TITE -MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1922 FOB SALE. Pianos. Organs anil Miiii.nl liiHtrnme nt. $10 CASH. UK MOKE Mu.VTHLT Buys a $473 piano, u.ed, for $195. and 1921 model fnl $293, 01 a $675 player piano, used, for jaws, and 1921 model - for M93, $JS cash. $S and $30 monthly, during the wends larfrest tactory clear ance tale right here in Portland at Bchwan Pla.o Co.. 1st loth at Siarlt. ?:;' caph "lya us"d $-76 upright piano J143 cash buys used $475 upright piano l,i cash tu u-'fd upright piano Xt '-' !"s' uy" U!ed BM upright piano 5.1 'a easi buys used $93A player piano a: S?cuil,y Storage Co., lOrh at Starlc --il, $,5 buys phonographs, In cluding & or 10 used records. $5 cash. $3. fi or more monthly, at the Schwan . Piano Co- Url Tenth st. at Stark. T:.5ED PHONOGRAPHS. $2i5 Victrola, mah. cab , $275 Vir-t.-ola, oak cab $33 2 Victrola. wal. cab. (new) 5150 Cheney, mah. cab. (new) . $125 liruswicb, oak, cab $123 Columbia, wal. cab . .$175 . . 180 . . 275 . . 125 . . 73 75 0 ll. li.dion, mah. cab. Small table machines from $15 to $50; terms. G. F.i JOHNSON PTANO CO.. 149 Bth St ANNUAL HuME-COMING SALE. Pianos, Sin.".. $2(u. $373. $5 to $3 a month. Player pianos, $305. $475, $8 ana sio a month. Grand pianos, SHio, $875, $14 and $17 a month. Lipman, woile A Co.. Washington and ath sts. FLAYER pianos We have several good buys in KS-note players at $32o, $-95, $42S. terms. . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 fith St. BARGAIN Brunswick phonograph, new, gold plated mahogany asc; $200 mode. tor l!i.. See it. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 325 Fourth Stt PIANO. $75: owner leaving town. Apt 212 Grandest; Apta, cor. fatark anil Orarrl ave. 40 PIANOS, $100 to $205 each, many of Americas best makes: terms. Broker age Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. .Furniture for rale. $ SAVE $ SAVE $ SAVE $ OVERSTUFFED TAPESTRY DAVENPORT With spring edge, sprinir cushion and of the very - best construction $69.75 $$$$$$ GOOD BED With 2-In. continuous steel posts, 40-lb. roll-edge, all- ; cotton mattress. Simmons steel spring, new and com plete $21.75 Helpful Credit to All. MISH FURNITURE CO.. Main 5708. 188-190 1st St. WOOD-COAL range with gas plate con nantcd e-oori el we refri.. VSCUUHl Car net Kweener. hn 11 tree, eras Plate and oven, wardrobe, writing desk, invalid chair with, foot rest, invalid sitz bath chair, 2 trunks, perception medical bat tery. Universal wringer, antique walnut bedroom suite. This private auction - - ill take place from 0 to d o'clock xo clay at 9(57 E. 3:3th St. N KTnfilfiK SALE-. Goods sacrificed for storage and loan charges, consisting furniture, house hold goods, sewing machines, dishes, pianos, phonographs, vacuum cleaners. stoves, taoiets, etc.. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER rn 4th at Pine St., opp. Multnomah Hotel. uTr.H.i:rf ariK furniture very reason able, must sell over-stuffer living room set, dming set in wmnui, vooo Veloiir livintrroom set, bedroom sets in walnut. 710 IS. 72d st. N. R C. car. KKWlNn MACHINE BARGAINS. Cleanup sale of used machines, from $11) up, all guaranteed. Machines for rent: all makes repaired. Call us for east side service. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., 110 Grand ave. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to cailtornia; we can save ju mnncv nn VOlir freiffht in OUr thXOUgll cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Baggage Co., 245 Pine St. FOR SALE On account of sickness, 6 rooms good furniture, 1 load woojd in cellar; $550 takes all. 691 Glisan. Main 4009. BEAUTIFUL mohair davenport and chair; aleo some fine mahogany furni ture and beautiful rugs. Less than wholesale. 571 Glisan. 6 ROOMS attractive furniture. Including piano, sewing -machine, etc., $500; sacrifice, by owner. 323 Weidler St., corner East 1st St. HAVE 3 rooms of dandy furniture, like new; will sacrifice for Vi price, or trade in on light auto. Broadway 269S evenings, or Box 3716, city. UNIVERSAL combination range, over stuffed living rcm set, mahogany dining room set. rugs, bedroom furni ture. Walnut 5389. ' . OWNER will sell at a sacrifice 6 rooms of furniture, $400 cash ;. leaving city. Call 966 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 0024. OAK DRESSER, $15; oak table, $10; 2 oak arm chairs, $5 each. All in good condition. Aut. 321-1. &ROP-HEAD Singer sewing machine, $17. 593V Rodney ave. Call before 12. : 11 ROOMS furniture lor sr. piano. Price $1300; $1100. month. 390 Everett st. le. victrola, rest $50 a RUGS, carpets, chairs,, lounge, etc Sell. 1646. DINING tables and chairs, must be sold. Commercial Transfer Co., 247 Davis St. $200 GAS RANGE at $05. Good as new. Olsen Roe Co.. Bdwy. 0627. PRACTICALLY' new oak furniture for 4-room .pt. Aut. S20-li. Otfice Furniture. 1 FLAT -TOP desk $16.50 1 bookkeeper desk 15.00 2 tvpewriter tables at 10.00 SI steel 4-dr. files ,.. 87.50 1 roll-top desk 29.00 3 T-otary chairs.. 10 side chairs. 2 safes. - BUSHONG & CO.. 91 Park St. CUTTER DESK. Closing Out This Line at Used Desk Prices. BUSHONG & CO.. 91 Park St. FLAT top oak desk, typewriter desk and chair. 423 Plttock block. FLAT-TOP desk for sale cheap, tically new. Phone East 4979. Prac- Typewriters. jkEBulLT typewriters, all kinds, for sal, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable; $50. com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for ail makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 04 Fifth St. Broadway 7169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below manufacturers- price: TERM 3 $3 monthly if desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months, $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington si. Bdwy. 7481. L. C. SMITH & BROS. Typewriter Co., S06 Spalding bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6975. Sell typewriters thoroughly rebuilt in own lac-ory; also rentals, supplies. REBUILT GUARANTEED TIPlWRlT EUS, all makes, CASH, PAYMENTS. 124 4th St. DOANE'S. REBUILTS. 2d-hand rentals, cut rates. P. P. O. Co.. 231 Stark st. Bdwy 7507 $3 RENTS Underwood, Remington. Em pire Transfer. 145 11-th. Bdwy. 0133. ALMOST new seif starting Remington typev.-riter. rhe.ip. 521 Artisans bldg. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell, supplies. Type wrlter Insp. Co., 312 Stark. Bdwy. 7549. Poultry. HAVE A FEW Barred Rock cockerels for sale. Heavy-laying, non-setting Kleinsmith strain. Husky fellows. Sat isfaction or money refunded. Price $5 each. il. W. Kendricks, MilW.ukie, Or., K. L. No, 1. 200 HOGAN1ZED White Leghorn laying year-old hens 75c each, in quantities to suit: also White Leghorn and R. I. Red pullets. J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon st. FOR SALE Domesticated Mallard ducks, for decoys. Address Wallace Manary. Gresham. Oregon. Route A. Phone Oresham 363. 75 VERY fine year-old laying Ancona hens $1 each, in quantities to suit. J. R. Maguire, 7S7 Oregon st. . NOTICE Duck hunters; decoy ducks for sale; Walnut 3592. D-gs, Rabbits, Birds and Fet Stock. YOUNG PANAMA PARROTS, tame and - talking. $20 and $25: dwarf parrots, tame. $6 and $7.50 each; love birds, $7.50 pair; blue Javss. $3 pair; 5 lbs. choice bird seed, $1 postpaid. Im ported rollers my specialty. Meet me at the State Fair in front of Educa tional building. E. B. Flake. Birds. r'lowers. Pets. 273 State. Salem. Or. BEAUTIFUL birds from genuine Im ported St. Andreasburg roller strain: males $10. females $2. East 6S74. 6S7 Multnomah st. AIREDALE PUPPIE3T Pedigreed, from registered stock. A. K. C. Main 5165. PEDIGREED Boston bull, toy male pups at a bargain. 1097 Garfield ave. Phone Walnut 1076. THOROUGHBRED Collie marked. Tabor 4793. pups, well FOX tprrier, female puppy; well marked. 240 K. Sth. CHIHUAHUA fox terrier pups. reas. Moore, 870 Halght ave. Walnut 3784. Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. NE w - motorboat for sale or trade fof car. Call Wal. 1025. FOR S A 1.15. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 80S N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 319-19. Coal and Wood. $4.50 PER LOAD $4.50. TWO-LOAD LOTS. IB-Inch fir blocks and slabs: runs partlv dry. for furnace or healer. ORKfiON FUEL CO., WALNUT 4102. 3fl T.OAO IN' 2-T.OAD LOTS. lfi-inch block and slab mixed, partly dry; fine for furnace or heater. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 2041. UTAH and Rock Springs coal. Lump $15.50, egg $15. First and second growth fir. oak, and country Blab. Holladay Fuel Co.. East 7201. 1 ' NICE 10-in. slab. $3.50 and $4 load; box, $4; lV-in. thick. $;, anywnere; -no. j cord. $7.75. Rellwood 1769. Paul Fuel FIRST and second growth wood. $7.50 and $8. Call Empire 1009 after 7:30 in the evening. UTAH KING COAL. EAST 8984. HEAVY planer wood, dry, big load. $6. Kast 7921. , ALL KINDS of wood. Call S. R. Howell, 096 Y, Vancouver, Wash. DRY BOXWOOD. Main 6538. CORD wood, first growth; dry. Walnut 7222. - Call GOOD heavy country slab, prompt de livery. Automatic o-io FOR SALE 1200 Phone 619-84. cords of dry wood. NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH PHONE EAST 1759. CORDWOOD. 10-INCH block and slab, $4.50 per load or 2 loads for $8. Call walnut 09-. DRY FIR cordwood, coal and country slab. Wal. 3423. Atwater 2o26. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed: two loads. $9: one load. x. walnut j.wu. BEST old-growth fir. $. Sellwood 0314, CORDWOOD. all kinds. Call Main 7801. MacIUnery. CNE 3-gang tractor plow for sale, $75 almost new. Mrs. J. Peters, Sher wood, Or.. R. 5. COLTS armory press. 14x22, $250. Chris tie Printing Co., 128 2d. Fruits and Vegetable,. GRAPES Standard varieties at 6e per noiiml. Craiff road. 4th house north Barr road; orders received evsty day except Sunday. Tabor 6014. Miscellaneous. SAVE 3'our wife; send your wet wash to the Snowriake launary. l a t n j wnheri snnwv white in separate com partments; Thurs., Fr. and Sat., 15 lbs. Tor 60c, 4c lor eacn aaonionat pouim. Val. premium given. Phone East S433. DUCK SHOOTERS I have a high- srurte 12 gauge double-barrel -aricer 8tl-l. Cost Slow, also case, wuri.ii au. Cae is new and gun like new, offer next three days takes it. 2"9 Corbett bldg. Best See It. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mold ings, millwork, glass rooting ana not bed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and TamhiU. Main 4213. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second-hand, at rignt prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Bdwy. 7045. , 50 SLIGHTLY used White, new Home, Singer sewing machines lor saie or rent; liberal terms on sale.' E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave. at Belmont. Phone East 2359. BARGAINS New A. B. C. washer. $95; slightly used Simplex mangle, $90: will sacrifice, as we re no longer in appliance business. Phone Main 0143. or see at J. C English Co.. 148 5th St. SAFE, 19x30, $37.50: 2 Brascolite lamps. large size, wireel on goia nnisnea ehaii-s. complete $20 for both.!. Holli day, 3S3 Wash. St. ON ACCOUNT building being torn down October 1st, will sell fixtures confec tionery and cigar store. 3144 Burn side. HOT-WATER tanks $5, guar.; tanks, gas water heaters repaired; plumping con tractors; estimates given. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. E. 8536. WOLF SCARFS for sale, animal shape; beauties,, 510 each; guarantee satis faction. W. H. Strange, taxidermist and furrier. Clarkston. Wash. FOR SALE 25.000 ft- second-hand lum ber, all sizes, including rustic ana finished, from $6 to $10 per M. Phone Main 6O01. CARPETS FOR SALE. Carpets and rugs of good quality and priced right. Apply to manager Hotel Benson. FOR SALE. South Bend Malleable- steel kitchen range with gas plate attachment; looks like new. East 1121. LADIES' slightly used clothing, good material and style, very reasonable. Vogue, 403 Alisky bldg., 4th floor, near Morrison st. Main 3132.. CASH register, used only short time, $200; a bargain if you can use thia . size. Phone Mam 0143. or see at J. c English Co.. 148 Fifth st HUDSON seal coat, full length, full skirt, new. latest atvle cape collar faced with ermine; worth $750, sell for $450 spot cash. AR 928, Oregonian. GAS RANGE. $12.50: Universal wood and coal heater, $17.50. No dealers. Tabor 8857. SEVERAL genuine Mandarin coats suitable for evening wear. very rea sonable. East 0713 forenoons. BEAUTIFUL black sequin evening gown, large size: will sacrifice. Apply Krio Vancouver ave. LIKE NEW One 10x12 tent, one double folding camp cot, folding taDle aJia Chairs. iif uoa. mesonian- AT REASONABLE price, a perfect steel blue 1-karat diamond by private party. E 955, Oregonian. LADIES' exclusive used coats, dresses, suits; large selection in a home. Tabor 2H25. FILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vapuum cleaners. 75o per day, delivered. Tabor 8531, formerly Walnut 1259. GRAPES are ripe at HADDOCK'S, 38th and Steele S. E. Woodstock car. Come out today, bring baskets. DIE BOLD SAFES, new and aecond-hand, special prices. Pacific Safe and Supply Co., 48 Front St. Broadway 1968. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange kodaks, sandy, 124 Broadway. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired, 226 Stark St. Bdwy. 7534. RELIABLE gas range. New Royal sew ing machine. Baby carriage, child's bed, carpet. 371 6th st. FOR SALE Prescription counter for drug store or office. Roll-top desk. 65 First St. S. UNIVERSAL heating stove, good as new, reasonable. 838 E. Caruthers. Sellwood 3047. MUT SELL Detroit gas range; also water heater, a Rex, almost new; no dealers. Call Anto. 622-31. GENT'S made-to-order suit, size 46; bargain. Independent cleaners, 26 N. 16th st. Bdwy. 1677. FERTILIZER. Extra well-rotted cow manure deliv ered In arjy part of the city. Wal. 6233. LEAVING city. 2 iron beds, springs, mattresses, davenport, dresser, other household goods. 539 E. 47th st. N. FOR SALE 3-A Autographic Junior ko dak, practically new. $15. 966 Haw thorne ave. Tabor 0024. FOR SALE 10 gals. Sherwin-Williams family paint, outside white, $28. Box 27, Rickreall, Or. 24-INCH wood, planer; 10-inch joiner and cut-off saw, for sale cheap. East 1198. FOR SALE Fine bar and back bar. all fixtures. Call 2U8 .3d st. or phone Main 8639. ICE BOX and other restaurant equip ment. Atwater 0400. A COMPLETE set Alexander Hamilton Modern Business. Sellwood 1119. SECOND-HAND FURNACE. $35 Ad dress 458 East 21st st. North. ' FOR SALE. Alaska seal coat. Main 0737. WHITE rotary sewing machine, like new, $20. East 3769. 562 Williams ave. WIRE, 8-guage, galvanized, in coils, $50 ton. H. N. Bain, Bdwy. 6230. COUNTERS. 12 and 14 feet, for sale cheap. 152 Russell st. ; LADY'S hat for sale, never worn. Paid S22.50; want $7. Call Auto. C22-31. BEAUTIFUL polar bear rug, full head, $100. Walnut 1505. . $00 RADIANT HEATER for fireplace, $35. Write 103 E. S4th St. North. FOR SALE Majestic range. $75. Phone 312-81. 1102 E. 18th St. North. BLACKBERRIES, large. $1.65 per crate delivered. Louis Nielsen. Corbett. Or. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 1st st" FOR SALIS Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st, near Ash. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL cars. $10 to $3 5. Broadway. 4492. F. A. SAMUELSON, expert piano tuner, reprg.. tone regulating. Walnut 3440. SHINGLES direct from mill, extra Star-A-Star. Taylor-st. dock. Main 8085. SAFE Cheap if taken 878, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. BUILDERS -CONTRACTORS ATTENTION. We have 600.000 good, clean 2d hand red bricks which we are offering at a very low price, also several thousand, bats suit able for cesspools, etc. . ALASKA JUNK CO.. 203 Front. Cor. Taylor. Main 4110. DAINTY, lacev, white gold and platinum mountings; they make your diamonds look 25 per cent larger and brighter as well; a wonderful selection wt cuuuao from. . MILLER'S BIG LITTLE JEWELRY STORE. Sells for Iess Gifts That Last. NEXT DOOR MAJESTIC THEATER. WASHINGTON, NEAR PARK ST. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harmless and no after effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keen, Dr. E. J. Klesendahl. Above Majestic Theater, 35m Wash. SEWING MACHINES. Large stock slightly used drophead Emgrers, Whites, New Homes and all other makes, guaranteed and at truly bargain prices. Liberal allowance for your old machine In exchange on. ft new Singer. We rent and repair. Singer Store, 11)3 4th, near Taylor. Main 68S3. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest selections; come in and see, you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUZ. ' 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. THE ELECTRIC SHOP. House wiring, repairing, fixtures and supplies for sale. We also repair any thing electrical. Genuine mahogany stand and floor lamps made to order, or any other stand lamp repaired or refinished. 546 Wash. st. Phone 530-50. WANT SHOTGUN OR RIFLE, PAY CASH OR TRADE ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES: Vlhralnr field classes, check writer, electric mixer and 1000 other useful articles. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 First, bet. Alder and Washington. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Authorized service station for Ham ilton-Beach appliances and Royal vacuum cleaners; we repair all makes of irons, neaters. toasters, curling irons, etc. Hynson Electric Co.. 62 6th st. Broadway 4293. Specialists in elec trical repairing. IF YOU appreciate splndid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, lane your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. MAYTAG WASHING MACHINES. We have only a few left at prices that will astound you. These machines are new, but slightly damaged on the outside. With brand new motor, $45 each; without motor, $32.50 each. 189 Front St., between Yamhill and Taylor. COMPLETE course of 10 volumes in character reading, by Catheren Black burn, prepares you to tell what trade or profession your child is qualified for, or your helpmate's character, how to employ help. Good binding, $16. 800 Cleveland ave. DUCK HUNTERS. Opening for one or .two shooters on Sunday, Wednesday, or both. Feed ing 3 weeks. Twenty-five live decoys. One hour's drive; blinds all ready; shoot with advertisers if suitable. AJ 946, Oregonlan. SEWING machines, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents employed-; complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d St.. near Taylor. Main 9431. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1919 COLE 8. $875 A wonderful buy for the money, just overhauled and a car that will move fast. You should ride in it In order to ap preciate a real car. John K. Leander Co., 341 Burnside, near Broadway. LATE OLDS SEDAN. This Is the small Olds light sedan, mechanically first class, Mohawk cord tires, one extra; now being refinished and can't be told from new, trimming and everything first class; $875, take $375 down, balance ten months; no brokerage. See this for a fine closed car buy. PREMIER SALES CO., Ninth and Couch Sts. STANDARD make 1921 light 6, rebuilt, refinished and guaranteed; $750. your old car in trade. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. DODGE SCREEN DELIVERY. Looks and runs like new; must raise some money; am offering this car at a very attractive price. Walnut 3612, evenings Tabor 8897. CADILLAC Bug Good tires, good me chanical condition: 1922 license. Easy terms. Be sure to see this car. North west Auto Co.. cor.. 18th ad Alder. Bdwy. 146U. 1918 CHANDLER TOURING $375. This car in good mechanical condi tion and has first-class tires. This is a bargain. Will give easy terms. Phone Eas t 1962. , COLE Aero Eight Mechanically perfect: tires splendid; new paint; 1'J license, see it. A genuine snap. Terms If necessary. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 1460. 1917 DODGE, a real buy. 1922 license, good tires, excellent condition; terms. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. NASH. '19 model, for quick aale, $495; good condition, lots of pep; $200 cash will handle. Call Redfearn. Broadway 7761. . FORD COUPE. 1920 model, with some extras, com pletely overhauled and looks good, $450 and terms. Bdwy. 2488. BUICK LITTLE FOUR 1918. This car in first-class mechanical condition; has all good tires. Will give terms. Phone Tabor 5775. FORD TOURING. 1920 with lots of extras, and has starter; runs good. $250; easy terms. Bdwy. 24S8 or 609 Wash, st. 1919 CADILLAC. 5-pass., nswly painted and overhauled; good cord tires. Looks and runs like new. This car is a bar galn. East 3164. FORD Touring Here is a real buy. Tires O. K. ; extra heavy springs; motor In fine condition. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. 1921 ESSEX touring car, cord tires, per-' feet condition. Have. 2 cars and must sell one. $800 with reasonable terms. Call Tabor 50S5. NEW FORD touring, Just nicely broken in and has a speedometer, special horn, spotlight thrown in. Liberal reduction and good terms. Empire 1736. 1922 FORD touring, new cord tires, car like new, cheap. 125 14th at. 192i CHEVROLET touring, run only 4000 miles; best of shape; car looka like new. Call me at once for this is a bargain. Owner. Sell. 0856. . NEW FORD COUPE. Run less than 300 mites. If in mar ket for new car. you should not miss this one. Easy terms. Call Tabor 3013. NEW FORD touring, starter and de mountable, my equity, $22L47; discount $50. Main 6607. room 17. FOR SALE Ford bug, new top; 1922 motor; cheap ror cash. 140U Mam St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 393. DODGE touring. Make offer and it might he yours. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691. Eve., East 2418. $850. Chandler touring, perfect condition, fully equipped, easy terms. Tab. 6645. FORD touring, 1921 model, disc wheels. good tires, excellent shape; a Dargaln. 28 N. 11th st. Bdwy. 3214. STOP1 HERE IT IS Just the thing for a BUG ok j-,iurii' TKUtiit. ee my Studebaker. 784 Commercial st. FORD COUPE. Late 1920 model, with lots of extras; looks and runs like new. Bdwy. 2488. 1919 DODGE touring, first-class shape; must sell, $4ou, terms. Johnson. East 4376. FORD roadster, late 1919, starter type. SIHS tor quicK Bale. z :. llth st. FORD touring, late model. Al shape, - $195. 28 N. llth St. BUICK 1919 touring, must be sold this week; price Is rlgnt, terms. Main 1159. CHEVROLET 1921 touring, condition good, terms within rea.son. Main 1139. KRIT bug, swift and sporty, in good running order: 9o. rast 7211. 1 BROWN reed sulky; good condition. 406 futn. near Lincoln.; Tahor 3745. FINE $250 Maxwell roadster for sale or trade. Atwater 1922 DURANT, "privately owned, driven 200Q miles. Must sell. Wal. 1379. 1920 FORD sedan, repainted, overhauled, pood tires, a bargain-. $485. E. 4376. . $650 WILL buy 1922 Ford sedan. Walnut 0573. Call - FOR,S ALE AUTOMOBILES. $150 AND UNDER. Here are some go4d serviceable cars in running condition. Some or tnem with license and for the most part in good condition. Just the car to knock around with this winter and trade in the spring. 1922 Apperson touring. This car has been used very little and shows it. Motor so good will . start on compression; 5 good tires. Brood ton. unholstery. not a break in it, 'good paint $100 1917 se-ven-passenger, 6-cyl. Mit chell. Has license. 6 good tires. and ready to run away .......$150 . 1918v Maxwell touring; has license and in good condition through out, tires, ton. urjholsterv and all $159 Rebuilt Reo roadster, new paint, excellent upholstering and top. motor in wonderful condition. good tires $150 1918 Chevrolet touring, rnotor overhauled. This car in good condition $150 1-ton Abbott Detroit truck, hss license and good open express body. This truck runs. Has fair tires -. $ 75 1916 Ford touring, 4 new tires. good condition - $145 These cars are not junk. They are all in running condition. It will take very little expense on any one of them to make very serviceable car. ' - 1-ton Stewart Leipert truck with good cab and flat bed. Just the thing for hauling wood $150 Some Terms. Cars Traded. TALBOT & CASEY. INC.. E. Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. Open every evening till 8:30. Sundays 8 to 8. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. TOURING CARS. 1914 Ford touring $ 75 , 1915 Ford touring, dem 145 1917 Ford touring 150 1921 Ford touring 295 1920 Ford touring. S. S 325 1921 Ford touring 375 ROADSTERS. 1916 Ford roadster, dem 193 1918 Ford roadster 225 1920 Ford roadster i 350 1920 Ford roadster, dem 350 1921 Ford roadster, dem...- 373 CLOSED CARS. 1 1919 Ford coupe, 4 speeds 475 1920 Ford sedan 475 1920 Ford coupe 495 1921 Ford coupe 525 1921 Ford sedan , 625 1921 Ford coupe, perfect shape.... 550 COMMERCIAL CARS. 1915 Ford delivery, panel body 135 1919 Ford dell -ery. new body 293 3915 Ford chassis 75 1922 Ford truck, good body 650 1939 Ford truck, open body 275 1918 Ford truck ichassis. 225 Buy your used car of a reliable dealer. We give the same service on used cars as we do on new ones. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Grand and Hawthorne. East 3770. SERVICE. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS. The JOHN K. LEANDER CO., Is the new Studebaker dealer. Their policy is one of SERVICE to the owners and purchasers of new STUDEBAKERS and the buyers of used cars traded in. We extend to you MR. USED CAR BUYER, special, invitation to visit our USED CAR DIVI SION at 343. Burnside, near Broadway. JOHN K. LEANDER CO., 341 Burnside St. and 10th and Glisan Sts. - 1922 FORD SEDAN. $590 This car is in fine con dition and has more than $200 worth of extra equipment at ' tached thereto. We also have three other Ford sedans ranging from $400 to $525; exceptionally good buys. JOHN K. LEANDER CO., 341 Burnside. Near Broadway. Broadway 2731. STUDEBAKER BARGAIN. I MUST HAVE SOME MONEY AND ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER FOR MY 1921 BIG 6. THE CAR IS PERFECT AND LOOKS LIKE NEW WILL CONSIDER TRADE OR TERMS. BDWY. 4898. OR SEE THE CAR AT GARAGE ON 20TH AND LOVEJOY STS. PACKARD TWIN SIX. ' 1920 3d series Packard twin six. 7-passenger, fully equipped. This car is in finest condition with original paint; can nardiy oe tola irom new. Car was purchased in August. 1920. run about 15,000 miles, mostly city use. For sale by owner; price $2ioO. AG 942. oregonian. . CHEVROLET BABY GRAND. 1920 model, in fine condition, refin ished in deep blue, good tires and ready to go. $450. 530 ALDER ST. ESSEX. ' My Essex demonstrator; perfect con dition: cord tires, extra cord tires. tubes and cover, spotlight, bumper. shock absorbers, cutout, etc., $950 cash or $400 cash and $ou a month. Man- ville. Auto. 384-94. NEW DODGE BUSINESS MAN'S COUPE. Want to get in touch with some one wanting immediate delivery of new Dodge Brothers' business coupe. Phone 940. or mill Alain St., Vancouver. Wash. 1917-18 OLDS 8 TOURING. New cord tires, first-class mechani cal condition and many other extras; $350. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 8281. 11th and Burnside Sts. 1922 CHEVROLET. Run only 3 months, good as new; quick sale, $550. 53 ALDER ST. LATEST model superior Chevrolet tour ing, slightly used; better than new; if you are in the market for a new car, you can have good discount, terms and new car service guarantee on thia car. E. 5568. NOTICE. Yesterday's price $700. today's. $673 $2o per day discount until sold; 1917 iuc.son super -tlx sedan; looks like new, runs like new. Cash talks. I need money. 315-45. HUDSON, '20. Super: 1 want a light car: this is a 7-passenger, like new all around, tires, top and everything; I can use a Ford, Chevrolet or Oakland. Redfearn, Broadway 7751. '18" SILENT Knight, motor sleeve valve four; for power, nice running and economy this little car has the world beat; a high-class $3000 car for $550 Chatfleld, Broad'.vay 7751. DODGE TOURING. Runs fine, new top, seat covers, 5 good tires, $250 cash. 530 Alder st. 1921 DODGE touring in excellent condi tion; good rubber, sun shield, moto meter and bar cap, rear view mirror, spotlight; this Is a buy you can't af ford to pass up. Call owner, Sell. 0R56 DODGE screen delivery, 1920 model with smooth running engine and good tires low! price with terms. Call Sell. 2016 atter o sr. jm. FORQ TOURING in good shape, but It's an old car. Just right for hunting and fishing. Late body and radiator, new top, good tires. $150. Empire 1736 FRANKLIN touring car, runs fine; $300 530 ALDER STREET. 1920 F.ORD SEDAN. Fine -condition, a real bargain" at $465 ; witjav extras j Easy payments. Sell. 2993.' OVERLAND 5-pass.. excellent, fine condition. $200. 530 Alder sr. HUDSON SPEEDSTER; Series 7-0 Hudson speedster with full equipment and In elegant condi tion: price $985. Call Walnut 1474 DODGE delivery, screened sides, new paint, good condition $650. Call At water 3175. 1920 FORD ROADSTER with new top and tires. Several extras. Price is low, so It's a bargain. Empire 1736. IF YOU want a Ford phone me for an attractive money saving proposition. E. 5568 FOR SALE or trade, 2 5-pass. cars, in good conditon; new rubber. 1115 E. 26th st. N. - 1922 DODGE touring with extras, four months old; price $850. Inquire City garage. 132 12th St. LIBERTY 6. sport model, bargain. Own er must leave town. - East 9564. FOR SALE ATJTOMOiyLES. 1919-1920 (MODEL O series) Hud son super-six. . Westinghouse air springs $1175 1920 Hudson speedster with West inghouse air springs........ Studebaker special six ........... Buick light six 1915 6-40 Hudson 1917 Hudson 1918 Liberty 1. 192,1 Olds 4 1918 Stephens . Cole 8 . t 1920 Chandler i 1919 Chalmers 1270 750 525 825 675 485 800 650 485 725 475 Maxwell truck 600 SATISFACTION IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE DESIRE; THAT IS WHY We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex automobiles. These are in the best of mechanical condition. They are also warranted the same as factories warrant new cars. In addition, we give 30 days' $free mechanical service. Other makes of good automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first class condition and sold with a .10 days' free trial, subject to being re turned and ..full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. -This gives ample time for every pur- chaser to try out the car he buyst gives him time to have it inspected. and we want only satisfied customers. Largest used car branch store In the city -at 40-46 Broadway. Branch store open Sunday .and evenings. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 5739. C. U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. TRANSPORTATION AT MINIMUM OF COST. Do you realize that you can buy servicable used cars for $200 and up? Often times for less than that. Cars which can be used through the win ter months to carry you to and from work and from which you can get enjoyment over the week ends, not obtainable any other way. If you have a good car r-just get out your pencil and paper, and figure what you will ac tually save in wear and tear by not letting it be subject to the winter rains, the a-mashed fenders and otJer losses inci dental to town use Trom now until spring. NOTICE SEE WHAT WB ARB STARTING AT 2S-30 N. BROADWAY, WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 27. "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. TWO LOCATIONS. Main plant, 21st at Wash ington. Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadway branch 28-30 Broad way. We have cars to take you from one place to the other. SERVICE. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS. The JOHN K. LEANDER CO., is the new Studebaker dealer. Their policy is one of SERVICE to the owners and purchasers of new STUDEBAKERS and the buyers of used cars traded in. We extend to you, MR. USED CAR BUYER, special invitation to visit our USED CAR DIVI SION at 341 Burnside. near Broadway. JOHN K. LEANDER CO., 341 Burnside St. and 10th and Glisan Sts. 1921 DODGE ROADSTER. $640 Just the car for a sales man or young couple without children. Don't fail to investi gate this genuine bargain value at our used car division. 341 Burnside. near Broadway. Phone Broadway 2731. . JOHN K. LEANDER CO. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE; WE FURNISH THE MONEY; OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG.. 2d FLOOR. 1920 DODGE TOURING. $525 First class in every re spect; unusually cheap at this price just the car you have been looking for; terms. John "K. Leander Co., 341 Burnside near Broadway. Bdwy. 2731. 1921 MITCHELL, touring, Al mechanl cally; ready, to go; easy riding and economical; jbou. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside Sts. MODEL 10-0 1921 Hudson coupe In first class mechanical condition. Equipped with Westinghouse shock absorbers and extras, including 5 good tires. This machine is a bargain at $1250. Inquire Broadway 1614. Ask for Mr. Mourton. PREMIER 4-PASS. Cannot be told from a new car; two new tires; others good shape. Must be seen to get the full kick out of it. Privately driven by one person only. 239 Imperial, corner of Floral ave. Tabor 6095. Price $2250. SUPERIOR model Chevrolet touring. only slightly used: can sell for mod erate cash payment, balance easy terms. If you are in the market for a new car with service guarantee, this buy will save you $100. E. 5568. Trade considered. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. FORD RUNABOUT. Almost brand new, latest 1922 model, only run 900 miles. $375. Owner, Mr. Bober. Phone Broadway 03 42. 19 CHEVROLET touring; has been well taken care of. New tires, bumper, shock absorbers, top and upholstering like new; $250. Phone McLeod; East 1371. 1921 CHEVROLET touring; good me chanical condition; top and upholster, ing like new; 4 'good tires; body has original finish; $400. Phorle Mrs. aVroat, East 1371. BIG SIX 1921 STUDEBAKER. This is positively the best buy In Portland. $850. Extra equipment. Bank sale; terms if desired. No brokerage. 30th and Stark sts. 1922 CHEVROLET touring; spotlight. heater, vacuum tank, 2 new cord tires; terms to responsible party. Walnut 3201. - FORD ROADSTER. 1921; good condition; starter, many extras,. $300. Terms. 626 6th. Atw. 1768. ' 1921 CHEVROLET touring, run only 4000 miles;: best or shape; car looks like new. Call me at once for this is a bargain. Owner. Sell. 0856. DODGE touring, thoroughly overhauled. everything; rour nearly new com tires, two spares; car In fine shape. Inquire Hawthorne garage. Ask for Harry. 1921 DODGE COUPE. CAR NO. 008533. $1100. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside Sts. 1916 REO TOURING car. $75 down. $10 a month lor 10 montns. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside Sts. WE PUT steel teeth In your old fly wheel; crankshaft turning, cyl. grlnd ing. H. B. Black, 534 Alder. Bdwy. 2681. 1921 HUDSON speedster, run 9000 miles, excellent condition. Owner will sac rifice. Exposition garage. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder at 17th. Bdwy. 3254. Mall orders filled. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED FORDS. USED FORDS. TALBOT & CASEY. INC.. "Authorized Ford Dealers." E. Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. , We have 65 used Fords o choose from, including; " 24 Ford tourings, soma with and some without starters, from $145 and up. 8 Ford Sedans from $325 to $595. 6 Ford roadsters from $175 to $360. 9 Ford chassis, some with and with out starters, from $210 to $375. 8 Ford bugs from $198 to $325; some with and without starters. 5 Ford deliveries, open express and panel jobs, with and without starters, $165 to $400. 5 Ford trucks, some with and some without starters and bodies. Some with - solid and some with pneumatic tires. From too to 3l'o. Count them. We have 65 of them and they are all here for your inspec tion. If you are looking for a used Ford surely there is one in this lineup that would please you. Be fair with yourself and pocketbook and see our stock, because if you do you will buy. TALBOT A CASEY. INC.. 'Authorized Ford Dealers." East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. CARS TRADED. EASY TERMS. Onen every evening till 8:30. Sundays 9 to 5. , USED CAR SNAPS. The best two months of the year are ahead for the motorist. Buy your car now and be sure to select it from the Mitchell stock of Good Used Cars. 3919 Chevrolet touring. $ 825 1916 Mitchell roadster 130 1921 Overland touring .... 405 Oakland tourlns; 300 1922 Mitchell touring 1350 1918 Willys-Overland 430 1918 Maxwell touring 250 Chevrolet touring .... 575 1914 Studebaker touring... 110 1920 Maxwell touring 430 1919 Briscoe teurlng 350 3937 Mitchell touring 40B 1921 Si-ripps-Booth sedan.. 1230 1917 Mitchell touring 375 1917 Buick tourini- 37.1 1918 Overland touring .... S25 Ford roadster ....... 173 1920 Mitcheil touring 930 1917 Overland touring 150 Grant sedan B7 . 275 175 425 1195 . 260 1917 Dort touring ... 1917 Maxwell touring 1917 Oldsmobile 8 1913 Stutz 1918 Briscoe touring . We sell on easy terms and you will like our fair and Square methods of doing buslne?s. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER COMPANY. 40 Years in the Northwest. Broadway and Everett St., Portland. Oregon. SERVICE. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS. The JOHN K. LEANDER CO.. Is the new Studebaker dealer. Their policy Is one of SERVICE, to the owners and purchasers of new STUDEBAKERS and the buyers of used cars traded In. We extend to you, MR. USED CAR BUYER, special Invitation to visit our USED CAR DIVI SION at 341 Burnside, near Broadway. JOHN K. LEANDER CO.. 341 Burnside St. and 10th and Glisan Sts. . DODGE SNAP $400. Good mechanical condition, good rubber, extras: must sell at once. FORD ONE-TON TRUCK. Has complete woodsaw attachment: will sacrifice for cash. $275. SALESMEN. ATTENTION! We have a 1920 Ford roadster, new top and cushions; a snap for $275, Friday or Saturday. HERE'S A REAL SNAP. A new Commonwealth four, run only 100O miles: $050 cash this week. 1919 CHALMERS SIX. This car has been thoroughly over hauled, newly painted, all cord tires: just what you are looking for: drive it away for $350. NORTH BANK GARAGE. 301 N. llth St. 1921 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. $145o Has run only 5085 miles and Is completely equipped with all the extras of merit. This car carries a guarantee the same as a new Hudson. Come in and Inspect it, you will like It and also find many other high grade cars to select from. JOHN K. LEANDER CO., 841 Burnside, Near Broadway. Broadway 2731. BUY A REAL AUTOMOBILE. FOR $230. 6-54 HUDSON SIX. FINE CONDI TION. 2 NEW TIRES AND LICENSE: WILL MAKE FINE FAMILY CAR OR CAN BE REBUILT FOR BUS. CALL ADAMS. Main 5782. 1922 DODGE touring. practically new: see this before you buy; $400 first pay ment win nanaie. we are open eve nings. GRANNING A TREECE. 102 N. Broadv ay. Bdwy. 1723. '21 FORD touring car, new tires, $23 extras. Will be at Hotel Carlton be tween 9 and 11 A. M. Sunday or evenings after 6 P. M. A bargain for cash, can for L. D. Lambeth. Bdwy. 3435. 1921 ESSEX touring car in perfect me chanical condition. Cord tires and many extras. Will sell on terms or will consider. 1st mortgage or seller s contract on- real estate. Apply 513 railway exchange piqg. A SNAP Model 22A Winton six. A-l mechanically, good rubber, will guar antee u miles per gallon: leaving city, must sell; price $750. Broadway 1977, room 210. BARGAIN $400 BARGAIN IN CADILLAC. In A-l condition, fully electrically equipped, good tires, including 2 ex tras. Tabor 2883. 266 East 37th St. FOR SALE Model 3 Overland. new paint, new top; Delco ignition: $175, or trade for a smaller car. 2105 Sac ramento st. at 84th and Sacramento. BABY GRAND Chevrolet tourtng. Com pretely overhauled. $240 down, or light Ford or Chevrolet will handle. Bal. on easy payments. E. 5568. 1921 CHEVROLET touring, only run 4000 miles, in the best of shape; car looks like new. Call me at once, for this is a bargain. Owner. Sellwood 0856. LATE 1920 Ford touring car. complete equipment, $300. We are open evenings. GRANNING & TREECE, 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723. 1922 ESSEX touring in perfect condi tion, cord tires, new extra, bumpers, $1000, some terms. Private uwner. Bdwy. 6111. -A FRANKLIN touring, good condi tion: $600. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. Inc., Bdwy. 3281 llth and Burnside Sts. 1920 FORD roadster; In good shape; $285; we are open evenings. GRANNING & TREECE, 102 N. Hroaihvay, Bdwy. 1723. 490 CHEVROLET touring. In good con dition; car has had best of care; am forced to sell and will take $so cash, bal. $12 per month. Tabor 5935 STUDEBAKER, 1918. EXCELLENT CUSUlTlort. Jtl,W . rutiU TIKES, PANTESOTE TOP. ETC. PRIVATE OWNER. $195. TABOR 4460. LATEST model Chevrolet sedan. $230 discount: run soisj miles. owner go ing east- must sell at once. Walnut 2387. WILL sacrifice 3919 Oidsmobile 8 tour 4ng, perfect condition, only used In pri vate family. 409 Morrison. Broadway 3633. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1921. for sale; side wings, motormeter, crossbar, new spare tire and bumper; car looks like new. Phone Tabor 818. 192l FORD SEDAN $400. Privately owned, good condition. 701 Northrup. 1921 COLE AERO EIGHT; excellent condition; owner leaving city; will sacrifice for cash. Tabor 9387. $300 1917 MITCHELL 6. all new rubber,. $125 cash, balance terms: leaving city: owner. BJ 994, Oregonian. LATE J922 Chevrolet sedan, run less than 1000 miles, will sacrifice and give terms. Phone Hast 6H64. PAKJE sport, 1920. just like a new car. in perfect condition. I need a light car for business. Atwater 1474. CHEVROLET delivery in perfect shape, all steel body. Will sacrifice; terms. Tabor 8913. FOR SALF. A I" TO MOBILES. REBUILT GUARANTEED USED CARS. WE BELIEVE IN USED CARS. WB PAY COLD CASH For used cars, and this allow ance Ut Jiit what the car !s worth. We rebuild these used cars, and this rebuilding sxpenso we will gladly show you by our books Is from $100 to S.IOii. snd our used cars are priced st Just enough to cover this allowance, plus the rebuilding cost. Our shop facilities enable us to rebuild lor lets thaa the small repair man. and. In addition, we guarantee our work. The good will of 8u0 satisfied purchasers of our ud cars since Fb. 1. 1922. Is our greatest business apset, which we value Just as highly as the goo will of our new car owners. We accept your old car in trade at Its appra.sed worth. DODOES. ALL MODELS. $200 TO $00. 1918 I typi finish e Buick touring. ed, dandy car... I 400) 1921 late Maxwell touring.. 450 cord tires; refinished, like new. 1919 5-4 Overland touring, renewed snd refinished.. 32$ -1922 Ford roadster: Al car. $75 1919 Overland touring. Just a good car 230 1920 Overland 4, roadster, rebuilt and refinished... 375 1930 Maxwell touring 835 exceptional car, cord tires, refinished. BRALEY. GRAHAM 4 CHILD, INC.. llth and Burnside. Phone Broadway $281. , USED CARS. 1917 Hudson. new paint, mechanically A-l; cord tires $650 3920 Oakland roadster, orig inal finish 830 1920 Velle, lots of extras, looks like new 730 1920 Stutz Yosdster, cord tires; everything In the way of extras you ran put on a car. Don't overlook this. 1937 Dodge touring. $130 top; at a real bargain. Peerless bug, a classv Job, with a lot of speed. 1917 Cadillac. 7-pass.. pri vately used 830 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 2521. 57 CARS IN OUR BUILDING. 1000 Used Cars on Grand Ave. 1917 Chevrolet bug $123 1916 Ford bug 143 1917 Ford touring 13( 3918 Ford touring 1h3 1919 Ford roadster, 8. block 233 1913 Cadillac touring Km 1917 Hup, model N touring 35 3918 Saxon 6 chummy touring.... 245 1918 Chandler 6 chummy, rebuilt. 43 3919 Dodge touring 4-"l 3917 Buick 6 coupe 425 1918 Olds 8 touring 3s3 VRANSO.VS USED CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and E. Main St. REO TOURING. $90 Three new tires snd J'ist the well-built car that you. Mr. Mechanic, have been looking for. JOHN K. LEANDER CO. 341 Burnside. Near Itroadwsy. Broadway 2731. ' AUTOMOBILE DEALERS. You ran get. a 10-year lease on a building of your own planning at (he corner of 12TH AND WEST M'lRRI SON. Se owner at 815 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 5903. BUY THIS. 1922 NEW SERIES. MAXWELL R-PASSENGER IN A-l CONIHTI'i.V. 4 PRACTICALLY NEW CORD TIRES. 1 EXTRA CORD. LICENSE ASH SPOTLIGHT. WILL SELL AT S1H STANTIAL DISCOUNT AND GIVE FACTORY GUARANTEE. MAIN 572. BUICK TOURING. 1938, 5-pasfl. 6-ryI. Buick. owned snd driven by present party slnt-e new, original finish, fine tires, liberal term. A special price; must sell. See car ut 49 E. Kllpatrick St.. Kenton. near Montana av., or rail Auto. 321-36. 1921 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Run only 7500 miles; rt cord tires, 3 bumpers, side deflectors, spotlight; will sacrifice for cash. 530 ALDER ST. LEST YOU FORGET Your battery needs attention. See us for free service Rebuilt batteries our specialty. We have one fur your car. NORTH BANK BATTERY SHOP. 101 N. llth St 1920 OLDSMOBILE sedan. This car looks and runs like new: has had the bft of care: tirea are sood. Don't buy tl!l you have seen and ridden In this car. Terms to responsible party. Kast 3164 SAVE $400 ON NEW ESSEX COACH with truck rack and many extras. Five-pass., closed body, perfect condi tion, latest model, $600 cash, balance terms. Some bargain. Phone Tabor 4442. HUPMOBILE. 1918. In extra fine condition; tires. $550. 630 ALDER ST. 5 cord STUTZ 4-pass. touring, model R. In excellent condttlon. just refinished. Price $700. Easy terms. GRANNING & TREESE, 102 N. Broadway. ' Bdwy. 1723. LIKE NEW MAXWELL UOADSTE Has the 1922 mechanical fea'ures and starting units: new cord tires; will consider trade. $575. BR A LE V, GRAHAM si CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts SEDAN WEATHER IS HERE. I have a real buy in a light new slx-cyllnder. Red Seal motor an 1 Tlmken throughout; sacrifice for cash; $730: new tires. Chatfleld, Broadway 7753. OAKLAND' LIGHT 8. Overhauled and refinished. S good tires, $450. 630 ALDER ST. 1921 FORD touring in excellent eon ditlon. Demountable rims, speedometer, spotlight. Venus carburetor and other extras. Will sacrifice on easy ternia Call Walnut rWH9 SCRTPPS-BOOTH. Roadster, extra fine condition. $400. 530 ALDER ST. $30. $50. $30. Ford touring, balance in four equal payments of $16 each. BRALEY. GRAHAM Ac CHILD. Inc.. Bdwy. 3281. llth and Burnside Sta. MUST raise some cash at once; am of fering my 1922 490 Chevrolet louring at a remarkably low price and will crnslder terms to responsible psrty. Walnut 3612. evenings Tabor 8897. 1920 VELIK SEDAN $773. Velour upholstering. S cord tires, bumpers, spotlight, etc. Some buy I BRALEY. GRAHAM CHII.n. Inc. Bdwy. 3281 llth snd human's is 1920 FOP.D coupe, Jut-t overhauled, paint ed: looks and runs like new; tires In excellent condition. This csr w a bargain. Terms to responsible party. Phone East $164. 11AYNES 7-pass., 1 fine condition, all ell very reasonably. new tires; w( Call Bdwy. 4335. WILL sell equity In Dodge roadster. 1920. In Al condition. $270. for $175. Phone East 8998. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, in fine con dition; must sell at once, $423. 127 E. Kith St. R. E Williams. 1929 FORD roadster, ne Just overhauled: terms. bod v. K. 837 1921 FORD touring, good ti.ei-ha nlos 1 condition. Extras, V rash Main 1 Mill. FORD- Fine running ailape; m tires; $123 cash. Walnut 1303. 1922 MAXWELL TOUIUNU, ATWATER 4171. for if ArTOMOnn.ru USED CAR nARIAfN. -R Franklin, overslsed tires HXr -B Frsnklln r4n. like new ........ leeks 3H A Frankln Toorlsg. dandr buy 30 -B Frank 11a Ilka & ... i:u 156 '" Frank!! e tires V 1921 Dodge Fodan. Al snaps 1AO0 J921 Lexington T-passcsger, dandy buy 1369 3r Kcrlpps Booth, mow paint (V Willls-Knlght 1920 Olds '. dandy tires tourtng Mir paint. 1M 0 SF.E MURCH AT TUB BRALT AUTO CO 14th and Burnside Cta. PRICKS ON NFW Ol.r" MOBILKS HAVE JjROl'l'ED AUA1N. TV hve about 2" good nsd cars thl w wilt sll al greatiy reduced prices. OMs t. T pwir. Olds a. Touring. i,l 11. Coup. Olds 4. Touring. 'n.i:ii,,c, 7 raner. Hudnon, 7 Passenger. Hup, Touring Hup. Kondt-r, Chrvroiet F H.. adsn. Chevrolet F IV, Tour.ng. Chevrolet 4 i Touring. Liodge, Touring. Don't full to the cars If you want a real t,arg,n. Cash. Terms or Trsde. Open Sundays snd Fveninss. Ail Cars Guaranteed ss RTreaanUd. OI.ripMOim.F COMPANY, Uro!way and Couch Ms. tfKD r baraalna, -'-' rlu-H"n - on ail cars b.uht or cnirs-'ied fr Frlilsy. SMtutMay and ftiniU. r,i't-in ber and o-mm 1 K'llll' Tot KINi.S. J91T Ford touring I-'" l'MS Kord tnurluii -' 1921 Ford tourmc ,Mt 1:i'0 K'tr-1 roa-lfiT 1H1H F.Td roo1r CI.' ibKP CAR. 1920 F-trd r.Un l:i:'l For iM-.l.n 1921 Ford rnu;,'- Mi. si KI.l.ANI-'i 'I rt 1(MS1-'"n i(vuhiic truck 3:i 1 s chrvroli-i I'tnllT In 1 s S'-nups-Hoot h 19';l ('hai.,llT rnarts-er 1919 l'ai tfrw'-n Chun, my J 11 1 M Kord bun 1 : i s rr.rd liuic f,n .3 Ml T3 -31 a .vi 27 3 1917 Max hu - " 1IH T M.it w,-,l luuiing... '.''' 191S ( Msin.iblle louring V1" 1 1 1 s II -1 ii,..K.ri ) -de 2 Lo'-'irn'.blle s"rv.- car 2.i llnio u'-d cars to i-u-k frmn. On (iraiiil Ave.. IW llawlhorne and Mnrnson. Do your hiioppli.g on the east os'l". Liberal ti-rms ail cra. ISEI CAR .-ALK.4 CO.. 191 Ontnd Avi- T. MVIwnaWI. $100 TOWN. KASY TERHf. Dnrt 3-paS"Tiger. l(-ikjif,'l ii,iil,r. Mn m i II. nr w top. Ovi-rlatid lo. Al. Cililarid louring. nw paint. Veil... a d-indv. 1921 Ford delivery. 3 Hodlea PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. loth snd urnsid". Bd 052I. 1921 IiOTifiE TOURING $673 N"w cord llr-s snd In fine conflltlcn: many ex'ras: ia rMly find unrtVr j.rli e. Come to .141 lliirn-.de snd ., tn.s far over The price will please you. John K I'.nt-r (', rhne Uri'edHuy 27..I 19. i m .'vr.:.i. Thi I- .11 tli.--- ""! Maawella that wll te .- snv t.lece. It's In tbc 1" 1 "I lu;-. c ord lir-. ope . Im ,, n-l full nutpmenl ; $;i;j for iu.- k .. ! nn.y a sm.-l I.HV.n.-i.t .!.. :i ur l otl . in bav. fril.a to .,ir i-n C.i- Laisnce. 1'Hi:.mm:k sai.k.s c.. Ninth "! 1 "'I' h Ma $!'. i:ti'.i II fiVR. iI.KT rnad- n.i.iie b,rraln J.HIN K l.UANKKK CO. 1H1 luin-ide !...,.r Urnadway. lM-y. 27:11. EA1U.V 19. J 1- or I "i-il". - ' '.T: -nlent t.-rni-. pri.- In.-.u.ies - worth "f a. I kinds I iniraio e . .sr run 3000 tnl cs. I In perl- runnins con dition and l.-oks jus I like, new ; oner i ,. At.seVa Aon y Via.n- ' ' a.. . ...-..- ., , . a-s.h. llig'o I'.irn narks'. . streets KlillliS KuKI'r We haie ail tii-nl'.i snd each rar fee sppearnn. . ine.-hsn.aui Slid price w.ll rorl-univ at?v ) Look'" 1922 -lan, 4'WO ml, 'a. onl $35". .. WILLIAMS MOTOR c.i. 2S N. llth. HI vv S'.'l t LullT Tour. UK Hran.I new. n".'i a mile, 1921 model. Powerful, ecu l.:il and In ev-ry way a il fs.-torv csr. Factory guarantee, run an. service. Terms. Northwest Auto Co, corn-r 1 li aiidA'd.-r s's 1M). U" i Ciuij tucking. 19"0 mo. lei with Jl.ias.era snd nh.r exlr.Il. new Plitnl Job an. I tnerharu cai y $.'73. $73 d.iivn and bal sr,,; monthly. Bdwy. 2tk r mm Wa " h ! rj . . ns ;r" MY 19-1 c'linndler it.ads'er. lust I new. rt K'Hy-sprlnafleid cord lire.. t.tr run only 9ogo iml'-s. r cost n e $2"'5U. Will pacritloe lor $H73. liberal tcrml. T. McDonald. 191 Grand sve. K. 4 111 Oil A N 1'I.EII, -0 inod'-l D. -patch ; I will auaiantee this tar nie hanh sil . forced to sell cheap: I23A and I'troi " rignt party, t all fur t hstfiold. Hr.ad w:iy 7 7 i 1 . . iTT'l Fol tourii.g In first -t-lasa ahai throilKhout. fully e.iuipr- I. aiarler. inounti'tiie rtms. etc. iod tires Tbia tar buara a block data of October. III21. nlnilt .'-'l"2 lli-'l s I'U lat-Ul A K Eit l-ni .. runa Him new: a bargain at $;.; we are opa ,V",BKANXIXa - TREECK. 103 N- Hr.ti .vi.v IMwv, K?B 10"1. w it -i nh.ir k-. iiiom't-. npuihitht n.l ninny oth-r "ira: cr In p.- vt! ft run n trig cm... it Ion. J.M w . MNS or Hi1' Wmfch. M .. iTil-o I a i "J K Tor i: I no. This "r In In flnt tn-rhanl'-al con dition n. ttt"o.l tir, W til -il iu br-rnuin tin 4 RUi lrmr Thoi'1 K.tM KOHD H'AI'ST1K lirjo muilol w i; r. v mh"l'-rli;a. natnt trxl lop. A Un.ly running ir anil l rif-t'n for ;:. fl n. Hwy I'l-S o-HiH 'A'adi M , :rji '" 1 1 K V Il 7.t ;T tnunn.. ii f i-i-'li romill t.m ; 111 Pll f"r $jT, . . m h oi tritiM pom rn Triit W I n M I JV l1" i Ki-;i 11 .:e i.t jchv. i oil nnt. I- rrlce for l !"--". T. -MCIHJ V.-U i:i Si'wT ('AMI ff l.trt niorl. 1 Kr1 lnurlnt rar Hil;tn. no 1 ti n iv or !.!- : Au- (.'rrtiT l"t, nrprov,m'i1t-i f u.y p"1 : want k 1 t moi' I uiomobii". 7l fc ITth I". .NnrtM. . Wi: Vf.KCK TMKM -H rlii .l pn dm til ir run Al'TO KK.c DNfTR I 'TinN c . THIH l ASP ; I.I SAN 'JL.l- rv I"P h pri i your For-;, any mortfl. Hrlnj it to '. WaaUlng t or jut., at lMh. CAS1I for all moKei of rara. mntitinn no ohlTt, l O.laan. 0irJ rir-m vr,v n?m nif-torrv-: ff Tra: rr i rt man Kot'l tf.r rg car Walnut .!, n . w.i n ii ut r-rK : prt f ran fV.r HAS Auto Wrrclt.a s i 4, IVTi nmi A:i-r Rlv S4 ;K1J. o- tret'i- (or trr..,.. ., -I) m -i linl. partly iinpmvr:, rn n A'Mten I. V MafMr1 """ y VAi'l:M ir.ir.Mjn patli-tr. inuat ha hart-tin. Call after 1. At. Wi nut