 Washington st. HIGHEST cash prices paid for rifles, shotguns. Hochfeld. 8, 3d. near Oak. SAFE Give size and lowest price. 8S3, Oregonian. WANTED Large size tricycle for child six years. Eat 2630. Mr. Lawion, WANTED MISCELI-AVEOl'S. SECOND-HAND CIXTHING WANTED MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS HIGH KST PRICKS FOR SUITS. OVER COATS. MACKINAW'S AND SHOES. WK CAI.r. KVKRYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL. AT WATER 1229 OR 253 MADISON. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING want ed: we pay the most for cast-off clothing and shoes. Call us. Bdwy. 2845. 129 North Sixth at. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN S J SLITS. OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC, BROADWAY 31132. 24514 BURNSIDE ST. BET. SECOND AND 1 THIRL. CALL ME BKFORE ANYONE ELSE SECOND-HAND suits and overcoatl We pay the highest prices. Oregon Tailors and Cleaners. 117 Second st N, W. corner Wash. Broadway 7244. WANT to buy one or two good offic desks nd chairs. Phone Bdwy. 5441 Furniture Wanted. CASH FilRXITL'RE CASH. Save money and "time; best posslbl prices paid for furniture, stoves, ranges and. all kinds of housenold goods to ship out of town; will pay more than otner local .dealers; call us for one article or a houseful; . a courteous, competent buver will call. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange, ri N. Third Ft. -Hawy. zjam PAY spot cash for second-band furni nir. ruers. narnete. stoves, dressers, tables, chairs, beds, dishes, everything vou want to sell or exchange. We pay more than anyone in town; youl call promptly attended to. CALL, EAST 8986. ' T.nf)K HRRR. SEE FOR YOURSELF. We are in the market for furniture nrt VioiifiphnM coo da. Also grafonoi a.nd nianos and we DaV all it's worth. One piece or a houseful. We always pay more than local dealers because we ship out or town. -uau main thjqq. f A T.r.'JM A IN 07.'H4. Tou paid for your furniture and household goods all it is worth. Why not get all it is worth now? When you call Main 0734 you will be auro you will get every cent it is worm now. Call Main 0734. ATVATE12t93 Call a fair and square man when selling your furniture, rugs and household goods, and I will pay you all It is worth; we will appreciate your call and attend to it immediately. Atwater 2593. r.AI.T. ATA IN RS7S. We pay the highest prices for nsed furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. CALL MAIN 8878. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: pay cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First St. AM FURNISHING a home, want rugs, stair carpet, bed springs and mattress, curtains, etc. ijdwy. WE WILL BUY vour furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker & Co., auctioneers. Main 6662, EDUCATIONAL. STEADY POSITIONS and GOOD SALARIES .for LINOTYPE OPERATORS. A shortage of competent operators already exists and thousands or type setting machines will be installed within the next few years. Prepare now. You can learn to op erate a Linotype in 13 weeks. Print ing m all its branches taught in from twelve to eighteen months. Easy terms. Address : Northwest School of Printing, N. 216-24 Division st.. Spokane, W ash. - DO YOU WANT A GOOD POSITION t Courses at the Adcox Auto School are longer and more expensive than most schools, but Adcox graduates earn more. Our record of helping, over 600 graduates to big paying jobs is the proof. Don't enroll else where until you have inspected our school. Call any day (except Saturday) at 10 A. M. or 2 P. M., or send for our big 1 12-page FREE catalogue. Ask for Book No, 5. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, 374 Wasco St.. cor. Union ave. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Tou want nothing but the best. Here it Is. Standardized with schools In 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and instructors. Ac . tual shop practice given on real re pair Jobq. Results absolutely guaran teed. The time for you to go to school is while business is quiet. Prepare now for big business opening In a few months. Inquire Oregon Institute of Technology, Main st. at Sixth. Ex service men get STATE AID. $25 FOR AUTO AND TRACTOR COURSE. Day or eyenlng classes starting Oct. 15; position guaranteed after comple tion of course. Call in person or mall your check or money, order. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOLS, Cor. 5th and Glisan, Near Union Depot. -Lowest Rate Ever Heard Of. BEGIN EARNING MONEY QUICKLY enroll tor aay or summer school at this great business college, the train ing school for success. Courses include comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat. Write or phone Main 590 for free catalogue.' BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fourth, near Morrison, Portland. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach the trade in 8 weeks, fur nish a set of tools to you and give you some pay while learning; positions se cured. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 283 Madison. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 weeks; tools furnished; some pay; position secured; special rate this month. Wrrite or call 234 1st st. TUTORING by experienced teacher, spe cialize in English, literature, common branches and Gregg shorthand. East 8851. . SALESMANSHIP course with Interna tional Correspondence School for cash. Can transfer this course. AU 87. Ore gonian. STUDY MASSAGE AND H YDROTHER APY Portland School of Massage. Inc., 414-15 Stock Exch. bldg." Main 2722. HATS made a.t your home, millinery classes opening In different districts. East 0936. Monday. BEAUTY parlor course evenings at spe cial summer rates. Madam Curtis, 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy 690'' MISS MATTINGLY'S shorthand - type writing school; individual instruction. 269 14th. near Jefferson. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele" graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Day and night classes. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt., mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. 512-13. TUTORING by college graduate with full teaching certification. All academic subjects handled. Call Main 2778. FISK TEACHERS' AGCY., Journal bldg'. iri.ni loot-. 'miunB jjuwuion; iree reg. YATES-FISHER Teacher Agency Free registration. ain oz t . sdwy. bldg. ft.v,Ow- OON'T KNOW MOVN tAUCH A.m.ew gum? - THE ISSVC tOtxbtR -TO THE -TMMcrA0 PeopLE OP THVS CotJGR.ETOU tSTRlCT- U ASK Tm-s w gom?"s AoRu or. V&.fcfc-jp -rHk-T TVTS HM FOR. CONCaCSS7 ; or s HELP TV A XTED MALE. NORTHERN PACIFIQ RAILWAY. MEN WANTED. At rates preserved by the United States Labor Board, as follows: MACHINISTS. 70 cents per hour. BLACKSMITHS. 70 and SO cents per hour. BOILERMAKERS, 70 cents per hour. FREIGHT CAR MEN. 43 cents per hour. Apply -to Any Roundhouse or Shop, or to Superintendent NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. LABORERS .WANTED. $3.60 8 HOURS. BOARD $1.05 PER DAY. BLANKETS FURNISHED. FREE FARE. LONG JOB. APPLY 326 WORCESTER BLDG., 3d, AND oak; SPOKANE, PORTLAND & SEATTLE RAILWAY COMPANY. RAILROAD MECHANICS WANTED. STRIKE CONDITIONS. 840 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. BOY WITH WHEEL TO RUN RANDS AND DO GlsJIS JUtAJ-. yjrrx WORK; ONE WITH AT LEAST GRAMMAR SCHOOL EDUCATION PREFERRED; MUST HAVE BEfcT REFERENCES. GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY AFTER 9 A. M. 712 ELECTRIC BUILDING DISABLED ex-service men, trained by the government in 92. dirrerent voca tions, are now available for employ ment; these skilled men are furnished at no cost to the employer or to the employe. United States Veterans' Bu reau, Myler bldg., 9th and Oak sts. Broadway 7621. - YOUNG man of neat and pleasing ap pearance for advertising solicitor tor dally newspaper ; must be energetic and willing to work; state newspaper experience if any; also give age. refer ences and salary expected. Address AV 106, Oregonian. , WANTED Bunch of good carpenters, $7, 8 hours, southern Calirornia; iare aa vanced free if stay 30 days; also bridge and building carpenters at Sacra mento; free fare, winter's job. Ad dress 224 Burnside st. Butts & Oak Employment Co. WANTED Firt-class, all around auto mobile mechanic and trouoie snooter. steady work for right man; must be under 30 years and able to meet pub lic ; no chronic crabs or windbags wanted. Tourist Garage, East 6th. and Morrison. STENOGRAPHER, YOUNG MAN, FOR LUMBER OFFICE, Sri OKI DIHTAJNtJtii FROM CITY; CHANCE FOR AD VANCEMENT; $125; CALL EARLY. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, 504 SPALDING BLDG. WANTED First-ciass custom shirt cut ter; one capaDie ot nananng tne trade. Wages no object to right party. G. T. GRELLNER, the Shirt Man. 464 Union Ave. N. East 53S9. YOUNG man, 18 to 21; require reason able speed on typewriter, no snortnana necessary ; opportunity for advance ment; in wholesale house; state age, experience and references. BG S72, Oregonian. i WANTED Experienced Ford parts man; must be aggressive ana not atraid oi work ; for such a man here is a big opportunity; give reference, age and experience. B 951, Oregonian. MEN who are desirous of becoming high- grade and efficient salesmen, perma nent connection and chance for ad vancement. Determination all we re quire. 413 Corbett bldg. NOTICE. Wanted Several young men and boys over 16 with wheels, city work. Good chance for advancement. Apply to C. W. Loop, 253 Oak st. WANTED Exp. man to take care of mortgage loan department or large financial Institution. State experience, references and beginning salary. A J 920, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, over 21, fjan aecure steady employment immediately and make a week or more easily; experience not essential. Call room 428. 102 2d st WANTED Quick, speedy salesman. quick money; verification contract Portland's leading theater programme. Apply W 1000. Oregonian. DVERTISING solicitors, experienced only; trades papers, weeklies, month lies. Ouick commission. Clyde Co., 208 Stock Exchange. WANTED Pointer; must be good work man, to paint a nouse inside and out. Will supply the material. Bdwy. 6622. 305 Henry bldg. CHEF Must be good dinner and short order man, $35 week; 2d cook, $3.50 a shift. Lewes Employment, 43i N. 2d. TWO CANVASSERS wanted. Auto fur nished. Call before 9 A. M. 110 Grand ave. EXPERIENCED cake baker at once at Durnwald's bakery, 917 Broadway, Ta coma. Wash. SIX MEN to take contract cutting cedar poles'. Must have own camp outfit and tools. Call at 222 Couch st. YOUNG men for railway news service, blue serge suit and $25 security re quired. 131 N. 5th st. POSITION as clerk by pharmacist with experience; registered in either Idaho or Oregon. AV HQ. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card writer, dry goods, furnishings. Apply mornings 9 to 10 171 3d st. EXPERIENCED bushelman for ladies' and men's goods. Give references. L 978. Oregonian. WANT boy about 14 to carry route. Rec ord abstract. 92 First s. lO0 7o PEOPLE - A OF WVWCX? mwta. A OFFER? NertHlN& VNE HKMP. EN.006W ME:N UKE HIM HELP WANTED MALE. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 ANKENY ST.. COR. SECOND, LEADING LUMBER OFFICE PACIFIC COAST. LOGGERS FOR COLUMBIA RIVER CAMPS. Fare Advanced. Two buckers, 3ic M.; 3 sets fallers, 35c M., or $5.50 and $5.75; 3 chasers, $5; 10 choker setters $5 and up; 2 sec--ond rig men, $5.50; 4 wood buckers and splitters. $4: 3 sets fallers, close In, $5.25 and $5.50. Other positions in hourly. SOUTH McLOUD, CAL. SHIP TONIGHT FREE FARE. 4 sets fallers, contract; 6 short-log buckers, 6 long-log buckers on con tracts; S choker setters; 4 chasers. This is in white pine district. See us fit office regarding wages. Company furnishes room and board. LARGE CAMP, TILLAMOOK LINE FARE ADVANCED. 3 sets fa 1 lers, $3. 85 and $6. 1 2 ; 4 choker setters, $5.67; 3 buckers, $5.40; board per meal, 35c. This camp will run all winter. Get in now. See us today. NlfRTH To Grays Hnrbor, Wash. Fare Advanced. Mill and yard men, .'S.23 and $3.50; young men for box factory, $3. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO., FREE FARE TO SACRAMENTO, CAL. 10 carpen'ers for , B. & B. gang, snowshed work in Sierra Nevada moun tains. Ship tonight. SOUTH MILL CITY OR HAMMOND LUMBER CO. FARE ADVANCED. 3 sets fallers, 30c M. or $4.80 and $5; 5 buckers. asc M. or $4.80; 6 choker setters, $4.50: 3 chasers. $4. SO. LARGE CAMP. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. FARE ADVANCED. ' BED FURNISHED. 3 rig-up men, $5; 3 choker setters. $5; 3 woodsplitters, $3. SO; 2 signal punks, $3. SO. LATE SPECIALS. 2 tiers, planing mill, 3.60. " 1 duplex loading engineer, $6.57. ' 1 bull cook, $60. room and board, v . 2 resaw men, $:.60 and $4. 1 man and wife, cooks, log camp, reference required; $250. 1 edgerman, $7.50. 1 resawyer. $6. 3 0 graders, log road, $4. 6 section men, log road, $4. SEE US TODAY WE CAN PLACE YOU. EXPERIENCED driver for tailor And cleaning shop, neat appearing, aoie to get new business; state references in first letter. al h.?, ureRonian. WANTED Young man clerk. Give reference, gonian. for grocery AH 697. Ore- WANTED Experienced coremaker; 3 good carpenters . for high work; open shop, city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg. OFFICE boy $4(1. lumber stenographer $125. Business Placement Service. 540 Morgan bl d g. ' WANTED Errand boy with bicycle. Apply D C. Wax office equipment house. 24 N. fith st. TWO door -patchers, out of town. $5, 8 hours work. Irwin. 420 Lumbermens bldg. STEADY pin boys over 16. Apply after 11 A. M. at Oregon Alleys, 86 hk Broad way. WANTED Capable Chinese or Japanese houseboy, good cook; references. 369 10th st. Main 1480. SINGLE man wanted to work on ranch; must be good milker. Write F. D, Dungan, Kelso, Wash. WANTED Bids for grading and gravel ing roads near Mt. Tabor. Phone At water 3324. CARPENTER Handy man. close in; small wages, board. Oregonian. Ranch, AN 963, BARBER wanted; steady work; on per centage. 247 Couch st. STEAM FITTER, set radiators and pipe. 144 Russell st . WANTED Man with gasoline saw to cut cord wood'. 300 Burnside. WANTED Apple pickers with camping outfit. Phone 766. White Salmon. Wash. WANTED Spinner. Apply Woolen Mills. 305 Oak st. WANTED A farm hand and milkfer. 622-64. MAN, WIFE, contract dig 32 acres po 'tatoeg, place line. Main 0127. BOY OR GIRL to learn photography, fine opportunity. No pay. Fink Studio- Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED, GENTLEMAN SALESMAN. We want salesmen of high character who think in terms of $5000 per year and up, permanent, with plenty of op portunity to advance to executive po sitions. We teach you the business and give everv possible co-operation. Call at; 1108 Wilcox bldg. , WE WANT experienced high-grade sales men with clean, successful records and forceful personality, can sell Wayne self-measuring pumps and oil tanks; a splendid opportunity is offered real salesman of ability; liberal commis sion contract: have territory open near Portland. Wayne Tank & Pump Co. San Francisco. Cal. See H. F. Boies, Multnomah hotel. HAVE opening for salesman ; experi ence not necessary but lots of nerve; a real proposition, nice- work, big money ; must have car. 405 Stock Exchange bldg., Third and Yam hill sts. WANTED MEN WITH SOME EX PERIENCE SELL STOCK IN AN ES TABLISHED MANUFACTURING CONCERN. GOOD COMMISSION; PRODUCT HAS A NATION-WIDE MARKET. CALL EAST 5346. ASK ; FOR MR. MURPHY FOR APPOINT MENT. SALESMAN WANTED. We have an opening for a live sales man with car; unusual opportunity for the right man. See Mr. Symmonds, with COE A. McKENNA & CO., ARTISANS BLDG. BDWY 7522." SALESMEN Write for list of lines and full particulars. Earn - $2500 to $10, 000 yearly. Big demand for men. In experienced or - experienced, city or traveling. Nat'l. Salesmen's Tr. Assn.. Dept. 274. Chicago. CHEVROLET salesman wanted to work on straight commission basis, down payment -on demonstrator required. Apply sales manager. Fields Motor Car Co.. 14th and Alder. LOS ANGEI?KS "manufacturer wants re sponsible distributor for article in great demand ; experience not neces sary; no competition; restricted terri tory. 443 Burnside. HIGH-CLASS office salesmen wanted. Sure-fire seller. Biggest kind of money. Lynch & Co., 504 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. Out of town please write. TWO specialty salesmen to sell a real article. Apply 1 to 3 P. M.. 6:30 to 8 P. M., 23 Arline Apts.. 17th and Love joy. REPUTABLE and established firm hag opening for first-class salesman ; per manent, position ; unusual income pos sibilitiea. 801 Wilcox bldg. SALESMAN wanted to sell well-known brands of cigars for country territory. Apply by letter only. Brown Cigar Co., Inc.. 124 North Broad wa y. MAGAZINE or newspaper salesmen, city work; publishers' own offer; no money collected in advance. 428 Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark. EXPERIENCED salesman to sell flat and income property, 351 Ankeny. WANTED Salesman with car. Liberal commission.' AE 025. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS salesman to sell west side homes. 351 Ankeny st. THE GUMPS HE Hfc-VNEi fQR. THE. WV)NtRET VEtEHT HAS WE TO TWO WE VS IN CON6RESS WOVO - ' WANTED AGENTS. MEN AND WOMEN to sell our products to housewives; our agents sell in three out -of four houses; no experience nec essary; we teach you; we guarantee a minimum return to right parties. Home Chemical Products Co., 652 Thurman. HEALTH, accident and hospital insur ance; big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG lady for general office work 'on Saturdays only. Must have a pleasant voice, be able to hear distinctly over the telephone, write a legible hand and possess good common sense and judg ment. Thts is an especially good op portunity for a young lady attending school. Address AB 97S. Oregonian, stating age and qualifications. THE MEIER & FRANK company re quires the services of several exper ienced barbers for children's haircut ting department, permanent position. Apply personally or write the employ ment bureau, Gth floor, giving infor mation relative to experience and sal ary desired. Meier & Frank Co. WOMAN wanted to worK in cannery at Vancouver. Wash. ; good wages and carfare paid from Portland and return each day. Apply, ready for work. Ore gon Packing Co. Canneries. 9th and Hill sts.,, Vancouver. For information call East 6096. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER wanted m Portland office by logging and timber company one who under stands lumber preferred; give exper ience and salary expected. BD 991, Oregonian. . LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 Ankeny St.. Cor. 2d. 1 lady waitress, log camp, experi An reonired, $60, r. and bd.; nr phone calls answered. HIGH school or college trained lady to travel, to meet teachers and students. No- selling, pay salary and railroad fare. Give phone, age, qualifications. BF 851. Oregonian. " t WANTED A good woman to clean a 3-room apartment one day each wek; also to do the laundry. Must be thor oughly competent and reliable. None other need apply. AM 1000. Oregonian. COMPETENT girl for cooking and gen eral housework ; three in family, no washing, good wages. J 423 Northwest ern Bank bldg. Main 0964. ( WIDOWER and daughter going to the prune and apple orchard wishes lady to go to care for daughter. AB 9S4, Oregonian. A.n i' GIRL in netl of a friend apply to the Saivation Army White Shield Home. May fair and Alexander sts. Pnone Main 3450. DM car. GIRL or woman to assist with house work in ,6-room bungalow, and care of 2 children; good home; wages $30. Tabof 8422. WANTED Experienced woman waitress at 27 Grand ave. N., near East Burn side. --No phon e calls.- WANTED- Housekeeper, no children. Write full particulars. Box 1U, Route 2. J. W. Carse. Carlton, Or. WANTED 'Experienced chocolate dip pers; must be A-l. True Blue Biscuit Co.. E. 6th and Davis sts. KJ TOU CHER warned: mut be lirwt- class. S teff ens-Co! eman Studio, 21S Piatt bldg. Park and Washington. CHORUS girls, pome experience neces sary. Apply Baker theater, between 12 and 1. WANTED Girl to work 3 to 4 hours a day at $0 per week. Apply at 314 2d st. South. GIRL or woman wanted for dishwashing and kitchen clea ning from 11 to 4. Sunnyside Restaurant. 01)1 Belmont st. EXPERIENCED winders and spoolers wanted. Columbia Knitting Mills. 212 Vg First st. ; MIDDLE-AGED lady to care for aged lady invalid. Very little housework at McMinnviile. AN 040. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced children's nurse. City references; prefer one who speaks French. AG 916. Oregonian. THE FLORENCE CRITTEXTOX horn- is ready to help any girls in distress. 055 East GUjsan. "MV" car. East 0316. GIRL to assist with light housework in a small family; no small children. Tabor 020 0. EXPERIENCED millinery makers, year ly positions, highest wages. Elsie Hat o.. Artisans bldg. WANTED High school girl to assist with general housework. Sundays free. East 6640. HOUSE and small wages to stenogra pher, 17 males out on highway and Sandy river. AM 910. Oregonian. LADY to take care of baby by month, reasonable. A K 930, Orr gonian. GIRL or woman to assist with general housework. East 6645. GIRL to work in restaurant. urday, 240 Bu rnside st . Apply Sat- GIRL to learn the tailoring trade. 133 4th. Eagle Tailor. , EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 484 Washington st. - GOOD club and hotel cook, $70 month ; ring. Sell. 1700. GIRL wanted for general housework- Walnut 0291. Wanted Domestics. THOROUGHLY experienced children's nurse. References required. High wages. Main 6339. ' WANTED Girl for general housework. Would consider colored man and wife. 891 Westover road. Main 5995. GIRL for general housework ; must be neat, reliable and fond of children. Tabor 5260. GIRL for general housework and cook ing; small family. Apply 215 N. 24th St. Phone Main H3HN. RELIAjBLE woman for cooking and gen eral housework, small family, good wages, no washing. Atwater 3iof. EXPERIENCED .girl for .general house work. Very best wages. Small family. Main 832G. WANTED Reliable girl for light house keeping; small family, no washing. Call Main 60SO or 725 Kearney. WANTED Girl . for general housework in family o 4; wages $40, no wasntng. Call Tabor 2274. , A DEPENDABLE woman for general housework; you can go home nights if desirable. Call 71 a Fatton road. EXPERIENCED girl general housework; water 0419. for cooking wages $50. and At GIRL for general housework in small family. East 5025. WANTED Girl f or , general housework. Phone East 5440. GIRL about 20 to a-s&lst with houaework, $2-5. East 7447. WANTED Girl to assist with genera! housework. Phone Tabor 0402. WOMAN for housework in suburban home, city conveniences. Main ti!4.. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply QUO Lovejoy st., mornings. WOMAN for house work. Inquire of Mrs. Mclntyre, 514 5th st. GIRL or woman wanted to help with housework, $30 month. Sell. 246!. COMPETENT nursegirl for child. 3 years. 687 Davis, neart 21st and Washington. GOOD GIRL for general housework. East 24th N. Auto. 334-54. ASSISTANT for housework and of child. East 3164. Mrs. Bailey. GIRL wanted for general housework. 'Phone Main 7344. EXPERIENCED Bdwy. 2027. or and capable Atwater 4'!74. WANTED Girl to assist with down stairs work and cooking. At. 1010. GIRL for housework; references required. Tabor 033fl. GOOD cook; general housework ; no washing; 3 adults. Call Main 0321. THE RED FLAG 1 SPEV0Nfa MntMcvf KAONES HE RECEVEl -FW.OHAA KWONAJS HDVJJ 60C naa r fc-tS t MORt NOW EARS H CONCiRtSS- MOT EVE.N Vr40EViSRUH H "WE POV.VTICAU TAMQE,.- HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domewtirs. RELIABLE. CAPABLE. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED GIRL TO DO COOK ING AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK. DO NOT APPLY UNLESS YOU WISH PERMANENT POSITION. TWO IN FAMILY. ALL ELECTRIC APPLI ANCES. WAGES $50. PHONE MAIN 7625. - - WANTED Middle-aged woman tor housework in small modern home in country. Call Cornelius hotel, Port land. 1 o'clock, Sept. 30. Mrs. Dan W. Jordan. Parkdale, Or. WOMAN for family cook in nice pri vate home; good wages; must be ex perienced. Mrs. J. L. Bowman, 645 Knott st. (Irvington car.) Phone East 4315. WANTED Woman for general house work; all electrical conveniences; good wages: adults employed all day. Call after 6:30 P. M. 3Ui E. 12th st., N. Telephone East 5831 GIRL wanted to do general housework: must be steady; no washing or ironing. Apply in person. 575 E. 12th N., near Knott, or" call East 4219. ( A VERY desirable pop&ion In family is open for imTuediaK private accept ance. References required. Appiy i person. HS9 Overton st.. near Jttth. WANTED A girl to assist in cooking and general housework; two in family, modern home, good wages. Address SSI East 12th st. N. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; gas furnace. Call at 295 E. 11th st. N., corner Clackamas; take Irving ton car. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work and plain cooking : new houe ; good wages. Alameda Park. Walnut 3939. COOKING and laundry work: girl of ex perience only; references required ; no upsta irs work or ervin ; family of two adults; wages $60. Call Main 6045. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, two adults and one child; wages $40. Sellwood 2879. GENERAL housework, all downstairs; good wages, very desirable place. 460 East 17th North. GIRL for general housework in family of 3 adults. East 5871) between 0 and 12 A. M GIRL to assist with general housework. 2 in family. $60 month. Call 440 Lar rabee. YOUNG GIRL for general huusewortt; no knowledge cooking required; 3 in fam ily. Phone Walnut 3137. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. APPLE picker.s and sorters ; also team ster and wife; wife help in cookhouse; board reasonable; bring blankets. " 11. F. Negaard, White Salmon. Wash. HELP WANTED1 WITH INVESTMENT. t A k'LN b.K in stabusned woous.i W Oust cess; plenty work; inke from ii to day 5i. Swpiland bldir SIT1ATION3 WANTED MALE. POSITION as janitor, gardener, eleva tor nr watchman; good references; must have work, have sick wife. Henry Riddy. 564East Bth. Sellwood 1109. MAN AND WIFE want employment in hotel, rooming house or restaurant: re liable, experienced ; good references. Add resa AO 051), Ore gonian. PAINT YOUR HOUSE WITH LEAD AND OIL: BATHROOM FREE. AU TOMATIC 628-40. ; WANTED Gardening, grading; first class landscape gardener. Broadway 4201. WANTED By man and wife, to manage hotel, in or out of city ; references' given. AO 945, Oregonian. CARPENTER contractor; building, alter ing, repairing; estimates. C. J. Smith, 92 N. 3d. Broadway 1975. WANTED Work of any kind for 2-ton truck. $1.50 hour or will contract any thing, Atwater 20S3. LOO houses, summer homes. rustic bridges. cobblestone "work. Expert wants job. AO iit'4, Orpgonian. WANTEu Evening work trom ti P. M on by two students North Pacific Den tal college. Phone Eawt 2HM. EXPERIENCED driver wishes position In afternoon, or evening far private! family; best of reference-;. Tabor L'031. WANTED Position as Ford stock man or will work as helper until position ope n. Call East 1080. WANTED Position as watchman; re liable and have experience. Address 472 Going, or phone Walnut 14!li. PAINTING, papering. Let me do you a first-class job at a reasonable price. Jenkins. Tabor 1)334. MILKER, single, American, can handle any line of dairy work; want a steady job. A J i44. Or e gonian YOUNG man, 20, wants position In elec trical shop or woodworking plant. Can also drive cars. Wal. lniifi. EXPERIENCED truck mechnnlc wlshea position wit h truck company. Call at 2J6 Harrison st., room 6o. MARRIED man wants permanent In side job, am handy at anything. Phone Bdwy. 2 S '. f2 . Harr y Gordon. FLOOR surfacing and finishing, waxing, polishing. W. H. Tibbits. 403 Slid av.:. S. E. Tabor 4o52. . FINISH carpenter wants work ; ences given ; $6 day. AN 1)4(1. nlan. refer-Orego- COOK, combination experience. In or out cf city. Phone Atwater 241)3 or write BC 9N2. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS all-around cook and merit cutter wishes work, hotel or cafe, in city or out. AB 025. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, Swiss, wishes steady po sition, able to do any kind of work. AP 91)5. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Walnut 2407. painting, tinting, etc. GROCERY clerk. 12 years' in and out of town. Hl 002 experience Oregonian. CARPENTER UNEMPLOYED. MODELING DONE. WAL. 1(103. CAMP cook and lady waitress. Oregonian. WANT position taking care of a duck lake this season. E B54, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by draftsman. X 01)7, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED landscape gardener, new lawns, shrubs, rockeries. Tabor 701 3. PAINTING and roof staining done j once, prices reasonablf. East 43ftP. FAMILY garden work, caretaker. Mr. Bacon. houseclea nlng. Main 4032. YOUNG man, handy around autos. can drive afy make. Tabor 025. PLUMBER Firsr-class work done any where. East 4S52. HUSKY lad, 3d year high, work after noon a n d Sa t u rd a vs. Main HO 40. HOUSE painted. $50-$05; rooms tinted. $l-$5; papering. 35c roll. Walnut fi0S4. EXPERIENCED man wants work as janitor or watchman. Tabor S770. PLUMBER wants small jobs; expert re pairs: low p ri c eg. W n 1 n u t 4743. J A 1NTING. tinting. papering. expert tjnters; lowest prices. Walnut 14.S4. CARPENTER A NO. 1 BUILDER OF HOMES. JOBBING. TABOR 3323. RESH INCJLING and repairing, roof work of all kinds. Walnut 0211. ROOF leak? I fix it by ex p. man. Broadway 6834. or Walnut fi0S4. PAINTING, tinting, papering; eat i mates furn. A. C. Kinder & Co.. Atwater 1828 PAINTING, tinting, papering; good worit . reaaonable. Sellwood 1390. CEMENT WORK; HAVE MIXERS. PHONE TABOR 6781. PLUMBING and repairing, beat work, reasonable. Tabor 8724. Eaat 933 TEAMING, plowing, Kast 0210. excavating. UWEtviuSM- it V.- re ,r. - I ry-' ' ! S0VA THVt 6vth tHEE 1 f i '1 "r 'I i l l S EHOVJdW PouCl TK. I 1 ' P' I 1 J Utt,aiJB.3SH H ME j , W 3 TO WAKE A 6oot H f B P JT 'J WHlf- iVrAt VMHEH " J J Jl 3 6tt TMKOWfaH vyvm WINA VX, ' ji 11 ip i VX.X.K. THtMK SIMON 7 6Re.E. VV-A-& yty wnH tHthEv-- . I Ip SITUATIONS W A N T E II M - LB. EMPLOYERS ' One f the things the Tortlsnd T. M C. A. does lm tq sort men over for par ticular Jobs, or positions. If you ahoul J need a man for any pos:tlon we mill be glad to sort over a Urge number of snen, without expense or obi gallon to you. ard znako available twj or three men. with their credentials, from whom you may make sWecnon. Call Main SiOO and ask for advisory and employ rnrt department. SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING liien greater profits, quicker turnovt-r, ftpBher stock, and creates a modern popular store policy. Ltt me take care of your advertising on & weekly or monthly basis, and Judge by results. Gerald A. Miles. UM Borthwlck St. Walnut 6202. S W EDISH farmer, tnurrit d. no children, wants poMtiun to take charge of a farm, close in; have many year' expe rience from Texas and California; if It is possible, wife prefers work, is firwt claHs ook; good refs. Chs. Johnson. 4 tU Davis st. Phne Bruadwuv HI4. VNTED Salesman want opening, city or road, commission basis, preferred, txpentfiiced millinery, sieam boilers and some groceries, but will tackle a different one; have own car. Call me up. Vance. Tabor 7tK5 or route 4. box "70. Portland WILL pay $15 to one instrumental in securing me permanent employment of any kind; 27 years of age, marrl l, good personality, carpenter bv traua ; no comiiiissiuii work. AB 904. ore- gonian. AUTO "MECHANIC, married. 1" years experience in high-cladM repair shops, 5 years' foreman experience-; oxy Wfid ing and machine work; would consider . od country town shop. AO 9S0, Ore gonian. t-HlNtiLlNG We pe-lalize In rehin gling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract ; eat is faction auui an teed, esti matp.i tree. East 192. MACHINIST and eDKUi-'T tlmroUKhly ex perienced in the operation and repair of construction machinery, both Meam and gasoline driven, desires position: well equipped with hand t no! s. Walnut 5-12S, PHARMACI ST regi h t e redTrT"V a s h in g t on and Oregon, years of exivri'-nce a nd capable businens man. Wlwhua pom-.L lion manager, clerk or reiut. l a bur r722. 1116 Arnold st. t Si AN with family wishes position on ranch, experienced in grain or -Mock ; have plenty of help; ran handle a good sized place ; references the b st. A R 930. Oregonian. PA IXTJNG. papering, Kaisomining ; prices lowest, material and workman ship guaranteed, estimate free. Tabor 238. WANTED Ity a first-claa auto machnt iHt; can take charge; have had eight years' experience ; can run lathe : bewt references. Box 305. Carlton, Or. HOUSE WIRING. Let me give you an estimate on your wiring before letting your contract. Licensed electrician. Walnut 5091. COLLECTu R. good a I '-sin an. t homuKliiy xperienced, competent and reliable; acq ii h in ted with city ; best refeiences. ii 902. Or-'Ronlan. , CARPENTERING and general repairing and overhauling ; no job too Miiall or large ; atif action guaranteed. Let me Kiyy you a figure. Phony East 1942. W ANTE I liy reliable young man posi tion as collector on commission or work with wages: prefer hof el work. Phone Kajt 4ti4. or A R9 10. Oregon Ian. CARPENTER, ali-ruund mechanic, work $5.50 tiny, have machine. AK 991. Orcuoninn. JANITOR. Aut. fi.-i.") experienced, waniM w ork. Kl. Bookkeepers, teiiucriiulie r. Of fice. Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Has available for immediate call, ex pert accountants, bookkeepers, uten orrapher, timekeeper. comnilfnarv clerks and auto mechanics. Call Main S7O0 and ask for W. A. Eliot of the advisory and employment department. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and account ant deMrcar position; able to take cnarK" of office ; be.t of reference. Tabor 5144. ACCOUNTANT, litarri.-d, 14 -ar exp. rence, best references: can start imme diately. AP IH2, Oregonian. SITt'ATIO X W A NT E I F F. M A I. K. THOROUGHLY respect a ble. unincum bered middle-aged Indy. with a few hundred dollars. wanta to meet Protestant lady with some money, t ibject, business partner. A R lot hi, t r gonian. WOMAN. VERY CAPABLE. WANTS Rt JOMI NG HOUSE To MA N A G E ; PONDS IK NECESSARY. MISS GRAHAM. 25 PARK ST. YEARS' experience in general insur ance. Can handle fire, automobile', accident Insurance and surely bonds. AO 15". (T''Kninn, WILL care for children afternoon and evenings while mother ia away ; ref erences. Walnut 1 ti 1 1 LADY wants to learn the millinery trade. Will pay tuition for quick ad vancement. Ao iW'J, or-goninn. UlK L wants vvoTK hi wait less or eery clerk; call between 1 and 4 Phone East 24H2. FRENCH LADY wants private st udents or position as governess. AJ 1)50, Ore gonlan. GOOD laundress and cleaner wislie i; or more hours, Fri., Sat. Uroadway 7237, room 27 . EXPKRIICNCED woman wants washing, ironing, 35 cents hour, carfare. Wed.. Thurs.. Friday. Main 4033. LA DY wants dy wbrk. ing. Rdwy. 033 no huuaecleun- LADY wishe management of apartment: can give references. AO 943. Oregonian. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Weil., Thurs. ; references. Walnut li 11 . WILL cure fur anil entertain cniidren during dy : references. Auto, tt :-t - .;. WILL care for children afternoons und evenings. Atwater 3!Mll. WANT typing and general Atwater 2."35. if fice work. COM PETE NT women wishes d;iy work; nursing, ee wing, laundry. M.tin 0254. LADY with schoolboy wants work fore noons for board, room. Walnut 3410. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. E. til KB. WOMAN wanta housework by day or hour. K OKI. Oregonian. PIANO teacher, lady, experienced. sonahle. wishes pupils. Fast 0318. COLOltlOl) girl want Unlit work where two in family. Call it.m-y. irm-t. GI RL wants children's clothes to makfl Ciill Hdwy. 1303 EXPERIENCED day worker will care for children evenings. East 041. Bookkeepers. Stenographcra. Office. THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau furnishes all kinds of office workers, (rood types of girls registered. Refer ences carefully investigated. Main 4HJ. STKNUGHAPHKRS, bookkeepers. lf:.;a help of all description; quick service Call Bdwy. Off 53. William Personnel Service. 504 SpaMInir bldr EX PE KI EN't'ED bookkeeper-cashier, can handle large volume uf work : ready for position Oct, 1. Atwater 0230 1 INTELLIGENT, exp'Ji'icncefl MenoKra- pher desires temporary work im me diately. Th hor 21 70. F X I'KRJKNTHD stenographer. perma nent or tern porary : law office pre ferred. Sellwood 3030. EXPERIENCED In stenography, general office work, good education; reference. East So.'tl. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. K EX PE RI EXCKD in bookkeeping, stenog raphy and insurance. Atwater 235. MTIMTION V4NTFI-mi U.K. t IlMkkrfrr,niert41hrra.5f "", STENOGRAPH EK wan led tor poUn which ha good potitlitl for bu ne training experience delraid, but bentnner will be ninmirl, normal or College (rattling preferred. Position will require exceptional o roiiallt y and r--ourc Milne-. Proteatant preferred. AH tlKl, oregonian YoT'N'G Hteuographer willing t a'art al niodera t wages dires yttmil nn at on.-f. l;n K 5oth t. - .Ol NGJady daire lpwuUii to du li home. Tahor 4JS. l re m a k r r. THE GLAD SHOP. Capen, coat m, dreiei for morn Wig, afternoon, evenlnn; epert workman- hip; latent tali and winter !) moderate price. Main 354. l"0i II road wnjf hldK. DRKSSM AK I NO Abanlute mracl ' - guaranteed. Main 7171, apt. i- ph o n number. A FEW more etigH(t"llieiil b" day Wfi-k or month; will iea cur. Emm' - i 1 1 . U 1 1 fcS MAKIMi A i ; woik u.4ial 4 d.iy. Call Main 3113, eveninu. If-ed. Mia. C. U -n. Silts. W. W. HEN ha mo-d from H 13'h xt. to M Mnjt Kt. M in DRESSMAKING and nMin, Tabor 7J-'. Addrew 1H45 KaKtGrntirt. IIKMSTITCH lNiV. any color. KnllKh hid 3-7 Wash. Hdwy DRKSSMAKKK. makeover tw Unreal c-ivi-n. Aftr P M . IMy. f" iirara. UiUITATK nuts cat -jt n id tt-rniw t.. ; r tal middle -. -n : Hicht tin tie; K irr"n1fn. NT KSi; Ca ny Hind. k t r ''ted fun" Moiiekecrra. LA DY ilh daughter w am rnanalte mnt hotel or apt. houe; liuMtand em p.oved ; do all rep. inn. 1" year' 1 . t e r i n '-c A w a rl3 , A CAPABLE tutinf.M onin would l.k to a jmlf t in carl nie for a .t . hf-u", oi will t;ike charii evening for r"om. A U 15. re on la n A KKKl.NKK hi n oman would d c like iddle-MKfl or ii'iUM- II -I UK k.-epinif AN '.! KKI.lAHl.K widow w Hill hotutt keeper. Call Mr. 4." 4t. Urovvn. Tattof ELl'KKI.Y w.,i for widower 'reirnntnn. !) lll tllfU (dam home. M-eir. A P t:m. W'TF1) TO Rr.MT. Ilouitra. WAN Thill 5 or it- r n in ninhed. to iffii fn Ck - i tile to K en t oil Inn borne. fur t im wlnt'-r: nc dlt rid ; buidne in h n :i nd w '. fV. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT C . Hdwy. 4751. lifnHoi-w. 4 1 0 Henry I'M FAMILY cf ihr. c wi n u rrnt or 7-i in modern huiiKu-ow on H?u liv or Irv titaton cur or et idc. HC Orr Koniin. WE HAVE n.aiiy cal im f.r hour ar.d f:at and can rent cur; let u handia your oropert and collect your roti C. A WA 1 N ' . Z'A Star k FOR the winter. al'rt tiiut t r hou. i room; reputMlile tfiiatif; flat l Hon. particular and price. K. ut (T on i.i n. ItiMJitM Midi Ifcmrri, W ANTED Hy one or two ii tnun In hi 1tN ne If .1 ratfe wrier.- tlwre are oth young A E 1M1, i n-cKoni.in. WA NTKD Room and Ih vii te family on w.-wt a rd It h pri de for youni; Indy employed. A't "". Oregon TW colli a Kirln wikIi (m ap pine 1 1 board and room. I-.l t r'gontit n. 12-YEA li-OLD hoolbny mI Lei will paV $-M per month for e Call at .".:i'H tooth tt KOK RKNT. Ho A R t tit it t. M i : n ..". I Furnished Ko'inu. iYo;i Kl.7-5 Vi anhilitlioti ft ANdKI.A A chii. repeclablf Pi''" to 11; trmm phoii'-s in ea h room . automatic ele vator. JaiK coinfort.ib iotihy; ftu rant in coiin- l Ion ; near 'a oh - n at nit park. Multnomah t.ub ana h )iia-, reaonMbic rate. dv. w a or ""nV' ,, lit TLlT CI. I FF 'l -H." PRINCIPAL K A ST MI'K HTU1.. FAST MOitHISoN ST. AT 1 - S T rt Til: uriKT, DIGNIFIKD AND RKKINKD: 11.25 PKK DAY.ttiPKK Wk. AND 1 P, roNVr.NIKN T A II. N h ! I IT A ItA'iK LOVELY imm et moV room and t.:h In an exclusive aid houe; Him a vr lartre hHi'helor suite im lild.h pllio: beautifully furnished : wli lent ( J or 3 refined :.-nt 1 -men. nil M. Claire. come r W h . Ii I ii ii t i . . N K V If T 1 : 7Fo5t Kit. X. 3d and' Da v i t. Clean, airy rooms, hot ami en Id water; st.-aiu h'-wt. fr-e b-ih, fire proof. lurtC't comfoi'tahlo lobby. Rat .'hp day up THK HitYT H rf I.L Six t h h nd Mnvi Si . lffera diirma itf wmi r litl. ited II tlttJ bi-r oi I .i.'i." wit hoiil bu t h at vt-ry monthly rnt m. it':: vkri.kv in rf r.i. park Mtid Y'amhii! Newly-1 ui nth'd and T.arx modern mum at rate. month a Willi of Kltrti live renovated, r 44onbl IIDTlil. KAItl.l.. 832 llh si., rat. M..ik. l. Ml" New iiiiiii.-'..'mi . re-i.l. nt :h1 snd trnnHl.nt. rt.HI.'Mt I ' in .".tkins, ste'.iii h.-a wm.I v,,l-riTia 1 r.miri v tfi V i": Fi X i.i. iiij i i-.i.. " n. Kl. tun parlor. Ii.mii-Uk.' plM'-. ilown tow n Io.-huom; i. .mmi .tim .. und 'i hiiu-: rnt- 1-0 inonth aiul ui-. --.( ii:n HiiriMS! fiiinlls! K'niMs: llnTKI. ItOVVl.ANH. ;il7'T 1 1 ' 211", 4th Kt.; cfiilrHliy lMat.d. nIr $75t, II. il..M p-r diy; with bwtli. 1 .'n. I.'oll: si.fclal r.u.'K. I I l'-r "-h .n.l nr. WEAVER IHITI-.I.." '"ii WASHINGTON mhi;kt Attractive, mi.it.ei roomn. with pri vate l.athi, pli.r.; reanouabiw rai. Ilril'r S"71 anmo.ma iii.'ii.i.. 1-J4 14th l. at hitt"n; rnt II per we.-k an.1 up. II .!. fll'tpioot. large, attractive, .p..!!.". r...nitp. . ... to tnu."lt;'tl'w it.'I'l .h...).if.tf .rn:r. A M s I hTn iui'IEI. i:ih iy ih 13 ,".o up: by the Hay 7:.c up; h.it an. I cr..(i water lit eV.-iy room, fre bj txfv pttnne; brl.'k blg i'li.itie M hr,:ltl. nr (.all tit '-' 3d .1. lln TKI. M. I H l.ltl.AM'. 12lt l.llli .T. AT A.MI IN'-. T IN. Kate SI a l) ; a k. ." a II. I UP; private bath. firepr.M.t ao.i clean. clowe to Limine".! e nter. -O s 1 1 i n "; i' 1 1 n ii i j f i ; i 12.-M AM) WA"IM;Tii' fiT.I, Attrntiv.- riM.ni. tmil auiteit at rea fonatil- 'iite.i I. or in. .nth II V Mil' have an apt. while in t modern fuin. riMinm, il2 wn? Three per Week. San Marctt, K. M Ii and t'oueli. K. !', HuTlvl. I'dNHAIllNK. 22 North Hull t.'. 2 tilocks north of W akiimaloli t.; flrw proof; pleasant rooniM anl aultea at very re,. M.n, I'll' rut.. Iv .lay or week. H-liTKl IU t'KIN'ill AM, un.liT n.v- himh HKpii't, ti'-V3 Vaili i mk I "ii at. Aln.l'in, JMlVHt' bUttlH. !ri-- ftlllrlW!. r'M.IIHbl.-T'Htl-K. $'i .U Wff'k Up. lltllMiUu tlSil, MATH IKSSK.V IHtTKL Hooiiih fide tlay up. 1 'fk up; rW-an, lueht, hot iird niM wi-i, fttmut h'Ht. eli-vator m-rvu')'. -,'iti'"!iliiUU. NICKLY furni.-h'd fionm. ni'l-ra Irlct l. wfkly mtn to p ntaiiiit Kuentn: buwiii' i-n rilKli lcL i-,Jtipr. - trl. Wth and ftark. nTTw' i'l-KKINS H"'rKI. FIKTH AM V ASH f N(t T 'N STS Attrautlv w'-kly umi monthly mU. Soe our HtTiimmcHlaHiinf. NKWt-Y furn. room. Suit Hlil. nr.tr ':it; walkinir amian ; uy, a. ur in on in, rtuaoiiH hie. 7tHnavlft. AliTIi V K IH TI?U I u 1 1 1 h at . ar Murniton t'lt-an anl motli-rn rmimi iy djy, or month of r-. r -na ! rw t-. TH K ?T 1'A I U. Knur' h u ,;lr. A ltESHEf'TA IU.K Ut'WNTuWX IIOTKL, I up. lttP hy wrr k oi month tU'KN. KMS. In rx lu-tv Nni. 11 ;fi rnnleni-. ti-m li-Mt. wnkin uia tHtio. HA -V -- M'nn j'-;'is. TitTTKi. uCKLKY. Morri-n -t itTlo'li l a day; .vU.y $." n.l up. frtft phuti und bthi-':Mk'ht an-1 airy iOc DAV. $J -"i0 fik up; .ur". ilo'u: ly cin nim. ; hatha r-; 4tr-r ;( hot. H otrl t'nd i ; U r. .T'l nrar f frmon. MARUX HTKI Corner liih nirl Cuh; nrg. wrii f urnl!h-f1, mod" rn rooim; rittf onb! JKAT, ciran iouHkpinif room a with kitclK'ntt-f, l-p't'p'nic rotttna, cUwn In. navej-arfare. jl-U l"th SUKKI'l N(i ro..tii In ba':hrlura a pi - N. It h 1M w v4i4 , DAYTON HuftU t nt at Taylo?; inVhin rnoma. r- pr pk and up. SI.KKT1N" J room n ml IU tn ir rxjin , id -1 for l gtrlw. Anvh f r 1.17. lil SHMA RK hot.'l. Vaah t .. t .r, l7rh"; rl an. "lodrn Jttn"". 3 "t WnJ P bl.KKI'ING ruuuii uitnl. rn i .!-1. n. . '4Z ' hi niii ah fur 1 .ir Ml-'Y d. . I.' I.ov-.to 1 11 K. (Jiu. M. S J'ARTl.Y ftiriilnhrtl rtwm,. hin-rk FnrnUliffl Kootii tn 'ri air I iimity. i'i,KASANT front rmiili In priVHl- f..m ily. t'6 t-. Cmiuhptm at., mur L.. .'oih.