24 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY,' SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 SITUATIONS WAITED MALE. EMPLOYERS!! " One of the things the Portland T. M. C. A. does is to sort men over for par ticular jobs, or positions. If you should seed & man for any position we will be glad to sort over a large number of men, without expense or obligation to , you, and make available two or three men, with their credentials, irom whom you may make selection. Call Main 8700 and ask for advisory and employ mert department. man, experienced salesman in mechanical or automobile line; also ex perienced In general mercantile lines; salary or salary and commission; can make reasonable investment K war ranted. X )Dltt Qregonian. CHAUFFEUR, 5 years' experience all makes, local references, now employed, at liberty Monday, private tr truck: will drive to Califirnia for expenses wife and self. East 6884. H. T. Kill- gore. TOTING man hat had over 2 years" ad vertislng experience; have Ford; must have part-time work. AB 877, Drago man. TEN years' banking experience, six years as cashier or country oanK; aiso experi ence in writing fire insurance; would like position with bank or loan com any. BJ 956. Qregonian. WANTED By reliable married man any wnrlr in or near fhfi citv: have had ex perience as watchman, gardener and elevator operator. Sfl4 East Sixth st. Sellwood 1100, WANTED By honest one-armed man. position as collector or work that 1 can do with one hand; well Acquainted in city. Phone East 4364 or AF ito8. -Qregonian. m i'OUN'G man, steady and ambitious, wants position selling papers, maga zines or labeling canned goods or in cigar factory ; totally blind and needs work badly. E. F. Miller, au mhi sl bH INGLING We specialize in resam pling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed, 'isti matea free. East 192B. HOLSE painted. $50-$95; rooms tinted, $l-$5; papering, 35c roll. Walnut i04 or office, Rdwy. BS34. Bookkeeper. Stenographers, Office. THOKOUG HLY experienced, competent and reliable bookkeeper, stenographer and all-around office man desires per manent position with reliable concern. Bf-Pt references. AK 927, Qregonian. HARRIED man, 30, wants position as boookkeeper or in any other clerical line, first-class references. A. Allen, 1414 E. 13th st. Sell. 1478. W ANTED Accounting work of all kinds; small sets of books requiring 1 to 3 hours a specialty. Rates reason able. AO 889. Qregonian. ACCOUNTANT, experienced public, in come fcajc specialist, desires responsible position with reliable firm. Tabor 11279. EXPERIENCED in stenography, letter writing; good education; best refer ence; neat surroundings desired. East 8131. Salesmen. bALESMAN, experienced in wholesale selling, wants full time specialty line. BC 925, Qregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. STOP ! READ THIS An educated, re fined and trustworthy woman with 2 daughters, ages o and 10, lert on ner own resources, must have home. Have had office experience and can meet the public splendidly. Can manage vmir home or care for children, would like to manage an apt. house. Can furnish best references. AG 927, Qre gonian YOUNG woman. Normal school graduate. experienced in insurance and other sales work, desires position in insur ance or real estate office that does not require stenography; reierences. a wua, Oregonian. WIDOW with two children must have - work at once; experienced cook and hift to take full charge of house if re quired; would like to keep children with me; best references. AE 908, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED waitress and fountain girl wishes oostlon in restaurant or confectionery; gpod personality and with best references. Phone Miss Di vine, Main 7876. BY REFINED elderly lady, care of chil dren; would be companion nights for room and board. Call after 0 A. M. Auto. 328-76. WANTED By neat, competent lady, good cook, small family, no washing or furnace work. Auto. 520-21 after 11 A. M. . EXPERIENCED grocery and bakery clerk wants position in grocery store or small bakery; willing worker. P 864, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED shoe saleslady and cashier; 4 years' experience; neat; would appreciate steady work. Tabor 6036. YOUNG lady desires work in confection ery sfpre, or elevator operator. Call Atwater 4587. WILL care for children afternoons and evenings, near Auditorium. Atwater Al TA1LORESS and dressmaker wishus steady employment. Call Main 3113, Mrs. Owen. LAUNDRESS Colored, neat and experi enced, will do cleaning. East 5801 Room 3. POSITION as chambermaid by experi enced woman. Call Broadway 2825, apartment 3. EXPERIENCED stenographer with switchboard experience desires position; $75; references. AC 901. Qregonian. CLEANING or ironing, 2 to 4 hours; ex perienced woman. Broadway 4665. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED, 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. . E. 6196. WOMAN wants hour or day work or care of children. East 26S3. WILL care for children during pa rent' 4 abser.cg. References. Walnut 1611. PIANO LESSONS; EXPERIENCED TEACHER. EAST 7122. WANTED Housework, 50c hour. Call . Walnut 3381. Ask for Esther Hill. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Atwater 0555 mornings after 3 2. Aut. 629-79. EXPERIENCED work. Apt. 10. woman wants Main 3259. . day WOMAN wants day work. Atwater 2494. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. YOUNG woman, pleasing personality, ex perienced in Jewelry business, wishes position in doctor, dentist's or office work. Phone Main 6018. 6TENOGRAPHERS. bookkeepers, office help of all description ; quick service. Call Bdwy. 6953. Williams Personnel Bervice, 504 Spalding bldg DICTAPHONE OPERATOR. STENOGRAPHER. Thoroughly experienced. Best city references. Phone Walnut 4487. BOOKKEEPER, cashier and typist. 12 years' experience, dependable, accurate and neat ; references. AE 910, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED in stenography, letter writing; good education; best refer ence; neat surroundings desired. East. 8031. YOUNG lady desires office position, ex perienced in typing, filing, stenography. Sellwood 2299. STENOGRAPHIC position desired with reliable firm by graduate commercial dept. Jefferson, '22. Walnut 1024. GEN ERAL office work, typewriting and shorthand; willing to take small salary at tirst; reierences. E 8N.i, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer; perma nent or temporary ; law office pre ferred. Sellwood 3936. EXPERIENCED tile clerk wishes cler ical position. Atwater 1242. Dressmakers. THE GLAD SHOP. Capes, coats, dresses for morning, tfternoon, evening; expert workman ship; latest fall and winter styles; moderate prices. Main 5354. 1001 Broadway bldg. FALL DRESSMAKING. JUST ARRIVED FROM ABROAD.. NEWEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE STYLES. ATWATER 1635. HEMSTITCHING, 6 and S cts., while you wait; dressmaking, alterations, bead- ; ing; work guaranteed. Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. Bdwy. 2338. DRESSMAKING Absolute guaranteed; quick service. Apt. 29. satisfaction Main 7771, DRESSMAKER, make-over tailoress; ref. erences given. 5652. After 6 P. M., Bdwy. DRESSMAKING, alterations, work guar anteed. by day $4. Phone East 6217. 2URS. W. W. LYEN has moved from 149 T3th st. to 681 Hoyt Rt. Main 6963. PLAIN sewing, mending, coats to reline; $1. room and board. Peil. 3207. HEMSTITCHING, any color, 6c. Rm. 403 Raleigh bldg., 327 Wash. Bdwy. 3742. DRESSMAKING xs 11th St.. apt. 35. Nurses. KU R S E will take chronic invalid in her own home, treatment and physician's care included: terms reasonable. E. 597ft or Broadway 5515. KEFINED m-iddle-aged graduate nurse, care of invalid and companion; would leave city ; $50- per month ; reference. V 9j. urcgonian. WANTED By neat, trustworthy woman for convalescent, good cook and house keeper. Auto. 526-21 after 11 A. M. SWEDISH massage in your own home; ladies only. Misf Ponlsen. Wal. 5343. PHONE Atwater 0349 for trained and practical nursf-s, reasonable terms. NURSE, care sick, invalid, of eidarly. East 8572. convalescent STTtTATTOyrS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. EXPERJEXCED young woman wishes to keep house for appreciative family, adults, employed; no washing, plain cooking, home privileges; walking dis tance to west side desired, evenings and Sundays off; ref., $40 to $45 mo. Phone Tabor 3930. PLACE as housekeeper for respectable gentleman by middle-aged lady ; com fortable home more to be desired than high wages. L. U M.. 480 -3d st. X. CAPABLE young widow with boy 2 years old, desires position as house keeper for a respectable widower. Phone Tabor 1T.37. YOUNG woman with girl 0 wishes house keeping for man In town; home more thin wages. AK fl2, Qregonian. MIDDLE-AC ED lady wishes position as housekeeper in gentleman's home; best or references, tsawy. i o. Domestics, WANTED Housekeeping by unencum bered middle-aged lady, where I can have full charge, good home more than big wages. Give particmara first letter. Address Mr Edna Holland, Heppner, Or. WANTED TO RENT. Houses, 8 OR 9-ROOM well furnished modern house with garage; Rose City Park or Alameda district preferred; within 6 or 8 blocks of 54th st. and Alameda drive. AE 006. Qregonian. IF YOUR place i located In Hawthorne district and yotr want to rent, list it with me. I have several calls daily. John Calderwood, Real Estate, 1330 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8903. WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark st. 7 OR 8-ROOM house, modern conven iences, with garden space, in or near Woodlawn i reasonable rent. Phone Walnut 6!S. 571 Liberty si. YOUNG couple wants 5-room bungalow about Oct. 1; will lease in good dis trict; prefer new house; references. Broadway 7370. WANTED 6-room unfurnished house and garage in Irvingtoni Laureihurst or Rose City additions. Must be thorough ly modern ; references. East 6439. 4 OR 5-ROOM bungalow, unfurnished, with garage; rent must bo reasonable. AG 928. Qregonian. WANT 5 or 8-room furnished bungalo1 S-ept. 22. Tabor 9113. A pa rt mentw. WANTED to rent by married couple, un furnished apartment or flat, or one floor of residence in good residential district, with, garage preferred. Will trade fine building lot in choicest loca tion on Columbia river highway In ex change for rent. H 949, Qregonian. Rooms. WANTED- Furnished room, with ga rage, private family. C 896. Qregonian Rooms With Board. WANTED By young lady, room with board in private family. Call Bdwy. 2100 bet. 9 and 10 A. M. Thursday, Call for Roland. BUSINESS girl wants room and board with private family or in apartment. steam heated, west side. K 949. Ore gonian. BOY, IS, attending Benson Polytechnic school wants work for room, and board. Call East 1756. WANTED Someone to take 3-year-old boy for company or small pay. PhOtae Main 63K0. Mrs. Anderson. RESPONSIBLE business man and wife will lease 4 or 5-room flat or bung low. unfurnished. Call Walnut 3159. H ouek e eping Rooms. ROOM for light housekeeping near 12th and Alder. East 1708. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Wasnmgton st. A clean, respectable place to live; free , pnones in each room, automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant in connection; near Washington park, Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rate, day, week or montn HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH: QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. UUA'VKNIEST, ALL-NIGHT (iAHAtici. AN SOX I A HOTEL. 124 14th St., at Washington: rates $5 per week and un. SI dav: fireproof. large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week. $5 and up: private bath, $8; fireproof and clean; cioae to business center. HOTEL EARLE. 332 10th st., cor. Market. Main 6381. New management. Residential and transient. Excellent home cooking. Steam heat and water In all rooms. ROOMS! ROOMS! ROOMS ! HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 to 211 VS 4th st.; centrally located; rates 75c, SI, $1.50 per day; with bath, $1.60. $2, 32.50: special rates, $4 per weekend up. NICELY furnished rooms on first floor; radiant fire and furnace heat; just off bath; also sleeping room for 2 gentle men. S15. Cali before 11 A. M. or after 5 P. M., 424 Jefferson. Main 2427. WEAVER HOTEL. 708 WASHINGTON ! STREET. Attractive, spotless rooms, with pri vate baths, phone. Reasonable rates. Broadwav 5571. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at rea sonable rates by week or month. WHY NOT have an apt. while In town? Three modern furn. rooms, $12.50 per week. San Marco, E. 8th and Couch. E. 1990. HOTEL CONRAD1NE, 22 North 10th at., 2 blocks north of Washington st.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 6326 Washington at. Modern, private baths, free phones, reasonable rates. $3.50 week up. Broad way 6831. MATHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service, 204 Columbia. NICE sleeping room suitable for one or two gentlemen. Steam heat and phone; bath. Reasonable. 250 N. 19th at. Bdwy. 4294. Bachelor apt. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, J 12 . and $15. 624 Northrup, or phone Bdwy. 4029. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder. A RESPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL, $i up. Kates oy week or month. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st. at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; light and airy. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th st., near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, wee or month at reasonable rates. 50c DAY, $2.50 week up; large, absolute ly clean rms.; bathB free; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. MARLYN HOTEL. Corner 17th and Couch; large, well furnished, modern rooms ; reasonable. STEAM heated, newly furnished, close to bath, walking distance, $12 per month. East 4865. SLEEPING rooms and housekeeping rooms. Phone East 1477. 335 East loth st. North, corner IVeidler. NEWLY furn. room, Nob Hill, near 21st; walking distance; day, wk. or month; reasonable. 701 Davis st. CLOSE IN, . very desirable room, break fast and all comforts of home. 460 Clay st. Main 2228. FURN. RMS. in exclusive Nob Hill residence; steam heat ; walking dis tance. 115 N. 22d. Main 5398. FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, $3 and $3.50 week. 494 Market. Alamo Apts. FOR RENT Rooms at 403 Russell St., near Union. NICELY furnished front room. 738 John son, bet. 22d and 23d. Main 3796. 2 LARGE outside sip. rms.; heat, bath, phone. 560 6th st. Main 1267. NICELY furnished room, 721 East Ash. Phone East 0234. FURNISHED sleeping rooms- 1 light h. k. room, phone, bath and heart. 560 6th st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. BRIGHT room for one or two young mens central, home privileges, piano; $25 monthly. 256 12th. LO WER pleasant f ron t room, reason able; walking distance. 372 14th st. IRVINGTON Ideal room for gentleman; qu'et, comfortable, cony. East 4073. LAD Y alone wishes lady employed ; use of kitchen, home privileges. E. 5735. LARGE, pleasant front room. Suitable for two. Nob H1U district. Main 94M5. LOVELY front sleep, rm. fireplace, conveniences. Atwater 28"4. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2. 4224 Jefferson. Main 6746. ROOM for 14 Main 1199. boys, nice home. Phone FRONT parlor, dressing room, sleeping poroh. gents; west side. Bdwy. 4329. COMPOKTABLE room suitable for 3 men. Phone Main 1263. 880 10th mt. FRONT ROOM, well furnished for 1 or 2, walking distance. Broadway 4434. WIXjL care for children in my 'home. Pfrone Walnut 6i)P4. FURNISHED room for rent, st. Atwater 0722. ISO Corbett 621 IRVING Sunny alcove room, h. k., fur, or unfur.; modern. Bdwy. 4219. DESIRABLE front room. 211 North. Slot U Phone Ham frOoO. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms in Private Family. PLEASANT front room with private en trance, convenient hot water and bath. $13; board with private family close. East S743. 77tf E. Taylor. S-S. Mt. Ta bor or Hawthorne cars to 23d. NICE front room, overlooking the city, for one or two young men. Breakfast and dinner. Reasonable. In private home. Good location. Exchange ref erences. AE 036, Qregonian, iKVl.VUTON Room and glassed-in sleep ing porch, suitable for 2, furnace heat, hardwood floors, Broadway car line, close in on E. 24th st. Phone East 0632. IRVINGTON Attractively furnished large front room; mahogany furniture, fireplace, heat; telephone in room; Bdwy. car line; 1 block from Broadway on 24th. Call East 0632. LARGE front room wltn large closet, light, heat, phone, h. and c. water, lovely new furniture, walk. dit., $16 for 1; J10 each for 2. East 4365. EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished room to one or two gentlemen who are accus tomed to quiet, refined home; close in, west side; references. Atwater 2039. LARGE, well furn. cor. room in refined home; heat. bath, phone; walking dis tance; gentleman. 358 Larrabee. East 4906. NICE, clean, light, warm room; hot and cold water in room; suitable for oie or two; reasonable; very close in. Phono Main 5758 or Atwater 3987. LOVELY' front room, handsomely fur nished, in a swell private home, suit able for 2 young men; twin beds. 71 Trinity place. THREE large, clean, bright rooms, gas, elect., water, bath. $3 for one and $4 for two. No children. Phone Empire 1172. NEWLY furnished, light, airy rooms, strictly modern, in refined family: ga rage for car; 20 min. walk. E..4109. 692 Elliott ave. TWO NICE, large rooms, one with sleep ing - porch, suitable for three; rree phone and bath; $20 and $25 month. 253 N. 21st. Main 4078. NOB HILL Exceptionally nice large rm., fireplace, 3 closets, dressing rm., priv. bath. 84 N. 21st St., cor. Everett. COZY' room for man accustomed to nice things. Quiet, modern place. 362 y Park St., corner Mill. Atwater 1780. NICELY furnished room with bath, for gentleman ; only roomer. 324 East 34th. Tabor 1461. ' LIGHT, sunny sleeping room, desirable location, walking distance. 554 Ever ett, cor. 17th. - LAURELHURST. beautiful furn. rm. In lovely home; every convenience; half block to car. Tabor 2437. LARGE, sunny front room, furnace heat, all conveniences, SS car. Phone E. 8860. 145 E. 12th st. S. 269 14TH, NEAR JEFFERSON Choice room, modern conveniences; walking distance. YOUNG lady wishes roommate, all con veniences. piano, etc. 61 N. 18 th sL Bdwy. 2721. CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate: separate beds; piano; a real home. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721.' ROOM suitable for young man. Also large room with 2 beds for 2 young men. E. 6949. 595 East Taylor. SLEEPING rooms for gentlemen ; heat and hot water; reasonable. 63 N. 22d st. Main 1746. WELL-FURNISHED sleeping rm., steam heat, close in. 307 11th St., apt. E. Atwater 0481. $26 STEAM-HEATED apts., clean, large rooms with kitchenette, sleeping porch. walking distance. 735 Everett. LARGE, neatly furnished IL convenient for two. close i East 155. - K. room Phone Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. CHESTER BURY HOTEL, 2C1 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day, week or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON1A HOTEL, Portland's down town high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a borne. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1180. PARK VIEW HOTEL. West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. 794 LOVEJOY ST. MAIN S619. Residential hotel"; a real home for people employed ; good home-cooked meals. HOTEL HEREFORD. 735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3305. Excellent dining room service, under the direct supervision of- Mrs. McDou gall, formerly of the Ramapo hotel. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 633 KEARNEY, COR. 20TH. For business people ; newly furnished. Also sleeping porch. Broadway 1509. Ruoifci and uoard tor ousinesa giric, mod ern conveniences; waiting distance; per week. East 9730. 12 E ith at. REAL home, all privileges, close in, with home-made bread and pie. iw sx. xvin st. Bdwy. 4314. ROOMS. Double, Single, Meals. 779 Marshall. Main 4878. ROOM suitable for 1 or 2 with board. 428 Mill street. ROOM and sleeping porch; hot and cold water; meals, J. be as. Main 4b is. 449 W. PARK ST. Large sleeping rms. ; bath, home privileges. Atwater :;.Hq. Kooms Wit h Board in Pri va-te Fam i 1 y . NICE light, sunny rooms; also room and board; close in. ao wiuiams ave., just off Broadway. BOARD and room In modern home for young man or lady, 1 block to car. Tabor 5195. 326 East 32d st. SELECT, ouiet home, near Mult, club, for couple employed and child or single person. aiain uooj. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room with board in refined family ; close in on eat side. East 3109. J 938, Qregonian. NICE ROOM with breakfast and dinner in new modern home, $40. t ti) hi, loth North. Walnut 1542. WANTED Children to board; good home and mothers care. Phone Tabor 5061. . BUSINESS men may secure good home In Irvm-gton, attractive rooms, excel lent rreals. garage. East 6724. LAURELHURST - Double aiid single room with board; working pepole pre ferred; garage. Tabor 0976. LARGE room, suitable for 2 ladies, twin beds or a double bed, with 2 meals, home cooking. Atwater 1013. COMFORTABLE rm. in apt., suitable for 2 ladies, twin beds or a double bed. with 2 meals, home cooking. At. 1033. 2-ROOM apt. with private bath, steam h eat. E ast 2376. 2724 Williams ave. LARGE front room, facing park, in ; very reasonable. 451 West close Park. CHEERFUL home for girl employed. $30 per month. Bdwy. 2293- ROOM and house. 692 board in E. Ash. private boarding East 1207. GOOD board and home privileges. room for gentleman ; East 9065. CHOICE family bearding near Multnomah- club; nice home. Main 2219. GOOD room and board for 1 or 2 gentle men. 712 Flanders St. Main 4281. ONE $45 room, excellent meals, vacant today. Main 3305. NICELY" furnished room and board for mothe and child under 5. Tabor 0058. Mes. blossom mas be? ITS peeFecav ) . s CHe TcH To Pump Alws Been iNTeMSTeoV Natural, anvbopw VhfS Rachel a Boor all C T ) SEX.X BUT IT SEEMS ' fT "P V W 3$ J ThSSE TC.l SHC5 ( M r,ND ouT AlXTHe DeT I Would ee Axveuc. and - Hi - fllCsU Y IwLat vou Iaks f i' 1 ABOUT H.AA AND H.S "THG MVSTER.V OF MfS 11 'JTfPD rfA V Y cl ZesM ISfV. YZK I BEING- LEFT WITH ME! J BEGINNINGS AND OF H 15 17 J7 ) VF IT I "Hjf DOORSTEP AltRlUAL. MAKE Iff - . f T4 WTj. Oi '.'-N Iwttoi.r' Than eiea. x J1T - J k- , ,V f --"S irt . V- ' ' Li, ) - ALLOClNCr y .)y A.'- .fll'IRft) ) Z- 7 ' '" ' ' c ca mt- r.fA ti,mome ' . FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. IRVINGTON. Fine modern home. 2 blocks from car, large front room, newly furnished, plenty of hot water, good food, well cooked and served; if you are looking for a home away from home see this place before locating. 442 E. 17th N. ROOM and board in real uome at Sea side. Will give special care to aged people or in poor health. Mrs. A, M. Jobacn. Pox 59tf. Seaside. Or. WANTED Two refined young men to room and board or room without board, in private family; Victrola and piano. Call Main 5637. GENTLEMAN desiring home with un usually attractive surroundings, near Waverley golf links and high-olass home cooking write AF 938, Qiegonian. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 gen tlemen; steam heat, hot and cold water; meals if desired. Phone Mon day. East 9090. ROOM and board In lovely home on Zilla Hts., overlooking river; good home cooking. Special rates for two. 610 Grand ave. Sellwood 3936. Furnished Apartments. MARTHA APARTMENT3. 2-room newly furnished apts., week or month; aiso sleeping rooms. Mala 2141. FURNISHED 3-room apt., modern, half rent to counts for firing steam plant mornings and evenings. '19 Market. DOWNTOWN. Ground floor, 3-room modern apart ment; suitable for combined business and residence. Alton. 381 Yamhill. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Modern 2-room, hardwood floors, ele vator,, electric washers, lights and phone; walking. 386 3d. Main 9466. 3-ROOM fur. apt. in basement, light and dry. Gas and electricity; free wood, water and phone. $20. Walnut 0230. BONNIE BRAE. Furnished apt., modern, clean and attractive, light and airy; Irving ton district. 514 Hancock st. East 2202. BERKELEY APTS., 39 TRINITY PLACE Front 3-rm. furn. apt. 4-rm. base ment apt. . Walking distance. Broad way 5irl. CLOSE-IN. well-furn. apt., all conven iences, private bath, pjano; with or without garage ; free phone. Call at 110 E. 20th. at Alder, or East 8951: 1 LARGE front room with kitchenette, newly papered, light, steam heat, phone rent reasonable. 250 N. 19th st. Bdwy. 4666. ONE SINGLE, one- 2-roorn and one -3- room apartment; phone and lights fur nished; $1 per room to steady tenant; no children. Phone Main 7759. ONE 2-room apt., large living room and complete Kitchen, 1st noor, rirepiace, furnace heat, h. and c. water. Fine location. 631 Hoyt st. ALICE COURT, E. 8tn, Burnside Walk ing distance; 2 and 3-rm. apts., 2 beds, fireplace, private tel. and bath. E. 3566. ARBOR COURT, 14th and Columbia; sunny 3-room apts. ; ivory finish ; adults; references. ' ALTONIA APTS., 19th and Marshall 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts.. larger light, airy, un furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. 4-ROOM furnished apt.; private bath and phone; $50 per month; walking dis tance. Last lwoo. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12TH ST. Large, light front 2-room apt. Well furnished. Phone. Atwater 0S08. THE DIEL, 7U0 E. ANKENY. Attractively furnished 4-room steam- heated, apartment, ttast 4U4ts. LEONCE APTS.. 186 22d St. S-room apt., private bath; $45 -winter rate. Atwater 22o0. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 .ANI") :J-ROOM APTS. THE LILLIAN. 3-room furnished apt., west side; close in. Atwater 1378. 381 6th st. LIGHT, clean 2-room apartment; close in, west side, quiet place. 208 17th St. Main 762S. OFFICE girl wishes to share apartment with congenial girl; rererences ex changed. M 880, Qregonian. ' HAMMERSLEY COURT, 2o0 12 th One 2-room apt.; private bath, floor; $32.50. st. first CARLOIS APARTMENTS. Two-room modern furnished apart ment, reasonable. 14th and Market. WESTMINSTER Apt., Main 5582. Nicely furnished and unfurnished apts. 26Jf Sixth st. 3-ROOM apt. and sleeping poroh, wi-th furniture for sale; reasonable; leaving city. Bdwy. 4542, St. Francis Apts. , AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 and 3-room apts. ; walking dis tance; opp. auditorium. Atwater 5566. HAVE apartment and would like con genial woman to share same. Call Main 81 1H, Mrs. Owen. 8-ROOM apt., accommodating 3 or 4; iurnace neat. ui jn. xrvmg, oetween 21st and 22d. 4-ROoM apt., living room, mahogany ; vacated the first. Irving Apts., 21st and Irving. Main 1)239. HANTHORN APTS. Desirable 3-room fur. apt., pearlng beds. 251 12th st. 2 dlsap- K1NG ALBERT APTS. Two and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath, 11th and Montgomery. Main 0359. SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and Multnomah, 2 and 3-room furnished apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. H ADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs., private balconies, $35 up. Mar. 1160. THE STANFIELD. Nice outside ' 2-room apt.; conven iences; $24jwijiteriteAIa in 7392. FURNISHED 3-room apts.; private bath, toilet, phone; $2o per month. 545 Hood st. ; hot and cold water. Atwater 2134. IRVINGTON 5 rooms and sleeping porch; corner apartment, janitor serv ice; rent $7n. East 7686. BENSON APTS.. 20th and Kearney S room furnished apt. in Nob Hill sec tion. LORENZO APTS., 427 Salmon st., 2 blks. library, 2-room front first floor apartment. ONE and 3-room fur. apt.,- block library, 215 11th st. Main 8678. 4-ROOM furn. flat., adults. For key. 290 Fargo. EaM 3305. Cor. William's. $30 3-ROOM apt.. East 9th St. N. well furnished. 412 MOST beautiful furnished apt., Gordon court. 530 Montgomery. Price $ 100. THE CHELTENHAM, 225 N 19th, 2 and 4-room apts. Bdwy. 3658. UNION AVE. apt.. $21.50. and Killingsworth, fur. Complete, concrete bldg. 2 AND 3-RM. apts., light, modern. Ar Une apts.. 22, N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. ATTRACTIVE 3-rm. apt., 1st 11., bath, phone. Main 1267. heat. FURN. apts., 1, 2. 3-room. close in. 194 Lownsdale. reasonable ; TWO NICELY furnished connecting ro o ma, bath and toilet. 595 Sixth s t. IDAHO APTS.. 389 apta. from $20 to 6th $30 st. ; furnished a month. TWO-ROOM apartment, first floor; also room, kitchenette. 655 Flanders st. CLARINE APTS. Nice 1, front, walking distance. 2 and 3-room 117 N. 18th. 2-ROOM apartment, first floor; also room, kitchenette. 655 Flanders st. BANNER APTS. Nicely furnished apts. One in basement. 489 Clay. DESIRABLE furnished apt., Jl rooms; adults. 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. 1 3-ROOM nicely furnished modern apt.; close to car line.; $30. Atwater 4166. NE VV modem 3-rm. nlshed, $25 Adults. fiat, nicely fur Walnut 3796. VERY desirable, clean, 2-rm. apt., light a, bath phone. .$20. Garage. 566 Market. TWO-ROOM attic apt., water and bath, only $18. 696 Irving. GASOLINE FOR RENT. Furnlwhrd ApnrtmeiitM STELWYN APAKTMBiNTa. HIGH CLASH. For tourist and piniHnnt ust, the handsomest furnlhd npurtnif nts In the city; 1 to 5 rooms und lipln porches; very artistic, light, airy and exceptionally clan; fw In ivory, wil low, Chinese rugs and poniroe hang ings, floor lamp, t, Tb" wlwhln a home In every rpmrt, with ffind surroundings and Al Rrvlo and mwt service if required. HlngU rooms nd suites for refined nt 1-m-n, liifrr encea required. 106 m. Clair. ?t, 221 and Washington. Il.lwy. WHEELPON ANNEX. Haa been thoroughly rnnva,fd and redecorated and under nw uinriHg ment; 2, 8 and 4-rm. apt, to pwrma ent or transient by day, week or month; close to bumntiui cntr. Cor ner loth and Halnmn Main 6011 I WILL lease my 6-rm. furn. hnti.w f r 8 months; all finished In whltn ivory, 2 bedrooms, beautiful un parlor, huut. light and phone furnished; garage If wanted. This Is worth looking at. so step quick. 925 Haight, cor. of fckld more. Adult s only. THE ALAMO APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished 8-room front apt., steam heat, private bath, disap pearing bed, $45; 3-room back apt., suitable for 3; 2 beds, newly enameled, $40 494 Market. THE CROMWELL. FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. All outside 2 and 3-room furnished apts.; French doors and balconies, per manent and transient. Atwater 5198. NOW AVAILABLE Desirable 2-room apts. in modern brick bldg. ; large rooms, roomy kitchen, bultt-ln or open beds, linen furnished; nothing better tor the price. $25 to $40. Lincoln apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4-room flat, beautifully furnished with new oak furniture; up in' first class condition. Phone and steam heat included; rent ?65. Bdwy. 124o. . EXCEPTIONAL 3-roora furnished apt.. J47.50; 2-room suite, $30; light and heat and telephone furnished ; one large room, lavatory, $20. Phone for appointment, 315-17. Alberta car. 1204 .frast th st. North. GUILD APTS. 394 Guild, near 23d and Thurman. 3 large rooms, private bath, hall, heat and hot water: very attractive. Also 4 rooms unfurnished. Main 3705. WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 3-roora apt., with new oak furniture, modern throughout; rent $45. Bdwy. 1 THE REXFORD. 2-room apt., steam heat, telephone. newiy nmsned. This is a nice one. Will be vacant Sept. 23. $47.50. Main 0553. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett. Bet. 20th and Ella Sts. very desirable furnished 3-room cor ner apt., with sleeping porch; walking nistncft. ridvy. 44'i. WASHINGTON HIGH APARTMENTS. 3-rm. fur apt. and 4 large outside rms., unfur. ; private bath, h. w. heat, walking dist. 575 E. Stark, cor. 14th. East S636. SPECIAL RATES FOR YOUNG WOMEN Dormitory room and board. $5 per week; age limit 17-25. Main 3429. JEANNE D'AItC. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. IQD. APTS. WK. OR MTU. E. 1990- ONE 2-room apt., 3d floor, hot and cold water, good furniture, very convenient. 631 Hoyt. Unfurnished Apartments. LUCHETIA COURT. 4-room front apt., unfurnished, all outside rooms, facing east, fine view of city. Tapestry papered, hardwood floors, first class in every respect ; court and lobby one of the finest in city. Adults ; references. Atwater 1513. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. BOWMAN APARTMENTS. Fine five-room apt. ; steam heat, wood fireplace, tile bath, janitor serv ice; no children; references. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6007. BERYL APARTMENTS. Very large light 3-room. modern. Ivory woodwork, newly papered, new range and linoleum, spacious dressing room, 2 disappearing beds, large veran da, fine view, close in. 695 Lovejoy, near 21st St. HOYT-GLISAN APARTMENTS, 800 East Hoyt St. 3, 4, 5-room unfurnished apartments in new building, facing large gardens; electric ranges and every modern con venience. East 7527. WELLINGTON COURT, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 5-room fiat, in first-class condition, steam heated, telephone Included. Rent $50. Broadway 1245. WICKERSHAM APARTMENTS 5-roora modern, unfurnished; excellent service, located at 18th and Flanders, west side. Phone Broadway 2201. APARTMENT IN IRVINGTON. 1 Very desirable ; thoroughly modern 8-rm. apt. ; built-ins, 2 beds, fireplace. etc., $50. 554 Tillamook, cor. 13th st BOWMAN APTS.. IRVINGTON. 4-room modern outside bungalow apt., steam heat; janitor; ref a. East AVALON APTS. Beautiful unfurnished 4-room apt.. bath, heat, phone. $45 month; adulta. Bast 1986. By Oct. 1st. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desira ble unfur. apts. available at reasonable rentals. Phone Broadway tt60. IONIAN COURT. 1STH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt., 1 blk. off Wash. St., adults. Bdwy. 2761 5-ROOMS, modern, steam heat. 10 min utes walk to business center. 561 Glisan. IRVINGTON 3 rooms and sleeping porch, hot water heat, wood fireplace, janitor service; rent $75. East 76S6. OCT. 1. 6-ROOM sunny apt. : 3 private porches: hardwood floors, heat and water. 791 Northrup. Main 9358. THE MARLBOROUGH. 5 nice, large, light rooms, ail newly decorated throughout. Main 7516. 3-ROOM apt., private toilet and bath, near 20th. Atwater 4761. rnurman st. 3-ROOM APT. Private entrance, bath; also furnished room. 388 Grand ave. N. FCKDHAM APARTMENTS. FOUR ROOMS. ATWATER 1881. THE DAYTON 66u Flanders, a or 5-rm. apts. Bdwy. 3134 mornings. 2-ROOM unfur. apt., newly renovated. 401 10th st. Main 24 SO. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-rooin apartments. Broadway 3360. MOKDAUNT 5e6 Everett. Large mod ern 4-rml homelike; inspection invi: ed. ALTER A PTS. 6 outside sunny rms.. mod.; $75. 21st-Overton. Bdwy. 1980. 1 HE ORMONDE 4 and 5-room unfur. ap ts 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873 . 3-ROOM APT. Private entrance, bath furnished. 888 Grand ave. North. ONE 4 and 5-room unfurnished apt. The Wllmar. 742 Everett st. Main 5164. BEAUTIFUL Gordon Court. 530 Mont gomery, family apts. 4 to 6-rm. apts. NICE clean 2-room apt.; hot water heat. Atwater 3456 or 789 Kearney st. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH. ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 4f6 N. 26th. Main 5497. Furn. and un furn. 3 and 4-rm. apts. : everything new. THE DESSENDORF APTS. 208 16th, near Taylor. Atwater 0128; 5-room fur, an du nfur. apts. HIGHLAND COURT. ATWATER 318L Furnished or unfurnished apartments. ALLEY WALT GETS A TOW FOR RENT. Ftatn. SPLENDID 6-room flat, top floor, fine view, light and airy; 2 open porches, 2 tXHlrouiim, nail Dea in living room ami Inclosed sleeping porch; new gas range, nw inlaid linoleum, water and heat, for only 50. Apply Sua E. 21st atreei. ( r ILi w thorn e ve. 7-KM. FLAT. 393 16th. second houe south of Montgomery; sl. porch, fire place with gu log. gas range in kitrhen; rent $47.50. Key to flat In basement flat. Strong A Co., 806 Chamber of Commerce. KOK KENT 4-room fiat, first-class con dition, all modern Improvements, cen tral location, good neighborhood, rea sonable rent to desirable tenants; adults only. See owner, 747 East Burn- Ids st. EVERETT and 17th, west aide, save carfare, five min. bus. venter. 5 and A rooms, clean, modern. large yard, basement, furnace, iaundry trays. Wak field-Fries & Co. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. Kwell 4-room flat, d Isappearing bed, linoleum, gas range. 71 East 2ath at., near Stark. . GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon BMg. TWO 8-ROOM flats for rent; heat and water furnished; near 2 good schools and on good car line; one flat at $25, other at $30. Phone Auto. 628-38. FOR RENT, $20 Six rooms, with bath, elect, light and gaa; 16th and Jefferson sl. Inq,. Jefferson grocery, 515 Jef ferson st. GOOD modern 5-room flat, furnace, fire place, gas range; in good district; water and garbage. 253 E, 17th st. Call Walnut 2900. BEAUTIFUL bungalow flat. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, garage and built-ins. on Willamette hghts. 1046 Vaughn st: Main 292 1 . WEST SIDE Lower flat, private en trance ; 5 rooms and bath ; newly ren ovated. Main 8580. BRAND NEW 4-ROOM PLATS. MOD , ERN; GOOD LOCATION; WALKING DISTANCE. 415 BENTON STRF:KT. MODERN 6-room uppr flat in East Portland; walking distance; $Lj. East 23ol. $22.50 3-RQOM upper fiat. 621 Overton. west side; walking distance; water, gas for bath free. East 1904. WEST SIDE Near in. 7-room flat with all conveniences. Rent $60. Call East 0649. 37.5(1 MODERN flat. In pink of condi tion. 1U85 Haw. ave., near 36th. Phone 547-50. NICE 6-room flat, west side. 16th and Everett sts., rent $40. The Lawrence Co.. Main 6915. UPPER 6-room flat, modern; 30H. N. 19th. Adults. $35.00. 5-ROOM upper flat ; $32.50; references. Call 56716 E. Davis st. 3 ROOMS and bath, modern, nf-ar 22d. Main 7521. 705 Glisan, $22.50 MODERN 5-room flat. Main 1696, evenings. C49 2d. MODERN 6 rooms, best location. Inquire 175 16th at. 8. 5-ROOM flat. $20 ; range sale. 919 East Everett. and fuel for East 7036. $25 -GOOD 6-room flat, close in. 654 Vi Burnside. East 2409. 5-ROOM flat. 435 11th st. Funiiwhed Flat. THE FAUSTINA. A modern house of flats, west side, close in. newly finished, cheerful four rooms and bath; a pleasant home; ref erences. 464 Hall St.. near 13th. 5-ROOM modern furnished lower flat, with garage if depired; 3 blocks from Williams ave. and Broadway. Call 4264 Rodney ave. East 8572. COZY 3-room flat. bath, closet, phone, light and water inoluded ; $32.50 per month. H. Smith, 5625 85th St. S. E. Mt. Scott car. 4 ROOMS, furnished, upper part of houe. separate . entrance at H4U ureenwood pt.. rent $25. Inquire Wakef ield-Fries & Co.. S5 Fourth st. $35 5 ROOMS, new, $28; 3 rooms, mod ern, clean, whole floor to itself; adulu only. 572 Mill st. WEST SIDE Close in. 6-room flat; fur niture for sale, flat for rent. Atwater 1941. Call after 6 P. M. C LARGE rooms, flat ; very wall fur nished, Irvington district, walking dis tance. Phone E fi !0. 6-ROOM modern lower flat on west sld. close in ; nicely furnished, or will sell furniture and rent flat. Call Main 8916. 2 FURNISHED flats, upper 9 rooms and lower 5 rooms, centrallylocated. Phone Bdwy. 3399. 4-ROOM up-to-date furn. flat. 2HS Far go. East 3305. For key call 290 Fargo, cor, of Williams: $4Q. adults. NICELY furn. flat, built ins, near Dental college; adults; reasonable. Automatic 631-11. 3-ROOM nicely furnished flat, private bath, close in, $3.30. 630 E. Alder. Eaat 720. NEWLY furnished 3-room modern close tn. Walnut 33IH. fiat; MOIKRN 5 rooms, clean, porches, reaa ; close In. T)02 Salmon opp M ult. club. WKLL furnished 5-room flat; piano, flre place, hardwood floors. 627 Hancock. 5-ROOM furnished flat, modern, near 2 carlines. 412 Wasco. East 3805. COMFORTABLY furnished 0-rooai flat, piano. MO. Atwater .'',295. FURNISHED 4-room flat with sleeping porch, private residence. Tabor 7119. 2 OR 3 LARGE, light corner roomi apt. 402 Park. Atwater 1540. $32.50 5-ROOM furn. upper flat Cook ave. East 4203. CHOICE lower furn. side. Tabor 3879. flat, close In, e&st 5-ROOM furn. flat, newly renovated. 401 10th st. Main 2480. 5-ROOM furnished flat. i:t3 E. lhth S. Housekeeping Rooms. 4 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms, piano, lights and water, for $ 3 2. B0, at 305 Brazee st. on Union ave. THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $ 15 up, including hot water, elec. lights, laundry room. UNFURNISHED large h. k. rooms, ten ter of town, reasonable. 221 12th mt., cor. Salmon. NEWLY furnished h. k. tultea, hot wat day and night. $20, $22 month. 42 Second st. 170 CHAPMAN, near 18th and Morrison; 1 room and kitchenette, $18.00; DM car. Atwater 182S. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and rooms to rent in a real home, 403 Russell ave. sleeping close in. NICE clean furnished h. k. rooms, single and double, $2 50 week up. Buckeye apt., 3o4 E. Morrison. LIGHT h. k. room, suitable for bachelor; reasonable rent; close In. 224 Wash ington st. NEAR S. P. shops, near car line, 3 neat unfurnished h. k. rooms, pri ate en trance. (SH$ E. 11th st. 1 LARGE single h. k. room, sunny, clean and comfortable. fi31 Hoyt. 461 E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th.. 1 2-rm. fur. H. K. apt. reasonable. CLEAN 2 rooms, housekeeping, wit h running water. lOQ1 1ft. Taylor apt. 2 H. K. ROOMS. $20; $15; small room, $K. large front room, 872 Hawthorne. LA RGB room and kitchenette, $20; 3 $2.r. 300 4th st.. close in. -ooms, 2 AND 3-ROOM h. k. suites, all t urn I tu re. very ciean. n- j-tn sr. DENVER APTS.. 208 Wash. t. H. JC rms., single -nq aouo'e. i.ia up. STEAM-HEATED h.. k. rooms, h. and a water, Jo to it weea. xt t um i. liAROE room and kitchenette. $20; sin gle rooms, n.vi t lanners st. H. K. ROOMS For working men, rea sonable; close to marKeu au zn mt. H. K. ROOMS. $10 a month at 264 12th st. Main ;:ituz. FOR BKXT. Ifoaaekprplng Jionmn. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CLEAN'. Must b seen to be appreciated; suit able for one employed or student: light, gas and water furnished; ptm heat, good n.g U out hood ; a ao sleeping rooms; reduced rates. 4J Mill mt.t bet 11th and 12th. CLEAN, att ractive 3-t 00m apt.. ttU-gnnt living room, with fin view. itite kitchen with pantry, porch, sink. raiiKe ; suitable for fami .y ; would rnt couple; separate h-at furnished. 4uS 12th t. Main FOR RENT 2 light houj-ekt-ping room in suourban bungalow; beautiful view; s block from Mation. lacing Oregon Electric R. R. ; lurnarr. all modern conveniences. Phone .Main 776. 1 FRONT ROOM. a.o 2-room suite, new ly arrange.; fine, Uri, cheerful rooms, linens, dishes, silverware, com plete; better hurry. 1S7 Chapman ml., near Yamhill. ItuoM anJ kitchen. fumihed or unfur nished ; very clean ; r-w.nub ; ideal, quiet location. 768 Park ave., n-ar City park; very close Council Cr-at car. Main 47H. 2 AND 3-ROOM suites. $1'J to $15; single H. K. rooms, $: to $10 prr month; bachelors or couples ; lobby ; pf na I rates to ex-ervlce boys. The Vaugha Apts.. N. llth and Vaughn sts. ONE VACANCY, bin. light loom wr.h kitchene 1 1, h igh-i-Iafs p!ac. beauti fully furnished, 7 ftti: furnace heat. S71 ClisMii. near lMh st. NEWLY furn. in wicker and Ivory. Wil ton rugs, fireplace, new bat li. large room and kitchenette, $30. 11 UUaan st . . near !Hth. NICELY fur. -rni. H. K. apt.. lt floor; private lavatory ; a Iso 3-nt.m art., 2d floor; fr heat, light and phone; nii-, horn e -1 i ke pi a c -. 5-ot- C 1 ay a t. A t. JJ0. FURNISHED 2-room H. K. apartment; alo large front room witn hitcneu. 235 11th st. COSY, welligiitt-d room, hut an-1 co.d water, laundry priviU-K. 501 Harri son, a. bove 14th st. Au t o . 1 H -JZ . TWO large rooin, pmno, $-'' PT month Call 60:; th st . after 2 P. M llUWf Kreplllg tl ir.rrlv :ne Tamily. CLEAN, nu-ely furnirihi'd iou keeping room with running water, heat, bath, phone, gas, laundry privileges, walking distance; congenial surroundings; ref erence required. East 214S after 6 P. M. ' SUNNY outside furn. room for young lady employed; next to bath; 2 win dow's and closet; west aide . 13 min. walk to husinesa center; private fam ily; $1 Per mo. Bdwy. i7l. CLEAN 3-room fur. h- k. apt.. lt ft back. stove hat, private entrai walking distance; adults. Call water 024 before r.oon or aftr H P $5 BEAUTIFUL, new ly-f urniwli. d h. k. room and kitchenette. Don't fall to investigate; immaculate. 90 Corbett. Main MMO. . 2 STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, kitch enette; reasonable; single h. k. room, $5 per wek. 4 15 Columbia. UNFURNISHED light h. k. rooms, tral location, reasonable rent. 1 2th at., cor. Sa Imorv VERY clean I and 2-room apts.. running hot and cold water, furnace heat- 331 W. Park. BASEMENT apt., suitable for or employed couple; reasoni MuHnomah t. E. I. bachelor 1 bio. 368 H. K. ROOMS, Wj 1 lia in ave. walking distance. East r797. Mm. Wllrni. 3 ROOMS for light Walnut 3392. housekeeping. $18. ONE-ROOM and kltchejiett. heat, light, gas furnished, $22.50. 3 Klla. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished roorui with bath. 595 6th at. FURNISHED housekeeping rooniB, 4 Jew. Sellwood 1222. MODERN room and kitchenette. Hah I and phone. $-'0. East 44 Kog. TWO large h. k. roonia. everything fur nished but saw. 90S Corbett. NICFLY furn. If. K. to orklng people. rooms. Atw-af r 2S.M. 2 OR 3 unfurnished housekeeping room. near rarllne. rea?"onahlfv Atwater nwi. IIouaa. ilODEKN 6-rMm bungalow, with garaK-; newiy painted, electric iiK"'a. ga. bath, furnace, rement bailment: nice lawn and flowera; big garden apace; Multnomah Station. Will liao to r--Hponsdhle tenant. AO i2Q. OreCon'an. 0-KOOM houae. nar canine, on Heec'i nt. Can be used by two rami 1 fa; rent $37.."0. Main il1. TDK LA WRKNTR CO., 212 r'orbtt Pldg SEVEN-ROOM house, hardwood floors. light, gas and water. Inn oaaement ; near 3 carlines. 3"6 N. 24th St., west side. Atwater 3304. Open from 10 to 12 until rented. JUST completed, rooms and bi tapestry pa per. garas. located ent $65 month new duplex house. 5 th. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and In i.adds addition: each apt. Hdwv. 7T'tt. 4-ROOM bungalow with dt-n. furna fireplace, ett!. On Byheo aw, n' "Weatmorela nd. $35 p'T month mU & RummPlt, 274 Stark st. 6729. R urn -Kdwy. CALL BROADWAY 50 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO., LIGHT POWER HEAT Washing m at Tenth eet MOfiKKN H-room hou.- venient to ReMd rotbn TUB LA W K EN' E 12 Corbeft on 41t wt , : rnt $:t7 COMPANY. i!dc. KU RN J TL' K E moving. 2 p.r hour and up; 30 days free Morale on household good a in brlrK wa rehouse , eat I mutes gladly furnished. Phone Hdwv. 1207 GOOD 6-room house at 3'0 Ka 3 blocks south of Hawthorn rth at., no s rage, $30. H. K. Knapp. Phone .VJlf. Mnin 3-ROOM modern A'l.ina luna ' w. r rli.irn ; J.'l Detroit, near ';i!l mornings ltd v v. F 1 ' R N I T 1 ! E ninvlng. f 2 :n p r ho.i piano.". $2 up. Call Crown Transfer (' Eat .ri047. FOR R ENT 7 -room h"Us- on K ea me v St.. rent $45. Call C.7 Kearney fif k-. mornings. CUT RATES ON Fl'RNITt.'ItE MnVIN'J. FIRE Pit OOF HTOK. li J'AVH KHK E. T.ONO I THT. HAt'LINO H I W V J I MOVING Pianos. furniture; long -distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Pdwy. Sl 2 1 . WHEN moving, city or country, g. t tha best at lowest prlcen. Oren Trans fer Co. Main 12fll. 202',-fr A Ider st. FOR RENT 3-roo m h u s, 13 .". Wilbur at., near tireeiey ana niani 1 K d , ' block St. John car. Ttr t i W II V r4it 7-RM)M modern houee, sl-t)i n,4 porr h. fireplace, furnace, hard w ood floors ; fine view. HMO Vaughn. ATTRACTIVE) 5 -room bung a m w. all modern imprnvemfnts. garage. Ml East Couc h. F'hone E ,i t 7'' i. I ' E Al " T I Fl 'L H-room mMiwrn hoin-e arid garage for rent, by ownr; near Fern wood school. Cull Ea.-t 133". TO RENT your home Frank L. Mo Gulre. Ablngton bidir. 5-ROOM Davis. house, I no, tiir 71 E. 1itn N-. nnr 130 rt'h st. Main 6:'7S. liEA I'T I FIT L fi-room bungalow. f u rnace, fireplace; $3.r. HH2 E. Era nklln st 7.RM. MOtEKN lioua-, Heights, near car li n $.'.0; Wilamette At. :i7o. FINE fi-rm. bung.low, luri ace. fireplace. $37. SO. smi E. 3.th st. Ulchmond car. fe-ROOM houie lor rent; $20; tfon. Williams ave. d lo MODERN -East 7737 -room roltttSe ; morning". Tf lit NEW 6-room bungalow Park ; will giv 1 a-""- ' in lloo "it y 'all Tabor Sis.".. FUR RENT or aale, small hout. East 2110. -ROOM houao. 410 E. loth. $25; all conveniences. IRVINGTON center, rage; reasonable. Oct. 1. fl roo ma. East 21'7. II ii w . AloVh: TIIK hU'liilTV WAV. Hxlrnlt nt ry Srvir rr-r t Um rtli f.ary l'r PAfKIVG. T'"i, iT"KAOR. SKl ltlTY ToRAGK At THAN C", 4;h at l'lu M , ofp .vi'iirnoinah Hot- t. La.1h,IC 6-rn, P-r monT h f.at. jll JV..4 ml. .! KuriiMtm! JIh PC-it i:t'. r. !M't. i nut.' uS noma fUtn . Iinojry tt. at 247 Pargo at., pari rurpet. rlu.ii. w at r p.ate, rvral cn of f U' :ut ur. dv floor furnre anrt rJd "me fruit. This la an -ut nih tmrnooii and cnvni-nt in rr way. fail fr.irn 4 to 9 1'. M (...lav and k'r d iy ; fter KruUv r,l Automatic JJI-IU at pan e hour. $ i per i',.i.lh I.' w k i'C port 1. x n h HKi;n rs Wi!I lem to r.-np'.nd' fmt. f r a trm of 1 -r r ,?ii-r, p.ndM pritrt iral'y new J-rnnm furni-ti"d lun km,w with 2 pine jMit" h-a and Kraiir. It la artiiie: y mil heau'i ful'y arranx"d rrM .ireriiifig u h home pie- 1 at .'. 1 7 Aions- t"n b;d hno n t-v n p P"i n t mr 1 nn'v FOK IKAMv t.7adlrM.Wnfurn'h-ii 1 r vlntr n hrn Lv Jy pia-e; garite, ft-fil $lo (ono eHr). n-rm. ftirnlhd hiinc,f,w. lovely lwn and hru. Rrn wnrmgm. t t.o, :d TH MXON H.o li-nrv H N l i MILL, f urn in h -d hium. p vr a r"ma, f urn.tr t, t irpij . It Of r v. no. Kara. V II ! !; Pi r"-Ptr.ill fm I '. who will not tHkf in 1 outliers or ATTRACTIVELY lnui mom loU ill IrViNK furnace. hrlw.n,j p:!io. fo ph. .no FT MUDKLN 4-rui. M newly fur. thriiEh nponnMif party, a I'owtnir rhs' i,K,i,vr in.i'txMti . UI . will Imp in 1 - - tontd t Portland r-ltt h i.M hunaa.ow, beautiful. ' furnihd . 2 Moi-ki to car; will for ar of more ; 3u prr ti.uiii h , no chii-lrrn. MHI Win wt., . K CuMl'l.DTKLy lurtkitiJ Irvinatnn hoot a to 1 awe r-.r (1 iTimiiha or yar. al t".t rn convenience, garac; Ent Knit ltK.NT Wf.i (urnlahed H-room bur -rnio. fa II bt wrn ft and 7 P M Thursday, I10h Km! Market. nar STltt and Hawt hnrtwv a-Kini.( fumuii'd cu! pUii'. $.tY W alkina: dtManm. 49 Kaat ilh at , b-twr.n Mil: a-d Pnv O-Ki 'M 1m anil wat . ; 1 3 fui d. plioii-, llaht ion Automili Poll it KM- M...I. ( n bungalow, w it h t urnac t : $;.. lit furMh( IS. I'd Kt'lt UKM- M.i. torn . btinealow, with furna Ha wf Imrnf rar'lne. fi K K I i , T r t,ui : ur $30 pr month. Cii eve 4H7 Hyde M W t urrilhl a hot K. a: 1 mm $ W . li''U Kara-, afternoon and limit 4.m. t-iiiu. fut nihh' t loo. Adulia. ln tiui $4 tn yar, 1474 Ro K CITY PARK d' : r ft roio a finmhcd attic Tiler-lr furnished and Tah..r ?7 IM IN 1HVINUTOV - k-iooi hon. f ur- niahd throuirlm botany; aitttlta only. ("all R4t0. ni. ' STRICTLY no 1 in, fur for ail rmre, fl fpt ni h K. CLKAN", wll furnLft.i'O walking distance. 71 K. Htark and Mi k 1 loua. b-t W ! MoUKKN. 7 r waiklna dla' Mne Atwat nOl,S. .r.3ll! . h. b. 1 nil car lHmtt T-I.ph. adulta, Ii.lv !.'. i-l!Ou.l aJtlld l.t 1-. months- r 1 ih hi- p.-n. N E A TLY . rTTa n . t ur"i ;7 lV tair and ga rapes TlM ( 4 -1 1 it f; n ; a T,7) w . i,a k 1 1 d wy . 76? 2 I K 1 , t n 6 H r .M i. garjig", n.tf t h st.. m ur h r rn i n I 1 r inn f I - 4 1 gal a, LINNToN rw.id. 1 lit'- A t wb Fl'HMMli;i li Park. Tabor fur rt-11 1 , f: i. .ty Tsbor 1".' L. 24TH. NEAR S room tnt'nai', $.H H It 4 Ki ;i2' $4; r,0 NKATI.V linnlsi Hawthorne ave. IMinti l tl Aut 4- Roj M f u r n lsnd . w ! I 'i td.m. rt id st.; x,'nt,'::!! T,!V1 J H( M iM riirniaiii' f,rp ;. r1'"1". "ti a 1 7M "He- . fliri, .-. . T4lor U. iWat ft. N tf- Hi M bunga low. .; X 7 ROOMS; clt-an; - I a 1 Id truing" fl 1 M E -'ft h . 8. I' M tfiKUN ;i"rrm rttag' wl'li ltt! fifl. t IT, pT nio, Kat t'--.-l 7 lti-OMS, inodertt, pmH fu niv I a 11 f t r noons t.4 JJ b lit V I .i . li n" Iujim- . h 1 v 1. I-'"-H K i l it - nihil' d ; r. -'r. ,,' E ." M? lfoiie for Kent fiirnliure for '' hMlT or :ill furt.l'tire of ." r.M.m pt.sm- li-te,i fiat f"f sale mid fiat fr rent; rfn'riiilii; t lo in on west aid. I'dnj Q2lT m P lV It I AT 'ii I .Ji.i.ai..v . . "ia furn I; u re for sal . $ J A i-pl v fi.io Wood-t.rk ave, or m ' IMm, 0- lit M Im.uh. . 2 v. s r , l- Mt f ol fornlt ur". elfxp rn; I . Iloo iti n. I.2TI a month. .'H" Onm.l s V" N '!'! E. 4 .'.fh to car and U'h N. h 00 1 . Hi 1 1 with 1 and Ford f" $ 1 .-, ni" f rut ur al t"T a. I 1 1 i: t in 1 i! bou. ( O dull'. Nil' -"l" M ri"d- ro 2 I. -it i. .!0- "f mt 'i' " lii. fur" l.ng n., and 'I ( tr I 7 . Ill t .i j,t it-, mt ur f..r i-i l inli. r.Tf p'ltd til -4 K m M t :( E :tf I 1 H I 1 S md fur Innri." 3-'3 W'd r sf . frrtf F T More and Itiilrir I'Ui e. M V N" IF A T K a ' ' ry boH-Tn W 4i;. f"( : 'a a-!" i'uiirt, fui hi-"'irni. elect rfe p h r. If j "i at J'k I ' ( f n lorn t It n r'Uii" s tid 1 ti npf -! t h 1 a building. W'm. shindD-r. l-'d ho. I lUr rsn ) , MilwuukK', i . r fhin IMiav :3t. K i; Lovltl. 224 i lwob-r f.f ( 'uni rii'-rt-e M-nr TWO at -it t'S. I I2242i - . r lv !-d . ro .'01, orropie.l t .-tf-.o Vg ' , . . ! h v.t'-ant l'"'ilt.T 1 Till"1 1 " f' $ ;7 .Vi, or one f r p' un 1. ; t I . . f"mp.r t.ltO , ff!t. L (- 1 It A .,K r fn n I fret f Morrison able rate f-r manuf n-t 111 er . facturrr'a agnt. ri"M in. 2o trai kage. hU at .U L. or pmns E;.t fV. S -ST (HE 1" Ki 1- li. brit k. buud.ng ; hr flf irr-. H i. I i : l it " M II LA i In..-! r rn .'in. .nl ffl;r. huilli.ttf tn flnHnrlMl .r'l-.n 'f rll. lw r.fi'. rrtr.'l .t.. r'.n-r si.rk. I'll YSft'I AN w .-Jm . .ttft.'- ..-.p.'n r-M.in ii'i'l 'r.ril. - . ! 'i.- ; h m-.li. I Anrlnr or d.-n!i A N K. I -rr .-n.n. Si- I K 11 1..-.IHI.1 I, .m.i nil!..!, ... f. -IikM nil 1 ' r ..fflr.- Ari'lt I'TlUll't T:u1 . ... ;!h rii -1 MTrl-n in rnv bull.litiK. Hullwny txcliMUK. rontn Uli. Api.y V l 11 V. NT a buij't n a. 1 i r i v.Vtk 'f"" Ji 1 7 S' k ' h:i n R" LKK loom wltn n I craphlr rvtr Vn tirJi-'i an-1 ' OKSK It"' . M. i A r V A V l-if H 0 1'1'OHTI MT I F . l.i'.li T , i; 'Kit A I 4 r p m'l", it pi. . fi''!;' KmiO , wi pi IlvlriK roiim i'Imm'i 'io. tTltl' MAM l A ("II KINO Will im.'II n lrt.rft In n.v Kff.nl umn to gfi tiit-t-f('1 li'-'t. ( (too.i a-il trv. a' i-i"iit': utt r- - piiiif A R'win 4"! I 't jt . li ll' m "hil Y f S I". $two; hiiNv iin't; nf t r!"n ; 3 furnl-h' -d rH.m-; r-m . . rlnlnc -" a day . a r I ofr-r 'uno rnlv.'rinl ShIi-h, l-'l" I!m " v t i-- A OAS r-TATH N. Rum- tr''t. . aorl-fi t if. : aliio llirbt nu h : n I k i in will ha K. Ilnom 4" -k irn T WAN ;fEr rAltTM,U .U -,u rnan In lnvat ip ' a h 1 1 li"l Hif'ira n I v bua!ri; rn'h'l oi-p'.i i umi y for h buxln'.t: invatirfai at erne, i' , t i'''Toi ! n. W I 1.1 lurn t to II VP b.ral efftr of f-a-trrn wrvrm c-r-T'oratton. Sh-njli mm tlo. ymy. S 1 im0 i' hunill-. A P f r"8"iiin. " i";ara;k7..-ca u y i kaok i I Pl!l. Mi'cr.n. . ; -r 1 nrofita. $4."-0 niontti ; ' ..! iivm tn t -fy t'tjvr, !.fiinij''l li Kum ! J 4. " jTktai Ham' a"n'i. "i.i m'h HAKfCKi 218 Ry. EacU.dc. 1 OI, lt IHI". od f'oor". f irpp-arJ riU Di..-iiHA ul.K in Tirtptoof MTo !(T:s W,.l.:nT.n si . .. 1- n t ai . $ ;o ttot i 'on mi d 1 -! if